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Lost in You (UC,K/Ma,Mature) - [COMPLETE]

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 3:13 am
by gnrkrystle
Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own words…if I owned Roswell there would be a lot more sexual content and Alex would still be a live! Lol
Category: UC Kyle/Maria
Rating: Mature at times
Summary: After Tess’s huge betrayal, Maria realizes that she has feelings for two men…one more platonic than she thought, and one les platonic than she could ever imagine…drama ensues
Authors note: Please leave feedback this is only my second fanfic and the first one wasn’t as much story line…constructive criticism is always welcome…

Chapter 1

Maria looked over at the man laying beside her in bed. He was beautiful. His pale skin felt so good unfer her fingers. She never wanted to take her hands off of him. His muscular body was more defined that Michael’s. She liked that. She liked the feel of his muscles when she was exploring his body. He was asleep. She loved to watch him sleep. He was so beautiful.

Maria wondered his he was dreaming about her. Dreaming about all the things they had shared that night. She never thought in a million years that she would be laying naked next to Kyle Valinte. They had not even been friends before he was admitted to the ‘I-Know-An-Alien-Club.’ Looking back, she couldn’t remember why she had always kept her distance from him. It seemed now that she would burst if she wasn’t within 2 feet of him at all times.

Maria ran her hand over Kyle’s hard chest. His eyes fluttered open. He looked at her and smiled. Maria was relived at the smile. She was beginning to worry that Kyle would see what they had done as a one time mistake. Was it a one time mistake? She wondered suddenly. Then Kyle leaned over and kissed her on the lips. No tounge. Just a sweet slow kiss. More intimate than all the tounge in the world could make it.

She smiled back at him. She knew that what she had just done with Kyle was the ultimate betrayal. She was with Michael. She was supposed to love him. But the feelings she had for Kyle were too strong to ignore. What they had was more than sexual chemistry. When they made love they reached a completely different level of sexual intimacy. It was as if they were made to sleep with each other.

Kyle could see the wheels turning in Maria’s head and the worried look on her face. He didn’t want her to regret what they had done. He loved her. He felt more for her than he had ever felt about anyone. He leane over and kissed her again, and between parted lips said the words he had never said to anyone but his father. “I love you, Maria.”

She turned away, tears gathering in the corners of her eyes. “Don’t. We can’t do this. I mean what about Michael?” She loved Kyle too. Loved him so much her heart might burst from the love she felt for him, but she knew this could only be a one time thing. She could not betray Michael again. She loved Kyle, but she had made a comittment to Michael.

“You can’t deny what we have, Maria.” Kyle answered. “Michael will understand. If he loves you, he will let you go.”

Right. Maria thought. Michael had gotten so intense after Tess left. It was weird. Wasn’t that what she had always wanted from him? To make a commitment? To love her? Now, it seemed like that love was suffocating her, preventing her from being with the one person she needed. “Kyle, I love you too. I want you to know that. But I just can’t do this. This is not who I am. I can’t hurt Michael like this.”

Maria could see the hurt in Kyle’s eyes. It broke her heart. Why does this have to be so hard? She wanted to lay in Kyle’s arms forever, but she couldn’t. Not like this.

“I need you. I have to be with you. You make me complete, Maria.” Kyle said. “We can tell Michael and in time he will get over it and we can be together. Forever.”

Maria thought on it. And as much as she knew it would hurt Michael she agreed. They would have to tell him. She just hoped that he would be as understanding and Kyle seemed to belive he was.


Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 3:49 am
by gnrkrystle
Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own words…if I owned Roswell there would be a lot more sexual content and Alex would still be a live! Lol
Category: UC Kyle/Maria
Rating: NC-17 at times
Summary: After Tess’s huge betrayal, Maria realizes that she has feelings for two men…one more platonic than she thought, and one les platonic than she could ever imagine…drama ensues
Authors note: Please leave feedback this is only my second fanfic and the first one wasn’t as much story line…constructive criticism is always welcome…

Chapter 2

After Kyle left, Maria could physically feel pain at his absence. She needed him. He was like a drug. They had only slept together once, and she was already in withdraw. Then she was struck by a terrifying thought, How was she going to tell Michael that she no longer loved him? That she was in deep, head-over-heel’s love will a guy he didn’t really like that much? If she could have controlled her feelings, she would have. No Doubt.

But alas, she couldn’t so she rolled out of bed and headed to the bathroom. She had a shift that morning. She didn’t want to take a shower. She wanted to keep Kyle’s sent on her forever. That musky scent that was distinctly his. However, with the workout she got last night she needed a shower badly.

Maria stepped inside her shower and began to wash herself. She couldn’t stop her mind from going back to the events of last night. Her body had never felt such pleasure. She thought about Kyle’s hands on her. The way he touched her breasts and the way his tounge felt all over her body. Mmmm he mouth over hers. Drinking her in completely. Not wanting to miss one imch over her body in his exploration. She had felt the same thing about him. Pushing his entire arousal into her mouth and down her throat. Not wanted to leave any part of him outside of her. She had never done that with Michael. She didn’t even know she could.

She began to feel herself become moist at the though of it and took that as he cue to get out of the shower and get ready. When she got out of the shower she put on her ugly green polyester uniform and headed out the door. God, she did not want to go to work today. She knew Michael had the same shift. That was going to be awkward.

On the ride over she decided that the sooner she tole Michael, the better. She would tell him to come over tonight talk. She didn’t want Kyle to be there. She knew that Michael would probably kick the shit out of him. No, as much as it sucked, she was going to have to do this alone.

When she entered the Crashdown, Michael was already there with Max, Isabel, and Liz. As she walked by the booth they were in Michael grabbed out to her pulling her into his lap. Maria let out a nervous laugh and stood up quickly. “We better get ready to open,” she said to Liz and Michael. They nodded and went to the back room.

Maria wanted to get it over with, so she pulled Michael aside and said, “Hey, you thing you could come over tonight? I need to talk to you.” Her voice was trying to be light, but not succeeding.

“What’s wrong, baby?” She cringed at the last word.

“Nothing. I just need to talk to you. How about you come over arounf 7:00, k?

“Yeah. No problem.” He said leaning in to her.

She leaned back. “We better get to work.” She said.

“Ok.” He said slightly dissapointed. He didn’t know what was up with her. But he walked away and got the grill set up. Maria looked over at Liz. Maybe she should tell her best friend what was going on before Michael. No, that would be even more of a betrayal to Michael.

The work day went by fast. It was crowded and Maria was pretty busy. But she knew the day went by so fast because she was dreading telling Michael that she no longer loved him. When her shift was over she left without saying goodbye to her friends.

She got into her car and pulled out her cell phone. She dialed his number. “Hello” Kyle said on the other line.

“Hey, it’s me.”

“Hey baby! What’s up?”

“Ummm. Well I invited Michael over tonight. And umm… well I’m gonna tell him about us. I just wanted you to know, so that you could prepare. Cause I know he isn’t going to take it well.”

“Well, what time? I’ll be over there.”

“No. I don’t want you to be there. This is my problem. And besides, I don’t know how he is going to take it. It might be really bad. I don’t want you to get hurt.”

“Maria, it’s OUR problem. I want to be there for you. I love you.”

“I know. I love you too. But please just let me do this. Look I’ll come over after I’m done, ok?”

“Yeah. I’ll see you then. If you change your mind, I’m here.”

“Thanks, Kyle.”

“No problem babe. I’ll see you later.”

Maria got home around 5:30 and could aready feel the butterflies in her stomach. She was getting ready to tell her first love the truth that she had been unfaithful. The time seemed to speed by her as she heard the doorbell ring at about 6:45. Impatient. That was Michael. She got up took a few deep breaths and opened the door.

Michael leaned in for a kiss and she backed away. “Can you just sit in the living room?” She said in a solemn voice. He did as she instructed.

“What’s wrong, Maria? You have been acting funny all day.”

“Ummm… there is something I need to tell you Michael.”


Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 4:24 am
by gnrkrystle
Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own words…if I owned Roswell there would be a lot more sexual content and Alex would still be a live! Lol
Category: UC Kyle/Maria
Rating: NC-17 at times
Summary: After Tess’s huge betrayal, Maria realizes that she has feelings for two men…one more platonic than she thought, and one les platonic than she could ever imagine…drama ensues
Authors note: Please leave feedback this is only my second fanfic and the first one wasn’t as much story line…constructive criticism is always welcome…

Chapter 3

She was having trouble findind the words to tell him of her betrayal.

“What is it?” Michael said, concerned.

“Ok, there is no was to say this accept to just say it. Ummm I am in…I’m in love with Kyle.” She braced herself.

“What?” He said quietly. Too quietly.

“Well, Ummm see…” Why was this so hard. “A few weeks ago…”

“You mean you have been with him for weeks?!?” He was screaming. This was the Michael she knew. And she knew she had this coming.

“Yeah, I mean I didn’t know I loved him then, but…”

“Love. Ha… You seem to through that word around very lightly these days. I mean you love me, you love Kyle. Who else? Max? Valinte?”

“No, Michael. Will you just hear me out? I know I have no right to ask you that, but just let me explain!”

“Are you fucking him?” Maria looked downshe couldn’t lie. “YOU ARE! Oh my God, Maria. How could you do this to me?”

“Michael! We’ve only done it once, last night. We didn’t plan it. I’m so sorry. I should have told you before it got that far. God! Can you ever forgive me?”

Michael was livid. He couldn’t believe that this girl he thought love loved had screwed him over. “I gave you everything! I showed you parts of myself that I never even showed Max and Iz. And what for? So you could go fuck… god KYLE!”

“Look I know you have every right to be mad at me. I’m sorry!”

“MAD? I’m fucking inraged…I never knew you were a slut. I feel so stupid. I bet you weren’t even a virgin when we were first together. Were you?”

“I WAS! Michael, I gave myself to you becuae I wanted to. I still care about you, but I’m in love with Kyle.”

“Whatever! I can’t even stand looking at you.” And with that he got of and left slamming the door behind him. That was it. Maria could hold her tears in no longer. She bawled for a half hour and then decided to go to Kyle’s. She needed him. He was the only one who had any chance of making her feel better. So sh got up, grabbed the keys to the Jetta and headed too the Valinte’s.

When Kyle answered the door he saw Maria standing there with tears streaming down her face. He knew she had told him. He had to admit that he felt a weight lifted off of his shoulders. But by the look of Maria, Kyle knew Michael hadn’t taken it well at all. Did he really expect him to. He knew how he would feel if he had been in Michael’s shoes. He would have been beyond devistated.

Kyle pulled Maria into him and shut the door behind her. She sobbed in his arms as he walked her over to the couch. He let her cry untill she could cy no more. Then she leaned back and looked him in the eyes. Kyle said, “I love you so much!”

“He hates me Kyle. He asked me if we had slept together. I had to tell him. He is never going to forgive me. I mean who could blame him. I’m an awful person.”

“NO! You are not. You are an amazing person. Se just made a mistake. We should have told him weeks ago. But you are not awful. We are in love.”

“I know. So why do I feel like such an asshole?”

“Come here.” He said holding her once more. She felt so safe in his arms.

“Can I stay with you tonight?” She asked weakly. “I just don’t want to be alone.”

“Sure.” He said.

“I’m actually kind of tired. I think I’m just going to go to bed.” She said.

They went up to Kyle’s room and laid down. He put his arms around her and told her everything would be alright. She wasn’t so sure. She knew she had lost Michael as a friend forever. He would never be able to forgive what she had done to him. And while she knew that she loved Kyle, she didn’t know how she would get through life without Michael. He was her first love and best friend next to Liz.

Finally, Maria drifted into sleep and Kyle held her. She was suddenly awakened by her cell phone ringing. “Grr,” she growled not wanted to answere but she did. It was Liz.

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 4:53 am
by gnrkrystle
Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own words…if I owned Roswell there would be a lot more sexual content and Alex would still be a live! Lol
Category: UC Kyle/Maria
Rating: NC-17 at times
Summary: After Tess’s huge betrayal, Maria realizes that she has feelings for two men…one more platonic than she thought, and one les platonic than she could ever imagine…drama ensues
Authors note: Please leave feedback this is only my second fanfic and the first one wasn’t as much story line…constructive criticism is always welcome…

Chapter 4

“Hello?” Maria answered sleepily.

“What the hell are you doing?” Liz asked in a harsh voice.

“Well, I was trying to get some sleep.” Maria answered agitated by Liz’s tone.

Kyle stirred. “Who is that?” He asked. Maria mouthed Liz’s name to him.

“I can’t believe it! The same night you rip Michael’s heart out of his chest you are in bed with Kyle. I mean I didn’t even believe Michael when he told me. I stood up for you…telling him that my friend Maria would never do something so…so…dispicabel. But there you are hopping in the sack with Kyle. God! Who are you?”

Maria’s tears were running down her face. Her best friend’s words cut into her like a knife. “What do you want me to say Liz? I love him. I love him like you love Max, if not more. Why are you so upset. I thouoght you, being my friend would want me to find happiness!”

“Why am I mad?!? Because you cheated on Michael! You who made him jump over hurddle after hurddle to be with you. And now you just drop him for KYLE? What is that?”

“Liz, I thought you would be on my side. I mean we have been friends for so long. I can’t lose you!”

“Well maybe you should have thought about that before you decided to fuck everything up and cheat on Michael!” CLICK

Maria felt like she was going to hurl! Kyle sat up. He heard the entire conversation. He was furious. He wanted to go over to Liz Parker’s house and give her a piece of his mind. How could she say those things to Maria. The Maria who had stuck by her through everything. God he was so mad. “Maria?” He finally said.

“Just don’t, Kyle. Don’t wanna talk about it.”

“Ok.” He said. School was going to suck tommorrow, but they would have to face the group sooner or later. Finally, they both drifted off to sleep, waking up at his alarm clock bright and early.

Maria’s eyes were puffy from crying, and frankly she didn’t care. She didn’t even bother to shower. She just got up, got dressed and waited for Kyle so they could leave together. The only bright side of goig to school was that Kyle would be by her side through the whole thing.

On the way to school they said nothing, but Kyle held Maria’s hand and that made her feel better. When they walked into the school hand in hand they saw Max and Isabel. Max had a look of disgust on his face, while Isabel looked purly and simply angry. When Maria and Kyle walked toward them they rolled their eyes and walked the other way. Maria’s heart was breaking into a million pieces. And finally time cmae for Kyle and Maria to part ways for first period. Letting go of his hand made her feel more alone than she had ever felt in her life.

First period went by ok, then came second period. With Michael. God, this was going to suck. When she walked in she noticed he was siting on the other side of the room. She walked over to him and asked, “Can we just talk?” He said nothing to her, just glared. The next to periods had Max and Liz in them and neither would talk to her. Finally it was lunch time. At least she and Kyle had lunch together. They sat together in silence. None of the rest of the group would talk to them. They could feel their glares burning their brains.

Weeks went by like this. No one in the group had spoken to either one of them. They were not invited to the secret meetings. When they called Max, Michael, Isabel, or Liz they were immediately hung up on.

To make matters worse, Maria noticed that she was a week late. She thought it was probably the stress of being ostrasized from her friends but decided to be safe and ventured to the drug store and got a Pregnancy Test. Fifteen minutes later, her fate stared up at her in the form of a little blue line. A little blue line that said more than the longest book. She knew she had to tell Kyle, but the problem was that she didn’t know if it was his. The baby could have just as easily been Michael’s.

Maria rushed over to Kyle’s. When he answered the door he greeted her with a hug. She hugged him and kissed him back. “Look, Kyle, I have to tell you something. You better sit down.” She said. He did as he was told. “I’m pregnate.”

Kyle stood up and grabbed her in his arms. He had, on his face, the first smile she had seen in a long time. “Really?” He asked.

“Yeah, but before you get excited, It could be Michael’s”


Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 12:31 pm
by gnrkrystle
Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own words…if I owned Roswell there would be a lot more sexual content and Alex would still be a live! Lol
Category: UC Kyle/Maria
Rating: NC-17 at times
Summary: After Tess’s huge betrayal, Maria realizes that she has feelings for two men…one more platonic than she thought, and one les platonic than she could ever imagine…drama ensues
Authors note: Please leave feedback this is only my second fanfic and the first one wasn’t as much story line…constructive criticism is always welcome…

Chapter 5

Maria sat on the doctor’s table awating the results of when she conceived. Kyle stood next to her and held her hand. He was just as nervous as she was. He wanted the baby to be his more than anything in this world. He loved Maria and while he hadn’t planned on starting a family so soon, he knew that she was the only woman in the world that she wanted to have his children.

The doctor entered the room and smiled at the couple. “8 weeks,” he said. “Your 8 weeks pregnant.”

Kyle’s heart dropped. “Thank You.” He said weakly. Maria had a look of fear and pain in her eyes all at the same time. This was bad. If she was 8 weeks pregnate, Michael had to be the father. The first time she slept with Kyle was 6 weeks ago.

As Maria and Kyle walked out of the doctor’s office, Kyle grabbed Maria’s hand and squeezed. “I don’t care who’s DNA this baby has, it’s mine.” He said leaning over and kissing her.

“Thank you, Kyle. You are so good to me. Better than I deserve.”

Kyle put his finger up to her lips to shush her. “You deserve more than I could ever give you.”

“I love you.” She said. “But we have to tell Michael and the others. This baby is probably at least half alien. They have to know.”

“I know,” he said, “I just don’t want them to hurt you.”

Maria and Kyle decided that they would tell Liz and the pod squad about the baby tomorrow at school. Maria felt that it needed to be on neutral territory. She just was not sure how she was going to get them to listen to her. None of them had spoken to her since the night Liz hung-up on her. She knew it wasn’t going to be easy, but she had to do it.

The next day at school, Maria’s stomach was in knots. She waited though the morning until lunch to tell her former friends that she needed to talk to them. She didn’t think it was something she could exactly spill over a hot dog and some fries.

Kyle sat down at their usual table and watched Maria intently. If they were going to do anything that would upset her, he was going to be there to set them straight. Maria walked up to the pod squad table. None of them would look at her, but they all had scowls on thoir faces. They were still extremely livid.

“Look, you guys, I know that you are mad at me. And I know you don’t want to talk to me ever again. But I have to tell you all something. It’s very important to you.” She was speaking fast. She wanted to get away from them and back to Kyle as soon as possible. “I need you guys to meet me in the art studio after school today. Don’t worry I’m not trying to beg you for forgivness. But this is really important.” They looked at her as if to say, ‘yeah right, like we are really going to listen to you.’ Maria was agitated. “Fine. You don’t want to hear me out, I guess I’ll just have to spill your little secret.” They all looked frightened. “I don’t want to do it, but it is imparative that you meet me today. If not, I guess you should try running from the FBI again.”

Maria walked away proud that she had stood up to them. Proud that she hadn’t cried in front of them. She really thought she was going to. She sat down next to Kyle and he gave her a hug and kissed her lightly on the mouth.

When the last bell of the day rang, Maria wasn’t as nervous as before. She had given herself a pepp talk and was ready to tell them about the baby. Frankly, she was just so sick of their bullshit at this point. She met Kyle at his locker, and they made their way to the Art Studio.

Maria took a deep breath, and Kyle squeezed her hand supportivly before they made their way inside.

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 1:07 pm
by gnrkrystle
Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own words…if I owned Roswell there would be a lot more sexual content and Alex would still be a live! Lol
Category: UC Kyle/Maria
Rating: NC-17 at times
Summary: After Tess’s huge betrayal, Maria realizes that she has feelings for two men…one more platonic than she thought, and one les platonic than she could ever imagine…drama ensues
Authors note: Please leave feedback this is only my second fanfic and the first one wasn’t as much story line…constructive criticism is always welcome…

Chapter 6

Maria was happy to see that everyone had shown up. She knew that she would have never been able to turn them in, especially now that he body was carrying one of their own. They were all sitting on the art tables, looking none to happy to be there. When she walked in with Kyle they all looked up, glaring at her.

“So, what’s so important?” Isabel snapped.

“Well, ummm I have some news that is going to be very impotrant to you.” Maria said. Assuming they will remove their heads from their asses. “I’m pregnate.” She dropped her head. She wanted to regain some composure.

“I can’t belive you!” Max screamed. “First, you cheat on Michael, then you get us all together to rub his nose in it! Who are you?”

“Trust me, if it were that simple I would have never come to you.” It was now or never she thought. “I went to the doctor, and well… the baby… the baby is Michael’s”

You could hear a pin drop in the room. Everyone’s jaw dropped. Kyle noticed the silence, and the look one Michael’s face and said, “Look, you guys don’t have to worry. I’m going to raise this child with her. We just thought you needed to know.”

“The hell you will.” Michael yelled running toward Kyle.

“Why do you care Michael?” Maria questioned. “ To you I’m just a slut. Right?”

Everyone’s surprise turned to anger. They couldn’t believe that Maria had been so careless. “How could you do this?” Liz asked.

“Well, incase you didn’t realize, I didn’t get myself pregnate.”

Everyone glared at Maria. She was getting pissed. How had everything suddenly become her fault. Now that she had them togther and had their attention she was going to get a few things off her chest. “Look at you! All of you hypocrites. What right do you have to judge me? Huh?” They all looked down. “Max, forgive me if I’m wrong but didn’t you betray Liz and fuck that lying bitch, Tess? Isn’t she the reason your son my be in grave danger?” She was going to tell them all how he felt.

“And Liz, you forgave him, which I think is mighty big of you considering you could toss your BEST friend aside for falling in love with someone else! GOD! Why is what I did worse?” She was fuming. She would not let them see her cry though.

“Oh and Isabel, the Ice Princess herself, didn’t you continue, time and time again, to lead Alex on? To break his heart into a million pieces everytime you thought he was getting too close?’

“Finally Michael, did nothing we had together mean anything to you? And have you forgotten all of your shit I put up with? You may forget so let me refresh your memory. You cheated on me with Courtney. You treated me like crap for a good 2 years of my life. You controlled my every action, even when you didn’t want a place in my life. Need I go on?’

“You see, the problem I am having with this situation is that I did nothing more than fall in love. Then I was up front with you about it and you guys have made my life a living hell. I’m so glad you are all perfect. I guess I’ve made up all of these stories in my head right? Well you know what? Fuck you. I told you what I had to tell you. Isabel, Max you are going to have a neice or nephew, and Michael you are going to have a son or daughter. But remember this…I do not want to see any of you anywhere near my child. You’ve cut your ties with me as well as this baby. Kyle and I are leaving Roswell. We are going to raise this baby alone. And maybe, one day you will all find it in your hearts to forgive me…but I seriously doubt it.”

“Where will you go?” Isabel asked in a tone a bit to harsh for Maria’s liking.

“Where ever the fuck we want to!” Maria said. And in one slick movement she tok Kyle’s hand and walked out the door leaving the rest of them behind in a cloud of hate and confusion.

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 1:29 pm
by gnrkrystle
Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own words…if I owned Roswell there would be a lot more sexual content and Alex would still be a live! Lol
Category: UC Kyle/Maria
Rating: NC-17 at times
Summary: After Tess’s huge betrayal, Maria realizes that she has feelings for two men…one more platonic than she thought, and one les platonic than she could ever imagine…drama ensues
Authors note: Please leave feedback this is only my second fanfic and the first one wasn’t as much story line…constructive criticism is always welcome…

Chapter 7

Maria felt so much better to get all of that off of her chest. She finally realized that if her so called friends wanted to hate her for eternity, she didn’t care. She had Kyle and she had her baby and those were the only two people she needed.

She and Kyle drove back to his house to begin packing. Valinte was out of town so they could take their time and leave him a note. After Kyle got all of his stuff packed he started on the note:
“Dad, I’m sure the group will give you an interesting version of why Maria and I are leaving. The truth is this. We love each other. We want to be with each other without worry that we are being judged and watched at all time. Maria is having Michael’s baby and I’m going to raise it like my own. I know you are going to be pissed and you will want to talk to us. We aren’t going to tell you where we are going but you can reach us at my old email.
PS- Please remember that I love you and I don’t want to hurt you but we really have no choice.

When Kyle was done, Maria could see tears in his eyes. “You don’t have to do this, Kyle. I can leave by myself. It’s not right for me to drag you away from your dad.”

“Nonsense,” he said, “you are my family now. I’m not leaving you. Ever.” They hugged and headed toward Maria’s house to get her things.

When they got their, they breathed a sigh of reliefe when they found a note from Amy that said: “Went to Dexter, be back tomorrow morning.” Maria went into her room and began packing. She was so sad to leave, but she realized that there was nothing in Roswell for her anymore. All she needed was Kyle and this baby. On her way out she scratched out a note for her mother that said:
“Mom, I love you don’t forget that, but I’m leaving Roswell with Kyle. I love him and we cannot be together here. I’m not telling you where I’m going. It is the best thing for both of us. If you need me email me. I love you.

And with that they climbed into Kyle’s Mustang and headed to 70 W never looking back. They had each other and that was plenty.

On the road they realized they needed a plan, so they decided to drive to San Fansisco to start their new life. As much as Maria was upset about loosing her friends, she was beyond elated to start her new life with Kyle. She looked over at him and saw a smile on his face and a gleam in his eye. She smiled back. She was so lucky to have a man this great fall in love with her.

As they headed down the road, she saw a sign for a motel. She got an idea. “Hey, Kyle?” She said.

“Yes, babe?”

“Why don’t we pull over here and relax?”

He saw a sparkle in her eye for the first time in weeks. “Whatever you want, honey.” He said. He hope she wanted the same thing he did.


Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 6:22 pm
by gnrkrystle
Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own words…if I owned Roswell there would be a lot more sexual content and Alex would still be a live! Lol
Category: UC Kyle/Maria
Rating: NC-17 at times
Summary: After Tess’s huge betrayal, Maria realizes that she has feelings for two men…one more platonic than she thought, and one les platonic than she could ever imagine…drama ensues
Authors note: Please leave feedback this is only my second fanfic and the first one wasn’t as much story line…constructive criticism is always welcome…

Chapter 8

They pulled up to the motel and Maria got out to get them a room. Then she came out to the care and Kyle drove around to their room. They got in and saw that the place left a lot to be desired but they didn’t care, they just wanted to be together.

Maria started. “I thought that with all the crap we have gone through latley we should take some time out for ourselves. Forget about Roswell. Forget about Max, Michael, Isabel, and Liz. I want to make love to you.”

“Your wish is my command,” he said with a sarcastic smile.

He leaned in and kissed her. He lips parted to allow his tounge to massage hers. She loved the taste of him. Their kisses became deeper. More passionate. She wanted him right there and then in a way she had never wanted anyone before. Maria moved her hands up Kyle’s arms feeling his defined muscles ripple.

Kyle parted from Maria just enough to lift her shirt over her head. Then he moved to unclasp her bra which fell off of her reavealing her perfect breasts. Maria fell in line and ripped Kyle’s shirt from his body. She loved his body and the feel of his milky skin against hers.

They returned to passionate kisses as Kyle held her beasts in his hands teasing her with like swipes on her rock hard nipples. She groaned into him mouth. She moved her mouth down to his neck and sucked it hard. He growled.

She couldn’t wait anymore to get him competly free of his clothes. She reched down and unbuckled his belt and he licked her nipples ever so gently. She got the zipper down and he moved to allow his jeans to fall to the floor. He unzipped her skirt and let it fall off her body. And there they were. He in his boxer-briefs and she in a black lace thong.

Kyle’s breath quickened. She was so beautiful. He knew this, he had seen it. But he was still amazed that this beautiful woman wanted him. Maria leaned into him and inched his boxers off of him. His arousal rose up perpindicular to his body. “God, Kyle. I want you so bad.” She said in a husky voice. The sound of her voice made him harder with anticipation, if that was even possible.

He laid her down on the bed and began kissing her whole body softly and slowly. He wanted to savor her taste. He hands moved to her thong and he started to pull it off. She lifted her hips so that he could slide it off with ease. Then he moved back up to her breasts. He took a nipple in his mouth and nippled it ever so lightly sending electric charges through his body. She moaned.

He moved his hands down her body and in between her legs until he found his destination. He began massaging her wet, hot folds, purposly ignoring her clit. She writhed in agony. “Kyle Please!” She screamed. He could tourture her no longer he began massaging her clit ever so lightly, gradually applying more pressure. When he felt her coming close he removed his hand from her and began kissing her neck. She let out a disappointed moan.

Then Kyle moved in between her legs, spreading them wide for him. She wanted him so bad. He moved the tip of his cock to tease her opening slamming it against her clit. Her hips bcked into him and he slid his hard cock into her. She loved the feeling of him inside of her. It was like he was made to fit with her, like a jigsaw puzzle.

He started thrusting slowly and then picked up the pace, finding a mutual rhythm. They moved in syncrinicity. There tow souls became one entity. She knew she was coming close to the edge. He thrust faster telling her how beautiful he thought she was. He walls began to constrict around his massive erection and she screamed out, “Oh God Kyle, fuck me!” They came together. And after he emptied himself inside her he didn’t want to leave her, so he didn’t. He laid down and pulled her ontop of him keeping his cock inside her.

They dozed off for about an hour or so and finally exited the motel. They got in the car, turned onto the interstate and headed for the place that was to be their new home…San Fansisco.


Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 9:44 pm
by gnrkrystle
Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own words…if I owned Roswell there would be a lot more sexual content and Alex would still be a live! Lol
Category: UC Kyle/Maria
Rating: NC-17 at times
Summary: After Tess’s huge betrayal, Maria realizes that she has feelings for two men…one more platonic than she thought, and one les platonic than she could ever imagine…drama ensues
Authors note: Please leave feedback this is only my second fanfic and the first one wasn’t as much story line…constructive criticism is always welcome…

Chapter 9

Meanwhile, In Roswell…

Liz was surprised to see that Maria and Kyle really left. She knew Maria wasn’t joking when she said she was moving away but actually sitting next to her empty sean in class and goig to work without her made it really sink in. None of the group talked about that’s day in the art studio. They seemed to be in denail of the whole thing. But internally, they were all fighting their feelings about Maria and Kyle’s relationship and the baby.

Michael was floored by the thought that he was going to be a father. He knew he had been to hasty to judge Maria but his pride would not let him admit it to anyone. But he was also really hurt that Maria had found someone else. He felt so dispensable. Like why was it so easy for her to fall in love with someone else when she still couldn’t get over her? He was so angry, and yet he knew deep down that this wasn’t entirely Maria’s fault. Did he really want her to pretend she was still in love with him when she wasn’t”

Isabel on the other hand was still pissed. She, being so protective of her brother, hated Maria for ripping his heart out and leaving to have his baby with anouther man. She wasn’t even able to be rational enough to see Maria’s point of view. Damn Maria for screwing up all of their lives.

Max was stuck in the middle. He hated that Maria cheated on Michael, and he was even more pissed at Kyle for allowing this to happen, but he also wished he knew where Maria and Kyle were so he could keep an eye on things and make sure the baby was okay.

Liz was starting to regret the way she acted toward Maria. She was still mad at her because she broke Michael’s heart, but she realized that when Maria needed a Best Friend the most, Liz was not there for her. She didn’t know what to do. She wanted to find Maria and see how she was doing, but she knew she couldn’t.

In San Fancisco…

Maria and Kyle put the last finishing touches up in their new apartment and sat on the couch to reast. Maria was in her 5th month and beginning to blossom. She was greatful to have been able to help set up the apartment because Kyle barly let her lift a figer since he found out she was pregnate. He was sweet, but she thought she might kill him if he treated her like a porseline doll anymore.

It was finally real…after living out of motels for 3 months, they were finally in their very own apartment. They were really starting to become a family.


Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 9:45 pm
by gnrkrystle
Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own words…if I owned Roswell there would be a lot more sexual content and Alex would still be a live! Lol
Category: UC Kyle/Maria
Rating: NC-17 at times
Summary: After Tess’s huge betrayal, Maria realizes that she has feelings for two men…one more platonic than she thought, and one les platonic than she could ever imagine…drama ensues
Authors note: Please leave feedback this is only my second fanfic and the first one wasn’t as much story line…constructive criticism is always welcome…

Chapter 10

Two months had passed and Maria and Kyle were happier than they had ever been. They still missed their friends back home, but they knew that their alienation from them was intrigal to their happiness. Some nights Maria would cry, especially for Liz and Michael, and Kyle would sooth her. But generally they were happy times.

Maria was 7 mos. pregnate and almost as big a a house. She loved the feeling of being pregnate. Since they could not go to the doctor, Kyle had begun connecting with the baby through his new found powers. They were having a boy, and the baby was infact a hybrid. Maria was happy. She was glad that she would always have, not only a part of Michael, but a part of their whole group with her forever.

Meanwhile, In Roswell…

Max, Michael, Liz, and Isabel tossed and turned all night in dreams of Alex.

Max’s Dream started with Max sitting in the Crashdown when suddenly Alex walked in sitting across from him. Max looked shocked, he knew Isabel feuently had Alex dreams, but he had never had one. “Hey, Alex.” He said.

“Hey, Max. Look, I got three other stops to make tonight so lets cut to the chase, shall we?”

Max looked up and nodded in affermation.

“Alright, I’ve been watching you guys for a while, now. Actually since I died. But some things are really disturbing to me.”
Max knew what this was about. “Look Alex…”

Alex sushed him, “ Let me talk! This as you know is about Maria. You guys have to make-up with her.”

“Are you kidding?”

“No, Max. I’m not kidding. And this is not for her sake. Yeah, she is sad about losing her best friends in the whole world. But she will get over that. It’s all of you who this will hurt. As much as you guys want to believe that she is completely at fault and doesn’t deserve your time, you have to remember that she was up front with you and you guys are only hurting yourselves by keeping your distance.”

“I know, I want to find her, and Kyle, and.. and the baby. But I mean, we don’t even know where she is or if she wants to see us.”

“I’m not going to lie, she will probably not be very friendly at first, but you have to do this. You guys need her as much as she needs you. And as far as finding them, they are in San Francisco.”


“Yeah. Max, just do the right thing.”

And with that Alex walked out of the Crashdown, and Max woke up. Stunned.

Michael’s dream was similar to Max’s except that Alex told him how she still cried over losing their friendship. This hit Michael hard because he thought that she completely forgot about him. Alex explained that Maria still loved Michael, it was just a different kind of love. When Michael asked where e cold find Maria, Alex said, “Max knows.”

Liz’s dream started with her in the back room of the Crashdown. Alex walked in the back door and Liz ran into his arms. She had longed to see his face the way Isabel did. “Oh. Alex, I’ve missed you!”

“I know, I’ve missed you too. But there is something I need to talk to you about. You need to find Maria.”

“I know I want to, but Max, Michael, and Isabel aren’t ready yet.”

“Trust me, after tonight they will be ready.”

Liz knew exactly what he ment and with tears in her eyes, she hugged Alex until he disappeared, and she woke up crying.
Alex knew he would have a tough time with Isabel, but he also knew that he was the only one what would get an appology out of her. He took a deep breath and entered her dream. She was standing in the desert and he walked up behind her and put his arms around her. She turned around immediately to kiss him. He alowed her to do so but cut it short.

“What’s wrong, Alex”

“We need to talk about Maria and Kyle.”

“I don’t want to. I just want to be with you.” She said with a frown.

“Listen, Isabel, this is important. The fact is that you, the queen of rationality are being completley irrational. You are hating her for things outside of her control.”

“She broke Michael’s heart. That I cannot forgive.”

“Why not? Michael has.”

“What are you talking about?”

“I just had a long talk with Michael, and he forgave her a while ago. Max and Liz did more reacently. They have all been afraid to tell you because of this blind hatred you have for Maria.”

“Wha…What?” Isabel looked confused. Then began to wonder why Alex had visited them all. “Is she okay. I mean why are you here telling us to find her?”

“No, no, she is fine. The baby is fine. Kyle is fine. But the four of you are not fine. I see how much it hurts you all to be without them. Even if you will not admit it. You need her. And that baby she is carrying inside her is part of you. You want to be with her. I know it.”

Isabel began to cry. She knew everything Alex was saying was right. Even though she had put up a hatful exterior, deep down Isabel’s heart was breaking because she missed Maria and Kyle, and she needed to be with the baby. She felt a closness to it. “How will we find her?” she finally asked.

“Max knows where she is and you can use your connection to Kyle. It seems he is becoming one of you!” Alex said with a smile and faded away.

The next day Max called a meeting at the Evans’ to discuss what the group’s ex move would be.