Turn The Wine Back Into Water Max POV MATURE~Complete~

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Turn The Wine Back Into Water Max POV MATURE~Complete~

Post by liason »

Title: Turn The Wine Back Into Water
Author: Zans Desire
Category: Max POV
Disclaimer: I own Nothing
Rating: MATURE
Summary: Max Reflects on things.

*The Title Comes from a TGraham Brown Song, I do Not Own!*

Five Hours and Thirty Minutes ago she left me. That was when My world fell apart. That was when I First took a sip. After that I was too far gone to care, That Alcohol was bad for my system, She left me I didnt give a shit. After all It was my own fault that she finally had enough and decided to save herself from what is Now known as the Max Evans Blackhole. All I do Is Take, Conquer and Steal thier souls from thier bodies, I break thier spirts, make them a lesser person of whom they were once were. After all that Is what happened to my sweet Liz.


Aww, The first memory of seeing her as I got off the bus, I can think back to it like If it was yesterday. I see her smiling, Laughing as having not A care in the world. And Why would she? She didn't know an Alien King yet.

I Take another sip. The beer is starting to soak my brain, I am completely wasted as I sit alone in the dark thinking to myself as I have nothing better to do. How I am a worthless waste of space, How I changed from the Behind the tree boy to this Gigantic Asshole. I Dunno, But it happened. I cant blame Tess, For all of it, For we can't blame other people for own damn sins. Even though That Fuckin Bitch ruined My life by getting pregnaut with that bastard child.

Hey Dont look at me like that. Yes I Love My Son, But I also hate him as well. He represents of all that went wrong. Of all of My Wrongs. And I am too chicken to blame myself, Hell I have time for that later.

Time for another Drink. Maybe a little something stronger. Because I dont care. I Just don't , I have nothing to look forward too. The Love of my Life cant stand me. My sister is too busy being her typical selfish Bitch too Realise My life is screwed up. But after I did threaten her once before and Pulled the King Card, I Really cant blame her either. Michael and Maria are too busy Moving In together to Think of anything else.

Fuckin bastards! It was suppose to Me and Her. Liz and I were suppose to be the steadfast couple. The one that would last for all time. But then that Blond Bitch came along with her destiny shit and Everything, Well It went to hell in a handbasket.

Damn, This feels good. But I am Going to feel like Hell In the morning though. I pour another drink down my throat. I go to pour another, The Glass falls Out of my hands and On to the floor, Into millions of pieces.

Just like my life. I Begin to Laugh, I dont know why, But I do. I hear the phone ring, I am not going to answer it though, Probably some telemarketer trying to sell me some useless shit. After all I Have No friends left. I Burned those Bridges a long time ago.

I Have No friends. I Am Completely alone, To wallow in My self pity. Which Isn't nothing new for me. After all, The First Major Party I threw for myself ended in the destruction of my Relationship with Liz. I find it fitting that I am having one now. After the End of it.

Oh I know some of you out there are thinking that we still have a chance, That If I Get My act together we Will belong together. After all Soulmates always end up together. I am sorry to tell you guys, But It Is Over. You might as well stick a fork, For Max and Liz are done. I Knw it the second when Our Connection broke. Even back after the Summer of Destiny we always had our connection to keep me warm at night, But This time , Nothing. I felt nothing but a cold that ran through my heart like a Ice Pick picking at the remains of it.

I Pour that last drop of the Jack Daniels I have down my throat as I hear the message playing behind me.


Max! Are you there? It's me Liz. I am just calling to say...Well I dont know what to say Max, After I Left this morning I didnt plan on calling you. I figured that I was done with you. I Know I should be. After all the hell you put me through..

I Press Stop, I dont want to hear anymore. I dont want to hear anymore Reasons why I am disgusting. I Don't. I stumbled off the couch and slowly walk towards my bedroom, I then find myself standing in front of a mirror.


Scum Of The Earth. Or shall I say Antar?

Son of a Bitch.

All and Many more of who I am. I Lost My way and I dont know How to get Myself back. I want to be that Max again, That Risked Everything to save the Girl he loved most from a bullet wound. I want to be that Max that would do anything to keep her safe, Including breaking His own Heart.

I Just want to be the Max Evans That Liz Parker fell In Love with.

As I continue to walk, I trip on a cord falling on my face, As I go down I drag the answering machine with me. It contnues to play.

...But I Love You max, I Really do. I was just..I Mean I Know your son is important to you, And while I Respect that, I have needs to and I want to be a priority in Your Life, Not some after thought. I want to try again. So I am coming home. I Miss you. I Love You. See you when I get home.

I Found My Reason.

I Just need help. I Have to Try and Turn this Wine Back into water. I need a clean and sober life.

All I Need is Liz.

AN: Please let me know what you Guys think.