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Future Visitations (AU/CC/Adult) Casting Call

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2004 7:58 pm
by StormWolfstone

Under NO circumstances can anyone under the age of 17 read or participate in this RPG. NO if's, and's or buts...

Title: Future Visitations
Rating: Adult

Disclaimer: I in no way own or have rights to Roswell or 2030CE.... this was simply an idea taken from my imagination and created for fun.

Thanks to two of the ladies on RF I have become massively addicted to Roswell. I have also been addicted to another couple of shows as well and have tried crossover's with them. One of those crossover's gave me a different idea for a new crossover which I decided to place here.

2030 CE-

The world is recovering from a period of social, economic, and environental collapse, which brought the world to the brink of catastrophe. Science, government and industry united under the name Nexes and returned stability and order to a post-apocalyptic planet. But a mysterious virus known as Progressive Aging Syndrome (P.A.S.) has plagued the adults of the world, kiling them by the age of 30. The result is a brave new world where kids rule, as med school grads at 15,, law enforcement officers and environmental experts at 20, and community elders at 28. With no escape from the virus the young Nexes medical team is commited to finding a cure....or are they?

United in their suspicion of Nexes, 2030 CE centers around 15 year old Hart Greyson, his wordly-wise sister Rome and his new friend Jakki.

Things take a turn for the worst when Hart finds he has a fatal weakness to P.A.S. and his dreams of becoming a doctor and finding the cure are shattered. He is reassigned to an elite team of Eco-techs, whose heroic but deadly mission is to clean up environmental and toxic spills, but he continues his mission to find the cause of PAS and uncover the true intentions of Nexes.

As they find more and more incriminating evidence, they become increasingly suspicious of of Nexes and it's leaders, including Dr. Maxine Rich and Hart's best friend Robby. The rebel trio find themselves in a race against time, and a race to save their own lives lives...

Zeus, a leather-clad rogue agent with a dark past who joins Rome, Jakki, and Robby in their fight against Dr. Rich as they attempt to unravel the mystery of Hart's strange condition and rescue him from Nexes' devious plans. Throuout the second season, the group of teen anti-heroes will join forces with the Storm in their attempt to topple the Nexes empire, while the genetically perfect decide to wage their own war against the normals in a bid for supremacy.

In this game, Hart and some of the other's are going to find themselves transported suddenly to the past, to 2000. For them this means over 2080 years into the past. What happens, is anyone's guess.. but along with them comes a person that even they know very little about. Join us as we embark on a new adventure. :D

Character List:

Liz- Katnotkath
*Max- Isabelle
*Michael- NightshadeIsis
Isabel- M
*Tess- Storm
*Maria- Stormwolfstone
Kyle- maougha
Alex- Temped by Kat

Sheriff Valenti will be NPC'd at times by me, Katnotkath and Isabelle when needed.

For Roswell we'll be starting at the end of "Max In the City"

*(14) Rome- Isabelle
*(17) Jakki- Storm
*(17) Zeus- Storm
*(11) Quixote- Storm
*(17) Hart- Storm

A starting post is in the works, however until more characters are taken (OC's are welcome) we will not be starting officially.

Here are character pics of Zeus, Rome, Hart and Jakki


This is Zeus


From Left to Right Hart, Rome and Jakki


This is Quixote

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 2:14 am
by StormWolfstone
At present, the 2030 CE people have not gone through the time switch quite yet... Liz and Max will just be talking (at the point where he asks about Kyle and her).. Maria and the other's can be doing whatever... CandyH #1 Dreamer If you want Maria and Michael to be talking, that's fine with me.

Tess, Kyle and Alex are free to do whatever you feel they should be... remember this is at the end of "Max In The City"



I was tired of Nexes control over the city, they were destroying far too much of the real population. Genetic Remodification was one of the most inhumane things they had come up with. I guess I should be grateful that Quixote was there to keep the GR from working on Rome, but I was still getting used to being back at the helm, working on the building of a new team and learning more behind the truth of Progressive Aging Syndrome. Like every other 'normal' I did not want P.A.S. to take me down. I wanted to live past the age of thirty. The only way that could happen is if our operatives in The Storm could manage to get the cure found.

At present, I was just returning from a mission where we'd saved Robby from the Nexes Deputy in Med Sec. Jakki was already showing Robby the image of Dax's tattoo and we were simply waiting to here his theory. Sure, Susik was a top Nexes geneticist, but we didn't trust him as far as we could throw him. Not the way we trusted Robby, who was not only a brilliant doctor but also had been Rome and Hart's friend since basically birth.

I stood and looked over at Robby and Jakki, "I'm going to my hideout to start putting a few things together. When you learn anything, contact me and let me know."

Jakki nodded without a word as she was intently waiting for Robby to make his observation. Robby however nodded and spoke, "Sure thing, Zeus."


I could believe that I had nearly been forced to reveal information to Rat about Quixote. If it hadn't been for Zeus and Jakki making a timely appearance I would have. All thanks to the magnetic hypnotism inducer that Rat had been using on me. It had taken me a couple hours before I could see clearly once Zeus had turned it off. The whirling colors of the white and red lights would always be in my mind. Rat's voice had been pounding at me for an hour while I was forced to watch the inducer spin before my eyes, drawing me deeper and deeper into a trance.

Thankfully, Zeus and Jakki arrived and we threatened to give Rat a taste of his own medicine, but we hadn't needed to actually use it. He'd easily given Jakki the name of the person that gave the order to wipe Dax's mind. Once that was done, Jakki had shown me the image they'd snapped of the tattoo on Dax's arm and told me what Susik had said. He'd only been half right. Which told me he was either lying, or nor as brilliant as people thought.

I still didn't trust him, I couldn't shake the feeling that he had been the one speaking while I was being experimented on at the Prometheus Center where again, Zeus and Jakki had rescued me. Trying to figure out what this strand was representing, I couldn't help but think again, that I really didn't want to be a part of the fight anymore. I just wanted to practice medicine in peace. Yet, my best-friend lay not even two rooms down from me in a comatose state with a body cast and if this thing on Dax's arm represented anything that could help, I was all for it.


Funny humans, that's what they are. I am what I am, but what am I? Even I do not have an answer. Who am I? That is easy, I am Quixote and Quixote is a girl. What am I doing? I am being who I am, by helping and yet, remaining illusive and a mystery. I am capable of more then any of those living, or past. Hmm, some would have said I was an illusion, yet if I'm illusion, how can they touch me, when I wish to be touched?

I like surprising them when I appear where they are and help. I like riddles and I like old nursery rhymes. I have much to offer, yet can not tell them much. Where do I come from? Good question, when someone finds the answer, I'll happily listen.

How is it that I know everyone's name and yet they know nothing about me? Could I have some sort of computer programming? Could I be some sort of strange alien or creation someone crafted that didn't go quite right? Just as human's have questions, so do I.

The odd thing, I have barely aged and I don't remember being born or activated or anything like that. Hmm, could I have parents out there somewhere? With a shrug of my shoulders I decide to pay a visit to Hart, whom unknown to the others is not where they think or who they think.

Standing behind him as he sleeps due to the machines that have constantly knocked him back out when he gets too worked up, I look at him and wonder. Many thoughts run through my head, and I make a decision. Things are about to change for a few people, the change is going to be very much an adventure. Flashing out of the dome, I appear at Zeus's workshop. I set to work on crafting my idea and it doesn't take long.

With a smile, I take it and myself elsewhere before returning to leave a small clue behind that Zeus will find. Then I go to Rome's house and into her room, leaving her a picture of Hart with the amulet their mother gave him. It'll get her to go to The Storm HQ and in the meantime, I go back to my creation and set things up for Hart, so he can survive what I am attempting to do.

Maybe it is wrong for me to tamper with things, but I need answers and there's only one way I will get them and I can't do it as myself. So, I will let Rome, Hart, Jakki and Robby do it for me. Boy, if they find out I am responsible for this when it's over, they will not be happy with me, but oh well. Quixote doesn't answer to anyone.


While I was in my room getting ready for a date, I couldn't help but think about everything that had gone on since the Dupes first arrived. Without even really thinking about how Michael and I felt, Max had gone on to the Summit without us. Yet, I felt quilty because I still hadn't told them what I learned about who I was. I hadn't told them I was Vilandra. I hadn't told even my own brother, yet I find out that Lonnie did. Lonnie told him and made it all bear down on me.

While Max was in New York all I could think about was losing my brother. That, my having hidden what I knew caused that loss. What would happen while he was in New York? Michael did his best to assure me that everything would be fine, that it wasn't my fault. I still couldn't help but think that it was.

Then Ava tells us what happened to Zan, her version of my brother. I was so scared and felt as though there was nothing I could do. I tried dreamwalking and it didn't work and was about to give up when Ava drops another bombshell on us, saying Liz was changed. What the hell was that supposed to mean? Still, she was right, if anyone could get through to Max it would be Liz. She was the one he loved.

It worked, I used my dreamwalking ability to try to reach Max and in turn it helped Liz project to him in time to warn him. It worked and all I could think was, this was the first time I saw it as being a really good thing that my brother had healed Liz. She'd kept him from dying.

"Isabel, Vilandra. Whatever your name is, it doesn't matter to me. Your my sister and I love you. And that comes first, always." Max told me when he got back.

"Thank you." I responded as I hugged him. It was then, hearing that only an hour ago, that I knew that no matter what happens, I could make it through, that I would have my brother at my side. That he wasn't holding what that other Vilandra did against me, even when it was part of my past life. I couldn't handle it, I couldn't handle life without my brother.

With a sigh, I turned and threw yet another outfit down that I wasn't feeling was right for my date. "Damn it." A part of me thought that maybe I should cancel my date, it was an hour away, yet here I was still not able to make up my mind. Not to mention, I was fooling myself if I thought I could go out on this date and not think about alien crap. I lifted another of my shirts up and glanced in the mirror with it, shaking my head and adding it to the building pile.

I wanted to forget Vilandra, forget Khivar, forget the Dupes.

Michael coming soon, if someone wants to set a scene using him they can feel free.

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 4:29 am
by isabelle
This is a joint post with Isabelle and KatnotKath: :)


I feel so strange standing here in Liz’s room. She’s smiling and friendly, but there’s an awkwardness that we never had before. At least, not since the day I shared my memories with her and she saw inside of me. Even when Tess had first arrived and she was mindwarping me into kissing her, it didn’t feel like this. She’s hiding, but I know she still cares. She came to me in NY to warn me about Lonnie and Rath. Somehow using powers that I never knew I gave her along with Isabel to reach me 2000 miles away.

She’s trying to be brave and cheerful, but I know she’s afraid. No matter how much she’d accepted me for being different, I know it’s not the same when it’s her that’s changing. “I want to thank you for saving my life,” I tell her. I can even describe how that makes me feel.

“I guess that makes us even,” she chuckles, but the smile doesn’t reach her eyes. There’s a barrier there.

I bite my lip and then decide to say the rest. I just have to. “And … I’d like to … start again. Our friendship, that is. I mean … I miss it.” I manage to say. I miss her with every part of me. I know I saw her with Kyle, but I can’t seem to stop feeling this need for her.

“Yeah. Um, I miss it, too,” she says, and something inside me takes a small leap, but there’s something that keeps me from feeling as happy as those words could make me. Something named Kyle.

“There’s just one thing I have to say. One thing I have to ask, and … I promise. I’ll never ask it again.”

Liz’s eyes are shadowed and I can see her tensing up. “Yeah. Go ahead.”

I take a deep breath. It has to be asked, even ‘though she already told me. I asked her in Copper Summer and she said it then, but I still can’t seem to believe it. I need to hear it again. I don’t want to, but somehow, I need to. “Did you … sleep with Kyle?” I freeze then, every part of me waiting to see what she’ll say this time.


Up until the moment that Max actually asks me, I have no intention of telling him the truth. My heart wants to be able to wipe away the pain I caused him, but my head says it’s too dangerous. Everything that I was told that night continues to prey on my mind. I’d never forgive myself if anything happened to my friends, or family because of me. What Future Max was talking about was something far bigger, I didn’t have a choice but to go through with the plan…I couldn’t be responsible for the deaths of so many people. I couldn’t put my happiness above their lives…

Some of the things that were said tonight throw me into a loop though. Ava said I was changed… Changed how I don’t know, but Future Max never mentioned anything about that… I can’t imagine that we went fifteen years and never realized that I was different… Exactly what I did tonight I don’t know, but what I do know is that something inside me is different… When Max brought me back he changed me forever. We’ve wondered about the flashes in the past and I can’t help wondering whether or not they have something to do with it too…maybe we just didn’t know what to look out for…

Max asks me to start over with our friendship, saying that he misses it and I agree. I’m not sure whether his friendship will ever be enough though, I want so much more…

“There’s just one thing I have to ask, and …I promise. I’ll never ask it again…”

I can feel my body tensing up as I realize what it going to come next. I know that there is no way of avoiding it however and nod. “Yeah…go ahead…”

“Did you sleep with Kyle…?”

There are the words, all I have to do is say yes in reply and I know that friendship is all that will ever exist between Max and I…if that… For some reason I pause however, my lips won’t form the response I should give and instead I find myself shaking my head. I look down at the floor. “No…”


I can’t even fully describe what I’m feeling when she says no. I’m glad, but confused. Still, this feels like the truth, like my instincts and trust in her had been right. But I don’t understand it. If she had said ‘yes,’ I couldn’t have asked it, but now, I just have to.

“Why?” I ask, but I can’t say the rest. Still, I’m sure she knows. Why were you in bed with him when we were supposed to be going on a date? Why did you lie to me?

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 11:54 am
by KatnotKath

After shaking my head I realize that there’s going to be no way to avoid this any longer. I can’t just say no and leave it at that…my answer just now has changed everything once more and I know that I’m going to have to explain.


Why…? He makes it sound so simple… I don’t answer immediately, almost afraid of what might happen when I do. What if he doesn’t believe me…what if he thinks I’m lying…?

Taking a deep breath, I open my mouth, finally ready to reveal to him what happened.

“You told me it was necessary…” I begin in almost a whisper. Max looks at me confused and I know that he’s about to dispute that. “I don’t mean you literally Max, but a version of you…” I pause a moment, hesitating briefly before continuing. “The night that you pulled the stunt with the Mariachi band…” I give a small smile as I remember his stood below my balcony singing… “Things were just starting to look up for us again, I was actually beginning to think that we might be able to have a future together…”

Max nods. His expression is one of puzzlement and it’s clear he’s waiting for me to continue.

“Just before you arrived, I received a visitor…it was you Max, you had traveled back from fifteen years in the future…” I run my fingers through my hair and bite my lip as I wait to see whether Max will make any response.

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 4:29 pm
by StormWolfstone
Anna-Liisa I believe that I am going to bring in an OC that if you wanted to have Kyle be the first to interact with when she get's to town you could. Unless you want to have him at his house trying to find out what went on in New York from Tess.



Name: Raina De Costa
Age: 17 almost 18
Appearance: She has long raven hair that flows down to her hips, with eyes of emerald green. She is often garbed in a pair of jeans and tank tops, t-shirts or whatever type of shirt fits her mood, no matter what it is, she doesn't care what people think of how it looks.

Personality: She is fun loving and open-minded. Though she has a few secrets that she will not reveal until the time is right. She is also one that looks beyond what others see.


Also, another OC for darker purposes.

Name: Siena McCormick
Age: 26

Siena has recently moved into Roswell, yet she remains secretive, only being seen from time to time. Her reasons are her own, her actions have not shown her to be a danger.

She has shoulder length blonde hair and gray/blue eyes. At times she will be seen wearing relaxed business suits while at others her clothing choice varies.




I couldn't believe it, I was actually here in the famed Roswell. I still wasn't completely certain why my father had paid for me to move into the area here when he and my mother weren't going to be staying. He'd purchased a house for me and a car, plus got everything liveable just so he and my mother could make certain I had a place to live while they went on their European Tour and to their next excavation sight.

Where I couldn't understand my parents, they couldn't understand why I chose Roswell. I wasn't even going to try and explain it, they would never understand that I simply liked the idea. And soon I would be going to school here, who knows whether I would find a job or not. I shrugged at that thought as I drove my Mustang Convertable through the streets carefully. I had already seen my place, the food stash was great, but as I had figured there were no sweets anywhere.

So, needless to say I had decided that I had to go grocery shopping and pick up a bunch of chocolate. I drove by the Crashdown Cafe and decided to turn around. I might as well have something to eat and see what type of people lived around here. Parking my car, I climbed out and grabbed my small black wallet off the passengers seat before closing the door.

With a sigh, I walked toward the entrance and inside. Glancing around, I noticed an empty booth and chose to seat myself, picking up a menu with a smile. Seeing the names of some of the meals I couldn't help but chuckle.



Such a long day, and it was only going to be longer. Nothing ever managed to be a short day when it came to my employers. I poured over my project, not completely certain why they believed that I would find more success then they had. I was tired and cranky, but if I knocked off early, they wouldn't be all that happy and I might be in worse condition.

My cell rang and I looked at it quietly for a moment to see who it was. With a sigh I realized that it was THEM and I had no choice, "Siena here."

"How is the project coming?" I hear one of my bosses ask on the other end of the line.

" 'Tis goin' as easily as I can make it go. I am workin' on it nearly non stop." I inform him, noting that my brogue accent is strong, as it always was when talking to any of THEM.

"I want more then that. I want it finished. You have less then two weeks, do you understand?" I could hear the threat in his voice and nodded even though he couldn't see me.

Swallowing I responded, "Aye, I ken what ye are sayin'. I'll do me darndest t' 'ave it ready." I hung up before he could threaten me further and returned to what I had been doing. I couldn't help but hope that I would have it finished, but that it would malfunction and blow them all sky high.

Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2004 2:41 pm
by FallenMagic
Anna-Liisa, I need an opening for Tess too. Do you mind I place Kyle at the Valenti house? Just say so if you do and I'll edit it out.

~* Tess *~

It's been days since we've been back from New York and yet I still feel a chill in me. It's like something or someone has invaded my most sacred of privacy - my mind - and I can't get them out.

I don't know what Rath and Lonnie did to me. I can't remember, no matter how desperately I try. It makes me sick and frustrated that I don't know, that I can't remember. I just hope I didn't tell them anything that could be used against us.

Max checked me out, making sure if I was okay after he found me. Even though he told me I was perfectly fine, I don't feel it. I feel dirty and used. I don't know how else to describe it.

I try not to think about it, to put it behind me but there are time when I can't. Time when I wake up in the middle of the night, in a cold sweat, clutching my sheets in fear. Fear for what, I don't know and I'm not sure I want to know.

I close my eys tightly as force my troubled thoughts back, determined not to think about it tonight. Tonight I intend to go out. It's been a whilesince I left the house. As I walk past the kitchen, I see Kyle inside poking his head into the fridge.

Seeing him brings a smile to my face as I detour and walk in to the kitchen. Propping my self on the counter behind him, I briefly glance in appreciation at the way he fills our his jeans. Biting back a smile, I say, "Anything interesting in there?"

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2004 2:55 am
by Anna-Liisa
It's okay for me


I was searching some food from the fridge, wich seemed a little empty, when I suddenly heard a familiar voice.

"Anything interesting in there?"

I jump a little and turn around to see Tess.

"Tess, would you not give a me heart attack, okay?

I sigh and close the fridge. I was still a little shocked, just suddenly someone came behind me and -- I guess I was a little paranoid, maybe? Who knows? Maybe I was reading too much those books that gave you the idea that everything there is trying to kill you. Definitely.

" are you Ok?"

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2004 4:09 am
by FallenMagic
~* Tess *~

I find myself biting back a giggle at the expression on Kyle's face. He looks so cute when he's startled. I think he's just paranoid but I can't blame him. After all we've been through even I tend to look over my shoulder now and then.

Or it could just be those books he reads. I muse with a grin.

My smile falters thought when Kyle asks me if I'm okay. How do I answer that? What can I say? He won't understand what it's like, none of them can understand this feeling of being used.

I'm okay physically but inside I'm a jumble of emotions. Kyle is looking at me carefully and for a moment I wonder if he can read everything in my eyes, on face. Now wanting him to see the turmoil in me, I smile and nod.

"I'm fine, Kyle. You don't need to worry about me."

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2004 4:18 am
by Anna-Liisa

I look at her quietly for awhile. She looked fine, but I could sense something was wrong. Something I didn't know.

"Are you sure, 'cause ever since you came back from NYC you've been acting know you can talk to me"

I wasn't sure what happened when Tess was in NYC, but...maybe she could tell me. Something. I knew she and Max were there...maybe something happened between them? No, I'm not going there again.

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2004 6:15 am
by CandyDreamQueen
Thought I’d post seeing as though…well I haven’t :wink:


“Oh Spaceboy are you in here?” I say as I enter Michael’s apartment frowning. I shake my head looking at the clutter on the floor.

God; he really should invest in a broom or something.

“Would you keep it down? I’m watching TV over here.” I hear him grumble from the couch.

I roll my eyes. Typical Michael reaction.

Going over to the couch I have a seat next to him.

“So?” I ask, but of course he’s way to deeply divulged in his program to notice that I’ve even entered the room. Much less that I’m speaking to him.

“Michael.” I say again only resulting in a low grown from him.

This calls for drastic measures. Reaching for the remote sitting next to him on the couch I turn off the TV.

“Hey, hey, hey what the hell are you doing?” he says trying to get the remote back from me.

I chuck it across the room and he just gapes at me.

“Now that I have your undivided attention” I begin. “Could you please listen to me.?”

“Fine” he says. “What do you want?”

"Have you talked to Max about the summit meeting yet?" I ask