Salut (CC, All Couples, TEEN) Completed

Finished Canon/Conventional Couple Fics. These stories pick up from events in the show. All complete stories from the main Canon/CC board will eventually be moved here.

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Salut (CC, All Couples, TEEN) Completed

Post by vegas312 »

Title: Salut (CC)

Author: Vegas312

Disclaimer: I do not own Roswell…I’m just borrowing the characters for a little bit. I promise not damage them. ;)

Couples: CC (all couples)

Rating: TEEN for language

Summary: Takes place after ARCC…its New Year’s Eve and what’s the gang up to with no recent alien threat lurking.

AN: This is going to be a short story so don't worry if you're reading my other stories...I'm working on them now.

December 31, 2000 ~The Parker's Residence

Sitting in her lounge chair she looks at the familiar book in her hand that had been her best friend over the years and at times had been the only comfort she had since that fateful night. The night when she gave up her dreams to save the lives of her friends and most importantly of the boy she loved, her soul mate. Closing her eyes trying to not think of what had happened a few months ago, she takes a couple of deep breaths and finally she gets herself under control. She opens her eyes and picks up her pen and opens the book to a blank page and bites her lip for a second thinking of whether she should write all of it out there she decides to go ahead since this was the only place she could be totally honest about anything. Folding her legs underneath her she begins to write.

Today is New Year’s Eve and I honestly have no idea as to what I’m going to be doing tonight. If anyone would have asked me a year ago what I would have been doing I would have said, “Cuddled up with Max and watching the ball drop in Time Squares,” but after everything that has happened I know that won’t…rather can’t happen. I guess I’ll spend tonight helping my dad at the Crashdown and later spending some quality time with the TV. *sigh* Is that pathetic or what? Well everyone one else seems to have plans although Maria did mention something called Enigma, it’s some secret party where you have to figure out the clues to get the location to the party. Basically it’s a party for the popular kids i.e. the football players, the cheerleaders, etc. I’m not sure if I’m up to looking around town for clues to some party, but it could be interesting who knows. Alex on the other hand mentioned playing a gig at some new club with the Whits so I can always check that out. I’m not sure what everyone else in our little group is doing. I guess I better go help open the Crash before Dad comes up here dragging me down to help. *groans* This is not what I planned on doing for New Year’s Eve, but that’s life for you.

She placed her pen in the journal before getting up out of the lounge chair to stretch and head back towards her window. Carefully climbing back into her room she went to put her journal back into her hiding place. Satisfied that no one would find it she walked to her closet and quickly found her black sneakers and moved to sit on the bed. Leaning over she put her sneakers on as the sun silently rose and filled her room with light. Her black sweater rose as she bent over again to tie her laces and unknown to her the sun light gleamed brightly over her back outlining a symbol or tattoo of sorts that glowed softly on her lower back. Finally done she stood up and straightens her sweater and thought to herself, ‘well at least all I have to do is help open the Crash so I don’t have to wear my uniform.’

With a quick brush to her hair she went downstairs to the restaurant and found Maria waiting for her by the lockers in the employee rooms. Before she could open her mouth to say a greeting, Maria rushed over to her and waved a piece of paper in her face. “Do you know what this is,” Maria asked her while frantically waving the paper in Liz’s face. Not giving Liz a chance to answer Maria answered for her, “this is the first clue to Enigma. This is going to be so cool. You and me looking for clues and ending up at the party of the year.”

Liz waved her hands in front of Maria to get her attention and said, “Maria…Maria, I can’t go looking for clues to a party. I mean I have to work tonight and help dad with his party for the seniors. Plus we could be looking all night for clues and we might never end up at the party. Also why don’t you ask Michael to take you if you want to go so badly?”

“First off I asked Michael and he just grunted at me. I mean he grunted and I’m not sure if it was a yes or no. Plus I think he plans to watch hockey all night with Max or something like that. Okay forget Michael, this is about you and me needing some time to hang out like we used to. I mean every since the Czechs arrived in our life it’s been one crisis after another and frankly I think we deserve some fun after everything that has happened,” she told Liz with a firm look on her face.

Groaning at the look on her friend’s face, Liz sighed and told her, “well I still have to work you know so I still can’t go unless my dad let me out of working which would be a real miracle.”

Maria clapped and did a quick little dance and turned to her friend with a huge smile. “It’s not a problem as I’ve arrived talked to Mr. P and he assured me that you could hang out with me tonight.”

“Maria, I can’t believe you did that,” Liz told her with a laugh.

“Well I couldn’t have my best friend serving up slop, no offense to your dad, on the biggest party night of the year. You know we should drag Alex with us and we can make it a night for the three musketeers. Hmm now we got find something for you to wear and we got to swing by Alex and force him to come with us which shouldn’t take too long with the Deluca charm at work.”
Liz laughed as she allowed Maria to drag her upstairs to find something to wear not knowing that the symbol on her back was glowing even more, and that the night would hold more surprises for her and her friends.

Last edited by vegas312 on Tue Feb 01, 2005 2:44 pm, edited 9 times in total.
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Post by vegas312 »

Author: Vegas312
Rating: PG-13 for language
Disclaimer: I do not own Roswell although if you’re selling it I would be happy to buy it. ;)
Couples: All couples
AN: Thanks for the feedback! :D Hmm what's up with the glowly tatoo? Keep reading you'll find out soon. ;)

Chapter 2

“Oh god, oh god, I can’t believe I’m letting you do this,” Liz rambled on to Maria with a trace of disbelief in her voice.

“Now Liz this is for your own good, and if you want to make a statement then you have to do something drastic,” Maria told her.

“Drastic yeah, but this is crazy,” Liz told her.

“Now Lizzie you need to take a deep breath and calm down. I know what I’m doing and believe me this will do wonders for you,” she said as she picked up a strand of her friends hair and quickly cut it off.

Liz quickly looked down and winced as she saw a lot of her hair on the floor. She straightens back up and closed her eyes hoping that it would be over soon. ‘How did I get myself into this? Oh yeah Maria and her idea of me needing change to get me out of my funky mood. Oh god what was I thinking or smoking when I let Maria cut my hair? Okay it can’t be too bad I mean I have to look at the positive of the situation. I got to look at the positive I mean I got a free haircut and that’s a good thing.’ Satisfied that she thought of something positive she listened to Maria’s ranting about Michael until another thought struck her. ‘What if I come out looking like a chia pet with a bad hairdo?’ Her thoughts were interrupted when Maria waved her hand in her face and said slowly, “I’m done. You can look now.”

Blinking she stood up and walked to the large floor length mirror and gasped when she caught a glance of her reflection. She moved so she could see her hair cut some more and reached up and gently touched her hair which now just came to her chin. Maria moved to stand next to her and asked, “So what do you think. I did good right?”

With a squeal Liz hugged her best friend and told her, “It looks awesome. Thanks so much and I love how my hair isn’t so heavy.”
“See I told you, and you doubted me. I can’t wait to see the look on Max’s face when he sees your new haircut.”

Some of the glow went out of Liz’s face and it seemed as if she had aged in that instead. “It doesn’t matter what he thinks of my haircut because you know Max and I can’t be together. There’s too much to worry about and he’s with Tess now anyway.”

She moved away from the mirror and walked over to her desk where she stood looking at pictures of all her friends including a snapshot of Max and herself. ‘We were so happier last spring before Tess came with her talk of destiny, and Future Max with his talk of the end of the world.’

“I don’t understand why you and Max can’t be together. I mean Tess is comfortable with the Valentis and she isn’t going anywhere. She’s almost becoming human, well as human as Tess can get. Plus my mom said she was great and an active part of the Valentis family when she came over for Christmas. I’m not saying we should trust the Marilyn Monroe wannabe because I trust her as far as I can throw her. Still you got to admit that she’s no longer ranting about destiny.”

“Maria you know that Max and I aren’t going to be together so please let’s move onto something else okay,” Liz snapped at her.

“But Liz, I don’t think…,” she stopped when she saw the stubborn look on Liz’s face. Sighing she knew that her friend wasn’t going to back down on the whole ‘let’s sacrifice myself to save everyone else.’ Sometimes her friend could be too much of a goody two shoes, but then again they were talking about the end of the world so in a way she could see why she did what she did. ‘Hell if that was me I would have told him I want the fourteen years and to hell with Tess,’ she thought with a snort.

“Okay I won’t bug you anymore about Max. Now let’s get on to the activities I have plan for us tonight. Hmm now all we need is a kick ass outfit and we’ll be set for the party so we better head off to find something to wear. Plus we have to stop by Alex’s house and setup an ambush,” Maria said with a smile.

Laughing at her best friend’s antics and glad that they were no longer talking about Max, Liz asked Maria, “an ambush? You know we haven’t had one of those since we kidnapped Alex in sixth grade and made him watch “Pretty Woman” with us. Although I don’t think he was complaining too much since Julia Roberts was in, but yes I think an ambush is order here.”

“That’s the spirit. Now let me go call and see if he’s home before we go over there and get him,” Maria told her while searching her bag for her cell phone.

Finding the phone Maria waved it happily at Liz and went to call Alex’s house while Liz went in search of a broom and dustpan to clean up her hair. Maria dialed Alex’s number and was happy to hear Mr. Whitman answer the phone. “Hey Mr. Whitman. Yeah it’s me Maria.” She paused as she listened and told him, “oh I’m doing fine and of course I’ll tell my mom you said hello. Now I was wondering if Alex is home.” Getting an affirmative that he was she said excitedly, “no I don’t want to talk to him. Actually don’t tell him I called. Yup Liz and I are planning a kidnapping and I promise we’ll bring him home undamaged by 2 am.” She waited for a minute and laughingly told him, “okay I promise not to dye his hair. It was only that one time and he agreed to it. So we’ll be over there in a few minutes and please don’t give him any hints we’re on the way otherwise he’s going to leave. Thanks again Mr. Whitman and have a happy New Year.” Hanging up the phone she turned to see Liz coming back in the room with a broom and dustpan.

Liz looked at her and raised an eyebrow in question. “So is the ambush still on or are we going have to track him down?”

Grabbing the broom from Liz, Maria told her, “it’s still on and plus we have permission from Mr. Whitman to kidnap Alex as long as we don’t dye his hair again.”

“Wait a minute who’s we. I wasn’t the one who thought Alex would look good as a redhead and come to think about it I think I protested that idea,” Liz told her while holding the dustpan for Maria.

Finished sweeping all the hair up, she placed the broom against the wall. “It’s not like it didn’t come out, and he looked great if I do say so myself. Now let’s get a move on so we can collect Alex and find ourselves plus him some awesome outfits for the night. Plus we have to figure out this first clue to Enigma, which hopefully won’t take long.” Taking the dustpan from Liz she quickly dumped it and swooped up her purse and dragged Liz protesting out of the room.

Twenty minutes later the two girls arrived at the Whitman’s residence and the two made a quick plan of action with Liz nixing the handcuff idea that Maria came up with. Disappointed that she wouldn’t be able to use them Maria pouted for a few seconds and put them away. The two girls walked to the door and rang the doorbell. A minute later the door opened to revealed their tall lanky friend in his plaid pajamas and a white shirt. Squinting against the harsh light of the sun he looked at his two best friends in question. “Um we’re supposed to meet or something? I don’t remember having any social engagements today, so what’s going on.” Seeing the two girls look at each other he groaned and said, “Please don’t me we have a Czech problem because it’s too early in the morning for it unless someone kidnapped Isabel then I’ll go otherwise I’m going back to bed to catch my beauty sleep.”

“Well you see it’s like this we’re here on a mission and that mission is to have a Czech free night and spend time together. You may ask how we’re going to do that and I’m here to say that we’re going to do it,” Maria told him perkily.

Confused at what his friend was trying to tell him, he turned to the other one and scrunched his eyes at her. “Parker what is Maria talking about and what did you do to your hair? It looks nice by the way and has Max seen it?”

“Thanks Alex. I like it too, and why does everyone keep asking if Max has seen my hair. I mean Max and I aren’t together anymore so what I do with my hair is my business,” she started ranting.

Alex held his hands out in surrender. “Okay what’s going on? Maria is talking in riddles which aren’t anything new, and you’re ranting away about Max who we all know you’re going to get back together with. I mean I know, Maria knows it, and so does everyone else except the two of you, but that’s neither here. My question is what’s going on to bring you two to my doorstep earlier. I mean first my dad is acting weird earlier and now you two show up at my…,” he stops as he finally figures out what’s going on. Moving quickly he tries to get back inside the house only for the door to slam shut and the lock to click. Turning back to the girls he finds himself being dragged to the Jetta. A second later he’s pushed into the backseat and grumbles as Maria pulls off. Liz turns to her friend and says with a grin, “you my friend are being kidnapped. We have plans for you.”

“I can’t believe my own father plotted against me with the two of you and now look at me sitting here in my pajamas for goodness sake while you’re looking at me craze, and Maria is driving like she’s in the ‘Fast & Furious,” he sighed looking at the car ceiling.

“Alex stop you’re rambling and prepare the night of your life,” Maria told him.

Liz laughed at her two friends as they bickered and she winced as she felt an ache in her back. Rubbing her back her fingers missed the symbol that briefly flared before stopping.
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Post by vegas312 »

Author: Vegas312
Disclaimer: I do not own Roswell although if someone wants to give it to me I’ll take it. ;)
Rating: PG-13 for language
Coupling: CC (all couples)
Summary: It’s New Year’s Eve…what’s the gang to do with no current alien threat?
AN: Special thanks to Mary and Lissa for encouraging *cough stalking cough* me to get this done. Also thanks to Pooh for encouraging me too. :D Thanks ladies! Love you. *smooch* Oh yeah what’s up with the symbol on Liz’s back? Hmm you’ll find out soon, but not just yet. *laughs evilly* Thanks for the feedback everyone! My muse loves it.

Chapter 3

“I can’t believe the two of you dragged me into the mall in my pajamas,” Alex told them with a glare.

“Aw come on Alex, this won’t take long and stop your pouting,” Maria told him as she went through the racks of clothing. “Hmm now let’s find something for you to wear tonight. We need something to make you stand out and make people stand up and wonder who you are.”

“Um Maria people already wonder who I am when I attend parties, and I don’t see why I need new clothes for a party we might not even find. Plus the band and I have a gig tonight so I can’t go anyway,” Alex told her while rejecting the clothes she was holding up against him.

“Alex, Alex, Alex, a gig is when you have an actual audience. Playing in your drummer’s garage for his family is not a gig,” Maria told him as she continued to pick out more clothes.

“Hey we’re playing at a club and there’s going to be groupies there,” Alex said as he rejected another outfit that Maria picked out.

“Having a five year old throw her Pooh bear at you is not considered to be a groupie and neither is Ben’s grandma throwing her dentures at you a groupie.”

Liz looked up from her clothing pile that Maria had gave her and asked, “Who’s Ben and why is his grandmother throwing her dentures.”

“Ben is the band’s drummer and I have no idea why she throws her dentures,” Maria told her.
“Oh okay,” Liz said trying not to laugh at the image that had formed in her head.

“We’re not playing at his garage. We’re playing at a club, and I don’t understand why you don’t believe me,” Alex angrily told Maria. Seeing that she wasn’t paying any attention to him he took the clothes out her arms and threw them on the floor. “I’m not going to this party. I have an actual gig and I want to go home now.”

Maria narrowed her eyes at her tall friend and moved closer to him until she was standing at least an inch from him. Putting her hands on her hips she demanded, “What is your problem? I’m just trying to find you something to wear for the party and we know you’re not playing at a club, so why don’t you just chill out and enjoy the moment.”

“My problem? What’s my problem? My problem is that I’m hungry, sleepy, I want a shower, and oh yeah I’m standing in the mall in my freaking pajamas,” he shouted at her causing several people to turn and stare at them. Seeing all the people stare at him he cringed and looked unhappily at his tan slippers wondering how he had gotten himself in this situation. “Great now I’m even more humiliated. What else is going to go wrong today,” he muttered.

Liz seeing her two friends blow up at each other quickly dropped her pile of clothing and moved over to her two friends. Grabbing their hands she dragged them into one of the dressing rooms ignoring the stares of the other shoppers. “Okay Maria you sit over there and Alex you sit over there,” she told them as she motioned to the two benches that faced each other. Happy that they had sat down without any complaints she told them, “we’re supposed to be enjoying ourselves and having fun not shouting at each other in the mall for all to see. Now Alex maybe we were wrong in kidnapping you without considering if you had any plans for later on, but you just came back from Sweden not that long ago and we haven’t spent that much time together excluding the numerous Czech problems that have come up. Maria and I are both sorry for not asking you, but a kidnapping isn’t much of a kidnapping if we have to ask your permission,” she told with a grin.

“Yeah I’m sorry Alex. I shouldn’t have been so bossy out there, but I’m with Liz that I want to spend ringing in the New Year with my best friends. Now if you want we can go to your gig instead of the party and maybe I can even do a set or two, of course with your permission,” she added when she saw Liz raise her eyebrow at her.

“Well actually the gig is at Ben’s uncle’s club so you’re probably right that there will be no one there except his family, but let me go call him and check. Besides I’ve missed my two favorite girls and it would be pretty nice to hang out again without worrying about the next Czech problem,” he told them with a wink. Standing up he opened his arms and the two girls quickly ran into them for a hug. The three stood there quietly just relishing that despite all the problems that had been going on with everyone lately that they still were good friends. Finally the three pulled apart when Alex jokingly said, “we might want to get out of this dressing room before security come get us for having an orgy or something.”

“Alex!” Liz and Maria yelled and hit him on the shoulders.

“Now they’re really going to be wondering what we’re doing in here with the way the two of you are yelling my name.”

“Just for that I’m picking out something with polka dots and matching it was something plaid. Hmm I think I saw this green polka dot shirt with pink stripes on the sleeves,” Maria told him impishly before running out of the dressing room.

Alex blanched at the thought of the shirt and ran out of the dressing room to stop Maria. Liz laughed and went to join her two friends in finding the perfect outfit for the night. Walking back to the clothing racks she found the two arguing over the actually shirt.

“Maria I’m not wearing that shirt,” Alex said as he tried to grab the shirt from her.

She pulled the shirt out of his reach and dangle it from behind her back. “I’ll put the shirt back if you apologize for that little comment in the dressing room.”

“Okay I’m sorry for the comment, now would you please put the shirt back on the rack,” he pleaded.

“Alright I’ll put it back since you ask so nicely, but no more hanging out with Kyle. He’s a bad influence on you and he’s undermining all the hard work Liz and I did on you,” she scolded him as she put the shirt back. Moving onto the next rack she was so busy lecturing him she didn’t see him grab the shirt and hide it in another rack. Liz shook her head as she looked on at her two best friends.

“Next thing you know you’re going to be dressing like a cowboy and that might work for Kyle, but that’s a no no for you,” Maria muttered as she wrestled for a shirt from the rack. Finally getting it free she turned to her friends triumphantly with a brown sweater and held it up to Alex. “Yes people we have a winner here, and it goes great with your eyes. Now we need to find some pants for you and we’re set.” Pushing the sweater into a startled Alex’s arms Maria went back hunting among the racks for pants to complete Alex’s outfit.

Liz turned to her dazed friend and asked him, “so what’s going on with you and Isabel lately? Have you two talked since you got back from Sweden?”

Leaning against a rack he crossed his arms across his chest while the sweater dangles from the fingers. “Well I haven’t talked to her since I came back then again we didn’t have much going on before I left for Sweden. One minute she wants to let me in and the next she’s with someone else, so I don’t know what’s up. I mean I gave her the space that she wanted, but obviously I wasn’t the guy she wanted to be with.” Shrugging he told her, “well I can’t do anything about it even if we’re not together we can still be friends.”

“Aw Alex I’m sure everything will work out with you two. Maybe she’s scared and so she’s running like she always does. Give it time and you’ll see,” she said leaning over to hug him.

He hugged her back and let go with a sigh. “Even if she decides that she wants to be with me, I’m not sure that I would take her back. I mean I’m in love with her, but it hurts too much to keep doing this…this going back and forth with her. Like I said we’ll always be friends. Maybe we should talk about something else.”

Maria muttered from the rack, “Hey if she doesn’t want you then I’m sure we can find you someone else at the party. That is if we can find outfits for the three of us, hmm now where those pants I saw a minute ago went.”

While Maria kept hunting for pants, Alex and Liz started chattering about his trip and unknown to the three of them the very person they were talking about was behind a stack of sweaters listening to them. She herself was looking for something to wear for New Year’s Day and she had been debating with herself over an outfit when she heard her name. Hearing the familiar voices she had listened with interest to what was being said. ‘Oh God he loves me. I’ve never heard him say it,’ Isabel thought to herself with a smile blooming across his face. ‘I can’t believe I tried so hard to stay away from him. I really missed him at Christmas more than I thought possible, and hopefully we can ring the New Year into together.’ Straighten up she prepared to go over to him and the girls and stopped when she heard the rest of the conversation. ‘What does he mean that he wouldn’t take me back?’ Narrowing her eyes she continued to listen to the rest of the conversation and placed her hands on her hips. “Find someone else? What does she mean find him someone else,” she said out loud. “Well I’m going have to join this little party and convince Alex that I’m the girl for him.” Feeling someone behind her she turned around and found Tess with a bunch of clothes looking at her strangely. “Um Isabel who were you talking to,” Tess asked.

“Huh, oh never mind that we need to find me something to wear to this party I want to go to. Something in red I believe should do the trick,” she told Tess with a big smile.

“What party? Also I thought you said that there was nothing else in here that you wanted,” Tess told her with a sigh. ‘Goodness this girl knows how to take the expression ‘shop to you drop’ to a whole new level.’

Waving her hand at the other girl’s question, Isabel said, “Well that was before I knew about the party that only a choice few are going to. I think the party is called ‘Enigma’ or something like that. You have to figure out the clues in order to get to the location, but between the two of us I know we can do it.

“But I was planning to eat popcorn and watch the ball drop with Kyle since I’ve never seen it before,” Tess sputtered.

“You can bring Kyle if you want. Besides this will be fun and you’ll get to meet more people in Roswell.”

No longer listening to Tess’ protests, Isabel dragged her across the room to find something to wear.
Last edited by vegas312 on Wed Dec 15, 2004 1:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by vegas312 »

Title: Salut

Coupling: CC

Rating: PG-13

Disclaimer: I do not own Roswell. *sobs* Can I at least pretend to own Season 1?

Summary: It’s New Years…what’s the gang to do when there are no alien threats.

AN: This part is dedicated to Lissa and Mary who always encourage *cough stalk cough* me to write more. Also a special shout out to Pooh who let me borrow her banner for a little while, and to Lisa for always believing in me. *smooch* Thanks for the feedback everyone!

Chapter 4

“Okay we now have everyone’s outfit for the night and if I do say so myself I think we’re going to look extremely sharp tonight,” Maria told her two friends happily as they stood in line waiting to pay for their purchases.

“Maria, what is Michael going to say if he sees that outfit you bought,” Alex asked her as he took in the white blouse that barely covered anything and the plaid skirt she had picked to go with it. “I mean I don’t think he’s going to be happy you’re running around town in that getup.”

Maria waved her hand and told him, “oh please. The day I let Spaceboy dress me is the day the mothership will come back for them. This outfit is so cute and I’m going to wear whatever I want.”

Alex just raised an eyebrow at her and shook his head. Thinking of outfits he looked at the bundle of clothes in his own arms and thank god that he talked Maria out of the leather pants she kept trying to persuade him to buy. ‘I don’t care how much she tells me by butt looks good in those pants there was no way in hell I was going to buy those things. Now if anyone looks good in leather that would be Isabel.’ He sighed and let his mind wandered to happier times.

“Alex! Alex! Snap out of it and move up some before these ladies behind us try to cut,” Maria yelled at him.

Shaking his head he came out of his daze and quickly moved up in line. ‘Okay no more daydreaming about Isabel. It’s over between us and she made that perfectly clear before I left for Sweden. I’m just going have to find someone that likes me and won’t turn hot and then cold a minute later. Maybe this party is a good thing like Maria said. Oh god I just agreed with Maria on something, maybe this isn’t a good idea.’

While Alex was thinking of the worst case scenarios that could happen to him at the party, Maria was singing along with the music that blared out the speakers into the store. Liz took in her two friends and smiled at how different the three of them were from each other. ‘I’m so glad that Maria talked me into going to this party. This might be what I need to get my mind off of Max and the whole end of the world thing. I just want to move on with life the best I can and like Future Max said, “The future is to be determined,” so who knows what’s going to happen.’

“Okay time out,” Maria exclaimed loudly catching the attention of Alex and Liz and a few shoppers as well.

Ignoring the other shoppers Maria turned to her two friends and told them sternly, “now I can tell by the looks on the two of your faces that you’re thinking of the Czechs and that my friends is a no on. Why is that a no-no? Simply for the reason that this is a Czech free night and that means no thinking of our friends at all. Now let’s pay for our stuff and get out here so we can go get ready.” So saying she dragged her two friends up to the register and threw all their stuff up there.

“Does mean I can go home now,” Alex asked eagerly.

“Ha ha nice try but no. Your dad is dropping your stuff off at Liz’s house as we speak and we’re going to get ready over there. Plus we still have to solve the first clue,” Maria told him.

“What is the first clue,” Liz asked.

“Something about dreaming among stars or something like that,” Maria replied. “The paper is in my car, so we check it out when we get out of here.”

“Dreaming among stars? Hmm I wonder if they mean stargazing in Fraiser Woods,” Liz asked her two friends.

The other two shrugged at her and Alex told her with a grin, “You’re the brain in this outfit you tell us.”

*******************meanwhile across town********************

He looked into the side mirror of the jeep and looked closely at his hair. Sighing he took in the new look and pushed his fingers through his hair remembering with a pang the bangs that he had not too long ago. ‘How did I let Isabel talk me into this,’ he asked himself. ‘Michael isn’t going to let this go and I’m going end up spending the whole night being razz by him because of this.’ Groaning he quickly wondered if he could go back home and pretend that he never made it over here. Hope took over until he remembered what was sitting in his passenger seat. Looking over at the two white boxes that contained tonight’s dinner he knew Michael would hunt him down just for the pizzas. Resigned to his night of being harassed by his friend he leaned over and cut the engine off. He grabbed the two boxes and slowly got out the car and headed towards the apartment complex in front of him. Arriving quicker than he wanted to, he soon found himself in front of Michael’s door. Before he could raise his hand to knock the door opened quickly and he found himself dragged into the apartment.

“Well it’s about time you got here. What took you so long Maxwell,” Michael asked him. Not even waiting for an answer he grabbed the two boxes out of his startled friend’s hands and cuddled them to him protectively.

Nearly half way to the kitchen he stopped as he remembered something. Turning back around Michael looked at Max carefully. A smirk appeared across his face as he told him, “So you finally let Iz get her hands on your hair huh. Aw it’s so pretty and I see she curled the ends for you too. What’s next lipstick, eyeliner, or even do I dare say it a bra?” Michael started laughing as he noticed his friend’s discomfort and that his ears were turning slightly red.

“You know I wouldn’t joke so much about my hair because I distinctly remember Iz saying something about how you would look good as a brunette,” Max smirked at him as he watched his friend paled.

Michael opened his mouth to reply when the bathroom door opened. A young man stepped out and said, “You know that sounds like something Maria would do. I remember this one time in middle school when she dyed Alex’s hair red. Now that was an interesting week to say the least.” Turning to Max he nodded and said, “Evans.”

Max narrowed his eyes at the young man and replied back coldly, “Kyle. Nice to see you again I’m sure, but what are you doing here.”

“Well Guerin here invited me to watch some hockey and eat some pizza since I don’t have any plans until later,” Kyle told him as he walked over to investigate the food.

“I guess I should go since you have your pizza and you already have company,” Max told Michael with a glare.

“Maxwell come on and just out. I mean it won’t hurt to hang out since you don’t have anything to do,” Michael told him.

“Yeah Evans from what I understand we’re the only ones not busy at the moment and I’m sure we can be civil at least for an hour before we go for each other throats,” Kyle told him.

Max sighed and knew that he really didn’t have anything to do and that if he went back home he would more than likely find himself locked in his room thinking about Liz. Shrugging he took his jacket off and placed it on the chair. Michael happy that his friend was staying slapped him on the back and hurried back to the pizza as he noticed that Kyle was already filling up his plate.

Just before Max could fix a plate the door opened with a crash and the guys turned to see Isabel coming through carrying a bunch of bags with Tess behind her struggling with several bags of her own. The guys looked at each other knowing that there would be no hockey tonight since the girls had arrived.

“Are you going to help us or just stare at each other,” Isabel demanded from the doorway.

The guys quickly moved to them and took the bags away from them. Isabel and Tess gratefully gave them all the bags and collapsed on the couch with a sigh.

“Iz, what the hell is all this stuff, and why the hell did you bring it over here,” Michael asked her with a scowl.

“I brought that stuff as you so politely called it over here because it’s for you and Max and I guess Kyle since he’s over as well,” she told him.

The three guys looked at each other in confusion and Max asked, “What’s it for”

Isabel sat up and smiled brightly at the three guys. “We’re all going to attend this party called Enigma, so I bought you guys some outfits. Now we better hurry as we have to figure out the clues and make it there on time.”

“I’m not going to any party. I’m going to sit here and eat some pizza and watch some hockey,” Michael said as he plopped down next to her.

“Maria is going to the party as well, and so is Liz and Alex,” Isabel told him.

“Wait they’re going to that party,” Kyle asked. Isabel nodded and Kyle told her, “I went to the one last year and some wild stuff was happening. Liquor passed around, girls fighting, drugs, and a whole bunch of stuff. I don’t think that’s the place for those three.”

Everyone looked at each other and Michael sighed as he knew that the night wasn’t going to go the way he wanted. Turning towards Isabel he asked, “So what did you buy. Anything with Metallica on it?”

********************back at the mall****************

The three friends walked out of the mall and headed towards the parking lot for the Jetta talking among themselves as a stranger watched them in the shadows. The person raised a hand towards them and the symbol on Liz’s back shone briefly. The stranger nodded and turned away.

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Post by vegas312 »

Title: Salut

Author: Vegas312

Coupling: CC

Rating: PG-13

Disclaimer: I do not own Roswell. *sobs* Can I at least pretend to own Season 1?

Summary: Its New Year’s Eve…what’s the gang up to with no alien threat lurking?

AN: This part is dedicated to Mary and Lissa for their special encouragement. *smooch* Also a special shout out to Ella for the awesome siggie she made me although I think it’s missing something. *cough* Cam’s Man *cough* Thanks to Pooh for the advice, chats, and of course for the banner she let me borrowed. lol Okay one more shout out and that’s that. Thanks to Ed for that alimony check he’s sending me *stares at Ed* and thanks to Trude for always checking out my stories no matter what.

Chapter 5

~ Michael’s Apartment (2 hours later)

“Michael! Michael Guerin come out of this bathroom right now,” Isabel shouted as she pounded on the door while the others watched on in amusement.

“No, I’m not going anywhere in this outfit,” Michael yelled at her through the door.

“There’s nothing wrong with that outfit. I saw that exact outfit in the latest Vogue magazine so it’s definitely in style,” she yelled at the door.

“I don’t care if it was in Sports Illustrated I’m not wearing this so called outfit. I look like some reject from “Dracula” and I’m not going out in it. You can’t make me and that’s that,” he said sounding remarkably like six years old.

“Argh! That’s it I’m done talking to you, and if you don’t come out this minute I’m going to blast in the door,” Isabel said with menaced.

“I dare you to blast through this door. I double dare you to blast through.”

Seeing that Isabel was getting ready to blast through the door, Max hurried over to stop her and solve the conflict between the siblings. “Hey Iz maybe you should go call mom and tell her we won’t be home at midnight after all.”

Isabel glared at the door one more time before turning back to her brother.

“Okay I’m going to go call her, but I want Michael out of that bathroom ready to go when I come back,” she told him before heading back towards the living room.

Max turned back to the bathroom door with a sigh and said, “Michael come on out. The outfit can’t be as bad you’re making it and if it is you can change it despite any protests that Isabel might come up with.”

There was silence for a minute before Michael responded, “I want your word that I can change this outfit before I step out of the door.”

“Okay I promise that you can change the outfit if you come out,” Max told him.

The door slowly opened and Michael stuck his head out and looked around cautiously. The three looked at each other with raised eyebrows at his tactics and finally the door opened all the way to reveal Michael and his outfit. Max looked at the outfit and did his best not to laugh. Michael was wearing black leather pants, black boots, a black belt with a huge silver buckle which wasn’t so bad, but the white shirt with the long sleeves and ruffles and strings pretty much ruined the outfit not to mention that Isabel had somehow curled his hair around his face.

“Damn Guerin you look like one of those guys on those cheesy romance novels covers. You got the shirt partly open there and the long hair curling around your face,” Kyle told him with a laugh.

“See I told you this outfit sucked,” Michael told Max while glaring at Kyle.

“Well at least she didn’t dye your hair like she thought of doing although the curls are a nice effect,” Max told him with a smirk of his own.

“Okay that’s it. I’m changing out of this outfit and someone needs to help me figure out how to get these curls out,” Michael said angrily.

This only made the guys laughed harder as they kept looking at the shirt and Michael’s hair. Tess seeing that Michael was getting upset elbowed Kyle and told him, “behave Buddha Boy before I zap you.”

“It would be worth a zap just to get a picture of this,” Kyle snickered.

Michael turned to go back in the bathroom, but soon found his way blocked by Tess. “Move out of my way so I can change,” Michael commanded her with a glowered.

“Hey wait I can fix this. Just hold still and don’t make any moves,” Tess warned him as she held her hand up over his shirt. Before anyone could say anything she had waved her hand over the much hated shirt and turned it into a plain long sleeve shirt with no ruffles or strings. Next she stood up on her tiptoes and waved her hand over Michael’s hair changing his hair back to the way he had it originally.

Stepping back she smiled at him and said, “There you go. Now that doesn’t look so bad and if you want something else changed let me know.”

He hurried back into the bathroom to see what she had done to him. Reaching the mirror he saw that she had changed his hair back and made the shirt bearable enough for him to wear it. He ran his fingers through his hair to give it that authentic Guerin look and nodded at his reflection pleased that he looked liked himself.

Walking back out of the bathroom he glared at the guys again and turned to Tess. Nodding at her he headed towards the living room to see what else Isabel had gotten into while he wasn’t paying attention. Tess turned to Kyle and asked, “Was that a thank you.”

Kyle threw an arm around her shoulders and the two started walking towards the living room as well. “Yup that’s pretty much of a thank you you’re going to get from Michael,” he told her. “Now personally if I had all those voodoo powers you got I would have left him like that or maybe turned the shirt pink. Man I got a feeling I’m going to need a camera tonight.”

“Pink huh? Well I can always change your shirt pink if you want. You know I can make your hair all long and curly too,” Tess told him mischievously as she playfully raised her hand towards him.

“Hmm what’s that I hear? Is that Isabel calling me? I think it is,” he told her as he let her go and practically sprint the rest of the way towards the living room.

Tess watched him go with a giggle and looked behind to see Max watching Kyle run down the hallway.

“So what’s going on young Jedi? Out to save the universe,’” she asked him.

He looked at her shocked that she would tease him. Not quite sure what to say he told her, “not much. Just trying to figure out how long this night is going to be.” She moved to walk next to him and said, “Well so far it’s off to a good start. Isabel hasn’t killed Michael and Kyle is hearing voices, so the night only has to get better. Still I did want to watch the ball drop since I’ve never seen it before.”

Reaching the living room he stopped her at the entrance. “Hey you never know you might get to watch it after all if we can’t solve the clues.”

She looked to see Isabel inspecting Kyle and Michael’s outfit and told Max with a laugh, “I doubt it with Isabel in charge of it. She seems determine to get to this party so who knows.”

Isabel turned away from inspecting the guys much to their delight and turned to the newcomers. Motioning them to get over there she got all of them to line up as she inspected her charges. She stopped at Tess and nodded her approval at the gold blouse and purple skirt that she was wearing. Not find any fault she moved onto the next person in line which happened to be Max. Looking at the black shirt, the black wrist band she had to bully him to wear, and the dark jeans she nodded approval as well. Turning her attention back to the last two in line she narrowed her eyes at the changes in Michael’s shirt, but couldn’t find fault with it since it worked with the outfit as a whole. She nodded her approval and finally got to Kyle. Taking in the blue jeans and the denim shirt and jacket she wondered if she could do something with his hair, but a quick glance at her watch told her no. Sighing she nodded her approval much too all their relief and moved to gather bag and coat.

As everyone started getting their stuff together Kyle asked Isabel, “So what’s the first clue.”

Pulling the paper out of her purse she read the clue out loud,

“Dreaming among stars,
Sitting where memories were made,
Looking up at all so far away,
And you can even see a warrior from long ago at this point.”

Finished she looked at them with a smile and said happily, “I know where this is. We need to get to Frazier Woods to find the other clue.”


“Aw come on Alex. Please stop with the pouting already. I said I was sorry, but we needed a distraction for Liz and me to get out of there without Mr. Parker getting a look at our outfits,” Maria said as she drove while trying to look at Alex in the rearview mirror.

Alex crossed his arms over his chest and leaned further back into his seat determine not to say anything. Liz turned to look at him in the backseat and told him, “you shouldn’t blame Maria. I mean I came up with the idea, but I honestly didn’t expect Agnes to um cop a feel.”

“You? What about me? Here I am singing a love song to Agnes of all people while standing on the counter trying to draw everyone’s attention, and next thing I know she’s throwing herself on me. The things I do for you people, I mean I better be getting some kick ass birthday presents or something,” Alex told them.

“So does this mean you forgive us,” Maria asked.

“Yeah I forgive you two nutcases, but I got to tell you it’s never a dull moment being best friends with you two. Still I don’t think I’m going to be at the Crashdown for a few days until Agnes get over the Whitman charm.”

The three started laughing as they recalled Agnes throwing herself at Alex a few minutes ago. “Okay so Maria where is the clue,” Liz asked her.

“It’s in my purse somewhere,” Maria told her.

Picking up the black bag, Liz quickly found the piece of paper and read the clue out loud.

“Hmm the first part has to be Frazier Woods, but where at is the problem,” Liz told them.

Actually I believe I know where that’s at. If I’m not mistaken it’s this little clearing where Iz and I were stargazing at that time when we had the father camping trip last year,” Alex told them.

“Ah the infamous stargazing moment,” Maria quipped.

“Hey at least I wasn’t out there freezing in an Aqua bra,” Alex teased her.

Before Maria could retort back, Liz interrupted, “there’s the turn right there. Alex how far can we take the car?”

“Just to the camp ground and then we’re going have to walk a little bit.”

Maria groaned at hearing that, “oh man these shoes are so not made for hiking in the woods.”

Looking at her own shoes, Liz told her, “Tell me about it. We should have brought sneakers with us. Oh well I guess we’ll make do with what we got.”

Maria nodded and parked the car and with a sigh turned the engine off. Taking off her seat belt she got out the car with the others behind her. She turned to the others to say something when three cars pulled up beside them. Catching sight of the five people as they got out of the cars she groaned and straightened up to meet them.

The eight teenagers looked at each other and there was a chorus of, “what the hell are you doing here. We were here first.”

As the eight argued as to who was here first a figure stood in the woods looking at them for a minute before turning around. The cloaked figure ran until reaching a familiar rock and bent down laying several pieces of papers next to it. Standing up the figure pushed the hood off its head and auburn hair spilled out. Green eyes looked around out of cat shaped eyes and a feminine face. She smiled as she thought of the things that were to come that night if everything went according to plan.

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Post by vegas312 »

Title: Salut

Coupling: CC

Rating: PG-13 for language

Disclaimer: I do not own Roswell although if you want to give it to me I’ll take it.

Summary: Takes place after ARCC…what’s the gang up to with no recent alien threat?

AN: This is for Lissa who told me I had two hours to get this done. *smooch* Love you girl. Also this is for Mary for the late nights and just for being a kick ass friend. Thanks to Ella and Pooh two of my favorite banner makers who don’t mind when I borrow stuff from them. Hmm I would shout out Ed, but you get no shout out until I get my money. Also thanks to Trude for those lovely pics. *smooch*

Chapter 6

~Frazier Woods

“What the hell are you guys doing here,” Maria asked them.

“We’re here for the same reason you are,” Michael told her. Moving to stand in front of her he glanced down and did a double take at her outfit. “Where the hell are your clothes and how did you get out of the house like that,” he yelled as he stared at her outfit.

Narrowing her eyes at him she stood up to her full height and glanced up at him. “There’s nothing wrong with I’m wearing. If anyone needs to go home and change it would be you. What’s up with the leather look you got going on here?”

Kyle snickered behind them, “You should have seen him before Tess fixed it. He had the whole romance novel look going on, and let’s not forget his hair. It was…,” he started to describe it but was stopped by Michael’s glare.

Whistling Kyle moved to stand next to Tess and gave Michael a wink. “Your secret is safe with me.”

Michael satisfied that he had Kyle scared properly turned back to talk to Maria when Kyle started coughing, “mister curly man.”

“Valenti do you have a death wish?”

“What I was just coughing. There was something in my throat, but it’s better now,” Kyle told him innocently.

Ignoring Kyle’s antics and Michael’s glare Maria tapped her foot impatiently. “You guys are going have to find something else to do because this is a Czech free night and as all of you excluding Kyle there are Czechs you can’t come with us.”

“Since when do you get to decide who does what, and what makes you think we want to hang out with you anyway? For all you know we could be just simply wanting a human free night,” he told her.

“Uh huh….If that’s true then while do you have Kyle with you? Plus you said oh excuse me you grunted that you weren’t going to attend this party when I asked you before.”

“I didn’t grunt at you, and if I did then what makes you think that the grunt was a no rather than a yes. Besides I like Valenti despite his bad taste in music and I figured he would want to hang out with us.”

He smiled at her knowing there was no way she could out argue that. Crossing her arms across her chest she said with one eyebrow raised, “uh huh. Yeah and I’m the tooth fairy. Tell me another one.”

Isabel seeing that they were getting nowhere and that Alex wasn’t paying any attention to her decided to infer otherwise they would be there all night listening to Michael and Maria doing their weird flirting ritual.
“This isn’t getting us anywhere and we don’t have much time left if we want to make it to the party. Why don’t we just combine our talents together and solve the next clue,” she asked them.

Michael opened his mouth to say something but shut it quick when Isabel glared at him.

“Now we already have solve the first riddle and I’m guessing you guys did too since you’re here. How about Michael and Maria team up, Kyle with Tess, Max with Liz, and I’ll work with Alex,” she said while grabbing onto Alex’s arm with a smile.

Everyone opened their mouth to protest against the pairings but all protests died when Iz looked at them. Knowing better than to argue with her everyone moved to stand next to their respective partner. “Okay so Alex and I will go get the clues while the six of you try to think of where this Enigma might be at. Now we’ll be back soon,” she told them while dragging a confused Alex into the woods.

“Is it me or did she just drag poor Alex off without a nay or yea from him,” Tess asked.

“Oh yeah Whitman will have that same confused look on his face when she drags him to the wedding chapel,” Kyle joked.

“Hey,” Michael, Max, Maria, and Liz shouted together.

“Oh come on, we all know it’s true. Am I the only one who thinks that’s’ funny?”

Seeing that no one was laughing he threw up his hands and muttered, “Sure make me out to be the bad guy. I get dragged out here against my will when I could have been home watching the ball drop and eating popcorn.”

Tess patted Kyle’s arm and told him, “aw that’s okay. I think you’re special. I don’t know if it’s short school bus special, but you are.”

“Hey! That’s it you’re going down,” he told her as he made a move to grab her. Dodging him she moved and waved her hands up. “Buddha boy now is not the time to be playing. I don’t have the right clothes or shoes on to play.” He grinned at her and moved to grab her again. Laughing she dodged him again and started running towards the SUV as fast she could go in heels with him right behind her.

Everyone looked in disbelief at the two of them playing what looked like chase in the parking lot.

“Um did I miss something? Since when has Tess started being more normal, and when did she and Kyle hooked up,” Maria asked.

Max who had up to that point been smiling while observing them flinched when Maria uttered the word ‘normal.’ Images and conversations flashed in his mind as he thought of the last time he heard that word. It was the night that all his dreams had been destroyed and he found out that happily ever after was nothing more than an illusion for fools. Turning to the others he said, “You know what I’m not really feeling up to this. I think I’m going to head off back home and I’ll see you guys later. Can one of you bring Isabel home?”

“Girlfriend, if you leave before Isabel gets back there will be hell to pay. Besides it’s New Year’s Eve and while the night isn’t going the way I planned it what better way to ring in the year then being with those who know you,” Maria told him.

“Thanks Maria, but I think I might be better off at home tonight. Last year wasn’t that great and I really don’t have much hope for this year. Anyway have a Happy New Years and good luck with finding Enigma, and remember to be safe,” he told her.

Seeing that she wasn’t going to change his mind she nodded. ‘I don’t know whose worst, him or Liz.’ “Well I’ll catch you later, and I’ll try to make sure Iz doesn’t come looking for you.”

Max nodded at Michael and headed back to the jeep. Lost in his thoughts he got in the jeep and prepared to start it up. Suddenly the passenger door opened and Liz hopped in. She reached over and strapped the seat belt on and said, “So where are we going.” He looked at her in shock sitting in his car and asked, “Liz what are you doing.”

“Well its New Year’s Eve and what better way to celebrate it then with a friend. I mean I know a lot has happened this year, but a new year is about to start and what’s really amazing is that the six of us or I guess eight of us are friends, well at least civil to each other. No one should have to be alone on tonight and come on this Enigma thing should be fun to do. Besides I think this is the first time all eight of us are hanging out without worrying about Skins, shape shifters, or anything.”

He looked at her smiling at him all bundled up in her coat and hat. ‘What’s really amazing is how just her presence lights up her surroundings. I still love her, but it hurts too much to remember what she did. Just when I get my defenses up she knocks them all down again. I don’t want to stay, but something is telling me that maybe tonight something good will happen.’ “Okay I’ll stay, but you got to promise me that you won’t tell Isabel that I tried to leave.”

Laughing she told him, “deal. I don’t think anyone will tell on you although Maria might if she’s offered an Oreo cookie.”

“An Oreo cookie? You’re telling me that’s all it takes to bribe Maria,” Max asked while trying not to laugh.

“Yup she has a serious Oreo addiction, but don’t tell her I said so. She might cut more of my hair off if she finds out I told,” Liz told him.

Max stopped in his tracks and Liz stopped as well curious as to find out what had caught his attention. He reached up to gently tugged at the hat that had been covering her hair and removed it when she didn’t try to stop him. Her hair no longer falling down her back now came a little past her chin. While he mourned the long chestnut hair, he liked the new look.

“So what do you think,” she asked him.

“It looks great. Now if you want to go back to the long length I can just wave my hand right over it really quickly,” he said hopefully. Raising his hand up over his head he grinned at her.

“Max no!” She laughed and grabbed his hand.

He looked at her innocently and gave her a small grin. Squeezing her hand the two walked back to their friends. Maria seeing the two hold hands grinned at them as Isabel and Alex walked out of the woods. Everyone looked to them questioningly, and Michael asked, “So did you find the next clue.”

As a response Isabel waved several sheets of papers at him. “Yeah we found it, but it’s a little confusing to me.”

“So what does it say,” Maria asked excitedly.

Alex grinned at her and looked at the paper and read,

“Two wild forces combine to create one balance being. Taking a magic carpet ride down a familiar road and ending your journey where magic first begin.”

“What the hell does that mean,” Kyle asked.

Michael and Maria looked at each other as both had come to the same conclusion when they heard the riddle read.

“We’re going have to go down 285 to that hotel that you guys found Maria and me at,” Michael said.

“When were you guys at a hotel,” Kyle asked with a grin.

“Long story, but someone will fill you in. Anyway we have four cars, so how are we going to do this,” Maria asked.

“Well I’m not riding with Alex,” Isabel stated coldly before striding away as the others watch her get into the SUV and slam the door shut.

“Um Alex what did you do to Isabel,” Maria asked.
“Nothing that’s the problem,” Alex told her as he got into the Jetta and slammed the door shut.

“Okay I wonder what that is about,” Maria said.

Everyone shrugged and headed back to their cars. Maria looked at her friends and said, “well its back to the nookie motel”
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Location: sitting on the beach sipping iced tea

Post by vegas312 »

Title: Salut
Coupling: CC
Rating: PG-13 for language
Disclaimer: I do not own Roswell although I really would like to have Alex.
Summary: Its New Years Eve
AN: Thanks for the feedback everyone. Hmm it seems that everyone sees a pattern of sorts in this story, but asks anyone reading my other story ‘Nothing at all’ and they’ll tell you that my muse is never predictable.

Chapter 7

She looked around and seeing no one quickly waved her hand over the door. Twisting the knob she opened the door and stepped in. Auburn hair swing gently as she walked around the room. ‘Hmm where to leave the next clue,’ she thought to herself. She reached in her pockets and took out several sheets of papers and after a quick decision set them on the nightstand. ‘I hope they get here soon and figured out these clues. There’s not much time left and this has to be done tonight,’ she thought to herself. Sighing she crossed the room back to the door and with another quick look around nodded and left the room.


Everyone strode to their cars ready to find the next clue and get to the party. Max got ready to get in the jeep when he stopped at the door when an idea occurred to him. Making a quick decision he walked back over to the Jetta and stopped in front of Liz. “You know since I’m the only one without a passenger I was wondering if you want to ride with me to the next clue. I mean you don’t have to do it, but it’s just a thought,” he told her.

Liz looked up at him and bit her lip as she tried to make a decision. On one hand she wanted to ride with Max, but on the other hand she wanted to make sure Alex was okay and see if she could help. As Liz got ready to reply Maria interrupted, “sure go ahead Liz. Alex and I will be fine, now go ahead and ride with Max.” Seeing that Liz was about to protest Maria gave her a little shove and she would have fallen if Max hadn’t caught her. Looking up at Max to thank him she got lost in the look in his eyes and held her breath as he leaned down. Her eyes closed on instinct as she waited for him to kiss her only to hear a horn blown. Quickly opening her eyes she detangled herself from Max’s arms and saw Kyle blowing the horn while waving at them with a grin. “Um you know what maybe I should ride with Maria after all,” she told Max.

Grinning at her he said, “Well that’s going to be a little hard unless you’re planning to run after her because she just pulled off.”

Liz turned around to only see the Jetta pulling off with Alex giving her the thumbs up from the backseat window. Liz could only watch in disbelief as the Jetta kept going with the other assortment of cars behind it. “I can’t believe she left me out here,” she sputtered.

“My offer for a ride is still open,” he told her as he started walking back to the Jeep. Sighing she ran after him to make it to the Jeep before she found herself left out in the woods. By the time she got to the jeep he had already had the jeep started and was ready to go. She got in and put her seat belt on and felt a sense of déjà vu as Max started driving. ‘I remember how we used to just drive around just to get some alone time,’ she thought to herself with a pang. ‘Still I can’t get to close to him again otherwise we’re all in trouble. I’m going to kill Maria for this or better yet I’m going to take her secret stash of Oreos away from her.’

“You know I wonder what happened between Alex and Iz in the woods earlier,” Max said startling Liz out of her thoughts.

“I don’t know, but whatever it is I’m sure it can’t be too bad.”


“Alex, come on and talk to me,” Maria whined.

“I don’t want to talk about it right now,” Alex said as he continued to stare out of the window.

“Hey if you can’t talk to your best friend about it then who else can you talk to,” Maria told him.

“Maria I don’t want to talk about it.”

“If you don’t tell me I’m going to start singing songs from the “Lion King” and you know I know them all. Hmm which one do you want to hear first?”

Alex paled as he knew from previous experience that Maria did in fact know all the songs and that she would definitely sing them all. The last time she had threatened to sing all the songs from “Aladdin” and days later the damn songs were still stuck in his head.
“It’s a small world after all…,” Maria started to sing but was interrupted by Alex’s plea.

“Okay, okay I’ll tell you. Deluca you’re one mean girl you know that?”

She just smiled at him happily and said, “well come on and tell me already.”

Sighing he said, “Well we were in the woods looking for the rock we had sat on. After a few more minutes we found it and next to it was the clue. So anyway I leaned down to get the clues and I felt someone pinch my ass.”

“Wait she pinched your ass,” Maria asked while laughing. “Go Izzy! I didn’t know she had it in her. Alex this is the second time today a woman has felt you up.”

“Hey! You promised that we weren’t going to mention the Agnes thing up again,” he told her with a scold.

Maria kept laughing while he scolded at her. Finally getting her laughter under control she told him, “okay that’s not so bad. So what really happened that made her so angry?”

“Anyway I looked at her in shocked while she giggled at me.”

“Okay wait she giggled?”

“Maria, do you want to know what happened or not?”

“I’m going to hush now and just let you tell it. I’m locking my mouth up and throwing away the key. Yup it’s all locked up and the key is gone baby gone.”


She closed her mouth and nodded at him to continue on. Seeing that she wasn’t going to interrupted he continued on. “So I ask her what was up with the pinching and she’s just start telling me that she wants to be with me and let me in. I mean this is my dream come true, but she’s done this so many times before. One minute we’re together and the next minute I’m trying to figure out what happened. Anyway before I could tell her that she leaned over and kissed me.”

“She kissed you? Aw that’s so cute.”

“Yeah I know, but after the kiss ended I lead her to the rock to sit down and I just told her that I didn’t think that we belonged together.”

“You did what?! Oh Alex, no wonder she’s all pissed off at you. She threw herself at you and allowed you to see her and then you rejected her. What the hell were you thinking? Damn it no more hanging out with Kyle.”

“What does Kyle have to do with this,” he asked confused.

“His non-romantic tendencies are rubbing off on you. I’m going to hurt him after I hurt you. I know she’s hurt your feelings before, but did you stop to think that maybe this time she’s really ready to settle down and be with you.”

He sighed and slumped against the seat. “I don’t know Maria, but I’ll at least apologize to her when we all meet up.”

“Good that’s the Alex Whitman I know. Aw my boy is all grow up now,” she said with a fake sniff.

He laughed at her and said, “Yeah you laugh now, but wait until Liz catches up with you. You pulled off and left her in the parking lot.”

“Hey that was for her own good. Max and her need to sit down and just talk about everything.”

“Yeah you keep telling yourself that, but she’s going to get you.”

Deciding to change the subject she said, “Ah it’s good to be back on good ole 285 South again. Yup it seems just like yesterday when Michael abducted me and my car here. God that was what last year when that happened? Man times go by fast and now look at us.”

Alex shook his head and laughed. “Please tell me you don’t consider that an anniversary.”

“You sound like Michael with the whole it’s not an anniversary thing. Hey I say it’s an anniversary since that’s the first time we actually paid attention to each other,” she told him as she turned the car into a parking lot in front of a hotel.

Turning the car off she looked at Alex and said with a wicked grin, “Welcome to the nookie motel my friend.”
The two got out of the car laughing as they waited for the other cars to find somewhere to park. “Hey I remember this hotel,” Kyle said as he walked up to them. Michael hearing him said, “You should remember it. You stalked Liz all the way here.”

“Hey I didn’t stalk anyone,” Kyle protested.

“Well what do you call following a person around and keep doing it even when the person tells you to stop. I don’t know about you but in my book that means a stalker,” Michael told him with a smirk.

“I call that being concern not a stalker,” Kyle told him.

“Uh huh, you say caring I say stalker.”

Kyle glared at Michael for a minute and asked everyone else, “so when are we going to go get the clue.”


Maria turned and saw Liz crossing to the parking lot head towards her. She turned back to Kyle and said, “No time like the present. Come on let’s go before Liz catches up.”

Not waiting for the others she started making her way to the hotel and started looking for the familiar room. Kyle shrugged and followed behind her while everyone else looked at each for a minute before following them. Finally finding the room she waited outside it until the others caught up. Michael moved up to the door and looked around and muttered, “Yeah we’re really doing a good job of being invisible here.” With a wave of his hand the lock opened up and he opened the door. Seeing no one in there he moved into the room with everyone following him. Alex clicked on the light switch and Maria seeing paper on the nightstand moved to it. Picking up the paper she read and seeing it was a clue waved it around to the others. “Hey guys I found the other clue and doesn’t make a lick of sense to me,” she told them.

“What does it says,” Tess asked her.

Before Maria could answer Liz and Max walked into the room. Maria seeing that everyone was there looked at the paper and read, “search among tomes of knowledge to find what you seek. A fragile passion was birth there when two races met but that flame has been almost blown out. To save the flame you must rekindled the lamp and search in the place where it being.”

“I know where the next clue is at,” Kyle said.

“We’re going have to go to the library and get it,” Tess said.

“How did you two know what the clue meant,” Isabel asked curiously.

Kyle and Tess stared at each other before looking away. “It’s where Kyle and I had our first date of sorts,” Tess told her.

“Um okay, but how are all of us going to get in the library without being caught,” Maria asked.

“That’s not our biggest problem now. Right now we need to figure out who’s leaving us these clues and why because each place we’ve been to tonight has some significance for all of us,” Max told her.

Maria looked at everyone and said, “Please don’t tell me that you guys think that this is some big alien conspiracy. Maybe it’s a coincidence or something you never know.”

“Nothing is coincidence when it comes to us,” Michael told her.

“Hell another night in the Alien Abyss.”
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Post by vegas312 »

Title: Salut

Coupling: CC

Rating: PG-13 for language and some adult situations

Disclaimer: I do no own Roswell so please don’t sue.

Summary: It’s New Year’s Eve and what’s the gang to do with no recent alien threat lurking?

AN: This was supposed to be the last chapter, but Mary (ilyme) talked me out of it so one more chapter and that’s that. Also I when I first wrote this I didn’t expect this many people to actually read it and enjoy it. I wrote this story as a way to get my muse’s mind off my other stories as I was having a serious writer’s block. Anyway just wanted to say thank you for embracing my little story and this is dedicated to all of you whether you’re a lurker or you do leave feedback. Also Mary (ilyme) has convinced me *cough harass cough* to write a sequel which I won’t start posting until Valentine’s Day. Meanwhile I will start posting updates to my other two fics and they too will soon be completed.

Chapter 8

“So what are we going to do now,” Michael asked Max.

Max sighed as he felt the eyes of everyone on him and the burden of being leader grew even more. Looking at Michael he said, “first off we need to get out of this hotel room before management calls the police on us. Secondly we need to go somewhere where we can regroup and try to figure this out.”

“But what about the fourth clue,” Michael asked.

“We’ll worry about the clue later. Right now we need to get out of here and come up with a plan,” Max told him.

Seeing that Max wasn’t planning to go get the key Michael opened his mouth to argue further when Max interrupted him, “we’re going to get it just not right now. Plus we need a plan to get all six of us in the library undetected and Tess will be too busy to mindwarp anyone as she and Kyle are the only ones who know where the clue is.”

Michael nodded his agreement and everyone seeing that there would be no more arguments headed towards the door. “Hey where are we going,” Maria asked.

“Well I saw a Krispy Kreme a few miles back, so maybe we can get something to eat and go over our plans as well,” Michael suggested to everyone.

“Hot damn that’s what I need right now one of those fresh out of the oven glaze donut. Mmm I can just taste it, but maybe I should get at least a dozen,” Kyle said as he practically ran down the stairs.

“Yeah add some Tabasco to it and it’ll be perfect,” Max mused.

“Evans that’s just sick. You do not add Tabasco to a Krispy Kreme donut, maybe a Dunkin Donut yeah but that’s just wrong to do it to a Krispy Kreme,” Kyle told him.

“You don’t know what you’re missing out on. That spicy and sweet taste of a Krispy Kreme with Tabasco sauce on it is just scrumptious,” Michael said.

“Did you just say ‘scrumptious,” Kyle asked in amusement.

“What? No, you’re hearing things Valenti. I think it’s time you get that hearing check because you never know when you’re going to need a hearing aid,” Michael smirked at him.

“Hearing aid my ass. I heard you say scrumptious,” Kyle argued.

“Nope I said no such thing, now come on so we can go,” he told him as he walked towards the cars.

Kyle turned to the other two boys behind and asked, “You heard him right. I know he said ‘scrumptious’ and he’s not admitting it.”

The two boys looked at him innocently, and Alex asked, “Who said scrumptious. I lost part of the conversation after the Krispy Kreme part.”

“Yeah I did too. I got to thinking whether I wanted a glaze donut or a jelly filled donut. Hmm so many choices and not much time,” Max told him.

Kyle just glared at them and headed towards the parking lot while the two boys looked at each and let out a snicker. The girls shook their heads at them and were headed towards their cars when Max called everyone over to the Jeep. Waiting until everyone arrived he took a quick look at his watch and was shock to see that it was already 10:30pm. ‘Man time goes by when you’re hunting for clues,’ he thought to himself. Finally seeing that everyone had arrived Max looked at the little group before him and gave a quick prayer to whatever God was listening that they would all come out of the night unharmed. ‘I know it’s bad when I’m praying for Kyle’s safety,’ he thought wryly to himself. Shaking his head to clear his thoughts he focused on everyone and said, “I don’t know who’s out here so I’m going to make this quick. As of now I think we should each ride with someone of the opposite sex so that way all of will have some protection.” Everyone nodded and tried to figure out who was riding who. What should have been so simple had already taken ten minutes. Isabel didn’t want to ride with Alex, Alex didn’t want to ride with Maria for fear of more Lion King songs, Tess wanted to ride with Max, Michael wanted to drive Maria’s car and she pretty much told him where to stuff it, Max secretly wanted Liz to ride with him again and she wanted the same thing, and Kyle well no one knew who he wanted to ride with him.

The figure watched the eight of them stand in the parking lot for ten minutes arguing back and forth as to who was riding with who. She looked in disbelief at them and took a glance at her watch to see that it was 10:45pm Time was ticking away and the group still needed to get the next clue and make it to the last destination in time or they were all screwed. Pushing her sleeve back on her cloak she raised her right hand and gathered her powers. A white light that seemed to be on fire gathered in her right hand and she scanned the parking lot for an appropriate target. Finally seeing something she looked to see if the gang was still debating and sure enough they were. Shrugging she locked her sights on the target and released her powers. The white light gathered speed and whizzed past the gang and suddenly a sound of an explosion was heard as the gang turned to see a car that was a feet away from them blow up. “What the fu,” Kyle started to say. Michael raised his hand and scanned the parking lot while Max raised his hand as well in preparation of throwing up his shield if they needed it. Isabel and Tess joined the other two by raising their hands in preparation of another attack. Alex and Kyle meanwhile had moved to stand in front of Maria and Liz while doing their best to figure out what was going on. Not seeing anyone Michael told Max, “we need to get the hell out of here before the police come to investigate that and just in case whoever did that is still out here.”

Max nodded and turned to tell everyone, “okay new plan. We’re now going to ride alien with a human. Michael you ride with Maria in the Jetta, Alex you ride with Isabel in SUV, Tess you’re with Kyle, and Liz you’re with me.” Seeing that everyone had a protest he stared at them and said, “We don’t have time for a big discussion as to who we want to ride with. Whoever did this is probably still out there watching us so we need to move now.”

Not expecting anymore arguments he helped Liz into the Jeep and quick hurried into the driver’s side. Getting in he started the Jeep up as everyone hurried to their assigned cars and partners. Tess had reached the mustang when she remembered that she had forgotten to give Isabel the keys to the SUV. She turned to go quickly run over and give her the keys when Kyle stopped her in her tracks by grabbing her arm. “Kyle what are you doing? Let me go so I can do this really quickly.”

“I’m not letting you run over to the Jeep to fuss about Liz riding with Max. They’re finally getting along and maybe they can get back together. I mean I know I had some objections to them at the beginning, but I think no rather I know that they belong together,” he told her.

She gaped at him and pulled her arm out of his grip. “How dare you? I wasn’t going over there to start anything, and for your information I wasn’t even headed that way. You know I thought we were friends and that meant a lot to me, but apparently you think I’m some kind of home wrecker which is funny coming from you. If I’m not mistaken aren’t you the one who slept with Liz just a few months ago,” she yelled at him angrily.

He looked at her staring at him so angrily and he wondered if he had made a mistake. Had he been wrong in thinking that she had alternative motives? Seeing the hurt in her eyes he was pretty sure he had been wrong, but the way she had argued earlier to be allowed to ride with Max was still clear in his mind. Although he wouldn’t admit it he was jealous that she hadn’t picked him earlier, but instead had to be assigned to him. “Well you’re the one that was arguing earlier that you should be allowed to ride with Max,” he reminded her.

Putting her hands on her hips she told him, “It wasn’t like you had asked me to ride with you. Plus Max is my friend and I really don’t know Alex or even Michael that well. I figured if I had to ride with someone why not Max. You know what I can’t believe I’m defending myself against you. Also for your information I was going to give Isabel the keys to the SUV as I just remembered that I had them.” She opened her left hand and showed him the keys dangling from it.

He groaned silently to himself as he realized the mistake he had just made. He opened his mouth to apologize when Isabel appeared next to them. Isabel looked between the two of them curiously as she could feel a lot of energy coming off the two of them especially Tess who was giving Kyle a pissed off look. Not sure what she had interrupted she said, “hey Tess I need the keys to the SUV unless you want me to start it up with my powers.”

Tess turned to her and smiled humorlessly and said, “That’s okay. You know what how about I ride with Alex and you ride with King Jackass here. I mean you don’t want me to go to jail for hurting him do you, because if I have to ride with him I will cause him some pain.”

“Um sure Tess I don’t mind riding with Kyle for awhile, but Max isn’t going to be too happy that we switched up,” Isabel told her.

“Screw Max and all men. If he got a problem with it then I’ll be glad to tell him why we switched,” she told her. Tess no longer wanting to hear anymore started to walk away when Kyle moved to grab her again, but Isabel moved to intercept him. “Kyle I don’t know what just happened, but you don’t want to deal with a pissed off alien right now. Whatever happened between the two of you can solve it later when we’re out of this parking lot and away from danger.”

He looked at her and sighed, “Okay but the first chance I get I’m going to talk to her.”

Patting him on the arm she asked him, “Hey can I drive the mustang.”

“What is it with you women and wanting to drive my car? No one drives my car but me,” he told her as headed back to the car.

Laughing at him she got into the passenger side and the two made conversation as they followed the others back onto the road. Finally arriving at the Krispy Kreme the eight teens made a run inside and quickly found a couple of empty tables. Everyone was mostly quiet as they ate their donuts and the only real funny moment they had was when Liz had to drag Max away from the counter as he couldn’t decide what kind of donut he wanted. The line had grown while the young alien king pondered the delicacy of donuts and which one he wanted. Liz having seen the long line and how some of the customers were getting impatient had gone up there and dragged him away after getting a dozen mix donuts.

Max ate the last of his donuts and leaned back in his chair happily. For once in the past few months he was content with life and all seem right well except that someone was out to get them, but that wasn’t anything new. Looking around he raised his eyebrow at the seating arrangements. Tess was sitting next to Alex and chatting, Isabel was chatting with Kyle, and Michael was sitting next to Maria as she munched contently on her Oreo cookies. He still wasn’t sure where she got them from, but he wasn’t going to say anything about them although the truth be told he wouldn’t mind having one. Maria feeling someone looking at her cookies quickly gathered the box to her and placed it safely in her lap. She munched on her cookie as she tried to figure out what the hell had happened to her alien free night, and what lunatic was stalking them now. Sighing she laid her head on Michael’s shoulder and thought to herself, ‘maybe having them around tonight isn’t so bad, but I hope we can get to have some fun tonight.’

Clearing his throat Max sat up straight and drew everyone’s attention. “Okay anyone has any thoughts as to whom or what is sending us on this hunt for clues and where we might end up at,” he asked them.

“I don’t know who’s out there, but most of our enemies are dead. The Special Unit has been disbanded, most of the Skins are dead, all of the dupes are dead except Ava and she’s no killer, and I’m not sure where Nicholas is at,” Michael replied.

“So you think Nicholas is behind this,” Isabel asked.

“Well he is the only person left that knows about us, and if it’s not him then who else can it be,” he told her.

“I don’t know. I mean up until now we haven’t had any real evidence that someone was out to get us until that car blew up beside us. If this was Nicholas I don’t think he would have aimed for the car. He would have more than likely aimed to kill us and we wouldn’t have known it until it was too late,” Max said.

“Well whoever it is they went to an awful lot of trouble to get us all together and to find these clues. This person knows a lot about us that I don’t think even our enemies knew,” Michael told them. Turning to Max he said, “We need to get the next clue and see where it leads. I mean getting into the library isn’t that hard since they only have one security guard and we can distract him and take out the security system.”

Max raised an eyebrow at his friend’s knowledge about the library’s security system, but figured that he was better off not knowing. While everyone else took turns saying who they thought was after them he sat quietly trying to think of something that wouldn’t get them all kill. Coming out of his thoughts he said, “Okay we’ll go to the library, but only Tess, Kyle, Michael, and Maria will go in. The rest of us will guard the cars and be prepared in case we need to make a quick getaway.”

Maria hearing her name looked up and asked, “why me.”

“Tess and Kyle know where the clue is at, Michael has the firepower incase you guys get into trouble, and Maria you’re good at causing a distraction,” he told her with a grin.

“Yeah I have gotten Spaceboy here out of a few tight spots over the year,” she said proudly.

Michael opened his mouth to argue with her, but closed it when she smiled at him. ‘Well she has gotten me out of a few tight spots, but if I tell her that she’ll never let me hear the end of it,’ he thought to himself.

Max seeing that everyone agreed to the plan gave a few more instructions and a few minutes later they were back on the road. Finally they arrived to the library and Max looked at the clock on dash and was surprised to see that it was 11:25pm already. He watched as the four friends quickly raced across the library lawn while he and the others sat in the cars. A few minutes later the four came running back to the cars and everyone by mutual agreed went to Buckley Point and parked. Getting out their cars they quickly went over to where Tess and Kyle had the clue between the two of them.

“So what does it says,” Maria asked.

Tess glanced at the paper and read aloud, “time is almost running out. You have until the New Year rings in to get there or death will be your reward. Go the place where you can hear the music and perhaps a beeping or two.” Finished reading she looked at them all and said, “I don’t know what the last part meant, but the first part doesn’t sound that good.”

“Whoever wrote this isn’t joking anymore and it seems we’re on a schedule of sorts,” Alex said.

Isabel looked at her watch and told them, “It’s already 11:35pm. We don’t have much time to figure out where this other place is and who knows how long it’s going to take to get there.”

“It won’t take long. The last part of the riddle is talking about out in the desert where the old radio tower is at,” Liz told them.
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Post by vegas312 »

Title: Salut
Author: Vegas312
Rating: PG-13 for language
Disclaimer: I do not own Roswell so don’t sue me. If you do all you’d get is my comp and a stack of bills.
Coupling: CC
Summary: Its New Year’s Eve…what’s the gang up to?
AN: Thanks to everyone that read this and a special thanks to everyone that took the time to leave some feedback. You guys don’t know how much that means to me. *hugs* Alright we’ve come to the conclusion and I hope its okay. As usual send all complaints to the muse. Oh yeah Pooh where the hell are my oreos? ;)

Chapter 9

She walked around the radio tower and smiled to herself. ‘Oh yes it’s almost time and soon I will be the victor in this little game.’ Reaching into the satchel that hung off her right shoulder she pulled out a metallic blue stone of sorts and placed it on the desert floor. She hummed to herself and dug in the satchel again and pulled out another stone. This time the stone was the color of the sun, a bright yellow, and she sat it a few feet away from the other stone. She repeated the process over again until she had eight colorful stones spread out in a wide circle with the radio tower in the center. Stepping back she cocked her head to the right and took in her work. ‘Hmm everything is in place, now I just got to wait for the eight to get here. Hopefully they’ll be here soon because there isn’t much time left.’ She waved her hand over the stones and the eight set off a glow that looked like a rainbow. Satisfied that there was nothing left to do she waves her hand over the stones again and the glowing faded, and with a flick of her wrist the stones seemed to disappear underneath the desert floor.


“So the next clue is at the old radio tower,” Kyle asked.

“Yeah that’s where Max and I found the orb one night,” Liz said while trying to avoid eye contact with Max.

“What the heck is an orb? Is that another one of the pod people artifacts,” Kyle asked.

“It’s a communication device of sorts,” Isabel told him.

“Oh, so does this mean you guys can communicate with your home world or whatever,” he asked curiously.

“Yeah we’re going to tell them to come and perform alien rituals on you,” Tess glowered at him.

He put his hands up and told her with a grin, “well if they all look like you or Isabel then yeah I’m all for alien rituals.”

“Kyle!” Several people yelled at him while he ignored them and stared at Tess.

“If you think you’re going to charm your way out of me being mad with you then you better think again.”

“Well at least you’re talking to me,” he told her.

Everyone looked back and forth between the two not exactly sure what was going on and what they had missed between the two earlier. Tess ignoring the stares from the others opened her mouth to say something and then with a shake of her head she turned to Max. “So we’re going to the radio tower? Is there enough time to make it out there? Also do we have any kind of plan incase its Nicholas out there or someone else?”

“Yeah the radio tower isn’t too far away if we pretty much speed it out there. Hopefully the law enforcements are busy elsewhere in town, and I think that maybe the four of us should go and the rest of you go back to the Crashdown until you hear back from us,” Max said.

“What? Are you drunk again because there’s no way we’re leaving you guys to face some threat while we sit at the Crashdown waiting for you,” Maria told him.

“Maria, he’s right. It’s better if you guys just go back to town and let us handle this,” Michael said.

“No way are we leaving you guys,” she said stubbornly while crossing her arms across her chest.

Recognizing that she was determine to go he leaned down and told her softly, “I couldn’t bear if anything happened to you. I wouldn’t know what to do is something happened to you, so please go back and wait for us.”

Her eyes softening she reached up and pulled him further down and said, “No.” Before he could open his mouth to say anything she leaned up and kissed him.

“While those two are getting it on or whatever I just want to say that I agree with Maria on this,” Alex told Max.

Kyle moved to stand next to Alex and nodded his head. “Yeah I’m with Maria and Alex here as well. We might not have any powers, but we have come through on several occasions to rescue your asses. The way I figured it the four of you needs us to help you out so we’re going no matter what.”

“It’s easier if we go by ourselves because if all of you come we’re just going to worry about something happening to any of you. The four of us can protect ourselves, and for all we know it could ugly out there,” Max told them trying to get them to see reason.

“Max, it’s not like we haven’t been in danger before. We took on Sheriff Valenti, the FBI, and the Skins so whatever or whoever is out there we’ll face them together,” Liz said as she moved to stand next to Alex, Kyle, and Maria who had finally detangle herself from Michael.

‘What the hell? Not that long ago she was telling me she didn’t want to die for me now she’s telling me that she wants to. I’m so confused at all these mix signals that she’s been sending me.’ Sighing he looked back at the other three to see what they thought should be done.

“Well whatever we’re doing we better decide on because time is running out and it’s getting closer to midnight. I think that they would be better off with us then without because this could be a trap to separate us,” Tess reminded him as she pointed to her watch.

“I don’t want any of us to be hurt and I think it’s a good idea if we all stick together,” Isabel told him.

Max looked at Michael who nodded his agreement and he turned back to the others with a sigh, “alright let’s go do this, but at the first sign of trouble the four of you are getting out of there.”

Everyone agreed and started heading towards their respective vehicles and soon the four cars were on the road heading towards who knows what. Liz sat quietly in the jeep trying to figure out what was going to happen in the desert. ‘Future Max never mentioned anything like this. So if it happened in the other timeline we must have gotten through it, but then again this might not have happened in the last timeline. God I wished he would have told me more about the future then just that little bit he told me.’

He looked over at her and saw that she was deep in thought. He wasn’t sure what was going on with her. One minute she didn’t want to be in his life and the next she wanted to be friends. ‘I don’t know what’s going on with her, but my gut is telling me that tonight I’m going to find out.’ Turning back to give his attention to the road he missed her turning to look at him. She sighed and looked out the window to see that they were getting to closer to the site where the radio tower was at.

Coming to a stop a few feet away from the tower he put the car in park and turned the jeep off. The two got out and walked over to meet the others. Michael scanned the area while Max, Isabel, and Tess used their powers to camouflage the vehicles. Everyone knowing that wasn’t much time left listened to the quick plan Max told them and started walking towards the radio tower going in a group of two with each group consisting of a human and an alien. Liz and Max led the way and finally the radio tower was in their sights. Liz seeing a piece of paper taped to the tower hurried to it. She pulled the paper off the tower as the others moved in to surround her to hear what it said. Clearing her throat she read, “Tonight the truth shall set you free. Speak only the truth and all will be well. Release that within that causes pain not only for you but others as well.”

As soon as she finished reading a humming noise started which was joined by a beeping noise. “What the hell is making that noise,” Kyle asked.

“It sounds just like when we found the orb,” Liz said.

The beeping noise got louder and everyone started looking around for it. Unwittingly the group had gone off into eight different directions with each person being drawn to a certain spot.

“Well it’s about time the lot of you made it here,” a voice said interrupting them. One by one they all looked up and turned to see a cloak figure standing in front of them.

“Who are you,” Max asked.

In response the figure pulled the cloak off and there stood a woman who looked to be in her late 20s with long auburn hair and green eyes. “Let’s just say that I’m a friend and leave it at that. Now we really don’t have time to play twenty questions as time is of the importance here.” She raised her hand and the ground shook a little as it reveal eight metallic stones that surrounded the group in what seemed to be a circle of sorts. With another wave of her hand the stones started to glow and a beam shot out of each. The beams struck the antennae of the radio tower and formed a force field of sorts around them which separated everyone from each other.

Shock at what had just happened they could only stare in disbelief at the shield. Max put his hand out to touch the shield when the woman interrupted him, “I wouldn’t do that if I was you. The shield packs quite a punch so I would think twice before touching it.” He looked at her then back at the shield and dropped his hand.

“So what took you guys so long to get here? I would have thought the clues easy enough for you,” she told them as she walked closer to the shield.

“How did you know all of that? And why do you have us trapped in here? Who sent you here,” Max asked.

“It’s my business as to how I know all of that, and I trapped you in this little shield to help you. As for who sent me well that’s on a need to know basis. Now time is running out and it’s almost midnight so you might want to figure out the last clue there.”

“How do we know that once we figured out the clue that you won’t kill us anyway,” Michael asked.

“Simple. I give you my word that none of you will come to harm if you figure out the riddle and complete it. Once the riddle is complete the shield automatically goes down and all of you are free to go.”

Michael opened his mouth to ask another question when she held up her hand for silence. “Enough of your questions and nice try with the stalling, but you have only ten minutes until it’s midnight. I suggest you get to working on the riddle before it’s too late.”

Everyone looked at each other and nodded in agreement. Liz looked at the paper in her hand and read it again. “It seems to be saying as long as we speak the truth then we’ll be set free,” she told them.

“That sounds simple enough. Do we just say the truth out loud,” Maria asks.

“I guess so,” Liz shrugs.

Maria looked at the beam in front of her and said, “I really don’t want to be out here.” The beam weakened a bit, but it went back to full strength. “Okay so I guess that’s not exactly what it’s looking for, but the truth is what’s going to get the beams to go down,” Max said.

“How about we go around the circle,” Kyle suggested. “Heck I’ll even go first if it gets us out of this thing. Okay let’s see I’m on the wrestling team, I like popcorn, I could really use a drink right now, and um I’m not really sure why we’re out here.” The beams weakened a little bit each time he told the truth, but at the end the beams were back to full strength.

Tess scolded at Kyle and yelled, “Aren’t you ever serious about anything. I mean we have less than ten minutes to get out of this and here you are giving us a rundown on your likes and dislikes. This is not a singles ad, so would you please be serious.”

“I don’t know why the hell I’m in love with you. I mean you could drive a guy to drink,” he yelled at her.

“You’re in love with me? Oh please you sure as hell don’t act like a guy in love. One minute I think everything is great between us and the next minute you’re sleeping with Liz, and then when we finally get back to being friends you ruin it by calling me a home wrecker no less. It’s ironic that I came here thinking that I knew who I was in love with and how everything was going to be so dandy, but instead I find my so-called husband has fallen in love with someone else and then I fall for you of all of people.”

“I didn’t sleep with Liz if you want the truth, and I didn’t mean to imply that you’re a home wrecker either. I was just hurt that you wanted to ride with Evans and seemed to forget about me,” he told her.

She looked at him and he looked back at her and at the same time both said, “I’m sorry.” Suddenly the shield between the two collapsed down and they were standing outside of the circle. The stones that had been holding them in the shield winked once and then turned off. The others looked in shock at seeing their friends freed and everyone started talking at once. “I guess we just tell what’s been bugging us and say we’re sorry and then we’re out of here,” Isabel said.

“It seems like it so I guess we better hurry up. So who’s going next,” Maria asked.

Michael sighed and said, “I guess I can go next. Maria I just want you to know that nothing happened with Courtney and that you’re the only girl for me. My whole life I’ve been on this quest to find my way back home to be with this wonderful family that I had created, but what I didn’t know was that this whole time I had found my home. My home is with you now and forever if you’ll have me.”

“I love you too. I was really hurt by what you did with Courtney, and I know that I nag you and whatnot, but I only do it because it seems like the only way to get you to tell me what you’re thinking. I guess I’m worried we’re going to be like my mom and dad…one minute in love and the next you’re leaving me and never returning. I know one day that you might have to leave and I just want you to know that I’m okay with that because where you go I’m going.”

With that the shield between the two dropped and two more stones winked off leaving the two free of the shield. They quickly embraced each other and gave a quick kiss before pulling apart to stand next to Kyle and Tess. “I guess we’re up next then,” Alex told Isabel who stared at him icily.

“For the past year I’ve gotten the chance to get to know you and love you. Since we’re being honest here I’ve been in love with you for years and earlier when you told me how you felt you scared me. I mean you’re the Elle McPherson of our school and lets face it I’m just a guy who plays bass in a band. I’m not popular, a jock, or rich, but that doesn’t really matter to me. What really matters to me is that you decided to let me in to see the real you… the you that I’ve always known was there. When you asked for space I gave it to you, but the next thing I know you’re dating that geologist guy. One minute you’re telling me you want to be with me and the next you’re with someone else. I can’t keep doing that, and if you want to be with Grant that’s okay. I’ll always be here for you no matter what, but I won’t allow myself to be used. I just can’t do that, but know that I will always be here for you.”

Teary eyed she looked at him and said, “I know that I’ve been giving you mix signals over the past year. It’s not because I don’t love you it’s because I do that I’ve been giving you these mix signals. I mean you’re the first guy to ever look at me not through me. When I first heard that you knew our secret I thought that you would think I was some kind of freak or something, but you were just excited to know more about who we are than even we were. You say I scare you, but the truth is that you scare me. Here’s this great guy who’s smart, kind, talented, and he loves me even though he knows what I am. I mean talking about being scared I was scared shitless, so when we got that message from my mom I seized upon it as an excuse to push you away. I thought things would go back to normal and that I would be safe since I didn’t have to worry that you would break through the rest of my barriers since we took a step back. Instead the more you were gone the more I miserable I was and the more I tried to prove that I wasn’t miserable without you. I don’t want to be with Grant or anyone else. It’s you who I want to be with Alex. I love you and I always will.”

A second later the shield went down around the two of them and he offered his hand to her. With a smile she took his hand and the two moved over to where the others stood. Turning around they looked on at the last two of their group. It was up to Max and Liz to get out of the shield and hopefully whoever this lady that was holding them hostage would leave them alone, but if not then they were prepared to rescue their friends no matter what. Max seeing that everyone was out of the shield turned to Liz. He looked through the light blue shield that separated them and for the first time in months he felt hope. Hope that tonight that everything would be alright and that he and Liz would be reunited. Looking at her he saw the way she was biting her lower lip and he knew that she was nervous. He caught her eyes with his and smiled a smile full of hope and love. “I guess it just the two of us now and there’s not much time left. I know for a fact that you didn’t sleep with Kyle, but a part of me has always known that. I’m not sure what your reason was for that pretense, but I know you wouldn’t have done anything like that without a good reason. I won’t lie and say that what you did didn’t hurt because it did. God for so long I wanted to hate you for what I thought you had did, but I just couldn’t. Something inside of me knew that none of it made sense but you denied it so much that I just let it go. I know you Liz Parker from your head to your toes to your soul and I know that no matter what I’ll always love you. In two minutes it’ll be midnight and the New Year will have begun and I’m hoping that we’ll be ringing it in together.” He held his hand out towards her and said simply, “I love you.”

She had tears in her eyes and she slowly backed away from the shield that separated them. Shaking her head she told him, “I can’t tell you why I pretended to sleep with Kyle. I made a promise and I can’t break it. I’m sorry, but there’s just too much to lose if I break my promise.”

He looked at her in disbelief and his voice rough with emotion, “Liz the only way we’re going to get out of this is tell the truth. You have to tell the truth otherwise we’re all going to die. Whoever you made that wouldn’t want you to die to keep it would they.”

Tears blurring her vision she tried to think of what to say that wouldn’t break her word, but would get them out there. She opened her mouth when all of a sudden she was hit with a wave of intense pain. Her back felt as if it was on fire and as if the fire was taking over her whole body. She fell to the ground in a soundless scream as everyone watched in shock as a blue light shone through her coat and the light formed a symbol that was familiar… it was the v formation of the five planets in the whirlwind galaxy.

“LIZ!!” Everyone screamed her name in horror and shock. A voice interrupted them, “it will only get worst the more she lies. She has denied her soul, body, and heart’s wish instead she has been stubborn to the end. One more minute to midnight and all of your fates will be decided then.”

“Did you do this to her,” Max demanded.

With an eyebrow raised she said amusingly, “nope I didn’t have a hand in this one. The symbol is like when she got the rash last year when the two of you broke up only this is worst because the symbol gives off pain. It reacts to her emotions and well she’s so conflicted about what to do that it’s shocking the hell out of her.”

“How did you know about the rash? Who the hell are you?”

“Again that’s something you don’t need to know, but you only have less than a minute to get that last shield down or I’m afraid I’m going have to kill you all which is a shame since you all seem to be such nice people.”

The others looked at her in disbelief and anger while Max turned back to the shield. Raising a hand he tried to manipulate the shield, but that didn’t work. He glanced at his watch and knew that he didn’t have any time to spare. Making a quick decision he stepped back an inch and ran into the shield which he easily slipped through. The woman feeling stares looked at the others and shrugged, “well so I told a lie. Get over it already.” Ignoring them she turned to watch the scene being played out before her with a mixture of hope and desperation. ‘Come on Max I know you can do this. Too much is riding on this for you to fail now.’

Landing in a heap next to Liz he quickly sat up and grabbed hold of a too still Liz. He pulled her in his arms and pushed her hat off her head and cradles her face in his hands. “Liz you have to look at me for this to work. Please we don’t have much time.” Moaning she opened her eyes and stared at the pleading amber eyes before her. Max seeing her open her eyes he quickly leaned down and kissed her. Soon the flashes overcame both of them and he finally saw the reason why she was so determine to keep her promise. She had made a promise to a future version of him and she broke her heart in the process. Feeling her despair and pain he poured every bit of love he had for her into the connection and soon she was kissing him back with all the love that she had kept hidden for the past few months. Everyone watched in awe as the shield came down around their friends and the eight stones that circled them glowed and a beam from each covered the two left in the circle. The beams formed into one large beam and hit the radio tower antennae and with a crackle the energy went up into the sky forming a “V” formation symbol. Just as quickly as it had formed it had disappeared that fast and the stones shut off again.

Having missed the light show Max and Liz broke their kiss to get some air. He reached over and pushed a strand of hair behind her hair and rested his forehead against hers. She closed her eyes happy that everything had finally come out. ‘I guess the riddle was right. The truth did set us free,’ she thought to herself. “Thank you,” he whispered to her. Looking up at him she said, “I didn’t do anything that the rest of you wouldn’t have done in my place.”

“I think there’s more to you then you let on, but I’m going to enjoy learning more about you,” he told her as he stood up and helped her up too. She just winked at him and the two turned to see their friends smiling at them. Everyone looked at the mysterious woman and saw her smiling at them.

“Congrats! You have passed your test and now you’re free to go. Just remember that as long as you’re truthful with each other then all will be right. May the new year usher in much happiness and joy to the eight of you,” she told them.

Slowly she started to disappear and Liz yelled out quickly, “wait, who are you?”

The woman smiled at her and said, “It doesn’t really matter who I am. Just remember that the eight of you must stay strong and to look for the evil within for your enemies will try to separate you. I wait for the days when I can hold you in my arms again and until that day comes I will continue to look out for you all.” Before anyone could respond she had disappear just like that. The four hybrids looked at each in shock and confusion.

Isabel turned to Max and asked, “Was that our mother?”

“I don’t know, but if it was I think she just gave us her blessings to be happy,” he told her.

The two siblings smiled at each other and everyone smiled at the implication. “Hey if that was your mom then she was pretty young looking. If everyone looks like that up there then I’m ready to be beamed up,” Kyle joked. The girls groaned at the joke while the guys laughed and Tess just patted Kyle on the arm. “What I thought it was funny,” he told her. “Buddha boy we’re so going have a talk about you and your jokes,” she told him.

Max and Michael moved to the circle to check out the stones and looking at them closely they were surprised to see that on each stone was the v formation symbol and underneath that was each individual name and inscription that read, “a love born underneath the stars. May your day be full of love and happiness.” Catching up with the others they showed everyone the inscriptions and passed out each of the stones to their respective owner. The girls ooh and ahh over the stones while the guys looked at the stones curiously. Finally everyone started the walk back to their cars and decided that they would head back to the Valenti’s house to celebrate the night.

*********half an hour later at the Valenti’s house**********

There was bowls of popcorn on the table with soda cans and bottles of Tabasco as well as a couple of boxes of Krispy Kreme donuts. There had been a box of Oreos, but no one could figured out what happened to them although a few people had the sneaky suspicion that Maria had something to do with it. Music flowed out the stereo as the friends enjoyed the rest of the night. Maria and Michael were dancing despite Michael’s grumbling that he didn’t want to. Alex and Isabel were looking out the window at the stars and whispering among themselves. Liz and Max were where they wanted to be…they were on the sofa watching a replay of the ball dropping while snuggled up to each other. While the New Year hadn’t started the way the eight had assumed it would, it had started in a way that none of them could complain about. That night truths had come out and for that they were making new bonds that night that would last them forever.

Elsewhere up in a place far, far away a woman looked in a crystal ball of sorts and smiled happily at the sight before her. ‘Hmm maybe I can visit again soon if they have a need of me. For now they have form stronger ties with each other and Khivar will have a hard time trying to destroy them when he decides to make a move.’ Picking up a crystal glass next to her she tipped it in a silent toast at the ball and said, “Salut my children, until next time we meet.”