Hindsight is 20/20 - The Dumbest Thing

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Hindsight is 20/20 - The Dumbest Thing

Post by Morning Dreamgirl »

Hey All!

One of my friends recently did a really dumb thing. (And it really p*ssed me off!) I'm not gonna rant about it, because it's not my place to say what happened, but it got me thinking about all the dumb things that I've done.

Which makes me wonder, what is the dumbest thing that you've ever done?

Where, looking back, you wish you could just tell yourself, "You're going to feel really stupid if you do that." :wink:

For me... It would have to be trying to start up my businesses without doing any research first. Just jumping in. By far, the dumbest thing I've ever done! LOL! I've learned though, and am working on them one step at a time, but I really wish that I could just have told myself... "If you go out and do that, you're going to wish you hadn't latter on."

So what about you?

Got any stories? :wink:

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Post by Lorastar »

I like this topic!

*scratches head*

I think the stupidest thing I wish I could have foreseen would be my car accident. I was driving my boyfriend's SUV full of band equipment and backed into the van of the owner of the venue. My insurance went way up after that.
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Post by FaithfulAngel24 »

Great Topic :wink:

I guess mine would be not trusting my instincts. Even the brightest people can lack that important bout of common sense that tells us that something may be a little off, but when we don't trust our gut feelings thats when we get in trouble.

This guy that had literally been one of my closest friends since birth confessed an all out 'I wanna pick out china patterns' kind of love for me, and while I was shocked I wasn't that surprised ,because I had been harboring feelings for him also. Maybe not ones that made me want to skip down the porverbial aisle ,but go figure.

I knew he had just got of a serious relationship with a psycho (I swear to Bob I am not being biased. She really has mental issues and should seek therapy immediately) Now common sense told me that this was a very delicate time for him ,and I should be fearful that he was just trying to make a connection ,because he was hurt. But he said all the pretty words that every woman longs to hear, and I fell for it. Hook. Line. & Sinker. I was caught :wink:

Something in my heart was screaming that it didn't feel right, but I wanted so much for it to be real that I ignored my body's natural responce to the situation, and now he is indeed back with the woman who rivals Anne Heche in the insanity department. *Sigh* If only I would have listened to my intial instinct. :D
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Post by killjoy »

Ok back during the first summer I was in college I got laid off and found myself between jobs. And as my luck was even in the summer I couldn't find anyone who was hiring. When cash started getting low I was hit up by a family member who owned a daycare center. Now much to my surprise this relative offer me a job watching over their school age kids who were out for the summer. Now at first I was shocked at this. Now don't get me wrong I love kids and believe I'm good with them but I'm a guy. I mean who had ever heard of a GUY working at a daycare?

I mean what would the parents think of me working there? But in the end I took it and it was the best job ever. Sure the pay sucked, but hey my job was to take kids to the pool, to the skating rink and to the zoo.Hell sometimes I think I had more fun than the kids did.

So once the summer was up I was offered a permeant job there and I took it. And for the next three years I worked there. Mostly with the school age but I filled in with the toddlers and even helped about a few hours in the baby room, which was my favorite.

Now in the end I had to leave because of the pay and getting out of college. My relative was thinking about selling the daycare and offered it to me at first chance. I was tempted but in the end I didn't want the pressure of running a small business. Now that I'm older I kick myself. I could have had my own business that was already successful, instead of working for someone else like I am now.
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Post by Lady_vixen »

My biggest regret/mistake ( sort of the same thing) was not enjoying my pregnancy. I spent the whole time wondering if i would be a good mom. If would be able to make ends meet because i found out very soon into it that i was going to be a single mom. I was so unhappy most of the time that i could barley deal with myself. Then the first few months of my sons life I spent wondering if I did the right thing.

My son will be 8 yrs old next month and every day that I have with him is a gift. I have always been able to make ends meet, thankfully. I think I am pretty good mom ( a few mishaps aside) and now i wonder who would i even be without him. Looking back I feel like i missed a small part of his life preocupied with what might happen and now i try to just go with the flow. Worrying takes so much energy from you that is taken away from other areas of your life. There was no way i would of known that everything was going to be OK but I wish i had believed in myself more.
So far so good.
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Post by dark_skater »

i would say the biggest mistake i've ever made was to get involve with my exboyfriend. at the beginning he was a real charmer and i thought he is the right one. well i guess i was wrong after a couple of month he started looking after other girls but i was blind and didn't regocnise it.
when a friend of mine told me about his behaviour towards athor girls i confronted him and he didn't react positiv in any way. at that time he started to hit me but i was in love and made up excuses for him doing it. if that wouldn't have been bad enough we had a retraining together. we were sitting downstairs and he started to kiss another girl and went with her to our room and i think you know how it ended.........
i wanted to break up. after that decision and a couple of bruises later it was done but i will regret it every day of my life!
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Post by Zanssoulmate08 »

God, what haven't I done? It's seems like I'm screwing up every two seconds! I think the worst thing I ever did happened about three years ago. I became best friends with a girl named Sarah.

She seemed cool enough at the time. Got whatever she wanted, whenever, and took me along with her. Unfortunatly, according to every therapist I've ever had, I crave approval (something to do with my out-of-the-picture biological father, and my evil step-father :roll: ), and I'll do pretty much anything to get it.

Sarah was controlling in an abusive way. She bullied her parents into obeying her, and then she started on me. I'd never had a best friend before, and had never really had any close friends. I was living in a new city, and was willing to do anything to keep that friendship. I became popular through her and was pretty much her puppet.

This went on for two years and I sank deeper and deeper into depression. Then, I met my current best friend Kristen and got me back. My mom helped me cut ties with Sarah b/c I was so co-dependant...I couldn't do it myself. Kristen encourages me to be me, and likes the fact that I stand up for myself and am independant. I'm pretty much out of depression now, and I have my identity back, but Sarah will always be my greatest regret.

-The Cuter-Sweeter-Much more attractive-Sarah :wink:

Once upon a time in a faraway kingdom,
Man made up a story, said that I should believe him.
Go and tell your white knight that he’s handsome in hindsight,
But I don’t want the next best thing.
So I sing, I hold my head down, and I break these walls ’round me.
Can’t take no more of your fairytale love.
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