Just What I Wanted (M/L 4-15-09 Adult 1/1)

Finished Canon/Conventional Couple Fics. These stories pick up from events in the show. All complete stories from the main Canon/CC board will eventually be moved here.

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Just What I Wanted (M/L 4-15-09 Adult 1/1)

Post by destinyc »

Title:Just What I Wanted
Max & Liz
Disclaimer-I own nothing of Roswell-just borrowing the characters

A/N-I moved Max's 18th birthday to early in Season 2. Two lines were borrowed from "Sexual Healing."

This was written for the anniversary challenge at Roswell Heaven, but I thought I'd post it here too.

Just What I Wanted
“Surprise!” everyone called out from the dining room of the Crashdown.

Max stumbled back briefly as he opened the door, certainly not expecting a birthday party, not really seeking to be the center of attention for all the people in the room.

Well, that was nearly true.

His eyes scanned the room—his parents were seated at the table in front of a brightly decorated cake that read “Happy 18th Birthday, Max.” His sister and Alex were seated next, smiling widely. Michael and Maria leaned against the counter, Michael smirking over Max’s obvious discomfort at all the notice. Even Tess and Kyle were cozied up together in a corner booth, Tess finally giving up her pursuit of Max and turning her romantic intentions toward Kyle who was happy to receive them. Jeff and Nancy Parker were gladly serving their guests in addition to enjoying the party with their friends, Phillip and Diane.

Though he loved his family and friends, there was only one person in the room who captured Max’s thoughts, only one guest from whom a glance, the slightest touch could be the most exquisite gift of all—that person was Liz Parker.

Max would have never agreed to such a party as this—far too much attention, too many eyes focused on the shy young man, but Michael had coaxed him to the diner with the promise of treating him to a
Will Smith and Saturn rings for his birthday. Max rolled his eyes and shook his head wryly as Michael chuckled when Max realized the deception. Not wanting to seem ungrateful, Max conceded to take his place at the head of the table—the Parkers delivering his burger and onion rings as everyone enjoyed their favorite alien-themed fare.

Though Max was trying his best to be an affable guest of honor, he couldn’t help but steal a glance at Liz every chance he could. When she rose to refill everyone’s drinks, his eyes followed her petite form from the table to behind the counter. When she looked up to ask if Max wanted more ice, she caught him staring and smiled in return. Max flushed and was forced to divert his attention when his mother shouted,

“Time for presents!”

A long wrapped box was set in front of Max, wrapped in light green paper and a brown bow, a Dillard’s Department Store label sealed the length of the ribbon to the paper. The gift was from his parents. As Max opened the paper and discarded the box lid, he found inside a light blue cashmere sweater.

He smiled politely, “Thanks, Mom, Dad, it’s really nice.”

Max held the sweater up in front of him. The color was just a little too bright for his taste—he could stow it away in his drawer for awhile, then darken the color just a bit to suit him. It was also a tad bit too small for him now—his chest and shoulders had grown since last year. Maybe after a couple of weeks, he could secretly alter the sweater without his mother noticing. He smiled warmly at his parents nonetheless.

The next gift was from his sister and her boyfriend, Alex—it was a bottle of fairly expensive cologne, the same kind that Alex wore. Max knew this because he had borrowed Alex’s after gym one day, but unfortunately, the scent was not nearly as pleasant on Max as it was on Alex. The scent smelled of water, but Max knew that something spicier worked better for him. He placed his hand around the opaque bottle and changed the chemical composition of the scent as he had done on his skin once before. After obligingly spraying the fragrance on himself, Isabel smelled Max’s neck.

“Huh, it smells different on you than it does on Alex,” she noted confusedly.

“That’s probably a good thing, don’t you think?” Alex joked as he waggled his eyebrows—the crowd giving a chuckle at his remark.

“We’re next,” Michael declared and produced the latest Metallica CD from his back pocket, unwrapped.

“Enjoy, man,” Michael offered, the finer points of gift giving a little lost on the boy.

“You could’ve told me you didn’t wrap it,” Maria hissed, aggravated at her boyfriend’s lack of grace.

“Max doesn’t need some silly girly wrapping paper,” Michael scoffed, “Do you, man?”

“No, no—you didn’t need to wrap it—it’s fine,” Max noted, glancing at the back at the jewel case, feigning interest in the contents of the CD. Max wondered wryly to himself if he could change the disc to the latest Counting Crows without anyone noticing.

Kyle and Tess placed a gift bag in front of him—its contents included a Busty Biker Babes calendar and a copy of Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.

Max’s thank you was cut short by the discomfited throat clearing of his mother as she unfolded the risqué calendar to the current month.

The Parkers gave Max an envelope full of gift certificates to the Crashdown—the boy ate there so often, they thought, what could be a better gift than that?

Max noticed that Liz’s name was not on the envelope from her parents. Of course, hosting the party was gift enough, but he held out hope, that her gift might be some sign as to the current status of their relationship, for example--socks—just friends, but something more personal, liked the engraved knife she had given him last year—well, maybe that meant she wanted to be more than just his ‘good friend.’

He didn’t mean to be ungrateful—of course his family and friends had tried their best—it wasn’t like he was particularly open about what he wanted. He always muttered that ‘anything would be fine’ or that a gift ‘wasn’t really necessary’, but he knew that there was one person in the room who did understand him, who knew what he really wanted.

But he screwed that up. Things with Liz had been going so well—they had nearly made love that night in the desert—the night they found the orb—the orb that signaled Nasedo and Tess. Max groaned inwardly, remembering the early days of Tess’s arrival—the mindwarp that resulted in that rain-soaked kiss, the discovery of their former marriage, the farce of destiny. Liz left town last summer to leave Max to his destiny—one that he rejected, a fate that had nothing to do with the man he was now, the man who only wanted Liz Parker.

It was late summer when Liz returned, and their relationship was tense and stilted—polite conversation, questions concerning the summer’s events—little to recover from the setbacks they suffered late last spring. But yet, Max thought, in the last few weeks, it seemed that things had shifted somewhat in his favor—two weeks ago, when they both reached for a slide in AP bio, their fingers met, the tingles were still there, and Max swore that Liz moaned a little under her breath. Last week as they walked to English together, her attention was drawn to the eraser room door, and he noticed the cute little pout that formed on her lips when she noted that it was currently occupied. Yesterday, when she brought him his Will Smith and Saturn rings, he could’ve sworn that she grazed his arm with her breast.

He hadn’t meant to show these questions on his face--he had intended to keep them buried like so many of his hidden thoughts, but Liz could read him like no one else. She smiled widely, and while everyone else was distracted, looking over the gifts Max received, Liz slipped an envelope into Max’s hands, Max looking up, startled but smiling.

“Don’t let anybody see what I wrote,” Liz whispered in his ear, her hot breath sending an excited shiver down Max’s spine.

Max looked into her dark brown eyes and nodded slightly, trying to avoid drawing attention to their furtive exchange. He turned away from the chatting crowd and opened the card. The artwork on the front of the card had obviously been painted by Liz—the darkness of space, punctuated by stars bursting into a million pieces. He remembered the scene well—it was what she had seen the first time they had kissed.

Holding the card closely to his body, he glanced inside. The card read:

Meet me in my room at eleven. Your birthday present will be wrapped in a big red bow.

Max flushed and grinned as he ducked his head slightly. His breathing quickened as he carefully slid the card back into the envelope.

He nodded slightly in agreement as he looked up at Liz, who smiled back broadly in return.

“Good,” she whispered, but just then her mother called to her to help clear the dishes from the party. Liz bit her lip and looked up demurely as she reached for the empty plates.

“Max, let’s gather up your gifts and let these people get to bed,” Phillip directed as he shoved the last of the wrapping paper into a trash bag, Diane gathering up the smaller items and adding them to the gift bag Max had received, grimacing yet again at the Busty Biker Babes calendar.

“Thanks everybody, I, um, I was really surprised,” Max announced brightly, his mood certainly improved over the moments when he walked into the party.

After the party-goers helped take their dirty dishes into the kitchen, everyone said their goodbyes and headed for home.

10:59 pm

Max took a deep breath before placing his foot on the first rung of the fire escape, wondering what Liz’s card truly meant. Was she simply embarrassed to give him his gift in front of everyone else? Was it so extravagant that she didn’t want the other gifts to pale in comparison? Max had no idea—he was just overjoyed that Liz wanted to be alone with him tonight.
Max swung his legs over the window ledge, noticing the candles flickering around the room.

“Liz?” Max whispered before he heard the shower running and saw the strip of light shining under the bathroom door.

He smiled to himself, imagining Liz in the shower right now, fighting the urge to knock on the door and join Liz in the steamy room. No, he couldn’t be that forward, could he?

Trying to shake off his lustful thoughts, Max remembered the card still in his jacket pocket—his present tied in a big red bow… Max glanced around the room—no box perched on the bed or on the desk. Max briefly ducked his head below her box spring—nothing there either. Driven by excited curiosity, he even pulled open her bedside drawer, but quickly shut it as the sound of the shower stopped and was reduced to the occasional drip that fell to the bottom of the tub.

Liz voice called to him silently.

Max shed a tear of relief at this most welcome invasion. She was still there, still a part of him—he hadn’t ruined what could be. He chuckled softly and responded,

“I’m here, Liz.”

“I’ll be out in a minute.”

Liz’s closet door stood ajar, and Max took a quick peek inside, but still found nothing that might resemble a typical birthday present. Max noticed the light go out in the bathroom, drawing his attention to the door.

Clad in a short red silk robe, Liz stepped into the candlelight with a demure smile. She pulled the pins from her hair and shook it loose, the long, dark strands hanging in waves.

Max’s body tingled with excitement. The girl of his dreams, the girl he had thought he lost, stood before him, the water droplets on her skin glittering in the firelight.

“Happy birthday, Max,” Liz said softly as she lifted her eyes, her chocolate brown eyes meeting his amber ones.

“Thank you,” he breathed out. A million thoughts ran through Max’s head—should he thank her for the party she threw downstairs? Should he try his luck and ask her out on a date for tomorrow night? Should he ask about the mysterious card hidden in his pocket?

“So, anyway, I was snooping a little,” Max blushed and ducked his head a little, “but I couldn’t find anything tied with a big red bow,” he scanned the room quickly before settling his gaze back on Liz.

Liz’s eyes locked on Max’s, she smiled, and he followed her eyes down—down to the red sash tied at her waist. A big red, silky bow was gracefully positioned at her tiny waist, securing the flimsy robe to her body.

“Liz?” Max whispered, disbelieving.

“Aren’t you going to open your present, Max?” Liz sweetly teased.

“Aren’t I?...Yeah…I am,” Max responded in a stunned whisper.

Max came closer to Liz, running his hands down her silky arms, her back, gently grazing the fullness of her breast that sent excitement coursing through his veins. Max traced his fingers down the bare skin of her throat, the valley between her breasts until he reached the knot that still held the luxurious fabric to her body.

Max looked Liz in the eyes once again to make certain, to be sure she was ready. She smiled sweetly and nodded.

Max took the long silky ends and pulled slowly, wanting to savor this moment. As the red silk fell away, Max stood in awe of Liz’s beauty—the fullness of her creamy breast, the flat contours of her stomach, the soft mound graced by dark, neatly trimmed curls.

Max forgot how to breathe. But then, just as suddenly, desire hit him like a wave, and he wrapped his arms around Liz, drawing her small body to his. His hands traveled all over her beautiful bare skin; his mouth crashed on hers, all the yearning and desperation he had felt these months were sent through that kiss.

Max’s hands went to her beautiful round bottom, her breasts, his fingers brushing over the flesh that grew taut under his attentions as he left silvery trails behind. He had touched her before, but never like this, never so freely and openly, never with the sole purpose of pleasing her and the hope that she might please him.

Max bent down, taking her ripe nipple in his mouth as Liz’s hands held his head to her breast.

“Max…” Liz moaned softly, the electricity of his wet mouth ignited the fire in her core that could only be sated by Max.

“God, Liz,” Max groaned as his mouth sought her other nipple , his hand cupping the one which had just received his ministrations.

Liz clung to Max, with one hand cradling his face, and the other wrapped around his strong shoulders, but she needed more, needed to feel his flesh against hers.

“Max?” Liz asked breathlessly, “Could you take off your shirt?”

“Could I?—Yeah…” he responded dumbly, his fingers fumbling with the buttons. Shrugging the shirt off, his hands returned to Liz’s tender skin, cupping her face with one hand as he pulled her body close with the other.

“You’re still overdressed,” Liz grinned as they broke the kiss to come up for air. Max ducked his head a little and smiled, a little flush rising to his cheeks.

Liz’s fingers went to the button on Max’s slacks, pushing the fastener back through the buttonhole and carefully sliding down the zipper, causing the dark fabric to puddle at Max’s feet.

Max breathed heavily in anticipation. Liz hooked her thumbs in the waistband of Max’s boxers and slowly slid them to the floor. Liz gathered the cast-off garments and sat them aside. As she rose again to stand, Liz’s hand glided along Max’s length, running her fingers along the ridges and contours of his manhood. Gathering the glistening drop that rested at the tip, Liz wet her fingers and traced the large head, eliciting a groan from Max’s throat. Her lips kissed the tip, her tongue reached out to trace the length of his hardness. Her lips gently slid around the tip, her tongue darting out to swirl around the thickness. Liz grasped Max’s hips, pulling him close, her mouth surrounding Max’s rigid length completely. Her tongue coaxed the strong vein underneath, causing Max to moan as he fisted his hands through her hair.

“Liz..I’m…I’m,” Max couldn’t even form the words though Liz knew his meaning. Staying where she was she continued to suck and lick lovingly, until she had taken all Max had to give.

Shaking, Max pulled Liz to her full height, wrapping his arms around her as he held her close.

“My God, Liz, that was…that was,” Max gasped for breath and for a coherent thought.

“I’m glad you liked it,” Liz replied softly, “but that’s not all that’s in store for you tonight.”

As Liz took his hand and started toward her bed, a panicked Max suddenly realized,

“Liz, I don’t have anything--,” his voice grew desperate, “I—I didn’t realize--,” he stammered.

“Max, it’s ok. I went to the doctor last month—told my mom I had cramps,” Liz blushed, “I’ve been planning your birthday for awhile now.”

“Why didn’t you say something, Liz?” Max entreated as he pulled Liz gently to face him.

“I tried—you just don’t take a hint very well,” Liz teased gently reminding him of Bio class, their walk past the eraser room, her “special delivery” of his burger downstairs.

Taking Max by the hand, Liz lay down on the bed, pulling Max gently down with her. On his side, Max ran his hands along the graceful curves of her body, lost in the wonder of his dream, his fantasy finally come to life before his eyes.

Max’s hands traveled from Liz’s breasts, down her abdomen, detouring to trace the spot where he had healed her all those months ago, finally reaching the dark curls beneath. Looking up at Liz’s face and seeing her smile back at him, Max slid his finger through Liz’s dark furrow, causing Liz to buck up off the bed to meet his touch. Max dipped his finger lower, gathering the warm wetness pooled between her legs, and bringing it back to her clit, hungry for Max’s touch.

Liz’s eyes closed as she reveled in Max’s touch. She felt his fingers enter her and she moaned happily in response. Her core grew hotter and slicker with each touch, with each thrust of Max’s fingers into her tight passage.

Max moved in between Liz’s legs, gazing at the entrancing sight before him. Her scent filled his senses, and no longer content with merely touching Liz, Max said simply,

“I have to taste you.”

Max’s hunger for Liz compelled him. His tongue dipped into the sweetness of her core, lapping at the nectar flowing freely there. He traced his tongue along her nether-lips, softly kissing the swollen flesh. He reached the top of her furrow and thrust his tongue to meet her clit, Liz biting her lip as she grinded her mound to Max’s mouth.

Encouraged, Max licked and suckled at the juncture of Liz’s thighs as his fingers explored her tight passage. He focused his attentions on just the right spot, the tiniest bit of extra energy passing from his body to Liz’s own. Max could feel the explosion begin to build and quickly he contained the room in a green field, muffling the sound of Liz’s cries as she came.

Max rested his head on her belly as they caught their breath, smiling at himself for being capable of bringing Liz such pleasure.

“That was—that was--,” Liz gasped.

“I can tell,” Max grinned as he moved up her body, placing soft soothing kisses as he went.

“Max…” Liz’s eyes were dark as night when he met them, “Make love to me,” she asked, needing to feel the completeness of having Max inside her.

Max nodded slightly. His rigid length sat at the entrance to her core. Making subtle movements, Max slid his shaft along Liz’s slick lips, teasing her clit once again with his actions.

“Max, please,” Liz’s voice was desperate.

Moving back to her entrance, Max started pushing in, a little further at a time, watching Liz’s face for any sign of regret—none came.

Slowly thrusting forward, Max came to her barrier and smiled down at the love of his life.

“Are you ready?” he asked softly.


His arms wrapped around Liz’s shoulders, Max thrust harder, breaking away that last vestige of Liz’s virginity. She grimaced as the thin membrane tore, Max instinctively moving his hand toward her lower abdomen, taking away the pain, even though it would’ve only existed for a moment.

Liz smiled, knowing that Max could not stand to see her hurt, even for something as natural as this.

Her hips rocked forward, letting Max know that she was ready for him to move through her, to fill her body time and again with his hard flesh, to make her complete.

“Max…” Liz whispered as he suckled at the tender flesh of her neck while his movements slowly increased, his manhood filling all the empty space that she had longed for him to enter. Liz grew bolder as well, her hands falling to Max’s backside, the muscles flexing as he drove deeper, never needing something so much in this lifetime, or any other for that matter.

Liz rolled them over, so that Max’s body was underneath hers, and she rose above him like a goddess, her body rolling in sinuous waves against Max as gratified moans came from his mouth.

“You’re beautiful, Liz,” Max confessed as Liz glowed in the candlelight, sparkling from his attentions.

She smiled demurely but rode him with passion, every movement grinding her clit against the base of Max’s hard shaft.

“I’m coming, Max,” Liz declared in rasping breaths, “Come with me, Max,” she encouraged.

The throb of Liz’s tight core brought forth Max’s own climax, even without Liz’s words. Stars and planets, playgrounds and busses swirled together in a mélange of images—their earliest memories wrapped up in this moment.

“I love you, Liz,” Max vowed as he clutched Liz’s body to his own, spilling his seed in her body.

“I love you too, Max,” she smiled back, her eyes glazed with happy tears.

As they pulled up the sheet over their cooling bodies, Liz nestled into Max’s chest, settling in for the night.

“Liz?” Max questioned as she raised up to meet his glance.

“Yes, Max?” Liz looked up with curious eyes.

“I was just wondering, could I have this for my birthday every year?”

“I take it you enjoyed your present?” Liz smiled as she placed sweet kisses on Max’s chest.

Max bent down to capture Liz’s lips in a goodnight kiss then replied softly, “It was just what I wanted.”
DestinyC's New Fic
"My Brother's Keeper"