Work By BehrLuver04

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Work By BehrLuver04

Post by BehrLuver04 »

Disclaimer: I don't own these characters Jason Katims created.
Summary: Different take on things after EOTW....
Rating: NC-17 eventually...
Couples: Dreamer style!


Crashdown Cafe-

Elizabeth Parker was working late at her parents resturant that night. She had found herself working late a lot of nights lately since the incident with her ex-boyfriend.

Late last October, she recieved a visit from Future Max telling her that she needed to get Max to fall out of love with her. So, she pretended to sleep with Kyle Valenti knowing that Max Evans would catch her.

Now, things weren't the same between the two. Supposedly the two were suppose to have been happy and inseperable. After cementing they're relationship the night of the Gomez concert, Tess left Roswell due to them being together. 'Yeah, right...I wish I could make her leave.' Liz thought to herself. 'How immature is that, leave because you didn't get the guy you wanted...'

Snapping out of her thoughts when she heard her father calling she walked through the break room, "Yeah dad?"

"Listen, I was wondering if you could do me a favor?" Liz nodded. "I would usually do this myself, but I have to stay here and your mother is busy with the taxes and I have the inventory to get in..."

Liz smiled, "Dad what is it?"

He laughed, "I need you to go to Las Cruces for me to drop off some deliveries."

"What about school?" She asked confused.

Jeff thought for a second, "Well, it will just be a couple days, can you ask Maria to pick your work up for you?"

Liz shrugged, "Yeah, why not? I need a break." She said smiling.

"You sure you don't have anything important your going to miss, any test, exams?" Liz shook her head, "Okay, good, then I'll pack the car up in the morning and you should be back Friday evening."

"No prob..." Liz said shrugging before heading up the stairs.

Meanwhile Grant Sorenson and Isabel Evans were out on their movie date. Sitting in the movie theater, Isabel leaned closer to Grant as he put his arm around her. Smiling, she thought, Things couldn't get any better. Grant kissed the top of her head and turned back to the movie.

As Isabel got more comfortable she didn't relaize that she was drifting off to sleep. Trying desperately not to, she would shake her head but lose the fight. Knowing she had been having trouble sleeping with nightmares she didn't want to fall asleep in the movie theater, but the fight didn't last long.

NO!!! The girl screamed. You don't have to do this, please, I won't tell anyone. She screamed as she struggled to get free. Isabel watched in horror as the masked man taped her legs together.

Wait! Stop! Isabel tried to say. But to no avail.

Next came her arms and then he tossed her back to the ground, Please I beg you let me go! The man smiled beneath the mask. Oh god no!

Isabel placed a hand over her mouth as she watched him pull out a gun, NO!!!! STOP!!!!

BANG The man turned around as he heard a noise in the bushes. Quickly he kicked the body into the hole he had dug and buried her. NO! Isabel screamed but then realized she was out of her dream state.

"Are you okay?" Grant whispered realizing they were being starred at.

Isabel looked around, then back at Grant and nodded, "Yeah, it was just a dream, I must have fallen asleep."

" sure?" Grant said looking at her weird.

Isabel nodded trying to put on a smile, "Yeah, I'm fine." She said leaning back against him. "I'm fine."

Ch. 2-

Two Days Later-

Isabel was frantically tossing clothes about her room. Searching for the perfect outfit. Tossing another shirt in the air, she hit Max directly in the face, "Thanks, but pink isn't exactly my color." Max said smirking before throwing the shirt to the side.

Isabel turned to glare at him, "Max, nows not the time." She said hurrying to the closet again.

"It looks like a tornado flew through here...another date with Sorenson?" He asked raising an eyebrow. She nodded, "You sure you should be going out tonight?"

"Max not now, please don't start this again..." She pleaded pulling the shirt over her head.

"I just meant you haven't been getting much sleep lately." He explained stopping her.

She looked at him, "It's a different girl this time."


"You know how I told you and Valenti that the girl I saw getting shot in my dream had dirty blonde hair and I think blue eyes..." Max nodded.


"She was scared." Isabel said shaking as Max held her. He looked up at Valenti. "It felt so real. It was real. He killed her and just buried her."

"Did you see any clues as to where?" Valenti asked worriedly.

Isabel shook her head, "No, it was a woody area...that's all. There was lots of equipment around."

"He shot her?" Isabel nodded.

End of Flashback

"He's got someone different now." She said sitting down on the bed not looking at Max. "She's scared Max. I went to Valenti to tell him. He says no ones reported missing."

Sitting down next to her, "Did you see what she looked like?"

"Brown hair, about 5'1?" She said shrugging. "She had her back facing me."

"I'll call him, go talk to him. See what I can find out." He noticed Isabel was real quiet. "What? What is it?"

"I'm not good with cars but, she was headed to her car I think and he grabbed her, but I think she was driving a grey honda." Isabel said before getting interrupted by the doorbell.

"You better go, I'll get Michael and we'll check it out." Isabel hugged Max. "Be careful okay?"

"You too." She said before heading to Grant.

At the Crashdown-

Valenti was sitting at the counter waiting to get served when Jeff came through the break room door shaking his head. "Hey Jim, what can I get you?"

"Just a coffee to go." He said noticing the worry look on his face. "Everything okay?"

Jeff looked up from pouring the cup of coffee, "Yeah, it's just Nancy over reacting, you know?"

"Yeah..." Jim said smiling. Jim looked down at his pager that was going off. 'Meet us at your house in 20. M' "So, what's going on?"

"Oh, well, Liz was suppose to be back from Las Cruces two hours ago...and she isn't answering her cell." Jeff explained handing Jim his coffee, "And Nancy is just going stir crazy...I'm sure it's nothing."

"Yeah, she's probably just held up." Jim said nodding his head. "How much do I owe ya'?"

"On the house." He said before heading back to other customers.

At the Valenti house-

"Name was Laurie Dupree." Jim said throwing a file down on the table. "She was reported missing two days ago." Max picked the picture up.

"I don't recognize her." Max said shaking his head, "Micheal?" He shook his head.

"We still haven't found her body and it's likely that this is the girl Isabel saw..." Valenti shook his head.

Max looked over at him, "She says there's somebody else now. She has brown hair, about 5'1, could be driving a grey honda. She couldn't see alot of her she had her back to her in the dream."

"Grey honda?" Valenti asked worriedly. "Are you...are you sure?"

"Why?" Michael asked hearing his tone.

"It's just that..." Isabel came rushing in before Valenti could finish.

"It's Liz! He has Liz!" She said screaming. Max looked at them. His face white now.

"What? No, she's in Las Cruces." Max said calmly.

Valenti looked at the two, "Her dad said that she was suppose to be back two hours ago and that she's not picking up her cell, her parents drive a grey honda."

"That's not all, I know whose doing it." Isabel said glancing a look at the three.

"Who!" Max said angrily.

Michael came over to help Isabel to a seat, "It's Grant Sorenson." She said sobbing. "I was with him this entire time...and he was doing this to innocent girls...we have to stop him."

"We will, did you see where they would be?" Jim asked as he risked a glance over at Max who was looking out the window.

"It was dark out, he's at the same place, tons of equipment, um, there was this soily texture like, I don't know..."

Jim nodded, "I'll call it in, I should call the Parker's." He said heading into the kitchen.

"Dream walk her." Max said barely above a whisper.

"Maxwell..." Michael said shaking his head. "Don't!" Isabel looked between the two.

"It's are only chance. We couldn't with the other girl, we didn't know who she was...with Liz we do..." Taking a picture out of his wallet. "Isabel..."

She looked at the picture of the smiling Liz, "I'll do it."

The trouble with life isn't that there's no answers it's that there are so many answers.
-Ruth Benedict
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Post by BehrLuver04 »

Ch. 3
Isabel looked around the room she was in, "Liz?" She whispered. Quickly she turned around as she saw a shadow pass behind her. "Liz, is that you?"

"Max sent you didn't he?" Isabel spun her head around in shock. There was Liz sitting on some grass picking at a flower.

"Liz, no...yes, he did, but, we need to know if you saw anything that could tell us where you are?" She said looking her over for injuries.

Liz smiled, "You know what's funny...when he grabbed me..." She looked up and there was Grant. Isabel looked up and saw him. "I didn't feel any pain, but I knew he was doing something to me."

Isabel saw flashes of when he injected the needles of syrums into her and hit her on the back of her head. Then when she begged him to let her go and when she was buried next to Laurie Dupree. "Liz...please, did you see anything?"

"Don't you feel it? The energy just flowing through you?" Liz said getting happier. Isabel shook her head, "It's almost time."

"Almost time for what?" She asked confused and worried. Liz looked over at the trees causing Isabel to turn also, "Frazier Wodds." She whispered to herself when she saw a sign.

"It's almost time for me to go on...good bye Isabel..." Liz said pushing her out of the dreamwalk.

"LIZ NO!!!" Isabel screamed but instead of Liz she was met with Max holding her.

"Isabel what is it?" Max said looking concerned.

Isabel shook her head choking on sobs, "We have to hurry..." She looked over at the Sheriff, "Frazier Woods, we don't have much time..."

Max and Michael exchanged looks, "Let's go."

Sheriff followed the two out while Max helped Isabel out to the car, "Max, we really need to hurry. She's really far gone." Max nodded before hopping into the jeep with Isabel and Michael with the Sheriff.

"Do you think Grant will be there?" Isabel asked worriedly.

Max's jaw tightened, "We'll deal if he is."

"Max, there was something weird about that dreamwalk. Something seriously wasn't right."

"What do you mean?" He asked looking at her.

Isabel looked out the window, "I've never been pushed out of a dreamwalk before, no one's had the power to do that."

Max looked straight ahead, "What do you think it means?"

"There was this energy she felt, something she was talking about. I couldn't feel anything different not until I started to fight her out of the dreamwalk." Isabel explained. "Do you think something changed her when you healed her?"

"I don't know...we need to concentrate on finding Liz first."

Meanwhile with Michael and Isabel, "How are we going to find her?" Michael said frustrated.

"I don't know we just have to pray and keep hoping we find some kind of clue." The sheriff said shaking his head.

Michael slammed his fist down, "That place is huge, we need more to go on...why didn't we see this sooner?"

"Michael, stop, we'll find her okay...just we have to stay positive." The sheriff said also trying to convince himself.

Ch. 4

Part 4

"Okay, so now what?" Michael said breathing heavily looking around the forest.

Max's jaw tightened. "Split up. Michael go with Valenti. Stay alert, Grant could still be around." Valenti nodded and headed off with Michael while Isabel and Max headed off in a different direction. "Isabel do you recognize anything?"

Isabel shook her head, "No, everything looks the same, and the place we were in, it was really strange and blurry."

Max nodded, "Just...let's look around for something that might give us some kind of clue." Isabel nodded nervously.

Michael and Valenti carefully walked up the trail of the woods. Michael observed every little detail. "See anything yet?"

"Shhh!" Michael said walking a little bit ahead of Valenti. Valenti stopped in his tracks when he heard a movement in the path.

"You hear that?" He asked. "Michael?" Valenti turned around to find Michael gone.

"GET DOWN!" He heard Michael yell from somewhere. 'Bang'

"Did you hear that?" Isabel asked. Max nodded and ran off to the direction of the gun shot with Isabel hot on his trail.

"MICHAEL!" Max yelled. "SHERIFF?" He pushed his way through the woods but stopped when he heard Isabel yell back to him. "IZ?"

"Over here Max...." Max found her on the ground.

Max kneeled down to help her, "Come on, you okay?"

Isabel nodded, "I must have tripped over..." Isabel picked up the piece of so called wood she thought she tripped over. "Max, look."

Max looked down, "It's an oxygen tank." He said looking around spotting two of them hidden near some trees. "Come on, we gotta follow it."

"What about Michael and Valetni?" Isabel asked worriedly. Max looked back to where the gunshot was and where the tank was leading.

"We're fine." Michael said helping Valenti over. He had tripped over a log when trying to escape the gun shot.

Max rushed over to heal him, "What's going on?"

"It was Grant, he got away." Valenti said in pain but soon realized that he was healed, "Thanks."

"No prob, come on. We gotta lead." Max said taking off finally.

"MAX!" Isabel called before he disappeared. Michael soon followed after with Isabel and Valenti next to him. "MAX!"

Max ran as fast he could. He knew she was near by. Pulling the cord as he ran he knew it was just a matter of time before finding her. "Liz!" He yelled in hopes of something.

Fianlly he came to the end of the cord. He looked around and the rest of them caught up with him. "What is this?" Isabel asked looking around.

"It's a mole hill...." Valenti said looking around.

Putting the pieces together, "Start digging." Max said as he dropped to his hands and knees. Everybody quickly followed in the lead.

"Max, oh my god, she's down here." Isabel said coming to a plastic square case.

Max's heart clenched, "I see her." 'Bang' Max covered Isabel and Michael and Valenti ducked. Max soon jumped up putting his shield up. Michael did the same as Valenti and Isabel continued to work on getting out Liz. "When I count to three Michael."

Michael nodded, "Ready!"

"1, 2, 3!" Max dropped his shield and Micheal threw a power shot at Grant's position causing him to fly back. Max soon turned back to a coughing Liz to find her covered in a jacket.

Liz looked up bewildered, "GET AWAY FROM ME! YOUR DEAD! YOUR DEAD!" She said scooting farther away from Max.

Max looked at Liz, then at Isabel who shook her head, "Liz...I...I'm right here."

"NO, your some sort of skin or something...Isabel, he's dead, they killed him, it's a trick!" Liz said screaming at her trying to make her understand.

"Liz, it's okay, everything will be okay now..."Isabel said coming over to her.

Just then Liz starred at Max, "We're all going to die." She said before passing out. Max rushed to her side as Valenti called for an ambulance.

Ch. 5

"How is she?" Max said as Isabel came out of her room from checking on Liz.

Isabel shook her head, "Not good. I think you should sit down Max." She said leading him to his bedroom.

"What is it?" He asked nervously.

"You know how she reacted to you, saying that you were dead?" Max nodded, "Well, I did some dreamwalking, appearently, Grant showed her something or did something to her."

"Like what?" Max asked confused.

"He has powers, he's like us but one of our enemies, he knew who we were this entire time Max. He mindwarped Liz, I guess, into believing that you were killed." Max shook his head in shock. "She watched you die by Nicholas's hands."

Max stood up slamming his hands down on the desk, "Damn it."

"I called Michael and explained what happened. Valenti put an APB out on Grant." Max nodded. "Max, when I was dreamwalking Liz, something was off."

"You told me that before..."

"I think she's sick...really sick." Isabel said.

Max slowly entered Isabel's room so not to disturb Liz. Slowly running his hands over Liz's body to check to see if anything was wrong, he came across what Isabel was talking about. Lookinq up he came eye to eye with Liz, "Who are you?" Liz asked nervously.

"It's me, Max." Max said sitting down next to her taking her hand.

Shaking her head, "I saw you die."

"No, Grant mindwarped you." He explained. "He was one of our enemies." Liz started crying, "Your parents think that your still missing Liz." Liz looked up shocked, "We didn't know what to tell them."

"What happened to me Max?" Liz said crying.

Max shook her head, "I don't know Liz, but Grant knew that I healed you and tried to use you to get to me. He grabbed another girl named Laurie Dupree, we still don't understand why...but there's something in your blood now Liz...Isabel recognized it when she dreamwalked you...I felt it when I..."

"I can feel it coursing through my blood." Liz said swallowing hard. "It's killing me slowly. I feel it."

"We need to figure what it is." Max said looking at her. "Michael and Valenti are out at where you were digging some samples seeing if there is any evidence or something..." Liz nodded. "I'm not going to let anything happen to you."

"You said that before." She whispered to herself before falling back asleep.

Ch. 6

She woke up to hearing voices. Liz slowly sat up confused. She wasn't underground anymore. Her head wasn't hurting anymore either. "Hey chica." Maria said coming over to her side.

"Maria?" Liz said hoarsely.

"Max told me to tell you that he said he'll be back in an hour or so, he had to go talk to Valenti and Michael. Isabel and Alex are downstairs with Kyle and Tess." Maria said nervously. "Oh what the hell." She said throwing her hands up in the air.

The next thing Liz knew Maria was hugging her to the point she couldn't breath and Maria was crying and laughing at the same time, "Um Maria, I can't breath."

"Sorry, um,'s just I was so worried when I heard what happened about you."

Liz nodded, "Do my parents.."

"Got it covered...I told them that you just needed a break from the home front and that you decided to hang out at my house for awhile and you forgot to call and you would today." Maria said beaming happily.

"They believed that?" She asked doubtfully.

Maria shrugged, "Well, you know with little mindwarp and stuff..."

"Tess mindwarped them!" Liz asked upset.

"No!" Maria said holding up her hands in defense. "Isabel just kind of fixed something in their dreams, I'm real confused on it..."

"What's going on we heard screaming?" Isabel said coming up with Alex. Alex came over to sit next to Liz.

"Hey, how you doin' Parker?" He asked giving her a hug. "If you wanna scare us, jump out of a closet or something, huh?" Liz smiled a little.

"Liz, we need to talk..." Isabel said sitting in the computer chair. Liz looked worried. "Last night, you were saying some stuff...some really strange stuff."

"Do you have to ask her this now?" Maria said upset.

Liz shook her head, "No, it's okay, what did I say?"

Isabel looked at Alex and Maria, "You don't remember?" Liz shook her head, "Well, you told us that Max was dead, you saw him die and that everyone was going to die."

Liz paled, "He's alive, I saw him."

"Yeah, sweetie Max is alive." Just then Max came in to find Liz sitting up. "See..." Alex said looking at everyone.

"How, it can't died in front of me." Max looked at her.

"It's okay Liz." Max said, "It was a mindwarp. Grant knew about us, he was one of Khivar's minions." He explained quickly.

"No, it can't be, I felt the blood and I heard you..." She started to sob.

"We'll just leave you..." Max nodded as Isabel and the other's went downstairs.

"Liz, look at me." Liz looked up, "I'm right here, I'm not going anywhere. Grant, he can't hurt you anymore."

"I was walking to my car...he came up behind me I guess and did something to me, next thing I know I'm laying tied up next to this girl..."

"It must have been Laurie Dupree." Max answered. "He must have thought she was you or something. He wanted you to get to me. I'm so sorry Liz..."

Liz nodded, "He shot her in cold blood not even caring...he burried her then, me next to her."

"Liz, god I can't..." Max held her close as she cried.

Meanwhile downstairs there was another problem arising. "What do you mean some kind of 'Parasite?' Tess said sarcastically.

"I mean it's an alien parasite from Antar used to infect any human who comes in contact with it according to Larek." Michael said explaining.

"Liz was buried in it so she's infected." Valenti explained, "The stuff was all over the location we found her at."

Kyle looked at his dad, "What about you?"

"No, I'm fine." He said patting Kyle on the back.

"It's probably what me and Max felt in Liz's blood." Isabel said standing up.

"What are the effects?" Alex asked concerned.

"Well, with Max healing her we don't know yet. She'll probably not have the parasite, Larek said with Max healing her his genes are in her and will probably help fight the..." Michael shrugging. "Something like that."

"Your a horrible messenger." Maria said shaking her head.

"Is this what's going to cause the end of the world?" Tess wondered looking around.

"Yeah, if we don't control it, the humans on Earth could be killed."

"Ah shit." Kyle said flopping back on the couch.

"Look all we have to do is get miss scientist up there to look at this stuff and figure out how to destroy big deal." Michael said holding up a bag.

"You brought it here!" Kyle said upset. "What are you nuts?"

Michael looked at him, "Well, how else are we suppose to experiement with it?"

"I don't know, go there." Kyle said unaware he was babbling.

"She just got rescued from being kidnapped, Kyle." Maria said laughing at his antics, "Plus its not touching you or anything, you can't get infected. So breathe..."

"Check that out, Maria calming Valenti down, never thought I live to see the day." Michael said to Alex who just smirked.

"I heard that space boy." Maria said eyeing him.

The trouble with life isn't that there's no answers it's that there are so many answers.
-Ruth Benedict
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Post by BehrLuver04 »

Ch. 7

"How are you feeling?" Isabel asked Liz as she looked over the specimen. Liz turned the computer chair around and looked up at Isabel.

"I'm hanging in...Max is being really..."Liz looked behind Isabel where he was talking to Valenti and smiled. "Max."

"I'm sorry you have to do this, I would have gotten somebody else, but your really the expert at all the science stuff..." Isabel stated. "I know you need to rest, but..."

Liz smiled shaking her head, "Don't worry about it, I wanna find out what this thing inside me is...and what is destroying the world." She mentioned.

Isabel smiled at her, "It's good to see you up and around."

While Isabel and Liz were talking Valenti and Max were having their own private conversation. "Michael and Maria went to the Parker's to get Liz's stuff and fill her parent's in about Liz's whereabouts." Jim told Max. Max just nodded his head. "Kyle took Tess home to rest..."

"Anything wrong?" He asked not really paying attention.

"She was complaining of a headache, although it was weird, didn't you guys say you don't get sick?"

"Yeah, something to do with our molecular structure." He explained to him. "Where's Alex?"

"He's at the library looking some infomation up on this parasite..." Max raised his eyebrow, "I think everyone's just a little nervous with it being here."


"How's Liz doing?"

Max frowned, "She seems to be holding her own. I mean she's strong, I know that...but I'm worried, she won't let me in to let me see exactly what happened."

"Give her some time Max. She's been through alot."

"I know it's just, I feel like I let her down some how...I know I have and appereantly she has been some where that no one can help her get over." Max tried to say.

Jim placed a hand on Max's shoulder, "For as long as I've known Liz, she's had the brightest smile on her face...she's not going to let this get her down. She'll be able to move past this. If anything it will make her stronger, watch, you'll see."


"Where is Lizzie!" Mr. Parker asked getting upset. Michael just smirked knowing that this wasn't going to work anymore.

Maria flinched at his tone, "Mr. Parker, you see...she's going through this rough time and just needs some time..."

"Away from home...she's only 17 years old." Jeff yelled getting upset shaking his head. "I want her home now Maria. She has school tomorrow...Where is she?"

"She's just spending some quality girl time with know while my mom is going crazy..." Maria said looking at Michael for help.

Michael shook his head getting up, "The truth is Mr. P, Liz just had this big fight with my buddy Max and they're both pretty heart broken over it...but if you ask me your right they need to worry more about school then their love life."

"Michael..." Mr. Parker tried to interrupt him.

Maria watched on in amusment, "However, seeing my two friends like this, it just breaks my heart. She feels bad because she said some thing's to Max and Max said some thing's to Liz...that sort of thing you know?" Mr. Parker nodded. "She just needs some time with Maria to talk about the stupid fight she had with Max..."

Mr. Parker eyed him, "A fight with Max huh?"

"Relationships these days get more complicated everyday." Michael said rolling his eyes.

"I give it two days tops before they're googling eyes again." Michael said pretending to be sticking his finger down his throat.

"Alright, but tell her to call me and her mother." Mr. Parker said looking at her Maria who nodded. "Her mother is not going to like this one bit."

Maria looked at Michael, "Of course." Maria said shocked. "Um, I'll just grab some things for Liz and be on our way." Jeff laughed at the two before leading them upstairs.

Evans Household-

Max crept up behind Liz, "Hey."

"God, you scared me Max." Max smiled apologetically.

"Need any help?" Liz shook her head. "How you feeling?"

Liz stood up to come sit next to him on the bed. "Okay, hanging in there. How about you?"

Taking her hand, "Worrying about's my fault your in this mess..." He admitted.

Liz shook her head, "No, Max, I had a choice to get out of this but I wanted to stay with you. Max...listen to me..." Max looked up at her, "I know that we aren't exactly what you say..."

"The perfect couple..."

"If you want to call us a couple." Liz said shrugging her shoulders, "And that's partly my fault."

"No, it's my fault Liz...with my alien heritage and with my destiny and everything..." Max said refusing to let Liz take the blame.

"Max, let me finish please." Max nodded, "I ran away from you that day in the cave, because I was afraid to lose you to Tess. Even though you said you didn't love her now, I was afraid you might remember her and get up and leave me one day for her. I couldn't take that Max." Max wiped a tear that was falling down her cheek, "I know it was selfish and I'm sorry. I wanted to be with you so bad and I almost caved with the serenade and the gomez tickets...everything you did...just wanted me to cave..."

Max looked at her confused, "Why didn't you?"

"I know you think that with Ky...Kyle." Max looked away. "But it was a set up. I knew you were coming back to my balacony with the tickets, so I set it up to look like I slept with Kyle. All Kyle knew was that I wanted you to think that we slept together."

"But why...if...I don't understand Liz...if you hated me that much..."

"I never hated you Max, I loved you that much to let you go. I know it doesn't make any sense, but does our lives ever make any sense?" Max shook his head. "Here..." Holding out her hands. "Connect with me."

Max looked at her a moment, "Alright...just...take deep breaths...let your mind blank out." Liz nodded.


Older Max coming to her window scaring Liz. "I need you to help me fall out of love with you."

"Your some kind of shapeshifting alien that looks like Max with those grey hairs!"


"Fourteen years into the furture our enemies destroy us. Michael died in my arms and Isabel two weeks later." Max explained to her. "We transformed the granolith into a Time Transporter with the help of girl we become friends with name Serena."

"You have to try something else, nothing else is working Liz."

"I said no to gomez."

"You said no last time too. We don't go to the Gomez Concert. Because of me, Tess ends up leaving Roswell and without her we can't defeat our enemies."


"Do you know how hard that was for me. Telling you I wasn't willing to die for you. That I wasn't willing to have your children..."


"I saw Courtney in a towel at Michael's apartment." Maria cried to Liz causing her to get an idea.


"We leave the boxers on right?" Kyle yelled to Liz who was in the bathroom.

End of Flash

"'s a can't be, I wouldn't put you in that position." Max said backing away from Liz.

"Max, what...Max wait..." Liz said getting up to stop him. "I would do it again because it made us stronger!" She blurted out quickly.

"How can you say that?!" Max yelled causing Isabel and Valenti to come in.

"GET OUT!" Max yelled at them causing Liz to flinch. Isabel and Jim backed out. "God, all I do is wreck your life, Liz and you want to be with me?"

"Yes, I want to be with YOU! Now, this moment, Max." Liz said trying to make him understand. "Don't you want to be with me?"

"Of course but I won't risk your life for my happiness." He said shaking his head.

"What does that mean?" She asked confused.

Max swallowed hard, "It means once we find out how to stop this parasite...I'm leaving...for good..."

"You can't leave Roswell, Max, this is your home..." Liz said rediculously.

"This isn't my home, I don't know where my home is anymore." Max said looking away from her.

Ch. 8

"Liz!!!" Max called as Liz rushed down the stairs of the Evans house. "Liz, wait, please..."

Liz spun around to face Max with Isabel coming around the corner with Valenti. "Wait?! You want me to wait?"

"What's going on?" Isabel asked slowly noticing the two fighting.

Liz glarred at Max before shaking her head when he looked down, "Nothing, I gotta get out of here."

She flung open the door to find Alex and Brody about to knock, "Sorry, Alex."

"I got news, big news!" Alex said.

"What's going on? Brody?" Liz said seeing him in the shadows.

Larek shook his head, "I'm afraid not, Ms. Parker..."

"Larek..." Max said coming up behind Liz causing her to flinch, "What's going on?"

"I was at the library when I came across your para..." Just then Maria and Michael came rushing up along with Isabel and Valenti.

"I got a call from Alex you have any idea how much you scared me?" Maria said hitting his arm.

"Ow!" Alex said.

"What's going on?" Michael asked ignoring the two.

"That's what I'd like to know." Isabel said.

"I was about to say, I came across an alien parasite in the library when you guys i..."

"What's going on, I gotta call from Larek!" Tess said rushing up the driveway with Kyle.

"For crying out loud, can I finish?" Alex said.

Larek smirked, "Perhaps we should take this inside?"

Max nodded, "Lets." Leading everyone inisde before looking around one last time. "Go ahead Alex."

"Like I was saying." Alex said glarring at everyone who interrupted him, "Oh, how are you feeling, Liz?"

Liz smiled, "Fine."

"Alex!" Michael snapped.

"Oh yeah." Alex said shaking his head. "I was at Roswell's public library, just researching some parasites when I did an advanced search doing some of Liz's symptoms...."

"My symptoms?" Liz said confused.

Max nodded wearily, "Fever, delirous, shivers, there's more, but..."

"Right." Liz said. "Go ahead."

"Anyhow, it came up with about two of them. That's when Larek showed up here. At first I thought it was Brody." Alex said.

"Sorry." Larek said. "When I heard about the parasite being on Earth and Ms. Elizabeth being infected I was greatly worried. For the world you know it is in danger. Liz however, with Max healing her can handle the parasite."

"I don't understand?" Isabel said confused. "What does Max healing her have to do with anything?"

"And where did this parasite come from?" Valenti asked.

"How bout how do we destroy it?" Kyle said smirking.

"Max changed Liz's molecular structure causing her to be able to handle the parasite. The parasite is only to infect humans, with Max healing her it caused a...gene to switch on..." Larek explained. "Liz is now more advanced."

"I'm like them now?" Liz asked Larek. Larek nodded causing Liz's eyes to widened.

"About the parasite, um..." Changing the subject for Liz. "You can destroy it by finding the queen and cutting off the oxygen. It needs oxygen and needs shade and loose soil to survive. Most likely it would be within a fifteen mile radius of where Liz and Laurie were buried." Alex explained.

"How did it get here?" Tess asked.

"By Grant...Khivar gave it to him, when he thought it would get to Zan." Larek explained. "Khivar found out that Zan loved a human, however didn't know..."

"He healed her..." Alex said raising an eyebrow.

Tess looked at Max who was looking at Liz, "Look um, I gotta get out of here, Maria can you take me home?"

"No...your parents think your staying with me." Maria said shaking her head.

"Fine, whatever...just get me out of us when you have a plan for this parasite alright..." she said looking at Isabel who nodded confused. Maria followed Liz out to the jetta with an upset Liz.

Ch. 9

"So what's going on with you and Liz?" Michael asked as Max tied his hiking boots. Max stopped mid-tie before looking up.

"What do you mean?"

Michael shook his head, "Well, I just got an earful from Hurricane Deluca saying that Liz isn't saying anything to her but that it has to do with you."

Max went over to the kitchen table that contained the map of Frazier Woods, "I'm leaving Roswell."

"Yeah, and I'm going to Antar." Michael said sarcastically. "What do you mean your leaving Roswell?"

"After this parasite thing is solved, I'm leaving town." He explained leaning against the table.

Michael shook his head, "You can't just pick up and leave, another problem will just follow this one and we'll need you then too..."

"You'll be here...I'm no always wanted to be in control here's your chance..." Max said shrugging.

"So your just giving up?" Michael asked glarring at him. "This sounds so screwed up. Shouldn't this be turned around."

"What?" Max asked confused.

"Shouldn't I be the one saying I'm leaving, because I usually am, man and here you are abandoning us, what's with the sudden change?" Michael asked angrily.

"It's not safe for me to be here. If I stay I put the people I love in danger. I can't afford to do that Michael." Max said looking away.

"So your willing to cause pain yourself." Max looked up at his words. "That makes more sense." Michael said sarcastically before turning around to leave to brush past Isabel who was standing behind him.

" did you hear?"

Meanwhile at Frazier woods Maria and Liz were waiting for the others to arrive. They had got a call from Michael saying that they had got an idea as to where the parasite would be and what to do. As they got out of the car Kyle, Tess and Jim drove up behind the jetta. "Where's the other's?"

"They're coming. Alex had to run home and change and then head back to pick Isabel up." Tess explained looking around.

Liz nodded, "So what's the plan?"

"Larek said it needed loose soil and shade for the queen. Well, where you were it was crawling with the parasite but not the host. The host should be within a five mile radius." Jim explained.

"He means we should split up." Kyle shortened it for him. "An alien a person..."he joked earning a slap from Tess. "OW!

"Hey, guys....sorry we're late." Isabel said coming over with Alex. "Um, I had to talk to Max. He's right behind us."

Max and Michael walked up with maps and flashlights. Jim handed everybody a shovel as Michael passed out the maps and flashlights. "Okay, we split up. Each map has circled location. That's the place you look. If you find anything call on the cell." Max ordered.

"Maria and Michael go to site 1." Jim said looking down at the map. Maria and Michael headed off for the direction. "How about me, Kyle and Tess take site 2 and 3...there not far from each other."

"Good idea." Max said. "Just watch your backs...Grant could still be around." They nodded and headed to the location.

"I'm with Isabel right?" Liz said looking at Max.

Isabel looked at Alex, "No, me and Alex have site four and you and Max have site five."

Liz groaned. "Fine, lets get this over with." She said heading off without Max.

"Sounds like your going to have fun." Alex joked with Max who just followed her.

Trying to catch up with Liz, "Liz will you wait a second." He called after her. Max desperately wanted to talk to her to try to make her understand his side.

"What?" She snapped turning around.

Max looked at her a moment before speaking, "I just wanted us to talk."

"We don't have time to talk. If we don't destroy the queen then the whole human race is destroyed." Liz said getting annoyed. "Plus, I don't think there's anything to talk about." She said continuing to the site.

When getting there she looked around for some clues as to where the queen might be, "I think we do!" Max said grabbing her arm and turning her to face him.

Meanwhile while Michael and Maria were looking they got a call from Isabel and Alex confirming there was nothing at there site so they were headed over to help Tess, Kyle and Valenti. "Find anything yet?"

"I found some of the parasite but it's not the queen." Michael said.

Maria leaned against her shovel, "How do we know when its the queen, I mean what if it is the queen?"

"Trust me, its not the queen. The queen is like a bunch of crystals together. Blue, pulsing, bright..."

"How do you know all this?" Maria asked wondering how he got so smart.

Michael shrugged digging out his cell getting ready to call Max, "I read up on some of the research Alex mentioned to Larek."

"Spaceboy, you surprise me more and more."

Michael smirked, "Tell me about it, I was giving Max advice this evening."


The sound of the cell phone interrupted them, "Yeah?" Michael said. "No nothing, here. We found some of the parasite but it's not the queen. Is Iz there with you. She said that nothing was there...the parasite couldn't grow there."

"Yeah, has Valenti found anything." Michael nodded, "Just some of the parasite growing. Tell him, not to touch it. Good." Maria's cell phone caused him to look up.

"Hello?" Maria said. "Liz is that you...Liz...I can't hear you...your where...oh my god...what!!!!!"
Last edited by BehrLuver04 on Tue Jul 13, 2004 9:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.

The trouble with life isn't that there's no answers it's that there are so many answers.
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Post by BehrLuver04 »

Ch. 10

"Liz calm down..." Maria tried to tell her. Meanwhile, Michael was trying to get Isabel to hush to listen to what Maria was saying, "Liz, where...I can't hear you. Your breaking up...Liz...your where? Liz, hello?" Maria looked at her phone.

"What happened?" Michael asked firmly still not listening to Isabel over the phone. 'Hello! I'm still on the phone!'

Maria looked up and hung up her phone, "Come on, tell Isabel we're coming to get them."

"Will you please tell me what happened for Christ sakes?" Michael asked upset as he hung up his phone.

Maria shook her head leading Michael out towards where Isabel and the others were, "I don't know...all I heard was her and Max were somwhere, stuck, not be long, hurry, pulsing...then the line went dead."

Michael stopped in his tracks, "I didn't want to know about his sex life."

"Maria! Michael! What the hell is going on?" Isabel said angrily. "Don't you know not to leave a person hanging on the line like that?"

"Max and Liz are having sex." Michael calmly said.

"WHAT?" Tess said shocked while Kyle laughed.

Isabel groaned, "Gross Michael...he's my brother..."

"What do you mean they're having sex?" Alex asked confused.

"Oh you know the wild monkey dance, the horzintal..." Michael said gesturing. "Don't worry you might get to experience it one day." Michael said slapping his shoulder.

Maria slapped his arm, "You idot! They're not having sex!"

"How do you know this for a fact?" Michael asked.

Isabel rolled her eyes, "What happened exactly?" Jim asked shaking his head.

"I got a call from Liz, she was upset, all I know is that her and Max are together...but I didn't get much." Maria explained. "The phone got cut off."

"Did you try Max's phone?" Kyle asked as they started to walk off.

Isabel nodded, "When Michael wouldn't answer me, Tess tried it. He wouldn't answer..."

Meanwhile Liz and Max were stuck in the hole of the pulsing virsus. They were arguing when Liz took off and Max went after her. Not watching where they were going they fell right into it causing the queen to close above them. Max tried to use his powers to get out but it was useless.

"This is useless." Liz said geting frustrated. "I can't believe my luck." She said flopping down on the ground.

Max sighed and came to sit next to her, "They'll find us soon."

"Do you realize how big this area is?" Liz asked raising her eyebrow.

Max nodded, "But...maybe this will give us a chance to talk." Liz shook her head, "Liz....I don't want to leave with you mad at me....I'm not leaving for good, just until things are safe."

"So you might as well say for good. Max how can you ask me not to be mad?" Liz said angrily. "I wanna be with you and here you are leaving town."

"If I stay, you could get killed." He said looking away.

She laughed, "I could have been killed a long time ago Max."

"All the more reason for me to leave." Liz swallowed hard before rising up on her knees.

Placing her finger under his chin to make him look at her, "I can't say that I haven't suffered both emotional and physical pain because of knowing you" Causing Max to flinch "No, Max listen, I may have even lost out on a lot of things, like my parents trust, certain friends, or even the way teachers look at me..."

"I know this Liz...that's why I'm leaving you!" He yelled.

Liz shook her head, "I don't care about that any more, I realized last month when everything happened, that I want to be with you. You have showed me so much happiness in my life....that the pain and loss has been buried, life has become so much more thanks to you...Max." She explained. "I don't care what happenes in the next five minutes or the next five years...I just want to be with you."

"Liz...don't..." Cutting him off with a kiss. Refusing at first but reluctanly he returned the kiss. Framing her face with his hands, Liz's hands went around his neck.

"Where could they be?" Isabel asked as they looked around the area Max and Liz were supposed to look.

Michael shook his head, "I don't know, they had the biggest area."

"We need to look for some clues...this was the area Liz and Lauriee were buried in so maybe their around there." Jim added.

"Could be...what about dreamwalking them..." Tess suggested.

Isabel shook her head, "I can only do it if they're asleep."

"You did it to Max and Liz before." Maria said confused.

"They were drugged." Alex defended earning a smile from Isabel.

"Okay so were back at square what?" Michael asked. Everyone looked around for some idea, "Come on guys, Liz and Max are in trouble!"

"Why don't we split up." Jim said. "I'll go this way..."

"You can't go by yourself." Kyle said.

"I'll be fine." Jim said nodding. "I know the spot where Liz and Lauriee were buried, it's no big deal."

"What about Grant..." Isabel said worriedly. Jim patted his gun. "Michael why don't you go with him?" Isabel said. He nodded.

"Maria, Isabel and Alex can go in the other direction. And Tess and Kyle headed in the other." Michael suggested when everyone agreed, they took off in seperate directions.

Max and Liz were too busy making out to be worrying about being found. Liz's shirt had found it's way off and Liz's hands were under Max's shirt. Moaning in her throat when Max's tongue swept across her pulse on her neck, she quickly pushed his jacket off. "Max..." She moaned.

Unbuttoning his shirt next was a problem, not wanting him to stop with his ministrations on her neck but wanting his shirt off. Finally getting the buttons undone she pushed it off his shoulders to run her hands up and down his chest causing him to fling his head back. "God...Liz..."

"Max...I want you..." Liz whispered in his ear while her tongue flicked at his earlobe.

Max smiled before pushing her down on the ground. Pushing her bra up to look at her breast all Liz could do was be at his control. "Your beautiful..." He said before leaning down to take a aroused nipple in his mouth.

"MAX...." Liz struggled to out grasping at his hair.

"So..." Alex started to say nervously. "How have you been holding up?" He asked looking around for any clues.

Isabel shrugged, "Okay, just having some weird dreams you know?" Alex nodded, "Max is talking about leaving Roswell, after things calm down here with this parasite."

Alex looked up, "Why? It would just make things worse..."

"I know, something happened between him and Liz...something big..."

"Yessss...." Liz said as Max used his tongue to tease her belly button. Liz's head thrashed back and forth. "Max...please...."

Max moved back over her and silenced her with a kiss, "Liz...I...I still can't stay...we should stop..."

Liz leaned up on her elbows, "Give me something to remember you by Max...your my first love...if anything I want to give you my love...."

Max looked down at her swollen lips and aroused heaving chest before just nodding. Slowly helping her unbutton her jeans and push them down her hips, he kissed his way back up her thighs. First her left then the right. Leaning back up, Liz pulled Max up by his ears. "Stop teasing me..."

Kissing him once, before pushing his jeans down his legs, they laughed as the jeans stopped at his shoes but stopped when they saw his erection. Leaning back down he pressed himself into her hot center causing her to moan. "Oh god..."

Placing a hand between their melded bodies, he pushed two fingers inside her wet center causing her to thrust up. "Yes! Max, don't stop...."

Making sure she was nice and ready for him he pushed his boxers down. At the loss of his fingers she groaned. But was soon satisfied with the fill of Max. "Oh god..." Winching a little bit Max frowned.

"Are you okay?" Max asked sweat gathering at his eyebrow while trying to hold off from pushing into her.

"It hurts, but it's normal." Liz explained.

Max nodded, "I'm going to have to push..." He said gesturing with his hips. Liz nodded telling him it was okay. Giving her a second he pushed through the barrier never taking his eyes off of hers. Seeing the tears gather he stopped. "I'm sorry..."

"Don't...just don't move...please...not yet..." Liz said hoarsely.

Max nodded doing as she said, "Do you want me to pull out?" Liz shook her head.

Taking a deep breath she nodded, "Okay, you can move."

"Are you sure?" Liz nodded. Max moved slowly at first at the same time Liz did causing them both to moan.

"Yes...." Max said through clenched teeth. He knew his climax was on the verge of coming but knew Liz wasn't on the verge yet. Leaning down he took one of her breast in his mouth.

"Max...." She yelled out in surprise. Max started thrusting more quickly and more sharply causing Liz to clench her muscles around him causing him to moan in the back of his throat.

"Did you guys find anything?" Tess asked as they met up with Isabel and Alex. They shook their heads but were soon interrupted by the cell phone.

"Yeah...what is it dad?" Kyle asked. "You did, where? Okay, be right there."

"Yes!!!!" Max barked out as her orgasm washed over him causing him to go into orgasmic bliss himelf. "Oh god...."

Liz cradled him to her breast and slowly stroked up and down his chest, "Did you hear that?"

Ch. 11

"Holy Nuts! I mean, Holy Shit!" Kyle screamed before clamping a hand over his eyes. Max and Liz looked up from their position to see a terrified Kyle and Isabel and the other's laughing.

Max looked at Liz who looked at him, "Um..." Looking back at the gang, "Do you guys mind turning around?"

"Sure..." Maria said laughing trying to hold it in but unable to.

Michael just shook his head, "Scared naked huh?" Michael joked.

"I'm going to have nightmares for a month now." Isabel said shaking her head. "God, you couldn't have the common decency?"

Max looked at an embarrassed Liz and just smiled while pulling up his pants as she pulled on her shirt. Handing her pants to her she slipped them on and pulled on her sneaker's. "You guys can turn around now." Liz said just as Max pulled on his shirt.

"Can you guys help us out of here now?" Max asked as he tied his tennis shoe and pulled his jacket on.

"Hands clean?" Alex asked raising an eyebrow.

Liz glarred at him, "Alex you have three seconds to get us out of here..." Alex pulled her out and then helped Max out next. "Thank you."

"No prob." Alex said smirking.

"Did you guys see Grant?" Max asked getting serious.

Jim shook his head still a little embarrassed from catching the two teens, "We found some of his stuff but it seems he's long gone."

"Let's get out of here just in case he decides to make an appereance." Max said leading Liz out by the small of her back.

"I'd be anxious to..." Tess murmured under her breath.

Maria looked back, "What was that?"

Tess shook her head, "Nothing, nothing at all."

Kyle just laughed shaking his head at the two's antics. "I give it another month." He said to Michael.

"I give it three weeks."

Kyle raised an eyebrow, "Twenty bucks."

"Your on!" Kyle said shaking his hand.

As Max drove Liz home she couldn't help but keep the smile off her face. Although the ride home was filled with silence, she knew that talk wasn't necessary. Even if they wanted to talk they wouldn't be able to hear each other over the wind due to the jeep's speed. Max took a glance over at Liz and smiled before looking back at the road. 'How can I tell her?' He thought to himself. Shaking his head he continued to drive to the Crashdown.

"You think Max will still leave?" Isabel asked Michael from the backseat of the jetta.

Maria suddenly stomped on the brake causing the car to swerve, "WHAT! Max is leaving?"

"Supposedly..." Michael said shrugging. "I don't know anymore now that he and Liz...well you know..."

"So just because they had sex you think he won't leave?" Isabel asked.

"What Liz and Max do is more than sex." Maria commented. "You know that...everything they do is a whole lot more."

Alex nodded, "That's true. But when Max makes up his mind he's pretty set on doing it...."

"If anything...Liz can get him to change it." Maria said.

Isabel leaned back in her seat, "I sure hope your right." She murmured. Michael looked back at her in the rearview mirror to see her worrying.

"Don't worry Iz, I'm sure everything will work out." Everbody looked at him. "What?"

"Thanks." Liz said as they pulled up to the Crashdown. "I mean being trapped wasn't so bad after all...I'm glad it was with you." Liz joked leaning closer.

Max looked down, "Liz..."

" don't regret it do you?" She asked worriedly.

Max shook his head, "No, it's not that. I...I'll always remember tonight as one of the happiest nights of my life more ways than you know..."

"My parents are probably asleep..." Liz said leaning in to kiss his neck causing him to moan.

"Liz, wait..." Max said pushing her back. "I need to talk to you."

Liz nodded, "Sorry..."

"Don't be...I really love you and you have no idea how much I want you, but that's just it." He said looking away for a moment. "I told you that what happened tonight wouldn't change anything." Liz looked at him confused, "I would still leave Roswell."

"Max..." She said teary eyed.

Placing a finger at her lips to silence her, "I won't be gone long, I need to know that my family here and the one's I love are truly safe. That my enemies won't be chasing you guys because of me. Look how much pain I've caused you guys...and you."

"It doesn't matter, I don't care, take me with you please!" Liz begged. "I'm not safe without you, we're not safe without you Max, your the king."

Max shook his head, "I'm not leaving tonight, I have to talk to Larek about handing over the throne to Michael." Liz looked at him shocked. "I don't want to be a king. I want to be me....once I know your safe Liz, I'll come back to you, I swear. I'm not asking you to wait..."

Looking up at him, "Please Max, don't leave me."

Ch. 12

Liz was wrapping a medium size box while Maria and Alex watched her in the back room of the Crashdown, "So um, is that for Max?" Liz just nodded as she tied to the bow.

"What is it?" Alex asked scratching the back of his head.

Liz smiled to herself, "A surprise." She said strating to hum to herself.

"Is he staying?" Maria asked looking at Alex who shrugged.

"Not yet." Liz said before heading out the door.

At the UFO center Max had called Brody about his two weeks notice but was called in to fill out some paper work. He was hoping to talk to Larek sometime this week, but wasn't sure exactly when. "Look Isabel, I told you, I made up my mind, I'm heading out of town as soon as I settle this business with Larek."

"Yeah, but why? Michael doesn't want the can't give it to him if he doesn't want it." Isabel argued over the phone.

Max switched the cell phone from the right ear to the left ear, "Isabel, I'm not going to argue with you over the phone, we'll talk about it later, alright?"

"Max, this isn't right, just because you feel like we're in danger, you leaving isn't going to make us any safer, do you know how stupid that is, how stupid you sound?" She yelled at him causing him to winch.


She rolled her eyes, "Don't you Iz me, now I've been patient enough...alright...I tried to keep my cool about you leaving and everything because I thought it was fluke, just one of your mood swings or whatever." Max nodded as he came down the stairs of the UFO Center. "But I'll just say this before hanging up, MAXWELL PHILLIP EVANS, you are a self-righteous, unthoughtless, uncaring, self-centered bastard." She said hanging up. Max starred at the phone.

"Think it will work?" Kyle asked Isabel.

Isabel shrugged, "It better, I just called my brother, the alien king a self centered bastard."

Michael shook his head, "Told you it was a bad idea."

"Well, your plan wasn't working!" Isabel said heading towards Michaels fridge.

"What plan?" Michael asked confused.

Isabel smirked, "Exactly."

Max just shook his head and shoved the phone in his pocket. "Brody you in here?"

Brody peeked his head out, "Hey, Max, be out in a sec." Max nodded and looked around. "Evans, do me a favor?" Brody yelled, "Could you fix that damn weather ballon?"

Max looked at it, "Yeah no prob."

"Thanks." He called out. "I haven't had the chance to get to it..."

"Computer, run abduction simulation 1.5." Brody said to the computer causing it to make scanning noises and screens to pop up. 'All right, I was home, minding my own business. Suddenly I’m gone for three days. Where did I go?' He thought to himself. "Computer, run simulation 1.6." He said. 'Yes, something like this. I remember being in a room like this, but, but this doesn’t look very alien, more like a warehouse. And there were other people here. Humans. Computer, add human forms to program, 3 male, 3 female. Yes, I was here, doing something. I was talking! If I could just remember what I was-'

The computer made a noise, "Override, continue simulation." 'Yes, I was sitting here. And to my left I remember a boy. Nicolas! And at the end of the table was-' "Oh, my god, Max! How could Max be in… " Brody asked himself in realization and confusion but is cut off by bolt of electricity causing him to moan, all the lights go out, and he falls on the floor, unconscious.

Max looks around, "Brody?" No answer. "Damn Brody." He mumbles. He walks to the fuse box to try and figure out what's wrong.

"Its not going to work, the lights are out all over. Even down the street...appearently there's this major blackout." Liz said coming down the stairs.

Max looks up, "What are you doing here?"

"I gotcha'" She said handing him the present. Max looks at her, "Just open it."

"You...okay." He said when she raises an eyebrow. Tearing the paper off along with the bow, "Oh..."

"I know, um it's...well...if you really don't want it then I'll take it back, but I wanted to give you something to remember me know if your leaving town and everything."

"Liz, when I gave you this back, I was so hurt..." He said holding the pocket knife. "I just couldn't bare the thought of you being with anyone else so, I had to get rid of anything that would remind me of you...."

"I understand." She said nodding. "I can take..."

Max shook his head, "No...I wa..."

Before he could continue he was interrupted, "WHY DID YOU LIE TO ME?" Brody yelled as he held the gun to the both of them.

Max turned around to see Brody placing himself in front of Liz, "Brody, what are you talking about?"

"You're alien's aren't you?" He said wailing the gun around.

Liz shook her head, "No, your crazy."

"CRAZY? I'm crazy?" He yelled, "New York City. We were all there. You and some blonde chick and me. We were there with the other aliens." He said looking at Max.

"Larek?" Max asked him.

"Max!" Liz hissed at him.

Looking at Max, "I know that name, that name it's alien isn't it? That makes you an alien." He said stepping closer. "You come here, now!" Gesturing to Liz.

"NO!" Max yelled. "Leave her out of this."

"I said now!" Liz placed a hand on Max's arm and nodded. Stepping out from behind Max, "Brody, just put the gun down. Max isn't an alien and neither am I. You just dreamed everything up. Aliens don't exist."

Brody gets annoyed and fires causing Max to push Liz out of the way and put up his force field. The bullet is caught and redirected into a picture causing the glass to shatter and the picture to fall off the wall, "Then how the hell do you explain that?" Max looks around to see an uncounious Liz on the ground and to see a shaking Brody now who is wide eyed and confused.

The trouble with life isn't that there's no answers it's that there are so many answers.
-Ruth Benedict
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Post by BehrLuver04 »

Ch. 13

Liz slowly stirred from her slumber or more like her unconcious state. She tried to move her arms but soon realized that they were tied. Looking around she saw that she was tied to a chair, "Liz?"

"Max? Wha...What's going on?" She said groggily.

Max looked upset, "It was my fault...I tried to push you out of the way, but you ended up hitting your head on one of the exhibits." Max motioned with his head. Liz noticed that his legs and arms were taped but unlike her he was sitting on the floor, "Liz, Brody is really confused right now..."

"Gee, ya' think?" Liz said sarcastically she looked at him apologetically. "It's not your fault that this happened Max...okay..."

Max ignored her, "He has some memories of being Larek...I don't know how it's possible, but he remember's most of the time being him."

"I don't get it..."

"There's more..." Max said looking away from him, "But erm, I'm not exactly sure how to tell you this."


Just then Brody came out with a phone, leaning down to untie Max's hands, "Call your alien buddies."

"What?" Max asked confused and worried.

"I said call your friends. The blonde, your sister and the one that broke in here. I remember them....there the others, aren't they?"

"Your wrong must have dreamt this stuff up." He tried to convience Brody.

He smirked, "Nice try call them or I kill the girl." He said pointing the gun to Liz.

Liz shook her head, "Don't..."

"Hello?" Tess answered. "Max is that you?" She looked over to Kyle, "What do you mean the UFO center is unavailable?" Kyle looked at her confused, "Max, you need any help?"

"What's going on?" Kyle whispered.

Tess shrugged, she covered the end of her cell phone, "I think Max is in trouble." Uncovering the cell, "Max, listen I'm going to go get Isabel and Michael and we're be there in five okay? What do you mean? Hello?" She looked at the phone.

"What happened?" Kyle asked.

"You fool!" Brody said hitting him with the end of the gun.

Liz watched in horror, "MAX!"

"Do you think I'm playing around? That I couldn't understand your little code?" Max looked at him as he spit the blood out of his mouth. "One more screw up and she's dead."

"Brody this isn't you..." Max gritted out harshly.

"Yeah, we'll meet you there." Michael said over the cell. "Come on." He said looking at Maria and Isabel.

"What's going on?" Isabel asked looking strangely at Maria who just shrugged.

"Max is in trouble." Michael said before hopping in the jetta.

Maria paled, "Liz is with Max. She went to see him at the UFO center."

"This is un-freakin-believable." Liz said trying to look around the corner, "I never would of expected Brody to do this, he seemed so nice, but being taken over by an alien every once in awhile can lead you to this..." She tried to joke.


"Sorry not a good time to joke." She looked down. "What do you thinks going to happen?"

Max looked up at her, "He's got something to block my powers, I don't know how, but, hopefully Tess won't come here."

"Hopefully..." Liz mumbled, "She probably wouldn't come if it weren't for you."

"Liz there's something...wait, what do you mean by that?" Max asked confused.

Liz shook her head, "Oh come on Max, you know she can't stand me, she hates my guts becuase of us." She said looking at him. For once she felt good about herself, she was finally speaking her mind, and when, being held hostage, maybe it was the adrenaline or the thought of dying, who knew? "She can't stand the thought that you might not ever be with her. No, matter how nice I am to her, she always she treats me like a piece of trash."

"That's not true." He tried to deny.

Liz laughed, "Yes, it is and you know what else? If you weren't here with me and I called her for help she would leave me here to die." Liz thought a moment, "But because she knew you wouldn't forgive her she would probably come and save me because it would put her in your good graces."

Max shook his head, "Liz, can we not talk about Tess right now?"

"We never do." She mumbled.

Max thought, "There's something you need to know...something I don't know if you know or not, but I don't think you do...because it's very alien." He swallowed hard, "Erm..."

"Max just spit it out!"

He thought a minute, "I...yo...we're pregnant."

"So what are we going to do?" Tess said coming over to them. Michael looked at the UFO Center.

"This must of been what caused the blackout." Isabel said.

Maria looked at her confused, "What do you mean?"

"Look..." She said pointing up to the sign. There was huge black scroch marks around the sign. "Something happened..."

"Brody must have been doing something on his computer..." Maria said nodding.

Michael looked at her raising an eyebrow, "Just how well, do you know this guy?"

Maria shrugged, "At least he paid attention to me." She snapped back.

"And now he might be holding our friends hostage." Michael snapped at her before heading in with Isabel following.

Maria huffed, "I can't believe this. You have to take everything so personally."

Tess shook her head, "Can we stick to the picture."

"Tell her that!" "Tell him that" Michael and Maria said at the same time pointing at each other.

"Grow up!" Isabel yelled before opening the doors. Brody smiled evily before hiding behind one of the exhibits. "Watch your backs, we don't know wha...ahhh!!!"

Ch. 14
"What do you mean I'm pregnant?" Liz asked him confused and shell shocked.

Max looked at her for minute trying to find a way to explain, "When you got knocked out, I was trying to heal you and connected with you."

"Yeah and..." Liz urged him on.

"I saw the baby...when I was done there was this silver handprint moving around your stomach..." Max said looking at her.

Liz's eyes skitted around, "Glowing handprints, moving around on my stomach, me pregnant...Brody holding us prisoner...."

"Liz are you okay?" Max asked worriedly.

"You gotta be shitting me...Brody?" Maria said holding her hands up. "What the hell are you doing?" She yelled. "Would you put the gun down? We're just looking for Max and Liz!"

"Uh, I don't think he cares!" Tess whispered harshly to her.

Brody motioned them down the stairs, "She's right, I don't, now move!"

"What..." Max looked up in time to see Michael, Tess, Maria, and Isabel, coming down the stairs with their hands up. "I thought I told you to stay away."

"Yeah, nice code there, Max." Tess said sarcastically rolling her eyes. Max ignored her.

Michael noticed them tied up, "What's going on?"

"Did anyone ask you hair boy?!?!" Brody said shoving the gun in his head. "Sit down all of you!"

Michael turned to glare at him, "What the hell, where do you fucking get off..."

"I said sit the hell down, before I blow her brains out." He said pointing the gun at Liz's head causing her to look at Max.

"Just do it Michael!" Max said yelling at him.

Michael sat down along with the rest of them, "Can someone please explain to me what's going on?" Isabel asked confused.

"Well, if it will get all of you to shut up..." Brody said as he tried to tape Maria's legs and arms together, "You see, Evan's here has been lying to me."

"About what?" Maria asked looking at Brody.

"About aliens." Brody said looking at her, causing everyone to look at Max, who just looked down, "I know you guys are aliens. I was there when they were at New York, him and that blonde one over there." He said looking at Tess.

"It must have been some dream." Tess said shaking her head.

Brody smiled, "Nice try, they said the same think I'm going to believe that?" He said coming over to Tess holding the gun to her forehead.

"Brody!" Max yelled which caused Liz to look away. Liz wanted Tess dead, Max could feel it ever since he connected with her, but he couldn't figure out why.

"I don't know, you seem stupid enough!" Tess said glarring at Brody.

"Tess!" Isabel yelled.

"Stupid, huh?" Brody said smirking, "You see that device over there..." Gesturing to the device that was floating in the air. "If you try anything with your powers, your little human friends are good as dead." He said before walking away.

"Nice going Tess, now you just pissed him off even more." Liz mumbled. Maria and Max turned to look at her. Maria wondering when she grew a pair and Max wondering where she got all this hatred from.

Meanwhile Kyle drove over to his dad's office to get him and then called Alex on his cell to tell them what was going on. "Dad!" Jim came around the desk to see what the shouting was about.

"What's going on Kyle?" Jim said ignoring the looks, "Don't worry about it Hanson." Hanson nodded.

"It's erm, it's Tess, she has some wordly homework, that she needs your help on. Something about an interview on at the UFO center." He said trying to do in code but failing miserably.

Jim looked at him but just nodded confused, "Uh-yeah sure, Hanson, I'll be back later okay?"

"Yeah, sure." Hanson said, "Need any help?

"Nah, just one of the kids needing an interview." Jim said in a joking manner. Hanson smiled and waved bye to Kyle. As they walked to the car, "What's the problem?"

"The UFO center, is being held hostage by a crazy Brody. Inside is Liz, Max, Isabel, Michael, Maria, and Tess." Jim looked at him worriedly. "I sort of followed Tess there."


Kyle nodded, "I know it was dangerous, but she wasn't making any sense, I called Alex and told him to meet us at the Crashdown, he's coming over with some survallience stuff."

"Okay, good, lets go then, you can explain on the way." Jim said placing a hand on Kyle's shoulder to lead him to the car.

"Max what the hell is going on here?" Michael yelled to him across the way to where he sat.

Max shrugged, "Brody must have had some electrical surge that caused the blackout and when he did it must have caused him to remember sometimes when he was Larek."

"Bi-passing his memories, well, were screwed!" Isabel said shaking her head. Max ignoring her he just shook his head.

"There has to be some way out of here." Liz said trying not to give up hope.

Tess looked down, "I can try to mindwarp him, bu..."

"Didn't you here him, Tess..." Maria snapped, "The device is stopping you from using your powers and if he catches you trying he'll kill me and Liz."

"She's right, it's too risky." Max said looking at Liz who just looked down.

"She'll try anything isn't that right Tess." Liz said looking up at her. Tess glarred at her.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Tess said glarring right back.

Liz just shook her head, "You can honestly just sit there and look me in the eye and act like you don't know anything?"

"What is she talking about Tess?" Michael asked looking at her.

"She's crazy!" Tess said yelling at them.

Meanwhile, Brody was sitting in the shadows watching them argue. "I'm crazy, then why the hell did I see you and a shape shifter alien talking last night?" Liz accused causing everyone to turn to look at her.


Tess was slowly walking down the alley way when an arm reached out to grab her, ready to fire she turned around, "Quite fiesty."

"Cal, you scared me." She said as she looked away as he shape shifted into somebody else.

"Sorry my dear, have to keep my appearence up." He said smirking. Looking around the Crashdown alley he made sure the coast was clear. "How are things going?"

"Good, they still think were like good buddies." Tess said almost gagging.

He laughed, "And Max..."

"He's leaving Roswell..." Tess said sadly.

Cal watched her facial expressions, "This is what we wanted correct. Is the girl pregnant?"

"I don't know..." Tess said shrugging. "I don't think so, they only did it the night of the virus so..."

"It should only take once to get pregnant." He said smirking shaking his head, "You have so much to learn my little one."

"What about the plan, the whole destiny?" She complained.

"Screw it? Who needs destiny when you can take over a planet?" He said laughing. "Don't worry you'll get your crown and when you do you might even get Max at the snap of your fingers." Tess smiled.

End of Flashback

Max and the other's looked at her, "Is that true? Is there another shape shifter?" Tess looked away, "Answer me!"

"Cal Langely..." Brody said coming out of the shadows, "That would be his name, "Correct?"

"How would you know?" Tess said sneering. "Your nothing but human."

"I'm much more than human." He said before raising his hand in the air and causing a bright light to glow.

Ch. 15

"Oh my god..." Maria said nearly passing out with fear. Everyone starred at the shapeshifter that transformed into Cal Langely.

Tess could only stand there speechless, "What are you doing here?" She asked harshly.

Shaking his head, "You don't write, you don't call, I've been worried about you Ava." Cal said starring at the Royal four and the two humans who were tied up. Waving his hand the six were freed.

Looking at their hands, "So your the guy Tess was talking to..." Liz said coming up closer to Maria and the others.

Cal glarred at her, "And you must be the King's little whore." He said earning him a punch from Max. Laughing Cal touched his jaw wipping off the blood, "Touchy..."

"What the hell do you want?" Max asked coming to lean down to his angle. Before he could answer Kyle, Jim, and Alex came rushing in.

"We saw the whole thing...who is this guy?" Alex said in a rush.

Maria raised an eyebrow, "And you say I'm nosey?" Smirking she looked at Alex, "Alex meet Cal, he's been talking to Tess about how to kill us..." She said casually.

"Oh..." Alex said. Thinking about it a minute. "What?!?"

"Everybody shut up!" Isabel shouted. "Look, who exactly are you, all we know is that you are a shape shifter."

"Yes and you may think that you can't trust me and Ava here." He said looking towards Liz, "And your absolutely right!" Tess looked at him in horror and the other's exchanged looks.

"So what's stopping us from killing you right here on the spot?" Michael said leaning against the table.

"Because you want to know who I am and what I'm doing here, especially you Rath." Cal said smiling.

"So start talking." Kyle said looking at him like a bug under microscope.

Getting straight to the point, "Basically there were two ships, one had you, the royal four, and the other had your duplicates." Cal explained. "I was sent on the second ship as the other protector."

"So where've you been all this time?" Jim asked confused.

"Can I finsih?" Cal said rudely.

"Rude much?" Maria mumbled to Liz who just laughed.

"The duplicates are of the royal four, their more alien than human and have no emotions what so ever." Cal slowly explained for them.

"So their your back ups, like if anything happened to you?" Liz asked looking at them. "They look just like you then, you each have one?"

Tess nodded, "Yeah, they live in New York and their nothing like us."

Kyle smiled, "Cool." He said nodding, "But that still doesn't explain where you've been."

Rolling his eyes, "So many question's so little time..." Cal said irratated. "Humans really are annoying."

"I'm sorry what was that?" Maria said getting annoyed. Cal shook his head, "Fine what was with the thing Liz saw."

"Yeah, Liz said she saw you and Tess talking about getting Max to do something..." Isabel said confused.

"A little mindwarp never hurt. I knew she was watching, couldn't let her go off and blow my cover." Cal said looking at his pedicured hand.

"Did you know about this?" Max said looking at Tess.

Cal laughed, "Like I would include Tess in everything I do."

"I said I wanted out with your plans..."

"What plans?" Liz said still not believing her, "You admitted earlier that you knew about Cal and that you had meeting with him in the alley..."

"Like you would have believed me if I said no!" Tess yelled at them.

Alex stepped between them, "We had a right to know, that's all we're trying to say."

Tess nodded, "Your right, your all right, I had no right to lie to you all. I shouldn't have done something like that. I wanted to tell you all that..."

"Ava..." Cal warned.

"No, they deserve to know, especially Max and don't know what you've put me through Cal...and now the truth is coming out and your going down." Tess said glarring at him. Cal starred right back angrily.

Max and Liz exchanged looks, "What do we deserve to know?"

Tess looked down as she walked towards them, "I know that you don't trust me and I understand why. I understand that none of you trust me." Tess said looking at the others. "But, what a I say is imperitive."

"We're listening." Max said crossing his arms.

Cal just sat back, "This should be interesting."

"Shut up!" Maria said looking at him pointedly.


Tess swung open the door when she heard the doorbell, "Can I help you?"

"Tess Hardning?" Tess nodded, "Cal Langely, Hollywood Producer, I'm producing a movie called Antar Aliens." Tess starred at him, "Ring a bell?"

"Who are you?" Tess said worriedly.

"Someone you might want to listen too." He said. "Can I come in." Tess nodded and stepped aside.


"So your saying that in order for Antar to stay alive I have...a child by Ma..Zan?" Cal nodded, "Your insane, I stopped on that destiny shit a long time ago."

"You can't didn't your protector explain all this to you." Thinking of Nasedo and how he was always talking to her about destiny, "I can't let you give up on..."

"Max or Zan whatever his name is...he's in love with a human, she's...I may not have liked her in the beginning but I've began to see that love is something I want and I'm not going to have that with Max." Tess explained. "I'm only going to have friendship with him and...I don't want to be anything more to him than that."


"You will be with him!" Cal yelled as he raised his hand, "Or I will kill Liz."Tess shook her head, hearing the door open, "Who is that?"

"Tess you home?"

"Get rid of him!"

Tess glarred at him, "He lives here." Cal shape shifted into Jim.

"Hey dad, Tess, what's going on?" Kyle said coming in.


"There's another way." Cal said smiling. Tess looked at him worriedly. "Bring Liz and Max to consumnate their relationship. If they do, Liz will be rightfully known as the queen on Antar and able to bare the heir."

"It's wrong." Tess mumbled.

Cal glarred, "It's either that or death."

"They're not in that type of relationship. Plus even if they did, pregnancy is not hundred percent." Tess said stating a fact.

"Make sure it is...Max cannot leave city." Cal looked back at her, "If he does we'll go through another one of our sessions."


"He's leaving...." Tess said worriedly. "Everybody tried to make him stay, but he believes he putting people he loves in danger." She said nervously thinking of the dreams Cal had given her before.

"Leaving?!" Cal yelled. "Of course the little King would want safety for the people he loves..."

"There's more...." Tess said looking down. "They...they made love tonight."

Cal smirked, "Are you sure?" Tess nodded, "Never thought the boy had it in him! She pregnant?" Tess shook her head, "Damnit, he needs to believe she is. It's the only way he'll stay."

Tess shook her head, "No...thats the last straw...I'm not doing it anymore. I've betrayed them enough!"

"Fine." He said nodding walking away.

Tess watched him, "What are you up to?" She said after him.

End of Flashback

"So Liz is pregnant?" Kyle said as everyone looked at her stomach. Liz flinched under the scrutiny.

Cal laughed, "No no was a mindwarp...all a joke...I had to get Max here to believe that she was otherwise ,he would be leaving Roswell." Cal said getting up, "I couldn't have that."

Max glarred at him, "What do you want?"

"What do I want? Oh what do I want?" Cal said tapping his hands together. Looking at Liz, "Her."

"WHAT!" Liz said worriedly and confused.

"Your crazy man." Michael said looking at him as he slowly pushed Maria behind him towards Alex, Jim, and Kyle. Isabel and Tess looked at Max and Liz who were in one area and Michael who was alone in another section. Tess motioned to Max that she was going to head behind and Isabel was going the other way. Max nodded and motioned he was going to keep him distracted up front.

"You think that's right Rath." Michael looked at Max. Max pushed Liz behind him and as the royal four got ready to fight.

Cal first fired at the exhibit above Kyle, Jim Maria, and Alex. "No!' Max screamed as he jumped in front of them. He pushed Liz to Michael and threw up a shield around the the others causing the blast to deflect back. Jim and the others looked back up to see a green shield around them.

"GET OUT OF HERE!" Max yelled behind him looking at Cal while holding his shield up. Maria held Michael's gaze before being pulled out by Alex.

"We gotta get Liz out of here." Max said yelling to Michael who nodded. Liz looked up at him, "When I count to three you stairs." Max said as he held up the shield around him, Michael and Liz. He looked for Isabel and Tess and saw that Tess was mindwarping Cal to believe that they were unconcious.

"I'm not leaving you..."

"There's no time to..." Before he could finish Cal through a shot at an exhibit above them. Max didn't have time to react nor did Michael and Liz. The crash caused Tess to break the mindwarp to come over to help the others.

"Michael! Max!" Isabel yelled looking through the debris with the help of Tess.

Michael looked up through the dust, "Max?"

"Oh thank god." The electricty was on the blitz, "Are you okay?" Michael nodded.

"Where's Max and Liz?" Tess asked concerned.

"Hey over here..." Max said, "Where's Liz?"

"Looking for her?" Cal said holding her around the neck. Everyone swung around to see Cal and Liz.

"Let her go!" Max said angrily. "This isn't about her." Seeing the tears run down her face caused his heart to break.

Cal laughed, "Isn't it about her?" Tess slowly walked around Max and the others, "You think you can have everything Zan? A mistress, a queen, a heir, anything at the snap of your know your ruined my life!"

"I'm not that person any more!" Max said accusingly upset. "Just let her go. And I might let you live with a few permanent damges..." He threatened.

Cal laughed, "You think you have enough power to bring me down?"

"With the royal four I know I do!" Max said looking at a tear streaked Liz. "Just let her go and I'll give you a head start."

Cal shook his head, "I don't think so." Raising his hand getting ready to fire, "Since she's not pregnant, we really have no use for her and since you are leaving...say goodbye to your little mistress!" He said smiling.

Max looked at Liz, causing Tess to look at Max and Liz from her corner, Max looked at Isabel and Michael. "NO!!!!"

Ch. 16
"Lizzie? Liz is that you sweetie?" Nancy called from the kitchen. Liz looked up as she pulled the key from the door.

Slowly coming in to the kitchen she hugged her mom tight, "I love you mom."

"Oh, sweetie, I love you too." Realizing that her daughter was crying, "What's wrong, what happened?"

At Michael's place, Michael and Maria were sitting in complete silence. Michael was trying to console Maria over seeing her first dead body but especially because they realized that Tess was not over all a bad person. "Mar..."

"Just hold me Michael." Maria said leaning against him.


"NO!" Max screamed. Before anyone could move a thick cloud of dust formed due to the blast that Cal threw. Everyone ducked and tried to protect themselves. Max heard Liz's scream and tried to get to her, but with no luck. When he realized it was safe he looked up and saw nothing. No Cal and no Liz. "Liz?!" Max yelled.

"Max!" Isabel called. Max looked over to where the voice came from. "Help me!" Max rushed over to Isabel to see an unconcious Michael, "I think a piece of wood hit his head."

Max placed a hand over his forehead and concentrated within seconds his eyes quickly opened, "I'm gonna kill that bastard." Michael said looking around and slowly getting coughing.

"Get in line." Max said looking around.

Isabel helped Michael get up, "Any sign of Tess or Liz?"

Max shook his head, "No...I saw Tess behind Cal and I don't see Cal or Liz anywhere."

"They gotta still be here." Michael said. "Come on." Max taking the lead headed over to where they last stood. Not expecting to find what they would soon find.


"Oh my god, she saved me." Liz cried into Max's shoulder. Max hugged Liz tightly as he stroked her back. "I...I said these horrible things to her..."

"Liz, it's not your fault do you understand me?" Max said making her look at him.

Liz refused to believe that, "How can you say that!?! Tess is dead because she dropped in front of save me from Cal!"

Max hugged her to his body to reaffrim that she was really there. Looking over to Jim who had come in shook his had. Max had tried to heal her but it was useless. A broken beam had fallen on her back and broken her spinal corde and caused some internal damage.

End of Flashback

Max looked up the balcony's ladder. Hestitating a bit before climbing up he saw her lighting some candles around her balcony. Clearing his throat lightly so not to startle her, "Hey." Liz looked at him before resuming his task.

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be half way out of Roswell by now?" Liz snipped at him.

"We need to talk Liz...about a lot of things..." Max said coming over to stop her from her task.


"Does this mean your leaving?" Isabel asked as they sat in the pod chamber. Max just starred off at the four pods, "You can't just leave Max, can't you see that if you leave we're just as helpless, just as in danger without you?"

"I don't know what to do Isabel..." Max said shaking his head in denial. "You know, when Liz told me about what happened this October all I could think about was what has happened to her because of knowing me."

Isabel just looked at him, "She chose to be a part of this Max..."

"I know..." Max thought a minute, "We hated Tess, we never gave her a chance."

"You can't just change the subject...." Isabel said upset.

Max looked down, "I want to give her a funeral Isabel, a proper one." Isabel looked shocked, "I think that if we gave her the proper chance things would have turned out differently."

She chuckled, "She used us Max, abused our friendship in so many ways...not only that she mindwarped us and your defending her?"

He just shook his head, "I'm not defending her ways...or what she did. I'm upset with her just as much as the next person..."

"Then how can you sit there and say these things...she caused the split up between you and Liz..." She said causing Max to flinch, "You know its true, "If she hadn't come with this destiny stuff, you would still be with Liz."

"When I tried to heal her, I connected with her, saw things..." He admitted looking up at her seeing her shocked face.

End of Flashback

"If you came here to tell me about your past life, I don't think I'm up to it Max." Liz said shaking her head. "Tess may have saved my life and she may have been a...I don't know exactly what I feel towards her, weather it's still hatred or just dislike or..."

"She wanted to tell us about the plans that Nasedo had...she never wanted to go with the whole Destiny idea when she saw how in love we were...."

"That's a bunch of crap..." Liz said laughing. "You saw everything she did..."

Max looked down, "I know, I had to lose you because of it. But I witnessed what Nasedo did to her if she didn't go through witht he plans..."

"What?" Liz said confused. "Why was the destiny so important?"

"Me and Tess needed to be wed in order for Antar to be properly restored, Tess needed to be carrying my heir and then Nasedo would turn the three of us over to our enemy Khivar." She looked down. "When Tess found out she turned Nasedo down and said she would never help him..."

"Why did she help him saw it yourself Max, she did..." Liz pointed out.

Max nodded, "Your right she did...I won't deny that." He took a deep breath before continuing, "Appereantly she had met this guy before coming to Roswell. He knew about it and threatened to kill him if she didn't continue with the plan he had setup." Shaking his head at how he trusted Nasedo and how he didn't see how evil he really was, "Every time Tess would falter he would rape her."

"Your serious aren't you." Max looked up at her. "Oh my god...why didn't Tess just tell one of you guys, you guys could have helped her."

Max stood up running a hand through his hair, "I don't know would he have believed her Liz?" Liz stood up coming to stand next to him, "She was a stranger and when we found out what she was we already didn't trust her...hell we didn't trust her in the beginning..."

"Max, I don't know any more...honestly we'll never know now. I can't say that I like Tess just because she saved my life and now that I know that she was only doing this because she had too..." Liz admitted, "That may make me a horrible person, but she still took the one thing away that I loved the most."

He shook his head, "It doesn't make you a horrible person...and she never took me away from you Liz. I could only love you Liz, no one else."

Ch. 17

Stroking her arm up and down as they laid in Liz's bed together, "Max, why do you think Tess saved me?" She said playing with a button on his shirt.

"She knew how much we loved each other...Tess knew that..." Max said kissing the top of her head.

Liz looked up at him, "You said something earlier, something that's got me thinking..."

"What?" He said turning over on his side to look at her. "Talk to me Liz?"

Liz started to say something but stopped, "Max, you asked me if we would have believed Tess if she came to us..." Max nodded, "And to be honest, I think in some way we would have...eventually."

Max looked down, "I don't know Liz...even though she became a close friend of mine over the last two months, I just don't know now..."

Liz thought about how they did hang out due to the Kyle thing, "How do you feel about her right now Max?"

"I feel hurt that she lied to me, I thought we had started a friendship...I feel angry that I trusted her, let her in, I should have seen through her..." Max thought a moment, "But she had it rough Liz, with Nasedo, I think in a way she didn't know any better."

"That's why I'm saying I think we would have believed her if she had just come to us instead of lying to us." Stopping to gather her thoughts, "I feel in some way that I still...maybe hate is to strong of word..." Max smirked, "I still strongly dislike her....but seeing how she has changed and hearing that she has lived with a killer..."

"It's changed your perspective..." Max nodded along with Liz.

"But Max, I...she really did care about you..." She said biting her lip. "I know that we had our feuds but she was still part of our group..."

"It's hard Liz, I know..." Max said stroking her cheek with his thumb, "But as long as we stick together, we can get through anything together."

"What do you mean stick together?" She said upset. Max looked at her a minute, "Max...I..." Silencing her with a kiss he framed her face with his hands. The kiss was filled with emotion, grief, union, and hope.

At the quarry everyone starred at each other with silent starres. The tension was thick, no one knew where to start. Max had called saying to meet at the quarry, somewhere old and somewhere with new beginnings. Michael held Maria as they leaned against a rock. Alex starred off into the sky as Isabel leaned against the black SUV. Kyle sat on a rock next to his dad unemotional looking nowhere. His dad tried to talk to him but with no luck. Seeing Max and Liz drive up startled everyone out of their stupor.

"What's this about Maxwell?" Michael asked as Maria held on tighter to Michael. "Now's not the time for meetings."

Liz looked at Maria who managed a weak smiled, "I found something's out about Tess."

"Isabel told us." Michael said, "She filled us in before you got here...."

"It doesn't change the fact that she lied to us Max." Alex said throwing a rock into the open air. "What does it matter? The only thing I have to thank her for is for saving my best friend."

Liz looked down sadly, "I...we decided to give her a proper burial..."

"WHAT!" Maria yelled finally out of Michael's arms. "Do you know how much she's hurt us? She might not even be dead, how do we know it's not a mindwarp or something?" She said crying.

"Maria, it's okay..." Michael said trying to comfort her. "Maria's right. She doesn't deserve it."

Jim looked around, "Why not?"

"I agree." Kyle said looking around, "She was one of you, she was raised differently and didn't know how else to survive...if I were in her shoes...I don't know what I would have done." Kyle said silently mumbling.

"Jim?" Max asked looking at him.

Jim looked at the others, "Tess was like a daughter that I never had, she deserves a proper burial, she's still a person with feelings even if she lied and hurt us..."

"Okay, that's four votes. Isabel?" Max asked looking at her. Isabel looked at Alex, Michael and Maria.

She shook her head, "I was the first to befriend her....she could have told me the truth."

"And we would have eventually believed her, maybe, we don't know that." Liz said looking at the other four. "Nasedo made her believe that all humans were evil...not to trust anyone...kill anyone who got in your way."

"And she didn't believe him...that is until he started threatening her and raping her." Max said looking down remembering the flashes he had of her horror. Liz squeezed his hand, he looked over and smiled.

Isabel looked at Alex, "She may not deserve it but I'm no saint...."

"Iz..." Alex started to say. Isabel just shook her head, "Your nothing like her."

"But aren't I?" Isabel said. "Michael she was one of us..."

Michael looked down, "Iz...."

"If you were in Tess's position you know very well that Tess wouldn't vote against you." Isabel said looking at them.

"But we didn't decieve people and hurt them..." Maria accussed.

"And you weren't raped and threatend." Kyle yelled at her causing Maria to look away.

"Back off Valenti!" Michael threatened, "Or else I will threaten..."

Jim held Kyle back and Maria held Michael back, "Your right, Tess may not deserve a burial but we're not saints either." Maria said silently. Michael looked at her, "We've done things in our past we regret, nothing as bad as her but, I would want something if I died."

Michael and Alex exchanged looks, "Michael, Alex?" Liz asked.

Ch. 18


Max, Liz, Michael and Maria were sitting in a boothe at the Crashdown late one night after closing studying for a chem exam. Max across from Liz, and Michael across from Maria. While Maria and Michael are talking Liz undectedly plays footsy with Max under the table. Max slowly looks up from his book to glare at Liz. "Did you hear?" She asked while moving her foot up higher.

"Hear what?" Maria asked stopping her conversation with Michael. Michael looked over at Max who was flustered.

Coughing to clear his head when he noticed that Michael saw him, "What?" He shrugged acting innocent.

Liz looked at Max before continuing her conversation and more, "There's a full college scholarship being offered to potential podiatry practitioners?"

"Seriously?" Michael asked. Maria and Liz looked at him funny, "What can't I be interested?"

Max laughed, "I think with you studying and now you being interested is kind of...erm, something new to them..." He said sarcastically.

"Very funny." Michael glarred at all of them before looking at his work.

Liz rolled her eyes, "Anyhow, I think I want to keep my business south of the equator, though." She said looking at Max suggestively.

Exchanging a heated look with her, he clears his throat seeing Maria raise an eyebrow, "Couldn't you come a little farther... north? Maybe?" Shrugging and grinning impishly, Liz moves her pointed toes up the inside of Max's thigh, eventually creeping as far north as she could causing Max to jump in his seat, then act like nothing happened.

"Okay, there girlfriend?" Maria says leaning her chin on her hand. Michael just shakes his head. Max glares at Liz's smiling face and gives her a stern look before he goes back to studying. Max moves his hand down to Liz's leg and pinches her ankle causing her to bite the inside of her cheek from laughing.

"You could at least wait to be behind closed doors." Alex said coming over to slap Max's shoulder. Michael and Maria burst out laughing, leaning over on the table.

"Ha ha, very funny." Liz said getting up to get a drink. Alex took her place next to Maria.

"Isabel wanted to let you know that her and your mom would be staying over night in Santa Fe." As Alex said that they heard a loud crash behind the counter.

"You okay over there chica?" Maria said looking over to see Liz blushing. Liz nodded as she leaned down to pick up the broken glass.

Max got up to help Liz, "My dad's out of town too, something about a meeting with a client in Brunswick." Max whispered slowly into her ear. Causing shivers to run up her spine; Liz looked back so their eyes would meet.

It was later that night after everyone had gone home that Max had decided that it was time. Pulling on some jeans and an old t-shirt he ran down the stairs to his jeep. Driving to the only place he knew by heart. The next thing he knew he climbing up the ladder onto her balcony, watching her sleep. "Max..." She said waking up groggily. She had felt him, felt him nearby, felt him watching her.

"Shhh." He said leaning down to kiss her. "You have to be quiet..."

"What's going on?" She asked leaning up confused. Max sat down next her to kiss her cheek. "Is everything okay?" She asked looking at him before placing a hand on his cheek.

Max nodded, "Everything's perfect." He said before leaning down to kiss her again. Threading one hand through her brown hair and raising one hand to lock the door with his powers before lowering his hand to massage her breast through her long pajamma t-shirt causing her to moan and gasp his name.

Falling back against the bed with him, Liz wrapped her arms around his strong neck playing with the nape of his neck. Breaking the kiss when the need for air became desperate he dragged his lips to the column of her neck down to where her raging pulse was. "God, Max, what...what are you doing?"

Looking up at her, one hand slowly creeping down to the hem of her shirt, "I want you Liz, in the worst ways..."

"Max..." She moaned leaning up to kiss him before tearing off his shirt. Max pushed her shirt all the way up causing his bare chest to meet hers. Both moaning at the touch, they leaned down for the kill. Knowing that this moment would change everything.

The next morning as Liz slept Max ran a hand up her arm watching the glow that went with his fingers, knowing that he had changed her. That what happened last night was meant to be. Stirring in her sleep, she turned on her back to meet Max's look, "What's going to happen now?"

"I don't know, but whatever it is, we're together now..." Max said before kissing her throughly.

When the need for air became desperate they looked at their joined hands to see that they not only fit perfectly together, but that Liz was now changed for good.

The trouble with life isn't that there's no answers it's that there are so many answers.
-Ruth Benedict
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Post by BehrLuver04 »

Ch. 19

Kyle kept starring at the television blankly, not noticing his dad come in from the kitchen taking a sip of his coffee. Kyle flipped the channel's trying to find something to distract his mind from the constant memories.


"Dearly beloved we are gathered here today; in loving memory of Tess Hardning." The gang stood frozen as the pastor spoke on. Kyle stood off to side starring at the casket that held Tess's body knowing that nothing was inside.

Remembering that in the pod chamber they held they're own memorial when the body disengrated to dust. Jim placed a hand on Kyle's shoulder but Kyle didn't feel a thing. He was numb inside, empty and couldn't understand why.

"We sometimes wonder why god takes away people that we love...but we cannot question god's doing. We only know that god has reason for his doing's."

Max exchanged looks with Liz as a small tear dropped down her cheek, hugging her to him Liz looked up to see Kyle emotionless. Max followed her gaze seeing their friend hurt.

End of Flashback

"Son?" Kyle looked up startled, "You alright?" Kyle turned the tv off and sat up.

Nodding, "Yeah, I'm fine, why wouldn't I be?"

"I gotta call from your teacher's the other day." Kyle looked down, "You didn't show up to class the past few days."

"I've erm...I've had some things to do..." Kyle said struggling to find an answer.

Jim came to sit next to him, "Kyle, I know that your having a hard time with Tess's passing and I'm not going to say I understand what your going through...because I don't." Kyle looked away, "Tess was like a daughter to me, okay?"

"I know dad...."

"I think that maybe you need to talk to somebody Kyle...I know you need time, but this isn't healthy..." Kyle shook his head, "Talk to Liz, or Max even..."

"NO!" Kyle said getting angry. "You know what I need, I need...I need to get out of here...out of Roswell." Kyle said running a hand through his hair.

"What do you mean?" Jim asked worriedly. "You can't just up and leave in the middle of the school year."

"I think it would be a good idea, just for a few days, a week maybe." Kyle said. "I need some time to sort things out, you know get away from it all."

Jim thought about it a minute, "By yourself?"

"The whole gang could go." Kyle suggested. Jim nodded, "Come on, it's perfect...after all that's went down."

"Where are you thinking?"

"Are you insane?" Liz said slamming her locker shut as she grabbed her history book. Turning to look at Kyle who was a bit anxious for her answer, "Just up and leave for a week to go to Vegas?"

"Yeah, come on..." Kyle said as they walked.

Liz shook her head, "I can't believe your dad agreed to this."

"He thinks I'm going to Alberqurque." Kyle said. "He thinks we all our, to get away from it all."

Liz stopped to look at him, "The only way I'll go is if the other's go, especially Max." Kyle smiled and hugged her.

"Come on man, the only way Liz will go is if you go and you know the only way Michael and Isabel will go is if you go." Max thought about as he sat in the library across Kyle.

"Liz is really okay with this?" Kyle nodded.

"Fine...but you have to talk to Michael and Isabel." Max said smirking. Kyle groaned.

"Vegas?" Isabel said looking at Alex then back at Kyle. "Your serious and my brother agreed to this?"

"Yep!" Kyle said. Just then Michael and Maria came up. "Good, killing two birds with one stone."

"What's up?" Michael said coming to sit down. Maria looked at Alex who was shrugging.

"Okay, something stupid is definetly up." Maria said looking at Kyle, "So Kyle, what's going on, hmmm?" She said coming to hug him.

Kyle laughed sarcastically, "I was asking them to Vegas."

"Vegas?" Michael said interested.

"Yeah, Max and Liz are going." Kyle said acting calm.

Maria looked shocked, "My Liz, as in Liz Parker?"

Kyle nodded, "You guys wanna come?"

At the end of the school Kyle ran up to Liz, "LIZ!" Liz turned around to see a smiling Kyle.

"So get your bags packed we're headed to Vegas." Kyle sang out.

Liz laughed, "So, I heard. I can't believe you got everyone to go. Max told me you had to talk to Michael and Isabel."

"Yep, no tough stuff." Kyle said shrugging. Liz smirked, "Really, it was actually quite easy. As soon as I told them you were coming they were in."

"But you didn't know if I was coming for you lied..." Liz said looking at him with a raised eyebrow.

"But you are." Kyle said sticking his tongue out. "So it's a lie of omission."

"Still a lie." Liz said. Seeing Max waiting with Isabel and Alex by the Jeep, "Listen Kyle, I know that you and Tess were close..."

"Liz...." Trying to stop her.

"No, Kyle, you need to hear this." Liz said looking at him, "Everyone's really worried about you, so I volunteered."

"For what?" Kyle said looking confused.

"You were the closest to Tess, I know that and saw that in your eyes. But just because we weren't close to Tess doesn't mean we didn't feel hurt over the feeling that she died, Kyle." Liz said closing her eyes. "You need to talk to someone Kyle...anyone. The grief that your feeling is going to eat you up."

Kyle looked down, "I don't know what your talking about."

"Kyle I'm your friend." Liz said placing her hand on top of his, "I'm not going to tell you how I think you feel or that I know what your going for. But I am going to tell you that I'm going to be here for you, whenever you need to talk. Tess cared about you and wouldn't want you living your life locked up inside a hole." Liz said calmly. "If not for yourself, start taking care of yourself for her." She said gesturing to the sky. As she walked to the jeep. Kyle looked up at the sky.

Ch. 20

Max sat on the lawn chair outside on Liz's balcony while Liz packed her bag. Max had packed his bag earlier and told his mom that him and Isabel about a 'field trip' they were attending for a college tour. Of course Mrs. Evans signed and was happily eager for them to go.

It was harder to convince her parents along with Maria's mom and Alex's parents, seeing how it was a last minute 'field trip'. However, seeing how it was for college they reluctantly signed. They were to leave the next morning; Kyle, Isabel, and Alex in one car while Michael, Maria and Liz were in the jeep.

Now here Max was very anxious to leave, "So, how do you think we're going to pay for everything?" Liz called out from her bathroom.

"We have our ways." Max said raising his eyebrow. Liz peeked her head out the window. "Michael has this idea that we can just use our powers to change some one's into a couple hundreds."

"And you’re all right with that?" Liz said coming out the window to sit next to him.

Max shrugged, "I just wanna have some fun." He said looking down. "What about you? You okay with this trip?"

Liz looked up at him, "I really think we need this especially Kyle." She said taking his hand.

"Yeah, but you know you seem a little nervous at the name of Vegas." He said causing her to smile.

"Well, erm, we kind of eloped at the Elvis Chapel at 19..." Liz said quietly avoiding his gaze.

"We did?"

Liz nodded looking at him, "That's what the future version of you told me..."

"I guess we really never talked about that huh?" He said laying back bringing her back with him.

"No, we didn't." She said. "What do you want to know?"

"Everything." Max said leaning down to kiss the top of her head. Liz smiled looking up to look at the stars.

Kyle slowly walked to the grave and gently placed down the flowers. Looking around nervously he swallowed before crouching down, "Hi Tess..erm, its Kyle, I thought I stop by and see how you were doing. Pretty stupid question huh? I just thought I'd tell you how much I miss you." Looking up at the stars he shook his head, "I can't believe this happened, you know this sucks, it really does, because this shouldn't have happened. You didn't get to live out to your full potential."

Kyle leaned against the headstone, "I don't know, maybe it was meant to be. I want to hate you Tess...I want that so much. But I can't, why?" He shook his head laughing, "We're going to Vegas, you know just to relax...I need this. Maybe a new town will help clear my head." Thinking a moment, "We still haven't found Cal yet, we think he died on the run. But we don't know anything for sure. Max is still cautious...having my dad watching out for anything suspicious around the cities." Kyle stood up, "Well, I thought I just inform you on everything.... we’ll find Cal. I swear it to you, and when we do, that's when I'll be okay..." He swore.

Ch. 22

"Yo! Kyle come on!" Michael yelled from the jetta as Maria rolled her eyes. "I saw that." Michael said kissing her cheeks.

"I'm comin', I'm comin'! Hold your friggin' horses." Kyle yelled. He looked back seeing Max and the other's joking around in the jeep. "Let's hit the road."

"You got it!" Michael said.

Maria leaned over to mess with the radio until she came across a certain song, "Oh yeah baby."

Michael looked at her, "No way..."

"Turn it up!" Kyle said leaning between the front seats. Maria laughed as Michael shook his head.

Maria started to sing, Hey blackjack dealer, hit me man! In a deep voice.

"I should have rode with Max and them." Michael mumbled.

In the jeep they were doing the same thing. Liz and Isabel were singing like crazy while Alex and Max were laughing like they never had before, "Bright lights city gonna set my soul gonna set my soul on fire. I got a whole lotta money that's ready to burn so get those stakes up high. There's a thousand pretty women just-a waiting out there. They're all living just the devil may care and I'm just a devil with love to spare-so Viva Las Vegas." Isabel sang at the top of her lungs. "Hit it Liz!"

Leaning towards Max and using her hand as a microphone, "I wish that there were more than twenty-four hours in a day. Even if there were forty more I wouldn't sleep a minute away. There's blackjack, poker and roulette wheel. A fortune won and lost on every deal. All you need is money and nerves of steel-Viva las vegas." Causing Max to smirk and lean in to give her a peck on the lips.

In the jetta Kyle and Maria were doing the same exact thing. Michael groaned as Kyle and her started to sing. "Well, Viva Las Vegas with the neon flashing and the walls crashing all your hopes down the drain. Yea, Viva Las Vegas turning day into night time. Turning night into daytime if you seen it once you'll never be the same again."

Maria started to sing, "I'm gonna be on the run i'm gonna have me some fun if it costs me my very, last dime. If i wind up broke, well, I'll always remember that I had me a swinging time. I'm gonna give it everything I got. Lady luck I want you let the dice stay hot. Let me shoot a seven with every shot-Viva Las Vegas."

Michael looked at the two, "Busted! Hey man, you going anywhere near Vegas?" He mumbled causing the two to laugh.

Arriving in Vegas, caused everyone to be in shock. Bright lights and the city people were making everyone not only nervous but excited. "What should we do first?" Alex said looking at a map he had got a a local map.

"I say we find a place to stay. Hey, Iz wanna call Michael and them and see if they wanna find somewhere to stay?" Max said. Isabel nodded as she dialed Maria's cell number.

Later on that Night

As Max pulled on a clean shirt and Liz lightly dozed on the bed a commercial caught his eye. "Wanting to elope? What's more perfect than the Elvis Chapel. You and your lover will be wed by the finest Elvis 'Impersonator'." So come on down..." Max smiled and looked at Liz before leaning down to kiss her cheek.

"Hey Michael, talk to you for a second?" Max called coming down the hallway.

Michael nodded, "Yeah, if you feel like going downstairs?"

"No, biggie, headed that way anyways." Max said shrugging.

Max pressed the down button, "I wanted to know what you were doing in Friday night."

"Probably some gambling." Michael said shrugging.

Stepping out of the elevator he stopped Michael, "How about being my best man?" Michael dropped the ice bucket.


"So Michael told me you were down here." Isabel said coming to Max looking at all the rings in the glass cases. "What's going on Max?"

"What are you doing Friday night?"

Isabel shrugged, "Nothing that I know of, why?"

"How about helping me plan a wedding?" Max said smiling as the man handing him two sets of rings along with an engagement ring. "What do you think?"

"Oh my god, it's beautiful."

In the hotel Maria screamed as Michael told her about the surprise engagement that Max was going to do. Michael placed a hand over Maria's mouth to keep her quiet. "Liz doesn't know, hence the surprise." Maria squealed excitedly. "I can't wait!" She said jumping up and down. "When is he going to pop the question.? When is the wedding?" Michael rolled his eyes and flopped back on the bed in exhaustion.

Max sat down on the bed next to Liz, pushing back a strand of hair that was in her face behind her ear causing her to moan, "Five more minutes mom."

Max chuckled, leaning down to whisper in her ear, "I'm definetly not your mom, baby."

Liz rolled over on her back, "Max?"

"Hmmm, I got something to ask you but I want you to be awake." Liz rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and sat up. "There's my angel." Causing to Liz to blush.

"What's going on?"

"What are you doing Friday night?" He asked as he stoked her cheek with his thumb looking in her eyes.

Liz smiled and shrugged, "What are you doing?"

"Getting married hopefully..." He said as he popped open the ring box.

Liz looked down at the engagement box, "Oh my god, are you serious?"

"Couldn't be more serious...Liz, I fell in love with you when I got off that bus in the third grade. When I healed you, I knew it was meant to be. I knew nothing could bring us apart Liz." As a tear fell down her cheek Max wiped it off with his forefinger, "Liz, when I told you what I was, that I was alien, you made me feel alive, human." He smiled causing her human, "I was able to know that somebody could love me for me...somebody that was so important to me. I wanted that so much Liz. I dreamed of that when I first saw you and I prayed so long that I would get to be with you every day of my life, so I ask you Liz Parker, be my wife. Let me cherish you for the rest of your life."

Liz swallowed and leaned forward to kiss him, "I would do anything if it meant being with you, Max..." Kissing him once more on his cheek, "It would be my honor, to be your wife." She said before kissing him once more on the lips more passionately feeling him smile. Liz looked down to see him place the ring on her finger.

Hidden in the shadows the man looked up seeing the couple throw the window so happy, "It won't last long. Friday, you'll be mine King Zan." He said before throwing down the cigratte, stepping on it and walking away.

Brushing past someone, "HEY! Watch where you walk, huh..."

Cal swung around, raising his hand, causing the man to scream out in horror and in pain. Cal smirked, "I'll watch, I'll be happy too..."

Ch. 23

"So what do you think?" Liz said twirling around in her wedding dress. Maria dabbed her eyes with a tissue. "Maria..." Liz said sighing. "If you cry, I'm gonna cry..."

"I can't believe your getting married, it's so romantic, but you do know your parents are going to kill you, right?" Maria said coming up to hug her.

Liz laughed, "Yeah, I know, but we're old enough now that it doesn't matter what they say."

"Great thing about being 18, huh?" She said as she fixed Liz's hair.

Liz nodded, "So, did Max call yet?"

"He called earlier and said that the reception is reserved for tonight..." Liz smiled at her through the mirror. "So, we have plenty of time to get you pampered." Maria said wiggling her eyebrows causing Liz to laugh. "Come on, Isabel is waiting downstairs to go to the spa."

"How did you know I would say yes?" She said heading into the bathroom to change.

"We didn't, we were going to surprise for your wedding shower." Maria said as she waited.

Liz peeked her head out, "Is there going to be a stripper?"

Maria looked up at her, "Do you want there to be?"

As Max, Michael, Kyle and Alex walked down the sidewalks of Vegas they relentlessly teased Max about how he was going to be more whipped then ever. "Man, your never goin' to get to do what you want." Kyle said smirking. "She's going to have you on such a tight leash..." Thinking a minute, "Sort of like Maria does Michael."

Michael glarred at Kyle causing the other's to laugh, "It's not going to be like that." Max said shaking his head.

"What are you going to tell your parents?" Alex said raising an eyebrow.

Max thought a minute, "I have no clue, but right now I don't really care. I'm getting married to the girl I've been in love to my entire life...nothing and I mean nothing can seperate us now."

Michael gagged jokingly as Max shoved him. As he looked up he stopped mid-stride, "What's wrong?" Kyle said seeing his face go pale.

"Straight ahead." Michael said turning around to look at some postcard stand. Max looked ahead to see a bunch of people at a hot dog stand. Alex and Kyle looked around to see nothing but tourist, "Black slacks, purple buttoned down top, cigar."

"Is that who I think it is?" Alex said.

"Langely." Max said. Kyle's hands clenched together. Cal looked up and saw the four looking at him. He smiled before waving then walking away. "Bastard."

"What the hell is he doing here, I thought he was dead?" Michael said looking where he stood.

Max shook his head, "We only assumed..."

"Well, shit..." Kyle said. "What are we going to tell the girls?"

Max thought a minute, "Nothing...Liz is planning the wedding, they don't need to worry about it."

"Are you shittin' me Max, if this gets back to them we're dead! We might as well just hand us over to our enemies." Michael said thinking of the warth of Maria.

Alex nodded, "Michael's right, if Isabel and them find out we're screwed..."

"Listen, we can't get them involved. I'll handle this myself if you guys don't want to get involved." Max said looking at the three. "But I'm not endangering the girls. They think he's dead...Liz went through enough because of Cal..."

"I'm with you..." Kyle said. "What's the plan?"

Michael looked at Alex, "We're listening."

Max walked up the sidewalk later that afternoon. He made sure that no one was following him before turning up an alley-way. "Well, it took you long enough."

Max turned around, "Langely...what are you doing here?"

Cal smirked, "Isn't it obvious?" Max just starred at him, "Oh Max, pathetic as usual...let me guess you thought all was safe and that I died in fire at the UFO Center."

Max just glarred at him, "No...I had a feeling you were alive..."

"Really?" Cal said smirking. "Hmm, so where are your little friends?"

He just shrugged, "There around...I think they were just to chicken to show up..."

Cal shook his head, "And your not?"

"You deserve to pay for what you did." Max said looking at him fist clenched.

"Ahh, your little girlfriend." He said smiling at Max. "How is she? She looked awfully beautiful in the dress she was trying on this morning."

"Stay the hell away from her!" Max said taking a step forward. Cal laughed at his obvious weakness. "What are you doing here Cal? What do you want?"

"I just want revenge..." Cal said looking at him calmly, "You ruined my life once again."

Max looked behind Cal to see Michael slowly coming out of the shadows, then saw Kyle's shadow above Cal along with Alex. "I'm not responsible for that...but I can tell you one thing..."

"What's that?"

Max nodded, "Your not going to ruin my life or anybody else's."Max punched him as Cal lunged forward. Michael shot a power blast at Cal from behind before he could react while Kyle and Alex jumped down from the ladder and hit him over the head with a pipe knocking him unconcious. Kyle looked at the limp body, seeing rage, he continued to kick Cal in the stomach.

Max and the other's watch as Kyle cursed at Cal. Seeing that Cal was no longer breathing, Max walked up behind him a placed a hand on his shoulder, "It's over...he's dead."

Ch. 24

"Where is he?" Maria said looking at the clock. Isabel tapped her foot, "Do you know what's going to happen to them when they get here?"

"Oh yeah..." Isabel said sarcastically.

Maria went in the room to check on Liz, "How you holding up?" Maria asked.

Liz wipped the tears that were falling down her cheeks, "Just great, my husband to be is an hour late and I'm jsut great..."

"Lizzie, I'm sure he just got stuck in traffic..."

Liz shook her head, "Or cold feet..."

Before Maria could answer Isabel rushed in, "Their here!" Liz looked up at her. Isabel smiled. "Let's go..."

Maria smiled, "See, nothing to worry about."

Max fixed his jacket as the other's lined up behind him, "We're in deep shit you know that right?" Michael whispered to the others.

"No cursing...there's a pastor here." Max said under a hushed voice.

Kyle raised an eyebrow, "He's an elvis impersonator."

"Hush!" Max said hearing the music start. Isabel walked down the aisle first followed by Maria. Then the moment came when Max's heart stopped, Liz slowly walked down the aisle in slow motion or so it seemed. When she reached him he mouthed the words I Love You to her and she mouthed the right back.

"Dearly beloved we are gathered here on a joyous join this man and this woman in holy matrimony." The pastor said looking at Liz and Max causing them to smile.

Before he could contiue the church doors flew open, "ZAN!" All heads flew to the direction of the doors. Liz's hand flew to her mouth. "Your dead." Cal said before throwing a power blast down the aisle.

"DOWN!" Max yelled before pulling Liz down with him.

Maria looked around to see Micheal crouched behind the pew, "I thought he was dead."

"So did we." He said. "We thought we killed him this afternoon." He said before standing up to fire back.

"WAIT!" Liz said looking at Max, "You saw him this afternoon and didn't tell us...MAX!"

Max looked at her, "We'll talk about this later. Stay here."

"Ah, hell nah!" Liz said shaking her head. First she looked at Maria then at Isabel. Isabel looked steamed and Maria just looked pissed. Liz stood up, "You bastard!"

"LIZ NO!" Max said turning around to see Liz unprotected. Max tried to get to her but Cal through him to the other side of the chruch. Maria yelled at her but before Michael could get to her Cal through them into the flowers that stood nearby. Isabel watched in horror with Alex and Kyle.

"Liz, get down!" Alex yelled.

"You think you can win against me?" Cal said laughing. Before waving his hand causing Alex and Kyle to go flying. Seeing Isabel was his only obstacle to Liz, he looked at her a moment before causing to her go flying next to her brother.

Looking around she saw everyone was either knocked out or injured very badly, "Your messing with a very pissed off bride. You come in here messing up my wedding day..."

"My sympathies." He said sarcastically. Max slowly shook his head as did Michael. They looked up at the same time to hear Liz talking with Cal. They saw her hands flickering, standing up they looked at each other. Max looked down at Isabel and saw her slowly coming to. Helping her stand, he saw Michael rush to Maria. Isabel rushed to Alex who was helping Kyle up.

"Wrong choice of words asshole." Liz said before she through her hand up causing him to go flying out the chruch doors again.

Max watched in amazement as Liz fought against Cal. Cal slowly stood but before he could regain his balance he felt himself being flown back again but this time he landed on a wooden plank landing right through the heart.

Max rushed over to Liz, "Are you okay?"

Liz turned to Max, "You owe me an explanation." Max smiled at Liz.

"So is he dead now?" Kyle said looking out the broken chruch doors. Isabel leaned against Alex. "Wouldn't this be like the third time we killed him?"

"Kyle shut up!" Michael said before helping Maria sit down.

"I guess this wouldn't be a good time to get married huh?" Maria said looking at the two.

Liz stopped glarring at Max long enough to answer, "I think I can answer that."




Kyle walked to through the numerous graves that laid about. As he found the one was looking for he crouched down, "Tess, it's me...I guess you know that already." Placing the flowers down, "I know that it's been awhile but I needed some time..." Thinking a moment. "The gang went to Vegas...that was really interesting."

Laughing, "We ran into someone there, someone you would have loved to get your hands on. It was Cal, but the best part was, Liz was the one who killed him. Yeah, she has powers as do I. Max changed us some how when he healed us. We don't know the full affects but all we know is that we will have some kind of powers."

"Speaking of Liz, Max and her did get married. Young, I know...they were going to do it in Vegas but Liz decided that when Cal showed up it was some kind of sign." Kyle sighed, "She concienved Max to tell her parents what was going on, oh about the marriage not the whole alien stuff, boy that's some funny stuff."


"So Max, tell me, what's my daughter's middle name?" Jeff said as they sat across each other at the dinner table. Liz and her mother listened in at the hallway while they talked.

Max swallowed, "Claudia, Elizabeth Claudia Parker."

"What does she want for her future?" He asked pouring some tea while he looked Max straight in the eye.

Max smiled, "She wanted to go to harvard and be a microbiologist but now she wants to stay close to home and be a teacher."

Jeff raised an eyebrow, "Really?"

"It surprised me to sir." Max leaned forward, "Sir, I love your daughter with all my heart and if you give me your blessing to marry daughter than I would be honored. But I'm not asking for you permission, I'm asking for your blessing." Max thought a moment, "I'm going to be with Liz no matter what anyone tells me. "

Jeff leaned back, "I see...and how are you planning to pay for your future?"

"I have a full time job at my dad's law firm now. After I get out of high-school Brody is planning on selling me the UFO Center." Liz gasped as Nancy looked at her surprised. Liz just shrugged as they listened some more.

Jeff tried to recover from shock, "Where will you live?"

"I got word last week about a house not far down the road. It's not too big or small. Three bedroom, two bath, nice kitchen, family and living room. Two car garage, big back yard and front yard, nice privacy fence along with a pool." Jeff shook his head as Max smiled.

"Well, I must say Max..." Nancy and Liz leaned closer, "You have my blessing." Jeff smiled. Liz squealed and ran out to hug her father.

End of Flashback-

"When Max and Liz told us that story we nearly cried from laughing so hard." Kyle said laughing, "Anyhow, their expecting a child in December. It's a girl according to Max. They're really excited." Kyle looked up, "Tess, I'm so sorry I couldn't be there for you and that this happened to you. But you can rest easy now. Cal's no longer out there..." Kyle choked back a sob. "He's gone...I just wanted to let you know that I did love you and I do love you, I always will..."


The trouble with life isn't that there's no answers it's that there are so many answers.
-Ruth Benedict
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