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The Remedy Buffy/Spike Adult (10/07/05) D & B

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2003 12:27 am
by maxs silverhandprint
The Remedy

By: Levi Madden

Summary: Elizabeth and William have a one night stand. Months later a pregnant Buffy is looking for a place to live. And it just so happens that Xander’s buddy Spike needs a room mate.

Disclaimer: Unfortunately I own nothing but the story… What I wouldn’t give to own Spike ; )

Distribution: Just hit me up at to tell me where it’s going.

Chapter One

Buffy’s POV

Platinum blonde. Fiery Sapphire eyes. Yummy piece of flesh.

Remind me again why I’m leaving this?

To save myself from humiliation and heart break later on?

Yup. That would be it.

Picking up my left shoe I begin to concentrate on finding my right one.

In William’s room our clothes are strewn everywhere. I had searched for almost five minutes trying to find my panties. It was hard for me to pronounce them gone. Gone. Probably thrown out the window along with my inhibitions.

I don’t know what got into me last night at the club. Actually I do know just what got INTO me last night.

Smiling I look at the male god still sleeping in the bed. Against my will I start walking towards the comfy spot next to him. I just wanna curl up next to him again. A repeat of last night and most of this morning is very tempting. A couple feet from the bed I trip over something hard on the floor.

Taking my eyes off of him I look down and see my other shoe. I quickly slide it on and with one last glance at William, I let myself out of his apartment.

Sitting in my car I lock the doors and lean my head back. I’m Buffy… I don’t have one night stands. Well, at least not on my part. The guy usually makes that decision for me.

Last night my friend Faith dragged me to the local club Red Hot to get her some men. She said that two chicks grindin’ will reel in more guys that one lone girl. Boy, was she right. We were the middle of a many man sandwich. She was handing out her number like a business card. Me? I got theirs. I didn’t want some stranger calling me. Plus, it was a bit nicer than me saying, “No. Fuck off.” Right? Thought so.

At around eleven I was sitting at a table watching Faith rubbing up against some tall brunette with extra muscle on the side. She kept beckoning me to go join her. I just kept laughing at her attempts. She tried everything from a simple wave of her hand to screaming, “Come play, B!” I resisted. Why? I don’t know. Maybe because I was more than happy sipping my Dr. Pepper and watching these hopeless guys drool all over her. Maybe. Or maybe it was because I was subconsciously waiting for William to come along. Eventually he came out of nowhere and sat himself down next to me. He had me the moment he smirked at my confused look.

He refused to leave. Said I needed some company while my friend had fun. Oddly I couldn’t disagree. I don’t think I could have said no to him for the life of me. Especially not when he spoke with so much confidence, and with that delicious English accent of his. He could have said, “I’m a little duck. Quack Quack.” And I would have wanted to jump his bones. After a little bit Faith ran over and informed me she was leaving with Brad. Whoever the fuck that was. She winked at me after a quick look over at William, and she was off. Deciding it wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world I gave into William’s sexual innuendo and we made a dash for his place. Me in my car and him in his. I guess I already knew that I would be doing this in the morning. Yay me. Not.

I let my head fall against the steering wheel and I start the car. I just want to go home and take a nice long shower. With the sun beating down on my skin I can once again feel the dried sweat on my body from last night’s exertions.

On my drive back to Faith’s and my apartment I feel something different. Maybe the fact that I got to leave first has empowered me or something. Either way, I have changed.

Five Months Later

“Xander!” I yell into the phone. “I have nowhere to go. You have to let me move in with you. Faith is moving out to live with her flavor of the week and I can’t afford to keep this apartment. Can I PLEASE stay with you and Anya?”

“Buff, you know I would let you, but we already have Anya’s freaky friend staying with us.” Then in a hushed voice he says, “I’ll try to have her out by the end of the month. That’ll be ok right?”

“Yes. And I promise that I’ll keep looking anyway. I’m sure there’s gotta be some sort of half way decent cheap apartment somewhere.”

Before I get to get another word out I hear Anya yelling for Xander to get off of the phone because she needs him. Xander, the male slave.

“First off B, he isn’t the flavor of the week. Second, I will not move out if you can’t find another place.” Faith smiles at me from her bedroom doorway. “’Sides, can’t leave you and the little one all by your lonesome.”

With a grin I look down to my stomach. It’s starting to grow and my skin is itching from the stretching. I let my hand drop down and rub the protrusion and look back up to Faith. “We’ll manage.”

I sit back down at the kitchen table and continue to look at the apartment ads in the newspaper. That is, until I notice Faith staring at me.

“What? Do I have something on my face?”

“How do you feel?”

How do I feel?

“Well… I feel great actually. Aside from the itchiness. But that’s nothing compared to the morning sickness. So I’m better than great.”

Faith rolls her eyes and goes back to staring at me. “I mean… I heard that when women are pregnant they tend to get really horny.” I let out a snort and flick a cheerio from my breakfast bowl at her forehead. “B! Come on! Tell me!”

“No. Go get pregnant and figure it out for yourself.”

I stand up and walk back to my room. Lying on my bed I stare up at the ceiling. What am I thinking about? I’m trying to figure out why I am alone. Why I can’t just suck it up and go talk to William. Yeah, yeah. The baby is his. My friends all told me that I was getting bitchy and that I needed a good lay. So I went out, got laid, and now I’m going to have a screaming bundle of joy.

If that’s how I feel, I can only imagine what William would think. He probably thought that he was engaging in meaningless sex and that after he kicked me out of his apartment the next morning when he woke, that would be the end of me. So, why weigh him down with this?

Sighing, I once again get up to go get the newspaper that I left in the kitchen. I may as well get back to apartment hunting. I open the door and am greeted by Faith.

“Tell me! Tell me! Tell me!” She repeats over and over again as I make my way to the kitchen.


“No. No. No. No.” I repeat as I make my way back to my room with the paper. As soon as I shut my door she stops.

“You know you’ll tell me eventually.” She remarks before I hear her footsteps retreating.

Sitting on my bed with the ads in front of me, I find myself overwhelmed. The numbers and letters all seem to blur together and I let out a groan as I let myself fall forward with my head on the bed.

I don’t know how long I let myself stay like that, but it feels like it’s been an hour when the phone rings. “I got it!” I yell out to Faith with my face still smushed against the bed.


“Hey Buff. Good news.”

“What Xander?”

“Xand! Ask Buffy if she’s horny!” Faith asks as she picks up on the other phone.

“No! Don’t even think about it Xander. I’ll tell Anya.” Why can’t she just leave me alone?

“Well… anyway Buff. As I was saying, I have good news. I met this guy today and he just happens to be new in town and is looking for someone to split the rent over at his apartment. Granted I haven’t known the guy all that long but… he’s not asking much and I figured I’d set up a meeting and you two could work things out for yourselves. Ya know?”

“Why not? Can’t hurt to try, right?”

“Nope. So you wanna try for tomorrow?”

“Sounds good. Gimme a call later with the time. You can come pick me up.”

“Wouldn’t have it any other way.”

“Will you tell me now?”

“Faith!” I yell before I hang up the phone.

Seconds later I hear my door creak open. There’s Faith.

“Yes! Okay? Now leave me alone.” I whine. I whine, but you also have to understand I’m holding back a laugh at her antics.

She grins, gives me the thumbs up and leaves.

I cover my face with my pillow and let out my laughs that I’ve been holding in.

*Feedback please!!!!!

The Remedy Chapter Two

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2004 1:47 pm
by maxs silverhandprint
Thank you for the feedback! I also have this story up on my site at

Chapter Two
Buffy’s POV

“Take your next left Xander… that should be Windoak Lane.” Xander smoothly takes the left and we pull onto the road with houses decorating both sides. “Ok. Now we need to find 55.”

“Gotcha.” Xander mutters under his breath as he pulls into a driveway.

It’s a house? How in the world am I supposed to pay half the rent on a house? It will be almost double what I pay now.

“C’mon Buff. At least take a look. Besides, you don’t know what he’s asking.”

I put on a smile for Xander and climb out of the car.
“He knows I’m pregnant, right?” He nods. Ok.

Making our way up to the front porch we hear a cell phone ring inside the car. I know that song? P.I.M.P.?

“50 cent? Xander? Wh-?”

He blushes and shrugs. “It’s a phase?” he says as he runs back to the car.

Shaking my head I walk up to the door and knock. Seconds later the door opens and I feel like fainting.

“Well ‘ello there cutie.” The accent… the hair…. that grin. It’s him. “I’m Spike. You must be Buffy?” He doesn’t remember me?

“Y-yes.” He smiles and holds out his hand. I wanna slap him and walk back out to the car. Instead I shake his hand.

“Hey guys, sorry about that.” Xander says as he holds up his phone. “Anya demands y’know?” I offer him a small smile as I take my hand back. “So, Spike… how are you doin’ buddy?”

“Good. Thanks. So, how about I show you two around?”

I smile a bit in response and Xander starts blabbing on about something. I’m not really paying attention. The living room is nice and roomy. Big television, leather sofa, big bookshelves filled with books. Next was the kitchen which also serves as a dining room. I keep looking around at all of this expensive stuff and I can’t help but wonder where he got all the money for this. I wonder what he does.

During that one night I never bothered to ask him too much about himself. Not that he would have let me. He liked talking and asking questions about me. The more we look around his place, the more I realize I can’t move in with him. I can’t just barge back into his life. I left him, I’m the one that made the decision to leave. I’m the one that told him not to bother with the condom that night. Now I have to deal with the consequences on my own. He didn’t ask for a kid. It’s not his fault. He looks pretty content to be a bachelor.

“There are two rooms that you can choose from to be yours. This one is a bit larger.” He opens the door and the room is painted a white with a tint of blue. There are two small windows on either side of a larger one. “You can paint the room before you move in if you want. I don’t really care.” I walk back out of the room he tells me that there are three bathrooms. One across from my room, one downstairs, and the other is connected to his room. His room. Right next to mine.

My hands rub my stomach as my thoughts begin to drift back to that night. His mouth burned mine as he had dropped me onto his bed. Does he have the same bed? The same sheets that I twisted in my hands as I writhed under his touch?

“Buffy?” My head snaps up at my name.


“Is that okay with you?” At my confused look Xander sighs. “I have to go to the store for Anya so I figured that I would run there while you and Spike talk. Figure out if this would work or not.”

“Sure. Why not?”

“Okay. I’ll be back in about thirty.” He hugs me then he’s off.

“You an’ Harris been friends a while?” I turn around and William/Spike is leaning against the wall looking at me.

“Since high school.” He nods and walks past me.

“Come with me, luv.”

“Come with me , luv.” As soon as he says the words the world around me explodes as he thrusts into me one last time. I’m dizzy and don’t want to move. I don’t think my body has ever felt as sated as it does this moment. He lets his body collapse onto mine for a second before he rolls off to the side, draping an arm across my flat stomach. “Told you I could be good, Elizabeth.”

“You did. But how about this time you be bad?”

“I’ll be the baddest.” He growls in my ear and my body is already calling for him.

“You coming?” Spike asks as he peeks his head around the corner.

Not yet.

“Yeah.” I walk to the living room and take a seat on the far end of the couch away from him.

“I didn’t forget you, pet. I know who you are.”


“Don’t bother to explain anything. Why you left is none of my business.” I can’t read him. I can’t tell if he’s bitter or happy. I have no clue what’s running through his mind. “So you’re uh-?” He gestures towards my stomach.

“Pregnant? Yeah.” Please don’t figure it out.


“Missing in action. Things didn’t work out.” Yeah, because I left. Thankfully he doesn’t bother to ask any more questions, he just nods his head. “Xander said you had an apartment.”

“I told him I had a place.”

“Oh. How much are you asking?”

“Hundred?” He asks more than he tells.

“That’s it? There is no way that pays for half of the rent.”

“You’re right. I really don’t need help payin’ for anything really. Harris mentioned a friend of his needed a place. I have the room. I offered. Truth is my grandfather died. Left me all sorts of money I’m just tryin’ to get rid of it.”

I want to tell him that I don’t need charity, that I can find another place. Then I start getting flashes of Faith in my head and how happy she is that this guy asked her to move in with him. If I move in here I will also have money to save up for my own place, and to pay for all of those doctor’s bills I know are going to keep piling up as this pregnancy continues. The list of pro’s outweigh the con’s.



“I’ll move in. If you don’t mind.”

“Not at all, pet. Glad that we’ve got that out of the way.”

“Do you smoke? I kinda remember you carrying a pack when we first met.”

“Tryin’ to quit. ‘Sides, I can take it outside if you need me to.”

“Thank you. I’ll uh… I’ll move out before the baby comes. Don’t want to hassle you with a baby.” Even though the baby is yours.

“No rush. Stay as long as you need. When do you need to move in?”

“Faith and I don’t have to be out of our apartment for two weeks, but if it’s okay with you I’d like to move in sooner. It’s uh- Sunday right?” He nods. “So how about I start bringing some of my stuff over Saturday?”

“That’s fine. Everything covered then?”

“I think so.” Xander!!!!! Come back and pick me up now!

“Now if you don’t mind I do have a question for you. Why did you tell me your name was Elizabeth?”

“Why did you say yours was William?”

“It is.”

“Same here.”

After sitting in silence for a minute my thigh starts to vibrate as my cell phone rings. Flipping my phone open I answer, “Hello?”

“Hey B. It’s me. Xander boy got a call from Anya and it was apparently an emergency or whatnot. Probably just meetin’ for a nooner but he asked me if I’d come pick you up.” A knock comes from the door and Spike leaves to go answer it. “So I said why not. While I’m there you can show me around. That is if you’re going to take the place.”

“I am.” Just then the phone disconnects as she hangs up.

“Good.” Faith says from the doorway. “I would have hated to get out of the car for nothing.”

Spike- William- whoever the fuck he is smiles at me from behind Faith and motions that he’ll be in the kitchen.

“So this is your new place? Nice work B. By the way, you need to introduce me to that yummy hunk of meat.”

“You have Angel.”

“I know. I said introduce. Doesn’t mean I’m gonna jump his bones. I won’t move in on your territory. But I do see why you took this place. He’s a nice fixture. Maybe he can help soothe that libido of yours that is in overdrive.”

As soon as the words are out of her mouth we hear coughing coming from the doorway to the hall. Faith starts laughing at the flustered Spike.

“I uh- was just making sure I closed the door.” He said pointing towards the door with the beer in his hand. “But now I see that it is. Closed. So I’ll be on my merry way.” With that I can hear him taking the stairs two at a time.

“Did I scare him away already? Was it something I said?” Faith asks.

I grab her arm and we head to the door.

“We’re leaving! Thank you for everything.” I yell up the stairs.

“There’s a key on the stand near the door. It’s yours to the house. Call me an’ give me a heads up before you come over. That way I can make sure I’m here to help you move your stuff.” He says as his form appears at the top of the stairs looking down.

“Will do. Thanks.” I make sure I grab the key and give him a little wave before I leave. Once we’re in the car Faith is grinning.

“I saw that.”

“Saw what?”

“Come on Buffy. You and him got it something wicked.”

“I’m pregnant Faith.”

“So… some guys go for that kind of stuff.”

“And you think he’s the man for the job? No. Now drive.” The more we talk about it the more I’m gonna think about that night and it’ll make me want it all over again. Make me want him.

“Alright. Have it your way. Mark my words though, you two are gonna get it on. I heard that when it’s close to the due date sex helps speed up the process. Is it true?”

“I told you. Find out for yourself.” I smile and lean my head against the window. Watching the houses as we drive back to our apartment. Only one week until I move in. Only one week to mentally prepare myself for living with Spike.

One week.

Chapter Three

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2004 1:48 pm
by maxs silverhandprint
Chapter Three
Spike’s POV

As soon as the front door closed I was down the stairs. She was here. Elizabeth was here. After five months I can see her again. Imagine my surprise when I found her at my doorstep. I open my door and instant Elizabeth… only to my surprise she doesn’t go by Elizabeth. She goes by Buffy. Buffy. Buffy. I have to get used to calling her Buffy. Not Elizabeth like I have been saying in my head for the past five months.

That night was great. A magical night. I go into the club Red Hot with the intention of getting piss drunk instead I come out happy as a bird with a little blonde spitfire on my arm. I practically jumped her on her car. I didn’t want to let her out of my sight. The whole ride to my house all I could think of was the ways I was going to make her scream my name. I could already hear her panting, “William… Oh god yes! William!”

Well… maybe not quite like that. ‘Cuz that just sounds bloody ridiculous. But something like that.

When her car pulled up behind mine outside of my apartment I was on her in a flash. I don’t know if I even left her time to close her car door.

“Mmmm… William. We should bring this inside.” Elizabeth whimpered. God how I love her voice. ‘Specially when it’s all throaty like that.

Against my will I separate from her and lead her by the hand to the apartment building and up the stairs. Once inside my apartment she shut the door and turned around to me. One look into her eyes and I had her pushed her up against the door. Her legs wrapped around my waist as our lips pressed harshly together. I know she can feel my arousal. With a twist of my hips I grind up against her. She lets out a moan and drags her mouth down to my neck.

“Like that do you, pet?”

“Mmmmhmmm. Bed. Now.”

“Whatever you say Elizabeth.”

Yes. A magical night. The morning? Not so magical. I wake up with the scent of Elizabeth all around me but no Elizabeth. I scoured my house for a note, a number, anything. I didn’t find one. But she was so kind as to leave her panties. Why? I don’t know.

Now she’s pregnant. Not with my baby. That’s okay. She said the father was MIA. Friggin idiot. Leave her like this. I would never do that to her. I know she had her reasons for leaving me. I just hope that while she’s here with me, she’ll wanna stay.

Saturday. Saturday she moves in. One week. Well, technically it’s six days, but still.

So much to do.


I’ve been sitting on the couch since eight this morning. Waiting. Waiting for Elizab- Buffy to call. Now it’s almost noon and still no call.

If only Mum could see me now. I’m like a child waiting for Christmas morning.

Buffy’s POV

“Call him B!”

Faith has been waiting to get out of here and move my stuff to the house with Spike.

“No.” I mutter as I sit on top of the box that Faith is trying to move. “I’m not ready. I haven’t… I haven’t said a proper goodbye to every person in this building.”

“Look, Buffy. What is your deal? You said you were five by five with this.”

“Well I’m not. I’m only five by three. Deal with it.”

“B? Tell me what the deal is.”

What’s the deal? I can’t move in with this baby’s father. I’ll let it slip. Besides does he really seem like the type to have kids? Black clothes, black nail polish, bleach blond hair, blue eyes to drown in.

I let out a groan as my thoughts begin to turn into another direction.

“I don’t know. I guess it’s just my hormones. Overdrive y’know?”

Faith stares intently at me for a second. “No. I don’t B. But not to fret. I’ll put on my understanding face and go with the flow. ‘Cuz I know there’s more to this than you are letting on. I’ll let it slide for now. As long as you give that new hotness of yours a call.”

She nudges me off of the box and carries it downstairs. Breathing quietly I can hear Xander and Angel bickering as they take apart my bed and I look at the phone. It’s gotta happen sooner or later, right? Quickly I pick up the phone and dial Spike’s number before I have breakdown and decide I’d rather take my chances living in a Wal-Mart.

Spike’s POV

C’mon now! Call dammit. I stare at the phone almost willing it to call. Call. Call. Call. Call. Please?

I’m taken out of my zone as the phone actually does ring.


My hand shoots out and picks up the phone. I take a deep breath and, “’ello?”

“Yes, hello sir. This is Mark from AT&T calling-“

“What do you think you’re doing? I am waiting for a very important phone call. Take me off of your bleedin’ list.” Then I hang up. Told him.

Not two seconds later the phone rings again.

“What about ‘leave me alone’ don’t you understand? I’m happy with my current phone service provider.”

“Umm... Spike?”

“Buffy?” I let my head drop onto the back of the couch. “Sorry ‘bout that. Telemarketers make me see red and things of that sort.”

“Oh. Um… well I was wondering if Faith and I could stop by now to start bringing in boxes?” Her voice… angelic.

“That’s fine. I’ll be here to help. See you in a bit then, luv.”

“Yeah. Bye.”


She’s finally on her way over. My heart is still beating a mile a minute.

I need… I need… I need a smoke. Yeah. That’ll calm me down. Just one though. Oh who am I kidding? The whole soddin’ pack couldn’t tame me now. No smoking. Don’t want to smell like smoke for her. Can’t have her inhaling any smoke with a baby on the way. So what can I do in the meantime?

Buffy’s POV

When Faith and I pull up, her on the sidewalk and me in the driveway, she begins to grab a box and I make my way inside to alert Spike that we’re here. I lightly tap on the door before opening it. I almost want to fall to the floor laughing as I walk in and see Spike rapidly pacing the living room floor mumbling to himself.

“Spike?” I startle him from his stupor and grin. “What are you doing?”

“It’s a thing… that I do. When I… I’m trying to quit smoking and… Bloody hell! It’s a thing. It’s not like you don’t do it. Everybody does.”

I put up my hands in surrender at his outburst.

“Everybody does do it, right? Not just me?” I throw him a sympathy smile as Faith walks in behind me.

“Heya Spikey boy, why don’t you put that delish body you got there to good use? Grab some boxes.”

Spike lets out a long drawn out sigh. “Yes mam.” He says as he drags his feet towards the car.

Me? I wander. Because it smells… It smells sweet… almost flowery. That’s because it is flowery. In the kitchen flowers are on the table, flowers are in the hallway, and as I make my way upstairs there are even some in the bathroom and on my window sill. I’m too busy sniffing the flowers in my room to hear someone come up the stairs.

“Thought you might like to have them. You know. Move in with some touch of femininity. It’s just been me livin’ here for the past month. It probably smelled like beer or smoke or both. An’ here I am just blabbing on about stuff that you probably don’t even care about so I’m just going to put this down and…” He motions downstairs and leaves. Leaves me with a grin on my face.

“Ooooh B! That’s so sweet it actually makes me kinda queasy.” Faith laughs. I push her out of the bedroom and I follow her down the stairs to help unload.

This is going to be a long day.

Chapter Four

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2004 1:49 pm
by maxs silverhandprint
Chapter Four
Spike’s POV

“I’m gonna go get a beer. Want anything?” I offer to Buffy as I get up from my spot on the couch.

“No thanks. Actually! Apple juice sounds good. If you don’t mind? I brought some with me. Which reminds me… you have like no food. I’ll have to go shopping tomorrow. You can leave a list of things you want… or you can come with me.” Her voice lowers as she adds the last part about me going with her.


I make my way into the kitchen and open the refrigerator. There is actually apple juice in my house. Apple juice! I was ready to deal with the flowers, hell I bought them! But apple juice? Next thing I know I’ll be finding those nutri-grain bar things in my cupboards.

I guess it is a small price to pay though. I fill a glass with the foul liquid they call apple juice and grab a beer.

“What is Brazil.” When I get back out to the living room Buffy has flipped the channel to Jeopardy. I didn’t get the question but she seems to think it is Brazil.

“No. I’m sorry Michael. The correct answer is ‘What is Czechoslovakia.’”

“Who does that Sajak guy think he is anyway?” Buffy says in response to hearing that she was wrong.

I hand her the glass and sit back into my spot. “I think you mean Trebec. Sajak is for Wheel of Fortune, pet.”

“Oh. Same diff.” A slight blush covers her cheeks and I find it to be one of the most attractive things I have seen in a long time.

It is sort of awkward having her here now. When she left I thought I’d never see her again. Now here she is sitting on my couch watching tv with me. The only real ice breaker we’ve had to getting to know each other was five months ago. All that really told me is where she likes to be touched. I have no clue about anything else, aside from the fact that Jeopardy is NOT her game.

She continues to attempt to answer all of the questions even though she is wrong ninety-five percent of the time. All I can do is watch her. Her golden hair, bronzed skin, full pink lips. How could anyone leave her? She’s full of life… she’s beautiful… she’s… she’s touching me?

“Spike? You in there?” Buffy asks.

“Yeah… sorry spaced out. What’s the matter?” Even though she has my attention, she has yet to remove her hand from my arm.

“I said that I’m going to go unpack a couple more things up in my room before I went to sleep. So, goodnight.” She smiles and heads up the stairs.


I let out a sigh, close my eyes, and lay across the couch putting my head on the armrest where Buffy had been leaning not moments ago. I can still smell her.

“Spike?” Buffy says above me.

Opening my eyes the first thing I see is her hazel ones as she is leaning over the back of the sofa.

“Yeah pet?”

“Thank you. For… everything. I know this has to be a bit uncomfortable for you. And… yeah. Thank you.” She says with a smile and I hear her make her way back up the stairs.

“No problem, luv.” I utter even though I know she can’t hear me. “No problem at all.”

Buffy’s POV

With a yawn and a stretch I slowly make my way across the hallway. Mornings are no fun. So much to do, and tomorrow is back to hell. Oops. I mean work. Actually my job isn’t bad. Not at all. Doctor’s office. Kids. What more could a pregnant woman ask for?

I’m about to start my shower when I catch a whiff of something that smells really good. Food good. Walking back out of the bathroom I go downstairs. When I get in the kitchen I find Spike… cooking.

“Whatcha making?”

Not even sparing me a glance, “French toast. Want some? It’ll be done in a minute.”

“Thanks. Where are the plates?” He nods his head towards the cabinets next to me.

Spike’s POV

Out of the corner of my eye I catch a glimpse of Buffy and almost drop the French toast I was transferring onto her plate. My eyes go wide and I’m trying not to laugh.

“What?” She asks, her hands fly up to her face.

“Not your face, pet.” Her hands slide back into her hair. She grumbles and throws me a nasty look. What? I’m not the one that mussed up her hair. Not this time at least.

I slightly tug on her silken stands so I can get better access to her neck. Her hands are roaming my back as I hold myself above her. I place open-mouthed kisses over the marks I’ve already left on her. My fingers keep playing with her hair, I can’t help it.

“If you don’t stop that I am going to have a knot the size of your fist stuck in my hair when I wake up.”

I grunt and move one hand away from her hair. “What do you suggest I do with them then?”

She grasps my hand and leads it down the smooth expanse of her stomach, straight down to her hot center. “Here would be nice.”

“Aren’t you going to eat?” Buffy asks, tearing me away from the all too frequent daydream.

“Yeah.” But not right now. Now I have to… go… upstairs. Try to make my pants fit a bit more comfortably. “I just gotta go upstairs for a few minutes.”

Buffy’s POV

What the hell was that all about? One minute he’s making fun of my hair, the next he’s not even mentally here, then he’s running up the stairs? Men. I’ll never understand them.

I try to hold off on eating without him, it just feels kind of rude, but my stomach growls. I take in a deep breath then reach for the bottle of maple syrup that is sitting in the middle of the table and pour it generously over my breakfast. I pat my stomach, “I know… I’m working on feeding you. If only Daddy would hurry up.”

I’m halfway done with my breakfast by the time Spike walks back into the kitchen and takes his seat with his pile of French toast.

“All better?” I ask.

He clears his throat and nods. I smile and shake my head.


“You up for grocery shopping later? You don’t have nearly enough ice cream.”

He opens his mouth to say something but instead stuffs it with french toast. My gaze fixes in his mouth as he chews then licks his lips to get the remaining syrup.

“Do that again.” I murmur against his sweat slicked neck.

“Do what again, luv?” He licks his way from my breast to where I really need him. “This?” He slides his tongue inside me and I let out moan. This man’s mouth is incredible. With the help of his thumb he brings me to another orgasm within minutes.

Breathless, I lead him back up my body and bring his mouth to mine. My hand roams his back and down around to his erection. The taste of myself on my lips makes me ache.

I push him onto his back and straddle his hips. “Your turn.” I grin and slide down his body. His hands tangle in my hair and I slide the length of him into my mouth.

“Anybody e’er tell you you got an incredible mouth Elizabeth?”

“Elizabeth?” Spike asks. He already has our plates cleared and washed. Now he’s just kneeling in front of me looking at me.

“Buffy.” I correct him.

“I know. But you weren’t answering to that. You okay? You’re looking a bit pink.”

If you only knew. I rub my thighs together to help ease the ache that builds every time he is around.

“Fine. I’m fine. I just need to go shower. If you’re going shopping with me be ready in about a half an hour.”

I can’t get to that shower soon enough.

Spike’s POV

Why did I agree to this? I thought that by going to the grocery store I could stop Buffy from buying too much crud. But no.

I now have those tasteless rice cake things sitting next to my Little Debbie snack cakes. Ben & Jerry are getting all cozy next to some of that Lean Cuisine stuff. Whole milk and skim… on one shelf.

“You’re pregnant. Why are you eating this taste bud unfriendly food? Isn’t now the time for uncanny food choices and eating for two?”

The look she sends me makes me hold up my hands in front of me. As if they can help me now.

“Just because I’m pregnant doesn’t mean I have to be fat.”

Who said anything about being fat? Ugh. Women. Taking a seat, I just sit back and observe as she finds her way through the cupboards. My fingers itch to tangle in her hair and to run along that smooth skin of hers. My sight goes to tunnel vision and all I can see is her. Against my will I stand up and reach out to touch her hair.

“Can you get that?” Huh? I shake my head and pause with my hand merely inches from her. “The door.” She nods her head toward the hallway.

“Door. Right. Got it.” I open the door and Buffy’s friend is at the door. Faith was her name? Cute thing. Pretty face. Nice body. But not Buffy. Doesn’t she have a home?

“Heya Spikey my boy. Where’s B?”

I raise one eyebrow at her sigh at the nickname. Spikey… how I hate that supposed term of endearment. None the less I lead her back to the kitchen. Faith thanks me and slaps my ass as she walks past to go see Buffy.

“Nice. Firm. Keep up the good job.” She says with a wink.

Buffy turns and mock scolds her saying it’s not nice to grope the roomie. Faith merely laughs and pulls Buffy in for a hug. Seeing the two press their bodies against each other is enough to make any man crazy so I decide to leave before my mind decides to run amuck with the image.

“I’ll just be… around.” I pull my duster off a nail in the wall by the door, pat the inside pocket to make sure my smokes are still in there and walk out the door.

Faith’s POV

“Now you can’t tell me that I’m the only one getting lady wood from that man.”

“Lady wood, Faith?”

“Yeah, you know, female equivalent to a male erection.”

“I know what you meant.” She rolls her eyes at me but I know she’s got dirty little thoughts running around in her head. And as her best friend, it’s my job to get her to act on them.

“So, how are the hormones?”

“There. But I’ve already told you Faith. Nothing is going to happen.”

“Why not? Don’t even tell me he’s not your type. He’s everyone’s type. If I didn’t have Angel I’d be on him in a heartbeat.”

I understand the pregnancy has her on edge since the father’s MIA but a girl’s got to do what a girl’s gotta do, right?

“It’s not that simple. It’s a complicated mess.”

“What’s so complicated about it? A few nice words… or dirty if that’s what you prefer, a little finger manipulation here and there, several nice hard thrusts, some moans. And voila! It’s a nice orgasm.” I had expected Buffy to blush or laugh at me, but what I see now is not at all what I expected.

She’s crying.

“B? Buffy? What’s the matter?” She slides her hands over her face and wipes at the tears falling down her cheek.

“That’s what got me into this to begin with.”

Color me shocked.

“What do you mean? With him? Spike?”

She nods.

“Does he know it’s his?” I don’t know why I even bothered to ask. I know the answer is no. Suddenly the past weeks events all seem to make sense. “Why don’t you tell him?” The look on her face is so miserable. I pull her into my arms and let her cry.

“I can’t. I mean what am I supposed to say? Hey, remember that night a few months ago? You know, the one where we humped like bunnies? Oh! Then the next morning I left without so much as a good-bye. Yeah, well, surprise I’m pregnant!”

Well, when she says it like that…

“I hate to be the sound of reason. You know I do. But have you thought that maybe he deserves to know? He seems to have this weird but cute thing for you as it is. Maybe sit down and talk about this. ‘Sides don’t you think it’s going to come out eventually anyway?”

Oh how I hate to be the voice that speaks with reason.

Buffy pulls back and looks at me.

“You’re right.”

“You know it.”

“But not today. I need to think of the perfect way to break it to him… probably when I’ve already found a new place to live because he’s probably gonna kick me out when he realizes he doesn’t want the responsibility.”

Does she really think that? Does she not see the way he looks at her?


We hear the front door open and close.

“Well. I doubt that would happen. Trust me. Anyway, I forget the reason why I came over. So, I’m just going to head on back over to Angel’s. You still have to come over and check out the place. I’ll give you the grand tour.”

As Spike rounds the corner into the kitchen I say goodbye and head into the hallway.

Peeking into the kitchen I watch as Spike takes a good look at Buffy.

“You been cryin’, pet?” He asks as he puts a hand on her shoulder.

Buffy sniffles one last time and nervously laughs as she wipes away the mascara that had begun to drip onto her cheeks.

For a moment she looks like she’s going to tell him, instead she gives him a smile and says that she’s okay. They stare into each other’s eyes for what seems like forever. I let myself out the door. I’ll step back for now. I may not need to go all Cupid on them after all.

They’re goners.

Spike’s POV

When I walked in and saw that Buffy had been crying I had no clue what to do. I felt protective, I wanted to hold her. Hell I didn’t even hear Faith leave.

There’s just something about Buffy that takes me out of my element. I’m usually fully loaded with wise-cracks and remarks, but with her I lose them. I want her. God help me, I want this woman.

I tried getting her to tell me what was wrong but she’s a stubborn bird. When I realized there was no way I was going to win I suggested that we go rent some movies. She told me to go pick some out and she’d stay home and order dinner. I got home about a half an hour later and she had changed into a tank top and gray sweatpants and was wearing a robe over it. She looked like an angel.

“What next? Horror flick or comedy?” I ask after the first movie finished.

“Mmmmm…. How about Pirates of the Caribbean?”


“Buffy? We just finished watching that. That’s enough Disney for me for one night. How about something filled with blood and gore?” I smirk.

She pouts and I’m toast. Done for. Dead. Goner.

“Pirates it is, luv.”

The smile on her face is enough to keep me happy. Next time it’ll take more than that.

I push the play button and the movie starts up again.

Buffy lays down scrunched up on her half of the couch and pulls the blanket up over her.

“You look crammed there, luv. Why don’t you spread out?” I ask and grab her ankles, letting her feet rest on my lap. Unconsciously my fingers begin to massage them.

Buffy moans and says thank you.

My pleasure.


Two hours later the movie ends and I happily turn off the movie.

“You up for another?” I ask. When she doesn’t answer I look over and find her sleeping. “Guess not.”

Scooping her up in my arms I carry her up the stairs and lay her in her bed. She was so small to begin with that with the extra weight that she put on from the pregnancy she was still easy to carry. Albeit a little bit more awkward due to the growth but nothing this man can’t handle.

I slide her robe off of her and revel at the feeling of her bare skin as my hands glide it off of her shoulders. As I cover her with the comforter her breaths begin to get a bit more shallow and it almost sounds as if she’s moaning.

What the hell could she possibly be dreaming of?

Buffy’s POV

“Spike… harder.” I moan against his lips as he thrusts deep inside me. “Please.” He acquiesces to my request and he is suddenly reaching deeper inside. He grinds up against my clit as his erection brushes against the sweetest spot. “Right there.”

I feel the fire in my stomach becoming unbearable and I thrust up against him trying to reach release.

He keeps saying my name like a mantra and kissing me. Anywhere his lips can reach. I lick the side of his neck and savor the salty taste of his sweat as he pounds me into the mattress.

I squeeze my internal muscles and he rigorously continues to slide into me as far as possible.

“You keep breathing like that, luv, and you’re going to pass out.”

I don’t care.

He lightly nips at my collarbone and the fire inside explodes. My whole body tightens around him. I try to keep my voice down as my orgasm washes over me but I am unsuccessful.

Spike groans as his thrusts become sporadic. His own body shakes with release as he rests on top of me.

He opens his mouth to say something but all that comes out is a beeping sound.

He beeps?

My eyes fly open at the offending sound I look over at the alarm clock. 7:30. I whine and hit the off switch.

Of course it was a dream. How could that possible be real?

With a sigh, I swing my legs over the side of the bed. Standing, I groan at the wetness between my thighs.

“Massaging showerhead, here I come... I hope.”

Chapter Five

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 1:20 pm
by maxs silverhandprint
Okay, I know it has been FOREVER since I updated. I make no excuses. However, if you enjoy this story you can always check my account Levi Madden. I post there and most frequently. Thank you for the bumps while I was away!

Chapter Five
Buffy’s POV

Ahhhhhh yes. The wonderful work. Whiny, tired, happy, rebellious, and most of all SICK children. Maybe I should have said that with more of a sarcastic tone. “Sick” children. You know, the kids who sneezed and the parents think they are going to die. Yeah. We get tons of those. Doesn’t help that the doc is a babe. I’ve noticed a few ladies come into the office to make an appointment instead of letting the receptionist do it over the phone. No, they find it necessary to make an appointment to come into the office and speak with the doctor about setting up the necessary appointments for their children. People make me laugh.

“Buffy, it’s almost time for lunch, would you mind setting up room three before you go?”

“Not a problem, Riley.” Dr. Riley Finn. He’s the typical corn-fed all-American man. He’s perfect… for someone other than me. He’s tall, blonde hair, blue eyes, polite, chivalrous, and a one woman kind of man. I don’t know why we never lasted. We tried… for two months. We went on dates, double dates, met the parents, none of it seemed to make a difference. Faith says it’s because he was too predictable. I need a streak of pure unadulterated ruggedness in my man. Or so the legend goes.

I quickly grab the chart for the next patient and slide it into it’s holder next to exam room three, recover the bench with new paper, and wipe down the door handles and countertop with our nifty all purpose wet wipes. 11:59. I’m good.

One hour of Chinese food to sink my teeth into. The office is piling out the door nodding to the boss man. I say my “See ya later” and am on my way to the morgue. I used to find it disturbing that there was a morgue located a mere hop, skip, and a jump away. However, since Faith started working there it is mighty convenient. Faith’s boss Davis is insanely nice. Not just nice, he is one of the good guys too. Faith always orders us food to be delivered at exactly 12 so that we have a good hour to eat and chat. Davis sits there and eats but he seems a little scared around girls. It’s adorable.

I turn down the outside walkway and enter the morgue. I’m greeted by Drew, our designated Chinese delivery man. I smile and take a large breath. Mmmmmmm…. Chicken fingers.

Spike’s POV

Why am I doing this? Why do I care? Why do I feel compelled to do such a thing?

Why the hell am I bringing Buffy lunch?

This morning I noticed that she left the house without grabbing anything to eat. I can’t let her go hungry. That’s why I’m bringing her food.

I’m such an ass. I’m head over heels for a tiny blonde woman and there is nothing I can do about it. I made sandwiches for the both of us along with mini salads. I remember that she said that she worked for some tiny tot doctor with a poofter name. I can’t quite remember it though. So here I am staring at a board with little white letters spelling out names looking for one that sounds familiar. Albert Bernstien? Nah…. Reginald? Nope but getting closer. Riley? Yeah, that’s it. Riley Finn. I take the elevator and walk down to the door.

The office looks dark and empty. I can pretty much assume that everyone heads out somewhere to eat lunch, but I go in anyway. I knock lightly and open the door.

“One second!” Some guy yells. I’m gripping the paper bags like they are going to jump out of my hands. Then my phone rings, and they do. It’s so quiet in the office that the sudden ringing of my cell phone makes me jumpy and the bags fall to the floor. I sigh and check the caller ID. I told the office not to call me unless if someone died, even then it had to be someone that mattered to me.

“Can I help you?” asks the man. Well, well. What do we have here? Buffy works for Captain Hero. “Are you here to make an appointment for your child?”

“No, not a father… not to my knowledge anyway. I was actually looking for Buffy. She does work here, right?”

“Yes. She does.”

The doc just stands there staring at me. Almost as if he is sizing me up, willing to scrutinize my every move.

“Is she not here now? I just came by to drop off some stuff for her.”

I’m trying not to get irritated but he isn’t answering me, and in a little less than an hour I have to be back at the office.

“She’s uh… she’s in the morgue.”

“The morgue?” The morgue, is that the best he can come up with?

“Yes. You go out through the first door on your right, follow the outdoor path to the adjacent building, and there will be a sign.”

“I swear to god that if this is some sort of lame prank you are pulling I will come back here and kick your nancy boy ass.”

The doc just looks at me and shakes his head before heading back into wherever he came from.

To the morgue it is. What Buffy could possibly be doing there, I have absolutely no clue.

Buffy’s POV

“So, Davis, then there was this one time that B and I went to some carnival after this really long and boring fireman’s parade-”

“You know Faith, the point to the parades aren’t to be short and merely pleasing to the eye, they are so you can come out and show your appreciation.” Davis interjects.

“But Davis that is not the point. The point is that while we were there Buffy and I went into this haunted house thing they had going on.”

Oh come on! Faith tells this tale to everyone. She finds the need to point out my shining moment. “Faith? Leave me a little dignity please?” I ask, I don’t know why though. She never listens to my pleas.

“No chance. So there we are walking through this plain metal caging. The only thing that haunted it was the disappointment from all us trusting fools. All it was, was a pitch black maze that lead to a door that said exit. Well, we get out the door and there was this spinning barrel type thing you had to walk through to leave. Well, I trudged my ass out and I turn around and call for her to come through. She takes a few steps slowly, which was her mistake by the way, and she started to fall to the side. Then she overcompensated and threw herself to the other side and she wound up on her ass. She couldn’t get up, and everyone there saw her flat on her back kicking her feet up in the air trying to turn. Eventually the carnie running the gimmick had to turn it off before she started taking out the kids that were coming out behind her.”

Faith bursts into a fit of giggles, and I can’t help but follow in her steps. Although I am embarrassed about the situation it is still freaking funny.

“So that’s what you’re doing here.” I turn around and there is Spike hovering near the doorway. “Let me guess Faith works in this fine yet morbid and quirky establishment.”

“You pegged it.” Faith grins.

I stand up and walk over to Spike. “What are you doing here?” Not that I am not happy to see him but it doesn’t explain how he found me here and the whole nice big question of why.

“Well…” He looks over to the table with the food on it, then he looks down at he bags in his hands. “I, uh, I saw that you didn’t pack a lunch this morning so I thought that I would be nice and drop off something… for you… to eat.”

I get little butterflies flittering about in my stomach and smile.

“Can I have that?” I ask and hold my hand out for the bag of goodies he packed.

“Oh, you already have stuff, I’ll just be going.”

“No you don’t.” I grab his arm as he begins to turn away. “It’s mine, now gimme.”

Reluctantly he hands over the bag and I peek inside.

“Oooooh. I got turkey and a Caesar salad? I must be special.” I grin. Again with the butterflies. “Thank you. I suppose I should be eating healthier than Chinese food anyway. Come join us.”

“Hey! Did you bring enough for everyone?” Faith asks.

“Nope, but you can have mine. I kind of need to head back to the office soon.”

He smiles and I get that fluttery feeling again.

“Where is it that you work exactly?” Davis finally speaks up.

“I work under my dad’s rule. He is kind of a jack of all trades. He runs a law firm and owns a construction company. I run the construction part.”

Faith and Spike keep talking and I am busy dealing with my stomach. I know Spike is one hot man but I have a serious case of butterflies and he’s not even doing anything. Wait a minute.

“OOOHHHHH!” I squeal. Yes, I squealed. I have been kicked. I start bouncing up and down on my feet giggling. Not like a mad woman, mind you. More like a pregnant woman. “Faith! Come here!” Faith rushes over but I think it is because she is unsure what is going on. Spike places a hand on my lower back and is looking all concerned and such.

“What? B, what is going on?” I grab her hand and place it on my tummy. “Is the baby moving? Hun, I can’t feel anything.” She pouts.

Now I feel bad. I wanted Faith to feel the baby move, but it isn’t moving anymore. Yes, I said it. I don’t want to know if it is a boy or a girl. I like the element of surprise. Faith calms down and takes her seat again.

“Thanks for the false alarm.” She quips.

“Is it the first time that has happened?” Spike asks.

“Yeah.” Oh god. I want to tell him. I want to just fess up and tell him the baby is his. I want to be able to tell him that I feel HIS baby moving around inside me.

Later That Evening
Spike’s Point of View

“Awwww….. I want a kitten.” Buffy says.

“And deal with a litter box?” I ask.

“Good point.”

10 minutes later

“Awwww….. I want a puppy.”

“And deal with training it?”

“Yeah, good point.”

5 minutes later

“Awwww….. I want a-”

“Buffy, don’t even say you want a bear.”

“What are you talking about? Why would I want a bear?”

“Why? Because first a cat food commercial came on and you wanted a kitten, then there was the flea commercial and you wanted a puppy.”

She looks at me from the other side of the couch. “What does that have to do with me wanting a bear?”

Lord help her she really doesn’t see it.

“A toilet paper commercial came on… with little bears…”

Oh hell. It’s a lost cause.

Ten minutes later

“Start your baby off right with Healthy Start.” God that looks so fake. You expect anyone to believe that she just gave birth and is smaller than some teenagers? Her tits would be larger than that. Quickly I sneak a peek at Buffy’s chest.

“Awwww… I want a baby.”

Holy mother of god. I turn to yell at her for being just plain ridiculous and find Buffy quietly chuckling to herself, waiting for me to say something.

“You, girl, will be the death of me.”

Buffy’s Point of View

I laugh at the aggravated look on Spike’s face. I guess I can be a pain every once in a while. After Spike left to go back to work I was discussing with Faith about the whole baby situation and Davis caught on to my little secret. Boy did I take advantage of that. It is unanimous that I need to tell Spike. However, looking at him now he seems comfortable with his life at this point. He seems fine with a pregnant friend, a nice airy uncluttered house. He’s just slouching into the couch with his muscles nice and… rippling under his tight black tee, his legs up on the coffee table resting in his black fitted jeans. No matter, he needs to know.



“You uhhhh… I need to tell you something.” Oh, here goes.

“I need to tell you something too.”


“Oh? Well, you can go first. I won’t forget.”

“Are you sure?” He asks.

I pat the round bulge that is my belly.

“Trust me I will definitely not be forgetting anytime soon.”

“Okay. Well, see… my pops is going to be coming out here to drop off some papers and such and well…”

Where the hell can this be going? “Spit it out. Are you asking me to be nice?”

“No, I know you won’t be inappropriate or anything. I was just giving a heads up because he doesn’t quite know about you.”

“About me or my condition?”

“He just wasn’t expecting me to be living with anyone just yet.”

And that’s a curve ball. Was he dating someone? Is he dating someone? Oh, god. What if he was married? Is he married? Do I have the right to ask?

“Oh. Well that’s fine. Do you want me to make myself scarce?”

“No, I would never ask that of you. This is your home for as long as you would like. Yours and the baby’s.” Do I tell him?

It’s official that I am going to drive myself crazy. To tell or not to tell, totally the question of my life.

Spike’s Point of View

I can see a torn look displaying itself across Buffy’s face. Would I be egotistical if I thought it was all about me?

“You had something to say, luv?” I ask. She opens her mouth to say something but quickly closes it. “Cat got your tongue?”

“Something does.” She says and gets up and walks upstairs.

Please, Lord let this work out. Let what work out, you may ask? Why am I freaked out about my dear old dad coming for a nice little visit? That is a story for another day.