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Second Chance at the First Time (UC,Mx/Ma,Adult) [COMPLETE]

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2005 11:30 pm
by gnrkrystle
Disclaimer: I do not own Roswell characters or stories… you know that drill
Pairings: Mx/Ma UC
Rating: Adult
Spoilers: Takes place 2 years after Graduation. The group did not leave together. They split up. Maria went on to New York City and cut a record deal. Michael and Isabel gave in to destiny and got married and live in San Francisco. Kyle still lives in Roswell with his father who is sheriff again. Max went to Columbia. And Liz went to NYU. Liz and Maria live together. Liz and Max underwent a bad breakup.
Summary: Though Max and Maria live in the same city, circumstances prevent them from seeing eachother until one fateful day they run into each other and realize they need each other more than they thought.

Chapter 1

Maria walked out of her room into the kitchen of the spacious flat she shared with he best friend Liz in Greenwich Village. She started the coffee machine and looked at the clock. Uggghhh 6:15am. She loved that she had a record deal and was extatic about beginning the recording process today, but did it have to be at 7:30 in the morning?!?

As She stared off into space, a man entered the kitchen and startled her. He was dressed only in boxers and she immediately knew who he was. One of the nameless men Liz had brought home since the “big break-up” earlier that year. It had been 9 mos. since Liz and Max had broken up and Liz had been through her share of men since then.

It was not like Maria had any room to say anything. When she and Michael had officially called it quites and he married Isabel, Maria went through men like tissue. But Maria had finally gotten over it and realized that Michael and Isabel were happy, and that was really all that mattered anyway.

After Maria drank a cup of coffee she took a quick shower and walked into Liz’s room to say goodbye and tell her it was 7:00. When she entered Liz’s room she was struck by the familiar smell of sex. She had to admit, she missed that smell. She hadn’t gotten laid in at least 4 mos. Not that she hadn’t had the chance. She was just over random hook-ups. Apparently Liz was just getting started.

After Maria got dressed she walked out the door and called down a cab. Butterflies began moving around in her stomach as she pulled up to the recodring studio. She was so excited. Her dream was finally coming true. She was actually writing her own music to sing on a record of her own, backed by a legitimate record label.

Her manager and a record executive greeted her as she entered the studio. Toda she was just going to play some of her stuff and they would tell her what was a hit and what wasn’t. She was worried they wouldn’t like her stuff, but she felt pretty confident that she had written some god stuff after the Michael break-up.

She played for several hours and the three picked out about 12 songs they thought would really work for the album. By that time it was 1:00pm and they called it a day. Maria walked down to her favorite deli down the street and got a table. She loved days like this. Autumn in New York. It was absolutly beautiful. Not to hot, not too cold. So, she got a table outside and people watched as she ate.

When Maria was about halfway through her favorite chicken salad sandwhich, she noticed a familiar man out of the corner of her eye. She looked up and saw him fully. His dark hair longer laying over his forhead just right. His perfect body squeezed into a tight black tee and perfectly fitting jeans.

As she watched him, he looked over and saw her. Amber eyes meeting her green ones. SHIT! She thought. He sees me. She was right, he saw her and made his way over to her table.

When he reached her, she looked up at him with an awkward smile. He opened him mouth and said, “Hello, Maria. Long time no see.” He grinned at her.

She hesitated and finally said, “Hi Max. Wanna have a seat?”


Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2005 5:35 pm
by gnrkrystle
Chapter 2

And there they were. Face to face. Maria and the man that she had been trying so desprately to avoid. He was right there grinning at her, knowing that she had been trying to avoid him. He was getting a kick out of her discomfort, but he decided to be nice and start a conversation. “So, how have things been?”

“Really good actually.” She perked up, “I actually got signed to a record lable. I just got done consulting with them and my manager.”

“Really?! That’s so awesome. I’m so happy for you.” He was genuinely excited for her.

“Yeah. I’m really excited. But enough about me. How is Columbia? Mr. Ivy League?” she let out a slight laugh.

He grinned, “I really like it. It’s tough, but I’m happy there. I’m going Pre-med actually.”

“Really, well you always did have a knack for healing people.” She said with an out-right laugh.

He returned her laugh and looked into her green eyes. He liked making her laugh. The last time he had seen her she was still pretty broken up over the whole Michael-Isabel situation. She was looking into his eyes too. If he didn’t know better, he would think that she was feeling the same attraction to him that he had felt for her for years.

“So, ummm I havn’t seen you since the break-up. You have been avoiding me havn’t you?” He said. He didn’t want to let her get away so easily.

Maria looked nervous. “Well, ummm Max…I. I…” God did he have to bring that up? What the hell was she supposed to say? “I don’t know what to say.”

“Maria, it’s ok. I’m just giving you a hard time. I know you are Liz’s best friend, and you have every right to take her side.” He was kinda hurt when Maria never made contact with him after the shit hit the fan, but he did understand. What was Maria supposed to do?

“It’s not like that. I don’t take any side. But I mean she lives with me. And the break-up really hurt her. I just didn’t want to make her think I wasn’t being supportive.”

“It’s ok, Maria. I understand. I was just giving you a hard time. I’v missed hanging out with you. That’s all. I just don’t want to not be able to hang out with you ever again.”

“I don’t want to not hang out with you either. It’s just that I don’t know how Liz would react, you know?” Maria took a deep breath. She really wanted to know why Liz and Max broke up. Liz never really told her. She thought they were the perfect couple. She envyed what they had and then they were over, with what seemed like no warning. She decided she would just go for it. “So, umm I never found out, why did you and Liz break up?”

Max shifted slightly in his seat. This didn’t go unnoticed by Maria. What could he say? That he broke up with Liz because he didn’t love her anymore? That he was now in love with Maria? That he could no longer stand being in the same room with Maria without being able to touch her?

Yeah right, he thought. He decided instead to give her the cliff’s notes version. “Well, to tell you the truth, I just fell out of love with Liz.” Maria looked shocked, but continued to listen. “Like, when we first got together, my feelings for her were so strong, you know. And we stayed together through a lot of tough shit. But as time went on, especially after Graduation, my feelings for her turned more platonic. I couldn’t stop it. You know. I never wanted to hurt her, but I couldn’t just lie to myself and pretend I was happy.” He waited for Hurrican-Maria.

To his surprise, she reached out and took his hand, sengin electric charges through out his body. She understood what he ment. It was the same thing she noticed with Michael, the only problem was that she had been to stubborn to admit it to herself. “Max, this is probably not worth much, coming from me, but I think you didn’t the right thing. If you had stayed with Liz neither of you would have been completely happy.”

Max was so glad to hear these words from anyone, but specially from Maria. He cared what she thought more than anyone else. Michael and Isabel thought he was selfish for breaking Liz’s heart, and Kyle really didn’t care, except that he didn’t want Liz to be sad. Max had always thought Maria was with the rest of them. But he now saw that the one person from his past he wanted, understood why he did what he did.


Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2005 7:04 pm
by gnrkrystle
Chapter 3

“You know I really appriciate that, Maria.” He couldn’t believe that she thought her opinion didn’t count, when it was actually the opposite.”

“Just don’t beat yourself up over it.” She said. She wanted to hang out with him more. She wanted to keep in touch with him better than she had before. So, she asked, “Max, I understand if you don’t want to because of the way that I’ve acted toward you lately. But ummmm, do you maybe want to hang out sometime?” She was nervous about his reaction.

Max on the other hand was elated. He knew she didn’t mean a date, but this was a step forward. “I would love that.” He said. “I miss you.” He said with all sincerity.

Maria smile at him with a sparkle. “Well, when are you free? “

“Just about anytime. I don’t have much of a life.” He said with a husky laugh. “I just have classes during the day on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.”

“Well it might be to short notice, but I have a preformance tonight. I’d love for you to come and then maybe we could go for coffee and catch up.”

“That sounds perfect. I’d love to hear you sing, and I’m not doing anything tonight.” He was trying hard not to grin from ear to ear. He didn’t want to freak her out.

Just then Maria noticed that she was still holding Max’s hand and pulled away. He shuddered on the inside at the loss of contact, but realized that her touch was out of comfort and nothing more. He couldn’t expect more.

“Well, Max I’ve got to get back to the apartment to get some stuff together for tonight. But the show is on 67th street at the Match Club. I sing at 9:30pm. I’m really looking forward to seeing you there. Don’t worry Liz isn’t going.” She said with an little smile. What does that mean, he thought, but let it go.

“Ok. Bye Maria. It was really nice seeing you. I will see you tonight.”

“Bye.” She said, giving him a hug. Then she walked to the street to get a cab. He just watched her and thought about how crazy it was that he had just decided to skip a class and go get a paper, and in turn ran in to Maria. Now, he was going to “hang out” with her tonight.

As Maria sat in the cab, she thought back to the conversation she just had with Max. For some reason she couldn’t quite put her finger on, she felt a charge whenever she touched him. He felt this connection to him that she could not explain. She had even found herself asking him to “hang out” with her tonight. And for some reason, she wanted to think of this as a date. Of course, she knew it couldn’t be. First of all, Max didn’t see her like that, and second of all Liz would KILL her.

Maria decided to forget about it as she walked into her apartment. Liz was in class so she was alone. She flipped on the TV for her daily dose of Jerry Springer. No matter how much she wished it wasn’t true, Maria needed drama in her life, even if it was cheap and fake.

After an our of debatury, Maria went to her room and got her charts together and began going over her songs. She was sick of doing covers, but she knew that soon she wouldn’t have to anymore. These songs were just getting her by in the bar scene of NYC until her album came out.

At 5:00 she stepped in the shower and began soaping herself up. As she stood naked in the shower she bagan thinking of Max. She tried to push the thoughts aside, thinking that it was crazy that she was touching herself to the thought of Max. So, she quickly bathed and got out before she got a little too hot and bothered.

She looked in the mirror and laughed at herself. Why was she asking like a little school girl. She needed to get her emotions under control. She walked over to her closet and picked out an outfit that she would look hot in. She decided on a ultra-short pleated school-girl skirt, a skin tight black wife beater that was cut up so that it just covered what it needed to, and her favorite Nine-West Go-Go boots.

Then she did her make-up, very dramatic with lots of eye and lip. She heard Liz walk in the door, so she went out to great her. Liz looked really tired but perked up when she saw Maria. “You look HOT!” Liz said, “What are you doing with your hair?”

“I’m gonna wear it stick straight. You think that would look good.”

“Definatly, look out Match Club. You are gonna look and sound so amazing.” Liz said, and then she walked into her room and shut the door. Maria was running late so she grabbed her bag and music and ran out the door to catch a cab.

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2005 8:59 pm
by gnrkrystle
Chapter 4…

Backstage, Maria went through her pre-show rotine. She brushed her hair, did her warm-ups, stretched, and gave her manager a “break-a-leg” kiss on the cheek. Then it was time to take on the stage. She was the last live preformer before the DJ started, so she didn’t have to worry about cutting into anyone’s time, which was good.

As she made her way to the stage, she wondered if Max was there yet. She knew that was the last thing she needed to be worried about but there she was thinking about Max. Never-the-less, she took a couple of deep breaths and walked onto the stage.

Maria got a large applause from the crowd. She had played there quite a few times, so she had developed a fan base there. She also knew that her outfit didn’t hurt. She smiled to herself. She didn’t care that it was a small club, she was just happy to be singing.

Midway through her first song she spotted Max. He looked gorgeous. He was wearing the same thing she saw him in earlier, but she thought he looked even better with the gleam of sweat on his brow. Was it really hot in there or was it just him. Max was smiling at her a goofy smile. Damn he was cute.

Maria colleted herself and finished her first set. She went backstage and grabbed a bottle of water and then went out into the crowed to find Max. Being that she couldn’t see over the crowd, it was more that he found her.

She gave him a hug and thanked him for coming. He looked her in the eyes. She was going to kill him in the outfit. She looked so hot, and the sweat on her body made him weak in the knees. Finally his voice came back to him, “You sounded amazing!” he said.

“Thanks, Max. I really appriciate that.” She smiled at him. Suddenly a waitress bumped into her and pushed her into Max. As her body was pressed against his, she could feel him tense up and she in turn did the same. She backed away from him and looked at him in the eyes. Was that desire she saw? Get it together, Deluca. She thought.

After they exchanged pleasentries, she needed to get back onstage for her 2nd set. As she was singing, she found herself singing to Max. She just couldn’t help it. He looked so good and he was tuned in to her and only her.

When her last set was done, she got Max and went to the bar. They ordered some drinks and talked. “So what did you think of the second set?” Maria asked.

“It was better than this first if that is possible.” He answered.

“Common you don’t have to say that.”

“No, really. You have an amazing talent. You connect with people when you sing. That’s not something that can be taught. I’m really glad you invited me.” He said with all sencerity.

“Thank you,” She said blushing, not longer able to hide it. And Max noticed causing him to blush in return. “So, since the break-up who have you been seeing?”

“What makes you think I’m with someone?”

“Well, Max, I can’t imagine you staying single for long.” She said with a giggle.

He didn’t know what to say, but his gin and tonic was giving him a little courage. “I kinda like someone, but I don’t think she likes me.” He said looking down.

Maria’s face dropped uncontrolably. She would admit it, she was disapointed to here that Max was into someone else. But what did she expect, its not like Max was going to be into her anyway.

Max thought he saw disapoinment on Maria’s face, but figured he was just seeing things. There was no way Maria liked him. Right? Finally Maria said something, “Well that’s great. You should tell her how you feel. I mean the worst that could happen is she could turn you down, right?”

Max giggled at the irony, “Yeah, I guess you are right.” Then he took a deep breath, “Hey, you wanna get out of here and go somewhere that we can here ourselves think?”

“Yeah. I’d love to.” She said with her signature smile. God those lips were hot, Max thought. Then took her hand and led her out of the club. He called down a taxi and instructed the driver to take him to Central Park. He figured they could get some peace and quiet there.

Maria smiled when Max told the cab driver their desination. She loved Central Park, and she always thought it would be romantic to go there with someone. However, the men she had dated after Michael had basically all been assholes who didn’t have a romantic bone in their bodies. And this wasn’t a date. There was no way she deserved to be on a date with someone like Max.

As they got out of the cab, Max took her hand yet again an led her to a park bench. They sat down and Max dropped her hand. He wanted to tell her how he felt but he couldn’t think of a way to say it.

Maria could tell that max was nervous, but she didn’t know why. “Spit it out, Max. Your scaring me.”

Max took a deep breath. It was now or never. “Ok, well, Maria there is something I have to tell you.”

“Okay,” she said taking his hand, “go on.”

“Well, I didn’t tell you the whole truth today when I explained why I broke up with Liz.” Max took a deep breath. Maria looked confused. “ You see, everything I tol you was true, but I left some things out.” Max looked at his feet.

Maria was expecting the worst. “Like what?” she pushed on.

“Well, besides falling out of love with Liz, I fell in love with someone else.” He took anouther breath. It was now or never. “I was… I fell in love with you, Maria.”


Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2005 11:14 pm
by gnrkrystle
Chapter 5…

Maria’s jaw dropped. That was not what she expected at all. She didn’t know what to say. She looked down and around, everywhere but him, and then she finally found her words. “You fell in love with me?” She said confused.

“Yes. I think I always have been. Even since high school I’d feel jealous of Michael when he would talk about what you two did together. I just didn’t realize why until I did some soul searching.” He spoke fast, as if he needed to get it out in one breath. “Don’t hate me. I understand that you don’t feel that way about me, but I had to say it. I don’t want this to affect our relationship…”

Maria shushed him with her finger on his lips. Tears were welling up in her eyes. She collected herself and spoke, “Max, first of all I could never hate you. Secondly, I had the same feelings of jealousy with you and Liz. I told myself that I was just jealous of your realtionship, not Liz. But when I saw you today I realized that I had fallen for you a long time ago.”

Tears were streaming down her face. Max lifted his hand to wipe the tears from her eyes. He smiled at her. He was glad that she felt the same way he did, but he hated that she was crying. “Don’t cry,” he said, “I don’t ever want to make you cry.”

“No, Max. I’m crying because I’m so happy, and so shocked. I mean I really don’t deserve to be loved by someone like you…you could be with whoever you wanted to. I mean why would you want to be with me.”

Max was floored. How could she ever think that he was too good for her. If anything it was the other way around. “Maria, you really don’t know how beautiful and wonderful you are do you? Well, I will make it my business to make you realize that you are the most amazing woman in the entire world.”

Maria looked up at him and smiled. Then she wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned. He fallowed her wrapping his arms around her waist. He captured her mouth with his. He was filled with so many sensations, tasting her like he had wanted to for so long. Maria parted her lips granting him entrance. Their toungs tangoed, searching each other they way they wanted to for years.

Finally they parted, needing air. They breathed heavily into each other, and Max leaned over to Maria’s ear and asked in a husky voice, “Do you wanna go back to my apartment?”

Maria looked into his amber eyes with pure desire. “Yes, I do,” She returned his sexy tone. Max shot up immediately taking Maria by the hand and draging her to the street to call a cab. To say he was eager would be a major understatment. He was downright giddy at the thought of bringing Maria to his apartment. She was just as excited. That kiss set her sensed aflame.

When they reached Max’s apartment and walked inside, Maria was surprised to see how clean it was. She knew that Max had always been just a little bit OCD, but she really thought she was going to walk into the typical college boy’s dungeon. She should have known better, Max Evans was not a typical college boy.

Max took Maria’s bag and put it on the coat rack. Then he took her hand and led her to the couch in the living room. They sat looking at each other with desire. Maria could hold back no longer, she leaned in and crushed her mouth onto Max’s. They kissed hungily.

Max moved his hands up Maria’s back feeling her soft skin where her shirt had left her exposed. Maria moved closer to Max laying her hand’s on his chest, feeling his hard muscles over his shirt. Maria let out a breathy moan.

Max moved his hand up to Maria’s hair and pushed her closer into him. He tugged lightly at her tresses and she returned his actions by reaching under Max’s shirt feeling his muscular abdomen.

Maria broke the kiss and whispered into Max’s ear, “You think we could go somewhere more comfortable?” raising her eye brow suggestivly.

“Ummm… uhh… Yeah, come here,” he stuttered as he led her to the bedroom.


Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 4:47 pm
by gnrkrystle
Chapter 6…

When Maria stepped into Max’s room she felt massive butterflies in her stomach. It surprised her because she had never felt this way about a guy. She was never the one to be nervous in a sexual situation. She sat on the bed a removed her boots and socks.

Max couldn’t belive that Maria actually wanted to go to his room. He was confused. He didn’t know if this ment she wanted to take the next step, or if she really just wanted to be more comfortable. The answere was revealed when Maria motioned for Max to sit on the bed with her and she pulled him in to a sweet seductive kiss.

Maria pulled at Max’s shirt and he raised his arms above his head so she could lift the shirt off of him. She kissed his chest ever so lightly and he let out a breathy sigh. He could feel her smile against his skin. She broke contact from his skin only long enough to allow him to remover her shirt from her body. Normally self-conscious, she felt completely at ease being so bare in front of him. Like it was completely natural.

“Let me know if I’m going too fast,” Max said to her.

“Max, I want you. I want only you.”

Max couldn’t belive his ears. He lifted her further onto the bed laying on top of her. He nearly ripped her bra off of her. Maria could feel his aroused cock on her thigh, begging to be released from it’s denim confines. She reached down and unbuckled Max belt. She pulled down the zipper and tugged at his pants. Max raised his hips to allow Maria to remove his pants.

He lay on top of her in only his boxers as she licked his nipples which now stood erect. He pulled her skirt off of her, revealing her black lace thong. Max was breathless as he looked at the beautiful woman in front of him. Maria smiled at the his face, she had never felt so beautiful or loved in her life.

Max leaned into Maria’s chest and began fondling her rose colored nipples. He put one into his mouth and Maria let out a moan of pleasure. Max bit down on her nipple softly then caressed it with his moist toung. Maria could stand it no longer. Her hips bucked into Max’s and she felt how ready he was for her. She fllipped him over onto the bed and straddled him.

She reached behind her and pulled his boxers off of him. He in turn yanked her lace thong off of her. Maria leaned into Max’s mouth and let her hair rest on his sholders. The sensation shocked his body, and made his cock even harder than it was before (if that was possible). He could feel her wet core rub against his abdomen and he let out a moan.

He grabbed her hips, and she got the ideal. She slowly kissed Max’s neck sucking gently on his pressure point, then she backed away. Max let out an actual whimper at the loss of her warmth from his body, but it didn’t last long because almose immediately she moved her folds right over his dick.

She teased him for a while, just rocking back and forth on the head of his enormous penis. Then she gently glided him inside her. Max grabbed her hips once more and she began slowly moving up and down his length. Max was in heaven, she felt even better than he imagined. He knew, at that moment, that he could never be satisfied by another woman.

Maria felt the same way. Feeling him inside her was the best thing she had ever felt. Before this, Michael had been the best lay she had, had. But Max made Michael look like an amature. She increased her speed as Max kissed her neck. She could feel that she was about to go over the edge, so to help Max along, she reached behind her and lighly kneeded his balls. “Come with me, Max.” She whispered, just loud enough for him to hear.

“Anywhere,” he replied, out of breath. And at that, they both let loose. Max felt Maria’s walls contrict around his engourged cock as she screamed, “Ohh God, MAX!” and he was a gonner. He spilled his seed inside her tight, hot walls with a loud groan.

Maria moved off his body to his side, still keeping him inside her. They lay there panting and clinging to each other, until Max broke the post-coital silence. “I wan’t you to know that I love you, Maria.”

With tear in her eyes she replied, “I love you too, Max.”


Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 10:12 pm
by gnrkrystle
Chapter 7…

Max’s eyes fluttered open and he reached out for Maria, but she was no longer in the bed. Max shot up and looked around the room to find Maria curled up in a ball, naked, and looking out the window. She was trembling and it looked like she was crying. Max didn’t know if he should intereupt her thoughts, but he hated to see her cry. So, He got out of bed and went over to her.

Maria noticed Max standing next to her before he actually touched her. Her body tensed under his hand. She did love him, but she was so confused. She was worried about Liz, and what he would think of her for sleeping with him an the first date. Wait, it wasn’t even a date. But she also worried about something deeper. Something that she didn’t think Max would understand.

“What’s the matter, baby?” Max said and he kneeled down next to her.

She openly sobbed now, “I’m just so confused.”

“Do you regret what we did last night?” he asked, visibly hurt.

“No…no it’s nothing like that. It’s just… well… what am I going to say to Liz. I mean what kind of person sleeps with their best friend’s ex-boyfriend. And I mean…I told myself I wan’t going to sleep with guys the first night I went out with them anymore. It just got me hurt in the past. I don’t know… I don’t regret what we did because I DO love you. I just…I feel like I’ve betrayed Liz.”

Max was mad at himself for not thinking about that earlier. Honestly, Liz was the last thing on his mind when he was with Maria, but he could see how much Maria was hurting, and he didn’t know how to take her pain away. “Maria, what we did had been building up between us for a long time. Don’t feel like we moved to fast…we have been moving toward each other for 5 years. And as far as Liz, I don’t know what to say. I should have thought about that last night, but all I saw when I was with you, was you. I know that this relationship is not going to be easy, but the best things in life usually are tough to attain, right?”

Maria smiled at him. She still felt horrible, but he was right, they couldn’t deny their passion if they tried at this point. She wanted him like she had never wanted anyone or anything in her life. She would do anything for him. She stood up and hugged him, their naked bodies pressed against each other. They had never felt anything more natural.

Maria broke the embrace and looked at her watch, “Shit! I have to get in the shower and to the studio.”

Max nodded and grinned, “How about we kill two birds with one stone, and I take one with you?”

Maria giggled and cocked her eyebrow up suggestivly. Damn she was sexy when she did that.

Two orgasms a piece later they stepped out of the shower squeeky clean and Maria headed toward the door to catch a cab. “Not so fast,” Max said wheeling her around, “You forgot a goodbye kiss!” He grinned at her and she rolled her eyes. She gave him a peck on the cheek and he frowned his most adorable frown. She rolled her eyes again and planeted a big wet one right on his lips.

“I’ll call you after I’m done at the studio, ok?”

“Ok, Bye baby.”

With that, Maria walked out the door and caught a cab. She was filled with so much joy, she could hardly keep herself from singing out loud in the cab. She knew she was grinning from ear to ear. But that feeling soon came crashing down around her and turned to terror when she stepped out of the cab and saw Jakk.


Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 10:48 pm
by gnrkrystle
Chapter 8

She tried to ignore him and brush her was past him, but he grabbed her arm with all his might and whirrled her around. “Ow!” she screamed.

“Oh, don’t give me that, you like it.” Jakk said as he pulled her into him. She pushed back. Jakk was her ex-boyfriend, and former manager, when she was still underground. “Where have you been?”

“What do you mean?” she replied with defiance, “I don’t have to report to you. We aren’t together anymore, remember?”

“Oh, that is where you are wrong, little lady. We are together until I say we aren’t and as sexxy as you are lookin’ right now, I say we are together forever.”

“You can’t tell me what to do anymore. I don’t need you.”

“I see… the slut gets a record deal and now she is on a high horse.” Maria backed away as he stepped closer to her. She was now against the wall and he was inches from her face. “Well, remember this, you are and always will be a small town slut, and you will always be mine.”

“Whatever,” she said as she pushed him out of her way and headed toward the door. He immediately grabbed her wrist and pulled her back to him bending her arm sending pain throughout her wrist.

“Don’t whatever me, little bitch…”

Just then, Maria’s new manager pulled up to the building and got out of the car. “What’s going on.” He asked, in is gruff voice.

Jakk dropped Maria’s arms and turned to the manager, “What is it to you?”

“Well, it looks like you were getting rough with my client, and that is just not smart.”

Jakk turned to Maria giving her an evil grin, “Alright, I’ll let you guys get to making your mediocre recored, but this isn’t over. You are mine. Get used to it.”

Maria’s eyes were filling with tears as he left. Partly because her wrist hurt and partly because she was terrified. Her manager put his arm around her and led her into the studio.

When they got there, the manager explained to the record executive what happened. They both got Maria calm and told her that they would have security blocking him from the studio. This made Maria feel better because she knew that Jakk didn’t know where her new apartment was.

The recording session went smoothly. They laid some rough vocals to two of the songs. Maria wasn’t satisfied, but they explained to her that these were just rough vocals, so that they could get everything else in order.

At 2:30 they called it a day, and Maria got a cab and headed back home. In the cab she called Max. “Hey, Max. Yeah, I’m done for the day. I’m gonna g to my apartment and take a nap…you kept me up all night, hahaha. Ok, I’ll call you when I get up. Bye. Love you too.”

She smiled again. No guy had ever gotten her this giddy. It was weird. Usually, other than Michael, Maria saw men as burdens. But she loved talking to Max. She could make her feel good, even when everything in her life was going to shit.

When Maria entered her apartment, Liz was home. She was sitting on the couch with another random guy. “Hey ‘Ria!” she said with too much enthusiasm.

“Hey Liz.”

“Where did you go last night? You never came home.”

SHIT. “Ummm I just hung out with some of the guys from the band and fell asleep there.” Good cover, Deluca. “I’m really tired though, so I’m gonna take a nap. What are you up to?”

“Mark and I are going out in a few, I probably won’t be home tonight.” Liz replied.

“Alright, well I’ll see you tomorrow, then. It was nice meeting you Mark.”

Then Maria went into her room took off her shoe’s and plopped face down on the bed. She was absolutly exhausted. She quickly drifted off to sleep. She drempt of Max and the amazing night they had, had. She drempt of his hands on her body.

Suddenly, Maria was jarred awake by a loud crash in the living room. She knew Liz was suppose to be out, but she thought maybe she forgot something. She looked at the clock. It was 6:30pm. She got out of bed and walked toward the living room. “Liz!” she called, “Is that you?” When she reached the living room, she saw that it was definatly not Liz.


Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 11:13 pm
by gnrkrystle
This scene contains some graphi violence, just a heads up…

Chapter 9

Maria stopped dead in her tracks. Terror swept over her body as Jakk’s tall muscular fugure came toward her. She couldn’t move, she couldn’t run. It was not as if she could out run him anyway.

“We didn’t get to finish our conversation earlier today. So I thought I would come by and make sure you got the picture.”

Maria’s breathing became shallow and she began to back up. He kect coming toward her until he was once again in her face. “So, you think you can call the shots on our relationship? We will see about that.” He then smacked her hard across the face. The force of his blow sent Maria to the ground. She struggled to get back on her feet and he kicked her in the ribs. She grabbed her side, and screamed out in pain. “What the fuck do you want?!?”

“What do I want? I want you to learn a lesson, and of course I wanna fuck your brains out.”

“I’m with someone else. I don’t love you.” He kicked her once again in the stomach this time. She doubled over in pain.

“Do you think I care? You are mine, and I can take what I want from you. Your as slut and always will be. Your daddy left you. Every man you’ve ever been with has left you, but me. Don’t think this guy is any different. He will get a good ride out of you and leave you.”

Jakk dragged Maria by the hair to the bed room and threw her onto the bed. She struggled to crawl off but she was too weak and he had her arms above her head. “I think I get my point through to you, now it’s time for me to get the second thing I came for.” Maria cried out, “No!” But he simply held her down tighter.

He ripped her bouse open and roughly fondled her breast with one hand and held her down with the other. He pushed her skirt up to her waist and ripped her pantied off of her. “Please stop!” she pleaded but he did not. He had a rage in his eyes that she knew he was not listening.

He pulled his dick out of his pants and thrust into her fast and hard. Maria let out a loud cry of pain, as more tears welled up in her eyes. He ravaged her body with all his might and when he came he rolled off of her. She was balling uncontrollably.

Finally, Jakk got up and zipped up is pants. “That was nice.” He punched her in the face one last time, and left the apartment. Maria lay in her bed for what seemed like hours when in reality it was only a couple of minutes. She didn’t know what to do, she just knew that there was only one person she wanted to be with at that moment. She put her shoes on and ran out of the apartment, not carring what she looked like. She was sure her nose was bleeding and she had a black eye, not to mention that she had to hold her shirt together.

She called down a cab and directed him to Max’s house. The cabbie looked at her twice and said, “You sure you don’t wanna go to the hospital?”

“No, I don’t.” She looked at him sternly, and he put his arms up in surrender. Maria cried the whole cab ride to Max’s and when she got to his door she knocked lightly 3 times. She was afraid Max would be sickened by her and her appearance, but he was the only person that could make her feel safe.

Max finally opened the door. When he saw Maria’s broken body infront of him many emotions ran through his body, terror, sadness, confusion, and finally rage. Maria saw this and began crying. He WAS disgusted by her.


Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 3:16 pm
by gnrkrystle

Max could see fear in Maria’s eyes and, without hesitation, he pulled her into his apartment. He wrapped his arms around her and she grimaced. He pulled away from her not wanting to hurt her anymore.

“I’m sorry for coming to you like this…I just…I feel safe with you and I didn’t have anyone else to go to.” She looked down as she spoke, tears streaming down her face.

Max was at a lose, why would she need to apolgize. “What happened to you, baby,” he asked in a gentel voice, using great care to mask the fear inside him. Maria felt faint and began to fall. Max picked her up and carried her to the couch. “You are safe now, Maria. I won’t let anything happen to you, but you have to tell me what happened to you.”

Maria took a shaky breath. “Well, after I moved here, and Michael and I broke up, I dated a lot of guys. It was kind of an escapist thing I think. But most of these guys were bad news. For some reason I could never get out of the habit of dating abusive men.” As Maria spoke, Max caressed her cheek. He couldn’t imagine anyone hurting the beautiful woman in front of him. “But anyway, I realized after several months, that the problem was me. That I just didn’t deserve better.” Max was going to protest, but he decided to let her finish. “Well about 5 mos. ago, before the record deal, I had this manager, Jakk, and we started dating, and he was abusive…like the rest. But he was different. He saw me as his property. And ummm…he still does.” Maria was out-right crying now. “Today, when I got to the recording studio he was there and he told me that I was his until he wanted to give me up and I had no choice about it. My new manager saved me from him, but when I went home and was taking a nap…” She didn’t know how to tell him. She really thought that once she told Max about the rape, he wouldn’t see her the same way again. “Well, he broke in and he beat me and… uhhh.. he..ummm…he raped me.”

Maria couldn’t look Max in the face. Max’s fear turned into complete and total rage. He could see that Maria was worried about how he would take the news, he could not belive that this once loud and boistrous woman had become so fragile and broken. He wanted to kill all of those men who had made her doubt herself.

Max lifted Maria’s head so that she was looking him in the eyes. Trying to cover the intense rage he was feeling he spoke, “Listen to me, Maria. You don’t ever have to worry about me leaving you. You are stuck with me until you don’t want me anymore. I love you with all of my heart, and I just wish that you could see the beautiful and amazing person in the mirror that I see in front of me…but we will have to work on that. Right now, I think you should let me take you to the police so that you can report Jakk.” Max bite out his name as if it were poison. He didn’t want to go to the police, he wanted to KILL Jakk.

“No,” Maria said, “I don’t want to go to the police. Please, don’t make me.” She was pleading.

“You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to, but if you aren’t going to the police, let me head those wounds.”

Reluctantly, Maria nodded. She was in so much pain. Max wipped the tears from his eyes and went to work. Starting with her face, he fixed her broken nose, busted lip, and black eye. He then removed her shirt and repaired her broken rib. Lastly he removed her skirt and repaired her violated womb. As he was healing her beaten body, he got flashes from her, more vivid than he had ever received from Liz. He saw her looking at him from across te Crashdown. He saw how she felt the day they ran into each other at the deli. He saw her emotions as they made love for the first time. He felt her pain as she was raped and beaten by that bastard.

When Max finished, he was crying. He laid a tired and naked Maria in his bed and took his shirt and pants off and joined her. He wrapped his arms around her as she drifted off to sleep and he planned the demise of the man that had done this of her.

Suddenly Max was awakened by a blood curdling scream. “Maaaaaaaaaxxx!” He jumped up to find Maria reaching out for him.

He put his arms around her, “I’m here, baby. I’m never going to leave you…It was just a dream, you are safe now.”

She calmed down and they lay down next to each other again. She cried herself to sleep as Max whispered loving words into her ear. The rest of the night they slept without interruption.

They woke up intwined with each other’s bodies. Max rubbed Maria’s back and she sat up looking down at him. She was gald she came to him, he made her feel so safe. He looked up at her. She was so beautiful, even after the hell she had been through last night.

Finally, Max sat up and said with a stern voice, “Maria, I need to know everything about Jakk. Where he lives, where he hangs out. Everything.”
