Never Tear Us Apart (Double Vision sequel) - M/L and others adult - Chapter 10 (6/22/2020)

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Re: Never Tear Us Apart (Double Vision sequel) - M/L and others adult - Chapter 7 (3/8/2020)

Post by keepsmiling7 »

We now know the story of the Elizabeth name......
The family history is interesting, and the reason for adoption.
Wow......Isabel's clone......
Thanks for the update.
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Re: Never Tear Us Apart (Double Vision sequel) - M/L and others adult - Chapter 7 (3/8/2020)

Post by Parker1947 »

A unique story. I am enjoying. Good job.
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Re: Never Tear Us Apart (Double Vision sequel) - M/L and others adult - Chapter 8 (5/9/2020)

Post by RoswellFan68 »

Chapter Eight

“Maria, I know this comes as a shock to you, but I need to explain a few thinks to Jack and Abigail. Jack, Abigail there was nothing you could have done. You were already selected. Many years ago, Zan’s grandfather, Zantar, explored the earth. You Jack were a descendant his grandfather. Zantar bonded with a human woman. You were a legitimate heir to the Antarian throne. If you would have left Roswell, we would have located you. Since you wanted Abigail as your mate, she was always going to be taken.”

“What?” This was the only thing that Jack could get out. He had always blamed himself. He had always thought if they had gone east to see family they would have been spared.

“Antarian and humans are genetically very similar. Antarian brains are more developed, that is where the abilities come from. You need to understand for the cloning process to be successful Zan’s human donor needed to be someone of royal blood. In 1940, I arrived on earth and started going through human records to find a male descendant of Zantar. Everyone knew the name of his human love that he took as a mate. He stayed on earth until his son was born. He was going to give up the throne to stay on earth. But the great creator had other ideas. His mate died a year later, and her sister and husband agreed to raise the child has her own. Zantar had feared his people would not accept the child without his human mother, to prove that the bond had occurred. He felt the child would be safer on earth with his human family. He put a block on the child’s abilities so it and his descendants could live ordinary human lives. I was able to find Jack in this line. Your grandfather, Alexander Conway, was this child. Zantar returned to Antar and later found an Antarian mate. His son Zandor was born and took the throne on his death.

Everyone else already knows the history of Zan and Ava on Antar but this is for Jack and Abigail’s benefit.

Everything was going well on Antar until Zan was born. Zan was the oldest son of the King Zandor and Queen Vianna of Antar. He had a younger sister, Vilondria. Initially, his father planned to marry his son to a neighboring crown princess, Kyvra. Kyvra’s mother died when she was young, and her father remarried quickly. Kyvra kingdom was not as progressive as Antar. Once a son, Kivar, was born, she lost her title as crown princess. Zan’s father was then in preliminary talks to get Kivar to marry Vilondria. The royal families would be merged through two marriages.

When Zan was younger, Kyvra spent the summer’s with Zan’s family. It was apparent from the beginning that Zan and Kyvra were like oil and water. Zan could barely stand to be in the same room. Kyvra was a spoiled brat. Her father gave her everything she ever wanted, except the throne. From an early age she treated everyone like they were here to please her. Zan was kind and considerate of others. He didn’t have a strong desire to be king, but he would fulfill his duty to his family and people. Kyvra’s father conquered another planet in the system. Antar had always strived to be a peaceful planet. They only defended themselves they didn’t try to conquer other lands although they had the largest army. Zan’s father withdrew from the preliminary marriage agreements for Zan and Kyvra.

Vilondria had also spent time with Kivar and easily fell for his charms. She longed for power and Kivar fed that desire. Growing up Zan and Vilondria didn’t spend much time together and they were not close.

Zan met Ava at the academy. Her stepfather was a former advisor to the king and the head of the academy. His son, Rath, would be Zan’s second when he took the throne. Zan and Ava soon found they had many things in common and they worked well together. Ava had some royal blood on her mother’s side of family from many generations back. It was announced that Prince Zan would marry Lady Ava.

Kyvra loved the idea of being Zan’s bride and queen. She still held on to the dream of marrying Zan. She wanted the power that was denied her with the birth of her brother. She felt like everything she was promised was removed. It didn’t help that her late mother’s brother was feeding into her quest for power.

Basically, Zan and Ava were caught in the middle of two siblings desire for power. Zan and Ava did bond and were expecting their first child. Violandra had planned to kill her brother so her and Kivar could rule both planets. Kyvra wanted Ava dead, so she could marry Zan. Kivar killed Zan. Kyvra killed Ava and Violandra in revenge for Kivar killing Zan. Rath died trying to protect Ava.

Since Jack was a part of the royal family of Antar he was selected for the creation of Zan’s clones. Abigail was selected since Jack wanted her as his mate. I selected Harry because he was Abigail’s brother and was a close friend to Jack. The original plan was to select Lillian since Harry wanted her as his mate but when Jack’s sister was present it made more since to select her with her royal blood line to the throne.”
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Re: Never Tear Us Apart (Double Vision sequel) - M/L and others adult - Chapter 8 (5/9/2020)

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Thank you for the interesting update.
Jack was already selected, so there was no option.
The Antarian history is revealed.
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Re: Never Tear Us Apart (Double Vision sequel) - M/L and others adult - Chapter 9 (5/27/2020)

Post by RoswellFan68 »

Chapter Nine

“Thanks Cal. That answered my question about out all the people on earth why we were taken. Once we were taken, MaryBeth and I were taken to one area of the ship while Jack and Harry were taken to another. They put me in a machine and did something similar to an MRI. I could see the image of my internal organs on a screen. They took a sample of MaryBeth’s blood and a small patch of skin was removed from her outer thigh. She wasn’t in any pain. They did something before they took the sample. MaryBeth and I were left alone for a few minutes. I think to say goodbye. She was removed from the room and I didn’t know what happened to her. I could hear the medical personnel talking. I assumed they were talking about me. Then the leader came over to me and place a hand on my lower abdominal area and this comforting heat emerged.”

“Harry’s treatment was like MaryBeth’s. Once they had tested Harry, we were left alone shortly before Harry was taken from the room. I was left with some clothes. Once I changed in these clothes, I was then led to another room. In the center of the room was inverted cone that glowed all these different colors. I was taken to the front of the cone. My hand was placed on the cone. A few minutes later a glowing symbol came out of my forehead.”

“The royal seal of Antar was transferred to Jack. Our people wanted to make sure that Zan’s clones would be recognized by the granolith.”

“I was then led back to the room. I was given something like a hospital gown, and I had the tissue sample taken from my thigh. Another set of clothing was left for me. I was terrified. I had not seen Abby or my baby sister since the light took us away. I was worried about what kind of medical testing they were doing on Abby and MaryBeth. I was given something so I would sleep. I think I must have slept twelve hours.”

“I want to say this now. I better anyone else in this room understand some of what you went through. Last May, I was taken by the FBI special unit out to Eagle Rock. I didn’t know if I would ever see my family or friends again. I was alone at the facility, but Agent Pierce made me believe that he was torturing the family I left behind. I just want to let you know that I’m sorry for the terror that my people caused you.” Once Max was finished with his comments, Liz gave him comfort.

“Once MaryBeth was taken from my room, I was moved to a different room. It was not sterile medical environment. It was more like a bedroom with a bathroom included. A band was placed on my arm. I think it was monitoring my vitals: temperature, heart rate, blood pressure and sleep. There were plenty of books from earth. There was a chest full of clothes that were my size. It looked like the room was set up especially for me. I was scared to sleep. I didn’t know what they were doing to Jack or Harry. A young girl brought in some tea. I was reluctant to drink it, but she set with me and drank some of the tea to show me it was okay. With the tea I was able to sleep. When I woke up, I thought it all was a dream but when I saw my nightgown in the strange material. I found a table full of food. All the food were items you would find on earth. After I had something to eat, I was given another hospital gown and once again went into the MRI machine. I could see the difference in my internal organs. The scar tissue was gone. I was no longer infertile. I was let back to my room.

I had a very similar routine each day. I would wake up to find breakfast in my room. There was always a drink that tasted nothing like anything on earth. I believe it contained vitamins. Someone would come in an hour after I woke and would clear the items away. I would read one of the books to pass the time away. On the second day, I found a journal and pen. I was able to write down my thoughts and feelings. A few hours later, lunch would be brought to my room. A few hours later, someone would come and clear everything away. When I was getting hungry again, a dinner was brought in. I believe that the medical monitoring device let them know when I wanted food. There was always plenty of water for me to drink. They never treated me bad. I was always given my privacy. Even during the medical exams, the only time I was touched was when I was healed that first night. I was still going out of my mind with worry about the others though.”

“I was in the same situation as Abby. I also was wearing medical band. They always seemed to know when I needed food. I had plenty of books to read to keep my mind busy. My thoughts were always on Abby and the others. When anyone would come into the room, they always bowed to me. They never spoke to each other in my presence. Like Abby, it appeared that they had studied me. Some of the same books that I enjoyed on earth were in my room. There were a few that surprised me. I also found paper and a pen. I started writing letters to my family, friends and especially Abby. I didn’t know if I would ever see anyone again. I was mad and frustrated with the situation. I took it out on the people who brought me my food a few times. Everyone was very restrained no one fought back with me.”

“How long was it before you were reunited? I only had a few days when Zan and I were separated when I thought he was murdered. Those few days were the longest days of my life. The only thing that got me through was the idea that I had to help Max.”

“Max and I were only separated for about 48 hours last spring between my kidnapping and him being taken by the government. We both risked a lot to help the other. I’m sure you were both frustrated that you couldn’t help the other.”

Abigail was silent for a few minutes as she absorbed what her clones told her. Both Liz and Ava had similar experiences. Jack took in what the young women had been through.

“After the third or fourth day, I was led out of my room to one beside mine. When the door opened, I heard Jack’s voice yelling at our capturers. He fell silent when he realized I was with them. We both ran into each other arms. We both finally knew that the other one was okay. I think we were both silent for several minutes.


“Abby, are you okay? Did they hurt you? Do you know where MaryBeth is?

“Jack I’m fine. They haven’t hurt me physically. I have been going out of my mind with worry though. MaryBeth was present in the medical unit. After they took a skin sample from her, we were given a few minutes alone then she was gone. I haven’t seen her since. They only put me in like a future x-ray machine. It generated a very detailed image of my internal organs. It would be such an aide to medicine if we had that technology. They do have me wearing this band on my arm. I think they are monitoring my vitals. My room is furnished with all my favorite books. They gave me a journal. All the food that they bring me are my favorites. I think they have been watching me for some time. I just don’t know why they would select me. Do you know anything about Harry?”

“Harry was with me in the medical area. They took his skin sample and I haven’t seen him since. They had me dress is some very ornate clothes. I was led to a room with an inverted cone that was glowing. They placed my hand on the cone. Then a bright light with a symbol came out of my forehead. I was then taken back to the medical facility and a skin sample was taken. I have been in this room since then. My room also has all my favorite books. A few of the books were a little shocking. I have the same medical band. I don’t think they are watching me. Everyone that comes in bows before they leave my food. They also bow when they leave the room. It is like they are treating me like I’m something special to them.”

“Jack, I’m worried about our families. I know my parents think the worst about you. I worry about your mom alone while your father is stationed in Europe. I pray that Harry and MaryBeth have been returned safely to earth. What are we going to do?”

“I’m going to do everything in my power to protect you. We are going to do everything they want us to do in hopes that they will return us to earth.”
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Re: Never Tear Us Apart (Double Vision sequel) - M/L and others adult - Chapter 9 (5/27/2020)

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Hope they are able to return to Earth.
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Re: Never Tear Us Apart (Double Vision sequel) - M/L and others adult - Chapter 10 (6/22/2020)

Post by RoswellFan68 »

Chapter Ten

“For the next two days, Abby was brought to my room first thing in the morning. We shared our meals together. We would talk most of the time. We found a deck of cards, so I decided to teach her how to play poker. A few hours after dinner, someone always came and took her back to her room. It made the nights long. I still remember the day she didn’t arrive for breakfast. My worry returned.”

“I was surprised when I didn’t get to share breakfast with Jack. After I finished breakfast, a number of young women arrived in my room. I was led to the bathroom after a bubble bath was started. When exited the tub, I found clothing laid out for me. I was surprised by the lack of undergarments but quickly got dress. After dressing in the long silvery gown, I left the bath and was directed to a chair. One of the women started to curl my hair. Another woman was putting silver bangle bracelets on my wrist. Yet another was putting bangles on my ankles. Once my hair was curled, jewels were placed in my hair. Once they were finished, I was given something different to drink. One of the other women took a small sip to indicate that it was okay. I didn’t know what it was, but it made me feel great. I was energized. I didn’t know it, but Jack was getting similar treatment.”

“First, they shaved my face and cut my hair. Everyone else was cleaned shaven so I didn’t know how to work their version of a razor. I was directed to my bathroom with the tub filled with water. A change of clothing was left in the room for me. I dressed after spending some time in the tub, in a long silver tunic type shirt and baggy black pants. I thought I should do what they wanted so Abby would be returned to me. When I returned to the room, they gave me a drink. I wasn’t sure if I should drink it, but one of the males took a small sip. Like, Abby the drink made we feel incredible. Once I finished the drink, I was led back to the room with inverted glowing cone. The room was set up different this time. The room was filled with candlelight. There was a large bed in the room with many pillows and covered in silk like sheets. There was a large table set up with food.”

“I was taken to this room; this was my first time in the room. I couldn’t believe the inverted cone it was glowing all these amazing colors. Then I finally saw Jack from across the room. I didn’t know what was going on, but I knew some important was about to happen.”


“Abby, you look amazing. You have never looked more beautiful.”

“You look very handsome, yourself. I see they finally let you shave. Do you have any idea why we are here?”

“This was the first room that took me to. I think we are here for another ceremony. I don’t know what it could be.”

“This feels like a wedding to me. Think about it, Jack. The have been letting me stay with you during the day but taking me back to my room at night. They dressed us both up. There is candlelight and a big bed. There is no other furniture in the room other than a table with plenty of food and water for the two of us.”

“How do you feel about this? I have already talked to parents about the possibility of us marrying once you complete high school, but this seems too soon. I don’t want to rush you into anything you are not ready for.”

“Jack, we have no idea if we are ever going to get home. We don’t know what they have planned for us. We need to assume this is going to be our life. If this is a wedding, I want to know what it is like to be loved by you physically. I say we go with the flow. They have not hurt either of us physically.”

“Okay, we will do what they want.”

A beautiful woman with long blonde hair wearing a gold robe entered the room. She had a bright smile on her face as if she was trying to reassure the pair this was a good thing. She walked up in front of the glowing cone and motioned for the pair to follow.

She spoke something in a language they didn’t understand. She motioned for Abigail to place her hand on the inverted cone. “Abby it didn’t hurt me the first night. I think it is fine.” Abigail placed her hand on the inverted cone. The woman then motioned for Jack to do likewise. He also placed his hand on the granolith. Once again, she spoke words they could not comprehend. The inverted cone glowed the most amazing colors. Both of us had the feeling of an ice cream headache. The cone was doing something to their brains. The woman motioned for them to remove their hands.

The woman turned Abigail to face Jack. Then she placed Abigail’s hands into Jack’s without touching Jack. The woman had four long silk ribbons in silver, gold, white and red. She first took the silver silk and wrapped it around their hands still speaking words they didn’t understand. She continued with the three remaining silk strands. Once all four silk ribbons were wrapped around their joined hands she spoke once again. The strands then just disappeared before their eyes. She then placed Abigail’s right hand on the side of Jack’s neck. Again, she motioned for Jack to do the same. She looked at Jack and spoke some words. Jack knew she wanted him to repeat the words. He repeated the words. She did the same with Abigail.

Both of their hands began to glow, the symbol that Jack witnessed projecting from his forehead during the first ceremony appeared after their hands were removed.

After making another statement, she then bowed before the pair. The woman grabbed a jeweler box off the table and handed to Jack. Inside were three rings, an engagement ring, and two matching wedding bands.

There was no doubt in Abigail’s mind after seeing the rings. Jack took the engagement and smaller wedding band. He took Abigail’s left hand. “With this ring, I thee wed.” Abigail took the other wedding band. While placing the ring on Jack’s left hand she said, “With this ring, I thee wed.”

The woman dress in the gold gown had left the room before Abigail finished her pledge to Jack. The couple was left alone in the room.
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Re: Never Tear Us Apart (Double Vision sequel) - M/L and others adult - Chapter 10 (6/22/2020)

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Very special treatment preparing Abby and Jack for his wedding.
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Re: Never Tear Us Apart (Double Vision sequel) - M/L and others adult - Chapter 10 (6/22/2020)

Post by Zanity »

Sounds like they are trying to induce appropriate behavior in order to get a more natural genetic sample for Serena, unless I miss my guess.
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Re: Never Tear Us Apart (Double Vision sequel) - M/L and others adult - Chapter 10 (6/22/2020)

Post by Zanity »

Bump :mrgreen:

I’m missing this
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