Taken (CC ADULT) Chapter 25* Complete* 7/17

Finished Canon/Conventional Couple Fics. These stories pick up from events in the show. All complete stories from the main Canon/CC board will eventually be moved here.

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Location: Trapped in my slashy mind with Max, Kyle, and Michael

Chapter 16

Post by magikhands »

I know it's short but I'll be back next week with more

Chapter 16

Jim Valenti, Michael, Isabel, Maria, Alex, and Kyle stood in the darkness of the shadows. Nearby was the fence that surrounded Roger’s Air Force Base. They sat and waited for the guards to make their rounds. It was the weekend and many of the personnel were gone. Also, Alex had found out that this base had been slowly moving their personnel over to another base as the cutbacks in the military grew.

Not far in the distance, they could see a building, the few windows it had were lit. From the plans that Alex had been able to dig up, this was a building used for medical research. It was the perfect place to hide Max and the girls.

Maria held the laptop as Alex worked. He waited until the guards finished their rounds in the area before nodding to Michael. He approached the fence and held his hand out. When Alex deactivated the fence Michael was able to melt a space big enough that they could pass through. With some fancy reneging, Alex was able to activate the fence again as if it had not been turned off.

Jim led the group toward the building. He warned them about being careful and trying not to make much noise. There may not be a lot of people around but they still had their security system that they had to watch out for. Once inside the building, thanks to Michael unlocking the doors, Alex was able to create some loop footage long enough for them to pass by the cameras in that area.

They slowly trudged through the building, starting at the lower layer and working their way up. As they made it to the third level Michael and Isabel began to sense Max and Tess’s presence. They could practically feel that they were near. Isabel would stop briefly at each door, touching it before moving on. She was searching, calling out with her senses.

“They are here.” She announced stopping the others in their tracks. She reached down to the handle and found it locked. She unlocked it and slowly turned the handle. Opening the door, she revealed their missing loved ones. The group rushed in and they all embraced.

“Michael, get these damn things off of us. We don’t have much time.” Max said looking up at the security camera that was mounted above the door. He knew that once they saw the others, the place would be alerted.

Michael quickly rid Max of his neckband using his powers. The lock was a little difficult but not impossible. Max noticed that Michael was confident and had little trouble controlling his abilities.

When Michael was finished with Max, he went to Tess and pried her from Kyle’s embrace to remove her neckband. He next went to Liz who Maria had gone to but he saw that she didn’t have a neckband and left her alone.

“Uhhh..guys.” Alex called out. “Our time has just run out. We have company coming.” He was looking down at his computer screen then pressing the keys in rapid succession. It was then that an alarm sounded in the distance. The group of aliens and humans gathered around Max, Liz, and Tess, ready to do battle with whoever walked through the room.

Magikhands' Little Roswell Obsessions
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Location: Trapped in my slashy mind with Max, Kyle, and Michael

Chapter 17

Post by magikhands »

Chapter 17

When the neckbands were finally removed from Max and Tess, they felt a sudden rush of power rush through their systems. The group stood united waiting for their enemies to come rushing into the room but the two hybrids began to feel strange. Something didn’t feel right. Their bodies felt overloaded, too much power set free too quickly. The energy that fed their abilities had been suppressed for so long that their human bodies couldn’t handle the sudden release.

Max and Tess broke out in sweat and their bodies began to tremble. They fell to their knees and their faces contorted with pain. Max’s hands glowed an eerie green while Tess’s held a dark purple glow. The glowing slowly traveled up their arms and soon encased their entire body. Liz could feel the pressure that they felt as the raw energy ran through their systems trying to stabilize.

The group took a step back as they watched the changes their friends were going through. No one had a clue as to what was happening but Michael and Isabel felt the discomfort of their fellow hybrids. Liz instinctively stepped between Max and Tess, kneeling down to their level, and took each by a hand. There was a burst of light from her and she jerked and groaned. Kyle kneeled next to Tess and took her hand. Another burst of light and Kyle jerked like Liz but his groan was not as pain filled. The others follow Kyle’s lead when Isabel kneeled beside Kyle and took his hand. Then came Alex, Michael and lastly Maria completing the circle by taking Max’s hand. With each addition there was a burst of light but when Maria was added, there was no pain. Only the feeling of peace.

Jim had looked on fascinated by what he was witnessing and confused, not able to understand what was happening with the eight teens. All he knew was that Tess and Max stopped their strange glowing and they seemed to be looking better.

“A filter.” Michael muttered shaking his head. He felt energized and refreshed despite the weeks of so little sleep and stress.

Liz nodded. “There was too much energy and we were able to filter it until it stabilized.”

The door banged open. John and Steve charged in. The two men abruptly stopped when they realized that the room was full of people. They had only heard the alarm and knew that it had to do with their ‘guests’. They had not bothered to look at the monitors in the other room. They were hoping for a little fun. An excuse to find ways to torment them. The room suddenly seemed small and crowded.

The Tweedle Twins glanced back at the door as it slammed shut behind them. They knew that it was impossible because the door was made to stay open until you physically shut it. They took a couple of steps back toward the closed door never taking their eyes from the group that was standing from their kneeling position.

“The door won’t open. The handle won’t move at all.” John whispered to his comrade after he reached back and tried the handle.

Max stepped forward as the others formed a tight, protective semi-circle behind him. Liz was directly behind Max while Tess was next to her, using her body to halfway shield Liz if it was needed. She refused to let anything happen to Liz and the baby. Not when they were so close to being free.

Max saw the smirks the Tweedle Twins always wore were now gone and he could feel the fear that radiated from their bodies. He saw Steve glance over Max’s shoulder at Tess and his eyes narrowed.

“You will never have your chance with her.” Max said, his voice low and full of anger.

“Oh, shit.” John whispered. He had pushed a button on a small device that was hidden in his hand but nothing happened. That was when he noticed that Max no longer had the neckband on.

The fear was now unmistakable in their eyes. Max’s eyes narrowed on the two bulky men. They thought it was game to push around and torture defenseless teenagers but now, with the neckbands gone, they were in over their heads.

Max’s face was hard and cold. He hated these two men right now more than he ever hated Pierce.

“What’s the matter guys? Don’t you want to join our party?” Max asked in a low voice that held no humor.

Steve and John looked at the others that had gathered behind Max. They avoided direct eye contact with Max, the boy they had tortured for weeks. He stood tall and sturdy before them now. The Tweedle Twins risked a glance at each other, each knowing what the other was going to do.

They moved quickly, both reaching behind their backs and pulled guns that they had stuck there when the alarm had sounded. Shots exited each gun in different directions. In their hurry and a sudden confusion in their mind, they hoped for someone to be hit.

Max had watched the look that crossed their expressions when they glanced at each other and anticipated their move. He was just as quick as the men and threw his shield up so it would surround the group. The bullets bounced harmlessly off the green glow.

When the weapons were emptied, John and Steve stared in shock. Every person in the group was still standing, no one wounded, and surrounded by some strange green glow. Max lowered his shield as the men took another step back, their backs now against the door.

Michael stepped forward and stood next to Max. He raised his hand and their empty guns flew from their hands to clatter loudly on the floor. Max used his powers and threw both men against the wall to his left. They slammed hard against the block wall knocking the wind from them. He walked up to them as they starred up bewildered.

“Max…” Isabel tried to interrupt but he simply held his hand up and silenced her. The others stood by and watched their leader, waiting. They all felt the anger that was raging through Max. The pent up fury that had simmered for weeks.

“That was a mistake.” Max growled watching as the two men tried to get to their feet. He pushed them back down using his powers. These two men had tortured, threatened and intimidated the three of them the entire time they had been here. Steve had hit Tess, not to mention the countless beating that he had received at their hands. Their deeds would not go unpunished.

John watched Max carefully. This was no longer the timid boy that had been brought in. He was no longer scared or hurt. They had no leverage over him but that did not stop John. He didn’t like to lose or to be shamed in any way.

John shook his head. “No. It’s you that has made the mistake.”

John swiftly kicked at Max, catching him behind a leg, causing Max to fall to his knees. John reached to his ankle and pulled a smaller gun that was kept in a holster strapped there. He lifted the gun and aimed it two inches from Max’s head.

“I’ve been waiting weeks to do this.” He said as he pulled the trigger.


Ok, I'm pms-ing and really in the mood to be evil Image
Magikhands' Little Roswell Obsessions
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Obsessed Roswellian
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Location: Trapped in my slashy mind with Max, Kyle, and Michael

Post by magikhands »

Ooh, I love it when Evil Chris comes out to play! Give it to 'em! But save Max for me, 'k?
Scottie...yeah, I like it too cuz she doesn't come out very often. But do you really think I'd harm my Max? :lol: (oh, and check your email for you know what :P )
Shall I treat you like PMS or an Underperforming team mate? The speed with which you post chapter 18 will determine my choice.
Image PMS, please...

OK...I won't let you guys wait any longer...

Chapter 18

The gunshot sounded, echoing through the room. Max’s survival instincts gunned his reflexes. He twisted to one side bringing his hand up as a beam of light flashed from it. The light hit John but not before the bullet did it’s damage. Max had been able to twist out of its path to his head but it landed in his chest, inches from his heart.

“MAX!” Liz screamed as he collapsed to the floor.

Liz felt a hot, sharp pain in her chest as the bullet penetrated his body. The feeling was familiar taking her back to the day Max saved her life from a fatal bullet wound. The pain was unforgettable and would always remain in her soul.

Tess’s body jerked back and she yelped as Max’s pain seared through her body. Kyle was beside her in an instant holding her in his arms. He didn’t know what was wrong; the bullet had come nowhere near her. He looked around in confusion as Liz ran to Max’s fallen body.

Michael closed his distance on Steve, his hand up and glowing. Steve held his hands in the air showing that he had no weapon. His face was pale with fright, sweat pouring from his forehead, and his hands were trembling. He chanced a glance over to his partner in crime and saw a charred mess that resembled a human being. He gasped and tried to slide further away from what was once John. He squeezed his eyes shut while his mouth moved in silent pleading. His eyes shot open and looked down to find a large wet spot in the pants. Steve groan and shut his eyes again.

Michael watched the spot appear and couldn’t help the smile that formed. Satisfied that Steve was no longer a threat he turned a worried glance at Max. Liz had reached him and gathered him into her arms. He didn’t know what to do. He couldn’t heal like Max. Not something like a gunshot wound.

Max’s face turned a shade of gray as blood swiftly gushed from his chest. He closed his eyes feeling weak; his face was etched with pain. Liz placed her hand over his wound putting pressure upon it.

“Don’t do this to me Max. I need you. WE need you.” She sobbed. “I can’t do this on my own. Don’t you dare leave me like this. I can’t raise our son on my own.” Liz’s voice turned to pleading. “Max…please open your eyes. Look at me.”

Max felt the darkness surrounding him, taking hold of him but then he heard her voice. She was crying and it made his heart throb with pain. He hated hurting her. It broke his heart every time the sadness clouded her voice. He swam through the darkness reaching out to her, feeling her come closer.

He slowly opened his eyes that were overcome with pain. He’d felt discomfort when he healed Liz and Kyle but now he saw that it didn’t compare to the real pain that accompanied a gun wound. His eyes immediately locked to a set of large dark ones.

As Liz tearfully gazed into his beautiful, soulful eyes, her hand over his bleeding hole began to glow. She felt the tingling run up her arm that told her she was tapping into her newfound abilities. She kept her eyes locked to Max’s but pictured his body healing itself in her mind. She was amazed at the intensity of her ability but she kept her eyes on his determined to save him.

Slowly his color returned and his rapid breath calmed. “Thanks.” He whispered and gave a shy smile.

Liz hugged him closer to her for a moment, crying in relief before helping him to his feet. He was still a little weak and his legs faltered under him so he leaned on Liz for support.

“Don’t thank me…it’s your son that saved your life.” She whispered in his ear knowing that their son had amplified her abilities somehow.

Taking a deep breath, Max looked toward Steve and stepped toward him.

“No.” Tess said stopping Max. “This one is mine.”

Tess left the safety of Kyle’s warmth and approached the man that was still on the floor trembling with fear. Michael moved over a couple of steps so that she could stand in front of him. Towering over him her eyes swept over what she’d thought just hours ago to be a overbearing threat. But now he was nothing but a simpering weakling. She kneeled.

“I’ve seen how you looked at me. I could feel your eyes watching me. I know how you touched me when I couldn’t fight you off.” Tess said quietly.

Steve shook his head. “Please…” His begging began but stopped when he saw one of the newcomers step forward. Steve could see the blue of his eyes flared with anger and knew that this young man was somehow connected with the one that was in front of him. The girl that had filled his fantasies for weeks. The one who he dreamed of having his way with, her body fighting him while he took his pleasure. Her screams and cries fueling his desire.

“Kyle.” Voicing his name halted Kyle. The tone told him to back off and he did realizing that this was her fight. Once again he was clueless as to what had happened but he stayed and kept his mouth closed but ever watchful of this man.

Tess closed her eyes, not concerned of Steve trying anything with her. She concentrated and his image appeared in her head a second before his screams started. Her eyes opened and she quickly held her hand out, her energy wrapping around him and holding him in place despite his struggles.

Steve’s eyes grew wide and tried to crawl into the wall that was at his back. His fear grew as he watched hundreds of spiders appeared before him and began crawling toward him. He closed his eyes tight and shook his head knowing that it was only a dream…a nightmare. But when he opened them they had ascended to his feet and they were now climbing onto his body. He flinched and felt the lightest touch of their legs on him even though they were on his clothing. It was as if the material was not there and they were touching his bare skin.

Steve tried to rise, to brush them from his body but his limbs would not work. They were stuck, unable to move. More and move spiders covered his body and terror filled his heart. Then he heard it. It was a soft at first but as the spiders got closer to his head and more climbed on him it was louder and the words clear. The words spoke of his evil, of how he was worthless and perverted. They spoke of promised pain and torture. Steve began to scream in fright shaking his head. His body, unable to take the stress shut down and he passed out.

“Is he…?” Kyle asked.

Tess shook her head. She knew that if he survived this night, he would forever have nightmares that would haunt him til he died.

Max came up behind her and wrapped an arm around her shoulder and pulled her to him. She wrapped her arms around his body and hugged him tightly.

“You ok?” He asked, his voice horse.

She nodded and pulled away. She tried to smile and looked to Kyle. “Now I am.”

“Maxwell, I’m all for the sappy reunion but don’t you think it’s time to go. People will be swooping down on us shortly.”

“Yes but there’s one more thing we’ve got to do. Alex…pull up the plans of this building.”

Michael looked at him confused.

“What else is there but to get out of here?” Isabel asked her brother. Surely he wanted to leave this place as much as she did and she hadn’t been kept here for the past few weeks. The entire air of the place sent her hairs standing on end.

“Harper has research on us and we need it. He knew things about us. Things that could tell us who we are.” Max looked at the screen and pointed to a room not far from where they were. “Here.”

“How do you know?” Jim finally spoke up.

“I just do. Let’s go.”

Magikhands' Little Roswell Obsessions
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Post by magikhands »

Oh, and I had all the faith in the world that you wouldn't harm Max. But then again, you did SHOOT him!
Image What can I say? At least I didn't kill him
Hmmm...Image Maybe that's my alternate ending...Just kidding!!!!

Oh, and I thought about hurting Steve where it counts to but if I decide to let him survive...then he'll always remember her whenever those evil thoughts come to mindImage

Thanks for the fb guys. Image
Magikhands' Little Roswell Obsessions
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Chapter 19

Post by magikhands »

Sorry it's taken so long to get this next chapter out. Life has been hectic. My husband has been promoted so I'm having to start packing, put the house on the market, and look for a new one out of town on top of usual stuff. I'm trying to keep up with all me fics at this time but there will be more time between posts. Sorry :( and thanks for being patient

Chapter 19

The entire group quickly walked through the halls again in search for the area Max wanted to go. On the way Max gave the group a quick recap of the information that Harper had shared with him. They had seen no one but the two thugs, Harper, and some medical personnel while tests were being performed on them so they were not sure how many people were roaming the place.

With Alex’s directions they found the room that Max wanted. The alarm had stopped but the door before them was locked. Alex saw that all the doors had locks that were programmed to shutdown when the alarm sounded. Max opened the door using his powers.

The group entered the room and found themselves in a very large office where an entire wall was covered with monitors showing different areas of the base. As the group started roaming around the room Michael was drawn to the monitors that was eye level with a desk. Three showed empty white rooms, the monitors labeled female, male, and human female. That last one had the camera focused on a steel table. The fourth monitor showed the room that they had found Max, Liz, and Tess in.

“What the hell?” Michael asked.

“That’s where they kept us when we were separated.” Tess said coming to stand next to Michael. Maria and Kyle joined them. Kyle face filled with disgust as he looked at the monitor was labeled ‘female’ like Tess had been some lab rat. He said nothing but wrapped his arm around her waist. He felt her lean into him and he wondered what was done to her as someone watched.

“Bastards.” Maria muttered. Michael nodded and pulled her closer to him.

Max had gone across the room to the filing cabinets. He started riffling through all the papers looking for things that pertained to him and the others. Isabel had followed suit and worked on the other cabinet. Liz found some boxes near the door and brought them over.

“Here. Put the stuff you want to take in here. We’ll go through it later.” Liz said trying to get them to hurry along. The hair on the back of her neck was standing and she knew that they were running out of time. They needed to get out of there.

“I see that we have visitors.” A voice sounded from the door.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and turned. Max, Tess, Michael, and Isabel immediately stepped forward, raising their hands, ready to defend their family from the danger that surrounded them. Valenti drew his weapon. Max recognized Harper and he stepped closer to the man.

Harper had been in the medical lab looking at Liz’s latest test results when the alarm sounded. His men had radioed and said they’d take care of the problem thinking it was just a malfunction. They’d had one the day before and it was nothing. After some time when John didn’t check in Harper had tried to contact them with no answer. He made his way back to his office to see what the problem was. Finding a group of people in his office was a surprise.

He eyed Max and saw that his neckband was no longer on his neck. He felt his stomach clench in fear but didn’t let it show. He shifted his eyes to find the female, Tess behind Max, along with his sister Isabel, and…wait, not the other blonde girl, but the other male. Michael. Now, that certainly surprised him.

Harper raised his hands in front of him. “Max. I’m not the bad guy here. I’m just a scientist, like you and Liz.” He said trying to reason with him. Anyone could see that everyone in this group was following Max. He was the leader, their King.

Tess stepped closer to Max. “Keeping people against their will and doing experiments on them is not considered bad? You can get away with it because you say it’s all in the name of science?” Her voice was harsh and unfeeling.

Harper shrugged his shoulders like what Tess said was logical. Max could hear Tess growl and knew that she was about to blast the man. He laid his hand on her outstretched arm and gave a gentle squeeze.

‘Not yet.’

Tess lowered her hand but didn’t take her eyes from Harper or relax her stance.

“You had asked about those that came with me, a King. Well here they are. My sister, my wife, and my General. But what you don’t see here is that those were people of a past life. We are but a part of those people. We are more than that now.”

Max took a step closer to Harper and was pleased when he took a step back, a moment of fear flinching across his eyes.

“Yes, we were sent here to Earth but we didn’t know who we were, where we came from, or even why we were here. We knew we looked like everyone else but we knew that we were different. We knew that we were more than human. We were hatched from a pod not born of a female. We have abilities that others don’t.

“But this is our home. This is the planet that gave us a life to live. We have no other home. We have no agenda, no grand scheme to take control of Earth. We are simply teenagers trying to make it in a sometimes hard world like any other human being.”

Harper shook his head. “You are not human, nor will you ever be completely human. Your child will be like you, an outcast…different. Even as we speak, her body is changing…mutating. Your children will mate with others of us, changing them until all of Earth is corrupted by you.” He said looking toward Liz.

Max could feel the others surprise as Liz’s condition was said aloud. With so much going on, they’d yet to tell the rest of them that Liz carried his child.

“I think you’re associated with the wrong group of people man.” Kyle scoffed once he got over his reaction that Liz was pregnant.

“Kyle.” Max hissed.

“What?” He looked around at the others confused. Isabel just shook her head.

“Max saved my life. He helped create the life developing inside of me. Yes, he’s got different cells from me and yes, he may be changing me, but he has more compassion and is more human than you could ever dream of being.” Liz said, her eyes harshly observing her captor.

“And what would have happened when all your research was done Dr. Harper?” Max asked. “After you got all the information that you needed from us? After you broke us down, slowly killing us with your treatments and torture? After you took my son from her womb and ran test after test on him? Would you have tried to get Tess pregnant? Then take her child? Would you kill us when you were done?”

Harper said nothing in defense to Max’s questions. He had thought about that once and yes, he would kill them. He felt no sorrow or pain at the thought of them dying. They were aliens, a threat to Earth.

Harper’s silence answered those questions that Max had asked. “This is part of my family Dr. Harper. These people have risked their lives to come for us. To save us from you. They care about us, and love us for who we are. They are human and know what we are yet they still love us. We also have parents Dr. Harper. Parents that have raised us and loved us like any other child. Tell me…what gives you the right to take that life from us? To prevent giving a life full of security and love to our children? We hurt like you, we have pain, we love, where is it that we are so different from a normal human?

Harper looked at Max. His words were logical and he no longer saw a frightened boy in front of him but a man. His eyes looked at the group that stood behind. He had files on every one of them, knew who they were. Some like the male, others human.

“Do you really think that you could ever really live normal lives? Look at what you are. If we found out about you, what makes you think others won’t find out about you and want you dead?”

“We will take that chance.” Liz answered.

“No, I can’t let you do that.” With lightening speed, Harper withdrew a gun that was in his pocket and aimed it at Max.

“No!” Max shouted as he felt Michael, Isabel, and Tess prepare to fire at him. He had seen the man’s hand moving in his pocket and knew what he was going to do.

“I can’t let any of you leave here.”

“You know that this will end badly for you Dr. Harper. You know that we can stop you.” Max’s voice was very calm.

“I can’t let the heir be born. I can’t let you change any others.” He turned his gun on Liz who had moved to stand next to Max. Despite her small size, he saw that she seemed to stand taller and straighter next to the male. She held a new confidence about her. She raised her hand like the others had done, her other arm linking in the male’s arm. He could see now that she was never the weakest link that he once thought she’d be. She was in fact the key to it all.

“You will not harm me or my child.” Liz’s voice was as calm as Max’s. “My family will walk out of here unharmed and we will live the lives that we are due.” Her hand began to glow amber. Harper’s eyes grew wide with astonishment. Could she have powers like the others? How could they not have known? Yes, her cell structure was showing signs of slight changes, but enough to give her the ability of the others?

Harper tightened his grip on the handgun and pulled the trigger at the same moment a flash shot from her hand.

Max watched as his world spun in slow motion. He felt strangely calm as the scene ran its course. He’d seen this before, in a dream, he knew how it would play out and he was filled with peace. Max watched the bullet come out of the gun but it hit the amber stream of energy only to disintegrate before reaching Liz keeping her safe from harm. The stream continued on its path and hit Harper in the chest. He flew back toward the doorway, dead before his body hit the floor.

“He will never hurt anyone again.” She said barely audible.

Max wrapped his arms around her, holding her close. Her body was trembling and she put much of her weight into him. She had taken a life. He knew that she had no other choice. She would do anything to protect her child and family. He let his understanding and love flow into her. If she had not done this, it would be her lying on the floor dead along with their child.

Taking several deep breaths and pulling away from Max, Liz turned to the others. The room was silent as they looked toward the unmoving body. They were stunned by her actions.

“Let’s gather all of this and get out of here.” Her voice held a tone of authority. The others nodded and began getting the things that Max wanted to take. Tess took a moment and locked eyes. She nodded to Liz then turned to help. Tess was pleased that Liz had taken her rightful place next to Max. A strong Queen for their King.

“I want to go home.” Liz said quietly to Max as he embraced her again.

“Home sounds really good right now.”

Magikhands' Little Roswell Obsessions
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Obsessed Roswellian
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Chapter 20

Post by magikhands »

Hi guys...sorry it's been so long but if you are reading any of my other fics you know that I'm house hunting and packing along with RL crap. I know that this part is not very long but I've decided to break up the long chapter since I changed the beginning. I realized that I never settled the part about Peterson and what happened to him so here it goes. Also thanks for being patient. Image

Chapter 20

After getting as many files as they could safely carry Alex activated the fire alarm that gave any personnel that were still in the building a chance to get to safety. A man rushed into the office right before they were to leave and stumbled over Harper’s body.

The man looked up and found Max and the others looking down at him. They all saw the fear and shock that he expressed.

“How…? But…Please…” He began to beg as he tried to back up only to stumble over the dead body again.

“You helped him didn’t you?” Max asked looking the man in the eyes.

“Please…I didn’t want to…he…” The man began to sob, “He said…” His eyes shifted to Tess and Liz and saw the same hard look.

“What are we going to do with him Max?” Michael asked. “He knows about us. He works for the government. We can’t allow him to let others know.”

“I won’t tell. I swear. Please let me go.” Peterson begged for his life.

“Max…he helped them do…those things to us. How can we possibly trust him after what he was involved in?” Tess said getting close to Max but keeping her eyes on Peterson.

“But you can’t kill him in cold blood.” Maria pointed out.

“Max…” Michael started but Max held up his hand. He didn’t know what to do. They were turning to him expecting him to do what was right, to be their leader but he saw that there was no right way. This man had helped keep them captive, he helped experiment on them, he knew who they were, what they were. John tried to kill him, Harper was trying the same…their deaths were a way of self-defense. This man, Peterson, his lab coat read, was not threatening them in any way. He was afraid of them.

“Give me that chair.” Max ordered Kyle as he reached down and yanked the man up then sat him down in the chair Kyle had pushed over.

“Please…don’t kill me. I was just doing my job…” Peterson whimpered, tears flowing down his cheeks and snot running from his nose.

“Rope.” Max held out his hand and Valenti gave him the rope that they had found earlier in a box. Max tied the man’s hands behind him to the chair but not tightly.

“Tess…wipe his memory clean of us but not what I’m about to tell him.” Tess gave him a glare but then she could feel his conflict and her expression softened. Max was not a killer; he only did so to protect them.

Max stayed behind Peterson and leaned down so that he could speak into his ear. “Listen to me Peterson. Once we leave this room, you will have about 10 minutes to get lose and run. Get out of here. If you do not, then you will be destroyed along with the rest of this place.” Max stood and nodded. Tess placed her hand on Peterson’s head and closed her eyes, her brows scrunching together as she probed his mind searching for any memories of them or their information. He will have large gasp of time missing but at least he will be alive…maybe.

Tess opened her eyes and her knees buckled but Kyle was there to catch her and wrapped an arm around her waist. “Easy does it.” He said softly as he helped her out of the building.

The group of eight teenagers and one adult stood just outside of the fence that surrounded the abandoned base. Together the teenagers held hands with the person next to them and a crackling could be felt in the air, much like it does right before a lightening storm. Valenti watched over his charges as they all closed their eyes and seemed to concentrate. He could feel the hair on the back of his neck stand up and he knew that somehow they were making some sort of energy.

Valenti jumped as the first explosion occurred in the building. It was loud and followed by a serious of booms and fire igniting the roof. He watched as the fire burned brightly in the night, brighter than any fire he’d ever seen burn and he knew that the temperatures were intense so that all evidence of Max, Liz, and Tess were destroyed, especially in the back where they were held.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

Jim made sure that the eight young people were safe at Michael’s for the night before heading to his office to get some work done. After all he had seen tonight there was no way he would be able to get some sleep. He was also sure that he would be receiving a call from the military asking for some help on any information that he or his department would have on what had happened earlier tonight. He would of course feign ignorance and appease the government the best he could.

He also knew that the kids would need some time together to discuss things. He didn’t know what had happened earlier but he felt as if they were all…together somehow, Kyle forever tied to them. Which really didn’t bother him so much. Max and the others were good kids. They were strong and supportive of each other, just the type of friends that Jim always wanted for his son.

Jim also had to find a way to explain Max and Liz’s six-week absence. He’d tried to comfort the Parkers and Evans during the time that the two were gone. He’d checked all possible leads and kept them as informed as possible. Their panicked behavior was quite normal. He would have acted the same if Kyle had just disappeared one day without a trace or hint. He hated lying to them but they did not know about Max’s origins nor would they have understood at the time.

Being the only adult in the group, he had decided to be their protector since the day he learned the truth. He felt as if they were his responsibility. Tonight, he was there more as an advisor and observer. Someone they could turn to if they needed more help. He knew that he couldn’t compare to their powers but he knew he could make a difference and shift their chances.

He felt a little remorse when he thought of Tess. She’d been missing with Max and Liz but no one but those in this group noticed or cared. Nesado had died months earlier at the hands of the Skins but he was never a true father to her. Anyone could see that. He was an emotionless being that knew nothing of kindness or love. One thing that Nesado did correct was leaving everything to Tess, the house and a bank account as a means to support herself for a while.

Jim sighed as he pulled into the parking lot and parked his vehicle in his spot. He and Kyle have spoken in depth about Tess since she’d disappeared. He knew his son’s feelings for her and from what he witnessed tonight, he knew that Kyle would not let her live alone again. Jim knew that he would soon have another child to look after under his roof.

Magikhands' Little Roswell Obsessions
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Obsessed Roswellian
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Location: Trapped in my slashy mind with Max, Kyle, and Michael

Chapter 21

Post by magikhands »

Thanks guys for the feedback and welcome new readers. :) Still house hunting :? and I'm really starting to hate driving two hours away to look at houses but I'm hoping that we find one soon.

Anyway...here's another part I managed to get through with today. And SaraWhitman, this is taking place after Destiny, during the summer, Liz didn't go away to Florida and she and Max patched things up.

Chapter 21

Max sat on Michael’s couch with Tess on his left and Liz on his right. He felt them both clinging to him. Liz physically, Tess mentally. Kyle was sitting on Tess’s other side on the arm but he still felt her uncertainty. He understood their need. The relief that they were once again safe had yet to sink into their subconscious. They felt as edgy and jumpy as he did. Things that were once familiar now felt unfamiliar.

Max was stunned by what Michael had just told them. They had been gone for six weeks. Their time at the base had been confusing, never knowing if it were day or night and they easily lost track of time. But six weeks? He turned and looked at Liz who had her free hand on her stomach that was still flat. He couldn’t believe that his son was conceived six weeks ago.

Luckily it was summer, even if they had missed most of it, missing school was one less thing to worry about. However, tomorrow they would have to face their parents and try to explain why they were gone. Max didn’t have a clue what to tell them. He couldn’t just say, ‘Sorry Mom…Dad. I was kidnapped by the government…again.’ Then he had to worry if he would even see his son born once Mr. Parker learns of Liz’s condition.

Knocking himself out of his thoughts, Max looked around the room. He was surrounded by those that love and care for him. It felt good to see their faces and hear their voices.

‘Shit…where do I even begin?’ Max thought as he rubbed the bridge of his nose.

“What the hell Maxwell?” Michael asked.

Max looked up at five shocked expressions. ‘Oh, oops. Forgot about that.’ He smiled realizing that the others had heard him.

“A new power we tapped into.” Tess explained.

Isabel recovered first. “So we can all do that?”

“We should.” Max nodded.

‘Even me?’ Maria’s voice projected through everyone’s minds.

“Wow…yes, even you.” Alex answered.

Suddenly chatter filled everyone’s minds as questions were asked. Tess easily blocked them out, having practiced with it when Max and Liz were together. She looked to Kyle. He was still and she heard nothing from him as he seemed to stare out in space.

“Kyle?” Tess softly called his name. He turned his head to her and she could not read his expression. “Are you alright?”

“That man was right, wasn’t he? Max changed Liz by healing her.”

Tess nodded.

“Max healed me… I guess that means that I’m changing also. Becoming like you.”

Fear filled Tess. Kyle’s voice was flat, emotionless like he was reading off stats to a game. Then she realized that it wasn’t just her own fear that filled her, but his as well. She suddenly knew how he was feeling, what he was scared of. She reached out a hand and touched his hoping he wouldn’t jerk it away. He didn’t.

“Yes, you are but…” How was she going to explain all of this?

Liz was up and kneeling in front of where Kyle sat and Tess realized that the room and her mind had fallen silent as everyone watched her and Kyle.

“It’s scary, I know Kyle.” Liz said placing her hand on his knee. “But even if you hadn’t gotten shot and Max hadn’t healed you, you would have still changed like Maria and Alex are. Something happened back there at the base. We connected, the eight of us. We have somehow bonded and are now a family.

“Look inside and you’ll see the truth. You were falling for Tess before any of this happened. You liked her before you found out aliens walked among you. You were attracted to her, drawn to her more so after you found out who she really was. You accepted her for who and what she was without condition. It may freak you out some of the things that she is able to do. It freaks us all out sometimes, but that’s part of what you like about her.” Liz said, knowing her words made it clear to the others about what was happening with them.

She knew that Maria and Alex were uncertain about the changes that were happening to them. She felt it but they had enough love for Michael and Isabel to accept it, just as Kyle did. Kyle lifted his eyes to meet Liz’s and he slowly nodded.

“You chose her Kyle. Tess can only be with someone who chooses her, who accepts everything about her.”

Kyle turned and looked into Tess’s eyes. Liz’s words felt right. He had been drawn to Tess since she came to town. There was something about her that attracted him to her.

“I’m sorry.” He said as he reached out and cupped Tess’s cheek. “I was just…”

“Scared. I know. So am I.” She said. “Remember, I’m the emotionally impaired one of the group.” She tried to smile to ease the guilt that he felt.

“Uh, no…Michael’s got you beat on that one.” Maria said. Everyone, including Michael, laughed in agreement.

“I think there is another issue that must be addressed.” Alex offered once everyone quieted down. “I believe Max and Liz has some explaining to do concerning their upcoming arrival.”

“Oh my god!!!!!” Maria squealed and jumped up embracing Liz. “I totally forgot about that.”

Alex joined his two long time friends in the embrace. Kyle timidly rose and joined the three. He was still a little in shock but he could sense the happiness in Max and Liz and couldn’t help but respond to it.

“Are you alright? Will this pregnancy be normal? Is there a risk to carrying an alien’s child?” Maria fired questions at Liz when they finally broke apart. Her concerned warmed Liz’s heart.

“I’m fine. Really I am. I’ve been checked and rechecked and according to them medical team at the base all is well. Well, as normal, as possible when I’ve been healed by a gorgeous alien King who impregnates me with his child.” She tried to make light of their concern but their expressions didn’t change. “Guys…don’t worry. I’m fine. My child is fine.”

Max cleared his throat drawing Liz’s attention. “Don’t you mean our child?”

Liz smiled and went over to him placing a light kiss on his lips. “Yes, our child.”

“Um…how did that happen?” Isabel asked.

Everyone turned and looked at her, mouths open. “Well, Isabel, if we have to explain the birds and the bees to you…” Alex started wiggling his eyebrows.

“That’s not what I’m asking.” Isabel blushed. “I meant, didn’t you two…you know, use protection?” She hated even thinking about her brother’s sex life but if she was to have an inkling of a relationship with Alex then she wanted to make sure that she didn’t end up in the same situation. Her parents had enough to freak about.

With some reluctance Max explained to the others how it came to be that Liz became pregnant. He left out the specific intimate details but still blushed and stumbled over his words as he explained about he ritual that allowed him and Liz to be together.

He saw Isabel glace over at Michael and the fear the laced her expression. Michael’s look mirrored Isabel’s. He quickly explained what he had learned from his dreams. Because Isabel and Michael had not yet married and bonded in their former lives, this ritual did not hold true to them. Four people sighed in relief. But now Michael understood the flashes that he received in Tess’s bedroom.

Kyle looked over to where Tess still sat next to Max. When their eyes met, she looked away, a blush forming on her cheeks. She had seen his expression and knew that he was thinking about what she’d done with Liz and Max. She wanted to feel shame but what had happened was for a reason. It was who they were and what needed to be done. She mostly felt guilt. She still couldn’t believe that she’d done that with Max and Liz. It was like a dream, most of it a little blurry like someone else was controlling her.

Anger filled Kyle. He hated the thought of Max being with Tess. That Max had touched her so intimately. He then felt like he was only second best. Max had taken Liz from him and now Tess despite the fact that she’d come to Roswell under Nesado’s guidance to be with Max. But his anger simmered when he realized that Max had taken both of the girl’s virginity in the same night. His hands balled into fists at his side and it took much of his control not to punch Max.

Then a strong feeling of guilt and hurt came over Kyle. It was so intense it brought him to his knees and all of his anger disappeared.

“Tess.” He whispered feeling a pain in his body. His chest tightened and he felt as if his heart was being torn apart.

Tess moved from the couch and dropped down next to Kyle. She wrapped her arms around him and cradled him against her body.

“I’m so sorry Kyle. I never meant to hurt you.” She said, tears falling from her eyes. She’d seen his hurt look that had flashed in his beautiful eyes and it tore at her heart. It made her ache inside that she’d caused him emotional pain by what she did.

Kyle felt a hand on his shoulder and looked up. Max and Liz knelt beside them and it was Max’s hand that was on his shoulder. He wanted to jerk away from his touch and scream his frustrations. He still wanted to punch him but Tess’s arms tightened around him, giving him a strange comforting sensation.

‘Kyle…I may have had sex with Max but I’m still intact. I’m still completely yours.’

Kyle’s head turned to Tess confusion filling his expression, Max completely forgotten. ‘What? How…?’

‘After the ritual was complete, my body healed and undid what happened. Kyle, you have to understand, in order for me to be with you, we had to do this. He took nothing from you. He could never take me from you. I love you Kyle.’ Tess admitted.

“That is…” Kyle started aloud.

“Impossible…but true.” Tess said. She could feel Kyle’s emotions so strong that they almost overwhelmed her. She lifted her eyes to Max and Liz not knowing what else to do.

Before anything else could come up Max explained what the dreams told him about their relationships and how they can only reproduce with their chosen mate.

“The four square is no longer only the four of us.” Max announces. “Our destinies consist of more.”

“I thought we were over all that destiny crap Maxwell.” Michael states sliding closer to Maria. He was not about to go back into all of that when he’s gotten Maria back.

“Apparently we are drawn to our mates. Those that are compatible for us to…reproduce. Kyle has felt it with Tess. Maria…though you and Michael fight like cats and dogs, you are drawn to him.” Maria looked at Michael and reluctantly nodded.

“Our mates have to chose us. Our genetic encoding prevents us from mating with each other. We have to achieve a certain level of connection with the human who we are to be with. Only then can we attain total fulfillment in our lives.”

“Ok, so Liz obviously chose you. And Maria is with Michael.” Isabel said looking at the two who were now embraced in each other’s arms. “And Kyle…well, it’s obvious that he wants to be with Tess. But what about me?”

Everyone one looked at her with wide eyes. “Uh, hello? Are you really that cold to your own feelings Isabel?” Maria asked. She saw the confusion on Isabel’s face and continued. “Even little ol’ human me can feel you way over here. You’re hot for a certain geeky guitar playing boy.”

“She’s right Izzy.” Michael said. “I’ve been feeling those vibes from you since Alex learned the truth and started hanging around us.”

Isabel’s cheeks reddened and she shyly looked over at Alex. As soon as their eyes met the connection the two had started slowly forming burst into life. She felt the love and desire that he held for her. Her breath was taken away by its intensity.

Alex walked over and wrapped his arms around her. He lightly gave her a kiss and she sighed, leaning into him. She finally felt at home. The others in the room felt it also and smiled at one another.

Max turned back to Kyle. There was still one thing left to do before they could call it a night. All other questions can wait until later.

“Kyle.” He gained Kyle’s attention. “You and I have not always gotten along and butted heads many times but I like to think that we are past all of that now. You are one of us. Family. I also like to think that we can become friends. I trust you. You’ve proven your loyalty several times.”

Max paused and looked to Tess and smiled. “Tess is a special woman. She deserves to be treated with love and respect. The things that she never received growing up in this life.” Kyle nodded and looked at Tess smiling.

“You are a lucky guy to be with someone like her. She’s full of love and compassion that I think you can bring out of her. I think she needs a human to teach her how to deal with her emotions and to love her no matter what comes. You will also start developing your own powers and who better to help you learn to control them than your mate?”

Kyle’s smile sobered as a thought occurred to him. “Um, Max? Do we…um…you know, have to do that ritual too?” Kyle blushed, not wanting to picture Max, Tess and him in bed together.

Max chuckled seeing Kyle’s embarrassment. He shook his head and reassured Kyle. “No. When Tess released me to Liz, I did the same for her but…”

Kyle’s expression showed a little terror as thoughts of other rituals entered his mind.

“As her King, I will not completely release her until you promise to love and protect her always.”

“Max. I promise to protect her with my life and love her with all my soul.” Kyle’s sincerity was felt throughout the room. With Tess’s disappearance, he’d had plenty of time to think about what Tess meant to him and how he felt about her.

Max nodded. He leaned over and kissed Tess on the forehead. She smiled at him before kissing Kyle. It was soft and tender but it screamed the love they felt for one another.

“Well, with all of that out of the way, I’m tired. Let’s get some rest.” Maria announced. She was eager to sleep in Michael’s arms.

Michael turned to Max. “You and Liz take my room. We’ll all crash out here. Isabel and Maria brought over plenty of blankets.”

“Are you sure?” Max asked.

Michael looked around the group and they all nodded their agreement. “Yeah, go ahead. I think the two of you deserve some privacy tonight.”

“It may be your last.” Kyle gave a little chuckle but Maria reached out and slapped him on the back of his head.

“Don’t listen to him. Everything will be fine.” Maria smiled.

Max helped Liz up off the floor but he had to wonder if he’d see another day after confronting Liz’s father tomorrow.

Magikhands' Little Roswell Obsessions
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Obsessed Roswellian
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Location: Trapped in my slashy mind with Max, Kyle, and Michael

Chapter 22

Post by magikhands »

Michelle in Yonkers wrote:I wonder if Kyle -- or Max -- has thought of this: Did Max take Tess's virginity, or did she take his? It was just as unfair to Max. He wanted Liz to be his first and only, but had no choice but to be taken by Tess first. And his first time with Liz -- "taking" her virginity --- was while they were both being controlled like puppets.
That is quite insightful Michelle, but then again you always are *hug* That's an interesting view that even I didn't think of when I wrote this. I just figure Max knew why it happened and as long as he was with Liz, nothing else mattered. He was her first technically...you know, the male ego thing. :wink: Which is why Kyle got upset by it all. Max has a habit of 'taking' things from him. But let's just be thankful I didn't turn this thing into a slash fic or else Max would be taking something else from Kyle :lol:
Ohh...ya'll really want to see Jeff explode, don't you? Well, you'll have to wait one more part :twisted:

Chapter 22

Isabel waited for Liz to go the bathroom before entering Michael’s room. She sat next to Max on the bed.

“Are you really ok?” She asked hoping that her brother would be truthful with her.

Max looked at her then down at his hands that lay in his lap. “I don’t know.” He sighed. “There’s so much I’ve found out about us, so many questions answered but still I feel confused as to who I am. Am I Max Evans or Zan, King of Antar?”

“You were made from Zan’s DNA but you are Max Evans. Son of Philip and Diane Evans. We are not those people but they are a part of us. We can’t deny that just like we can’t deny the fact that we are alien hybrids.”

“I know. It’s just we’ve waited for so long for answers and now…well, it’s just strange really when you think about it.”

Isabel nodded understanding. Max had told them earlier about some of the things that he’d learned in his dreams. Like he said, it answered many of their questions but she had yet to grasp it all.

“I want to tell Mom and Dad.” Max said breaking the silence that had settled over them.

“What?” Isabel asked feeling her stomach do a flip.

“Six weeks have been taken from us. Liz is pregnant with my child. There is no believable story we can tell them. We don’t even know how long Liz will carry our son. It could be two months or 10 months. Our parents are going to notice something not right and they are going to want her to go to the doctor.”

Isabel tried to contain her nervousness that mixed with joy and relief. She’s bugged Max for years to tell their parents but he and Michael always said no. She knew Max’s biggest fear was they would turn away from them in repulsion and if she admitted it to herself, she feared it to. But she was close to her mother and hated keeping this secret from them. It had been so hard for her. Max, he had always been a little withdrawn, always careful of what he did once they figured out they were different. In fact, Isabel had been very surprised that Max had risked their exposure to save Liz. But then again, it was Liz Parker, the girl Max had pined over for years.

“Will you come with Liz and I to tell them? Valenti is calling them tonight and we will all meet at the Parker’s.”

“Are you really sure about this Max? For years we’ve argued about telling them.”

“No, I’m not but we don’t have a choice. I don’t want my son’s life in jeopardy because of my fear. I’ve already been captured by the government twice. If Mom and Dad and the Parkers prove me wrong in my trust, then we have no choice but to run. Liz will have my son. And I will do anything in my power to keep them safe. I will not allow my son to go through what I have.”

Isabel wrapped her arm around her brother and pulled him close. It reminded her of the times when they were little, before meeting Michael, when they would cry knowing that someone was missing. At that moment, Isabel realized that it wasn’t just one person, but an entire family missing.

“I’ll go with you. Don’t worry, everything will work out. Mom and Dad love us. Now, I can’t guarantee Mr. Parker’s actions. I’ll be surprised if you live past noon.” Isabel finished with a chuckle.

Max groaned. “Don’t remind me. Make sure Michael gets my computer if something is to happen to me.” Isabel smiled at the humor that tinted his voice sounding almost like the old Max. “Isabel…are you ok?” His serious tone was back. “I mean you’ve seen a lot of crazy things that have been floating around inside of here.” He tapped his skull. “It’s scary for me, I can’t imagine how you are handling it.”

Isabel withdrew her arm from around Max and took his hand in hers. She sat there for a moment, her gaze staying on their clasped fingers. Max almost thought that she wouldn’t answer him.

“I have you back with me. That’s all that matters Max.” She sighed and lifted her eyes to meet his. He could see them shining with unshed tears. “We’ve always been together. You and me. I can’t imagine not having you around. If I have to endure some nightmares to make sure you are safe then so be it. I can handle it. Just don’t shut me out. When we have nightmares, let’s promise to always talk to each other about them instead of locking them inside.”

“I promise Izzy.” Max squeezed her hand.

“You know, Alex’s career assessment said that he’d be good in the field of psychology.” Isabel pulled away and smiled at Max. “Maybe we could get him to agree to be the ‘I know an alien’ therapist. Then we can all unload on him.”

Max chuckled as he pictured himself lying on a couch telling Alex about all his problems and dreams while he sat busily jotting down notes and nodding his head.

“Hmmm…that’s an idea Izzy. But who’s going to council Alex once he hears all of our problems?”

“Oh, don’t worry about Alex. He’ll have his own therapy sessions.” Isabel smiled.

Max shivered. “I really didn’t want to know that.”

“Oh, like Michael wanted to get flashes of you, Tess, and Liz having sex.” She countered.

Max blushed. “Oh, well that…was for a reason.”

Isabel laughed at her brother’s sudden discomfort. She rose and kissed him on the cheek. “Night Max.”

“Good night Isabel.” Max said as she left the room and Liz entered it.

Liz had witnessed some of the touching scene between brother and sister from the doorway. She’d always wished that she had a brother or sister to share such intimate things with but then when she thought about it, she, Maria, and Alex had shared moments like that as they’d grown up. Aside from having no blood relation, they were her siblings but now she had a larger family and she couldn’t be happier.

Liz’s hand went to her stomach as she sat next to Max. She was so proud of his courage. She knew the Evans’ would never turn their backs on their children. They had found them wandering in the desert, taken them in, and raised them with unconditional love. She was sure of the Evans’ reaction. She just wished that she could be just as confident with her own parents’ reaction.

Liz leaned against Max, snuggling close. She was tired but as Max’s scent reached her nose she felt urges begin to churn deep inside. Her fatigue slipped away as her need grew. She felt as if she couldn’t get close enough, that there were too many layers blocking him from her. She needed to feel his skin next to hers. She lifted her head and kissed his waiting lips and it quickly deepened.

Liz felt so good to Max. Her scent was intoxication as was the feel of her body next to his. He slipped his hands beneath her shirt and slid them to her breasts. He felt her body fall into his with her sigh. He played with her nipples grazing the stiff peaks with the tip of his fingers. She gave a growl as she pulled away, breaking their kiss to remove both of their shirts. A shiver ran down his spine at her desire filled eyes.

Liz could barely contain her desire when she saw Max without his shirt. It felt like it had been ages since they’d been together. Their last bit of time on the base had been spent with Tess so they suppressed their urges. Reaching out a shaking hand, Liz let her fingers glide down his chest like it was the first time they’d touched. There were no swirls of color like when he’d touched her during the heat wave but she felt every nerve tingling with electricity. Max gasped, drawing her attention from her fingers to his face. His lust filled expression caused her to heat between her legs as her juices flowed.

“Liz…” Max pleaded.

He could feel his longing about to explode. He knew she was feeling the same as her emotions flowed smoothly though him, mixing and adding to his own desires. He was feeling drawn to her, needing to feel her close to him.

Without a word, they helped each other out of the rest of their clothing and lay upon the bed facing each other, their arms and legs tangling. Their lips met in another heat searing kiss that touched them to their souls.

Max rolled their bodies so that he hovered above her and looked lovingly into her eyes. “I love you Elizabeth Parker. You are my everything. My life. I can’t imagine my life without you. Will you marry me?”

Liz gazed into Max’s honey filled eyes. Her vision blurred with tears feeling her joy well up inside.

“Max.” She reached up and caressed a cheek. “I never dreamed I could be this happy. That I could be loved so deep, so complete. Yes. I’ll marry you.”

Max leaned down and captured her mouth as his hips thrust forward and embedded himself fully inside of her. They groaned as their bodies fused together. He felt her walls tightly gripping him, slick and ready for him. He slowly withdrew from her before pressing in again in a slow and stead pace. That seemed ok for her for about five seconds then she pressed her palms on his hips and pressed her hips up, urging him to quicken the pace. When he didn’t immediately respond, she groaned her impatience and started grinding her hips up into his.

Relenting to Liz’s needs, and relieved to do what he longed to do, Max quickened his pace thrusting hard in and out of her as she writhed beneath his body in pleasure. Unable to hold back as Liz’s nails raked down his back Max called out her name as he came, thrusting his cum deep into her quivering climaxing body.


-Liz sat in a rocker holding a baby to her breast as it fed while Max gazed on lovingly

-A small dark haired boy bravely facing the first day of school

-The same dark haired boy a few years older with a younger sandy haired boy healing a small animal they found

-A teenage dark haired boy sitting on a park bench next to a blonde haired girl holding hands as they talked.

End Flash

“Did you…?” Liz asked breathless.

“Yes. That was…”

“Amazing. He’s beautiful.” Liz sighed as both their hands went to her stomach and glowed.

“Like his mother.” Max kissed Liz softly. “Tess and Kyle’s girl is beautiful. I’m sure he’ll be happy.”

“What?” Liz leaned back to get a better look at him.

“You didn’t recognize the other children? Michael and Maria’s son? Then the girl he was sitting with?”

“I was too flabbergasted by the vision of our son.”

Max chuckled. “He’ll be loved and happy. That’s all that matters.”

Liz snuggled down into Max’s embrace. “Yes, it is.”

Magikhands' Little Roswell Obsessions
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Obsessed Roswellian
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Post by magikhands »

Michelle in Yonkers wrote:And thanks for the fb, O Author! Feedbackers appreciate feedback, too! Glad you likee -- but ... you have noticed fb before? (Do I know you?)
I've been browsing this site for over two and writing here for almost as long. Who could miss your wonderful fb my dearImage I read many of the fics you read and always enjoy your insight and fb.

And I'll take this chance to say thanks to everyone for the fb. It really helps keep me motivated. I'm hoping to get the next chapter out by the end of the week.
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Chapter 23

Post by magikhands »

Chapter 23

After an early breakfast, Max, Liz, and Isabel went to the CrashDown to meet up with their parents. Jim had called that morning and told them that the Evans’ would meet him in the Parker’s home. He didn’t tell the parents that Max and Liz were back but just assured them that he was meeting with them to update their children’s case. He knew that this would set them on edge, but he really didn’t know how else to get the two sets of adults together. Jeff and Philip had been quite hostile to each other. Jeff blaming Max for taking away his only child while Philip tried to defend his son and making sure that some of the blame was placed on Liz. It had gotten very tense every time Jim met with them and he didn’t look forward to this time either.

The café was not yet opened since it was Sunday so Liz led the way through the back entrance and up the stairs that would take her to her home. As she drew closer to the door, her heart began to pound and her hands trembled. She was scared. Once they learned the truth of her condition, she knew that her parents would be disappointed in her. They had wanted to go to college and pursue her dreams of being a scientist. But Liz knew her dreams had changed the day Max healed her. He became the center of her world and she knew that as long as they were together, she would be living her dream.

Liz paused and looked at the door. She’d never been this scared to enter her own home. Max took her hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. Liz looked up at him and saw the love that shined in his eyes. She could feel that same feeling flow through their connection. She knew he was just as scared as she and that was comforting to her. Her eyes moved over to Isabel who was standing beside Max, her hand clutching his other hand. Yes, they all had their reasons to be scared but they were together in this. Along with the five others who waited anxiously at Michael’s. Liz reached out and slowly opened the door.

As soon as they stepped in, they could feel the tension thick in the air. Philip and Jeff had Jim literally backed into a corner firing questions at him loudly while Diane and Nancy did their best to calm their husbands. The three teens could feel the emotions sweeping through the apartment, which didn’t help their own.

Jim’s eyes shifted to the door and the room fell silent when the sound of the door banged shut. Simultaneously the four adults turned to see who had entered the home. Their eyes widened in disbelief as their missing children stood just inside the door. Jim gave an audible sigh of relief as the attention was taken off of him.

Max and Liz were suddenly rushed upon and pulled apart into their parents’ embrace. There were tears and questions all at once. Isabel had slid out of the way and joined the Sheriff in watching the reunion.

“How’s Tess?” Jim asked quietly.

“She’s fine. Kyle is taking good care of her.” She said smiling remembering the looks of happiness they both had when she left this morning. She wasn’t going to mention the fact that they’d slept in each other’s arms all night. He could deal with that later.
Jim nodded glad for his son and…daughter? He had to wonder.

“If you would all have a seat, I’m sure that Max and Liz can explain where they’ve been and answer all your questions.” Jim said when everyone seemed to calm down some.

“Jim, did you know that they had come back? Is that why you called us here?” Diane asked. Despite her fear and concern for her son, she’d always managed to stay the calmest of the four. “Why didn’t just call us and let us know?”

“Because Max and Liz wanted to talk to you together.” Jim simply stated.

Max and Liz pulled out of the tight embraces of their mothers and moved to the love seat, their hands joining together again. Max didn’t miss the glare that Jeff gave him. He could swear that he heard a slight growl also but then it could have been his imagination. Isabel moved away from Jim and sat on the arm next to Max. She could feel Max’s unease and laid a hand on his arm. Together, Liz and Isabel sent love and support to help ease him. It helped a little.

Watching their children sit down and look up at them as if they were waiting for something, they had no choice but to sit on the sofa.

Max took a deep breath before beginning. “I’m not really sure where to begin.”

“From the beginning Son.” Philip encouraged.

Max nodded. “A lot has happened in the past two years and we…” He looked to Liz then Isabel. “Have decided that there would be no more secrets with all of you. No more hiding.”

“What are you saying Max?” Diane asked calmly but she felt anything but inside.

“Before I start, let me say that I love Liz with all my heart.” He was going to say body and soul but he saw how Jeff was still glaring angrily at him. He didn’t want to bring that subject up just yet. “I have since the first day I saw her in the third grade. I just never dreamed that she’d return my love.” He turned to Liz and smiled. She returned it.

‘I love you too.’ She said through their connection.

Max turned back to the four waiting adults. “Also for the record, our disappearance was not of our choice. We would never put you through the grief we are sure you endured the past six weeks.”

Nancy and Jeff began questioning them but Max held up his hand and waited for silence. He looked to his parents. “Do you remember that weekend that I was gone before school was out? When Isabel told you that Liz and I had broken up and I went camping with Michael?”

Diane and Philip nodded.

“I didn’t go camping. The FBI has a section…or should I say HAD a section called the Special Unit. They looked into UFOs, alien abductions, and alien sighting. The man who led the Unit, Pierce, he captured me. He…” Max paused not really wanting to delve into that part of his life. “He studied me. But I was able to escape and the Unit was disbanded. However there were still paperwork floating around on me.”

“Max…Why would they want you?” Philip asked but he had a feeling that he already knew that answer.

“Because I’m different. They were interested in me because of who…or what I am.” He looked to his mother and father. The two people who’d taken them into their home and raised them as if they were blood.

“I don’t understand.” Nancy finally spoke up feeling very confused. What did this all have to do with Liz going away with Max?

“Mom, Dad. You’ve raised Isabel and I like we were your own. We are very grateful that you’ve taken us into your home and hearts. We couldn’t have asked for a better set of parents. But that night…the night you found us in the desert. The reason we can’t remember anything before that night is because we were born earlier that evening. We were housed in pods. Pods that nourished us, and keep us alive until the time came for us to be born.

“We had left our cave not knowing who we were or where we were. We walked and walked but then we saw lights.”

“I held tight to Max’s hand but…” Isabel spoke up, emotion filling her voice as she too remembered that night. “He was scared and ran. I couldn’t stop him.”

“Who?” Philip asked.

“Michael.” Diane gasped in realization at what Isabel was saying. She had always wondered why Michael had become so close to her children so fast, especially to Max, when they were so detached from others. “Oh god Philip. We left Michael out there all alone that night.” Tears filled her eyes as she thought about all the grief the boy would have been spared had they taken him home also.

Isabel rose and kneeled in front of her mother. “It’s ok Mom. You didn’t know and we didn’t know how to tell you.”

Diane reached out and took her daughter in her arms and hugging her tight. Max had sat quietly and watched the scene but his posture was tense and his eyes moved to where his father sat staring at him.

“So you are saying that you and Isabel…and Michael are…” He started but he couldn’t seem to finish like he couldn’t find the right words.

“We’re aliens. We came in the crash.” Max never took his eyes from his father’s, waiting his response.

After a moment, Philip stood and walked over to Max. Max stood, feeling uncomfortable under his father’s scrutiny. Philip reached out and embraced his son tightly. Max slowly raised his arms and returned it. He thought that he heard a slight sob from his father as he squeezed him tighter.

“I always knew that you and your sister were special. That you were brought to us for a reason.” Philip said softly. “You are my son and no matter who you are or what you are, it will always be so.”

Max felt tears come to his eyes as he father spoke. He’d been so scared that they’d reject them but as he looked across the room to Isabel she smiled, as did his mother.

‘Told you so.’ Isabel’s voice came through loud and clear.

“Thank you Dad.” Max said as Philip released him and he returned to his seat next to his wife. Max sat and looked to the Parker’s who held bewildered expressions.

“Mom? Dad?” Liz tried to get their attention. They’d said nothing during this time.

Jeff shook his head and blinked. “You are telling us that there really was a UFO crash in ’47? And that you were on that ship?”

Max nodded. “That’s why the government was so interested in me. They didn’t know until I…” He turned and took Liz’s hand again. “Healed Liz that day of the shooting.”

“Wait. Liz said that she was fine.” Nancy said. “That the bullet went wild.”

Max shook his head. “It went on a direct course to her abdomen. It was a fatal shot, one that would have killed her in minutes if I hadn’t been there.”

Max felt Liz’s hand tighten in his as she remembered that day. Just thinking about it and how close he was to losing her forever sent his stomach churning.

“Max, you said that your…disappearance was not of your choice. Where were you?” Diane asked. She loved her son and daughter no matter who they were but she still couldn’t get past Max’s earlier words.

“Even after the Special Unit was shut down, another section of the government was keeping an eye on me.”

“The night we…were taken.” Liz started where Max had paused. She could feel his nerves were just about on end as he was forced to dredge up all these bad memories. “Max and I went to Tess’s. There were things that the three of us had to work out. That is when this Agency made its move to obtain Max again, taking Tess and I with him.”

“They had you this entire time? They just took three teenagers and held them without telling anyone?” Nancy asked, her agitation clearly heard. “What did they do to you Liz? To all of you?”

Max closed his eyes and took a deep breath while a hand rubbed absently at his neck. He didn’t ever want to tell their parents the details of their confinement. It was too personal, too invading. This was a hell that he, Liz, and Tess would have to find a way to cope with.

“They did tests, blood work, and such then observed us.” He tried to play it off like nothing else happened. He could never tell them how Harper had strapped them to a table to do his excruciating tests, or shock him and Tess often just to see how they reacted or to build their endurance to pain. He could never tell anyone how they poked and prodded them like lab rats, not once caring about their humiliation or feelings. Or even how he was beat up frequently just because the Tweedle Twins could.

He looked over and saw the tears that filled Diane’s eyes as Isabel tried to give her comfort. He hated knowing that he put that look on her face. His father’s expression was one of concern, like he could see through Max’s words but held his tongue. Yes, Philip knew his son well.

“They just let you go?” Philip asked.

Max shook his head. “No. With the Sheriff’s help, Isabel was able to find us.” Four heads turned to Valenti where he was standing by the wall observing.

“You knew?” Philip asked in disbelief that Jim would keep something like that from them.

Jim nodded. “I knew something wasn’t right after the shooting in the café. I didn’t learn the truth about Max and the others until I helped him get away from Pierce. Then when he saved Kyle like he saved Liz, I knew I was in it for good. There was no going back. So I stepped up as their protector of sorts, keeping an eye out for them. I’m sorry but I couldn’t tell you. I could only try to keep your children safe.”

“I just can’t believe this.” Jeff said angrily. He stood up and glared at Jim. “This entire story is so…unbelievable.” He turned to Max and Liz. “There are no such things as aliens. The crash of ’47 was just a hoax. A military experiment gone wrong. That’s all. Besides, it happened over 50 years ago. You are teenagers. How is that possible?”

Liz released her grip on Max and stood, glaring up at her father. She knew he would have a hard time believing that Max was an alien. He was a realist even if he was making a living using the town’s famous event. But to say that they made their entire hellish experience up was insulting.

“I thought you trusted me Dad.” She said.

“I do honey, it’s just…” Jeff shook his head. “This boy is a bad influence on you. Since you’ve been with him, your grades have dropped and you are different. This story about…aliens…” Again Jeff could only shake his head.

“I can prove to you that Max is who he says he is.” Liz said as she turned and went to the kitchen. When she came back she stood where everyone in the room could see her.

“Liz, NO!” Max screamed as he scrambled off the couch.

Before anyone could respond, Liz took the knife in her hand and sliced it down her other arm, cutting into the artery from her wrist to elbow.

Max reached her just as her body was crumbling to the floor. Her blood was rapidly flowing from her body. He could feel her life slipping quickly from him and he felt as if a piece of himself was dying inside. He didn’t feel how its thickness dripped on their clothing and onto the rug. All he could think about was keeping her with him.

Max placed his hands over the cut, their connection flaring up instantaneously. He quickly focused his energy on repairing the damage she did to her artery and veins. He closed his eyes and concentration and didn’t open them until he felt her hand on his cheek.

“Max.” She said his name softly.

When he opened his eyes, he saw her beautiful face and couldn’t help but weep with joy and holding her close to him.

The entire room seemed to gasp as Liz cut herself and they all stood but Max was there first. Nancy was sobbing as they watched Liz go pale. “Liz!” she cried as she fell into her husband’s arms. The four adults watched amazed as a silver glow emitted from Max’s hands and her color returned and the bleeding stopped.

“Liz. Don’t EVER pull a stupid stunt like that again. You and the baby could have been harmed. What if…” His voice stuck. He didn’t want to think of the what ifs.

Liz sat up and kissed Max. “He is a healer like his father. Nothing would have gone wrong. But my parents would have never truly believed unless they saw proof.”

“Baby?” Nancy said, still clutching Jeff.

Liz looked up at the four surrounding her and Max. She could see Valenti and Isabel behind them.

“Um..Well, that’s the other thing that we have to tell you. I’m pregnant.”

“What?” Two male voices said in unison.

A set of hands reached down and dragged Max up then slammed him into the nearest wall. Max winced at the pain but met the dark, angry eyes bravely in front of him.

“Jeff!” Nancy screamed.

‘Let him be!’ Max commanded inside of everyone but Jeff’s head. He didn’t know how he did it but he needed to stop Valenti and his father from dragging Jeff off of him. Max knew that if or when he had a daughter, he may very well act the same. So he would let Jeff have his say, have his initial reaction. But that was it. Liz would be his wife no matter what.

“I should kill you right now, alien or no. How dare you get my daughter pregnant at the age of 17 and ruin her life.” Jeff growled.

“I love Liz Mr. Parker.”

That was all Max was able to say before he felt a hand gripping tightly around his throat cutting off most of his air. It took all of his control not to push the older man away with his powers just to breath.

“Dad! If Max hadn’t been there the day of the shooting, then I wouldn’t be standing here today. You would be visiting a grave instead.” Liz said as she moved to stand next to her father.

Liz’s words slowly sunk in and the red that Jeff saw dimmed and he loosened his grip on Max but didn’t let go. He felt Max take a breath. He felt his daughter’s hand lie gently on one of his arms and felt a slow calming to his nerves.

“Being pregnant with my son saved my life Dad. If I hadn’t been pregnant when they took me, you would have found my body somewhere in the desert…if you were lucky. They had no use for a human in their research. But a human carrying an alien’s baby, I was valuable. Max saved my life…again. It even saved me from the more intense tests that he and Tess endured.”

Her words finally made Jeff tear his hatred gaze from Max to Liz. “But your dreams Lizzie. Since you were five, you’ve wanted to go to Harvard and become a Scientist. But now…he’s screwed it up.”

“No Dad. Dreams change. I love Max. I want to spend the rest of my life with him. If I can go to college then I will, but if not, I’m going to be happy being a mother and a wife with a loving family.”

“How can you have a normal life if people are always watching you? Trying to capture you?”

“I knew the risk getting involved with Max. I knew that I would never have a normal life from the time he healed me. But I’m not alone in this. Maria, Alex, Kyle, and I have all accepted the consequences for loving them.”

Jeff turned back to Max and stared into this boy’s face. “You can kill me with just a touch, can’t you?”

“Yes sir.” Max said through his sore throat.

“But you didn’t, even when I threatened you. Why?”

“Liz loves you. I could never harm anyone she cares for.”

“But you can harm someone who she doesn’t care for?” Jeff asked feeling the boy out. This was the one that came in day after day and would watch Liz. He’d seen it through the years and passed it off as a crush. He never imagined that this shy, docile boy could ever be so deadly.

“I only do what I have to do to protect my family. All of them.” He pointed out, making sure Mr. Parker understood that it went beyond Liz.

“Have you killed before?”

“Jeff.” Philip said approaching the two. He was a little shocked to hear his son’s voice in his head but he obeyed. He knew that if these two were ever to get along, they had to work out their…problems. “That’s not…”

“Philip. This is between Max and I. He doesn’t need a lawyer. I’m concerned for my daughter’s safety… and my grandson’s.” Jeff admitted but never took his eyes from Max’s.

“Yes.” Max stated without emotion. He was not proud of what he did. He now knew how Michael felt when he killed Pierce.

‘Together we’ll work through it. And help Michael.’ Max heard Liz say in a soft, soothing tone.

Jeff’s eyes narrowed. “To protect your family.”

“Yes. He was trying to kill me. Liz…all of us.”

Jeff released Max suddenly and turned toward his daughter and wife. “I need some time alone with MY family.”

Max opened his mouth to argue when Philip stepped in. “You are right. So do we. It’s apparent we have many things to discuss with our children also. I suggest we meet here in the morning for breakfast and talk some more.”

Jeff only nodded as he gathered Liz into his arms.

“Come on Son.” Philip took Max’s arm and led him toward the door. He turned and looked at Liz.

‘Go. I need to be with them. I’ll help them understand.’ She said as she reached out her hand.

Max let his slid across hers as Philip pulled him away. ‘I love you.’

‘I love you too.’

Valenti, without a word exited the Parker household after the Evans’ and closed the door. He sighed and hoped all would turn out. Meanwhile, he had his own son’s hormones to deal with.

Magikhands' Little Roswell Obsessions
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