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Spidey's Web Of Work (Updated 14th April 09)

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 12:31 pm
by SpiderGirl
Hey All!

I'm going to open a thread with all my fics whether they're dead or buried. They're all going here!

Complete Works


Things go wrong. They go about as wrong as they possible could and it takes someone with hindsight to try and make things right.

Making Rain And Thunder

After Max let Tess get away with Alex's murder Liz left for New York where she developes powers. She stumbles onto another granilith, only this time instead of taking her into the past it takes her into the Future. The Future that she could have had with Max if Tess never came to Roswell.

Way It's Meant To Be

Liz lost her parents to Vampires so she teamed up with a slayer to kill them. She met Max and he was killed in the Roswell High School Massacre along with the slayer. Only three people survived the Roswell High School Massacre; one was Liz, the other was Tess the vamp who killed her parents and Max and the other was...

The Wrong Enemy

Liz is kidnapped by Nasedo and taken to Antar. Who was Zan? Was he really a good guy? Is Kivar telling the truth? Is she his sister? Did she really live a life before?

The Second Son

Sequel to the Wrong Enemy. Sixteen years after The Wrong Enemy. Tori Evans is 16 years old and he has to move to Antar.

Raising Liz Evans

Max and Liz are happily married and about to have a baby girl but Liz dies leaving Max alone with a little girl to raise.

Honesty Fraud

After Departure a pregnant Maria travels to New York and becomes a hit woman. Three years after Michael left the aliens return, bringing all of Maria's fears and worries with them.

In Plain Sight

Liz runs away from her abusive father and brother Hank and Michael Guerin and hides out at a boys camp. She poses as Alex Guerin and meets Max. Sparks fly for Max and 'Alex' leading to a lot of confusion and steamy kisses.

Girl Out of Time

I got the idea for this from the Rasmus's music video In The Shadows. Elizabeth Parker is a simple serving girl in the early 1800s and Max is a big shot DJ in 2005. Their paths cross unexpectedly through time.


Three people destined to meet each other on the thirty third day of their thirty third year.


Before Liz starts high school something strange and horrifying happens to her. Her parents were torn to shreds by a half human, half cat monster and she was the only survivor. She gets sent to Roswell where her Grandmother Claudia lives and starts a new life there only the curse of the Werecat followed her.

In A Funny Red Sheet

Max lives his life helping other people, he knows he's alien and has lived all his life on his own. What happens when there's no one to save him?

She Cried

She cried but he broke right down and died. In Michael's POV.

All You Can Leave Behind

The ship doesn't crash in 1947 but 2001, King Zan and Queen Ava are the only survivors. Ava is pregnant with child and was badly injured in the crash. She tells her husband to carry the child until he can find a suitable replacement to give birth to the heir.

Behind The Tree

Max is a recluse, his parents died then his sister left because she couldn't cope and the only way for him to deal was to hide away in the house. What happens when someone moves into the empty house next door and hiding just isn't an option anymore?

Divine Intervention

he shooting happens but Liz doesn't get shot. Max dreams about this strange symbol and a dome and goes in search of it. He finds the necklace and RiverDog who shows him the cave. He decodes the map and realises just how important Liz Parker really is...

Dead and Buried (WIP)


Yeah I know it's another baby Zan story. But it's one I couldn't get out of my head. Zan Edison is having trouble sleeping; he can't quite figure out what's keeping him up at night. He's living a happy life with his wife Marie and their two twin boys Alex and Charlie. He knows he's adopted, Marie points out that that might be the reason he's having trouble sleeping. So the young couple investigate and find more than they ever bargained for...

Where I Follow

Liz is an extraordinary being, she uses the gifts she's been given to help people and stop bad people in the world. She meets Max and they settle down to raise a family. She gives up her heroic ways but it's never that simple or easy and she finds out in tragic ways.

Caged Princess

Who is this mysterious girl come to Roswell? Why does she get called Princess and why is she so interested in Max?

Tip of My Tongue

Max is involved in a really bad car crash and comes out nearly without a scratch. The only problem is... he doesn't remember who he is the only thing that he remembers he can't find.


For forty years the FBI Special Unit have been waiting for the pod they have in their White Room to hatch. They will raise this hybrid child to seek out others of her kind and destroy them. But what happens when she encounters someone that she just cannot kill?

Must Be Dreaming

They're on the run... it's after Graduation, Max and Liz are happily married. But the FBI catch up with them while they're sleeping in a motel room for the night...


Jondy escaped from Manticore and got as far away as possible. Years later she hears a news report about Manticore being taken down and another group of kids come into Roswell. How does the pod squad react to her little secret?

Dancing on Mars

They just try and live in peace, but it's hard being different.

Offering the Truth

The truth is offered after traumatic ends.

Preserve the Future

Tess fell for Kyle so Max and Liz eloped. It's 2012 and the world is ending.

Rath's Aftermath

Rath deals with it alone until he brings Zan back.

Running off the Precipice

EOTW again. But instead of following Future Max's desperate pleas she tells Max everything and they run off away from Destiny and away from the frightening future.

Bringin' Home The Family

Somebody dies leaving behind a child, I had intended for it to be Maria but I like her too much. So it's Tess. Liz takes the baby in and all the emotional baggage that comes with him.

Motel Moments

Max and Michael have been spending a little time together much to the annoyance of Liz and Maria who end up finding someone to share!

Screaming is Pointless

Maria is the only one left after the Pod Squad have been captured and massacred. She is destroyed by all the events she witnessed when she was captured by the Special Unit.

Cambie Las Vidas

It's been five years since the kids of Phoenix have been healed. They mysteriously get a call from someone out to protect them.

Into The Next Life

Max was able to save Alex but he gave him the option of living a normal life, the only catch was he'd have to leave everyone behind and let them believe he was dead.

Screaming For Release

Liz doesn't wake up after she passes out on the bleachers in Ch-Ch-Changes. She goes into a coma and gets lost...

Oh I Will Not Forget You

This is their last few days on Antar. Picture Max as Zan, Michael as Rath, Maria as Vilandra and Liz as Ava. I've been toying with idea for a while and it was going to drive me insane unless I wrote it.

He Doesn't Live Like Other Boys

He doesn't live like other boys. She lives in a world of pain and sadness. Waiting for the day to be taken far away.

Rocks and Sea Shells

Antar is a half land, half water based planet, there are two ruling families, Antaris which resides on land and Antarticaris which lives under the water. One day Ratheal, General to the Kings Army of Antaris meets a girl. Unknowingly she is the General to the leader of Antarticaris, the two ruling familes are at war.


I'd say a few months before Alex was murdered, after EOTW. Max gets arrested for murder...

He Stole Their Memories

Challenge #180. Max and Liz get captured after jumping in the river. Pierce steals their memories, Isabel and Tess loose their connection to Max and believe that the Dreamers are dead. A few years later Kyle begins to develop powers and can sense both Max and Liz alive.

The Easy Life

Max and Michael think they live the easy life, what happens when their life becomes not so easy?

Posted: Mon May 09, 2005 4:50 am
by SpiderGirl
Hey All!

I just updated and added summaries to my fics! Enjoy!

Posted: Sat May 28, 2005 11:38 am
by SpiderGirl
Hey All!

Updated my fics. Added to the list of complete works! 28th May 2005

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 4:51 pm
by SpiderGirl
Edited to delete reposted fics. Woops :oops: :roll:

Re: Spidey's Web Of Work (Updated 10/18/05)

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 9:27 am
by SpiderGirl
Hey All!

I have updated all my fics to date (the ones that were deleted have been lost forever :x :cry: ). I am in the process of adding the banners to the links on here that have banners.
