When you're gone (CC,ALL,TEEN) 8/12/08 ch 25 (Pg12) complete

Finished Canon/Conventional Couple Fics. These stories pick up from events in the show. All complete stories from the main Canon/CC board will eventually be moved here.

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Re: When you're gone (CC,ALL,TEEN) 7/1/08 ch 15 (Pg 8)

Post by Serena007 »

Ch 15

Dianne Evans sat her son down who wore a glum and hopeless expression on his face. Max needed a shave and his eyes were tired. She and her husband hadn't seen Max very often since a month ago. He'd either lock himself away in his bedroom or was out with his friends most of the time. She guessed it had something to do with Liz Parker. The girl who her Max was incredibly in love with. Now that she knew what happened over a month ago, she thought he could probably find a solution to get her son out of his misery.
"Max..I really want to discuss something very important with you." She said. Max didn't say anything, he just warily looked at his mother before his eyes slowely drifted away again. Max was becoming a lifeless by the minute. His face was pale and Dianne almost screamed when she saw him. The effects of not being with his soulmate had gotten to him. He was deteriorating and she knew the only thing that could save her son was Liz. He needed Liz.
She carried on. "About you being an alien Max...I know everything. I even know about the day when Liz and Kyle were taken."
Max shot his eyes up at his mother. How did she know that? "Mom..who told you this?". Now he seemed to be paying attention.
"You see Max.." Dianne took a deep breath and looked down knowing her confused son was expecting an answer. "The night of the 47 crash wasn't our ship. Others like us had escaped to earth before to get help but the enemies won by killing them all. Then eighteen years ago...we had to flee antar because Khivar finally was the offical king. You were just eleven months old then. We boarded the ship and then...someone hijacked us. We were deceived and had our minds erased so none of us knew we were aliens and you guys grew up knowing you were aliens and thinking that you were from the incubation pods for the 47 crash. That was a fake memory implanted in yours, Isabel's and Micheal's brains by the enemies who wanted to use you for their advantage. I guess they did get what they wanted."
"Liz". Max whispered, he was surprised his mother knew everything about them and that he wasn't alone. He was know sure that these were his real parents and was happy. "Mom." He chocked and Dianne went to hug her son. "I always loved you no matter what. I always saw you as my mother." Max silently sobbed in his mothers arms.
"I know son. I know." Dianne joined in the sobs. "And now we know everything, I will always support you my son."

"They taken Liz and Kyle. He wants Liz mom." Max breathed out before detaching from his mother. Max wiped his tears away. "I'm so worried for them, especially Liz. Who knows what they're doing to her...she's suffering and she's being mindwarped..just like I had been..." Max said with worry. "I've tried everything-everything." He panicked almost about to have a series of fits. "All I found was this lousy key.." Max said, holding the diamond in his hand. The key proved useless to him as there was no ship. He couldn't get to Antar.
Dianne looked at the diamond and instantly a flash ripped through her mind. She saw an image of an old white palace with a golden dome. "Oh my god, I know where that key originated from."
"But it won't take me to Antar." Max pressed on.
"But it can bring Liz and Kyle back from Antar." Dianne revealed to him. She knew what that key can do. She used to be the protector of that key and Max saw another ray of hope..

Kyle had walked into Liz's suite with the wedding dress in his arms. He and Serena had been picking a dress suitable enough to hide Tess's face. Tess was with Liz in her room. Tess had freshened up and had a gown on. Liz grabbed the wedding dress. "Thanks Kyle. You're a star." She kissed her best friend on the cheek.
"No need to thank me." Kyle smiled. "It's my duty to look out for my best friends and family." Then shot a glance at Tess. "Atleast I don't go around betreying everyone I've met."
Tess winced inwardly. "So you're still holding onto that..." Tess asked wishing they'd trust her. No one trusted her. That's why she did the things she did.
"Shut up bitch. You almost killed our Alex." Kyle snapped. "We can never put all of our trust into such a bitch like you. You cold blooded traitor."
Liz knew they were taking a big risk in trusting Tess but they had no other choice. "Tess just shut up and put on this dress quickly and throw the veil over you head and keep it there till the wedding rituals are completed." Liz handed the wedding dress to her and grabbed a brown stole from it.
The wedding dress was emerald green and deep red with rich gold embroidery on it. It consisted of a top and a long skirt with a rich matching embroided veil.
Liz had already changed back into her normal clothes from Earth and Kyle was already wearing his. Kyle turned around to grant Tess some privacy while Serena helped Tess put on the dress and do her makeup very breifly.
Liz threw the brown stole over her head to hide her face while they would get away. She had already told Tess to mindwarp everyone so they couldn't see them escape from the palace. Still Liz needed extra caution not to get caught.
"Ready?". Kyle asked.
"Ready." Tess confirmed and he turned around. Tess was already in the wedding suit and Serena had put the veil on Tess' head, hiding her face.
"You know what to do." He told Tess who nodded.
"Yeah, mindwarp them. I got it." Tess repeated.
"Okay..I guess this is it.." Serena said, feeling a little scared and overwhelmed.
"Serena, you're coming with us." Kyle stated as a matter of fact. "I ain't leaving you here." From the last month, Serena had helped them a lot and Kyle was so gratefull towards her. He knew she was something special to him. During the lat four weeks, he began developing feelings for her. He felt like he needed her, getting to know someone like Serena...made him have faith. "I need you." He whispered and Serena's heart melted with each of his words. She too did have feelings for Kyle. She never beleived in love until Kyle came here. Kyle was her first ever friend and now there was a possibility that they could be more then friends.
Liz watched the two, sharing an emotional moment. She felt awe for both of them. "We have to hurry." She hated breaking up the romatic moment but she knew once they got to earth, they would have as much as romantic moments as they wanted without worry.
They all nodded and Serena quickly took Tess and led her to the altar within the palace. Tess began her mindwarping now, to keep Liz and Kyle out of sight.
Cameron was already at the altar, waiting for his bride. His heart beated faster when he saw his would to be bride clad in royal antarian wedding dress. He couldn't wait to marry her. Serena quietly led Tess towards Cameron. She thanked god silently that the groom could only see his bride's face if she wanted or only after the ceromony. Tess stood in front of Cameron with the veil still in it's place which acted as a barrier between Cameron and Tess.
Serena left Tess standing there with Cameron and quietly made her way out of there and back into the hall again where Liz and Kyle were waiting for her.
"Hold on." Serena said, taking both their hands in hers and using her invisibility to hide them. She could share her ability too which was a great advantage just in case Tess decided to change her mind.
The three of them were invisible and now were hurrying out of the palace and outside the palace walls, finding their freedom once again.

When they reached the white palace, they walked inside and shut the door behind them. They made their way down the golden steps and into the secet chamber underground where Ramiro was already waiting. Serena lifted her invisibility spell and all of a sudden Liz almost fainted when Kyle caught her in his arms.
"Liz!". He gasped.
Liz felt a power surge in her hands which tickled her and took her off balance until something solid came into her hands. A diamond. Kyle helped her stand up again and they all gasped, looking at the diamond.
"The key." Ramiro said. "That's the key to the door and the device."
"How did it get to your hands?". Kyle asked curious, he knew what their powers could do but never heard of keys magically appearing in your hands if they felt like it.
An image of Max flashed through Liz's mind. "Max...he sent it me.." She smiled, gasping. Her Max was helping them to escape!
"How can I be so stupid, we can't escape without the key." Kyle grumbled.
"Actually we could have." Serena said. "If we combined our powers together and made a duplicate key. But hey, now that the original key is with us, we can now open the door."
Liz stepped forward and opened the door. She put the diamond in the cut shaped slot and the light flashed, the door clicked and opened. Liz retrieved the key and shut the door after when everyone of them stepped in. They gasped in awe of the device which stood tall and proud. It was like a big metal ring. It was awesome. Just breathtaking. A design of intelligence.
"Remind me to thank whoever made this." Kyle said quietly, admiring the handiwork.
"I beleive that would be Sir Jonathan of Slyvia." Ramiro said. "Great inventer he was."
"Jonathan?". Kyle asked.
"He boarded the ship with your parents, King Phillip with Queen Dianne, Lady Amerie and Lady Samantha of Demerius."
"Samantha and Jonathan." Liz said. "Alex's parents so Alex's father made this?". She asked, also admiring the technology in front of her. She had never seen such advanced piece of intelligence before.
"No offence but even NASA couldn't get their hands on this shit." Kyle sniggered.
They stepped up on the platform and Liz wasted no more time in putting the key into the slot and pressing the blue button which resembled west. She thought of Roswell, New Mexico, planet Earth when she held that blue button down for a second and then let go. A blink of light flashed and then began humming and churning until they saw a spinning vortex changing to a star. The spinning reduced and in the middle of the ring was a perfectly shaped star shining in a blue light. Liz took the key out and pressed the red button which gave them approximetly five minutes.
"Okay, get ready to go guys." She said, preparing them.
Kyle took Liz's hand who then took Serena's hand and Serena took Ramiro's hand. "We have to stick together." Kyle said.
They took deep breaths before Kyle stepped into the star followed by Liz, Serena and Ramiro. The light consumed them and took them away....
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Re: When you're gone (CC,ALL,TEEN) 7/3/08 ch 16 (Pg 9)

Post by Serena007 »

Ch 16

"Did it work?". Max asked with hope glittering in his amber eyes as he opened them. His mother had taught him the transferral technique where he had to hold the object who he wanted to deliver it too and think only of them. He had blanked his mind out and thought of Liz and transferring the diamond into her hands. Their connection was limited temporarily but that did not mean he couldn't send signals to her or vice versa. Their connection was getting stronger everyday and surprisingly immune..the diamond in his hands were gone as his mother and Isabel looked at him. They had seen the diamond dissolve from Max's hands. It did work much to their releif.
"Yes." Dianne smiled. "It worked."

Isabel smiled and still was trying to get used to the fact that she and Max had both alien parents. All this time, they never knew Phillip and Dianne Evans were also aliens and their real parents. She couldn't beleive it, it felt like all her prayers were answered. There was nothing more in the world that she wanted to share her secret with her parents and it felt like a bonus for them even being her and Max's real parents.

Max smiled. This was a miracle. Not only did he find out that his parents were his real parents but he found a way to connect with Liz even if she was so many miles away from. He was begining to see light after a long period of darkness for the first time. "I hope they come back." He whispered, already picturing his Liz back into his arms again.

"She will come back to you Max." Dianne said, already knowing what he was thinking. Dianne could feel how much her son Max loved Liz Parker. It was impossible for someone to love another so much that they didn't have it returned back. She knew fate couldn't ever be merciless not to justify such love. She knew only Liz Parker was the one for her son.

Max blushed but he knew somehow Liz would return. His heart told him that she could never stay away from him for so long just the way he always came back to her even after her constant shunning him away. He needed her like air. He didn't know how he survived without her all these days, he guessed it was the hope of being with her again that kept him hanging on like a patient getting treated in intensive care. She will be back. Soon he felt. Liz would be back very soon.

When you're gone
The words I need to hear to always get me through
the day and make it ok
I miss you


When the wedding vows were taken, Cameron could wait to whisk his bride away to their suite where they'd officially become man and wife. Never in his life had he been given so much happiness until now. Liz was finally his, his wife, his queen and his mate. They'd lead a happy life together.
"You are now man and wife, king and queen." The priest pronounced.
Smiling, Cameron decided to throw back the veil of his bride to crown her himself. When he reached her veil and threw it back, he was in for a nasty surprise. Behind that veil wasn't the beautiful brunette with those dark brown eyes but a curly blonde blue eyed bimbo who he recognised as Tess. "This is preposterous!". He exclaimed, slightly backing. "Where is my Liz and what have you done with her?!". He pointed at Tess who smirked at him.
On seeing his daughter in place of where Liz should have been, Nasedo stood up in shock and terror. He knew what Cameron would do to his only daughter.
"Don't worry my husband, she's long gone away from us." Tess spat. "What happened? Aren't you happy now that we're married?".
"What have you done to her?". Cameron grabbed hold of Tess' arms and shook her. He knew those drugs could never fail, they were the most advanced medications ever made by his best man Nasedo who knew how to disable his own work. Was father and daughter plotting against him now? He snapped his head towards Nasedo and charged at him, leaving Tess standing at the alter.
"You!". He pointed at Nasedo angrily. "You did something didn't you? You planned this because I threw your whore of a daughter in the dungeon! You're hiding my Liz and made me marry your disgusting daughter so she inherits half the kingdom!".
"My lord..I had no idea." Nasedo sincerly said, apologizing over and over again. He really had no idea Tess would ever marry Cameron. He knew Cameron only had eyes for Liz. His daughter was never going to be the apple of Cameron's eyes which he deeply wished.
"Oh don't give me rubbish!". Cameron slapped Nasedo and Tess gasped.
"You are my husband now! but I never gave you the right to slap my father!". She snapped and ran down the altar.
"You shut up you whore. I shall deal with you shortly after I have dealed with your conniving father."
"By antarian law, we are married." She said in a cold voice. "As your wife, I am commanding you to release my father."
Everyone watched them. Cameron reluctantly let go of Nasedo. "This isn't over yet." He pointed at Nasedo. "I will give you hell." He promised before grabbing Tess' hand and taking her away from the place they married to somewhere private where he'd deal with her.
He grabbed Tess and quickly led her into his room where he'd seal her fate for final. When they reached there, he threw her on the bed and shut the door.
"You whore, tell me where Liz right now!". He demanded.
In tears, she turned around and looked at the man she once served, trusting him without any limits. That same man had betreyed her, turned her life into a living nightmare and now called her a whore when he used her all along. "She left you." Tess spat. "She will never fucking love you. It's about time you stop deluding yourself into thinking she'd ever love you even under the influence of those drugs."
"Oh, like you mindwarped that Max into thinking he had sexual feelings for you. You little ugly hypocrite."
Tess was hurt. Cameron was right. She did her best to seduce Max by deception but it never worked, his heart would always find it's way back to Liz. Liz was the answer to Max and Max was the answer to Liz. She hated that nothing could ever come between them ever. Not even someone like herself who was prepared to offer up her body to him that night in the observation room but everytime they touched, she would feel pain. It was like his body was giving her painful electric shocks to keep her away, to retain himself for....Liz. So she ended up mindwarping him while making him unconcious.
"Liz and Max were made for each other." She whispered, hurt by the fact. All her life, she was seeking Max. Her father had told her Max would keep her happy and he was the one for her when all this time, Max was Liz's soulmate. Just belonged to Liz, Max did.
"SHUT UP!". Cameron exploded and could not take anymore of Tess' behaviour. He grabbed her and touched her cheeks, ripping every flash from her mind with Liz and he saw everything. Tess yelped in horror as he violated her mind. Cameron had the ability to invade anyone's mind and it was painful while he scanned her mind. It was like her head was going to explode.

When he was done, he still didn't let go off her. Nasedo broke the door down and gasped out aloud when Cameron used his powers to set Tess alight on fire. She screamed out in pain as her body erupted in fire.
Nasedo cried out, in a desperate bid to save his daughter. Cameron used his powers to weaken Nasedo on the spot and forced him to watch his own daughter perish before his eyes. Tess' bloodcurdling screams pierced the room and vibrated off every wall in the palace and then she was gone.
"No...what have you done?". Nasedo cried out weakly seeing a pile of ash where his daughter once stood. He lay helplessly on the floor. Cameron had clipped his nervous system.

Cameron in shock, took a step back...he had commited a serious offence. He killed his wife. Looking at the window, he jumped out and fled the scene as the gaurds tried to advance towards him.
Now the law was after Cameron. He had to escape and find Liz quickly...

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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Re: When you're gone (CC,ALL,TEEN) 7/7/08 ch 17 (Pg 9)

Post by Serena007 »

Thanks for the fb guys,
Here's the next part..

Hope u enjoy!

Ch 17

Liz, Kyle, Serena and Ramiro found themselves being hurled out from the portal onto a sandy rock solid ground. They yelled on the effects of teleporting and hitting the ground. Kyle ended up hitting the ground with his palms first while Liz and Serena fell either side of him and Ramiro toppled over Kyle. Their limbs were tangled together in a mess.
They groaned in pain. "This is one hell of a way getting back." Liz mumbled, hauling herself up and straightening her clothes of the wrinkles and debris. She also fixed her hair before helping Serena up. "You guys okay?".
"Oh it fuking hurts." Kyle groaned as Ramiro quickly rolled off and helped him up.
"Where we at?". Kyle muttured, fixing his clothes just as Liz was doing. Serena looked at the walls and recognised the heiroglyphics immeadiatly.
"This must be one of the lost chambers."Serena said. "I've heard stories about this. Never actually beleived them though."
Liz brushed aside and walked upto the wall. They were in a circular room which had a narrow hallway. Never had she seen anything like it before. It was like the pod room minus the pods. The walls were dusty brown and had symbolics written on them in chalk. It was fascinating. Liz reached out and touched the symbols.
"It was made by our ancestors who planted an escape route to Earth and Antar." Liz gasped. "Alex's father must have connected his machine to this."
"Are there more?". Kyle asked.
Ramiro decided to answer this one. "Our people have went to great lengths to plant these chambers around the globe so we could travel at great distance from country to country and planet to planet."
"You mean to say, there's more of these spread across the continents?".
Ramiro nodded. "Yes."
"We're definetly on Earth then". Liz turned around towards them and smiled. "Kyle we're home!". She laughed and they went to hug each other so happy to be back. "I can't wait to see them again."
"Me neither." Kyle smiled.
"What are we waiting for?". Ramiro smiled, the thought of meeting his son for the first time after years thrilled him. "Let's go."
They were about to go until Serena cried out. "Wait!". They all stopped. "What about Cameron. He's going to follow you Liz."
Kyle wrapped an arm around Liz's shoulder protectively. "And he's gunna get what's coming to him." Kyle said. "Now that our powers are back in full use, there's no chance he'll resist our wrath." Kyle said with a determined look on his face. "And besides, I think the guards are after him now."
"They'll have him dead slowely and torture him." Ramiro said. "That is, if he abused his wife or even killed her which I presume he did knowing Cameron."
"Which means Cameron is being hunted now and that benifits us." Kyle said. "Right now, what's important is meeting our loved ones."
"Right." Liz agreed. "I haven't seen them for a very long time."
"I know." Ramiro nodded, desperate to meet his son.
"Yeah come on." Liz said before they all left the chamber and stepped outside. The sunlight shone down on them and both Kyle and Liz felt so happy being back on Earth after so long. The familiar desert scene painted itself right before their eyes and the smell of Roswell lingered in the air.
"Feels so good to be home doesn't it?". Kyle said as he and Liz held hands.
"Yes it does." She smiled, giving his hand a sqeeze. "Let's go."
The four made their way down the rocky pathway and onto the side of the road where Kal lagely was there and spotted them. He was doing a regular check to see if they were here. He had a feeling they'd be back soon and seeing them, it was like picking up family that were long gone from the airport. Liz and Kyle smiled when they saw him and rushed to him. Kal outstreched his arms and the two hugged him.
"Oh Kal!, it's been ages!". Liz exclaimed. Kal was her grandmother's friend and their protector.
"Oh my god.." Kal said surprised and overwhelmed with joy on seeing two of his favourite faces again after such a long time. "You're back on Earth!". He laughed, finding that there were tears in his eyes.
"It's been long." Kyle said as they disengaged. Kal took this time to look at that.
"Look at you guys." Kal said. "Your faces look so damn happy like seeing the light after a long dark journey."
"It has been a long dark journey." Liz said. "So dark." She remembered Cameron drugging her and shuddered in disgust. The thought of almost being married to him made her sick to the stomach.
Kal smiled and then noticed Ramiro and Serena hanging in the background. He recognised Ramiro immeadiatly and so did Ramiro identify Kal.
"Ramiro." Kal said and Ramiro stepped forward. Liz and Kyle moved aside so Kal could face Ramiro. They spoke to each other in antarian but all of them knew what was being spoken between them anyway.
"He locked me away and gave me the regular beatings and then his son took over after his death, doing the same thing but I doubt he really knows I exist." Ramiro said. "What Cameron is really interested in is Liz.." He looked at Liz. "I've never seen someone so obssessed that it scares not only me but everyone who is sane."
"I see." Kal nodded and then looked at Serena. She looked familiar to him and he asked her name. "What is your name?".
She looked up at him and wore the same eyes of a familiar face in Kal's past. "Serena."
"Serena." Kal said. "Were you a captive of Cameron's?".
"I was his maid."
"Oh." Kal said, not wanting to discuss this topic further. "Okay then, come into my car, I'll drop you guys off home." He said, and lead them in his black mercedes which Ramiro admired. He and Serena had never seen cars before as Antar didn't have them.
"Wow, human techonology."
"If you like it, you're gunna love planet Earth." Kal smiled getting in the drivers seat after helping them in.
"I think I'm starting to like it." Ramiro smiled, this might be his home after all.
"And shave off that huge moustache and beard or you'll scare everyone." Kal chuckled before driving off to drop them all home, ready to meet their family and friends again.
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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Re: When you're gone (CC,ALL,TEEN) 7/10/08 ch 18 (Pg 9)

Post by Serena007 »

Thanks for the fb.
Natalie36 wrote:oh you are a tease. come back soon. I can't wait to see them all together. :D
I am being a tease aren't I? Even I can't wait till everyone meets them again and especially for Max and Liz's reunion.
begonia9508 wrote:Loved the part and the way they came back!.....
Max is going to be really happy, isn't he? :roll: :wink:

EVE :roll: :mrgreen:
Max will defo be happy to see his Liz again. :) Thanks.

a.n: I don't think I mentioned it before but the jeep was never destroyed. That holds so much sentimental value to me as a dreamer. :cry: Sad when they got rid of it, so many Max and Liz memories connected with that jeep.

Ch 18

A rush of air forced it's way through Max's room through the open window and swept away the loose sheets of paper on Max's desk where he had fallen alseep not long ago. The chill woke him up and his eyes were groggy, he yawned and noticed that his window was wide open.
Slowely pulling himself together, he took his head off the desk and got up from the chair. Walking towards the window, he shut it and drew the curtains. He was so cold. When he was about to turn away, a familar scent hovered in the air. Of vanilla and stawberries..which could only mean...wait! Liz was back!?
He could sense her presence, the connection was getting stronger. Power fused through his veins and he felt himself again after for so long. Happiness flowed though his heart, oh how he longed for this. Nothing could make him happier then seeing Liz again and being with her.
She came back home, back to them, back to him...
He grabbed his jacket and rushed out of his room and into the hallway before bumping into Isabel. "Max!". Isabel exclaimed. "You look so happy?". She studied her brother's features carefully. He never looked so soppy and hopelessly in love like two years ago when he healed Liz that year.
"Liz is back." He said dreamily. Oh brother.
"What?!". Isabel gasped, happy to hear the good news. "But how do you know this?".
"I can feel her through the connection. She's back." Max murmered. "I have to see her."
Isabel asked no more. She knew Max was right. He and Liz shared this connection and she didn't have to read his mind to know that. "I'm coming with you." She said and followed him outside and into the jeep.
They hoped into the jeep and followed the connection between Max and Liz.
Cal drove down to the crashdown and parked his car outside, the teens and Ramiro jumped out and Liz was so excited on seeing her parents again, she ran into the crashdown where the parents were sitting. Liz's, Max's and Alex's parents were there with Amy and Jim.
"Mom!, Dad!". Liz called and ran to her parents.
On seeing Liz, they all stood up and Liz threw her arms around her mother who was filled with such happiness on seeing her daughter again, her motherly instinct took over and she took her baby girl into her arms.
"Oh Liz!". She cried and kissed the top of her daughter's head.
Jim saw his son and ran to him, giving his son a bear hug. "Dad." Kyle said, feeling emotional. It had been so long since they saw each other.
They embraced their child, Liz hugged her father next and both parents were so releived in seeing their child again. "I missed you guys." Liz said.
"We missed you too."
Kyle and Liz greeted everyone else polietely and Jim went to hug Liz. "Hey Liz, been a long time."
"I know." Liz said, hugging him back then realised something, all of them were sitting together and even Kyle's dad was with them. Ramiro, Serena and Cal entered the cafe.
"They know." Jim told Liz and Kyle. "While you both were gone, they had their memories back." Jim said looking straight at Liz and Kyle and began explaining the situation to them.
Kyle and Liz was stuck with awe, this was what they could wish for. They knew their parents were aliens who had no idea of who they were but hearing that they remembered made them estatic. Tears welled in their eyes. Nothing was much better then this. Reuniting completelty with your loved ones.

Then Kyle cleared his throat. He had something to say. "While me and Liz were on Antar, we found some interesting things."
"We found Micheal's father." Liz said and stepped aside to show Ramiro.
They recognised him instantly. "Ramiro." Sam said and walked towards him. "You look a right state. He's been so unjust to you." She sympathised with her old friend.
"Atleast I can see my own son again." Ramiro said with hope in his eyes.
"Micheal." Jonathan.
"I'll call Micheal here." Kyle said. "You don't mind if I use your phone do you?". He asked Liz's father.
"Of course I don't mind. Sure." Jeff said, he saw Kyle as a son and respect for Kyle increased more for him because Kyle had taken care of Liz. He was gratefull for Kyle. He went to Kyle before Kyle had a chance to escape to the back room.
"Son.." Jeff said, putting a hand on his shoulder. "Thanks for looking out for Liz." He thanked Kyle who felt embaressed.
"No sir, don't thank me, I was doing my duty. Liz is like my sister, I love her like a brother and would do anything to protect her." Kyle said his heartfelt words. "It was a brother's duty."
Jeff nodded. He silently thanked god that Liz had such people in her life to fill in the space for siblings as she had none. Kyle walked into the backroom.
"I need to go and get refreshed." Liz said and hugged her mother one more time.
"You do that honey and I'll make you and Kyle some food to eat." Liz's mother kissed her forehead again. She and everyone else was so happy on seeing them again. Sam noticed Serena shying away and approached her.
"What is your name, sweetheart?". She said, cupping her cheek in motherly affection.
Then Sam had a flash after she touched Serena's cheek..


When Liz showered and thew on some fresh clothes which felt like new. She had to step out on the balcony. She hadn't been here for what felt like decades. Being home again made her feel so good. So much memories was attached to this balcony. She smiled and turned around, looking at the candles, lawn chairs and then the wall which still had the heart on it with her and Max's intitials.


She was too scared to see him. What if he asked questions about everything? What if he couldn't forgive her for shunning him away? She was quite cruel to him before she left and she couldn't face him. She loved him so much. She craved him.
Liz froze and felt the familiar breeze behind her. His scent filled her sense, intoxicating her with him. She slowely turned around.

There stood Max, with love glittering in his eyes....

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Re: When you're gone (CC,ALL,TEEN) 7/12/08 ch 19 (Pg 9)

Post by Serena007 »

Ch 19

Liz froze and felt the familiar breeze behind her. His scent filled her sense, intoxicating her with him. She slowely turned around.
There stood Max, with love glittering in his eyes. "Liz.." He whispered, doing that face again with the puppy eyes which made her heart melt. Was she dreaming because the moment felt frozen and she was floating on mid air as if the ground had slipped from under her feet.

Max took a step forward. How he yearned for this moment. "Liz..." He repeated again. "I've missed you so much." He said, slowely taking baby steps towards her. He also wondered if this was some dream because after a long time he was seeing his Liz again. Her dark brown hair was a bit longer but still had the same glossy shine to it and her dark brown eyes...he still remembered how captivating they were and still is.
Liz didn't dare to move. She watched him before he went in and hugged her, closing the distance between them. His strong arms encircled her tiny waist and he buried his face in her shoulder, hugging her so tight afraid that she'd slip away again. Liz remained still with tears in her eyes. It was real, she wasn't dreaming.

But how could she embrace him after all the shit she put him through? He didn't deserve her. Max noticed how still Liz and slowely let go, he pulled back to see empytness in her eyes. She wasn't making a move. "Liz?". His voice quivered with emotion rippling guilt through Liz. She was hurt by his sadness. She could sense the pain that haunted Max for so long. The pain of not being able to save her again. He always came to her and she always pushed him away. How could she expect him to be so kind to her back? That was selfish.

Max brushed her cheek before cupping it. "Why aren't you saying anything?". He asked, letting his tears fall. Damn it, it had been long and he wasn't going to let her get away again. "I love you Liz Parker, so much. It's been hell for me, living without you, like breathing without air, so hard for me to live..but the only thing that kept me alive was you." He said angrily, fighting back the tears in his eyes. Then in a softer tone, he said. "The hope in being with you again."
She looked at him weakly. "You love me?".
"More then anything and always have and always will. I love only you." Max assured her in a tight voice. "No one but you."
"I love you so much too." Liz sighed and fell into his arms, finally giving in to him after a moment of trying to resist him. She couldn't. He couldn't. They knew that. They belonged with each other. They were each other's destiny's. "I've missed you so much too."
Max kissed the top of her head and Liz moved slighty to plant a passionate kiss full of hunger, desire, want, need, pain and love. Every locked up emotion she had for Max was flowing into that kiss and Max kissed her back with equal passion.
Flashes of them together appeared in their heads, flashes of when Max healed Liz in the crashdown, their first kiss, their kiss on the stage when he was drunk, their intimacy when they first had flashes together and the kiss in Whittaker's office when he asked her to go to the gomez concert with him followed by them dancing in Vegas and at the prom.
When they parted just for the moment, Liz looked directly into Max's eyes. "I'm so sorry Max, for all the crap I put you through...I never wanted to let you go..ever." She stated her point. It was true.
"I know." Max said softly, toying with a few strands of her hair which still possessed the same silky texture.
"I love you so much Max." She said and he interlocked their fingers together. "Always have and always will".
They both smiled and looked deeply into each other's eyes.

Both promising never to abandon each other again.


Sam gasped after the flash from Serena. Everyone looked worried. "Your parents were killed by Khivar's son?". She looked at Serena and at that moment, Isabel Evans entered the cafe.
"Cal...she's your niece." Sam said looking at Cal. "She's your older brother's daughter."
Cal was shell shocked and so was everyone in the room.
"What's going on?". Isabel asked looking at them all and walked next to Kyle to hug him. "Serena's parents were murdered by Cameron, Khivar's son and Serena's the one who helped us a lot on Antar." He answered quietly.
Cal looked at Serena. No wonder she looked so familiar. His big brother had always been his role model. Always. One night he had learned of Khivar mudering his brother and his wife along with their daughter whom Cal hadn't seen yet. Serena. Waves of emotions filled him on seeing the last reminant of his big brother. "Serena?".
Serena looked at Cal with tears in her eyes. She had family! "Uncle Cal?".
They two hugged each other and shared a teary reunion. "Oh my god..all this time you were my brother's daughter and I didn't even notice."
They all looked in awe at Serena and Cal. Kyle was the most happiest for Serena. It was happy to know she had family even though that evil Cameron had killed her parents.
Micheal, Alex and Maria along with Oquisa walked through the door. They had heard the news and rushed to see Liz and Kyle. Kyle instantly walked over and Maria threw herself in his arms. "Oh my god Kyle!". She cried. It had been so long. Kyle hugged her and then went onto hugging Alex and Micheal.
"How's it goin man?". Micheal said.
"Where's Liz?". Maria wondered out aloud and then Liz walked out the big doors with Max shortly following her. "Hey guys!". Liz said and ran to them, hugging Maria and the others.
"Ohh..I missed you guys." Liz said as Maria hugged her tightly.
They all hugged each other and then Ramiro walked out the door, he had shaven with Jim's help and Jeff had gave him some of his old clothes for him to wear. On seeing Micheal, he stopped. A fatherly instict took over. He knew this man was his son.
"Rath!". Ramiro said and went to his son to hug him. Micheal was a bit shocked and looked at his mother Oquisa who nodded. "Son!..I am your father."
Micheal hugged his father back. He was meeting him for the first time ever. "Father?". He said, putting his hands on his shoulder and pulling back. His father was one handsome son of a gun, Micheal guessed he got his good looks from him as they looked so similar. He had the same hair and eyes as him.
The father and son shared a special moment. Today was a day of happiness.
Liz stood beside Max who put an arm around her and she rested her head against his chest. Everyone was happy today.
Then Ramiro turned his attention at Oquisa. "You". He pointed at her in disgust. "What are you doing here?, working for your evil son Cameron to ruin us all?".
"No..I'm not." Oquisa prostested. "I came to help us all."
"Liar." Ramiro said, raising a hand at her. He wanted to kill her right now after all the pain she caused him.
Micheal watched and stopped his father. "No father..let it be...she's the mother of your only son." He said. Micheal hated his mother for abandoning him in the first place but after all she was his mother. Now he met both his mother and father which he had always yearned for, he didn't want to lose anyone of them.
Ramiro lowered his hand down on his son's request. "Sorry son..there's things about your mother which have me angry."
"I know dad, I know." Micheal said. "But I have both my parents now. I need you guys."
Oquisa went to her son and hugged him. "You'll always have us." She promised, determined to a mother to her son.

"What now guys?". Alex said. "Now we've met our long lost loved ones, Cameron is out there..god knows if he's here right now."
"Then we'll fight together." Liz said.
"All of us." Max said and hugged Liz closer to him.
Everyone in the room was determined to end Cameron's evil once and for all.

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Re: When you're gone (CC,ALL,TEEN) 7/14/08 ch 20 (Pg 10)

Post by Serena007 »

Natalie36 wrote:yah, you've made it up to me with that part. you are no longer on the meanie list
Yaay! lol. :D Hope u lyked that part and the next part.

Ch 20

Most of them decided to stay back at the crashdown, Serena and Cal along with Maria and Amy stayed with Liz and her parents at the Crashdown while Micheal and his parents had headed back to his apartment. Max and Liz were relutant to part at first. They couldn't let go of each other's hands and Max gave Liz a passionate kiss before heading back to his house taking the rest. They decided to do this so if Cameron did come, they'd be prepared. It was better to stay in three accomadations rather then one because Cameron could defeat them easily, all under one roof.
Liz's parents were fixing up the back room for Amy and Maria while Cal didn't mind sleeping on the sofa. Liz's mother grabbed extra pillows, duvets and blankets for them. Liz was stunned, amazed that this was happening. Never in her life did she expect to see this day but knew one day they'd all have to work together against their enemy.
"I still can't beleive you're here." Maria sqealed, giving Liz another hug and Liz smiled. "Chica..it was so boring without you here!." She said, resting her head agaisnt Liz's soft cheek.
"Well I'm back now." Liz confirmed. "And no you're not dreaming." She chuckled.
"How was it like?". Maria asked Liz, curious. "You know in a palace with the whole maids and stuff."
Liz gulped, a flash of Cameron drugging her with some rich creamy drink before taking her on the dancefloor came into her mind. "It was rich...but like a nightmare because the enemy had manipulated me." Liz said in a whisper.
"That sicko." Maria growled, taking her head of Liz's cheek. "Can anyone get anymore sicker?".
"Girls, I think you should go to bed." Nancy said, holding a duvet. "It's been a long night and you two look like you need some rest."
The two girls nodded and then looked at each other. "Well, I guess it's goodnight then." Liz said.
"Hmm night Liz." Maria and Liz hugged before parting ways. Liz went upstairs to her bedroom while Maria joined her mother in the backroom.
Liz opened her door and saw Serena sitting alone at the foot of her bed with her face buried in her hands. Was she crying? "Serena?" Liz called, cautiously stepping towards the girl. "Are you okay?".
Serena snapped her head up. "Yeah..I'm okay. It's nothing serious." She babbled and Liz sat next to the frightened girl.
"Are you sure? Because you look a little scared." Liz said, taking a good look at Serena.
Serena wiped the tears away and then turned to face Liz. "I guess I'm scared a little."
"I can't blame you. Cameron is a very dangerous man." Liz said, empathizing with Serena. "Don't worry Serena, we'll get through this. Cameron will get punished for what he's done."
"I want to see his face when he...suffers." Serena whispered. "I want to hear his shrieks of pain." Serena paused. "And I want to see the horror in his eyes when he's going down. Does that make me a bad person Liz?".
Liz shook her head. "You know, I can't blame you for that. I guess I'd think the same if he'd hurt my parents or worse killed them." Liz said. "You're not wrong Serena, there's so many people out there who he'd wronged. So many and it's time for him to pay the price..I hate to say this but even if it means death."
"He'll never change." Serena said. "I know." She sniffes. "Evil can never change it's color."
Liz arched an eyebrow. "You mean to say Cameron will never reform?".
"Their kind are driven by their needs. Cameron's need is power. If he doesn't have it, he'll do anything to get it."
"So I would be his.."
"Ultimate source to power." Serena affirmed. "You see Liz, you have powerful antarian blood in you. Not only can he can gain a powerful heir from you but like those drugs, he can manipulate you and use you as a weapon to destroy his victims.."
"Like Max..he wanted me to kill Max?".
Serena nodded. "Now when that's not working, he'd going to think of something up quick and beleive me..he's not stupid. He always had a backup plan."
"But I'm the one with the powerful antarian blood. So it's him against me. I'm going to end him." Liz said fiercly.
"He won't fight you but he will blackmail you." Serena said. "Cameron will go after the people you love."
"Not till I get there first."
"He's probably on his way now." Serena shook with fear. "I've seen his power. He is merciless."
Liz decided to get up. "I think we should leave that topic for now." She was uncomfortable. "We'll deal with him later. Right now, we should get some sleep." Liz said and took out two pairs of pyjamas and handed on pair to Serena who was similar size to her. "Here, wear this."
"Thanks." Serena said and the two girls quickly got dressed before slipping under the sheets. Liz put the lamp off and darkness fell over the room.
Serena spoke in antarian and bidded Liz goodnight and Liz did the same, unaware of where her mind was going to take her tonight...

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Re: When you're gone (CC,ALL,TEEN) 7/17/08 ch 22 (Pg 10)

Post by Serena007 »

Ch 21

Liz scrambled on her feet as she felt the shattered glass crush under her feet. She was panting as the air around her constricted her windpipes making it difficult for her to breath. She knew what was going on. It was another premonition. The air was bleak and it was very dim lighted. The room she was in was cold like a big freezer. She moved the loose strands from her face and tried to get a clear better view of the area around her.
"Hello?". She called out, her heart beating faster hoping it wasn't someone she loved in trouble. The last time she had a premonition was when she witnessed Alex's death. The heartbreaking gut wrenching scene had always haunted her and even when saving Alex, she'd still have nightmares. Premonitions weren't a power to show off. They were worser then nightmares.
"Hello?". Liz called again, moving about the room trying to get a responce. Her voice echoed off the wall. Of course, she wasn't included in this scene. She was just an observer. Everything felt so real as if she was in the scene, she could feel the frozen furniture near her legs and tried to step over a frozen couch. Everything was a mess.
That's when she saw a woman in the corner. Crouched with her knees raised to her chest and her face was covered in frost. Hey eyes were frosty, her lips were purple and her skin was pale. She was shivering and Liz recognised her as that woman..Micheal's mother. And this was Micheal's apartment.
"Oh my god.." She gasped.
Nasedo came out from nowhere and raised his hand. "This is what he deserves. After killing my daughter, I shall kill his mother." Nasedo said with no emotion in his voice. Liz watched in horror as Nasedo blasted the life out of the woman, killing her on the spot. Her shrieks pulled Liz out from the premonition and back into reality.

Liz lunged forwards and inhaled deeply. Serena woke up next to her, in shock. "What is it Liz?!".
"Micheal's mother...Nasedo's going to kill her." Liz said, frightened.
That meant, they found a way back here. Her worst fear was confirmed.

Liz dialled Micheal's phone number for the fifth time, worried and restless. Did Nasedo reach there before? Panic arose in both Liz and Serena. "Come on Micheal..pick up the phone..." Liz said impatiently.
"Hello?". Micheal's answer came, he was tired and tried to ignore the phone ringing but eventually it woke him up.
"Micheal!, it's me Liz..listen..Nasedo's after your mom." Liz shouted down the phone. "You have to defeat him!".
"Whoa..whoa..slow down Liz.." Micheal said and looked at the clock, it was three in the morning.
"Micheal..I just had a premonition about your mother being killed by Nasedo." Liz said slowely and clearly. "You need to get her out of there and away from Nasedo before he tries to kill her."

"Oh shit." Micheal said. "You have premonitions?".
"Micheal..just do as I say and meet back at the crashdown okay?". Liz said in an urgency, scared out of her wits. She wasn't expecting this to happen so soon.
"Okay. Thanks." Micheal said breathlessly. "We'll be there soon. Seeya." Micheal said and Liz disconnected the phone line. Serena and Liz looked at each other.
"Cameron's murdered Tess then." Serena said. "So that's why Nasedo's after Cameron's mother."
"Whatever it was, we can't let him win." Liz said, shocked to realise that Tess was killed. She may have been a bitch but she helped them to escape and that had costed her life. Liz felt really bad.
"I'm calling Max." Liz said, dialling his number. She needed him right now.

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Re: When you're gone (CC,ALL,TEEN) 7/23/08 ch 22 (Pg 11)

Post by Serena007 »

Ch 22

The following morning, when everyone had finished eating their breakfast in the dining hall of the crashdown, Isabel carefully watched Alex and followed him to the back room. She was starting to worry about the whole situation and with Liz having premonitions, she wasn't sure what the hell was going to happen next. "Alex!". Isabel called and he turned around in surprise.
"Yes?" Alex said, looking back at Isabel whose face clearly spelt out scared. Her face was a little pale and her lips trembled with her twitching nose. Since when did Isabel get so worked up?
"I've wanted to tell you something for a long time Alex." She said, taking a step forward. "Please don't say a thing until I've finished please?".
"O-okay." Alex shrugged. "Tell me anything." He hoped it wasn't one of those end of the world talks because if it was, he didn't know if he could control his tears either.
"When I first saw you...I....laughed."
"Laughed?". Alex asked, arching an eyebrow. "At me, right, who else could it be?". He muttered, digging his hands into his pocket. This was one of those end of the world talks.
"Well...it was because you looked funny, tall, lanky and you still are-but not that's the problem..you're cute and when I first saw you I thought geez, what a geek. You'd probably end up working for Nasa or something and dating another scientist or one of your colleagues. I used to make fun of you with Pam and Fiona."
Alex was about to say something but couldn't find the words so Isabel continued. "I guess things change. First impressions can either be true or false." Isabel clasped her hands together. "I made fun of you because I thought you were funny, when you found out about us, I got scared and thought we'd end up as one of your technology projects or something, that you'd study the metals in our body or something.." Isabel chuckled causing Alex to chuckle with her.
"You thought that?".
"Yeah.." Isabel shyly nodded and tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. "And then you were so nice...out of everyone in the group, it was you who I could turn to..when Max and Micheal were being jerks, you were the only guy who I wanted to see and be with. You're that guy who I beleive I can't live without. I need you so much Alex. And when this Khivar or Cameron comes here..god knows what he's going to do and I just wanted to tell you....." Isabel paused, realising that she had never said those words before. "I love you Alex." She came closer. "I love you and I want to marry you." She said and took out the ring from her back pocket of her jeans. She had tried hard finding the perfect ring and since Alex had always used to do the hard work, she guessed it was her turn.
"Whoa..." Alex said, looking at the gleaming ring, blown away by Isabel's proposal. Never in his life, did he guess that she'd be the one proposing.
"Alex Whitman...will you marry me?". She said and he looked her in the eyes.
Alex's heart lept with joy. "Of course Isabel. I will marry you." He nodded giving her a smile. She slipped the ring on his finger and then they hugged each other.
"Oh Alex!...I'm so happy!". Isabel laughed.
"Alex laughed, unable to beleive he and Isabel were going to get married. "I can't beleive this is happening, god I'm extremely happy!".
A tear slipped from Sam's eyes when she saw her son and his girlfriend Isabel together. It was sad that desperate times like this caused them to finally be open to each other but the moment had come. She know wished silently that their happiness doesn't get eradicated. It was unfair to experience such harshness when a small piece of happiness was taken away.

"Oh god Max..it was terrible.." Liz said while they were in her room. They sat down on her bed and Max took Liz in his arms, when she called him last night, she sounded scared which made him worried. After her explaining eveything, he felt so bad. He couldn't imagine seeing people's deaths before it happened. It was a nightmare.
"Don't worry Liz, whatever you experience, I experience. You're not alone in this." Max said.
They lay in each other's arms for a while. "I know Max. I know. That's why they wanted to seperate us. So we wouldn't be powerful enough to defeat them." Liz said. "And I only realised that while being drugged by Cameron." She said, ashamed. "I knew what you went through when Tess mindwarped you...it was horrible..like I was there but only breathing...the rest...something else was controlling me.." Liz said, pulling back slowely to meet Max's eyes.
Max caressed her cheeks. "Even I was scared Liz. I didn't have control over myself. I felt like some mindless robot.." He said.
"But I don't think that stuff can affect us anymore. I mean when I found out what Cameron was doing...it suddenly..the drugs..became weaker and then died away."
"It's emotions, the truth always prevails." Max smiled. "And the truth is that we love each other."
"I love you." Liz smiled. "I wanna tell you that everyday and hope you don't get sick of me saying it." She smiled, kissing his lips softly.
"I'll never get sick of you." Max smiled, kissing her back. "It's impossible to get sick of yourself well unless you're weird". He chuckled. "Which we're not." Max leaned forward to kiss her again, it had been so long since they were like this. Comfortable with each other and intimate. Max missed it all and so did Liz.
"Hmmmm..I love it when you do that." Liz murmered as he nibbled on her neck. It felt ticklish but so relaxing. She put a leg on Max's waist and he secured it in place.
"Marry me.." He whispered in her ear before taking out a small box from his pocket. Liz looked down to see him open a box, the ring was beautiful.
"Oh my god Max..." Liz whispered, captivated by the beauty of the ring.
"I always wanted to make you my wife." Max admitted, blushing. "From the moment I laid eyes on you, I was always drawn to you, fell in love with you and you are the only one for me. When you got shot, I couldn't live without you. I needed you like I need air to breathe. When I told you my secret and let you in, I was so happy. Your friendship meant so much to me and when you loved me back...I couldn't beleive it..I was so estatic. I can't live without you Liz. I need you. Will you marry me?". He proposed.
Liz felt so emotional hearing Max's words, they touched her heart in such a way that she couldn't refuse and she didn't want to refuse. "Yes Max, I will marry you." She said and his heart skipped a beat.
When he was about to put the ring on, she stopped him. "Max..not now. I'd think it be best.." Liz said and undid her chain. "If I wore the ring around my neck. So when we defeat the enemies, we can complete our engagement and marriage properly." She said with certainty. There was no way, that they were going to have limited time. They spent so long in agony and torture. Enough was enough. Now it was time to fight back, claim back the time that they had lost and live their happiness together.
"Yes Liz. I agree." Max said, feeling her thoughts through the connection. He put the ring on her chain and put the chain back on her neck again.
"Now shut up and kiss me." Liz smiled and Max happily leaned forward to kiss her.
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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Re: When you're gone (CC,ALL,TEEN) 7/29/08 ch 23 (Pg 11)

Post by Serena007 »

thanks 4 da fb every1!!!

Ch 23

A bolt of lightening shot out of his hand and hit the man directly in his heart. Within a second the man deteriorated to dust and was swept away by the wind. He had enough of these people. Always getting in the way like clumsy dummies. It was impossible to co exist with humans. As he was walking on top of the car of the man he had just killed, he brushed his hair away from his face when the wind blew on him. Whatever he was standing on, was useless as it caught on fire as soon as he blasted it with his power. Human techonology was useless. It'll be easy to take them out.
The smell of the burning car got to his nostrils and he pulled a face. "Human techonology is rubbish."
On Antar, their technology left no such odour when it was obliterated. He smiled when he saw the sign which spelt out ROSWELL. He was here.
At the right place.

Micheal brushed past the others and walked over to his mother who was sitting next to Alex's parents and Serena. She hadn't spoken a word since Liz all rounded them up and told them of her premonition. Oquisa knew it was time for her to go. She had spent long enough parading around like a nobody. But she had just gotten her son back and she wanted Ramiro's forgivness before she left. She was prepared for death. Death seemed like the only thing that would take her pain away.
Micheal had sensed his mother's pain. It was bad and heartbreaking to know he was sharing a mother with their enemy but Maria had put sense into him. She was his mother after all. He knew mothers generally could never wish harm for their children so it must have been very difficult for her to acknowledge the fact that her son, her first son was evil like her first husband. People couldn't help who they fell in love with. Micheal knew that. Maria had fallen in love with him, a stonewall who she managed to turn human. He wanted to let his mother know, how happy he was, to have her in his life then not to have met her at all.
"Hey..I got you a glass of water." Micheal said, handing it to his mother like a little shy boy, looking down as he gave her the glass. Weakly, she smiled at him and took the glass.
She thanked him in antarian and drank the water to please her son. She felt almost like dying. Her time was almost up. She didn't like making these children work so hard to protect her. If she had to die, she would die.
Micheal remained standing up and looked down at her. His father had refused to see her or even talk to her but Micheal knew the questions and thoughts running through his father's mind. He knew. "So how are you feeling?". He mustered up the courage to talk to her.
"Fine." She quietly said, putting the empty glass down.
"No.You're not." responded Micheal. "You look like hell. You're worried about Nasedo killing you."
"Son-I" But she was cut off by an angry Micheal.
"I have just got my parents back. There's no chance in hell will I let anyone take them away." When he raised his voice a little, everyone in the room stopped doing their thing and looked in Micheal's direction.
Oquisa feel like jumping up and down with joy. Her son was begining to show affection for her, any mother would want that. But she dreaded it was at a time like this.
Maria made her way to Micheal. "Micheal..it doesn't make sense." She said. The question had been driving her nuts for quite a while now. "How does Nasedo know she's your mother?".
Micheal shrugged. "I don't know." He rubbed his chin. "Perhaps, she can tell us." Micheal looked at his mother. "How does Nasedo know who you are? I thought you said you had faked your death or something?".
"There's someone else watching". Oquisa sighed. "I have trained with Nasedo and two other shapeshifters. He had taught us all his techniques and maybe he knew while he was teaching us. And possibly got the other two against me."
"One is dead." Alex said, moving closer towards them with Isabel by his side. "I killed Micheal's lookalike so that leaves the Isabel lookalike out there."
"Lonnie." Maria rolled her eyes. "God knows she may have been even spying on us." She paniked. If that was the case then she could have been watching them right now.
Micheal bent down until he was eye level with his mother. "I won't let them take you away from me..mom." He said before getting up.
Oquisa never felt so happy in her life. Micheal called her 'mom'!, tears of joy slid down her cheeks. Her pain was subsiding now, her son called her mom. He accepted her as his mother.
"Where is Max and Liz?". Micheal asked, turning around. Max and Liz were not in the room.
"They're upstairs." Maria answered. "We should go and check up on them." She ran past Micheal and to the back room. But before she could go, a blast came out from nowhere and hit Maria till she felt onto her left, crashing down on a table and collapsing.
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Re: When you're gone (CC,ALL,TEEN) 8/6/08 ch 24 (Pg 12)

Post by Serena007 »

Ch 24

A loud crash caused Max and Liz to pull away from each other. "What was that?". Liz gasped with swollen lips. Both equally worried with questions, they looked at each other worried and then another crash caused Liz to practically jump in Max's arms.
"He's here." Max said grimly, taking a frightened Liz in his arms. He was pretty sure that Cameron was here on a rampage. "You need to get the others and run for safety. I'll handle him." Max told Liz.
"No Max! I'm not letting you face him alone. It's my battle too." She cried out in anger and fear. She removed herself from Max's embrace and rolled of the bed. Max shortly followed her.
"Liz this is dangerous. I can't.." A kiss on the lips from Liz shut him up.
"Max..I've been through a lot lately. I can do this." She whispered. "Besides now that we're together, we''ll do everything together." She told him. "I love you."
Max felt tears blur his vision as Liz's words touched his heart. He pressed another kiss to her lips. "I love you too." He whispered as he held her in his arms.
"Not like I love her." Another male's voice interrupted. Both of them turned around to see Cameron standing near the window to the balcony. How he slipped in without making a noise..none of them knew.
On seeing this strange man, Max stepped forward and took Liz behind him. Sheilding her from the intruder that he suspected was their enemy.
"I won't let you hurt her." Max exclaimed, raising his hand about to send a blast.
"Gee...you'd think I'd hurt the one I love?" Cameron sniggered. "You know nothing about love you pathetic fool. That's why she came to me. In my arms while you were crying over your loss. But I guess that was your own fault...you couldn't see what was in front of you all along." Cameron sniggered. "Liz is mine and I shall have her." He said in a deathly cold voice.
"Max.." Liz warned sensing Cameron was about to throw a blast. Max threw up a sheild and the blast was sent back and hit Cameron.
But Cameron laughed. "Nice try Max..but I have taken precuations. No simple blasts can kill me." And sent lots of blasts at Max's sheild as he tried to wear it down.
Liz formulated a plan and then stepped out the protection of the sheild. "Cameron..it's okay..I'll go with you". She lied quickly.
"You will?" Cameron asked and stopped blasting. His whole attention was on Liz.
"Yes..I only came back here to visit my parents...and say goodbye." Liz made up. "I only want you."
"Then why did you leave the wedding altar and have Tess take your place?". He asked, knowing the answer already.
Max sent a blast and Cameron turned around, quickly sending two blasts at Max causing him to fall back and hit the wall.
"Maax!" Liz called and looked at Cameron who was advancing towards her and pulled her hair as he tilted her head back.
"You belong only to me...do you hear that!". He screamed at her, hurting her too.
"Fucking let go!". Liz screamed in pain as she winced. He was a monster. Who could ever love him?
And Cameron used his powers to get into Max's anatomy and cause him pain. Max cried out in pain as he felt as if his body was about to be ripped apart. Cameron had him pinned against a wall and was trying to find Max's heart. When he did, he smiled. "So this is the heart that beats for my Liz huh?".
Max groaned out in pain as Cameron's powers tightened around his heart. Liz's eyes widened in shock as she realised what Cameron was doing.
"What are you doing to him?!". A bewildered Liz asked.
"I'm crushing his heart so he cannot love you anymore." Cameron devilishly smiled. "Then you and I can be together forever."
Watching him hurt Max snapped the last straw in Liz. She had enough and felt the powers inside her rush through her as she powered up. "I will never let you part me from myself." She said. "Max is me and I'm Max." And with that she electrified him with one touch, causing Cameron to let go off Max and fall to the floor. But Liz didn't stop in blasting the crap out of Cameron. Blast after blast she attacked him, not thinking straight as the anger flowed through her, controlling her. "YOU SICK BASTARD! DIE!". She punched his face before kicking him. A wild Liz was too much for him to hale.
Max was on the floor trying to recover from the damage Cameron had caused him and he noticed Liz beating Cameron to a pulp on the floor.
"Liz.." Max called, trying to get up. Cameron was howling in pain and then Liz realised what she was about to do. He might have been a murderer but she wasn't. Horror filled her eyes as Cameron's blood was on her knuckers. She dropped her fist and let go.
Max took Liz in his arms when he noticed her almost tripping over. "Liz..it's okay." He soothed her. Cameron watched and cracked up. He wasn't dying but he was weakened. "
"You'll never win" He rasped weakly before a light covered his body and he was gone.
"What was I about to do?". Liz panicked and Max wondered where Cameron went.
"It wasn't your fault." Max reminded her. "Thanks for saving my life." He was amazed on seeing this side to Liz and angry at her for risking her own life to save his. She meant so much to him that if anything happened to her, he'd die.
"We need to find him before he does anymore damage." Liz said, pressed against Max's chest. "Come on." She said, taking his hand and leading him downstairs.


a.n: Sorry..I'm tired now so the next part will be up later.