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Deceptive Appearences (MATURE/ADULT) *Kyle, Tess OPEN*

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2004 11:20 am
by KatnotKath

Under NO circumstances can anyone under the age of 17 read or participate in this RPG. NO if's, and's or buts...

Title: Deceptive Appearances
Category: AU
Rating: Mature/Adult - There's nothing this level appeared as yet, but I know a couple of us might want to do something eventually ;)
Coupling: M/L (others optional to people playing characters)
Disclaimer: I don't own the cannon characters, the cannon aspects of the situations or any aspects of the story that are based on Charmed. Just borrowing all that but the original characters do belong to whoever created them. Also the mention of 'the charmed ones' is simply a tv reference, something to help people understand what I mean, nothing more.
Summary: What if Liz wasn't quite so normal as she makes out before the shooting? In fact what if the shooting wasn't really a a shooting?

Ok, so here's the real story; twins Liz and Serena Parker, straight A-grade students are the latest in a line of very powerful witches (and when I say powerful I mean on a par with the Charmed ones) Nancy isn't their real mother, who's dead, but this isn't common knowledge. Both of their 'parents' are completely normal since the magical side of the family was their mom's.

So you see, regularly they have to deal with warlocks and demons that want to kill them and on the day of the supposed shooting, that was exactly what happened. Unfortunately, people saw Liz using her powers, and the warlock who attacked her so something had to be done since magic, on both sides, was in danger of being revealed. The elders, on the side of good, and the source, on the side of evil, all had to work together to prevent this happening. There were way too many people present to completely wipe their memories so instead their perception of the event was changed so that people believed that they had seen a shooting. The 'elders' don't know that Max and Michael are aliens, and they don't really care about how Max was able to heal Liz, all they care about is that he's ovbiously on the side of good since they healed a good witch.

On the day of the 'shooting' Liz was attacked by a warlock and stabbed with an athame, Max did go over and try and help, healing her as in the series, he just thinks he healed a bullet wound, not a stab wound, so his secret has been revealed but he doesn't know about her at the moment. She hates lying to him, knowing that he's trusted her with his secret, but doesn't think she has much choice in the matter.

Alex and Maria don't know about Liz and Serena being witches, but they do think it's strange the amount of time they seem to have had off school over the years.


*Banner curtesy of Liz_Parker*


(CC couples)

Liz - KatnotKath
Serena KatnotKath (temping)
Max - Isabelle
Maria - Nightshadeisis
Alex - Nightshadeisis
Michael - Storm
Isabel - Storm
Kyle - OPEN
Tess - OPEN


Ainsling - M
Rance - Storm

AN: If anyone wants to make a warlock, demon or anything like that they're welcome to do so but it's not necessary.

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2004 11:14 am
by Liz_Parker
Here's a profile for Serena


Name: Serena Leianne Parker
Height: 5'4
Nicknames- 'Rena, Ser
Info: Serena is Liz's twin sister. She is a witch as well and is protective of her family and of course the secret her sister and her share.
Powers: telekenisis, astral projection

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2004 4:37 am
by liz_maria
Profile for Isabel:


Name: Isabel Amanda Evans

Nicknames: Izzy,Iz

Height: 5'9"

Powers (Distinctive): Dreamwalking

Description:Isabel is Max's very catious sister. Though one of the popular kids in school, she manages to keep her true identity (or species) from almost all of the people she knows. Often labeled as another high-school ice-queen,but Isabel has a kind and caring side that is covered by her 'mean' facade. She is trying to live a normal life even through the fear of being discovered by others.

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2004 6:09 pm
by KatnotKath

I come out of the bathroom and pull my robe closer round my body, tying the cord tightly before going over to the wardrobe and looking inside. As I sort through the clothes hanging up, looking for something to wear, my gaze falls on the box that’s sat on the bottom shelf at the right handside of the closet.

I check the time, noting that I’ve still got half an hour before Max is due to pick me up, and kneel down to pick it up. I carry it over to the bed and set it down before opening it. Inside are an assortment of herbs and an antique looking book. Oh Max…what would you think if you knew what really happened that day…if you knew what I really was…

I sigh and pick up an athame that’s laid at the side of the book. You’ve risked so much by telling me about yourself…by saving me that day… My gaze is locked on the blade as I remember what happened. You risked everything…you opened up to me and yet I refuse to do the same with you…and you don’t know anything about it…

I lay the athame back down in the box, closing the lid, ready to replace it. You say that you put me in danger Max…I think the opposite is true…I can’t help thinking that one of these days you’re going to get sucked in…I just hope that you won’t hate me for hiding from you for so long …

As I look at the clock again I see that I’ve obviously lost track of time and Max is due to pick me up in less than five minutes now. I quickly choose a red skirt and matching peasant blouse top and put them on. I’m just slipping on some shoes as I hear an engine outside. I look out the window and see the jeep parked across the road.

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2004 8:24 pm
by JoeDude

Sometimes I wonder why Maxwell saved that Parker girl's life. At time I thought he was being selfish, not really giving a damn about us. It was all about him.

I sighed, as I worked the grill in the kitchen. As always, it was a busy day, and Maria was yelling, giving orders since Parker had a so-called date with Max. "What don't you shut up alright, I'm cooking as fast as I can." I yelled back to Maria.

I wish I wasn't working today, but it was money, and I needed it to pay the bills with it.

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2004 12:28 am
by liz_maria

I'm sitting here in my room just thinking about all the events that suddenly happened.

I'm still having a hard time grasping the fact that we just gave up a life that is what I can only call as 'closest to normal as possible'. Since that day at the Crashdown, everything pretty much made a turn (and not necessarily for the better).

Now all three humans know and I can only wish nobody else will find out because it just threatens our existance here.

This place is what I consider home and I am not hoping to change that, but what can I do? What's happened has happened and all we can do is wait and see.

I'm trying really hard to trust Liz, Alex and Maria more because no matter what I do or say, they know what we really are.

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2004 10:54 am
by isabelle

I pick up the bundle of flowers (daisies and carnations) and take a deep breath before getting out of the jeep. We've only been going out officially for a short while and I'm still a bit amazed that it's happening. That she knows and it's all okay. I run a hand through my hair and start across the street, hoping that the grin I'm wearing doesn't look too goofy.

The little bell chimes as I walk into the Crashdown. I pause near the door, looking around. I probably should have rung at the apartment but I thought she might be down here.

Michael's working the grill and he gives me a glance through the pass-through window. I nod at him as Maria comes gliding towards me. "Oh, nice," she says, eyeing the flowers. Michael rolls his eyes and turns away as she looks at him to see if he got the message.

"Uh, yeah," I say and then ask. "Is Liz here?"

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2004 9:53 am
by KatnotKath

Grabbing my bag and coat, I glance round my room, checking that I haven’t left anything out which I shouldn’t. Once satisfied that it’s safe, I hurry down the stairs into the café, just in time to hear Max asking Maria if I’m in. I smile and walk into the café. “Hi Max…” I smile at him softly. This relationship is like a dream come true…but I can’t help thinking about the fact that I’m still hiding things from him…he’s opened up to me and I know I should do the same to him…it’s just not that simple…

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2004 10:27 am
by isabelle

"Hi Liz," I say as a smile bursts across my face of its own accord. "You look great!" And she really does. Walking slowly across the cafe with a gait that makes it hard for me to breath while watching.

She comes close and I wrap my arms around her waist, smiling into her eyes for a moment before kissing her. It's short but meaninful. Promising so much more to come.

Suddenly, I remember my flowers. I bring them back around to the front of Liz. "Uh, these are for you."

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2004 10:47 am
by KatnotKath

I feel my skirt swinging against my legs as I slowly walk over to where Max is standing. As soon as I’m close enough his arms reach out, wrapping around my waist as he pulls me slightly closer. As our lips meet, I get a slight tingly sensation running down my back. The kiss is only short, but holds a lot of meaning. We’re finally past the stage of pretending that nothing is going on and the only way I can see this moving is forward… That’s why I want to tell him so much…it’s why I want to show him who I really am…the only problem is what if he doesn’t understand why I’ve kept quiet all this time… I feel him pull away slightly and wonder for a moment if he’s starting to have second thoughts. These worries are quickly abated as he displays a bunch of flowers he’s brought.

“Uh…these are for you”

I smile again. “Thanks…they’re lovely…” I take them from him and smell them before looking up. “Do you want to come into the back while I put them in water…?” I suggest.