Porcelain (M/L Teen-ADULT) Ch. 8 10/20 AN 12/12/05 [WIP]

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Porcelain (M/L Teen-ADULT) Ch. 8 10/20 AN 12/12/05 [WIP]

Post by ChemChic »



Disclaimer: I do not have any affiliation with ROSWELL or any of its components. Also...none of the pictures in my banner belong to me...they are either the product of another author/artist, or belong to the WB (or who ever owns Roswell now)...I just put them together to make a pretty picture for ya'll!!!!
Category: Max/Liz
Rating: Teen-Adult
Summary: Since the age of seven, Liz Parker hasn't uttered a word and not even she truly knows why. But when Max Evans steps off the bus on that fateful day in third grade, events are set in motion that will completely destroy Liz's interpretation of the world. Is Max simply the key to Liz's voice? Or does he hold more power than she could have ever imagined. Liz's Point of View.

Author’s Note: I know that I haven't even come close to finishing Intrinsic, but I had this idea burning in my brain after watching The Piano (it has absolutely nothing to do with the movie, I simply got the idea for a mute character from it) and I couldn't help but write it all down...Meanwhile, enjoy Porcelain...you will understand the title later on...and no, it has nothing to do with the song by Moby!


*Core evaluated is a psychological assessment of a child’s I.Q. as well as their overall neurological functions (for example, children who are thought to have ADD or ADHD are often core evaluated).

Chapter 1

Have you ever considered the importance of the spoken word? I mean, seriously thought about it? I have. I know the ins and outs of speech pathology, I have an intimate relationship with the origins of linguistics, and I can write in six different languages and read eight. I have an unusually vast comprehension of Western Civilization, and I have read some of the world’s most famous manuscripts (i.e. Plato’s Republic) in their original texts. Now, you are probably sitting there thinking ‘wow, this girl is a major dork, doesn’t she have anything better to do?’, and you would be absolutely validated in asking that. To that question, I have a simple answer. Yes, I am a dork, and no I don’t have anything better to do. But a better question would be why I’m so enthralled by language, and more importantly why I asked you about the spoken word and not language as a whole. To explain to you my passion would be no different than handing you a key to my mind and inviting you straight into the muddled canvas that is my brain. But since you’re here, you might as well take a seat and do the best you can to try and understand me. There are a few people that might be able to help you if you get confused. After all, not everyone understands sign language, though then again, not everyone is voluntarily mute.

It all started when I was six years old. I was never what one would call a vivacious child, but I did speak, and contrary to popular belief, I did have friends. Yet even at such a young age, I found much more stimulation within my own imagination than I ever did with the children in my organized play group. I would make up grandiose stories of princes and kingdoms far beyond the seven continents of our globe, or of those who lived centuries ago with an uncanny accuracy for period detail. I would spend my free time in the children’s reading room of the Roswell Public Library, inhaling book after book. It never really mattered what it was about, or if it were even in English, I would simply pick one out, read it from front to back, back to front, and once in a while, I would even turn them upside down, just to achieve a different perspective. I would do this until I’d exhausted every possible way of looking at the piece, and then I would sit for hours and mull over what I had just read. Now mind you, I was doing all of this at the tender age of six. My parents picked up on this unique behavior and quickly made an appointment to have me core evaluated*, only to find out that I was an introverted savant with an I.Q. teetering precariously between 189 and 190. Now most people think that it would be incredible to be that smart, and in some ways it is, but at the same time, there are only so many people like me in this world, and I found that forcing myself into silence is the only way for me to live a semi-normal existence.

After these “extraordinary” findings as my psychoanalyst so pleasantly called them, my parents began pushing me to the umpteenth degree. Instead of placing me in a normal scholastic setting, they hired a private tutor who began cramming my childish head with intricate ideas such as math logic, elementary chemistry, the history of socialism, and Shakespearian literature, just to name a few. I understood everything he threw at me and then some, and by the time I turned eight I was solving multivariable calculus equations using nothing but a pen, paper, and my overstuffed brain. Yet it was also during that two year period that my voice slowly began to fall away from me. The first session I had with my tutor, I was eagerly answering his questions in lengthy detail and even asking some of my own, and towards the last, I was simply jotting down my response, not even bothering to look at him while he made sure I was correct. At that point, my pink and white Nikes were far more interesting than anything he had to say. Some people blame my parents for the way I am, some people simply write it off as a malfunction of the biochemical processes in my overactive brain. But me? I’ve made my mind my only refuge from the intense pressures of the outside world to be the next great thing. Heck, Einstein didn’t speak until the age of ten, so if I have the same I.Q. that he did, why should I have to speak from the age of eight on? It only seems fair.

While I was slowly cutting myself off from the rest of humanity, I made it a point to learn sign language, just in case I ever did want to converse with others. Within a week, I could sign better than anyone who had been deaf or dumb their entire life, and much to my surprise, I actually enjoyed that form of communication; so much so that I refused to write anything down for months, forcing my parents to learn to sign themselves. My psychologist at the time, Dr. Margolis, discouraged my behavior and rejected my parent’s idea of sending me to a school for the gifted in Virginia. He thought that the only way to break my verbal silence would be to put me into public school with children my own age, knowing that they would mercilessly tease me for both my brains and my mute status, thoroughly convinced that it would push me far enough to open up my mouth and defend myself. I had to bite back a contemptuous laugh. If you haven’t figured out already, I wasn’t stupid, I knew how the other children would react if I went in there signing away and outdoing them in every aspect. But that wasn’t my plan. I would simply act like the shrinking violet I was so comfortable being, silently excel at all my work, and merely shy away from anyone that tried to confront me. To my classmates, I would be just another painfully withdrawn eight-year-old among a sea of far more interesting faces.

Two weeks after that supposed “breakthrough”, off I went to Roswell Elementary with my purple L.L. Bean book bag, matching lunch box, and a fully stocked binder and pencil case. Apparently someone informed my teacher of my “condition”, because she spent the first two weeks trying desperately to get me to speak. She would call on me to answer questions even though I never once raised my hand, she would ask me to present things during show and tell when it wasn’t my day, and during our “buddy reading” – basically the school’s way of attempting to integrate the younger and older children – she would always assign me to the fifth grader whose reading skills were no better than those of a four-year-old. Yet I said nothing, only responding with a shake of my head, staring up at her shyly through the tips of my bangs. Eventually, she gave up, seemingly satisfied with the incredible work I was able to produce in a matter of minutes. Though she could be pushy at times, she really was a wonderful woman, allowing me to study whatever it was that I was interested in at the time. While the other children were learning their times tables, I was teaching myself Mandelbrot Sets and advanced fractals. While they were struggling through Sharon Creech’s Chasing Redbird, I was engrossed in James Joyce’s Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, and rapidly approaching a six month romance with its companion, Ulysses. It was also during that class that I became so intensely interested in linguistics. During their study of the Pilgrims, I had asked (via a note) if I could study Western Civilizations. Mrs. Blatt seemed thrilled with the idea as that had been her secondary major, and the next day she came in with a bag filled with texts on practically every subject pertaining to Western Civilization from prehistory to the 20th century. Though a bit overwhelmed, I dove right in, devouring book after book. I thoroughly enjoyed practically every aspect of my studies, but I quickly found myself taken by the development of language and communications. I soon found myself immersed so deeply in the history of the spoken word, for the next two months I hardly could remove my nose from my books. When I wasn’t reading up on the history of a language, I was studying the language itself. By the end of the first semester, I had taught myself to read and write in Latin, Italian, and French, and had I any interest in speaking, I am quite confident that I could have held an intelligible conversation as well. Nothing my parents tried could tear me away from my studies, not threats, not bribes, not even pleas. Just when had myself convinced that what I was doing was a perfectly healthy, acceptable way to live my life, an unusually warm day in January picked up my private universe and set it slowly spinning in a rotation that has only since increased.

Chapter 2

I was sitting outside during morning recess under the reprieve of a weeping willow, immersed in whatever new book I was devouring at the time, when a bouncy blond plopped herself right down next to me, not even bothering to realize that I was quite obviously busy.

“Hi!” She announced exuberantly, completely unable to sit still as she took in the world through active, excitable blue-gray eyes.

I slowly drew my eyes fully away from my reading and for the first time I took in the girl sitting beside me. She was dressed in a bright pink jumper with lime green polka dot tights and mismatched Mary Jane’s. Her long honey hair was haphazardly pulled into two barrettes, behrly holding her thick waves out of her eyes.

I swallowed several times before I managed a tiny, nervous smile in response.

She seemed satisfied and quickly plowed forward. “Whacha doin’?” She questioned in a sing-song voice, peering at the enormous book resting on my tiny lap.

I looked down at the text and then back at her, trying to communicate my current activity.

“Oh, you’re reading that?” She pointed at the book with wide eyes that held a mixture of shock, confusion, and amusement.

I nodded my head slowly; my eyes now trained on her, curious as to why she was talking to me.


It was a simple question and one I had a million answers for, if I actually could speak, that is (at that point, it wasn’t so much that I didn’t want to talk anymore, it was that I couldn’t). So I simply shrugged demurely instead.

“You don’t talk much, do you,” it was far more a rhetorical statement than an inquiry, but I shook my head anyways.

“Well, that’s okay; my mom says I talk too much anyways. So…if you don’t talk, and I talk all the time, then it’s like we just talk the right amount,” she rationalized, her eight-year-old mind clearly working to sort all of this out.

I smiled brightly at this, enjoying the eccentric company of this spitfire child.

“I’m Maria Elena Deluca,” she slurred out quickly with a hint of a Spanish accent, connecting each name together to make one confusing word.

I gently removed a spiral notebook from my book bag and turned to a fresh page. I slid a pencil out of my hair, allowing my full mahogany locks to cascade down my back.

My name is Elizabeth Mackenzie Parker, but everyone calls me Liz, I wrote out neatly, angling the page towards her so she could read it.

Maria smiled excitedly and grabbed for my left hand. “Yay! Now I know your name and you know my name, so we can be best friends, okay?”

I nodded my head vigorously, and for the first time in my life, I almost felt normal.

Chapter 2b

Over the next few months, Maria and I became inseparable. I taught her basic sign language, and in turn she introduced me to a world of music. Even at such a young age, she had an angelic voice, and we would spend hours together holed up in my room listening to her latest “favorite band” (which, of course, changed by the hour) while she sang along and I signed the words. It was a unique friendship to say the least, and she remains my best friend to this day, but it was the person that came next that changed my life forever.

It was early March when that particular school bus arrived, looking just like any other that had come before it, or that would drive up after it. Yet it was not the bus itself that was important, but the person which it carried. I was standing with Maria on the play ground playing “rocks, paper, scissors”, a perfect game for the verbose and the silent, when a warm shiver trickled down my back, making me feel completely safe and at ease in my own skin. I instinctively looked up just as the glass door folded upon itself, expelling a beautiful sunflower blonde and a serious espresso-haired boy onto the uneven pavement. Immediately, his unearthly golden eyes captured mine, drawing me in like a hallucinogenic drug. The girl’s hand fell away from his as she ran off to the other children, but he remained unmoving, as did I. Suddenly the shrill whistle blew from the main entrance, signaling the beginning of the school day. He broke our connection, visibly startled by the sound. He rushed towards the noise, though his eyes stayed trained on me for a long moment, and I remained frozen in place, shaken by the intense emotions that were coursing through my demure figure. Most of it was completely muddled, making it impossible for me to decipher what I was feeling. But one thing was clear, more clear than anything had ever been in my entire life; his name was Max Evans and he had been looking for me all of his lives.[/img]
Last edited by ChemChic on Thu Oct 20, 2005 10:49 pm, edited 9 times in total.
"It's like...chemical" ~ Liz Parker
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Post by ChemChic »

Hey all! Grazie, grazie, grazie for all the wonderful feedback. I know this part is short, but it was all I could get out today, because if I started in on the rest of the story, it would have kept me up the whole night! Just to let you know, the parts in italicized quotes indicate someone signing, while the parts that are simply italicized are other forms of communication...read on to see what I mean. Also, I dropped some hints (some subtle and some not) in both this post and the last as to where this fic is going...see if you can figure it out and let me know...I'd love to see what you all think!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Enjoy!!!!

Ciao, bellas!


Chapter 2b (cont'd)

Maria shook me out of my trance and gave me a strange look.

“That boy,” I signed slowly, making it perfectly clear that he’d had such a profound affect on me.

“Eww, Lizzy! Boys have cooties!” Maria screeched in response, grabbing for my wrist and pulling me towards the building.

I wriggled from her grasp and sighed. “Not this one.”

Maria simply shrugged, unconvinced, and ran towards Mr. Bell, the other third grade teacher. “Bye, Liz! See ya at lunch!”

I smiled and waved, then spun quickly on my heel and headed into the school as my class had already made their way inside.

I slipped silently into the classroom just as everyone was getting settled, when all of the sudden I felt that same utter sense of security wash over me in droves, this time almost knocking me off my feet. I knew he was there, far closer than he had been before, but as I frantically searched the room from my vantage point, pressed motionless against the coat rack, I could not find him and it was terrifying. Just as I felt I was about to lose it completely, he stepped out from behind Mrs. Blatt, quite obviously sensing my distress, his eyes reaching for me, his mind stroking mine tenderly, calming my nerves. I moved slowly towards my desk, adamantly refusing to release his gaze for fear of losing him again. As brilliant as I was, what I was experiencing was far beyond comprehension, and yet, somehow I didn’t care.

“Class, this is Max Evans, he’s new here, and I want you to all be especially nice to him,” she announced sweetly, though her words behrly registered in my brain. “Max, there’s an empty seat right there next to Liz Parker, why don’t you take that?” She suggested quietly.

His eyes lit up into mine, pure ecstasy spilling into the strange connection we shared as he slid into the chair beside me. Mrs. Blatt began to discuss the day’s lesson plan, but neither Max nor I heard a thing. He slowly extended his hand towards me, still having not spoken a word. Somewhere deep inside of me, I knew that taking his hand, that touching him would mean the end of everything I’ve ever known and the beginning of something far beyond the confines of the imagination. So I took the chance, placing my diminutive, trembling palm against his and jumping off into the most beautiful oblivion, knowing immediately that there was no turning back.

I’ve missed you, his mental voice murmured, far deeper than I would have ever expected his speaking voice to be.

I’ve missed you, too, I responded instinctively as his fingers tighten against mine. The intensity of the moment caused my breath to catch in my chest; never before had I felt such deep, unadulterated love for another. Part of my logical mind was screaming at me, insisting that none of this made any sense, yet the other half maintained the lucid notion that I had known him before, that I had loved him before. And if he wasn’t going to fight it, why should I?

We spent the day in constant physical contact, fearing that in letting go of one another, we might lose each other once more. A completely irrational idea, I know, but at the time, it seemed all too real. We quickly discovered that he was as academically advanced as, and I found myself awed by his mathematical ability; spitting out proofs to theorems I could hardly understand. No one seemed to notice the instantaneous connection that the two of us made, except for the doe-eyed girl who had been so eager to become part of our elementary society.

Max introduced her to me as Isabel, his twin sister, but somehow I already knew that. I knew that this girl would grow up to be an astoundingly beautiful woman who would never be fully understood by humanity. To most of the world, she would be a cold, unattainable goddess who cared for no one other than herself. But to us, and to the people that really mattered, she would be a precious asset and a more valuable friend. I could feel that she was put off by me at first, frightened that someone could steal her brother’s affections so quickly, scared that he now had somebody and she would be left alone. But the second she took my hand and really saw who I was, her demeanor changed drastically. She knew I wasn’t there to take her brother away from her, or to replace her in his heart, that it was, in fact, just the opposite. That I would be the one to stand beside him and support him, I would be the one to give him the love that a sister or a mother could not. I can’t quite remember if I understood my relationship to them this fully, but looking back on it now, I know that’s where all of this was heading.

It took me from the beginning of lunch to the middle of recess to build up the courage to introduce Max and Isabel to Maria. It was not that I was unsure as to how they would react to her (I knew that if I thought she was a good person then they would too. Somehow, everyone’s always trusted my judgment above all others.), it was that I was wary of how she would react to them. For the past three months, it had been just her and I; neither of us had any other acquaintances, let alone friends. I was simply too introverted, and she was far more extraverted than most could handle. So I took a deep breath, picked my chin up and with as much confidence as I could muster, took Max’s hand in mine and made my way over to the willow tree Isabel in tow.

“Liz!!” Maria shrieked, throwing her arms around my neck as though she hadn’t seen me in ages.

Once she let go of me, I took a deep breath and signed “Hi. These are my new friends Max and Isabel. If you want, they can be your friends too.”

Without a second’s hesitation, she nodded her head vigorously. “Yay! More new friends!” She reached behind me and grabbed their hands excitedly. “I’ll be your friend, if you’ll be friends with my new friend,” she insisted, pointing at a gawky brunette standing against the tree trunk whom I had yet to notice. “His name’s Alex and he’s from Arizona and he really really really likes robots,” she informed us seriously, as though what she just said was the most important thing in the world.

I let my gaze shift between Maria and Alex for a moment. Didn't she say something earlier about boys having cooties? Oh well, that's Maria for you.

Alex stood to full height and smiled. He was a good six inches taller than Maria and I, yet he couldn’t have weighed too much more. “So we can all be friends?” He asked sheepishly. Like the rest of us, he seemed like the kind of person who would have trouble fitting in at first.

Max stepped forward without letting go of my hand. “We can all be friends,” he agreed, and for the first time, I heard his speaking voice, which even at such a young age commanded such respect and held such kindness, for the second time that day he took my breath away.

Chapter 3

I don’t remember exactly when Michael came into the picture, but I do remember feeling this sense of utter completion when he did. It was like I had this huge gap in my life before I found them, like I was scattered into so many fragments that it was impossible to examine who I was becoming. But with Max, Isabel, Michael, Maria, and Alex in my life, I finally had the tools and the strength to delve into my own mind and find out what it meant to be Liz Parker.

In our own eyes, we were the misfits, the oddballs, the castaways in the Roswell Public School system. Maria was sassy and alternative, Alex was a complete dork, Michael was rude and arrogant, Isabel was a haughty bitch (at least to the outside world), Max was a sensitive leader, and I was mousy and silent. Yet somehow by the sixth grade, we were the most popular kids in school. Truthfully, we were not a homely group, what with Isabel’s rapidly developing figure, Max and Michael’s extraordinarily overdeveloped physique, Maria’s gorgeous Hispanic features and luxurious hair, and Alex’s awkward yet adorable smile and soulful eyes. To be quite honest with you, I often felt like I was the odd man out in the looks department. I was absolutely plan with my straight brown hair, chocolate eyes and boyish figure. I didn’t even have to wear a bra until my freshman year of high school (and had it not been for recent events, I still would not really need one to this day). Yet for some reason, people would always comment on my beauty. Maybe they were just trying to be nice and could find nothing better to say, or maybe they really saw something that I simply did not. Who knows? But that’s really beside the point.

I think a great deal of our popularity can be attributed to the exclusivity of our little group. By the time we’d reached middle school, we’d been together three years, never once letting anyone else in, for fear they’d discover just how different we were. Max, Isabel, and Michael knew why they had their powers, they knew why they had these passed memories, they knew that they weren’t from around here. And to us, their heritage was perfectly acceptable. But I was a different story. There I was, a small town girl with two completely human parents and yet I could silently communicate with Isabel and Michael just but touching them and with Max even if we were miles apart. I had all of these memories of another time, another place, a whole other life. The same memories that our resident aliens had. And it was absolutely terrifying. Because I was so smart, my brain functioned in the realm of logic, and there was no logic to what was happening to me. My only salvation from losing it completely was Max, whom I’ve come to learn over the years can make anything right, so long as you give him the time.


By the seventh grade, Max and I could have easily graduated high school and been accepted to one of the top universities in the country, but we had become so attached to our friends, that leaving them was simply out of the question. Even though I was excelling at everything I tried and I had a decent sized group of friends, I had yet to utter a word aloud which frustrated my parents and my psychologist beyond belief. I remember one particular therapy session that Dr. Margolis decided that it would be a wise idea for me to bring everyone along to try and get them to relay their supposed “aggravation” with my perpetually silent state. First, he sat all six of us down and watched as we interacted. We carried on as though he wasn’t there, some speaking at times, signing at others, and even not speaking audibly at all (I made sure to sit on Max’s lap between Michael and Isabel so that we could communicate mentally and really freak the doctor out. We carried on with our animated expressions and random outbursts of laughter, but no one said a word). He finally called us to order, asking my friends if my silence bothered them. They quickly replied with a resounding “no”, accompanied by valid reasons to support their opinion. At that point, it was not that I couldn’t talk, but that I found it more amusing not to. It’s interesting how things change over the years, isn’t it?

As the years progress, we found ourselves pairing off into couples. Max and I were the first to go, we officially started dating at the end of sixth grade, and believe it or not, Isabel dated Michael for a month during 8th, and Maria and Alex gave it a go the summer before that. That relationship only lasted two weeks, not even making it passed the first kiss when they realized just how weird it was. But by our freshman year in high school, everything fell into place, Isabel and Alex had a steady relationship seven months running, and Maria and Michael had been together for almost five, though their romance was far more volatile and a great deal more comical than both others combine. We had yet to tell our parents, however, as we still cherished our weekend sleepovers at the Evans-Guerin household (Philip and Diane took Michael in the middle of sixth grade as a foster child and he has yet to leave). Maria and I would tell our mothers that we were having an overnight with Isabel, while Alex would tell his parents he was spending the night with Max and Michael. Of course, we would end up in the rooms of our significant others instead of where we were supposed to be. How the Evans never found out, I have no idea, but that is the least of our worries now.

Since I’ve trusted you with this much, you might as well stay on for the rest of the story. I can’t promise you everything turned out okay for everybody, but I do know that the people who survived what came next are for the first time, really, truly happy. And I will tell you right now, I am one of them.
"It's like...chemical" ~ Liz Parker
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Post by ChemChic »

I am truly sorry this update took me such a long time, it's just that so much has been happening, what with my last year of secondary school ending, my summer show season coming into full swing, my new horse's major medical issues, and the numerous weekend trips I seem to find myself on. Some of the things in this chapter may seem a bit out of place, but I promise that it will make perfect sense as to why they are there very soon. I left some really prophetic hints as to where this is going as well, so let's see if anyone can figure it out!!!!! As always, feedback is greatly appreciated, and I hope you all enjoy!!!!


For the next year, things fell into a lull, putting our minds more at ease than they probably should have been. You know that age old saying “the calm before the storm”? Well, that’s exactly what this was, and now that I look back on it I wish with all my being that we had seen it coming. But we couldn’t have. No matter how hard we tried, we couldn’t have avoided the last two years of our lives. We couldn’t have…oh god, I’m babbling. This is the first time I’ve talked about everything that happened. Truthfully, it’s the first time I’ve actually sat down and even thought about it. Part of me still feels so guilty for what has transpired. Part of me feels selfish because I was able to take so much joy from that heap of sorrow. And part of me simply feels numb. But telling you will change all of that; it will be cathartic, and that sounds like the most wonderful remedy of all.

So behr with me, because I need to explain this in my own way, in my own words. I’m not going to tell my story through the eyes of the person I am today, but instead as the girl I was, the woman I was becoming, and everything I might have been in between.


It’s December 6th, I’m Liz Parker, and tonight my life started to spin faster than it ever has before. I feel like I’m changing, more quickly than I would like to. So quickly, in fact, that my world just doesn’t seem to have the time to catch up. Everywhere I look, things seem normal, familiar; like they are stuck in some sort of loop hole, and I’m the only one able to push through. In any other case, I would be ecstatic; thrilled that I’m finally taking a step out of that shell of a girl I’ve become, and really trying to be some one. But this is happening too fast. Like the world is standing still and I’m moving more rapidly than humanly possible. And everyone else is watching. I can see it in the faces of my parents, of my teachers, of my friends. But most importantly, I can see it in the way that Max looks at me. I know he has something to do with this, I can feel it in my bones. Yet I am powerless to stop it. And in some strange, twisted way, I don’t want to.

I close my leather bound journal with a soft thud and set it down on the table next to me. I tug at the edges of the southwestern quilt I’ve wrapped around my body, pulling the colorful wool up around my neck and shoulders. I might live in Roswell, but the nights still get damn cold. A soft voice beckons me from my reverie, and I turn towards my window, smiling at who I find.

“Your mom sent me to get you, we’re ready to set up the decorations,” Max informs me with a half smile, the kind he reserves only for me.

Thanks, babe, I respond, picking up the thick black book once more, cradling it against my chest. He offers his hand and I gladly take it, allowing him to help me into my bedroom. The instant my skin touches his, a warm radiance washes over me, like stepping into a bubble bath set to just the right temperature.

Instead of letting go as we should have, I fall into his arms, resting my head against his broad, muscular chest and sigh. I can hear his heart beating in my ear, joining mine; synchronizing rhythms calming every nerve in my body. I can’t quite remember when our hearts started to beat in time to one another, but it is the most indescribable feeling. We know we are getting to that point in our relationship. That point where we close the door on our innocence and finally give in to our greatest desires. And it’s not that we’re nervous or frightened, or anything else along those lines, the moment simply had not approached us; but we can feel it coming, spiraling towards us, on a collision course with our souls.

“We should get back in there, sweetheart. Everyone’s waiting for us,” Max murmurs into my hair, yet his actions contradict his words in every aspect: his strong, secure arms pulling me deeper into his embrace.

I want to stay here, just a few more minutes, Max, I plead, nuzzling against his collar bone and tucking my head under his chin.

“C’mon, princess. You’re dad whipped up some homemade hot chocolate and marshmallows,” he coaxes, knowing my greatest weakness. Second to him, of course.

I look up at him in mock anger. You just had to play the cocoa card, didn’t you? I tease, crossing my arms over my chest, staring into his intense amber eyes.

“Absolutely!” He replies with a hearty chuckle. He holds out his arm to me and I loop mine in his, resting my head against his shoulder. “Shall we?”

We shall, I reply, a grin slowly spreading across my face.

We’ve been doing this for seven years now, getting everyone together to decorate the Crashdown and our apartment for Christmas, and in all honesty, I love the tradition. Max, Isabel, Michael, Alex, Maria, the Evans, and even Amy DeLuca all pile into our small living room along with my parents and myself and cover our building from top to bottom in Christmas trimmings. We have alien-themed decorations for the restaurant and more traditional ones for our home. My dad makes his famous hot cocoa, Amy bakes her incredible sugar cookies, and Diane and my mother get together and whip up an out of this world red velvet cake. How we are not all 200 pounds a piece after the holiday season, I don’t know. I think it’s absolutely incredible how close our parents have become, considering how different they all are. Granted, their children are almost as diverse, but our bond is something that we have yet to be able to explain. It’s not everyday that children who are best friends have parents that are best friends as well. The only ones who have yet to join in are Chuck and Jennifer Whitman, although it’s completely understandable. They both work for an international software company called InterWorks and are gone 45 of the 52 weeks of the year. Up until three months ago, Alex was cared for by his nanny, Sarah Burk, a lovely older woman who had been with the family since Alex was less than a year. But Alex being as level headed and responsible as he is, proved to his parents that he is more than capable of taking care of himself, so now he’s on his own when they’re gone. So he mostly stays at the Evans when he’s lonely, or otherwise, he enjoys the peace and quiet.

I look around at the smiling faces lighting up the room and for the first time, I realize just how lucky I am to have these people in my life. It’s not that I didn’t know how important they were before, but there is just something about having nine completely different people sitting around in this inexplicable harmony. It’s the kind of sight that could move one to tears.

“There you are, Beans!” My dad exclaims happily, using an obscure nickname he made up when I was a child. He hands a steaming mug of cocoa to Max and then one to me as he motions for us to come sit down.

Thank you,” I sign the best I can, trying not to spill the hot liquid.

“Okay! Now that everyone’s here, who’s ready to get this party started?!” Amy jumps up from her place on the couch with a huge grin highlighting her girlish features.

Everyone, apart from me, laughs in response and the group dives into the boxes upon boxes scattered around the small apartment. I sip thoughtfully at my drink, as my mind reels.

Hours have passed. All of the decorations are in place and everyone has filtered out of 152 Main Street, and I find myself back on my lawn chair, staring up at an ocean of stars. For the longest time, I believed that my fascination with astronomy was rooted in my relationship with Max, Isabel, and Michael; but now? I’m not so sure. Sitting out here, letting myself be drawn into the sky, having nothing between myself and other galaxies except the vastness of space makes me feel so small, yet so safe all at the same time. It’s an indescribable feeling, really, almost as though I’ve found something among the stars, something my soul has been searching for my entire life; just as it found Max.

Max. Now there’s somewhere my mind should be. It seems that no matter how hard I try, how hard we try, everything in our lives is so permanently rooted in our connection. For so many, the notion someone else having complete access to your every thought and your every feeling is terrifying. But for Max and I, it would be terrifying not to be connected, not to be able to reach out and hear each other’s voices, to feel his lips against mine (even if only in our minds).

Thinking about me again, princess? Max teases through our connection. I can practically feel his breath on my neck as he speaks.

Of course, I reply with a warm smile, snuggling deeper into the crimson blanket I have wrapped around my body.

So, I was thinking…he begins and I quickly cut him off, knowing exactly what he is going to say.

I’ll grab my jacket. Meet me here in ten minutes.

I love you, he murmurs.

I love you, too. Now, hurry up and get over here! I tease and I feel our connection dwindle to a reassuring hum that resides in the back of my brain.

I spring up off my chair and lithely climb through the window, doing my best to make as little noise as possible. I wiggle out of my flannel night pants and my West Roswell High sweatshirt, discarding them haphazardly by my hamper. Digging through my dresser, I procure my favorite faded jeans and a simple cream V-neck sweater. Just as I am slipping my arms into my caramel pea coat, Max’s voice invades my mind.

Knock, knock, he jokes, his face appearing at my window.

I make my way over to him, our eyes locking in the semi darkness. Golden flecks echo in the deep amber and I feel myself being drawn in once more, wanting nothing more than to become completely lost within him.

Hi, I manage, struggling to form words even in my mind. For some time now, probably a bit over a year, we’ve been anticipating this, but somehow I’d been expecting that it would be one of those things you anticipate yet they never actually come to fruition. Yet standing here, lingering in this sacred moment, I am relieved that for once in my life, I was wrong.

“Are you ready?” He questions, his words drenched in layers and layers of meaning.

I simply nod and take the hand he offers me, allowing myself to be guided through the window and to the ladder. The Jeep is waiting below, the soft top covering the old vehicle, a thoughtful gesture on such a chilly evening.

As I reach the final few rungs, I feel two strong hands positioned lightly at my waist. I let myself sink into his touch, reveling at the intense protectiveness his actions radiate. Once safely on the ground, he reluctantly releases me, only to open the door seconds later and offer me a hand to help me in. I gladly accept his gesture as I could never pass by an excuse to touch him.

Within a few minutes, we are speeding towards Roswell’s town limit and out into the open desert. He shifts up into fifth gear smoothly and drops his hand to my thigh and my fingers quickly find his. They intertwine naturally, palm on palm, and I release a breath I hadn’t realized I’d been holding. There is something so incredible and unearthly about his touch; somehow – even though he was sitting a mere three inches away from me a few seconds ago – by simply taking my hand in his, I feel utterly safe. And its not that I believe that I am in danger when he is not touching me, but there is something about that contact, something almost primal that guarantees my protection, that promises that as long as I am in his arms, nothing can ever harm me. And I believe that. With all my heart and soul, I truly believe that.

The radio, which until now I had not been paying particular attention to, quietly sends the first few notes of an all-too-appropriate song flowing through the small space. I roll down my window despite the temperature, allowing the cold air to bathe my face in the most beautiful redemption. I take a deep breath, tighten my fingers against Max’s and let the words trickle over me.

I roll the window down
And then begin to breath
The darkest country road
And strong scent of evergreen
From the passenger seat
As you are driving me home

Then looking upwards
I strain my eyes and try
To tell the difference
Between shooting stars
And satellites
From the passenger seat
As you are driving me home

“Do they collide?”
I ask and you smile
With my feet on the dash
The world doesn’t matter

When you feel embarrassed
I’ll be your pride
When you need directions
I’ll be the guide
For all time
For all time

~Lyrics by Death Cab for Cutie Passenger Seat

Appropriate, Max comments as the music fades out, glancing towards me briefly.

Prophetic, I respond, catching his eye from the corner of my own.

The rest of the ride is spent in the most soothing of silences, each lingering within our own thoughts and allowing our minds to mingle, jumbling any sense of order into an infinite definition of perfection.

Forty five minutes after we left my balcony, I find myself being led through a star splotched desert and up a rock formation I know almost as well as I know the man taking me there. We, being the six of us, found the Pod Chamber about five years ago, a bit after Max and Isabel’s eleventh birthday. Maria and Alex still believe that it was a complete accident, but Max, Isabel, Michael, and I know better. We adamantly believe that there is a raison d'être we found it that day, and something deep within me is whispering that the reason might become that much more clear after tonight.
"It's like...chemical" ~ Liz Parker
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Post by ChemChic »

haha, i know, i suck...i promised an update like a year ago and it just didn't happen. no excuses this time, just being a bad, bad, poster!!! okay, here's the new part...i am quite sure that this will leave you with more questions than answers...but read and speculate...i will give you a hint...some of this is what you are expecting, and some isn't...read to find out!!!!

Max waves his free hand over a particular spot on the face of the sedimentary rock and a glowing handprint appears just as it has each time we have come here. He places his palm against the rough surface, the iridescent silver marking disappearing completely. The rock suddenly shifts and reveals a large opening and he and I step gingerly through. I inhale the familiar damp scent, something I normally would find repulsive, but here, the smell mixes with an incredible combination of a tangy, sweet spice that penetrates the cave and dissipates the musty air that would have otherwise been. The boulder slips shut behind us, leaving Max and I in momentary darkness. He sweeps his hand over the small space, and instantly, the walls begin to emit a soft bluish-silver hue, scintillating against the crystal-like shards embedded within the rock. The chamber is reminiscent of the ocean bathed in the eerie exactness of a clear summer’s night.

Oh, Max, I sigh inside of my mind, leaning into the incredible contours of his chest after shedding my pea coat. We stand together for a long moment, wrapped up in one another and in everything that is about to happen. This has been building for some time now; years really, starting before we really had any sense of what this moment would mean to us.

“Liz,” he murmurs almost inaudibly, his warm breath grazing the top of my head. “Do you realize the magnitude of what is happening?”

The question is meant to be rhetorical, but I scramble to find words substantial enough to express every last inch of my emotions. Failing miserably, I let myself fall into the oblivion of the moment and my mouth finds his, our lips brushing so softly it could behrly be called a kiss. Yet the passion this simple action ignites between us is enough to send us both over the edge, and his entire being comes crashing into me, entangling our bodies, our minds so permanently that I cannot distinguish one from the other.

His tongue glides along my bottom lip and he sucks it gently into his mouth, tugging at it slightly, demanding further access. I gladly give into his desires and sink into his kiss, wrapped up in the arousing sensation of his beautiful erection pressing firmly into my abdomen as our mouths excitedly mimic the action we can no longer deny.

I snake my hands underneath his sweater, my fingertips dancing over the perfect contours of his back and shoulders that I memorized so long ago. He inhales sharply as I drag the shirt upwards; lifting his arms in compliance and helping me discard the obtrusive material. For a long moment, I stare at him in awe, mesmerized by the perfection of his muscular physique. I have seen him like this countless times before, yet it seems that every time is a new, fascinating experience. I drag my lips slowly across his clavicle, eliciting a deep moan. I smile against his bronzed skin, completely satisfied and overcome with the idea that I am the only one who could ever make him lose control like this. That I am the only one who will ever get to see him like this. I travel further down his chest, my fingers trailing behind lightly, grazing his triceps and pectorals, thoroughly enjoying each tiny, involuntary twitch that my touch elicits. My mouth begins to close around his taut, chestnut nipple when I suddenly feel myself being dragged upwards and his delicious tongue plunge back into my mouth. Through our connection, I can feel the lust overpowering his body, matched only by a love so intense there are still no words to describe it.

He grabs for the hem of my sweater and sweeping it off in one swift motion, leaves me standing completely exposed yet without reservation. The crimson gleam that was inlaid into his amber eyes only moments ago has vanished, replaced by the most sincere adoration I have ever felt. As a young teenager, I never experienced the self-conscious phase all of our friends seem to go through. Though I never personally though of myself as beautiful, or anything but ordinary, Max was always quick to show me just how wrong I was. Even though I behrly fit into an A (and this is, of course, speaking on the smaller side, not the larger), and my left is just slightly smaller than my right, Max has always adored my breasts, which, in turn, has made me appreciate them more fully.

Running both hands through my hair, he continues to practically worship my body. His palms slip gently down my arms and come to rest at my waist his fingers intertwined at the small of my back. His boyish bangs fall slightly over his eyes as he leans forward to rest his forehead against mine. Sienna mixes with ochre, the colors paying an odd tribute to our natural surroundings, and his body turns to liquid skin against mine. One pool of mercury, flowing viscously into another; a quicksilver romance from which we are permanently intertwined with no consequence beyond a sacred love.

“Stunning,” he murmurs, warm puffs of air tickling my cheeks.

I smile shyly in response; a natural habit, I suppose, because I feel entirely uninhibited tucked here in his arms.

Never losing eye contact, I run my fingers feather-lightly over his abdomen, tracing the grooves between each perfectly defined muscle.

Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful, I manage to educe a coherent response from my behrly functioning brain.

He releases my gaze and presses a possessive kiss against the crown of my head before he untangles himself from me momentarily and moves to the far corner of the cave by the three empty pods to retrieve the bedroll that seems to have always been there. He waves his hand over the small cylinder and it quickly morphs from a thin sleeping bag and back pad to a reasonably sized mattress of sorts complete with sheets, blankets and a pillow.

Impressive, I nod my amused approval, unable to hide the smile that is breaking across my flushed features.

Why thank you! He jokes inside of our mind, sidling closer to me as he does so.

Now, what exactly were you planning to DO on this mattress? I question playfully leaning back against him as his arms encircle my body. He flips me around and pulls me flush against him, his passionate gaze boring into my very being.

“You.” He growls, kissing me soundly as he lays us both down gently. He keeps me pinned beneath him, making me feel so safe and protected under his warm, reassuring weight. His teeth latch onto my earlobe and he nibbles at it softly, his tongue tracing circles on the sensitive flesh.

Oh, Max that’s incredible, I moan, starting to pant as my breathing becomes labored.

I can feel him smile against my skin and then he withdraws his mouth and rocks back so that he’s kneeling between my legs. His left palm cups my hipbone and massages it lovingly, colliding every once in a while with the top of my jeans. He leans forward and places a chaste kiss on my firm nipple as he hooks his index fingers at the sides of my fly. He carefully unbuttons them, his eyes growing wide when he realizes that I am not wearing anything underneath, a juicy little tidbit I’d been trying desperately to keep him from finding inside of my mind.

He swallows thickly and stares down at me in utter shock. “You’re…you weren’t…all this time, you’ve been…a-and I didn’t know?” He stammers out in sheer sexual excitement.

I bite my lip, amused by his response, and nod with the tiniest shrug. Surprised? I tease, nipping at his neck.

“That would be one way to put it,” he responds with a delighted sigh. He tugs my jeans the rest of the way down my legs and carefully removes my shoes and socks before tossing them onto the top of our growing heap of clothing.

In an agonizingly slow progression, he moves back up my body, nipping and kissing at the tender skin lining my inner thigh. His fingers dance agonizingly around the edges of my labia, not quite reaching the burning ache I so badly need for him to lessen. I tangle my fingers into his luxurious hair, twisting the strands about my knuckles in a passionate haze.

Oh, Max, I cry, my eyes slipping shut and my mouth hanging slightly open in a state of excruciating arousal.

The familiar sensation of his tongue thrashing at my clitoris sends me into an absolute frenzy. My body tenses at the intimate contact and I thrust my hips forward, giving him easier access to what we both so deeply desire. I cock my leg so that I am more open to him, and he takes this invitation and runs with it, sensing my utter satisfaction and ultimate needs through our extraordinary connection.

“You are so wet, Liz,” he murmurs against my searing flesh, his hot breath only adding to the sensations.

For you Max. Only you. I manage out, quickly becoming utterly breathless.

He sets a steady rhythm against my clit and then begins to pump one finger in and out of me, practically torturing me within an inch of my life. I buck my hips hard to meat his thrusts, each movement bringing me closer and closer to a mind-blowing orgasm.

And then he inserts a second finger.

And it’s all over.

I explode in brilliant flashes of color and sound, dragging our mind to a place far beyond human comprehension. My body trembling violently under his continued ministrations, I scream out inside of our head, unable to contain an ounce of my pleasure. I can feel the orgasm in every inch of my body; it makes my toes curl, my eyes clench shut and a smooth sheen of sweat appear over my face and chest. When he finally releases me from his intimate grasp, I shutter uncontrollably for a few long moments gulping in between gasps of air. I loosen my grip on his hair, my hand sore from the unintentional pressure.

I’m not quite sure when this all transpired, but he is now completely naked and I am sprawled out on his chest, finally breathing normally. He is gently stroking my hair, sending a mirage of intense emotions through our connection that not even the most naive person could mistake for anything but the most pure, unadulterated love.

So we’re really going to do this, I state rather than ask.

I think we are, he replies, tracing random patterns across my shoulder blade. Are you scared, baby?

No. I answer with more confidence and assuredness than I’ve ever felt before. There is something about this moment, this night, this place that makes what is about to happen feel so right, as though it were meticulously planned centuries before we were even a notion. So many girls are worried that their first time will be awkward, uncomfortable, or both, but that though has never once crossed my mind. From the first time we saw one another, we knew that we were it for each other, and that simple notion made every first seem so natural, as though we had done it thousands of times before.

And his lips find mine once again, rolling us over so that he is covering me completely. I can feel the tip of his gorgeous erection pressing into the juncture of my right thigh and I involuntarily shiver at the prospect of having him buried deep within me.

“Are you ready, Liz?” He whispers, his eyes holding mine with an intensity that goes far beyond the expectations of words.

Yes, I reply, kissing him softly.

Our hands reach down together and wrap around his ample shaft, and guide it to my entrance, the tip of his penis just brushing my dripping core. Just as he is about to slide into me, we both see a flash of something off to our right.

Max, what was that? I question nervously, suddenly feeling the need to crawl inside of him out of fear.

I have no idea, he answers, staring hard in the direction of the disruption, holding me more tightly against his muscular frame in the most protective of manners. But I’m going to find out.

He rolls off of me and roots around our pile of clothes for his boxers. Once he finds them, he tugs them on and stands quietly.

Liz, stay here, he implores softly, gazing upon me with a mixture of love and worry.

No, Max, I’m coming with you, I insist, wrapping myself in the blanket and rising to my feet.

He sighs, knowing that there’s no arguing with me once I’ve made up my mind. Alright, but stay behind me.

I nod my head and slip my left hand into his right. He grasps me firmly, and we move soundlessly towards the three pods sitting in an even row on the cave wall. We examine each one carefully, their clear casings and dried fluids not having changed a bit since the first time we found them. We step up to the last pod, the one closest to the cave entrance, the one we believe belonged to Max. As we look over the capsule, I notice something that I did not on the previous two. The back wall of the inside of Michael’s and Isabel’s was opaque, almost like a frosted glass; but Max’s was translucent, emitting a soft bluish green hue from behind.

Max, look at this, I point to my strange findings.

What could this mean? He questions, glancing from the pod back to me.

I don’t know, but let’s find out, I insist, dropping to my hands and knees. I use my left hand to keep a firm grasp on my sheet and I proceed forward slowly, entering the pod for the first time in my life. I let go of my wrap and reach out and touch the strange surface, surprised when my hand passes right through, as though touching mercury.

Max! I exclaim excitedly, yanking my hand back and turning around to look at him. There’s something behind here!

I crawl through the membranous material and enter an annex of sorts. It is a gigantic room, 100 meters at it’s highest point and roughly circular. I allow my eyes to adjust to the inky blackness, squinting suddenly as Max illuminates the room in a brilliant display of his powers. My gaze sweeps the cavernous space, looking for something, anything to justify why this was so well hidden.

And then I see it.

There, in the center of the room is another pod, except this one is quite unlike the other three. It is almost completely black with decay, only the tiniest portions of the glassy surface peeks through at the edges. It appears broken in a sense, as though the angles are slightly obscured, and the dimensions are just the smallest bit off. The viscous fluid never quite solidified as it did with the others, instead, it sits at the bottom of the container; a thick, black sludge that, when the light hits it correctly seems to move all on its own.

I swallow a breath and move towards it, Max’s warnings behrly registering in my brain. I reach out a single finger and let it drop upon the defaced surface, and just as I come in contact with it I gasp as images hit me in full force. Faster and faster they encircle my panicking mind until they blur into the most horrid shade of brown. And then, without warning, they stop as quickly as they began and my world goes black.
"It's like...chemical" ~ Liz Parker
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Post by ChemChic »

Ciao ciao!!
I'm terribly sorry that this too sooo long to post...but between the horse shows and the vacations and moving to Cambridge (tear...I can't tell you how much I miss Italy!!), I have been one busy girl. My fiance and I are in a townhouse right now (our house is still about two months from being done), so most of our things aren't even in the United States at the moment!! I promise to try to update more regularly, and hopefully I will have the next chapter out by sometime in the next two weeks...please keep hounding me on that!!!! Anyways, thank you so very much to everyone who has been reading this...I sincerely hope you enjoy where the storyline is going, I promise, it's going to get a lot more complicated from here on in...

So here's chapter five...and go check out the first page for a little surprise I cooked up over the summer...


I awake to voices.

Voices chattering all at once, their tones so soft and so far away, I am unable to distinguish them. With the exception of one.

“Liz? Liz, sweetheart, can you here me? C’mon baby, talk to me,” the voice calls. I grasp on to it and let it lead me home; back to a more familiar place than wherever this is.

A presence suddenly comes slamming into my mind, as though it had been waiting to be let in for a long time. I know that it had, he had always been there, hovering about the perimeter, but now that he’s here; really here, I know that it’s okay to come back from wherever I’ve been. I know that the only place I will return to is safely tucked within his arms.

Max? I question, just to be sure that my imagination isn’t betraying me.

“I’m here, I’m here, my love. Open your eyes,” he insists in a soft, soothing tone.

I allow my lashes to separate, only to find myself staring up into the comforting familiarity of my lover‘s eyes.

I breath a sigh of relief and lean into his palm which is gently stroking my cheek. I glance briefly around, trying to figure out just where I am, as it is obviously not where I was before. I am in a room; a real room with four walls and a bed and a…Bill Gates poster?

Alex‘s, my brain registers, I’m at Alex’s house in his bedroom. I try to move, to sit up, but I am restrained by a pile of blankets and Max’s body entwined with mine. He is resting on his elbow looking down at me with great concern, as though if he took his eyes away, I would disappear completely.

I’m okay, I whisper instinctively, moving even closer to him (if possible) so that there is no space left between us.

The relief flooding over him is more than tangible. He crushes me against his body, and starts sobbing violently, trembling so fiercely that the bed starts to shake beneath our weight.

“I thought I lost you,” he manages through his tears, rocking us slowly back and forth as he continues to speak. “You were so cold…so cold.”

I’m okay, Max. You brought me back, I string the words together through a whimper of my own. I begin to cry silently, our tears mingling on our cheeks, his body half pinning me to the bed and our foreheads touching. We stay like this for a long while, both crying out of fear and relief; relief for the same reason, but fear of something very, very different.

Liz, what happened back there? He questions once we’ve both calmed down enough to produce coherent thoughts.

When…when I touched that pod, no, that thing…evil, Max, pure evil. I string together, my mind still in pieces.

Evil? What did you see? He urged, trying to get my mind to release the memory by gently prodding at the blackness not even I can seem to make out.

It’s less what I saw and more what I felt that was so terrifying. Max, I’ve never experienced such hatred, such destruction in all of my life. I pull in a deep shuttering breath and he draws me closer, as though he is trying to bring me completely inside of him.

Liz, please, you have to try and remember all of this…we need to know what happened to you, baby. Please. I can’t protect you unless I know what I am protecting you from.

Max, that…that thing was trying to take you away from me. It wanted you so badly, like it knew that the only way it could destroy me was to hurt you. That’s why you were having such a hard time reaching me. I could hear you, I could see you, but it was like there was an invisible wall separating my mind from yours. I knew that you would be able to break through, I knew that you would be able to save me, so I just let everything slip away except for you. I knew if I kept fighting against whatever it was, the more impossible it would be to escape. I explain, shuttering at the thought of ever losing him.

But Liz, I felt that wall shatter…and I didn’t do it. I tried for hours trying to break through to you, but every time you were in reach, I was blown back by this unimaginable force. And then, all of the sudden, it was…

Gone, we murmur together, the realization striking us simultaneously.

It was like, whatever it was trying to keep from happening had already happened, and when it realized that, it just…let go. I surmised, suddenly feeling small and helpless.

But what made that happen? We didn’t even end up making love, Liz. What possibly could have changed between then and now? He questions, smoothing a loose strand of hair away from my face.

I have no idea, Max. All I know is that you gave me a reason to come back, and that in itself means more to me than you will ever know, I murmur, tucking my head between his chin and his chest. I place my ear over his heart, listening to it beat in perfect time with mine. Just as the rhythm starts to lull me into a peaceful sleep, something else joins; a beating much faster and more faint than either of ours, but a sound so beautiful that I gasp in awe.

Liz, do you hear that? He asks frantically, bolting upright and taking me with him.

I nod my head slowly, tearing my eyes away from his long enough to glance down at my stomach. Max…I trail off, gently taking his hand in mine and slowly lifting my sweater upwards, exposing my abdomen and my navel.

He splays his fingers across my behr skin tentatively, his gaze riveted to my stomach. I continue to stare at him intently until I hear his voice floating through my mind.

Liz, look, he insists. I do as he asks and let my eyes fall to the place where his warm palm is resting on my smooth skin. Shimmering from beneath his hand is the purest white light I’ve ever seen. Even more radiant patches are poking out from between his fingers, so I place my hand over his and slowly move it away. What I see before me, emitting from my stomach, blows my mind. The Royal Seal of Antar is clearly etched over my skin, and in the center where a small circle should be is the tiniest handprint I’ve ever seen.

Oh my god, Max…I choke out, tears welling in my eyes.

Are you…is that…are we…he trips over his words, trying to break through the shock of this moment.

We’re pregnant. I murmur in awe, not quite sure what to make of all of this.

But…how? I mean, we didn’t, I didn’t…he trails off, still looking between my stomach and my eyes. If it were not for our connection, I would be terrified that he was angry with me or with our baby, but I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that he loves me and our child more than anything in this entire universe. And I can’t even begin to tell you how that makes me feel.

I mean, we didn’t actually have sex, but we came pretty damn close. I surmise, chewing lightly on my bottom lip. You must have super sperm! I joke, wriggling my eyebrows.

I guess the Pill is too strong for my, um, DNA, he quips bashfully, ducking his head and turning an adorable shade of crimson.

We’re silent for a long while, mulling over this new and shocking development, allowing our thoughts to fully mingle together, drawing strength and comfort from one another.

I don’t even know what to think, Max. God, there are so many strange things about our relationship…I mean, this, for one, I reply, referring to our ability to communicate telepathically. For all we know, it’s me. Maybe whatever I am makes the Pill ineffective. And…god, Max, if we already know that I am pregnant, what does that mean for the gestation period? We have no idea how long an alien pregnancy lasts and we’re not even one hundred percent sure that I’m completely human! What do we tell our friends, our parents? I take a deep breath as he lays back down, pulling me directly on top of him, my head tucked in the hollow of his neck.

Liz, it’s okay to be scared; god knows I am. But we are going to figure this all out and whenever our baby is ready to be born, you’re going to bring it into this world and we’re going to be the best parents that any child could ever ask for. And we’ll deal with everything else as it comes. Right now, we just need to focus on you and on our child and make sure that you both have everything that you need. Okay, sweetheart? He rubs my back lovingly, his words more beautiful and reassuring than I could have ever asked for.

Okay, Max, I whisper, knowing that everything he is telling me, that everything I am feeling from him is the entire truth. He is awed by the idea that our love for one another created a new life and is deeply concerned for my heath and my safety and that of our child. I know that all he wants is for everything to be alright, and I truly believe that it will be, but just like he’s the most important person in my life, I’m the most important person in his, and you can never help but worry about the one you love.

I can’t help but think that this wasn’t just some strange mistake, Liz. I feel like there is a reason you’re carrying this child, there’s a reason that we saw that…that flash or whatever it was. I think that what ‘it’ was trying to stop from happening was this child, but it failed, and that’s why it let you go. I can’t help but thinking that this child is something more important than we even realize. I don’t know, maybe it’s just my alien side, or maybe it’s just my ego getting the best of me, but I really think there’s something else going on…

Something bigger than all of this, I finish for him, the enormity of this situation finally overwhelming my senses and I let the tears fall once more; out of joy, out of fear, and out of love. Pure, unadulterated love for this man, for our child, and for everything that this might ever be.
"It's like...chemical" ~ Liz Parker
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Post by ChemChic »

Ciao Ciao!
I know, I know, I promised Sunday...and it is now Thursday night...You can blame it on the white furball in my sig (and his 8 'brothers' and 'sisters')...I suck, you don't have to tell me!!! This part is short I know...but things are going to start to become really heavy in the next chapter, so I thought I would leave you guys with some 'fluff' (no...no sex yet...not in Alex's bed!!! But that's also on it's way :lol: ) before I revve up the angst (no, no couple angst either...I love our dreamers way too much for that...but external sources that are going to become really intense for our happy couple). So I hope you enjoy and I'll try to be more dilagent in getting the new part out.

abbs007 - Thanks!!

stargrl678 - I'll tell you right now, it won't be for a while...and it won't be in a very good situation either...

I am a dreamer - Oh, the parents...that should come up in the next two chapters...and I can promise you, they are not going to react in any way, shape, or form like you would expect them to.

Emz80m- Nope!

Ellie - Aww, Ellie, your fb always makes me so happy!!!!!! as I said to I am a dreamer...the parents will be a very interesting situation...
Sydney - Thanks for reading!!! So for now, we are going to assume that Liz is pregnant for two reasons...one, you can get pregnant from pre-cum, and two, Max has supersperm(!!) so it happened very rapidly...but there is much more to that story...

Liz86000 - Thanks for the bump!!!

L-J-L 76 - I promise all of those questions will be answered...eventually!!!

sam me - Welcome abord!!!!

Thank you SOOOOOOO much for all of your feedback, you guys just blow me away!!!!!!

I don’t remember falling asleep, but a soft knock on the door pulls me from the arms of a strange dream.

“Come in,” Max calls out quietly, not realizing that I am, in fact, awake.

“Hey,” I hear Isabel whisper as she slips into the room. “How is she?”

“Exhausted, she’s been asleep for an hour now,” he replies, gently stroking my cheek.

I’m awake, I inform him, my eyes opening just enough for Isabel to notice. I smile at her weakly and curl deeper into Max’s arms in desperate need of security; I’m still not quite ready to face the rest of the world.

“God, Liz, are you alright? What happened?” Isabel gasps out, almost as though she’s shocked by my mere presence.

“She’s okay, Isabel. We have some things that we are going to have to deal with together, but we’re going to be just fine,” Max reassures her, staring at me all the while.

“What things, Max? What aren’t you telling me?” She straightens up and her eyes reflect a myriad of emotions; fear, insecurity, but above all determination.

“Right now, Isabel, this has nothing to do with you. This is between Liz and myself, and when we are ready to discuss it, we will,” Max informs her bluntly, his eyes meeting hers steadily.

“No, Max. Something happened to Liz in the Pod Chamber, and that all but screams alien! You cannot keep this from us!” Isabel practically screams, her hands coming into tight fists at her sides.

“Isabel!” Max’s low voice commands such a presence and respect with just one word that it literally shocks his sister out of her anger. He regains his composure and continues with a more gentle tone. “Liz has been something extraordinarily personal and traumatic, and frankly so have I, and right now what we need is time and space to sort everything out. When we’re ready to talk about it, we will, but for right now this is something we have to sort out alone.”

Isabel stands there for a long moment, appearing as though she is about to argue but thinks better of it.

“Well, in the mean time, if there’s anything we can do to help, just let us know,” Isabel murmurs.

“Thank you,” Max replies earnestly, an air of understanding passing between the twins.

She leaves silently; an almost inaudible ‘click’ the only sound announcing her departure.

God Max, what are we going to do? I cry out dejectedly, a single tear slipping down my cheek. I want to be happy about all of this, I want our friends to share in our joy and in the beauty that surrounds the creation of a brand new life, but at the same time I know that there is nothing normal about this pregnancy. That there is a real possibility that this could put us all into danger; and I have no idea just how to deal with that.

“Liz, look at me,” Max demands gently. He rolls us onto our sides so that he is staring directly at me, his large hand trailing gently up and down my arm in a soothing motion. “Right now, my only concern is for you and our child. I love our family as much as you do, but you’ve always been the most precious thing in my life, and now so is our baby. The two of you come first in all of this; before Isabel, before, Michael, and certainly before me. And if keeping the both of you safe means leaving everything behind and traveling to the ends of the earth, or even to another planet, then that’s exactly what I am willing to do. If I have to die so that you can live, I will do so gladly. You are my every reason, Liz.”

I gasp at his words as fresh tears begin to flow. Never in my life have I felt emotions this strong, and that’s saying quite more than a lot.

I love you, I manage, kissing his lips soundly. I don’t know how we found each other, or why, but what I do know is that I couldn’t live without you.

Liz? Do you remember that day that we first met? He asks me suddenly, his hand stilling on my shoulder.

Yeah, of course, I reply, trying to follow his thoughts and see where he is going with this.

And I said to you, “I’ve missed you.” I didn’t know why I said that, but I knew it was true, he continues.

And I said, “I’ve missed you, too.” I had no idea what prompted that, either, but it just felt like the right thing to say, you know? But Max, why are you bringing this up? Why now? I question curiously, entirely unable to make sense of his thought pattern.

I…I don’t know. It’s just something struck me all of the sudden, and now it’s like I have this memory that I simply cannot interpret, yet it feels so incredibly important, he replies in a frustrated tone.

I know, I can feel it too, Max. Who knows, maybe it’s the key to all of this, I suggest half-heartedly, still caught up in the present.

God, if it were only that simple, he responds distantly, his mind racing with possibilities.

Maybe it is, I murmur, tracing his jaw with my palm.

Stranger things have certainly happened! He quips, and I can’t help but giggle in our mind.

We lay together quietly for the next few minutes, simply enjoying each other’s presence until Max breaks the silence.

Well, I suppose that we should go out there and let everyone know that you’re okay.

Yeah, I guess we probably should, I agree with a sigh, crawling off of Alex’s bed and stretching languidly, still trying to get my behrings back.

Max slips an arm around my waist for support and I smile up at him, leaning into his embrace. Just as we are about to walk out the door, I stop and turn to him, the smallest smile playing over my lips.

You’re my every reason, too.

He places an impassioned kiss on my lips and drops his forehead against mine our breath mingling between us.

“I love you.”

I love you too, Max. More than anything.
"It's like...chemical" ~ Liz Parker
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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Post by ChemChic »

Wow...I just opened up the word document to finish the next part!! Creepy...should be up by tomorrow!! Thanks for the bump!!!

"It's like...chemical" ~ Liz Parker