When She's With You (UC,Z/L/M,Mature) A/N 11-02-05 [WIP]

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Dreaming In Purple
Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Location: Tied to Max and Zan's Bed... (Hey! It's my dream!)

Post by Dreaming In Purple »

Hey guys! I'm back with a new part. Sorry I took so long to finish it. It's a lot of Michael in it and I always have a hard time with him for some reason. Thanks for the bumps. Me and Steph see them and they are really appreciated. They get me feeling guilty when I'm slackin and make me try to write.

Well this is another transitiony part, but they gotta be in stories sometimes. Let me know what you think.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Part 17
~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Liz looked at herself in the mirror and wiped at her tears. Her skin was blotchy and her eyes were swollen and red. She looked pathetic, totally pitiful. She’d been sitting in her room for the past few hours reliving the conversation she’d had with Max and Zan. Crying her eyes out, and feeling hurt and confused, she’d finally gotten sick of feeling sorry for herself and decided enough was enough.

She went into the bathroom and splashed cold water on her face trying to cool her eyes and wash away her tears. She pulled her hair up into a messy bun on top of her head and looked at herself again. She still looked terrible, but at least she was presentable.

What she needed was something to make her feel better… A smile stole across her lips as something came to mind.

She padded into the kitchen in search of the vanilla caramel swirl that she'd hidden in the back of the freezer. Finding only a bag of frozen peas in its place, she growled in frustration and slammed the door. She began rummaging the cabinets for anything satisfying, cursing her Dad under her breath for his sweet tooth when she came up empty.

Finding nothing sweet to curb her craving, Liz headed down to the Crash hoping there were some strawberries left in the fridge.

As she came down the stairs, Liz noticed all the lights were off in the cafe, except in the kitchen, and she could still hear someone moving around. It was late, she hadn't expected anyone to still be here. She pushed through the swinging door and found Michael mopping the floor.

“Hey you,” she said heading for the refrigerator. “I didn’t know you were still here.”

“Hey, Liz.” Michael stopped mopping and leaned on the handle, watching her as she rummaged through the large fridge. He wondered how she was doing after talking to Max and Zan. “Yeah, I was just finishing up and getting ready to go home,” he said stretching his sore muscles and stifling a yawn. “I’m beat.”

“Yeah, I bet you are after working a double shift,” she said with a smirk. Staring into the giant fridge and not seeing a thing she really wanted, Liz finally settled on a half empty tub of chocolate icing. She hopped up on the metal table and started dipping her fingers in the sweet treat.

“Yeah, remind me not to do that again any time soon.” Michael shook his head at himself.

“How’d Maria take the news when you told her you were working late tonight? She was telling me she had plans for you guys,” Liz asked knowing it couldn’t have gone well.

“Oh, you know Maria. She was cool, calm, and collected,” he said bitterly.

Liz rolled her eyes. “What’d she say?”

“She yelled at me and poured spaghetti sauce down my pants,” he said still seething at the memory.

“No way!” Liz said in shock. “Oh my god, Michael! What did you do?” She tried to imagine her best friend pouring spaghetti sauce down Michael’s pants and shook her head at the image. Maria was just crazy sometimes.

“What could I do? I went home and changed my pants,” he shrugged in defeat.

“Michael, I’m sorry,” Liz tried apologizing for her friend. “Maria’s just frustrated.”

“I know, but I hate it when she gets like that. I just wish she would see what I’m trying to tell her, you know. She doesn’t trust me. She should trust me.” He started mopping again, grumbling under his breath about his crazy girlfriend.

“Well Michael, if it’s worth anything, I think what you’re trying to do is wonderful. And eventually Maria will see it too. She’ll start to realize that you really love her and she’ll trust you more,” she said givng him a small smile.

“Thanks,” he said returning her smile. He began mopping again as they fell silent, both in their own private contemplation.

Liz watched him for a while as she considered his dilemma. She didn’t really believe Maria didn’t trust Michael, but when it came down to it, it was the truth. Maria loved him, but she worried that one day he would leave her, just like her father had. They never talked about it, but Liz knew it was true.

How do you learn to trust someone with your whole heart? What if they end up betraying the trust you put in them. Liz watched her feet swinging back and forth as she thought about this, and her thoughts drifted back to her situation with Max and Zan.

For her there was no question about it, she didn’t trust them. She didn’t think Max and Zan were being honest with her. Their story was ridiculous, and totally outrageous. They had the most terrible reputations around when it came to dating. And she’d been burned by a beautiful bad boy before. That wasn’t a lesson she needed to learn twice.

But beside all that, how the hell did they expect her to date both of them at once?!

Though if she really thought about it, that was the easiest part of all this... The guys already knew about each other, so there wouldn’t be any sneaking behind the other’s back… But what would people say when they found out? She was sure rumors about the three of them would be all over the school already. If she started openly dating them… My god, she’d never hear the end of it!

The thing she didn’t understand was why after all this time they decided to pull this stunt on her now? She’d thought they were really good friends. To have both of them working together to use her like this… it hurt. She’d thought her friendship meant more to them than a strange ménage trios. That’s what she got for putting her faith in womanizing men again.

Michael watched Liz as he mopped his way around the kitchen. She looked sad and he could tell she’d been crying. He wanted to try to make her feel better but had no idea what to do for an emotional female. He stopped mopping again and scratched behind his ear as he tried to figure out what to say.

“Liz, umm… I ran into Max and Zan a little while ago.” Liz turned to look at him with a curious frown. He cleared his throat and continued. “They looked kinda down. Said they’d talked to you and things didn’t go so well.” He gripped the mop and glanced at her as he tried to find the right words to broach the subject. “Um, they told me what happened, and uh, I know it’s none of my business, but maybe you got the wrong idea about what they were trying to say.”

Liz narrowed her eyes at him suspiciously and tried not to let her anger get the best of her. They told Michael?! She bet they asked him to talk to her since she kicked them out.

“They told you about this?! And I suppose you think I should agree and just jump in bed with them too, don’t you?” She hopped down off the table and stormed out of the kitchen. Michael was caught off guard by her reaction and tried to catch up to her in the break room.

“Liz, wait! No one said anything about jumping in bed with anybody. I was just saying that you might have misunderstood what they were saying.” Liz stopped on the stairs and turned on him, just barely controlling her anger.

“Ok, since you seem to know so much, Michael, what were they trying to say then?”

Michael sighed in relief and tried not to mess things up worse. “Well, all I know is that they both really do like you, Liz. I’ve known that for a long time. I’d been trying to get Zan to say something to you for the longest time, and never understood why he wouldn’t. But now that I know the whole situation, I understand. They both care about you, but they don’t want to hurt each other. The only thing they could think to do was share you, as crazy as that sounds. No one’s trying to play you or anything. You know them, almost better than anybody. They wouldn’t try to hurt you.

“And you just told me that you thought I was doing a good thing trying to get Maria to trust me. Well, I think you should try to trust them. Think about it and listen to what your heart tells you. But don’t be so afraid of getting hurt that you won’t take a chance on something that might be a win/win/win situation.”

Liz didn’t know what to say. He was asking her to risk getting hurt again by trusting that Max and Zan weren’t trying to use her. Could she do it? She didn’t even know if she wanted to try. The way Michael had explained everything in such simple terms made it all seem so easy. All she had to do was take a leap of faith that the two men most unworthy of her trust wouldn’t hurt her. Easier said than done.

But if she could just take that chance and the world didn’t fall down around her, then what would she have? Zan, irresistible and undeniably hot, and Max, also irresistible and undeniably hot. She’d have them both and would be living every girl’s fantasy, having the love of two Greek gods. There was so much to gain, but so much to lose.

“Michael, you make it all sound so easy, but it’s not. I’m scared. I want to believe that they’re for real, and I won’t end up devastated and broken hearted after all of this, but… I’m scared.” Liz turned to head up the stairs again, but paused when Michael spoke again.

"What’s that saying… ‘Don't be afraid to take chances in life, or you'll always wonder what might have been...’ or some shit like that, that Maria's Mom is always spoutin." Liz smiled in spite of herself.

“I hear you Michael. I just need time to think.” She started up the stairs and was almost to the door when she heard Michael call out to her again.

“Liz, um I know you talk to Maria about everything, but maybe you shouldn’t mention all this to her.” Liz frowned and wondered why he’d want her to keep something so big a secret from her best friend. “I just don’t think she’d deal with it so well, you know. She’d get all upset and probably go screaming her head off at Max and Zan. It’ll just turn into this big mess if Maria and even Lonnie get involved.” Liz considered what he was saying and agreed that Maria would probably really over react. “Maybe you could just not tell them? I mean it’s up to you, but it might be better not to.” He shrugged feeling completely uncomfortable suggesting to keep secrets from Maria.

“I think maybe your right,” she said with a weary sigh. “God, there is just so much going on all of a sudden. Why can’t my life be normal?” she said in frustration and went through the door of her apartment. Michael shrugged with a sigh and thought, ‘What’s so great about normal.’

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Dreaming In Purple
Enthusiastic Roswellian
Posts: 55
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Location: Tied to Max and Zan's Bed... (Hey! It's my dream!)

Post by Dreaming In Purple »

OMG! Can you believe it!!! I'm actually posting a new part! Yes I know it's just amazing! lol

Yall please forgive my long absence. The reason I wasn't able to update, and you will think this is crazy, was because I was taking a creative writing class. My teacher had us writing constantly, and doing specific techniques and stuff. I loved it and hated it at the same time, but for some reason it really messed up my ability to see the characters for this story. I don't know how to explain it, but whatever he had us doing seemed to cut me off from being able to feel anything for this story. It took me about a month and rereading the story 3 times to be able to get back into it.

The important thing is that I was able to get back into the flow of things. Steph was ever patient with me while I was going through my..... what ever the hell it was. Thanks girly.

I sincerly want to thank you all for hanging with me and letting me know that you still wanted more of this story. It really means a lot to me. I hope this chapter is worthy of the long wait you had to go through.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Part 18
~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Lunchtime at West Roswell High


Max sat on the bleachers waiting to meet Zan before lunch. He was dying to know how things went with Liz 3rd period. Zan suggested they meet here so they could talk without everyone around. He’d been sitting there for the last few minutes staring out at the field, trying to think of what he’d say to Liz the next time he saw her.

Apologizing repeatedly kept coming to mind, but there was so much more he wanted to say. He was more than a little disappointed that Liz had flat out rejected both of them, but he was used to not being romantic with her. It was the idea of not even being friends with Liz was killing him. He’d never seen her that angry before. She looked so hurt, like they’d just completely betrayed her.

He didn’t know how to fix this. And he was afraid that if everyone started talking about her like they had when Sean had lied and said she slept with him, Liz wouldn’t want anything to do with him or Zan ever again.

Luckily, everything had been pretty much normal around school today. A couple of guys had made some teasing comments about his dancing, but that was all. But it was still early. He knew that by the end of the day either it’d be the thing everyone was talking about or it would have faded away. Hope as he might for the latter, Max didn’t think it’d be fading away too quickly.

He saw Zan making his way up the bleachers and he tried to push away his depressing thoughts. Maybe Zan had some good news.

“Hey, so how’d it go? Did you talk to her?” Max asked eagerly when his brother finally made it to the top of the bleachers. Zan sat down with a sigh and shook his head.

“Naw, man. Turner had us workin on some stupid shit. Friggen napkin holders! I ain’t seen her at all today.”

“Damn! I haven’t seen her either. I usually see her between classes in the halls, but not once today.” Max slumped back against the bench behind him and sighed. “She’s avoiding us.”

“Yep,” Zan said. “Doubt we’ll see her at lunch either.” He shook his head trying to think of where they could find her for sure. “You got her for 5th, right?”

“Yeah, but it’s not like I can really talk to her in the middle of class,” Max said. “Is she working tonight?” he asked, an idea forming. The light bulb flashed on for Zan as soon and Max said it.

“Yeah, she works til nine,” Zan said with a grin. “Max, I knew you inherited some of my brains. We can catch her at the Crash. She’ll hafta talk to us if we order somethin, and she cain’t get away!”

They’d been giving Liz space since the last time they’d talked to her. Michael had called them that night saying he’d talked to her and she was really upset. He said he’d gotten her to calm down a little though, enough to start thinking everything through. So they were hoping since she’d have to see them at school today she’d be willing to talk to them. Maybe she realized that they weren’t out to hurt her.

Liz paused before entering the main hallway, mentally bracing herself to go through the social gauntlet that waited inside. She was thankful that so far today no one had said anything about what happened at the party. She’d heard a few giggles behind her back here and there, but who’s to say they had been about her? But it was lunchtime now, and everyone was in the halls and gathering out in the quad. There was no way she could avoid hearing something about Friday night.

Taking a deep breath, she went through the doors. From the moment she stepped into the hallway, Liz felt people staring at her. Keeping her eyes straight ahead, she tried to ignore it. Conversations were abruptly coming to a halt when she walked by. She clutched her books tighter to her chest and tried not to pay attention to the callous whispering she heard after she passed.

‘Just block it out, Liz. Get to your locker and you’ll be fine. Just ignore them.’

She sighed in relief when she finally made it to her locker, grateful to have something else to focus on. She was putting her books inside when she heard someone behind her talking so loud that everyone in the hallway could hear.

“I can't believe how big a slut she is!” Liz stiffened when she recognized Pam Troy’s voice. There was no doubt in her mind that Pam was talking about her. “She was just throwing herself all over them. Of course no guy is going to turn down an easy lay, but you'd think they'd have higher standards. I mean come on, she's not even half as pretty as some of the girls around here!”

Liz didn’t turn around and rip Pam’s eyes out like she wanted. Instead she took a deep breath to calm down and finished putting her books away. When she was done, she closed her locker, and then finally turned around. Pam and her ever-faithful posse were standing with a group of snobby looking girls across the hall watching her and laughing.

Liz was so angry she felt herself shaking. Pam was such a bitch! Liz never understood how people could enjoy torturing others. She glared at Pam for a minute, letting her know that she’d heard everything. As much as she wanted to knock the witch down a few pegs, Liz knew make things worse. She’d find a way to get back at Pam for trying to humiliate her though. This wasn’t over.

Liz turned and walked away, heading out to the quad to escape everyone in the hallway. She heard the girls calling her a few uncreative names as she walked away, but didn’t acknowledge them.

She was hoping to get away from all the negativity by going outside, but once Liz stepped through the doors she felt like she’d walked into a lion’s den. Right outside the doors Liz bumped into a group of guys hanging around the walkway. As soon as they saw her they all started leering at her and whistling. One of them had the nerve to ask her for a lap dance. She told them to screw off, then took off the other way.

Why were people doing this?! Why was everyone trying to make her feel cheap and dirty? Her eyes grew hot as she held back tears that were threatening to fall.

Liz looked around at all the people milling around the quad, happily enjoying their lunches, totally oblivious to the turmoil she was going through. To her it felt like every one of them was laughing at her, mocking her. She couldn’t deal with all this again. Every laugh she heard made her cringe. Every time someone looked her way she wondered if they were talking about her. All she wanted was to be left alone!

She would normally go sit with her friends during lunch, but there was no way she was going to be around Max or Zan right now. That was all she needed, to be seen with either of them again. And she so wasn’t up to trying to explain to Maria and Lonnie why she’d been avoiding them.

She needed space and time to think. But where could she go to be alone? Somewhere no one would find her…

Liz looked around the campus trying to think of a safe place and her eyes landed on the library. Liz hurried across the campus, trying to look inconspicuous when she neared her friends’ table. Hoping no one seen her, she slipped through the library doors and started looking for a secluded place to finish out her lunch hour.


“Hey, have any of you guys seen Liz today?” Maria asked as she and Lonnie arrived at their table. They had waited for Liz, like they did every day before lunch, but she never showed up.

Alex and Kyle both shrugged and shook their heads. From the end of the table, Max and Zan glanced at each other thoughtfully before shaking their heads too.

“Didn’t you pick her up for school this morning?” Alex asked concerned.

“We stopped by to get her, but her dad said she left before we got there. I’ve been calling her cell all day, but she doesn’t answer,” Maria said frowning. “I don’t know what’s up, but this isn’t like her.”

Lonnie noticed that her brothers kept glancing at each other, and they seemed unusually quiet. She wondered if they knew what was going on with Liz.

She was about to ask them about it when Michael appeared and sat down between her and Zan. That wouldn’t have been so odd except he glared at Maria and didn’t reply when she went to greet him. He actually turned his nose up at her and crossed his arms, refusing to speak to her. Everyone laughed. Maria was getting the silent treatment.

“What’d she do?” Kyle whispered to Lonnie. She and Alex couldn’t resist telling Kyle all about the spaghetti sauce incident that happened over the weekend, and taking a few cracks at both their friends in the process.

Max took advantage of the distraction and leaned over to whisper to Zan while everyone’s attention was elsewhere.

“Hey, I’m starting to get worried. No one’s seen her today. She’s not even talking to Maria or Lonnie.”

Zan nodded in agreement. “Let’s go find her. Make sure she’s aight,” he said quietly. Max agreed and they both discreetly slipped away from the table.

“You go check and see if she’s hidin out in one of the classrooms or somethin. I’ma check and see if she’s in the auditorium,” Zan said. They split up and began covertly searching the campus for Liz.

Lonnie shook her head at Michael and Maria. He was still refusing to speak to her, so now Maria was doing enough talking for both of them, going back and forth between saying how sorry she was and how it was all his fault.

When she glanced around, she noticed that both her brothers had disappeared. She looked around, wondering where they could have gone, scanning the quad looking for their familiar faces. She did a double take when she caught a glimpse of Liz walking through a crowd. She watched as Liz tried to keep from being noticed, and then quickly slip into the library.

Lonnie frowned, confused. Why would Liz go to the library and not at least stop by and say hi to everyone? Why was she trying to hide?

She looked over at Maria, intending to tell her about it, but saw that Maria was still caught up in fighting with Michael. She couldn’t be bothered to try to break in their argument. Instead she leaned over and told Alex she’d be right back, but he and Kyle were enjoying watching Michael irritate Maria so much they barely noticed. She just rolled her eyes at them all and got up to find Liz.

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Dreaming In Purple
Enthusiastic Roswellian
Posts: 55
Joined: Sat Oct 13, 2001 10:20 am
Location: Tied to Max and Zan's Bed... (Hey! It's my dream!)

Post by Dreaming In Purple »

Hi Guys. Yes I'm coming back. I just don't know exactly when. Being pregnant is seriously draining me and I'm falling asleep like at 8pm every night. I usually write late at night, so I never get a chance to lately. I still have inspiration and desire to write this story and others that have popped in my head, so I'm not giving up. Sorry I haven't been around so much lately. School and work and family just eat up all my time right now. Don't give up on WSWY. It'll be back, maybe around Christmas vacation.

Talk to you all soon.
