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Change of heart, Adult/CC+UC&Slash

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2005 1:28 pm
by Anna-Liisa
Banner by nickimlow

Title: Change of heart
Category: UC&Slash/Alternative Universe
Rating: Adult
Coupling: CC + UC&Slash
Disclaimer: I do not own Roswell

Under NO circumstances can anyone under the age of 17 read or participate in this RPG. NO if's, and's or buts...

The idea is that after the group had to leave Roswell, Liz and Max got married. Kyle got distant after that, because he had feelings towards Max. He starts hating the fact that Max was now officially out of his reach and becomes cold towards Liz. Other's don't understand what's going on with him.

Maria and Michael have their on problems. Michael still loves Maria, but he doesn't want to get close to her (because he's afraid that Maria might get hurt). Maria doesn't mind and tries everything to get closer to him. Isabel is almost as distant as Kyle is, maybe even more. She misses Jesse, even if she knows that she needs to move on. Isabel often dreamwalks Jesse and sleeps almost all the time. That worries others.


Implied Kyle/Alex
Isabel/Jesse (in dreams)

Cast list:

Kyle - Anna-Liisa
Max - isabelle
Liz - StormWolfstone (Double/Temp)
Michael - NightshadeIsis
Maria - StormWolfstone
Isabel - StormWolFStone
Drake - Anna-Liisa

Alexs Ghost can be used by Isabel's and Kyle's player (me and Storm) id needed/wanted.

Name: Drake Monroe
Age: 24
Personality: Outgoing in most aspects, he is often known for his way of charming people which goes well with what he does with his life. Drake is kind and caring, but because of things in his past, he doesn't let himself get too close in relationships. He feels that he doesn't deserve a good woman or real love.
Background: Drake was born in a small town in New Hampshire, having never left town until his college days. In college he studied journalism and dramatic arts. Because of his father however, when he completed college he wasn't able to get the jobs he wanted. Instead, his father had him drafted into a secret sector of the FBI.

They told him about the existance of alien's but he isn't about to believe in them. Everything that's myth, he asks for proof. When he's shown a video of a girl seated on her bed with things flying around her, he instantly wants the chance to meet her. He wants to know how she created such extraordinary special effects.

After a few years, the FBI trail had grown cold and he was sent to search undercover. He had a digitally printed picture of the girl who they told him was named Isabel Evans. Of course he doubted very much that he wanted to be responsible for finding her. The few recordings that they had managed to save from Eagle Rock before the situation had gone volatile, had sickened him and he didn't think he could let his superiors do that to the girl.


Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2005 12:26 pm
by Anna-Liisa
okay, so here it goes. let's say that they're in the van going somewhere right now.


The thing I hated the most in my life right now was sitting at the back of the van when Max and Liz were there. It just made me sick, watching them together, making out. It would sound normal if It'd be Liz who'd I'd be looking at, but my eyes were always going towards Max. I hated it. I hated being like this, especially when Max and Liz were married. My eyes wandered and to Max's face again, but I turned to look at the van floor.

Pathetic. I was pathetic. There was no way for me to get to him, even if they wouldn't be married. I let out a sigh. Why did I make my life so miserable? First I had a crush on Isabel and she was married and now Max who is married.

When will I learn to search someone who isn't taken?

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2005 12:47 pm
by nickimlow
I hope this is okay. Here goes:


The house was a beckoning sight, so familiar and comfortable. I took a step forward, and then another, until I was inside. At first, I just let myself admire my surroundings. But I soon realised that I was admiring my own work. I had decorated this house; had arranged the paintings on the wall and the furniture, the little trinkets - everything.

And I had not done it alone.

As I neared the living room, I noticed him, at the window, then moving on to the bedroom. He was looking for something. Or someone. I had missed him so dearly. But he was in front of me, right there, as if nothing had ever changed. Perhaps my leaving him had been but a dream, and this was reality. Maybe I had never left this place after all.

Then he turned around, and all of my worries, my fears, they faded away like dust in the wind. He wore a shocked expression on his face at first, but soon he was smiling. "Iz?"

I crossed the room in big strides, and we were almost in each other's arms again. Almost . . .

But the van went over a bump on the road and I lost my connection. I opened my eyes and found myself sitting next to Kyle behind Max and Liz, who were all over each other. I tried to hide my tears as they slid down my cheeks. Disappointed, I stared at the photograph in my hand with my blurred vision.

"Jesse . . ." I whispered.

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2005 7:46 pm
by AntarPrince04
OOC: This was made under the ussumption that the van has more than one Back seat, since Michaels Driving and maria would probably be beside him.


Liz leans close, nuzzling my neck. The feeling sends shivers of delight through my body. I wrap my arms around her, throwing my head back to further enjoy her exquisite touch. I close my eyes as Liz also shifts, resting her head against my shoulder. I squeeze her in a swift hug, kissing the top of her head.

It's hard, being on the road all the time. No real privacy. I'd love to do more. Really make-out with her, show her all of how much I love her. But we're crowded in here with Michael and Maria and Isabel and Kyle. Not exactly conducive to romance, but not enough to dampen it entirely. Liz is the love of my life and she knows it. Now, she's finally my wife, wearing not just the diamond I made for her, but a simple gold wedding band.

"Love you," I whisper into her hair, settling back to relax while Michael continues to drive. I would close my eyes and sleep a little since there's not much else to do, but I'm not really tired. I look out the window for a moment, trying to guess exactly where we are, although it hardly matters...

'Jesse...' I hear from the back seat. Just a whisper, almost a sigh, coming from Isabel, of course. I turn my head to look at her and see that her cheeks are wet with fresh tears although she's rubbing her cheeks, drying them.

"Hey Izzy," I say gently, trying to meet her eyes. She looks up, a quivering smile on her lips. I remove one arm from Liz's shoulder and reach over the seat to take Isabel's. I don't say anything more, because there isn't anything more to say. She knows how sorry I am that she and Jesse had to part just as he was finally coming to terms with everything again. She knows that we can't do anything about it. Saying all those things again won't change anything, so we sit in silence for a moment.

"We'll find him again," I promise. I've told her that before, too, but I have to repeat it, anyway. I need her to know that I haven't forgotten.

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2005 8:35 pm
by Kes_ALF
OOC So I'm driving? :twisted: just remember YOU wanted it.


I'm driving this danm van like.. forever? I've got enough of this. Max doesn't alow to stay im motels for night and I just can't sleep in the car.... with Maria constantly trying to get closer to me. I'm trying to not look at her, this is dificult, I really love her, but It would be better for her to stay in Roswell, where she was safe.

I actually don't know what she wants from me. Did she changed her mind again and now "loves me" or just going with us as with friends? we didn't actually talk about it, and I don't think I want to.

I hear Max wispering something to Liz. This two makes me sick. They so happy and cheereful all the time. I'm ded tired, I'm dreaming about a worm, soft bed, where i could just streached and sleep..... I'm catching the weel tighter as I feel the car turning. I'm looking around, but it looks like noone noticed, thank god. I rub at my eyes, with one hand.

I just need to concentrate on the rod, and not fall aslepp, but it's so boring. I'm turning on the radio, and Metllica statrs to blast. I know they will got mad, but this is also a good distraction.

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2005 11:45 pm
by nickimlow

I held on to that photograph, but I really didn't need it. I had memorised his face, the eyes, the lips, the hair. The gentle touch. Everything.

"Hey Izzy," Max said all of a sudden, breaking my daydream.

I looked up and saw the look of concern on my brother's face. I forced a smile but could say nothing. Then he reached over and took my hand. The warmth was so foreign to the cold that I felt.

"We'll find him again," he reassured me. There was an apologetic look in his eyes. But it wasn't his fault. It wasn't anyone's fault. Things just happened.

I tried to process his words. We'll find him again . . . Will we? What we're doing is driving away from him. When would it ever be safe to go back again?

I glanced down at Max's hand, firmly holding my own, and I saw the wedding band perfectly around his finger. A surge of pain whipped through my soul, and I pulled away from my brother, almost too forcefully. Looking down at my own hand, I saw that every finger was bare. My wedding ring was at home.

Closing my eyes and ignoring my brother's worried look, I let my mind wander. Home . . .

And then I was interrupted again, this time by Metallica screaming away on the radio. If this had been a year ago, or six months ago, I would have yelled at Michael for being so inconsiderate. But it wasn't a year ago, nor six months ago.

So I just leaned back in my seat and gazed out the window.

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 11:32 am
by Dominicana

As I nuzzle close with Max, I see him look at Isabel, and Go slowly. So I decide to Move up and converse with Maria.

I glance at my wedding band, Its just amazing, I was sure 3 years ago that this moment would happen, but then Tess came along, and I wasn't sure anymore. But it did and I couldn't be more happier.

I suddenley feel like someone's burning holes in my head, and then I turn and see Kyle glaring at me. He's been acting so weird lately, like he hates me or something. It's really strange.

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 3:46 pm
by AntarPrince04
:twisted: OOC:I'm so sorry but this is me the "Anti-Dreamer" your talking too and I couldn't resist. You Probably won't even realize what it is lol.


Holding Isabels hand I squeeze it lightly and try to smile comfortingly even though I feel like shit. This is all my fault and if I hadn't have risked everything to save Liz we'd all probably still be at home comfortable instead of in this Van.

Don't get me wrong, I don't regret doing what I did at all. In fact, given the choice I probably wouldn't change a damn thing, but I still feel bad because I acted without thinking.

Suddenly Izzy stops and drops my hand and I get the distinct feeling she may cry again and thats the last thing I want. Though as I look up at her she's not even looking at me.

I look around curious about the problem when my eye's fall on the gold band on my finger and I swear I could almost kick myself. You idoit, that was genious wasnt it. Here I sit wearing my ring being a happily married man while my sister has to leave her husband behind. I'd be shocked if she weren't upset. Granted I wasnt the most accepting of the marrage and I had good reason, but it made Izzy happy...

Liz has moved up to maria so I stretch out in the seat leaning against the window, my upper body facing kyles direction. Michaels turned on the radio but Im too tired to care. I look down at my ring twisting it alittle on my fingure and Look back to Isabel who is ignoring me and half asleep yet again....

I sigh and take my ring off slipping it into my pocket. I love Liz I do, but if seeing my ring hurts Izzy I'll take it off. Isigh and rest my head on the glass. Popping my neck I grin at Kyle tiredly. "Be thankful, you've got it easy", I smile. Out of us all kyle seems to have the least drama.

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 7:30 am
by nickimlow
OOC: Aww, that sure was sweet of Max. On the other hand, though, we all know why he really did that, don't we? :)


As I continued to let my mind wander, everything else seemed just a blur. The others were talking, but I could barely make out the words. I didn't want to, anyway. They were most likely chatting about subjects so trivial that they probably didn't matter in the real world.

I slipped deeper and deeper into my own little world. I saw bright stars sprinkled across curtains of black. The tinge of rosemary and lavender teased my nostrils. This place was unfamiliar, but strangely comfortable and so much nicer than - reality.

"Iz," said a voice from behind me.

I knew that voice. I loved that voice. I missed that voice, for I had not heard it since the night of Jesse's proposal. I spun around and there he was. "Alex . . ."

"I'm here for you, Isabel."

Was he, really? Or was I dreaming again? I really couldn't tell the difference anymore. Besides, did it really matter? "Where have you been all this time?" I asked him.

""Right here. Always," he said, smiling gently.

"I feel so lonely, Alex. So lonely . . . First you, now Jesse . . . Hell, I even had to leave my parents, the town I love . . . Everything's all wrong." I was complaining to him, a ghost from my past. Well, ghosts listened, didn't they?

"I know it's hard, Iz. But believe me, it's going to be okay," he assured me.

God, he sounded like my brother. "Do you really think so?"

"Would I lie to you?"

Would he? I opened my eyes and found that it was growing dark. Max was stretched across his seat, Kyle looking glum. What did they have to be so upset about? Max had Liz. Michael had Maria. Kyle had never had anyone anyway.

I noticed that Metallica was blaring louder than ever, and it was getting on my nerves. I didn't want to argue, so I just decided to volunteer myself. I sat up and leaned forward a little, close enough so that Michael could hear me. "If you're tired, I could drive for a bit."

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 1:23 pm
by Anna-Liisa

"Be thankful, you've got it easy" Max says.

I froze. Did he read minds now as well? I looked at him and just shrugged. Maybe I had to be thankful. Or then not. No, yes. No. Yes...maybe. No. Yes. Aaamh, my mind isn't leading me to any solution.

I looked at his hand. Ha, he took the ring away. Well that was just because of Isabel. Never because of me. I'm just a..'friend'. Or not even a friend. I was just a guy who followed them. Or that's how it felt. Max was always with Liz, Michael was chased by Maria, Isabel was mostly thinking by herself. I got left alone.

"I guess you can say I'm lucky. I don't feel like it. You're all loved by someone...I'm not. Only my dad, but that's a cold comfort"