Dead But Still Moving (SN XO,UC,Mature) Chap 12 6/24/08[WIP]

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Post by DarkMagic »

AN: Don't be too shocked :shock: by my recent updates, I challenged my muse to really help me update this story regularly for a change (You can't tell me you don't like these updates :lol: LOL!) and well since (I got my new computer :D YEAH for me!), this is Christmas I decided hey I can do this! Now don't worry Max would not be making an appearance in this story again until it serves another good purpose to my storyline :twisted: ; so there is no need to panic (remember this is a Liz/Dean pairing) and folks here is another chapter do enjoy this one!

P.S. On another note I am overwhelmed by the reaction :oops: you guys had to Michael being the one on the phone and well Max being there too! All I can say is that it was amazing feedback :wink: for me; but you can rest assured that there was a reason behind my inclusion of Max in the story as you will see in this chapter, it is just another step for me to tie up some necessary loose ends where Liz's place in this story was concerned so sit back, relax and watch the fireworks in my story. hehehe! :lol: that is all I am going to say about that!


"Okay Liz tell me what's going on?" asked Eileen as she handed Liz a hot cup of tea liberally laced with whisky, Liz gladly accepted the cup and tucked her legs under her blanket before taking a sip.

Liz gathered her thoughts together and then began her story, "Eileen when I first told you about the boy I left behind in Roswell and said there was a lot of history I wasn't kidding, I just honestly don't know where to begin?" said Liz as she hesitated to go into detail about what happened in Roswell.

"Look Liz I am not pressuring you to tell me everything but to tell you the truth after finding you curled up asleep on the floor I think you need to get this all out because keeping this pain inside is not working for you consider me a outsider who can give you a non bias view on the whole situation you are in, maybe what you need is for someone to give you a new perspective on it." replied Eileen as she waited to see what Liz would decide.

'She is right so far nothing has worked and I can talk to her and still keep their secret' thought Liz as she looked at Eileen and made up her mind and started talking to a relieved roommate who began to hear a story of a boy and girl finding love in Roswell.

"Wow Liz that story is amazing and I hope someday I can say the same thing happened to me but I have one question to ask you?" said Eileen as she looked at Liz seriously.

"Go ahead and ask Eileen." replied Liz,

"Liz! You told me how you made a decision to come here of your own free will and the letter you wrote to him about why you decided to come to Winnaman's Academy but can you honestly tell me if you have made an effort to really find out what your life means away from Roswell and away from Max?" asked Eileen as she waited for Liz to see the truth.

"Yes I am making an effort and I don't know what you are asking here Eileen?" replied Liz as she looked away from Eileen to stare at the wall.

Eileen wanted to scream at Liz but knew that wouldn't work so she would have to try another tactic to open her eyes, 'God could anyone be so blind?' thought Eileen as she took a deep breath and took Liz's hands to get her attention which seemed to work because Liz looked her in the eye again.

"Liz noone is disputing the love you have, remember you came here to be able to get control of your life and if a call from Max could send you into this type of tailspin I think we need to work together to solve the issues you still have otherwise you will just go back home no different than when you first left a mess!" replied Eileen as she waited to see if her words had any effect on Liz.

"Eileen you are right! I don't know where to begin, I mean I thought if I just came here and focused on my studies again maybe that will solve everything but I guess I was wrong!" said Liz as she bit her lip afraid to take the next step she knew she needed to take to find herself again.

"No Liz you weren't wrong, just confused and you thought if you went back to being the A plus student you were before all those events happened in your life maybe you would find yourself again but you didn't and that is what got you so scared right now because you don't know yourself anymore! Who are you Liz Parker? That is the answer you got to find here or you will never have a fighting chance to live you life or follow your heart the way you want or need too." said Eileen.

'Wow who thought watching Oprah would really come in handy at a time like this!' thought Eileen as she smiled at Liz pleased with the way things were going so far, now all she needed to do was push Liz to think about herself and leave Max out of the equation because that girl really need to start putting herself first for once.

"I don't know who I am, but I want to find out, where do I begin?" said Liz as she looked at her hands surprised when Eileen hugged her and whispered "You have already taken the most important step, you can only go up from here!" Liz hugged back her friend feeling at peace for the first time in a long time, optimistic that she would be able to deal with her issues and just maybe control her powers once and for all.


Dean closed the door behind him and dropped the pizzas on the table in the kitchen, "Okay dinner is here come and get it!" said Dean as he turned and grabbed a beer from the mini refrigerator in the room.

Sam got up from in front of the computer and raced to the table grabbing three boxes before Dean could stop him and sat back on the couch to continue the translation before him.

"Geez Sam could you show some self control here, I can't believe you took the food and run!" said Dean as he sat down and took a slice from the box on the table.

"Would you shut your piehole (chew) Dean, I am trying to concen (chew) trate (chew) here!" replied Sam as he tried to eat his pizza with one hand and type with the other hand.

The message flashed on the screen:


"Hey Dean I got it!" said Sam as he stuffed the rest of the pizza in his mouth and started typing in the command for the attachments to be deciphered by the program, as he pressed the enter button the program started translating the documents.

"Move around dickwad let me see!" replied Dean as he pushed Sam around to get a closer look at the screen.

Sam just rolled his eyes as he opened the first document and started scrolling down, Sam couldn't believe his eyes, this case turned out to be way more complicated than he first thought.

After they read through all of the documents Sam and Dean was quiet still trying to process all the information they learned from Father Daniel's research.

"Dean can you believe how deep the Catholic church in Rome no less is involved in this, I mean they made sure no one can find out where the last Sorenson descendant is and you can bet that they are here, they could be anyone, teacher, student."

"Now that we have valuable information we can use, we will solve this case and I have an idea of how we can use this to our advantage!" said Dean as an idea came to him on exactly what they will have to do to get out of this in one piece.

"Well what is it?" replied Sam as he listened to Dean's plan, he hoped it worked actually it had to work they had no other way out.


"Eileen these pictures are great, I tell you Susie is really gifted!" said Liz as she closely reviewed the photographs on her bed, she was exhausted after having a long chat with Eileen but she felt much better who would have thought she would find such a good friend so quickly, Liz was brought out of thoughts when she heard a knock on the door.

"Oh it's you come in!" said Eileen as she opened the door to let in a girl Liz recognised as one of the popular girls in the school, 'what was she doing here?' thought Liz as she looked at Eileen with a question in her eyes.

Eileen ignored Liz's look and asked,"What is it?"

"We are having a meeting now and you are the vice president so let's go, it's taking place in my room!" said Claudia as she rolled her eyes wishing she didn't have to talk to Eileen but tolerating her since they have the same interests.

"Can I bring Liz as a guest!" asked Claudia as she thought how Liz will get a kick from sitting in the meeting.

"If you want to take the risk, but make sure she keeps her mouth shut during the meeting." replied Claudia as she turned around and walked out the door not caring if Eileen was following her or not.

"Ignore her Liz! She is just jealous because you have first dibs on Dean." said Eileen as she put away the photos they were looking at.

"Right! Anyway what are you vice president of and what is this meeting we are going too?" asked Liz.

"Come and you will see for yourself, trust me you are gonna have a blast." said Eileen as she grabbed Liz's hand and walked out the door heading to Claudia's Room which was upstairs at the end of the hall.

When they reached the door Eileen looked around then knocked three times in a row before the door was opened a little and the girl on the other side asked, "What is the secret code?"

Liz rolled her eyes not believing what she was hearing weren't they too old for this, Eileen just signaled for her to remain quiet and whispered to the girl, "Look High, Dive Below, Around the middle no matter where you go we are totally devoted to D&S till time is no more!"

"Welcome my devoted sisters! Enter! Find a seat where you can." said the girl as she opened the door for them to walk in.

Liz looked around the room with her eyes wide open not able to believe her eyes, the walls were all plastered with pictures of Dean and Sam in every possible place imaginable. 'How in the hell were they able to take so much pictures without anyone seeing them especially Sam and Dean!' thought Liz as she craned her neck to see the pictures that was plastered on the ceiling as well.

"Damn and I thought I had problems" muttered Liz as she looked at the girls who was sitting on the floor facing the desk and chairs where three girls including Claudia was already seated.

Eileen signaled for Liz to sit on the floor and left her there and made her way to the front which surprised Liz until she saw her roommate sat in the chair next to Claudia.

A girl gave her a meeting schedule and as Liz read the paper she realised what this meeting was and as she looked around and recognised some of the girls sitting near her, Eileen stood up and said, "Before we begin has everyone been accounted for Cassie?"

"Yes everyone is here!" replied the girl who is at the door, she then locked it and sat on the floor anxious for the meeting to begin.

"Good! Okay let us begin with a opening word by our president Claudia Schaeffer." said Eileen as she gave Claudia the floor.

"Good Evening my sisters, as you know we have some good news to give to you this evening! I am happy to say that Jane our student assistant in the principal's office found some very valuable information for us. It seems as a result of the tragic disappearance of Bianca, Dean Hawkins has decided to appoint two weekend monitors to assist the school security in looking after the dorms and the monitors will be chosen from among our fine teaching staff! Sisters we are going to grab this gifthorse that has landed in our lap and make certain that our two new substitute teachers are chosen without hesitation for this task!" said Claudia smiling as she saw the effect it was having on the girls sitting before her.

Eileen stood up and told the girls to quiet down which they did immediately, " Now I know you have a lot of questions girls but that could be left for the open forum later in this meeting right now our genius, Jade here has already formulated a battle plan that I think we can all agree with and give us all the fair share of time we need to put this plan in action! Cassie turn of the lights, Jade if you will do the honors."

Liz was speechless as she watched in amazement as Jade presented a very detailed powerpoint presentation that showed step by step how they were going to rig the appointments, place a representative of the student council there to assure the principal that it was the right decision, get Dean and Sam separated from the school's security and then separate Dean and Sam in different rooms so the girls could do God knows what.

After the meeting Liz didn't know whether to laugh, scream or pull her hair out from all the plans that were being made for this weekend, these girls were far more serious than she first thought, in fact they were organised like a little army, 'What the army wouldn't do to get their hands on a organised unit like this! An Eileen is the vice president of this fan club!' thought Liz as she still tried to wrap her mind around that particular fact.

Eileen walked over to Liz and asked, " Liz are you okay? You look like you're in shock!"

"I can't believe that this is happening?" replied Liz as she looked around the room again watching the girls talk in small groups.

"Well yeah it blew me away too but I mean how did you think I was able to get any information for our investigation, you got to blend in you know!" said Eileen as she saw Claudia signaling for her to come over.

"Look Liz we will talk later why don't you go over there and get a picture of Dean hmmm! and then head back I have some work to finish up here!" Eileen then turned Liz around and dragged her over to introduce her to Susie, "Hey Susie this is Liz a new member to our group and she so loves Dean so give her one from your secret collection, I will owe you big time, Thanks!"

Liz watched as Eileen left and went back to Claudia, "Okay Liz which one do you want?" said Susie as she put some pictures in her hands, Liz looked at the photos not believing what she was seeing, the first picture was of Dean in his uniform durng a class, the second of him bending over to retrieve a ball, the third was of him putting on his shirt in his office and the last one was a full body shot of him in his suit walking in the hall.

Liz lingered on the last photo which showed that smirk of his and he looked as if he was walking towards you, "How did you get to take the pictures without them knowing?" asked Liz as she loked at Susie who seemed to be surprised by the question.

"It was easy when you got the right cameras, most of the time people doesn't look for someone to be taking a picture of them and I have a dedicated staff who would take the time to get a great picture like that one you got there! Personally that is my favorite because I took that picture, I swear I would have gotten caught but he didn't see me and well as you can see it looks as if he would walk right out of the picture to you! You can keep that one." said Susie as she took the other pictures from Liz's hands.

"Okay thanks I guess!" said Liz as she tucked the picture under her arm and left to head back to her room, "Eileen better have a good explanation for this." muttered Liz not pleased by the turn of events.
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Re: Dead But Still Moving (SN XO, UC, Mature) {WIP}

Post by DarkMagic »

AN: Hello Everyone! I would like to present the next chapter in my story (I know it is short but the next chapter will be longer); Drum Roll Please! LOL! Enjoy and leave feedback guys!


Eileen walked back to the room not surprised when she opened the door to see Liz sitting on her bed with arms folded and a serious look on her face.

"Liz I can’t believe you are still awake?" asked Eileen as she closed the door and sat on her bed.

“Why wouldn’t I be after attending a fan club meeting that you just happened to be the vice president of unbelievable and here I thought you were actually doing some research!” said Liz.

“Why do you say that when you know I am just as crazy about our hot new teachers like everyone else especially since I have an exclusive recorded interview with Bianca’s roommate and some juicy info about the ongoing investigation if you could call it that by Winnaman’s so called security team.” said Eileen as she waved a tape recorder in front of Liz’s face.

Liz shook her head in disbelief and grabbed the tape recorder out of Eileen’s hand;
“Eileen you are a genius! My god and to think that all you have to do is join that stupid club.”

“Now Now Liz no need to be so mean that club is the ticket to getting all the info we need to help us in solving this mystery and you also got the extra benefit of getting a picture of Dean! Sooooo let me see the picture you chose.” asked Eileen as Liz rolled her eyes and pull out the picture from under her bed.

“Very nice Liz and if I may say so Dean sure looks fine in this picture; yummy do you want me to get this blown up into a poster so you can hang it right above your bed?” asked Eileen as she tried not to laugh at Liz attempts to cover up her surprise.

“Hell Noooooo! I don’t need it actually you can keep that picture.” replied Liz trying to steer the conversation away from her and onto another topic.

“Yeah why keep a picture when you can have the real thing right next to you, under you and above you! Isn’t that right Liz?” said Eileen.

“You are dead wrong! Anyway what info do you have concerning the investigation?” asked Liz

“Changing topics is not going to work with me you know but it’s late so I will let it go for now! I am so tired anyway we will talk more tomorrow” said Eileen as she started yawning and pulled the covers over her head.

“What! After I have stayed up so late waiting and now you are saying we will talk in the morning, Hey are you awake! Eileeeennnnnnnnnn!”
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Re: Dead But Still Moving (SN XO, UC, Mature) Chap 11 06/17/08

Post by DarkMagic »

AN: Thanks guys for all of your feedback and here is another chapter for you to enjoy! :)

Chapter 12

It‘s after him! He just heard the cries of anger it made as he got away but it’s so dark he can’t even see the path in front of him.

He was lost and the only thing he can do is continue to run and don’t look back!

“The boogeyman is going to get me Ha! Ha! Ha! Yeah right; if it was only that easy that thing what was it? A light up ahead that must be the way out; please let it be the way out of this place!” He whispered silently as he increased his speed to reach that light.

He didn’t know how he knew but his gut was telling him that it stopped chasing him and that gave him the confidence to continue running towards the light, “That’s strange! Why is the light like that?” he thought and as he ran into the light, it was there he saw how wrong he was, this wasn’t the way out.

“Oh God! It was never light but the light glowing from its eyes! What is it? I can’t see it!” He screamed as a claw reached out from the darkness surrounding him and grabbed him by the ankle, he fell on the ground hard and he tried to kick at the claw with his other leg but it started to pull him closer.

He looked around but there was nothing he could hold onto so he dug his hands into the dirt floor trying to slow it down and kick it at the same time.

It roared in anger when it realized what he was trying to do, the other claw came and grabbed his other leg lifting him in the air before it slammed his body against the floor of the cavern causing him to spit blood.


It lifted him again and slammed him on the ground causing him to scream in pain.

“Sam! Wake up!”

The claws tightened around his body, he couldn’t breathe…

“Sam wake up now!”

Sam opened his eyes and sat up breathing hard still recovering from the dream, “Was it a dream?” asked Sam as he looked at his hands which was bleeding and torn.

“What the hell happened in that dream Sam?” asked Dean.

Sam looked like he just came out of a war; he was bleeding and battered this never happened before not even Sam’s visions affected him like this.

“I thought it was a nightmare Dean but it’s not something is very wrong, I don’t know if this was a vision but if it is then we maybe in over our heads this time.” Said Sam as he tried to get out of the bed only to realize that his entire body was in pain most likely from the dream no vision he just experienced.

“Look don’t you move a muscle I will get the first aid kit and patch you up!” said Dean as he brought the kit from the bathroom.

“So are you going to tell me what that was all about?” asked Dean as he looked at Sam’s hands.

“I dreamt that I was in a dark tunnel and I was running away from some thing, I don’t know what I was running away from but whatever it was that thing was powerful and I couldn’t fight it or escape. All I saw was the glowing eyes and the claws!” replied Sam as he trembled upon remembering what happened to him in his sleep.

“That thing with the eyes and claws is probably what the witches are trying to resurrect but don’t worry we will stop them before that happens! Sam promise me that if the visions get worse that you will not do anything stupid; promise me that you will come and tell me first so we can decide where to go from there?” said Dean as he wrapped the bandages around Sam’s hand.

“Dean you do know that I realize how dangerous it is, look at my hands for God’s sake and we haven’t even met the enemy face to face! This is not a job where you can simply walk in and blow everything up you know so don’t worry about me.” Replied Sam as he got out of the bed.

“Sam what do you think you’re doing?” asked Dean as he watched Sam walk slowly to the bathroom.

“I am going to get ready for school you idiot! The faster we put our plan into action the better chance we have of stopping that monster from entering this world.” said Sam as he closed the bathroom door behind him.

Dean shook his head at his brother’s determination, “Damn whether he likes it or not he is more like the old man than he realizes and just as hardheaded.” Thought Dean as he picked up his cell phone and slipped outside the room.

Dean ran his hand through his hair as he called the one person who can help Sam; the phone on the other end went automatically to voicemail, “Hello Missouri this is Dean, look I really need your help! It’s Sam you see funny thing is his visions are affecting him in a really bad way so can you just call me back being psychic and all I am sure you know my number so call me when you get this message okay!”

Dean jumped when his phone started ringing and looked at the screen before he answered the phone with a smile, “Hello Missouri, wow I knew you were psychic! Hey that was just a joke not an insult; really I cross my heart and hope to die of course you don’t need to put a curse on me, my life is already in the toilet as it is. So you know the reason I called well that’s a relief but do you think you can help Sam! Fine I will give Sam the phone man you are so bossy! I am not sassing you Missouri! Okay I am sorry!”

Dean walked through the room and opened the bathroom door to give Sam the phone, “What the hell do you think you’re doing Dean?”

“Shut your pie hole and take the phone, there is someone on the line to you!” said Dean as he shoved the phone in Sam’s hand and closed the door before Sam could respond.

Dean leaned back against the wall next to the bathroom door hoping that his plan worked and Missouri can really help Sam.

Two cloaked figures were hunched over a basin looking at there target as he reacted to the spell placed on him.

“Did the spell work because the last time we did this spell I clearly remembered people dying in pain but nothing happened here and he is still alive? This is disappointing.”

“Will you shut up? Of course it worked, his dreams from now on will only be filled with dreams of death; his dreams now belong to me it will only become even more deadly as every night passes until he eventually dies in his sleep it is a slow painful death!”

“A slow death? How boring! Let’s do something more exciting after all it’s been a while since I got to play with anyone’s life.”

“Fine I will end my dream spell but you better have a really good plan!”

“Oh I do! I do Ho! Ho! Ho! Ho! Ho! Ho!”

“Okay put a lid on it you idiot! You sound like a creepy Santa Claus when you laugh like that!”

“Don’t you dare ever compare me to that abomination or I promise you that the next body I put you in will be the body of a toad!”

“Oh really? Ohhhhh! Ahhhhh! I am shaking in my boots Santa!”

“Hey I told you not to call me Santa!”

“Santa! Santa! Santa! Santa! Santa is coming to town!”

“Why you! I ought to turn you into a toad right now!”

Someone walked quietly up behind them and said “What are you two up too?”

“Ummmmm nothing! Nothing at all we were just mixing some potions that’s all!”

They tried to hide the basin behind them only to be violently pushed away, “ Let me see, oh my you both have been very very naughty, especially after it was decided that such children games need not be played with the Winchesters now how should you be punished let me see.”

“Please forgive us sister; we did not mean to break the rules. Be assured that it will never happen again!” said the two cloaked figures as they fell on their knees.

“Forgiveness is for losers! You of all people should know that by now.”

They closed their eyes waiting for their punishment after all she never shows mercy to anyone not even her own flesh and blood; as they trembled she smiled and said “Okay now that you had time to fully understand the consequences of your actions let’s go now, we have work to do!”

As she turned and walked away; the two cloaked figures breathed a sign of relief as one turned to the other and said “I hate it when she does that; she really has a twisted sense of humor!”

“Are you two coming?”

“Yes Sister!”

They stood up and ran quickly to her side relieved that they were still alive for now anyway.
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