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For All Students

Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2004 9:58 pm
by It Was Me
screen name: Gigo
name: Elizabeth
class: 2004
location: California
birthday: November 16
scholastic interests: Mathematics and Computer Science
dreaded subjects: Spanish
college: MIT
plans for future: Presently I think I'm probably going to be a comptuer scientist, but I'm not 100% sure yet.
extracurriculars: My biggest thing is that I am on the Mock Trial team at my school (but that's over for the year).
anything else you'd like to share: Hmm... If you need help with homework or anything (especially math or computers, ) feel free to ask. I love to help people with that sort of thing.
screen name: sare
name: Sarah
class: 2004...yay! 3 more months!
location: Texas
birthday: December 4
scholastic interests: hmmm, Science, English...maybe computer
dreaded subjects: Math! I can never get it down...hopefully I'm not failing it
college: Cisco Junior College
plans for future: I really don't know...I need to think about that don't I?
extracurriculars: volleyball
anything else you'd like to share: hmm, what would you like to know??

by the way...ya'll can call me Sarah!
screen name: katrina
name: Katrina
class: 2004
location: Chicago
birthday: July 23
scholastic interests: Math and Science
dreaded subjects:
college: Accepted to Wisconsin-Madison and....
plans for future: Major in biology next year and then to medical school
anything else: Among my interests are chatting with friends and the Cubs (sigh... Mark Prior). And I think I can go on and on talking about myself but I'll just stop. Oooh... guess what! I was accepted to Wisconsin-Madison!! Don't know if I'll actually go there but at least I have somewhere to go.
screen name: Crashdown2006
name: Teri Ann
class: 2006
location: Wetumka, Oklahoma
birthday: July 29
scholastic interests: Speech, Creative Writing
dreaded subjects: US History
college: I've decided to try and go to OU and if not then a college on the west Coast.
plans for future: Teaching PreK, then some acting
extracurriculars: Speech Class, Upward Bound
anything else you'd like to share: I love to hang out with my friends and just write. Oh yeah I love music too!
screen name: dreamsofRoswell
name: Laura
class: 2006
location: South Carolina
birthday: February 16th
scholastic interests: History
dreaded subjects: Chemistry
college: undecided
plans for future: Playing basketball in college, and i have no idea what else. haha. How prestigious.
extracurriculars: basketball
anything else you'd like to share: I'm tall, i'm 6'2''. I love music, in general, and it is one of my favorite things to talk about. i love the band Interpol. They are my favorite band EVER. and the band The Stills. Also i like: Franz Ferdinand, Modest Mouse, the Yeah Yeah Yeahs, and Broken Social Scene.
screen name: lorastar
name: Lora
class: 2004
location: California
scholastic interests: Film Production, Photography, Creative Writing
college: Waiting to hear from Chapman Film School and Cal State Fullerton, possibly Art Institute of California
plans for future: Become a film maker/producer/writer and open my own production company in the future to make independent films that make people see things in different ways.
extracurriculars: Work, drama club, writing, and multimedia art
anything else: I love all creative and fine arts (if you can't tell), and currently have the song Overdrive by Katy Rose stuck in my head

Screen Name: Dreamertilltheend
Name: Katia
Class: 2007
Location: Canada, Montreal
Scholastic interests: Biology (animals mostly), computr, creative writing.
Dreaded subjects: Gym, dance, religion and physical science
College: no clue, but probably Vanier
Plans for future: Well I would like either to become a writer, work with computers, actress, vet or cop.
Extracurriculars: None
Anything else you'd like to share: Well I`m 14, fav colour red and black. I`m great at building websites, if you need help feel free to ask.

Screen Name: Hollywoodstarz4444
Name: Brandy
Class: 2005
Location: Racine, Wisconsin
birthday: October 10
Scholastic interests: English, I live for choir
Dreaded subjects: Math.
College: Probably somewhere close like Parkside.
Plans for future: I want to open my own Aromatherapy shop.
Extracurriculars: None.
Anything else you'd like to share: I love to sing and dance. Only one more year of school! I'm not very good at anything that has to do with school so I'm probably not the person to ask, but I will help if you post about something I know.
screen name: Watusi Luci
name: Maggie
class: 2005
location: Alaska
birthday: June 10
scholastic interests: History, Brit Lit
dreaded subjects: Trig
college: ........
plans for future: go to a four-year college and lead a happy life
extracurriculars: Mostly, I do drama, school plays and such
anything else you'd like to share: Ummm...nothing off the top of my head
Okay and now we may begin....

Oh, oh! Newbies!!!
srndpty310 wrote:screen name: srndpty310
name: Justyna
class: 2005
location: New Hampshire
birthday: March 10th
scholastic interests: writing, journalism, politics, communications, broadcasting, literature, history
dreaded subjects: any math and science
college: UNH
plans for future: NYU grad school for communications, work in broadcasting/journalism
extracurriculars: writing and dancing
StarGazing101 wrote:screen name: StarGazing101
name: Jeccyka (pronounced Jessica, but just call me Kay)
class: 2005 (I finally get to graduate!)
location: Arizona
birthday: February 3rd
scholastic interests: Writing, English, Medical, Math, Science, Music
dreaded subjects: None as of yet.
college: SCC
plans for future: Don't know for sure yet.
extracurriculars: NHS & Orchestra
anything else you'd like to share: Love to Write and I don't think there is anything else worth sharing. I have, like, no life. LOL

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 11:47 pm
by It Was Me
Wow guys...I thought this thread had died! I'm pleased to see it has some life in it still.

Lora, nope, I'm not the maid of honor...Well, not yet, they are going to wait a couple of years, just like you. :) Congrats! The best of luck to you, two. I'm really happy for you. :-D Hearts!!!

I'm glad I could have been of some help to you. :)

How's everyone else? Katia, Katrina? Lizabeth? Haven't heard from her in a while...Or Sare...Hm...Teri?


I miss you guys,


Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2005 1:48 pm
by Dreamertilltheend
Hey Rach :)

Happy New Year guys!!!

So how's life treating you all?

I just turned 15 yesterday :), and I gotta say it doesn't feel any different.


Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2005 11:22 pm
by dreamsofRoswell
Happy [belated] birthday, Katia!! 8)

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2005 1:39 pm
by Dreamertilltheend
Thanks :)

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2005 11:45 pm
by aliendawg
I guess the word's out now. I love lorastar who's now ben stuck saying "zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz" for the past several months. I still luv her even though she sounds like a bee. I don't know exactly what happened, she got tired from being on the internet one night, and then next thing I know all that I ever hear from her is "zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz" If you can help me return my love to english rather than Beeish Please post. we haven't been able to comunicate since our engagement.

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2005 11:57 pm
by Dreamertilltheend
Hey Danny!

I'm Katia! A friend of Lora. Just wanted to say congrats on the engagement. :D

Congrats! :D


Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2005 5:12 pm
by SweetnSpicyCandy
Hey i was reading the bios and wanted to give a shout out to all the fellow OKIE's out there! I'm from a small town called Tulsa. LOL P.S. if any okies are out there they will know Tulsa is NOT small! haha :D


Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2005 2:57 pm
by Lorastar
Hey, how come we don't all post religiously on this thread anymore? Has everyone got and gotten a life more important than Roswell?

*listens to crickets chirping in the spring breeze*

I'll take that as a yes.

And speaking of lives, I guess I should go write my essay for english now. Hope everyone is doing well, come back and talk soon! Like on spring break!

Welcome, Amber. I've seen your postings around here a bunch. It's nice to meet you, I'm Lora.

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2005 5:32 am
by dreamsofRoswell
Hi everyone! Congrats on the engagement, by the way, Danny & Lorastar (That's so exciting!) !

Sorry I haven't really been on here in the past 25 years, lol. I've been incredibly busy (I'm in a band now! 8) ) and school and BLAH. I hope all of you are doing well... I have to go back and read this entire thread. Lol. :oops:

<3 Laura