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Twilight (AU,M/L,MATURE/ADULT) Pt 6 - 03/06/04 [WIP]

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2003 5:57 pm
by dancepixie
Title: Twilight

Author: Nikki

Category: AU, M/L and all CC’s

Rating: MATURE, maybe ADULT somewhere along the way, we’ll see, but I’ll make a warning before any ADULT parts.

Disclaimer: I do not own Roswell or the characters portrayed in this story. And I can also not take credit for the idea for this story which came off the challenge thread, it is anonymousarfan’s challenge #5 for anyone who’s interested. I just saw it and some ideas started popping into my head, so I hope I do your idea justice anonymousarfan!

Summary: Well as I said this is a challenge, so if you want to spoil yourself you can go find it on the discussion board, but it’s more fun to just wait. The basics are that Liz and the gang all work at Albuquerque General Hospital. Liz is from a rich prominent family and her father is the director of said hospital. Liz gets herself into a sticky situation of sorts and can’t get herself out of it alone, so she turns to the one person she never would have thought of before… Enjoy!

* * * * *

Part 1

* * * * *

Liz sighed as she flopped down on the couch in the break room. Why was she so tired? It had been the longest day of her life, or at least it seemed as much, though it was barely four o’clock in the afternoon. She’d been on duty in the hospital since three am though and it had been a rough 13 hours. Now she was done for the day and couldn’t seem to find the energy to change out of her scrubs, let alone move in any way towards the exit.

She couldn’t wait to go home, take a long bubble bath, pour a glass of champagne and call James to have him come over and join her for some…relaxation.

“Hey Lizzie, what’s up chica?” Maria’s bubbly voice echoed loudly in the once silent room as the bouncy blond jumped down on the vacant end of the same couch.

“Ugh…Ria, how can you be so cheerful?” Liz moaned as she struggled to sit up and attempt a glare at her best friend since diapers.

“Because I just had the best afternoon with my Michael…” she sighed dreamily. “Lizzie, it’s the anniversary of the day he proposed to me, so he made me breakfast in bed and massaged my feet, and told me I was beautiful even though I feel like I’m a blimp…”

Liz had to stifle a laugh at that comment. Maria was far from a blimp. She was a very slim 5 months pregnant. And because she was just naturally so petite Liz couldn’t imagine her getting too large anyway.

“One, you are not fat, I mean, look at you. You don’t look like you’ve even gained ten pounds. As long as your feet are still visible, I wouldn’t complain,” she teased.

“Thanks Lizzie. So what are you up to? You look like hell, did you just get off?”

“Yeah, and I have a bubble bath at home calling my name.”

“Sounds fabulous. Just don’t…”


“Lizzie, I just think that-”

“We’ve been over this before.”

“It’s wrong.”

“It’s my life!”

“It’s Amanda and Julie’s lives as well.” Maria’s tone was scathing and final and it stopped Liz in her tracks. She couldn’t believe they were having this conversation here in the hospital of all places where god knows who could over hear them. That’s all she needed was for this to get out and cause scandal. “I’m sorry Liz,” Maria apologized. “I didn’t mean it to sound like that. I meant the words…but I guess I could’ve said it nicer. Really, it is their lives as well. Promise to give it some thought before you continue like you have?”

“Sure, I promise.” It was a stoic response with no animation behind it.

So much for a refreshing evening…Liz thought darkly. She knew deep down that Maria was right. After all, that’s why they were best friends, to be there for one another and to call them on their shit. But it still hurt to hear it.

“I’m just gonna get dressed and make my rounds. I’m expecting Mrs. Hayes in here any day. At her last appointment she was ready to pop. And yesterday she had false labor pains. So I’m sure it’ll be soon. I’ll call you tonight, alright?” Maria hoped she hadn’t upset Liz too much, but she’d been keeping a lot of that inside for too long and had to get it out sometime. However, she was now supposed to be out in the hospital doing her job and delivering babies…all that good stuff. She just wanted to make sure Liz was alright.

“Yeah, I’ll talk to you later. I’m just gonna go crash at home. Bye,” she turned away and stood up to get her things from her locker on the wall as Maria left behind her without another word.

Not many people had known; in truth only Maria because she’d been Liz’s confidant forever. And her other good friend Alex knew as well from having interrupted one of their conversations and found out unintentionally. No one in her family knew or they’d be appalled, disgraced, and quite possibly even disown her. She’d never meant for things to go this far, but she hadn’t been able to help it, she hadn’t listened to her mind, not until now.

* * * * *

“Max, chica, how’s it?” Maria chirped as she joined him at the nurse’s station to grab some paperwork and see who was in and who out.

“You know the drill, same as every other day. But you are glowing so I’m guessing you had a good morning, yes?” Max smiled as one of his favorite doctors approached. Maria definitely had the spirit and vivacity to lighten up a sometimes gloomy place. At some point in the last year since he’d been working here they’d become pretty good friends. Occasionally they’d gone to lunch together, and even done a little shopping though it hadn’t been his choice.

“Mmm, what can I say, I have a fabulous husband and this definitely agrees with me.”

“Yeah, I thought so. As if you didn’t glow enough on your own. You could light up the whole place if our power ever went out.”

“Thanks sweetie. If you see my Mikey can you please tell him I might be here late tonight?”

“Sure no problem.” Max and Michael had been friends since they got hired as RN's at just about the same time. They were the only two guys in the entire hospital in that particular job, and naturally they’d become friends. Some people picked on them for their choices but neither of them really minded. For Max, he was just trying to save the money to finish med school. It had always been his dream, he just had to put it on hold until he could find the money.

“Thanks babe, I’m off.”

* * * * *


New Part 2

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2003 4:04 pm
by dancepixie
Yeah, I've got another part out. Thanks for all the great feedback everyone. I just had to post a new part today after reading it all! I think this part will help clear up some of the questions you all had as to who is who and what is going on. Enjoy!



* * * * *

Part 2

* * * * *

Parking in front of her lush apartment she got out of the sports car and headed inside, up to the very top floor. Coming from a rich and prominent family had its perks. Daddy made sure he set his little girl up in comfort before she went out on her own into the world. Though she didn’t get too far from home since her father was the director of the hospital at which she and all of her friends worked. Some people said that was why she got the job there so easily, but she’d tell them all that she worked her butt of to be where she was in her career and if they still criticized well then fuck them.

Her thoughts still in turmoil she slammed the apartment door shut behind her and jumped when she turned around to find the object of many of her thoughts standing before her with a wine glass in hand and looking like he’d made himself rather at home in her absence.

“James, god you scared the shit out of me!” She cried as he moved closer to bring her into his arms and hold her close.

“I’m sorry baby. I’ve been waiting for you for hours. Did something happen?” he asked curiously as he took in her ragged and dull appearance while leading her to sit on the sofa. He handed her the glass of wine figuring she needed it, before sitting behind her to massage her shoulders. He knew she loved his touch. He knew everything about her, how one touch could make her melt in his hands. God, to think he’d practically watched this girl grow up from a little thing hiding behind her mother’s knees to the voluptuous temptress who’s body he hadn’t been able to resist when his wife had been berating him about everything six months before.

“Ugh, just a long day. And that asshole who thinks he knows better than me what to do for the patients…even though he’s just a nurse. God, I’ve been meaning to report him to my father. Oh well, it’ll have to wait. Then Maria and I got into a fight before I left.” She sighed as she drank down the last of the wine in the glass. She really needed that.

“Maybe I can make it a little better for you,” his voice was a whisper in her ear as he leaned forward and placed little kisses all up and down her neck. “How’s that?”

“Mmm…that’s…that’s good…” she mumbled, head rolling back in appreciation.

“Why don’t we take this to the bedroom baby?” With that he scooped her up in his arms and carried her since she was obviously too tired to do any walking on her own. But he’d make sure she had the energy for what he was planning.

“Just sit right there baby, I’ll get these clothes off you. There you go. That’s much better, huh?” he whispered as his gaze raked over her bare flesh. She lay back as he divested himself of his own clothing before covering her supple body with his aging one. Old enough to be her father, but none of that mattered as long as he was buried within her tight body.

Everything was hazy for Liz hours later but she opened her eyes to see James getting dressed and rolled over to talk to him.

“Where are you going?” she asked lazily as she pulled the sheet up to cover her bare skin. It was getting a bit chilly in the room.

“Home and then to the hospital. I’ve got a nine to nine.”


“Yeah, Amanda and I worked things out. And for Julie, it’s the best thing…” he answered offhand as if it was of no importance to inform his lover that he’d moved back in with his wife and child.

“What?! And when were you going to tell me this?” Liz was abashed. How the hell could he think it was alright? Sure it was bad enough when he’d been having problems with his wife that they’d been together, but now that he and Amanda were together again, that just made it ten times worse, and Maria’s warning came flooding back to Liz’s mind. Her eyes were burning as she glared at the man before her. He pretended to know her, to care, but no, he obviously didn’t if he thought this was okay.

“What does it matter baby? I mean, I’m still married, so what, I have been this whole time and it never mattered to you before.”

“It never mattered? Do you seriously think I never thought about what this was doing? I was keeping you away from your wife. And now you’re back with her again and everything is fine, but it’s not! How the fuck do you think this is alright? There is no way we can keep this…this…thing going on anymore. Get the hell out of my apartment. And give me my key back. I’m having it changed anyway, but I want it back now!”

“Liz, baby, please!”

“NO! Don’t call me baby, I’m not your baby anymore! Now get out of my house! How could you do this to me tonight! My god!”

Tears were mixed with angry yells and the longer James watched her, the more scared he got. Removing the key from his others he placed it on her nightstand and walked out. What did he need with her anyway, it would probably only cause trouble in the future. And if Jeffrey ever found out he’d be a dead man walking.

Liz heard the door click shut behind him and pulled her knees up tight to her chest as she sobbed. How had she been so stupid to think that anything like this would ever last? It was all crazy really. It was an affair in the heat of the moment when she’d just broken up with a boyfriend and he’d just had a fight with his wife…but she knew right now that everything had been the biggest mistake of her life.

No more, no more pains…no more broken hearts over men…men are scum and that is that. She’d wash her hands with the entire male species right now.

The phone rang while Liz was surrounded with the bubbles and the calming scent of lavender. Only after the machine picked up and Maria began to leave a message did Liz reach for the cordless she’d placed on the end of the tub.

“I’m here Ria,” she spoke softly.

“So, let me guess you’re in the middle of a bubble bath and didn’t want to answer the phone until you were sure it was your best friend in the world who would kill you come morning if you didn’t?” Maria joked.

“Not exactly,” Liz hiccupped when she meant to laugh, but she couldn’t control her emotions so much right now.

“Lizzie? What’s wrong? Is this about what I said earlier? Cause I’m sorry…I should’ve been nicer about it.”

“No…it’s…god, when can you come over?” she cried softly. She was breaking down and she needed her friend.

“I’m sorry I’m on till midnight and Michael said if I’m not home right away he’ll send out a search party. I think he’s a little over protective of me and the baby.”

“Oh…that’s alright then. I’m sorry. I’ll just let you get back to work.”

“Lizzie, no wait!”

“It’s alright Ria, really. I’m fine.”

“No you’re not. I know that tone. I’ll be there as soon as I’m off, alright?”

“What about Michael?”

“Don’t worry about him, leave that to me.”

“I’ll see you soon chica.”


“No problem. I love you Lizzie.”

Liz sighed as she replaced the phone on the receiver and pulled the plug from the drain. Her friends were really too good for her. But now she was just getting too pruney in this tub; it was time to dry herself off and maybe have a little hot cocoa and curl up on the couch. Maybe watch a sappy movie?

* * * * *

“Are you sure Maria?” Michael asked her.

“Of course. She just needs someone there with her right now. This way I’ll meet you there when I get off. It’ll be fine.”

“But does she even know that I know about the two of them?” he whispered conspiratorially.

“Yes she does, it’ll be fine. Just give her a shoulder to cry on. I know you have it in you.”

“Uh huh. And since when have Liz and I been that close.”

“Come on Mikey G. Do it for me? Please? Maybe it’ll help the two of you to get closer. I mean, she will be our child’s godmother. You should get to know her a little better.”

“Alright, I’m going, I’m going. Just make sure you be careful when you come over cause it’ll be late and there might be drunk drivers out…”

“I know Michael!” she laughed at how cute he was. “Don’t worry we’ll be fine! Now go. She needs you.”

“I’ll see you soon sweetheart. I love you.”

“I love you too. Now take care of my best friend.”

* * * * *

*Knock Knock*

Liz looked up from the couch where she’d been slowly sipping her hot chocolate and amaretto between tears. Who could that be at the door. Not Maria, she was still on duty. So who then? Getting up she walked to the door that she now realized was still unlocked from his leaving.

Michael? What on earth was he doing here? Wait, dumb question. She should’ve realized. Maria must be really worried about her if she sent Michael. Wiping at her eyes one last time she opened the door. And stood there staring at the man before her as he stared right back, not quite sure what to do. But soon enough he was wrapping his arms around her and letting her wipe her eyes on his shirt and cry her tears on his shoulder.

“It’s alright Lizzie. He’s a bastard, that’s all. You’re better off without him,” Michael encouraged as she curled up in his lap on the couch crying against him. Well Maria had been right about this bringing them closer together.

“Thank you,” she mumbled. “I just…how could he…I mean…” sniffle sniffle.

“He’s not a decent man and absolutely not good enough for you if he thinks that treating you like that is okay.”

“Men are pigs,” she whimpered.

“Scumbags,” he nodded in agreement.



“He needs to be bitch-slapped.”

“Would that make you feel better?” Michael asked with a small smile. “Cause I can arrange it.”

She laughed at that comment a little bit and Michael smiled in triumph for at least cheering her up for an instant. Maybe this job Maria had given him wouldn’t be so bad after all.

* * * * *

Maria let herself into the large apartment with her own key shortly after midnight. She had hurried to get out of that place as fast as possible, especially when she’d run into that bastard in the process of handing in all her paperwork from the night.

She could’ve killed him but instead restrained herself on the thought that her friend needed her slightly more than he needed a good ass-whipping.

What she found put a soft smile on her face and melted the ice James’s presence had put around her. Well at least she knew she’d done the right thing in sending him over ahead of her now.

“And he acted like it was perfectly normal that he could sleep with me and then be going on home to his wife and daughter. Like he didn’t even need to tell me he was back with them!”

“That jerk,” Michael reiterated over and over with each comment of hers.

“What did I ever see in him?”

“I don’t know sweetie. But now you’ve got me and look, you’ve got Maria too. And we’ll both be here for you whenever you need us. Our door is always open.” He smiled down at her, and then up at his wife who’d crept forward to stand behind the couch where he sat.

“Thank you Mikey…” she wiped the tears and looked up, and excitement crossed her face as she saw her best friend. “Ria!”

“Hey Lizzie. You know I love you. I hope you don’t mind that I sent my other half over early.”

“No, you’re the best. Actually, I think it’s just what the doctor ordered,” she giggled.

“Damn straight, just what Dr. Maria Guerin ordered!”

* * * * *


Part 3

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2003 7:29 pm
by dancepixie
Hey everyone, look I'm back! I'm sorry for the horribly long delay but there was the computer problems, of which my computer never recovered but at least I managed to save all my stories! And then there was all the fires in San Diego and I was hanging onto news reports trying to hear about the summer camp I work at, which was thankfully saved! And finally I had a midterm last tuesday and a final on wednesday and two papers to write and I'm going out of my mind...but that's my life. But I do have another part today, and it shouldn't take long to get another out you guys just have to post lots of feedback and encourage me to write more!!! I can't wait to hear from you all, and maybe this part will help to make you all not hate Liz so much...I don't know, but I can hope!



* * * * *

Part 3

* * * * *

The next day at work everyone kept popping up to see Liz. Mainly it was Maria’s doing. They didn’t all know the truth, just Michael and Ria, but it felt nice to know everyone cared. Kyle stopped by with Alex. They were the security guards for the emergency wing of the hospital and generally it kept them pretty busy just trying to help keep order in the emergency room, and holidays were especially crazy, but they enjoyed their job because it brought them close to their friends.

“Alright, enough!” Liz laughed. “Look, I’m not gonna get anything done today if you guys don’t start leaving me alone to do my rounds. Alright? Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to do what I get paid to do.” With that she swept past everyone gathered around the nurses station and disappeared into a room.

Max was sitting at the computer behind the desk of the station entering in a new patient in the ward as he overheard the large group talking.

“Yeah, thanks guys for checking up on her for me, but I think she’ll be fine now. She just needed someone to talk to and console her last night,” Maria spoke softly to disband the gathering.

“But you still haven’t said, console her for what?” Kyle asked impatiently.

“She had some bad news last night, and was really upset.”

“It’s not about Grandma C is it?” Alex declared getting a little upset himself. Grandma Claudia was Liz’s favorite grandma, and basically she was a grandma to the whole group. They’d all be really hurt if anything were to happen to her.

“No, it’s some asshole, that’s all. Don’t worry about it,” Maria dismissed with the wave of a hand and she too sauntered off to get to work.

Max couldn’t help but wonder what happened to make the perfect Dr. Parker get so upset she’d need all her friends consoling her. Some guy huh? He’d never seen her interact with another man except when she was yelling at them or as patients. She sure enjoyed yelling at him specifically, that was for damn sure. He’d imagined on more than one occasion that she wanted to get him fired for no other reason than that he was a male nurse. But then so was Michael, and she never yelled at him, in fact they seemed closer today than ever before.

Girls were a mystery to him mostly, well with the exception of his sister. But she was still in New York until the end of the month when she’d graduate and come back. At least he was pretty sure Isabel intended to come back home and find a job. It was what she always said she’d do. She was currently at NYU on scholarship getting her degree in accounting, she’d always been good with numbers.

* * * * *

“Are you sure you’re alright?”

“Yeah, I’m fine now, but thanks.”

“No problem chica. I just don’t want you to be alone when you really need a friend.”

“I’m fine, I promise. He was a jerk, and you were right all along. I never should’ve gotten involved with a married man. It’s asking for trouble. I just…he seemed different, you know? And he said he was leaving them. He said it was only a matter of getting the last papers signed before they would bedivorced.”

Maria snorted at that. “All men seem different when they just want in your skirt Lizzie. They can seem like a prince, when really they’re worse than trash in the gutter,” they laughed together.

“Thanks Ria. I think I’d waste away without you always taking care of me. Now it’s time for me to take care of you. Now let’s go spend some money on baby things. I’m going to spoil my little god child and there is nothing you can do to stop me!”

* * * * *

The annual hospital summer picnic…had it really been another year already? Liz wondered. She’d been coming to these things since she was a baby because her mother was always the one planning them right along with her father.

Her mother had been out here in the park adjacent to the hospital since 8 am this morning, as always, setting up tables and decorations. Other hospital wives as they’re called filter in all morning and help where they can, bringing dishes of food for everyone to enjoy. It’s a literal feast and none of it is catered. Everyone just contributes so much. It’s a great community where everyone is willing to give as much as they can. The food never runs out, it is always plentiful.

Everyone from the hospital showed up at some point in the day. That was the reason for it being adjacent to the hospital. People would come on their day off, or before or after work.

Liz was a little hesitant about coming to this one because she knew she’d end up running into him. Honestly, it was inevitable. Sure, she was over it for the most part. She’d done her crying but the anger was still there. And could she really make nice right now with everyone including her parents watching? She’d have to.

“Elizabeth!” her mom called out as she was spotted.

“Mom, how’s everything coming so far? It seems like there’s enough food for an army as usual.”

“Well, we are an army darling. An army of doctors and nurses and support…we have to keep you all well fed now don’t we?” she laughed in the high ringing voice that Liz often wished she’d inherited. Her mother had the voice of a goddess, but Liz herself sounded more like an out of tune horn.

“Thanks mom. How’s daddy?”

“He’s fine, around here somewhere with James I believe. Isn’t it great that James and Amanda worked out their troubles and are back together? I think it’s about time. I mean, Julie’s only 7 years old, they don’t want to put all their troubles on her shoulders at such a young age…” Nancy continued on but Liz stopped paying much attention after that. She was too busy trying to mask the pain and stop berating herself for what she’d done to contribute to the problems.

“Yeah mom, oh look, I just saw Maria and I want to see how she’s doing. Michael’s being so overprotective lately that I’m sure she’ll be on the verge of murder soon,” Liz joked.

“Alright, send her my love dear,” Nancy hugged her daughter, kissing each cheek before continuing among the patrons to make sure everyone was having a great time.

Liz breathed deeply as she walked over to the swing set and had a seat on an empty one. At least no one was over here so she could catch her breath for a moment.

What was she going to do about James? Sure he wasn’t exactly approaching her, but they were bound to be in company at some point or other. His being best friends with her father would see to that. It was fine when they’d been secretly dating. No one had been the wiser. But now? How could she possibly be civil to him after everything that had transpired?

“Come on Daddy! Come push me on the swings. You promised!” Liz turned. She knew that voice. Her eyes confirmed it for her. That little begging voice belonged to none other than little Miss Julie Taylor. And just as she asked, her daddy came behind to amuse her.

Liz closed her eyes and steeled herself for the meeting. She could do this. That bastard had done this to her, she wouldn’t give him any satisfaction.

“Lizzie!” young Julie called as she plopped herself right down on the next swing with a giant grin. “Isn’t this so much fun? Daddy’s here to push me.” She seemed to bask in the glow as her father’s shadow fell over her. She loved him so much. Everything had worked out for the best perhaps.

“That’s great Julie. You have fun, okay sweetie? I’ve gotta go check up on a friend.” Liz applauded herself for a nice escape while pushing away from the swing and not even turning when she heard James say her name.

“Chica!” Maria called when she saw Liz walking as fast as she could in no particular direction.

“Maria?” Liz looked up only to stop abruptly before she plowed her best friend over. “Oh god, I’m so glad I found you,” she breathed in a sigh of relief as they fell into each other’s arms.

“Hey, you’re alright now. Did you have a run-in with him? Was he mean to you? Do I need to have Michael go beat him up?” she rambled off at lightning speed feeling the need to protect her flock just like any other mother hen.

“No, that’s okay, but thanks,” she laughed as she pulled back from her friends embrace.

“But you did run into him?”

“Yeah, but you know what? It wasn’t so bad,” it was only a slight lie. “And I think next time will be better. You don’t have to worry about me anymore, I’ll be fine now.”

“I’m glad. Remember though, I’m always a phone call away with an ear ready to listen.”

“That’s why you’re the best.”

“Alright, enough of this mushy stuff girls,” Alex smiled as he came up between his two best girls, wrapping an arm around each. “Let the party begin, let’s go. There are tables of food over there just calling out our names. I know my stomach is growling like a bear, what about you two?”

“Alex, we’re ladies, we don’t growl like wild animals…”

“Speak for yourself, I know this little one’s loud, but it’s more like a little lion cub than a bear,” Maria joked.

“Just wait till he’s born, then he’ll be even louder than Alex!”

“Hey! I resent that!” they girls simply laughed at their childhood friend.

* * * * *

“How could I gain this much weight in a month? It doesn’t seem humanly possible!” It was a wail that could be heard down the stairs and into the living room where Max and Michael were sitting and talking comfortably. They both erupted into short laughter but Michael quickly stopped himself on the off chance that his wife would hear him and then he’d be in the doghouse for sure with those mood swings.

“Trouble in paradise?” Max joked good-naturedly.

“Well she hadn’t been showing much until these last few weeks. And now she says she feels like she’s blown up just like a balloon and that she’s liable to get so big she’ll pop before another 3 months is up.” Michael rolled his eyes.

“Oh come on. Stop acting like you’re not loving this. I know you are; it’s written all over your face.”

Michael blushed slightly and then laughed. It was true. He couldn’t be happier than seeing his Maria pregnant with their child.

“Alright, so it does agree with me as well. I only wish you could be so happy Max. Why don’t you ever date anymore? I mean, I know you’re focusing on getting money to finish school, but dating once in a while wouldn’t hurt that.”

“I know, but I’ve also been helping Isabel through school. But she’ll be home soon and then I can focus on school and I won’t have time for a girlfriend, let alone my regular friends.”

“There’s more to life though Max,” Michael tried to explain.

“Maybe, but I haven’t gotten there yet.”

*Knock! Knock!*

“I got it,” Michael mumbled to himself as he lifted himself off the couch and walked to the door. As soon as he reached the handle and started to pull it open he was nearly bowled over by a distraught Liz who was looking madly around her and not seeing what she was looking for, ran for the stairs.

“Uh Liz?” Michael asked.

“Maria!” she cried as she reached the top of the stairs and Michael could hear her enter their room so he simply turned back to Max and suggested they go get a drink or something since the house was liable to turn upside down any moment with those two upstairs crying over god knows what.

Upstairs Liz threw herself onto her best friend’s bed in misery and tears. Maria was shocked and befuddled to say the least at her sudden appearance and actions. Things were utterly and thoroughly disturbed at the moment.

“It’s okay sweet pea. You’re all right,” Maria consoled as she rubbed Liz’s back softly in soothing circles. She wasn’t sure what exactly had happened but it was obviously something big. And she wasn’t going to promise her that everything would be okay because at the moment, she wasn’t sure what could be wrong.

So the two lay on the bed, in silence for a while as Maria did her best to comfort and console until a time when she could be enlightened as to why that was needed. Eventually Liz struggled to sit up and pulled her into a tight hug where she cried a little bit more on her shoulder before confessing.

“God Maria, how could I be that stupid?”

“You’re not stupid.”

“Yes I am. First I date my dad’s best friend while he’s having a fight with his wife and then I sleep with him…”

“I like to think it was just temporary insanity,” Maria smiled in an attempt to lighten the mood.

“But I was so stupid…I thought we were careful…but we weren’t.” A new wave of tears escaped her liquid brown eyes, leaving red trails down her cheeks where they dripped.

“Oh god, are you serious Lizzie? Are you sure? I mean, for sure, you’re positive?”

“I took the test. I took one, and then about a hundred more to be sure. All of them can’t be wrong. Plus I’ve been seeing the signs this week…I just didn’t want to believe it.” Liz took a moment to just breathe. She was nervous and playing with her hands on the comforter. She had to keep busy with something or she’d burst. Finally she turned her pleading eyes upon the one person she trusted with her life. “What am I going to do? My parents will kill me if they ever find out the whole truth. And I can’t just say there is no father…my dad knows me too well to believe that I’d just have a one night fling.”

“I don’t know, sweetie. That’s a lot to take in. First of all, you need to make an appointment with me. We can do it off the clock until people know. But you’re going to do this right.”

“I know. And I have to keep it; there’s just no way I could kill my own child or give it up for adoption.”

“And you’re gonna start taking proper care of yourself and not keeping such horrible hours.”

“Easier said than done until the secret is out.”

“Just try. And now, as for everything else…I don’t know. Really Lizzie, that’s one of the hard choices you’re gonna have to decide for yourself. Do you tell the truth and risk the consequences? Lie and find someone to play the father? Or lie and say the father’s gone or you don’t know who he is?”

Liz sighed as she fell back on the mattress again. Why couldn’t this be easier? Why did it have to happen to her right now? So much for being a responsible adult. Maybe she could just pack up and move to another city, get a job in a different hospital. Somewhere where no one knew her, her family, or James. That would be nice, though it would never happen. Her family meant too much to her to disappear on them. Her only other real option was to find someone…but who?

“Hmm…maybe Richard? No, too chubby. Tommy, yeah. Oh wait, no, he’s getting married in a month, damn! Doug?”

“No, not Doug chica. Remember the gossip a few months ago about him and that visiting doctor we had, Ryan Scott? Well they weren’t rumors, it was true, I saw them.”

“Okay, so much for that idea. Aghhh!” she cried in frustration.

“Well, what about Max? I mean, it’s not like he’s a stranger or anything. And he’s a great guy, I’m sure he’d want to help you out if he knew the truth,” Maria suggested innocently and was shocked at Liz’s mocking laughter.

“Please, like that asshole would do anything for anyone other than himself. Mr. ‘I think I know everything and my way is best!’ He drives me crazy; it would never work.”

“But how can you not like him?”

“He’s always stepping on my toes in the hospital. I know he wants to be a doctor, but he didn’t finish school, I did. I think I would know things a little better than him, but no, he’s always saying things would be better his way. It bugs the hell out of me!”

“Don’t you think it’s a little hypocritical of you to think that just because he hasn’t finished school he doesn’t know anything?”

“Since when was this an argument against me? Don’t turn this around, just help me find an answer to my problem!” she whined like a baby.

“Time to grow up, Lizzie,” Maria whispered to herself as she sat there and continued to rub her friends shoulders and offer support. But other than that there wasn’t much for her to do. This was something Liz would have to work out on her own.

* * * * *

Part 4

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 10:38 pm
by dancepixie
Yeah, I got another part out like I wanted too. It’s a miracle I tell you. Well, hope you all enjoy it. I just love hearing all your opinions on Liz…hehe. There’s so many ways to look at her, which is why I love her in this story…though not quite as much as I did in my old story…oh well.



* * * * *

Part 4

* * * * *

Liz was at work early and not feeling too hot. She hadn’t eaten anything before going in, but she’d had a cup of tea instead, though that had sort of settled her stomach at the time, she was getting that unsettling feeling again. At least there were very few people around yet. It was still very early in the morning after all.

“Hey, are you okay?” a soft voice asked from behind as she was leaning against the counter with her head in her hands. A hand touched her shoulder gently and gave her a reassuring squeeze.

“Yeah…I’m just, not my best today I suppose.” Liz brushed the care aside in her cold manner as always.

“Okay, sorry for having a little concern.” Now the voice began to take shape in Liz’s mind. His strong masculine voice so much softer before than she was used to. But it was still the same.

“I’m sorry Max, it’s just not a good day.”

“Yeah, you’re looking a little green. Would you like some water, tea, coffee or something?” he offered when he realized she must be getting sick.

“Tea would be great actually. Decaf, no sugar,” she smiled sheepishly.

“Sure, just a minute. Why don’t you have a seat that might help,” he suggested.


Liz didn’t have the strength to argue right now. This was no good. If any of her family saw her they’d know something was up right away. She had to find some sort of way out of this. She just had to.

Had Maria’s suggestion the day before been that bad? But that would mean first confiding in someone she didn’t really know and then having all her future rest in his hands. She’d have to give it some more thought.

“Here you go. But don’t you think the caffeine would wake you up better?”

“No, it just upsets my stomach. This is great, thanks Max.” And for once she really meant it.

“Alright. Well, I have a few things I need to take care of, so I’ll catch you later.”

“Yeah, later.” Would it really work? Could Maria’s idea possibly be conceivable?

* * * * *

Why was that guy so irritating? One minute he was getting her tea, and the next he was trying to take over her job. The nerve of some people! What she wouldn’t give to put him in his place…

“So chica, how’re you feelin?” Maria asked as she stood before her friend in front of the counter.

“Better now. This tea is helping settle things a little.”

“Good. Friday come into work early and I’ll slip you in. It’ll be as unnoticeable as you can get.”

“Thanks Ria. I owe you one.”

“Yeah, well just think of it as a thank you for all the things you’ve ever done for me,” she winked. “Oh, by the way, I’d look out for Michael. He’s very protective about me right now, and now I think he’s getting that way over you too. Just be aware that he’ll probably start doing things for you and popping up out of nowhere and telling you what you should and shouldn’t do. I mostly just humor him, but if it really bothers you, try to let him down gently.” She chuckled at the memories of all the crazy things her husband had done when they’d first found out they were going to be parents.

“Thanks for the warning. But having him do chores for me doesn’t sound half bad,” Liz grinned wickedly.

“Just remember, he does have a pregnant wife at home to be coming back to with a whole list of things for him to do like rub my feet…”

“Don’t worry, I promise to be good to him since he’s just kind of…adopted me,” Liz responded for lack of a better word, but it kind of fit. Now that she knew Michael better she didn’t mind thinking of him as some sort of family.

* * * * *

Friday came around too fast for Liz who was slightly nervous about her appointment with Maria. Not that it would be awkward really, since they were such close friends, but more because of the fact that somehow, having this appointment made everything real, concrete.

She was at work early and trying not to be noticed by anyone, at least not yet, not until she was supposed to be there, and definitely not until she was out of the OB/GYN area.

Maria met her out in the hall and led her back into her office where the two locked themselves in for an hour while they got down to business.

“But now I have to get this prescription filled…” Liz sighed, holding the slip of paper for prenatal vitamins in her hand.

“Lizzie, would it be so bad if anyone saw you?”

“Yeah, it would.”

“Then don’t get it from our pharmacy, go to the drugstore or if you’re that worried, go to Clovis for it. They won’t know you there.”

“Ugh…this is turning into so much trouble,” Liz sighed, resting her head in her hands, leaning against Maria’s desk.

“Well chica, it’ll be worth it in the end. I know you’ve wanted children since we were little. A boy and then a girl, right? Wasn’t that what you used to say?” Maria smiled. When they were young and in school they’d planned their futures, how many kids they wanted, what they’d name them, their perfect wedding dresses, things like that.

“Yeah, I just…am I really ready for this?”

“Sure you are. And think of it this way, our kids will grow up together, and maybe be best friends just like us,” she offered.

“I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

“Yeah yeah, my ego is soaring right now. Well, that’s it chica. Hopefully we won’t have to be so secretive about this next time, huh?” Maria grinned.

“Well yeah, besides I’m gonna have to find someone else since you’re going to be on maternity leave soon.”

“True enough. I can always give you a good recommendation.”

“Thanks Ria. Really, I mean it.”

“No worries. Now shoo, before you’re late.”

With a quick hug Liz slipped out the door and into the main OB/GYN office. She was reaching to stuff the slip of paper with her prescription into her purse when she bumped right into someone and nearly fell over until his arms reached out and held her up, but the paper slipped from her fingers down to the floor just beyond her feet.

“Whoah, you okay there?” the all too familiar voice asked.

“Yeah, no thanks to you running me down. If you’ll excuse me…” she tried to push past him to grab the paper but he beat her to it.

“I’m sorry princess, maybe you don’t want this paper that you dropped back,” he quirked his eyebrow.

“Hand it over Max, I’m not in the mood for this right now,” Liz gritted between her teeth. Please don’t read it, she begged internally. But it was too late he’d already lifted it and was quickly scanning it with his eyes. When the amber met her gaze she could see the evident shock and then the click of recognition.

“So this is why you’ve been so moody lately. Well, at least that makes a little sense now. But princess, you surprise me, no boyfriend and yet you end up pregnant? How could that be?” His mocking tone served to rile her up more.

“Look, you tell anyone about this, and I mean anyone, and you are dead!” she seethed.

“Woah now, that’s not very motherly.”

“I’m not in the mood for arguing with you, just let me have that and I’ll be on my way.”

“Aw, I suppose. After all, anger isn’t good for the baby,” he grinned cheekily.

“Shh!” she silenced as she snatched what was hers and walked from the ward as fast as possible, his laughter in the background only making her go faster.

When Liz got to the locker room to change into her scrubs she barely put her things down before the tears started dripping down her face. She was an emotional wreck already and this was only the beginning. She curled up on the couch knowing that she still had about ten minutes before she was on duty, and just let the tears fall. All the hurt from what James had done to her, the disappointment she knew she’d bring to her family, the pain her child would experience without a father, the loneliness of having to go through this alone, it all hit her at once and she let it come.

A pair of warm arms wrapped around her from behind and she leaned into the embrace, just happy for the comfort they offered without bothering to see who it was offering it all. The warmth of the body warmed her up and dried her tears. Slowly the sniffles died away and wiping her eyes, she managed to catch a glance of her consoler.

Max Evans. Why did it always have to be him?

“I’m sorry Liz, about what I said before. And I’m sorry I made you cry,” he apologized sweetly.

“It wasn’t all your fault…” she conceded. “It’s just everything kind of hit me out of the blue all of a sudden.”

“You want to talk about it? Believe it or not I’m a good listener when I want to be.”

“Thanks but no thanks. I just have some things I need to figure out on my own.”

“Whatever. But uh, you’re supposed to be out there. Dr. Spencer was asking where you were which is why I came in to look for you.”

“Oh shit. Uh, thanks Max,” Liz hesitantly smiled before heading out to check in with Dr. Spencer.

* * * * *

Part 5

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2003 1:22 am
by dancepixie
I made it back finally. Finals have unfortunately started already so I might not have a new part out for a week or so, but after next weekend I should technically have lots more time to write unless my mother locks me in the kitchen while she has me home and forces me to help her bake cookies and bread as she's threatened... but I won't let her take up all my time. There's always enough time in the day to write stories! Enough babbling as I seem to be doing a lot lately, on with the new part. Enjoy, and don't forget I love the feedback, thank you to everyone who leaves me even a few words. I love it!



* * * * *

Part 5

* * * * *

She sat alone in the playground in the center of town watching the sky darken and the stars begin to shine. This was her favorite time of the day when she could just forget everything else and get lost in the moment. She slowly moved her feet back and forth and the swing began to move a little higher each time.

She had spent all day thinking things through, because no matter how much she tried to get it off her mind while she was with patients, whenever she had a moment’s pause walking between rooms, it was always right there at the forefront of her memory. And she knew what she was going to do. As much as it pained her, it seemed like it might just be her only option.

So much for sleep, she knew it would never come, so she just enjoyed her view of the stars and prayed they wouldn’t all come crashing down on her come morning.

* * * * *

“Max, you’re off at three, right?” Liz asked as she was passing him in the hall.

“Yeah, why?”

“So am I, and I was wondering if I could talk to you about something, um, privately.”

“Sure,” Max was confused and curious at the same time. What would the princess want with him, except maybe to threaten him and make sure he wouldn’t spill her little secret.

“Thanks. I’ll meet you at the park across the street when you’re done then.”

“Uh, okay.”

Liz continued on her way before she could have any more second thoughts.

* * * * *

Liz was sitting on the swing she’d sat on that day during the picnic before James and his daughter had come near and scared her off. God, how could she have gotten involved with him. How had it all started? She couldn’t remember. Just that it had, and now she was left trying to tread water in his wake.

The hand at the small of her back gave a slight push before the owner took a seat in the swing beside her.

“Hey,” he offered in greeting, not sure what else to say.

“Hey, um, thanks for coming.”

“Look, Liz if this is just to remind me not to tell anyone then don’t worry. I mean, we might not be best friends or anything, but I know how to keep a secret when it’s important. Which this obviously is for you…though everyone will know soon enough.”

“I know…and it’s not about that, well not about you not telling anyone.” Liz took a deep breath trying to relax. She could do this; she had to. Max was her only chance. “I want you to be my boyfriend,” she blurted.

Max’s eyes widened in disbelief. “What?!”

“Not for real, just pretend. I need you to be my boyfriend and pretend that this is your baby.” Taking a risk Liz raised her eyes from where they’d settled on the sand to look into his. She’d never seen his eyes so dark; it was like the amber had almost vanished completely, they were so deep.

“And why would I want to do this? We aren’t really friends after all.”

“There’s no one else,” she sighed. “And I’ll pay you. I know you’re trying to finish med school but you don’t have the money. I’ll pay you to pretend to be my boyfriend. You don’t know what my family would do if they found out the truth…I couldn’t handle that.”

“Maybe you should’ve thought about that before you got yourself in this position.” Max couldn’t help it, there was something about Liz Parker that just made him act so mean sometimes, and then be completely caring at other moments. This was obviously the mean half.

“Would you stop being an ass for 2 seconds so we could talk, please?” she begged.

“I’m sorry princess, please, continue.”

“Would you stop calling me that?”

“Just think of it as my pet name for you, princess.”

“Does that mean you’ll do it?” her voice was so full of hope Max had nothing to say but he nodded his head instead. “Thank you Max. You won’t regret this. After all, we’re both getting something out of this.”

“Yeah, sure. But if I’m gonna do this, I need to know some things.”

“Like what?”

“What really happened to you? Who’s baby is it?” Gone was the teasing and laughter from his face, now he was serious because he wanted a serious answer.

“I…I don’t know if I’m ready to tell you that.”

“Well how’s this gonna work if you don’t tell me anything?”

“All you have to do is be the loving boyfriend and proud soon-to-be father whenever we’re in public.”

“What about living arrangements. If I’m really such a loving boyfriend, won’t your parents wonder that you’re having my child but we’re still living in separate apartments?” He brought up a good point. It was something she hadn’t thought of.

“I…I guess, well you’ll just have to move into my apartment.”

“Just a minute…”

“Don’t worry, there’s two extra bedrooms, it’ll be fine…”

“Okay…but…are you sure about this?”

“Yeah,” Liz closed her eyes tightly and a few tears snuck out the corners. “I’ve thought about this a lot, and if you don’t do this for me…I don’t know where I’ll go.”

“You mean you’d leave if I didn’t do this?”

Keeping her eyes shut tightly still Liz mutely nodded her head.

“Why? You seem like you have everything in your favor. I don’t understand why your parents would be so upset just because you’re pregnant.”

“Fine, you want to know? Because it’s James Blake. That’s the father of my child. Are you happy now?” The tears were streaming down her face now and Max felt terrible. He stood from his swing to wrap his arms around the petite brunette who loved to shock and surprise him it would seem.

“I’m sorry Liz. I didn’t realize…” Everyone at the hospital knew who James Blake was and that his family and the directors family were very close. Now all of her freaking out seemed to make a little more sense. What had this girl gotten herself into?

“No, you didn’t. But I’ll forgive you if you do this for me. You don’t have to be my friend, just pretend to be my boyfriend when people are around and we’ll both get what we want. Alright?”

“Yeah, I’ll do it.”

“Thank you.”

“So when…”

“Follow me back to my place and I’ll give you a key and you can move in as soon as possible. Then we’ll talk about you meeting my parents.”

“Okay…well, I…okay.”

* * * * *


I gotta go pick up my sister from the airport, and I’m gonna bring her over to my old place and let her stay there since there’s plenty of room what with me being gone. I should be back in a few hours. If you need me to pick up anything, just call my cell phone.


It had been a week since Max had moved in with Liz and things were…okay. It wasn’t paradise, but it could’ve been worse Max supposed. Liz was moody and a spoiled princess, but if he had to live with that in order to finish school right now, he’d do it. Besides once he actually started classes again he wouldn’t be around so much. Of course, that would have to wait until next year, but he could bide his time.

At least now his sister was home. One less person for him to worry about out in the cold cruel world. With her here he’d be able to watch over her as he had when they were kids. He never let anything happen to her.

What would she say when he told her he was living with a girl? Could he lie to his sister? Liz would want him to…but maybe he could tell her the truth, just not all of it.

Well it would happen when it happened, but first thing was first he had to get to the airport or Isabel might yell for making her wait.

* * * * *

Liz sighed as she unlocked the door to her apartment expecting to find Max waiting for her with some argument, but to her delight he wasn’t anywhere to be seen. Setting her keys on the bar she found the little note he’d written for her. Great, a few hours to herself in peace. She’d need it to figure out how to tell Max they were having dinner with her parent’s tomorrow night. It would be the first time he was meeting them since they’d started this whole thing. Liz had told her mom that she had a surprise for them and boy would it be a surprise.

All that she and Max had done since he’d moved in was bicker. They’d go to their separate rooms fed up and then come out a while later in silence for meals. At least they weren’t always working the same schedules at the hospital so they had some time to themselves.

It surprised Liz though when Max had woken up when he’d heard her being sick in the bathroom that morning and had graciously held her hair back until she was finished, and then got her some warm tea to help soothe her stomach afterward.

But nothing good or bad seemed to last too long between the two of them. One minute they were friends, then the next they’d take any shot at each other.

* * * * *

“Max!” Isabel smiled as she ran into her brother’s waiting arms.

“Izzie, god look at you!” he couldn’t believe how grown up she was. “You don’t look like my little sister anymore. I’m so glad to have you back.”

“Relax Max, I’m still your little sister. Now lets go to baggage and you can carry my bags since you missed me so much.” She playfully pinched his arm to make him walk.

“So do you have any job prospects out here?” Max asked curiously on their way back to his place.

“Actually, I have a few interviews set up for next week. And I can’t wait. I know I just finished school, but I can’t wait to get out there.”

“Good for you. I’m proud of you Izzie. Mom and dad would be too.”

“Thanks Max. I think so too.”

After a while Max broke the comfortable silence that had befallen them.

“Oh, and you can stay at my place instead of finding your own. I kind of moved out last week,” he wasn’t sure how she’d take this news.

“What? And you didn’t tell me? But where are you staying?”

“With this girl…”

“You have a girlfriend and you didn’t tell me? And you’re moving in with her? Why did I not know about this?”

“Because it’s kind of complicated.”

“Complicated? Well come on, try and explain it to me.”

“I don’t know…”


“Well I’m kind of seeing this girl from the hospital and she asked me to move in with her, so I did. But we’re kind of keeping it quiet for now, at least until her parents find out.” Max fudged his way through an explanation, hating himself more and more with each minute for the lies he’d told his one and only relative.

“Okay, but why the secret? I mean people do date all the time…”

“Things are just different and I can’t say why. I just...I don’t know how this is going to work Izzie…just…leave it be for now, alright?”

“Fine. So I get your apartment all to myself?” she smiled devilishly, dropping the subject as he wished.

“Oh no…” Isabel could only laugh at her brother’s weak mutterings.

* * * * *

Part 6

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2004 12:14 am
by dancepixie
Hi everyone, I’m back like I promised! And for your enjoyment you get to watch Max squirm as he meets Liz’s parents for the first time. Enjoy!



* * * * *

Part 6

* * * * *

“So Max, tell us something about yourself,” Nancy Parker asked over drinks while dinner was still being finished in the kitchen.

“Well I’m a nurse at the hospital which is where I was lucky enough to meet your beautiful daughter,” he smiled at Nancy before stealing a lovely glance at the girl his arm was currently around and gave her a squeeze. “But I’ve always wanted to be a doctor, I just had to put it on hold a little while so I could help my sister through school. But starting next year I’ll be back in med school.”

“That’s very ambitious of you. But why did you have to put off school so your sister could finish?”

“Because I’m all she has, and though she had a scholarship, it didn’t pay for everything.”

“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize…” Nancy truly was sorry. She didn’t know what it was like to be without family support, but she could only imagine the difficulties. Liz reached out and took Max’s free hand in her own, lightly rubbing it in soothing motions. Nancy could see the little things that flowed between her daughter and this man, and it made her heart swell. Her daughter would be well taken care of in this man’s arms.

“It’s alright. My parents died in a car accident the summer after my sister graduated from high school, and it’s been just the two of us. She was planning on going away to college and I couldn’t let her not go, but I’m happy to say she’s back now.”

“That’s wonderful. It seems like the two of you are very close.”

“Yeah. We always have been. We’re twins, I’m older by fifteen minutes, but I also skipped a year in school so I graduated before she did.”

“Well I’m sure that you’ll do great in med school. You seem very smart and since you’ve been working in the hospital, everything’s probably second nature too you. I wish you luck with that.”

“Thank you.”

“I’m sorry my husband isn’t here yet. He had to do an interview for a job opening, and I’m guessing he hired the person since its taking him this long.” Liz’s grin grew wider as she looked up at Max with a twinkle in her eyes. “What? Did I miss something?” Nancy asked confused.

“No mom, it’s just that Max’s sister was interviewing for the accounting position in the head office. That’s the interview daddy’s doing. Max, she got it,” Liz smiled, leaning over and placing a chaste kiss to his cheek knowing how happy he’d be to have his sister near him.

“We don’t know for sure…” Max blushed in embarrassment as he felt Nancy’s eyes watching them. Boy was this a show.

“I’m sure she did. Like I said, Jeff would’ve been back a while ago if he wasn’t explaining things in detail because he hired your sister.”

* * * * *

Nancy had gone to check on the dinner leaving Max and Liz to themselves in the den.

“When are you going to tell them the news?” Max whispered softly.

“After dinner I think. That way daddy will get a chance to know you a little and like you before I surprise them.” Surprise was putting it mildly. She could just imagine her dad’s reaction when she told him his baby girl was gonna have a baby of her own. “Max, I just want to thank you again for doing this. I mean, mom loves you already.”

“Well it’s not like you’re not doing anything for me. So how do you think they’ll react?” Right now he could believe her mom would be happy for them at least. As for her father, that remained to be seen.

“Well like I said, mom loves you already so I don’t think she’ll be too upset. Now daddy, I don’t know about him. He’ll probably say something along the lines of why aren’t we married. But don’t worry about him…he’s a big softy at heart.”

“Uh…” Max wasn’t sure what to say. Marriage? That was completely out of the question. Sure he’d move in with her and pretend to be the loving boyfriend and father of her child, but marry her, no way. They just couldn’t get along anyway, it would be torture.

“Your father just pulled up Lizzie,” Nancy announced as she came back into the living room.

Liz could feel Max shudder slightly on the couch beside her and tried to give him an encouraging smile, but he still seemed a little nervous. But shouldn’t he feel nervous? After all, he was meeting his girlfriend’s father for the first time with some big news…

* * * * *

“Well sweetheart, I think you’ve found a great guy this time,” Jeffrey told his daughter as he sat beside her on the couch, arm around her shoulder. Dinner had gone rather well, no upset father to Max’s relief. Of course, the real test would be in a few minutes when Liz told her ‘big news.’ “Just don’t let him run away from you,” he kidded lightly.

“Don’t worry daddy, I won’t.” Liz looked at Max and he knew she was ready. “I won’t let him get away, because I’m pregnant.” She said it so slowly and then there was a long silence where Jeff just stared at his daughter in shock. Nancy seemed rather surprised to, but she already had a smile on her face as she looked upon her daughter and her boyfriend.

“You’re what?” Jeff mumbled. “Lizzie, why? You should’ve been more careful…” he was muttering mostly to himself.

“Dad, nothing’s perfect, it just kinda happened…”

“But that doesn’t mean we’re not going to take responsibility,” Max finally piped up. “We’ve talked about it and we’re going to have this baby. There wasn’t any way either of us could give it up.” He had Liz’s right hand in his left and gave it a reassuring squeeze and a small smile, letting her know he was there with her.

“Well, at least you’re both together on this. Now what about marriage?” Liz knew it would come…her father wasn’t big on children out of wedlock or single parents…

“Well, we aren’t ready for that, but…”

“You’re not ready for marriage but you’re ready to have a child?!”

“Sir, it just happened that Liz got pregnant, and we are taking full responsibility for that. But we just don’t think either of us is ready for marriage yet. I’m sure it’ll happen, but just not yet,” Max offered peacefully.

“Now Jeff,” Nancy piped in. “Let them make their own decisions. If this is how Lizzie wants it, then let her be. She’ll find her own way. She’s a strong girl.”

“Thanks mom,” Liz smiled lightly. It had been a rough day and her emotions were going crazy. Right now she really needed to get out of here and just go home and soak in a nice warm bubble bath.

“You want to go home now, sweetie?” Max asked Liz lovingly. “You’re looking kinda tired.”

“Thanks,” she nodded softly and said goodbye to her parents as Max lead her out to the car.

* * * * *

“I had it under control,” Liz fumed when they had got back to her place. “I told you I would handle it and I was. But no, you just had to butt in and have your say. Well Max, they are MY parents and this is MY baby!!!” she nearly screamed at him.

Max was blown away by her complete change of attitude. What the hell had happened to her on the short drive back that put her in this bitchy mood?

“Listen princess, I was just trying to help you out, and look, your parents love me now, isn’t that what you wanted? They’re happy about the baby and not going to kill you. You should be thanking me.”

“Thanking you? My ass! You should be thanking me for putting your lousy butt through school.”

“Okay, I think it’s time you go to bed princess. You’re saying things you might regret in the morning, and besides, being upset like this isn’t good for the baby, now is it?” With a raise of his eyebrow Max walked out and down the hall to the bedroom that was now his where he too needed to cool off. What was he getting himself into?

* * * * *

“So, how’d everything go?” Isabel bounced up and down on her couch as Max sat with his head resting in his hands beside her. Something had obviously happened to bother him…

“Well, Mrs. Parker basically told us that you must have been hired since it took Mr. Parker so long to get home. And then Mr. Parker said yes, he had hired you, and I’m so happy for you Iz. But then, I don’t know things were great while we were there. And I guess I’m better at this than I thought because her parents loved me, though her dad was slightly upset that we weren’t planning to get married yet. But by the time we got back to her place she’d done a complete 180 and was the lioness who hadn’t eaten in days practically attacking me for trying to help her out and be a sweet caring and devoted boyfriend.”

“Well, maybe it’s just PMS?”

“I don’t know if I can handle this.”

“I’m sure she’s not that bad. Besides, when do I get to meet her? I am your sister after all and you didn’t even tell me that you had a girlfriend until I got here, let alone you were moving in with her, and now what is this about marriage? How could you keep all this from me?” Isabel was exasperated that her brother who she loved deeply and relied on for so much could keep something so drastic from her when they were all each other had left of family.

“Well the marriage thing…it’s because she told her parents that she was pregnant, and of course her father demanded to know why we weren’t planning on getting married first.”

“Whoah! Pregnant! Max! I’m gonna be an aunt?” Isabel’s eyes were wide open in surprise. This wasn’t the same as having a girlfriend and keeping his mouth shut…but he was gonna have a kid?!

“Well…it’s…” he stumbled.

“Complicated? Fine Max, just let me know when you’re finally able to talk.”

“I’m sorry Izzie. It just all sort of…happened…” Max grimaced. He couldn’t lie to his sister. He couldn’t. He’d have to talk to Liz when she was in a good mood and get her to let him at least tell his sister the truth.

* * * * *