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UKSpacegirl's Max/Tess stories - completed

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2003 1:08 pm
by ukspacegirl
Here are the first two of my Rebel fics, reposted complete.

The first is 'A New Life'.

The second story posted here is 'Who We Choose To Be.'

I'll be reposting 'Destiny and Desire' soon. '

The Summer of My Future is here:


I hope you like them.


A New Life

This is a Max and Tess love story. PLEASE NOTE – if you aren’t a Tess fan, you probably won’t like it!

It takes place after ‘It’s Too Late and it’s Too Bad.’

Everything happens the way it does right up to the end of this episode, right up to the night at the Observatory, when Max and Tess make love

- except that Tess is not responsible for Alex’s death.

The next day, Tess discovers she is pregnant. Believing that Max is still in love with Liz, Tess leaves Roswell.

Now, it’s a year later.

Disclaimer – I don’t own any of the Roswell characters – but I’ve had a lot of fun spending time with them here..

It runs to 4 parts. It gets a bit NC-17 at the end.

Hope you like it. Positive feedback is appreciated!

Teaser (from Chapter 4)

Max lies her down. He sits next to her at the bottom of the bed, taking her feet on to his lap. He undoes the straps of her sandals, throwing them gently to the floor. Breathless, he whispers her name as if it was the most beautiful word he ever heard. ‘Tess…’

He takes her leg gently in his hand, and kisses her knee. Moving upwards, he runs his hand along the inside of her thigh, and stops, enticingly close.. he kicks off his shoes and socks.

He is looking at her with that serious, hungry look she remembers. He is so beautiful that he takes her breath away. He begins to unbutton his shirt.

‘No, let me,’ she says, sitting up. She moves closer, unbuttoning the crisp cotton shirt, moving it down and off over one shoulder, then the next. She has to touch him. She runs her fingertips from his jaw, to his throat, down along his shoulder, his chest. She runs her mouth down the other side, tracing the same path, burying her face in his neck. His arms are around her, pulling her close to kiss her mouth. His closeness is overwhelming.

He is reaching around to unzip her dress, easing it down her shoulders, and off. Deftly, he unhooks her bra, sliding the straps off her shoulders, covering her skin with kisses. He caresses her..

Moving closer to him, she unbuttons his pants. He stands up, steps out of them; and the boxers go next. He is the most entirely beautiful creature she has ever, ever seen. It’s been so long..

She is now dressed only in her little lace panties, kneeling up on the bed, waiting for him to join her.

Part 1

Roswell New Mexico
The office of Phillip Evans, Attorney at Law

Phillip Evans is now a senior partner in the most respected Law firm in New Mexico. He sits, a little self-conscious, a little proud, behind his antique oak desk. He tidies the pen and blotter on his desk. He glances again at the file in front of him.

The door pushes open. Phillip smiles in welcome. ‘Jesse! Come in. Take a seat.’

His son-in-law takes the chair.

‘I have something for you. This assignment is a little bit out of the ordinary, but nothing you can’t handle. It’s a time-sensitive job, and the Firm now have instructions to act on it. It’s a Last Will and Testament. ‘

Jesse nods. He is a top-notch lawyer, capable and efficient. He prides himself on being good at his job. He is ambitious, smart. Phillip continues.
‘It involves some mundane leg-work, unfortunately. We need to track down the beneficiary.’

Right. A little detective work. That could be interesting.

‘How is this case out of the ordinary?’

Philip looks pleased. ‘I knew you’d ask me that! There are three reasons why this case is not your everyday assignment. The first is the way the instructions were worded. We were asked to action the Will – in the event of death or disappearance. Ed Harding was reported missing exactly a year ago. The second is the size of the Estate. It’s quite a considerable amount of money, actually. ‘

‘Well, that’s out of the ordinary for Roswell.’

Phillip nods in agreement. ‘Indeed. The last thing is the beneficiary. She’s a local girl, who disappeared shortly after Ed Harding. We have no reason to think they are together.’

Jesse raises an eyebrow, his interest piqued. ‘Anybody we know?’

‘Yes, actually. Her name is Tess Harding.’

Two weeks later, Persephone’s Café
Sunrise Beach, California

It’s 4.00 pm, another beautiful day. The air is cooling a little, at last, and the late lunch crowd seem to have finally moved on. The tables and chairs have emptied. They will fill up again in the evening, a different crowd, locals, tourists. Demetria’s home-cooking has a good reputation, which suits her fine.

Demetria, owner of the beachfront café, watches her best waitress gather up the glasses and plates. She works twice as hard as anyone else, and the regulars love her.

The blonde-haired girl puts her tray on the next table, pausing for a moment to watch the ebb and flow of the Ocean.

The older woman hasn’t missed the wistful look in the girl’s eyes. Somebody really did a number on her, she thinks. But there’s something about her.. Tess is so brave. If I had a daughter, she’d be the same age, she thinks.. I’d be proud.

Seeming to snap out of the spell the Ocean has cast on her, the girl takes the overflowing tray through to the kitchen at the back of the café, then returns with it, empty, ready to collect the next batch of empty plates and glasses.

‘Tess, why don’t you take the rest of the afternoon off? It’s got quiet now, and Betty can take care of the rest of these dishes.’

Tess looks up, one of her rare smiles lighting up her face.

‘Really? Thanks, Demi!’ She pulls off her apron, kisses her boss lightly on the cheek, and is gone.

A tall young man ambles over the sand, in a seemingly nonchalant way. He is about to sit. Demetria is not fooled.

‘Rick, she’s not here.’

His blue eyes register an innocent kind of disappointment. ‘Oh.’

He’s built like a comic-book hero, 6ft 1in of pure distilled masculine cute – he has a chiselled jaw, and a sweet, unassuming nature which Demi knows to be rare in one so physically attractive.

Boy, if I was 20 years younger, she thinks, I’d want to be around this one..

Smiling to herself, she takes pity on him.
‘I told her to take the rest of the afternoon off. If you hurry, you might catch her..’

‘Thanks, Demi!’ He lopes off like a puppy. He’s got to learn to hide his feelings better, she thinks.

‘Tess, wait up!’

She hears him call. She looks around.

He’s run the 300 yards from the café to where she was walking. He hardly even needs to pause to get his breath back.

‘Demi said I might catch you.. ‘

Tess turns to him, waiting for him to speak. They’re friends. He’d been coming to the café mid-morning for months, for his breakfast and coffee. Gradually, he’d started to let her into his life a little. He was a writer, working on his third screenplay, which filled his mind and his heart. He’s read some of it to her, acted out other parts – he’s a brilliant writer. He’s working hard, hoping to get the break he needs.

He’d broken up with his girlfriend Portia – or rather, her parents had made Portia break up with him. He hadn’t said it, but, recognising her name, Tess had worked out that it was the impoverished-artist-living-in-a-garret deal that had led to the break-up. Portia’s family were very rich indeed.

Tess felt for him. It was hard to be apart from the one person you wanted to be with. But anyway..

‘David’s throwing a party on Friday.’ David is his agent. ‘I don’t have a date-‘ he backtracks quickly, ‘I mean, it won’t be a date, just a party, you know, singing, dancing,,’ He shakes his hips a little. ‘Would you come, pretty please?’

Tess smiles. He is just - irresistible.

Anxious that she’s not answering right away, he rushes on. ‘That’s enough notice for you, isn’t it?

Tess realises that it’s been a very long time since she went out dancing. ‘Sure. It’ll be nice.’

He’s delighted. ‘Yes! Pick you up at nine? - Oh yes, I’ll see you tomorrow for breakfast.. Bye!’ And he’s off again, back towards the beach, to his home.

Back to work on his screenplay.

Friday afternoon
Tess’s apartment.

Tess is preparing dinner.

The apartment is small – the tiny kitchen opens directly on to the living room - but the neighbourhood is quiet, and there is even a small garden. It’s the best she can afford on her waitress’s salary, and in the time she’s lived here she’s had all of the rooms painted, bright and clean. She’s made it cosy.

For now, at least, it’s home.

The doorbell rings. She wipes her hands on a tea-towel. She’s not expecting anybody, so she’s a little curious as she goes to answer the door.

Standing on the doorstep, in a business suit, his jacket off, tie loosened in the California heat, is Jesse Ramirez.

‘Hi. Can I come in?’

This is a surprise. Her first impulse is to tell him to go away, but – he’s come a long way.

‘Sure.’ She shows him into the living room. She takes his jacket, and hangs it over the stair rail.

Jesse walks into Tess’s living room. Sitting on the floor, playing with a toy truck and a pile of building blocks, is a small child. He’s 10 months old, at the stage where he can crawl very fast, and can pull himself up to stand by the furniture. Currently, he’s stacking his blocks in the back of the truck. He looks up. He has dark hair, and clear hazel eyes.

Oh my God. Jesse looks quizzically at Tess.

‘Ma,’ says the child, raising his arms to be lifted up. Tess goes to him, and picks him up, kissing the small hand that reached for her. She faces Jesse.

There is no point in trying to cover this up.

‘I’d like you to meet Alexander Maxwell Harding. I call him Zan. He’s my son.’

Jesse takes a breath. Looking at the pure beauty of the child, the clear eyes, the dark hair, the long lashes, the strong mouth, it didn’t take a rocket scientist to work out who the father is.

But that’s not why he’s here.

‘Can I sit down? I have some important news for you.’

Tess indicates the couch. She sits opposite him, on the chair, setting her son down to play again.

‘How did you find me?’
‘It wasn’t hard, Tess. I went to see the Sheriff. He showed me the note you left when you – moved.’
‘Then you knew I didn’t want to be found.’
‘This is important, Tess. I tracked you by your social security number.’
Tess sighs. ‘Does anyone else know where I am?’
‘Only Phillip. He’s overseeing this case.’
‘Phillip Evans?’

Oh God.

‘What do you want, Jesse?’
‘Our firm were instructed by your guardian, Ed Harding. You’re the sole beneficiary of his Estate.’
Tess looks cautious. ‘What exactly does that mean?’
‘You’re a wealthy woman, Tess.’ He opens his briefcase. He removes a letter, which he hands to her.

‘This is a resume of the property he owned - Mr Harding bought the house in Roswell outright, although I know you didn’t want to live there after he died. He has houses in L.A, and New York. There’s also – quite a lot of money.’

This is all bringing back things Tess has tried very hard to put behind her. She doesn’t answer.

‘Tess, he left you over five million dollars.’

She hardly seems to take this in.

‘I’m not going back to Roswell.’

Jesse has never had to give anybody this kind of news before. He hadn’t expected it to be received so – casually.

‘Actually – there are some documents we need you to sign. If you really don’t want to come to the office, we can bring them to you. If that’s what you want.’

‘I need some time.’

‘Of course.’ He checks his watch. ‘I have a flight back to Roswell tonight. Here’s my card. Call me and let me know what you decide.’

Jesse stands up.

Tess is preoccupied. She follows him out, handing him his jacket.
‘Can you do something for me?’


‘Please don’t tell anyone else that you found me.’ Jesse nods. He leaves.


A New Life - Part 2

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2003 1:09 pm
by ukspacegirl
Part 2

The Evans House, later that evening

In the kitchen, Diane and Isabel are clearing away the dishes. Phil brings in more plates, then rolls his sleeves up to load the dishwasher.

‘Isabel, that lasagne was wonderful – and the Caesar salad – your cooking just gets better and better – but you didn’t have to go to all that trouble.’ She kisses her daughter’s forehead.

Isabel smiles.

‘It wasn’t any trouble, Mom. Besides, I have a lot of time on my hands when Jesse’s away. ‘

Behind his wife’s back, Phillip rolls his eyes. In all the years he’d known her, Diane’s cooking has never got better! But he loves her anyway.

His cell phone rings. He flips it open.

‘Hi, Jesse!’ Isabel looks up. ‘Say, that’s great news! – She what? Wow!’ He listens for another moment.

‘Okay. Yes, she’s here. Sure, I will. See you later.’

Isabel looks at her father, expectantly. ‘His flight got called. He said to tell you he’s gonna call you when he lands at Roswell airport.’

Diane passes her husband a dish. ‘Good news?’

‘Yeah, He found her. But she doesn’t want to come to Roswell. Man, if I’d inherited all that money, I’d be on that plane in a second.’

‘This sounds intriguing.’

Phil looks at his daughter. ‘Jesse didn’t mention it to you, who he was tracking?’

‘No.’ Isabel’s not a gossip, but Roswell is such a quiet little town.

‘Well, there’s a professional! That boy’s gonna go far.’

Phillip Evans is a professional. He’s aware of the rules of client confidentiality, but this is family. And they did once know this girl. There would be no harm in telling them.

‘It’s the Harding girl. Ed Harding left her a lot of money. And you know what? She’s got a kid.’

Friday night
The Party, David’s house

The house is wonderful. It is a vast house, bright, thoughtfully designed. Very, very expensive. The double doors are open. The platform leads directly out to the beach.

The place is full. People are dancing. Tess has been dancing with Rick. It is hot. ‘Can I get you a drink, Tess?’ She smiles at Rick.

Have I said this before? It‘s a really hot night..

Demi is looking after Zan for the night. ‘You go out and enjoy yourself. You’re much too young to be stuck at home every night. And Rick adores you. Go on, now!’

Demetria is the mother Tess never had. I’m lucky to have such good friends... I have a new life, Tess thinks. This is what I wanted.

Rick returns with two drinks. ‘Fruit cup – non-alcoholic on the left.. that’s what I asked for, anyway.. Do you want to come outside? It might be cooler out there..’

He takes the drinks. Tess follows him out. The music and the hubbub of voices gets quieter as they move away from the house.

The Ocean whispers in and out. The stars hang like lanterns in a sky that still has wisps of cloud that look like strange scarves, drifting across the dark canopy. The moon is a bright crescent that throws a long reflection on to the water, from far above.

‘It’s beautiful here, isn’t it?’ Rick’s writer’s imagination is creating romantic pictures that involve the sky, the stars, the sound of the ocean, a beautiful girl.

They sit down on the sand.

Rick hands her the fruit cup. Tess takes a sip.

Suddenly, to her, the noise from the distant house is heightened. The stars grow blurry; everything seems – softer around the edges.. nothing feels real. Everything looks – beautiful.

Rick sips his drink. ‘Gah, this isn’t the no-alcohol version..’
‘Here, let me get you something else..’
Tess feels weird. ‘No! Don’t go! ‘
He is surprised. ‘Are you okay?’ She gets to her feet.
‘Never better. Isn’t it beautiful here?’
‘Yes, it is,’ he says, looking at Tess, who is taking off her sandals, and heading for the water.
‘Everything’s beautiful. It’s a beautiful night…’
Rick is delighted to see her so suddenly carefree.
She’s breathtaking..

‘You’re beautiful..’ he says. She laughs, and runs for the ocean. He sits, to take his shoes off.

Tess runs along the beach, her feet wet, the water splashing up her legs.

Rick races to catch up to her. She is dancing in the shallow water.

This is an image I’ll always remember, he thinks. Tess. Dancing in the ocean on a hot night, under the stars.

He walks over to where she is. She stands still, looking out over the water. Her fair hair is lifted by the breeze coming in over the ocean. He puts his arms around her waist, from behind. He nuzzles her hair. She puts her hands on his arms, caressing him. She turns to him. For long moments, he gazes at her. She leaves him breathless.

He has to kiss her.

He pulls her close. Tess puts her arms around his neck, and kisses him back. Something unexpected flares between them, hot, strong. The beginning of …what?

They pause for breath. Tess still has her arms around his neck, tiptoeing to reach. ‘This is nice,’ she says, coming down off tiptoes, nestling her head in his chest.
‘Yes, it is.’ They hold each other. The water washes over their feet. Rick looks down at her. ‘Do you want to –‘
‘Go somewhere and make passionate love?’
This surprises him. Tess has surprised herself, and puts her hand to her head.. ‘Oops, did I say that out loud?’
Suddenly, he realises what’s happened. ‘Oh my. You’re a little bit tipsy.’
‘Oh, that’s what it is.’ Tess stretches her arms above her head. ‘It feels – nice. Are we going now?’
‘I think I should take you home.’
‘My place! Okay..’
‘No, that’s not what I meant, Tess, wait..’

But she’s darted off, to collect her shoes, skipping along the sand, back towards the house.

Tess’s house.

She’s been singing in the car, with the radio, all the way home.
‘Amy hit the la la la – and that’s all that really matters to me..’

She can’t manage the two sets of keys she needs to open the front door, so Rick does it, while she rests, leaning on the door post.

‘Come on’ he says, gently. ‘Let’s get you inside.’

Tess goes first, giving a little wiggle before she looks back and smiles at him. Boy, she’s not making this any easier, he thinks. Rick closes the front door, and switches on the light.

‘Casa Tessie,’ she says, expansively. ‘Welcome.’
‘Sure! I only have de-caff, will that do?’
‘It’s not for me, it’s for you..’
‘Oh. Okay.’ Tess sits on the kitchen table, swinging her legs, as Rick puts the kettle on.

‘Come here.’ This is a command. Rick looks at Tess.

‘Yes, ma’am.’
‘Kiss me, please.’ He doesn’t want to take advantage while she’s – like this – but she’s so irresistible.
‘Okay. But you have to promise to behave yourself..’
Tess just reaches out her arms. Rick steps forward. He puts his hand to her face, and kisses her mouth, lightly.
‘Oh..’ Tess has a sudden image of another person touching her cheek, another person kissing her.

She looks away, suddenly very serious.

‘What is it?’
‘I’m sorry. It’s not you.. it’s just the way you touched my face.. it reminded me of somebody..’ she can’t continue.
‘Do you want to talk about it?’
Tess shakes her head, trying, and failing, to get a grip on her feelings.

The kettle boils. Rick turns, and pours water in the coffee jug.
‘Cups – here?’ He indicates the cupboard above the kettle. She nods. He gets out two cups, and pours the coffee.

Tess slides from the table into a kitchen chair. Rick sits opposite.

‘I don’t drink.’ This much he knows. She’s back in control. ‘Demi says women get weepy when they’re drunk. I’m sorry.’
‘It’s okay, Tess.’ He doesn’t like to see her upset.
She gives him a brave smile. ‘I want to talk about you, anyway.’
‘Sure. What are you doing about Portia?’

Rick is surprised. Tess has never spoken this directly before. Portia.. It had been three months. ‘Her parents don’t want her to see me. They want her to marry somebody successful. She does love me. It’s just – difficult – for her. ‘
‘And difficult for you.’
Rick looks at Tess. He was working very hard on getting over Portia. Since he met Tess, he’d felt sure that it was working at last.. but now that she’d made him think about it. something in him wasn’t entirely sure that it was over..
‘I’m moving on..’
‘Right.’ Tess’s look tells him she is not fooled. ‘You’re still crazy about her, anyone can see that. ‘
‘Oh.’ He hadn’t thought it was that obvious.
‘Anyone that knows you, that is.’
Right . That made him feel much better – and the thought that Tess felt that she knew him meant a lot.
‘How would her parents feel if you could get your screenplay optioned?’
‘I know somebody who can invest in getting your movie made.’

It was a lot to take in. He looks at Tess while she sips her coffee.

‘What about you, Tess? Who is it that you’re not over?’

‘I’ve never told anybody about that.’

He waits for her to continue. It might help her to talk.

Tess takes a breath. ‘It’s complicated. He was my first love. We were only together – one time. I thought it would change everything, if I could only be with him. And it did.’ She pauses. This was so hard, remembering.

‘The next day, at school, he acted – so weird. And the way he looked at me.. as if he wished he could take it all back. He was in love with somebody else.‘

Rick looks at her downcast eyes, her courage shining through the terrible things she was saying.

‘When I found out I was pregnant, I had to leave. I couldn’t tie him to me, not that way. ‘

For a long moment, Rick can’t speak. ‘I’m so sorry..’

‘Don’t be! I’m not. I have a new life now. I’ve made new friends. I’m getting used to being alone..’

Suddenly Rick feels so sad, for her sake.

‘I don’t think that’s your destiny, Tess. Not at all.’

Persephone’s Cafe,
Following day, lunchtime

Demetria and Tess pause by the counter. It’s the height of tourist season. The beach is filled with beautiful people. Beautiful thirsty people, who want drinks. Lots of drinks, lots of ice cream.

‘I love the summer!’ says Demi with a sigh.

Tess nods. She’s glad her friend is happy. Business is booming. But Tess has a headache..
Demi watches the girl, her intuition working overtime. ‘Rick didn’t show today, huh?’
Tess wakes up a little at the mention of his name. ‘Umm, no, I guess not.’
‘So how did it go last night?’

Tess takes a breath. She wishes she could remember more about last night..
‘I don’t really remember. I think we were – dancing on the beach..’
‘I see.’ Demi pauses, knowingly. ‘You don’t need to worry. Men often do the ‘elastic band’ thing.’
Tess is baffled. ‘Excuse me?’

A customer asks for a coke. She hands him a cold can, and puts the coins in the cash register.

Demi explains, patiently. She’s an expert on relationship self-help books.

‘When a guy feels himself getting close to a girl, he gets scared, ‘specially if it’s a special girl – so he pulls away.’
This has a familiar sound to it. ‘A guy gets close, then pulls away.’
‘This doesn’t mean he doesn’t want to be with her?’
‘So where does the elastic band come in?’
‘If he likes her, he’ll twang right back, like an elastic band. The trick is, to let him pull away, as far as he likes. Because the further he pulls, the harder he’ll spring back. So don’t call him, whatever you do. Let him come to you.’

Oh, she’s talking about Rick, thinks Tess, who has had somebody else entirely on her mind.

‘What happens if the girl pulls away?’
‘Then he’ll be compelled to chase after her. It’s one of the most basic laws of the animal kingdom.’

Then they are busy, an order of 10 ice cream cones, closely followed by a party of schoolchildren on a geography field trip, so there is no time to ponder these wise words of advice.

A NEw Life - Part 3

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2003 1:10 pm
by ukspacegirl
Part 3

Tess’s house, 6.00pm.

Tess and her son have eaten dinner with the back doors to the garden open. The evening is cool, after a long, hot day.

Zan has fallen asleep on the sofa. Tess picks him up and carries him to his bed.

Her own bed looks enticing. I’ll just close my eyes for a minute, she thinks.

When she opens her eyes again it’s growing dark. There’s somebody ringing the doorbell. She slides off of her bed quickly, racing to the door so whoever it is doesn’t ring again and wake her son. Sleepy, Tess opens her front door.


Max Evans.

He looks tanned. His hair is longer than she remembers. He is wearing blue jeans. He still likes those boots, she thinks, absently. He has on a dark blue shirt she hasn’t seen before. She can’t read the expression in his eyes.

It’s been a long time.

After a long moment, she remembers how to speak. She steps back. ‘You’d better come in.’

Max walks past her into the living room. In the dim light, he turns to her.

Tess stands in the doorway, looking at him. She’d dreamed so often that he would come, that he’d be here, in her house.. thoughts she buried, pushed away as soon as they came to her, thoughts she’d had to push away for the sake of her sanity.

At the beginning, she’d been almost crazy without him.. but she couldn’t be with him.. That just wasn’t possible. She takes a breath.

‘Do you want to sit down?’ She switches on the lamp, and the spell is broken.

Max sits on the sofa.

‘How are you, Tess?’

This was unexpected. Something in her had half thought that he would be mad at her for leaving the way she did. There was so much he didn’t know. Tess can’t imagine how he must be feeling, or why he has come.

She hardly even knows how she is feeling.. there are so many things rushing around in her head.

Suddenly, she has to sit down. He is kneeling at her side in an instant. He’s taken her hand, his other hand on her forehead. ‘Tess, are you all right?’

Max is here in front of me. He’s holding my hand.

I’m definitely not all right.

‘Sure. I – I was sleeping, before you came, that’s all.’

He nods, in that way she remembers, and she knows he doesn’t believe her, but isn’t going to push it. He goes back to his place on the sofa.

‘You didn’t answer my question.’
‘We’re – I’m good. I’ve got a job I like, and I’ve made some really good friends.’
‘I’m glad.’
‘It’s a new life here, Max.’
He is quiet for a moment.
‘Jesse said you have a child.’
Tess looks at him, her breathing deliberately level. ‘Yes.’
‘Is he here?’
‘He’s sleeping. He’s in here..’ Tess leads the way to Zan’s bedroom. Most nights he wakes, so she brings him in to bed with her. It’s comforting to her, to know he’s close by.

The curtains are open. The room is dimly lit; outside, the sun is going down. Zan lies in his cot, covered only with a light baby blanket, which he has kicked off. He is wearing a blue tee shirt with a picture of a teddy bear on it, and matching pants. His chubby little feet are bare. He is sleeping on his back, his little arms up. His lashes are long and thick, like his father’s.

He is a very beautiful child. The resemblance is unmistakeable.

For long moments, Max looks at the child.

‘I’ve been dreaming about him.’

No recriminations, no anger. He keeps on surprising her. She’d been absolutely convinced that that he’d be angry. Or that he wouldn’t care. All he’d ever been interested in was Liz Parker. This is the reason Tess left Roswell.

Max looks at his sleeping son once more. ‘He’s beautiful.’

Tess nods.

Max turns to Tess. ‘He’s my son.’

Not a question, a statement.


Zan gives a little sigh, and opens his eyes.

Max turns back to the cot. ‘Can I – can I hold him?’

Tess moves to the cot, and picks up Zan, who has put his arms up to her. He rubs his eyes. .

‘Hey, big guy..’ Zan looks at Max, and reaches out his arms. Max holds his son, for the first time.

Tess’s heart bumps very hard inside her. Tears spring to her eyes.

Oh Max..

For a moment, he can’t speak, he just pulls the child close to him. Then he whispers,

‘God, Tess, why did you run away?’

At this moment, the doorbell rings.

Tess moves to answer the door.


He bounds, Tigger-ish, into the hall, through to the living room. He’s brought a big bunch of flowers, a mix of white and purple gerberas. Giant daisies.. Tess follows him in. He kisses her, awkwardly, on the cheek.
‘Here, these are for you.’
‘Thank you.’
He is full of his usual energy.
‘Hey, Tess, I’ve been working all day, totally on a roll, I had to get it all down before it disappeared out of my head, you know what it’s like.. then I realised what the time was, and I had to come right over and see how you were feeling, after last night, and all..’

Max has brought Zan out of the bedroom, and has set him down on the floor in the living room to play, which the child’s wriggles seemed to indicate he wanted.

Zan’s got two small trucks that he’s moving along the floor.

Max stands looking at Rick.

After last night? This must be one of the ‘really good friends’ Tess has made. He definitely doesn’t like this guy.

Tess remembers her manners. Not that she’d forgotten them, she just had to wait for Rick to stop talking..
‘Rick. This is Max.’
Rick makes a realisation. ‘Zan’s father?’
Before she can even breathe, Rick is in Max’s personal space, big time.

‘You total bastard.’

Rick pulls back his fist, and punches Max.

‘Nooo! Rick, stop it, NOW!’

Tess grabs Rick by the arm, pulling him away, more afraid of what Max might do to him than the other way around, but she can’t tell him that.

Max has a dangerous look in his eyes. He rubs his jaw. His mouth is bleeding.

‘Oh God.’ Tess is still pulling Rick’s arm, trying to get some distance between him and Max.

‘Rick, I think you should leave.‘ Tess gives Rick a hard look.

Rick rubs his fist, his look a visual growl.

Max speaks. ‘Don’t worry, I’m going. Tess, can I call you tomorrow?’ She nods, not trusting herself to speak.

Max pushes past Rick, none too gently, then he is gone.

Rick looks very awkward. ‘I’m sorry, Tess. I – should go.’ Hanging his head, he leaves.

Tess runs to her son, who is completely unphased by all of the adult stuff going on around him. She picks him up, hugging him close.

Life has suddenly become very complicated.

Next day


Tess doesn’t have to work in Sundays – unless she’s doing extra shifts for the extra money, which of course she won’t ever have to do again. Tess has given no thought at all to the money Nasedo left her – there have been more important things to think about since she got this news.

Tess is bathing Zan. He loves the water – ‘You’re a true water baby,’ she says, sponging baby-bubbles over his little form.

She has another visitor. Wrapping her contented son in a fluffy towel, she heaves him on to her shoulder, and takes him to answer the door. If it’s Rick, I’m gonna shout at him, she thinks. He could have got himself killed last night! The thought of Max, his mouth bleeding, makes her go cold inside.

Tess opens the front door.


‘I had to come, Tess, I feel so responsible.. ‘ She realises who Tess is carrying. ‘Oh my God! He’s lovely!’
‘Come in, Isabel.’ Isabel takes off her jacket as she follows Tess into her bedroom. Tess sets Zan down on the bed, rubbing him dry with the towel while trying to stop him from racing off at a very fast crawl to the edge of the bed. Tess sits, grabs him, and gets his vest over his head. She sets him down and he’s off again, trying to escape. Tess grabs a nappy and then gets him again, lying him down and putting the nappy deftly into place, before snapping the sticky fasteners.

‘Not so fast!’ She pulls a pair of kid-sized blue denim pants onto him, then a little shirt. He doesn’t want to stay still for that long, so in order to get the buttons done up she tickles him and blows bubbles on his tummy. He giggles. Last of all, she pulls him onto her lap again, to pull on his little blue socks; then he’s dressed, and ready to go off to play.

‘Well, that took some skill!’ says Isabel, admiringly. ‘Tess, he’s beautiful.’
Tess looks at the girl who used to be her friend; the sister of the only man she’d ever loved. It was strange, to see Isabel here, in her new house.

In her new life.

‘He’s Max’s son, isn’t he?’

It’s that obvious. Tess nods. ‘Do you want something to drink?’


The girls head out to the kitchen. Tess scoops Zan up and puts him on the kitchen floor, where she can see him. Everything in the house is child-orientated – it’s all geared for the safe playing of the little guy. Isabel stoops down. She picks up a furry, battery operated toy rabbit, finds the button, and sets it circling around the floor.

Zan sits, watching the toy, trying to catch it. He sits back on his bottom. Zan raises his chubby hand, and the rabbit levitates, then moves gently through the air, where he catches it.

Isabel is dumbfounded.
‘He’s adorable!’
There is a small silence. Tess speaks.
‘Max came to see me yesterday.’
‘Yeah, he didn’t say much about it.’
‘You saw him?’
‘We’re staying at the same Hotel, but we didn’t come here together. ‘
‘I didn’t know he was coming here. I came with Jesse. I wanted to see you.’

Tess waits for Isabel to continue.

‘It’s my fault Max knew where to find you. Jesse confirmed that you had a child, and I – I couldn’t hide it from Max. You don’t know what he’s been like since you left, Tess. He’s been obsessed.’
‘I don’t understand.. confirmed I have a child?’
‘He’s been searching for his son. For both of you.’

This was a lot to take in. ‘How did he know?’

‘He just knew. After you left - he spent a month in L.A. He nearly got himself killed trying to get close to a shape-shifter called Langley, because he thought Langley had some information about where you were. ‘

Isabel continues. ‘I’d never seen him like that. He just closed in on himself. He wouldn’t speak to any of us, he wouldn’t let anybody help him. I thought he was going crazy.’

This is not a Max that Tess recognises.

This question has been buzzing in her brain, and in spite of herself, Tess can’t help but ask.

‘What does Liz make of all this?’

‘Liz? They never got back together. She knew he’d been with you. She saw how he was when you left, and she didn’t want anything to do with him. This time, he didn’t pursue her.’

‘Oh my God. He’s been all alone...’

‘He’s working really hard at school. He wants to take pre-med. He plans to become a doctor. He says that where his work lies.’

Zan clambers over to where Tess is sitting, the toy rabbit still clutched in one hand. ‘Ma?’ Tess pulls him up into her lap.

Isabel looks at the two of them. ‘Why did you leave, Tess?’

‘I thought he was still in love with Liz. I didn’t want to get in the way of that. I – just wanted him to be happy.’

‘You’re still in love with him, aren’t you?’

Tess doesn’t know how to articulate how she feels about Max. She has spent so much time putting thoughts of him out of her mind, trying not to think about him, trying not to need him. And now she’s seen him again.. her voice is almost a whisper.

‘I can’t breathe without him.’

‘You really need to talk to him.’

‘I can’t, Isabel. Not yet.’

Well, somebody has to talk to him, thinks Isabel. Neither of them can go on like this.

A New LIfe -Part 4

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2003 1:12 pm
by ukspacegirl
Part 4

The Sunrise Beach Hotel
Next day, lunchtime

Demetria has agreed to look after Zan while Tess attends her business appointment with Jesse at the Hotel.

In the Hotel restaurant, Jesse and Rick sit around the table. Next to Rick sits a pretty, petite girl with long red hair and beautiful green eyes. She is very lovely. Rick is obviously besotted with her.

‘Hi, Portia.’ The redhead smiles. Rick slides along the seat, to make room for Tess.

‘I can’t believe this, Tess, are you sure?’ Rick’s blue eyes shine with happiness. He is a man in a daze.

‘Absolutely. It’s an investment! And I’ll be so proud, when you’re up there, making your Academy Award acceptance speech! ‘

Rick shakes his head. ‘When you first mentioned it, I thought it was the drink talking..’

‘Thanks very much, Rick!’ Tess laughs.

Jesse moves a thick contract over to Rick. ‘Sign here – Rick’ – Rick obeys ‘and Tess, here please.’ Tess also signs.

‘Thank you. That’s it!’

‘Jesse, thank you so much for getting this arranged so quickly.’

Jesse smiles. ‘All part of the service, ma’am. You are now part-owner of the intellectual property that is to become a movie called -’ Jesse looks at the title again, ’The Girl Who Dances In The Waves.’

Jesse calls the waiter over. The waiter has an iced bucket containing a bottle of very good champagne.

‘Compliments of the Firm’ he says.

Rick kisses Tess on the cheek.

This is the moment that Max walks through the Hotel foyer, toward the exit. He sees the kiss. Looking thunderous, he just keeps on walking.

Suddenly, Tess’s heart is doing peculiar things, and her breathing doesn’t seem to be on auto-pilot right now; but at least this time she knows what she has to do.

‘Later, gentlemen, Portia..’ She slides out of the seat, and races after Max.

He is walking down the wide Hotel steps.

Tess pauses to get her breath. Then she calls his name.


He stops. He turns to her. The look in his eyes makes her insides turn to something molten.

‘Can we talk? In private?’

He has the look of a man holding something very fiercely in check. He nods.


He leads the way back into the Hotel, past Jesse and Rick, who he ignores.

They are now drinking champagne. Rick does a ‘thumbs up’ sign behind Max’s back while Max presses the button for the elevator.

Tess is too caught up in Max to smile.

The elevator has mirrors on the back wall. As they ride up to the 21st floor, Tess looks at the man she loves, his front view as he stands next to her, his back view in the mirror. She is totally struck by how entirely beautiful he is.

The elevator doors open. Tess follows Max the short walk along the corridor to his room. He uses the swipe card and pushes the door open for her.

Tess steps inside the room.

Her impression is of a big suite, with vast windows. The sun is pouring in, making hot, bright golden pools on the fawn carpet.

The air conditioning hums, quietly.

On the Maplewood veneered table in the centre of the room is a large blue and white oriental vase full of yellow roses.

Yellow roses. For passion, she thinks. Their scent hangs in the air.

The bed is a vast four-poster, which is newly made up with fresh sheets turned back.

Max turns to her.

‘Isabel said.. you’re not with anyone..’

Tess shakes her head. ‘I’m not.’

Again, he asks her, ’Why did you run away?’

She looks into his eyes. ‘I thought you were in love with - someone else. I didn’t want to tie you to me, not that way..’

Max shakes his head. ‘But I am tied to you. For always.. Don’t you know that?’

Tess breathes out. This is like a dream. At last, the moment she has hardly dared to dream of for the last empty, lonely year.

He is here, her one love, that she thought was lost.

Max. At last, she looks up into his deep, clear eyes, and gasps at the passion she sees there..

There are no words. He reaches to touch her face. He has that deep, serious, tender look in his eyes, the look that she sees in all of her dreams; then at last, his mouth meets hers, and her knees begin to shake. He catches her in his arms, and carries her to the bed.

Max lies her down. He sits next to her at the bottom of the bed. He undoes the straps of her sandals, throwing them gently to the floor. Breathless, he whispers her name as if it was the most beautiful word he ever heard. ‘Tess…’

He takes her leg gently in his hand, and kisses her knee. Moving upwards, he runs his hand along the inside of her thigh, and stops, enticingly close..

He is looking at her with that serious, hungry look she remembers. He is so beautiful that he takes her breath away. He begins to unbutton his shirt.

‘No, let me,’ she says, sitting up. She moves closer, unbuttoning the crisp cotton shirt, moving it down and off over one shoulder, then the next. She has to touch him. She runs her fingertips from his jaw, to his throat, down along his shoulder, his chest. She runs her mouth down the other side, tracing the same path, burying her face in his neck. His arms are around her, pulling her close to kiss her mouth. His closeness is overwhelming.

He kneels next to her. He pulls her close, and kisses her so thoroughly she feels as if she’s dreaming already.. After long moments that she doesn’t ever want to end, except that experience reminds her that, with Max, the next part will be even better – she lets him lie her down on the cool linen sheets.

He runs his fingertips along her face. He looks into her eyes. ‘You are the most beautiful creature I have ever seen.’

Here, there is a melting kiss. Their breathing is synchronised, deep and warm.

‘I missed you so much..’ he whispers as, at last, he joins the hard warmth of his body to hers; they are wrapped around each other, a tangle of arms and legs, finding the heady rhythm..

And the universe dissolves into a million particles of hot, breathing starlight.

‘Max’ – she whispers his name, and at last, she can breathe again..

Much later, they descend back to Earth, to the four-poster in the sunny, California hotel room.

Max pulls her to him, nuzzling her hair, running his fingers softly along her arm.

‘Don’t ever leave me again.’ He speaks softly, but it’s an order, one she has absolutely no intention of disobeying.

‘Never.’ How could I, she thinks. I have no life without you, Max.

Still mindful of her comfort, he pulls a sheet up over both of them.

‘Thank you,’ she whispers, kissing him softly again.

Clasped in his arms, Tess drifts off to sleep; to be woken later, to love again, while the sky darkens into night.

Much, much later, Tess and Max stand at the vast windows, watching the sun rise over the Ocean.

His voice is a whisper. ‘The first time I touched you everything changed.. When you left, I thought I’d go crazy. ‘

‘Max, I’m so sorry.’

He hushes her. He pulls her to him. ‘I want to be with you, with our son – I love you, Tess, I know that now.’

‘I love you, Max.’

He kisses her, softly, and the look in his eyes tells her everything she needs to know –

She can breathe, peaceful.

After everything that’s come between them, at last; it’s a new day –

A new chance for happiness..

He speaks. ‘This is our new life.’

THE END (and the beginning...)


Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2003 1:14 pm
by ukspacegirl
(The End of the World, revisited)

This is an Alternate Universe story.

It is a different version of what happens following EOTW – a different version of Future Max’s visit to Roswell.

It is a story about what might happen if Max and Tess were allowed to have a relationship (!)


Liz Parker has just been to meet with the psychic lady, Madame Vivien.

Now she is home again.

Of course Liz doesn’t believe it. Who can see the future? Everybody knows that isn’t possible. But the possibilities were so – intriguing.

Liz stands in front of her mirror, draping a length of her grandmother’s lace around her head as a bridal veil.. ‘I, Liz Parker, take thee..’

There is a flash of light. Footsteps approach from the balcony. He stoops, peering in through the window.


Liz watches in disbelief. ‘Max?’

Not Max.. it can’t be..

Tess’s Room, an hour later

‘In order to trim the lamp of wisdom, we must – attend to our bodily needs..’ Kyle. He has the most adorable blue eyes, that quirky sense of humour.. More than anybody in Roswell, he can make her laugh.. and his shoulders are just - wow.

What the heck. Mr Right is never gonna happen. Maybe it’s time for Mr Right Now..

‘Let me tell you something, Buddha boy, I got a lamp that needs some serious trimming..’

He thinks she hasn’t noticed, but she’s watched him play basketball. She’s seen the way he moves.

Tess really likes him..

They are almost nose to nose. He’s about to kiss her.. and the doorbell rings.

‘Gah!’ He’s mad, stomping off to see who it is that interrupted them.. and Tess is .. a little relieved, which she hadn’t expected. She wanted him to kiss her – didn’t she?

She goes outside. It’s Liz Parker. Her best friend. Not.

‘I want to help you.. I’m doing this for Max.’

Yeah, right.

‘Tess, you may not want to admit it, but you need help.’

Maybe. But she doesn’t need anyone’s pity. Especially not Liz Parker. Tess looks at Liz.

Outwardly, Tess is calm.

Inside, she feels - Liz doesn’t want to help me. There’s definitely something she isn’t telling me. And I’m not sure I want to be a part of it.

Liz leaves. Kyle has headed off for basketball practice.

Tess is alone in the house. And at last, she knows what she has to do. She pulls the suitcase from the top of Kyle’s wardrobe. She doesn’t own much, but she’s packing what she needs.

The door is pushed open. ‘Tess, I need my shirt..’

Kyle. He takes in the clothes thrown on the bed, the suitcase.

‘What’s going on?’
‘I’m leaving.’
‘But.. just like that?’ He can’t believe it. ‘ What did Liz say to you?’
‘Nothing, Kyle, it – it’s not really to do with Liz. I just need to be somewhere else.’
‘Anywhere else but here.’
‘Tess, you can’t just leave.’
‘Watch me.’
‘Tess, was it me? Did I....?’
Tess sighs. ‘No. It wasn’t you. I like you. I like you a lot, Kyle, you know I do. But I’m not in love with you.’ She pauses. The look in her eyes is so sad. ‘I’m sorry, Kyle.’
‘It’s Max, isn’t it? You’re still hung up on him.’
‘I have to finish packing. Please, Kyle, don’t make this any harder than it already is.’
‘At least – think about it. Take some time. Please, Tess?’

The Crashdown.

Maria is on the late shift, but she doesn’t mind.

I’m like a bar-tender, she thinks, eventually everybody washes up here, on a stool at the Crashdown bar, wanting my advice on – life, the Universe, and everything. Not that she knows everything, but – her alien experiences have meant that she’s had to learn a lot, and fast.

She wipes down the counter. It’s very quiet tonight.

The door bursts open.


‘Dr Pepper with ice?’
‘No.’ He’s upset. He sits himself on to the stool by the wall. He folds his arms.
‘What’s up, Kyle?’
‘It’s Tess. She’s leaving.’
‘Yeah. I can’t talk her out of it.’
‘But where will she go?’
‘I don’t know. I don’t think she does, either. And I can’t reach my dad. Man..’

Liz comes down the stairs, preoccupied. She looks from Maria to Kyle.
‘What’s happened?’

In Liz’s room, Future Max has a strip of photo-booth photos in his hand. A young Max and Liz, full of smiles. He closes his eyes, remembering.

Liz pushes the door open.

‘Tess is leaving.’

Roswell Park.

It’s dark; through the orange haze of the street-lamps, the stars are beginning to glow and twinkle, against a back-drop of deep velvet blue.

Tess walks slowly. A man walks his dog. Tess pets the dog, a little white Jack Russell. The owner walks on by, and she watches him go.

I wish my life was that simple, she thinks. Turning back to the path, she almost walks into someone. A man. He’s tall; her face almost gets buried in his chest. He has long, dark hair, tied back, a leather vest, black boots.

He steadies her, his hands on her shoulders. The instant he touches her, Tess is shot through with electricity. She gasps in recognition. But it isn’t him..
‘Tess. We need to talk.’
‘You’re not Max.’
‘Yes I am. You know I am.’
Tess looks him up and down. He has long hair, leather pants. He’s bruised and battered, as if he’s come straight from some conflict or fight. He’s – older, somehow - in his twenties, thirties, even.
‘This isn’t possible.’
‘Please, Tess?’
She nods, cautious. She follows him to a bench. He sits. Under the light, she can see him better. He looks – weary. There is a scar on his right arm. It looks as if it’s one of many.

What has happened in his life? She can’t help but to want to know more.

He has a strength about him, a kind of contained, intense energy, that she’s only so far glimpsed in the Max she knows. Tess sits down. He looks into her eyes. Her heart jumps. Even older, he is incredibly beautiful. Tess blinks back tears, and looks away.

‘I need your help, Tess. I – went to Liz first. But I think you’re the one I need to talk to.’
So that’s why Liz had come to see her earlier. Getting a grip on her emotions, Tess looks at him.
‘I’ve made up my mind. I’m leaving.’
‘Tess, you can’t leave.’
‘I can’t stay. Don’t you understand? There’s nothing for me here. If I’m going to move on, if I’m going to have a life, it has to be away from – all of this.’

He has been watching her. He realises that there is a great deal he just doesn’t understand.

‘I need to tell you a story.’ His voice is gentle. Tess looks up at him. His profile, under the lamplight, is pure. His eyelashes are so long.. his voice is Max, but deeper, somehow. Different. Hardened. She has to hear him out.

‘Okay,’ she whispers.

‘In my reality, in 2001, you leave Roswell. We don’t know where you’ve gone, and when we try to find you, later on, we can’t track you at all. ‘

Tess feels as if she’s been slapped. The reality of what she’s going to do suddenly begins to trickle into her consciousness, like cold water dripping down between her shoulder blades. She shudders. She’ll never see any of them again.

He can see the effect his words are having on her, but he has to continue.

‘In 2012, the Invasion comes. Kivar has created a terrible army. He comes to Earth for one thing. To conquer. The war lasts for two years. We can’t stop him.’
‘Why not?’
‘Because you aren’t there.’
Tess can’t find any words.
He continues. ‘Look, I know it’s a lot to take in…’
‘The bottom line is, we haven’t got a chance of overcoming Kivar without you. Without you, we’re not a complete unit. You never knew how important you were. ‘
‘Important. Right.’
He breathes out. ‘Over the years, I’ve given this a lot of thought. Back then.. now, I mean.. we were all wrapped up in so much stuff.. but you were the one who had the hardest task of all. Because Michael, Isabel and me – we always had each other. You never really had anybody.’

Tess can’t contain her tears now, but she doesn’t want him to see her crying.

He just puts his arm around her, and holds her, though she doesn’t hold him back, curling in on herself, refusing to let herself need him.

Tess takes a breath. ‘I don’t need – anybody to feel sorry for me. I’m fine on my own.’

He looks at her, and knows how deeply untrue this is.

Tess breaks away. She stands up, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand. ‘I’m still leaving.’
‘Look, you should get the others together. Tell them – whatever you have to tell them. ‘
‘So you’re not going to help them?’

Future Max knows what he’s asking her to do, how big it is. She turns back to him. Her eyes are deep pools of pain.

‘I don’t think you know what you’re asking. I – I can’t ..’

It hurts too much to stay.

‘Tess, wait..’ He grabs her hand; and instantly he can feel what she’s feeling.


Outside the yet-to-be-discovered Pod Chamber. Max pushes Tess to the ground. He is yelling. ‘ Who are you?’

Max’s Chem. Lab fantasy. Tess sees it too.. The tension is unbearable. He scoops Tess off of her stool, sweeps the equipment off the bench, lies her down, and lets his passion go..

Outside the Crashdown. Thunderstorm. Tess waits by her car. Max comes out of the café. He sees Tess. He is drawn to her. He kisses her in the rain.

Tess, on her bed in Kyle’s old room. Max heals the injuries Whittaker has inflicted on her.

Tess recovering. And the only visitor is Isabel.

Tess, walking home alone. Across the street, outside the Crashdown. Max and Liz, hand in hand, kissing goodnight.

He gasps. He’d never had any idea of how much she’d been hurt, how alone she’d always been.

How they’d shut her out.

How that broke her heart.

She knows what he saw, but doesn’t think he understands at all.

He tries again. ‘I’m so sorry, Tess..’

‘Yeah.’ Tess stands up.

He watches as she walks down the path, back towards the Sheriff’s house.

He’d failed.

The next morning, the back room of the Crashdown.

Max Evans watches the camcorder videotape with disbelief.

‘He’s gone now?’

Isabel nods. ‘I wish you could have met him, Max, he was so.. he had such a strength.’

Maria nods. ‘Yeah..’ she says, meaningfully.

Michael looks at her sharply. Maria covers her tracks quickly. ‘I mean, not that I’m in the market for a thirty-something General, or whatever..’

‘But he said he came from – one possible future. Whatever that means.’ Max is having trouble taking it all in. It’s such a huge concept.

Alex speaks up. ‘Well, I liked him.’

Liz is thoughtful. ‘He said that we all need to work together.’

Max speaks. ‘And that we make our own destiny.’

‘Do you really think we can change the future?’ Alex’s scientific brain has been considering the problem.

‘I don’t know. But – he – I – came back. We have to take him seriously. If this invasion comes, we have to be ready.’

Michael has also been giving it some thought. ‘We need to find out what our powers are. What our potential really is.’

Isabel says what nobody else has.

‘So what about Tess?’

‘He said that everything fell apart without her.’ Liz had the most contact with the visitor from the future, and a lot was said before she got the group together and made the video for Max.

‘I’m not sure we’ll be able to get her to stay.’ Isabel had been her friend. ‘I think we have to let her know that we need her.’

Kyle speaks. ‘No, it’s more than that. We have to let her know that she can trust us.’

‘He’s right.’ Isabel does care about Tess. It’s just that they’d drifted away from her, somehow.. they all had.

‘Where is she?’ Max asks.

‘Well, she unpacked her things last night. She didn’t say much this morning.’

The previous night, Kyle had been dreading going back to the house, to find her gone. He saw the bedroom door closed. He knocked on the door.
‘Are you okay?’ For a long moment, there was no answer. Then - from her voice, he could hear she’d been crying. Girl stuff. But at least she was still there. ‘Yeah, I’m fine Kyle.’
‘Can I get you anything?’
‘Okay ..’

‘I think we should give her some time.’ Kyle is very wise, and Max looks at him, surprised.

‘He’s right. I’ll go and see her later.’ Isabel is taking charge.

Who We Choose To Be - Part 2

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2003 1:16 pm
by ukspacegirl
Two weeks later

The Roswell Hospital, Children’s ward

Tess is sitting in the Story Corner. The kids are sitting around her, on cushions, on the floor, one in a wheelchair. One little boy, with dark hair, three years old, sits on her knee, hanging on every word. His name is Peter. He loves Tess.

‘Princess Aurora pricked her finger on the needle, and fell to the ground. Suddenly, a magic cloud sweeps down, and the whole Castle falls asleep too. Just like her wicked fairy godmother promised, the princess would sleep for a hundred years, until her true love should awaken her with a kiss.’

The children are thrilled. Tess looks up. Max is standing, watching her.

Little Peter reaches up a chubby hand, and plants a kiss on Tess’s cheek. ‘What was that for, Peter?’
‘- So you don’t fall asleep.’

Max can’t help smiling. ‘Time for a coffee?’ he asks.

‘Soon as I finish the story.’

He nods, and takes a seat, to listen, with the children, to the story of the prince and the princess, and how they find their happy-ever-after.

The Hospital Coffee Bar

‘So, the children’s hospital?’ Max stirs sugar into his coffee.

Tess looks at him. ‘I figured, just because you’re by yourself, you don’t have to be alone, you know?’

Max thinks he understands. ‘Isabel told me you’ve been getting involved in some of her volunteer groups.’

‘It’s fun, Max. There are so many people out there who need a little happiness in their lives. And I can help. It’s a good feeling.’

‘What about you, Tess, are you happy?’

She answers a little too quickly. ‘Sure.’

He looks at her. She’s gazing off into the middle distance. He knows she’s still uncertain about them, about all of them.

They’d all made efforts to include Tess in their lives. The group dynamic was definitely changing.

Kyle was spending time with Isabel, although both of them insist, repeatedly, they’re just friends. She likes how he makes her laugh.

Michael and Maria are, at last, getting very close.

Liz has been spending a lot of time studying; she’s been hitting the science books big-time. Over the last couple of weeks, Max has hardly seen her at all.

Max has been doing a lot of thinking, about the future, about the present. About the past.

At least for now, Tess has decided to stay. They’d have to keep taking it one day at a time.

‘Michael wants to have an extra practice session – you know, for - Band Camp’ – this was Michael’s code word for the Alien power-try-out sessions they’d begun, out in the Desert by the caves, where nobody would see them.

‘He says he’s finding out some really good stuff, with his – bass guitar.’

She smiles at that. ‘Okay. When?’

‘Saturday morning?’

‘I can’t. ‘

‘Oh?’ Max can see Tess’s social calendar is changing.

‘I’ve joined the Drama Club at school. We have a rehearsal, I could come along later..’


‘So, what are you working on? In Drama Club?’

‘West Side Story.’

‘I didn’t know you could dance.’

‘There are lots of things you don’t know about me, Max. ’

A tall guy with light brown hair approaches.

‘Hey, Tess.’ Max looks up. Tess looks up.

‘Hi, Rick. ‘

Rick is captain of the football team, and is always cast as the lead in school plays. He has talent enough to be a professional footballer, but his ambition is to be a professor of literature, like his father. Some of his romantic poetry has already been published. He is muscled, tanned, has blue eyes, very rich parents, and is gorgeous enough to be the ultimate fantasy of at least 95% of the females at Roswell High.

This Greek god greets Max. ‘Evans.’

Max nods in reply.

Rick’s expression grows warmer. ‘Tess.’

She smiles.

Max looks from Rick to Tess. ‘So, where are you guys going?’

Tess raises an eyebrow. ‘Rehearsal! See you later.’ Tess leaves with Rick.

Max watches them go. She looks so tiny next to the tall athlete. He better treat her right, thinks Max.

Next day, lunchtime. The Crashdown.

Max is coming through the door.

Maria is quizzing Kyle, who is stretched out in an armchair.

‘So, what happened with Rick and Kelly?’
‘Man, I don’t know. I heard - that she started telling everybody they were engaged. He broke up with her – next thing you know, his parents had to get a restraining order against her, because they couldn’t get her to stop stalking him. It was very sad, really.’
‘Sad? How?’
‘Well, she’s one of the most beautiful girls in the entire school.. Do you think she’d be interested in stalking me?’

Maria laughs. Kyle continues. ‘He’s had more girls – man, according to his rep, if his bedpost gets any more notches, he’ll probably need to buy a new bed ..’
‘You shouldn’t believe everything you hear, Kyle.’ Max walks over and takes a chair.
Kyle raises an eyebrow. ‘Just making conversation, Max.’
Max takes a seat. ‘Liz will be along later. She’s working on a science paper.’
‘Yeah, Tess will be a little late too. She wasn’t home last night, she was taking a shower as I left..’ Kyle reaches for his drink.

He’s got Max’s attention. ‘She didn’t come home?’

Kyle suddenly feels that he’s said something wrong. ‘No - but that’s her business. Forget I said anything. She said she’d be along..’

He mouths to Maria, ‘Somebody’s got a bug up his butt’ and fortunately for Kyle, as Max turns to him, Michael walks in.

‘Dudes. What’s up?’

‘Nothing.’ Max looks stormy.

‘Maxwell, I know that look. You definitely have a bug up your butt about something.’

Maria and Kyle break up laughing.

Tess comes into the room, not missing the laughter. Her hair is damp, in curls. She’s wearing a light blue summer dress, and sandals with jewelled butterflies on them.

‘Did I miss something?’

Max is on his feet in an instant. ‘We need to talk. In private.’

He takes Tess by the arm, none too gently, and moves her outside.

‘Are you going to let me go now?’

Max drops his hand.

Tess is surprised to see how angry he is. ‘What’s happened, Max?’

‘You didn’t go home last night.’

Still not understanding, she answers him. ‘No, I didn’t. So… what’s happened Max?’

‘You can’t go – letting people in – just like that.’

None of this is making it any clearer for her.
‘What are you talking about?’

‘We have to make that kind of decision as a group. You didn’t consult any of us..’

Tess turns on him. ‘Consult any of you? I have a sleepover at a friend’s house and I have to consult the group? ‘

Max is coldly angry. ‘Tess, you can’t just - have sleepovers..’

She can’t believe his behaviour. ‘Max, do you have any idea just how ridiculous you’re being?’

Moving closer, Max looks as if he’s about to lose it. ‘Don’t you have any idea how serious this is?’

Tess is not at all intimidated. ‘So I’m not allowed to have friends?’

‘That depends on who those friends are.’

Tess is angry now. ‘My private life is none of your business, Max Evans.’

She steps away from him. ‘I’m so out of here.’ She pushes the door. Turning back, she looks him up and down, and shakes her head.

‘You’re unbelievable, you know that?’

Liz comes down the stairs as Tess exits.

‘What was that about?’
‘Tess didn’t go home last night.’
‘Yeah, she stayed at Sarah’s house. They’re heavily into rehearsals. She called Isabel to say she’d be late today.’

‘Sarah?’ Max has an Oh-my-God look on his face.

Liz is baffled. ‘Sure. What’s going on, Max?’

‘I thought – she was with somebody else.’

‘What did you say to her?’

‘I – I just need a minute.’ Max steps outside. This was getting very complicated.

He finds himself pounding down the road to the Sheriff’s house. He stops at the corner. She won’t be there.

He knows where to find her. The Park.

Pausing to get his breath after running all the way, Max sees that Tess is there, sitting on the bench. He approaches.

She doesn’t look up. ‘Come to yell at me some more, Max?’ He can see she’s still mad.

He sits at the end of the bench, as far away from her as he can, because he knows she doesn’t want to be near him at this moment.

‘Tess, I’m sorry. Really. I made a mistake..’

She takes a deep breath.

Not, it’s okay Max..

He doesn’t know what to say, but it all comes spilling out anyway. ‘I thought you were – with – somebody else.’
Tess turns to him, shocked, realisation dawning. ‘You thought I was with Rick?’
He can’t look at her.
‘You thought I’d spent the night with him?’ She is on her feet now, and so mad that her energy field is crackling around her, an aura of deep red and gold sparks shooting into the air.

He knows that he needs to calm her down. Thank God, there wasn’t anybody else around to see her like this.

‘Tess, I’m sorry. I wanted to - make things better..’

‘Yeah, Max, thanks a lot. At least now I know what you really think of me.’

The aura of sparky light suddenly disappears. She shakes her head, and turns away down the path.

Max rushes after her. Being so much taller, he overtakes her in a couple of strides.

‘Tess, please wait..’ He realises that she has walked away so that he couldn’t see her crying. He has hurt her.

‘I hate you,’ she says.

‘I hate you too..’ and suddenly he’s pulled her into his arms, and he’s kissing her.

She does not kiss him back, but moves away.

Max is shocked; he never meant this to happen. This pull he feels towards her – he can’t explain it. He can hardly even control it.

‘Oh God, Tess..’ She looks at him once, and he can’t read her eyes.

And he is watching her run down the path, away from him.

Who We Choose To Be - Part 3

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2003 1:17 pm
by ukspacegirl
Later that evening; Tess’s room

The sky is growing dark outside.

Isabel and Tess are sitting on the floor by Tess’s bed, eating ice cream. On the CD player, Semisonic are singing – ‘Secret Smile’.

‘I love this song.’ Isabel has another spoonful of ice cream. ‘One day, somebody - gorgeous - is gonna sing this for me.’

Tess says nothing, but her look is wistful.

‘Do you want to talk about it?’
‘Not really.’
‘Look, Isabel.. he’s your brother. I – don’t know what to say.’
‘You could start at the beginning.’
‘I’m just – confused, that’s all.’
‘Well, that’s not a first, where Max is concerned.’
Tess begins to cheer up, a little.
‘I’m really, really trying to have a life that doesn’t revolve around Max Evans. And I was doing fine. I’ve made new friends, I’m doing lots of things I’ve never done before..’
‘So what’s the problem?’
‘Max doesn’t like my friends.’
‘What?’ Isabel is outraged.
Tess continues. ‘At least, he doesn’t like one of my friends.’

Things were beginning to make sense. ‘Oh. You mean Rick.’

Tess nods.
‘Well, there are stories about Rick..’
‘Yes, but most of them aren’t true.’
‘Really. You have to promise not to tell anybody – ‘

Isabel is really interested. ‘Sure.’
‘Rick really loves Kelly. ‘
‘What about the restraining order thing?’
‘That never happened. The thing is, she’s pregnant. His parents don’t want her to keep the baby.’
‘Oh my God.’
‘He does. And Kelly wants the baby. They’re planning to run away, just so they can be together. He had nobody to talk to. It’s so sad..’

Tess takes a deep breath. ‘Max thought I’d slept with him.’
‘He can be such a jerk sometimes.’
‘Is he always so controlling?’
‘Not always! Sometimes he lets me go to the Mall all by myself..’

Both girls crack up laughing at that.

‘Seriously, Isabel. He’s been acting weird, and I don’t know what to do about it. So I’m just gonna keep away from him.’

Isabel knows there is something her friend isn’t telling her.

‘How are you feeling, Tess? I know you used to have a thing for Max. Are you over that?’

‘Yes.’ She doesn’t sound sure. ‘I mean, not really. I’m trying really hard to – not want him. It’s really difficult. There’s some kind of alien auto-pilot that kicks in when I’m near him..’

It’s killing me, thinks Tess, but she can’t tell Isabel how serious it is. Besides, he’s not free. ‘I know he’s with Liz, I know he doesn’t care about me at all,
but ..’ She can’t continue.

Isabel gives her friend a moment. Tess continues.

‘Since he healed me – after Whittaker – you know..’

Isabel remembers how badly injured Tess had been that night. They’d all been really scared for her. It had taken Max nearly an hour of healing just to bring her back.

Isabel remembered driving him home afterwards, exhausted. He hadn’t spoken a word.

Tess’s voice is almost a whisper. ‘He’s – inside my head, inside of me.. ‘

Isabel nods, remembering. ‘Max said, after he healed Liz, there was a connection formed between them.’
‘Yeah. I know - about that.’
‘But you’re alien. Something had to happen..’

‘Nothing happened,’ Tess answers quickly. ‘I’m just waiting for it to wear off.. It’ll wear off, won’t it?’

Wisely, Isabel changes the subject. ‘Did you hear about Liz?’
Tess looks up. ‘No.’
‘She’s been offered a place at MIT. She’s going cross-country to University. She wants to be able to contribute to saving the world when the time comes.’
‘Maybe that’s why Max is – you know.’
Tess takes a deep breath. In spite of what her conscious mind is telling her, she has to ask. ‘Is he going with her?’
Tess suddenly wishes she hadn’t asked that, but fortunately, Isabel has something else on her mind.
‘Remember when you first came to Roswell – those dreams I had about Michael? They felt so real – and he was having them too. I never knew where they came from. But I think they were memories of the life we used to have. Maybe that’s what’s happening with you and Max.’
‘I wish I knew what’s triggering it. Then maybe I could stop it.’

Isabel nods in understanding. ‘Maybe you just have to ride it out.’

Tess is suddenly – Grrr.. ‘I really hate him.’

‘Yeah, me too.’ And both of them are giggling again.

Isabel checks her watch. ‘I have to get home. I have an English paper to get finished for tomorrow. You’re really okay?’

Tess nods. ‘Sure. See you tomorrow, Iz.’

Later that night. Tess has a dream

The Ocean shore in Antar. It is a different time, back in Antarian history. Back in their history.

The Three Moons are rising above the mountains, their light reflected on the crimson water, their reflections darkening into royal purple as the sun finally slips beneath the horizon.

He is beside her. They are alone together, a rare thing for Royalty on any planet. A moonlight picnic. There is a blanket, a hamper of food. Stuck in the sand, there are lit torches made from fragrant wood. The scented smoke wanders around them, dissipating into the salty air from the ocean. The water, heavier than Earth’s, laps lazily in and out. It is very peaceful here.

Behind them, in the distance, back at the Palace, there is a celebration. Fireworks soar and explode in a mass of light and colour into the stratosphere.

He turns to her. ‘I love you.’
He moves closer. He puts his hand to her cheek, into her hair. His physicality begins to overwhelm her.

She puts her hands to his waist, feeling his smooth, muscled torso under his shirt of fine linen, under her fingertips.

He closes his eyes, savouring her closeness.

She gazes up at him. He is so beautiful.

He opens his eyes, catching this thought.

‘You are so beautiful..’ He cannot wait a second longer. He catches her up in his kiss.

His lips touch hers, and she is lost. Lost in the taste, the touch, the smell, the sight, the sound of the man who loves her.

He is everything.

He lies her down on the blanket in the sand. He pulls her close. He kisses her. He moves his body on to hers. She can feel his heart beating. She can feel her own heart beating. He moves closer.. he is gently moving the fabric of her top from her shoulder. He kisses the skin of her throat, leaving her breathless.

She pulls the fabric of his shirt from his pants, sliding her hands under, her fingertips caressing his smooth back..

Tess wakes up with a gasp.

Across town, in his bed, Max opens his eyes, his heart pounding, his breathing fast.

There is someone knocking at his window. He throws off the covers and moves, in the dark, to the window. He opens it up.


‘What time is it? What –‘

‘I couldn’t sleep. Can I come in?’ She’s climbing up over the window sill. Max takes her hand, and helps her in. She stands looking at him. He moves over to the bed and switches the lamp on. He quickly pulls the covers over the bed.

Liz sits at the bottom of the bed. Max remains standing. He is concerned about her.

‘Are you okay? Has something happened?’

‘I – just wanted to talk to you, Max.’
He checks the clock. ‘At 3 am?’
‘I’m sorry, it couldn’t wait.’
He nods. ‘Okay.’
‘About me going to M.I.T.- ‘
‘Liz, it’s okay..’
‘I mean, Max, I know I never really consulted you about it, but I have to do this. You said to me once – that we make our own destinies. I’m not entirely sure about that any more, but if this future comes – I need to be ready, Max.’


‘I don’t want to leave you, Max, but – this is gonna be three years of our lives. I don’t want you to feel – tied to me. I don’t want your life to stop, just because I’m going away.’

‘What are you saying, Liz?’

‘We are who we choose to be.’ She pauses. ‘We can still be friends, Max.’

He breathes out. ‘Right.’

Liz stands up, and faces him. ‘You’ll always be my first love.’ She touches his face, then kisses him, gently. She moves away from him, towards the window.

‘Always, Max.’ Then she is gone.

Next morning, school

Michael turns around the corner, smack into Max, who has an impatient look on his face.

‘Whoa! Somebody didn’t sleep last night.’ Michael knows Max better than he likes to admit. Max keeps on walking.

‘Fine. If you don’t want to talk about it..’

Max turns. ‘I don’t.’ He resumes walking.

Isabel joins Michael. ‘Don’t worry. Liz came to his room last night – I heard them talking. I’ll keep an eye on him.’

Michael raises an eyebrow. They watch Max walk away down the hall.

Isabel doesn’t get Max alone until that evening, after dinner. He’s lying on his bed, hands behind his head, listening to Radiohead. She sits on the bed, beside him.

‘Do you want to talk about it?’
‘What did Liz want last night?’ That gets his attention.
‘How do you - ’
‘I heard you talking. At 3 am.’ He is quiet for a long moment.
‘I think Liz broke up with me.’
‘You think?’
‘She said – we could still be friends.’
Isabel takes a breath. ‘I see.’
‘No, it’s not what you think, Iz.’
‘It’s not?’
Max sits up, leaning against his pillows. He looks miserable. ‘You know how I feel about Liz. How I’ve always felt. When she said she was going away – I thought – my heart would be broken.’

Isabel listens, not speaking. It’s clear that this is very difficult for Max. He continues.

‘I don’t know what I feel. But I – don’t think my heart is broken.’
‘I don’t think that’s a bad thing, Max.’
‘It’s not?’
‘No. You don’t have to feel guilty because you don’t have a broken heart this time.’

Max nods, clearly not agreeing with his sister.
‘Max, is there anything else you want to talk about? You haven’t been sleeping, have you?’

Max shakes his head.
Isabel waits.
‘I keep dreaming about Tess. It’s so real.. I wake up – as if I’ve been dropped from the sky. It all feels so real..’
‘What are these dreams about, Max, is it the future?’
Max shakes his head. ‘No, nothing like that.’

Isabel waits again.

‘I think it’s the past. I – can’t talk about it, not to my sister.’

‘Oh’ says Isabel, understanding at last. ‘You’re feeling the connection.’

Max looks at Isabel, but doesn’t say anything.

‘You should have expected this, Max. You spent a long time healing Tess after Whittaker hurt her. You know what happened after you healed Liz. Tess is as alien as you are. Something was bound to happen.’

‘Nothing’s happened,’ says Max, a little too quickly.

‘Maybe you should stop fighting it.’

‘That’s what’s worrying me. I don’t think I fight it much longer.’

Isabel has never seen him like this. Max, admitting for the first time ever, that his feelings were getting out of control.

‘Would that be such a bad thing?’

‘Yes!’ Just as suddenly as he yells, he calms down again. ‘I mean, I don’t know. I just have the strongest feeling about Tess – that if she and I – there would be no going back. Anyway, she’s seeing Rick.’

His sister sighs. ‘Men can be so blind sometimes.’
‘What are you talking about?’
‘Rick’s a friend, that’s all.’
‘She’s not going out with him?’
Max shakes his head. ‘She isn’t even talking to me.’

Isabel knows that Tess has been avoiding Max at school. ‘You should probably talk to her. Do you want me to call her?’
Max nods. ‘Okay.’
‘Okay! What would you do without your sister!’ She kisses her brother, and leaves to find her phone.

Five minutes later, Isabel is back. Max sits up. ‘I’m sorry, Max. Kyle says she's not home.’ She pauses. ‘He said she’s out on a date.’

Who We Choose To Be - Part 4

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2003 1:19 pm
by ukspacegirl
L’Escargot French Restaurant

Ben is tall, and fair-haired. He’s just returned from an exchange trip to France, and he’s been telling Tess all through dinner about the fun he had there. He’s been pursuing her relentlessly for a week, and she’s finally` agreed to go out with him

‘You know, you find yourself thinking in French! It’s awesome! It’s just so great to see other places, other ways of living.’

Wouldn’t that be nice, thinks Tess. She’s having a nice time. Dinner is - nice. Ben is nice. Nice. Okay, Tess, she thinks, loosen up a little. He’s nice..

‘My favourite place was the Artist’s Quarter in Paris – you’d love it, the street-markets -you know, you can get your portrait done for a few francs.. and the antiques! And the books! My mom would love it..’ He’s so enthusiastic. She smiles.

‘I’d love to see it, one day..’

Later, when she’s home again, Tess is on the phone to Isabel.

‘So, what was he like?’
‘He was – nice.’
‘Oh. Just – nice?’
‘He told me all about his trip to France..’
‘Travel bore?’
‘No, not at all. He made it all sound great.’
‘I’m picking up a less-than-enthusiastic vibe here..’
‘I have to give him a chance. I’ve only just met him.’
‘He’s about as different to Max as you can get.’
‘I see.’
‘He’s blond, he’s travelled to lots of places, he’s really laid-back. He really makes me laugh. Oh yes, he has a place at Harvard. His future’s all mapped out.’ Tess is quiet. She was sure Max would like to be able to plan his own future with the same confidence.
Isabel speaks. ‘That’s – a lot of good things.
Tess is thoughtful. ‘Yeah. He’s a lot of good things.’
‘I’m sensing a ‘but’ coming..’
‘It’s just that he’s not..’
‘Not what?’

Realisation hits Tess. He’s not …? So, who - is it that she’d like him to be?

Isabel’s intuition has kicked in - she is aware that maybe this is a good point to change the subject. ‘So, did he kiss you goodnight?’

Here, there is a small pause. ‘Yeah.’


‘Perfect gentleman! He kissed me on the cheek.’


‘It was like little Peter from the children’s ward kissing me..’ Tess giggles.

‘No magic, then.. well, like you said, early days. You are only just getting to know him.’

‘Yeah, he wants to see me again on Friday. And I have to say - it’s kinda nice to be with somebody who doesn’t take your heart and tie it into knots every time you see him..’


‘But if I don’t have feelings for him, maybe I shouldn’t see him again. It’s confusing. And I’m too tired to think about this now.. ‘

Isabel doesn’t want to cause any trouble, but Tess will find out sooner or later. It would be better coming from a friend.
‘Tess, Liz broke up with Max.’

Tess can’t speak. ‘Oh.’ She feels so bad for him. He was bound to take it hard.. Poor Max. ‘Is he okay?’

‘Sure. I just thought you should know. Night, Tess.’

‘Night, Isabel.’

Max’s dream

Deep in the night.

They are in a bed-chamber. The bed is a large four-poster, with the curtains pulled back. The room is lit only by candles.

By the bed, Max is holding Tess. They kiss for a long time. She is wearing a long white nightdress of very soft linen, edged with delicate lace. The dim candle-light sets a glow on her face, her hair. He puts his hand to her face. At his touch, she breathes out..

Gently, he slips the nightdress from her shoulders. The soft fabric falls to the floor. He takes her in his arms, and lifts her to bed.

Lying together, she helps him remove his robe, pushing it from his shoulders, biting her lip at the sight of his nakedness.

Beneath the covers, they begin to make love. Her arms are around him, he moves closer to her,.. their desire is intense. He has to touch her. He pulls her to him, their kisses hot, hungry.

This is the moment –

He needs her now.. she needs him, now..

In the darkness of his own room, Max opens his eyes, breathing hard.

In her room across town, Tess opens her eyes. With a sigh, she turns over.
Max Evans. God, will he ever get out of my head? I hate him…

A week later, the school hall. Rehearsal for West Side Story.

‘Only you, you’re the only thing I’ll see, forever –
In my eyes, in my words, and in everything I do,
Nothing else but you, ever..’

On stage, Janie is singing the first part of the song ‘Tonight.’ The music stops.

The director yells, ‘That’s great, Janie. Come on, where’s our Tony? Let’s do it again, people.’

Tess is sitting ten rows behind the Director. Tess hears the double doors to the hall open.

From the wings, Rick strides on-stage. He spots Tess, and gives a small wave

Somebody approaches. Tess senses him before she sees him.


The lights are down. Only the stage is lit. In the semi-darkness of the hall, she can’t read the expression in his eyes.

‘Have you got a minute?’
‘Sure. They’re going to be working on that for a while.‘ She picks up her purse and follows him out.

In the hallway, he turns to her. ‘Are you going to keep avoiding me, Tess?’
‘I’m not..’ but they both know that isn’t strictly true.
‘Can’t we try to be friends?’
‘We have Band practice on the weekend. Will you be able to make this one?’
Tess nods .
‘Sunday morning, then?’
Max gazes at her for a moment. She wants to ask him how he’s feeling, but she knows how – closed – he can be. So she doesn’t ask.

Max backs away. She watches him leave; his bowed, dark head, his shoulders, those combats he loves so much. She is breathing hard. She refuses to analyse how it feels to be near him.

She realises she’s been neglecting her alien friends. After rehearsal, she’ll go home and make a list of the power-boosting techniques Nasedo taught her. She can do that much for them.

They need to discover their full potential if I’m not going to be here, thinks Tess.

Sunday morning, the Desert outside Roswell.

Maria and Michael are not on speaking terms, so Michael has come without her, hitching a ride with Tess. Max and Isabel arrive in the jeep.

Max swings gracefully out of his car. Isabel joins him, walking down the rocky pathway.

Tess watches him walk. He catches her gaze, but doesn’t speak.

‘Hi!’ Says Isabel. ‘What a beautiful morning!’

Snapping out of it, Tess replies. ‘Yeah! Listen, I made a list..’
She has their attention.
‘Hi, Michael. Yeah. It’s some of the power-boosters Nasedo taught me. I thought they might be helpful.’ Tess takes the short list from her purse.

Michael takes it.
‘Do you want to show us how it’s done?’

‘Okay. We need to make a circle – a wide circle, about 2 paces apart. ‘

Everybody moves into position.

Michael looks up. ‘You aren’t going to ask us to sing, are you?’

‘No, nothing like that’ says Tess, seriously. Max looks at Michael – she still never knows when she’s being teased.

Tess continues. ‘First of all, we need to clear our minds. You need to be free of stress, but not too relaxed. Usually, I think of the sky – imagine swimming in the sky, as if it were an ocean.. stretch your arms out, let it all go..’

She raises her arms into the air, and watches as Michael, Isabel and Max do the same. ‘Breathe.. stay focused.. now close your eyes.’

Michael stretches out his arms, yawns. ‘That’s good, Michael. Now, come back to the ground. Feel the ground under your feet. You’re awake, alert. Ready for anything. Open your eyes.’

Isabel looks at her, ready. Michael eases out his shoulders. Max has in intense look on his face.

In the centre of their circle is a rock, the size of a grapefruit.

‘Now we need to work on moving things together. You see this rock? In your mind, picture moving it from the ground. Just gradually raise it up. Feel the energy of the person next to you. ‘

Everybody focuses. The rock lifts into the air, then suddenly flies 6 ft towards the sky, dropping again into the centre of the circle.

‘No problems there, then,’ says Michael.

‘Again. But pay attention to where it goes. We need to work on control.’
They try again. The rock ascends more gradually. hovering 3 ft from the ground. ‘Now, move it back down.’

After twenty minutes, they can make the rock spin, skip, go in any direction they want it to. Tess is pleased that they’re making such rapid progress.

‘We can move on to the next exercise if you want.’

‘What’s the next exercise?’ Isabel asks.

‘Blowing things up. Michael..’

Michael opens the boot of the car, and takes out a crate which contains glass bottles, several melons. He sets them up on a fence a few feet away.

‘Can we do this individually, Tess?’ It’s the first time Max has spoken.

‘Sure. It’s just that, together we’re stronger.’

Isabel is really into it. ‘Can I go first?’


Isabel gets into position. She raises her hand. She closes her eyes, then opens them again. There is a slight shift in her aura.

On the fence, a bottle shatters.

Michael claps his hands. ‘Way to go, Isabel! Me next..’

Michael raises his hand, almost casually, and another bottle disappears into a thousand particles of dust.

Max turns to Tess. ‘Maybe we could try – together.’ She nods. He stands beside her.

Max raises his hand. Tess raises her hand. There is an instant of intense focus.

The watermelon on the fence explodes dramatically into a damp cloud of pink and green. The scent of fresh fruit fills the hot desert air.

Michael is amazed. ‘Wow!’

Isabel smiles. ‘Are we impressed yet?’

‘There’s more. We can communicate with each other – without speaking.’

‘Like a mind-warp?’

‘No, like simple telepathy. It’s part of the connection we all have. We can send signals, and receive them. But only with each other.’

‘How do we do this?’ Max wants to know.

‘It’s about focus. If you picture something in your mind.. then send the picture to – whoever you want. Look, I’ll show you.’

Tess closes her eyes. She opens them.

Isabel speaks. ‘Oh my God! You sent me – a red rose. I could see it so clearly. Let me try!’ Iz closes her eyes, then looks down, not wanting to reveal who she’d ‘sent’ to.

Michael laughs. ‘A bottle of Lemonade Snapple! ’

‘Let me try’ says Max. He focuses.

‘Thank you.’ Tess looks at Max. ‘You said.. that’s a pretty dress.’

There is a moment of silence. ‘There’s something else.’

Isabel is interested. They’re all interested. Tess looks at each one of them.

‘There’s a way to protect yourself from mind-warps. I can show you.’

Michael is impressed. ‘That’s pretty amazing. But, thinking of Snapple – anybody up for lunch?’

Who We Choose To BE - Part 5

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2003 1:25 pm
by ukspacegirl
The Crash Down is empty. Maria is working, She stands beside the booth where Isabel sits in the corner, with Michael next to her. Tess sits opposite her, with Max on the outside.

Liz comes down the stairs. Maria greets her.
‘Hey, you finished that paper?’
‘Yeah, the first part. That was a tough one. But – you know, I really enjoyed it too. ‘
‘Girl, you’re the only person I know who thinks Molecular Science is enjoyable!’
Liz smiles, a little bashful. She looks at the group. There is a pause.
‘Hi, Max’ she says.
‘Liz.’ He smiles, a small, but real smile. Liz breathes out, relieved.
‘Can I get you anything?’ Maria asks.
‘Yeah, a Galaxy Smoothie – can I get it to go.. I have to get back to work!’
‘Comin’ right up..’
‘So, how’s it going?’ Liz asks the group, looking at Isabel.
‘Good! Band practice is – really coming on. We’re finding out some good things.’
‘Oh, I’m really pleased for you guys.’
Maria puts Liz’s Shake on the table.
‘Okay, see you later..’ Liz picks up her drink, and disappears back upstairs.
‘That went well..’ says Michael, suddenly hushed by a glare from Isabel.

‘Guys, I have something I need to talk to you about.’ Isabel can tell from her tone that Tess has something very serious on her mind.
Is she leaving after all, thinks Max?
‘Probably, it’s easier to show you. Can we join hands, please?’
Michael, Isabel and Max look at each other. They trust Tess. Max looks at her. She is looking down. He can’t read her expression.
Michael jokes, ‘Did you wash your hands, Max?’
Across the table, they join hands.


Tess, aged 12. Nasedo stands beside her. They are on the platform outside their beach house in L.A. The ocean rolls in, sea-birds gliding and calling.

‘This is the deal, Tess. We have an arrangement with Kivar. One day, you will meet the others.’
‘The others? I have brothers and sisters?’
Nasedo is typically impatient. ‘Yes. Together, you are the Royal Four. You will – obtain - the Granolith, and take it home to Antar. By any means. Do you understand?’

The girl Tess once was shakes her head. ‘No. I don’t ..’
‘Kivar is our friend. Kivar wants the others - removed. This is the only way we can get back to our home planet. Do you understand me? ‘
‘Why would I want to hurt my family?’
Nasedo takes her arm. ‘I’m your family, Tess, and I want to get off this sorry-assed planet. This is the deal. It’s all you need to know. Promise me.’

The contact breaks. Tess breathes, waiting for their responses.

Isabel is disbelieving. ‘Why did you show us that?’

Michael is peering at Tess.

Max is looking at the table. ‘Nasedo wanted you to betray us.’

Tess nods. ‘He made me promise.’ She breathes, then carries on talking in a rush. This is so difficult..

‘I’m not going to make excuses. Nasedo is dead. I don’t have a problem with breaking a promise to somebody who’s – not here any more. ‘

‘Oh’ says Isabel, still trying to take it all in.

‘We’re doing work on connecting with each other. I wouldn’t have been able to hide it from you. I thought I’d better tell you myself.’

Michael speaks. ‘How do we know we can trust you, Tess?’

‘I don’t know, Michael.’

Nobody speaks.

Tess checks her watch. ‘I better get going.’

Max looks at her. ‘Oh?’

‘I’m going out tonight, and I have a paper to work on first..’

Max slides out of the seat to let her pass. She slips past him, quietly avoiding his eyes.

Then she is gone.
Isabel is thoughtful. ‘I think it took a lot for her to tell us that. She’s risking everything.’

‘So, can we trust her?’ Michael has to ask this question.

‘I think Tess is placing a lot of trust in us right now.’ Isabel notices that Max hasn’t spoken.

‘Are you okay, Max?’ He seems – distracted. He snaps out of it.

‘What? Sure. See you guys later..’ He leaves.

‘Right.’ Says Isabel.

11 pm, outside the Valenti's house

Max isn’t sleepy at all. When he can’t sleep, he walks. Deep in thought, Max realises where his walk has brought him. He looks at the quiet house. Tess’s room is at the back of the house, so you can’t see from the street whether the light’s on. But she won’t be home, she has a date. Oh my God, I’m turning into a stalker, he thinks, turning on his heel to head for home.

He almost bumps into Tess.

She’s dressed up for a date; a pretty flowered dress, the sandals with butterflies on them, a little jacket. Her hair is done up, away from her face, except for a few wispy curls at the front. Standing so close, he realises that he is breathing in her perfume. She smells good. It has taken seconds to absorb all of these pieces of information. He looks down at her. She’s a little flushed. He notices that she doesn’t move away.

‘Are you okay?’ She doesn’t look okay.

‘Sure’ she says.

He waits for her to speak, not wanting to pry.

She doesn’t ask why he’s there. He’s glad of that.

‘Can you walk with me for a while, Max? I’m not ready to go in yet.’

He looks at her, searching her face, but she isn’t looking at him.


Under the starlight, Max and Tess walk. The houses of Roswell are quiet, getting ready for the night; children in bed, pets settled, lights being switched off behind drawn curtains.

They have walked, in silence, around the block. Approaching the Sheriff’s house once more, they pause at the end of the short pathway.

‘Thanks, Max.’
He nods.
‘It wasn’t a great date. I mean, dinner was nice; but Ben – I think he got the wrong idea - .’
Max clenches his fists. ‘If he did anything..’
‘No, it’s okay – I mean, he only tried to kiss me. I didn’t mean to, but - I kind of accidentally - slapped him.’
‘I think it was some kind of reflex. I feel terrible about it..’
‘He’ll be all right.’
She doesn’t look convinced. ‘Are you sure?’
‘I think so.’
Tess nods. ‘I should get home.‘ She pauses for a moment, looking up at him. She bites her lip. Max has the feeling that the barriers between them are somehow – growing smaller. She’s beginning to trust him. That’s a good feeling.

‘Goodnight, Max.’

He watches her until she is inside. Then he turns away, heading for home, light-hearted.

Max’s House

Isabel is sitting at the kitchen table, with a mug of hot milk in front of her. Max pushes open the door. ‘Hey, still up?’

‘Not for long. Do you want some milk?’

Max yawns. ‘No thanks. I’m going to bed.’ Isabel knows him better than he thinks.

‘So, why are you looking so pleased with yourself?’

Max gives her his ‘there’s nothing going on’ face.

‘No reason. ‘Night.’

And he is gone.

Isabel is not fooled. She smiles.

Who We Choose To BE - Final part 6

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2003 1:27 pm
by ukspacegirl
A week later. Friday night.

Max’s room

Michael sits at the bottom of Max’s bed.

‘Hey, Maxwell, there’s one more shirt in your wardrobe you haven’t tried on yet.’

‘Man. I don’t know..’

Michael has never seen Max this nervous, and feels it his absolute duty to tease him about it.

‘Look, it’s a first date, what’s the big deal?’

Max doesn’t speak, but gives Michael a hard look. Michael is enjoying himself.
‘You’re going out to dinner, right? ‘
‘And it’s a hot night. Personally, I’d go for the Radiohead tee shirt and the combats..’
‘Right.’ Max is distracted.
‘Kidding, Max.’

Isabel knocks on the door. She takes in the pile of clothes on the bed, and shakes her head. ‘Max, Max, when are you gonna learn?’

She goes to his wardrobe and hands him a blue shirt. ‘This is the shirt. ‘ She rifles through the rail of clothes. ‘And this is the jacket.’ She looks him up and down. ‘Those pants will have to do. Now get dressed. You’re going to be late.’

‘Don’t keep the lady waiting, Maxwell. I’m outta here.’ Michael leaves through the door.

‘Hey Michael, what’s wrong with the window?’ Isabel calls after him, but he’s gone. She looks at her brother.

‘You’ll be fine, Max. Really.’

Max nods. Fine. Really.

Later that evening. Outside the pod chamber

Max jumps lithely out of the jeep. He walks around the front and opens the door for Tess.

She lets him take her hand to help her down.

She doesn’t ask why he brought her there. Max hardly knows himself.

Dinner went well. It seems they can enjoy each other’s company. They talk about Rick and Kelly’s elopement, which has been the talk of the school for a week.

They talk about Isabel and Kyle’s developing friendship, which is a good thing. She tells him all about the first Harry Potter book, which she’s just read.

They discover they both like the same kind of music, and that Tess’s musical taste covers a wide range, from rock to dance to classical.

Max discovers that Tess lived in New York for a while, and studied Ballet there.

He likes that she’s interested in so many things.

He hadn’t realised how she could make him laugh. He likes that too.

After dinner, they get into the jeep, neither one wanting the evening to end. Max finds himself driving out into the Desert.

He hasn’t let her hand go. They walk along the slope towards the pod chamber.

The sky is the deepest blue velvet. The moon glides over the horizon, full, glowing with a pearly light that is somehow reflected on the Desert below, casting sharp black shadows from the rocks and desert plants. The stars glisten like lamps. There is a light breeze that brings a freshness with it.

He stands beside her in the cool darkness. After all the turmoil of his Antarian dreams, the reality of being here, actually standing next to Tess, a living, breathing girl, not just a dream – it’s different.

Max feels a calm warmth that he hadn’t expected.

Gently, Max turns to Tess. She turns her eyes from the stars, and looks at him. He touches her face. Her skin is so soft. He can smell her perfume again. She is breathing softly.. He pulls Tess to him.

They kiss for a long time, tender, gentle, searching, somehow… and deep inside her heart, Tess knows that something has been found..

Pausing for breath, there is a sense of warmth, of light, of need, yet without the rushing urgency of their dreams. She feels it too.

‘There’s time..’ Tess whispers. For long moments, Max can’t speak.

‘I always loved the desert.‘ Tess breaks the silence. ‘Even when we lived by the Ocean, there was something in me that needed to be here. I think - this is where my home is.’

Max gasps at the vast importance of this realisation. She’s made up her mind. She’s staying in Roswell..

There’s time. Time to get to know each other, time to discover, joyfully, the many beautiful ways their love can unfold. Inside him, Max’s heart bumps.

‘This is where it all began.’

Tess is watching the sky.

The stars, in a holding-pattern of bright fireflies, shimmer in the ‘V’ formation, with Antar at the centre. Their home, a universe away, but somehow there, inside of all of them. A time will come when they will all have to face exactly what that means.

For the first time, Max is aware that being an alien isn’t something he has to be afraid of. Whatever the future brings, they can face it, if they face it together.

Looking at Tess, her eyes, this girl he hasn’t allowed himself to love – until now – Max realises something else.

‘This is where it all begins..’

Here, there is a kiss.


The Battlefield - Roswell

Across the street from the Crash Down, the burnt-out remains of buildings smoulder and burn. Somehow, the café, this landmark building in Roswell, has avoided the destruction.

There are bodies lying in the rubble. In the middle distance, a medic drags one of the wounded away. Cars are parked, crazy, where people have fled from the chaos and the carnage.

Kivar stands, in the grand, and slightly glitzy, uniform of a Royal General. A group of twenty elite troops guard him. Beside him stands his second in command, Nicholas, who holds a long scroll in his hand, the Antarian symbols visible even from a distance.

‘You will sign the Treaty now, Your Majesty.’ Kivar’s voice drips with contempt.

‘I’m not here to surrender, Kivar.’

Future Max, in his own time, steps forward. He wears his leather pants, his ripped shirt, a belt of ammunition at his waist. There is a laser-rifle slung at his shoulder, one of the new alien/human weapons developed by Liz and Alex, joint heads of Parker Whitman Corp, which have definitely swung many of the battles in this long War into Earth’s favour.

Max has never looked stronger. He has never looked more heroic.

He has proved himself many times over to be a leader of unsurpassed wisdom and courage.

His men love him. The people adore him.

He is the head and the heart of his family. Without Max, they would have all been lost, many times over. This is the part he was born to play. This is the King he was meant to be.

Behind him stand his own elite troops, headed up by Michael, Isabel, Tess, Liz and Kyle. Behind them stand Maria and Alex. The core group is formed of all those who have Antarian powers, and those whose resilience has already saved this planet more than once.

Finally, all of the battles, the terrible losses, the hopeful gains, have led to this.


Kivar is scornful and impatient.

‘You’re mine, Zan, Max, whatever you’re calling yourself these days. It’s all mine.. your sister, this planet, Antar. I am the ruler. It’s simply a matter of time. And that time is now. Sign.’

Behind him, his troops lock and load their laser weapons. With one movement, they aim directly at the Royal Four.

Max turns to his sister, his brother, his family, his closest friends.

As one, they face the enemy.

It all happens very quickly after that.

Behind the core group, a vast wall of fire appears. It expands, roaring, racing towards Kivar and his men.

There is a brief moment of many horror-struck faces.

There is no time to run. There is barely time to scream.

With a wild rush of heat and light, Kivar and his elite corps of men are obliterated.

The Royal Four recoil. The energy abruptly dissipates.

For long moments, Max and Tess, Isabel and Michael, Liz and Kyle, Alex and Maria, stand, as awful fragments of dust and debris swirl and float to the ground.

Behind them, the Antarian troopers are dumb-struck.

Max puts his hand to his head. Tess goes to him, and touches his shoulder.

‘Are you all right?’ Looking up, he shakes his head, as if shaking off a bad dream.

‘Yeah. I just had the strangest feeling.. as if this had happened before, but it was - different.’

Michael turns to the soldiers standing behind him. He speaks. ‘Well, we just saved the goddamn planet again. I, for one, think that deserves a hearty breakfast.’

The men stand down, and gradually begin to move away, in a hubbub of voices.

Isabel turns to Liz, Maria, Alex and Kyle. ‘Not bad for humans!’ she laughs, her hand on Michael’s shoulder. The four of them turn, and head for the Crashdown.

Max isn’t ready to go in just yet. He stands, his gaze off into the middle distance, regarding the ruined town.

‘I never wanted to be King, Tess.’

‘I know. Sometimes, it feels like destiny chooses us. I think, all things considered, it didn’t make a bad choice.’

He smiles at that. A distant memory surfaces in his mind.

‘I’m not sure I agree entirely.’ Tess gazes up at him, quizzical. He kisses her, and his look is full of love.

He speaks.

‘Destiny doesn’t own us. Somebody told me once, you are who you choose to be. Although I’m glad destiny chose you to be with me.’

His arm about her shoulders, they turn and head in for breakfast.

WHO WE CHOOSE TO BE (The End of the World revisited)