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Do Over(CC,M/L,Adult) Ch 18 (Part B) 5/26/13 [WIP]

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2011 2:46 am
by RoswellMyHeart
Summary: A bizarre request from her soul mate from fourteen years in the future has Liz Parker at the end of her ropes. It's impossible to be with the man she loves but what happens when living without him just isn't an option. Will she have to go on with life without her love...


Chapter 1

Liz Parker woke up on Friday morning with a start. She was drenched, and when she lifted her hand to push her chocolate waves out of her face, she noticed her hands were trembling too. She felt something drip on her hand and realized tears were streaming down her cheeks. She had the most horrible nightmare and she remembered wishing it would end so badly but she couldn't seem to get herself to wake up.

"As if real like doesn't suck enough the dream plane has to find a way to make me miserable too." She mumbled to herself.

She walked over to the radio thinking maybe some tunes could give her some inspiration only to come across Carrie underwood's; Starts with Goodbye.

"Great, rub it in Carrie," even as she said the words she couldn't help feeling like she's said them before.

Not in any hurry to see the pod squad, Liz decided to take her sweet time getting ready for school. 'If I'm lucky, maybe I'll even be late,' she thought to herself.

By free period Liz was convinced she was going crazy. More than once she wondered if she was still dreaming, because her dream became her reality. Just like in her dream the student body for some insane reason thought her sex life was a matter to be discussed amongst them. Apparently someone made it their mission to inform everyone that she cheated on Max with Kyle. Everywhere she went people were whispering about her behind her back. In her dream, Vicky Delaney pulled her aside to let her know that Tess started a rumor about her and just when she thought everything was a coincidence, she heard someone calling out to her. Before she even turned around she knew who it was.

"Hey Vicky."

"Hey. Liz, I just thought that someone should tell you what all the whispering is about."

"Yeah I was wondering about that" she said, a feeling of dread forming in the pit of her stomach.

"I heard Pam Troy talking with one of her lackeys; apparently Tess is going around telling everyone that you slept with Kyle and that you're open for business to all the jocks."

"Oh God" she murmured, running to the nearest toilet to empty the contents of her stomach. Even as she threw up her lunch, Liz already knew that by 6th hour the new rumor would be that she was pregnant because someone heard her throwing up in the bathroom.

And sure enough during 6th hour Pam Troy didn't disappoint.

"So Liz, I hear you're with child, how far along are you?"

"Listen you narcissistic bitch," Liz whispered to her between clenched teeth. "I'm sure you get more action than I do."

Despite all the vicious rumors, Liz could care less what these idiots thought about her. What bothered her most was that if all these insignificant things were coming true, that meant that all the monumental things she saw in her premonition would come true too. Like Alex dyeing, Lonnie and Rath's betrayal, her new gifts, Nasadoe faking his death and that stupid bitch being a traitor and getting pregnant with Max's baby."

Liz didn't know what she should do, when she tried to talk to Isabel about what was happening, Isabel acted like a real cold bitch and told her that she really could care less. She didn't even give her a chance to explain.

So she sought out Michael, excusing Isabel's attitude, figuring she must have heard about what supposedly happened between her and Kyle.

It was only after Michael avoided her in the hall, deliberately walking in the other direction so as not to bump in to her, did she realize that according to her dream they had no intention of speaking to her for a very long time because of the horrible things she said to Max.

'Human friends are out of the question because they don't have the power to stop all this,' she thought to herself, so using her newfound knowledge to track Max down, knowing he avoided going to school today because of her, she decided to go home early to clean up before going over to his house.
Chapter 2

Between the way the day started out, and her new gifts, Liz berated herself for not remembering that there was going to be a storm that afternoon.

So it was a very drenched Liz parker who made her way to the Evans home. It rained so hard that Liz could barely see where she was going. She all but gave up hope when she heard someone calling her name. Turning to her left, she saw Mrs. Evans car pull up next to her.

"Liz? Liz honey is that you? What are doing out here in this weather, why aren't you in school? Come here before you get sick" she said, reaching over to open the passenger side door.

Wanting to get out of the rain Liz got in the car. She wasn't in there but five minutes when life caught up with her and she could do nothing to stop the water works. She cried so hard, she barely noticed when Mrs. Evans pulled in the driveway.

"Liz, sweetie what's wrong? I know I'm probably the last person you wanna talk to at a time like this, but I promise whatever you say to me stays between us, and I won't pass any judgments. I'm just lending you a shoulder to cry on."

In a moment of weakness, Liz found herself pouring her heart out to her ex's mother. "It's just, I wish it didn't hurt so much, I don't wanna feel anymore, I don't understand why life has to be so hard. Bad things are always happening" she said, her bottom lip trembling.

"Oh honey, what's wrong?" Diane said her own eyes shining with tears and her heart swelling with love for this young girl.

"It's over, forever this time, he doesn't love me anymore," Liz sobbed.

"Who honey? Max? I'm sure that isn't true."

"It is. He doesn't love me anymore."

"What makes you say that?"

"Because he thinks I slept with my ex-boyfriend, he thinks I'm tainted."

"Why would he think that?"

"Because I made him see us in bed together."

"Oh honey, are you pregnant?"

"No," she whispered, tears continuing to fall from her eyes. "He doesn't want me anymore; He thinks I'm no good."

"Did he say that?"

"No but he looks at me different, like he doesn't trust me. I only wanna be with him but at the time I couldn't. And I thought we could've been friends but he didn't even wanna be around me anymore. I hurt him so bad. He hates me."

"Liz, Max could never hate you; you're caring, beautiful, and compassionate, you're all good sweetie. You're not bad, or tainted. I'm sure Max knows that and if he doesn't than I didn't do a very good job raising him."

"No don't say that, you did a good job. He's sweet, he takes care of me and when were together he makes me feel special. He's all I want. I don't wanna be without him."

"Then tell him that."

"I want to but I'm scared. What if he doesn't want me back? I couldn't take it."

"Sweetie, I don't know all the details. But if you wanna be with Max, than tell him that. Do you love him?"

"So much."

"And he makes you happy"


"And you wanna be with him?"

"More than anything."

"Then sweetie, be with him. Talk to him; tell him what you told me. I've seen the way he looks at you, and as his mother it scares me because I still see him as my little boy but as a woman I'm really happy for you. Because I can tell he loves you very much, and that he wants to be with you too. Whatever is keeping you apart, it doesn't matter if your both miserable."


"Yes honey?"

"I made him see us in bed together. Do you think he'll forgive me?"

"Did you sleep with him?"

"No, I've never had sex and when I do I want it to be with Max."

"Then I'm sure if you tell him why you did what you did, that he'll forgive you. And Lizzie, love is fragile; you can't play games with his heart."

"I know but I have a good reason for why I did it and we weren't even naked I just made it look like we were. And all we did was talk he never touched me."

"Ok. Are you feeling better?"

"Yes and I'm really glad I talked to you about this. It's hard with my parents you know, because my daddy doesn't want me falling so hard so fast and my mother, she worries so much and she wants me to be her little girl forever. She tries to tell me that I'm too young to feel the way I do. But I'm not. I love Max; he's all I want, all I'll ever want."

"I'm glad I could help you sweetie, and you can always come to me. Just because he's my son doesn't mean anything. Now come inside and dry off so you don't get sick and I'll make us some tea until Max gets here."

Re: Do Over(CC,M/L,Adult) Ch.3 12/18/11

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 3:48 am
by RoswellMyHeart
Chapter 3

When Max Evans walked into his home, the last thing he expected to see was his Ex-Girlfriend and his mother talking animatedly over tea. But that's exactly what he found.

Liz Froze the moment Max walked in the kitchen, somehow she just knew he was there. He must have had his walls down for a moment because she could feel him, for the first time since that incident, he was open and she could feel him.

Diane paused when she saw the girl who was all smiles since the moment they walked into the house suddenly tense. Looking up she saw the cause for Liz's distress. Max was making his way into the kitchen. She briefly wondered how Liz knew Max was there when she hadn't even known herself.

Max took one good look at Liz and wish he hadn't. She was so beautiful, her hair damp and falling in waves around her angelic face. She was wearing one of his shirts and he thought she'd never look sexier than she did in that moment with her hair all disheveled, and her face free of any makeup. He thought he saw her eyes light up and her face glow for a brief moment when she looked up at him before she could hide it, but he chalked it up to wishful thinking on his part. It hurt to look at her and know that she wasn't his anymore, that she never would be.

Looking into his golden orbs, the longing and desire she saw there and the way his bangs clung to his forehead from being out in the rain, Liz couldn't help but think how sexy he looked and wanted to surrender to him right then and there but thought better of it aware that his mother was in the room with them. Liz wanted to put down all her defenses and let Max feel her through their connection, but she couldn't bring herself to do it knowing he could turn her away and she wouldn't be able to survive it if she opened herself to him and he turned her down.

Diane saw the look the two teenagers were giving each other and wondered what they were thinking.

In a moment of clarity, Max realized that he was totally open to Liz and that although he had unknowingly opened himself to her, she was still blocking him. Not wanting to be made a fool of in his own home, he snapped the connection so fast Liz thought she would die with the knowledge of what that gesture was implying.

It was in that moment Liz realized what it must have been like for Max when she hadn't opened up to him. She made a decision right than that she would tell Max everything and open up to him even with the knowledge that he could hurt her. She would do whatever he wanted if it meant taking her back. She would open herself up to being hurt. After all isn't that what he had done and she had hurt him. With that thought she opened her self to him again and was startled to see his eyes flash in anger. Bracing herself for whatever would come; she stood her ground and decided to take whatever he threw at her knowing that he was worth it.

Diane watched all the different emotions cross her sons face; surprise, confusion, longing, need, love, anger and realized that this staring contest could last all day if she let it. She cleared her throat and watched in amusement as the two teens snapped out of it like they were in a trance.

"Hi honey, you have company. Why don't you two go up to your room and talk? I'll get started on dinner."

"Liz what are you doing here?" Max asked sounding defeated. He didn't know whether to be angry or relieved that she had let him in. It just reminded him of what he couldn't have.

"I just wanted to talk" She said in a small voice, her eyes downcast so he couldn't see the fresh tears coursing down her face.

"Liz, there's nothing left to say. You said it yourself, we don't belong together."

"I didn't mean it" she whispered, looking up at him through sad eyes.

Looking into her tear-filled eyes, Max couldn't help but notice how broken she looked. She looked so fragile with tears streaming down her face, her bottom lip trembling. He wanted to kiss those lips again, and pull her into his arms and never let her go.

Not immune to seeing her cry he put aside his own hurt for the moment and kneeled in front of her and pulled her into his arms. He pulled back when her sobs continued wracking her petite frame. He could feel his own tears approaching and he chastised himself for being so weak when it came to Liz parker. He wiped her eyes with the pads of his thumbs and kissed her forehead before pulling her into his arms again and holding her until her shaking subsided.

"Come here" he said, standing up and carrying her to his room. He could feel her tears drenching his shirt even though he couldn't hear her crying anymore and briefly wondered how he was going to get the courage to let her go completely. He wanted to lock her in his room and keep her to himself so no other guy would ever know the feeling of holding her in their arms.

Diane watched amazed at how her son handled Liz with such love despite the problems in their relationship, and couldn't stop the smile on her face.

Re: Do Over(CC,M/L,Adult) Ch.4 12/18/11

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 10:04 pm
by RoswellMyHeart
Chapter 4

Max and Liz lay on his bed facing each other. They said nothing for several moments, just watching the other. He touched her face gently with the tips of his fingers as she cried because she knew he was trying to memorize the contours of her face before he let her go. She didn't know how she would move on, so she just laid there and cried while he absorbed everything he could.

She leaned over, placing a tender kiss over his heart and buried her face against his chest. Max realized in that moment that although she gave herself to another, her heart belonged to him and he didn't want to say goodbye to her. He decided than that even though she made a mistake he still loved her, and that she would be his again, and that this time he would never let her go. That she would be his forever.

With that decision made, he ran his fingers through her hair and when she pulled back to look at him he leaned down and gave her a soft kiss on the lips. She cried even harder mistaking it as his way of saying goodbye.


"Max, please don't leave me. I don't wanna live without you, I can't. When we're apart it hurts. It hurts so much. I don't know how to live in a world where you don't love me anymore; a world without your kisses, your hugs.

"Liz…" he started.

"No, let me explain" she interrupted sitting up. "I never slept with him.

Max jumped of the bed and started to pace. He was insanely jealous. Every time he thought of her sharing her bed with Kyle, he saw red. And for her to sit there and pretend it never happened pissed him off. The more she talked the more upset he grew.

"I just made you think that I did but I didn't" she said walking towards him. He turned away from her, facing the wall.

Liz reached up to touch his shoulder but he shrugged her off. She felt sick to her stomach. There was a time when they could barely keep their hands off each other, and the longing looks across the room were a natural occurrence. Now he recoiled from her touch and she couldn't even get him to look at her. "Max?"

Max was shaking with rage. He couldn't help but think how much his sweet, innocent Liz had changed in the last year. He never would have thought her capable of lying to him so easily. And casual sex used to be out the question for the raven haired beauty. She was a romantic; she loved white roses, sunsets, romance novels, and love letters. She believed in soul mates and true love. She liked holding hands, tender kisses and cuddling while stargazing out in the dessert. She didn't have sex without love.

When he didn't respond, Liz came around to stand in front of him so he had no choice but to look at her. Max's jaw clenched when she came into view. She didn't look so innocent anymore. He watched her face for a while. Suddenly the chocolate waves that made her look like a goddess earlier didn't seem so appealing. It was so different from the way she used to wear it before she left him; wilder, untamable. His shirt she wore stopped mid-thigh, and although he still found her alluring he couldn't help but resent her for it. He didn't want to feel anything for her.

'When did she change' he wondered. Max felt his blood boil when he had a fleeting thought. He had figured she gave her virginity to Kyle but now that he thought about it, he realized she'd changed the summer she was away from him. Max clenched his fist, fighting for control. He could feel his nails digging into his palms but he ignored it. He saw red when he thought of whom else she had let touch her when she was away in Florida.


"Shut Up!" he shouted, startling Liz "Don't you dare lie to me, I know what I saw."

"Max…" she started in a choked whisper. She had never seen Max so angry, he never even yelled at her before.

"I Said Shut Up!" he snapped, grabbing her by the arms and shaking her. Max couldn't think straight. She met someone in Florida and had given him her innocence.

Liz winced, he was hurting her. Max had never hurt her before.

"You're seeing someone else" Max accused as he shoved her against the wall.

Liz started trembling and the sobs continued to wrack her petite frame. "No. There's no one else, only you." Liz whimpered with a shake of her head.

"Liar!" Max cried releasing her roughly. "Fuck" he shouted as he turned away from her to slam his fist into the opposite wall. He shook from the force of his cries. He wiped away the angry tears falling from his eyes, and kicked the wall releasing his pent up frustrations.

Liz slid to the floor and curled into a ball. She cried so hard, she felt like she couldn't breathe. She didn't think they could ever go back to the way they were before. She had hurt Max so bad to the point where he got physical with her. She was terrified that Max would never want to be with her again.

Re: Do Over(CC,M/L,Adult) Ch.5 12/19/11

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 9:11 am
by RoswellMyHeart
Chapter 5

Max came back to his senses when he heard the hysterical sobs coming from Liz. He turned to find her curled up in a ball on the floor. She was shaking and he was horrified when he realized he'd done that to her. "Oh god, Liz" he said rushing to her. He sat on the floor, pulling her onto his lap and cradled her against his chest. "I'm so sorry baby, I'm so sorry," he sobbed into her hair trying to calm her down to no avail.

He kissed her nose, her eyes, her hair, all over her face until the only sounds coming from her was an occasional hiccup and a shaky sigh. Max looked at her then, really looked at her, and what he saw was the doe eyed beauty he fell in love with all those years ago. Silent tears fell from her eyes as she looked up at him from beneath her lashes with frightened eyes, cowering like she was expecting a blow any minute and then he realized she had every reason to feel that way because he had put his hands on her.

But Liz wasn't afraid that Max would hurt her physically. He was always so careful with her that she knew no matter how much control he lost he would rein in his temper before he lost it completely. Even when he lost control and shoved her against the wall she wasn't afraid. Yes, it had hurt a little but she was more concerned that Max would leave her. "I'm not seeing anyone else I swear" she sobbed.

"Oh god, Liz" Max cried. He was filled with self-loathing for getting so angry at her.

"Max I've never been with anyone, I could never do that to you" she swore.

"Liz, I saw you. I wish I didn't, but I did. And unless it was a mind warp, there's no explanation as to why you had another guy in your bed the way you did. It's going to take me some time to get over the idea that you shared yourself with someone else but I will because the only other option is a life without you and that isn't an option for me, because I don't think I could live without you either.

"No Max you don't understand, I didn't sleep with him, I just pretended I did because you asked me to."

"What? Liz, I don't understand"

Max sat stiff, in complete silence, as he heard the tale of Future Max. He was sure that it had to be a joke because there's no way he would ever do that to Liz. He didn't understand. Why give her glimpses of a perfect marriage only to tell her that she could never have it? Why talk about a bond formed from love to last a lifetime and ask her to prevent it.

"I didn't want to give you up but I didn't know what else to do. I told him there had to be another way, and I begged him to go to someone else but he said that he trusted me more than anyone. And after he said that Isabel and Michael died I couldn't deny him. I tried everything I could but you wouldn't let me go and I didn't know what else to do."

"Liz? How do you know it was me? Because this is me and I don't understand how any version of me would think that a life without loving you is possible for me. Or that I could be with Tess or anyone else. Even after the thing with Kyle I still wanted you; I didn't know how to let you go. And you're only my girlfriend. So I don't understand how a man who says he's me could take you as his wife, wake up with you every morning and share a bed with you every night the way I've dreamed of for so long could give that up for anything. Even for the end of the world. Because I rather spend fourteen years loving you than to live for an eternity and not know what it's like to make love to you, to be your husband."

"Max I thought about all that but he just seemed so desperate, and I figured if he could leave his Liz behind during a time like that to come here and warn us, that it had to be really bad. But I know it was you Max. I didn't wanna believe him, but he knew things and I felt it. I know it was you just like I know it's you now."

"You should've come to me."

"I'm so sorry Max; I wanted to but he said that I couldn't, that you couldn't know, that no one could."

Max buried his face in her hair, dampening her tangled locks with his tears. He breathed in the scent of her hair and couldn't help but think it smelled like home. She was his home. He didn't understand. How could something that felt so right be so wrong?

Re: Do Over(CC,M/L,Adult) Ch.6 12/20/11

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 9:49 pm
by RoswellMyHeart
Chapter 6

"Max? Talk to me" she pleaded when the silence became deafening.

"So you're still a virgin?"

"Yes. Max I could never give myself to anyone but you. I'm so sorry, I didn't want to do it but I didn't know what else to do. I tried everything to make you turn away from me but nothing worked."

"So what did you do, just lay there naked and fooled around until I came to your window?"

"No Max he never touched me" She said, searching his face for some sign that he believed her. "We just talked."


"Max i swear he never touched me."

"I said ok."

"But you don't believe me do you."

"What do you want from me Liz?" he shouted. He didn't know what to think. He found it hard to believe that Kyle would just lay there with her naked and just talk.

"I want you to say that you believe me. I want you to trust me," she said jumping up from his lap.

"That's just it Liz, I don't trust you. You lied to me."

"Ok, I guess I deserved that," She said kneeling in front of him. Fresh tears fell from her eyes.

They sat in uncomfortable silence for a few minutes. He wouldn't even look at her, and Liz felt her heart breaking all over again. When he said nothing to her for a while, she cried even harder while she undressed herself.

"Liz what are you doing", he asked when he realized she removed his shirt from her body and was in the process of removing her bra.

"I don't know what to say to make you believe me. So you can have me and you'll see that I'm not lying."

"Liz, don't be ridiculous, put your clothes back on" he snapped.

"Max please, I just, I want you to believe me when I tell you that I didn't have sex with him. I didn't let him touch me and I made it absolutely clear to him that nothing was going to happen between us. So you can just take me and you'll see that I'm still as pure as I was when we were together."

"Liz, if you think I would make love to you to prove a point, you don't know me at all."

"Ok, ill make an appointment."


"I'll go to the doctor if you want proof. But I swear to you Max, I love you and all I've ever wanted is to be with you. And when I thought I couldn't, I wanted to die. I didn't know how I was going to live without you. I still don't. Ever since that day you saw me in bed with him I stopped living. I was so miserable. I love you so much and I can't live without you. I don't know how to be me without you anymore. You're the one I want to give myself to, the one I want to marry, and if you'll have me, the want I want to give babies. I didn't mean all those horrible things I said to you that day; it was all a lie to get you to let me go. I would die for you. I would do anything for you, and I did. Don't you see? I only did what I did because you asked me to," she sobbed.

"Liz, come here, don't cry" he said, as he stood up and pulled her into his arms. "I didn't say what I said to hurt you. I would never do anything to hurt you deliberately."

"And I did. I did something to hurt you on purpose." She said breaking down.

"Calm down, its ok; I forgive you, so stop crying. And I believe that you didn't let him touch you ok? It tears me up inside to see you so hurt. I love you Liz."

"Ok", she said her bottom lip shaking. "I love you too Max, so much. I wanna be yours; I could never be with anyone else."

"Look at me baby," Max said, wiping away her tears. "I'm sorry for making you cry. I just didn't like seeing you with him. Do you have any idea what that did to me, the thought of someone else touching you that way. I wanted to die. I didn't care about anything anymore. I couldn't understand how you would give someone such a special part of you that you told me would always be mine. Even when I saw it I didn't want to believe it, but you kept insisting."

"I wanted to tell you the truth so many times", she hiccupped. "I'm so sorry"

"I know Liz. And I should've listened to my heart when it kept telling me not to believe you when you said that you made love with someone else. I asked you to have faith in me even when you saw me kissing her with your own eyes, and I didn't take my own advice. All this could have been avoided if I had."

"Liz, promise me something" he requested after a while.


"Liz, never lie to me again. Promise me you'll always be honest with me, and that you'll come to me with whatever troubles you. Say you'll never leave me again, and I promise to be worthy of that promise. And never ever be unfaithful to me Liz, I couldn't take it. And I promise to have faith in you, to be honest with you, to come to you with my problems, and I promise to never touch another woman. I would never disrespect you that way."

"I promise Max, I'll do whatever you want. I don't wanna lose you. I know what it's like to be without you and it didn't feel good."

"It didn't feel good for me either; I never wanna be without you again" he said, looking at her with undisguised love.



"Can I kiss you now?"

"Please do."

Max cupped her face between his palms and they shared a sweet, passionate kiss.

Re: Do Over(CC,M/L,Adult) CH. 7(PART 1 Of 3) 12/21/11

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 12:13 pm
by RoswellMyHeart
Chapter 7(Part 1 Of 3)

Time ceased to exists for Max and Liz as they reacquainted themselves with one another. The kiss was tentative at first but soon it wasn't enough and Max parted her lips and plunged his tongue into her mouth.

He backed her up towards the bed; the couple falling on the duvet in a mass of tangled limbs. Lying down facing her, Max pulled her into his arms giving her a soft kiss on the lips. "I love you" he whispered against her lips.

"I love you too Max. So much" she whispered. "I'll never stop" she vowed looking into his eyes.

He laid her gently on her back as he lied down on top of her and she opened her legs wider so he lied nestled between her thighs. He caressed her face softly, "I never thought I'd have you like this again" he said, his voice filled with awe.

"Why?" she asked. "I was yours from the moment you touched me that day."

A tear fell from her eyes and he kissed it away before giving her a deep kiss on the mouth. She looked so soft and fragile lying underneath him that he berated himself for his actions earlier.

"Liz, I'm so sorry" he swore.

"For what?" she asked as her fingers ran though his dark locks.

"I should have never touched you no matter how angry I was. I saw how scared you were and I wish I could take it back ,so much. I never wanna hurt you like that again, Liz."

"Max its ok, I wasn't scared. I know you never wanted to hurt me. I wasn't crying because I thought you would hurt me, I couldn't stop crying because you were so angry with me and I thought you didn't love me anymore. I thought it was really over between us."

"It'll never be over between us. No matter what happens you'll always be mine Liz. No one else's," he said with such intensity she had to look away.

He tilted her chin back to meet his gaze. "You're mine."

She could only nod her head in confirmation. It wasn't like the other times he said the words. This time he wasn't asking, he was telling her. She watched breathless as his normally amber eyes darkened right before her eyes.

She could see him clenching his jaw fighting for control so he could be gentle with her. She reached up, cupping his cheek and brushed her lips against his initiating a kiss from him.

She kissed his lips, his eyes, anywhere she could reach trying to let him know he could take what he wanted.

"God Liz, I want you so much" Max groaned, threading his fingers through her hair. He gripped her hair harder as he tilted her head back so he could kiss her more thoroughly.

He wanted to kiss her everywhere at once. He brushed his lips against her mouth once more before reluctantly leaving her luscious lips to trail kisses down her throat. "mmmmm" she moaned as he sucked, nibbled and bit on her neck.

"Max," she panted when he placed an open mouth kiss on the swell of her breast.

He couldn't get enough of her. "Liz, can I have you?" Max growled in the heat of passion as he suckled her nipple through the lace material of her bra.

"I'm yours again, Max?" she shuddered desperate with need.

"Always, I'll never let you go."

"Then you can do whatever you want with me" she gasped for breath, gazing up at him with barely concealed lust.

Before she could finish her sentence, Max lost all sense of control. With a wave of his hand, she was bare before him. She watched his hungry gaze roam over her body and she almost lost it when he encased her naked breast in his big, strong hands and closed his mouth over her nipple. She could do nothing but whimper and moan as he licked and sucked on her tender bud. He released her nipple from his lips and looked down at her with heated eyes and in a choked voice whispered "I love you Liz, you're so beautiful."

"I love you too Max" she said, her eyes shining with tears.

Max ran his hands over her soft curves enjoying the feel of her; he traced her lips with his fingertips before replacing his fingers with his mouth, giving her a deep kiss filled with longing. "I'm gonna love you forever Liz. Your mine now and you're never leaving me."

Max trailed his lips down her chin, over her collar bone. He teased her nipple with his lips. "I'll never leave you Max" she whimpered. "I promise." He kissed her nipple while his intense gaze held hers. He circled her areola with his tongue before drawing her nipple between his lips and sucking hard. She cried out and arched up against him, leaving no doubt that she was his for the taking.

"Liz, I've wanted you for so long" he declared kissing his way down the flatness of her stomach.

"Then take me Max" she pleaded as she writhed beneath him.

"Not yet" he growled. "I wanna taste you first"

"Max! Honey," Diane said knocking on her son's bedroom door. "Is everything ok in there?"

Re: Do Over(CC,M/L,Adult) Ch.7(Part 2 Of 3) 12/22/11

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 4:40 pm
by RoswellMyHeart
Chapter 7(Part 2 Of 3)

"We're fine, mom!"

"Ok, well dinner's ready."

"Ok, we're coming!"

"I wish," Liz said with a cheeky grin when Max winked at her.

"God Liz" Max murmured, burying his face between her breasts. "I need you so much."

"I need you too Max" she moaned when he licked her breast. "God Max, don't stop," she panted.

Max grinned down at her. He gave her a soft kiss on the lips, and took a moment to treasure each perky breast before going down on her. He gave her a wet kiss on her lower lips before swiping his tongue between her folds, teasing her lips and tasting her sweet nectar. He chuckled softly when she bucked her hips against his face and pulled on his hair to keep his mouth against her core.

Liz gasped in surprise when he licked her clit and nibbled on it before tenderly drawing it between his lips and sucking gently. "Max!" she cried out.

Max faintly heard someone repeatedly knocking on his bedroom door but she was so wet and her taste so intoxicating, mixed with the sexy sounds of her breathy moans, she was all he could focus on.

"Liz you taste so good," he hummed against her opening, lapping up her sweet juices as it dripped from her, not wanting to miss a single drop.

His tongue on her heat was mind-blowing and she wondered how she went on without this feeling for so long. Her body tingled everywhere and she never wanted it to stop.

"Oh God, Oh God, Oh God" was her mantra as his tongue moved back and forth between her lips, thrust into her opening and then he would suck her clit. There was no uncertainty, Max seemed to know exactly how to please her as if he'd done so all his life. The pleasure was so intense, her gripped tightened on his hair and she could do nothing but arch in ecstasy as he loved her. His fingertips teasing the inside of her thigh, and tracing her nether lips was the only warning she had before he plunged a finger inside of her. He added another one and pumped in and out of her as he continued to suck her clit into his mouth.

"Oh god yes." she cried out. She never wanted it to end but she was sure she would pass out if she didn't cum.

Just as the thought crossed her mind he suddenly stopped, and she briefly wondered if he knew what she was thinking and just wanted to tease her. She looked up at him through glazed eyes and he smirked at her before bringing his drenched fingers to her lips, coating it with her essence and ordered her to taste it. She licked her lips, and was surprised to find that she liked it. She brought his soaked fingers to her mouth and looked up at him from beneath her lashes as she slipped them between her lips, moaning softly as she did. She looked so sexy, lying there naked on his bed, with her beautiful breast exposed to his gaze, her nipples erect, and her legs wide open for him to take what he wanted. He found it so erotic watching her taste her own essence on his fingers. When she licked it clean, he brought his hand back to her treasure, teasing her bundle of nerves with his thumb.

"Max." she whimpered. "I need... I need..." she trailed off, a throaty moan escaping her parted lips when she felt his fingers enter her.

"God Liz, you're so wet" he groaned. She cried out in excitement when his tongue flicked across her clit and he started pumping his fingers faster in and out of her.

"Yes, Yes, Yes" Liz moaned. She trembled feeling her orgasm wash over her. She exploded in his mouth and Max greedily licked up every drop of her essence. When she came down from her high, Max looked up at the love of his life from his place between her thighs and declared "You look so sexy when you cum; you taste so good Liz."

"Shut up," she giggled trying to catch her breath. She was surprised to find she enjoyed dirty talk in the heat of passion, and she didn't feel shy exposed to Max's gaze like she thought she would have. It felt so natural being with him like this, she never wanted to be away from him.
Liz pulled Max up to her and kissed him breathless. "Thank you baby that felt amazing."


"OH MY GOD" she whimpered, still reeling from the power of her orgasm. Throwing her head back against the pillow "You're amazing" she praised. "I didn't know it would feel so good."

She gazed up at him adoringly and kissed his lips tenderly before trailing her lips to his ear. She licked the outer shell of his ear before sucking his lobe into her mouth "Now how about I make you feel good" she whispered sultrily before discarding him of his shirt, flipping him onto his back and straddling him.

Re: Do Over(CC,M/L,Adult) Ch.7 (Part 3 Of 3) 12/23/11

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 8:36 pm
by RoswellMyHeart
Chapter 7(Part 3 Of 3)

She teased his bottom lip with her tongue before slipping it between his lips. She greedily devoured his mouth until they were forced to part for oxygen. Going in for more she nibbled on his bottom lip before sucking it into her mouth hard. She bit his lip playfully when he pinched her bottom. Pressing her palm flat against his chiseled chest she began to rock against him as she swirled her tongue around his nipple before biting it gently while her nails raked over his other nipple. She placed wet kisses all over his impressive abs, darting her tongue into his bellybutton and licking her way down to the waistband of his jeans.

She could see his erection straining in his jeans and she couldn't wait to have him in her mouth. She slid down until her sweet bottom was planted firmly on his powerful thighs and met his heated gaze as she raised shaky fingers to unbutton his jeans. He lifted slightly to assist her and she leaned back to take off his pants and boxers and cried out loudly when she felt his warm wet mouth on her nipple. She threw the offending articles on the floor and mewled softly as he enveloped her whole breast into his mouth. He pinched her other nipple and she held on as he had his way with her.

Eager to get a glimpse of him Liz removed her breast from his mouth and pushed him onto his back. She kneeled between his open legs and as her chocolate eyes landed on his perfect penis Liz Parker fell madly in love for the second time in her young life. His cock was huge and gorgeous and she was struck speechless as she continued to eye his impressive length. She bit her bottom lip to rein in her whimper. She didn't think it could get any bigger and she licked her lips and moaned with excitement as she watched it swell before her eyes.

Overwhelmed by all these new sensations seeing Max was causing her; she leaned her forehead on his thigh and tried in vain to catch her breath. She panted as she lifted a hand to stroke his cock. "Oh god" she moaned when his prick twitched in her hand. She caressed him and rubbed his cock against her cheek as her breathing grew more labored. She couldn't believe that pleasing him and touching him could make her feel so good and get her so hot. She continued to stroke him and listen to his grunts and moans. She grew excited when she felt a drop of pre-cum seep from the head. Not able to resist she licked the head of his cock. She found the unique taste of Max so yummy that she made it her mission to drive him crazy with pleasure until he provided her with more of his special liquid.

She stroked his cock as she swirled her tongue around the tip before sucking it in her mouth. Encouraged by his deep grunts she sucked him in deeper. She moved her tongue and mouth up and down his shaft and moaned in pleasure when she felt him harden inside her. She replaced her mouth with her hand as she teased his nuts with her tongue. She placed a kiss on each swollen nut while looking up at him before licking around them and sucking his jewels into her mouth. The sight before her was enough to make her cum on the spot. Max had a firm grip on her dark locks; his head arched back, his lips slightly parted as he moaned her name over and over again. She licked the underside of his shaft to stimulate him and when she caught his eye she enveloped as much of him into her mouth as she was capable of.

"Oh Liz" Max moaned. Nothing had ever felt this good. Being in Liz Parker's mouth was the best feeling in the world. Max watched her through hooded eyes as she sucked his cock. The way her eyes looked into his while she swirled her tongue around it before sucking it in to her mouth made his eyes glaze over. It felt like heaven. His grip on her silky tresses tightened and despite his best efforts he couldn't help but thrust in to her mouth.

Liz didn't mind, she wanted to please him. She relaxed her throat to take him in further, and held onto his muscular thighs as he loved her mouth. She felt his balls tighten and waited in anticipation for her reward.

After a few more thrusts Max felt his release approaching so he gripped Liz's head back and let his cock slip from her mouth.

"No Max." Liz started to panic when she realized his intentions. "Don't hold back. I want all of you." She eagerly took his cock back in and reveled in the feeling of having him inside her mouth. She never thought she would enjoy giving pleasure so much.

"AAAAHHHHHGGRGHAGGHH Liz, Oh God" he grunted as he shot his seed deep in her throat. Liz continued to pump her mouth up and down his shaft as she swallowed his cum. Not at all experienced with the art of oral sex she realized she wasn't prepared when he continued to cum and she knew she couldn't swallow any more. She slipped his huge cock from her mouth and continued to stroke him with her hand while she let his liquid of love spill onto her palm.

When he finished Liz cleaned her hands and cuddled up to Max while his orgasm took him into a world of his own. She stroked his hair off his forehead and placed sweet kisses all over his face while she held him, whispering words of love in his ear.

Max's breathing was labored and his whole body hummed with pleasure. "Oh God" he panted between breaths when he regained his composure. "You're amazing Liz, I love you so much" he mumbled sleepily as he pressed her against him and ran his fingers through her hair.

She kissed him softly on his chest before tucking her head under his chin and succumbing to a blissful slumber.

Re: Do Over(CC,M/L,Adult) Ch.8 12/24/11

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 10:29 pm
by RoswellMyHeart
Chapter 8

Diane knocked on Max's bedroom door for the second time that morning with no response.

Liz awoke to the sound of footsteps retreating down the hall from Max's room.

She reveled in the feeling of having Max spooned against her back for several moments before reluctantly sitting up. Combing her fingers through her hair she watched him while he slept. As she watched his eyes flutter slightly she knew she never wanted to wake up with anyone other than him ever. She laid her head on his pillow and kissed him softly.

Max awoke with a kiss from his beloved. As he savored the feel of her lips on his, he knew he never wanted to wake up any other way for the rest of his life. When she parted her lips from his, he opened his eyes to the most beautiful sight; her eyes smoldered, and her cheeks flushed with passion. Her disheveled locks fanned out across his pillow and she smiled the most beautiful smile he'd ever seen.

"Hi" she whispered.

"Hi," he replied.

He buried his face in her neck and held her close as he ran his fingers through her hair.

"Max what's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong" he answered truthfully. "I just wish I could wake up with you like this every morning."

A tear fell from her eyes as she thought of having to wake up without him. "I do to Max; I never wanna wake up without you again" she admitted.

He smiled against her neck, before placing a tender kiss there. "I love you Liz."

"I love you," she said as she pulled back and kissed him.

A knock at the door pulled them from their passion induced haze.

"Max!" Diane shouted. "Breakfast is ready."

"Oh shit" Max cursed before sitting up. "Breakfast..? What happened to dinner? I don't even remember eating."

"Oh you ate alright" Liz giggled.

Max looked at his girlfriend and saw her eyes sparkling with mirth. He blushed deeply as he remembered last night.

Liz giggled even more when she saw him blush. "Awww. You're so cute, Max how can you even blush after everything we did last night?" she chuckled.

Max pounced on his girlfriend when she continued to laugh at his expense. He tickled her mercilessly until she begged him to stop.

"Say sorry" he ordered, grinning down at her.

"No" she refused, smiling up at him.

"Say I'm sorry King Max, I won't do it again"

"No", she laughed uncontrollably as he continued to tickle her. "Ok, ok!" she giggled.

"Say it," he chuckled.

"Ok, ok. I'm sorry King Max, I won't do it again," she said between fits of laughter

"Now give King Max a kiss," he ordered playfully.

"No," she laughed, shaking her head.

"Liz!" he warned.

"Wait! Don't. I'll do it, I'll do it" she laughed. She licked his bottom lip before kissing the corner of his mouth. Liz leaned back playfully only to swallow hard when she noticed all sense of humor had left his eyes. His eyes were dark with lust and a shiver went through her as he leaned in to take her mouth hungrily.

"Max!" They jumped back from each other when Max's sisters voice drifted through the door. "Hurry up and come to breakfast."

"Damn," Max cursed trying to catch his breath. "Ok, I'll be right there" he yelled.

Max gave Liz a quick kiss on the mouth when he heard his sister walking away.

"Damn. Liz, what are we gonna do? Your dad is going to kill me," Max started pacing as he realized it was morning already.

"Max, it's alright. Calm down. I called my parents in the middle of the night and told them i fell asleep at Maria's," she chuckled in amusement. "I love you King Max" she giggled, jumping off the bed.

Max smiled at her, enjoying the view as she bent over to pick his t-shirt off the floor.

Liz turned to face Max and watched his arousal swell before her eyes. She licked her lips and smiled up at him. "Uh-Uh" she said, slipping his t-shirt over her head. "Put MAXIMUM away or we'll never leave this room" she snickered.

Max howled with laughter as he got dressed.

Re: Do Over(CC,M/L,Adult) Ch.9 12/25/11

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2011 5:54 pm
by RoswellMyHeart
Chapeter 9

During Breakfast Max and Liz were oblivious to the three pair of eyes locked on them as they fussed over each other.

If Liz's hand wasn't resting on his thigh, she was leaning her head on his strong muscular shoulder, or running her fingers through his bangs as they laughed and talked.

Max was unaware that he never went a whole minute without touching Liz. Whether it was tucking her hair behind her ear, holding her hand under the table, skimming his hand lightly down her cheek or an innocent kiss on her temple, he couldn't seem to keeps his hands off her. He even went as far as feeding her off his plate at one point during the meal when she was reluctant to try the breakfast casserole because Diane warned her it was spicy.

Isabel kept glaring at Liz, trying to intimidate her, and grew upset when Liz didn't even seem to notice.

She watched as Max whispered something in Liz's ear.

"Max…," she heard Liz warn shyly and watched as he pointed to his cheek and Liz rolled her eyes playfully before planting a kiss
on his cheek and then smiling up at him.

Not being able to take it any longer, Isabel snapped, "What the hell are you doing here Liz? Max what is wrong with you? Are you insane? How could you sit here staring at her like a love sick puppy after what she did to you?"

Not at all bothered by her accusations, but refusing to let her disrespect his Girlfriend, Max said between clenched teeth "Don't talk to her like that Isabel, you don't even have all the facts, you don't know what you're talking about. We'll talk about this later," he said in a tone that left no room for argument.

Phillip and Diane were surprised to see their normally outspoken daughter shut up immediately, before asking to be excused.
When Isabel left they watched baffled as Max turned to cater to Liz as if she were his queen.

"You ok?" He whispered tilting her chin up so she would look at him.

"I'm fine" she said, forcing a smile.

After breakfast, Liz helped Mrs. Evans with the dishes. She could feel Diane's eyes on her and she blushed when she thought of all the noise she had made last night. She looked up and quickly averted her eyes when she saw the knowing look in her green depths.


"Yes?" she squeaked out.

"I spoke to Max while you were in the shower and I just wanted you both to know that I know you spent the night here."

"Um, um…"she stuttered panicking.

"It's ok, I'm glad you guy's worked things out," She answered honestly. "Just be safe ok."

"We will," she promised, smiling up at Diane and feeling more at ease with her acceptance.
After helping Diane with the dishes Liz went in search of Max and wasn't surprised to find him in Isabel's room. She knocked on the open door softly to get their attention.

"Oh my god Liz, I'm so sorry" Isabel said, for having been so awful to Liz.

"I'm over it." Liz didn't really care what Michael and Isabel thought about her anymore. They were important to Max so she would always treat them with kindness but that's as far as it would go. She knew they didn't really like her, so there was no point in rehashing the past.

"Okay" Isabel said, not pushing it. She knew Liz was upset. "So what are we going to do?"

"We need to call a meeting," Liz said, tucking her hair behind her ear.
Max arranged for the group to meet up at a motel thirty minutes outside of town. It was the only way to be sure no one could listen in on their conversation.

He sat on the bed, his back against the headboard with Liz cradled on his lap. They whispered softly to each other while they waited for the others to arrive.

Isabel sat on the windowsill looking out the window. "They're here," she got up to open the door when she saw Maria's Jetta pull up.

The group was all upset about being called in for a meeting so early in the morning and had no problem voicing it out loud.

"Maxwell!" yelled Michael as soon as he came into the room. "What the hell are we doing here so early in the morning?"

"Michael, shut up and let him talk," Maria said raising her voice.

Liz jumped off of Max's lap when she heard their voices. "Alex?" she asked. "Why isn't Alex with you guys" she said; on the brink of having a panic attack.

"Liz, what's wrong," asked Maria

"Where is Alex" Liz demanded, tears of frustration falling from her eyes. She pulled at her hair as she broke down on the floor.