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A Simple Kiss (UC Mi/I - Teen/Mature) 1/1 - 02/03/12

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 1:44 am
by PML
My first UC fic. Will anyone read? Eh, who knows. Fire away.

Title- A Simple Kiss

Author- PML

Disclaimer- Roswell is not mine. It is owned by Jason Katims, Melinda Metz, and Fox. This is for entertainment only and no infringement is intended.

Category- UC- Mi/I

Rating- Teen/Mature

Summary – Just a tiny little story. Its canon except the couples up to Surprise. Isabel has just found out information about herself she doesn’t like. And rants at the heavens demanding to know who and what she is….

Large Quotation is from Surprise.

ISABEL: Happy birthday, Isabel. I'm 18 today, mother. October 25th. At least that's the day we've always celebrated as my birthday. But you're the only one really who knows the real day. I guess that's why I came to the place, the only place I've ever seen you. I hold...I hold on to that day, but you disappeared, and the picture of you was already fading, and it's all I had. I was so happy because you were beautiful and warm, and I even thought I looked like you. But it wasn't you...not really. God, I don't know what you look like. Maybe I'll never know. It isn't fair. It isn't fair. I need you. I need you. Where are you? Oh, God, it's my birthday. We should be together. How could you leave us? How could you tell us all this important information about destinies and saving the world and then just disappear? Oh, God. I...I killed a person...uh, enemy, alien? Does that make it ok? Oh, God. What was she talking about? What was she talking about? She said I betrayed my family. Is it true? Is it true? Am I a terrible person? Answer me. Answer me. Come on, answer me!


The heavens didn’t answer. She sobbed. They never did. No matter how much she gazed at them. No matter how much she watched the sky, the sky never answered her back.

A sense of outrage filled her. Her mother should be here. And as much as she loved Diane Evans, she was not her real mother. Not when Isabel wasn’t allowed to be herself and share all that she was with the woman. No Isabel was simply a mask for someone that she was no longer sure she knew anymore.


Why did that name feel so real. Why did the actions that Whitaker portray her feel like it had some validity. That there was a kernel of truth to the woman’s damnable words.

Had she… had she been the traitor? The reason they had been forced to Earth, to this second life?

No she would not accept all of the blame! She wouldn’t have been brought back if she were solely to blame. Why would they?

Could a mother’s love be so primal as to let a known traitor have another chance to betray her own family?

Hah. Surely not when said mother doesn’t even show for said daughter’s birthday.

Isabel sighed and reached down for a heavy stone. This place needed some serious redecorating. And while the actions she was about to take wouldn’t help any, she just needed to vent. With all her strength aided by a little alien magic she hurled the rock through her pod.

Gah, such a way to be born? Maybe the human way was ickier, but at least it was personal. You couldn’t deny that you had a connection to someone when at one point you were literally inside them.

No, not her. Not Isabel Evans. She gets a Pod. She doesn’t get to hear her mother’s heartbeat. She gets an alien princess squeezed into her brain.

‘Maybe God never answers my prayers because I am not one of his creatures?’

There was a loud metallic clang as the stone rushed through her pod and hit something. The part of her that was still functioning moved her laggard body to check. It had been the part that had known how to stop Whitaker. The part that forced her from any tragic and melodramatic action that she might dream up.

The part of her that was a consummate survivor.

Perhaps it could be called Vilandra. Certainly it had been a part of the dead alien woman’s mentality. But it was part of Isabel’s make up. Simply put, it was why she was here and a certain highly skilled Skin agent was not.

Natural talent and a desire not to die. To survive no matter the cost.

She walked over to the now damaged pod. And looked through the hole she had drilled through the weak fibrous fabric of the pods.

Brightly lit metal. The source of light in the dimly lit cave.

She looked down at her dress. A shame to get it dirty. But then she would never wear this dress again. Likely she would burn it.

No harm then. Even if it was a nice dress.

She had others.

Isabel crawled all the way to a gap between the bright metal and the pods. There was a hiss of displaced air as a door opened before her.

And she saw the device she had battled over earlier.

The Granolith.

She stared at it. It was important to her people for some reason. And it felt large and powerful and enigmatic.

But what good did that do them? Why didn’t they send tutors or books or something to explain everything. Why did it all have to be so hard.

Isabel sat in the corner and just stared at the strange machine. For over an hour she studied it an analyzed it. She tried to pull up any memory that she might have had from her previous life, to dredge anything.


It was just a pointless enigma just like all the other alien devices they had come across. Only this one was important enough to kill over. One that enemy aliens were looking for. And they were the clueless guardians of.

She looked up at the heavens. The pointless empty heavens. “WHY!” She stood up and said, “Why us? Look at us, we are just a few clueless teens? How can we hold off enemy aliens and save the world and go to school and…. It’s just too much!”

Still nothing.

There never was.

Maybe she should turn away from the stars and look closer to Earth.

Isabel sighed. There were perils to that as well. For despite her running ragged between hanging out with her friends and charity, she still had too much time. To much time to dwell on her feelings. Ones that she simply wasn’t sure of anymore.

A soft voice called her name.

She didn’t say anything. Just wished it would go away. That everything would just leave her alone.

But the rough voice kept calling, “Hey, look, I know you are in here Isabel. Max might think you are at the Observatory or at one of your friend’s house. But he’s not thinking.”

Isabel closed her eyes. Why did it have to be him of all people? She felt his eyes on her all the time, ever since the voice of her mother had opened up the possibility. That she had once been his, long ago and far away.

How didn’t Maria notice those looks? Did she just assume that Michael was such an ass that he would look if the woman was beautiful regardless of how it would hurt her.

Come to think of it she might. And she was spending so much time battling Courtney she might not notice the glances.

But Isabel had.

Michael’s voice was confident, “No, it is your birthday. So where else would you go for comfort than where you were born.”

Isabel sighed, “Go away, Michael.”

“No.” A confused grunt, “Where the hell are you anyway? Did you cram yourself into your Pod or something?”

“Michael just leave me alone! Get the hell out of here or I will, I will do something we both regret!”

“And that is why I can’t simply leave you. It is hard. Trust me I know. And it is so easy. SO easy for us. Not like the humans. They need tools. Need to point the gun at someone. They don’t just point their hands and feel as the power rushes through them. Feel the pleasure of their powers being used. Feel as their target dies at their hands.” His voice was rough. “It took all summer. And it won’t be any easier for you. But, I will be here for you. Always.

Isabel just rubbed her eyes, “Through the pod, Michael. Just crawl through the Pod. And then you can admire the Granolith and I can leave.”

Michael crawled through the space and was silent as he saw the Granolith for the first time.

Isabel patted him on the shoulder. “Have a nice chat. I will be going now.”

Michael looked at her and said, “No.” He reached out to hold her hand. “No, you are in no mood to be alone right now.”

She pulled her hand away, “What makes you think you have the right to dictate my actions?”

Michael looked at her, a smirk on his face as he drank her in. “I don’t I suppose. But trust me, I know where you are. When I killed Pierce….”

“You don’t know anything! Absolutely nothing!”

“Then tell me. I will listen.”

Isabel just snorted.

Michael shook his head and said, “For you Isabel I will listen.” He touched her arm again.

“You never listen to anyone, Michael.” But the feel of his hand on her arm… She could feel almost an electric crackle, so similar but different from what she had felt when she had fought Whitaker. She could feel herself tremble. And she looked at him, stared deeply into his eyes and pouted her lips slightly.

“I listen. I also act on what I feel needs to be done. Talking will only get you so far. But I do listen. So tell me. Tell me how you feel.”

Isabel found herself rubbing his arm

He smiled and kissed her.

She melted into his arms. Her body felt like liquid honey, so warm so full of life. No wonder Maria fought to hold onto Michael. Her arms held him to her, wanting to hold onto this for as long as she could. Storms of liquid life roared through her.

‘My God if this is a kiss what would sex be like?’

Reluctantly, both of them gasping for air, they separated.

Michael quietly said, “So, are you feeling any calmer?”

Isabel nodded, pulling him closer so she could feel the warmth of his body along hers. Calm wasn’t exactly what she was feeling right at that moment. But it would suffice. “I don’t know how much I can tell you. I just don’t know what to say.”

He pushed her back enough so that she could see his eyes. They were still guarded, still hidden from her. But this she could see, he would do almost anything for her.

He loved her.

She said huskily, “What are we going to do now?”

“About us?”

Isabel rolled her eyes.

Michael shrugged, “I don’t know. I just knew it would calm you down. And I am still willing to listen. To anything.” He shook her slightly, “You can trust me Iz. You can.”

“But can you trust me?”


“Oh, just kiss me again. I will tell you it all later.”

And with a smile he gave her another mind blowing kiss. And after a time and several kisses later, she told him of Whitaker and all she had learned.