A Night Among the Stars (A/I, TEEN) Conclusion 10/28/05

Finished Canon/Conventional Couple Fics. These stories pick up from events in the show. All complete stories from the main Canon/CC board will eventually be moved here.

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A Night Among the Stars (A/I, TEEN) Conclusion 10/28/05

Post by vegas312 »

Title: A Night Among the Stars

Author: Vegas312

Rating: Teen

Disclaimer: I do not own Roswell so please don’t sue me.

Summary: Post Graduation…Its three years later and Isabel wishes upon a star for one magical night.

AN: I was walking home one night last week after having my heart broken and I just looked up at the stars and got to wondering that age old question, “is there anyone up there.” Well what you read below is the fanciful thoughts of my one night of staring at the stars and wondering about the miracle that is life. Okay enough with the ramble and onto the story right? :wink: This is dedicated to my DAS family for always keeping me grounded even when RL drives me to a bag of Oreos. Love you guys and miss you a lot. Also to my fellow gazers for keeping the stargazing alive. Rock on! Oh yeah this will be no longer than two parts, so I’ll post the conclusion on Friday.


Star light, star bright
I wish I may, I wish I might
Find my prince charming tonight.

2005, Virgin Islands

The wind blew across the sand gently like a lover’s gentle caress. Strains of sand danced in the wind as it followed its lover. The waves crashed upon the sand slowing dragging some of it back with it into the water, but always bringing it back. Stars sparkled in the night sky showing off their majestic glow in hopes that someone would see. No one was at the beach to see except one lone figure that was wrapped in a blanket staring blankly out at the ocean. The wind having given up teasing the sand moved to tease the woman who sat by herself.

Strands of honey blonde hair flew to meet the wind and the papers sitting next to her threaten to fly away with the wind. She lifted a hand and pushed her hair away from her face and with reluctance picked up the packet of papers. Brown eyes stared unhappily at the packet that was marked “Proceedings of Divorce.” Closing her eyes she let the wind dance across her face and play with her hair as she tried not to think about the man she had married years ago. Drawing her knees to her chest she rested her head on her knees and with a weary sigh she opened her eyes to meet reality.

Picking up the pen next to her she searched through the papers until she came to the spot where her name was. She hesitated for a moment as she realized that she was losing yet another important person in her life. ‘I can’t be selfish. I always knew that Jessie wasn’t for me and I wasn’t for him. I married him for all the wrong reasons and he shouldn’t have to be tied to me because of some illusion that I had that everything would be normal and fine. At least this way he’ll be able to get some happiness...at least one of will be.’ Content with her decision she signed her name and felt as if a burden had been lifted from her shoulders. Still she wasn’t truly happy as she faced the fact that she would once again be alone. ‘Oh well I guess I’m meant to be alone. I mean Max is with Liz, Michael is with Maria, and Kyle married a stripper who turned out to be a med student.’ She gave a little laugh as she thought about the quick Vegas wedding that her friend had gotten and how the wedding party had consisted of strippers, bouncers, med students, and of course a few alien hybrids. ‘
God, Alex would have gotten a kick out of that,’ she thought to herself, but lost her smile as her thoughts turned to her beloved.

Beloved. That’s what he was as he was the one person she had loved unconditionally and who loved her just as much in return. No one else had ever known her that well and no one ever would. She gave a quick sniff as she felt tears and quickly returned to the task that she had been doing before her thoughts had wandered. Picking up the envelope that the divorce papers had come in she stuffed them back in and whispered, “Goodbye.” Sitting the envelope back down, she threw her head back and looked up at the night sky. The stars always gave her comfort as they didn’t put any demands on her and had seen her cry countless times and they never left her. Suddenly a star burst across the sky and she gasped in wonder and quickly closed her eyes and made a wish. ‘I wish for one night of happiness.’

A moment later she opened her eyes and saw the star disappeared. A smile tugged at her lips at the childishness of doing such a thing, but for some reason she couldn’t stop herself from wishing. With a quick glance at her watch she stood up and wrapped her blanket tightly around her and picked up the envelope. She started the walk across the sand that would lead her to her little house not too far away. As she walked lost in her thoughts a light shined behind her briefly and the wind got her attention by whispering her name in her ear. “Isabel.”

She froze at the call of her name for a second, but shook her head at the foolishness of the wind whispering her name. She started walking again when again she heard her name. Briefly wondering if she was losing her mind she turned around and stared in shock at the person standing in front of her.

Dark blue eyes stared back at her as he took in her appearance. He stood a few feet away with black hair that was a little longer then she had last seen it and he seemed to have aged some which was really impossible as he was dead and had been dead for years.

“Alex,” she whispered hesitantly and suddenly felt dizzy. “It can’t be.”

He stood and watched her silently, the same way he had been watching over her for years now, but this was the first time that he had been allowed to show his presence to her. He wasn’t sure what to say or what to do although his heart fairly screamed that he go to her, his body was frozen with fear that she would reject him. It had been five years since the last time they had been together…well alive at least. Noticing that she was looking pale, he moved towards her and stopped when he saw her shaking her head.

“Alex,” she whispered again shakily.

“Isabel, I know you’re a little bit shock to see me,” he started to say.
“No, it’s not possible,” she started to reach out to him, but pulled her hand back.

“It is possible,” he walked towards her and kept going until his face was an inch away from hers.

She continued to stare at him in disbelief, and raised her hand again and brushed her fingers across his cheek tentatively. “You’re real. I don’t understand. Is it just my imagination again like before?”

“No you’re not imagining me. You wish upon a star and someone up there heard you, and figured that maybe seeing me again would fulfill that wish.”

“So you’re what, an angel or something? That can’t be possible.”

“It’s about as impossible as meeting a real life alien, or in your case an alien hybrid,” he grinned at her.


“Why what? Why is the sky blue? Why is it a lovely night? Why are we standing here staring at each other making idle conversation? You know I don’t know,” he pretended to ponder and tapped his finger across his chin.

She snorted and as if it was something they had done time and time again, she hit him on the shoulder and with one last thoughtful look at him she reached down and clasped his hand. “You know for a guy whose supposed to be dead you’ve remarkably have grown.”

Squeezing her hand he started walking as the wind sprinkled water drops on them and told her, “Well it gets kind of boring looking the same for a few years.”

“I bet,” she nodded her head and the two just walked along the beach moving towards the little white house that had a light twinkling in it’s window. Finally reaching it she pulled out her keys from her pocket and turned to open the door but stopped when Alex stepped in front of her.

She looked up at him questioningly, “what are you doing?”

“You know I have this sneaky suspicion that you don’t believe I’m here which is why you’re taking this so calmly,” he crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow at her.

“Well the way I see it there’s two possible reasons why you’re standing here,” she tilted her head and smirked at him.

“Are you planning to enlighten me or keep it to yourself?”

“My, we’re pretty impatient aren’t we? If you must know I’ve decided that I’m actually passed out on my sofa having fallen into a Ben & Jerry coma, or two that maybe my wish was granted and you are here for this one night and maybe you are some kind of angel or something. Now you want to move so we can get in?”

“Isabel,” he started but shook his head instead. “Sometimes you got to have a leap of faith, but I can’t push you off a cliff to make you believe.” Having said that he moved out of her way and watched as she opened the door and he gestured that she go in first.

Nodding her thanks she walked into what was a kitchen and sat her keys on the table and dropped her blanket into a chair along with the packet of papers. Turning to Alex she found him staring at her intently and suddenly feeling self conscious she pretended to brush lint off her shirt. Still feeling him staring, she looked up and stared back, “What.”

“Nothing. Just looking,” he winked at her.

Trying not to blush, she walked to the window and looked out. “So what do you want to do?”

“It’s your night, so you decide.”

Last edited by vegas312 on Fri Oct 28, 2005 5:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by vegas312 »

Author: Vegas312

Title: A Night Among the Stars

Disclaimer: I do not own Roswell so please don’t sue me although I wouldn’t mind owning Colin. *drools happily* Hey a girl can dream!

Rating: TEEN

Coupling: A/I

Summary: Post Graduation. It’s three years later and on one magical night Isabel wishes upon a star.

AN: Alright here’s the conclusion like I promised and hopefully it doesn’t suck. Thanks for all the lovely feedback and I hope you enjoyed this as much I enjoyed writing it. The song below is “Only Hope” by Switchfoot and copyright infringement is not intended so please don’t sue me. Also I’m using one line below from ARCC and a few from HW which I do not own it so again don’t sue me.


“It’s your night, so you decide.”

Still not sure if she was passed out in her couch in a Ben & Jerry coma, or if this was really happening, she leaned against the counter and told him, “I get to choose huh? Gee what’s a girl supposed to do when she has her own guardian angel?”

“Anything as long as it’s not illegal,” he grinned at her.

“Well darn there go all my plans. I guess we could do something boring like maybe dinner or something,” she winked at him.

“Dinner sounds like a plan to me although I’m curious to know what your other plans were.”

“I can’t tell you. It’s a secret,” she walked up to him and whispered in his ear. “Besides if I tell you I might have to tie you up.”

“I mean if you have your heart set on it,” he started and stopped when he saw her laughing. “Ha, ha real funny,” he reached over and started tickling her.

Swatting his hands away she tried to move before he could tickle her some more. “Okay, okay I give. Just let me go chance and we can go walk along the boardwalk to see what’s opening.”

“Cool, but I think you look just fine to me.”

“Alex! I have sand all over me and I don’t have any shoes on,” she pointed to her bare feet and the damp skirt that wrapped around her ankles.

“Well we’ll just have to go to McDonald’s then. No wait they don’t serve you if you don’t have shoes on, I guess it’s the drive thru then.”

“Oh no, I’m going to go upstairs and quickly shower and get dress,” she shook her finger at him. He smiled at her in response and she turned to head towards her bedroom, but stopped at the doorway and looked back at him. “Promise me that you’re not going to disappear on me while I’m in the shower,” her eyes locked with his.

“I’ll always be here,” he reminded her.

“No I mean here,” she pointed around the kitchen. “Not up there,” she pointed to the ceiling.

“Okay, but you know I’m starting to think that maybe you do believe in angels.”

Not answering she turned around and said softly over her shoulders, “I believe in you.” With that she hurried to her room to find something to wear.

He stood there looking as she walked away and when he couldn’t see her anymore he turned to look out the window. Staring at the very stars that held so many mysteries that humans haven’t even begun to solve yet, he wondered how Isabel would take it when she finally realize that he was there, but just for one night only. ‘I’ll just have to make sure that it’s the best memory that she’ll have of us,’ he promised silently. He wished that he could stay with her longer, but knew that he should be happy to have this one night. Still he couldn’t help but hope even though he knew the chances better than anyone that he couldn’t stay.

Meanwhile Isabel had taken a quick shower and was now contemplating her closet of clothes. Shoving empty hangers out of the way she sighed as she realized that over the years she had somehow unconsciously stopped buying anything that was the color red. Moving more clothes out of her way she resigned herself to the fact that she would have to use her powers and hope that the color would come out right. She started to pull a pink dress off the hanger when she noticed a white bag that had been pushed to the back of the closet. With a gasp she dropped the pink dress and grabbed the white bag. ‘It couldn’t be. Maybe it is.’ She pulled the white bag off the hanger and revealed a short red dress that she had bought years ago on an impulse. It was the exact duplicate of the dress her dream self had worn years ago in Alex’s dream. Rushing to the mirror she held it up and hoped that she could still fit into it.

A few minutes later Alex hearing a noise turned around and stared at the vision before him. Isabel smiled at him and twirled around, “So what do you think? I wasn’t sure if I would fit into it, but I think it works okay.”

He just stood and took in the sight of one of his dreams coming true. “Isabel, you didn’t have to do this.”

“I wanted to do it,” she smiled up at him.

“Thank you,” he leaned over cupped her face in his hands and laid a kiss on her forehead.

She closed her eyes at the brief touch and laid her head on his shoulders and somehow the two started dancing in a circle in the middle of the kitchen floor. Lifting her head up, she stared at him, “So what do you really think of me?”

“I think that underneath that beautiful exterior is an even more beautiful interior,” he dipped her and brought her back up.

He started to twirl her around but she stopped him and told him, “I’ve really miss you. I didn’t know how much you meant to me until you went away.”

“I miss you every day,” he told her. “I see you every day, but it’s not the same.”

Wanting to cry for both of them and seeing a brightness in his eyes, she gave a small smile, “I guess we should go to dinner before we really do end up at the McDonald’s drive thru.”

“Good point. I think we’re dress too sharp for the drive thru although I will miss the complimentary toy,” he joked all the while knowing why she had changed the subject.

“Alex,” she laughed and slipped her hand in his.

“What? I don’t see anything wrong with a guy wanting a power ranger toy,” he gave her a little pout.

She snickered, “Aww its okay. We’ll find you something from one of the stands on the boardwalk.”

“But it’s not the same,” he moaned as the two walked out the door.

Turning around to lock the door behind her she tossed over her shoulders, “I’ll make it up to you and share my Chunky Monkey ice cream with you.”

He pretended to ponder her offer as he watched her lock the door. “It’s not the same, but I guess it will have to do.”

They walked around the house and soon found themselves on the boardwalk. They chatted about everything that they could think of from Kyle’s Vegas wedding to about the things they each had seen. They chatted easily as they swung their clasped hands while looking at the different stands that were still open. Alex stopped at one stand that had jewelry on sale and waited for the salesperson while Isabel poked around at the next stand. Isabel looked among the various books and found a book of poems that she thought was interesting and signaled to the salesperson that she wanted the book. A few minutes later happy with her purchase she looked around for Alex and found him leaning against a pole staring up at the stars. She walked over to him and stared worriedly, “You miss it don’t you.”

“A little, maybe more than I thought, but I’m happy to be where I am right now,” he smiled at her. “So what did you get from the bookstand?”

Knowing that he was changing the subject she searched his eyes intensely and with a sigh replied, “Oh nothing much, just a book of poems that I’ve been looking for. So did you get anything from the stand? Maybe a power ranger toy,” she teased him.

“Hey! Don’t joke about the power ranger, you might hurt his feelings.”

“Please don’t tell me you bought an actually power ranger,” she laughed.

“No, but if I did you would have hurt his feelings.” Seeing that she was still laughing he offered her his arm and the two started walking again. Going past a few restaurants they finally stopped at a little Italian restaurant and over the next few hours they ate and continued chatting just happy to be with each other. Isabel looked at her watch and noticed the lateness of the hour. “Oh wow we’ve been sitting here for about two hours just chatting.”

“I guess that’s why the waiter has been hovering over us,” he laughed and he pulled his wallet out and laid a few bills on the table. Standing up he moved to help Isabel out of her seat, but she was already up waiting for him.

“So where to next,” he asked her as they stood outside the restaurant and looked at the pretty much deserted street.
“How about a walk on the beach and go home and curl up and watch a movie,” she suggested.

“Sounds like a plan.”

Soon they arrived at the beach where they had met hours earlier and their fingers played with each other as if it couldn’t live without that brief contact. Isabel leaned down and pulled her sandals up and soon they were walking along the water letting the ocean play with their toes.

They continued to walk in silence content in each other’s company and soon the wind came out to tease their hair as the waves rushed up to meet them.

“So you ready for that movie,” she asked.

“Sure. What are we watching,” he leaned over and pushed a strand of hair back behind her ear.

“A Walk to Remember,” she grinned at him.

“Ah your favorite movie, this makes it the twentieth time you watched it right,” he asked her.

She stopped and he looked at her questioningly. “You really do watch over me don’t you? This whole night is real isn’t it? I mean I just thought it was a dream and was going along with it, but I really do only get one night with you don’t I?”

“Iz,” he started but stopped when pulled away from him.

“It’s not fair! I make one lousy wish and not knowing the rules I only get one night. There should be rules that say if you make a wish that they will come true. I want a do over, and I’m holding you hostage until I get one,” she crossed her arms across her chest.

Ignoring her resistance he pulled her in his arms and tugged her arms from her chest and hugged her. “I wish you could get a do over, but you only get the one wish. I’m sorry Iz, I tried to tell you earlier that but I guess you didn’t want to hear me.”

“It’s not fair,” she thumped his chest and a small sob came out. “It’s not fair,” she repeated over.

“I know,” he rested his forehead on hers and ran his fingers through her hair. “Hey we still have a few hours left, so how about we make the most of it?”

“I guess,” she mumbled into his shirt.

“Sometimes life isn’t fair, but we have to appreciate the few miracles we get to see and I’m happy with the one night I get to spend with you.”

Knowing that he was right she gave one last sniff and looked up at him. “So do you want popcorn while you’re watching the movie,” she asked.

Linking hands again they started the walk towards her house, “You know a movie isn’t just a movie if you don’t have popcorn. I mean that’s the best part of the movie, well that and the previews.”

“Don’t forget the raisinettes,” she told him.

“Oh who can forget the raisinettes and the orange soda?”

All too soon they reached Isabel’s house and before Isabel could open the door Alex stopped.

“Thank you,” he told her simply.

Looking at him in confusion, “Thank you for what?”

“Thank you for believing in me.”

Not sure what to say she leaned up and gave him a small kiss before moving him out of the way and opening the door. A few minutes later they were cuddled on the couch after arguing for five minutes over which popcorn to eat with the previews already starting. They watched the movie entranced with the story before them although both had seen more times than they could count and as the end credits came on the screen, Alex looked down to see that Isabel had fallen asleep.

Smiling he got up and left the room and came back with a blanket. Spreading the blanket across her, he sat down on the coffee table and just looked at her. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small package and sat it down on the coffee table next to him.

“Alex,” she muttered in her sleep.

“I’m right here Iz,” he whispered to her.

“Sing me a song,” she opened her eyes lazily.

“Iz, go back to sleep. The sun will be rising soon, and you’ve been up all night.”

“Song then sleep,” she pouted still half sleep.

“Alright one song, but you have to sleep.”

Nodding her head she yawned and closed her eyes as he sung.

‘There's a song inside of me soul
It's the one that I've tried to write over and over again
I'm awake in the infinite cold
But You sing to me over and over again

So I lay my head back down
And I lift my hands
and pray to be only Yours
I pray to be only Yours
I know You're my only hope

Sing to me the song of the stars
Of Your galaxy dancing and laughing
and laughing again
When it feels like my drams are so far
Sing to me of the plans that You have for me over again

I give You my apathy
I'm giving You all of me
I want Your symphony
Singing in all that I am
At the top of my lungs I'm giving it back’

Seeing that she had fallen back asleep he leaned over and kissed her, “I’ll always love you.”

“I’ll always love you too,” she whispered.

He straightens up and picked up his coat and walked silently out of the room and out of the house. He looked up as the sun rose and closed his eyes and then he was gone.

Feeling as if she had forgot about something she woke up with a start and quickly looked around. “Alex,” she called out. She called his name again knowing in her heart that he had left her again. Curling up on the sofa she stared blankly at room as the sun filled the room. Doing her best not to cry she swung her legs off the couch determine to do something when she noticed a small package on the coffee table. Opening up the package slowly as to not tear the package she found a small black velvet pouch inside and she reached inside and pulled out a silver chain. On the end of the chain was a silver star and peering closely she read the inscription, “Sometimes wishes come true. With love, Alex.”
She rubbed her fingers across the inscription and held it to her heart and looked up and said, “Thank you for my night.” A breeze came through the open window and teased her hair as in telling her thank you.

The End
Last edited by vegas312 on Sat Oct 29, 2005 1:04 am, edited 1 time in total.