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Am I My Blood Brother's Keeper? (CC - teen) 1/1 - 06/18/2011

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 9:20 pm
by PML
Am I My Blood Brother’s Keeper?

Author- PML

Disclaimer- Roswell is not mine and no infringement is intended.

Category- CC ALL

Rating- Mature

Summary- This story starts out right towards the end of the Blood Brother from season one, an Alex POV. It is a participant in the Inferno challenge from Roswell Heaven. Envy as the Deadly Sin for this story. Don’t expect a happy ending.


Alex dejectedly walked home. This day had been a complete bust. Even his bike had failed him.

He had done everything Liz had asked of him, and still she wouldn’t trust him. He had gone so far as to hack a FBI agents laptop. Assuming Topolsky was a Fed and not just some sort of informant.

And that was a damn pity, because she’d actually been a pretty good Counselor. Alex had actually believed the woman had cared for him. Had gone to the limit for him to set up that tutorial. And he had the paperwork on it. That was real.

At least for now. Would it be withdrawn now that Topolsky was no longer pushing for it?

Had his helping Liz cost him everything?

He should be angry now. He should be raging and trying to get back at her. But he simply couldn’t. He still loved her and Maria.

Even if they wouldn’t trust him.

He walked up to a crosswalk. The Evan’s Jeep pulled up to the same.

Alex looked over at the Jeep. A worried Max glanced at him, as did a sad eyed Liz.

Maria was in the backseat fighting with Michael over something. She didn’t even glance at her old friend.

Alex looked away. What did it matter now. She had chosen her side. Liz would rather be with him than Alex. Would rather throw away a friendship that had lasted years for….

For what exactly?

She said it was drugs. And some of her behavior fit it. The furtiveness certainly tipped off that something was going on. And the sudden rupture of her old friendships, his included spoke more.

But her new friends really weren’t the druggie type. Max Evans was so straitlaced you could imagine you saw crease marks on his jeans. Isabel was an immaculate goddess of a girl, who was so popular that if people had any proof she was into drugs they would be using it against her. It would be all over the school.

Only Michael fit. But even there he was more rebel without a clue, rather than druggie. His eyes much too bright and knowing. And vindictive.

No, those three had always hung together. Liz and Maria joining their crowd was a new thing.

Some massive secret. That had to be it. But what? What could be so immense that Liz would toss him aside and use him?

But her paranoia had been well founded. She had been being chased. People were following Max Evans. The FBI had sent someone to follow him at school! That had to be why Liz had come to him to take his blood to substitute it for Max’s.

The FBI.

Only it didn’t make any sense! I mean if it had been drugs, sure. But it couldn’t be. The FBI chased other things. Now if he’d pulled up a DEA website, sure. Alex had actually been expecting just that.

And how Topolsky had talked about Max. As if he were some massive potential threat. As if he were some danger to Liz and all of them. Dangerous enough that she would need a full medical examination before they let her go.

What the Hell? Why would she need a medical examination? Had Max done something to her? And if so, when?

September. The shooting. Liz had change after that shooting at the Crashdown. Maria had changed soon after. Hiding things. Evading him.

Freezing him out of is life. Replacing him with them.

The anger that had been missing came to him now. Along with a sense of helplessness.

He heard Liz’s soft sad voice, “Hey, Alex, are you headed to the Crashdown? It’ll be a tight fit, but we could probably….”

Alex looked over at her, “Sorry, Liz. I only take rides from friends. Not strangers. Not people I can’t trust. You have made your choice, haven’t you?”

Liz’s face crumpled, tears rolling slowly down as she looked at him from the passenger side.

Maria glared at him from the back seat. “That was uncalled for buster!”

“Oh, are you going to tell me this huge secret that has basically ruined my life? The one that none of you seem willing to include me in except as a clueless patsy. One who saved your asses again today. You know with the FBI.” Alex could feel his face flush with anger, “You think this is over? That they will give up?”

Michael chimed, “And what? You are threatening to help them find us out? You don’t know jack squat.”

Max spoke up, “Michael, quiet.” He looked across from the driver’s seat. “I am sorry, Alex. But it is safer if you don’t know anything. Safer for you and safer for us. It would be safer still if they didn’t know either. But they do. And they have helped us. I am sorry Alex.”

“I am sorry? That is all you can say? Well you can forget having me as a willing patsy. I am done with you all. Done. Now go away so I can continue my walk home, okay?” Alex continued to walk.

“Alex!” came a commanding call from Maria, “This isn’t over. You are going to apologize for what you just said. And I wish I could tell you….”

“But it’s not your secret to tell, I know, Maria.” Alex said without even turning to look back at them.

He had gone maybe twenty feet when he heard the Jeep pull off and drive away.

Over. His friendship with them was truly over.

And it hurt. It hurt so much.

He just wished he could have Max experience even the tiniest bit of the pain Alex was feeling now. Alex had been so sure that Maria and Liz had cared for him deeply. That they would do anything for him.

Come along a couple of hot guys and Alex was dropped like a used bandage..

Alex continued walking.

He was halfway home when another car pulled up.

His mother. She smiled sadly at him, “So, I heard you had a tough day.”

He walked over to the passenger seat and got in, “Yeah. I lost a couple of friends. Or maybe I never really had them to begin with.”

Gloria Whitman started the car. “More drama over Liz and Maria, I take it.”

“Yeah.” He looked over at his mother, “I’d really not like to talk about it.”

His mother nodded, “That is an option for you. But there is someone who wanted to speak to you about it all. Said that the whole confrontation this afternoon got off to a bad start.”

Alex closed his eyes. It wasn’t ever going to end. “Ms. Topolsky?”

Gloria nodded, “She was actually very forthcoming about the whole affair. She didn’t tell me exactly why she was at West Roswell, but she did tell me she was investigating Max Evans. And that you had information that could help her.”

“Liz asked me not to. And it was quite a shock to reveal her as being FBI.” He shook his head, “But see that is what I don’t understand. I mean, Liz told me it was drugs. And for a little bit I believed her. Believed that was the reason she needed my blood.”

“She took your blood?”

“To switch with Max’s I guess. I simply thought he was high or something. But why would the FBI care?”

Both of them were silent for a moment before Gloria spoke up, “That is actually a good question. And I suppose the reason I am here. She is waiting for us at Senor Chows with a couple stacks of paper. She wants your statement and any information she can give you.”

Alex grunted.

Gloria continued, “And for that she will tell you what is going on. But to do that there are a ton of consent forms and nondisclosure forms you will have to fill out. And since your still a minor… I will need to be there too.”

Alex closed his eyes.

The truth. He could find out exactly what was going on.

Gloria finished, “But what I need to know is if you want to do this. This sounds like something major is going on. Or she is desperate. Or both.”

The image of Liz and Maria happily spending time with their new friends…. Of Max stealing those he cared of from Alex. To the point that Liz Parker, whom he had thought the most trustworthy person he knew routinely betrayed him.

No this needed to be stopped. And to know the truth…. To know why.

Once more he talked to Topolsky. Once more she promised that Liz would be safe after some examination. Maria too, if it came to it.

Alex filled out the papers. He listed not only what he had seen and done regarding the blood. But related everything he had noticed about Max Evans and his effect on his friends. From that strange accident with Maria during the Festival to the almost cult like secretiveness that had crept into Liz and Maria’s lives.

And he learned the truth.

Had it been worth it? He didn’t know. He knew now that the US government believed in aliens. But he had lost his friends over it.

Max had simply disappeared a few days after Alex’s conversation with. Liz was taken too. Isabel and Michael shortly followed.

A week later a pale and weak Liz was returned, but the spark that had once filled her was gone. She spent the rest of her life at the Crashdown, first as a waitress and later as its owner. Maria worked with her, on those times she was out of the hospital. For she had some major psychological breakdown when she had been alone.

Alex had tried to break through the shell Maria had erected, but Maria blamed him for it all.

Which was in a sense true.

But Alex had his own work. Working data security for the Special Unit. Now that the Unit knew there were multiple aliens its work had grown, and Alex was proud to be part of it.

Topolsky had sponsored him.

From time to time he would visit the last of the hybrids. The girl he had once dreamed over at school. Still dreamed of from time to time. She wasn’t truly pretty anymore. The time she had spent as a brood mare for Pierce’s projects had taken much of it away, as had the constant use of the various drugs to keep her dangerous powers at bay.

There were days when he wondered how it had all come to this.

He looked at her sleeping body and wondered, if they had trusted him would it have gone differently? Had he not signed those papers in spite, in envy of what had been his and had been taken away…. Because he had loved both Maria and Liz.

Until their betrayal.

Still he wondered. Would his life have been better or worse for it. To be part of the whole conspiracy to hid amongst mankind. Certainly, of the aliens the Unit had found, these three had been amongst the most harmless.

Would it have been so bad if they had gone free?

Alex smiled at Isabel and went back to his desk on the next level up.

He would never know.