The Royal Four (AU/CC/UC,ADULT) A/N- 12/28/05 {WIP}

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The Royal Four Part 10 NC17 Oct 29/04

Post by sam25_2003 »

Part 10

Tess was not having a good day. As far as she could tell no one had ever heard of Ray White. That redheaded witch must’ve erased their memory of him being here Tess looked around, then she spotted the jock that had been ‘Ray’s” roommate. Time for a little finesse she thought as she walked over to the guy. He seemed a little nervous as she approached. “What do you want?”

“Hey I just wanted to talk. Are you okay?”

“I’ve just been having some really weird dreams lately.” The jock said.

Tess perked up. Maybe he had a clue as to what was going on. She concentrated on the jock “Why don’t we go have a coffee and you can tell me all about them?”

“Sure why not?”


Kat slowly opened her eyes. She rolled over and looked at her clock. Oh Shit! I’m running late already! Great way to start a new school girl. She thought as she jumped up to run into the shower. She finished in record time and was out the door in about twenty minutes. As she closed her door, she stopped dead in her tracks. Michael and Maria were leaving hid apartment. “Hmm” Kat coughed. The new lovers both jumped and looked over their shoulder guiltily. “Jeez, Little Bit, could you not freak us out like that. I thought for sure that it was Max or Isabel here to get into it.”

“No, I kinda yelled at them last night, BB. So how was your night?” Kat teased.

“Last night was everything it should have been, “ Maria piped in, “However, I could use a little wardrobe change, and I don’t have time to get home, plus Spaceboy here is no good at female fashion so could you?” Maria waved her hand down her clothes.

“No problem,” Kat replied as she waved her hand and changed Maria’s clothes for her.

“How did you know what to put her in?” Michael asked, looking appreciatively at the tanktop and skirt his girlfriend was now wearing.

“It seemed right.” Kat replied. “So I’m heading to school, you two?”

“Yep” Michael grunted in replied.

“So why don’t we all take my car, as opposed to taking two vehicles from here?” Maria asked, as the three teenagers walked out of the apartment complex.

“Sounds good to me.” Kat answered, sneaking a look at Michael.”

“Whatever, Little Bit,” Michael grunted, as he got in the car.

“Still the same, BB.” Kat said, getting into the back.

“Okay that it, Maria said as she went to start the car. “What is up with the Little Bit and BB thing?”

“It’s what we used to call each other in our other life Pixie,” Michael replied, without thinking about it.

“Oh, “ Maria started the car when she realized what exactly that statement meant. “OH!! You’re remembering things from Antar then?” Relax girl, Destiny does not exist. He might be remembering things from Antar, but he is yours down here, not Isabel

Got that right Pixie and you might want to make sure you don’t send any private thoughts of yours out over the airwaves.

Okay what the heck are you two talking about? What Destiny?
Kat asked clearly confused.

You don’t know about the Destiny message? Does that mean it’s not real?

I knew it; She was never my Destiny

That would probably be the logical explanation. But what about the pictures of Max and Tess and Isabel and Michael together?

Are we really all that surprised that Destiny doesn’t exist. I mean look at the source. Tess or probably Nasedo put those pictures in there.

Oh yeah I forgot to tell you that last night, we got sidetracked. The pictures at in the book had been altered and it will blow your minds when you find out who was there originally.

Next time I ask a question, remind me that I am going to get bombarded K? Good morning all.

By that time everyone had arrived at the school. Four of the eight teenagers were a little apphrensive as Michael and Maria approached them. Max, Liz, Isabel and Alex knew they all had apologizes to make at some point during the day, but they wanted them to be private.

Maria broke the silence, “Good morning all!” she said with more than her usual vibrancy. Looking at Liz, she added. “If there is a slim possibility that my mom asked where I was last night, I was with you.”

“Okay” Liz asked, while holding off asking any questions for later. They all headed into the school to start the day off next.

Unknown to the eight teenagers, their meeting had not gone unnoticed. The blonde in the newer model SUV sat watching them. Shit this is not good! I knew it1 Wait till I get my hands on Miss “I have everything under control So much for Future Max,” she grumbled as she started the car. She picked up her phone and hit speed dial. It was time to split Hicksville.


Tess was mad! She had spent the last hour with a guy who could only ramble on about beautiful women turning him into a sex object. He must really have pissed Isabel off! She had then decided to mind warp her way into the computer lab to see if Alex had left any trace material in the system, but she couldn’t find anything. Well Geek boy cover his tracks really well. God there is nothing here but dead ends. Great! Damnit that puts us back at square one again. We NEED to know what they freaking book says. Tess was interrupted when her cell off.


“Well Rowena has made contact with the Royal Four, and by the looks of things, they believe she is who she says she is. Time to split Blondie.”

“Well get your ass out of town. However, I suggest you get my school records, and meet me in Albuquerque. There’s nothing left here either.”

“Nice to know you have everything under control Blondie,” was the sarcastic reply.

“Oh shut up! We have to explain things to Kivar and we better make it damn good or else Nicholas is going to kill us.”

“You maybe, but I have Nicky boy right were I want him. Same place I had him in New York. Sex is a very powerful weapon, no matter what planet you’re on. “

Tess grinned, “As we both well know. All right you handle Nicholas, I will handle Kivar, and it’s not like they have the second half of the prophecy. Zan hide that and go only knows were it is. Too bad you had to kill him.”

“Well he wouldn’t tell me were the damn book was, plus he wouldn’t go to the Summit. The book is somewhere in the sewers of New York.”

“True, but you had years to find it and you didn’t.”

“We will get it. The others have probably booked out of there long ago. Not a problem. You worry to much.”

“Save it, we can hash everything out later. Just meet me in Albuquerque Ava.


Meanwhile on Antar things were progressing a little more smoothly.

“Everything has been prepared milord.”

“Good, I want nothing to delay our departure, Larek”

“I understand, the tablets have been loaded. Our operatives are in place. All we need to do is launch.”


“Our operatives are inside the monitoring station. All I have to do is give the word and they will cause a disruption so that we can slip out undetected.”

“Very well, I will inform the ladies.” Tyro finished. He could feel the air getting to him. He leaned up against the wall.

“milord?” Larek questioned.

“It is the air Larek, It does not agree with my new human DNA.”

“I still do not understand why the three of you decided to go through with that particular procedure.”

“Is worth it to be with our children yet again, Larek. You are not a parent, you cannot understand that there is no sacrifice to great to be with your children, especially with what they all will face.” Tyro replied. He got up and walked into the temple. Selra was waiting for him.

“Are you okay?”

“Yes it is only a minor atmospheric difference. If I thought the humans would not react negatively to us.”

“You would never have suggested we incorporate human DNA into our bodies. Relax General. I as well as Selra know why you did it. You are the protector. Even though you had passed your duties onto your son and daughter, it does not change who you are.”

“How is it you know me so well my wife?’
“Because you are the other half of my soul?” Selra answered as Tyro leaned in to kiss her. Even though they had been married for more years then they could count both of them felt the familiar passion flare up between them.

Zanda walked around the corner. She looked at her the couple and smiled. “I am sorry for interrupting, but I have news. You can have time alone aboard the ship.”

Selra and Tyro looked up at her. “Of course my Queen,”

“Sel you never change do you?”

“Would you want me to?”

“Not really.”

“What news do you have Zan?”
“This is not going work, they are more likely to shoot first and ask questions later, especially after the Summit man!” Rath exclaimed

“And the mind games we played on them.”

“Yes it will, Why wouldn’t it?

“Oh because we, me and Lonnie killed Zan?”

“As far as they know yeah, but it’s not like you actually did do that Ra. That was Ava.”

“Thanks Ro, but I don’t think it’s gonna matter to them much.”

Rath and Rowena walked to the passenger side. As they walked by Rath changed the license plate to New Mexico plates. Rowena changed the colour of the car to red.

“What is it with you and red Ro?” Lonnie asked from the back seat, after Rath had climbed in. He put his arms around her. They both knew that this was going to be bad before it was good, but they had to go for it, especially now that Rowena had said she had a feeling they knew the truth. They never doubted her feelings especially after the entire Summit incident. They all had a part in hiding Rowena from Ava for the last ten years.

“It matches the hair babe?” Rowena replied from the passenger seat.

“Doesn’t matter what happen last time you hooked up with the cornballs. I will make them listen. I am not dead no thanks to the Blonde Bitch” Zan said as he turned the car on. The New York Four headed out of the city, for a little town in new Mexico.
“Serena has sent a commutation. She has managed to take out the Skins after the traitor faked their demise in Roswell. But in order to do so, she had to leave her Rowena, the one know as Katherine alone. This happened six months ago. Just recently Katherine has let herself be know to the others in her set, Michael, Max and Isabel, I believe. It seemed the traitor was mindwarping on of their human into doing translating their part of the prophecy. Your daughter put a stop to that. Apparently this human, Alex, is very important to my daughter.” Zanda told them as they down into the depths of the temple. They reached a door, and she waved her hand in front of it. Inside, carved into the planet of Antar was a launch bay. One that was known to the royal family and it’s most trusted advisors. A ship waiting to be launched. The three who just walked in did not comment on the last time they had been in this room. It had been 50 years ago. When they sent their children’s essences to an unknown and uncertain future.

They were silent as they boarded the ship. It was all set to go. All of a sudden he door open a second time.

“Larek, what are you doing?”

“Very thing is set your Highness, and I can not stay behind. As I no longer sit on the counsel I am not needed here. There are others to carry on in my place. I am coming with you. As an added bonus, if Kivar does pick up on anything, he will assume I am going to your son.”

“But what about having the procedure?”

The doctor says I can inject myself with human DNA after we land on earth, like Serena did.”

“You miss her very much, don’t you?”

“Yes, Lady Selra, but as she told me long ago, when she infiltrated the skins to take your daughters down to earth, It needed to be done by someone whose loyalty was unquestionable. Plus I did promise her I would see her again.”

“Very well, I can understand what it is to miss the other half of your soul.” Zanda replied, getting a far away look in her eyes. The others in the room remained silent to give her a few minutes with the memories of her husband.

“Vilon would be proud of you.” Tyro broke the silence.

“I know. I just hope we can do what needs to be done.”

“What of the other four?” Selra said, knowing her best friend needed to leave the past and return to the present

“They are on their way to Roswell. As is Serena, however we will need to let her know when we get closer to Earth, so she can find a suitable landing site for us. No crashing this time.”

“I can handle that if she is in Roswell. One thing I did learn from the Summit is that my human host know lives their.”

“Okay then, we have things to do, Ladies, if you will go find your seats. Larek you can help me launch.” Tyro said leaving them to go into the cockpit.

“So are you nervous?” Selra asked as they sat down.

“About space travel? Not for a long time.”

“Not about that”

“Yes, how do you explain our actions and then that message Kivar made me record?”

“I did that in the message I sent with Serena. Remember that Zanda. I just hope our very stubborn and headstrong children give us a chance to explain things to them.”

“Oh we will just make them, After all they did get to be headstrong and stubborn from us after all.” Zanda replied with a chuckle. Soon both here and Selra were laughing as they recalled some of the escapades that Zan, Vilandra, Rath and Rowena had gotten into growing up. After a while they calmed down and relaxed. Soon, Tyro joined them.

“So far, so good.” He answered the unspoken question. “There was a moment when we were leaving Antar that we were stopped, but Larek covered by saying he was returning home.”

“So that is all then. Antar is behind us. So all that is left is our Destiny is what we make of it.”
All three were quite and then they spoke as one

“Four shall become Eight
To become Twelve
To save the two planets

When twelve become four
Can the powers be harnessed
To save the two planets.”

Last edited by sam25_2003 on Sat Oct 30, 2004 4:31 am, edited 2 times in total.
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The Royal Four - (AU CC/UC NC-17) - Part 11 nov 05/04

Post by sam25_2003 »

Thanks for all the Feedback Okay this part is just a little fluff…everything is kinda of moving fast so I figured…The Roswell Gang could use a break before things get really really interesting…

Part Eleven

Liz Parker was on a mission. She had spent the entire morning waiting, but she couldn’t take anymore. It was already lunchtime. She was going to find a certain blonde and get her to spill the beans. Liz spotted a familiar figure walking down the hall. Perfect, just what she needed, a partner in crime.

“Hey Izzy…want to help me track down Maria? She seems to be AWOL..” Liz said.

“Sure no problem.” Isabel agreed as she came up to Liz. “Where do you want to start?”

“Well she’s not in any of her usual haunts” Liz whispered, and that even includes under the bleachers and the Eraser Rooms. But that was already occupied.

“This could be awhile.” Isabel noted. She looked the smile on Liz face. Okay spill Girlfriend who was in the Eraser Room?

“Why are you helping me anyway?” No one other than Kyle and Katherine

“Because wherever Maria is, chances are Michael is to.” Isabel answered, Really? Interesting. So do you think Michael and Maria… took the next step last night? “And I need to talk to him.”

Liz just nodded slowly , agreeing with Isabel. Yes really and I think so, that’s what I wanted to talk to Maria about, as well as apologize.



On the opposite side of the school, Max was getting a little frustrated. He had been trying to track Michael down all morning, with no luck at all. He kept missing him.

“Hey Max, have you seen Maria?”

“Nope. So how was everything this morning?”

“Not a problem, I got all the stuff I missed from my taking my trip to Sweden. It shouldn’t be too hard to catch up on. After all, the teachers already knew when I would be home, so they had it all lined up for me.” Alex grinned, Got to give the girl credit, Kat is good.

She doesn’t leave much to chance, Max agreed.

“So where have you looked?”

“I’ve checked his usual haunts, but I keep missing him.”

“Same here with Maria, I figure they should be together somewhere.” Alex replied I’ve already checked out under the Eraser Room, but other people occupied it Alex had on a Michael like smirk.

“Really?” Max asked, wondering whom it could be.

Yep, and let’s just say that Kyle is lucky it wasn’t Michael who opened the door.

No way, Kyle and Kat???

Yep, The girl gets what she wants.”


“So do you always get what you want?” Kyle asked. Both Kat and he had frozen when they had heard mention of the Eraser Room coming from the others. This morning they found that they had study hall together. Needless to say they never made it.

Kat just grinned wickedly, “Usually.”

“Good,” Kyle answered looking at Kat’s lips again. He had been enjoying tasting those lips and he wanted to get back to that.

“So are you worried about my brother’s reaction?”

“Not really, after all he is dating the girl who will probably be my stepsister here sooner or later. Plus I have you to protect me.”

Kat just looked at Kyle and grinned.

“So who do you think is going to find them first?”

Kat looked at Kyle. “Please the girls.”

“I don’t know Alex is pretty good at finding things, and Evans isn’t half bad either.”

“Put your money where your mouth is Buddha Boy.”

“Are you offering a bet?”

“Yep, if the girls find them first, you pay for dinner and a movie. If the boys do, I pay.”

“I accept those terms,”

“Good. Wait a sec, did we just agree on a date?”

“Pretty much. So how about we let them get on with the great M&M Hunt, while we get back to what we were doing before?”

Kyle didn’t need second invitation to continue their particular interspecies mating experiment.


Michael and Maria had successfully managed to avoid their friends all morning; however it was now lunchtime and they had both decided to get off school grounds for a while. They had taken the Jetta to a nearby park and were just enjoying holding each other. They did not want to explain things their friend’s right now. It was personal. It was private. It was theirs.

Michael was currently stretched out on the grass, with Maria leaning against him. Maria looked at Michael as the noise from their friends calmed down. “Kyle and Kat in the Eraser Room?” she asked looking up at Michael.

“Yeah,” Michael was scowling. He felt all his overprotective instincts kick in, when he had heard that. The real problem was that he didn’t know who he should protect from whom. Should he protect Kat from Kyle or vice versa?

Maria just smiled. She knew her Spaceboy and she knew what was bugging him. “How about we just let them figure out there own relationship? You got enough going on, all by yourself, without playing the overprotective big brother or an overprotective friend? They are both old enough to make their own decisions. ”

Michael looked at Maria “Besides my sister will probably just kick my ass.”

“Probably, she is your sister after all.”


Liz and Isabel were the first ones to venture into the parking lot. When they finally noticed the missing Jetta they call to the Max and Alex. The four teenagers climbed into the Jeep and headed over to check out Michael’s apartment. After that they went to Maria’s house. By that time they did that they had to get back to school. As they walked into their class, all four of them stopped dead when they saw both Michael and Maria sitting in their desk.

The four teenagers proceeded to take their seats. Michael I need to say I’m sorry for ignoring your feelings and brushing you off. Max went telepathic as people started filing into the classroom.

Same here, Michael. Isabel added.

Michael and Maria were both stunned. They exchanged a look. Yeah okay whatever. Michael answered. Max and Isabel knew it was not going to be easy to get through to him, but that didn’t mean they were not going to try.

Kyle and Kat were the last ones to walk in, right before they teacher.

So who one the Great M&M Hunt? Kat asked teasingly.

No one. They didn’t find us. Maria answered.

Kat and Kyle just looked at each other, then at the others.

So what now, Red? Neither one of us won.

You get to pay for the dinner and movie, but I will let you pick it.

Meanwhile in Albuquerque

“What the hell do you mean? Rowena CANNOT be on earth? We would have known if another ship left. Kivar’s gonna be pissed. How is that even possible?” Nicholas was pacing up and down in a rage. He had totally forgot that he was naked.

“Hey this one ain’t my fault babe,” Ava said coming up to him. “Someone up there fucked up. Let Kivar take it out of their hide. Besides which if things get to hot, we can always feed him Tess. After all she’s the one that let the prophecy slip right through her hands.” Ava stretched out on the bed. She had made sure Nicholas was all nice and relaxed before she had told him.

Like I said just a little piece of fluff. I hope you enjoyed it. Don’t worry more is to come soon.
Last edited by sam25_2003 on Sat Nov 06, 2004 1:53 pm, edited 2 times in total.
A good friend will come bail you out of jail.
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The Royal Four - (AU CC/UC NC-17) - Part 12 11/07/04

Post by sam25_2003 »

So here comes the second NC-17 scene I have every written. The first is back in Part 9. :lol and since I didn’t hear any complaints I must’ve done okay. BTW go checkout the Banner Crashdown_51 made me. It’s awesome I love it.

Part Twelve

“Hey Z, babe maybe it’s time to stop drivin’ for a while. Catch some sleep.” Rowena said.

“She’s got a point, bro.” Lonnie seconded. “We are gonna need to be a 100% when we come face to face with our duplicates, especially if Ro is wrong and her dupe ain’t shown yet.”

“V, How often have a been wrong?” Rowena turned to look at her best friend.

“Well there is a first time for everything sis.” Rath put in. “Besides which it ain’t too likely it’ll be your ass they fry. That would be me and V here after what we did.” Vilandra shuddered a little as that image played through her mind.

“Chill!” Zan said looking pointedly through the mirror at Rath. “I will fix it, and Nuthin’ gonna happen to either of you, or I’ll fry ‘em myself.”

“Ditto.” Rowena put in.

“Yeah” Lonnie muttered, leaning into Rath.

“Whatever.” Rath finished. Holding on extra tight to Lonnie.

Rowena watched her brother and her best friends for a second. Z, babe we need to find a place to crash for a couple of hours.

What? Why? I’m good for a least a couple of hours.

Yeah but my bro and your sis ain’t. Z, they are seriously freaked about goin’ back to Hicksville here. Look at them.

Zan looked through the rearview mirror at his sister and his best friend and realized Ro was right. Yeah sexy you’re right. Looks like they need to get their minds off their problems.

Rowena though mockingly Just because they need a break does not mean you get a little somethin’.

Come on babe; need someway to kill time.


“Hey guys, how bout we pull up for the night. Relax a little, before we hit Roswell.”
Rowena asked the couple currently engaged in a passionate kiss in the back seat. “Then you guys can continue without making me wanna gag.”

Rath and Lonnie broke apart from each other. “Get the feeling they had a conversation without any input from us.” Lonnie said looking down at her boyfriend.

Probably, but that doesn’t mean much since we shut them out of our conversations all the time. Come on babe, let’s just get a room and not think about Roswell FREAKIN’ New Mexico???

I ‘m with ya on that one
Lonnie looked over her shoulder at Rowena and Zan, “Sounds like a plan, but we ain’t share no room. We can a least get some privacy for once. I kinda have gotten use to it and all since you moved over to Rowena place Z.”

“Same here,” Rath agreed.

“Hey,” Zan said from the front, “It’s not like I wanna watch my best friend and my sister go at it.”

“No you usually made yourself scarce even when you were around, it’s the Blonde Bitch that wouldn’t take a freakin’ hint.” Lonnie stated. Rath and Zan looked at each other. They knew were this was heading.

Rath decided some good old fashion teasing would stop his girl’s train of thought. “Hey so Z, were did you always seem to be disappearing to as if I can’t guess?” Rath grinned and looked pointedly at his sister.

“Knock it of Ra, or I’ll knock you out!” Rowena growled.

“Sure thing sis.”

By this time they had found a little nookie motel just off the highway. Zan and Rath bailed out of the car to go get their rooms. They had managed to get their hands on enough money before they left New York so that they didn’t need to get their hands on any more.

Rowena and Lonnie sat in the car waiting for the boys. “So Ro, do you think my brother and you might actually have sex on this little trip?”

“V, I don’t know. We still have some issues to work out, most of them directly related to Ava. I know he didn’t sleep with her. But she was a big part of his life, same as she was yours.”

I oughta knock ya upside they head you know that right?” Lonnie exclaimed. “Z never slept with Ava that I know of, and even if he did it was more to keep us safe, than an overwhelming desire to jump her bones. What they hell you talkin’ about her being a part of his life. She was nuthin’ except baggage. Remember you had a year with us before the bitch came outta her pod and ever since that year, we ain’t been four, we’ve been three and an imposter. Ya got that Red?”

“Ya Blonde, I got it. Sorry! I guess I just worry cause I was never ‘round much when you guys were alone their. With HER.”

“Hey we made the plan and stuck to it. Just like Serena told us too, after we came out. She told us that you had to hide because sooner or later Ava would betray us and you were our trump card. Just like your dupe is our dupes trump. Well Ava did betray us chic and if it weren’t for you me and Ra might have actually killed Z because of the mindwarping bitch. You love Z, Everybody knows Z loves you, so let it go and have some fun already.”

“Okay okay! Remind me never to get ya seriously pissed V.”

Rowena and Lonnie started laughing at that. Zan and Rath were just approaching the car when they heard the girls laughing. They both looked at each other.

“I don’t wanna know” Zan muttered.

“Me either, “ Rath agreed. He reached the door handle and opened the back door. “Hey sexy! You wanna eat first or go to your room?”

By this time Rowena had gotten out. She leaned into Zan and gave him a kiss. “Actually I think Zan and I will go to our room. Bye you two.” She said as she grabbed Zan’s hand and led him towards the doors. “What room are we in anyway Z?” was the last thing Rath and Vilandra heard.

“When did that happen V? I thought they were waitin’ till things with Ava settled down before doin’ anything of a permanent nature.”

“I think Ro just got tired of waitin’. The have enough issues without added pressure. So we gonna go have some fun or what?” Lonnie asked. Rath looked down into the eyes of his lover. He smiled as he saw that look in her eyes. Oh yeah tonight’s gonna be a blast He thought to himself. He looked at Lonnie and kissed her hard. “Let’s go our room is #106.”

“Race ya?” Lonnie asked taking off to the room.

Rath just smiled. Yeah this is a good night. Ro and Z are finally taking the last step and my girl’s actually smiling for once. Man it’s been a long time since it felt this good. Way before the Summit.

Ra, no thinkin’ about that tonight,
Rowena interrupted his thoughts.

Just enjoy it! No get your ass movin’ for my sister decides to come and get you.

Of course my King and Queen!
Rath grinned and walked over to his and Lonnie’s room. He used the key to open the door as there were people walking by. As he walked in the room, he could hear the shower running. He smiled. Even though they did live in a sewer Lonnie always managed to find someplace to have a shower. Thinking about some of the showers he and Lonnie had shared. Rath went to the bathroom

Sorry, big guy, not tonight! I have something else in mind. So just relax watch some TV and the showers yours when I’m done. Lonnie thought back to him.

Rath stopped in his tracks. Oh well he thought, I can wait. Cause knowing my girl she has something major planned.

{I] Hey as much as we love ya Bro, we do not need to hear about you and V’s sexcapades. So keep the volume on the airwaves turned down.

Just remember to do the same [/I] Rath thought back. He settled down to watch some TV. About thirty minutes later, the shower stopped. Rath looked at the door. Lonnie walked out wearing nothing but a towel. “Your turn, babe,” she said. Lonnie caught the look in his eye. She smiled wickedly, “Go have your shower Ra, and I will still be here waitin’ when you’re done. ”

Rath walked over to Vilandra and kissed her. “You know I don’t need nuthin’ but you to get me going right?”

“I know, now move it.” She replied slapping his ass lightly. Rath grinned as he closed the door.

Fifteen minutes later he was done, after having one of the quickest showers he had. Lonnie was not the only one who enjoyed showering when it was available. Rath quickly used his powers to dry himself off and open the bathroom door.

All around the room, Lonnie had lit candles. Lonnie herself was in a light purple teddy with a matching robe. Rath smiled at the sight before him, but then he noticed something else. Lonnie was fast asleep.

Oh well he thought as he picked her up and used his powers to move the bedding. She needs sleep more. God knows she ain’t had much since the Summit and everythin’ involved in it Rath crawled into bed with her, pulling her close to him. He waved his hand and all of the candles went out. At least my sister and Zan are probably having fun. was his last thought as he drifted off to sleep.


Meanwhile a little ways down the hall, the other two aliens were just starting to enjoy themselves. Zan and Rowena had been kissing for about half and hour, when Zan felt his shirt dissolve. “Hey babe, I liked that shirt. ”

“I’ll make ya a new one” Rowena replied. She looked down at his chest and smiled a little half grin, when she saw the tattoo right above his heart. It was her symbol. “When did you put this there?” she asked tracing the outline.

“About five years ago, when I realized that you were what I was waiting for all along. And No Ava never ever got close enough to see it. No matter what anyone says I never had sex with Ava. Let’s just say a certain part of my anatomy wouldn’t cooperate for her and leave it at that please.”

“You mean?” Rowena asked incredible.

“Yeah. I couldn’t just rise to the occasion.” Zan replied uncomfortably.

Rowena’s hand travel south of his chest and into his jeans. Zan was going commando so there was no barrier when her hand came into contact. She wrapped her hand around his hard shaft. “Well it seems to be standing at attention now.” She teased him.

Zan was in heaven. His cock was in the hands of the girl he had loved all his life. Hell if he died right now, he would go a happy man.

“Ro, are you sure, ‘cause once we consummate there ain’t no way I’m ever lettin’ you go.”

“Z, I know and I feel the same way bout you. It’s our time, so let’s just enjoy it.”

After that Zan went back to kissing Rowena. Rowena’s hands were travelling up and down his back. She lightly ran her nails down his back. Zan lifted his head a little and growled. Rowena grinned wickedly. Zan picked her up and gently threw her onto the bed. As he looked at her intently, he undid the button of his jeans. “You can still back out Ro.” Zan said.

Rowena looked at him. “Why would I Z?” She said as she pulled her shirt over her head. “I want you as much as you want me Zan.” She finished crawling over to the foot of the bed. She reached up and kissed him passionately. Zan slowly pushed her back onto the bed. His hands slowly wound there to her breast. “Perfect,” Zan muttered against her throat. “You are so perfect.”

“So are you.” Rowena replied, as she felt Zan’s mouth move slowly down her body. He stopped by her breast. With a wave of his hands, Rowena’s bra dissolved. “Zan, I loved that bra,” Rowena said wickedly, repeating the words Zan had said a little while earlier.

“I’ll make ya a new one.” Zan said looking up at her. He didn’t wait for her reply as he slipped her nipple into his mouth. His other hand started to play with her other breast.

“Zan, Don’t stop…don’t every stop.” Rowena moaned.

Zan slowly started to trail kisses down Rowena, stomach. He stopped and placed little butterfly kisses all around her belly button. He then started to go down lower.

“Zan, “ Rowena started. Sure her and Zan had been fooling around the last couple of months, but they had not gotten this far.

Zan knew she had practically no experience with lovemaking, except for the little that they had done in the last couple of months.

“Relax, Ro and just lie back and enjoy.” Zan said as his hands slowly parted her folds. Zan had wanted to taste Rowena for a longtime, but had always held back. He knew that they still had some minor issues, but with Ava gone. They could deal with anything.

Zan slowly ran his tongue over and over Rowena’s slit. “Wow! Zan, that feels so good.” His other hand moved until it found her clit. Slowly he started messaging. Zan was moving his tongue faster and faster as he felt Rowena’s muscles tighten up around.

“Zan…Please…” Rowena gasp, not even sure what she wanted. Just before Rowena went over the edge, Zan moved his body up to her and entered her. He had dissolved her hymen earlier so Rowena felt no pain, just pleasure. “Oh Damn Ro, You are so tight. I don’t know how long I can hold on.”

Rowena looked up at Zan, “Ditto”, she said as she started to move beneath him. Both of them groaned at the sweet pleasure the movement cause. Soon both of them were moving at a quick pace; their desire for each other hardly contained. Both soon reached the pinnacle and were swept off to sweet oblivion.

“RRRRRRRRRROOOOOOOOO! Yes! Mine!” Zan groaned as he shot his seed into his lover’s womb.

Rowena exclaimed “Definitely Yours, ZZZZZZZZZAAAAAAAANNNNNNNN! “

After awhile, both lovers came back to earth.

“Talk about a trip to the stars,” Rowena said as Zan slowly rolled over to the side, slipping out of her.

Zan pulled her close to him. “Ro,” he muttered.

“What? You wanna deny it?”

“Nope you so right.”

“So about this mine thing that you seem to have on your mind?” Rowena stated, “You do realize it goes both ways right, My King?”

“Absolutely My Queen.”


On a spaceship that was making it’s way to the Sol system in the Milky Way at top speed. Although that was not fast enough for it’s occupants. Three parents were looking at the tablet.

“And that makes three” Selra concluded.

“Yes, but the symbols of Zan and Rowena did not merge.” Zanda stated.

“That is because like, Rath and Vilandra, they don’t need to.” Selra answered.

“If you say so.” Tyro interjected “What?” he added, as he caught the way the two women were looking at him.

“That’s all you have to say my love?”

“No, they are mating fast. What if we are late? That could put a really big damper on things.”

“Relax,” Zanda said, “Only the Inside Square has mated and The General from the Outside Square. We still have time. Look at the symbols, they are still away apart from each other.

“Not by much,”

“We still have the Princess and The Warrior to go before we start worry to much about not getting there in time.”

“You’re the Priestess, this is your arena, I’m just along for the ride. But from the looks of it we are cutting things close. We have to be on earth, before the Second King mates with his Queen.”

“Yes, General Tyro. I am well aware of the prophecy. I have only been studying it…oh I don’t know…my ENTIRE LIFESPAN” Selra came back.

Zanda just looked at those two, the more things change the more they stay the same. She thought with a sigh. “General, Priestess. If you two would be so kind as to put on hold you’re pre-mating ritual. Can we get back to the matter at hand? Yes, General we might cut it close, but we will make it, even if we push the engines to maximum. Priestess is there a way to slow down their bonding on the off chance we need more time?”

Both Tyro and Selra had stopped arguing as soon as Zanda spoke. She rarely used it on them but she was still the Queen Mother and they all knew the power she wielded. The mated couple looked guilty at their Queen.

“As my Queen commands,” Tyro replied, his voice filled with the power of the old General of the King’s Armies.

Selra looked at Zanda and Tyro, “Now that Michael and this Maria have mated, I do not know. As the Inside Square is most closely linked to each other, so is the Outside Square linked. However, it did take Zan and Rowena longer than Rath and Vilandra, because of Ava, maybe the other Ava’s interference will slow the other down, but I don’t think so. From every indication they know about her betrayal and they are mending their paths to each other. It will happen. We need to contact this River Dog, that Serena found. He knows who the other on earth, who know about the prophecy are. They may know how to slow it down. Let them control their children, as well as ours.”

Zanda ands Selra looked at Tyro. “We are far enough away from Antar so the message will not be interceded.” Okaying the communication.

“Then that is what we do.” Zanda decided. She turned around to leave the room. But stopped just this side of the door. “Please do continue your pre-mating ritual now, but not inhere.” She teased as she left.

Tyro and Selra looked at each other, then took off to their chambers.


Michael and Maria had avoided talking to their friends for two whole days, but now they were all gathered at Michael’s apartment to discuss, Tess’ apparent disappearing act. The girls had plans to crash at Kat’s and the guys were crashing at Michael’s. Of course the respective parental units, including the friendly neighborhood Sheriff, did not know that all the couples would be under the same roof, if not in the same apartment.

“So we know she came and got her records, told the school her ‘Dad’ sent for her” Kat made quotation marks in the air around Dad, “Then bailed right? So where the hell could she have gone?” Kat asked as she took the Tobasco bottle from Michael and dumped some into her coffee. She tasted it. Sigh “Perfect.”

“Yeah, but it wasn’t her,” Michael replied. “There is no way she could have been to Los Cruces and back by the time she got the records. So who was it?”

“Nasedo?” Liz volunteered.
“Maybe, but I don’t think so chica..” Maria answered. She had just gotten off the phone after ordering some Thai Food, and a pizza for Alex, as he never wanted to see any kind of Eastern Cuisine again. Everyone had looked at him until he had explained that he had practically live on Thai Food when he had been in Los Cruces under Tess’ control. “I would think Nasedo…”

“…would stay the hell away from here.” Michael finished pulling Maria onto his lap in the chair. They had not been able to spend some serious one on one time with each other, as Michael had spent most of his time getting to know his sister, and avoiding answering Max’s questions. Maria understood that Michael had been busy, she had been equally busy avoiding Liz and surprisingly Isabel.

The other teenagers looked at each other and around the room. Isabel was sitting on one end of the couch, Alex was on the floor with his back up against the couch. Max and Liz were on the other end cuddling. Kyle and Kat were laying on the floor, close but not quite touching each other. They were trying to keep their relationship a secret until they were sure Michael wasn’t going to accidentally blow Kyle up. Of course this fooled nobody in the room.

Alex looked at Max, and Kyle. Time to divide and conquer [/I ] He thought to the group, except for Michael and Maria. He didn’t want them to know what the plan was. “So how about us guys go and get some movies?” Alex asked as he got up.

Michael and Maria watched as Max and Kyle likewise disengaged themselves from the other halves. Get the feeling they planned this Pixie

Oh yeah Spaceboy, They sure did. But we might as well give them something so they will back off
Maria replied.

Just what the hell do I tell them? Michael was suddenly cut off by Kat looking up.

“Man you guys, do I have to explain everything?” She exclaimed looking at Max, Liz, Alex, Isabel and Kyle. “Sit down. They mated cause it was their time. They can’t talk about it, because it’s to complicated, personal and theirs. Will all get that point when we finally bond. Don’t worry they were safe, and their will be no children unless they both want them. It’s part of Antarian makeup. No kids until both parties of a joining are ready. So anymore questions cause I God help me if I have to give you guys the sex talk again. Kyle go get Charlie’s Angels 1 and 2 from my place please?” Kat finished flopping back down. Seven mouths were hanging open as she finished her rant. Kyle got up to go get the movies


“Guerin?” Kyle asked looking at Michael.

“If you hurt her I will blow you up but until then you’re free and clear got it?”

“You heard them talking to each other about us being in the Eraser Room during the Great M&M Hunt I take it?” Kat replied looking at Michael.

“Yep, and Kat?” Maria said.


“Don’t hurt him, cause ya know he’s going to be my brother here sooner or later.”

“Okay and Maria. Ditto.” Kat replied looking at Maria.

“Okay now that we’ve gotten who is going to blow up who can we get to the movies?” Isabel asked from the couch.

“hey shouldn’t we look at the book?” asked Alex. Kyle walked into the apartment to see Alex being attacked by four pillow wielding women. “That’s new. Alex is never in trouble.” Kyle looked at Max and Michael.

“He brought up the Book.” Michael answered the unspoken question.

The girls had finally finished attacking Alex and the couples had once again paired off.

“No more things Antarian tonight,” Isabel declared. “I don’t know about you but Kat giving us a sex talk pretty much fills my quota for tonight.”

Everyone agreed with her. So they continue to have a normal night, just eight teenager hanging around, not knowing what the night and tomorrow had in store for them.


“You said it was important?”

“Yes it is. Has everyone gathered.”

“Hey, Riverdog, they are all upstairs.”

Neither spoke as they walked upstairs to join the people already gathered. They entered the living room and the other turned to look at Riverdog.

“And the children?” Riverdog inquired.

“The boys are at Michael’s and the girls are at Katherine’s. We’re not suppose to know that they’re pretty much all together.”

“Interesting, that you would let your daughter do that.” Riverdog commented. As he looked around the room to make sure everyone was here.

“The time is approaching and she will be a Queen, who am I to interfere?” answered Jeff Parker walking over to stand by his wife, sharing a look with C Philip and Diane Evans

“They will join when the time is right. “ Sylvia Whitman added, from her seat next to her husband Charles.

Amy Deluca grimaced, “Some sooner than others,” knowing that her daughter had joined with Michael. “What new do you bring.?”

“Their Antarian parents are on their way.”

“We figured as much, when Michael’s sister showed up.” Diane Evans put in

“That will be good for Michael, as well as the other set.” Philip observed, as everyone silently agreed.

You have it easy, it is really hard to keep this from them,” James Valenti Jr. said, as he walked over to sit by Amy.
A good friend will come bail you out of jail.
A best friend will be sharing your cell.
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The Royal Four - (AU CC/UC NC-17) - Part 13 11/14/04

Post by sam25_2003 »

cwm_, icequeen, Coley452 ..Thanks for the Feedback.... it is greatly appricated...As to the parents..let's just say it wasn't exactly a coindence that Max & Isabel ended up where they did. I'll also explain why Michael never stayed with them :wink: and that's the only hint you get...

To all the lurker out there..I hope you like it and some might even leave Feedback.

This part came out faster than I thought. I do good until I get to specific couples. Because of the various relationships, I have to be in a certain mood to write them, in a way that is true to them, that is why some parts take longer to get out than others :!: So I hope you enjoy...

Disclaimer FYI...There is a line in here that plays off the Wizard of Oz, it’s not an exact quote, but to be safe I figured I would put this up here. Just a little CMA. To be on the safe side.

Part 13


Kyle looked around. “I though we were done with this thing.” he muttered to himself.

“Apparently not,” Kat answered walking up behind him, “Do you always talk to yourself?”

“Only when I end up in some freaky assed alien dream.” Kyle said, then he looked at Kat, “Not that I really mind, cause I get to be with you, but it does get a little tiring after a while. So any clue were exactly we are?”

“That it does Buddha Boy.” Kat agreed. “Nope I don’t see the cliff anywhere. So what do we do know?”

Kyle reached out and grabbed Kat by the waist. “Well no one is around, so I’m gonna kiss my girl and enjoy myself.”

Kat looped her hands around Kyle’s neck, “I think that can be arranged.” She muttered pulling his head down to her lips.

As the kiss between Kat and Kyle deepened, neither of them noticed the energy forming above them. The coppery nexus washed over them and headed out to the desert. Kat and Kyle broke away from each other. They looked at the trial and then back at each other.

“Well that was new,” Kat said. “Shall we?”

“Yeah, “ Kyle agreed, “Let’s follow the copper-brick road.”


Max, Liz, Isabel, Alex, Michael and Maria were all hanging around their respective sides.

“How long do you think it will take them to get here?” Maria asked. “I don’t know about you guys, but I am getting really tired of having the same dream”

“I know Pixie,” Michael answered wrapping his arms around her waist, “But there must be something we need to know, otherwise it wouldn’t be the same dream time after time.”

“Hey look!” Alex exclaimed as a silver of copper colour came closer. It stopped in front of Isabel and Alex, at a ninety degree angel from both Max and Liz and Michael and Maria. Suddenly a symbol appeared in the sand. It looked like Michael’s only it was upside down. It still had the five points and the intersecting lines.

“Any one want to take a guess at what the heck that is about?” Alex vocalized all of their shock.

All six teenagers looked at each other. “Of course!” Maria exclaimed. “Kat! It’s Kat’s symbol.”

“And speaking of.” Isabel said pointing out into the desert in front of her. The others looked up to see Kyle and Kat walking towards them.

As Kyle and Kat took their place the ground in front of the teens started to glow. First the gold thread showed up in front of Max and Liz. Next, in front of Isabel and Liz the silver thread came up. Michael and Maria watched as the bronze thread showed up in front of them. Lastly the copper thread appeared again in front of Kat and Kyle. Soon the colours were intermingling with each other.

“Anyone want to take a guess at what’s going on?” Alex asked. Seven eyes looked at Kat.

“Don’t look at me. This one I don’t know anything about.”. All eight teenagers ducked their head and put their hands up to cover their eyes as the lights flashed out. When they were able to see again they were all in shock.


Elsewhere in the dreamscape Zan, Rowena, Rath and Vilandra were looking around. They had all had this dream right after Max and Tess had gone back to Roswell. It was of the desert and the were all standing in a square with their respective symbols on the outside. Only know all of them seemed to be linked to something else. Suddenly four colours appeared out of the ground around the symbols.

“Okay that’s new,” Zan said looking out at the gold colour that showed up on the other side of his symbol.

“Yep and it ain’t just yours.” Rath said. As the Four looked around. They watched as the silver strand appeared, followed by the bronze and finally the copper.

“What is going on?” Rowena asked

“This is weird, even for us.” Lonnie added.

Rath was a little more proactive. He raised his hand and tried to use his powers on the energy around them. Rath went flying back into Zan. The girls rushed over to the boys. Rath was out cold. A little while later, Rath woke up. Even though he was only out for a couple minutes, to his friend it felt much longer.

“Rath what exactly happened?” Zan asked. He wasn’t too concerned with yelling at Rath. He knew the girls would handle that and then some.

“What’d it look like. It basically took what I threw at it, amplified it and knocked me on my ass.” Rath got up slowly, “and it fucking hurt.”

“DON’T EVER DO THAT AGAIN!” Lonnie exclaimed, pulling Rath into her arms, giving him a long and intense kiss.

“WHAT SHE SAID.” Rowena added, just as mad and scared. Zan walked over and held on to Kat.
“Don’t worry, I ain’t never trying to do that again. There is a lot of energy in that thing and it ain’t Antarian.” Rath said, after Lonnie let him up for air.

“Good!” Lonnie said pulling him in for another kiss

“Uh Guys, Something’s happening.” Zan said. “The energy is mixing together.”

Zan, Vilandra, Rowena and Rath all stood with their backs to each other, waiting for what would happen. Soon they energy that surrounded them was getting brighter and brighter. Soon they had to cover their eyes, or else they would have been blinded by the intensity of the light that completely surrounded them.

“Get ready,” Zan order, “As soon as it clears blast anything that moves.”

But when it cleared, the four teenagers didn’t blast use their power.

“Oh shit!” Lonnie exclaimed.

Rath was having the same thought. “Well ain’t this a kick”

“See”,” Rowena pointed out “I told ya. What they hell did you guys do anyway?”

“We don’t know, Max answered. Max then looked at Zan, “ Aren’t you suppose to be dead?”

“Only if Ava had her way,” Zan answered. “but then you had the same pest problem, didn’tcha?”

“The 411 better be damn good,” Maria added before everything went black.


Real World

Soon it was at full power, but more importantly, it was once more awake.

It reached out to the source of the energy that awakened it. Soon it knew that it was no longer on Antar, but rather on Earth, so that could only mean that the time of prophecy was nearing, but some of those needed were missing. It concentrated it’s energy and reach out searching. Soon it found who it was looking for.

This will not do, They are not close enough. This must be corrected. The Granolith organized what objective needed to be done and then sent the events in motion.

It pulled the twelve sleeping teenagers to the same location, As it did so it also did a mindwarp over anyone who would happen to see a car disappearing from a nameless nookie motel on the road between New York and Roswell. One objective done. It reached out again with its energy, and moved the ship heading for Earth to right behind Mars. It removed the passengers and cargo before hiding the ship in a suitable place.


After Riverdog had left Jeff, Nancy, Philip, Diane, Charles, Sylvia, Jim, and Amy had all left the Crashdown and made their way, separately, to Amy’s shop. As they entered they made their way down the basement. Jim and Amy were the first to arrive. Followed shortly by Philip and Diane. After Charles and Sylvia Whitman, as well as Jeff and Nancy Parker had arrived, Amy removed the covering over a stone tablet that revealed their version of the prophecy that entwined their lives All eight adults stood around looking at the tablet.

“So how are you doing knowing that your daughter has taken the step into womanhood?” Nancy asked Amy softly. Diane, and Sylvia had heard the question and paused for the answer.

“A lot better than I would have thought,” Amy answered, “I know that they wouldn’t have taken that step if they were not ready, and I know Michael does love her.”

Suddenly there was a flash of light . When they could see again. They were greeted with a sight that amazed them.

“WHAT THE HELL?” Jim asked, as everyone jumped back in surprise.

“Taking a guess, the Granolith has awoken and decided to play a hands. Which means we must go there. If it transported us here, it will have taken the children to it.” Selra answered.

“Well he has to stay here.” Amy said, pointing at Larek. “I don’t think even Roswell is ready for an alien”

“Not an issue,” Tyro said,. Suddenly there was a bright light, and Larek had shifted into looking like a human.

“Do you know where the Granolith is?” Zanda asked the humans.

“I do,” Jim said leading the way out. “So how about some introductions?”

So what do you think?
A good friend will come bail you out of jail.
A best friend will be sharing your cell.
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Post by sam25_2003 »

cwm_, icequeen, Guest, mm4ever, roswck, kitkat405 ..thanks for the is greatly are some answeres to some of your questions. (Although you'll probably have more when your done)

Lurkers thanks for reading...

FYI...For my story Larek is about twenty years older than Zan, and Rath when they were originally on Antar…It fits…but he doesn’t really make an appearance…more like a cameo…You just need to know that

Part 14

Okay... Here it is...Hang on… A BAD word comes up... but trust me I make it a GOOD thing…just not in this chapter


It took a few minutes for things to clear. “Okay, Isabel and Lonnie, you’re the dream experts, so what the HELL is going on?” Maria asked, as she looked at the two duplicates of each other.

Lonnie looked defensive “I ain’t got a clue.”

“Same,” Isabel added.

Liz was digesting this new turn of events. “Alright, there is no reason to freak out.”

Everyone just started at Liz for a full minute.

“That’s it, she’s lost it,” Michael finally exclaimed.

“No I haven’t Michael,” Liz sighed, “Whatever is happening, obviously has to happen. I think this is the natural progression of what Tess interrupted. It is still only a dream after all.”

“Peeps right!” Rowena said.

“So we just sit and wait to see what happens?” Kat asked.

“Well does anyone know of a way out?” Max said, looking around. His eyes finally came to rest on Zan. He now knew how Isabel and Michael had felt when Lonnie and Rath had blown into town.

Zan looked across at Max. He was getting a better understanding of why Rath and Lonnie were a little freaked out a coming back to Roswell. It was kinda freaky looking at yourself, but not yourself.

“So why are you not dead?” Max asked Zan, looking him in the eyes.

“Sorry about that duke,” Zan said, “But I knew Ava wouldn’t kill ya, not if she thought I was already gone. She needed one of us alive.”
“Yeah, if it wasn’t for my sis, we really would’ve killed him and had no choice about the matter .” Rath said as Michael eyed him up.

“Ava ain’t exactly what she appears,” Lonnie added looking at Isabel

Rowena was looking at Kat, “But somehow you already now that. After all you’ve had your own pest control problem?”

Could be the truth Alex put in first

Michael added, cynically whose version of it?

Why would Ava warn us that Rath and Lonnie had killed Zan, and were planning on killing Max, if she set it up?
Liz added, looking around.

Because that way Ava could come in if Tess failed

“Excuse me?, Stay out of our conversations!” Kat growled towards Rowena.

Rowena shot right back, “Well if you want your conversations private I suggest you make sure they are!”

Isabel was watching intently ENOUGH!!! I WANT EVERYONE WHO HEARS ME TO ANSWER ME…WITH NAMES Everyone looked at her. It’s a test after all. If they are telling the truth, they won’t hear us. After all Tess never did.





“Okay now that it is settled, we need to figure this out, “ Max said, “But you and I, Zan, we will be talking later.”

“Wouldn’t except anything less Duke.” Zan replied

“Huh guys, what they hell is that?” Kyle asked pointing a spot behind Max and Liz.


It had achieved the immediate goal, everyone you needed to be here was here, but now it had more to do. None of them knew their Destiny, but all of them were here. In seconds it reached its decision. In order for them to move forward, first they had to go back.


All of a sudden a wall of some sort appeared behind Max and Liz. On it was a landscaped of lush green. In the middle of the picture was a city. As they looked on the city seemed to get larger and larger. Pretty soon they could make out the individual buildings. Right in the middle of the city there was a castle. They palace looked like it was right out of a fair tale. It was a cross between a Sultan’s Palace and a medieval keep. It was beautiful, but it also had defensive positions.

“It’s beautiful,” Liz breathed. She then looked at all of the aliens. They were all transfixed “Max what is it? What is this place”

“That is home.” Zan answered.

“He means it is the Royal Palace of Antar.” Max said. All of the aliens looked at each other.

Suddenly the group was no longer looking at the picture, they were in the palace.

“Okay this is just weird, even for us.” Rath said, looking around. “What are we going to do?”

“How about we get out of the way and then follow them?” Isabel asked. Pointing to the two men that were walking down the corridor. All of the teens looked around. There was no place to hide. The two men just kept walking. Liz suddenly realized something.

“They can’t see us. It is just a dream after all so it’s not real.” As she said that they two men came within ear shot.

“So what does she want?”

“I don’t know, I just know that when Selra wants to tell you something it’s better to be there on her terms.”

“Tyro my friend, what would your commanders say if they knew you were scared of a woman?”

“Easily ,Vilon, Your Majesty, I would just point out which woman it was. She has most of them scared out of their wits.”

“True enough.”

“Max?” Isabel started.

Lonnie finished, “That was our father.”

“I have a question?” Kyle asked, “Why are they speaking English?”

“They’re not,” Rowena answered, “I think whoever or whatever is behind is behind this is, is making sure we understand what is being said.”

The others looked around, agreeing. “Makes sense.” Kat added.

“Well let’s get going,” Michael said walking to the front.

Rath went to join him, “Yes let’s”

Maria grinned at Lonnie, “Is it me or do you get the feeling that those two hanging around could be bad?”

“I’m with ya babe,” Lonnie replied, with the same grin, “We’ll have to watch that.”

All twelve walked down the corridor.

They followed Vilon and Tyro into a spacious outer chamber. When they got their two little boys came running up to them.

“Daddy, Daddy, I beat Zan in the race today.”

Tyro just smiled as he lifted his son into his arms, “Really, Rath, you did?”

“Yep! Our tutor told Rath that he should’ve let me win, cause I’m Prince,” little Zan said from his father’s arms. “But then Mommy and Aunt Selra heard him and Mommy said the our lessons were over. .”

“And Mommy said that we are gonna get a new tutor cause this one’s an idiot.” Rath finished.

Both Vilon and Tyro snickered at that. They looked up at the women who were sitting in identical rockers.

“You fired the tutor Ra?” Tyro asked, walking up to his wife and giving her a kiss.

Selra looked at her husband. “He is an idiot, Zan will have enough people genuflecting when he gets older, he doesn’t need that right now.”

“Definitely,” Vilon agreed coming up to Zanda and giving her a kiss. “So who are we going to get now?”

I’m not sure who yet.” Selra said looking down at her daughter.

“But it needs to be someone who will treat them as normal children.” Zanda answered.

Both Tyro and Vilon nodded their heads in agreement?
Selra had placed Rowena on the floor and sat down beside her daughter.

“Down Daddy, I wanna see my sister,” Rath demanded.

“Yes sir!” Tyro said as he put his son down by his daughter. He then sat down beside Selra, and pulled her into his arms. Vilon and Zanda were also sitting on the floor admiring their children.

“Selra, why did you summon us.” Tyro asked as he brought her hand up to his lips.

“I tired to divine the girls future.”

Vilon and Tyro tensed up at that. “And?” Vilon asked.

“It was the same as the boys, It will not show me anything except that somehow their Destiny is on the planet called Earth, as well as Antar.”

“What does that me Ra?” Tyro exclaimed.

“I don’t know for sure, but it has to be the Prophecy.”

“What do we do?” Vilon asked.

“We give them a life and we do not tell them about the Prophecy, until we need to.”

Zanda looked at Selra, “Is that even possible?”

Tyro smiled, “Of course it is, after all the only ones who know about it are in this room. The kids have enough to deal with, being who they are, they do not need to deal with that until later.”


Suddenly the teenagers found themselves back were they started in the dark. All of them were very emotional.

“Our parents,” Kat started, “Those were our parents.” Kyle walked up and put his arms around her.

“Yeah!,” Rowena said, as she held onto Zan, “What she said.”

Maria had been watching Michael. “Spaceboy? It’s okay.”

“I was loved Pixie, I had a father and a mother who loved me.”

Isabel was holding onto Alex. Neither of them was saying anything. Rath and Lonnie were doing the same thing.

Max and Liz were just looking into each other eyes. “Are you okay?”

“No, but I will be.”

“Huh guys, were not done yet.” Rath said, pointing. The scene in the picture was moving closer to them and once again, they found themselves in the Palace. The feeling around the Palace was depressed.


They all looked at each other and made their way down the hall to the room they had been in before. Soon they paused as Zanda, Selra, and Tyro entered the room. Zanda looked like she was ready to collapse. “He’s gone. I can’t believe he is gone.”

Selra never said anything, she just walked over to Zanda and held onto her. “SSSHHH You need sleep my Queen.”

Zanda looked sadly at Selra, “I am not that anymore. I am the Queen Mother, but not the Queen.”

“The Coronation has not happened yet, and you will always be my Queen. You will see him again in your next life,.” Tyro said, pulling Zanda into a hug. “Right now, you need sleep.”

Zanda looked at him, “What do I do now?”

“You help your son adjust to being King. He will need you in the next couple of days, more than ever.”

Selra took Zanda by the shoulders leading her into her rooms. “Get some sleep. I will take care of things today.”

Tyro walked over to the window. “Vilon, my friend, I will miss you.” He muttered as he looked out over the landscape. “I will make sure the children are safe.” He heard the door open and in walked a familiar figure.

Zan walked over to Tyro, “How is my Mother, General?”

“Selra is getting Zanda to lay down.” Tyro smiled a sad smiled. “I feel that I should point out that I am no longer General, your Majesty. I was your father’s not yours. That belongs to those younger, and Rath is ready to accept his position.”

Just as Tyro finished, Rath walked in looking for Zan, “Rowena is with Vilandra. She is trying to get V to get some sleep.”

“Which didn’t work,” Vilandra said walking in behind him.

Rowena shrugged her shoulders. “She wanted to be with Zan,”

Vilandra and Zan moved towards each other and hugged each other, “How are you doing?” Zan asked as she pulled away.

“Not to good, not bad, but not good.” Vilandra answered.

Zan nodded his head as he looked at his best friend and his father’s best friend. “What happens now?”

“Tomorrow you to go to the temple, and the seal will be activated. Vilandra will become your heir, I will pass on my seal to the New General, and Rath’s heir will be chosen.” Tyro replied.

“And we all know who my heir will be,” Rath said looking pointedly at Rowena.

All of them looked around with a sad smile on their faces. “This isn’t how it should be. He should still be here. I shouldn’t have to become heir.” Vilandra started. “Whoever did this will pay and pay dearly.”

“We are not sure who planted the poison, but we will find them.” Tyro promised. “I am going to go check on your mother’s.”


“I feel the need to point out that this is freaky,” Alex said. No one disagreed The first thing the watchers noticed was that their original looked like they did now.

“Someone killed our father.” Zan voice shook with rage as he said it.

Max looked up at him, “We will find out who.”

No one else had anything to add. Both Isabel and Vilandra were sobbing in their mates arms. “Who would do that?”

“I think we’re about to find out,” Michael said. “Here we go again.”


This time they did not appear in hallway, this time they were already in the chamber.

Zan, Rath, Vilandra and Rowena enter the room.

“We need to come up with something,” Vilandra was yelling, “I will not marry that freak of nature. Every. I would rather be dead Zan. I mean it. He is setting me up to look like a traitor.”

“I believe you, but outside of Rath and I there is no one more powerful.:. Zan stopped and looked at his sister. “Besides which he had the most to gain with our father’s death.”

The meaning of those words were not lost on anyone. “Yes, but we lack the proof, Zan,” Rath added, “So we can’t just kill the bastard. The Council of Planets wouldn’t like that, as satisfying as it would be. Besides, there is no way Vilandra is even going near that scum.”

Vilandra looked at Rath, “Excuse me? Did you just tell me who I can and cannot see?”

Rowena just sighed. “Now is not the time, we need a plan and I think I have it. Vilandra and Rath’s engagement.”

“What?” Vilandra cried,

Rath looked at his sister “Have you lost your mind?”

Zan looked thoughtful, “She is right, but that means that the Council will push Ava on me. I will have no viable excuse not to accept her.” The last was said looking directly at Rowena, “Can you handle that?”

“As long as there is no wedding, I can handle anything Zan, and no I have not lost my mind,” Rowena said patiently. “Rath is the only other male the Council will except. He is the only person, besides Zan that has more power than Kivar”


This time they were not kicked back to the darkness, instead they stayed in the dream. All of them looked around as the walls shook. They were still in the room, so they walked quickly out of it. The aliens all knew were they had to go. They were soon running towards the throne room. The doors were open.


“You will take them to the temple.” Zan said “Even Kivar would not be able to reach them their.”

“I understand your Majesty,” Tyro said as he quickly left to get Zanda, Selra, Vilandra, and Rowena.”

Rath looked at him, “You do realize that V and Ro will kill us later right?”

Zan grimaced, “Yes Ra, I am aware that our sisters will do a lot damage to us but we will deal with that later. Right now we have a traitor to contend with. One who seems to be wanting peace again.”

Rath rolled his eyes. “You do know it’s a trap right?”

“Why do you think I sent the girls away?”
Off to the side, neither Rath nor Zan saw Ava smiling as she listened into their conversation. As she walked away from the control room, she pressed the button detonating the bomb that had been planted in the throne room.

The Castle was rocked with the explosion. Vilandra and Rowena looked at each other and took off from the shuttle. “VILANDRA, ROWENA, GET BACK HERE,” Selra screamed, but they ignored her.

Vilandra and Rowena reached the throne room first. They had grown up in the castle and they knew all the passages, well used or secret. They had entered the secret passage, in time to see Rath pull Zan in.

“We’re okay, we were away from the throne when it went off,” Rath said slowly. “Get him to the Doctor, I have a treacherous little bitch to kill.” Rath reached over and kissed Vilandra. “I should have done that a lot sooner,”

“Ra, you’re not going after her without me.” Rowena said looking up, but he was already gone.

“Go after him Ro, I can get Z to safety myself.” Vilandra said as she helped her brother stand.

Rowena looked at Zan. “Go, look after your brother for me, and I will look after mine for you,” Vilandra said.

Zan reached out and grabbed a hold of Rowena arm. He looked at her and pulled her in to a kiss, “No go get that pigheaded brother of yours.”

Rowena took off As soon as she was out of site, Zan collapsed. “ZAN we have to go.” Vilandra said.

“I am not going to make it, There is to much damage. Just don’t let Kivar get my body V. You need Rath alive. If Kivar manages to kill us both.”

Vilandra kneeled down by her brother, “No Zan, don’t say that.”

“I am dying, there is no changing that,” Zan replied, “But I must do this before I die, Give me you hand Vilandra, I need to see it.” Vilandra held out her hand to his. On her palm was the upside down Royal Seal, Zan held his hand up to hers. As he did so, her seal rotated around so that it was upside right. “Be careful, My Queen,” Zan whispered as he slowly breathed his last breath in this life.

“ZAN! NO ZAN YOU CANNOT LEAVE ME, YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO LEAVE ME YET..ZAN!” Vilandra cried out as she hugged her brother for the last time. Slowly she got a hold of her emotions. “Ava,” she whispered, “You will pay.”

Suddenly the scene they were watching changed to courtyard. Rath was laying on the ground. He could feel his life slipping away. Rowena found him shortly after that, “RATH!” she screamed as she ran over to him.”

“Hey Little Bit how you doing?” Rath coughed when she reached him.

“What happen.?”

“Niko is on the grounds. He managed to get shoot me right before I could kill Ava. She got away from me.” Rath sputtered. “Ro, I need you to hold out your hand.” Rowena looked down at her brother. She knew he was dying and she knew what he was asking of her. She held out her hand as thier upside down version of their family crest appeared on her palm. Rath held up his hand. “As our father before and his father before, you are the protector, the General.” Rath whispered, as he watched her symbol right itself.

“Goodbye, BB, I will see you in the next life.” Rowena whispered softly, “I promise Ava and Kivar will pay for their treachery.” Slowly she picked herself off of the ground and walked into the castle.

Ava meanwhile was in the Queen’s chamber making her plans on what to change after she occupied them. “So out of date, this will never do.”

“You should have made sure I was dead to Ava,” Vilandra said from the doorway, “After all as long as I am alive, you cannot be Queen.”

Ava turned around and looked at Vilandra with hatred in her eyes. “Please, like the Council will approve of you. After all you betrayed your brother and let Kivar’s men onto castle grounds.” She smirked.

Vilandra just looked at her, “it doesn’t matter what the Council decides Ava, I have the Seal, on approval of the Granolith. There is nothing you can do.”

“I can kill you like I killed your brother and your precious Rath, how long do you think you will be able to resist the Council’s prodding to marry Kivar? Of course after you are married I wouldn’t except a long life.”

Suddenly the doors open again, and Rowena walked in. “Too bad you won’t be here for that.”

Ava turn to reach for the gun she had put on the dresser. She managed to get it and turn around before Rowena as fired. Ava slowly crumpled to the ground.

Vilandra just looked at Rowena and registered that she was covered in blood. “Rath?” she asked although she knew the answer in her heart. “First Zan and know Rath, there is nothing left to do then.” Vilandra said as she set her shoulders. “You will prepare the ship, the Granolith and the pods, but you will not include yourself, Rowena.”

“Vilandra,” Rowena started.

“No, Ro, you will send Ava so that Kivar will not know we found out about her. He will think he has an insider, it might give us an edge this time. You will let the rumors about Kivar and I go on. You will do nothing to clear my name.”

“Are you insane?”

“No, I am not insane, it is the only way that you will be okay. I need to go make sure Kivar knows he does not get what he wants. Do not make me order you. Ro, there is much to be done.” Vilandra said as she walked to the door. “One more thing, make sure Kivar gets our bodies. This way he will think he has one.” Vilandra walked over to her, and handed her two vials. “There is enough of Zan and I in those bottle to do what needs to be done. Did you get some from Rath?”

Rowena nodded her head. “Collect some from her and get out of here. That is an order!”

Rowena closed her eyes as she felt the pull of duty, “It will be as my Queen wishes.” She put her head down as Vilandra walked out the door

Vilandra walked into the throne room. Kivar and Niko had already entered it.

“Hello, your Highness, Sorry about the explosions, but I needed to see you about something important.”

“I am sure you did Kivar, However my correct address is your Majesty.”

“So Ava did manage to a least kill one of them, so I didn’t have to clean up all of her mess,” Niko said looking at Vilandra, “Where is she?”


“You shouldn’t have done that,” Kivar exclaimed. “She would have saved you a lot of trouble. So when is the wedding?”

“Never,” Vilandra replied, “She held up a vial of clear liquid. “Do you recognize this Kivar, It is the poison you used on my father. I took some of it before I came in here. You have never have a legitimate claim to the throne. I will be dead here shortly, and the only other way, through my brother’s fiancée. In other words you’re screwed.” Vilandra felt the poison seeping through her veins.

“You lose.” She whispered as she slipped away into oblivion.

Kivar just stood looking at her body. , “Find Rowena, she is the next in line”

Niko was made, he had wanted Rowena for himself. “As you wish my lord.”

“Niko, that is your Majesty and do not fail me.” Kivar said storming out of the throne room with Niko behind him.

Rowena was inside the secret passage as she heard this. She had come to say goodbye to Zan. She entered the throne room as they left. She slowly walked over to Vilandra, “I tried V, but I know what I have to do.”

Rowena entered the secret passage as she was going through them she bumped into something. She looked up. She reached up and hugged her father, “They’re all gone Daddy,” Rowena cried. “Kivar needs me now and that will not happen.”

“I know, but we must leave this place, now.” They made their way out to the shuttle. Zanda looked up as they entered. All she had to do was look at Tyro’s face to know that what she feared most had happened.

“Leave here,” Zanda said, “I have to stay with them, at least until after the funeral. It is the only way you will have a chance to get to the temple.”

Tyro and Selra wanted to argue but they knew that Zanda was right.

“He will not kill me, He does need to make some points with the Council. Go know.” She ordered as she stepped out of the shuttle and closed the door.

As the shuttle blasted off, Kivar walked out to the launch pad. “Queen Zanda, were is your goddaughter?”

“Away from you, were you will never get to her.


The twelve teenagers were back in that dark space again. All of the girls were crying, and the guys were having a hard time holding back the tears.

“I didn’t betray anyone,” Isabel whispered through her tears.

Lonnie shook her head, “No WE didn’t betray anyone.”

“I really don’t know how much more of this I can take.” Kat said from Kyle’s arms.

Rowena agreed, “That was massively intense, How much more can their be?”

“Just a little bit, I think, Max said as once again they were pulled into the landscape. Only this time the picture was of a temple.


They were on temple grounds. As they looked around the saw the original version of Rowena sitting staring off into space. As she watched the night sky a ship was launched. “Good luck: she whispered as she walked into the temple. It had only taken a week to prepare the pods and install the Granolith. She slowly made her way into the temple. She had things to do and parents who would fight her every step of the way.

“I am going back to get Zanda,” Rowena said as she entered the room, were her parents were.

Selra and Tyro looked at each other, “We are going with you.”

Rowena stopped and looked at them, “No telling me not to do this?”

“No there are something’s that need to be done. Kivar already knows about the pods, courtesy of his little spy on board, but that is all he knows about. When he finds out about the Granolith, he will be sending a ship of his own” Tyro said looking at his daughter, “Besides which you are your mother’s daughter.”

They were once again on the ground of the palace. They were preparing to go through the secret passage when Zanda walked out of it. “Took your time, he made me record a message about a so called Destiny for Vilandra and Rath and Zan and Ava,” Zanda practically spit out the last name.

Selra looked at her, “Zan’s smarter than that, in any form.”

Tyro watched as his daughter walked into the secret passage. He had told Rowena that she was her mother’s daughter, but he also knew she was his daughter. He walked into the secret passage. “Rowena,” Tyro said.

Rowena turned around to look at him. “Daddy,” she started.

“Tyro held up his hand, “I know what you are planning to do the same thing as Vilandra did. I also know that as much as I wish I could stop you, you will not be stopped. I need some of your blood, so that your brother and you will be together again.”

Rowena looked up at her father. “You brought five samples back,” she whispered.

Tyro looked at her sadly, “I know my daughter, and you know the prophecy, four true and one deceiver will be sent”

Rowena paused and looked at her father, “How do you plan on getting me there?”

Tyro smiled, “Oh Kivar will be doing that for me, with the help of your old tutor.”

“Which one, Serena or Larek?”

“Serena as you well know, Larek is sitting on the Council”

Rowena hugged her father one last time, “ Tell Mommy I love her.” She walked away quickly before she could be stopped.

Tyro left the passage and returned to the shuttle. Selra and Zanda looked at him with sad eyes. “Everything is coming true then?” Zanda asked Tyro.

Selra looked up at the sky, “We will see them again, but Kivar needs to believe he has absolute power before he will send a ship.”

Tyro led the women to another passage that led into the city. As they reached the entrance they paused and waited. From deep within the castle there came a one single shot. All three of them lowered their heads, as they knew their children were all gone. Suddenly guards appeared on the launch pad. Zanda closed her eyes and soon the guards saw the three of them get into the shuttle. As it launched off, it suddenly exploded, leaving nothing behind. Tyro, Zanda and Selra walked into the city.

Soon they had arrived at the destination point. As they entered the room. They saw Larek and Serena waiting.

“Are you sure about this Serena?” Zanda asked.

Serena looked at the Queen Mother. “I am the only one who can do it, Majesty, After all I had already infiltrated Kivar’s army. I’m just sorry that it was not enough, Besides apparently another certain fraction has put in their own infiltration. If nothing else I will use it to ensure that Rath’s sister is delivered safely to him.”

Tyro rolled his eyes, “Are they still around? You would figure after the first hundred years they would get the idea that the General is never gonna betray the King. That is why he is the General.”

“You really must go milord,” Larek said, “Everything is prepared on our end. You must get out of the city.” Everyone nodded.

Selra reached into her pocket and pulled out three communicators. “Serena, you can use this one to contact us. The transmission will be untraceable. These you must place with each one of my daughters. So that our children will know the truth.” Serena looked at Selra. “I know my daughter and I knew she was not coming back. No we must go.”

Selra, Tyro and Zanda walked out of the city undetected. Tyro was making sure that no one saw them. They merely blended in with those who where already fleeing the city.


The teenagers were back in the dark again. Slowly they looked at each other. They could not believe that any of this had happened.

Maria slowly looked over everyone, “Is it over?”

“I don’t think so,” Kat said pointing.


They were in the sewers of New York. They watched as a beautiful young woman walked up to the pods and looked around. She was wearing a look of pure rage. “Someone will pay for this,” she muttered, “But I have other things to do. They watched as she walked over to Ava’s Pod. She put her had on the shell and a glow slowly seeped through the pod. “You will not betray them this time Ava. I might not be able to kill you in there, but I can slow your gestation down.”

She finished and she walked out of the door, soon, she had found another chamber that would suit her purpose. She slowly opened the backpack she was carrying and hung up Rowena’s pod on the wall. “I’m sorry milady, but you need to be close to them.” She placed the communicator on the ground and left sealing the entrance as she did so.

They watched as Rath, Vilandra, and Zan busted through their gestation pods. All of them looked around. They saw the forth pod. Zan reached up and touched it. He backed up suddenly, as if in shock. He shook his head. Rath suddenly looked up. He walked towards they door and opened it. Vilandra and Rath followed. Soon they had reached the entrance to the other chamber. Rath waved his hand over it and the door appeared. He pressed his hand to it and walked in to find his sister looking up at him. The New York Four walked over to each other and held hands forming a square.

As they looked around the scene changed to the Roswell Pods. The same women opened the door and walked in. She walked over to Tess’ pod and proceeded to do slow down her gestation. “What’s good for one is good for the other,” she muttered. As she stopped she felt the hum of the Granolith. “So you did find a place to hide yourself.”

As she reached ground level, she looked back and spotted a cave at the bottom of the rock. “Perfect,” She opened her backpack and place Kat’s pod in the same position. “First Mission Accomplished. No to go back so Nicky boy doesn’t know what I am up to.” She said as she walked to her car.

They found themselves once again watching as another set broke through the pods. Michael first, then Isabel and finally Max. They looked at each other and at the other pod. Max just shook his head and the three of them headed for the door. As they walked towards the road, they saw the light coming. Little Michael let go of their hands and left. He waited until the people in the car had taken the other two away before he went back to the rock. He did not go back up. stairs. Instead he went to the base and waved his hand. The door open and Kat looked up. Michael held up his hand and Kat took it. He led her back to the road and waited until he saw another car coming. He put his forehead on hers, as if saying goodbye. He slowly made her go towards the lights. He then headed off for the lights reflecting from town. He instinctively knew that was where the other two had been taken. He did not know why but the last one needed to be hidden.


They were back in the darkness again.

Michael was standing their shocked.

Maria just walked up to him and pulled his head down. She kissed him with everything in her.

“That’s why I didn’t go with you. I had to make sure Kat was safe,” Michael whispered.


Suddenly the teenagers found themselves in very familiar surroundings.

Nancy Parker was in the process of giving birth. Soon Elizabeth Anne Parker had made her appearance. As she was born she had a golden glow around her.

Next they were in the home of Charles and Sylvia Whitman as she gave birth. After Alex was born he glowed silver for a couple minutes.

Soon they found themselves in the same position, only this time they were at Amy Deluca’s. Maria was glowing bronze.

Finally they were at the Sheriff house as Jim Valenti held onto a baby that happen to be glowing copper.

It was worth noting that Diane Evans was there for all of these births.

Everyone just stared , “The colours of energy are from US?” Liz, Alex, Maria and Kyle exclaimed.


All of a sudden all of the teenagers woke up. They were in the Granolith chamber.

“Shit,” Lonnie yelled, “The least that thing could’ve done was put some clothes on me.” She quickly ran her hand over herself and changed her lingerie into something more suitable.

Rowena looked up at her, from behind Zan, “At least you had something to change, Hello! Naked here?” She exclaimed.

Rath had changed his underwear into a pair of pants. As he looked up he tried not to laugh.

Michael handed her his shirt. “Here use this.” He grunted, also trying to hold back his laughter. “I want it back though, that is my second favorite Metallica shirt.”

Alex handed over his shirt so Rowena could make herself some pants. “Yes,. Whatever you do, do not mess with Metallica around Michael” Looking pointedly at Maria, who was wearing one of Michael’s favorite shirt and nothing else.

Kyle handed his shirt to Kat, “Make Maria something, please.”

Max handed his shirt to Zan. “Here.”

“Thanks” Zan said as he changed the shirt to a pair of pants. All of the teenagers in state of dress or undress got fully clothed quickly. There was just something best left alone.

After everyone was fully clothed. Liz looked around. “Someone want to change me? I do not want to walk back to Roswell in my Pajamas.”

Isabel and Katherine agreed, so they to changed their PJ to something more suitable for walking.

They had all finally got dressed when the chamber door opened. Michael and Rath got in front of it. They were shocked when Jeff and Nancy Parker, Charles and Sylvia Whitman, Philip and Diane Evans, Jim Valenti, Amy Deluca, and four other people that they had just seen through the Granolith walked in.

Everyone stood around for a moment. All the kids looked at all the parents.

“Someone has a lot of explaining to do don’t you think Mom and Dad? Michael asked looking pointedly at Tyro and Selra.
A good friend will come bail you out of jail.
A best friend will be sharing your cell.
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Post by sam25_2003 »

Ta Da..Here it is...Well some of it...i decided to break it up and sorry folks but this is the most logical spot to do that in..please don't throw things....

Part 15

“Would someone explain what the HELL is going on?”

“Watch your language young lady,”

“Mom, all of you show up here of all places, with my boyfriend’s parents and expect me to be calm?” Maria exclaimed, reaching her melting point.

Liz, although just as upset as Maria decided it was time to intervene, “I’m sure there is a good reason, Maria. How about we let them explain it?”

Max looked up at the one adult they had already trusted with their secret, “Sheriff?”

“It a long complicated story, how about we go to the Crashdown and we will explain it.”

All the teenagers looked around. “Yo duke, your town, you know it best,” Zan said after looking at the other three from New York. “We cool with whatever you decide.”

Max looked at the teenagers from Roswell. All of them gave an affirmative nod. They wanted to know their parents’ story.

“Okay, well let’s get going then.”

Rath started towards the vehicles, when Michael stopped him. “You’re riding with me,”

Rath was about to get into Michael face, when Rowena walked up to him. “Just do it, Ra. I’ll stay tight with Lonnie K?” she whispered.

“Alright, Ro, but watch your backs.” Rath answered walking towards the car.

“Well it’s a good thing you showed up, cause I really was not looking forward to the ride into town.” Kat said climbing into the back of the Jetta with Michael and Maria. Amy was driving and Rath was in the passenger seat. Michael was sitting in the back thinking. He couldn’t really wait for answers. “So Ms. Deluca, why where you guys out there? How long have you known? What is going on?”

Amy could tell Michael was getting to his breaking point. “Michael. Calm down. You will get all your answers when we get to the Crash.”

Michael just looked at her and then out the window. Maria snuggled up into his arms. Amy suddenly felt old. Her little girl wasn’t so little anymore.

Similar conversations were being held, between all the teens and the parents. Rowena and Lonnie had elected to ride with the Sheriff and Kyle. Kyle was steamed. “So more secrets huh, Dad? Ya think you would’ve learnt by know wouldn’t ya?”

“Yo Dude! I’m sure there is a reason for things K? Why not cut him some slack till ya get all the facts,” Rowena rounded on Kyle.

Jim and Kyle just looked at her for a second. Lonnie smirked. “She gets that way when she’s tense. So how about ya drive and we all can get some answers Alright?”

Jim Valenti knew the storm was brewing, but as he had no clue on how to advert it, He decided to use his usually method of dealing with Kyle, and ignore the problem. “Okay then, let’s get going.”

Max and Zan rode together with the Evans and their alien mother. Max was a little curious about things, so he figured a little prodding might work out to his favour. “Mom,” he started, but stopped suddenly looking from Diane Evans to Zanda and back. “Uh sorry,” he apologized.

“Well at least I don’t got that problem.” Zan said, looking at Max “I only ever had one mother.”

The car carrying Liz, Jeff and Nancy Parker, as well as Tyro and Selra followed them. Liz was silently digesting everything that had happened. “You’ve know all along?” Liz finally asked, “How come you’ve never said anything?”

Jeff Parker looked at his daughter through the rearview mirror. “Max saved you life, honey.” He answered as he started the car and headed back into town.

Inside the Whitman’s car it was silent. Alex and Isabel were holding onto each other as they drove back into town. “So this is weird,” Alex stated.

“You’ve done numerous exploits in the last two years, and you classify this as weird?” his Dad inquired.

“Pretty much, Dad, of all the things that have gone on I never thought you would find out.”

“Son, you should have know, parents ALWAYS know when something’s up. It’s in the job description. Especially when the good kids start missing school.”


Waking up with a jolt, Rath looked around to find out where the noise was coming from. After a couple of minutes Rath realized it was. “Damnit Maxwell, would you shut that annoying thing off already!” he growled, as he rolled over to glare at his king’s duplicate.

Zan looked disgruntled from his spot on the floor. “Hafta agree, man, some of us don’t even go to school and you wake us up at this ungodly hour.”

Max looked up. “Wasn’t mine. Besides it’s Saturday.”

Kyle cracked open an eye, “Alex?”

“Nope, He’s still out cold, That guy can sleep through anything.” Rath said with admiration.

“Must come from having Liz and Maria as best friends.” Kyle mumbled. “So who the hell has an alarm clock going off at 8:00 am on a Saturday.”

“I do,” Michael answered coming out of his bedroom dressed. “Since some of you won’t go to your respective houses, and some of you don’t have houses to go to, my time with my girlfriend has been severely cut into, so we have plans this morning. Do not call me this side of a full out invasion. Later.” He finished as he slammed out the door.

Maria was waiting for him in the hallway. “So how’s your sleepover going?” Maria teased as she walked up and put her arms around him.

“I want my apartment back Maria, but I can understand why Max, Kyle and Alex are so pissed at their parents.”

“For the same reason Isabel, and Liz are crashed at Kat’s. How could they not tell us something that important? It doesn’t matter about interfering in the prophecy. They knew we needed them.”

“So how come you’re not crashing at Kat’s?”

Maria just smiled. “Too many girls, Spaceboy, Besides which I know my mom isn’t perfect, that they’ve made some mistakes but looking back I can see all the hints she dropped over the last couple of years. If the decision had been hers to make, we would have known a helluva lot sooner. Although I can’t even blame Mrs. Evans for keeping it a secret, All she wanted was to give us the same thing you had in your first life. A normal childhood, without the added worry about prophecy,” Maria ran her hands through Michael’s hair. “So what am I doing up this early anyway Spaceboy?”

Michael took up Maria’s invitation and kissed her. As always both of them lost each themselves into the passion. Slowly Michael broke the kiss, groaning, “It’s a surprise and if you keep that up, we will never get there.” He growled as he pulled her towards the parking lot.

“Promises, promises.” Maria said.

Michael stopped dead. “Alright that’s it.” He muttered as he open his apartment door, and pulled Maria into it. Michael snarled, “Breakfast is over at Kat’s. Everybody out! And do not come back until we call.”

Five teenage boys looked up in surprise, took one look at Michael’s face and vacated his apartment with a speed that would have made the track coach envious. Michael slammed the door and locked it. Using his powers, he gave the door an extra lock, to guarantee that they wouldn’t be disturbed.

Maria was grinning, “What about your plans?” she said teasingly as Michael backed her up against the counter.

Michael lifted Maria up, kissing her. “They can wait, this can’t,” he muttered against her lips as he moved towards the bedroom.

Out in the hallway the five boys looked at each other. “Well,” Alex started, “I don’t know about you but I am not waking the girls up at this hour in the morning.”

“Don’t worry about it,” Lonnie said from the doorway, as she moved towards Rath. She kissed him good morning, then turned around. “We heard Michael’s alarm clock, so we already had a wake up call.”

“Besides, trying to sleep would be pointless,” Rowena added, “Those two are anything but quite.”

Zan walked over to Rowena and pulled her into a hug. “So what do you want to do for breakfast?” he asked walking into Kat’s apartment with the rest of the crew. The remaining boys all went over to greet their significant others.

Liz looked up at Max, then around the room. “I was thinking that we should go to the Crashdown. See if our parents have come up with an explanation to cover for Zan, Rowena, Lonnie, Rath, Zanda, Tyro and Selra.”

Kat looked up and got that half smirk that reminded Kyle, that she was her brother’s sister. “Besides which, maybe some of us should start acting like adults, not children.” She added looking pointedly at Kyle, Max, Liz, Alex and Isabel. “After all, they were only trying to protect you.”

“Yeah, well it would have been nice to know,” Isabel muttered, “But you are right, they only did what they did to try and protect us, just like on Antar.”

“So I guess this means it’s time to kiss and makeup?” Alex asked looking around at the others.

Kyle, Max, Liz and Isabel all nodded their head in agreement.

Know I just have to get Lonnie and Rowena out of my apartment and the we have some real fun! [/] Kat thought to Kyle.

Kyle perked up Promise?

Hey watch it! I heard that! No leave us alone

Michael if you want a love life I suggest you stay out of your sisters

Yes Maria.

Sorry Maria

Yeah Sorry Man.

Lonnie looked at Kat and Kyle, “If you two are done can we go now?”

“Sorry we were just telling Michael and Maria were we would be.”

“Been nice knowing ya Kyle,” Alex quipped.

Rath had his own observation to add. “Man, Michael’s gonna kill ya.”

Max just shook his head. “No Michael won’t. Maria won’t let him. Although serious maiming might occur.” He deadpanned.

“Let’s just go,” Zan said opening the apartment door.


Meanwhile at the Crashdown, several set of parents were meeting upstairs to discuss the various problems that had arisen over the last week, and how to deal with their headstrong teenagers.
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The Royal Four Part 16 (AU/CC/UC, ADULT) Chapter 16 5/02/05

Post by sam25_2003 »

cwm_, icequeen, roswellian504, Asabetha, MtGazer and all lurkers. Thanks for the patients..all without further ado...This next part will explain somewhat what the parents have been keeping from the teenagers…and why said teenagers are pissed…but there is a surprise at the end of it. :twisted: …I couldn’t just leave it without raising more questions…now could I :?: :?: ….

Part 16

Diane Evans was sitting drinking her coffee, thinking. All of the other parents had left her alone. Jim, Amy, Jeff and Sylvia were barely speaking to her. Well as plans go, it should work. Having it that all eight of them had either been abandoned or put into foster care at various times during their life, because their birth mothers could not handle having two sets of twins so close in age to each other. The system had screwed up. Instead of the sets of twins staying together Zanda and her husband had adopted Zan and Vilandra, while Philip and Diane had adopted Max and Isabel. Tyro and Selra had adopted Rath and Rowena, while Michael and Kat had slipped trough the cracks. That’s one problem taken care of. The bigger problem being how that the kids are currently not talking to their parents, especially me. Amy and Jim are both doing ‘I told you so’ to death and
Not really talking to me either. I know I probably should have told them sooner, but how was I suppose to? How exactly are you suppose to tell your children something like that? I just hope she gets here and can explain it better than I did.


“You need to come to Roswell now.” Diane said.

The person listening on the other end of the phone was taken back. “Diane? What is wrong? What has happened?”

“Zanda, Selra, and Tyro are here, oh and the kids know we know, and they’re not handling it so well. So you need to get here and explain it better than I can.”

“How can I possible explain it better than you can? You are…”

“I know who I am,” Diane interrupted, “I am also the person who has kept so much from them, most especially the prophecy. How would you feel if you found out, at the age of seventeen, that the weight of not only one but two worlds rested on your shoulders? Not to mention that the people who should have been taken care of you, did not! God! How do you think I felt when Jim told me about Max in the white room? I couldn’t do a damn thing, because in order to do so, I would have to let them know and they were not ready for that yet! Not to mention the trouble that has come up between the other parents and their children.

End Flashback


Selra was on a mission; she was going to go talk to some very stubborn children. She had gone straight to her daughter’s apartment. She could here the commotion going on inside, and smiled. They were having fun and talking about going to see the parents. I knew they would not be mad for long. They are who they are Selra knocked on the door I will never get used to having to knock she though, as she waited for an answer.

“No killing my boyfriend, Michael,” Kat said as she opened the door, “Oops sorry, I thought you were…”

“Michael,” Selra answered, “ I caught that.”

“Sorry I haven’t been to see you in the last couple of days. Things have been hectic.”

“Understandable. Can I come in?”

“Of course. Shut the door behind you.” Kat said moving back into the apartment.

All ten teenagers in the apartment looked up. Rowena went got up and went over and hugged her mother. “Mom,” Rowena whispered, “Sorry I haven’t come and seen you, I’ve been a little busy.”

Selra smiled gently at both of her daughters. “That’s okay my girls, I do understand. Rowena, you want to be with your mate, and Katherine is being loyal to her friends. So where is Michael and Maria?” Selra asked with a familiar smirk on her face.

“They are spending time alone. It seems Michael’s getting a little cranky with people being crashed out at his house.” Rath answered wearing an identical smirk.

“Yes I suppose he would be, with so many people in his space. Speaking of which it is time for this little party to come to an end do you not think?” She continued, turning to include all of the teenagers. “How long were you planning on staying mad? After all you tied their hands as much as the prophecy did. How can parents help when they are not trusted?”

“Well we did trust one of them and look what that lead to,” Kyle replied, bitterly.

“Yes, you did, and if it was left up to him, he would have told you everything, but it was not his decision to make. Perhaps you should ask him or any of the other parents just how much arguing they have done over the matter?” Selra answered gently. “Actually why not ask Maria, she can tell you, I just do not advise you to do so this morning.”

Kyle looked like he wanted to argue, but he just deflated. “I know, Although I can’t really believe that Maria is the calm on about this.”

Selra answered, “That’s because she knows, as you do, and the rest of you are realizing that parents are just human, or Antarians, as the case may be. If we were on Antar, I probably would have done the same thing as Diane Evans and the rest did. They wanted you to have as normal of a life as possible. Besides which, if they had interfered, would things have come about the way they did. Yes you have been through some horrible things,” the last was said as she looked directly at Max, “but they have made you stronger, both as individuals and as a group. Please think about this. They love you, and they for the most part where trying to protect you, when it comes to your children you will do anything for them.” Selra finished and looked at her children who were present.

“I will see you all later. We are meeting at the Crashdown. Jim Valenti has come up with a plan to explain things.” Selra added as she walked out the door.

The ten teenagers were sitting in the apartment building. They were all thinking about what Selra had said.

Michael and Maria had both felt the intense feeling coming from everybody so they had went to see what was up. They had meet Selra as she leaving. Selra had leaned up and kissed Michael’s cheek winked at Maria and then had continued down the hallway.

When they entered, everyone looked up. “It’s time,” Max said. Liz, Alex, Isabel and Kyle all agreed. It was time to make peace with their parents and to move on


Roswell City Limits. Here I go. Diane’s phone call made it sound extremely urgent. Priestess the galaxies over. When things don’t go their way they get cranky. Wonderful. Come and help fix the problems I’ve created with my own stupidity. Well let’s see the Crashdown Café, Diane said, so where exactly is that? Well it’s nice to see that at least something are proceeding as planned. Diane should have realized they would be mad, especially after the last two years. But it looks like things will be all right. They need their parents more than they realize. Teenagers…


All of the parents looked up from the various spots in the Crashdown as Liz used her keys to unlock the door. Jim and Nancy where behind the counter. Liz went over to her parents. Philip had joined Diane in the booth, so Max and Isabel walked over there. Zan and Lonnie watched as Zanda came in from the back then went and joined her. Chuck and Sylvia Whitman looked up from their booth as Alex slid in beside them. Jim, Amy, Tyro and Selra were by the front counter. Kyle just stood looking at his dad for a moment; then walked forward to stand beside him. Maria walked over to her Mom. Michael, Kat, Rath and Rowena looked at each other and then went and stood by their parents. .
Kat suddenly stopped. She looked over at the woman approaching them. Everyone stopped as they felt her emotions going out of control. Kyle wrapped his arms around her.

Honey? He asked.

Kat just stood stock still… “OH MY GOD…You’re here!” she whispered as the woman she was watching came up closer.

“Yes Kat, I am, I’m sorry I left but I had to, Nicholas and Ava were getting closer to finding me. Perhaps it will be better if we continue this later?” She queried

Just then Larek came in from the back. They still had not found a suitable donor, so he still needed to shape shift, which was taking a lot out of him. He stopped suddenly as he looked at the woman who had just come in the door. He would know her anywhere, in any form. He was suddenly moving forward, as she started out of her daze. They meet halfway across the room and kissed.

The parents around the room showed signs of recognition as well. This did not go unnoticed by all of the teenagers

Larek and the mystery woman had finally broken of the kiss. “ I suppose some introductions are in order,” she said as she leaned into Larek.

Max looked around at the teenagers. All of them were remembering the vision the Granolith had showed them, of the woman who had hidden Kat and Rowena’s pods. Everyone gave an affirmative nod of his or her head “Not really,” Max answered, “ Hello Serena.”


BTW there is a hint in here about Diane Evans…let me know if you get it K?
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Post by sam25_2003 »

It is coming..I's just my life is insane...I had the next part all done..but then computer went boom...and I didn't back it up...(stupid stupid me) got that straight...and I now have writer's block...I do writer a little every so often..but not to much since RL is being RL....have been working on it...but I also got promoted at work..go for my 2 little monster (I mean sons) have wanted my attention..BUT I AM NOT GIVING UP!!!! ..I will be back with a new part...and soon I hope....
A good friend will come bail you out of jail.
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