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Damaged (Z/L,Adult,UC) ~complete~ 6/19/12

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 8:38 am
by jake17

Beautiful banner by the incredible RoswellOracle, thank you so much! I really think there is nothing you can't do. I love this!

Title: Damaged
Author: jake17
Rating: Adult
Couple: Z/L
Disclaimer: I own nothing Roswell
Summary: In lieu of a prison sentence for a minor assault charge a lenient sympathetic judge feels a year of counselling is a better fit for a young man whose has had a very tough abusive childhood. After several failed attempts with respected seasoned therapists his case has fallen on the desk of Ms. Elizabeth Parker, a young bright caring beautiful recent graduate with very little experience, but a heart of gold. Faced with the choice of dealing his past or living out the next eighteen months in prison Zan must deicide whether to put his trust in someone who truly wants to help him or fall into a world he may never recover from.

Chapter 1.

“You look like a Librarian.”

After pulling her hair back tight in a bun Liz straightened her skirt out with the palms of her hands and sighed in the mirror.

“No Maria, I look... professional.”

Muttering under her breath Maria looked around Liz’s perfectly museum like organized room bored out of her mind.

“Right, a professional Librarian.”

Raising one eyebrow Maria spotted something that peaked her interest. Silently sliding off the bed she flipped open the blue folder that was lying in Liz's briefcase beside her desk.

“So... they’re finally giving you a real case, its about time they give you a chance. I swear that boss of yours spends more time staring at your legs then …whoa what do we have here… “

A wide smile appeared across her face as she ran her thumb over his picture.

“Maria! You know that information is confidential!”

Snapping the folder shut she quickly raised her hands in the air and backed away slowly.

“Relax, I didn’t see a name, all is good. Besides I’ve gotta get to work, stop by the bar after your session for a drink and let me know how it went with Mr. Tall dark and handsome.”

Nervously Liz looked down at her watch and reached for her heels. “Ok, wish me luck.”

Tilting her head to the side Maria smiled confidently, “Not necessary, if anyone can help this guy its you Liz.”


“Are you ready?”

Zan sat unresponsive staring at the TV, his jaw clenched at the thought of himself slumped across from yet another balding middle-aged head shrinker who assumed to have him all figured out.

Grabbing his keys Michael opened the door and glared down at his friend.

“Look I don’t blame you, I wouldn't want to do this either, but you know the deal, Its
either this or jail. Zan, we’re not talking juvie this time, it’s not worth it, just tell them what they want to hear for once. Bullshit your way through it, its not like you don’t know how. I'm sorry but you don’t have a choice.”

Slamming the heel of his boot on the worn coffee table Zan stared out the window knowing Michael was right.

He also knew that this was his last chance.

He had been through five therapists in the last two months, each one refusing to see him again because of his ‘poor attitude and destructive behavior’ as the called it.

The empathetic judge had run out of patience and was giving him one more shot.

As much as he hated long talks about taking responsibility and dealing with his abandonment issues he knew he had to play the game.

Being locked up was something he couldn’t handle, not for one day; deep down inside he knew that.

He pulled out a cigarette and took a long deep drag contemplating what he would say this time, “We got time for one beer before I have to be there. I need at least one before I do this again. Let’s go.”

Sighing with relief Michael took off down the hall after him.


“Shot of whiskey please.”

“Just a beer for me.”

Michael hesitated for a moment as the green eyed blonde behind the bar held his gaze before slowly turning away.

“What happened to the beer? Do you really think it’s a good idea to – “

Zan abruptly ended the conversation by removing himself from the bar to sit a booth in the back alone.

“Friend of yours?”

Michael nodded staring at the clock on the wall.

“Yeah you could say that.”

“He doesn’t look very happy with you.”

Sensing that she was prying Maria started to back away.

“Its not me, we don’t fight.” Michael drank half his beer down in one gulp before wiping his mouth. “ You can’t really argue with the guy who saved your life.”

Turning back towards him she rested her elbows on the counter.

“Wow seriously? How exactly did he save your life?”

Staring out into nothing lost in the memory Michael threw money down on the bar.

“The other way around, actually.”

Pulling back in shock Maria looked over the strong muscular tattooed guy hutched in the back and laughed.

“No offense but he looks like he’s the last person in the world that would need saving.”

Pushing away from the bar Michael nervously glared back up at the clock before turning toward Zan.

“Looks can be deceiving.”

Seeing Michael approach out of the corner of his eye Zan slammed his glass on the table and walked out the door.


“Can I help you sir?”

Zan shoved his hands in his pockets and backed away from the sixty-year-old secretary that was gazing up at him over her bifocals, her expression full of judgment.

Running her finger over the appointment book she grazed the words ‘court appointed session’ while annoyingly clicking her gum against her tongue.

“I see, you must be Alexander Evans, from the County – “

“It’s Zan, and I have a four o’clock with Mr. – Dr. - I’m not sure, I think the name is Parker.”

Snapping her gum she looked him over before quietly shaking her head and walking him down a long hallway to a large room with a huge mahogany desk.

“Have a seat.”

Before he could react she was gone along with the stench of her potent perfume and sound of her constant gum smacking.

Looking over his choices he decided against the couch with the standard flowered pillows and tissue box nearby for a hard leather chair in the corner of the room.

Anxiously he shook his knee up and down as he glanced over the many-framed pictures littered across the shelves and desk in front of him.

He counted five kids in all and one very uptight botox injected stepford wife.

This was what he usually encountered except for the one that took a particular shine to him.

Deeming hypnosis to be a good therapy tool he assumed Zan was out and made the grave mistake of touching his arm.

There were no pictures of children or a wife in his office.

The session was quickly cut short when Zan punched him hard breaking his nose instantly.

That one would’ve cost him his freedom if not for the fact that this therapist was indeed married and running for town office at the time.

Hearing the door open Zan kept his eyes down working up the patience to go through this one more time.

He concentrated hard on anything else, anything but being where he was, trapped under the constant invasive critical glare of another condemning patronizing asshole.


Stunned by the sweet soft almost gentle sound of her voice he slowly raised his intense amber eyes towards her.

“Who are you?”

A warm smile crossed her pale pink lips as she crossed the room.

Her presence instantaneously stilled any noise or activity going on outside the office or on the busy street below.

All he could see was her beautiful brown eyes focused exclusively on him as she held out her hand unflinchingly towards him.

“It’s very nice to meet you, I’m Liz.”

Taken off guard by the clear mistake she was making he sat back in the chair.

“I think you’re in the wrong room.”

Pulling her hand back she opened the blue folder that had been pressed against her chest and looked inside.

“Mr. Alexander Evans?”

Confused Zan nodded slightly.

“Yeah I’m Zan but…”

Sticking out her hand once again her warm smile returned as she confidently took his hand.

“Well then I’m in the right room. I’m going to be your therapist for the next year, it’s very nice to meet you.”

Distracted momentarily by the instant overpowering attraction he knew they both felt he nodded at the picture on the desk of the family he was sure did not belong to her.

Trying hard to ignore the clear warning bells and red flags that were appearing all around her she pulled back from his strong but gentle hand.

“Oh this isn’t my room, I’m new here, my office should be ready next week. We’ll just be in here for today.”

His silence was meant to make her uneasy, nervous…it was working.

Slowly she moved past the desk severely aware of his constant commanding stare.

She pulled a high back blue chair close to him and sat crossing her legs trying hard to disregard his unwavering steady glare.

He watched every move she made with peaked interest loving how easy this was going to be.

Finally he had caught a break.

Zan had no problem manipulating women, especially those who reacted so quickly to his charms.

He calmly noted how the silky material of her blouse flickered just over her heart as she bit down on her bottom lip forgetting for several seconds to take the cap off her pen.

She was more than flustered; Michael was going to love this story.

He inwardly smiled as he picture them laughing back at the bar at how he fucked her up against her boss’ desk and made her scream.

This was definitely not how he pictured this day going but he couldn’t say he didn’t mind having those legs wrapped around him tight.

Liz folded back a yellow legal notepad and cleared her voice as her years of training rolled through her head.

Keep your focus…

Engage in a caring but professional manner to ensure that your client feels safe while establishing critical boundaries to guarantee he/she can fully benefit from the tools you have learned.

Keep your focus…

Licking his lips hungrily Zan pushed his chair closer to her and reached his hand out till his fingertips her inches from her knee.

His dark eyes followed the shape of her thigh as it disappeared beneath the black material that rose high over her leg.

His voice was seductive almost like velvet as he breathed out his appreciation.

“I don’t mean to be disrespectful Ms. Parker but it may be a little hard for me to concentrate around you.”

Skillfully his golden eyes flickered a look back up to her that would level any girl to their knees.

Slowly he touched the side of her knee feathering his fingertips along the slop of her thigh.

“You are truly beautiful.”

Coolly with incredible composure Liz pushed her chair back and stood walking slowly towards the door.

With her hand on the doorknob she looked back at him with the folder held out in front of her.

“Zan I’ve just spent the last week going over every inch of your life up till now.”

Taking a deep breath she tried hard to keep her emotions in check.

“I know that your mother died when you were a baby and what your…father did – “

Zan immediately became dangerously defensive, his charms were deadly but they didn't come close to the force of his temper.

“Look I – “

Not giving him an inch of leeway she continued softly.

“I’m aware of the ten foster homes you’ve been in and out of and the abuse. I know all about your time in the penitentiary for boys and what …brought you here.”

Gambling she held her breath and opened the door.

“I can only imagine what you’ve been through….the pain... the loneliness....”

Completely floored Zan stood turning his back to her, his heart pounding out of his chest, his fists clenched in anger.

“Zan, if you go to prison your life could take a disastrous turn. I am the last person literally on the face of the earth that can help you right now. So …it’s up to you. You can stay and work with me or …I can submit my report now and you can look forward to surviving up at Watkins State Prison for the next eighteen to twenty-four months. The choice is yours.”

His fingers dug into the chipped paint on the aging sill as he stared blankly out the window.

His voice was low and defeated.

“Close the door.”

Re: Damaged (Z/L,Adult,UC) chpt 2 6/23/11

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 10:31 pm
by jake17
roswellian love

Thank you so much for the awesome fb! So happy you like this! :) Going to try like hell to post often, I will only be writing for this story and Fade into You, after Wicked is finished. No more once a month updates. :)

Chapter 2

After closing the door Liz took several deep breaths before turning towards him.

She knew what she was walking into after studying his history this past week.

Liz was never ill-equipped for her job, the pressure she put on her self to succeed was far greater than anything else anyone could do to her.

She memorized every detail of his life and did her research like a seasoned professional but nothing could have fully prepared her for the rush of intensity abounding in that office that day.

Besides being a truly beautiful man he radiated a mixture of emotions, all of them sharply contradicting themselves.

He was brazenly bold charging the room with a calm but powerful confidence that would leave even the most stable and secure individual shaking in their shoes.

At the same time he was like transparent glass, fragile and thin, ready to shattered if you pushed the right buttons, completely vulnerable to the harsh world that had been punishing him his whole life.

Although the words and actions that he put forth were often wicked and immoral there seemed to be gentleness to him, it was clear that his intent was not to really harm, but still the warning of danger was there.

Beyond all this was this incredible need; unwavering and steadfast it consumed the air around him edging shamelessly and relentlessly into your personal space.

There was no doubt in his abilities, his skills were almost written across his sculpted arms and rock hard abs.

He screamed sex, it was deafening and unbearably hard to turn away from, it came across unapologetically, this raw tangible force challenging your will making you question the very depths of your morals.

He was an enigma, who guarded his secrets, and kept his demons close to his side.

This wasn’t going to be easy by any stretch of the imagination but for some reason she had faith in him.

Liz worked her entire life because she believed that most people at the core were good, that even those who did wrong often acting out because of deep seeded pain or childhood trauma

She had an unbelievable kind heart, and she was willing to bet everything on the fact that he had the ability to change, to right the wrongs that had been done to him and forgive himself and others.

Which in the end was the only way he could ever really be healed.

Taking her seat she crossed her legs and once again pulled the yellow notepad out.

She knew that pushing him was not an option; she had to give him space to come to terms with his decision to stay and do the work.

Liz suspected that reeling in his pride was not something easily done and it would be at least a few sessions before she made any headway with him.

Quickly she eyed her watch noting that a good forty=five minutes had passed and he had not moved from the window, his back still turned towards her.

A loud engine roared at the traffic light below and it seemed to catch his attention. She knew by the sound that it was a motorcycle and took a chance.

“Do you have one?”

He titled his head down at the sound of her voice, she could see the muscles in his arms flex for a moment before he pushed himself away from the window.

"One what?"

Clearing her voice she prayed she was right. "A motorcycle?"

Slightly impressed he turned towards her this time really checking her out from head to toe.

Fucking beautiful

“No, my friend has one though, thought that was him, but its not.”

A glimmer of hope flashed through her as she nodded enthusiastically.

“Is this someone close to you? Someone that you see often?”

She was just testing the waters, getting him to talk about anything was all she wanted at this point.

Slowly almost methodically he sat in the blue high back chair across from her and rested his elbows on his knees, his intense amber eyes focused on her legs.

Ignoring his obvious sexual advances she remained calm and unaffected, at least on the outside.

“He’s a good friend, he drove me here today.”

Nodding again she continued her questioning. “What’s his first name?”

Sighing hard he was visibly agitated by her clear rejection.

Bored and frustrated he leaned back and ran his fingers through his black hair, his eyes now focused on her face.

Sitting in the same room with him was difficult, to explain direct eye contact would be impossible.

Nervous she began to tap the end of her pen against the green lined paper waiting for him to answer her and break his relenting stare.

One side of his mouth raised in victory noting that he had gotten to her, very little went unnoticed by Zan, he needed it to survive as a kid but it definitely came in useful as an adult.


A bright smile crossed her lips as she raised her pen to write down his name.

Michael, best friend, possibly someone he trusts?

His grin disappeared as he tried to peer over to see what she had written.

“Did I say something interesting? Have you figured my psychosis out already?”

She drew her bottom lip in catching it between her teeth causing his heart to beat a little faster, he wondered if she had any idea just how sexy she was.

He decided not as a pink hue flushed across her cheeks.

His constant stare was hard to disregard.

“No, not even close I’m afraid, just taking a few notes so I don’t forget anything, its nothing really.”

He raised his eyebrows clearly with distrust, he was already feeling like a lab rat in a glass aquarium and it was only their first session.

As if she had read his mind she uncrossed her legs and leaned forward clearly taking him off guard, something not so easily done.

“Look, I have nothing to hide, how about at the end of each session I leave my notebook on my desk and you can read over everything. Will that make you feel more at ease?”

Surprised by her kindness and her marked attempt to make him feel respected he nodded slowly.

“I guess so.”

His mind spun trying hard to figure out her angle, everyone had one, maybe he was her shot at proving something to her boss, maybe he was a challenge, a way to reconcile insecurities with a asshole step father, whatever it was he was not falling for her seemingly innocent bleeding heart MotherTeresa act.

Everyone had their breaking point, letting out a shaky breath he let his golden eyes flecked with emerald green fall to the scrap of silk that was pulsating faster and faster by the minute.

He noted the way the soft material clung to her breasts hugging her curves leaving little to the imagination.

Adjusting his seated position he inwardly smiled, the slight lack of comfort was acceptable matched against the pleasure she was giving him.

“So, about this Michael, how long have you known him?”

With his eyes still fixated on her breasts he quietly shrugged his shoulders.

“I don’t know, since I was a kid I guess.”

Annoyed with his clear lack of seriousness to the situation she raised the notebook to her chest.

“Was he also a foster child?”

His eyes snapped up quickly to her face as one long piece of her hair fell from her tight bun.

Reaching out he boldly hooked it back behind her ear.

“Do you ever wear your hair down Ms. Parker? Is this professional conservative look just for me?”

Her lips parted as she fought for a clever comeback but with great frustration nothing came.

His eyes flickered to the clock on the long desk and then back to her still infuriated glare.

“Time’s up.”

Pushing the chair back he rose onto his boots and walked calmly to the door leaving her to struggle alone.

“I’ll just make another appointment with your secretary for next week I guess, if that’s alright with you of course.”

He stopped at the open door a smirk rising on his full lips and waited for her response.

Fuming she remember her training and thought fast.

“I’m concerned about your progress already Zan, I would feel more comfortable if we met twice a week for now, since the amount time spent here is completely determined by me I will expect to see you here again on Thursday, at your convenience of course.”

His confident grin disappeared as he walked down the hall his gruff voice echoing off the beige walls.


Re: Damaged (Z/L,Adult,UC) chpt 3 7/11/11

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 4:23 pm
by jake17
roswellian love

Thank you so much for your very sweet fb, sorry for the delay in posting this, I actually had a small electrical fire in the wall in the middle of the night last week! I was alone with my daughter, it was so friggin scary. The entire house had to be rewired because there were three places that could have blown into a huge fire at any moment, I guess it was lucky it happened this way and everyone was safe, at any rate I could really use a break from all the friggin drama, but I guess that's life. :roll:
Hope you enjoy this update, :)

Chapter 3.

Standing in the employee bathroom Liz quickly removed her uncomfortable suit and reached into her duffle bag for her tight jeans and red silk tank top that was low cut and hung just below her waist.

She was dying for a stiff drink and a good long talk with Maria at the bar to release some of the tension that Zan had put her through.

As she pulled the pins out of her bun and shook her long dark hair loose she heard a very loud revving motor just outside the building.

Peering between the blinds she watched as Zan jumped in back of Michael’s motorcycle and drove away.

Staring back into the mirror Liz fluffed out her hair and reapplied her lipstick pretending that the feelings she was having for him were purely emotional ties to his horrific past and nothing real.

She was relieved that he had not lied to her about his friend; she knew that people with his background were usually loners, unable to trust or sustained long lasting relationships.

This was definitely something positive in his life that she needed to explore further with him.

As she darkened her eyeliner her thoughts drifted from professional to a more sinful place as she pictured him sitting across from her staring intensely at her breasts.

Her hands gripped the white porcelain sink as she imagined his mouth hovering just over her cleavage, his eyes boring into her waiting for her permission to taste her…

“Hello? Are you almost done in there?”

Snapping her head up at the door she quickly stuffed her clothes in her duffle bag and grabbed her briefcase.

“So sorry, I’m coming right out.”

Briskly walking down the hall Liz condemned herself for even letting herself go there in her mind.

His life was in her hands, with the mountain of responsibility on her shoulders the last thing she should she be thinking about is sex.

God she needed that drink.


By the time she had finished her paperwork and ran some errands it was almost dark when she pulled open the heavy door of the bar.

Spotting Maria right away she made her way to the last stool in the corner hoping to stay out of sight, being picked up was the last thing on her mind.

“Uh oh, I know what that face means, Liz don’t get discouraged it was only the first session.”

Pulling out a bottle of Merlot Liz waved it away. “Not tonight Maria, vodka on the rocks please.”

Replacing the wine glass she poured her drink then pulled up a seat across from her.

“Let me guess, he wasn’t exactly an open book.”

Taking a healthy sip of vodka she shook her head before anxiously folding the cocktail napkin into a little square in front of her.

“No definitely not, but since we can’t talk about my client why don’t you tell me about your day.”

Rolling her eyes at what a stickler Liz was concerning her job, and all rules for that matter, Maria tossed the bar rag over her shoulder and gave her friend a wide smile.

“Well since you asked I actually met someone today.”

Not at all surprised by her news Liz rested her chin on her on the palm of her hand anxious to hear all the juicy details.

Maria was the total opposite of Liz, where as Liz was shy and conservative, Maria could be referred to as a guy magnet.

With her bubbly out going personality and sexy flirty ways it was never hard for her to meet men.

It was the kind of men that she was attracted to that made Liz nervous and protective.

Maria loved the bad boy type, she was constantly getting herself into trouble leaving Liz to be the one to help her out of said trouble most of the time. Still Liz never judged her and was always there for her when she needed her.

Taking another sip Liz leaned closer to Maria happy to get her mind off of Zan.

“Tell me everything, when did you meet him?”

Rolling her pretty green eyes Maria got a dreamy look in face and sighed.

“He came in today actually, and god damn is he hot Liz! He’s tall with this crazy spiked brown hair and from what I can tell totally single.”

Giggling a little from the effects of the vodka Liz reached for Maria’s hand. “Well that’s always a good start.”

Flashing her friend a sarcastic smile Maria averted her gaze to the back of the bar.

“I didn’t even tell you the best part, he drives a Harley!”

Slapping her forehead Liz groaned with worry, “Maria! Those things are so dangerous! Please tell me he’s not one of those biker guys who dresses in leather and has a million tattoos.”

Tilting her head to the side Maria refocused her gaze to the last booth in the back of the bar.

“No mom he’s not like that, but I’m not so sure about his friend there, he looks a little dangerous, and I have no idea why but I feel like I’ve seen him before.”

All of a sudden everything clicked as Liz froze in her seat as her drink shook in her trembling hand.

“Maria, this guy you just met, what’s his name?”

Watching as a smile appeared across her face Maria stood back from the bar.

“Actually he’s standing right behind you, Michael this is my friend I was telling you about. Liz this is Michael.”

Trying to keep her composure Liz stood from the stool and held her hand out to Michael as her eyes darted over to Zan who was burning a hole right through her.

“It’s so nice to meet you, Maria I just remembered I was supposed to meet my mom for dinner, I’ll talk to you later.”

Confused Maria kept quiet realizing that something was seriously wrong since she knew her mother lived clear across the country.

Reaching for her purse she could feel the intensity of Zan’s glare staring her down.

His darkened eyes raked over every inch of her golden skin and long silky hair that eluded him back at the office.

It was all he could do from keeping himself from walking over to her and ripping that satin barely there shirt off of her.

With her hand on the door she turned back thinking it would be rude just to walk out without even acknowledging him.

Giving him a small half smile she nodded before turning quickly and running right into the door forgetting to actually push it open.

This was a disaster she thought to herself as she drove home, but a disaster she was determined to fix.


Thursday 4:00 pm

“Different Office?”

The rude secretary had not improved her demeanor since the last visit as she walked him through the back hall down two flights of stairs to the last door at the end of the corridor.

Adjusting her glasses she knocked on the door and looked back at him.

“Well this is as far as I go, Wait here till she calls you in, when your done with your session come back to my desk and I’ll set you up for another appointment.”

Zan leaned against the wall listening to the sound of her squeaky shoes get further and further away until it was silent again.

The fact that her new office was on what looked like an abandoned floor far away from any one making it extremely private didn’t elude him as he casually looked around.

He was just about to knock when the door slowly opened.

Taking her seat quickly behind a small Oak desk she was back to her boring librarian look, her eyes focused intensively on his file.

Raising her hand she continued to concentrate, “Please have a seat, we’ll get started in a moment.”

Raising the side of his mouth to a devilish grin he sat in a hard wooden chair directly across from her.

“Well, you look different then you did last night.”

Ignoring him completely she highlighted a particular line in her notes and removed her glasses.

“I thought maybe we could discuss the time spent at the Conrad household, I believe that was the first foster home you were placed in. That must’ve been very difficult, it says here you were only ten years old?”

Stunned by her direct question that seemed to mimic every other therapist he had been to, his temper began to flare.

“So is this your new office?” His eyes roamed around her empty walls and stacked boxes, it was a far cry from the fancy room she had met him in the other day. “Kind of tucked away from everyone don’t you think?”

She looked around the office and back at him determined to get some headway with him and not be distracted.

“It will do fine, everyone has to start somewhere. So do you have any memories of that house hold?”

Nervously Zan began to shake his knee up and down furiously as memories he was determined to keep buried started to rise up inside him.

“It was a long time ago, I don’t really remember.”

Still in a calm caring voice she closed her file and began writing on her yellow lined notebook.

“Is Michael the only family that you have Zan?”

His knuckles began to turn white as he fisted his hands obviously growing more and more uncomfortable with her questioning.

Shrugging he looked away from her and lowered his voice. “I guess it depends on what you consider family.

“Well, to me family is anyone who looks out for you, someone that you can depend on, who depends on you. Someone who cares about you, relation has really nothing to do with it if you ask me.”

Still unable to look her in the eyes he whispered uncomfortably. “Then yeah I guess you could say he’s my only family.”

His eyes rose up to her as she wrote more notes in her book further irritating him.

“So are you friends with that chick from behind the bar? Michael seems to have a thing for her.”

Her mind spun, on one hand she wanted to keep this strictly professional but on the other hand he was more open then she had expected and she didn’t want anything to ruin the momentum.

She also thought maybe he would trust her a little more if she didn’t dismiss his questions even though it was clear he was using them as a way to avoid the subject at hand.

“Her name is Maria, she’s been my best friend since grade school, she’s my family you could say.”

An unexpected smile curved from his full lips as he connected with her gaze noting how she was making a point that they have something in common.

She wasn’t the only one filing away information for further use; he was more than intrigued with her.

He was analyzing her at every turn, noting her sharp contradictions and nervous quirks.

Her obvious need to control every situation by using her intelligence and quick wit, but at the same time getting easily unnerved by the slightest chance that he may see right through her.

Also intriguing was her incredible academic achievements at such a young age, which must’ve taken most of her time showing she had amazing discipline and determination leaving you to believe that she couldn’t be easily tempted by distractions of the sinful kind.

But then again that couldn’t have been further from the truth proven by the fact that she could be so easily rattled by him, with a mere seductive look or the brush of his arm to hers she would flush the brightest red across those high porcelain cheeks.

Then of course how she hides her sexuality with her high tight bun and conservative bland color suits during the day but sheds that look at night for tight fitting jeans and skimpy top and long flowing hair.

Someone of a lesser grasp of the human condition would just chalk that up to professionalism in the workplace but Zan was more precise, why would someone dress up to impress the opposite sex then hide in the corner afraid to be seen?

There was something more just below the surface that made Liz Parker tick, something that left her wanting for much more than her precious morals would allow but also made her terrified of crossing that line that was so forbidden and illicit.


Breaking his stare from her moist parted lips he sat back almost lost in his thoughts having no clue what she had been talking about.

“What were you thinking about just now?”

Zan opened his mouth to speak then closed it again unsure of exactly what to say, something that was completely out of character for him.

“Nothing…nothing important.”

Nodding Liz wrote a few more lines in her notebook making Zan wonder what she could’ve possibly gotten out of his silence.

“Ok so you say that you don’t remember anything about the Conrad’s? I’d like to try and help you with that, if that’s alright with you of course.”

His knee began to shake again as he gazed out the window at the blazing sun, that he remembered vividly, it was the middle of the winter when he was sent to live with them and his bedroom had no heat.

“It was cold, my room was freezing. That’s all, I can’t think of anything else.”

Immediately his eye began to twitch, covering the side of his face with his hand his heart began to pound realizing that he hadn’t thought of that time in years.

The transparent side of him was evident as his breath began to shake leaving her to feel as if she had to do something.

Rising from her chair she moved towards him and knelt down placing her hand on his knee.

This definitely didn’t fall under the guidelines of therapist/patient boundaries but at that moment she didn’t care.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to push you. Most of these recollections are buried deep within your self-conscious for a reason; your mind had done this to protect you. It’s important for you to know that nothing that happened in that house was your fault Zan.”

Zan slowly looked down at her hand that was gently touching his thigh and felt something that he hadn’t felt in years.

She was too close, she knew too much and it more than upset him.

The comfort she gave him made him angry for some reason.

She was trying to get him to trust him, and Zan trusted no one in this world.

Who the hell did she think she was dealing with he thought to himself as he pushed the chair away and walked towards the door.

I think your psychobabble needs a little refreshing; maybe you should consult your books Parker.

Worried that she had pushed him too far too soon she ran after him stopping abruptly when he unexpectedly turned back around.

“Don’t play me Parker, you wont like what you find, trust me.”

Shaking her head she reached out for his shoulder but he moved too fast.

“Zan I’m sorry …I wasn’t - “

Taking long strides down the hallway Zan took off up the stairway before she could finish her sentence.

“Time’s up.”

Re: Damaged (Z/L,Adult,UC) chpt 4 8/19/11

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 2:33 am
by jake17
Carolyn: thanks so much for the fb, as always but seriously if you live in an older house check your fuses make sure they are ok. electrical fires are not good, if I had been sleeping this would've went a completely different way. thanks again for always supporting me. :)
Ellie: For sure those ethical boundaries are going to get blurred :wink: thanks so much for always being here
Jan: thanks so much Jan, so happy you like him :wink:
HypnotiqBlueEyes: huge fan of yours, was so suprised to see you here, thank u for your fb!
dreambeliever: So happy your back, yeah you know how I write :roll: it wont be long :wink: :oops:

chapter 4

After passing up a night out with Maria and a few other friends Liz sunk in bed further pushing off the covers until they fell onto the floor below.

It was hot, one of those humid sticky August summer nights.

Liz was restless unable to get him out of her mind no matter how hard she tried.

Fresh from a bath she rested her head against her headboard as her powder blue towel clung to her damp body.

Raising her knees up she held onto his folder tighter as she sighed and began to read on.

Although she had gone over all the available information at least a dozen times she was hoping that something would jump out at her something that she had maybe missed.

He was a no show for his last two appointments and if he missed a third she was obligated to contact the court which was the last thing she wanted to do.

Groaning to herself she flipped back her wet hair and drifted her finger over his picture.

It was his mug shot and to the untrained eye he gave an appearance of danger, smugness an air of "fuck you" to the world loudly emanating from his fiery amber eyes.

But to her she saw something very different, a little boy hiding behind a mask of fear and hopelessness, desperate almost hungry for love.

Flipping to the hospital photos her eyes welled up as she looked at the frightened eleven year old staring down at the ground humiliated and alone.

Bruised bright purple and blue running along his ribs and side, places that weren’t meant to be seen placed there by a monster who knew what he was doing.

She wondered what was going through his head, how he managed to keep going.

She was furious at herself for bringing that house up so soon she knew better, she had obvously triggered something that he wasn't able to handle and he ran.

That worst part is that she knew she could help him.

Fearing that she had really blown it she threw the paperwork in her brief case and reached for a tank top and a pair of jeans.

Grapping her cell she jumped in her car and called Maria hoping that it wasn’t too late.

After four phone calls she finally made Maria worried enough to interrupt her sexathon with her new boyfriend.

It only took a few minutes of convincing for Liz to get his address from Michael.

He knew that Zan had few chances left and after a week of not hearing anything but a few vague voicemails he didn’t see the harm in letting her help.

Plus he was staring down at a naked ready Maria which he needed to get back to.

Thunder roared through the eerie quiet night as Liz pulled up to his dilapidated old building that resided across the train tracks on the wrong side of town.

Hesitantly she walked along the crooked sidewalk that was cracked strangled by powerful weeds that forced their way through the crevasses.

Lightening streaked across the sky but there wasn’t any rain to relieve the thick dense air that felt almost suffocating.

Suddenly she heard glass break across the tracks followed by the howl of a dog, at least she hoped it was a dog as she ducked to his building.

Once inside she felt as if she had made a huge mistake.

If front of her was a large open space with a door at the end strewn with garbage lit by only a tiny bulb in the center of the ceiling that flickered with each step she took.

Her breathing was quick as she eyed the twisting staircase that was bathed in darkness.

Only when the lightening crashed across the sky was she able to see the winding steps that led upwards to him.

Reaching for her purse she searched for a tiny flashlight that she had bought for emergencies.

Passing by her wallet and her keys she finally felt the cold metal in her hand when the door violently opened.

“Well what do we have here?”

Backing up against the wall Liz struggled for a moment with the button before lighting up the figure in front of her.

Her heart pounded quick and hard in her chest as the stranger slowly approached her.

“Do my eyes deceived me or is there an angel before me? And a dark angel at that.”

His gravely voice sent her pulse racing as he smirked wide his eyes taking in the view in front of him.

He looked homeless but she could tell he wasn’t, he was just …dirty and unkempt.

She guessed he was at least in his forties but he dressed younger as if he was trying too hard.

His thinning blonde hair was greased back exposing a tattoo that ran along his filthy neck.

“Are you here all alone little angel?”

A million thoughts ran though her mind as she backed up further until her hair brushed against the chipped grey paint behind her.

She was really wishing she had taken that self-defense class with Maria at this point or at the very least remembered the mace that was sitting in her nightstand.

“Don’t worry sweetheart I’ll be more than happy to show you the way.”

She opened her mouth to scream but instead heard a familiar voice in back of her and felt a firm grip yanking her behind his hard body.

“Get the fuck out of here James.”

Zan's growl instantly got the point across in a very effective alarming way.

Immediately heading the unspoken warning James slithered by Liz eyes focused deeply on her glistening skin that pulsed rapidly over her heart.

Within seconds he had disappeared into blackness that enveloped the stairs until all evidence of him was gone except for Liz’s shaky body that was now pinned against Zan’s side.

Intense dark eyes stared her down with a mixture of curiosity and mistrust.

“What the hell are you doing here?” He rasped harshly as he flung her against the wall after finally releasing her arm.

Nervously tucking her uncombed wavy hair behind her ear Liz tried to maintain some sense of dignity.

“I-I really needed to talk to you.”

Zan raised his eyebrow skeptically as he watched her scramble for the authoritative presence she clung to back at her office.

Only difference was they weren’t standing in her office and she was barely dressed and slight wet shivering inches away from him.

“At two am?”

Clearing her throat she looked down at her attire following his eyes that blatantly pointed out the fact that all she had on was a skimpy tank top a tight pair of jeans and a pair of flip flops.

“Must be pretty urgent, am I dying or something? “

His tone was playful lined with sultry inflections hardly missed by her observant nature.

Bent on keeping this conversation were it belonged she threw her purse on the floor and took a hair tie out of her pocket.

Straightening her voice she began to pull her hair back struggling for some sense of professionalism.

“It is urgent, very important I’m afraid. You see you’ve missed two appointments and well Zan its imperative that if you at the very least call my secretary and reschedule because I have no choice but to notify the courts as to = “

“Don’t do that.”

She was startled by his brashness as he reached up releasing the elastic from her hair.

So close she could feel his warm breath on her lips he shook her chocolate tresses loose around her shoulders.

“There…much better. You’re too uptight Parker, we need to fix that.”

Feeling that she was loosing control over the situation and still upset by her near assault by James Liz couldn’t help but tremble as she looked at him.

“I-I’m afraid I made a mistake. I really need to get going.”

Standing with his six-foot muscular frame towering over her it was clear he had other plans.

“Let me get this straight you came across town to this burnt out neighborhood at two o’clock in the morning all fired up and ready to confront me and now your just going to run home to your boyfriend because you’re a little scared?”

Anger crawled up her spine along with summer sweat as she raised her long dark eyelashes up towards him.

“I’m not scared and I don’t have a boyfriend, not that it’s any of your business.”
A mischievous smile ran across his handsome face as he suddenly grabbed her arm and ran up the stairs.

“Well then there is no rush to leave, I would love to know why you came all the way out here just to see little old me.”

Unable to keep up with his long legs and quick feet Liz stumbled behind as he gripped her tight.

“Zan …stop …I can’t see where I’m going.”

Before she knew it they were three flights up and standing at his open door out of breath.

Walking inside coolly he disappeared only his voice lingering outside with her.

Standing there unsure of what to do she peered down the empty hallway.

A strange noise coming from the stairs made up her mind for her as she casually walked into his apartment feeling her way through the dark.

Walking through the large one room apartment she found him casually lounging on a love seat that looked as though he picked it up on the street.

“Its clean Parker you don’t have to worry, you wont catch anything.”

She titled her head in response to his assessment of her.

Liz knew he assumed she grew up rich and privileged, if he only knew she thought as she anxiously rung her hands together.

“I wasn’t thinking that.”

He looked up at her in amusement a lone white candle on the coffee table lightening his face making him look almost angelic, not spiritual more like one of heaven’s arch angels sent to battle evil.

Rough and powerful but magestic and beautiful all at the same time...

She realized that she kept this thought going in her head longer than necessary as she snapped out of it and looked down to see him staring strangly at her.

“So sit if you going to stay….are you going to stay?”

It was more of a challenge or a dare than an invitation, whatever his intention she decided to stay taking a seat next to him.

“Look I know you hate talking about this but I’m obligated to notify the courts when you’ve missed more than three scheduled appointment without explanation. If I do that your sentence will be reinstated and you will go to prison.”

Sighing as if she was ruining his fun he braced his boots on the edge of the coffee table and stared into the orange flame in front of him.

“So don’t.”

Liz was taken aback by his whisper, his entire demeanor for that matter had changed as he hung his head.

For a moment all she could see was that little boy with the dark bruises and the lost far away stare.

She made her tone equally soft hoping not to upset him.

“Look Zan it’s the last think I want to do but I have no choice, I know its difficult for you but you have to let me help you, you have to talk to me.”

Catching her hand in mid air as she waved them around he held it tight against his thigh.

“Why Liz?”

She searched her mind for just the right words trying to ignore the heat coming from his skin as he caressed her palm.

“Because it would be a waste for you to throw your life away and it's my job to– “

“No, why are you here? I have a hard time believing that your devotion to your clients runs that deep. Anyway its seems a little unethical for you to question my friend for my address and come here unannounced. Do you do this for everyone? Does Mr. Jackson with a drinking problem and a wife that fucks around get a midnight visit from you too?”

Liz ripped her hand away from his and crossed her arms in front of her frustrated by his clear attempt at distracting and deflection.


Furrowing his eyebrows he came within inches of her face almost brushing his lips against the shell of her ear.

“No? So what…I’m special?”

A wicked grin angled one side of his mouth as he lifted her locks from the side of her neck and nuzzled in closer.

Her voice could barely be heard over the pounding of her heart as she dug her nails into her jeans.

“Yes you are.”

Closing his eyes his smile grew wider as he laced his fingers through her silky wild hair gently placing soft kisses along her skin.

“Oh really Parker? Exactly how am I special?”

She bit her lip hard and squeezed her eyes shut as he pressed his hard body against her pinning her into the back of the sofa.

“Because you can be so much more than this…. because none of it was your fault…because you are the only person holding you back…and if you let me I can help you to see that too.”

His hand curled into a fist as his arrogant smile ran away from his face.

In a growl that touched a part of her that was scary and unknown his breath caressed her lips.

“You know nothing Parker.”

Moving away from her he rested his elbows on his knees and stared at the ground.

Sliding next to him she did her best to hold her fear at bay.

“I know this much, if you don’t show up on Tuesday I will have to call the Judge and I don’t want to do that. So please …please just go.”

Holding his head in his hands she could see the white of his knuckles as he struggled to keep his anger in check.

Frustration clawed at his insides as he glared into the fire completely thrown by the fact she wasn’t responding to him. There wasn’t a woman alive that he couldn’t get to bend to his will until now…

Clenching his jaw his mind raced going through all the possible angles, everyone wanted something, he hadn’t met anyone who didn’t have their own personal agenda, he just had to figure hers out is all.

“I think you should go now.”

Nodding slowly she went for the stairs trying to remember exactly how she got up there.

With her purse close to her body she descended the steps her mind completely wrapped up in Zan hoping that she hadn’t made a huge mistake.

“Leaving so soon?”

Before she could scream she felt large fingers press against her lips and smelled the strong stench of alcohol.

Immediately she began fighting back but it was no use as he pulled into the dark corner on the second floor landing.

Terror ripped through her as she felt a rough hand claw at her tank top almost instantly tearing it in half.

Tears stung eyes as she felt a strong hand push her away causing her to fall down to her knees against the wall.

"Stay down!”

It was all sounds after that, fists hitting flesh, bone cracking, grunts and groans then suddenly... silence.

Liz kept her eyes closed afraid to move as she felt the scraps of her torn top being pulled from her bare back.

“Please stop!”

Before she could finish screaming she felt cool cotton being pulled over her head and her arms being lifted into holes of his tee shirt.

Once she was covered she felt his hands under her legs and around her waist and the sensation of being lifted into the air.

She pressed herself hard against his bare chest burying herself as close as she could to his warm skin trying to disappear for some reason completely trusting him.

Next thing she knew she was sitting in the passenger side of her car and he was driving her home.

Not a word was spoken, later she surmised that he got her address from her license.

She really wasn't sure if she had blanked out for a moment or the trauma caused her to forget, she only knew that she was completely safe with him.

After helping Liz inside her apartment he turned the light on and checked to make sure she wasn’t physically hurt.

His hands were beyond gentle treating her as if she would break, his movements were respectful and careful, as if he was already deeply sorry.

When he was satisfied that she was not hurt he left her keys on the kitchen table and walked to the front door.

Before leaving he stood there staring into her hallway almost afraid to look her in the eyes.

His raspy voice was full of regret almost pained but deadly serious at the same time.

“I’m so sorry, that was all my fault, I never should’ve left you out there alone. I wasn’t thinking. I promise nothing like that will ever happen to you again.”

Without giving her a chance to speak he was gone leaving her to wonder what that meant or if she would ever see him again.

Re: Damaged (Z/L,Adult,UC) chpt 5 8/21/11

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 5:05 pm
by jake17
Ellie: thanks for your help :wink:
Carolyn: seriously thank u for what you wrote :wink:
HypnotiqBlueEyes: Really happy you like Zan here, thank you :)
pandas2001: You are definitely onto something about LIz :wink: thank u for your fb~ :)
AlysLuv:thanks so much :)
sptfire86: that was so sweet of you, really hope you like this next part. thank u so much! :)

Chapter 5

Liz sat at the bar staring up at the clock watching as it ticked closer to four holding her drink tight.

It had been three days since that night and she still hadn't managed to be able to sleep at night.

She could see him over and over in her head coming out of the blackness like the an arc angel… a warrior from heaven sent to save her.

She closed her eyes as she felt still the warmth of his strong hands against her skin raising up from the ground.

The sensation of floating through the air held close to his hammering heart… the whisper of his velvet voice telling her that he had her…she was safe now….safe

It had just been a few days and she couldn’t deny how much she missed him.

“So when did we start drinking between patients? Is this a new thing? Should I be worried?”

The laughter fell from her tone as Maria noticed the tears in her eyes.

“Liz…did something happen the other night?”

Coming from behind the bar she signaled to the other bartender to cover for her as she led Liz off the stool into a hidden both in the back.

Lowering her voice she covered Liz’s hands that were tightly still gripping her wine glass.

“Liz …please tell me you didn’t go see him that night.”

Sighing deeply Liz looked off into the distance staring at a deep crack along the thick red painted ceiling.

As she told her the story of what happened the other night she realized just how much it had all affected her.

Shivering so hard Maria wrapped her arm around her shoulders in an attempt to sooth her.

“Liz, what the hell were you thinking? This is so unlike you…what did you think you’d accomplish by facing him like that?”

Shaking her head slowly she looked up into Maria’s green eyes with almost a pleading stare hoping for some understanding.

“Maria, I looked at the police report over and over, he doesn’t deserve to go to prison. He’s just lost, he just needs help dealing with his past. I know I can get him to move forward…to make him see that he was not to blame for the things that happen to him.”

Tilting her head Maria was not all surprised by the empathy she felt for Zan but she also knew that there were other reasons for her urgent need to save him. She was more than a little worried.

“Liz, please don’t be mad but Michael told me about him, about what he did to get arrested and a little of what he’s been through. Don’t get me wrong I feel for him …really I do but he’s a grown man …all he has to do is see you twice a week and he can avoid prison all together. This is his responsibility, not yours. It certainly isn’t worth you losing your job over or worst getting killed to get through to him.”

Glancing up at the clock once again she realized she only had ten minutes to get to the office to meet him, only a deep sadness in her heart kept telling her that he wouldn’t be there.

Grabbing her purse Liz kissed Maria quickly on the cheek and went for the door hoping that she would stop her.

“You just don’t understand Maria, I have to help him.”

Watching her go Maria closed her eyes as memories from the past worked their way through her reluctant mind.

“I do understand Liz…I remember.”


After fifty five minutes of attempting to write patients evaluations, catching up on her emails and staring intensely at the door Liz sat at her desk with her head in her hands.

It was obviously that her intuition was right he wasn’t going to show.

Sighing she leaned back in her chair and looked around her windowless bare office that was as big as a storage closet.

How was she going to make that phone call that would seal his fate?

As hard as she tried she couldn't picture him in jail, it was just ...wrong.


Pushing the chair from her desk she stood not sure what to do.

Walking to the corner of the room she pressed her forehead against the cool concrete wall and closed her eyes.

She couldn't help the image that was mercilessly working its way into her mind…her soul.

Taking a shaking breath she raised her hands slowly and placed them against the grey rough surface in front of her.

Her lips parted as she envisioned him standing tall and powerful over her.

His bare chest heaving as sweat trickled down the many ridges of beautiful muscles only to disappear beneath his jeans that hung low on his hips.

A glint of anger still flaming his wild brandy colored eyes as bright streaks of lightening pierced the sky behind him.

She could hear the gasp of breath from his full lips when her body connected with his.

An unmistakable need that he desperately tried to ignore as he carried her down the steps.

The caress of his fingers skimming across her collarbone as he sought out injuries with great care as if she were... precious…

Rolling her head to the side she found herself a willing participant in the fantasy of what it would be like to touch him…to taste him…

Her eyes slowly opened as she suddenly felt his presence close behind her …hovering silently …waiting …

As she slowly turned to face him she wondered if he could somehow read her mind, if he knew just how much he affected her.

Her voice fought its way from her trembling lips as she met his curious warm eyes.

“Zan… I didn’t hear you come in.”

His gaze fell to her soft mouth for a moment before his husky tones filled the tiny room.


Nervously she brushed by him trying not to come into contact with his body to sit at her desk.

“Cutting it a little close don’t you think?”

Licking his lips he looked over at the clock on wall and shrugged indifferently.

Sitting in the only chair in the room inches from her desk he leaned back and cocked an eyebrow up at her.

“I’m here…isn’t that the point?”

The heat coming from his stare was commanding almost daring her to push him this time.

Working hard to disassociate her feelings from her job at hand she looked down into her notes.

“Well I thought we would talk more about how you became friends with Michael, I see that you attended the same middle school. Is that how you met?”

A single nod was all she received as she anxiously scribbled nonsense in her yellow lined notebook.

“Would you care to elaborate on that for me?”

Her shaky voice struck a cord of empathy inside him, it was obvious how hard she was trying to help.

His amused eyes flickered up at her as his head remained angled down, his hands folded in front of him… so calm and cool.

He wondered at that moment if she had any idea how badly he wanted her.

“I was a pretty scrawny kid back then, Michael was not. I used to get pushed around a lot, you know teased. Between being poor and small I was the perfect target for the bullies in school.”

Liz was astounded by his openness; her heart raced with each word.

“Please go on.”

He was entranced by the sweetness of her voice, the warmth of her smile, he wondered briefly if she was for real, how could anyone be that innocent and so dangerously sexy all at the same time.

Drawn in by the emotion of the memory his intense eyes flickered to a chip in the wood on the corner of her desk.

She knew by his body language and the vulnerable look in his face that he was letting her in…it was more than intoxicating.

Slower now with a quiet whisper he continued…

“I forgot my books in my locker after gym. The bell had already rang, no one was around. I had been late for Mr. Wilson’s class so many times that I knew this time I'd definitely get detention if I didn’t hurry. So I was running down the hall.”

Captivated by the clear emotion on his face Liz leaned closer staring deeply into his eyes hanging on every word.

“I didn’t even see it coming, they grabbed the back of my shirt and yanked me into the coach’s office locking the door behind them.”

With a breathless whisper Liz moved closer. “Them?”

Nodding slowly Zan eyes glazed over letting the moment consume him.

“Eighth graders, three years older and a foot taller then me …I didn’t have a chance and I knew it.”

She struggled to remember to even breathe as she listened to him speak.

“I was already fucked up from the night before. Mr. Conrad came home drunk again …”

His eyes closed momentarily as if debating whether or not to continue.

Almost jarring her out of her chair he opened them again, this time his voice taking a harsher more resilient tone.

He was protecting his younger self, calming the young boy that no longer needed to worry about being hurt.

“One had a bat, two of them held me down while he swung. I only saw Michael’s face for a second before I passed out. He took all three of them on, put Tommy McBane in the hospital for a week.”

A proud grin covered the pain as he nodded with satisfaction,

“That’s my boy... fucking fearless.”

Breaking his stare he took a deep breath as the memory and its trauma began to fade away.

Returning to her watery eyes he smiled.

“After that we were inseparable, I think he feels responsible for my life …or some shit like that.”

Liz pushed her notebook aside and rose from her chair not really knowing exactly what she was going to do just needing in that second to be closer to him.

That’s when the knock thundered against her door.

“Ms. Elizabeth Parker?”

Startled they both stood and stared at the door.

“Yes, come in.”

Forcfully two uniformed police officers entered the room both focused intensely on Zan.

“Sorry to interrupt Ms. Parker but we have some questions we need to ask Mr. Evans. We tried several times at his residence but he hasn’t seemed to be …available. Isn’t that right Zan?”

Reluctantly Zan began to walk towards them only to find Liz standing between them with her hands out as if she was protecting him.

“Excuse me but I’m conducting a court ordered session here, you can’t just come in here without a warrant, you need to tell me what this is about.”

Clearly irritated with her one of the cops, clearly the one in charge smiled sarcastically as his patience waned.

“We don’t need a warrant to question him, in fact you could be charged with interfering with a police office if you don’t back away.”

Placing his hand on her waist Zan whispered into her ear. “Its ok Parker, I can handle this.”

Gently moving her aside Zan followed the two burly men without another word out into the hallway.

Panicked Liz began to raise her voice as she followed after them.

“I’m not sure if you're familiar with Judge Reynolds but – “

Aggravated officer Bailey turned quickly to her causing her to fall against the wall.

“No I haven’t heard of him but I have heard of James Kindred. He was severely assaulted Thursday night curiously in Zan’s apartment building. He’s currently in the intensive care unit at Sacred Heart Hospital. Now if you don’t mind – “

Stepping once again in front of the two officers Liz held out her hands ignoring Zan’s extreme look of disapproval bording on anger.

“He wasn’t involved, he couldn’t have been.”

Sighing the officer in charge raised his hand against the wall beside her face blocking her from moving.

“Really? And why is that young lady, please enlighten us.”

Zan couldn’t hold back as he urged her to stop whatever the hell she was planning on saying.


“Because he was with me, all night.”

An inquisitive smile rose on the cop’s lips as he moved back, raising a hand in the direction of the exit he raised his eyebrows.

“Well, isn’t that interesting. If this is true Ms. Parker then you wouldn’t mind coming down to the station with us and making a statement?”

Her eyes caught the furious gaze on Zan’s face as she nodded.

“No problem, just let me get my purse.”

As she bent to get her pocket book beneath her desk she felt Zan’s body flush against her, his lips pressed to her ear.

“What the hell are you doing?”

Lightly feathering his hand with her fingers she whispered back quickly before joining the officers.

“We had a break though during our sessin during the day so we worked all night, we were together the entire night."

Turning her face away from the door she let her hair fall hiding their conversation from the prying eyes of the two police officers.

Urgency glowed bright from his amber eyes as he grabbed her roughly by the shoulders.

"Liz you can't do this!"

Closing her eyes she pressed her lips to his ear, her breathless determinded words making it clear her mind was made up.

"I wont let you go to jail, not for me."

Re: Damaged (Z/L,Adult,UC) chpt 6 11/17/11

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 8:02 am
by jake17
Sptfire86 x2

Wow that fb, so so sweet, thank you so much!!
I have been suffering with dreaded writer's block, sometime last night it broke, I wrote this very fast, hope its ok, you always question what comes out of sleepless nights :roll: thanks again!

chapter 6

Tension thick and hot pressed between the two bodies that sat uncomfortably in the back of the police car as they drove down the steamy streets.

Zan’s hands fisted by his side, his jaw clenched tight as he tried fruitlessly to hold back his fury at what Liz had just done for him.

The sarcastic barbs flew in the front seat as the police officers made endless jabs about how the two spent their night together furthering evoking rage inside Zan.

“Goddamn look at those legs Dan, wish I could get me some of that therapy.”

Having heard enough Zan raised his fist towards the hard plastic divider nearly punching a hole clear though.

Reaching out just in time Liz grabbed his arm halting his motion.

Taken off guard by the electricity and heat from her touch he reluctantly lowered his hand down to the seat.

“Better hold back your boyfriend girly we wouldn’t want to add to the charges that are already stacked against this glowing model of society.”

Zan closed his eyes trying desperately to control his temper it was only when he felt her thigh trembling next to him that he realized just how frightened she was.

As the streetlights flickered passed her he was captured by her innocence her complete willingness to risk everything for him.

With the station nearing he gazed up towards the cops to make sure they weren’t watching before he took her hand in his.

He stared out the window so they wouldn’t notice his obvious affection for her but his body his entire being was concentrated on her.

Her teeth practically chattered out of fear until she felt the warmth of his hand, the soft caress of his thumb stroking her palm protectively, soothing her, speaking volumes but never uttering a word.

Never once doubting her decision she fought back tears as she went over her story again and again in her head all the while urgently trying to not think about the fire of his touch.

Once inside they were separated into different room, his gaze locked on her until it she was completely out of sight, his heart slammed hard inside his chest over how they were going to interrogate her, never once thinking of himself.

What had she done?


Brushing her hair from her eyes Liz looked around the dank smelly room wondering where he was and what they were doing to him.

She knew how broken and beaten down he was, she wondered how he would get himself through this, all along blaming herself.

Jumping when the door opened Liz looked up to find a tall thin man in a cheap green suit walking towards her.

“My apologies if I startled you Ms. Parker. “

Trying hard not to seem nervous Liz shook her head and held out her hand averting her eyes from his obvious toupee that was tilted slightly to the right.

“No of course not, please… call me Liz.”

She was proud that her voice only faintly shook as she worked to force a smile hoping that she seemed calm.

“Well in that case you can call me Nick. I appreciate you coming down, this shouldn’t take long.”

Digging her nails into her thigh to keep herself from trembling Liz batted her eyes and leaned back crossing her legs to appear casual.

“Not at all I’m happy to help, it’s my job.”

Looking very perplexed the detective retrieved a pen from his suit pocket and flipped open a small notebook.

“Yeah, that’s what I’ve been told, but I have to tell you I’m a little confused.”

Tucking her hair back behind her ears Liz unconsciously began to chew on her bottom lip.

“Well I’d be happy to clear up any confusion. Like I told the police officers before Zan was with me the entire night.”

Tapping the pen on his chin his steel blue eyes bore a hole through her.

“Ok, but Ms. Parker isn’t these sessions only supposed to last an hour? I’m just very interested to know what was so ground breaking that you felt Mr. Evans needed… all night therapy.”

Reaching deep for courage that she hadn’t needed in a very long time Liz sat up straight and confidently looked the intimidating detective in the eyes.

“Detective I’m sure you understand that my work with any client is strictly confidential, I am bound by Oath to protect any information that occurs during a session. All I can tell you is that it in my professional opinion to break the progress we were making due to time constrains would have been detrimental to Mr. Evans. Unless I am mistaken you need a court order or at the very least anything resembling evidence to question me any further, particularly without an attorney present.”

The seasoned detective sat back quietly impressed and highly suspicious of the young beauty that sat across him.

“No, no you are correct but let me just ask you this Ms. Parker, are you aware of what exactly would happen to you if we were to find out that you were covering for Mr. Evans?”

Standing Liz straightened her skirt as if these surroundings were perfectly natural to her.

“That information is unnecessary sir since I am telling you the truth. I have given you my statement can I go now?”

Tapping the notebook on the table Nick smiled condescendingly and nodded towards the door.

“Absolutely Ms. Parker, you are free to go.”

Just as she put her hand on the doorknob she felt him suddenly behind her uncomfortably close, his coffee cigarette breath pressed against the back of her neck.

“You will be around in case we need to speak to you again I assume.”

Clearing her throat she spoke more softly this time.

“Yes of course.”

With his hand firmly clutching her arm he once again brought his mouth close to her ear.

“You do understand that if James doesn’t not survive the night we may be dealing with a homicide case.”

Nodding quickly as her courage ran away she broke from his grasp practically running out the door needing so much to feel the safety and familiarity of her apartment.

Once at home the ocean of fear she had been holding back crashed over her.

Sobbing she stepped into the shower needed desperately to wash the sweat and panic from her shivering skin.

Her head spun with worry for him as she let the hot water run down the back of her head smoothing out her long brown hair.

Grasping for the soap tears stun her eyes as thoughts of him sitting alone in a cell ran through her head.

Pressing her temple against the cool tile her stomach twisted in knots as the realization that her story was ridiculous and that she might have even made the situation worse for him.

Exhausted she stepped from the shower and wrapped a fluffy white towel around her body. endless tears still refusing to leave her flushed cheeks.

Reaching for her robe which was missing from the back of the bathroom door Liz made her way out into the hallway leaving small wet footprints in her wake.


Gasping she gripped her towel tight in her hands as she tuned to face him.

He stood speechless inside her open window as his eyes followed small droplets of water as they drifted down her skin disappearing into the snow-white towel that sharply contrasted her golden body.

She became breathless frantic to know the meaning behind the intense powerful emotions that danced in his dangerous seductive eyes.

Liz watched in curious fascination as his chest rose and fell flexing his hard muscles in an almost primal manner.

His silence was killing her as he stood there in the dim light of the moon motionless just watching her.

Her voice wavered with trepidation as she stepped cautiously towards him.

“I-I’m sorry, I didn’t want to interfere I just …I –I could stand the sight of those men taking you away.”

Breaking his stoic powerful presence he lunged towards her roughly grasping her arms pulling her so close her feet lifted off the floor until her toes pointed upwards on the cool wooden panels.

Instead of fear an unexplainable thrill rushed through her veins like hot water causing every cell in her body to unconsciously respond to the sheer closeness of him.

Still unable to read him she clamored for a sign of his intentions knowing all along that no matter what his reason for visiting her his existence made her immeasurably happy.

Finally breaking his deep stare his gaze fell momentarily to her lips causing a soft exhale of sweet breath against her face.


His voice was serious but pleading all at the same time filled with velvet overtones that glided over her damp skin like dew kissing the morning grass.

Unsure of what he meant she licked her lips catching the droplets of water on her tongue as they clung to her mouth.

All sense of rational thought disappeared at that moment for him as he burned that imagine inside his mind forever.

“What? I-I don’t understand …why what?”

She whispered captured by his stare wishing secretively that she could live inside his beautiful eyes.

Shivering he took a deep breath pulling her even closer showing just how high the stakes were.

“Don’t fuck with me…not you Parker.”

Quickly she shook her head causing her raven wet hair to stick against her trembling skin.

“No, I-I don’t …I mean I would never.”

Zan tilted his head to the side his stare almost demanding the truth.

“Tell me why you did this for me.”

Drawing in her bottom lip she searched for words but none made sense, everything sounded to clinical or sappy.

How could words express what her heart was screaming inside her?

She knew it was wrong, she knew it would break all the boundaries and trust built up between them but she didn’t care.

She needed to touch him, needed to feel his strong protective presence surrounding her consuming her.

Releasing her grip from the towel she slowly placed her hands around his broad back feeling his muscles tense.

Raising herself higher on her toes her hands smoothed up the back of his neck lacing up into his jet-black hair.

With barely a whisper she breathed against his lips igniting a fire that he had never experienced before.

“You were protecting me, its my fault that all this happened, I wont watch you suffer because of me.”

A look of disbelief and utter amazement flashed in his eyes.

His mind battled with his heart knowing deep inside that there was nothing right about this, that just being with her could put her in jeopardy.

Punctuating every word he breathlessly brushed his lips against her.

“I need to kiss you now”

Re: Damaged (Z/L,Adult,UC) chpt 7 12/1/11

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2011 3:20 pm
by jake17
Ellie: yes you are right again, they are definitely far from out of the woods with this detective, so happy my writing caused you to need a fan! :wink: thanks so much for your fb sweetie! :)
Carolyn: I hardly ever sleep carolyn, definitely a problem of mine :roll: besides Michael no one has ever shown any love towards him so this is huge, also very frightening. as far as Liz goes she is and will be headed for hard times I suspect. thanks so so much for ...well everything, so happy your here! :)
Sarah:omg sarah! I love that you noticed and like how he pulled her up on her toes! I saw that so clear in my head but I was afraid it wouldn't come across as hot as I wanted it, same as the last line, your a writer so you know, you worry so much that it wont come across as intense as you would like, thanks so so much, you are so incredibly sweet! :)
Ginger: I love that you noticed my hints about Liz's past! you are awesome ginger! so happy that you like this, it means so much to me, I really respect your writing, so to get that complement means so much! :)
roswell3053: so happy you liked that part! I think things are going to get difficult for them both, thanks so much! :)
Natalie: you should be afraid of that dectective! :wink: love love that you thought that part was hot, so hoping i meet your expectations with this next part! love your fb! thanks so much! :)
saori_1902: Hi, thanks for leaving fb, hope you like this next part. :)
Jan: seriously? are you trying to make me cry? you especially know how much your opinion means to me, thank you so much sweetie, you are truly amazing. :)

Thank you so so much for that awesome fb and to all those lurkers out there!! I know I've said this a million times before but please behr with me these scenes are so friggin hard to write!! Really hope you like this! thanks again for the support! :)

Chapter 7.

His words blazed through her body hot as fire flaming a part of her no one had ever touched before.

I need to kiss you now …

The heat of his lips and the sweetness of his breath as he brushed those six words against her mouth left an indelible imprint that she knew would stay with her for the rest of her life.

It wasn’t a question, not even close to a request, no the meaning was quite clear in its intent.

This was a warning of what was to come, his lips touching her, his hands, his everything nearing towards her for one reason, an undeniable uncontrollable need to make love to her, to share something that the many girls he had been with were never able to touch…no for him this was something different and she knew it.

Inside those wide innocent eyes held a promise of solace and passion that he desperately needed to escape into but it was more than that.

His feelings for her surpassed physical need or self-gratification, he cared for her, even more than that he trusted her and that terrified him.

A part of him wanted to run, the little boy who learned far too young that people you love disappoint even hurt you beyond repair was urging him to get away while he still could.

But it was clear that whatever willpower he possessed was meaningless the moment she gave up herself to protect him.

If he were to be honest with himself it was lost the instant he laid eyes on her.

That tough hard exterior that was built from years of abuse forged from fear and pain fell like feathers at her feet.

This petrified him to his core but the fear wasn’t enough to stop the momentum that had begun.

Like a speeding train out of control their passion was unstoppable, powerful putting them both on a path that could lead to both their heaven and demise.

She parted her lips an invitation that made him ache all the more for her.

Her eyes slid closed as he descended upon her mouth making her melt within the grip of his hands.

His kiss was soft but firm, demanding but patient as he waited for her to respond with silent respect.

With a hunger that surprised them both she took control caressing his tongue digging her fingers into his scalp deepening her kiss with a passion that rivaled his own.

Stunned by her forcefulness he pulled back breathless chest heaving darkened sultry eyes burning into her soul promising her a night she would never forget.

Lifting her off the ground he carried her to the bedroom kicking open the door making it slam against the adjacent wall making her jump with boundless exhilaration.

Carefully he laid her on the bed while keeping his mouth close to her neck as if needing to envelop himself in the slick wetness of her skin that tasted like honey and vanilla on the tip of his tongue.

His eyes slowly closed completely consumed by the dizzying scent of her arousal that drifted all around him.

The thrill of feeling him hovering just above her was beyond overwhelming as she laid still wet from her shower her raven hair stuck to her cheeks and chest.

The white towel was now barely covering her breasts and she suddenly became acutely aware that he was going to see her …all of her.

Her inexperience coupled with the assumption that he must’ve slept with too many girls to count made her feel transparently shy.

Something that made her somehow even more desirable to him.

Lost in a lustful haze of his mouth exploring the curve of her neck she still sought out the light on her nightstand finding it just too intimidating to be seen.

Unable to find the switch she looked over to the lamp only to find his hand covering hers and his eyes dead locked reading her thoughts.

The intensity of his gaze was enough to bring the point home cementing the seriousness of the moment without question.

Bringing her hand up to his lips he kissed her softly before placing it on the wrought iron headboard above her.

Keeping her eyes focused on his he repeated the same action with her other hand until her arms were raised over her head and her hands gripped the cool metal.

“I want to see you.”

Her bottom lip quivered as his velvet deep voice drifted down to kiss her mouth.

Again not questioning, only carefully reading her making sure she was right there with him he watched her patiently.

Her pointed nipples that pressed against the towel and her thighs that rubbed unconsciously together gave him the answer he was looking for.

Stepping his worn boots one foot at a time onto the floor he stood over her taking in every detail elongating each moment in an attempt to make it last forever.

As he stood she released her fingers from the headboard and was immediately met with the feeling of his rough callous hand on the inside of her thigh.

Don’t …please …no matter what happens …promise me you wont let go.”

Swallowing hard she once again wrapped her fingers around the cold bar practically holding her breath as his hand lay against her tender skin still not moving an inch.

After what seemed like an eternity he began to move.

Finally his fingers skimmed up the inside of her thigh slowly and carefully until reaching the bottom of the towel that was now barely covering her.

Shivering amidst ninety-degree heat she waited breathlessly until his eyes flickered up to her.

“Do you trust me?”

His voice was hoarse thick with want as he took hold of the edge of the towel.

Unable to catch her breath to answer she bit hard onto her bottom lip almost drawing blood.

Again he asked in the same seductive throaty tone. “Do you trust me …Elizabeth.”

She nodded once and squeezed her eyes shut as she felt the towel slowly being pulled from her body.

Gasping softly as the cool air hit her fiery skin she gripped her fingers tightly around her headboard feeling his stare burning over every inch of her.

She could hear his breathing take on an erratic rhythm as the sound of the wet towel hit the floor.

His voice became edger as his attempt at taking this slow became more and more impossible.

“Open your eyes.”

Gathering up her courage her long dark eyelashes flickered upwards to see him standing over her.

Reaching back with one hand he lifted his shirt over his head and threw it to the floor.

Her lips parted as she gazed over his magnificent chest that glistened with a light sheen of sweat that covered various tattoos over his tense impressive muscles.

Her knuckles had become white as she clutched hard the metal over her head never before laying eyes on a body such as his.

Her breath labored as he released his belt and jeans before kicking off his boots and socks.

With one yank of his jeans to the floor he was standing over her naked showing her exactly what she was doing to him.

Kneeling between her legs he hovered over her with his lips to her ear as his upper arms trembled from the anticipation of what was to come.

With bated breath she waited for him to kiss or touch her like before but instead he pressed his lips close to her ear and whispered calmly.

“I can’t tell you how many times I imagined this moment.”

Shocked by his candor she stared up at the ceiling shivering from the sheer emotion of the moment.

The raw intimacy of him laying barely an inch over her only touching when he took a deep breath to speak was beyond overwhelming unleashing an unrestrained sexual craving in her that she didn’t know existed.

She could hear him lick his lips as he released a low moan when a particular deep breath caused her breasts to press momentarily against his bare muscular chest.

Her breath hitched in her throat as he began to speak again taking her off guard.

“There were times when everything in the room would begin to just fade away ….until there was just you…”

A slight brush of his mouth to her ear caused a rush warmth between her thighs as he continued on.

“…no sound from the street below or the people down the hall …just a sweet breathless sigh coming from those soft pink lips …”

Another momentary contact of their body combined with the raspy inflections of his whispers caused another stronger ache creating a quiet whimper that almost sent him over the edge.

“…. Then everything would slow down almost in slow motion…. I imagined kneeling before you…my hands edging up the inside of your thighs …my mouth discovering the hidden pleasures of what was beyond that forth button you left fastened every time…”

Desperate to sooth her growing need she unconsciously attempted to rub her thighs together but was cruelly stopped by his knees.

“… I could almost taste your sweet rosy nipple as my lips sought you out … and your pussy so wet and warm inviting me in with every caress. Liz …I’ve had you so many times … so many times you screamed my name.”

Shivering hard Liz slammed her eyes shut, her voice straining with the cries of his name as he plunged deep inside her prolonging her climax even further with every stroke.

Her eyes blurred by pleasure and shock focused on a crack in the ceiling as her body responded to every thing he was doing to her.

From the sensation of his thick black hair feathering across her skin as he sucked and gently nibbled on her breast from every thrust that seemed to awaken every nerve in her body, she knew she would never be the same.

After an explosive end he stayed deep inside not wanting to move from the warmth that surrounded him, needing to just be in this moment just as long as possible.

Finally releasing her shaky hands from the bars of her headboard she gently held his head to her breast desperate to feel the pounding of his heart.

Holding him tight she tried to will away the morning and all that it would bring....

Stroking his hair her eyes welled with hidden tears as reality hit.

Silently she held back her fears as she gently kissed his temple.

Just a little while longer...

Re: Damaged (Z/L,Adult,UC) chpt 8 1/7/12

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 10:17 pm
by jake17

thank you so much for the awesome fb! and the lurkers out there, I see you! :wink:

chapter 8

Liz's long dark eyelashes fluttered with uneasiness as dawn cruelly jolted her awake.

With little hope she reached out beside her and felt the still slightly warm indentation his body had left from what she had guessed just moments before.

There was no note, no endearing words of love or promises of more, just the cold realization that things had become much more complicated.

Forcing herself into the shower she ran her hands over lightly colored bruises on the inside of her thigh.

It was pain she welcomed, an imprint of his body on hers, something that brought it all rushing back.

Her eyes closed under the hot stream of water as she imagined him standing there glistening with sweat, his muscular chest heaving with emotion.

Her stomach tightened and ached, her eyes snapped opened with the knowledge that she was maybe in way over her head this time.

She was already missing him, his touch, his intensity, his need to take her...maybe even his love.

Gripping the shower handle she tried to be strong, it was getting late and no matter how much she dreaded going to work she knew she had no choice.

It had to appear to everyone that their relationship was strictly professional, anything less and they would both be in a world of trouble.

Starring into her closet she thought about her actions, how far everything had gotten.

She tried hard to rationalize it all.

Liz pictured the little bruised boy in the picture, she knew the guilt and shame he carried with him.

She understood the weight of that pain, how if you allowed it to consume you it could pull you down into places so dark and lonely you could never escape.

Places of infinite hopelessness and sadness making you numb and reckless.

Again she brushed away tears from her cheeks as horrifying nights she had forced herself to forget where once again becoming very vivid and real.

So long ago but as close as yesterday.

It was then in that very moment that she abandoned any doubt about how far she was willing to go to protect him.

There was no other option.

She understood that she was putting everything she had worked so hard for in jeopardy, but it was no use.

He was in her system now, a part of her that she could never escape from...not that she wanted to.

Liz had a need to save Zan, a sense of obligation.

Standing now fully dressed she looked into the full length mirror on the back of her bathroom door.

She twisted her hair up behind her head and secured it with several pins trying to appear as professional as possible, but something was very wrong.

For the first time in years she didn't buy the image starring back at her.

Clearing her throat she picked up her briefcase and buttoned up her blouse but it was no use.

No matter what she did she was still that ten year old scared little girl.

The colors of her suit blurred into a swirl of hazy mist as her eyes began to water.

The picture of that terrified little lost girl came into form before her as she shook with fear.

Long string unkempt dark hair hung over her face, her hands curled into tense fists by her side, dirty clothes fell loose on her small frame.

Suddenly the sound of her phone echoed loudly through her apartment snapping her into the present.

Her heart pounded with the hopes that it would be him.

She let out a deep breath of disappointment as she answered seeing it was Maria blinking on her phone in front of her.

“Hi Maria...look I'm sorry I haven't called - “

An almost shrilled voice on the other end interrupted her apology.

“Liz what the hell is going on? A cop came into the bar last night and took Michael down to the police station to question him. I know about that guy in the hospital, I know Zan is involved. Liz just please tell me that you have nothing to do with this.”

Liz sighed into the phone realizing she would have to lie.

“The police are questioning everyone who is acquainted with him Maria, this is a complete misunderstanding. If he was guilty he would be in jail right now.”

Maria was quiet for several seconds obviously searching for the right words.

“Unless there is someone covering for him.'

“ don't understand ...”

Maria couldn't hold back as she launched into a desperate plea hoping to save her friend.

“Liz honey I do understand, but its not your job to protect him. You've come so far, don't do this. Don't throw it all away.”

Liz squeezed her eyes shut in frustration fighting back tears that had been suppressed for so long.

“Maria, I can't just forget my past. Its always with me. People aren't just garbage, you can't just throw them away when it gets tough. Not him, never him. I couldn't do that and you know why.”

“Liz, you were ten years old. You don't owe him anything.”

“Yes I do.”

A fleeting feeling of guilt passed through her as she hung up the phone and headed out the door.

Her mind was racing a thousand miles a minute trying to keep the past at bay and wondering where he was, hoping he was safe.

She didn't even hear him at first but as she reached for the door to her car he called out her name again.

“Liz, it is I correct or do you go by another name maybe?”

A cold chill ran up her spine as she spun around slowly to find the middle aged detective leaning against her building.

Working hard to compose herself she smiled.

“Another name? I'm not sure what you mean, I told you my name was Liz.”

Shrugging dramatically he smoothed out his mustache like he was mulling something over in his head, something she wouldn't be let in on, at least at the moment.

“Hmm, for another time perhaps, right now I have more pressing issues to discuss with you.”

Eying her watch she looked back up at him as if she was getting impatient.

“Look I really need to be at work right now do we have to do this now?”

A slimy smirk crept across his upper lip as he thoughtfully rolled his eyes to the sky.

“What time do you get...well for a lack of a better word”

An all too familiar fear swelled in her chest as she backed slowly against the car.

“My last client is at five, I should be free by six thirty.”

A sarcastic sigh of relief blew from his thin lips as he straightened out his pit stained yellow button up shirt.

“Well then I will meet you back here at seven thirty. I won't be long, I just need an explanation as to why Zan left your apartment at five thirty this morning and I'll be on my merry little way.”

Before she could react he was gone driving off in his rusted out green Nova leaving her struggling to breathe.

The day dragged on mercilessly as she strained her mind for what the she was going to say that night.

She sat silent through three sessions paralyzed with fear and worst worrying for Zan.

She attempted to call his cell twice but it when straight to voice mail.

After her last client she stuffed several folders inside her briefcase and ran out the door to her car.

She couldn't even remember driving home as she pulled along side the curve in front of her apartment building.

She felt sick when it finally occured to her what she had to do, the only thing she could do.

It was nearly six o’clock when she burst through the door right into Zan's arms.

The air almost left her lungs as he pulled her into his warm chest against his strong beating heart.

“I missed you.”

Her eyes slid shut at the sound of his deep velvet voice.

“I missed you too.”

With a tender ease he lifted her chin and pressed his lips sweetly to hers letting the moment sink in that they were once again together.

It was then that she remembered the detective.

Pushing herself away from him looked down at the ground knowing what she had to say, trying to find the courage to say it.

Her tone sounded small at first until she let herself accept how much was at stake.

“Zan... you have to leave.”

Worried that if he knew the truth he would stay to keep her safe she hardened her voice, she had to stick to the plan, it was the only way.

“I'm serious, I've been thinking and this...this just isn't going to work.”

His expression fell into a childlike stare of disbelief as he slowly approached her.

“You don't mean that.”

Liz backed away just out of his reach and looked back at the ground her hair falling over her eyes her voice a soft raspy whisper.

“Yes, I do.”

Re: Damaged (Z/L,Adult,UC) chpt 9 1/23/12

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 3:02 pm
by jake17

thanks so much for the awesome fb, thanks to the lurkers out there who are still hanging in there reading this! :)

Chapter 9

Terrified for his safety Liz tried her best to be convincing conveying a cold strong energy towards him in the hopes that he would just leave.

But he wouldn't be fooled that easily as he cocked his head to the side and looked her over carefully for any sign or tell that would give a hint to why she was doing this.

His tone was deep, husky, and intimidating setting her on fire.

She felt dizzy from just his presence so close to her as the previous night's events danced unmercifully in her head.

“What is this about, I don't believe you.”

His darkened eyes were piercing with intensity.

His stare penetrated straight through her leaving her shivering from fear that he would see right through her coupled with the indescribable need she had for him to take her as he did just hours before.

Still looking down at the ground Liz gathered up her strength knowing it was his life on the line, she had to do this.

“Well believe this Zan, I worked my entire life to get where I am, I can't ... no I won't throw it all away. We can't see each other anymore, not this way anyway. I'll of course still counsel you, I'll do what I can to insure the court is satisfied by your progress. But this... this can't go on.”

It was physically tearing her up inside hearing her words flow from her own lips, to see his expression of disbelief wash over his dark brooding eyes that flickered with warm amber undertones of utter shock and pain.

Just when she thought she had tricked him, that he was finally excepting what she was telling him he approached her slowly, almost as if she were her prey, sizing her up, reading her every move.

Raising his hand up to her cheek he lightly caressed her skin with the back of his hand and pressed his mouth against the shell of her ear.

Liz at this point couldn't hide his affect on her, like a rising fever her blood boiled sending a red hot hue straight to the cheek that he was caressing, relaying a clear signal that she... was in fact lying.

For the moment all she could do was concentrate on standing on her wobbly legs, and resiting the overwhelming need to surrender to him and the comfort he would bring.

It took several moments before he began to speak, for what seemed like forever it was just his warm breath cascading against her heated skin like the sweetest torture, she thought it would never end.

But then it did, thick like molasses, soft as velvet, serious as a heart attack he whispered brushing his lips against her skin.

“I don't know why you're doing this, but I know your lying. Elizabeth … don't think for a second your fooling me.”

Her voice was small almost nonexistent as she responded to him. “Zan please, I'm telling you the truth, I want this to stop.”

With a glint of intense sexuality and possessiveness in his eye, he raised the side of his mouth.

“Well maybe you should tell your body that because its trembling under my fingertips, you're on fire Liz, you can't deny it.”

Breathing out in frustration she stepped out of his way and opened the door. “We'll talk about this tomorrow in session but right now you need to go, I need time to be alone and think.”

Anger flashed in his eyes, but that was just a cover and she knew it, he was hurt, and she was the one that hurt him.

Needing to warn him about Nick she quickly followed him out looking all around her for signs of the green Nova.

“Look there is something you need to be aware of, please show up for our session tomorrow, its not safe here to discuss.”

Confusion colored his face as he noticed her nervousness and how she couldn't take her eyes off the street and the people walking by.

'”Don't worry, we'll see each other again, sooner than you think.”

With that he disappeared into an alley and out of sight.

She barely had enough time to change before there was a knock at the door.

Maria! what are you doing here?”

Pulling her face back dramatically as if in shock Maria raised her eyebrows and frowned.

“So now I need permission to visit my best friend?”

Sighing heavily Liz pulled her inside while she paced anxiously still reeling over her talk with Zan.

“Liz what the hell is going on? And don't even try to lie to me, I know you too well.”

Shaking her head back and forth obviously deep in thought Liz pulled up a chair to the kitchen table next to Maria and covered her eyes.

“Maria, I slept with him last night, it wasn't planned, he was and well, I can't lie, I don't think I wanted anything more in my”

Rising up slowly Maria glared down at her as the pieces of the puzzle fell into place.

“You're in love with him.”

Staring down at the napkin she was tearing into tiny pieces Liz didn't move a muscle.

“You're in love with him and now your going to lie to the police to protect his ass. God damn it Liz!”

Liz remained quiet knowing that there was no possible way Maria could understand what she was going through.

“Not to be cold Liz but do you even know how he feels about you? You are so ready and willing to throw your life away, and you have no idea if he even feels the same.”

Now it was Maria's turn to pace.

“I ended it, he just left, I told him it was over.”

Sighing Maria leaned against the fridge holding her hand to her heart.

“Well at least your thinking straight now.”

Feeling defensive Liz stared back up at Maria, her voice rising with resolve.

“I only did it to protect him, not because I wanted to. Nick, this detective that interrogated us ….”

“The one you lied to when you volunteered to be Zan's alibi?”

Liz huffed at Maria's sardonic tone before continuing on all the while staring at the clock on the wall.

“Maria, that man in the hospital, the one that Zan beat within an inch of his life... he's there because of me.”

Slamming her hands down on the kitchen table Maria gasped. “What the hell does that mean?”

“That night I went to see Zan, it was all my fault, I shouldn't have gone there, it was too late but I guess I wasn't thinking. He attacked me on the stairwell, Maria I was nearly raped.”

Closing her eyes Maria softened her tone finally understanding why Liz was sacrificing everything for him.

“Zan saved you, he saved you and now you feel responsible, even more than you did before.”

Nodding sadly Liz felt the time ticking away, Nick would be arriving soon and she just wasn't ready.

Taking her hand Maria pulled her down to her lap and hugged her tight.

“Are you alright Liz? Did that bastard hurt you...I mean...did he...”

Staring over Maria's shoulder Liz's eyes filled with tears. “No, no ...before I knew it Zan appeared out of no where. He saved me Maria, I don't even want to think about what would've happened it he didn't .”

Maria rubbed Liz's back in an attempt to comfort her.

“I told the police that he was with me all night, that we we're having some kind of therapeutic breakthrough and we had to work through it.”

Maria's voice was much kinder and softer as she continued.

“They bought this?”

“Of course not, and to make matters worse the detective that questioned me saw Zan leave my apartment early this morning.”

Grabbing her shoulders Maria pulled Liz up to a standing position.


Nodding she glanced up at the clock and grabbed Maria's hand.

“I managed to escape him this morning but he's on his way over here for an explanation, in fact he should be here any minute. Please Maria, you need to go now.”

Thinking quickly Maria stood in front of the door blocking Liz.

“Let me stay, at least for moral support, we can think of something to say together. I don't want you going through this alone.”

Hearing a heavy knock at her door Liz closed her eyes briefly. “It's too late, Maria I'll call you later but you have to go now.”

Another more insistent knock stirred them out of a hug making them both jump.


Taking a deep breath Liz opened the door and held out her hand inviting him inside.

Staring Maria up and down Nick raised his eyebrow with obvious approval. “I don't believe I've had the pleasure of meeting you before.”

Stone faced Maria brushed by him giving Liz a sympathetic glance. “Pleasure is highly overrated, I'll talk to you later Liz.”

A wide grin crept along his five o'clock shadowed jaw as he stared at Maria's ass until she disappeared down the hallway.

“I like her, she's sassy!”

His sardonic tone sent uncomfortable chills down Liz's spine reminding her of darker days she'd rather forget.

Sitting at the kitchen table Liz pulled out a chair for him and sat back trying to be as calm and casual as she could.

Pulling out a cigarette and a lighter Nick held the flame in the air and averted his bloodshot eyes to Liz.

“Do you mind?”

Shaking her head she reached for a paper cup placing it in front of him and lifted up her window.

“Sorry, this is the best I can do for an ashtray, I'm not a smoker.”

Taking a few drags he nodded looking curious. “So does Zan use a paper cup too? I'm just wondering since I know he shares this dirty little vice too.”

Sitting up straight Liz folded her hands calmly in front of her and spoke with a sense of confidence and
certainty that even surprised herself.

“I'm not in the mood for games detective, you're here to ask me some specific questions so why don't we just get to it.”

Clearly taken off guard by her cool demeanor he furrowed his eyebrows and leaned towards her closing in on her personal space in an attempt to rattle her.

“Ok Ms. Parker, we can skip the bullshit if you perfer, I've got a bar stool that I'd like to have my ass resting on when the game starts tonight, so let's get right to the point of my visit.”

“Just how upset were you when Zan skipped out on you this morning? Do you blame yourself? Maybe a little too conservative in the bedroom, he looks like the type that likes it a little rough, perhaps that was the problem. The term dead fish comes to mind...I'm just sayin'.”

Without flinching Liz cleared her throat waving away his offensive smoke. “Mr. Evans had a personal issue last night, he felt it necessary to discuss this problem instead of falling into bad habits to escape them. He is showing definite progress. His visit was strictly a professional matter. The details of our emergency session will remain confidential, unless you have a court order with you. Do you have a court order detective?”

A look of true disdain glared out from over the bags of his eyes.

Clearly he was not expecting this.

“Ok Ms. Parker, we can play it like this, let me just warn you though. Everyone has skeletons in their closets, some more … damaging then others. I would think long and hard about those old bones, would you really want them dusted off and put out for everyone to see?”

Shrugging casually Nick rose from the table and reached for the doorknob, his cigarette hanging from his dry cracked lips.

“Not all secrets stay buried Liz, I would keep that in mind if I were you.”

Standing Liz stared him down without a hint of emotion. “Goodbye detective.”

Giving a single nod Nick closed the door right before uttering two words that almost stopped Liz's heart.

“Goodbye Beth.”

Re: Damaged (Z/L,Adult,UC) chpt 10 3/3/12

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 9:05 pm
by jake17
Ginger x2

thanks so much for the awesome fb, and the lurking, always appreciate the lurking :wink:

Ok here is the big reveal :shock: , hope you all like it, and understand when you get to the end of this chapter who the story was really named after :wink:

Last time on Damaged … Nick the scummy detective has just left Liz, he obviously knows something about her aside from the fact that Zan spent the night.

After hearing Nick call her Beth, Liz is desperately worried for Zan and now even more for herself.

Chapter 10

Goodbye Beth

Liz fearfully wrapped her arms around herself feeling defeated and lost as her back hit the wall.

The name she was thought to be buried long ago still rang in her ears.

Tears quickly stung her big brown eyes as she slid down to the floor, her knees pulled up tight to her chest.

Covering her face with her hands she tried hard to get the images out of her head but like a nightmare the horrific scenes kept appearing over and over again.

The past unwilling as always to stay where it belonged resurfacing once again.

Her bedroom door opening, the stench of alcohol and cigars filling the air above the faded pink blanket where she would hide.

Large callous cold hands clawing at her nightgown, her eyes closing in a desperate plea to a God that never answered her...

Never, that was until that day...

She still remembered him walking into the living room, the strange boy with the black hooded sweatshirt, carrying a small duffel bag containing the entire contents of his sad life.

Thick dark hair in disaray, hands stuffed in his pockets, head lowered to the ground soulful golden eyes surveying the new hell he had been tossed into.

Even then he was magnetic, instantly drawing everything to him, almost demanding their full attention.

The tiny brown haired shy girl peering around the corner, dirty face and hands, belly hungry, heart broken beyond repair.

Then the moment that she could never forget, the exact second their lonely eyes met for the first time instantly shocking her like volt of electricity, a connection that would ignite a love that would last forever.

A toy left in the middle of the room ended up being the mistake that would start it all.

She remembered being jerked upwards then sideways, her arm feeling as if it might break under his tight grip then suddenly he was there... like a prince in a fairytale.

Leave her alone!

She could still hear the crack of his jawbone as his new foster father's punch sent him flying across the room.

And she could still hear his boyish groan as he rebelliously got right back up and stood in front of her protectively.

For the next six months her took her abuse for her, beatings, punishments too cruel to repeat, all in defense of her... his Beth.

She could still see the quiet tears in his eyes when she was finally taken from that monster and into the arms of her permanent family, the Parker's.

Standing in the filthy hallway of the apartment building he pulled her in and kissed her lips, just for a moment, a sad goodbye before he was dragged back in by the back of his hair.

Touching her mouth she could still feel it, even now so many years later... the awkward innocent first kiss of a boy who loved a girl as they were being torn apart forever.

Shivering hard she began to sob tears running black tracks of mascara down her face.

It was months before she was able to sleep without feeling his protective presence close to her.

And even longer before she would stop screaming out for him in the middle of the night.

Don't worry Beth, I'll be here if he comes tonight,

I'll be ready for him... I'll never leave you...

Her hands drawn into tight little fists she braced her back against the wall and pulled herself up.

Trying to catch her breath she began to tug at her bottom lip nervously feeling as if everything was spinning out of her control.

That's when she heard a creak in the wooden floor across the room.

Her teary face flashed to the window that led to her fire escape watching helplessly as he stood, chest heaving, sweat from the steamy summer night covering his strong defined muscles, his wide intense amber eyes filled with shock.

His voice was surprisingly gentle and deep with husky undertones of utter amazement as the girl he knew so long ago stood before him.

“Beth? It is you …. isn't it?"

Taking a tenative step towards her he halted and exhaled still blown away as Nick's voice echoed in his head.

He was worried, so he watched her, just out of sight, but close enough to step in to save her if she needed him... but he wasn't prepare for this....

" I can't believe I didn't see it before.”

Her bottom lip began to quiver as her head hit the back of the wall tears now streaming down her face.

Slowly she reached up and pulled the long bobby pins one by one from her hair tossing them to the floor releasing her wavy raven hair to fall around her flushed face.

Completely astonished by her transformation from the professional mature woman he knew her as to the shy, damaged little girl that forever lived in his memory.

Letting out a shuttered breath she pulled the bottom of her blouse out from the waist of her skirt and raised her reddened eyes up towards him.

“Hello Zander.”

She broke down as she whispered the name she knew him as back in those horrible dark days.

Covering her mouth with her hand she tilted her head to the side seeing flickering images of the twelve year old boy standing there all defiant and tough, protecting her from a foster father that should be rotting away in prison.

He swallowed hard as he slowly approached her, his dark intense golden glare unable to look away from the memory of the frightened little girl that he spent endless nights holding in his arms.

Zan could see it all suddenly, see her, his tiny little angel, huddled against the wall tugging at her bottom lip as big salty tears rolled down her flushed cheeks, her wild tangled hair framing her vulnerable big brown doe eyes.

Reaching out to her he wiped the black trail of tears from her cheeks almost paralyzed from the rush of memories flooding his mind like a tidal wave.

Raising his hand he motioned to her fingers as she continually pulled on her lip anxiously. used to do that all the time… when you were scared.”

She immediately released her fingers not even aware of what she was doing trying desperately to pull herself together she cleared her throat and ran her hand threw her hair smoothing it down around her shoulders.

But it was all clear to him now, it was all he could see, her terrified childlike expression, her constant look of hopelessness and despair.

“It's really you, I-I can't believe it... after all this time. I thought I'd never see you again.”

Needing so much to feel his touch she angled her face into his big hand sighing as his gentle warmth took her over.

Overcome with emotion he moved his hand down over her shoulders and pulled her in tight flush against his racing heart.

Her eyes slid shut as the years they spent apart simply melted away till it was the two of them again in that moment in time clutching one another trying just to get through the night.

Pressing his mouth to her ear he whispered softly still confused as to why she kept this a secret.

“Why didn't you tell me who you were? Did you know the entire time? I don't understand.”

Closing her eyes tighter she clutched onto his broad shoulders. "At first I didn't know, but as I read through your file at home something kept drawing me in, then I saw the name, James Emileo."

His jaw clenched just hearing her speak of him.

"I tried to convince myself that it was a coincidence but then I looked at your picture again, those eyes... there is no mistaking those haunting dark eyes. I knew it was you."

Trying to calm her he gently stroked her hair like he used to so long ago. "But why lie to me?"

"I was worried that if I told you who I was you wouldn't accept me as your therapist."

He pressed his lips against her temple breathing her in. "So you pretended not to know me."

"I wasn't going to trust your freedom with anyone else, I didn't know if I could keep you out of prison but I had to try. I owe you my life Zan, it was my turn to save you."

His eyes slid shut as his mouth moved down to kiss her cheek tenderly before teasing the edge of her lips.

"That's why I felt so close to you, why I always felt the need to protect you, why I nearly killed that bastard. It was you Beth, on some level... I knew it was you."

Shuttering in his arms she pushed him away and pounded her fists against his hard chest angrily.

“Don't call me that, I'm not her … not anymore. I can't be … don't you understand Zan, I just can't be.”

He did understand, all too well...

Lifting her chin she gazed up into his sympathetic stare and like a lightening bolt striking her heart it was back, that undeniable bond that tied her too him in a way that no one else could ever come close to.

Then everything just … stopped.

The air rushing into her lungs, her heart and its rhythmic beat, the clocks, the cars on the streets, the oceans tide and to her in the that moment the world spinning around itself and the sun.

Fisting his tee shirt she pulled herself up to seize his waiting lips in an all consuming slow emotional passionate kiss.

Desperate to get as close as he could to her he knotted his hands deep inside her wild raven hair pulling her in as he tenderly caressed her tongue melting under the sounds of her quiet whimpering moans.

Falling to his knees he ripped the buttons from her shirt in a dizzying haze of need to taste her skin.

Her head fell back as she dug her nails into his thick black hair feeling his mouth against her stomach and his strong hands running up the back of her shaky thighs.

Slowly raising his eyes upwards he called out to her his raspy serious tone urging her immediate attention.

Looking down at him he locked in on her not allowing her to avert her eyes as he grazed his fingertips underneath her skirt feathering over her core to hook her panties.

Lowering them down she lifted up one foot then the other never leaving his all encompassing stare.

Bunching the silky material up to her waist he glared into her eyes for several agonizing seconds before languidly tasting her over and over again ever so slowly bringing her to the edge then back down to do it all again.

Finally needing so much to feel all of her, he led her down to the floor where he hovered over her, his strong muscular arms caging her in, his lips brushing over her skin as she pleaded for more.

Caressing every inch, he became drunk with her as she writhed and moaned beneath him.

Endlessly into the night he loved her again and again, falling, diving into the beauty and wonder of his first love, his only love … his Beth...

His sweet, sweet Elizabeth...