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The Age of Ulyssa (AU/UC/ADULT) Thread #1

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2005 3:21 pm
by emmylala
Name: Age of Ulyssa
Disclaimer: The characters of "Roswell" belong to Jason Katims, Melinda Metz, WB, and UPN. They are not mine and no infringement is intended."
Pairings/Couples/Category: UC/AU
Rating: Adult
Summary: Be fore warned, this is an A/U and U/C RPG. The idea for this was inspired by the ever talented Stormwolfestone, Stephen King's - Storm of the Century and the episode Wipeout. The basic premise is this,

Ulyssa is an embittered old sorceress, hideously ugly and unloved. Shunned by society, her only pleasure is causing other's discomfort and turmoil. Her travels have brought her to Roswell, where she senses great happiness and love.

Walking in the shadows she watches the alien's and their friends. She senses friendship and love among them, she also senses jealousy and envy.

One day, when everyone is in school, Ulyssa commits a horrible act. Confusion ensues as everyone wonders what's happend and who might be responsible. No one knows until Ulyssa appears and let's them in on her plan.

She, herself cannot bear children, and this she desires above all other things. If they will provide her with heirs, she will restore the natural order of things. If not, the group will suffer unfathomable consequences.

She gives them a predetermined amount of time to decide what they will do.

Things to remember;

1. The aliens' powers will work, but they cannot unfreeze time/set things right.
2. They cannot destroy Ulyssa.
3. They never see Ulyssa's face.
4. Be prepared for surprises.
5. The conditions and consequences will be revealed by Ulyssa later on.
6. At the start of this RPG everyone will be in school, going about their daily routine. Ulyssa will show up later.
7. Ulyssa has control over their environment, manipulating them and everything around them when she desires.


Ulyssa - emmylala2003
Max - isabelle
Liz - Serephinah
Michael - emmylala2003
Maria - shadows
Isabel - Stormwolfstone
Kyle - Anna-Liisa
Tess - M
Alex - Faithfulangel24

I hope this works!

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 2:34 am
by emmylala

My name is Ulyssa and I am a Trillion sorceress. The Trillion have long lived in isolation, existing just below human perception, practicing sorcery and worshiping the Most High. They have often gone undetected by human eyes, save for the rare human being those posses the gift of sight. To them, Trill's were thought of as apparitions or ghosts, and while they are neither corporal nor spirit, they can hardly be called phantoms, for through their sorcery they posses the ability to interact with human society and the environment surrounding them, manipulating it entirely.

My father was a highly revered and powerful Trill sorcerer, who took a human woman to be his wife. Forsaking her humanity, my mother voluntarily became a Trill wife. Though she could not liberate herself entirely from her humanity, she diminished sufficiently enough to escape the mortal world.

The Trillion elders were not pleased with the union, yet they held their tongues, due to my father's reputation among them. However, when word came of my mother's desire to bear children, the elder's ended their silence. They warned vehemently against this, and spoke of the dreadful consequences of interbreeding. Despite this my mother became pregnant with me.

On the day I was born, water fell in torrents from the blackened sky above and white fire flashed and struck the ground below, shaking the earth's very foundation. Humans would call such and occurrence a thunder and lightening storm, the elders called it a sign from the Most High, that I was a curse upon the Trillion, for my parents' unholy union of flesh and spirit.

Even in my infantile state, I listened to the screams and wails of the nursemaid's who delivered me from my mother's womb and presented me to my parents. I recall the look of utter revulsion on my human mother's face, as she set her eyes upon me and uttered "Unholy abomination…cursed am I for having bore you in my womb…. My I be granted forgiveness" I recollect my fathers decree "Exile this wretch to the deepest recesses of earth, banish her from the Trill forever-more…that she might not further curse us and bring damnation from the Most High, upon us all.

And so it came to pass that I was set upon a caravan, along with the most hardened criminals among the Trills and sent to the furthest recesses of earth. Though most of them kept their distance, not daring to set eyes upon my ugliness, my complete dejection inspired the pity of one among them. Tobais, a blind sorcerer, alone among the twenty odd Trills raised me to adulthood.

Tobias taught me all he knew of the arts and I grew to be a very strong and capable sorceress. So capable in fact, that one-day I concocted a paste, which I placed upon the eyes of my teacher. After several days wait, I hastened to remove the now hardened mixture and asked my teacher to open his eyes. I looked at my aged teacher and asked "Teacher, do you perceive me?" I watched as he took in the sights surrounding him and laughed heartily - his sight had indeed returned. As he set his gaze upon my visage, I watched in sorrow as his smile turned into a scornful frown. When he finally spoke, he uttered these words "The Most High, surely despises this old soul…for only his disdain, could have made it so, that I have instilled in the most wretched of beasts, the most beauteous art of sorcery." It was with these most upsetting words that my teacher expired.

The Triminals, which was what one called former Trill's that, had committed crime. Blamed me for Tobias' death, saying that my ugliness caused his untimely end. It was then that I was further exiled to live in the most horrid place of all, among the human race. My mother being part human enabled me to walk more freely among them, then any other Trill could. It was among the humans that I was sent to live out the remainder of my days. I lived in utter seclusion, dividing my time between abandoned buildings and condemned houses.

I practiced my craft everyday, often times forgetting to sleep or eat. This alone is what occupied my days and nights. I was never shown, nor ever felt - love, compassion or mercy. I was completely alone, dejected and rejected, by even the most malevolent. Even my teacher, who alone showed me a single grain of pity, turned from me. I wept bitterly for months, over the misfortune that had befallen me. Until one day I ceased to feel anymore.

Though I was a hideous creature, exiled by my own people, my own family, the only thing I had was my power, which no one could take from me. As I grew more powerful each and everyday, fueled now by rage and bitterness, the only enjoyment I felt was witnessing the pain and suffering of others. To inflict upon others the pain and suffering I experienced my entire life through. This alone sustained me; this alone was my satisfaction.

I've spent many days torturing human souls that were otherwise happy. Anyone was susceptible, particularly families with children. This was true because of my strong desire to have children of my own, children that I could teach the art of sorcery too. Children I could teach to love their mother, despite her appearance. However my appearance made it a certainty that no male would lay with me.

I reminisce upon these things, as I sit under the cover of an overgrown tree. I stare fixedly at the tables in the schoolyard across from me. I hone in on eight youths, I sense happiness and laughter, and I perceive uniqueness among them. Four ordinary, four extraordinary…

"Yes" I say aloud. "Yes, of course" This has the makings of a dream come to fruition. It will incorporate all of my strongest desires, for children and for causing others pain.

"Their $5 bucks each…how many do ya want?" I hear someone say beside me. Out of the corner of my eye I see a short, awkward looking boy standing beside me, holding a box of what appeared to be chocolates. He thinks I want to buy some from him. I smirk as the little rodent shifts beside me.

OOC: At the start, all couplings are conventional (M/L, M/M, A/I, K/T). The story opens with 10 minutes left until the end of 5th period and the beginning of 6th period lunch, which everyone takes outside.

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 2:51 pm
by emmylala

O, speak again, bright angel! for thou art
As glorious to this night, being o'er my head
As is a winged messenger of heaven
Unto the white-upturned wondering eyes
Of mortals that fall back to gaze on him
When he bestrides the lazy-pacing clouds
And sails upon the bosom of the air.

To say I hate Mr. Glassman would be any understatement. The man is a complete moron, he should have his certificate revoked and be bared from ever teaching high school English again. I hardly ever pay attention in his classes, because if I did, I wouldn’t be able to keep my eyes open.

Everybody Oooo’s and Aaaa’s over Shakespeare. Ask any teenage girl to name one play he’s written and the first thing that comes to her mind is…. yeah, you guessed it, Romeo & Juliet. Which happens to be the present topic of discussion in class today, much to my dismay.

O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo?
Deny thy father and refuse thy name;
Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love,
And I'll no longer be a Capulet.

I check the wall clock and notice we have 10 minutes left in the period, I groan to myself slightly as I turn the page on the book I’m reading. What book you ask? Well, I wouldn’t go so far as to call a comic book an actual book, however given the alternative,

'Tis but thy name that is my enemy;
Thou art thyself, though not a Montague.
What's Montague? It is nor hand, nor foot,
Nor arm, nor face, nor any other part
Belonging to a man. O, be some other name!

Don’t get me wrong; I’m not coming down on old Billy, whatever floats your boat, right? He’s just not my cup of tea - give me Joyce or give me death.

What's in a name? That which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet;
So Romeo would, were he not Romeo call'd,
Retain that dear perfection which he owes
Without that title. Romeo, doff thy name,
And for that name which is no part of thee
Take all myself.

I look over and notice Kyle’s eyelid’s start to lower and nudge him with my elbow, he startles a little bit and I can’t help but laugh. I point to the clock and say, “Prepare to lose your shirt Valenti…” referring to our poker rematch that will take place during lunch, which will be in about 5 minutes. Kyle waves me off and goes right back to sleep.

As I count down the minutes until the end of 5th period I can’t help but wonder if Max, Isabel and Liz are enjoying their AP Calculus class nearly as much as I am English or if Maria and Alex are having fun dissecting their frog in Bio.

My ears have not yet drunk a hundred words
Of that tongue's utterance, yet I know the sound:
Art thou not Romeo and a Montague?

On that note, the bell finally rings. I look over at Kyle who is fast asleep and smack him lightly with my comic. He jumps awake, “Yo…lunch,” I say, grabbing my book and waiting for Kyle to get his stuff together.

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 3:12 pm
by Anna-Liisa
lol. Poor Kyle fell asleep.


What's in a name? That which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet;
So Romeo would, were he not Romeo call'd,
Retain that dear perfection which he owes
Without that title. Romeo, doff thy name,
And for that name which is no part of thee
Take all myself.

I held my yawn so no one would look at me put I needed to admit it. Shakespeare was tiring. I felt my eyes close silently, trying to stop it so I wouldn't get into trouble. But nah. They closed. And almost a second after that Michael starts nudges me. I looked at him - annoyed.

"Prepare to lose your shirt Valenti…" he says.

I roll me eyes and wave him to go away and return back to a comfortable position. I closed my eyes and let myself relax again. Better this way. I was glad not to be reading anything out loud right now.

My ears have not yet drunk a hundred words
Of that tongue's utterance, yet I know the sound:
Art thou not Romeo and a Montague?

The bell finally rings. Or that's what it sounded like. I was too busy sleeping - until someone sdecided to smack me with something and got me ups. "Mmh?" I mutter and look up. "Yo…lunch" Michael says. I yawn and start packing my things. Annoying. I wanted to sleep.

When I finally get all my stuff together I get to Michael.

"Thank you for hitting me" I complained. "I wanted to sleep, but no, I don't get a cha-n-n-ce..." I yawned in the middle of the sentence. He seems to roll his eyes.

"Why's poker so important anyway.."

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 3:42 pm
by emmylala

I walk out to the hall with the rest of the class and I wait as I watch Kyle yawn loudly and start packing his things, I swear he's stalling.

When he finally get's all his stuff together, he joins me in the hall. Thank you for hitting me he complains. "Not a problem, I knew you didn't to sleep through our rematch" I said, sarcastically. Kyle looks at me and and say I wanted to sleep, but no, I don't get a cha-n-n-ce... he yawns again loudly in the middle of his sentence. I roll my eyes at him.

"No time for sleep man, you've got a date with brought your money, right?" I ask.

Kyle shakes his head at me and says "Why's poker so important anyway.."

I put my hand across Kyle's chest, stopping him in mid stride and say "Why is poker so important?" starring at him, truly puzzled. "Why is poker so important?" I repeat.

"You gamed me out of $100 bucks last week Valenti, that's why poker is so important" I say angrily, amazed at how he could forget.

"No one....and I mean no one get's a straight flush, and then follows it up with a royal flush, no's just not possible" I say, slightly ticked.

"Now, are you up for a rematch, or what?" I ask as I see Maria and Alex emerge from the Biology lab and head right towards us.

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 5:19 pm
by FaithfulAngel24

I swear, that clock has stopped. There is no way we still have 10 minutes to go. I glance at Maria she looks as bored if not border (lol) than me. She is doodling in her notebook. Something about M/M 4- ever! I don't know. I sigh and look up at the object of my torment. Well, it hasn't stopped. Just 5 more excrusiating minutes until I get to leave. Don't get me wrong. I am all about the knowledge, but there is only so much disecting a Man can take. I am serious. What is the point of me ( the future Bill Gates) knowing what the inside of a frog looks like? Can you say discusting? Ugh. It wouldn't be as bad if I had remembered to eat breakfast this morning,but no I got so preoccupied coming up with my next list that I was almost late for school. Notice I said Almost. What's my next list you may wonder. I'll tell you it's All the Reasons why I love Isabel. Okay, so it's a fairly long list ,but I am working on it. Let's see I think I got to #..... Ring! "Finally, the veil has been lifted I am free of this unholy prison!" Everyone stares at me. Opps. Must have said that out loud. I laugh at myself as I gather up my books.I turn to Maria who does the same and we walk out of the classroom. We are about halfway down the hall when I spot Michael and Kyle talking. Michael looks a little angry. Oh well he's always furious about something. I examine his expression. It dosen't look all end of the worldy. Good. I don't want anything to distract me from my new list. Unless it happens to be the object of it's title, and if thats the case she can distract me all she wants! I smile. Yay! Happy thought.

OOC I hope thats okay. I have never played Alex before.

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 2:55 pm
by M

As another strain of unidentifiable classical music floats over the classroom I sigh and check the clock, ten minutes to go. Music appreciation is probably my most boring class- oh wait- they are all boring! As the music stops and my teacher drones on about the music of the Baroque period, I consider lunch. Kyle is playing poker with Michael again, so I hope Isabel is there. Liz still doesn't totally trust me, and so neither does Maria and sometimes it can be a little uncomfortable.
I'm interupted in my musing by the bell ringing and I make my way to my locker, stashing my books and grabbing my lunch before heading out into the quad where I find Isabel and Max already seated at our usual table.

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 2:33 pm
by shadows

I walk down the hall with Alex as I see Michael and Kyle at the other end of the hall, with Michael's hand on Kyle's chest.

"I swear that boy needs anger management." I say to Alex, "we better go see whats going on!"

I had to admit I found Michael rather attractive when he was mad, well as long as it wasn't me he was mad at.

"What's going on here boys?" I ask as I step in between Michael and Kyle. "I hope your not fighting over me!" I say joking as I kiss Michael on the cheek.

"Let me guess!" I say looking at Kyle. "Michael's still pissed you beat him a poker?"

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 2:40 pm
by Anna-Liisa

I was just going to reply to Michael, but the Maria came - luckily - and interrupted. I looked at her and gave her a weak - sleepy - smile.

"Yes, he's still mad about the stupid Poker-game. I think he suggested I c-h-h-ea-ted.." I yawned again. "But it was luck. Just good luck" I said and patted Michaels shoulder.

Then I took my hand away and stretched my shoulders a little. Man, I slept in a bad place. I guess sleeping in shcool wasn't so wise idea after all.

"And for your interest, Mikey G, no poker today. I have other things to do today" I said. "Sleeping. I have a lunch break to sleep.."

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 3:26 pm
by emmylala

Before Kyle can respond, Maria steps in between us and says What's going on here boys?... I hope your not fighting over me! as she kisses me on the cheek.

Let me guess! she continues, Michael's still pissed you beat him at poker? I feel my temperature rise a little as I say "No, I am not pissed that Kyle beat me...and how many times do I have to remind you about the PDA?" Maria ignores me, as usual.

Yes, he's still mad about the stupid Poker-game. I think he suggested I c-h-h-ea-ted... Kyle yawns annoyingly But it was luck. Just good luck he finishes as he patt's me on the shoulder.

And for your interest, Mikey G, no poker today. I have other things to do today...Sleeping. I have a lunch break to sleep...

"What?" I yell, as Liz walks up to us, completely confused about what's going on. "You have to give me the opportunity to win my money back,'s like in the book" I say as Kyle walks outside, and sits down at a table next to Tess, Max and Isabel.

"I don't care if his dad's a cop, I'm gonna kill that human" I say to Maria, as she looks at me with that Michael, your being stupid again look on her face, grabs Alex and Liz and heads outside for lunch.

I watch as the three of them head for our usual lunch tables, and I yell"How about you guys, up for a little game of poker, Alex, Liz, Maria?" as I walk outside and join them.

ooc: Serephina, I needed to get Liz and the others outside, hope its ok that I used her?