Rocky Road (Ma/K) Adult Complete 5/25

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Rocky Road (Ma/K) Adult Complete 5/25

Post by gnrkrystle »

Rocky Road

Disclaimer: I do not own Roswell, but I wish I did.
Rating: Adult
Coupling: M/M, Ma/K
Summary: Takes place after graduation. The gang has been on the road for two months and tensions are mounting. Maria and Michael are drifting apart…what happens when she finds solace in someone else?
A/N: Another Remedialist Fic, of course, this story just came to me…I hope everyone likes it…let me know


Chapter One,

Kyle stared out of the window of the ancient VW mini-bus the he had now called home for two months. He looked to his left at Isabel, asleep and curled up in a ball. She was tired of traveling too, but she had no choice. She was an alien, and that meant she had to run, or be captured.

He looked back out the window and watched as the orange and purple desert slowly turned into amber and green farms and fields. They were moving quickly into Kansas; the heartland of America.

In the past two months, they group had been all over the west, but under Max’s “orders” they were moving eastward. Not, knowing how close the FBI was, Max wanted them to be moving at all times. That meant many nights were spent in that van Kyle learned to hate.

As broke his gaze from the rolling countryside once again to look at the couple in front of him. Maria and Michael were strange; they loved each other as intensely as they hated each other at times. Kyle never knew what to expect from them. One day they would yell at each other none stop, and then when they group would settle down somewhere r get a hotel room, he could hear them making love like it was the last time they would touch each other.

It was unnerving to Kyle. Max and Liz he could take. They were sickeningly sweet, but it was to be expected, and he generally ignored their presence anyway. Why not? Max and Liz seemed to ignore everyone else as well.

Now Maria was asleep, her head rested on Michael’s shoulder, as he had he arm draped around her. Her once red hair was blond again, and Kyle was glad she changed it back. Or rather, Isabel changed it back after much pleading on Maria’s part.

Michael was awake; the only one besides Max who was driving. The silence among the men in the van was thick and deafening. No one talked as a group anymore. Michael talked to Maria and Isabel. Maria talked to Michael and Isabel, occasionally to Kyle, but never all at the same time. Kyle only spoke to Isabel and Maria, and only when they first addressed him. Max and Liz stuck together, only speaking to the rest of them to give some new order, or to express their fears about the whereabouts of the FBI.

Kyle sighed as he tore his eyes away from Maria’s golden blonde hair and rested his forehead against the window once more. It was getting dark, and he knew a driving change was coming up. He hoped Michael would take it because he was too tired to drive in the dark.

He wanted to sleep, but he couldn’t. There were too many strange thoughts running through Kyle’s head all the time. He didn’t know it was going to be like this. He didn’t know that everyone was going to be miserable like this. Well, everyone but Max and Liz, that is. He didn’t know that Maria and Michael’s petty arguments would effect his mood the way they did. He used to be a fun guy. He used to laugh. Now, he couldn’t remember the last time he cracked a smile.

And he missed that in his friends as well. Max, Michael, and Liz never really smiled r laughed that much in the first place, but Isabel and Maria did. At one time they were so full of life, now their eyes were dead. He knew they were both as miserable as he was.

Isabel had left her husband; the only man who she loved that loved her back even knowing who she really was. Kyle had his doubts about Jesse, but there was one thing he could be sure about: Isabel loved him, and when she had to walk away from him Graduation night, it broke her heart into a million pieces.

Maria left herself. Kyle could remember a time when Maria was so full of life, he thought he would burst open spilling that life onto everyone around her. She had even opened the stone cold heart of Michael Guerin; the alien general who kept a stonewall on his emotions for so long. However, in choosing to follow Michael and take this path with him, she lost who she was. She lost her dreams and identity the way they all had in some form since Max made the choice to save Liz Parker’s life. The difference is that circumstances tied the other’s to that old dirty van. Maria’s free will tied her to their fate.

Kyle didn’t want to think about these things. They were sad. He wanted Isabel to smiled and laugh, and make fun of his lack of ‘game’. He wanted Maria to jump up and down and give him a huge hug and scream in excited ness, the way she used to. Kyle was learning to become accustomed to the deadness in their eyes, but he would never accept it. He wanted his friends back.

Michael grew slightly colder and more distant everyday. Kyle didn’t know if it was because of Maria’s distance or something bigger, greater, all encompassing and out of his control. Nevertheless, Michael was not as open as he had once been.

Silence. It was something that the once best friends had gotten used to. It was their lives. They lived in their own worlds of silence and bitterness. Locked in their thoughts and emotions, the ‘i-know-an-alien-‘ club drifted farther apart with each mile that passed under the tires of the vehicle that enslaved them.

As Kyle thought, Max pulled over, stopping the car and turning to him, “You ready to take the wheel?” he asked Kyle.

Before Kyle could speak, Michael got up to get out of the van. “I’ll do it,” he grunted as he roughly woke Maria from her deep sleep. She looked up slightly and with those dead eyes watched Michael get out of the van. She moved closer to Isabel, laying down next to her, near Kyle’s feet. He looked down at her, and nearly cried. Nothing about this woman in front of him was the Maria he remembered.

When Max and Liz were comfortably seated in the back, Michael got back on the road. No need to waste time, the FBI could be anywhere, and it was their job to stay one step ahead.

Last edited by gnrkrystle on Fri May 25, 2007 1:24 pm, edited 34 times in total.
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Chapter Two

“Max, can we please get a room?” Maria whined from the back. She detested the fact that she even had to ask him. He was no king to her, and she was getting very tired of being bossed around by him and his wife on her high horse. They both were her best friends at one time, but she had learned to hate them.

As she waited for Max’s answer, she played with some of the dirty, torn carpet on the floor of the van. Michael was lying down next to her. He seemed to be able to sleep, but she could not. One more night in that wretched bus and she was going to scream. She looked over at Kyle and Isabel. They knew how she felt, she could tell. With each passing mile they all grew more tired, but they needed to sleep in a bed.

“I don’t know,” Liz said quietly so that the other’s wouldn’t here her. However, Kyle, Isabel, and Maria heard her. Maria scoffed at her once friend. She didn’t ask for Liz’s opinion, she just wanted to sleep in a warm bed. She didn’t even care if she had to share it with roaches.

Max seemed to think about it. He turned first to Liz, “Well, it wouldn’t hurt for us to stop this once. We haven’t stayed in a room for a couple of weeks.” He reasoned to his wife. Liz nodded and looked back out the window.

“Alright,” Max answered, “The next hotel, we can stop,” he said with a cheery smile. Maria rolled her eyes at him. She guessed she was supposed to be ever so grateful that he was so kind as to allow them to stop. What she really wanted to do was run that disgusting Van off the road with him in it.

Frankly, the only people she cared about were in the back of the van at that moment. She had learned to stop thinking about her mother. She stopped thinking about what she was missing. She still thought about her dreams, but only allowed herself a couple of minutes to think about what could have been. She had chosen her path, and as unappealing as it looked at this point, she would have to live with it.

She looked at Michael. If she thought coming with him would bring them closer, she was very much wrong. They had only moved further apart. They still made love with all the passion and power they possessed, but sex had never been a problem for either of them. The problem was that, their fights became worse, lasted longer, and hurt more. She didn’t know why but everything Michael did annoyed her, while everything she did seemed to make him angry.

While, Michael annoyed her, she still loved him. He was her first love, she had given up her life and dreams for him, so she felt obligated to support him anyway. If she left her life for him, she might as well learn to love being with him all the time. The hardest part to deal with was the fact that Michael grew colder everyday.

Even in the bed, Michael had changed. Sex had gone from passionate and sweet, to hungry and hot. Maria, had to admit that she had no problem with that development, however the looks he gave and with words he spoke when they were not in bed hurt her at times.

The only thing keeping Maria sane was Kyle and Isabel. They were he best friends, and she realized very quickly, that they would be her friends for a long time to come. When she had been friends with Liz, and then Max, she didn’t know how to judge a person’s character the way she had learned to. Kyle and Isabel were good people, there was no other way about it. She knew that, and as she looked at their drawn and tired faces she felt sad.

She knew that she and Michael only added to her friends’ fatigue and stress. The way they fought got to Kyle and Isabel, she knew. It annoyed Max and Liz, but not enough for them to really care. However, Isabel and Kyle were close to Maria and Michael. They didn’t like to see them fighting, and Maria knew that, but sometimes, for no reason Michael would make her so mad that she couldn’t control herself.

She glanced out the window and saw the lights of a motel. She sighed heavily with relief and shook Michael awake, “Baby, wake up,” she said. He rubbed his eyes and looked up at her, confused. “We are stopping at a hotel,” she said with a smile as she kissed his cheek.

Michael smiled, and kissed her lightly on the lips before he sat up completely. Max roughly pulled into a parking spot in front of the lobby and went in to get 3 rooms. As much as he didn’t like it, the group had convinced him to start changing one dollar bills to hundreds so they wouldn’t have to worry about money, so that was what he did.

Soon, he exited the lobby with three keys. He handed one to Michael and one to Kyle as he and Liz made their way to their own room. It was always like that. Max and Liz stayed together, Michael and Maria took another room, and Kyle and Isabel took the last, except in the case that Maria and Michael were about to kill each other, in which case Kyle would sleep with Michael, and Isabel with Maria.

Tonight, Michael was in a good mood, and Maria seemed to be less annoyed than usual, because they linked hand and walked off together to their own room, which was right next door to Isabel and Kyle’s.

Kyle smiled at Isabel, who followed him into the dark and dreary room. All the motels they stayed at were like this; dark, damp, dirty, and stale. The smell of the old furniture and the sheets that needed serious disinfecting permeated the room. Alien powers could come in hand for that, however as Isabel used her powers to clean the room and removed the revolting smell of a motel that sometimes charged by the hour.

As Kyle and Isabel settled into their separate beds, it didn’t take long for the banging to begin. They could hear the rickety bed of Maria and Michael’s room squeak and bang against their wall. Kyle and Isabel looked at each other. They were used to this, but it didn’t make it easier. They were lonely on the road. They knew that Maria and Michael were lonely as well because even though they had each other, they were strangers in reality.

As each bang of the head board got faster and more forceful, Isabel turned to Kyle, “They were really tired, I bet they will be done soon,” she said feeling sorry for her good friend. For some reason, Kyle was always more bothered by Maria and Michael’s loud extra-curricular activities than anyone else. His mood changed, and he became more quite and distant.

“I know,” he said rolling over and tucking the pillow under his head. He closed his eyes and tried to get the thoughts of Maria and Michael, wrapped in each other’s embrace, out of his head.

“Oh Fuck!” hey heard Maria moan, and her voice raised in ecstasy caused Kyle’s cock to stir, as it did every time he heard it. He rolled over on his stomach and waited it out.

“Maria!” Michael moaned loudly, and then the noises of the moving bed stopped. They were done, and not a moment too soon. When the sounds of their sex did not pick back up, Kyle breathed a sigh of relief and was able to will his dick to become soft again. He closed his eyes once more and allowed the recesses of sleep to over take him.

Isabel looked over at her sleeping friend concerned. She knew he was depressed, and she didn’t know why. Kyle used to be so full of life and humor, but now she could barely get him to talk. When he did talk, his voice was thick with sadness and loneliness. She didn’t know if it was because he missed his father, or something deeper, but she felt badly.

As always, she felt responsible. Just being who she was, was causing her friends to sacrifice their lives and their livelihoods. It wasn’t fair, and she wished she could fix it. She wished she could talk to Max and talk him into settling down, even for a little bit. Maybe that was what they all needed: Freedom from the chains that tied them to that van and to each other day in and day out.

She finally fell asleep, with thoughts of a better time. A time when they all were happy, and a time when they didn’t have to look over their shoulder every second. To tell the truth, that time hadn’t been since before Max saved Liz, but Isabel also know that if Max had let her die, she wouldn’t have Kyle and Maria in her life, and she cherished them immensely.

If only the days of the past were here. If only she could have told her husband that she was an alien long ago, maybe he could be with her now. She knew that, that would help matters. The only thing that would chance is that Jesse would be miserable along with everyone else. Something had to change. If they continued on like this, Kyle, Maria, Michael, and she were more apt to commit mass suicide than be caught by the FBI.

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Post by gnrkrystle »

Chapter 3

“What the fuck is your problem, Michael!” Maria screamed at her boyfriend a few mornings later.

“Not a damn thing, blondie,” Michael bit out folding up the picnic blanket that was sprawled out on the ground from the group’s breakfast. He knew that when he told her to shut up, he was going to set her off. But with all the control he possessed, he couldn’t stop himself. She was pouting, and being increasingly nonproductive this morning, and it finally sent him over the edge.

“Don’t tell me to shut up, Guerin.” Maria said stomping her foot and placing her hands on her hips menacingly. “You don’t own me, Michael Guerin. Though I guess you might as well.” She muttered the last part under her breath.

Michael growled as he threw the picnic supplies into the back of the dreaded van. “No, I don’t own you because if I did, you would be a hell of a lot more useful!” Michael shot back just as Max and Liz were coming back from answering nature’s call. Isabel and Kyle had been sitting far away from the scene, just taking it in. Neither one of them wanted to get in the middle of this fight. They might lose a limb.

Maria’s eyes flashed with rage. She wanted to punch him with all the force she possessed, but in the end she knew that it would do no good. “Fuck you, Michael!” she screamed, “I’m sorry I can’t be perfect for you! I’m sorry that everything I do in some way is an affront to your perfect fucking nature!”

Max and Liz ran up to them. “Guys, back off.” Max said stepping in between the two of them.

“Fuck off, Max,” Maria said through gritted teeth. The last thing she needed was the boy King telling her what to do.

Liz looked appalled and she grabbed Maria’s arm pulling her back. “Maria, he is the leader,” she said in her very best attempt to be queen.

Maria rolled her eyes. “He isn’t MY leader.” She shot back, “You people may be scared shitless of the brat king, but I’m not. If I want to tell Michael he’s a fucking asshole,” she said looking at Michael, “then I will.” Maria said. “Michael, you’re a fucking ASSHOLE!” she screamed. Then she let go of the argument and walked away. If she stayed there any longer she was going to kill someone, alien powers be damned.

As she walked back to the public bathroom, she tried her hardest to keep the sting of tears out of her eyes. She didn’t know where she had gone wrong. She and Michael always fought. It was like a twisted form of foreplay with them. She even remembered starting fights with him just to make up later, but it was different now. The fights they had now were harsher. Their words cut each other deeper.

On top of that, she couldn’t think of one reason why she had followed Michael to begin with. Well, that wasn’t exactly true. She did love him, but now all she felt was obligation to him. It wasn’t love. It was resentment. How could she resent him, when it was her own choice to join him? Maybe it had to do with the fact that Michael wasn’t the same Michael she loved in Roswell.

Gradually, Michael became something that she didn’t recognize. Maybe he hadn’t changed. Maybe, she had changed, and in her change she finally saw Michael for who he was, but he was not her dream. Her dreams were dead, she was learning that, and with time, she would convince herself it was worth it, even if it wasn’t.

Lost in her thoughts, she didn’t notice Kyle walking up to her. He and Isabel had decided to split up and calm Michael and Maria down. Isabel got Michael, and he got Maria. It was just as well because he really cared about Maria, and Michael was pissing him off just about as much as he was pissing Maria off.

He gently placed his hand on Maria’s shoulder and she flinched, not expecting anyone to have followed her. She spun around on her heel ready to fight whatever intruder had followed her; if it was Michael or Max, more the better. When she saw Kyle standing there, looking at her with his beautiful blue eyes, all her anger was lost and she collapsed in his arms.

Kyle held her close to him as he walked over to a worn picnic table where she sat down next to him. He never unwrapped his arms from around her as she cried. In the whole time they had been gone, Kyle had not seen Maria cry once. He had yet to see her show any emotions but Rage and Lust.

But as he sat there with her in his arms, he felt good. He felt like he was her protector, and he took pride in the fact that she let him see her cry. He knew it was ridiculous, and he should be worried about her, which he was, but he couldn’t stop the emotions running though him as he held her body close to his. “I hate him,” Maria sobbed into Kyle’s masculine chest and he just held her tighter, rubbing her back in small, delicate circles.

When Maria was finished crying, she pulled back from Kyle and looked up at him. “I’m sorry, Kyle,” she said, wiping her eyes with the palms of her hands.

“No need to be sorry, Maria,” Kyle said with a smile, “That was a long time coming.”

Maria smiled the first smile he had seen from her beautiful face in 2 months. She was amazed that Kyle understood her. She didn’t think anyone understood how she felt, or that she wasn’t as happy as everyone thought she was. How did he know? Was he feeling the same way? Or was she obvious? She literally shook the errant thoughts from her head as she stood up from the picnic table, and pulled out a mirror from her purse to check her reflection. Luckily, it didn’t look like she had been crying because that was the last thing she wanted Michael to be aware of. He would know he had won.

Kyle smiled quickly at Maria and led the way back to the dreary van. Maria groaned next to him at the thought of hours upon hours of sitting in the van with Michael, Max, and Liz. She would rather have that stinking van run over her. Kyle chuckled at her reaction to going back to the group. He knew the feeling. If only they could settle down. Even if it was only for a few nights, he would love to be able to stay in the same place long enough to get his bearings.

Kyle and Maria climbed in the back of the van, Max and Liz were in the front, and Isabel and Kyle formed a barrier between Maria and Michael. There was not telling what would happen if they sat next to each other.


After several hours on the road, it was starting to get dark. Maria sat next to Kyle and stared out the window, wishing she knew where she was, where she was going, and most of all when she would be able to get out of that claustrophobic van. A drop of rain hit her window and she sighed.

“What’s the matter blondie? We boring?” Michael said snidely. He had been watching her feel sorry for herself the entire day, and he was getting tired of it. If she didn’t want to be there, why had she come?

“Michael, shut the fuck up,” she snapped looking back out the window. It was raining much harder now, and she felt sad as she heard the drops of water pelt the roof of the van. She heard Liz and Max whispering something in the front seat, but didn’t pay much attention. It wasn’t unusual for them to have little conferences from the comforts of that front bench. They were always whispering. Always conspiring. She felt like a little kid when her parents would leave the room to talk about something her teacher had called about earlier that day.

She hated them. She hated Michael. She hated everyone but Isabel and Kyle at this point. She even hated her mother. As illogical and irrational as it was, she hated her mother for not being home enough to keep her out of Michael Guerin’s arms. If she had just stayed away from him, she would have been fine. She would be in New York City right now, cutting a record and living her dreams. She would be dating a normal guy who didn’t shut himself off to her.

But it was no use worrying about that because her mother hadn’t been around much, and she hadn’t stopped Maria from falling for Michael. She hadn’t put her foot down when Maria would leave for days at a time, and now Maria had taken the girly way out. She had chosen the guy, and realized that he was not her prince charming.

She was taken away from her thoughts when Max turned to the group from the passenger’s seat. “Ok, since it is raining so hard, I’m not sure it is safe to drive much further, so we are going to stop at a hotel,” he said with a cheery grin. He and Liz had decided it was best.

Maria was happy, but she rolled her eyes anyway. Max Evans’ whole attitude made her want to scream. They always made the decisions. Rather, Max made the decisions and Liz kissed his ass. She hated them.

Kyle breathed a sigh of relief. He would be able to sleep well for another night. He hated Max and Liz, but he could kiss them both at that moment. The only downside was that he was willing to bet that he would have to bunk with Michael this time. Nights like that were always tense as the alien only grunted at him.

Soon, they were turning into a motel parking lot. It was just like the last motel. They were all the same, Maria couldn’t tell the difference anymore. The one thing that was about to change, though, was that she was NOT going to stay with Michael tonight. He could jerk off for all she cared.

When Max came back with the key’s Maria turned to Kyle. “Can I stay with you?” she asked softly. She wanted the support and comfort of the only human left among them. For some reason she felt closer to Kyle for that. Besides, he had already seen her cry, so if she broke down again tonight it was no loss.

Kyle did a double take when she asked him that. “Ummm, yeah that’s fine.” He said, daring to look quickly at Michael, who was staring back at both of them with angry piercing eyes. Kyle didn’t much care what Michael thought, though. He wanted to help Maria anyway he could. If he could just get that life that he loved back into her, he would be a happy man.

Isabel watched the whole thing. It was probably best that she stayed with Michael. Maybe she could talk some sense into him. He had been strange lately, and she didn’t appreciate the way he had been treating her best friend and the woman he was supposed to love. “Ok, let’s just go.” She said, “It’s wet.”

They all ran into their individual rooms and when Maria got into her room with Kyle, she looked down on the ground. “Thank you for staying with me,” she said quietly. Kyle wanted to shake her. She was never quiet. Maria was many things, but quiet wasn’t one of them, and seeing her so reserved and quiet broke his heart.

“It’s no problem. The big bad alien was being a dick,” he commented, “I understand.” He said with a smile.

‘I understand’ embodied Kyle Valenti. Maria knew that he did understand. For as long as he had been a member of their little group, he understood her like no one else had. While Liz seemed to lose her mind when the aliens came to earth, Kyle seemed to find his. She could still remember when he was a jock and an asshole. She used to call him the stalker, but the man sitting on the bed in front of her was far from that boy in high school. Kyle Valenti was a great man. The kind of man she could have been with if she had followed her dreams, but so different from the man she had tied herself to.

There was a light knock on the door, and Maria opened it, hopping to God it wasn’t Michael. It was Max. “Need something?” she asked in a better tone that she had used with him 10 hours ago, the last time she talked to him.

Max shifted on his feet slightly, and finally opened his mouth saying, “I just wanted to tell you, that I understand that you were upset this morning. So, I forgive you for what you said to me at the picnic site.” He said as if he were being the bigger person in the situation.

Maria’s mouth hung open in shock. Did he really just say that? Kyle looked passed Maria’s shoulder in awe. That guy had a lot of nerve. However, before Maria could put her words together, Max backed away from the door and walked back to the room he shared with his wife.

Maria stood there for a second before slamming the door shut and turning back around to Kyle. “Can you believe him?” She asked incredulously. She plopped down hard on her bed. “This has got to be some weird sick nightmare I’ve stumbled into.” She said throwing her head back with a dramatic sigh.

Kyle shook his head, “Yeah, but we already knew that Max and Liz are on a power trip,” he said, “Maria, don’t let them get to you. They suck. We know this,” he said. Maria chuckled at him. He was right; it was pointless to waste her energy trying to understand them. It was a lost cause.

Kyle was glad he made her laugh. “I’ve got an idea,” he said.

“What’s that?” Maria asked, wanting to hear anything from a friend at this point.

“Let’s forget about them. Just forget we are on the road with these crazy aliens.” He said running a frustrated hand through his hair. “Tonight, let’s just pretend we are back in Roswell, hanging out like normal teenagers.”

Maria grinned at Kyle. Was he reading her mind? How did he know that was exactly what she needed? “I think that’s a great idea,” Maria said. “From this point on tonight, there is not such thing as aliens. Isabel is a normal girl, and Max, Liz, and Michael do not exist.” She said nodded her head for emphasis.

Kyle was glad to brighten her mood. He could see some of that light he missed in her eyes at his suggestion. A night of human normalcy was just what they both needed. “So, motor mouth, what period do you have lunch?” he asked with a grin.

Maria burst into laughter at the nickname Kyle had given her in the 8th grade. She used to hate that name, but now it offered her a nostalgic comfort that was just what the doctor ordered. “Well, I hope it is the opposite lunch period of YOU, wrestle mania,” she said smiling and cocking her eyebrow at him. She had given him that name, not long after he started dating Liz. For some reason, it always bothered her that he best friend was dating Kyle Valenti.

Kyle chuckled lightly, “No, seriously, what do you want to be when we get out of school? We haven’t really talked in a while,” Kyle said getting serious as he turned over to face her. He propped his head up on his hand and watched her face become somber.

Maria was surprised he even cared. Kyle was a good guy, and very supportive of her, but she doubted that he really wanted to know what was going on in her head. “Well, you know I got that demo deal, right?” Maria asked. Kyle nodded at her, hopeful that she would continue. “That’s what I want to do. I want to write and sing music. But I want to do it my way,” Maria said laying down on her stomach and facing Kyle.

Kyle knew Maria was a great singer, and he could bet that she was a great writer too. He just didn’t understand why the record executives didn’t see her raw talent as and asset rather than something that needed to be harnessed. “I’d love to hear your music sometime,” he said gently, meaning it.

Maria looked up at him surprised, “Really?” she breathed. She hadn’t expected that. “If I had my guitar with me, I could play you something,” she said looking down sadly. She wished she had her guitar. Or better yet, Alex’s guitar. Maybe it would keep her sane.

Kyle wished he could help her. He wished he could whittle his own guitar. “Well, you should still write,” he encouraged. “I’m sure you have more than enough material now,” he said with a laugh.

Maria grinned and snorted. That was the truth. She had about a million songs milling around in her head. “Maybe I will,” she said more to herself than Kyle. He smiled at her, happy that she was going to do something proactive with her time.

“What about you,” she asked. “What do you want to be when you grow up,” she laughed.

“Well, I think my Astros career was just a pipe dream…”he said mocking deep thought, “So, I think I might become a center for The Lakers,” he said with a charming smile.

“Yeah right, short stuff,” Maria said throwing a pillow at him. He looked at her ready for a fight.

“Don’t start something you can’t finish, DeLuca,” He said picking up a pillow of his own.

“I’m defiantly a follow through kind of girl,” She said picking up another pillow. Laughing loudly, they attacked each other, hitting each other with the pillows in hand. Finally, Maria had Kyle pinned down and she was straddling his waist. She held the pillow menacingly over his head. “What now, big bad Valenti?” she asked with a laugh, and just as she had assumed victory, Kyle began tickling her.

“St-sto-STOP!” she giggled. “Stop, please. I give up,” she moaned for freedom from his tickling.

“Who is the best?” Kyle asked with a laugh, continuing his torture. He couldn’t help but stare at her mesmerizing green eyes, again full of life. Nor could he stop himself from noticing her flushed skin and he heaving breasts as she laughed harder. He felt himself beginning to grow hard and he cursed his body for betraying him.

“Maria DeLuca!” She yelled as she squirmed out of his reach. She smiled with triumph as she stood in front of him with her hands on her hips. “Now repeat after me,” she said. “Maria, DeLuca is the pillow fight master,” she grinned.

Kyle rolled his eyes and said, “Maria DeLuca is the pillow fight master.”

“And don’t you forget it buddy,” Maria said looking at the clock. “Shit. It’s 1:00! Where did the time go?” she asked allowed. She had completely lost track of time in their fighting match.

Kyle was surprised as well. They had been talking and playing for 4 hours. “Well, we better get to sleep so that we can start another lovely day at West Roswell High,” he said with a smile, continuing their make believe.

“Yeah, Mr Seligman always yells at me for being late. But it’s hard to look this good,” she said seriously, then lost it, bursting out into fits of laughter.

If she only knew, Kyle thought. But alas, they both got into their own beds and under the covers. Kyle flipped off the light and said, “Night, Maria.”

“Night, Kyle,” she returned smiling at the fun she had, had with Kyle. She slept soundly and peacefully that night for the first time in a long time.

Kyle watched Maria sleep in the pale moonlight shinning in from the window for just a few minutes before sleep finally over took him and he dreamed of happier times in Roswell, NM.

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Chapter 4

Maria was awakened roughly by someone shaking her. She snapped her eyes open, ready for attack, but when she saw Michael standing over her she breathed a sigh of relief. “What are you doing in here?” she whispered a little agitated by being awoken so roughly. She looked over at the alarm clock next to the still sleeping Kyle. It was 5:00 am. They didn’t need to be woken for another 3 hours.

Michael sat down next to her and traced his fingers over Maria’s sleepy face. “I need you,” he said with raw desire in his eyes. Maria sat up silently and looked at him incredulously. Was he joking? It was 5:00 in the morning and Kyle was asleep in the next bed. Not to mention that she was still not happy with him.

Before her quiet reprimand could pass her lips, Michael gently moved his hands down her sides, gently cupping her breasts. Her thoughts flew out of her head, as her skin heated at his touch. He could always do that to her. As much as she hated him, he still turned her on. And he knew exactly how to touch her to make her give in to him.

He kissed her hungrily, but she quickly broke the kiss. “Michael, we can’t do this here. Kyle is asleep 5 feet away,” she whispered.

Michael growled under his breath and rolled his eyes. “Fine, come with me.” He said nearly pulling her out of the bed. He looked at her in her tank top and underwear and pulled her out of the room. “You wore THAT?” he asked pointing at her scantily clad body.

Maria huffed. “Yeah.” She said, “You didn’t expect me to sleep in my jeans.” He said following him to the van where he was leading her. Michael huffed again and threw the van door open angrily. He hoped Kyle enjoyed the eyeful, because it was the last one he was going to get.

Maria climbed into the van and Michael followed her, closing the door. “So we are doing this in the van?” she asked with a snort. Max and Liz would love that. She wasn’t too keen on the idea either. The fan was dirty and hard, but before she could let the idea of chafing her kneed on the dirty carpet of the van, Michael began touching her again.

His hands went up her shirt, less gently than before, and as he ripped it off of her, he greedily attacked her neck. Maria moaned and threw her head back as she laid back on the van floor. Michael’s body quickly covered hers, and without much hesitation he removed her underwear as well as his own. Maria pulled his shirt off and within seconds he as sheathed himself in her.

There was no foreplay, no tenderness. He wanted to fuck her, and that was what he did. Maria looked into his eyes as he pounded into her with all he had. His eyes were dark and empty. There had been a time when sex was an experience for them both. They could look in each other’s eyes and see each other completely. But that had changed, and while Maria felt an strong orgasm approach within her, she did sort of miss making love to Michael.

Maria’s back was killing her as Michael never relented in his attack of her body. He fucked her harder and harder as his face contorted with pleasure. Maria held on tight, knowing that this was Michael’s version of punishment. He was punishing her for yesterday morning and for staying with Kyle, and while it pissed her off that he felt her in the wrong, he couldn’t help loving the feeling of him fucking her hard and fast.

“Michael,” she moaned as she came hard around him. Seconds later, Michael followed moaned loudly as he came within her.

They laid there for seconds before Michael quickly cleaned them up, fixed Maria’s shirt and they got dressed and left the van. Maria entered her room, and Michael followed her. “What are you doing?” she whispered.

“Staying with you,” he said pushing some stray hairs off her face. Maria gave him a weak smile and nodded. She slipped into bed and Michael got in behind her wrapping his arms around her. She settled into him and he quickly fell back asleep. She looked over at Kyle and became sad.

She had so much fun with Kyle last night, but in the morning she had to go back to life on the road. They may have had one night of escapism, but that was over, and she had to continue the hell that was her real life. At least now, she had a partner in misery.


Again on the road, the group sat in silence. Kyle couldn’t stop thinking about the vision he saw when he woke up. Maria and Michael were wound around each other, and it was obvious they had made-up. Did he really think they wouldn’t? He was an idiot for thinking anything had changed last night.

“Where do you think we are going to stop?” Isabel whispered to him. She surprised him because she rarely ever talked.

“I don’t know,” Kyle said with a shrug. Maria over heard them and decided to take the matter into her own hands.

“Max, where the hell are we going?” she asked from the back. Max smiled and looked back at the group in the back before turning off the road. He stopped the car and he and Liz turned all the way around to look at their traveling companions.

“I’m glad you asked,” Max said with a smile 10 miles wide. “We are headed for Chicago,” he said. “We are going to be setting down, for at least a little while.” He said expecting the van to become ecstatic. He knew they all wanted to settle down.

Isabel and Michael smiled. They wanted to settle down so badly. Isabel needed some perspective, and Michael wanted to plan their next actions in a place where they could organize and regenerate themselves.

Kyle and Maria, had other things on their mind though. Chicago was about the stupidest place to go. The FBI would expect them to go there. Max and Liz had been planning to go to Northwestern…Oh! “Are you kidding me?” Maria asked as she looked incredulously at Max and Liz.

“No, why would we be kidding?” Max asked her, confused at her attitude. Isabel and Michael were confused as well. Both of them knew how much Maria wanted to settle down somewhere.

“You want to go to Chicago…In August. Do you think we are stupid?” Maria asked outraged. Kyle was impressed that she was following his same line of thinking. “When will we stop sacrificing for you and Liz? I know why you want to go to Chicago in August. Northwestern. You and Liz want to go to Northwestern, and you are willing to lead the FBI right to us.” Maria said exasperated.

Max looked at Maria, shocked. He never thought any of them would figure out the reason he and Liz had chosen Chicago. Liz sunk back slightly, but placed a supportive hand on Max’s shoulder. “We just figured that we could go to school, and the rest of you could find some work. We could try to make a home. You know, Liz has sacrificed so much because of this whole thing, it isn’t right that she has to give up all of her dreams.” Max said as if it was the most natural idea in the world.

Maria shook her head at Max and Liz and got out of the van, where she threw her hands up in the air and screamed. The rest of the gang got out of the van and followed her to a grassy area off the road. “I’m going to kill him,” she said running at Max, but Kyle picked her up and stopped her.

He turned to Max and with venom in his voice, he said, “First of all, if you think Liz is the only one who has suffered, you are wrong. You see, while Liz is making a happy home with our fearless leader, the rest of us are miserable. I had dreams of college too, you know. Maria wanted to be a singer. Isabel had a family for the love of god!” he yelled.

Maria calmed down a little. “If you think I’m going with you two to Chicago, so I can work my ass off waiting tables, and having drunk men fawn all over me to put your dumb asses through college, then you have another thing coming. What about my dreams? Michael’s, Isabel’s, and Kyle’s? You people are living you fucking dream. So no, I don’t feel sorry for your worthless wife and all the things she gave up for you. Because it was the choice she made!” Maria was now screaming.

Kyle unconsciously rubbed her back, trying to calm her down. He was just as mad, but he knew that Max and Liz wouldn’t respond well to yelling. Liz’s eyes were full of anger now. “And being here was a choice YOU made too.” She bit back.

“That’s right. But you don’t see me steering Michael to force you all to got to New York City and make you all work so that I can get a record deal. I’ve made my bed and I have to lie in it.” She said. Michael looked at her a little perturbed. That wasn’t a very flattering remark about the situation they were in together. “This is a group, you abdicated the throne, so I say we vote.”

She looked around the group. “All in favor of being the slaves of tweedle dum and tweedle dee, raise your hand,” she said. Seeing no one raise their hand she looked back at Max and Liz, raising her eyebrow.

“You aren’t even alien. What right do YOU have to decided what we are doing?” Liz asked folding her arms across her chest.

Michael pulled Maria back as she flew at the brunette. “Neither are you,” Kyle said walking away. “Look, we aren’t going to Chicago unless you get a majority vote. That’s how this group works. This is a democracy, not a dictatorship.” He said finally.

Michael nodded, “Maxwell, you aren’t the king anymore. Get over it. You are about to lead us into the hands of the Feds, I vote no to Chicago.” Maria smiled at him.

“My vote is obviously no,” she said, turning her back on them.

“I vote no as well. Max, we can’t go to Chicago, and if any of us get the chance to go to college, all of us should have the chance. You two are no better than the rest of us.” She said angered at her brother’s behavior. She had learned to expect it from Liz. She was weak, and shallow, but she didn’t realize that Max was an idiot as well.

“My vote is no,” Kyle said, “I like living. That is 4 no’s and 2 yes’s. You lose.” He said with a smug smirk on his face. There was nothing better than watching Max and Lizzy Evan’s look pissed off and defeated. They deserved it.

“Fine. Then we keep moving.” Max said with disgust.

“I’ll drive,” Maria said smugly. She couldn’t get enough of overruling the dynamic duo. She got behind the wheel, Kyle got in the front seat and everyone else piled in the back, but Max and Liz were much less cheery than they had been before.

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Chapter 5

Several days later, Isabel was driving the van as Max sat in the passenger seat, on watch. Kyle, Maria, Liz, and Michael were stretched out together in the back, tired and sick of driving. “Isabel, can we stop and eat soon?” Maria asked nicely from the back.

Isabel nodded, “Yeah, next stop,” she said. Things had gotten better in the van since the group usurped Max on his thrown. Decisions were made democratically, and while Max and Liz spent most of their time mopping, at least they kept their mouths shut.

Maria heard Michael sigh loudly. “What’s the matter with you?” she asked, irritated at his attitude all day. He had been unusually short with her, as well as more distant than usual.

“Why do you always have to be the one to complain?” he asked sitting up. “It’s always you. No one else bitches and moans like you. Not even the royal twins,” he said pointing at Max and Liz who shot him death stares.

“Michael, what the hell are you talking about?” Maria asked outraged. It’s like 7:00 in the evening and we havn’t eaten since breakfast to make time. I’m hungry. I just heard YOUR stomach growl!” she shot back. She rolled her eyes and shook her head, moving further away from him.

“Whatever,” Michael said under shi breath looking back out the window. It wasn’t long before Isabel pulled into a truck-stop by the road. Maria hated these truck stops, but they are better than nothing. She was just hungry at this point, and wanted to get away from Michael.

The gang hopped out of the van and made their way to the restaurant/gas station. Michael tried to walk close to Maria, but she sped up to keep her distance from him. Suddenly, His hadn darted out and he roughly grabbed her arm, pulling her back to him. The rest of the group continued walking, but Kyle stopped and looked back at Maria for a second. He didn’t know if he should stay and help her, or just go in. In the end he decided she could handle herself with Michael, and if she needed him, she’s call.

“What the fuck is your problem?” Maria asked, pulling her arm out of Michael’s grasp.

“Don’t just fucking walk away from me,” Michael growled. “Stop acting like a princess. I’m getting fucking sick and tired of your attitude.” Michael said grabbing her arm again.

“Michael, newsflash. You are NOT my father. Stop trying to control me. This whole situation is hard on me, but I’m here aren’t I!?!? What the hell is going on with you. You knew who I was before you said you would love me forever, and I havn’t changed.” Maria said beginning to walk away from him. “You’re the one who changed!”

“I can’t change who I am, princess, and I’m really sick of being blambed for it!” He said stalking off. Maria rolled her eyes and shook her head. He was on the edge of making her lose it.

At dinner, she sat in between Kyle and Isabel, and Kyle shot her a questioning look. She nodded to him, knowing he would know that she was ok. It was amazing how the two of them could have a conversation without actually speaking. “So, are we stopping somewhere tonight?” Kyle asked.

“Hmmm,” Isabel said, “It couldn’t hurt. We’ve been driving non-stop all day and we havn’t stayed in a room for about a week,” she said. “What do you guys think?”

“I’m for stopping,” Maria said.

“Me too,” Michael grunted. He wasn’t using full sentences today.

Max and Liz just nodded and Isabel smiled. “Ok, looks like we are stopping.” She said with a yawn. She picked up her plates and walked them up to the trash can. Maria quickly got up and followed her.

“Hey, Isabel,” she whipered to her friend. “I’ve got two favors to ask you. First, can you stay with Michael again tonight?”

“Yeah,” Isabel said worried about Maria and Michael. “That’s no problem, but I wish you guys could work out whatever is bothering both of you.”

“It’s not that simple Izzy,” Maria said with a sigh.

“Ok, what’s the other favor?” Isabel asked, not feeling this was the best time to get into it.

Maria pulled out her wallet and handed Isabel her ID, “Can you go into the bathroom with me and change my age to 21?” Maria said bitting her lip and praying that her friend would do it.

Isabel looked shocked at Maria. “Ummm, well,” she thought. The girl was obviously in a slump, and who was she to tell Maria how to unwind. “Yeah, let’s go,” she said, not wanting to do it, but knowing that Maria was dealing with some heavy shit. She had given up her life for them, the least she could do was help her out.

Everyone else cleaned up the table as the two girls disappeared into the bathroom.

In the van, Maria was the last one out of the store. “Sorry, had to pee,” she said sliding into the van. She kept her purse close to her the rest of the ride.

Isabel drove about another 2 hours before turning into another roach motel, and as usual Max and Liz booked the three rooms and handed a key to Kyle and one to Michael. Just and Michael was about to grab her hand, Maria moved to Kyle. “Isabel said she would stay with Michael tonight, so can I stay with you again?” she asked.

Kyle grinned, “Yeah, that’s fine.” He said. Michael was about to open his mouth, but Isabel pulled him to their room.

“Leave it alone, Michael. If you didn’t pick a fight with her every ten minutes you would be getting laid tonight,” she said pushing him into the room and shutting the door.

As Kyle and Maria approached their room, he noticed and evil gleam in her eyes. “I’ve got a suprose for you!” she said in a sing song voice. As she shut the door behind her, Kyle couldn’t help but wonder what the surprise was. He bet that it wasn’t what he had in mind.

Maria reached into her purse and pulled out a fifth of Jim Beam. Kyle laughed out loud. Well, that he hadn’t expected. “We are in high school, right?” Maria said. “Well, I never got a chance to party like you and your jock buddies, so I thought I could catch up now,” she said.

Kyle smiled at her, and sat next to her on the bed. “It sounds like fun, as long as this isn’t just an excuse to forget that you are miserable.” He said seriously.

Maria looked into his eyes, “Well, maybe a little bit.” She said quietly, “but I just want to be a teenage again.” She said. “Common Kyle,” she teasted, “all the cool kids are doing it!” she taunted, waving the bottle in his face.

How could he say no to her cute little face. “Ok,” he said taking the bottle from her hands and unscrewing the top. “You know, DeLuca, you could have picked a better liquor,” he said with a laugh. “This one makes people emotional.”

“Not like I need that,” Maria said with a chuckle. “Ok,” she said taking a big swig from the bottle. She coughed hard as the liquid burned down her throat. Kyle laughed at her as he took his own drink. He, beign used to getting drunk back before the alien envasion, took the shot well and he passed the bottle back to Maria.

“So,” she said, laying back on the bed next to Kyle, “What is your best memory, Kyle?” she asked looking at him. “or is it not Kosher to ask deep questions when we are getting drunk?” she asked with a laugh.

Kyle laughed and pushed her over gently, laying down next to her as he rested his weight on his elbows, “Well, I have to say that the boys on the team and I never talked about our feelings when we gt trashed, however, with you, I think it’s allowed,” he said winking at her. He knew he was flirting, but he couldn’t stop himself. Hopefully, Maria didn’t notice.

“So, you tell me your best memory and I’ll tell you mine,” Maria said.

“Ok,” Kyle said thinking about it, “It was probably when I won state in football my freshman year,” he said looking at her. “I know you guys all laugh at the fact that I was a jock, and I have to admit that I was pretty stupid when I hung out with those guys.” He said wanting her to understand him. “But the look in my dad’s eyes when I won, was amazing.” He said.

Maria took another swig from the bottle and handed it to Kyle. “Aww, Kyle.” She said sympathetically. She knew what it was like to have a parent leave. Her father left her mother just like his mother left his father. And she also knew what it was like when the one parent she had wasn’t there for her. “That’s awesome,” she said with a smile.

Kyle drank the liquor and smiled. “What about you?” he asked.

“When I was in New York City, recording my demo. Even when I gave it up, I knew I was making a mistake. They wanted me to sing bubble-gum music, and that isn’t what I wanted, but it would have gotten my foot in the door.” Maria explained.

“But, Maria, you are better than that,” Kyle said looking at her seriously. Maria’s eyes filled with tears, and she couldn’t hold them back.

“Do you mean that, or are you saying it because you are my friend.” She asked.

“I mean that,” he said not knowing how she could not see it. “You are so talented.”

“It’s just that no one, except strangers have ever really said that to me. Michael never really cared about my singing. Liz and Max just gave superficial complements. Isabel hadn’t even heard me sing except at Alex’s funeral.” Maria said wipping the tears from her eyes.

Then as suddenly as she was sad she was giggling. “I think I’m dunk,” she slurred. That hit her fast. Kyle laughed at her.

“Why don’t we get in our PJ’s and keep talking,” he said. “We should at least be confortable,” he said Maria smiled and got off the bed, stumbling slightly, until Kye caught her. “You ok?” he asked.

“Yeah,” she said, pulling her jeans off. She didn’t seem to care that Kyle was right in front of her. She had some boyshort underwear on and a tee-shirt, and Kyle had to will his cock to stay soft. He followed suit, taking off his jeans and shirt so that he was wearing an undershirt and boxers.

“Ready!” Maria sing songed. Kyle laughed and helped her lay back down on the bed. He sat on his bed and Maria frowned. “Where are you going?” she asked, wide eyed.

Kyle looked at her confused. “I don’t bite,” she said, “Come lay down next to me,” she said, “Like a slumber party,” she giggled at her own joke and Kyle got up to move in next to her. She was going to kill him. She was barely dressed and asking him to lay next to her. If she only knew.

She took the bottle form him and took another swig before turning back to Kyle. “What made you date Liz?” she asked out of the blue, and Kyle was thrown off by her line of questioning.

“Ummm,” he said chuckling. The reason was not so romantic or glamorus. “Truth be told, it was because I was a jock with a jock’s mentality. She was cute and innocent. I was 15 and an idiot.” He said with a frustrated sigh.

Maria placed her hand on Kyle’s arm. “I understand,” she said. “Liz is every man’s fantasy,” she said almost sad.

Before he could stop himself, he place his hand over hers and lifted her chin to look at him. “No, Maria. She isn’t. She’s every 16 year old boy’s fantasy. 16 year old boys are idiots. I was an idiot. But Liz Parker-Evan’s could walk through that door naked right now, and I would not feel anything.” He said. He didn’t go on to say that, if he had been smart, he would have noticed Maria before Michael got to her. She was everyman’s fantasy.

Maria smiled at him. “Well, I guess Max is a 16 year old boy after all,” she said with a drunken giggle.

Kyle let go of her chin, but hept his hand over her’s and when he felt her fingers lace with his, shocks were sent through his system. “What made you fall for Michael?” he asked realizing he was only setting himself up for heartache.

Maria looked down and thought hard. “You know, that is an interesting question. I don’t know. The more I’ve thought about it, the more I think I was never really in love with Michael. He was the first guy who wanted me, and we shared a secret, and I cant deny that he turned me on. He still does. But is that love?” she asked looking at him. “I just wonder if I confused lust with love. He could argue with me like no other man had the patience for, and in the end he was always there for me, even if he wasn’t emotionally there.” She explained, pretty coherent for a drunk girl.

Kyle wanted to scream at her and tell her that Michael wasn’t the only man who wanted her. He knew for a fact that as the guys of West Roswell High started to notice Maria junior year, and he had to erase many a comment made about her on the bathroom wall. He always wondered why Michael hadn’t done it himself. He had powers right? “Maria, Michael isn’t the only guy that ever wanted you. He was just the first one you let in.” he said quietly.

Maria laid her head on Kyle’s chest and he wrapped his arm around her. He felt her lightly shake and then he felt the wetness of her tears on his shirt. He lifted her face to look at him. “What’s the matter?” he asked.

“I don’t know, Kyle,” Maria said turning into him and wrapped her body around his. She needed his comfort and support. “I don’t know if I’ve made a huge mistake by coming with you guys.” She cried, no longer holding back her tears. “I don’t love him,” she admitted silently. Kyle held her tight and let her cry. “I might have once, I don’t know. I just know that I don’t love him now. But he has this hold on me. It’s like I owe him my life or something.” She tried to explain, not able to put her thoughts into word.

Kyle couldn’t help his feelings of joy at hearing that she didn’t love Michael. Micahel didn’t deserve her, and he didn’t deserve her tears. He wanted her to be happy, and being tied to Michael wasn’t making her happy. “It’s ok, Maria. Just because you followed him this far, doesn’t mean you have to stay with him. He doesn’t own you.” Kyle said.

Maria just nodded and cried again. Kyle held her tightly and pulled the covers over them when he saw Maria shivering. Over time, he felt her stop crying and her breath even out. She had fallen asleep, practically on top of him. He looked down at her and smiled. She was so beautiful when she slept. He tried to move out from under Maria to get into his own bed but she pulled him back to her in her sleep, clinging to him tight.

He smiled and flipped off the light, getting comfortable underneath Maria. He breathed in her scent and took another swig of burbon before decending into the recesses of sleep.


“What the FUCK is going on?” Michael’s gruff voice screamed at Maria and Kyle the next morning, loudly waking them from their peaceful slumber. Kyle looked up at him, Maria still in his arms and he was not scared. He stared the large alien down.

Michael ripped the comforter off the bed and looked at their state of undress along with their intertwined legs. “Valenit, I better not be seeing what I think that I’m seeing,” he warned.

“Michael, there isn’t anything going on.” Maria said sitting up. “We were just talking and fell asleep,” she said. But she didn’t really think it was any of his business in the first place.

“Yeah, that’s exactly what it looks like, Maria.” Michael roared. “it looks like Kyle got a little more than a conversation from you,” he said with a disgusted look on his face. Maria’s eyes immediately turned form annoyed to angry.

“Fuck you, Michael.” She yelled at him. “How the hell can you say that to me.” She came at him, but Kyle stopped her.

“Dude, that was rude, and I think you should apologize,” he said.

“Oh, Valenti thinks I should apologize,” Michael mocked. “Well fuck you!” He paced the room. “Maria, what the hell is going on? I want answeres right now.” He demanded.

“Look, I told you what the fuck was going on, and you didn’t want to hear it. But I have something else to tell you. We’re over. I should have done this a long time ago, and I didn’t want to break up with you like this, but I can’t do this anymore. I can’t be with someone who doesn’t value me.” She said getting up and pulling her jeans on.

“Yeah, you are breaking up with me for this second,” Michael said exasperated. “But as I recall you can’t stay away. You need me. You love me, and you will be back.” He said sure of himself.

“I wouldn’t hold my breath this time, Michael,” Maria said forcefully. Kyle watched the interaction in amazement. He was so proud of her for standing up to Michael. But his feelings of pride were cut short when Micahel’s fist slammed into the side of his face.

“Michael, get the fuck out of here,” Maria said rushing over to Kyle. She helped him up. “Kyle are you ok?” she asked concerned. “I’m so sorry.”

“Have fun, Valenti.” Michael said in a flip tone. “She’s a hellcat in the sack,” he said before he walked out of the door and slammed it nearly off the hindges. He knew that would hurt Maria. Before she met him, she had be really afraid of intimacy and now she was comfortable in he sexuality, but he was trying to make her feel dirty. It would have worked if Maria hadn’t felt such strong rage at the sight of him.

Kyle was more pissed than Maria. Michael had no right to talk about her like that. If she was a hellcat in the sack it was his doing, and it wasn’t something she should be ashamed of. “I’m fine, Maria,” he said getting up. “Are you ok?” he asked.

“Yeah,” she sighed. “Suprisingly I’m fine. I’m just pissed I didn’t do that sooner.” She said. Then it hit her. The piercing headache that she had not noticed before in her distraction. “Oh God,” she said grabbing her head and falling on the bed.

Kyle laughed. “And this, my dear, is your very first hang over.” He said pulling out some asprin. “Here. Take these and try not to look at breakfast this morning,” he said.

“You’re a God,” Maria said taking the pills from him. “Uggghhhh, and I have to sit in the van all day with Michael,” she moaned.

“How about this,” he offered. “We can take the driving shifts today. I’ll go first and you can keep lookout next to me, then we can switch.”

“That sounds great.” Maria said smiling. Then she grabbed her head again. “Remind me not to smile,” she said. Kyle took her hand and pulled her off the bed after he put on his jeans.

“Alright, Let’s go,” he said leading her outside.

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Post by gnrkrystle »

Chapter 6

Kyle had been driving for about 3 hours, and Maria was feeling much better. At first the sun was like a 100 watt light right in her eyes, but as she felt her hangover subside, she was getting more comfortable. Michael hadn’t said a word to anyone all morning. Isabel looked concerened, and Maria made it a point to remember to talk to her. It would be best if SHE told Isabel about the breakup.

Maria looked out the window and at the cars around her. She was on the lookout for any suspicious cars, or cars that looked familiar. Like they were following them. So far, the group had been pretty lucky. They were either way ahead of the Feds, or the Feds were dumb and still looking for them in Mexico.

“See anything?” Kyle asked. Really, he just wanted to make conversation and free himself from the immense silence around him.

“Nope,” Maria said turning to look at him. “Everything seems to be normal. Of Course I have no idea what I’m actually looking for,” she said rolling her eyes.

Kyle laughed lightly. He knew the feeling. He understood the point of having a look out, but what the hell was a suspicious vehichle anyway. “I know, but I don’t think they are right behind us anyway,” he said. He could talk freely with Maria from the front of the van because the people in the back couldn’t hear them. It was just as well, because if Michael had anything to say, it was hard for the people in the front to hear the people in the back.

Maria sighed and looked back out the window. They were driving through Ohio now and she had to say it was a pretty boring state. It was kinda hilly, and green, very different from Roswell, but they never passed through any cities.

She realized that she was seeing the whole country, without really seeing it. She had always wanted to travel and get out of Roswell, but now that she had, she wasn’t even enjoying it. Not that Michael, Max, and Liz would let her. She imagined if she were on this trip with just Kyle. Or maybe Kyle, Isabel, and Jesse. That would have been fun. They would have had a great time. There would be not brooding, or real fighting, or hateful words passed between them.

She wished everyone in the back of the buss would disappear. She wished that she and Kyle could kick back and enjoy the road trip that had become their lives. She wouldn’t even care if it was in that old dirty van. She and Kyle could have some fun. She never guessed in a million years that Kyle Valenti would become her best friend, but gradually ver the last 2 years he had worked his way into her heart, and now she couldn’t live without him. He was her rock, and she doubted he even know how much he ment to her.

She turned to Kyle, remembering that she needed to ask him something, “Kyle,” she said. He looked at her, “Can I stay with you from now on when we stop?” she asked. “You’re the only person I can’ relate to,” she laughed.

Kyle smiled at her. “Of Course,” Kyle said, “You are the only person I can relate to as well,” he said. And it was the honest to god truth. He liked Isabel a lot, but she couldn’t relate to him the way Maria could. Maria was a human, just like he was. They shared something that no one in the car could understand. It used to be that the aliens were the outsiders, but in this group it was Kyle and Maria. The humans.

Maria smiled and looked back out the window. She noticed a black car come up behind the van. She made a point to keep an eye on it. The car was driving close to them, and there were so few people on the road. “Kyle, check out the car behind us,” she said quietly, not wanting to alarm the people in the back.

Kyle looked out his rearview mirror. “Got it. Let’s keep and eye on it,” he said.

Maria watched the car for about an hour, before it pulled into the left lane and sped up, passing them. She looked inside and saw three teenagers rocking out to music. “Whew,” she said with a laugh. “I think I’m beginning to become paranoid,” she said looking at Kyle.

“Better to be safe than sorry,” he said gently. “So, do you want to pull over in about and hour and eat. Then we can switch driving. Or I can keep driving, whatever you want,” he said taking his eyes off the road to look at her.

“Yeah, I’ll drive in an hour,” she said excited about driving. She always loved driving the van because it gave her something to do. With Kyle at her side she could pretend the were the only people around and they were on an end of the year road trip with her best friend.


It was getting dark and Maria was still driving. “I’m about to cross into Pennsylvania,” she called to the people in the back. “Do you want me to start heading north or south?”

Max, Michael, Isabel, and Liz mumbled to themselves for a few minutes before Isabel said, “Why don’t we head south. When they find we aren’t in Mexico they will start looking in Canada.” She answered. Maria nodded and turned onto the South-bound highway.

“Maria, I don’t feel well,” Liz said quietly from the back. She could barely hear her.

“What was that?” Maria said turning her ear to the back.

“Liz said she didn’t feel good!” Michael yelled back at her. Maria rolled her eyes and counted to ten and plastered a smile on her face.

“Thank you, Michael,” she said in a fake cheery tone. “Would you like to stop tonight, Lizzy?” Maria asked. She didn’t like Liz right now, but she did have compassion.

Liz looked at Max. She really didn’t feel well, and the car right was not helping. He nodded at her and she turned back to the front of the van. “If we could,” she said. “I think I need to lie down in a real bed.”

Maria nodded. “Ok, hold on a sec. Let me get to the next real exit in about 20 miles and we can stop, ok?” Liz just nodded and leaned into Max, who wrapped his arms around her.

Kyle was secretly ecstatic that they were stopping. Two nights in a warm bed, and Maria was staying with him again. But it was getting harder and harder for him to not kiss her. Especially when she wrapped her tight body around him and breathed her warm sweet breath on his chest. Kyle shifted in his seat to cover the erection growing at the thought.

It seemed like forever until Maria pulled into the motel parking lot. Kyle’s cock was still hard, as he couldn’t stop thinking about Maria’s body pressed against his. “Kyle,” Maria said softly. Kyle opened his eyes and looked at her. “We are here. Were you asleep?”

Kyle just nodded and got out of the car, situating himself to not give away his arousal. He had no idea how he was going to make it through the night without easing some tension.

When Max came back with the key’s Isabel followed Michael to his room, and Maria followed Kyle into theirs. “God, I know it’s bad but I’m kinda glad Liz was sick,” she said pulling off her shoes. “I was starting to get tierd and I did NOT want to sleep in that van with Michael.” She said sighing loudly. She looked up and noticed that their room only had one king sized bed. She grinned at Kyle’s disturbed face. “It isn’t like se havn’t shared a bed before.” Kyle laughed nervously nad turned read.

He pulled his shoes off as well and smiled. “I’m gonna hit the head,” he said making his way into the bathroom. Maria peeled off her Jeans and sweatshirt, then flopped down on the bed.

In the bathroom, Kyle cursed himself. He needed to jerk-off, but having Maria just across the door, it wasn’t the best idea. On the other hand, if he didn’t do something, he was going to have a serious case of blue balls, not to mention some serious questions from Maria. “Fuck it,” he said under his breath as he unzipped his jeans and pulled out his aching erection.

He gently rubbed his shaft up and down as he leaned into the wall for support. His breath sped up as he pictured Maria in his mind. He saw her the way she was last night, clad in her underwear and a small tee-shirt. In his day dream she was kissing him and touching him, and as he sped up the movement of his hand along his shaft he let out a quiet groan.

On the other side of the door, Maria heard his groan and went to the door to ask if he was ok, but as she stepped closer, she could hear the rhythmic sound of him fucking himself with his hand. She blushed slightly as she felt herself grow wet. She couldn’t help but feel turned on at the thought of Kyle getting himself off. She wished she could be in there, helping him, touching.

She shook the thoughts from her head, thinking herself stupid for even imagining that Kyle would want her like that. She was still just a friend to him. He was her protector and nothing more. However, all of that changed when he heard one word escape his mouth as he climaxed.

“Maria…” Kyle breathed as he shot his load into his hand. He leaned over the sink to catch his breath for just a moment before turning the water on to clean himself up.

Maria, shocked and even more turned on moved quickly from the door and sat on the bed. He had been thinking about her. Oh God. He wanted her, like she had wanted him for a while. She didn’t know what to do, or say with this new information. Her head was swimming, and she didn’t even notice as Kyle exited the bathroom, calmer than he had been before.

He looked at Maria and said, “You ok?” she looked weird.

Maria smiled nervously and said, “Yeah, fine. So, what is the topic of conversation tonight?” she asked trying to go back to normal. Her body was telling her something different though as Kyle slipped out of his jeans and sweatshirt. His fine muscles were well-defined by the thin material of his shirt, and she hat to will her heart to slow down as the wetness between her legs grew.

She climbed into bed, and Kyle followed her, laying close to her. Maria couldn’t stop herself from moving into him, laying her head on his chest as he wrapped his arm around her.

“How about high school crushes,” Kyle said. He didn’t know why he wanted to set himself up for disappointment. He really didn’t want to know about all the guys that Maria found sexy that weren’t him. But, at the same time, he almost DID want to know.

“Ummm, ok,” Maria said gulping. “Who did you have the biggest crush on in high school?”

“You first.” He said. No way was he taking this one first.

“Ok,” she said thinking. “I guess I didn’t have a crush on anyone really. The pod-squad kinda sucked the life out of me,” she admitted. “Though I had a crush on you in the 7th grade.” She admitted. She grinned at him. It was true. She had liked Kyle in the 7th grade, she just didn’t happen to mention that her feelings for him came back senior year, and only grew to this point.

Kyle tried to smile at her. How could he have not known that. He was such a stupid stupid boy. In 7th grade he hadn’t even thought of Maria like that. Now, he could kick his child self. “And you…” Maria said, not letting him get out of this one.

“Well that depends. Are we talking Freshman/Sophomore year or Junior/Senior year?” He said taking a deep breath.

“Both. Tell me who you had a crush on at both times.” Maria said looked back down at his chest. Without her concent her hand began making soft circles on the hem of his shirt. Slowly, she inched her fingers under it to feel the soft warm skin of his stomach.

Kyle almost lost himself in the felling of her touching him. Was she trying to drive him mad? Or did she feel attraction to him like he did her. She did touch him a lot. And she wanted to stay with him. “Well,” he started, “Freshman/Sophemore year it was Liz, as you know. Cause I was an idiot.” He took a deep breath. He wondered if he should tell her the truth. That he had fallen for Maria somewhere mid-junior year and hadn’t known it. He didn’t really know it until Senior year, and by then it was way too late to do anything about it.

Maria’s fingers moved further up his shirt, gaining courage as Kyle’s heart began to speed up with every movie. She gently passed her fingers over his nipples and heard his breath catch. “What about Junior and Senior year?” she asked.

Kyle lifted her chin to look at him in the eyes. She stopped her minstrations as he opened his mouth and said, “You. Mid-way through Junior year, it was always you,” he admitted finally. He held his breath waiting for her reaction. Maria was a mature adult. If she didn’t feel the same way, she wouldn’t hold it against him.

Maria’s eyes widened at his revelation. It was obvious that she turned him on. That she had heard for herself. But when he told her that he liked her. Like, really liked her and had for almost 2 years, she didn’t know what to say. “Really?” she asked keeping her eyes on his.

Kyle searched her eyes for some sort of proof of her feelings. “Really.”

“And now?” Maria asked as she moved her hand up his chest and her face closer to his. They were so close they could feel each other’s breath on their lips.

“It’s still you.” Kyle breathed.

Maria nodded and moved in. She lightly kissed Kyle on the lips, and he laid their shocked for just as second before moving himself closer to h er, deepening the kiss as he tangled his hands in her hair. “What was that for?” he panted as they broke for air.

“If I had only known,” Maria said sadly. “Maybe I would have done this whole thing differently,” she admitted.

Kyle smiled at her, “But this is where we are. So, what now?” he asked. He wanted to kiss her again. To feel those full, velvety lips against his. It was like heaven kissing her. His dreams had underestimated her.

“I don’t know,” Maria said confused. “I have feelings for you, Kyle. Feelings I can’t explain. You are my best friend. You are the only person on this god-fosaken road trip that I can relate to, and at the same time I’m harboring all of these non-platonic feelings for you.” She admitted as she continued to massage Kyle’s chest.

Kyle was basically on cloud nine. Maria had feelings for him. But at the same time, he knew her concerns. This was so not the right time or place for them to get all romantic. However, he couldn’t go back at this point. He wanted Maria, and knowing she wanted him as well, just made him want her more. “I’ll always be here for you Maria. You are my best friend. You are my rock!” he exclaimed. “I don’t want to jepodize that. But I also cant stop the fact that I want you.”

Maria smiled at him as she leaned up and kissed him once more. “Wow, this has been one crazy fucking night,” she laughed. “Why don’t we just take this slow and see what happens,” she said. “I just got out of the most fucked up relationship of my life.”

Kyle nodded in understanding. “Slow is good,” he said kissing her lips lightly. “And we should make a pact that no matter what happens, our friendship comes first.” He said.

“Deal,” Maria said with a smile. “And I don’t really give a shit what Michael thinks, but let’s not rub this in his face,” she said. She hated Michael at this point, but it was rude to parade around in front of him. He was already insecure.

“Deal,” Kyle said.

Maria looked up at him with an evil grin, “You know it would be a lot easier to touch you if we got this shirt off of you,” she said. Kyle’s heart nearly beat out of his chest. He pulled his shirt off and laid back down. Maria immediately went back to touching him. She felt all of his muscles fully under her fingers.

Kyle pulled her face back up to his and kissed her. “Mmmm,” she moaned as he slipped his tongue into her mouth. They lay there intangled in each other, kissing and touching for what seemed like hours. The feelings running through them were so unfamiliar. Maria had never felt like this with Michael. She felt like she was back in high school. She felt alive and free. Kyle was setting her free, not tieing her down, and she loved it.

Kyle had never wanted anyone as much as he had wanted Maria, and o have her in his arms, kissing him was almost more than he could bare.

When they finally pulled apart, Maria looked at the clock. “Hate to cut this short but it’s midnight, and I didn’t get a good night’s sleep last night,” she said.

Kyle nodded and flipped off the light as they got comfortable on the bed. Maria wrapped herself up in Kyle gently feeling the skin fo his chest. Kyle rested his hand on the small of her back, under her shirt, and they both felt like they were home for the first time in 3 months.

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Post by gnrkrystle »

a/n: This is going to go into POV for a little bit toward the end of the chapter…I’ll let you know who’s POV it is with *’s around their name…

Chapter 7

Maria moaned slightly as she awoke from the dream she had been having about Kyle. He was teasing and touching her body in everyway she wanted him. Instinctively, her leg moved up his body and she held him tighter. Her eyes snapped open as she felt his hard cock pressing against her thigh.

She grinned her herself as she moved her leg against it. Kyle moaned, and opened his eyes. He looked down at her and smiled. “You keep doing that, Michael is going to be a lot more pissed off at the show he will get, if he walks in here like a Neanderthal again,” he warned with a smile.

Maria smiled back. “We really should get up anyway,” she said beginning to roll out of bed, but Kyle’s hand shot out and grabbed her arm, pulling her back into him.

“Nope,” he said like a stubborn child. “We should just stay here all day,” he said smelling her hair. Everything was surreal at this point. He had half expected to wake up alone this morning, and realize that everything that had happened was a dream. It was all so fast. He had no clue Maria was even attracted to him, let alone that she wanted to try to start some kind of…what relationship? He didn’t know.

Maria was just as surprised. He had a feeling that in the morning, Kyle was going to wake up and realize what he said last night and take it back. “So,” he asked with a smile, “You really had a crush on my in 7th grade?”

Maria giggled, “Yeah, I did. Everyone did. But then you started making eyes and Liz and calling me ‘motor mouth’ so I kinda got over it,” she said with a smirk.

“I was much to young to appreciate that motor mouth back then,” he growled kissing her deeply, thanking Buddha that she was in his arms. Maria succumbed to him and wrapped her body tightly around his. She could still feel his erection on her thigh, and wondered if her presence had done that to him.

“Baby, you have know idea what I can do with my mouth,” she whispered in his ear. She felt him groan as his cock jumped. Oh yeah, she had DEFINATLY done THAT to him. “But we will have to wait on that, because we REALLY need to get up,” she said reluctantly pulling herself way from him and getting out of bed.

Kyle looked lustfully at her as she pulled her jeans on. “You are such a tease,” he laughed. She winked at him.

His face turned serious for a moment, “Maria, I’m serious about what I said last night. I have real feeling for you. I’m just pissed at myself for not noticing how amazing and…beautiful you were until it was too late. You had already fallen for Michael.” He said.

Maria sat down next to him on the bed and swiped some hair out of his eyes, “Kyle, there is a time and place for everything. I would bet a million dollars that if we had started dating when you asked Liz out, we wouldn’t have worked. We weren’t ready for anything real. Life is about experience. Our experiences have brought us here, and they have brought us…together. This can be our time.” She said kissing him lightly.

He smiled back at her. She was so wise. He knew this, but many people didn’t. Many people took Maria for granted. He had at one time, but ever since she had pulled through that time that all the humans disappeared from Roswell, he knew that Maria was someone that they all could count on. She had only amazed him more and more with her wisdom and poise since then.

Maria got up of the bed and pulled on her sweatshirt, “I’m going to go outside and get some food. You take a shower and um…take care of that,” she said motioning to the tent he was pitching in the sheets. He turned red, but smiled and nodded. Maria exited the room and went to Max and Liz’s room for breakfast.


They were on the road again. Liz and Max were on driving duty again. Michael and Isabel were sitting next to each other, silent as usual. Michael had a scowl on his face, which wasn’t something new either, and Isabel seemed to be off in her own little world. Kyle and Maria were next to each other leaning against one of the walls of the van.

Kyle had his head back against the window and he tried not to pay attention to the heat radiating off of Maria’s body, which was so close to his. That became difficult when she yawned and scooted over, laying down with her head in his lap. She brought her knees up to her chest and breathed heavily as she shut her eyes. Kyle smiled at her, knowing how tired she was. She lightly ran his fingers threw her hair and finally he felt her breath even out as she fell asleep.

Michael stared daggers into Kyle and Maria. Kyle tried not to notice, and he frankly didn’t care, but he had a feeling that Michael was an issue and he and Maria were going to have to deal with very soon. He wished and she could just be. That they didn’t have to answer to 4 other people about things that were, frankly, none of their business.

Isabel looked up from her staring match with the tattered carpet under her and saw Kyle and Maria. They looked so close. Intimate almost. And when she looked at Kyle’s face as he watched her sleep, she knew something had transpired between them. As jealous as she felt that they had been able to find each other while she was alone, she couldn’t hold it against them. Good for them, she thought. If anyone deserved it, they did. They never asked for any of this.

Michael silently brooded. What the hell was going on, he wondered. He was positive, now, that what he had walked in on a few mornings ago was not nothing. Well, Kyle could forget it if he thought Michael was just going to sit by and watch him move in on Maria. Maria was his, and she always would be.

Max and Liz didn’t much care about what was going on in the back. They were quietly chatting in the front seat. Liz felt better this morning, and Max was just happy for that. She had thrown up several times last night, but when he tried to heal her, she stopped him. It must have just been one of those 12 hour bugs or something.

Soon, the group pulled over for their typical picnic lunch. Kyle gently shook Maria, “Maria, it’s time to eat,” he said softly into her ear. She opened her eyes and sat up, smoothing out her hair.

“Where is everyone?” she asked seeing the empty van.

“Getting lunch set up,” Kyle said taking her hand. “Common, let’s go.”

She followed him outside and saw Liz and Isabel getting the food together while Max was changing the color of the van again. That thing had been more colors that Maria could count. But it was good, that might have been what was keeping them alive.

Michael walked up to them and leaned against the van, casually. Maria dropped Kyle’s hand, still concerned about Michael’s feelings. Kyle didn’t think it would help. Michael seemed to already be ready to eat them alive. “So,” Michael said with a sarcastic smirk. “You two are rather chummy. And only two days after I caught you half naked in bed together,” Michael said with an evil gleam in his eyes.

“Do you have a point, Michael?” Maria said with a huff as she placed her hands on her hips. The act turned Kyle on just as much as it had always turned Michael on.

“Yeah,” Michael sneered, pushing himself off the van, “My point is that it seems a little too convenient that you break up with me, then the next day your face is implanted in Valenti’s lap,” he bit out.

Maria glared at him, and Kyle placed his hand on her back. “Michael, what I do with my face…or Kyle’s lap has nothing to do with you.” Kyle couldn’t help but internally laugh at her. She didn’t make any sense.

“No, I guess not,” Michael said with an evil grin. He turned to Kyle, “Congrats on getting my sloppy seconds,” he said with a sarcastic smirk.

“You’re a fucking asshole,” Maria said. Isabel, Max, and Liz all stop what they are doing to watch the two go at it…again.

“And you are a slut. I guess we are even,” Michael said.

Kyle saw red, and charged at Michael. Maria pulled him back. “Kyle, he isn’t worth it,” she said pulling his face to look at her. Her eyes pleading with him to let it go. He allowed her calming vibes to seep into him, and as much as he wanted to beat the crap out of Michael, she is right. He isn’t worth it. “Stay the fuck away from us, Guerin,” he growled out, as Maria pulled Kyle away from the group.

Isabel walked, angrily up to her “brother” and slapped him hard across the face. “What the hell was that for?” Michael asked holding his cheek.

“I cannot believe you said that to her.” Isabel said, her eyes blazing with anger. “She is not a slut Michael. You are an idiot!”

“She’s fucking Kyle. I know it. You forget that I know her better than anyone, and I know that she is fucking him!” Michael screamed.

“And so what if she is?!?!” Isabel yelled, “I don’t think she is, but even if she were, it isn’t your business anymore. It really hasn’t been your business for a while. In the 3 months we have been on the road, the only time I’ve ever seen you be nice to the girl is when you need to get laid!” she yelled. “I can’t even look at you,” she huffed turning her back on him and heading for the food.

Maria and Kyle had walked a little ways away from the group. Kyle was livid, but when he saw Maria’s shoulders begin to shake with her sobbing, all his attention went to her. He turned her around, “Maria, what’s wrong?’ he asked cupping her cheeks.

Maria wiped her eyes and shook her head. “I’m fine.” She insisted.

“Maria, no you aren’t. You can’t trust me,” he said kissing her lightly on the lips.

Maria sighed. “It’s always going to be like this, isn’t it? A pissing contest between you and Michael for me for the rest of our lives.” She looked into his eyes and saw understanding.

Maria was right. Michael was never going to let up, and he wasn’t willing to back down. He finally got Maria, the girl he really wanted, and he wasn’t just going to give her up. He wrapped his arms tightly around her. “Maybe,” he said sadly, “But I don’t want to give you up,” he admitted.

Maria backed away and looked at him, “Well, I’m not going to let Michael push you away anyway. It just sucks. We are never going to be able to escape him.” She said sadly, her eyes now dry again.


The group at lunch in silence, and that what how the rest of the day. Maria sat in Kyle’s arms in the back, while Michael and Isabel kept their distance from each other. Actually, Michael kept his distance from everyone. Max and Liz were in their places up front, Max taking his turn to drive.

*Michael’s POV*

When the fuck did Maria and Kyle find the time to get together. They only stayed together a couple nights. Well, this isn’t going to fly. Maria is mine. She will always be mine. I was her first and I’m going to be her last. I stayed on this god-forsaken planet for her, and stuck by her even when she broke up with me and she is going to just have to deal with the fact that she is stuck with me.

Oh, I’ll let them have their little time together for now, but Kyle is a dead man. He will not take what is rightfully mine. I’m going to have to punish Maria for fucking another guy, when she belongs to me because I know she has, but in the end we will be together and happy. She loves me, she is just stubborn.

Look at Kyle. He is so smug, and I just want to smack that stupid look right off of his face. But I can’t help but feel a little bad for him. He will have his heart broke, not to mention his legs, when Maria realizes that I’m the only man for her.

*Isabel’s POV*

Michael is deranged. I don’t know what his problem is, but he was way out of line today. He has been out of line most of the time since he had been made king. As if that weren’t bad enough, I hate Max and Liz. It pisses me off that they are so fucking happy and in love. They are pathetic. You would think we were living in a god damn fairy tale.

It’s weird though, because Maria and Kyle have obviously found some happiness in this hell whole we now call life, but I am not angry with them. All I feel is happiness and joy for them. They are the best friends I’ve ever had, ever will have, and I hated seeing them so sad. I love them, and I hope things work out for them, but chances are Michael is going to make that damn near impossible.

More than anything, I wonder what Jesse is doing. I wonder if he has moved on. I wonder if he is dating. I wonder if he still misses me, thinks about me, dreams about me the way I do him. I want him to be happy, but at the same time, I want him to keep his heart for me.

I miss my family so much it hurts. I was always closer to Mom and Dad than Max was. I love them, and I wonder if they are happy and safe. They were at risk too. The FBI had to have known that they were involved in our disappearance. But I don’t want to think about this anymore. It just makes me more sad than I already am. God, I wish I could just get out of this Van and be free. Why do I have to be an alien? Why?

*Liz’s POV*

That nauseous feeling is coming back. Uggghhh. What is wrong with me. It comes and goes, and then I’m fine. It’s like…Oh no. No, I can’t be. Oh God! What if I’m pregnant?

What am I going to do? What will Max say? Not to mention the others. It isn’t like they are my biggest fans right now. This isn’t how I wanted to raise my children. Not on the road. Not on the run from the law. But what did I expect. I chose to be with Max, and starting a family with Max was never going to be an easy thing.

But what if I AM pregnant. I can’t hide the fact that I would love to be a mother. I want to have Max’s children more than anything. Sure, it would be earlier than I had planned, but maybe this is just what we all need.

I should get a test before I freek out. I’ll get Max to stop at a hotel again, and pick one up. If I’m pregnant, we will see what happens.

*Max’s POV*

I’m worried about Liz. I can tell she is nauseated again. She looks like she is going to hurl. She was fine this morning. I wonder what is going on.

I’m also worried about the group. This democracy thing is stupid. The others don’t understand that we need one leader making executive decisions, but what am I going to do stage a coup? Yeah, right.

Mostly I’m worried about Michael. He had been off since I took the seal back. He is dark and cold, and controlling, and as much of a dick as he can be, he has never treated Maria the way I’ve seen him treat her lately. He NEVER called her a slut. That was uncalled for, but it isn’t really any of my business what they do in their spare time. I think Rath might be taking him over. And that is very bothersome. Who is to say that Rath wont try to overthrow me completely?

As long as Michael stays in check I think the others will come to their senses. They are reasonable. They will ask me to lead again. I just have to bide my time.

*Kyle’s POV*

I’m still pissed about Michael, but it’s hard to care with Maria in my arms. As I make lazy circles on her bare back, under her shirt, I can’t help but think about how lucky I am. As much as this whole situation sucks, I still have Maria in my arms. I still get to hold her as she sleeps, and I know that she wasn’t to be with me and not Michael.

What is really bothering me, is that she has been emotionally distant since lunch. I don’t know what is going on in her head and I wish I did. I’m not going to lie, if I had Max’s ability to read her mind, I probably would. She is lost in thought and I wish I knew what she was thinking.

I just want her to be happy. I hope she is happy with me, but I think there are bigger obstacles in our way that we might be considering. How are we supposed to move forward while being tied to our past?

Its all so much to deal with. Maria should have to deal with this. Isabel shouldn’t either. If I could take their pain away I would. I would take it on myself, and allow them to be happy. That is all I want.

*Maria’s POV*

I look over at Isabel and my heart goes out to her. She is more miserable than I am, if that is possible. This entire trip is killing her. She has no one to relate to. As much as Kyle and I try, we cant. Michael only cares about himself, and Max and Liz are well…Max and Liz.

I turn back to look out the back window as I revel in the felling of Kyle’s fingers on my skin. Why did it take me so long to figure out that I liked Kyle? That he liked me? Why wasn’t I honest with myself a long time ago? Then I wouldn’t be in this impossible situation. I care so much about Kyle. I really want to make this work, but I know that it is impossible.

We can’t get anywhere while we are on the run. Not only am I never going to be completely happy until I get out of this hellhole, but Michael, I know, will see to it that we are both unhappy. He will force us apart, like only he can. I know, remember I know him better than anyone in this van.

I want to live my dreams, and I want Kyle. I can’t have both, and it kills me. Why did I decided to go on this trip? If I hadn’t, I wouldn’t have known I had feelings for Kyle and maybe I could go on living in denial. Who am I kidding? I’ve known about my feelings for Kyle for a while, I’ve just ignored them.

I snuggled into his body for warmth. What the hell am I going to do?


Max turned around to the group. “Liz is still feeling a little sick,” so I think we are going to stop again.” He said pulling into a motel. Maria sighed with relief. This was perfect. She smiled at Kyle and he squeezed her slightly, glad to see she was showing some emotion again.

Max divided the keys, as per usual, and Michael grumbles looking at Maria and Kyle. Isabel begins to follow him, but Maria pulls her back to him. She motions for Kyle to go to the room and says to Izzy, “Can you meet me in my room at about midnight?” she asked.

“Yeah, is something wrong?” her friend asked.

“No, I just want to talk to you and Kyle about something, but I need to talk to Kyle first.” She said with a smile.

Isabel smiled back and nodded. Maria enters the room and looks at Kyle, who is standing in the room bare chested. She smiled at him and walks over to him. He wraps his arms around her. “Maria, talk to me.” He says, wanting to know what is on her mind.

Maria pushes him down on the bed and sits next to him. “Kyle, I’ve been thinking a lot. I know you have noticed, and I know I’m freeking you out.” She said with a alight laugh. “We are never going to work, here on the road.” She said taking a deep breath. Kyle’s eyes turned sad as he looked at her. He was about to protest, but Maria shook her head. “Let me just explain,” she said. “This is just a fact. We wont be happy together, because neither one of us is happy alone. Michael will never let us find true happiness, and we will never succumb to life on the road. I am suffocating here. This whole life style is too much for me. I can’t live on the road forever and still be happy. I know it is killing you too.”

Kyle looked into her eyes looking for where she was going with this. He prayed to Buddha this wasn’t the end. He needed her to have faith in them. “What are you saying?” he was almost afraid to ask.

“Kyle,” she said moving closer to him and taking his hand in hers, lacing her fingers through his, “I have to leave. I have to get out of here. Will you come with me?”

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Chapter 8

Kyle looked back at her, his mouth slightly hanging open. He looked into her eyes and saw her almost pleading with him. He knew his answer. There was only one. Where ever Maria was going, he wanted to be there. “Yes,” he said, “I will go with you anywhere.”

Maria’s eyes filled with tears as she smiled and captured his lips in hers. He cupped her face with his hand and pulled away from her. “What about Isabel?” he asked. He knew she was miserable as well, and he didn’t want to leave her behind.

Maria smiled again. Kyle was reading her mind, and she loved it. “I asked Izzy to come over because I want her to leave with us. I don’t want to leave her behind,” she said.

Kyle wrapped his arms around Maria and pulled her on top of him as he laid back on the bed. He was ecstatic. He wanted Maria s badly, and she was right. They were never going to be able to find happiness alone, or with each other on the road. He kissed her again, reveling in the feeling of her body pressed into his. “Are you sure about this?” she asked breaking away from him slightly.

“Maria, the only thing keeping me here is you. If you left, I’d leave too. If you stayed, I’d stay with you. I want you to be happy, I want you to follow your dreams. If I can’t be there with you, helping you do that, then I’d be happy.” He said caressing her cheek.

“I want you to follow your dreams too, Kyle. I don’t want this to be just about me. I want us to follow our hearts together,” she insisted.

He smiled back at her. She was his dream. Her, and college, which we was sure he could do no matter where her dreams took her. “I want you.” He said. “And I want to go to college. I don’t care where as long as I’m with you.”

Maria attacked his mouth again, running her delicate fingers up his bare chest. “Mmmm,” he moaned, feeling her silky smooth hands against his body. Then he came back to the situation before them. He gently pushed Maria off his body and rolled over to face her. “If we are going to do this, we need to make a plan,” he said.

Maria smiled at him, “I know.” She said, “I think I have an idea.” She said.

“Let’s hear it.” Kyle smiled, as he listened to her intently.

“Ok, well I never told anyone this, but when we pooled our money together, I kept 500 dollars of graduation money.” She admitted shyly.

Kyle stared at her wide eyed. “Why?” he asked. He didn’t really care, he just wondered.

“I wanted to have some money in case of an emergency, or incase I needed to make a run for it. Max wasn’t thinking about any of that when he decided to pool our money, so I did it on my own,” Maria said.

“Ok, then.” Kyle said. “So, what’s the plan?” he asked, getting more excited. The option of them leaving was becoming closer and closer to reality.

“This is what I was thinking. We can decided a night to leave, the sooner the better, and I’ll pretend to be sick, to make sure we stay the night at a motel.” Kyle nodded at her, understanding so far. “Then, we call a cab, have them take us to the nearest car rental place. And rent a car with the new ID’s that Isabel will make for us.”

“What if she won’t do it?” Kyle asked, wanting to work out any potential wholes.

“She changed my ID so that I could buy alcohol. Even if she won’t come with us, she would want us to be happy. Izzy loves us. She will understand what we are doing, I know it.” Maria said with conviction.

Kyle nodded, he agreed, but he would still rather hear that from Isabel herself. “So, what do we do after we rent the car?” he asked.

Maria bit her lip. This was the part, she wasn’t sure if Kyle would go for. “I know it is dangerous, but we need to go back to Roswell. I have to talk to my mom, get some more money, and assess the situation.” She said looking into his eyes.

Kyle couldn’t help but be ecstatic at the thought of going home. He wanted to see his father, and tell him he was okay.

“We can’t stay for long, and then I was thinking, we turn the rental car in, buy another car, with our new alias’s, and head to New York. I mean, if you want to,” she was quick to add.

Kyle rubbed his hand up and down her back, under the thin shirt she was wearing. “New York sounds great.” He smiled, assuring her. Maria smiled and kissed him again. She slipped her arms around his neck and purred into his mouth.

Their lip-lock didn’t last long, as the door opened, and an amused Isabel cleared her throat. Kyle and Maria jumped away from each other and looked guilty. They hadn’t meant for Isabel to walk in on them like that. They just easily lost track of time when they were with each other. But they didn’t want to rub their relationship in Isabel’s face because she was dealing with so many things right now.

“Guys, it’s ok,” she smiled before closing the door. She sat down on the bed next to Kyle and Maria who were also sitting, now. “Ok, so what is the deal? You kinda freaked me out when you asked me to come over.”

Maria laughed lightly. “No need to freak out.” She said. “I just wanted to talk to you about something. I’m…”she looked at Kyle and took his hand, “WE, are leaving.” She said. “We are getting out of here, and going out on our own, and we want you to come with us,” Maria waited for her friend’s reaction.

Isabel’s reaction was much like Kyle’s, pure shock. “Well…that wasn’t what I had expected,” Isabel said looking at her lap.

“We know you are as unhappy as we are,” Kyle said sympathetically, “and we just want you to be happy.” He said.

Isabel smiled at them both, wiping some tray tears from her cheek. Maria wrapped her arms around her friend. “You don’t know how much I WANT to go with you. I hate it here. I’m miserable. But I can’t leave. The FBI is after us, and Max and Michael need me whether they know it or not. I wish I could go with you, and find Jesse and run to him, but I can’t,” Isabel said sadly.

“But, why?” Maria asked, “Aren’t you just as safe with us as with Michael and Max?”

“Yes, I would be just as safe. Maybe more safe because you two are the only two people working with a fill deck,” she laughed at herself, “but no matter what, Max and Michael need me because they will kill each other if I’m not here. As much as I may hate it, they are my family.”

Maria nodded and squeezed her tight. “I understand,” she said with a sniffle. “I wish it was different, but I do understand.”

Kyle rubbed Maria’s back. He knew she was really upset, but she was taking it well. “Where are you guys going to go?” Isabel asked, with a sniffle and a smile.

Maria’s eye lit up. “We are going to New York City,” she said as she looked at Kyle. Isabel loved the way they looked at each other. They were so adorable, and they didn’t even know it. “But first we are going back to Roswell,” Maria said.

It was Isabel’s turn to grin from ear to ear. “Really?” she said. Maria nodded. “Do you think you could give something to my parents?”

“Of Course, Izzy,” Maria said hugging her tightly.

“Is there any chance of you going through Boston on your way to New York?” Isabel asked hopefully.

Even if they hadn’t been planning to make a detour to Jesse’s, neither Maria or Kyle could say no to that face, “We most defiantly will,” Maria said like it was the most natural idea in the world. Isabel smiled and hugged her tight.

“We do need you to change our IDs and give us new alias’s,” Kyle said, trying to get back on track with the plan.

“Ok,” Isabel said, “When are you planning to make the break?”

Maria looked at Kyle, “What do you think, baby?” she asked him.

“The sooner we get out of here, the better,” he said holding her tight. “Can we leave tomorrow night?”

Maria nodded and then looked at Isabel, “Tomorrow night,” she answered. “Ok, well tell me when. I want to say goodbye,” Isabel said, holding back the tears.

“2:30 in the morning,” Kyle answered for them. Maria smiled at him.

Isabel stood up and nodded. “Ok, I’ll be ready to say goodbye,” she said on her way out the door. She waited until she was on the other side before she let the tears fall again.

Maria looked sadly at the door Isabel left out of. Kyle pulled her into his lap, “I know it sucks, but you have to understand where she is coming from,” he said, just as sad as Maria was.

“I know. I just wish we had a way to keep in contact with her,” she said with a sigh. Deciding she wasn’t going to dwell on in right now, she turned in Kyle’s arms and straddled his waist. “I’m so glad you are coming with me. It would have been so hard leaving you,” she said as she kissed his lips.

“You know I would have lost it if you left without me,” he said between sweet kisses down her neck.

“Mmm,” she moaned, rubbing her hands against Kyle’s shoulders. His fingers played with the hem of her shirt, and she grinned at him before taking her shirt off for him. She wasn’t wearing a bra, and Kyle had to suppress a groan from escaping his lips. He hadn’t been expecting that.

“What? You act like you’ve never seen boobs before,” Maria said with an evil grin.

It took Kyle a second to find his voice before he flipped them over, so that he was pressing her into the mattress. “None as beautiful as yours,” he said. Damn he was charming.

“Mmmm, flattery will get you everywhere, Valenti,” Maria said as she reached up and kissed him hard. Kyle’s hands moved down her sides and cupped her full breast in both his hands. “Kyle…” she breathed as he flicked her nipples.

Then her eyes snapped open. “Wait!” she cried.

“Oh shit, Maria, I’m sorry, I should have…I mean, I didn’t mean…” he stumbled over his words. And Maria smiled warmly at him.

“Kyle,” she said placing her index finger on his lips, stopping his rambling. “Your fine. I just don’t want to do this until we are on our own. I want this to be about us. I don’t want to have to worry about Michael, or Max, or Liz walking in and freaking out.” Maria said.

Kyle smiled at her. He understood, “You sure it’s not cause I’m rushing you?” he asked.

“Rushing me?” Maria said incredulously, “No…trust me, there was no rushing.” She giggled at him before capturing his lips in hers once more. “Let’s go to sleep,” she said removing her jeans. “That way tomorrow will be here sooner, and we will be on the road a lot quicker,” she grinned.

Kyle swallowed hard at the sight of Maria laying in the double bed only in her underwear. She hadn’t put her shirt back on, and he wasn’t going to beg her too. He took his own jeans off and crawled in bed her, spooning with her, instantly.


Maria could barely contain her excitement as the gang traveled down another nameless road. Only about 4 more hours until she could fake sick and get Isabel to pull into the next motel. She and Kyle had gone over their plans with Isabel, and she had been helping them out.

“4 more hours,” Kyle whispered huskily into her ear. She couldn’t help but giggle as his breath tickled her ear. He laced his fingers in hers.

“Yep,” she said, “4 more hours.

Time passed so slowly for them that day. It seemed that each passing mile lasted and hour, and when it finally came time to play her role, Maria had trouble keeping her excitement in check. “Isabel,” she said weakly.

“Yeah,” Isabel called back. She could win an Academy Award for her ability to appear completely surprised.

“I don’t feel well,” she said. “I think we need to stop.”

“What the hell is wrong with you?” Michael grunted. Maria took a deep breath and counted to ten. Nothing was going to get to her. Not even Michael Guerin.

“I don’t believe I was talking to you.” She said as she leaned into Kyle, who supported her ‘sick’ body.

“Ok,” Isabel said, “I’ll stop as soon as I can.”


Kyle paced the room and he and Maria had gotten. It was about 1:30, and he was getting antsy. He had already called the cab, and it was going t be there in 30 minutes. “Kyle, you are making me nervous,” Maria said from the bed. “You aren’t having second thoughts are you?”

Kyle stopped, dead in his tracks, and looked at her. “No. Oh NO! I’m just excited. I can’t wait till we get out of here,” he said with a smile. Maria smiled back at him, and Isabel walked in the door.

“Ok, so I have a letter for my parents, and one for Jesse,” she said, looking at the ground as she handed the letters to Kyle. He hugged her tight. “I’m going to miss you guys,” she said.

Maria walked over to her best friend and squeezed her hard. “I’m going to miss you too, but we have some good news.” Maria said, her eyes sparkling at Kyle. “I’m going to turn my cell phone back on when we get to Roswell, and I’ll get a new one so that you can call us anytime you need us.” Maria said.

Isabel cried with joy. She was going to be able to keep in contact with him. She handed over their new ID’s and Maria’s eyes went wide when she looked at it, “25? Why did you make us 25?”

“It will be cheaper to rent a car that way,” Isabel smiled. Maria hugged her tight, and Kyle did the same. “I love you guys,” Isabel said.

“I love you to, babe,” Maria cried.

“Love you, Is,” Kyle said before picking up the small bag that he and Maria were sharing. They didn’t have much to take with them. He handed Isabel a note and said, “This is for the group. Kinda explains why were are leaving, so you wont have to do it.” He said.

Isabel took it and hugged them one last time as the cab approached the room. As Maria and Kyle climbed into the car, Isabel waved at them, tears falling carelessly down her cheeks. “I love you,” she whispered as they drove away. And then she was alone. Alone with the 3 people she hated the most in this world. But Maria and Kyle were going to be happy, and she knew they would always be around for her if she needed them.


Maria and Kyle made their way to the car they had rented. It wasn’t much, it was the cheapest one they could rent that would get them to Roswell. Kyle got behind the wheel and Maria sat shot-gun. “Well, here we go,” Kyle said taking her hand as he drove off the lot.

“Baby, you are tired, maybe we should stop and get started in the morning.” Maria said kissing the palm of his hand.

“I want to at least get out of West Virginia,” he said to her. “It’s only a couple of hours. Then we can stop.” He smiled. She nodded and leaned back in the seat getting comfortable. It was amazing how much weight had been lifted off of her. Just being alone with Kyle, who she knew would protect her from anything, and knowing she was going home made her fall asleep in the passenger seat with ease she hadn’t known since high school.

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Post by gnrkrystle »

Chapter 9

Kyle drove the next couple of hours, silently taking glances at the woman asleep next to him. She looked so happy, so peaceful, and he could help but wonder if he ahd any part in that.

As he crossed the West Virginian boarder and entered Kentucky, he decided the needed to find a hotel. He was getting tired, and by making it into Kentucky, they could probably drive all day tomorrow and get into Roswell late tomorrow night.

He saw a sign for a cheep motel and turned off the interstate. He left Maria asleep in the car as he got thier room, and when he came back, he opened her door and lifted her thin body into his strong arms, effortlessly. "I can walk you know," she mumbled, but she still held on tight to him.

"I know," he grinned at her as he set her down on the bed. He ran back out the the care to get thier bag. When he walked back into the room, he noticed, Maria was already taking off her Jeans and shirt. He did the same and climbed into bed, opening his arms for her to join him.

She smiled brightly and snuggled into him, but now that she had been awoken, she couldn't get back to sleep. She looked up at Kyle, who wasn't asleep either. "Kyle, tell me somthing no one else knows," she said softly, cupping his cheek.

Kyle thought about it. There were lots of things no one knew about him, and he guessed the same was true for Maria. He wanted to share somthing with her that reflected his hidden feelings for her. Then it came to him, "Well," he started, bringing her closer to him, "I bet you didn't know that, after Alex died, i used to have little bouts of insomnia. It was hard for me to sleep some nights, and when that would happen, i always, without fail, would walk to your house. I used to stand outside your window and watch you sleep." he said. When he said it outloud he kind of sounded like a stalker.

He laughed at himself, "I told myself it was because you were so close to Alex, and i wanted to make sure that you were ok. But as time wore on, Michael stayed with you more and more, and i knew that if you needed someone, you could always go to him. But i didn't stop comming to your window. I finally figured out that it was becuase i loved you, and i needed to be close to you, even if you wern't aware of it." Kyle finished.

Maria looked up at him and smiled. "I can't believe it. All that time, and i never noticed. I never even saw what was right in front of me." she said.

"I'm good at hiding things, Maria," Kyle said softly. "I've been doing it my whole life."

"You dont have to hide from me," Maria assured him with a kiss on the lips.

"I know," he said. For the first time, he had found someone who he could completely open up to. She understood him like no one else could. "Tell me somthing no one else knows," Kyle said rubbing light circled on Maria's hip with his fingers.

Maria smiled, "You are going to laugh at me, but..." she started.

"I promise not to laugh," Kyle grinned.

"Well, along the same lines of hidden feelings, I can remember the moment i realized that i had more than friendly feelings toward you." she paused and looked up at him. He seemed to be inthralled, wanting to her what she had to say more than anything. "It was this New Years. YOu know when Max and I found Enigma. When things were still relativly carefree...or as carefree as they could be with us. Anyway, on New Year's day, i went to Izzy and Jesse's apartment, cuase i had to get away from Michael and his alien hangover. Isabel told me they you two went to the Frat Party, and she told me about Bitsy."

Kyle looked at her confused and then remembered. Oh Bitsy, he had nearly forgotten about her. He nodded for her to continue.

"She todl you you guys hit it off, and i remembered meeting her earlier when i had been at the same party. I put on a happy face, but that night when i went home i cried for like 4 hours. I was so distraught and i didn't know why. Then it hit me, i was jealous. I realized that i wanted you to flirt with me, and ask for my number. Which is stupid i might add becuase we have each other's number's memerized," she laughed. "I just felt like with a girl like Bitsy around, you would never want me. I didnt even know i WANTED you to want me until that night." Maria confessed.

She let out a deep breath and looked at Kyle, who was staring back at her in amazement. "Wow," he said. He kissed her deeply before continuing, "Life is one crazy mothe fucker," he laughed. She looked at him confused, so he explained, "That night i went out with Isabel looking to get laid. I wanted to find someone, anyone to take my mind off the fact that i wanted you. So i went with Izzy to the party. I met Bitsy, and she invited me back to her dorm room. BUt the thing is, that as i sat there talkign to her, the only thing i could think about was that she was not you. I couldn't sleep with her. I took her number to be nice, and i threw it away when i got home, and relieved the tension on my own," he said with a chuckle.

Maria grinned at him as she pressed her knee into his growing cock. "You are going to have to stop that," he breathed reaching down and grabbing her knee. "Cause i dont want to do this until i have the strength to love you right," he said smiling at her. "And right now, i'm just too damn tired.

She sighed and smiled at him, knowing he was right. she snuggled deeper into his warmth and wrapped her arms around him, "You know, Kyle, this, right now, is the happiest i've been since before the shooting in the Crashdown."

Kyle beemed, so glad that he could make her happy. He kissed her one last time and siad, "Sleep, baby. We've got a long day of driving ahead of us."

Maria nodded and buried her head in his chest. Kyle watched her fall alseep, before joining her.


Kyle woke up the next day and looked at the clock. 10:48! They were going to miss check out. He shook Maria awake and said, "Baby, we have to get up."

She groaned, but threw the covers off of herself and slowly got out of bed. They both re-dressed and checked out of the motel, jsut in time.

Kyle got behind the wheel first, and Maria sat shot-gun with the map in her hands. "Ok, get back on the interstate we were on, and head West for many many miles," she said looking at him from the map.

He nodded and kissed her hand, and she was filled with more happiness than she could possibly understand. It was nice to have someone by her side that didn't question her intelligence. For her whole life she had been the side-kick to the brainy Liz, then she was the girlfriend to and Alien who thought she knew absolutly nothing. Kyle, on the otherhand trusted her. He believed in her, and that was somthing she was going to like getting used to.


The next morning at the motel Isabel, Michael, Liz and Max were staying at...

Max and Liz walked up to Isabel and Michael. "Where are Kyle and Maria? Did they sleep in again?" Max asked, slightly agitated.

"Umm, no," Isabel said nervously. This was going to be fun to explain. "They are gone," she said quickly.

"Gone? What do you mean, gone?" Liz snapped.

Isabel rolled her eyes, agitated at the girls tone. "Where the hell are they, Iz?" Michael demanded. He did not like the sound of this, and Valenti, better not have been doing somthing he was going to have to kick his ass for.

"They left. Together," Isabel said, frustrated. "The left last night, and they left you all this note," She siad handing it to Max.

"And you jsut let them?" Liz demanded.

"Yes, i didn" Isabel said crossing her arms over her chest. She looked into each of their eyes and said, "They deserve to be happy, and they arn't happy on the road. How coudl they be. The only people happy here are you two," she said pointing at Max and Liz. "Maria and Kyle have dreams that they want to follow, and that is what they are doing. I couldn't be happier for them" she huffed.

"So you let them leave. They left together?" Michael asked, his voice raising with ever syllable.

"Yes, they left together. It's all in the note," she explained. "Read it, Max."

Max unfolded the paper and began reading aloud:

"Dear Max, Liz, and Michael,
As you know by now, Kyle and I left last night. This road race just isn't for us. We need some stability. We need some love and hope, and we can't find any of that on the road with you. We are going off the live our dreams...together. We want to see where our relationship leads, and that just isn't possible under the ever watchful eyes of the boy-King, his queen, and the terrible two year old, known as Michael." Max sneered at her discription of them all, but continued, "Isabel knows why we left, yu can't talk to her, but dont blame her. We asked her to come, and she chose you. God only knows why, but as always Isabel is stronger than we are. She is stronger than any of you are. We wanted to let you know why we left, and tell you that if you ever get your head out of your asses, you will probably find us in New York City, but who knows. From now on, Kyle and I are taking out lives into our own hands. No matter what happens, i can say i will miss you guys. At one point we were all so close, but it is time to realized that this isnt' high school anymore. We aren't the same people we were a couple of years ago, so while i miss you, none of you are worth giving my life for, except Izzy.
I hope you understand, but i'm sure you wont.
Maria and Kyle."

Max folded the paper back up. "Well, fine. If that's how they feel, good ridence." he said.

Mihael silently steamed. If he ever ran into Kyle Valenti, that boy was going to need a hell of a lot of Intensive care.

Liz stood there in shock. SHe didn't want her best friend to be gone. She needed her now. She was going to have a baby, and she had always thought Maria would be right by her side, like she always was. It wasn't fair. Liz needed her. She was going to tell Maria first. Max didn't even know. But as usual, Liz's desires were put on the back burner, she thought. She silently repremanded herslef, knowing that wasn't true. Since day one, everything had revolved around Liz Parker. She knew it, but that didn't mean that she didn't think it should continue that way.


Back on the Road with Kyle and Maria...

They drove all day long, taking turns every five hours. It was getting really late, and they were deep into Texas, almost to the New Mexico boarder. Maria knew they were probably only 4 hours away from Roswell, but she couldn't help herself. She wanted Kyle. She wanted him so badly, for so long, and having him this close to her, his smell permiating through the car, she couldn't stop herslef.

He hand moved to his knee, and he smiled at her, loving her touch. But she didn't stop there. Her hand moved up his thigh, and she felt him twitch. He kept his eyes on the road, but his mind was definatly on the small hand that was moving closer and closer to his aching cock.

Finally, Maria's fingers lightly moved over the bulge in his jeans, and she felt him jolt up straighter in his seat. She grinned, happily, and leaned in, kissing his neck, jutting her toung out to taste the flesh she had learned to love. "Mmmm," he groaned as her ministrations got more forceful. "You have to stop," he groaned. "Or i'm going to wreck the car."

Maria laughed lightly at him. "Pull over," she nearly moaned with desire. "Next motel, pull over. I can't wait. I know we are close, but lets have one more night to ourselves, and then get into Roswell tomorrow afternoon," she was nearly begging, adn Kyle couldn't have said no even if he wanted to. Which he didnt.

Immediatly, his eyes cuaght a sign for a motel in 5 miles. "Ok," he said through ragged breaths, "but until we get there, you have to stop, or i'm going to lose it," he tried to laugh, but he was completely serious. She kept that up, it was going to be a very very dangerous 5 miles.

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Post by gnrkrystle »

Chapter 10

The five miles to the motel were the longest five miles Kyle and Maria had ever driven. Maria had to control herself not to touch, Kyle. Her body was aching to touch him, taste him, feel him against her skin. Kyle’s cock was still hard, and becoming more painful by the minute. He feared that he would come before they even got to their room.

Finally, after the man at the front desk took what seemed like forever, to get their key, they quickly made their way to their room. Maria closed the door behind her, and immediately pulled Kyle’s body into her own until he was pressing her up against the door. She attacked his mouth with hers, hungrily slipping her tongue into his mouth. “Mmmm,” he moaned against her lips, as his hands moved down the sides of her body. “Maria…” he breathed. He was in heaven. For so long he had longed to kiss her like this, hold her like this. For it to really be happening, he had to remind himself that this was not a dream.

Maria’s hands made their way up the back of his shirt, feeling his silky smooth skin under her fingers. Having him this close to her was making her dizzy as she felt his erection poking her in the stomach. “Kyle…” she moaned rubbing herself against him. She couldn’t take it anymore. Slowly, she walked both of them over to the bed.

Kyle’s knees hit it, and they both tumbled onto the bed. They moved up to the center of the bed and Maria began kissing Kyle again. She gently began pushing his shirt off him, but couldn’t get it. He smiled at her and sat up, removing the bothersome garment, and in turned pulled her shirt off. “Do you ever wear a bra?” he asked with a grin. Not that he minded.

“Well, I just figured, easier access,” Maria said evily as she pushed him back down on the mattress.

“I have a feeling that you are going to kill me, woman,” Kyle laughed.

“Me?” Maria purred, innocently as she attacked Kyle’s neck. She straddled him and immediately came into contact with his bulging cock, still stuck in his jeans. She moaned as she moved herself back and forth across him, trying to relieve some tension.

“Mmm, Maria…” Kyle groaned, his eyes rolling in the back of his head.

Maria stopped and leaned forward, capturing his lips in hers again. “You’re really hard,” she breathed. Kyle just nodded, never having been this turned on in his entire life.

Maria kissed him as her hands made their way down his chest, and stomach, stopping to unbutton his jeans. His cock jumped in response to her unzipping his pants and pulling his cock out of them. The first contact of her hand against his rock hard dick nearly sent him over the edge. He had imagined this moment for so long, but the reality was s much better.

Maria’s breath hitched with desire as she pulled Kyle’s pants and boxers off together. He was so big, and she wanted him so badly. As she moved back up his body, she could hear her own heartbeat racing. She took his earlobe in her mouth and gently moved down his neck, but before she could get to far, Kyle growled and flipped them over so that he was on top of her. “Mmmm, Maria…” he groaned, taking a pert nipple into his mouth.

“Oh Kyle,” Maria moaned in surprise. His tongue was amazing. He slowly moved down her body until he reached her jeans, and just like she did, he slowly pulled them off, leaving her panties intact. As he moved back up her long shapely legs, he ran his knuckles over the wet fabric of her panties.

“Mmm, you’re so wet,” he breathed. She could feel his hot breath against her lace-clad pussy.

“Mmm hmmm,” he moaned and nodded in regard to his statement. Then she came back to reality. This was not how she wanted this to go. Quickly she sat up and pushed Kyle back on the mattress.

“What are you doing, baby?” Kyle asked in surprise.

Maria smiled up at him form his chest where she was placing gentle kisses, “Well,” she said, “I want to fuck you, but I want you to last, so I’m just relieving some of the tension,” she grinned at him. He gulped in response. That sounded good to him.

Maria’s tongue darted out to lick his nipples. “Maria…” he sighed, loving the feeling of her tongue on his skin. She quickly moved down his body, licking and nipping his tight stomach muscles. He was so much harder and defined than Michael, and Maria was surprised to find that she loved that. She had never been one for muscles, but they looked perfect on him. Everything looked perfect on him.

She slowly kissed her way down his stomach until she was just inches away from his raging cock. Kyle had to work to continue breathing. Slowly, Maria licked the tip of his cock. “Oh god,” Kyle moaned throwing his head back. Maria smiled and continued, taking his head into her mouth and rolling her tongue around it. “Mmmm, yeah.” Kyle groaned as he grabbed a hold of the sheets around him.

Maria got more forceful, lowing her mouth on his aching cock more and more with each thrust until she was fucking him with her hot mouth. Kyle moved his hands off the bed and into Maria’s hair. He wrapped his fingers around the silky strands as Maria deep-throated him, coming up every once in a while to pay special attention to the weeping head of his dick. As pre-cum seeped out of him, she licked it up greedily, loving the state of him.

“Oh fuck, Maria. That feels…so…so good,” he moaned, knowing he was close. He was impressed he had lasted that long. Maria’s hand reached up and cupped his balls, gently urging him to come. “Jesus! FUCK!” Kyle moaned loudly as he shot his seed deeply into her throat. She drank him down and licked him clean before moved up the bed next to him.

“That was fucking amazing,” Kyle said, dazed. That was by far the best head he had ever gotten, and he had a distinct feeling it had more to do with the feelings he had from Maria than he actual technique, which was still good.

“Why thank you,” she laughed. Kyle pulled her into his arms and kissed her deeply, moaning at the taste of his come on her lips.

“My turn,” he grinned, and Maria’s wet panties became drenched in a second. Kyle picked her up and laid her higher up on the bed, while continuing to kiss her. He moved down her neck, sucking on her smooth skin, knowing he was leaving one hell of a hickey.

As he moved down her body, he took a nipple into her mouth, as he lightly flicked the other one with his fingers. “Kyle,” Maria moaned as her hands immediately went to his head, pushing him further into her. “Mmm, that’s so good.”

Kyle smiled against her skin, but eventually he had to let her beautiful tits go as he moved down her body. She whimpered at the lost, but suddenly gasped at Kyle stuck his tongue into her belly button. He laughed against her skin, causing her to laugh as well.

When he sobered up, he continued his minstrations on Maria’s stomach, moving down to the lace covering her wet heat. “Kyle…” she breathed in anticipation, all laughter gone from her thick, husky voice.

Kyle gently pulled her panties off of her, and spread her legs, taking his first look at her wet pussy. Her scent was sending him into a euphoric daze. He wanted her so badly. He leaned into her, his breath caressing her sensitive lower lips. “Please…” she almost begging. She had never needed anything like she needed Kyle right that minute.

Kyle leaned in and licked her dripping fold, and immediately Maria’s body arched into him. “Yes…” she hissed. He became more forceful, dipping his tongue into the tight walls of her pussy. “Oh yeah,” Maria cried out.

Her hands came down to weave into his hair, and she roughly messaged his head as he assaulted her pussy. He moved his mouth up to her clit and groaned against it as he entered his finger into her. “Fuck, Kyle.” Maria breathed, holding his hair tightly in her fingers. He sped up his movements over her clit until she tensed and moaned, “I’m gonna come…Oh GOD KYLE!”

He watched her body quack under him, and had never seen anything more beautiful. Maria was so overwhelmed by her orgasm, that she didn’t notice that Kyle had moved up next to her. As she came back to earth, she looked at him with pure lust and hunger in her darkened eyes, “I want to feel you inside me, Kyle.” She said, almost in a moan. She needed him so badly, she could taste it.

Kyle moved on top of her and growled before kissing her hard again. He could feel h er wetness pressed against his now painfully hard cock. “Mmm,” he moaned into her mouth. Then he pulled back. “Fuck!” he groaned.

“What? What’s wrong?” Maria asked, concerned as she ran her fingers up and down his trembling chest.

“I…I don’t have anything. I mean I didn’t bring any condom’s on this road trip from hell,” he said, severely distressed.

Maria smiled and kissed him. “I’m on the pill. And I’ve only been with Michael, who has only been with me.” She said.

Kyle breathed a sigh of relief. If he couldn’t make love to her at that minute, he might have cried. He kissed her again before he took his hard cock into his hand and placed it gently at her entrance. Maria’s eyes closed slightly as she spread her legs wider. “Please…” she begged.

Kyle immediately thrust into her. “Fuck, you are so wet,” he groaned as he pulled out and then thrust back in again. Maria met him thrust for thrust, her pleasure overwhelming her system.

“Kyle…fuck…harder,” she moaned, running her nails down his back. She was on cloud nine. Making love to Kyle was so much more than she had ever experienced. Maybe she didn’t get flashes, but their intensity was out of this world.

Kyle picked up his pace and slammed into her harder and harder. “I cant…I’m gonna…” He cried out, unable to make full sentences anymore.

“Me too,” she groaned. “Come with me,” she moaned, her breath coming out in short pants.

Kyle reached between them and flicked her clit, just as his balls contracted and he shot his warm come deep inside her. “Fuck, Maria…oh GOD!” he cried.

Maria fallowed close behind, coming the hardest she had ever come in her life, “Kyle, MMMMNNN YEAH!” she grunted, contracting around him.

Kyle pulled out of her and rolled over, propping his head on his hand to watch her come down from her high once again. When Maria’s eyes opened and she looked at him, she smiled. “God, that was amazing.” She said grinning from ear to ear.

“You’re telling me,” he laughed. He wrapped her up in his arms, tightly. He couldn’t believe they had just had sex for the first time. He had dreamed about this moment for almost 3 years, and he still couldn’t believe that Maria really wanted him.

Maria turned in his arms to face him, and felt the wetness of the sheets where they had made love. Immediately she began laughing hysterically.

“What’s so funny?” Kyle asked, chuckling himself.

“Nothing,” she laughed, “It’s just…you know the wet spot that forms on the sheets after you have sex?” Kyle nodded, still confused at the humor. “Well, I never thought I would love sleeping in it.” Still seeing he was confused, she explained, “When I had sex with Michael for the first time, it grossed me out, so he used his power to dry the spot. And every time after that he would always dry the spot so I wouldn’t have to sleep in it. But there is something oddly comforting about it now,” she said.

“Huh?” Kyle asked with a chuckle.

“It’s just that, you know we are human, both of us. And we just had human sex, which was more intense and amazing than any sex I ever had with an alien. And now I laying in the wet spot and thinking about how great it is to just be in a normal relationship with a normal guy who I want more than anything in this world.” She smiled. “It’s just funny. There was a time when I would have given anything to be anything but normal, but not anymore.”

Kyle kissed the top of her head. He knew exactly what she meant. He was also gald to hear that sex with him had been better than Michael. A little part of him wondered if she missed the alien orgasm that Michael could give her. “We better get to sleep,” he said with a smile.

Maria pouted, “I wanna do it again,” she said.

“You are insatiable.” He laughed, “But we really need to sleep. That way we can get back to Roswell earlier. Trust me, this is not the last time we will do this,” he said.

Maria smiled at him, knowing he was right. “Ok,” she gave in. She wrapped her naked body around his, and snuggled into him as they both fell asleep.


“20 miles!” Maria said excitedly as she sat up straighter in her seat. “We are almost there, can you believe it? I thought we would never get back here!” She never thought she would miss the boring desert, or Roswell in her life, but she really did.

“I know,” Kyle said with the same excited smile. He took her hand in his. “I can’t wait to see my dad.”

“I know, and I miss my mom.” She said. “You think we should stop by the Parkers?” she asked. She had been thinking about it since she decided to go to Roswell.

“Yeah,” Kyle said. “They deserve to see us, and hear about how Liz is doing. Maybe we should keep the fact that she is a smug, heartless, power-hungry bitch to ourselves.” He said with a laugh.

“Yeah, they have a heard enough time. They don’t need to know that their daughter might be the spawn of Satan,” she laughed.

As the entered the Roswell City limits, Kyle turned to her and asked, “Where to first?”

“Your dad, I think. He knows the situation, and we can talk to him. Besides, I have to work up some strength before I go to my mom. I know Liz had the Parker’s give her Liz’s journal, but she is still going to flip her shit.” Maria laughed. “I don’t even know what that journal said.”

Kyle smiled. He was happy she wanted to go to his father first. He thought it would be easiest to start with the person who knew what was going on as well, besides, he missed his dad so much.

He turned down Citrus, and had to control the urge to cry. The street was so familiar to him. It lead right to his old house, and yet, he felt so emotional about driving to the house he thought he would never see again. He could see in the corner of his eye, that Maria was getting teary eyed as well, especially when they passed the Crashdown.

Within minutes they were parked outside of Kyle’s house. They saw Jim’s jeep in the drive way and were glad to find he still lived there. They were worried he would have had to move due to the FBI and whatnot. They walked up to the door and Kyle knocked hard, feeling weird at the fact that he was knocking on his own door. But it wasn’t his door anymore.

A few minutes later the door swung open and Jim answered. He looked at Maria and Kyle intently for a few seconds, almost like he thought he was dreaming. “Oh my god! You guys, get in here!” he cried pulling them both into a tight embrace.

Tears flowed freely from all three pairs of eyes.

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