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The First Kiss- XM- Adult/Slash- Dead and Buried

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2004 5:18 pm
by burningchaos
I don’t own X-Men just love John. X-Men 2 never happened.

I share a bedroom with Bobby, have for years and only lately has it started to get to me. See the thing is I am gay and am in love with the jerk, not that I have told him. Me, I am sitting on my bed staring at his back, Bobby oblivious to everything is doing his homework like the good little boy that he is.

Click Swoosh

I know that the way I play with my lighter all the time irritates him but I don’t give a shit. I want a reaction from him, I want him to acknowledge me and think about me instead of that little bitch. Besides being in the same room with him bothers me lately every time I look at him I imagine him naked. Ok not just naked, I see him on knees gasping, yearning, begging, screaming my name as I pound myself into him. Shit, I gotta stop thinking about that or I’m gonna need another cold shower.

Click Swoosh

I see him tense up and jerk this time, good. What am I going to do? I have to make a move soon. I am losing him to that little “I wish you could touch me” whore. She can’t give Bobby what I could, I can touch him, I love him. She is just playing with him. Why can’t he see that it is me and always has, or will be?

Click Swoosh

I smile as the room starts to get colder. I know now I am getting to him. I don’t even care though cause the thoughts of how it used to be before she came are spinning around in my mind. The way we used to laugh at night, playing video games, do homework. A thousand of those little moments run through my brain. My favorite was always the wrestling though, ah fuck thinking about Bobby’s hard sweaty body pressed against mine is a bad, bad thing.

I jump off the bed moving quickly to try to escape every thing I am feeling and thinking. I mumble at Bobby” I’m outta here” When suddenly he whips around and is standing in front of me.
“What is your problem” he yells at me
“Ever the boy scout even when pissed huh Bobby” God how I want to kiss him, fuck him, devour him, and make him mine. I hesitate cause I know it is now or never, ah shit it has to be now. My sanity can’t take much more of this and I wasn’t to sane to start with. So I move closer to him and softly whisper “You”
“What” he yells clearly not understanding.
“You, Bobby, you are my problem.” I see his ice blue eyes fill with confusion and hurt.

I put my hand on his shoulder and slowly draw him closer to me, his beautiful eyes widen then narrow seductively as he realizes what I mean. I drop my lighter and grasp his hair bringing his mouth to mine; I see him smiling and understand that he has wanted this too. My skin starts to burn as our mouths finally meet in that searing searching first kiss.