Shattered like a falling...(DA,XO,UC,MATURE) Pt 8 9/4 [WIP]

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Post by _liz »

Ok, I'm back. 8) I know, I know... it's been a while... But finally I translated next part. Hope you'll like it! :D Of course - forgive me all mistakes!


- Max...

Alec looked at her flabbergasted. He wasn't talking that loud so she could hear what was wrong. How did she knew? Hotaru mentioned that the girl is different, but he didn't thought that different. Maybe she was some kind of mutant. Like others.

There was no time for questions. Not now.

Before he even opened his mouth, Liz was standing and heading to the door. If she heard all, she will have to explain herself. If she's X5...

* * *

They walked into apartment at the same moment when Hotaru tried to help trembling Max lay down.
- Where's tryptophan? - Alec asked immediately
Unnecessary. He knew too well that if they had tryptophan Max would get it already. But they called him, so the phial was empty.

He muttered something and took his phone. He had to hurry. Every minute was precious.

Liz was standing helplessly, watching the whole situation. Pieces of information ran through her mind. Convulse + tyrptophan = epilepsy. Scientist's brain found another answer.
- Milk – she said loud – Give her some milk.

Alec snorted, still waiting for someone to answer the phone. Hotaru looked at Liz and said coldly:
- We know. The problem is, we don't have it!
No milk. That was something imposible for Liz, like an abstraction. In Roswell there always was milk in hause. She thought everyone had it.
- You have to have milk. – she was shocked
- I know what I have in my fridge! - Hotaru shouted

Max was still convulsing. Harder. Liz looked at Alec, who finally was talking with someone on the phone. Than she turned her gaze to the kitchen. She ran there. Glass. Tap. Water. She filled the glass with water. She felt green eyes studying her carefully. There was no time for explanation.

Her hands started to warm up. She had no idea how to do this and what actually was she doing. She just knew, she can do it. Water started to cloud and change it's colour. Liz frowned, observing how a dim light is coming from her hands. Fluid in the glass was now white. She tasted it.


Real, warm milk. She turned around and carried glass to the room, giving it to Hotaru.

- It's milk! - blue eyes goggled in shock
Liz also was a bit surprised. But she knew where the milk has came from. Blonde girl gave Max the glass.

After few minutes someone knocked to the door. Liz heard Alec talking to someone and than he gave Max some pills. There was no doubt that it was tryptophan.

Convulsing stopped. Now there was another problem. There were so many questions. Liz knew the will ask her about it. She had to protect herself from it. The best way of defense was attack.

- What's going on in here? - she asked, a little frightened
Max was still holding glass in her hands and stared at the floor. Hotaru was looking around, avoiding Liz gaze. Just Alec was looking at her. He knew exactly what was she doing. He knew this tactic.
- We could ask you the same. – he said calmly

Liz pursed her lips and backed. Something inside her was screaming that she should run, but everything else was whispering that she could trust them. She saw many strange things and she could just guess what was the reason for it. She wanted to learn something about their secret, but she didn't want to drag them into her's world. She was to terriefied.

So she turned around and went to the hall. But something stopped her. Someone... Alec was standing in front of her, blocking her way.

How he moved so fast, she didn't know. And she didn't want to know. Green eyes were now dark, almost black. Sparks of amusement were gone. Now there was just danger. His fingers touched her arm. She felt electricity burn her skin.

Strange, even in this situation he was turning her on. Every touch was sending plesurable waves through her body. But her mind was working differently. It told her that it was just his way of stopping her. Just to know the answer. She stepped aside and walked away. Without a worde, locking the door behind her.

* * *

He didn't turn around, when she passed by him. He wanted to stop her and know the truth. Not just for his information. He just felt that he should help her with this burden. But he didn't stop her. For three reasons. First, if she was X5 she could easily run after a little struggle. Secondly, he didn't want to push her. Third of all, he prefered not to come in contact with her, because this strange attraction between them was frightening him.

He looked at Hotaru and Max, who were sitting on the couch. Both of them were staring at him, like he was supposed to explain everything to them. Max was sitting calmly. She was a little concerned, but she had to stay calm like always. Hotaru's blue eyes were now dark like ink. Emotions were clouding in them.
- We don't have milk. – she said hypnotised

- So where did it come from? - Alec asked ironically
But he should know or at least suspect the answer. He was the only one, who was staring at her all the time.

Whoever was she, in a strange way he trusted her. They trusted her. She didn't know hotaru, but she saved her. She did it despite the theft. She helped Max. And she didn't ask about anything. Untill now. They owned her some answers. Not all, but some of them.

He turned around and left the apartment.

* * *

From one swamp to another. Really, it could happen just to her. First alien-related quicksand. Now dangerous spiderweb in Seattle. She wasn't stupid. She was thinking logically. She was observing. Something was wrong with them – it was for sure.

she walked faster. Dark clouds enshrouded heaven. It could start raining anytime. She walked through dark alleys, feeling more frightened with every step. She had a bad feeling. She was alone in cold, dark city. It couldn't be worse.
- Hey, you! - someone's harsh voice filled the air

Ok, so it could get worse.

She didn't turn around. Someone followed her. There was few of them. And for sure they didn't want to walk her home. She didn't want to play their game.
- Where are you going darlin'? - somebody catched her by the arm
Four Mexicans were standing in front of her with awful smiles on their faces. She tried to escape, but she was pinned against the wall. She tried to scream, but one dirty hand closed over her mouth. She closed her eyes, not wanting to see what they were going to do to her. And suddenly she was free...

Hand on her mouth dissapeared. She heard a loud noise. She opened her eyes immediately. Two guys were lying on the ground. Three other were fighting with someone. Not someone. Liz recognised him. Dark blonde hair, perfect silhouette, fast cat-like moves.


She observed how he beat other man with one fluid move. Ans she still was standing in one place, leaning agains the wall. Emerald eyes found her. It looked like he was reliefed that she was all safe. He came closer to her, watching her carefully.
- You allright?
She nodded. She still couldn't move. Only when warm fingers catched her wrist, did she move.

They walked out of the alley. Alec was still holding her hand. She was sure that because of his fingers she was feeling warm despite low temperature. How is it possible that the most irritating boy she had met was affecting her like that? She peeked at him. He was looking someweher far away, like he tried to sense some danger. She noticed how he touched his eyebrow and realised what had happened.
- You're bleeding. – her voice was weak
He could sense pique and guilt in her voice. That was the truth, she was feeling guilty. She always was.

He didn't say anything. He didn't even looked at her.

They've stopped in front of her motel. He let go of her hand and turned around. Right hand once again wiped his eyebrow. It was the perfect impulse for Liz. She grasped his arm, stopping him. He turned his head and looked at her. Liz body shivered, when his eyes fixed on her.

She pulled him and surprisingly, he followed her. His gaze was x-raying her, when the were walking down the hall. Now she realised what was on his mind. A rush of blood. She was leading him to her room. He could think just about one thing.

Her trembling hand opened the door. They walked in at the same time. She closed the door behing them, still feeling his piercing gaze on her body.

But she couldn't let him take over control on that situation. She turned around, facing him.
- Sit – she commanded, pointing at the bed
Then she walked into the bathroom. She looked at herself in the mirror. Sigh. Liz took a bottle of hydrogen peroxide and some tampons. Yes. Bandage. Nothing else. She was repeating it in her mind. J u s t t h a t

He was waiting, laying on the bed leaning on his elbows. She rolled her eyes. Was he really thinking just about one thing? She came closer, opening the bottle. Alec sat up, watching her with interest. But when she held up a tampon dripped with hydrogen peroxide he seered off. She sighted irritated and tried once again to sterilize the wound. He pushed her hand away.

- Stop acting like a child and start acting like a man! - she growled
Maybe she shouldn't have said that. A dangerous spark appeared in green eyes. In the blink of an eye he catched her in the waist and knocked her over on the bed. The mattres dipped under her back. She wanted to stand up, but he prevented it.

Alec's body was just milimeters above her, but she could say he was laying on top of her. She moaned. His right hand slipped on her waist. She felt her body melting in places where her skin met his fingers. Even if she wanted to resist it, she couldn't. He took all her control over her senses and reactions. She held up her breath, when he stared down at her. Regular puffs of air hit her cheek. Corners of his mouth moved slightly up in a devlish smirk. Just two maybe three milimeters and she could taste this smirk. But it was Alec who leaned forward, almost brushing her lips with his. He whispered sensually:
- Like this?
Liz shuddered. Everything inside her was boiling and running to him. She took all her strenght to escape. She moved nervously.

But the problem was that his body stayed still, so she just glanced off him and fell on the bed. A moan escaped her lips, when his hand moved under her shirt. Stream of impulses inside her body was deafen by laughter. Liz looked angrily at Alec. Still chuckling, he stood up. She sighed with relief, although a little part of her wanted him back.

Alec looked around the room.
- Ok. - he muttered - Pack.
Liz tried to stand up. When she menaged to do it, she said harshly:
- What are you talking about?

But he wasn't listening. With shock and irritation she observed how he was taking her things from the bathroom and throwing them into her bag. Once again he looked around, waiting impatiently. .
- Come on.

She blinked, crossed her arms and frowned. What the hell was he thinking? That he can give her orders without any explanation? His insolence was sometimes charming, but not always. Not now.
- Where? - she snorted
He shook his head with amusement.
- To H. You need a place to live. – he pointed the ugly room theye were in

Oh, he was impossible. They were impossible. First, they save your life, than they rob you, once again save you, annoy you. Maybe motel wasn't a perfect place to sleep, but she had to start somewhere and it was better then a bench in the park. She didn't need his pity.
- I won't live with Hotaru. – she said firmly
A well known smile appeared on Alec's face.
- You prefer living with me? - he asked with a soft voice

Liz's lips parted. But words congealed in her throat. She couldn't even imagine spending a few more minutes alone with him, because she was already falling for his charm and... whatever it was... And she wasn'r sure she would be able to live with him. She prefered not answering this inkling.
- I am not going anywhere. – oh, she was stubborn
Alec snorted. Devlish smirk was still in the corners of his mouth. He knew what to say to move her.
- Want me to carry you? - it sounded like a threat, but extremely tempting

She swallowed. God, he was able to do it. She knew he was able to do all his threats. And she was scared that she could want him to. She closed her eyes and sighed in surrender.