Rae's Fic

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Beautifully Raediant
Enthusiastic Roswellian
Posts: 17
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Rae's Fic

Post by Beautifully Raediant »

"Princess of Roswell"

Summary: AU. Liz moves to Roswell from New York.

Catergory: M/L



Note: This fic was written when I was little...er, littler...and well, it's not of the best potential. :? It's really bad, grammatical wise, and I'm thinking about revising it at a later date. *shrugs* Who knows.

Anyway, I'm just asking for you to bare with me on this particular fic. I have gotten better. :-D I hope....

* * *

"Pain of the Past"

Summary: Elizabeth Kathleen Parker has a secretive past. As a child she knew not of family or the product of love that would come from having one, and she knew not of normalcy. Max Evans has a secret himself, and he struggles everyday to find out where he, and his sister and best friend, belong. Yet, there's something about Liz that draws him into her complicated life. Could she be the key?

Rating: TEEN to maybe MATURE, for language and violence

Category: M/L with CC

Work in Progress

* * *

"Love and Fame"

Author: Rach

Summary: Liz Parker is off to New York to look for a gig for herself and her fellow band mates. Getting turned down one by one, she has a strange twist of fate when she meets her old high school class mate, Max Evans, now an up and rising actor. Though he doesn't want to admit it, Max finds himself falling for Liz and is torn between love and fame.

Category: M/L, a little of M/M and A/I

Rating: TEEN to MATURE

Work in Progress

The links for PoR and LaF don't seem to be working. You can find them in the Archives. LaF will be under the Repost section under Mystical Light ML 4ever while PoR will be under the same section, but under the name Prizm1978. Sorry for the inconveince. :?


<center>“How was I supposed to know I’d look so damn fine as a girl?"

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