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Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 11:22 pm
by gnrkrystle

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own words…not even a car or house
Pairing: Mx/Ma, Mi/Liz, Is/Ky, T/A
Summery: You will just have to read to find out  in other words, I don’t know yet…
Author’s note: AU- It’s a little CC at the beginning. Michael is with Maria. Max, Isabel, Liz, and Alex are all friends while Michael, Maria, Kyle, and Tess are also friends. I’m not sure where this is going to go…I’m playing it by ear but I hope you like it…

Chapter 1

Maria ran out the door in a rush. It was the last day of school and she was running late as usual. She knew Michael would be pissed at her. What did he care, he rarely went to class anyway.

When she walked up to her boyfriend’s car she saw him roll his eyes. He finally grinned at her, “What the hell takes you so long?” he said.

Maria playfully pushed Michael, “You don’t think I look this beautiful by accedent do you?” he said.

Michael grinned at her and kissed her lightly on the lips before driving off.

At school, Michael pulled up next to Kyle. He and Tess were standing outside waiting for Michael and Maria. Kyle and Tess were Michael and Maria’s best friends. They were brother and sister, children of the town sheriff. “God, I thought by the last day you guys could have gotten here on time!” Kyle said laughing. He didn’t really care he just liked giving them a hard time, “Needed to pull over and take a Make-out break?” he asked laughing harder.

Michael punched him, non too lightly, “Don’t make me kick your ass, Valenti.” Michael said simply. Then the group made their way into school.


Max and his sister Isabel sat in the student commons waiting for they best friends to arrive. Max sat brooding as was usual for him and Isabel was extatic about it being the last day of school. There was a big party tonight and then it would be summer!

Liz and Alex came barreling down the hall toward Max and Isabel. Liz was equally excited about summer approaching. Alex took a seat next to Max giving him a playful punch in the arm. “So, we going to this party tonight?” Alex asked everyone.

Isabel’s eyes grew wide. ‘Of course we are going!” she said shocked that Alex even concived of the idea that they wouldn’t go.

“Yeah! It’s going to be great!” Liz said sitting down next to Alex.

Max rolled his eyes, “Yeah, I guess we are going.” He said. Max had never been one for parties, but he knew that Isabel and Liz wanted him to go.

Isabel squeeled and threw her arms around her brother. She layed a wet one on his lips. Alex and Liz couldn’t control their laughter as Max wiped his mouth on the back of his hand with a look of disgust on his face. “Gross, Iz.” He said now laughing.

The bell rang and the group got up to go to class. Liz and Max made their way to Biology (their favorite class) while Alex headed toward English and Isabel went to Art.


Maria burst into Biology 5 minutes late with a huge smile on her face. “Sorry, Mr. Seligman. Got a little tied up at home.” She said controlling her giggles as she took her usual seat next to Pam Troy.

“I’m just glad you found it in your schedual to grace us with your presence today,” the teacher saaid sarcastically.

Max looked at Maria. How could she be so flippant about being late for class. He almost envied her. He on the other hand might have broken out in hives over the THOUGHT of being late.

Liz rolled her eyes. There was something about Maria that just got on her nerves. She couldn’t really put her finger on it, but the two had never really been friends. They hadn’t really been enemies either, but Liz definatly didn’t see what all the guys at school saw in her.

Meanwhile in English…

Tess and Kyle walked into English casually as if they weren’t late at all. “Good of you to join us.” Mrs. Miller said to them.

Tess giggled and Kyle spoke, “We…uhh…we ran out of gas on the way here.” Kyle said. That was reduculous because school was only about 5 minutes away, but he knew old Mrs. Miller would just give up the fight.

“Fine, sit.” Mrs. Miller finally said. Tess took her seat behind Alex, while Kyle sat next to her.

Alex laughed to himself. Those two were awful at excuses. The class was relativley boring because it was the last day, so the class basically say there for an hour looking at each other.

Alex definatly noticed the short skirt Tess had on. What was he thinking. She was so out of his league.

Meanwhile in Art…

Michael toyed with the idea of not going to class. It was the last day, and it’s not like he went that often anyway, but decided to go. Maria would have his ass if he skipped. Plus, it was Art which was the one class he liked.

He walked in the door and the teacher said nothing. Mr. Meschino was used to Michael showing up late or not at all, so he didn’t even hound him about it anymore. Isabel rolled her eyes at Michael. Could he not tell time.

Michael took a seat at an aisel and picked up a pencil. It was the last day, but he thought he wouldn’t let it go to waste.


The rest of the school day was long and boring. Classes were filled with a lot of nothing. It was typical of a last day of school. Everyone stared at the clock watching the seconds go by until the summer started.

When the final bell finally rang, the entire school ran out of the building.


Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 12:00 am
by gnrkrystle
Chapter 2

Maria let out out a little scream when she reached the parking lot, “We are Seniors!” she yelled.

Michael just grinned at her. God, she could get so excited about anything. He liked that about her. She was always the life of the party.

Kyle wrapped his arm around Maria and dipped her like they were dancing. “Hey, now!” Michael snapped at him but smiled. He knew Kyle was just messing around. He knew better than to try to make a move on Maria. Besides, they were practically brother and sister with his dad dating her mom.

Kyle let go of Michael and scowled. Maria and Tess rolled their eyes and gave each other hugs and kisses. “So, we gonna drive together to this shin-dig tonight?” Kyle asked.

Michael groaned inwardly. He had forgotten that there was a party tonight. “Yeah, we will meet you at your house.” Michael said to him.

“Cool,” Kyle said and then got int his Mustang with Tess and drove off.


Max and Isabel went straight home after school as Liz and Alex followed them. Liz and Isabel felt like they had to spend the whole rest of the day getting ready. Max and Alex took the opportunity to play some playstation.

In Isabel’s the two girls were getting ready. The party wasn’t until 8:00 but they wanted to take their time and not rush. They wanted to be drop dead gorgeous tonight. Both were sick of being single.

They talked as they got ready. Something was still waring on Liz. She wanted to get Isabel’s advice about it. Isabel was pretty level headed and gave great advice. As Isabel stepped out of the bathroom, freeing the shower, Liz said, “Iz, can I ask you something?” Isabel nodded empatically. “Something’s been bothering me. Today Maria Deluca cam into first period late, and I don’t know…I just started thinking about her. Why does that girl drive me crazy?”

Isabel giggled at Liz. She was always thinking about everything. “Liz, you worry too much.” She said.

Liz thought. Yeah Isabel was proabably right. “Your right. It’s just that she has never done anything to me, so it seems weird that I wouldn’t like her. Oh well. My turn in the shower.” Liz went to the bathroom leaving Isabel laughing at her.


“So, Max what’s going on?” Alex said.

“Nothing.” Max answered.

“Oh common with the one word answeres. How’s life? Interested in any new girls? Hmmm?” Alex said. He was a very nosy friend and he knew it.

Max grinned, “No, not yet. But you will be the first person informed about my love life, Alex. I just don’t’ see anything happening. Iz and I can’t get close to people like you and Liz.”

Alex nodded. He knew that Max was right in a way. It was much harder for Iz and Max to meet people due to their extra-terrestrial status, but he still wanted them to try. “I know it is hard, but it’s not like you have to go up to a girl and say, ‘Hi, I’m Max and I’m from outerspace. Want to give me a blow job?’” Alex said.

Max’s face reddened at Alex’s implication. “Yeah, like I would ever say THAT,” was all Max could say through his laughter.

“All I’m saying is try.” Alex said. He was worried about Max. All he did anymore was sulk or play video games.

“Ok, Mom.” Max said and they continued their game.


Michael knocked on Maria’s door at exactly 7:30. He knew tonight was going to suck and the last thing he wanted with Hurrican Deluca on his back for being late. It was ironic. She was late all the time, but when he was late it was a big deal. But it had been Michael’s experience that all girls were like the. And he really cared about Maria so he didn’t really mind most of the time.

Maria came to the door looking drop dead gorgeous. She was wearing a skin tight red dress, cut way above her knee. It was backless and he had her hair down, stick straight. She looked hot. Michael didn’t look so bad himself. You could tell he hadn’t spent much time picking out his clothes, but still he looked good. He had on a pair of jeans that fit him like a glove and a North Face tee on.

Michael stood their with his mouth open when Maria giggles and said, “Alright, Spaceboy. Let’s get this show in the road.” Michael took her hand and they drve to The Valenti’s.

Kyle anwered the door looking ready for a party. He wore tight jeans with cowboy boots and a baby blue botton down shirt opened to reveal a white wife-beater. He yelled for Tess who decended the stairs in a short black pleated skirt and a pink halter top with some go-go boots.

Kyle saw her and shook his head, “Nope. You cannot go in that.” He said, ever the protective brother.

Tess mearly rolled her eyes and continued down the stairs. Michael chucked and said, “You better watch out or she and Maria will give their feminist movement lecture.”

Maria punched him hard in the ribs causing him to grab his chest as he laughed. “Tess you look great,” she said and they all headed to the party.


Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 3:30 am
by gnrkrystle
Chapter 3

Isabel, Liz, and Alex walked into the party arm-in-arm. Max followed close behind. He really didn’t want to be here but he decided to make the most of it.

After a couple of minutes the group split up. Max was lost. It wasn’t that he was unpopular, it was just that he had a way of hiding in plain sight. He had to. He had never adapted as well as his sister had socially. He had aquaintances but no real friends so to speak save for Liz and Alex.

Max made his was into the kitchen of the house where he found a keg. He had never been drunk before, and he didn’t want to start tonight. It wasn’t so much that he was afraid of getting caught as he was afraid that his body wouldn’t react well to it.

He left the kitchen and walked down to the basment where he saw most of the people were going. There was a huge dance floor set up and many people were dancing. Max knew how to dance, but he wasn’t going to just dance by himself. So, sat on the couch along the wall and watched others get down.

He saw Isabel and Liz dancing with Alex. Man, that kid couldn’t dance. But that was the good think about the hip-hop craz. A guy doesn’t need to dance, he just needs a girl to dance around him.

As Max watched the floor full of people dancing, his eyes stopped on Maria Deluca from biology. She was with Kyle Valinte dancing up a storm. Wasn’t she dating Michael Guerin? Where was he?

Max couldn’t take his eyes off of her. She was absolutly mesmerizong. There was something about her that pulled his gaze to her. He knew it was crazy, she was in a totally different social group than he was. But nevertheless he found himself staring at her beautiful body and lucious lips singing and dancing to the music.


Liz detatched herself from Alex and Isabel to get a beer. She wasn’t big on drinking but she didn’t figure a couple of beers would hurt. She wasn’t that much of a light weight.

As she walked toward the stares she saw Michael Guerin sitting by the stairwell looking bored as hell. She felt a tightening in her chest. What was it about that boy that made her stomache jump. She couldn’t help herself, “What are you doing sitting over here?” she asked.

He looked at her, surprised, “I’m not much for dancing, Maria, Kyle, and Tess dragged me here,” he said looking up at her. She looked awesome in that black strapless dress he couldn’t help but notice.

She smiled a sweet smile at him and said, “Well, that’s too bad.” And walked up the stairs. Was she just flirting with another girl’s boyfriend? That was so not her.


Alex had to take a break. All of that standing and letting a girl bump and grind on him had worn him out. He walked off the dance floor and ran into a petite blond, spilling his beer on himself. It was Tess. “Oh my God, I’m so sorry, Alex.” She said looking at the mess in his shirt.

Alex had to admit, he was kind of shocked that she knew his name. “No, no it was me. I’m sorry.” He finally got out.

Tess still looked guilty. “Here, let’s go upstairs. I’ll help you clean it up. K?” she said grabbing his hand. Alex was almost in a daze. He was holding Tess Valenti’s hand. He wasn’t usually like this, but he had a thing for this girl. He always knew he wasn’t good enough for her. Tess, Kyle, and Maria had pretty much ruled school since 1st grade. Maria had brought Michael in last summer.

Alex followed her to the bathroom where Tess used some water to make sure the shirt wouldn’t stain. Alex took off the white botton down he was wearing and spent the rest of the evening in he wifebeater that had managed to note get wet.

“Thanks,” he said to Tess as they left the bathroom.

“No problem,” she answered. She watched as he made his way back downstairs. Wow, Alex had grown up a lot, she notice. She had never really noticed how hot he was before, but he looked really good in the wife beater, and he was so nice. He was much nicer than most of the guys at West Roswell high. They usually just wanted to nail her.


Isabel had been left on the dancfloor alone. It didn’t matter much to her, she just loved to dance. She was excited that school was over and she could be carefree. As she shut her eyes and began dancing, she felt someone’s arm wrap around her. Her eyes poped open. It was Kyle Valenti. As in the quarterback of the football team, Mr. Hottie, Kyle Valinte. She, in true Ice Princess form, did not let her shock register for long.

“I saw you were dancing alone and thought I would join you,” Kyle yelled over the loud music.

“Ok,” was all she said. It betrayed her true feelings which were more like ‘OMG Kyle Valinte actually wants to dance with ME.’

Kyle had always had a thing for Isabel. She was so cool. A true Ice Princess, but he loved that about her. Most girls at school through themselves at him, but not Isabel. She was beautiful, smart, and completely in control of herslef. Kyle had to admire that.


As the night came to an end, everyone cut out of the party. Liz was a little tipsy, so it was decided that Alex would take her home in her car and crash at her place. She wasn’t drunk, but she wasn’t in any shape to drive.

Isabel and Max said their goodbyes and headed home.

Driving Liz home, Alex couldn’t contain his excitement, “Liz, you will never belive what happened tonight!” he said.

Liz smirked, “What happened, Alex.” She loved the way he could get excited about the smallest things.

“Tess Valenti talked to me and knew my name. She even helped me out.” He said the excitement pouring from his lips.

Liz smiled. “That’s great,” she said. She thought that Alex might be setting himself up for disappointment since Tess was the second most sought after girl in school, (coming in only after Maria Deluca) but she was happy that he was happy.

At Liz’s, Alex took the couch and hd sweet dreams about Tess, while Liz laid in her bed thinking about Michael Guerin. Why did he have such an effect on her?


Michael and Maria said their goodbye’s to Kyle and Tess and made their way out the door. When they left, Tess turned to her brother. “So, what was with dancing with Isabel?” she said with a smirk. She knew her brother well enough to know that he was head over heels for Isabel weather he would admit it or not.

“What?” he said trying to come off as indifferent. He failed miserably.

“Oh don’t give me that. You have wanted her for like 4 years. I’m your sister, I know all.” Tess said with a self-satisfied grin.

“Whatever you say,” Kyle said and then closed his door in her face. He knew she was right, but he didn’t want her to be. He did like Isabel and had since freshman year. Oh well.

Tess went to her room and plopped down on the bed. It had been a good night. She liked hanging out with Alex. He made her laugh, and he was sweet. That was not something that she found very often.


Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 4:09 am
by gnrkrystle
Chapter 4

Maria woke up the next morning a little groggy. She had, had probably one too many drinks. She didn’t drink often, but she figured that the last day of school was reason enough to celebrate.

She walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water out of the fridge. Water, that was what she needed. She hated how drinking had a way of making people extremely dehydrated. She had to be up and at ‘em today because she was going to interview for waitressing job at the Crashdown.

Maria made her way to the living room and found Michael asleep on the couch. She smiled. He was adorable when he slept. She knew he had stayed because he was worried about her. He was very over protective of her. It was like in his blood or something. Ever since last summer when he had helped her, he didn’t let her out of his sight when at all possible. It was nice though, because her mom was gone most of the time, so she could sometimes get lonely.

She decided to let him sleep, so she went to her room and turned on the TV in there. She turned on Jerry Springer for a laugh. She loved that show because it made her realize that her life wasn’t that bad in the grand scheme of things. She had great friends and a boyfriend that truly cared about her.

When the show was over she made her way into the living room to find Michael sitting up with the TV on. “He lives.” She said with a laugh.

Michael smiled slightly, “Yeah, you had a bit of a rough night with Mr. Cuervo didn’t you?” he said remembering their car ride home. She had told him that she wanted to ‘fuck his brains out.’ It wasn’t that she wasn’t beautiful, or that he didn’t WANT to slee with her, but he knew that sleeping with her in that state was not a good idea. Expecially after all that she had been through. She wouldn’t want her first time with him to be like that.

“Oh God, don’t even tell me what I did. If I don’t remember it, than it didn’t happen” she said with a grin.

“Ok, deal.” He said. She sat on the couch next to him and he put his arm around her.

Maria looked up at the clock, “I’ve got like an hour. I have my interview at the Crashdown at 12:00,” she said.

“Cool.” He said squeezing her tighter. He was glad she was getting a job. It would leave her alone less. He hated that Amy left her alone for months at a time. He knew it hurt Maria but she never said anything.


Maria walked into the Crashdown and saw Liz Parker cleaning off a counter top. She knew Liz was the owner’s daughter, and she knew her from school. She had alwys felt that Liz didn’t like her, and she was hoping that working together might change that. Maria didn’t know why she got these vibes from Liz, but she did. She wanted to get to know her because Liz seemed like a cool girl. Hopefully this job would change any pre-concieved notions Liz had about her.

Liz looked up and saw Maria enter. She knew she was here for the job, her dad told her. She was willing to give Maria a chance, but she didn’t know if she could be around all of that energy and excitement for a full 6 hour shift.

Maria smiled at Liz, “Hi, Liz. I’m here for an interview.”

Liz nodded and smiled back. “I’ll go get my dad.” She said and left to find Mr. Parker.

After the interview Mr. Parker looked at Maria. He was despirate and Maria was a nice kid. So, he said, “When can you start?”

Maria shreeked and threw her arms around Jeff. He smiled at her enthusiasm. “Anytime,” she said.

“How about you come in tonight at 6 and work until close?” he said hoping she was available.

“That’s not a problem. I’ll be here.” She said still excited. He got her fitted for her sea-foam green uniform and told her the basic rules.

When Maria came out of the back room she saw Michael sitting at a booth waiting for her. The Resturant was basically empty except for him, Liz, and Max, Isabel, and Alex, at another booth.

Maria’s smile was an indication that she got the job. Michael smiled. Good for her. He noticed that she would be working with Liz. He liked that. He had always respected Liz. He knew Maria would be in good hands.

Liz watched Maria and Michael interact. They were much more like brother and sister than boyfriend and girlfriend she thought. That was until she saw Michael chrash his lips onto Maria’s and pratically make-out with her right there.

Max was watching the interation as well. He despiratly wanted to be the one receiving Maria’s kiss. God, he needed to get this out of his head. She would never see anything in someone like him. He was just setting himself up for pure and utter disappointment. But he could help but picture his arms wrapped around her like Michael’s were.

Maria and Michael had long since left the resturant and Max was still staring off into space. “MAX!” Isabel yelled.

Max snapped out of it, “What?” he said not realizing that She, Alex, and Liz had been trying to get his attention for the last 5 minutes.

“What is with you?” Isabel asked.

“Nothin, I’m just thinking.” He said. Good cover, and it wasn’t even a lie. He was thinking. Thinking about the things he wanted to do to Maria Deluca. He just left that part out.

“So, anyway, about the party last night. Anything big happen?” Isabel said wanting to get the dirt.

“No,” Max, Alex, and Liz said in unison causing the table to burst into laughter.


Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 4:20 pm
by gnrkrystle
Chapter 5

Maria was a natural at waitessing. Lix noted how easily she picked it up. It had taken Liz 2 weeks to get the hang of it. As Liz watched Maria work, she decided that it was stupid to not like her. She didn’t have a real reason not to like her anyway.

When Maria took her break, Liz followed her into the backroom. “Hey, Maria,” she said, “How do you like the job so far?”

Maria was gald that Liz was talking to her, “It’s cool. It’s busy here, but I like it.” The two talkd for a couple of minutes and by the time they were through Liz felt stupid for having not like Maria in the first place. The girl was smart, funny, and passionate. It was no wonder that everyone at school adored her.


When Maria left the Crashdown after helping Liz close, she started walking home. That didn’t last long though because Kyle saw her and picked her up. “What the hell are you doing?” he said slightly agitated that she would walk home alone.

Maria rolled her eyes, “I just needed some fresh air. God, are you all ever going to stop babying me?” she said.

Kyle was in no mood to joke, but he decided to let it go. What was done was done and he couldn’t do anthing about it now. He, Michael, and Tess would just have to do a better job of keeping an eye on her.


Max sat in his room thinking about Maria. He had spent about 2 hours trying to think about anything BUT Maria, but when he realized it was a hopless cuase, he gave in.

He thought about her hair, the way it brushes her sholders. And her lips that were so full and seemed like velvet. He thougth about her laugh that was almst contagious. As he thought about her he fetl a tighness in his jeans and they hugged his new found erection.

I am not going to jack off thinking about Maria, he told himself, and began to think about mud. That always worked. But all the mud in the world couldn’t make his want for Maria go away.

Finally Max got off his bed and went into the bathroom. A cold shower was what he needed. He stepped inside and turned on the water. It was warm and felt good. Before he knew what he was doing his had was around his long hard shaft. He gave up and began pumping himself vigorously with thoughts of Maria in his head.

As his balls constricted and he shot his load he whispered, “Maria,” and sank down to the floor of the shower. He had a problem. What was he going to do?


Isabel and Alex walked over to the Ben and Jerry’s for some Ice Cream. While ordering they ran into Tess and Michael. Tess turned to Alex, “Hi, Alex. How are you?”

Alex kept his composure. But he couldn’t help but think Tess Harding is actually talking to me! “Oh, I’m good. Just getting some Ice Cream,” Isabel grinned. She knew exactly what was going on.

Alex internally kicked himself. Of course he was getting ice cream, what else would he be going? Tess thought he was adorable. She wanted to see him again, outside of just bumping into each other, so she took a risk, “So, uhhh Alex. Do you maybe want to go out sometime?” she said knowing that he wouldn’t ask.

Alex stood their silent for a moment. Still in awe of the fact that the girl of his dreams had asked him out. Then Isabel visibly pushed him. She knew he was in shock, but it was rude to keep a girl waiting. Alex finally said, “Yeah, that would be great. Why don’t you give me your number and we can plan something.”

Tess smiled and took a pen out of Michael’s pocket. He smirked at her. He had seen her do this before, but never did he get the feeling that she really liked the guy, until now. Tes grabbed Alex’s hand and wrote her number on his plam. When she and Michael walked away, Alex was left standing with a laughing Isabel, grinning from ear to ear.


Liz laid down on the bed. Her dad had just given her some interesting new. Michael Guerin had applied for the job of cook at the Crashdown. Liz wondered if it was because of Maria or because he just really needed the job. Either way, she was going to be working in close proximity to him almost everyday. She didn’t know how to feel about that.

Sure she would love to spend more time with him, and get to know him. But she didn’t know if she could handle seeing him make-out with Maria on a daily basis. She and Maria had gotten off to a great start and she didn’t want her petty jealosy to get in the way of that. Wait, jealosy? Since when was Liz Parker jealous?

She really needed to get a grip. Michael was with Maria, and was happy. Even if their relationship didn’t have the fire and passion that she wanted with Michael.

Liz rolled over and went to sleep. It was usless waisting her time worrying about something that would never happen, but she could dream. There was nothing wrong with that.


Michael walked into his apartment still thinking about what Kyle had told him. Maria was going to walk home? He could kill her for being so crazy, but yet he understood. He, Kyle, and Tess never left her alone since last summer and it could get probably get claustrophobic.

Michael sighed. At least he was going to be wrkign with her. That is if he got the job and the Crashdown which he figured he would. Jeff Parker was despirate this summer. He needed anyone and everyone that would work.

Michael kicked off his boots and sat on the couch. He mind wandered. He kept thinking about the party last night. He remembered Liz Parker talk to him. Was she flirting? God, what was he thinking about? Of Course she wasn’t flirting. And even if she were, he was with Maria.

But he couldn’t deny that electric charge he felt when her skin brushed up against his. He guessed it would be ok to THINK about it as long as he didn’t persue it. What was it about good old Liz Parker? She had something he like, he just didn’t know what it was.


Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2005 4:47 am
by gnrkrystle
Chapter 6

Maria woke up to the sound of someone ringing the doorbell incesently. She opened the door to Michael. She smiled, “What are you doing here?” she said.

“Well, I have to go to the Crashdown for and interview and I thought I would take you.” He said.

Maria jumped into his arms. “Really! You are going to work with me.” A thought hit her and she backed away, “You aren’t doing this just to babysit me are you?” She knew he worried about her, but she didn’t want him to waist his time watching her.

“No, I’m not. But speaking of that, Kyle told me you walked home last night. You know that’s not smart.” He said seriously.

“I know, I know. I just needed some fresh air.” She didn’t want to have this conversation for the 100th time. “Anyway, I better get lunch and head out.” She said.

Michael looked at her. “Let me make it. Alien powers remember, it will be much faster.” Maria grinned at him and nodded. She hadn’t been in the mood to cook. Plus Michael’s abilities did some in handy for things like that.

He and Tess were a constant help to her. They were both aliens, and while Maria was still getting used to that she couldn’t love them anymore. They had saved her, especially Michael.

The two headed out the door to Michael’s car and made their way to the Crashdown.


Isabel stepped into her brother’s room and found him sulking on his bed. She wasn’t exactly sure what was buggin him, but she had a feeling it had to do with a certain blond bombshell with full lips and long legs. She grinned. “Max, let’s go. We are all going to the Crashdown. Liz is working.”

Max looked up at her. He wondered if Maria would be working too. He got off the bed and followed her out to the Jeep. He was in such a daze that he didn’t even notice that Isabel had gotten in the driver’s seat. He was the one that usually drove, but he didn’t care at this point.


Maria was hating herself for wearing heels. After Michael had gotten the job, he left telling her he would be back at 6 to pick her up. Now it was 4 and the place was packed. She and Liz had been hauling ass all afternoon.

She noticed Alex Whitman, Isabel Evans, and her brother Max sitting in a booth. The had been there since she got there. The odd thing was that Max had barely taken his eyes off of her.

Maria found herself moving around the diner flirtatiously, knowing that he was watching. What was she doing. She didn’t even like Max. Did she? Well, he was hot. But he was so not her type. He probably hated her. Besides she was with Michael who was god for her.

Max couldn’t help but keep his eyes glues on Maria. The way she moved around the café with such grace was mesmorizing. He knew Isabel and Alex noticed him, but he couldn’t remove his eyes from her if he tried.

The afternoon rush was starting to thin out and Liz and Maria took a little break together in the back room. They laughed and made small talk as usual. When Maria went back to work she noticed a heated discussion going on in Liz’s section. She tured to Liz and said, “Hey, Maybe they need some coffee,” she said with a grin.

Liz grinned back. “Let me try to take care of this.” Liz walked over to the two men as Maria began wipping down the bar.

“Would you like anything else, Gentlemen,” Liz said as sweet as pie. One of the men looked at her and dismissed her with a wave of the hand. Suddenly the men’s yells became louder and more aggressive.

“You don’t need money if you are dead,” one of the men said. And then there was a loud BANG!

Everything went into slow motion. Liz yelled for everyone to get down on the ground. Alex rushed to the men that were arguing and knocked the gun away from them.

Max’s heart stopped as he saw Maria’s pink tennis shoes. She was laying down motionless. All thoughts left his mind except one. He had to save her.

Maria layed there on the edge of consciousness. All she could think of was the excrutciating pain she flt in her abdomen. She heard a voice next to her. She could make out what he was saying.

“Maria, I need you to look at me. You have to look at me.” She used all her strength to open her eyes to see the man who was talking to her. It was Max. He looked paniced. He ripped open her uniform exposing the blood that was pouring out of her body. He placed his gentle hand over her stomach and concentrated.

As Max repaired the fatal wound in Maria’s stomach he was bombarded with flashes of her life. He saw her sitting outside her house seemingly waiting for someone. Tears were rolling down her face. He saw her sitting in her room crying as her mom argued with a man in the other room. He saw her hanging out with Kyle and Tess at school. He saw her laying in the park bleeding and broken. He saw her with Michael at his apartment as he held her hand. When Max was finished, Maria came too. She began to sit up and Max grabbed a bottle of ketchup. He broke the bottle and spilled in on her.

“You broke the bottle when you fell. Please don’t say anything.” He said as he ran out of the Crashdown into the waiting Jeep that Isabel had already pulled up.

Maria stood up and watched Max leave. What just happened. It was almost like…No that couldn’t be. Liz rushed to Maria. She knew what Max had done, but Maria didn’t so she was going to play dumb.

Alex had called the Sheriff after he had gotten the gun away from the men. When Jim walked into the diner he ran to Maria. She was like a daughter to him since her mom wasn’t around much and she was such good friends with his children. “Are you ok?” he asked.

“Yeah…ummm…I’m fine. I just spilled some ketchup. I’m just a little…uhh…shaken up.” She said. She didn’t know what just happened to her, but he wanted to find out before she said anything to anyone.


Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 11:15 am
by gnrkrystle
Chapter 7

“What the hell were you thinking, Max?!?” Isabel screamed at her brother. She, Alex, Liz, and Max met up at Blue Moon Canyon to discuss the new crisis.

Max looked down to the ground, “I couldn’t just let her die, Iz. It will be fine. Maria won’t say anything.” He said almost trying to convince himself as much as the others.

“How the hell can you possibly know that? She’s probably off telling her best buddie Sheriff Valenti all about it, Max. I can’t believe you did this.” Isabel said calming down slightly, but still pissed as hell.

Liz and Alex stayed quite until Liz finally spoke, “Look, Max I know you like Maria, or whatever. But you can’t just make decisions like that by yourself. If you get caught, we are all in deep shit.” She was right. Whoever wanted Max and Isabel would use Liz and Alex to get to them.

“I know, alright,” Max snapped, “It’s just that I couldn’t stop. I couldn’t let her die.”

Realizing that they were all talking in circles, Alex spoke up, “Well we just have to figure out something to tell her.”

Everyone nodded but Max. He despiratly wanted to share their secret with Maria. He didn’t know why, but he had this strong feeling that they could trust her. But it was silently decided that they would not tell Maria of his and Isabel’s alien status.


Kyle and Tess picked up Maria from the Crashdown. Mr. Parker had given her the rest of the day off for obvious reasons. They fussed over her the whole way home.

“Guys, really I’m fine. It’s not a big deal.” She said with a chuckle. She wished more than anything she could tell them the truth, but she had to talk to Max first.

They took her back to her house where Michael was pacing at the front door. Oh, God the three of them were really going to take shifts in babysitting her. She’d have to figure out a way to get away from them long enough to find Max.

“Hi, Michael.” She said as she walked up to her door.

He picked her up into his arms, “Maria, Oh My God are you ok?” he asked.

“Michael, I’m fine. But if one more person asks me that, I will scream.”

Michael took the warning seriously. He just opened the door and followed Maria inside. Maria plopped down on the couch and Michael sat next to her. “I’ve gotta go pee,” Maria said bluntly. Michael smiled at her.

In the bathroom Maria removed her jacket and looked at her blood stained uniform. She poked her finger in the whole that the bullet left. After ripping the uniform open, she noticed something very shoking. There was a glowing handprint on her body where Max had done, whatever it was he did, to her.

Maria quickly went to her room and changed clothes. When she got to the living room she looked at Michael. “I’m gonna go out. You can stay if you want but I need some alone time.” She said. She knew he would give her a hard time, but she ahd to talk to Max, now.

“No, I’m not letting you go out alone.” He said to her.

“Michael, I’m not asking permission to go out by myself. I have my phone. If anything happens I will call you. I promise.” She said and with that walked out the door not looking back at Michael’s scowling face.


Maria took a deep breath before ringing the Evan’s doorbell. She stood there and waited for what seemed like forever. Finally Isabel answered the door. Maria had really hoped that Max would, but she smiled anyway.

Isabel didn’t smile back. Maria spoke up, “Ummm, Hi Isabel. Can…Can I talk to Max?”

Isabel stepped aside letting Maria in. “Yeah, he is up the stairs, second door on the left.” Maria smiled and nodded then followed Isabel’s directions.

The door was closed, so Maria knocked on it. “Come in,” she heard Max’s husky voice.

Maria entered the room and saw Max laying on his bed listening to the Counting Crows. She always listened to them when she was upset. She wondered if he was doing the same thing. “Hi, Max.” she said.

He jolted up at the sound of her voice. “Maria…ummm…uhhh…” was all he could make his mouth say.

Maria could tell that she was going to have to do a lot of the talking. She sat down on Max’s bed next to him. She looked him in the eye. “Max, I need to know what just happened today. I promise I won’t say anything, but I have to know.” She said trying to get right to the point.

Max looked back at her and then looked down. A small part of him wanted to lie. But what the hell was he supposed to say. A much larger part of him screamed to trust Maria. To tell her everything even though he was scared that she would find him revolting.

Finally, Max looked up and opened his mouth to speak, but before he could Maria stood up and lifted her shirt revealing the glowing handprint on her body. Max gasped. “Wow.” He said.

Maria rolled her eyes. WOW that was the reaction she got. Max saw that Maria needed answeres and began speaking again. “Maria, I…I’m not from around here.” He said.

“Where are you from?” Maria asked. She thought she knew where this was going, but she needed him to say it.

“There is no easy way to say this…ummm…I’m an alien.” Max finally said and looked down, not wanting to see Maria’s reaction.

Maria dropped to the bed. He was an alien. An alien like Tess and Michael. Were there more? Oh My God. She had been brought back to life by an alien. Had Michael done something to her last summer like Max did when she was shot?

“I understand you might be freeked right now, but I have to ask you not to tell anyone. Our lives depend on it.” Max said in despiration. The look on Maria’s faice was not comforting to him.

“Our lives?” Maria asked.

“Yeah…uhhh… Isabel is an..a..alien too.” Max stuttered.

Maria thought for a second and stood up. Max thought she was going to bolt. When she did instead suprized him. She looked him in the eye and began speaking, “Max, can you get Isabel and meet me at my house at 8:00 tonight? I have something to show you.”

Max looked at her suprized. What the hell was she talking about. He figured that if this was alien related that Alex and Liz should be let in too. “Can Alex and Liz come. They know about…about…us.” Maria nodded and walked out the door. She had to get Tess, Michael, Kyle, and Valenti to her house.

She knew she wasn’t supposed to tell anything about Max and Isabel’s alien status but this was different. Besides, she was going to wait for them to be present before she dropped the bomb.


Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 7:22 pm
by gnrkrystle
Chapter 8

Isabel was furious. “I can’t belive you told her the truth.”

Max was starting to get upset that no one trusted his judgment, “What was I supposed to tell her? HUH?!” he yelled.

“Something other than the truth would have been nice. I bet she’s having us meet her at her house so the Sheriff can take us in to the FBI. It’s probably a set up.” Isabel said.

“It’s not a set up ok. When I healed her, I connected with her. She isn’t like that. She won’t tell anyone.” Max said. He was done with the conversation. He got up and left the room leaving Isabel fuming.


Maria sat down in between Tess and Kyle. She had gone over with Michael so that she could set up a meeting. “Hey, guys. We need to have a meeting at my house tonigt at 8:00, ok?” she said.

“Yeah, that’s cool. But what is this about?” Tess asked.

“Ummm it’s just… we can talk about it tonight, ok?” Maria said. She didn’t want to get into any of that there.

Kyle nodded and wrapped his arm around her. He was still worried about her. There was something in him telling him that this meeting had something to do with what happened at The Crashdown today.


Maria sat on the living room sofa clicking a pen in anticipation. Michael, Tess, and Kyle were already at her house, and she told them that she was waiting for someone else before she started. They were a little uneasy but didn’t argue.

At 8:00 exactly the doorbell rang and Maria bolted out of her seat and to the door. Michael, Kyle, and Tess noted her weird behaviour and gave eachother confused looks.

Maria let Max, Isabel, Liz, and Alex into her house and led them to the living room. Kyle, Tess, and Michael’s looks of confusion became more profound, and joined Liz, Alex, Isabel, and Max’s.

Maria could see that the two groups were going to have trouble with what she was about to say, but she knew that Tess and Michael had wanted to find the rest of their family more than anything, and that’s what Maria thougth Max and Isabel were.

She took a deep breath and began to speak. “I know you are all wondering why I invited you here.” She said. Receiving no response she continued, “Ok well it has to do with what happened at the Crashdown today.”

Max shifted uncoumfortably in his seat. Everyone wanted to know where this was going so they remained silent for her to continue. “Well, I don’t know how to say this but, Max and Isabel…you have something in common with Michael and Tess.” Maria was hoping that they would get what she was trying to say.

They obviously weren’t because Michael said, “What are you talking about, babe?” a term of indearment that Liz shuddered at.

Maria took another deep breath. Michael could see that she was nervous so he walked up to her and put his arm around her. Maria continued, “Max, you know that thing you told me today?” she asked not wanting to come out and say it.

Max nodded uneasily. Maria continued, “Well you and Isabel are not alone. Michael and Tess share your secret,” she finally said taking a seat.

Max and Isabel got it. Tess and Michael had an idea, but Kyle, Liz, and Alex were still in the dark. “What is going on?” Kyle finally said to all of them.

“You are our family,” Isabel said to Tess and Michael in shock.

Michael wanted to make sure they were on the same page, so he went to the vase on Maria’s coffee table and changed it into a candle and back. Isabel ran to him. “Oh my God, we have been looking for you for years.” She said tears running down her face.

Everyone got it now. Maria’s eyes teared up at the vision of a family reunited in front of her. The four hugged each other and cried as the human four watched with smiles. Finally Mac turned to Maria. “Thank you, Maria. You don’t know how much this means to us.”

Maria bowed her head and said to them, “We should give you guys some time alone.” She got up and motioned for Liz, Alex, and Kyle to follow her to her room.

Isabel stopped her, “No, we have plenty of time to get to know one each other now. We want to talk to all of you.” She said.

Maria smiled and the humans sat back down. The aliens then joined them. Michael sat in between Maria and Liz. Max sat on the other side of Maria, and Isabel and Tess sat on the loveseat together.

Tess started. She looked over to Alex and Liz, “How did you guys find out about Max and Isabel?” she asked.

Alex answered, “Well, We had all been good friends since they moved here to Roswell. Liz gravitated to Max because they shared a love of science, and that’s how I became part of the group. One day, Liz and I saw them out in the desert and they were blasting rocks. Well, the next day we approached them, and after some struggle they admitted that they were ‘not from around here’ as it were.

Max couldn’t help but grin and Alex spoke. He remembered that day. He and Isabel were terrified that Liz and Alex would find them disgusting, but they didn’t. They embraced him and his sister even more.

Isabel looked at Maria and Kyle, “So, how about you guys. When did you find out about Michael and Tess?”

Kyle began, “Well, my dad and I noticed some odd behaviour in Tess when he first adopted her. After some time, she came to us and told us that she was an alien. At first we didn’t belive her, but she showed us some of her powers and it was kind of hard to deny that.” He said with a chuckle.

Maria continued, “I had been friends with Kyle since, like birth, and when Tess came to live with him I noticed some things too. A couple years after Kyle found out, I asked him what was going on. He, his father, and Tess all sat down with me and explained the situation.” Maria said. She remembered that meeting. She thought they were nuts until Tess showed her what she could do with a mindwarp.

Then Maria shifted in her seat. She didn’t know exactly how to explain how she found out about Michael, “And ummm I found out about Michael last summer when he…uhhh helped me. I was staying at his apartment and I caught him using his powers. So I got him together with Tess.” Maria decided that the other group didn’t need to know all of her drama right now.

Max looked at Maria as she spoke. HE knew she was holding something back. He wondered if it had anything to do with the falshes he got from her. Those flashes were disturbing and he wanted to talk to her about them, but that was for another time. When they were alone.

Something finally hit Michael, “Wait, what happened at the Crashdown today to make you guys expose yourselves?”

Maria looked down on the floor. She knew Michael and Kyle would hit the celing when they found out she was shot. Max picked up on her uneasiness and decided he would tell her friends what happened. “Well, Maria was working and these guys in the Crash were arguing. One pulled out a gun and it went off, and Maria was shot.” He said, “And I…I healed her.” He finished.

Michael’s face was turing red. He was pissed. Not at Max or Maria, but that he wasn’t there to protect her. Maria put her hand on his, which didn’t go un noticed by Liz. “Michael, I’m fine. Don’t worry about it.” She knew what he was thinking.

Michael decided he would let it go at that moment. Tess was getting tired so she said, “Hey, guys. I’m really tired. How about we hang out tomorrow?” she said.

They all nodded. “Yeah, This is a lot for one night, lets all meet up tomorrow at the Crashdown.” Maria said getting up to follow everyone to the door. She could tell Michael didn’t want to leave. He was still so protective of her. “Michael, I will be fine.” She said to him. He reluctatly walked out the door.

Max stuck around. He wanted to talk to Maria alone. “Maria, ummm I know you are tired, but can we talk?” he asked. Maria smiled that sweet smile of hers at him and nodded stepping aside to let him back in.

“What’s on your mind, Max?” she said to him. She wondered what was on his mind, but most of all, she wondered why this guys had such an effect on her.


Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2005 3:55 pm
by gnrkrystle
Chapter 9

Max didn’t know how to tell Maria what he saw. He wanted her to know because not telling her was like a lie. “Maria, I uhhh…I don’t really know how to say this…”

“Just say it, Max. I mean you saved my life. You’ve earned the right to say anything you want.” She wanted him to open up to her. She didn’t know why but she craved that.

“Well, I…when I healed you I saw things. Images. It was like your life flashed before my own eyes.” He said. He really wanted to ask her who had hurt her so badly that night Michael held her hand, but he knew that wasn’t really his business.

Maria took a step back. He saw her life. She thought he was probably repulsed by her, like most people would be. She didn’t want him to feel distant from her, but it was inevitable.

Max noticed her withdraw and stepped closer to her. He could imagine that she would be mad. “I’m…I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to, it just happened.” He said wanting her to believe that he wasn’t trying to invade her privacy.

“No, ummm it’s not your fault,” Maria said with her mind elswshere. “I just. Wow. I mean there are probably things you saw that you shouldn’t know.” She said looking up at Max finally.

He looked into her eyes. He saw pain and fear. She was actually afraid that he wouldn’t want anything to do with her. It was ironic because that was exactly what he feared about her. “Maria, I’ve never tried this, but maybe I can make the flashes go the other way. Maybe I could show you my life.” He offered.

Maria was surprise. He actually wanted to share his life with her. He wasn’t running for the hills. “Umm, yeah. That would be nice.” She said weakly, still trying to understand why Max made her heart race like he did.

“I have to touch you.” He said awkwardly. She nodded and he cupped her face in his hands. Immediately Maria was flooded with images of Max’s life. She saw him breaking out of the pod he was born in. She saw him holding Isabel’s hand as a care pulled up to them in the desert. She saw him watching her in the hallway at school. She could feel what he was feeling as he looked at her. He saw pure beauty in her both inside and out.

When the flashes stopped, Maria looked into Max’s eyes. “Wow,” she said. Max didn’t know what got through to Maria, but he didn’t really care at this point. His feelings for her had only grown since he saved her and he truly trusted her.

“Well, I probably better go,” Max said. Maria was still in a daze. She just nodded and walked him to the door. “Bye Maria. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Max said.

“Bye Max.” Maria said and then walked back to her room. What the hell just happened. Did that mean that Max had feelings for her? Did her body reactions meant that she had feelings for him? She didn’t know what was going on. All she did know was that Michael never made her weak in the knees like Max did.


Since Max was staying back to talk to Maria; Isabel, Liz, and Alex were out a ride. “I can take you home,” Michael said to Liz. The Crashdown was on his way anyway.

Liz did a happy dance on the inside. “Ok, that would be great.” She said and got into his car.

Tess and Kyle then offered to take Isabel and Alex home. It was slightly out of the way, but Tess and Kyle wanted to be closer to Isabel and Alex.

In Michael’s car…

It was defeningly silent in the car until Liz began to speak. “So, are you ok? You know with finding out there are more…aliens?” she said politely.

Michael thought for a minute. “Yeah. I mean it was a big suprize. But I’m really happy about it. I’ve never really had a family except for Tess, Kyle, and Maria.” He said. He didn’t want to get into all of his emotional crap with Liz, so he left it at that.

“Yeah, I’m glad that our two groups can get together. I’ve always wondered what it would be like to hang with you guys.” She couldn’t believe she was actually saying this. She sounded like a little girl begging to play with the big kids.

“What do you mean?” Michael asked confused.

“Well, you know. You guys like rule the school, but you aren’t ass holes like most popular people.” She said simply.

Michael was taken aback. He knew that Maria, Kyle, and Tess had been the most popular kids in school and he was automatically thrown into that group after he had become friends with Maria, but the four of them kept to themselves a lot so they didn’t see themselves a popular. “Well, we pretty much stick together. We don’t go out with other people a lot.” He said. Why was he explaining himself to her?

Michael couldn’t help but notice the way that Liz’s hair blew in the breeze of the slightly cracked window. It was beautiful. He had to fight the urge to touch it. Liz was doing the same thing. She despiratly wanted to rest her tired head on Michael’s strong and appealing shoulder, or to run her fingers through his growing hair, but she knew that wasn’t possible.

When they pulled up to her apartment, she said, “Bye, Michael. Thanks for the ride.” And smiled at him.

“Bye, Liz. I’ll see you tomorrow.” He said and drove off. He needed a cold shower after that smile and his name coming off of her lips.

She sighed as he drove off. Damn he was hot. And the way he was over protective of Maria just made him that must hotter.

In Kyle’s Car…

Tess alowed Isabel to sit shotgun. Mostly because she wanted to sit in the back with Alex. The car ride was completely silent until Tess let Alex out. “Goodnight, Alex.” She said with a sweet smile. She was working her magic.

Alex blushed. “Goodnight, Tess.” He said and then his body took over. He leaned into her and gave Tess a light kiss on the cheek. Isabel and Kyle grinned at each other and Tess turned bright red.

She regained her composure and said, weakly, “Bye.” With that, Alex walked into his house with a smile ten miles wide.

Tess got back into the car and rolled her eyes at Kyle and Isabel who were still chuckling. She was going to hit Kyle where it hurt, and she was pretty sure it would get to Isabel too. “Very funny Kyle. At least I’ve asked him out on a date. Have you even told Isabel that you pine over her, yet?”

Kyle’s mouth dropped open and Isabel turned 18 different shades of red. Tess smiled at hersef in satisfaction. Seved them right. The rest of the car ride was silent.

When Isabel was safely inside her hosue, Tess moved to shotgun. Kyle was giving her the silent treatment. She knew. “Common Kyle. Someone had to say something. You two are totally hot for each other.” She said wanting him to forgive her.

“No, you are delusional Tess. Isabel does not like me. All you just did was embarrass me.” Kyle said still pissed.

“Is that why she went silent and turned bright red.” Tess asked. She knew her brother would never see that a girl liked him. Tess was always the one whohad to push Kyle into reltionships. He could never see when girls were attracted to him. Tess turned to him. “Don’t be mad at me. Please.” She said and give him the puppy dog face.

Kyle looked at her and rolled his eyes. “It’s not fair. I cant stay mad at you.” He said with a grin.

Tess wrapped her arm around her brother and hugged him. No matter what happened those two couldn’t stay mad at each other for long.


Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2005 11:47 pm
by gnrkrystle
Chapter 10

Maria walked into the Crashdown with Michael to find Max, Isabel, Tess, Kyle, Alex, and Liz already there. Liz was heading to the back room to get ready for her shift and Michael followed her. They both had to work until 6:00pm that day.

Maria had the day off because Mr. Parker felt that she needed a few days to recoup after the gun scare. “So, how is everyone today?” Maria said smiling and sitting down next to Max.

She knew she was playing with fire, sitting this close to him, but she couldn’t help herself. “Great, how are you doing?” Isabel said sweetly. She had dropped the Ice princess routine last night, and now she treated her new friends like family.

Maria giggled, “I’m good, I’m good.” She said. She knew they were worried about her.

“Are you sure,” Max said looking directly into her eyes.

Maria grinned, “Yes, I’m fine. God, you guys are already as bad as Kyle, Tess, and Michael.” She said rolling her eyes. She had gained 4 new babysitters in one night.

The table laughed except for Kyle, who said, “We only nag because we care,” he said. Isabel rolled her eyes and pushed his sholder flirtatiously. Everyone at the table noticed their playful actions and tried to cover the grins on their faces.

Tess looked at his brother. He was so hopeless. She rolled her eyes and turned her head to Liz and Michael who sat down on the end of the table. The Crashdown was dead, so they were just hanging out.

Michael draped his arms around Maria’s shoulders as the group talked about their lives. Maria’s body was so confused. Her thigh brushed against Max’s shooting electric shocks through her body, and Michael’s arm made her feel loved and protected. God, she had to do something about this. She loved Michael, but there was definatly something going on with her and Max.

The aliens discussed what they knew about their lives. That was basically nothing. Max and Isabel had sketchy memories at best. They remembered random things like the color of the water. And Tess and Michael remembered virtually nothing. None of them could gather why they were on earth.

When a customer walked in, Liz and Michael got up and went back to work. Everyone else continued talking for a couple of hours. Max wasn’t paying much attention to the conversation because he was concentrating on Maria’s slender thigh next to his. He was smelling her scent and watching her lips move as she spoke. He had it bad, and he didn’t know what to do.

After a few hours of talking, the group decided to head out. Isabel called Liz over to the table. “We are going to cut out. Meet us at our house after work, k? Bring Michael.” Isabel told her as everyone got up.

Maria went back to the kitchen to tell Michael goodbye. Max watched her every move and felt a sharp pain in his chest when he saw Maria lean in an kiss Michael on the lips.

Maria kissed Michael mainly to remind herself that she was taken. Otherwise she would do something stupid, like jump Max Evans. One thing Maria noticed, though, was that when she kissed Michael she didn’t get those same tingly feelings that Max gave her just by touching. Oh well, she would have to talk to Michael later.

The gang went their seprate ways after leaving the Crashdown. Tess and Alex went on their date. Isabel and Kyle went to the movies, and Maria was just about to walk home when Max reached out and grabbed her arm. Electic shocks all over again. “Hey, Maria. Do you wanna…hang out or something?” he asked her awkwardly.

She smiled. Was he nervous? That was adorable. She nodded and said, “I would love to Max.” she said and followed him to his jeep. “Just let me call Michael so he doesn’t worry about me.” She said and immediately felt like an idiot for mentioning her boyfriend.

Meanwhile on Tess and Alex’s date…

Since Tess was the one to ask Alex out, she felt like it was her job to plan what they would do. She decided to take him to dinner and then out to the desert to look at the stars.

The two sat down at a booth at Senior Chow’s. Aex noticed the awkward silence and spoke. “So, I’m really glad you asked me out.” He said. He knew he didn’t have the balls to ask her.

“Yeah, I’ve wanted to aked you for some time now, but I never had the guts. I’m glad you said yes.” Tess said sheepishly.

Alex was supprosed that Tess had actually thought about asking him out. “Wow, I’ve wanted to ask you out for a long time too.” He said still surprised.

Tess was surprised, “Hmmm, well that’s interesting. Well, I’m glad we are out now. So, what kind of stuff are you into?” she said.

They spent the next two hours doing the typical ‘get-to-know-you’ stuff. They found that they had a lot in common. They both liked indy rock music. They both wanted to go to UCLA. They both loved English and hated math. They felt a vibe in each other. They felt completely comfortable with each other.

Later, in the desert, Tess was pointing out the different constilations. Alex had always loved looking at the stars, but actually having someone with him who knew about them made it even better.

When Tess was done pointing out the major constillations, Alex decided to take his chance. He leaned into her and cupped her face in his hands and brought his mout down to her’s. She kissed back, opening her mouth to allow his toung entrance.

They kissed like that for what seemed like hours. Everything around them melted away. All that mattered was each other. Finally they broke apart and Alex drove Tess home. They kissed goodnight, and left each other with smiles on their faces.

Meanwhile at the movies…

Kyle and Isabel took their seats in an almost empty theatre. The previews had just started.

Kyle was still surprised that Isabel agreed to come with him. He didn’t know if this was a date, or just a ‘get-together.’ He didn’ really care. He was just gald to be with her in a dark room. He wanted to touch her, but he didn’t want to be too forward. He could feel the head of her body agaisnt his arm as they both went for the armrest.

Isabel was thinking basically the same thing. She wanted Kyle to touch her. She knew he liked her because of Tess’s big mouth, but he was acting like he didn’t. Maybe he was afraid she would reject him. She didn’t know why he would think that. She did say yes to this date. Or did he think it was a date? God, she hadn’t gotten this flustered over a guy…well, ever.

Kyle decided to take a chance. He put his arm back on the armrest and placed his hand on Isabel’s. They both pretended to watch the movie as Isabel grabbed Kyle’s hand and messaged circles on it with her thumb.

Kyle had to shift in his seat to keep his growing arousal covered. He didn’t want Isabel to get freeked out.

Slowly, over the course of the movie, Kyle’s arm ended up around Isabel’s shoulder and his other hand rested on her thigh. She was leaning into him waiting for him to kiss her. Just as he was about to, the movie ended and the lights came on.

Dammit. Kyle and Isabel walked back to his car hand in hand. Their hands remained fused together through the whole ride to her house. When Kyle pulled into the Evans’ driveway, he got out of the car to walk Isabel to her door. This was definatly a date.

“I had a nice time,” Isabel said dropping the Ice princess attitude.

“Me too, we should do this again,” Kyle said.

“Yea, that would be great. Only next time we could do a little more of this…” Isabel said before leaning in and crashing her lips onto Kyle’s. He was surprised, but returned the kiss with just as much passion.

The two went at it until they were interruped by a friendly face and an infectious giggle.
