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A Night to Remember, Alt End (CC ALL/ Mature)

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 12:40 pm
by PML
Title- A Night to Remember- Alternate Ending - Tess Lives

Author- PML

Disclaimer- Roswell is not mine. It is owned by Jason Katims, Melinda Metz, and Fox. This is for entertainment only and no infringement is intended.

Category- CC All

Rating- Mature

Summary- Pretty much what the title says. AvalonRose was curious what this ending would have been like, and its not like my mind isn’t a constant froth of ideas. Not to mention a variant of this was the actual ending to - A Night to Remember in the first place. I am altering that so I can fit it in one part and not have to rewrite the Tess part as well. Hope you folks enjoy. Note that this starts at the end of Tess’s part. Had to rewrite the Ava portion.


I stand there in horror as I watch Tess die. I watch as Max pours healing energy into my twin and it is simply soaked up like water on a sponge. It just sits there doing nothing.

Max looks up at the ghostly image of Liz, “I cant get a connection.”

For a moment Liz looks like she is about to simply disappear, but before she does, her eyes sharpen.

Miss Parker has a plan.

I hope it is a good one because if Tess dies all of this has been for nothing. “What are we going to do Max?

A door opens behind us and a Liz wearing a bathrobe rushes into the room. She pulled Tess from Max and called to Tess, “I didn’t mean it Tess. Well I did, but I don’t want you to die. So LIVE We need you, I don’t know why. And I don’t know when we will need you but we need you so I, Liz Parker command you to {b}LIVE![/b]

I felt as the first command hit Tess. The activitiy in her brain went from near nothing to a sudden burst of life. The second command reverberated not only through Tess but throughout the hall, throughout the school. Hell, for all I know it affected the entire state.

I know it affected me. And I could see the impact as the command hit Max. Max could shrug off any geas any day of the week would be my guess, I certainly know the warps I put on him are there by his sufferance. He is King after all.

He just needed a little prompting on how to wake up. And trust me he will be a big surprise to his enemies if they don’t take him seriously.

Even if all he wants to do is live in peace with Liz.

“Liz?” Max asks. “why are you here?”

Liz turns to face Max, “I killed her, or nearly.”

Tess coughs and moans

Liz smiles down on her. “She will need you now, love. My command hurt her. Probably would have killed her if I hadn’t thought it through.”

I like my lips, “What about our plan?”

Liz shakes her head and says, “Too dangerous. I am too dangerous without knowing what I can do. The time for secrets is over.”

Max reaches down and heals Tess.

Tess jerks up, her eyes opened very wide. “What just happened. I feel. Strange.”

Liz quietly says, “I nearly killed you Tess. I saw you with Max and I was so jealous.” Liz closes her eyes, “You have the power of the mind warp, the power to deceive. I have the power to command.” She laughed softly, “Among others. But that one is likely most dangerous.”

Tess looks at Liz and then at Max. “You have powers? That explains…. Wait you and Max?”

Max nods gravely, “But we need you Tess. We were willing to go to any length to keep you here. Even allowing you to have me, if only for a time.”

I am scanning the room, keeping the other students from getting close enough to hear anything. But I can feel as fates shift around me. Damn Liz’s gift is powerful!

“Come on Alex. Just hold it together for just a little longer.” Kyle is all but carrying a dazed Alex.

Oh yeah. That was why I came here. To get Max. “Um, Max. We have a problem.” I glare at my twin, “Actually, Tess, you can be a big help here. Your warps, those stupid deep warps of yours, are coming undone and its killing Alex.”

Tess looks up and sees me as if for the first time, a wave of confusion followed by a sense of chagrin crosses her face.

Yeah, she finally understands a little of what has been going on.

What I didn’t expect to see was the shake of the head and a look of total concern for Alex. “Kyle, set him down on the bench. I, Max, can you help me here. Alex will probably hate me for this, but maybe its what I should have forced him to do in the beginning. Healing stones and shamanic rituals aren’t anymore cure than my warps are I guess.”

Tess is flung against the wall.

Great. Isabel has arrived.

Trying to keep the rest of the school from paying attention to this keeps me from seeing the drama that unfolds behind me. But somehow they manage to calm Miss-I –have-a-psycho-side just a bit. When Isabel finally calms down, I turn to face the others, “We should adjourn this to another locale, don’t you think? It is a little public here.”

I can feel the eyes of most of the group on me. Of course they thought I had long left Roswell. And I was going to. But, Max and Liz persuaded me to stay.

And I, well, I just needed some people who actually cared about me. And I don’t know why, but they do and….

I honestly would do anything for them. Not just because of who they are, my liege and his consort, but because of the type of people they are.

I love them.

So plans were made to meet up at the Crashdown. Liz took Tess and Alex with her. The rest had various vehicles to move, and Maria wanted to stay with Michael.

There, after the Crash closed, we all held a sort of informal council. And all the secrets and lies that had been told over the past year were brought up and laid to rest.

Isabel in particular had been affected by what had happened to Alex. She swore then and there to protect him until the end of her days.

A promise she kept.

Their graves are not too far from where I am standing. They were the first of our group to die. They died so young, only in their eighties. Both of them died calmly in their sleep, hands clasped.

Kyle died soon after. His was a tragic death, one that had nearly shattered her twin. But an eighty plus year old man running into a burning building to save one more child….

Max had been off world at the time, and none of the rest us were able to heal his injuries. Tess had still gone on to live another forty years in mourning. I can no longer remember a day when she had worn anything but black.

God, she had loved that flake.

I stand now over the grave of my sister. I never had found out why keeping her alive had been so important. Sure she had helped broker the deal with Antar, and the contacts she had from Nasedo’s days of roaming the world had been useful.

But outside of one close call with a curious scientist and some Gandarium, I can’t think of anything that crucial that we needed her for.

I am glad we saved her just the same. It took us a little time to warm up to each other, but by the end you would never have guessed we hadn’t always been twins. We had even gotten to the point of being able to finish each others sentences.

I will miss her.

My daughter Helen walks up and holds me. “I am sorry, Mom, but I just got in contact with Liz. They will be arriving shortly and asked if you would meet them.”

Helen has the job I once had. She is Liz’s second, handling all the details so that Liz can focus on the big picture. And I am proud of her.

I nod and follow her. I turn around one last time and look at the grave stone, and for the brief moment I remember the day that gave me my sister. That had proved so pivotal in our lives.

That truly had been a night to remember.