The City that Never Sleeps (UC, Z/M, Mi/L, Adult) {COMPLETE}

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The City that Never Sleeps (UC, Z/M, Mi/L, Adult) {COMPLETE}

Post by gnrkrystle »

The City That Never Sleeps

Dislaimer: I do not own Roswell, obviously or my stories would be on the show and it would air on HBO…I just have a good time manipulating the characters created by others.
Coupling: Zan/Maria, Rath/Liz, and Kyle/Ava
Rating: ADULT eventually
Summary: After the aliens leave, the humans travel to New York to get away from the Roswell drama. What happens there, non of them could have ever expected.
Author’s note: Liz, Kyle, and Maria went to stop Max, Michael, and Isabel from leaving but couldn’t get in. Michael never came out so they couldn’t tell the aliens that Tess killed Alex.

Chapter 1

Maria and Liz laid down on Maria’s bed as Kyle paced around her bedroom. None of them could believe it. Tess killed Alex. Max got Tess pregnate. And now Max, Michael, Isabel, and Tess were on their way home to Antar. They were most likely never coming back.

“I can’t believe I trusted her!” Kyle exclaimed.

“I know, Kyle. I can’t believe I trusted Max. I mean, I can’t believe his slept with Tess. And he wasn’t even smart enough to use protection!” Liz said in anger.

“I can’t believe Michael actually left.” Maria said in tears. “I mean I knew he was going, but I thought somewhere in his heart he would choose me over almost certain death.” Maria was still upset that he hadn’t stayed for her, even if it was irrational.

“They aren’t ever coming back are they?” Liz said. It was a rhetotical question. They all knew that the chances of their friends even living were slim to none, let alone returning to earth.

Kyle piped in, “Fuck them. I don’t care if they come back!” Liz and Maria looked at him stunned. “I mean all they have done is come into our lived and fuck it up. Then they leave us here, alone. I mean, what if there are still aliens after us? Or the FBI. That doesn’t matter to them. All that matters is that Max couldn’t keep his dick in his pants. GOD!” Kyle felt good getting some of this off of his chest.

Liz and Maria felt the same way, but they didn’t have the nerve to actually say it out loud. Liz wanted to kill Max for what he had done. Not so much that he got Tess pregnate, but more that he left Maria, Kyle, and her so vulnerable to attack. She could get over Max with time, but there was no telling what was out in the world still hunting them.

Maria was still hurt by Michael’s leaving, but she was more shocked that the man who claimed he would risk his life to protect her, left her on earth without any protection what-so-ever. She had given herself to him in every way she could, and he just left her in a lerch.

Maria began crying as she thought about these things. Liz put his arms around her and began crying too. Kyle joined them on the bed and embraced them both. He wanted to kill Max and Michael for treating them this way. He hated Tess for what she had done to them all, but no one had the right to treat Liz and Maria that way.

The trio spent many a night like that. On one of their beds wrapped in each other’s arms. Rumors flew. The whole town thought up their own senarios for why the 4 teens skipped town. Or the galaxy is it were. The most popular story was that Max got Tess pregnate, and Michael got Isabel pregnate and left town. Well, that was half true.

Finally after 2 weeks of wallowing in self-pity, Liz decided they needed to do something. “We have to get out of here,” she said.

“Where do you want to go?” Maira asked, not really getting her full meaning.

“I think we should get out of this god-forsaken town.”

“Where are we going to go?” Kyle asked. He wanted to get out and away from all the Roswell crap as much as Liz, but they didn’t have anywhere to go.

“We could go stay at Grandma Claudia’s townhouse in NYC. She left it to me when she died. I just have to get out of here you guys.” Liz said.

Maria thought for a minute. “Let’s do it.” She finally said. Liz was surprised because she thought she was going to have to really convince her.

Kyle spoke up. “I’m all for this, but we have to have a plan. And we have to think about how we are goinging to talk to your partents. My dad will be cool with it because he knows all that is going on, but Amy, the Parker’s are going to flip.”

“Well, I figure we can drive the Mustang there. I’ve saved up a lot of money over the years of working, so gas isn’t a problem. When we get there, I could look up my cousin and Maria and I could waitress at her resturante. I mean, it’s only for the summer, but we could get away from this town for at least a couple months.”

Kyle thought on this, “And your parents?”

“My parents will freek, but they will be fine. Especially when we get your dad to talk to them.” Liz said with an evil grin.

“Ditto,” Maria said with pleading eyes.

“Please!!!” Liz and Maria said to Kyle with pouty lips.

How could he say ‘no’ to that, “Fine, let’s do it.”

Last edited by gnrkrystle on Tue Jun 21, 2005 5:46 pm, edited 8 times in total.
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Chapter 2

At first the Parker’s were comletely against the idea of their baby traveling to New York City without adult supervision, but when Jim explained to them that this may be the only way to get their once happy daughter back, they reluctenly concented. The condition was that they had to call their parents once a day. That was reasonable.

Before they could leave, Amy, Jim, and the Parkers called a meeting. They wanted to get a few things straight, and beat home the fact that they were not thrilled about the idea.

Amy was the first to speak, “Ok, so we’ve decided that you can go to New York, but we expect you to call each one of us with an update everyday. If you don’t, there will be hell to pay.”

Jeff Parker then spoke, “Lizzie, honey I want you to be happy, but I’m still worried about you. New York City is a totally different place than Roswell, NM.”

Kyle spoke up, “I understand your worried, but I’m not going to let anything happen to Liz or Maria. We all only have each other now. We just really need this time to get our heads together.”

The adults could see the passion in all of their eyes and let up. Amy said one last thing, “Ok, Kyle. I trust you with my daughter and my daughter’s best friends life. But if anything happened to them, I will hurt you.” Then she lightened up and gave them all a hug.

“Thanks, mom.” Maria said.

As they walked the car, Jim stopped them. “I understand why you all are doing this, and I almost wish I had the ability to get out of here. But I’m serious when I say, if anything happens out in New York, intergalactic or otherwise that seems out of the ordinary, call me immediately.”

“I will dad.” Kyle said.

“Bye, kids.” Jim said.

“Bye!” they all yelled back in unison.

And with that, the road trip began. The trio immediately felt a weight lifted off their sholders as they exited the Roswell city limits. This was exactly what they needed.

Kyle tried to hold off relequishing his driving privlages, but he could stay away no longer. Maria climed behind the wheol somewhere in Kansas. They drove straight through, each taking their turn at driving. None of them wanted to stop at a sleezy motel. It was a waist of money anyway.

Finally, 31 hrs later, Liz pulled up to the parking garage at her Grandmother’s Town house. They were all beat. It took all of their energy to walk up the steps to the townhouse and find their rooms to laydown.

They all got separate rooms. They were so tired, they didn’t even notice that the townhouse was completely pimped out. It had a huge kitchen and living room combo, 4 bedrooms, a zen room and a small balcony. But at that moment they didn’t care. They just wanted to find their beds and sleep.

That’s exactly what they did. The three friends slept like that hadn’t slept in a long time, and they didn’t even have to be in the comfort of each other’s arms. They were already healing.

The slept all the way until the next morning. When Maria woke up she noticed she was still in all her clothes from the road. Shoes and all. She groggily got out of bed and headed toward the kitchen.

She went to open the friged, out of habit, and saw a note there.

Hey, Kyle and I went to the store to get some food and necessities. We will be back ASAP.

Maria was relieved, she was hungy. She hadn’t even thought about food for a few days, but now she felt like she could eat anything and everything.

Maria went ito her room and got her cellphone. Then she went into the lving room and plopped down on the couch. She dialed her mom for the daily check in. “Hey, mom, it’s me. No, Kyle and Liz went to the store. Yeah, I just woke up. Ok, Mom, I’ll lock the door. Ys, we are fine. Stop worrying. Ok, Love you too, Mom. Bye.”

Maria grinned to herself at how overprotective her mother got. She couldn’t be any safer. She was with Kyle and Liz who would both take a bullet for her.

Soon after she called her mom, Kyle and Liz walked into the apartment. “Hey, sleepy head.” Kyle called. Maria opened her eyes and helped them unpack the groceries.

When they were done, they caught a cab and went to Liz’s cousin’s resturant, Deep Blue. When they entered, they were all quite impressed. It was very posh and urban chic. Liz looked around for her cousin, Krystal.

Krystal was the one wo spot Liz. She came screaming out of the kitchen, LIZ!! Look at you. You’ve become a little hottie..”

Liz blushed. “So, I’m sure my dad has called you 100 times.”

“Try 1000!” Krystal said, “So, you all need jobs. Hmmm well you are in luck, because I just so happen to need empoyees.” She giggled.

They went back to Krystal’s office and talked about hours. Finally they worked out a schedule so that they could all work together. They would work Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday from 6:00pm-1:00am.

As the three friends left Deep Blue, they were in high spirits. They were out of Roswell, they had jobs, and a great place to stay. They hadn’t even thought about the popd-squad all day.

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Chapter 3

That night was their first night of work. They were excited to start their new jobs, and dressed up for the occasion. Maria wore skin-tight black leather pants with a pink backless shirt. Liz pulled on some low-rise tight jeans and a sparkley halter top. Kyle wore a pair of jeans that fit his ass just right along with a crisp white button-down.

The night was going quite-well. Liz and Maria had been used to a hectic croud, being that the Crashdown was the place to be in Roswell. Kyle was having a little but tougher time, but by the middle of their shift he had gotten the hang of waiting.

Around 11:00 Krystal came at the trio frantically. “What’s wrong?” Liz asked concerned.

“The band for tonight cancelled. I don’t know what the hell I’m going to do. It’s too short notice to get anyone else.” Krystal answered.

“Well, you know Maria sings.” Kyle pipped in. Maria looked at him pertified.

Krystal turned to Maria, “Really? Would you please help me out. Its 500 dollars.”

Maria sighed and agreed. “Is this a capella or do I get a piano?”

“You can have whatever you want.” Krystal said excitedly. “Let’s get you set up.”

Maria followed Krystal to the back. Liz and Kyle looked at each other. This was either going to be really good for Maria, or it was going to make her crazy. They prayed for the former.

When Maria took the stage and sat behind the piano, they knew she had it under controll. They each breathed a silent sigh of relief. Maria sang like and angel. She sang until close, and when she got off the stage, Krystal looked at her like she was God herself. The crowd also loved Maria. She had received 5 standing ovations in 2 hours. Something unheard of in New York City where everyone was bitter and cynical.

“Wow. You have got some pipes.” Krystal exclaimed.

“Thank you so much,” Maria replied humbely, “I had an awesome time.”

“Well, how would you like to be our regular Friday night act?” Krystal asked.

Maria’s jaw dropped as Kyle and Liz wrapped their arms around her, “Are you serious?”

“I havn’t seen the place erupt like that for even signed bands. You’ve got it.” Krystal reliped honestly.

“Oh My God!” Maria said in her over-dramatized way running to Krystal and wrapping her in a tight embrace.

“Ok, well why don’t you guys get out of here, your shift is over.” Krystal said o them all.

They left the resturant together all buzzing from the nights events. Kyle and Liz were both so happy for Maria. This would get her mind off of Michael and the whole situation. They were all really finding their place in the city. They were happy. Truly happy. And if they were being completely honest they hadn’t been this happy since before Liz was shot 2 years ago.

Meanwhile at Zan’s apartment…

Zan woke up from another dream. He was back in the ally where he had healed himself after being pushed in front of the truck. He woke up he noticed Ava was not in the bed with him. He got up and went into the living room. Ava was sitting on the couch watching TV. He wondered what she was doing up at this hour.

“What you doin’?” he asked as he sat down.

“Couldn’t sleep. You?” she said.

“Had a dream.” He said.

Suddenly out of the blue Ava said, “I’m gonna sleep with Rath from now on.”

“What?!?” Zan said in anger.

“No! Not like that.” Ava giggled. “It’s just that, I know yous don’t want me, like that. It’s just hard to sleep wit yous when I know you dreamin’ about another bitch.” She looked down.

How could she have known he was having dreams about another chick. Did he talk in his sleep? For several nights, Zan had been dreaming about this girl, but he didn’t know her. He just felt her.

“If that’s what yous want.” He said emotionlessly.

Then, as if on cue, Rath came into the living room. He was still a little uneasy about living with Zan and Ava. It had been almost a year since Lonnie had brainwashed him into killing Zan, but he still felt responsible. He was supposed to be Zan’s second. The soldier. And he had let that bitch get into his head and toy with him. Zan and Ava had forgiven him a while ago, but he still felt a little awkward around them. He vowed the day that he found Zan in the ally healing himself, that he would watch over them and be the general he was engineered to be.

“Yo, Rath,” Ava said, “Can I sleep wit yous from now on?”

Rath looked at Zan as if to ask for permission. Zan nodded.

“Yeah, if yous wanna, but no hot alien sex.” He answered.

“Don’t flatta yourself, Rath.” Ava said as she rolled her eyes.

They all went back to sleep. Ava slept with Rath, and Zan went to his own room. That night he drempt again of this girl with no name. She was beautiful. She knew how to touch him, but more than that, she was strong. She didn’t take shit off of anyone. She was so different from the girls he was used to fucking and leaving. He seemed like the kind of girl that would tell him where he could go if he pissed her off. This on top of her energy excited him.

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Chapter 4

Liz, Maria, and Kyle woke up the next day and decided to sightsee. It was Thursday, so they had the whole day off. They started the morning with Kyle making omletes.

“I never knew you were such a culinary artist.” Maria said with a grin.

“Stick around little ladie, you may just learn a lot about your good buddy, Kyle.” Kyle said with a wicked grin.

They all had a lot of fun that day. They went to the Empire State building, Time Square, and all the typical touristy places. They giggled and joked and just had a good time.

When they ate lunch at Confetti’s, the three made a pact. They decided that from that point on, they were not going to give a shit about the ‘alien abyss.’ They would live life to have fun. And most importantly, they would not pine over their lost loves. It wasn’t until the had gotten to New York that they realized that they could get over all the shit they had been but through the past 2 years.

As they left the resturant they felt a huge weight lifted off of their sholders. They walked out into the Brave New World new people who planned to get the most oout of life. No more Roswellian drama.


Zan walked into Rath’s room. “I need to talk to ya.”

“What up, duke?” Rath said not looking up.

Zan sat on the bed. “I been havin’ these crazy mad dreams man.”

“The nightmares still?” Rath asked looking up.

“Nah, they’s goin’ away. These dream are different. They’s about a chick.” Zan said looking down.

“Now that’s what I’m talkin’ about, Spill it.” Rath said excitedly.

“This chick, I don’t know her. But I like feel her. Like she wit me. These dreams be makin me mad crazy, yo. I can’t shake it.” Zan said.

“Maybe yous just need to relieve some… tension, duke.” Rath said.

“It ain’t like that though. Is like I don’t just wanna fuck her. Is llike she’s part of me.” Zan didn’t know how to express what he felt.

Rath looked at Zan confused, “These feelin’s getting stronga?”

“Yeah, how you know?” Zan was now the confused one.

“Cuz I’ve been havin dreams like that too.” Rath said. He had been dreaming of a girl too. Same as Zan, he felt like she was part of him. He couldn’t put his finger on why he was drawn to her. She was beautiful, but it was more than that. And he felt her presence more strongly as the days wore on.


The fearless trio went out that night. They wanted to party so they went to a club called The Candy Shop. They dressed to kill and wanted to hit the dance floor.

When they got there, Maria and Liz sweet talked the bouncer into letting Kyle in with them. He was willing to let two hotties in underage, but he was not keen on letting an underage dude in. Finally, tits and ass prevailed and they entered the club.

They tore up the dance floor. The three moved together like they had been doing it for years. Liz in front, Maria behind, and Kyle in the middle. During one of their more heated dances, Liz bent over in front of Kyle while he girated as Maria grinded into his backside. The rest of the dance floor crowded around them and cheered them on.

When they realized they were being watched, they blushed but kept going at it hotter than ever. They were having a great time.

When they got back to the townhouse, they were beyond tired. They all went to their rooms and passed out.

That night they each had bizzare dreams. Kyle drempt about a woman with Tess’s face, but softer eyes. He felt a closness with her, and he couldn’t understand why. He was so pissed at Tess at this point, that he didn’t want to be near her. But yet, with this ‘Tess’ he felt like he couldn’t get close enough to her.

Maria drempt of a facless man with a hard body. She had had sex dreams before but this was different. It was like she could see his desires, like she was connected to him. A stronger connection than she had ever had with Michael. It scared her but she couldn’t drag herself away from this intoxicating faceless man.

Liz kept dreaming about the day Rath had kissed her. It was like a movie playing over and over. She couldn’t stop it, or change it. But in some way she didn’t want to stop it. He felt intense desire that she couldn’t explain as he kissed her.

The next morning, in the kitchen Liz greeted her friends and said, “I had the crazyest dream last night.”

“Me too.” Kyle and Maria said in unison. They all looked at each other in confusion.

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Chapter 5

They discussed there dreams for a couple of hours. They were so confused. That did this mean? It was too weird that they all had had crazy dreams about the aliens. That couldn’t be a coincedence.

They tried to brainstorm some reasons for the dream. Kyle thought it was because they had just been talking about the pod-squad, and so they were fresh in their minds. Liz thought it was because they hadn’t resolved their issues with the aliens. Maria thought it was a bit of both. While they had resigned themselves to the fact that they would get over their old friends, it was still going to take some work.

The rest of the day the trio rested. They were still tired from the hard partying last night, not to mention the dreams they had, had. They layed around the living room and watched TV, just being generally lazy until it was time to get ready for work.

It was Friday, so Maria wanted to look especially good since it was her night to preform. She pulled out a black halter dress cut above her knee and black wrap-around heels. She did her make-up vary dramatic, going for the vampy look. Liz went with black pinstrip pants and a white tanktop. Kyle put on another pair of tight jeans and a blue polo shirt. They looked even better than they did Wednesday night.

When they got to the resturant they greeted Krystal and went right to work. The place was packed. Krystal told them that Fridays were always slammed. “By the way, Maria. We have an accompaniest for you tonight. So you can wrk the crowd.” Krystal said to Maria.

Maria was nervous, but Kyle and Liz told her she would be great.


Zan felt his dream woman’s energy all day. It was so weird, he wasn’t asleep be could feel her almost as strongly as when we was deaming. He shrugged it off. It wasn’t like there was anything he could do about it. She wasn’t even real.

He was hungry, and he was sick of pizza and Chineese food. “Yo, Rath…Ava, what about we go ta that hoppin new resturant, Deep Blue.”

“I’m wit that,” Rath said, Ava only nodded.

Zan could tell something was up with her, “What wit you Aves?”

She looked up at him, “ Nothin’, well I just had a crazy dream last night.”

Rath and Zan looked at eachother. “What kinda dream babes?” Rath finally said.

“It was about that guy, from Roswell. What was his name, uh Kyle. It was like I know him. I feel him, even now.” She said.

Rath and Zan looked at each other again. They told Ava about their dreams too. After their talked they headed out the door for Deep Blue, they were in the mood for good food and Live music.

Back at Deep Blue…

As Maria took the stage, the audience was a buzz with talk of her Wednesday night preformance. Maria sang like an angel. It was a lot easier for her to sing when she didn’t have to play piano for herself.

Zan, Rath, and Ava entered the resturant half way through Maria’s set. They made their way to the bar. After getting situated and ordering, the three of them turned their attention to the stage.

Zan felt energy course through his body as he watched the beautiful woman on the stage. Was that… It couldn’t be. But it was. That was the woman from his dreams. His eyes stayed fixed on the woman as Rath and Ava looked at him. They followed his line of sight.

Ava gasped. “Oh My God, That’s Liz’s friend Maria.” She said.

Zan and Rath looked at her confused? “Liz?” Rath asked. The names seemed so familiar to him. Where had he heard it before?

Zan looked at his two friends, “Thas da girl in my dreams,” he said and looked back at Maria. She was so beautiful, even more so than in his dreams.

As Maria finished he set, she felt eyes on her. She knew that the crowd was watching her, but this was different. It was more intamate. Like someone had his eyes fixed only on her.

When she was done, she made her way off stage and out the back door. Kyle and Liz toke their break and joined her. It was hot in there, they needed some fresh air.

When Zan saw her leave he followed her before he could stop himself. It was like his body was moving without his concent. Ava and Rath followed him knowing exactly where he was going.

As Zan reached the back door he stood there watching the three friends interact.

“That was amazing Maria.” Kyle said.

“Even better than Wednesday,” Liz added.

When Rath and Ava joined him, both of their jaws dropped.

“Whas up?” Zan asked, noticing their preculiar behavior.

Ava was the first to speak, “Thos to wit your dream girl are Liz and Kyle.”

Rath, still in a daze, said, “Liz…” As he stared at the brunette hugging the blond he realized that she was the woman in his dreams.

Suddenly, before they could stop themselves, the three New Yorkers stepped out into the ally. Liz, Maria, and Kyle turned to look at the new faces that appeared from the resturant. Each of their faced turned white with terror.

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Chapter 6

“What the hell are you doing here?” Kyle exclaimed.

“How the hell you know us?” Zan asked, not likeing Kyle’s tone. He still couldn’t take his eyes off of Maria.

Liz started at the Tess lookalike, “Ava?” she said, noticing Rath watching her.

“Yo, Liz. What yous doin in New york?” She said still focused on Kyle.

Zan was confused and turned to Ava, “Wait, you know these peeps?”

Ava turned to Zan, “Yeah, umm this is Liz, and these are they’re friends from Roswell. Kyle and Maria.”

“Who the fuck are you?” Kyle asked? “You can’t be Zan, he’s dead. And Rath? You killed Zan and tried to kill Max and Tess. What the fuck is going on?” He said wrapping his arms aroung Liz and Maria.

“Who the fuck is Max and Tess?” Zan yelled.

Maria finally spoke regaining her composure. “We can’t do this out here. Why don’t we go back to the townhouse and figue out what the hell is going on.”

“You can’t be serious,” Kyle exlaimed.

“Well, we have to figure out what is going on, Kyle” Liz added.

Maria turned to the three aliens, “Do you guys have a car?”

“No,” Zan answered.

“Alright, well why don’t you get a cab and follow us back to out place?” She said. She was actually scared, but for some strange reason her instincts told her to trust these three, especially Zan.

“Aright, fine. But if yous try anything, we out.” Zan answered to Rath and Ava’s surprise. He never trusted anyone like that.

Kyle was still worried, but there was something in him that needed to know what these three were up to. He didn’t trust Zan or Rath, but he did trust Ava. He didn’t know why. It was probably because she had befriended Liz and helped them save Max when he was in New York.

Kyle, Liz, and Maria got to the townhouse first. They went in and sat down waiting for the others. Not 10 minutes passed before the door flung open.

“Knock, much?” Kyle snapped.

“Not with starngers, G.” Rath said.

“I told you they aint strangas. They good people.” Ava said. Then she turned to Liz. “Hey, cornball. I bet yous confused right now, but we can explain.”

“What happened?” Liz asked.

Everyone sat down and Ava began. “See, I came back to New York and Lonnie and Rath was gone. I still thought Zan was dead so I was on my own. I went to the sewer and found Zan there healin’ himself. He was still in bad shap so I used my energy to help him. He didn’t rememba what happened so I told him. Then we was walkin down da ally and saw Rath passed out. We was gonna leave him to die, but Zan said he had to connect wit him ‘cuz he wanted to know why he tried to off him.”

Zan picked up, “What I saw was mad crazy. Lonnie had mindwarped him. When she couldn’t warp him no more, she left him in the ally. So we took him back to the sewer and I healed him.”

Rath finished, “After that I got most my memories back, except the ones when I was in Roswell. Lonnie made me kill Zan and I be a dead man ‘for I see him harmed again.” Rath warned.

The three humans sat in shocked. “Oh my God, Zan. I’m so sorry.” Maria said.

“Yeah, well I don’t need ya pity.” He said harsher than he had intended. He didn’t want to be rude to this girl, but he couldn’t help himself.

“Wow,” was all that Kyle could say.

Ava got back to her original question, “So, what yous all doin’ here?”

“Well, it’s a long story,” Liz said, “but I’ll try to make it short. Max, Zan’s dupe, got Tess, your dupe, pregnate and they went back to Antar. Probably to be killed by Kivar. And we just had to get the fuck out of their.” Rath flinched at her use of language. I could do a lot with that dirty mouth he though, but then cursed himself for thinking about sex at a time like this.

“And it’s weird that we run into you all after this, you know,” Maria chimmed in.

“Yeah, I bet” Ava said. “So yous out here by yourselves? This city is too tough for you softies alone.”

Kyle took a little bit of offense to that, but knew she was right. Anything could happen to them. “We mangage ok.” He finally said.

“So…” Maria said feeling awkward in the long silence. She never could get used to silence. That is probably why she talked so much.

Liz picked up on it. “Hey, it’s late. Why don’t you guys stay here tonight. I’d really like to catch up with Ava anyway, and maybe you can get us up to speed on New York safty.” Liz said. She really didn’t want them to leave. They were her only link to her past. Besides, she couldn’t get that dream about Rath out of her head.

“Whateva,” Zan said emotionlessly. He was secretly very glad to be able to spend more time with Maria. What was it about this girl? He had never gotten like this over another chick. Girls were used and tossed out like tissue with ease.

Rath was again surprised that Zan gave in, but also excited. He wanted to get to know this Liz chick. Wait, get to know her? What the hell was going on.

Ava was really glad to be reunited with Liz. As small town as she was, she loved being around her. She had missed her. It would be nice to delve into a a pint of Ben and Jerry’s and dish.

“Ok, cool.” Maria said. She was nervous. She had realized about 10 minutes ago that Zan was the man in her dreams. For some reason she felt a pull toward him. However, she was also resistant. She didn’t know this guy. All she knew was that he wore the face of her best-friends ex-boyfriend and her once friend. That scared her.

“I’m not thrilled, but if that’s what you guys want…” Kyle said. He didn’t like the pull he was feeling to Ava. She looked just like Tess, and at this point his life goal was to forget everything that had to do with that lying bitch. But he also saw how much Liz trusted her. Ava was not like Tess, so maybe Rath and Zan were not like Max and Michael.

Liz did a little happy dance on the inside when Zan agreed to stay. She was surprised but happy. She would be able to hang with Ava, and be able to be close to Rath even for just one night. She didn’t know why she felt this way about him, but she was sick of questioning things.

“Hey, why don’t you come into my room?” Liz asked Ava.

“Alright, be in these in a sec.” Ava said with a giggle. Rath and Zan hadn’t seen her that happy in…well ever.

“Hey, Rath ummm you think I could have a word with you?” Kyle asked. He was leery of leaving Maria with Zan but he wanted to get the whole story behind the mindwarping. If Maria was in trouble she would call for him, he knew it.

Rath looked at Zan who nodded. “Yeah, whateva.” He said and followed Kyle into his room.

That left Maria and Zan alone in the living room. Maria felt her stomach jump. Zan was also excited about this alone time. Not that he would let her know.

Maria started conversation, “So, ummm do you still live in the sewer?” she didn’t know what to say.

“Nah, we got us a real place. We don’t want Lonnie or Nicolas to find us,” Zan answered.

Maria nodded in understanding, “Look, I’m sorry about before. I wasn’t trying to treat you like a charity case, I just really feel bad for you.” She left out the part where she felt a connection to him.

“Is coo. I’m sorry I jumped on ya. Is just that we alone. Thas the way we gotta be.” Zan said. He left out the part that he wanted to include her in his family to protect.

“I understand. That’s how our dupes were until Max healed Liz.” Maria said. She could see Zan’s confusion so she told him the whole story.

“So he exposed himself?” Zan was surprised that his dupe had been dumb enough to expose himself to save Liz. But aparently his insticts had been right because all the humans they brought into the conspiracy had ended up trustworthy. He didn’t like it but he was beginning to trust them and he had only known them for a half hour.

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Chapter 7

Meanwhile in Liz’s Room…

“So, they just left?” Ava asked. Liz told her the whole story of Max, Michael, Isabel, and Tess’s departure.

“Yeah,” Liz said looking down.

“I’m sorry Liz.” Aza said genuinly.

“You know what? In some weird way I’m over it. Coming here has made us all better.” Liz said. She wanted to tell Ava about the dreams too. Maybe she could make sense of them. “Ava, can I tell you something?”

“Yeah, girl. Spill it.”

“Ok, but you can’t tell anyone.” Ava nodded. “I’ve been having these dreams since I got here. I know it’s going to sound weird. But they are about Rath. I keep reinacting the time Rath kissed me. I don’t know how to stop it, or if I really want to.” Liz looked down at her hands, embarrased.

“Rath, really? Hmmm never woulda thought. Well, just so ya know I seen the looks he was givin’ ya. I think he likes ya.” Ava said laughing.

Liz playfully shoved her, “Oh shut up, no he doesn’t.”

“I’m serious, girl. I havn’t seen him make goo-goo eyes like that, eva.” Ava said raising her hands in surrender.

Liz smiled to herself. She hoped Ava was right. God, Maria and Kyle would kill her if they knew what she was thinking about.

Meanwhile in Kyle’s room…

Kyle sat down and motioned for Rath to do the same. “I just want to talk to you about the midwarping thing. See Liz, Maria, and I lost our best friend when Ava’s dupe, Tess, mindwarped him too much.”

“Really?” Rath said. He really didn’t want to talk about it, but he knew that if he were Kyle he’d want answeres too. “Look, G. I don’t rememba much. I rememba that Lonnie mindwarped me to find Nicolas and set up the summit. And that she mindwarped me to push Zan in fronta that truck. But I can’t rememba much more.”

“Oh, ok.” Kyle said. “I also wanted to talk to you about something else. Maria and Liz are all I have. Ok? Kinda like Zan and Ava are all you have. Now, I know you would take a bullet for either one of them. That’s how I am with Maria and Liz. So, if you guys are in planning to hurt them in anyway, just don’t. I need them. Ok?” Kyle had never spilled this much emotion out to anyone but his crew back home.

“Look, man. I undastand where you commin’ from. We don’t wanna hurt ya. We just felt a pull to ya, so we had to look into do situation.” Rath said honestly. He wanted him to trust him for some reason. Usually he didn’t care what other’s thought.

“Alright, so we are cool?” Kyle said extending his hand.

“Yeah, we coo.” Rath said taking Kyle’s hand and shaking it.

Meanwhile back in the Living room…

Maria caught Zan up on their lives since they had been let into the ‘i-know-an-alien’ club. Zan’s head was spinning. They had been through some shit. He could imagin how a human would deal with all that crap.

Zan moved closer to her on the couch instictivly. It was a gut reaction. He wanted to comfort her, but he didn’t want to touch her. There was no way that a girl like her would be interested in him. What the hell did he have to offer her?

Maria noticed him get closer and butterflies rose in her stomach. Why did he have this effect on her? She suddenly felt the need to speak again. “We are doing better now though. We have been a lot happier since we came here. We just needed to get away from all of that Roswelian crap.”

Zan visibly shrunk. She ment him, and alien. Maria noticed, “No, that’s not what I meant. I’m gald you guys are here. I ment that a lot of shit went down in Roswell, and it’s nice to go somewhere where no one knows us, you know.”

Zan nodded. Just then Rath and Kyle exited Kyle’s room. They walked toward the kitched and saw Maria and Zan. “Maybe we should leave them alone for a minute,” Rath whispered, feeling Zan’s attraction.

“You sure?” kyle asked uneasy.

“Yeah, they are fine.” Rath said knocking on Liz’s door.

“Come in!” Liz yelled.

When Kyle and Rath walked in, liz felt a charge of energy being in Rath’s presence. They walked in and shut the door behind them. “Zan and Maria are…ummm busy.” Rath said grinning.

“Mind if we barge in on the girl talk?” Kyle said.

“No, you’re fine.” Liz said not talking her eyes off Rath. Ava noticed and let out a silent giggle. “Actually, I wanted to talk to Kyle about something. You guys alright here?” She said turing to Liz and giving her a evil grin.

“Yeah,” was all Liz could muster. She was about to be alone with Rath. What the hell was she going to say?

She didn’t have to worry because Rath was the first to speak. “So, been a mad crazy night, huh?”

“Umm yeah, I definatly didn’t expect to see you guys tonight.” Liz answered and then took a chance, “But I’m glad we did.”

Rath looked up at her. Did she really just say that? “Why?” was what came out of him mouth.

“Well, because we are alone here, and it’s nice to have connections out here. Plus, you are the only other 3 people in the world that we can feel truly connected to. There are 6 people that we know of, on this earth that share the knowledge of aliens and a planet called Antar.”

Rath nodded. She was right. There was something intimate about that. Like they would always be connected by this knowledge they had. He liked that, but it also scared him. He was having feelings for this girl he had just met.

Meanwhile in Kyle’s room…

“So, what did you want to talk to me about?” Kyle asked.

Ava grinned, “That was kinda a code. Ummm Liz likes Rath, and I think he wants her too, I wanted them to be alone.” She said.

Kyle was kind of disapointed, but what did he expect? For her to pull him into his room and throw him down on the bed? “Oh.” He said, “Is that safe?” He couldn’t help but still worry about his friends.

“Yeah, Rath’s harmless. He would die for Me and Zan. Now that he knows about you three, he would do the same for yous.” Ava said. God, Kyle was hot. She wanted to touch him, but after hearing Liz’s story she figured that he would hate her for what her dupe had done.

“Kyle, I’m not Tess,” she said, “I just don’t want ya ta hate me for that shit she pulled.” She finally said.

He couldn’t belive she had practically read his mind, “I know, Ava. It’s just hard. I don’t blame you. You had nothing to do with that. She just really hurt me.” He said.

Ava leaned in and hugged Kyle. She wished she could take all his pain away. It literally hurt her to see him hurt.

It was getting late and they were all tired. Ava slept with Kyle. It surprised him as much as her when he told her she could crash with him. Liz slept with Maria in her room, leavin Rath and Zan Liz’s room. Liz really wanted to have Rath sleep with her, but she knew that was a little forward.

As they slept, they all had more dreams. Zan dreamed about Maria. He dreamed they were together completely. He never felt that satisfied in his entire life. Maria in turn dreamed of her faceless man, only this time he had a face, Zan’s. Rath and Liz dreamed of each other. Kyle and Ava dreamed of each other as well, only this time the dreams didn’t scare Kyle. He knew he was dreaming of Ava, not Tess.

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Chapter 8

When Kyle woke up, Ava was gone. He could help the feeling of lose rise in him. He walked down to Liz’s room to find it empty as well. In the kitchen he found a note.

We cut out early. Thanks for letting us Crash. Maybe we will see yous around.

Kyle secretly thought, I will most definatly see you around. He walked into Maria’s room and founf Liz and Maria cuddling. They were so damn cute. He woke them up and told them that their new friends were gone. He could see the disapointment on their faces.

“Ok, you guys. What’s the deal?” he asked.

“What do you mean,” Maria asked innocently.

“Oh, common. You have been giving Zan the eye since you met him.” He said and then turned to Liz, “And you have been the same this Rath. Not to mention the erotic dreams you have had about him.” Kyle said grinning.

Liz pushed him playfully. “You’re a good one! What about you and Ava.” Then she mocked him “You can come sleep with me, Ava.” She said with a laugh.

“Alright, so I like her.” Kyle admitted.

Maria spoke up, “Well I have to tell you guys something. Those dreams I was having, were abous Zan, I know it. I can feel it.”

“Duh!” Liz said, “It’s so obvious that you are into him. And he is into you.”

“Yeah ok.” Maria answered sarcastically.

“So, what are we going to do about this?” Liz said.

“What can we do? They are gone.” Maria answered.

“I have a feeling we will see them again.” Kyle answered and walked into the kitchen. Soon after, Liz and Maria joined him.

“Ok, you guys, I’m going to go down to that coffee shop near times square. You wanna come?” Maria said.

“Nah, I’m gonna get in the shower.” Liz answered opening the fridge.

“You sure you’re ok alone?” Kyle asked worried.

“Yes, dad. I’m fine.” Maria answered.

“Alright,” Kyle said and Maria headed out the door and walked the 6 blocks to Time Square.

The coffee was good. She needed that, the Foldgers Liz had bough just didn’t do the trick. When she was done, and sat in the coffee shop for a while, she headed out the door.

On the second block, she felt a hand on her back. On instinct she turned around and saw a man with a gun pointing at her. “Get the fuck in the ally,” he said.

Maria paniced but did what she was told. He pushed her up against the wall.


Zan felt a flash of fear run through his body. Then he heard Maria’s voice cry for help. How was he feeling this. It was so real. And he knew exactly where she was. He got up and ran out of his apartment as fast as he could. Rath and Ava trailed him.

When he got to Maria he saw her pushed up against a brick building in the ally. “No, you can’t have my purse,” Maria told the man defiantly.

“I will fucking kill you, you slut.” The man growled.

Zan immediately stepped in to action. “Hey,” he called causing the man to look up, “Leave he the fuck alone.”

“You gonna stop me,” the man asked.

“Yeah, I am.” Zan said and rushed the man. He grabbed the gun and kicked it to Rath who picked it up. He pushed the man to the ground.

“Look, dude, I’m sorry.” The man said seeing that he was not going to win this battle.

“Get the fuck outta here,” Zan growled. He really wanted to kill the man with his bare hands. But it would draw too much attention to them, and that was the last thing they needed.

As the man ran off, Maria sank to her knees. That was a close call. She began trembling as Ava held her in her arms.

Zan kneeled next to them. He lifted Maria’s head for her to meet his eyes. “You can’t play tough girl out her, baby doll. He could have killed you.” The thought scared the shit out of him. He had just found her, he didn’t want to let her go.

The three of them helped Maria to her feet. She stood on shakey legs. “I didn’t think he would shoot me. I just thought he was trying to scare me.” She said still trembling.

“Well, he would have,” Rath said none to kindly. He was also worried about her.

“Common, let’s get you home.” Ava said.

They walked slowly in silence back to the townhouse. Zan wrapped his arms around Maria to keep her up. She was still very shaken.

When they walked in the door, Kyle and Liz saw Zan holding onto Maria. “What happened,” Kyle said in horror. He knew he shouldn’t have let her go alone.

“Maria was held up, she tried to play tough guy.” Rath said.

“What?!?” Liz said running to her best friend.

Maria was starting to come back to reality. “I’m fine, Liz. Zan, Rath, and Ava saved me.” She said.

“Oh my god.” Liz said.

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Chapter 9

Maria had come around and was feeling better but she had to know something. “Zan, can I talk to you for a sec.” She said.

“Uh yeah,” he answered following her into her room.

When they entered her room, Maria sat on the bed, and motioned for him to join her. He did hesitantly. “Whas up?” he said.

“How did you know I was in trouble? And how did you find me?” she asked.

Zan didn’t know what to say. All he could think of was the truth, something he would usually hide, but he wouldn’t look her in the eye and lie. There was something about those eyes that could get him to tell the truth. “I felt you.” He said quietly.

Did she hear him right? “You felt me?” she asked.

“Yeah.” He said regaining his cool.

“Hmmm,” was all she said.

“Hmmm? That’s all yous can say. I just told ya somthin’ deep in my soul and all ya got is hmmm?” He didn’t know why her reaction has sparked him.

Maria was surprised. “No, I’m sorry. That’s not what I ment. It’s just… I was surprised, because I’ve been feeling you too.” She said.

Meanwhile in the living room…

“Thank you guys for helping Maria,” kyle said still in shock.

Ava knew that she needed to talk to Kyle. She wanted to lay her cards on the table. She had never felt the desire to tell someone how she felt until now. What was he doing to her. Before she could stop herself she said, “Kyle, can I talk to you? Privatly.” This time she did not wink at Liz.

Kyle followed her to her bed room leaving Liz and Rath alone again. “So…” Liz said needed to break the silence.

“Yeah, you need to tell your girl not to try to play tough. She could have been killed.” Rath answered and then kicked himself for bringing up Maria’s near death experience. He sure knew how to kill a mood.

“Well, thank God you guys were there.” Liz said. Then more silence. She hated that she had trouble talking to him.

“It was nothin’,” Rath said humbly, “So…”

“Why is it so awkward for you to talk to me?” Liz found herself saying. What the hell was she doing?

“Huh?” Rath said. He noticed that it was awkward too, but he knew why. Because he really liked this girl.

“Well, I mean… I don’t know how to say this. You don’t remember anything about coming to Roswell do you?” Liz said. He shook his head. “When you were there you kissed me.” She said.

Rath’s head popped up. “And since I’ve been in New York, I’ve felt this weird connection to you. I’ve been dreaming about that kiss.” She said still kind of hurt that he couldn’t remember it.

“Really?” he said.

Meanwhile in Kyle’s room…

Tess pulled Kyle down to the bed to sit next to her. “Kyle, I’m gonna tell ya straight. I like you Kyle. I don’t know what it is, but I feel a connection to ya. I know you still see me as yo buddie Tess, but I wanted ya to know that I feel somthin’ for ya.”

Kyle didn’t know what to say. He had been dreaming about this moment all night. He followed his gut. He leaned in and kissed Ava, taking her completely by surprise. She deepened the kiss opening her mouth to allow him entry.

Kyle broke the kiss. “What are you doing to me,” he whispered.

“Me?” she anwered, “I should ask you the same thing.” She anwered.

They went back to kissing. Nothing felt more right to either of them.

Back in Maria’s room…

“You been dreamin’ about me?” Zan said looking at Maria. Should he tell her about his dreams? She did spill her heart to him. Fuck it. “I been dreamin’ about you too baby doll.” He said.

Maria was surprised. “Me?” she said surprised. She wondered why anyone would dream about her. Usually men were fowning all over Liz, not her.

“Yeah, why not you?” Zan thought she was the most beautiful woman in the world.

“It’s just that most men are, Liz types.” She said before she could stop herself. Why didn’t she just quit talking?

“Well, don’t get me wrong ya buddie is easy on the eyes, but you are beautiful.” He said. Did he really just say that to a girl? He was losing it.

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Post by gnrkrystle »

Chapter 10

Back in the Living room…

“If I’d kissed you I think I would remember it,” Rath said.

Liz smiled, “Well, you did. I promise. And I can’t get you out of my head.”

“Huh, that’s funny ‘cuz you been all up in my head fo days.” Rath answered. Usually he would have denied an run, but he liked this girl.

“Really?” Liz said. “So what do you wanna do about it?” she said. Always one for direct action.

“Ummm what ya mean?” Rath said. He wanted to pick her up into his arms and kiss the shit out of her, but it’s not like he could say that.

“I mean I like you, and I think you like me. I know I sound like I’m in Jr. High, but I’ve never felt this kind of connection before, not even with Max, and I don’t really want to give it up.” She answered.

This was music to Rath’s ears. She actually said she liked him. But now what was he supposed to say. He wasn’t good with words especially romantic things. “What you wanna do?” he threw back at her. That was safe.

Liz was about to take a chance, she hoped he went for it. She leaned in and catured his lips in her. When he returned tha kiss she knew it would be ok. His kiss got rougher and she opened her mouth and was flooded with the warm sensation of his toung.

She felt a jolt of energy as they moved closer to each other. She broke the kiss and said, “Come with me.” He obeyed as she led him to her room.

Meanwhile in Kyle’s room…

Ava leaned back on the bed but kept her lips on Kyle. He was on top of her now. Suddenly he broke the kiss. He was feeling hesitent. He didn’t want to push too hard too fast.

“What’s wrong,” Ava asked confused.

“I just don’t want to move too fast. I really like you.” Kyle said, surprised those words were coming out of his mouth.

Ava smiled, she had never been with a guy who wanted to take it slow. It was nice. “Aight,” she said.

Back in the living room…

Maria was shocked. Did this gorgeous man in front of her just say that she was beautiful. She couldn’t help but ask, “You think I’m beautiful?”

Zan looked down. “Look, I don’t do this. Get all freeked out over a chick, but you doin’ somthin’ to me. I can’t get enough of ya.”

“I know what you mean,” She said softly lifting his face to look him in the eye.

“Your eyes are so beautiful,” he founf himself saying. God, he was now using cheezy pick up lines.

“Not as beautiful as yours,” she whispered. Just as she was about to lean into kiss him, something she never did, Rath and Liz barged in. Damn, she thought.

Both Liz and Rath felt bad for busting up the part, but it was getting too heated too fast in the bedroom. They needed to take a break. Liz was afraid she wouldn’t be able to control herself if she didn’t get around other people soon.

“Hey, Rath.” Zan growled giving Rath the evil eye. Maria giggled.

Kyle and Ava emerged from Kyle’s room soon after. Everyone could tell they had been kissing. Kyle’s hair was messed up and Ava’s lipstick was smeared. Maria and Liz laughed. “Hey, how about some girl talk,” Liz said pulling Maria and Ava into her room.

When the girls left the guys all grinned at each other. “So, Kyle.” Rath said.

“What?” he grinned innocently.

“You luck we like ya.” Zan said.

“But you hurt a hair on her head we commin’ down on you, hard.” Rath finished.

“Trust me, I’m not going to hurt her. She just does something to me.” Kyle said not able to express in words what he felt about Ava.

“I know what ya mean,” Rath and Zan said in unison.

“Same goes for Liz and Maria. I don’t have freeky alien powers, but I will take you down if you hurt them. They are my only family.” Kyle said seriously.

“Fair enough,” Zan answered.

“Wouldn’t dream of it.” Rath said.

Meanwhile in Liz’s room…

“So, what happened?” Liz asked.

“Nothin’” Ava answered.

“Oh common, you look like you were in the middle of a heavy make out session.” Liz answered.

“Ok, fine.” Ava said, “I really like him.”

“What about you, Ms. Parker?” Maria asked her friend.

“Rath and I made out. I couldn’t stop myself. He does something to me.” Liz answered sheepishly.

“Well, I didn’t get so lucky. SOMEONE busted in on the party.” She said pointing at Liz.

“Well, if you mess wit my boys I’m gonna have to take ya down, friends or not.” Ava said goodnaturedly.

“Deal, same goes with Kyle.” Liz said.
