Jet Lag (AU,M/L,Mature/Adult) Ch 11 - AN 03/08/05 [WIP]

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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Post by marteloise »

Hello everyone!!

Well no, it isn't an A/N, it's really an update !! :lol:
Once again, you can't imagine how sorry I am for the delay.. But for this part, my muse and I had quite a hard time writing Tess.. Yes, it's true, you're going to meet her and *cough* love *cough* her..

I just want to say that I'm a die-hard dreamer so there's going to be some trouble in paradise for a certain couple.. :twisted: :twisted:

I would like to thank :

RebeccaBehr ( :wink: )
frenchkiss70 ( :wink: )
fanonyme (where are you? It's been a while since we last saw you on the FB :( )
lovalien ( :wink: )
*DreAms and CandY* ( :wink: )
Elizabeth wrote:Are we going to have to watch them wait through the next 5 tortuous days, or can we just jump straight to the good stuff?
well, just before the good stuff, you need to meet Tess.... :twisted: :lol:

Liz Evans
dream on (both of you :lol: )

I love you all!!! :D :P

Chapter 10

Max Evans had finally come home.. It felt good to be in Los Angeles again, to eventually fall back in his little habits he thought as he closed the door of his apartment. But he didn’t even have the time to put down his things that he was assaulted by a mass of blond curls and 2 lips came crashing against his..

“Tess!” he barely could breathe out before being attacked again, letting drop his briefcase on the floor and stumbling against the closed door.

“It seems like an eternity since I’ve last spoken to you!” she seriously exclaimed, kissing him all over the face.

Max let out a little sigh.. Tess had always hated the fact he had to often fly to NY. Each separation was viewed like a mini-crisis in the couple.. It was not about missing each other, it was more about Tess having a very hard time being apart from him..

What more could he wish for? He had a girlfriend who couldn’t live without him.. Talk about an ego booster..
He even had discovered once that Tess had tried on many occasions, to bribe Pam into telling her if any of his clients or NY collaborators were female..

He thought it was her own way to show some interest in his work, to make their time apart more bearable by knowing his co-workers.

Pam, for her part, thought she was going a little too far. For her, it was clear that Tess did not like competition and was over possessive. The secretary hadn’t really minced her words when she had shared her thoughts with her boss...

Well, it was simply Pam’s interpretation of the situation and he remembered having simply shrugged at it..

Trying to understand women was sometimes way beyond his reach..

“I’m sorry Tess. You don’t know how hard it was for me to not have heard your voice for the last few days..”

He gave her an apologetic look, hoping she would forgive him right away if he played the happy-to-hear-again-the-voice-of-his-beloved card.. It was sad to say but at this instant, he really needed to tug her heartstrings, to divert her attention from a certain topic..

But it didn’t have the wanted effect..

As if she was recalling something, Tess’s attitude suddenly changed.. She let go of him, took a step back and crossed her arms..

When her face started to become red, of anger he supposed since her eyes had lost their joyful blue intensity, Max decided it wasn’t a good sign..

“What’s the matter Tess?” he asked before bending down to take his briefcase. When he stood up again, he wished he hadn’t.. Tess’s eyes were now starting to glitter and she pointed him out with her finger before starting to speak in a strangled voice..

“I’m sure you wish to explain to me why a woman answered my call !!” she literally started to poke him in his chest before adding: “And even if you don’t, I will make you explain!! God knows..”

“Tess, stop!” He grabbed her poking finger and while the blonde woman was struggling to get free, he continued : “If you let me speak, you would know that I met a woman at the airport ..”

Tess’s eyes were now blazing..

“I don’t want to know how it started!!” she shouted “I just can’t believe you cheated on me!!!” She freed her hands and immediately started to hit him wherever she could but Max quickly took them back again.

“Will you let me speak?” growled Max “ I didn’t cheat on you!! How can you think that of me? Because you’ve spoken to a woman?”

He let go of her hands and went to the living-room. As she went after him and seeing that Max was becoming uncharacteristically angry, Tess couldn’t help thinking it was strange.

“Exactly!! And above all, it was an American one!! Is she your mistress? Did you take her for a romantic little trip in Paris?” she said with more and more venom.

She sure did hit a sore spot she concluded as she saw her boyfriend becoming redder and redder by the second.

“I just can’t believe you ! Don’t you know me at all?” he said in a low voice. “I simply lent her my phone but then I had to leave and I forgot it!”

At this point he discovered that he couldn’t see what Tess was thinking at all. Her pale skin had now a red hue, her blue eyes were glittering with unshed tears..But he distinctly remembered her accusative look a few seconds ago.

“And if you simply can’t believe me, I will just go to the hotel tonight…” with that, he started to take back his bags before making his way towards the door.


He turned back and saw Tess still standing in the living-room looking slightly ill at ease.

“I.. I believe you..” she mumbled..


“I said that I believe you.” She started to walk towards him and then stopped midway. “I’m sorry, I.. I should have listened to Isabel.. I’m really sorry.”

Tears started rolling down her face and Max was slightly confused.

“What? What does Isabel have to do with this?”

“I phoned her soon after my call on your cell. I was desperate you know.. I really thought that you were having an affair.. She told me I wasn’t thinking clearly and recounted me exactly the same story. That you simply forgot your cell, you know.. I’m sorry, I know you’re not like that..I’m sorry” she finished with a sob.

Gosh, if he had a weakness it certainly was a woman’s tears… He would do anything to make them stop.

He took her in his arms and tried to soothe her, kissing her on her forehead like he had done so many times with his sister..
However, Tess directly attacked his neck.



“What if we did the all… make up thingy? It’s known to be a very pleasurable experience...”

He could hear the smile in her suggestive voice. Anything to make her stop crying..


She took his hand and led him to their bedroom. His gaze rested on her hair… Blonde was so not his cup of tea he realized as he closed the door behind them.

The apartment was quiet for a few minutes then someone opened and loudly slammed a door. But a mere second later it was once again opened.

“Don’t you think you can get away like this!!” an angry feminine voice could be heard through all the apartment.

“Tess, I don’t want to talk about it.” He sighed, sitting down on the couch.

“ Maybe you don’t but I want to! I want to know where’s the goddamn problem is! Was it me? Well, I never thought I would have this effect on men !!”

“Tess, stop!” Max answered, his head in his hands.

“What have I done to deserve this.. this .. humiliation!!? I’ve never felt this unwanted!”

“Tess!!” Max shouted “Will you stop? I simply feel exhausted, ok? I’m sorry, this is not about you, it’s my fault, ok? You feel better?”

He couldn’t stand her voice anymore.. Too much arguments in one evening for his liking. He just wanted to be left alone.

“Ok. Well, stay right here! The couch is your best friend for the next month!” and with that, Tess went back to the bedroom banging the door shut and mumbling all the way about “jerk” and “exhausted by the other bitch for sure”.

Max ignored her and lay back on the couch, his hands behind his head, thinking about what had just happened.. He couldn’t believe he just had performance problem.. He just couldn’t understand why on earth he had thought of Liz and how different she was from his blonde girlfriend just when the latter was trying to give him a little treat.

Well, it was surely a sign… He was going to call her tomorrow..


Liz couldn’t seem to get anything done. Here she was, sitting behind her desk at home, trying to plan her lessons.

She had been listening to the same track of her disk for the last half an hour..

What the world needs now is love, sweet love
It's the only thing that there's just too little of
What the world needs now is love, sweet love,
No not just for some but for everyone.

Lord, we don't need another mountain,
There are mountains and hillsides enough to climb
There are oceans and rivers enough to cross,
Enough to last till the end of time.

Liz had now made her way towards the window and was looking down the street.. It was starting to rain and the pavement was becoming a ballet of colored umbrellas.. If she stopped the song, she was sure it would kill her fragile optimistic mood. So she just continued to mouth the lyrics..

What the world needs now is love, sweet love
It's the only thing that there's just too little of
What the world needs now is love, sweet love,
No, not just for some but for everyone.

Lord, we don't need another meadow
There are cornfields and wheat fields enough to grow
There are sunbeams and moonbeams enough to shine
Oh listen, lord, if you want to know.

What the world needs now is love, sweet love
It's the only thing that there's just too little of
What the world needs now is love, sweet love,
No, not just for some but for everyone.

“No, not just for some, oh, but for everyoooooooone!!” Gosh, she really was a Pop Idol in the making..

She left her place behind the window and went back to her desk.

“Screw the world, I need sweet love” she sighed and put her head in her hands, her elbows on the desk..

She shook her head. She really should buy a cat.. It would seem less crazy to talk to an animal than to herself.. and she should really work too. She once again let out a sigh..

But she was so desperately waiting for a certain phone call..


Tell me what you think.. :?

Edited to say: The song Liz is listening to is : "What the world is now" by Jackie Deshannon .. totally love this song..
Last edited by marteloise on Mon Mar 29, 2004 8:42 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Post by marteloise »


Ladies and gentlemen, here is a new chapter of Jet Lag!! About time, no? :lol: :roll:

I would like to thank:

dream on
Anais Nin

thanks for your support!! :D

And just before you start to :splat: , I know that this part is kind of short. Actually, it's a little more than a half of what I had planned.. But with my exams and my 6-day old newphew to pamper ( :roll: but he's soooo cute.. :lol: ) I didn't want to make you wait much longer (well, one month and a half delay is already too long, isn't it? :oops: )

so, hope you enjoy!! :D


Chapter 11

Max couldn’t sit still on his chair.. He had one hell of a backache. His next investment would be in a new couch, that was for sure..

He was stretching when he heard a hard knock on the door, and without waiting for an answer, a blond woman in her mid-thirties came in.

She was quite pretty but had the bad habit to always put her hair in a bun that gave her an even more serious, not to say severe, look. She always made him smile when she went all wonder woman on him: determined, energetic, conscientious if not a bit too authoritative.. She made him think of one of those business women of the 80’s. He felt she liked to be in control.. and it was definitively not the case right now as he saw her struggling with various files.

“What?” she nearly bit his head off, once she looked up, noticing the small grin playing on her boss’s lips

“Nothing, I was just waiting for you to remind me of how much work I have to do.” he sighed.

“Well, here are the files of the clients you will meet today” she explained as she put all the files on his desk “and here the letters you need to sign.”

He quickly looked over the papers before doing as he was told. As Pam was getting back the letters she went for the kill

“oh and don’t forget to get back your cell.. Otherwise, I won't make it through another week here.. Some people can not understand why they can’t speak to you and I’m certainly not going to tell them it was your hormones thinking when you lent your direct link with your clients to a female stranger. I’m sure it would make you lose some of them...” She dejectedly sighed, straightened up and finally started to scold him like the scatterbrain she thought he was: “It’s bad for your firm and bad for your secretary for I have to either lie to them or let them take out their frustrations on me..”

At her last words, Max raised an eyebrow..

“Let them take out their frustrations on you?” he tried to keep from teasing her but after making his boyish face, he asked nonetheless: “And how did you propose to relieve them, then?”

She simply shook her head, finding her boss hopeless..

“Mr. Evans, if you will stop being such a.. guy!”

Smiling widely, he just looked at her happy to have slightly bugged her while Pam was looking around his office, either trying to remember if she had forgotten to tell him something or finding something out of place..

Having nothing more to say, she walked towards the door but before going through it, she shouted over her shoulder while rolling her eyes:

“Don’t forget to call this Miss… Parker, Mr Evans!”


Max thought he was doomed. He was convinced it was Pam’s fault. At each appointment, he couldn’t fully concentrate on his client. A part of his mind was trying to figure out a plan before calling Liz Parker.

Would they see each other very briefly? Just a few words before he got his cell back or could he invite her to take a coffee? Or would she take it in a bad way if he suggested they had lunch together?

Anyway, the fact that he enjoyed her company didn’t have anything to do with his wish to invite her somewhere.. Well, he could always try to convince himself. It was the least he could do anyway to thank her for keeping his cell phone and agreeing to bring it back.. if she hadn’t broken it of course.. He smiled at the thought, remembering how her last phone ended..

He was conscious that he couldn’t ask her to have dinner with him for Tess would be a little unsympathetic about it. He didn’t know what to do about their relationship but he had to do something.. Either to be forgiven from whatever Tess accused him or to break up.. A peace offering perhaps?

He seriously wondered if she would take a new couch as an olive branch..

He finally decided to start dialing a certain phone number and see what happened…


Liz was starting to get ready before going to work. She always tried to go to the high school quite early or she knew that some of her students would be too happy to apply the “ten-minute late” rule… No teacher, no lesson.. She wasn’t going to make their life easier, was she? She inwardly smiled as she thought about some of her 'clown-of-the-class-type' students..

While she was desperately trying to lay her hand on her second shoe, her cell started to ring.. Not her cell she reprimanded herself, but Max’s cell.. She was beginning to think he had forgotten about it..


“Liz? This is Max Evans..”

“Oh, hey Max!” yes, she could always try to act like she wasn’t waiting for his call.. Who else could be calling anyway? He must have had the time to warn his relational circle about his phone, for she hadn’t received any call from his sister or girlfriend, which was a good thing if one came to think about it..

“I’m sorry to bother you.. I…”

“Oh but you don’t bother me at all!! I was just thinking that you had completely forgotten about your phone actually” Like hell she had just thought that… During their last conversation, he had told her he would call again 5 days later when in fact he called one day late..

But instead of being realist and thinking that he was maybe busy, she started to believe that he had completely dismissed her from his mind.. So she had felt slightly depressed, acting like a young girl after her first date, waiting desperatly for the Prince Charming’s call all the following day..

For, in her mind, all this wasn’t about the phone anymore.. It was about her and how easily a man like Max could forget about a woman like her.. And why 6 days between their 2 conversations had seemed like an eternity to her..

Little awkward silence..

“So, how are you Max?” Liz enthusiastically asked

“Fine, fine… you?”

“Good.. real good actually” she smiled while she bent down to see under her furniture in search of her still missing second shoe.. She was so methodical usually.. but between grading tests and waiting for his call, she hadn’t even had the time to tidy up her apartment, which was an unimaginable occurrence.. Maria would be so proud! And, if she was honest with herself, if it weren’t for Max being on the end of the line at that very moment, she was so alarmed by the situation that she would be re-organizing her bedroom..

“Well, actually I was calling to know when we could meet, you know,for the phone.. Maybe you’re free today..”

Could she tell him that she loved his voice? Would it be sensible?

“hmm.. I have to start working in 45 minutes then I will only be free around 5 o’clock..”


Merde!” she swore in French.. One of the good things of speaking a foreign language for she wouldn’t want to go all impolite in this man’s ear, would she? Wouldn’t want to scare him off..

“I think there’s no more battery.. And I didn’t even think to charge it or to see if my charger worked with your phone.. I’m really sorry..” she began blabbering, putting a lock of hair behind her ear and straightening her clothes in front of the mirror..

Gosh.. well, it was a good thing he couldn’t see her right now.. She had only put a shoe and her hair was now a mess with having spent so much time looking down …..

“I will be quick then.. Is there a café near your high school? We could meet at 5 Pm there, ok?”

Liz quickly agreed and started to give direction to a small coffee shop. She was just finishing when 3 other beeps were heard and the line went dead.

She looked from the phone to her reflection in the mirror..

No no.. she would not go meet Max dressed like that.. She sent the phone on her bed and started to quickly look for more suitable clothes and another pair of shoes.. She would respect her color-code wardrobe another day..

Once satisfied, she looked at her alarm-clock only to discover she had to immediately leave if she didn’t want to be late..

She gathered her things and ran through the door, the cell phone laying long forgotten on the bed..


so? what do you think? :?
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Post by marteloise »

hey guys,

I know, I know, still no updates... :(

But I just wanted to let you know that I didn't forget about you but I lost my father 3 weeks ago.. He was really ill for a long time and old but still... it was a shock.. :(

And well, I just can't seem to concentrate in writing a part that must fit in a general story line, you know.. don't ask me why, but it's really irritating.. :roll: :lol:

I'm sorry again and I love you all..
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Post by marteloise »

hey everyone!!

Ok , you can throw rotten vegetables at me, I won't mind at all.

I think you're all fed up with my excuses and I totally understand. I really need to find time to talk with my muse and to finally write this part...

I must have imagined the next chapter at least a thousand times but I can manage to write it down.. :x

Just know what I don't and won't forget about Jet Lag.. it's my little baby.. :lol:

I also want to thank you all for bumping this story.. It means a lot to me..

Take care all,

PS: Bulge? Where did you see a bulge?? :twisted: :twisted: