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A New Beginning(CC,All, mature) Ch 11 02/10/12 [WIP]

Posted: Sat May 21, 2011 10:44 pm
by blxgyrl18
Title: A New Beginning
Category: M&M all the way with the other couples included.
Rating: I’m just going to go with Mature because I’m not sure of the complete direction of the story.
Disclaimer: I do not own Roswell or any of the characters although I would like to own many of the guys..hehe. But here in my little world I control them or at least like to pretend I do.
Summary: Two survivors change the course of the pod squad’s life by using the granolith.

Hey all this is my first attempt at Roswell Fanfiction. I’ve been reading it long enough I figured that I would finally try to contribute. It just makes it so hard because there are so many stories and I am so afraid of doing one that seems as familiar as another. Well that’s all for now. I hope yall enjoy what I’ve come up with so far. Let me know ~CHRISTINA

“Promise me, Isabel.” Maria spoke quietly as the tears continued to run down her dirt streaked face.

“I don’t know if that’s something I can do with any certainty. I don’t know what will happen once we leave here.” Isabel cried in distress.

“I need to think that by doing this that he will be okay. That he will have a family that loves him without any doubt. I’d
rather go on without him and kid myself into believing that he will be taken care of. I worked so hard during our time to make sure he knew; now I need you to make sure that you and Max will take care of him.” Maria continued.

“I’ll try my best to make sure he is okay. Hopefully this time around,” Isabel paused, “Maybe this time he’ll come with me and Max and he won’t end up with Hank.” She finished softly.

“I just want to make sure is all. And if yall happen to follow your destiny this time around, just know that it’s okay. As long as he’s taken care of that’s all that matters. If I never get the chance to love him I want to believe that someone is. I want to believe that yall will be okay. And I want you to know in this moment, even though everything is going wrong, I cannot regret anything that happened between the eight of us. Just know that you became one of my best friends and someone I consider closer than a sister. Even though we had to run from everything, we were all closer than almost any family. Just pray that hopefully this time around we get something right. I also hope that we can somehow be friends without the danger.” Maria continued.

“I know and I want the same thing. I also know that if the rest of them were here with us they’d agree about the family thing. Just…I hope that something will make us be closer. I was so mad when Max healed Liz at first but now looking back I couldn’t regret that moment for anything because of everything you, Liz, Kyle, and especially Alex brought to my life. We spent so long looking for a home when we already had one with a family. That would be my only regret, not taking every moment, in the beginning for what it was worth. I know now that we wasted time looking for something we already had. You have to promise me the same thing Maria. Promise me that you will take care and protect Alex. I need you to make sure that yall follow yalls dreams and promise not to let anything or anyone stand in the way of your happiness. I need to know that you will be okay. Now I guess we need to see how this thing works and how we get to where we need to be. I never thought we would actually be here. I thought that we could defeat the human enemies because we already defeated our alien counterparts. Now, I guess this is our final goodbye, huh?” Isabel smirked as her beautiful eyes shimmered in the light of the granolith.

“Yeah, the only urgency we have is to get back to those who loved us. I hope this time we can stay with them.” Maria agreed.

“Do you think things would have been different had we listened to Nasedo and followed Destiny? Do you think that they would all still be alive had we listened?” Isabel stuttered nervously.

Maria gave a sad smile as she shook her head, “No, honestly I do not think it would have made a difference either way. We all agreed that we would choose our own path. And even if you all followed it there was never any guarantee that we would have won in any situation. I think we did the best we could with the knowledge that we had. There was a reason you were sent here Isabel and we may have not learned everything but we learned the really important things in life and that’s all that really matters.”

“Yeah, I guess you’re right. I think this may be the last time I have the chance to say Thank You and that I love you for everything you gave to all of us.” Isabel told her with quiet dignity.

“There is nothing to thank me for. Everything I did was out of love for all of yall.” Maria replied.
And as both girls embraced, the granolith slowly started building in power listening to the girls hopes of their changed timeline. And high above the place where all their dreams were changing the stars brightened as the granolith started the journey. The girls were going back to a time that they couldn’t remember, to a time that hopefully would give the aliens and their human friends a chance to make things right and to live a happy life.

~ Another time, another place~

In the dead of night with the air clear and the stars twinkling there was a bright light as four little humans sat straight up from their beds gasping for air. And just a few miles out of town in an outcropping of rocks, 4 little alien children were breaking out of their pods. And this is where the journey of the combined pod squad would begin in the little town of Roswell.

Re: A New Beginning(CC,All, mature) Ch 1 05/25/11

Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 12:08 am
by blxgyrl18
Hey yall here is Chapter 1

Thanks for the feedback!
Keepsmiling7- I'm glad you are interested in my story and I don't plan for this future to be nearly as devestating.

cjsl8ne- I'm glad you like it so far and I hope you enjoy this chapter as well.

Begonia9508-Thank you and here is more!!!!

Starcharms-I also like stories that go back in the past also because you can change so many things. The show left too much open ended so I'm gonna fix them to my liking lol!

Nibbles2- I'm glad you think this will be interesting. And this time around there will be better influences in Michael's life. Also when starting to write my other chapter I did try to refrain from using yall so much lol...I think its because I use it so often in every day vocab...I never so you all its just wierd for me....must be the southern belle in me lol.


Chapter 1

The young blonde woman jumped up frantically when the phone beside her bed started ringing and as she squinted at the clock beside her bed she realized that it was nearly 3 a.m. ‘What the hell?’ she thought tiredly, ‘who would be calling me this late?’

“Hello?” she mumbled worriedly biting her bottom lip.

“IT’S HAPPENING! I FELT A SHIFT…THEY USED THE GRANOLITH AGAIN!” the voice on the other end exclaimed.

“WAIT! WAIT! What do you mean you felt it?” she questioned confusedly.

“Listen to me Amy, one of our children used the granolith to come back again. That can only mean one thing and one thing only; it means that they failed to stop their deaths. I was so hoping that we could let them figure it out on their own this time. I did not want to interfere but it looks as if we have no choice,” the other person whispered.

“Nance, you have understood my position regarding this matter since Maria was born and we found out about the original timeline. I told you before that I wanted to get involved. I hate that my baby’s heart keeps getting broken and I could essentially stop all of that but everyone else was so adamant about not getting involved. But this time I don’t care what any of them think! These are our babies and only children and I will be there when they start dealing with all these problems and emotions because I refuse to stand by and watch them suffer,” Amy said with an angry vehemence.

“I have to agree this time around. I refuse to let that piece of scum shape shifter destroy the lives of not only our kids but poor Tess as well. I remember their mother, Amy. Did I ever tell you that? It’s ironic in that they think that they’re the ones from a different world when in all actuality they really are not.” Nance chuckled softly.

“So I know that obviously we have to get together in the morning and discuss this with the rest of the group so we can all come to some pretty tough decisions. So, I’ll meet you at the Crashdown at say 9, okay?” Amy inquired.

“Yeah, that’s fine. And I’ll notify the others as well. Goodnight Amy,” Nance replied.

“Good night Nance,” Amy responded.

~The next morning~

“What exactly do you mean that you felt it?” Jeff Parker inquired puzzled.

“I mean I felt the power the granolith used when sending whomever back to change this time. I think I felt it because obviously they went back to the very beginning as in the beginning of, essentially, their lives.” Nance replied.

“So, you are telling me that we have a chance to make everything different this time including Michael and Tess?” Jim Valenti asked in a hushed tone.

“I think so because if you remember correctly when the last time shift happened it was only back to when they were teenagers. This time I felt the shift on the same day that the Max and Isabel were discovered. I’m hoping that this time we can change how they all grow up and interact with each other. I think that we need to decide what we are going to do about them and whether we should keep the kids apart until they get older.” Nance questioned the group of eight adults.

“Last time Michael was not taken care of like he should have been and I think I was in too much pain with Sara leaving to really help anybody. I remember parts of the last life; if you will, and let me just say that I plan on changing it this time. I know that Kyle always wanted a sibling so as soon as we are done here I plan on going to child services. I want to take Michael into my care and raise him like my own.” Valenti told the group with a quiet dignity.

“I think that is a marvelous idea Jim and hopefully this time when Tess comes to town the kids will be in a better place with their ‘relationships’. Although to be honest with you I still don’t want my little girls heartbroken. So a heed of warning you better raise Michael right to where he’s not so surly, although,” Amy paused, “I remember some of him from last time and he could be a sweet boy. Hopefully they will all develop much more wonderfully now.” She finished smiling softly while she got lost in her scattered memories.

“Well, I guess we all need to think things through before we make any other decisions regarding not only Max, Michael, Isabel and Tess but also the other four as well.”Philip Evans interjected.

As Amy listened to Philip finish his thought she looked around at her closet friends and hoped that this time they could do a better job of protecting their loved ones. And as the group broke apart to think about the new beginning they were headed on she sent out a silent curse and a prayer.

‘To whoever is up there listening please let us succeed because I know it’s a different time and a place and almost nothing could be as it was.’ She thought sadly. And as she finished her small prayer she thought of Maria’s father and Kyle’s mom and wondered how they could possibly leave their children at a time that they needed them most. She was just happy that Liz’s and Alex’s parents were able to deal with the stress and confusion of their situation.

And as Amy Deluca and the rest of the parents were making their way home, four little children were brought to the local hospital. The deputy who found them was shocked to find them wandering in the desert cold, naked and alone.

Chapter 2

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 8:56 pm
by blxgyrl18
Hey hope yall are enjoying your Memorial Day weekend.

Keepsmiling 7-Sorry you cannot talk me out of using Tess lol. I'm sure that Michael will be different.

Ginger-Well I'm glad you think it is interesting, hopefully it stays that way for you. And I definitely am working on yall atleast in my story lol....

Begonia- Yes, lots of changes and more to come lol. Parents do know and the kids don't, its kind of like you don't remember a lot of your memories from your childhood. And who adopts Michael and Tess will be revealed soon.


Chapter 2

Roswell Hospital

As Dr. Camber begins his shift he is shocked to learn that a local deputy is on his way in with four children that were found wandering the desert less than thirty minutes before hand. He cannot help but wonder how anyone could leave someone so helpless out on their own to deal with not only animal predators but humans’ ones as well.

“Deputy, do you have any information on how these kids arrived, where they were found or what their names or ages are?” Dr. Camber questioned quickly.

“No, Doctor they have not spoken. As a matter of fact when I inquired to what their names were or where their parents were they seemed to be confused. I’m not sure what the problem is. I found them with no clothes or food on them so I just wrapped them up in the blankets I carry with me,” the young deputy replied.

“Ok, well I guess we’ll just have to examine them and bring in a counselor to see if they will open up to them. Thanks,” the doctor said as he turned toward the exam rooms.

~Exam Rooms~

The two little boys are left in one while the two little girls are carried to another. All the children seem reluctant to leave on another however; they still have not spoken to any of the hospital staff.

“Can you tell me what your names are?” the nursed asked the two little blonde girls. And as she watched and waited they looked at each other as if wondering whether or not they should tell her and when they turned back to her they remained silent.

“Ok, well we are going to have to see the doctor and see what he says and then someone will be here to get all four of you.” The nurse said baffled.

After the children went through a few tests to make sure they were healthy a local representative from child services was brought in to take them to the local orphanage.

~Roswell Orphanage~

After arriving at the orphanage the child services agent requested that all four children stay together because they seem to be severely traumatized by whatever experiences they have just went through. She explained that they have not spoken and seem not to understand what anyone around them was saying but they did not seem frightened. So as the children settled into their temporary home a group of local adults was meeting in a little apartment above a small town café.

~The Parker Residence~

“Well, Jim have you heard anything about the kids?” Amy asked distressed.

“Calm down, Amy. It seems that whoever returned has changed quite a bit already and I cannot say it’s a bad thing either.” Jim replied with a small smile.

“What do you mean? What could have changed so drastically?” Nance wondered befuddled.

“I mean that it was not just three kids that came through the desert, it was four. It seems that this time around we may be able to save Tess earlier than expected. Now we just need to decide where we go from here. The kids are not talking but they do not seem to be distressed either. Currently, they are at the Roswell orphanage. So I think we need to decide how we are going to play this.” Jim said glancing around at the other occupants inhabiting the small apartment.

“Well, we still want to raise Max and Isabel as our own.” Diane Evans told the group.

“I think that would be just fine Diane. And like I mentioned earlier I would like to take Michael into my care and save him some of the hurt that Hank caused him previously.” Jim Valenti said with a shake of his head.

“Ok, so we are agreed that you are taking Michael. So what should we do about Tess?” Amy asked quietly.

“Well, I think she needs to stay between one of our families since we all only have one child at the moment. I guess it depends on who feels like they are more ready to take on this situation.” Nance replied logically.

“Well, I would love to take Tess, Maria has always wanted a little sister so I guess those particular decisions are taken care of. Now, what should we do about them as a group?” Amy inquired.

“Well….” Jim trailed…as he looked around the room, everyone seemed to be thinking about this because they didn’t want to mess up the dynamics of the previous group.

“I guess the biggest issue right now is deciding whether we let them know that they are different or let them come to that realization on their own. I think that we need to let things progress at a more natural pace and let the kids decide who they want to tell and when. I have no doubt that they will all eventually find out considering this will be the third time line change and they all knew before.” Amy chuckled.

“Ok, I’ll agree with you on that point Amy but what do we tell them about our involvement or do we wait and see if they come to us. I have an idea…I think that we should stay out of it as long as possible and not interfere until they need us to or until we decide…say maybe a few days before the shooting. I want to avoid that situation as much as possible it is less of a chance for them and us to be found.” Mr. Whitman replied.

~Two days later, Roswell Orphanage~

“Hello, How can I help you?” the secretary asked the young couple walking through the door.

“Yes, we were recently approved for adoption and were asked to come and speak with a representative to meet some of the children.” Mr. Evans replied.

“Can I have your names please?” the secretary asked.

“Yes, I’m Philip Evans and this is my wife Diane,” he said smiling politely.

“Ok, yes, I have your information right here. Let me get your case worker and then we will go meet with the little ones,” she replied.

“So glad to see you here Mr. Evans. Right this way are some new additions that just came to us. It is such a sad story they were found wandering by themselves in the desert. There were four of them two girls and two boys. We believe that they are brothers and sisters but we are not really sure. Did you decide whether or not you wanted more than one child?” The case worker asked hopefully.

“Yes, we have decided to adopt two children. We feel that we are financially comfortable enough to give them a good upbringing. We would like to adopt a little boy and a little girl,” Diane replied quietly.

“Okay, that’s great. Here they are,” the caseworker said opening a door to a play room.

“Thank you,” Philip replied awestruck as he gazed at the four children standing in front of them.

Diane turned to him with tears in her eyes, “Oh Philip, look at them together, they are an astounding group aren’t they? I’m so glad that they all came together this time. Although I wish we could have found them like we did last time. This way is so nerve wracking and I hate that we cannot bring all of them with us,” she said thickly and quietly so as not to be overheard by the social worker.

“I know but at least we know that they will grow up in loving homes this time, it may just take longer to get them settled because both Jim and Amy are single parents. I think, however; that they will be approved not only because of their status in the community but the fact that so many kids need good homes,” Philip replied.
As Philip and Diane were talking all four of the children were sitting quietly and trying to understand what exactly the new adults were talking about.

‘Why do you think they are here?’ the little boy thought to the little girl sitting next to him.

‘I think they are here to take us to their home, remember what that nice lady in blue told us. She said there were going to be people that were going to come and take us home. I think we need to talk with them out loud because they don’t know how to talk with their minds,’ the little girl thought back to the little boy.

‘Ok, well we will try it later,’ he replied to her.

“Ma’am, have they told you their names? We would really like to keep them so we can give them a sense of normalcy with all the things going on,” Philip asked the social worker.

“No, the thing is none of them have spoken to any of us, not even the other children. We think whatever they went through has caused them to go silent but we believe that they will become vocal in their own time. However; we have given each of them names and when we say them they respond which is odd too,” she told them perplexed.

“Ok, well whose who?” Philip asked worriedly. He did not want the social worker thinking that anything was odd about the children. He was not ready to delve into the abyss too soon. He wanted so badly to let them have a decent and loving childhood for as long as possible. Diane seemed to understand what he was thinking and feeling because she gently squeezed his hand.

“Well, the spiky haired by is Michael, the curly light blonde girl is Tess, the other girl is Isabel and the dark haired boy is Max. Would you like to spend a little time with them here and try to get them to talk or get to know you? We usually go through this process for a week before we let the new parents take them home,” she told the couple.

“Yes, and thank you for your help,” Diane replied with a quiet dignity.

So the social worker went and sat in the corner of the room so she could watch as the two adults interacted with the four new children. And was amazed to see that the kids split into two separate little groups’ one boy and one girl in each one.

Diane and Philip looked at each other before slowly approaching all four kids and watched as they all traded glances. Philip was thinking that they were communicating with each other but weren’t quite sure how to communicate with the adults.

“Wow Diane they know how to speak with each other, it’s just like the last time. Hopefully we can get them out of their shells a little sooner than before,” Philip said with awe shining in his eyes.

“Yes, I see that Philip,” Diane said as she watched Michael and Tess slowly drift away to another part of the playroom. It was like they knew that they weren’t going to be the ones to go today. And she was further amazed to see that Max and Isabel shifted just a little bit closer and kept watching her, as if to decide whether or not they liked them.

“Hello, Max and Isabel my name is Diane. We wanted to get to know you,” Diane told the children softly as she knelt so she wouldn’t scare them.

“Hi,” Max croaked softly in surprise and bewilderment. After speaking Isabel looked at him as if she was asking him what he was doing. And after staring at him for a small moment she smiled and spoke also.

“My name is Isabel and this is my brother Max,” she said softly as if scared to speak to loudly for fear of being wrong.

And as the social worker stared at the group of 2 children and 2 adults in astonishment the children started asking what everything was and when they were going with them. And later that day as they had to leave, Diane was ecstatic and hopeful that this time things would be different for her children. She just hated that she had to wait a whole week to get them home.

And later that evening as the kids settled down into their beds they all began to speak quietly about the things that were about to change.

“Do you think someone will be here to pick us up also? Do you think we will be together like you two?” Tess asked nervously.

“I don’t know Tessie,” Isabel started, “I hope so though because I do not want you two to be lonely. But don’t worry we will stay friends,” she finished confidently.

And as the two little girls continued to chat the two little boys just laid there and wondered about why they couldn’t seem to remember anything and how nobody else at this place could speak in their heads. So on this night the children realized that they were just a little bit different than everyone else around them but were content and excited for the new things that were happening in their new and short lives.

Re: A New Beginning(CC,All, mature) Ch 2 05/29/11

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 12:03 pm
by blxgyrl18
Thanks for all the feedback!!!!!

Keepsmiling-I don't think it was a mistake to bring Tess into the fold. I have no intention of letting her become evil like before. I hopefully can convince you that she is not totally

Jan-Yes I do and thanks glad you like it...that's not the only banners I made the other two I entered into a contest over at Roswell Heaven if you would like to see those also.

Eve- I never liked the whole you're my destiny thing either..although the idea of destiny is interesting...just not the one that Nasedo foretold lol...Anyways glad you liked the chapter hopefully you'll enjoy this one just as well.

Okay on to Chapter 3~~~~~

Chapter 3
It was another two weeks before Amy Deluca and Jim Valenti could get things straightened out to bring Tess and Michael to their separate homes. They decided to go together to ease the kids into the separation. As they arrived at the orphanage Amy began to wonder if the kids remembered anything because of the comments the social worker made earlier in the week. She guessed that since the adults had quite a few memories it only made sense that the kids would recognize some things such as their names. She began to hope that, just maybe, they would not remember all the bad things in their lives. She had to hold on to the belief that they would still make the same connections to their counterparts because it was absolutely necessary in order to survive the great hurdles that would one day come their way. And as Amy got out of the vehicle, she slowly turned to look at the looming building in front of her and prayed that the desolate atmosphere was not an omen for any bad things to come.

“Do you think we can raise them to become who they are supposed to be Jim?” Amy questioned softly.

“Amy…these kids had so much strength and pride in who they were and what they did there is no way that they could grow up to be anything else than beautiful people. I just want to make sure they have the chance to do that without any outside influences such as their supposed ‘protector’ Nasedo,” Jim replied with total confidence.

“Ok, let’s go get our children,” Amy responded in kind.

Later that night as Amy was tucking the girls in to bed was when Maria asked any questions about the new sister she just acquired.

“Mommy?” Little Maria said peering up from her pillow.

“Yes sweet pea,” Amy replied smiling softly.

“Do you think Tess likes it here? Do you think she’ll get along with Lizzie and Alex and be my best friend too?” Maria questioned naively.

“I have no doubt in my mind that you, Liz, and Alex will do everything to make her feel special after all, you are all princes and princesses.” Amy replied leaning down to kiss Maria’s forehead.

Little Maria just smiled back as she thought of all the wonderful things she wanted to show her new sister. And she absolutely couldn’t wait to tell her friends all about the new person in her life. She was finally happy, she had always wanted another sister or brother but when her Daddy left she didn’t think that she would ever get the chance. And as little Maria slowly drifted off to sleep she became confused as she softly heard someone whisper out her name in complete awe. And she dropped into peaceful oblivion she smiled softly thinking that for the past three weeks she had someone in her dreams to comfort her from the nightmares of her dad leaving and the other dreams she could make no sense of.

Tess’ bedroom

“Hello Tess, how are you doing sweetie?” Amy asked softly after tucking the covers tightly around the small blonde haired girl.

“I’m scared, what happened to Michael? I don’t like being away from him. I wanted to go with him.” Tess replied as her luminescent blue eyes filled up with tears and slowly started to trickle down her pale white cheeks.

“Oh Baby, Michael is fine he is with the nice man that came with me when I picked you up, do you remember?” Amy asked as Tess nodded slowly in answer to her question.

“Well, I couldn’t take both of you with me so he took Michael to make sure he had somewhere to go. If you would like, I’ll call Jim tomorrow and see if you and Michael can play together ok? I hope you are happy here Tess. Maria is already looking forward to you meeting her friends Liz and Alex.” Amy told her as she watched the little girl’s eyebrows crease as if trying to place something.

“What is it sweetheart? Is something else wrong?” Amy questioned hoping that Tess was not remembering anything from her past life. If any of the children could not remember she hoped it would be Tess. She did not want her to remember any of the false lies that were taught to her by Nasedo. She wanted to have a hand in helping her develop her powers and to tell her never to mind warp unless it was a matter of life and death. And as Amy began to get lost in her thoughts Tess answered her.

“No, nothing is wrong I’m just happy I guess. I was so scared when we left but being here makes me feel happy,” Tess said smiling up at Amy.

And as Amy turned off the light and softly shut the door the little blue eyed blonde alien girl wished with all her might that Michael was as safe and happy as she was. And for some reason she just could not understand she hoped that the little boy she saw in her dreams every night would be there for as long as he could. And knowing that she was different this little boy did not scare her even though he seemed to know so much about her some things that she didn’t even know herself.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Valenti Household~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

“Okay boys this is how it is going to work. You both are going to head to your separate beds with no more arguing. Do you understand me?” Jim Valenti said pacing back and forth in front of the couch in his living room.

“Yes, daddy. I’m sorry, I just, he’s weird and mean.” Little Kyle Valenti replied somberly.

And as Valenti shook his head at the two little boys in front of him he could not help but wonder why Michael was acting so surly. He guessed that no matter what life he lives out Michael will always be the enigma of the group. ‘I guess some things are just too ingrained in someone’s character to ever really leave them’ he thought sadly. After watching the boys slowly turn and walk out of the room, Jim prayed that as the little spiky haired boy grew up he’d learn to let others in or at least let one little green eyed hurricane get into his heart.

As Michael laid there in his new bed he could not help but feel lost and wondering why none of his family had stayed with him. He could not figure out why he was being mean to his new brother, Kyle. And as Michael laid there thinking that tomorrow he would be nicer, he saw a picture flash quickly before his closed eyelids. He was so startled that he sat straight up in bed. He couldn’t figure out how he knew some of the things he did or why he kept seeing pictures of a little girl with a small dog beside her and red shoes on. She kind of reminded him of his sister Tess but it wasn’t and he had never seen her so he was scared about why she kept showing up when he closed his eyes. Finally little Michael finally gave up his fight with sleep and slowly slipped into a sleep filled with dreams of people and places he had never seen or been. For some reason, that he could not understand, these images gave him assurance and a feeling of comfort and acceptance.

~The Next Morning~

As Jim was sitting at his table drinking his morning coffee the phone rang and as he got up to answer Michael walked into the kitchen rubbing his eyes. Jim smiled softly as he thought that there was no way that before Michael would have showed any vulnerability especially one such as being sleepy.

“Valenti here,” Jim said picking up the phone.

“Well, I would hope it would be you considering I called your house,” Amy replied chuckling.

“Sorry, its habit. What can I do for you on this fine morning?” Jim asked.

“Last night Tess mentioned about wanting to see Michael and I was wondering if we could get them together. I also wanted to see how we were going to handle getting our kids together. Do we want all of them to meet this early or wait until they drift together on their own? There are so many what if’s Jim,” Amy said frustrated.

“Amy calm down, it will be fine. I think we should do what feels natural to us. Personally, I think it will be good for the kids to all meet now. That gives us a bit of a guarantee that they know each other. They could be stronger together and if they are all friends from a young age that will definitely change Michael and Tess, you know that as well as I do,” Jim told her soothingly.

“Ok, well maybe this weekend we can all meet up over at the park or something. Just talk to the boys and let me know,” Amy replied.

“Alright, will do I’ll talk to you later Amy,” Jim said listening as she responded in kind and hung up.

As he turned he saw Michael staring up at him with his eyebrows creased in thought. That kind of made him nervous because he was not sure what on earth Michael could possibly be wondering. ‘Guess I’ll just have to ask’ he thought laughingly.

“What’s on your mind Michael?” Jim asked sitting back down as Michael blinked in surprise.

“Nothing really, it’s just…well I had a weird dream last night and I thought maybe you could help me understand it,” Michael replied nervously.

“I’ll try to help so…tell me about it,” Jim said waiting patiently.

“I don’t remember a whole lot of it but I do remember names and I just heard you talking to an Amy so I was wondering who she was?” Michael responded softly staring up with confused amber eyes at Jim.

“Oh wow, well she is a really good friend of mine and she is the one who took Tess home with her..Do you remember who I am talking about?” Jim asked. He was kind of nervous that Michael was remembering Amy already considering he didn’t ever really have a lot of contact with her because in all honesty he feared her because of Maria. But as he continued to stew in his thoughts, he began to realize he shouldn’t be all that surprised considering all the visions he had last time.

“Ok, well do you know if Kyle is awake? I don’t know why but I think I need to say I’m sorry, I wasn’t trying to be mean to him, it’s just that for some reason I was scared and uncomfortable around him. I mean I don’t know why I would act like that, he was really nice to me when we got here.” Michael rambled while scratching his eyebrow.

And as Jim sat there watching him he couldn’t help but be in awe of how he was so much like before except with the rambling. ‘Hmmm…maybe Maria rubbed off on him from before’ Jim thought smiling.

“Well, I am thinking he should be up soon. He usually does not sleep too late,” Jim told Michael as Kyle shuffled into the room.

“Dad, Can I have lucky charms for breakfast?” Kyle said yawning as he plopped down at the table.

“Yes son you can, do you want some also Michael?” Jim said glancing in Michael’s direction. Michael shook his head yes then turned to Kyle.

“I’m sorry Kyle,” Michael said hesitantly.

“For what? We’re brothers it’s all good,” Kyle replied smiling goofily at him. And as Jim watched his two young sons he couldn’t help but think this was one of the best days of his lives.

Later on that afternoon as Jim was watching the news Kyle and Michael were in Kyle’s room talking.

“Michael, I know it sounds funny but I had this weird dream last night and I wanted to tell you about it,” Kyle said as he went to his closet to retrieve some of his toys.

“I had one too, maybe it’s something that happens to all little kids but I guess we can see if they were alike,” Michael responded.

“That would be so cool,” Kyle said dragging his cop cars and fire trucks over to Michael.

And as they sat there playing with the toys they began to talk neither one realizing that Jim had come to stand at the door to watch and listen. And he began to realize that the kids were remembering happier times with the ones that they had cared for. He hoped that they would only remember the good times. Even though they were able to get Tess this time around Jim was afraid that the kids’ memories would lead them to not trust her. He decided that he needed to call Amy back and set up a time for the kids to meet as soon as possible, because he honestly believed that the sooner they all became friends the stronger their bonds would be. ‘Maybe by being friends they wouldn’t hold the past against her’ he thought.

He also realized that since the Michael and Kyle were remembering it was just as likely that the rest of the group was having memories in their dreams as well. As he entered the living room he decided that the parents needed to have a meeting so they could all find out what the kids were remembering and how they were going to ask the kids about their dreams.

As soon as Amy answered the phone Jim told her, “Amy Michael and Kyle are remembering little things so I think we may have to tell them things sooner than we would have liked. We can probably put it off for a couple of years but I think it will definitely have to be done before the day of the shooting.”

“Yes, I know Maria was telling me about the dreams she had last night. However; I think that they need to keep having the dreams so they can remember, it will be better for them. I still believe we need to hover over them for now and just let them come together. Then if Maria does not approach me about things then I will decide what to tell her. If they do not approach us let’s try to wait. I do not want to put all those bad things on them Jim. They deserve the chance to be kids. But I think we need to get together with everyone to talk about this, so I’m going to go and call the other parents,” Amy told him.

“Ok, call me and let me know when and where,” Jim told her and then put the phone back in the cradle after she said goodbye.

Re: A New Beginning(CC,All, mature) Ch 3 06/02/11

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2011 5:57 pm
by blxgyrl18
Thanks for all the feedback

Eve- Michael was having a memory of the flash he got from Maria in the last timeline. Well hopefully Liz will deal with it in a good manner. I think writing Max and Liz is gonna be the hardest for me because I did not really like their characters in the show I think that they made them to selfish most of the time. So for my little universe they will be a little bit different. And Kyle and Michael were sweet. I think personality wise they are the most likely to be friends out of the four guys.

Ginger-Yes kids are resilient and you'll find that of course the pod squad and their loved ones are as well. Enjoy this chapter

Keepsmiling- Well I'm glad I was able to twist your arm and hopefully I'll do Tess' character some justice and redemption.

Natalie- Welcome to my story and thanks for the feedback. Hopefully this story keeps your interest.

Chapter 4

In the following weeks after being taken in to their new homes, the young pod squad slowly adjusted to family life. The parents taking care of their new charges were awed by the similarities and changes the children were showing. Jim thought that the most noticeable changes had to do with Tess and Michael. Every day he stared at his two children in amazement as they became closer. He was not only glad that Michael’s life would be changed but Kyle’s as well. He remembered how much resentment Kyle had of the aliens because he felt as if they had taken his dad away from him. Jim also noted that he had changed as well, he was more relaxed and he wasn’t missing his kids’ lives because he was lost in grief over his wife’s desertion.

He still missed her but he realized that she just wasn’t strong enough to come to terms with all the issues that were prominent in their life together. He sometimes regretted marrying her but then he would see Kyle’s face light up over some childhood enjoyment and he couldn’t help but feel grateful to Sara for the gift she had given him. He thought that come August he would see a change in the children because they would begin school. He also feared this because he didn’t know how the children would react to each other and the memories they were all receiving in their dreams.

He spoke frequently with both Michael and Kyle and came to understand that for them the dreams offered comfort in the changing times. He was ecstatic to know that Michael was remembering so far only the good things that had happened to him and not the horrible things that peppered his life with Hank. Michael seemed to be in awe of the little blonde girl that reminded him of a princess. It seemed to Jim that the children were only remembering things that pertained to the time of their current age. For instance, Michael didn’t seem to be having any dreams of older Maria just memories of the flashes that he received from her. ‘Maybe its best this way that way they cannot see a future that has hopefully been avoided,’ Jim thought optimistically. As he sat their musing over the different changes in his life, little Michael and Kyle were both still dreaming in their beds.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Michael’s Dream~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

“Do you think we will ever meet?” the little blonde girl asked smiling shyly up at the spiky haired boy as she was swinging.

“I don’t know, maybe. I’m just glad that I can talk to someone about everything that has been happening. I don’t understand it and I’m scared. I think I need to tell Kyle though,” Michael answered.

“Well if you tell him, will you still be my friend?” Little Maria asked apprehensively.

“Of course I will,” Michael replied fiercely.

And with that final note little Maria continued to swing in childhood bliss as Michael joined her.

Michael shot straight up in bed confused. He had been dreaming of the little girl but he didn’t know her name or if she was even real. He was scared of all the things that had been happening to him. The other day when he got frustrated while trying to build things with his toys one of them blew up and he hid it because he didn’t understand how that had happened. After pondering all the weird things that had been happening to him lately, he made up his mind to tell Kyle. He knew that Kyle would keep his secret because although apprehensive with each other at the beginning he was as close to him as anyone else. Maybe this is something that happened to everyone; maybe Kyle was even going through the same things. So with that cautious optimistic thought in his head he got up and headed to the living room to watch Scooby Doo, which happened to be a favorite of his, although for some reason he couldn’t comprehend he kept thinking it was someone else’s favorite first.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Kyle’s Room~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Kyle had been upset when his Dad first brought his brother home but now he couldn’t be happier. He was scared at first because his Mom had left and all he had was his Dad and here comes a new little kid. He was scared that since she left his Dad wouldn’t want him anymore but he now realized that Michael had just been as scared as he was and now Kyle couldn’t imagine not having Michael as brother. And lately Kyle’s dreams had been getting really weird like a couple of nights ago. He was dreaming about blue crystals, they were really pretty and he kept hearing someone sing a song that he had heard on his Dad’s radio but he didn’t know who the person was. But for some reason he was left with a feeling of sadness like he missed the person. ‘Oh well,’ he thought, ‘maybe I had to much cereal for breakfast that day. Dad always said that too much sugar would do that to me.’

As Kyle rose to go to the living room he let his thoughts wander to the weird things that had happened to Michael when he became upset, he would just have to ask him how he blew his toys up, it was so cool. ‘Who knows maybe he can teach me,’ Kyle thought grinning boyishly.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Deluca Household~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

“Girls, come on time for breakfast,” Amy hollered from the kitchen. She smiled softly when she heard the trample of footsteps coming from the stairs.

“Hey momma,” both girls chimed in unison.

“Good morning, how did you two sleep?” Amy asked.

Both girls replied that they slept well and sat down to each some homemade pancakes and orange juice. Amy sat there watching both girls in wonderment. In the past couple of weeks that had grown so close to one another and Amy was glad that they seemed to be getting along well together. The parents had decided to keep the kids separated until school began so they could all grow comfortable in their current environments. Amy thought it was good because it would give all the kids’ time to form a bond with not only their new parents but their new siblings as well. Especially for Tess and Michael who never had the chance previously and according to Jim things were progressing wonderfully at his home.

The thing that concerned her the most however; was the fact that all the kids seemed to be having plenty of memories. Amy believed that Maria and Tess were the most forthcoming. She also realized that Tess and Isabel were the ones recalling memories of everyone not just their closest relationships. She thought this was due to the fact that both of their “main” power seemed to be more mental where as the boys powers were more physical and defensive.
She was increasingly worried about Maria’s dreams too though. It seemed from what little she could understand in her child’s babbling, that she was actually talking to Michael now although Maria didn’t know the little boys name. It amazed her that no matter how many lives’ the kids went through that her little girl was in love with a boy who centered his life on the pixie. Even in their dreams he protected her even if it seemed to be from nightmares of her father. Maria had recently told her that she first met the little boy when she was dreaming about the day that her Dad left and he came and held her and told her it would be okay. He told her that he would be there to protect her if the mean man came back.

It broke Amy's heart to realize that her baby seemed to remember the fights that occurred between her and Brian. She just hoped that now she knew the pain that it put her daughter through that she could soften her heart and raise her daughter with unconditional love. She wanted Maria to understand that it was okay to fall in love and that relationships did work out. She was glad that the parents had many of the memories from the previous timeline because that meant that they could make a difference in not only their kids’ lives but their own as well.

“Momma, is Tessie going to start school with me this year?” Maria asked breaking her mother out of her reverie.

“Yes baby she is. It’s only a week away, are you two excited?” Amy asked smiling gently at the blonde pair in front of her. It still amazed her that they looked like they could actually be sisters.

Maria nodded enthusiastically as Tess just looked at her with a frightened look.

“What’s wrong sweet pea?” Amy asked Tess.

“I’m scared, I’ve never been to school before or at least I don’t think I have.” Tess replied trying to remember things that happened before she came into the orphanage.

“It is always a scary experience when something is new. But it’ll be okay, Maria will be there with you and you’ll be able to see Michael again also.” Amy said watching as Tess’ face lit up with joy and anxiousness.

“Yeah and you’ll also get to meet by bestest friends Alex and Liz. But don’t worries you’ll still be my sister.” Maria told her confidently leaning over to hug the startled Tess.

To Amy, it seemed that Tess still seemed a little uncomfortable with physical contact but she was slowly warming to Maria and Amy. Amy was nervous and sort of excited about when the kids would finally meet. She wondered how the kids would all react to each other when they finally came in contact. She hoped that the kids would chalk their dreams up to childish fantasies as they grew up and not question it too much. She knew that children were pretty flighty so she hoped that once they all met then the dreams would slowly disappear. She figured that the dreams were just a way to guide the children into some sort of relationship with each other.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Evans Household~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

“Bella, Max come on down here!” Diane yelled up the stairs. She was so happy now that the children were here and they seemed to be adjusting to life with her and Philip splendidly.

“Momma, when are we going to go school shopping?” Little Isabel asked with all the poise of a little diva. Diane still couldn’t believe that everything that was currently happening was almost exactly the same as it was before at least the behaviors of Max and Isabel.

“Later on this evening okay baby,” Diane told her as she continued on with her thoughts and flipping pancakes. Max was still the shy little boy who let his sister do most of the talking. Isabel, however, no longer cried out in the night for a little boy left behind. She was honest as she could be with her children about Tess and Michael. And with them only being six they were exceptionally smart for their age. It seemed to her like all the kids were especially smart and mature for being as young as they are. ‘Must be from going back, old souls in a young body’ Diane thought smirking slightly.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Later that Evening~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

“Ooh Mommy that is so pretty? Can I get it please?” Isabel asked bouncing slightly on her feet.

“Yes, sweetie we can but we also have to get some things for your brother also.” Diane told her leading her to the checkout counter.

“Elizabeth Parker I told you not to touch that!” Diane heard startled. She was surprised and anxious because of the agreement to keep the kids apart but I guess that inevitable meeting between at least two of the children were about to occur. And as she turned she saw Isabel turn and look at Liz speculatively.

“Mommy, who is that? She reminds me of someone.” Isabel said still staring over at the little girl with long brown hair.

“That is Liz baby and you have never met her.” Diane replied softly and staring over at the two apprehensively at about the same time that Nancy and Liz turned and meet her gaze.

And as she watched Nancy’s eyes widen in surprise, she saw Liz’s face break into a grin.

“Hello, my name is Liz, what’s yours?” Little Liz said thrusting her hand out for Isabel to shake.

“Isabel Evans, will you be going to school with me?” She asked cocking her head slightly.

“I don’t know I guess,” Liz replied looking to her Mom for an answer.

And as both parents watch their children carry on a conversation they were absolutely amazed. Maybe this time things would be different after all Isabel and Liz never really warmed to each other. So it was with a light heart that both parents separated their children from one another and headed towards home. And late that night as all the parents called around they all found that the children couldn’t wait to begin school and met other children and to meet up with old friends.

Re: A New Beginning(CC,All, mature) Ch 4 06/07/11

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 10:06 am
by blxgyrl18
Thanks for the wonderful feedback. And a special thanks to Ang (Valentinebaby) for beta reading this chapter for me.

Jan-Thanks again for the feedback and I hope you enjoy this chapter.

TimeLord- Thanks for the feedback and I think the changes will help tremendously especially in how Tess is accepted into the group as well as how each of the kids relationships develop with their parents and each other.

Eve-Yes you definitely can tell how they will grow up. Yes I love when Michael gets to grow up with family but you are right in that Nasedo probably will make an appearance in the future guess you'll just have to keep reading. There really won't be much conflict as far as the Tess/Maria/Liz thing atleast as of right now I don't plan any hehe...And for Max and Liz I guess sometimes teenage love does blind you to everything around you but it was also the fact that she seemed to let Max walk all over her so I'm hopefully will come out with a strong Liz. Anyways enjoy this chapter.

Keepsmiling-Thanks for your feedback of course. And I always think its interesting when Michael and Kyle are brothers b/c they never really had any type of relationship as far as the show goes. I wanted Michael to have another male he could really depend on that wasn't relevant or just based on him being an I'll try to suprise you.

Natalie-Yes they are meeting and this chapter will be the culmination of them all being in one place at one time. Hope you enjoy it!

Ginger-Yes it is moving right along and it will be easier atleast for Isabel b/c Liz already has Maria and Alex. I hope you enjoy the meetings in this one as well.

Chapter 5

Over the following week as the kids were preparing for school Michael not only confided in Kyle but also told Jim about the ‘magic’ he had done. Jim was shocked that Michael came to him but he figured that maybe he shouldn’t be after all Michael was still young and not as untrustworthy, as he had been in his other life. He felt that Michael would still grow up keeping people away just because he seemed to be the first one to discover any of his abilities.

“Dad, are you taking us to school today or are we going on the school bus?” Kyle asked walking into the kitchen.

“I think for now it would be best to take you two unless you are too embarrassed to be seen with your old man,” Jim replied chuckling.

“No, that’s good. Thanks I’ll go get Michael,” Kyle said running back out.

An hour later the sheriff’s SUV pulled up outside of Roswell Elementary and Jim watched as Michael took in the scene in wonder but then suddenly stiffened.

“Alex, Maria, I met this girl at the store the other day when me and mommy were shopping. Her name is Isabel; I think you’ll like her she’s very pretty.” Liz gushed running up to her two best friends.

“I have someone I want you two to meet too,” Maria announced causing both her friends to turn and realize there was another girl with Maria.

“This is my new sister Tess. Tess these are my best friends Alex and Liz,” Maria continued after pulling Tess up to stand beside her. All four of them just kind of stared at each other before Alex stuck out his hand.

“Well welcome to our little group. Any sister of Maria’s is a friend of mine.” Alex said grinning while Liz furiously shook her head in agreement.

“Come on you guys lets go see if we can find Isabel, I want you to meet her,” Liz broke in.

“Okay, off we go,” Maria said happily linking arms with Tess and Liz while Alex followed behind the trio.
As they made their way across the school yard Max and Isabel Evans were getting off the bus. Isabel was constantly chattering about some girl she met and how she was excited to start school and see if they could meet Michael and Tess again.

Max just followed along behind her apprehensive of his new environment as Isabel scanned the courtyard.

“Max, look there she is. She told me she had two best friends she wanted us to meet as well,” Isabel said pointing to the little brunette that was flanked by two blondes.

And as Max lifted his gaze up to see the girl his sister was talking about he was suddenly dazed. She was the prettiest girl he had ever seen and he suddenly became nervous about approaching her so he concentrated on his sisters words instead.

“She said that her mom and dad own that weird restaurant that we went to a week ago, you know the one with the ship out front. She was really nice and I felt that for some reason I just had to be friends with her. Oh, look there’s Tess with her so I guess she knows her too. This is so cool, Max. Come on,” Isabel babbled grabbing Max’s hand and making a beeline for the four people coming across the courtyard.

“Liz, hi what are you doing?” Isabel asked approaching the group.

“Hey, Isabel we were actually looking for you. I was telling my friends about meeting you and I wanted you to meet them.” Liz replied.

“Ok, well these are my best friends Alex and Maria. And the other girl is Tess, Maria’s new sister,” Liz told her making the introductions.

“Hello and I know Tess already. Remember when I told you that we were found with other children, well Tess was one of them. Have you seen Michael yet?” Isabel rambled.

“No, not yet,” Tess said quietly looking back and forth between Max and Tess.

Can you still hear me?’ Tess thought to Isabel and Max. And she was surprised when they both responded that they could. And as the group just stood there Max made eye contact with Little Liz as Isabel made contact eye with Alex.

Wow, he is cute,’ Liz thought to herself blushing at the little boy who was staring at her. She felt as if she knew him already but she knew that she hadn’t ever met him. ‘Maybe it’s because he is Isabel’s brother,’ Liz continued her internal monologue. She was unaware that Max himself was having some similar thoughts. And as Max continued to stare at her, Max had a sudden flash of a little brunette girl with a cupcake dress. He was so shocked he broke eye contact and looked at the other children surrounding him to find them all watching him.

Are you okay, Max?’ Isabel thought to him.

Yes, I’m fine. I had just had a flash of Liz in a cupcake dress. It was so weird.’ Max thought back tentatively.

Tess and Maria were watching their friends all stare at each other and Maria started to wonder what was going on. She was startled when Tess turned to look at her and she heard her but her mouth never moved.

Maria, I like your friends but I want to find my brother now,’ Tess thought watching as Maria’s eyes widened as she heard her. Tess was so happy, she wasn’t sure why she could talk to Maria in her head but it made her feel closer to her sister and not so uncomfortable about meeting all these new people. They had kept their new secret from their Mom and friends because they didn’t know if other kids could do the same thing. Tess knew that she could talk to Max, Isabel and Michael but she figured it was because they knew each other before although she couldn’t remember how.

Ok, Tess, you know sometimes you have to warn me you’re going to do that. People are going to start saying I’m crazy,’ Maria thought back with a smile. ‘Let’s go see if we can find your brother, what does he look like?’ Maria thought tilting her head slightly waiting for Tess’ response.

“Well, it was great meeting you two but I think Tess would like to find her brother. She hasn’t seen him since she came to live with me, so I’ll see Alex and Liz later. Maybe we can all eat lunch together,” Maria told the group smiling cheerfully as Tess and her turned to leave.

“Ok, bye Ria, see ya later,” Liz said watching her best friend turn to walk away with her sister. Liz felt uncomfortable because she didn’t want to lose her best friend because she got a new sister. She guessed she would have to ask Maria if she was still going to be her friend. Liz shook off these thoughts to turn back to the two new kids she hoped would be her new friends. And as the small group tentatively began to speak, Maria and Tess were heading to the other side of the school yard.

Tess, just because you are seeing your brother again, that doesn’t mean that you aren’t going to be my sister still right?’ Maria thought to her getting scared that someone else was going to leave her.

No Maria, you’ll always be sister. You were nice to me when Mom brought me home and now that we can talk in our minds, we’re connected. You were nice to me when Mom brought me home and nothing will change just because I have my brother too. Nothing would ever make you not be my sister.’ Tess told her shyly while reaching out to grasp her hands.
And with that now settled they continued on their search but before too much longer Maria heard someone call her name.

“Hey Deluca, fish lips, I heard your daddy left.” The little boy said laughing.

“Leave me alone Brian,” Maria said straightening her shoulders.

“So why did your Dad leave? Did he not love you anymore,” Brian continued to taunt. And as Maria’s eyes filled with tears and Tess looked on in shock, a little spiky haired boy came charging over.

“Leave her alone,” he growled unceremoniously towards Brian.

“Why? What’s it to you spiky? Is she your girlfriend?” Brian taunted Michael. He was too busy to notice that little Maria Deluca was advancing on him with anger in her eyes.

“You leave us alone Brian McDonald,” Maria yelled pushing him. But he started to come after her and as he went to reach for her he was tackled into the dirt by Michael.

As the two little boys continued to roll around the ground arguing, the sheriff came forward to separate the two boys while Maria was livid with indignation.

“Hey, you I can take care of myself. I don’t need you to fight my battles for me,” Maria ranted turning to face the little boy who came to her defense.

And Tess watched in horror as Maria continued to rant at her brother while the Sheriff stood to the side smiling slightly. It was amazing that no matter how they came together that these two kids still had one of the most argumentative relationships that he had ever seen. There was no doubt in his mind that Hurricane Deluca would always reign over those who hurt her, her friends and her family. And even though the pod squad didn’t know it this young girl would protect them with anything she had in her little body because her heart would always be connected to a little spiky haired alien. He thought it would definitely be interesting watching them grow up. And as Maria stomped off dragging a reluctant Tess behind her he turned towards Michael.

“You want to tell me what happened here son?” The sheriff questioned Michael.

“He was being mean to my pixie and I couldn’t let him do that. And now she is mad at me, how do I apologize to her, I just didn’t want her to get hurt. She was already hurt when her daddy left and that boy was reminding her. I’m not sure who she is but that’s who I see in my dreams and for some reason I have to protect her even though I don’t understand why,” Michael replied solemnly gazing off towards his pixie.

“Well son, some girls just don’t appreciate guys trying to solve their problems especially when they feel that they can handle them on their own. Let me tell you something about that little girl. She is as strong willed as her mother and she doesn’t want anyone to see her being weak. Don’t worry you will one day understand what it means to have and love a strong willed woman.” he explained to Michael. And little Michael just continued to stare blankly at him trying to comprehend what he was telling him.

Kyle approached them in wonder after seeing the episode between Maria and Michael. Kyle knew about Maria’s dad leaving and he knew how she felt because he often felt the same way. He knew how Michael felt also because after confiding in him, Michael and he were able to communicate silently with one another and he saw some of the flashes Michael had of Maria. Kyle just wasn’t sure whether he should tell his Dad or keep it to himself. He also was reluctant to share with his dad the memories he had of Michael’s sister. He knew it was Michael’s sister because Michael was able to give him a flash of her from the orphanage. Kyle’s feelings towards her picture were conflicted. He felt pain, love and hatred but he wasn’t sure why seeing as how he hadn’t even met her. He just figured that he would eventually have to tell someone about it probably his dad since he seemed to take Michael’s ‘magic’ so well.

It would be years before Little Maria would understand that the same boy who protected her on the playground was the one who she had seen in her dreams. And as Michael watched Maria rant to his sister he made a promise to himself. He promised that he would stop talking to her in her dreams because she seemed to not like him but he would protect her from a distance. ‘I don’t know who you are, how we know each other, but I promise I’ll never let anyone or anything hurt you,’ Michael thought watching as Maria suddenly stopped in her conversation and slowly turns towards him.

On the other side of the playground Tess watched as Maria stopped mid rant with a look of shock and awe on her face so she questioned her.

“What’s wrong, Ria?” Tess asked apprehensively, which seemed to shake Maria out of her stupor.

“Nothing, nothing at all. I was just made Tessie, I’m sorry we should continue to look for your brother,” Maria said turned and smiling shyly at Tess. All the while Maria was in awe because after calming down some she realized that the little boys voice was the one she heard in her dreams but she was too scared to truly admit that it was okay for her to hear him so she set it in the back of her mind like she did with her other fears including abandonment by the ones she loved.

“Ummm, that was my brother Michael that you just got mad at,” Tess told Maria slowly.

“Oh, I’m so sorry Tess, I didn’t know but I can take up for myself. I don’t need him to do it for me.” Maria replied in a huff still smarting from his assumption that she couldn’t take care of herself.

“I’ll go talk to him; you go find Liz and Alex.” Tess told her smiling. She had learned over the past weeks that Maria was quick with her temper but she loved her anyways. So with that thought she headed off to reconnect with her brother.

It would be years before the kids would understand that by learning to speak to each other through their minds and to receive flashes from one another that they had bonded. This would one day become an important part of understanding who they were and how they were all connected. And as the kids grew up they slowly began to separate into certain crowds. After hanging together in elementary school the kids drifted apart into the groups of people that were most like them. Michael and Kyle slowly drifted towards the Jocks and cheerleaders along with Isabel and Tess. Maria and Alex drifted towards the musically inclined group and Liz and Max drifted towards the more serious students. Although the friends separated the siblings continued to stay close even though they did not belong to the same group of people. Michael continued to watch out for Maria although they no longer connected in their minds or dreams because they were scared of what that meant so they chalked it up to growing up and wanting to be accepted. Liz and Max continued to stare at one another but never becoming more than friends. Kyle and Tess seemed to be the only ‘couple’ that began to grow close because their siblings were constantly fighting each other. And Alex and Isabel just skirted around each other; one because she was scared and the other because he believed that a girl like her would never want a guy like him.

Re: A New Beginning(CC,All, mature) Ch 5 06/11/11

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 5:05 pm
by blxgyrl18
Hey yall, sorry it has been so long since I've posted but I've been off the boards since the last time I posted. Its been a busy half year and I wanted to let yall know I didn't forget about this story. Well here is the next part, hope yall enjoy it!!!!! ~CHRISTINA~

Chapter 6
Over the past ten years, the pod squad has slowly learned to adjust to one another even though they hang out with different groups of people. Each one of them is connected in some form and although each person knows that the pod squad is special they don’t really acknowledge them as being different. Each member of the group is close to a member of the pod squad where as they give a wide berth to others for reasons that will soon come to light.
The couple that is closest to one another is Tess and Kyle. Kyle has remembered and come to understand the feelings of pain and hatred that he had as a child when a picture of Tess flashed into his mind. He has only shared these particular memories with Michael. Michael and Kyle have made a promise to change the things they have remembered.
Michael has only kept one secret to himself and that’s because it is such a precious one. He has never told another person that even though he doesn’t show himself to Maria he still visits her dreams to make sure that she is okay. He has told Kyle about his memories of Maria or atleast most of them, but there are still quite a few that he holds close to his heart. He has learned to accept the love surrounding him and has grown into a person that Jim Valenti is proud to call his son.

~Crashdown Café~
“ You know Maria, I still can’t believe that you and Michael argue so much. I don’t understand why you two can’t get along. You’re my sister and he’s my brother and I love both of you. I just wish that you two could try so we can all go out without a big blow up,” Tess complained to Maria as she was wiping down the counter.

“Tessie, I don’t know why he insist on arguing with me. I try to be a nice but he just sets off my temper. You know I think it comes from when we first met. I don’t know what it still irks my nerves but he still does it that’s the bad thing. He acts like I’m a total ditz and can’t take care of myself, as if. And anyways if I want someone to take up for me, I’ll just ask you to do it,” Maria said as she broke into laughter. And unbeknownst toher that laughter and smile made the male in question turn his head to watch with brooding eyes.

“ Ria, that is nothing to joke about. I only told you about the things I remember because you have to help me to never be vindictive or vengeful. I hate that I could ever possibly hurt any of you but especially Kyle. You know I honestly think he remembers those horrible things I did. I just wish that I knew the reason behind that hate,” Tess whispered back sadly.

“Tessie, you connected with me and showed me those images and feelings but I am telling you that you are not that person. There is a reason that you remember those things and its so you don’t do the same things. I love you, Kyle loves you and even though it drives me nuts to admit this even spaceyboy loves you. There is not a hateful bone in your body and besides today is to pretty of a day for you to be so gloomy,” Maria replied bobbing her eyebrows to make Tess laugh.

“You’re right, so what are we doing when you get off of work? I was kind of thinking about going out to the lake. What do you think? I’m thinking that I need to do something to make Kyle go ahead and actually ask me on a real date. We have been close for years but its like he is scared that I’ll tell him no. I don’t understand how he could think that Ria. Geez, I’ve been in love with the boy for years!” Tess exclaimed as Alex walked up behind her.

“So my lovely ladies, what trouble are you two planning on getting into today?” Alex exclaimed slumping down on a stool beside Tess.

“You have to get caught to get into trouble Alex, have we taught you nothing?” Maria replied outrageously causing all three of them to burst into laughter.
“ Well, I was just telling Ria here that I want to go to the lake, figure we could get you to invite everyone else Alex, its been a while since we’ve all hung out I miss everyone,” Tess said pouting and batting her eyelashes at him.

“ You know I can never turn down two of my prettiest girls,” He said with a boyish grin. “ I guess I will just have to sacrifice myself to do your bidding my fair lady,” he replied with a lavish bow.

“ Ok, Alex now you are even getting too weird for me and that’s saying a lot. Now off you go to inform everyone if they want to join.” Maria said trying not to laugh at his antics.

~Across the Café~
“Hey earth to Michael! Dude, where were you? We are trying to come up with a strategy for Friday’s football game.” Jerry Stone said waving his hand in Michael’s face.

“No where I was just thinking. So what do you think?” Michael said returning half of his attention to his team mates while keeping the other half zone to Maria.

‘I wish we could talk like we use to, I miss you,’Michael thought with a sigh as his teammates droned on about this weeks upcoming football game. It still surprised Michael that he was in the ‘In Crowd’. He remember a lot more than people thought he did and he wasn’t sure why but he planned on going to talk to his dad soon. He was happy with the way his life was turning out. He and Max had a lot better relationship than they did in the last life, if that’s what one would call it.
As he sat there pondering and listening to his friends blabber on about the football game, he hoped that soon he would have the answers to the questions that his memories couldn’t quite fill in.

~In a Motel on the outskirts of Roswell~
A man sits in a chair chewing on a tic tac as he decides on his route to integrate himself into the Royal four. He has been waiting for ten long years to come in contact with his “charges”. At one point in his life before everything went wrong he had been honestly devoted to doing the best thing for the Pod squad but as his earth life threw him challenges he came to decide that he would make his own mission.
If it hadn’t been for Sarafina then he honestly didn’t think he would be where he was. As a boy he had never wanted to be anything other than another person on another planet, but then he was assigned as a royal guard as he became of age. Still to this day he hated the fact that he was made to cater and baby sit the royal family. It was ironic to him that they had never truly figured out who they really are and that they would never leave this horrible place they called home. He was startled out of his thoughts by the ringing of the telephone.

“Nasedo,” he growled impatiently into the reciever.

“It’s time, you know what you have to do,” the seductive voice purred on the other end of the line.

“Yes, I know and this time I will not fail. There is no way I will be forever in their debt. They should have left me at home, I never wanted this.” He replied angrily.

“Yes, well we don’t always get what we want. I told you long ago that this is the path we would have to take. There may be no way for us to go home but there is no way we can let them bond with their mates. You know what happens when mates are bonded. It is something that cannot be broken so know that you have felt, as I have, that tentative link between the pod mates that you must destroy it before it is cemented,” she said with an increasing edge to her silky voice.

“I know this already you don’t have to remind me, I am in no way ignorant. What you seem to be forgetting is that we essentially know nothing of their lives. If you would have been on time that night then we wouldn’t even be in the situation we were in. We are not even sure who their mates are, they do not know that you can mate with a human therefore I am going to make them believe that they have to be with each other. I know that the timeline was changed as I’m sure they do. I think, however, that we have a better understanding of what actually happened after all we were still adults when the change occurred. For them, their memories are just there they didn’t understand everything when it took place as adults much less as young children. I have no reason or inclination to fail. I refuse to die which means that they will,” he said as his eyes glowed luminously in the low light.

And from the silence on the other end of the line he knew that his point had been made. There was no question that he would not fail, he absolutely refused to be indebted to the royal family for the rest of his life. However, unbeknownst to him there was another person with an entirely different agenda plotting against his destruction. And he would fail to realize that this person had a power that was greater than his own and it all revolved around one emotion and that is Love. There was no way he could defeat a person that had love guiding them and that person would become his greatest obstacle in destroying the Pod squad.

Sitting around the Valenti kitchen table, Amy couldn’t believe the time had finally come to confront their children. It was a sad day to know that soon their children would be adults but thus far they had saved them from the pain and fighting that they had previously endured.

“So, how do we approach the children about the knowledge we have? How do we tell them the things we know? I hate to disillusion them even though I know it’s in their best interest,” Amy asked quietly making eye contact with the other parents in the room.

“ As you all know that through the years Michael and Kyle have come to me with many of their memories as well as with Michael’s powers but there is something that Kyle has started to do that has me wondering,” Jim replied.

“What’s that Jim?” Nance asked.

“He has started showing some slight enhancements and even he has commented on them. It seems that the bond that he and Michael share have allowed for some alien changes to occur, which I believe can only make them stronger. All the children are at a place where their bonds are stronger than they ever were in the other life. I believe that is the case because they have always trusted each other. There was no traumatic experience that just threw them together. I believe that by slowly coming to each other and growing a friendship without all the death, pain and lying has made them stronger not only as individuals but as a group. What do you think? Have any of the other children been showing signs of changes like kyle?” He asked the other parents.

But before any of them could answer a voice spoke from the entry of the kitchen.

“What exactly is going on here? And why has no one told us?”

And as the adults in the room slowly turned to see who had interrupted them Jim just closed his eyes in pain because he could feel the anger and betrayal coming off the young boy in waves.

“Michael, let us explain,” Jim whispered painfully.

“Oh, please do,” Michael replied sarcastically as he slowly entered to face the people who though were his family. And as he joined them they began to tell him one at a time their stories about his and his friends lives from their point of view.

Re: A New Beginning(CC,All, mature) Ch 6 12/28/11

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 2:13 pm
by blxgyrl18
Hey yall hope everyone had a safe and happy new year. This story keeps demanding that I write more so I am back with another update.

Keepsmiling-Hope you enjoyed the update and sorry that you had to go back and review. Hope you enjoy this part.

Eve-Well the story hasn't completely developed in my mind so there are some questions I can't or won't answer hehe...But yes there are other enemies. The kids are closer now than they were before. Nasedo will enter their lives of course but that doesn't mean they will recognize him...Anyways glad you like the part hopefully you will enjoy this one too.

Ginger-Well i do love happy endings and i'm sure we will eventually get their but of course there have to be trials and tribulations. Enjoy this chapter.

Without further ado Enjoy~~~~

Chapter 7
As Michael slowly lowered himself into the chair to face the adults sitting in the Valenti kitchen he

had no time to adjust to the thoughts that we running through his brain. He kept wondering how

they could have kept such important information from them. He knew that his dad had realized

that he was different, after all none of them were stupid. It just had seemed like such a big load to

carry all these years wondering if he really knew what he and the others were. He was so scared he

would lose his love even though he had his memories of how Valenti was before and how he was in

this life. Some things, however, would never change and Michael still had trouble trusting others

and this incident seemed to support his mistrustful nature.

The parents just kept staring at him like he was some sort of freak or something which

caused him to burst into laughter. This laughter had the effect of pulling everyone out of the

trance that they had fallen into since Michael walked into the room. So Jim finally made the

decision that he would be the one to start with Michael, seeing as he raised him. And even though

Jim could feel the confusion and hurt coming from Michael he couldn’t help but be proud of how

calm he was being. ‘I guess he will always surprise me, no matter what timeline we seem to be

playing out.’ Jim thought smirking.

“So Michael, what exactly would you like to know?” Jim asked cautiously as all the other

parents let out a sigh of relief. None of them wanted to be the first to say anything even though

they had talked numerous times about telling the kids their parts especially considering the

shooting date was closing in on them.

“First off, why did you feel the need to lie to all of us? We would have understood. And I

can’t say the same for the others but I think it may have made some things easier to shoulder if we

could have known that we could come to you guys freely. I had a lot of questions at the beginning

and this lying hurts. The hardest part of coming here was that I knew you were the sheriff. I may

have only been six at the time but I did have some knowledge and we did have some memories

even though they were blurry. And there is so much that makes sense now too.” Michael said giving

them all a penetrating stare.

“I’m sorry that we hurt you Michael,” Jim whispered looking around at the other adults

before continuing, “We made a decision to let you guys come together naturally. And even though

we kept the things we know from you we felt it was in your best interest. Hang on,” Jim said as

Michael opened his mouth to interrupt vehemently.

“The reason we felt this way was because we wanted you guys to come together

naturally without any influence. And I can honestly say the bonds between the eight of you are so

much stronger than they were before. There are obviously a lot of things that have changed. For i

nstance, it’s just not the humans against the aliens. Now each of you seems to have someone on

both sides that you would go to if something were to happen. There isn’t any hate between any of

you or hurt. I’m not sure what all you remember Michael but I can tell you that some of the things

that happened were horrible. Two of the biggest things were you and Tess and for that I will never

be sorry.” Jim said with dignity and pride.

“I know that part of it. I do remember probably more than anyone else and I think it’s

because it was my nature as some of it still is. I am still stand offish except when it comes to those

closest to me. Even though I was with Hank last time I still felt more sorry for Tess than I ever felt

for myself.” Michael said making eye contact directly with Jim.

“I was hoping those were memories that you would never remember.” Jim sighed


“I think I needed to remember those. There are so many things that I remember. And

the thing that I miss the most because of those memories is Maria.” Michael said shooting a quick

glance at Amy and seeing her surprise.

“Oh Michael,” she breathed out unsteadily.

“I pushed myself more in this life because of what I remember of her. I want to be close to her

again. However, there will be something that won’t change about my ‘relationship’ with her and

that will be her need to be independent and the first day we met I got in the way of that. At the

time I never understood why I felt so protective of her but over the years I have come to

understand. I’ve never told anyone this but I connected to Maria the first night we were here and

since then although I have stayed out of sight I have visited her during the night.” Michael said

watching as Amy blinked in surprise and went to say something.

“Wait, Wait, Wait that so did not come out the way I intended. I meant that I visit her in

her dreams. This time around I think that all of us were so comfortable that we developed powers

more naturally and different the last time. I am now able to do more than just blow things up.”

Michael said as the adults around him laughed quietly.

“Is there anything else you would like to know Michael?” Amy said speaking up for the

first time.

“When were you all planning to tell us and what did you expect to accomplish from it?”

Michael asked directing the question to everyone sitting around the table.

“Well, do you remember what caused you all to come together as a group? Or all of the

key players in the last timeline?” Jim asked.

“I think most of my memories of that time revolve around the relationship between us

all, not necessarily the circumstance if that makes any difference. Also sometimes I wake up trying

to remember someone I’m just not sure who, it’s like its right there at the edge of my

subconscious but I can’t quite grasp it.” Michael said scratching his eyebrow.

“You will have those answers soon. We wanted all of you together before we tell the

story of what we know because there are some things that we will never really know because you

all didn’t share them. Just a word of advice be careful and don’t let anyone new in.” Jim said as

Michael started smiling.

“What? What’d I say that was so funny?” Jim said looking around bewildered.

“It’s just that you sounded so much like me from before. I remember repeatedly telling

Max that even though he swore that we could trust Liz. It still amazes me how so much is different

but how some of it seems the same.” Michael said chuckling. This seemed to release the tension

that was still surrounding the group of parents and one teen.

“’Well, when do you want all of us together?” Michael asked.

“Let all the kids know that we want to get together Saturday morning at the Crashdown.

And if they all ask why just tell them we have some big news.” Nancy said.

“I don’t think I have to tell you all this but you know the other kids are going to be

upset like Michael was. I just want you all prepared in case the kids give us the cold shoulder.” Jim

said voicing all of the parents’ fears.

“They may be mad for a while but I think they will understand. I really do understand

you know. I just hope that some of the memories I have will never come into play and one of the

biggest of those is losing Alex. It almost killed Maria, Liz and Isabel last time. Also, I’ve come to

know Alex better and I don’t think any of the group, even though we’re not as tight knit, could

handle losing any of the group. I will do everything in my power to protect us because even though

we are all different I am still the warrior and protector of our little group.” Michael said as the

parents watched in awe at the young man before them.

Suffice it to say the parents were glad that things were working out the way they were.

There are some things that no matter how many times the timeline would be changed the group

would still have the same true character. Out of everyone Jim believed that he was the most proud

not only of his sons but of every one of the human children for being so accepting of the people in

their lives. He was so happy to know that Michael was still the same gentle, albeit rough soul that

he always was. ‘Wow, I sound like one of the girls now,’ Jim thought smiling softly as Michael got

up to leave.

“Well that was interesting,” Amy said into the quiet room.

“And it’s only bound to get more so,” Jeff said with a heavy sigh which caused all the

parents to start thinking about the upcoming hardships their children were sure to face.

Re: A New Beginning(CC,All, mature) Ch 7 01/03/12

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 3:26 pm
by blxgyrl18
Keepsmiling-Yes everyone is learning thankfully. Yes my muse definitely stood up as a matter of fact I have written one more after this chapter so you know you'll definitely be getting an update next week as well.

Velvet Skye- Well I'm glad that you followed keepsmiling to my story its always nice to have another reader. Yes I'm a candy lover first and foremost. And I think that Isabel and Alex never quite got the time they deserved so hopefully I can develop their relationship and characters more in this story. Yes this does include quite a large group and you'll get background about the parents soon but mostly after the meeting I believe I'm going to revolve it more around just the teens until the need arises. Well i can't tell ya what Nasedo is up to b/c they were ruin the suspense lol. Anyways glad you enjoyed it so far and I hope you enjoy this one as well.

Timelord-Well you'll have to wait a little bit longer I believe...Enjoy this part

Eve- I think you have a point about michael being a donkey's butt lol....and I know that he had a valid excuses but he was not the only one who was like that when it came to the humans. I think its obvious in this story that the podsters won't be taking such advantages b/c they've all had close relationships with the humans before any major occurrences. Yes since I'm a candy lover lol I think michael is going to show more strength b/c personally i think the show did him injustice in that if he was raised in a distrustful enviornment you would think he would come up from that. And Max and Isabel should have been more willing to help him but here they are on a more even ground which I think helps with their relationships not only with the humans but with each other.

Ginger- Well there's of course going to be some upset people just b/c the secret was kept from them but it'll work itself out I'm sure. Hope you enjoy this chapter.

Thanks for all the great feedback it is greatly appreciated and makes me want to go write more. So here's the next chapter ~Christina

Chapter 8
~The Lake~

“You know this was such a good idea, Maria, I think we all needed some time to relax. It just seems

that everything has been so hectic lately. And you know for some reason I have been feeling tense

and a feeling of anticipation. I don’t know what is causing it but it has been driving me crazy. You

two have any ideas on what it could be?” Liz asked leaning back on her beach towel to soak up the

warm rays of the sun.

B oth Tess and Maria had no idea what was causing their friend to be so worried,

everything seemed to be going fine for all of them.

“So, now that we have all come to an agreement about my awesomeness,” Maria said

laughingly as the other girls groaned, “ What’s happening on the homefront with your love lives?

Since it’s been a while since we have had talks about boys, I want details ladies and just because

Isabel couldn’t be here doesn’t mean I will not get that info from her too.” Maria said bobbing her

eyebrows and smiling smugly.

“We have been over this before Maria. You know how I feel about Kyle but the boy

seems to be dragging his feet, its like he’s waiting for something but I don’t know what it is. You

remember what I told you about the feelings I sometimes get from him and that worries me to as

well as the memories I hold.” Tess said in response to her question.

“Tess, we all have memories that we’re not all sure of but that doesn’t mean things will

be the same. I’m sure there are things that each of us remember that we wish were not true or

that we can change them. I think we have all realized that we have been through somethings as a

group before and we will do things differently. Heck, we already have. I mean look at us three out

here together…and if we followed the same paths I can guarantee you that we would not be where

we are. Do you understand me? You are one of my best friends and no matter what memories I

have nothing will change that.” Liz said adamantly as she looked at the blue eyed blonde on the

other side of her.

“Thanks Lizzie, you have no idea how much of a relief it is to hear you say that. I know

we have never openly talked about our memories that much, just a few things here and there, but

I was always worried. I do not know quite what posessed me to act that way or do some of the

things I have done. I don’t really understand the appeal of Max to be honest with you, but to each

his own I guess.” Tess said thoughtfully causing Maria to burst into laughter.

“See, right there…that proves it…Of course you are not the same or else you wouldn’t

think Max was just to serious or what not for you…See we can all agree that Max belongs to Liz,

can’t we ladies?”Maria asked looking at her two companions which caused Liz to blush scarlet

causing the girls to go into a giggle fest.

“MARIA!”Liz exclaimed finally able to control her laughter and blush. “I can’t believe

you just put us out there like that.” Liz said glancing furtively around as to see if any of the other

occupants of the lake had her Maria’s declaration.

“What is it Lizzie? You know that you have the hots for Max and even though you

disagree he definitely has the hots for you, right Tess?” Maria asked looking at Tess to back her up

and she did nodding her head quickly.

“Well, if that’s so true then what’s the problem? He is as bad as Kyle, neither one of

them is making any kind of move. And you know what it is so frustrating. I think I give him the

obvious signals but he just won’t take the bait…What should we do, Maria? You seem to be the best

with advice…so advise!!!” Liz exclaimed which caused Tess to snort in obvious disagreement.

“Liz, Liz, Liz you really don’t see everything do you? It is okay. Maria is as bad as we are

if not worse because at least we admit to our guy problems. But Ms. Ria here believes in hiding her

head in the sand, figuratively speaking of course, because she has it just as bad but for someone

who is a little bit different.” Tess said outing Maria to Liz.

“Wait, who are you talking about?” Maria asked bewildered.

“Oh, I know who she is talking about and I can’t believe it’s taking me this long in our

little talk to realize it. Oh Maria, you are worse atleast we admit to having a problem.” Liz agreed

with Tess causing both girls to turn their attention to Hurrican Deluca.

“Tess, we have had discussion about this before. I do not like him. He is an arrogant,

overbearing, chauvinistic pig and even if he is your brother sometimes the truth just hurts.” Maria

responded huffily when another voice intruded.

“Well, well it’s good to know what you really think of me, blondie..Oh no don’t hold

back now. Let’s hear it,” Michael said from behind them causing all girls to jump and shriek.

“Oh you know what I think about you. To this day you still act as though I need someone

to fight battles for me. You think I haven’t realized what has been going on do you? Hmmm..that

there have been incidences where you took care of things for me. Well I have told you once and

I’m tired of telling you I can take care of myself. There is no need for you to interfer in everything

I do.” Maria said breathing heavily in anger and frustration after finishing her tirade.

After her tirade, there was complete silence around her as the other three took in her

information and started processing it. Michael was shocked, he hadn’t realized that she knew

about the incidences especially when it came to the other guys wanting to hit on her. That was one

thing he just could not let go, he was not letting her be with someone else, even if she did seem to

really dislike him. Guess he would just have to come up with a plan to make her want him as well.

It made him wonder if she had some of the same memories as he did. He wanted to get to know

her in this life and not continue this charade of just being acquiantances because of his sister.

Tess and Liz were thinking about some of the comments that Maria had made. And as

they glanced at each other Liz could hear Tess intrude into her thoughts.

‘So liz, what do you think about these developments?’Tess sent to Liz.

‘You know Tess that sometimes still scares me when you jump in like that even though I was kind

of expecting it. I think that this here is our proof that your brother has the hots for Ria. So what

are we gonna do about it?’ Liz sent back mischeviously while Michael and Maria continued to glare

at each other.

“Why do you two always have to fight? I love the both of you can’t you just get along for

my sake. I hate having to pick sides between the two of you on every issue.” Tess said frustrated

and fed up with the fighting.

“Tess, no don’t get upset. That’s just how we are, you know we really don’t hate each

other but we can’t help but argue with each other its in our nature. You know it isn’t really

hatred.” Maria said looking at Michael and gesturing wildly so he would agree with her.

“Well, I’m glad you really feel that way Maria. Tess you know I’ve never hated Maria she

just,” michael paused trying to think of a way to explain, “she just gets under my skin. I don’t

know what it is but when she starts arguing with me, I have the compulsion to argue right back.”

Michael finished not seeing the surprised and pleased expression on Maria’s face but Liz did and

she bounced on it.

‘Maria you have been keeping secrets from us? Tsk tsk tsk….’Liz sent to Maria.

‘Well, I guess the cat’s outta the bag then huh, soon as he leaves I’ll fill both of you in and I’m sure

it’ll get back to Izzie as well. Great this is one thing I’ll never live down.’Maria replied shooting

glares over at Liz causing her to grin widely.

“Well, I’m glad that you two really don’t hate each other but you two need to work it

out so we can all hang out again. I miss you and I want all of us together.” Tess replied hiding her

smugness behind an innocent smile which Michael took indulgently. Tess was proud of herself..she

made both of them admit to themselves at any rate that they liked each other. Now she just had

to get with the other girls to come up with a plan to get them together and work on a plan to make

Kyle and Max succumb to her and Liz.

Michael took the opportunity to let the girls know about the parents wanting all of them to get

together knowing that with Maria in the know that soon all the others would know as well.

Maria watched as Michael slowly sauntered away from them and couldn’t help but sighing at the

wonderful picturing he made which made the other two girls turn on her with looks to give up the

game and tell them, which of course she did.


“Oh, I love you so much. We have to tell them,” the woman said quietly as she whispered to the

man holding her as he placed small kisses on her face.

“We will,don’t worry. It’s just I want you to myself for a little bit longer. I know that once we tell

everyone, they will want to know everything.” He said squeezing her gently in his tight embrace

letting her know that he understood how she was feeling.

“I just don’t want to hide anymore. I want them to know that we love each other and are together.

I think they will be happy for us, don’t you?” she asked gazing up at him.

“I know they will and we’ll tell them this weekend. How does that sound? That gives us the rest of

the week together.” He replied.

“Ok, that sounds good, now kiss me.” She said laughingly and of course he complied with her


And as the week wore on the teenagers began to feel a sense of anticipation but none of them

were quite sure why except Michael. And even though Kyle had questioned him about the

upcoming meeting, Michael refused to tell Kyle what the reason was but knew that the explosion

coming up would really bring their little group together.

Re: A New Beginning(CC,All, mature) Ch 8 01/10/12

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 11:49 am
by blxgyrl18
Timelord- Glad you liked that chapter hope you like this one as well

Helen- Thanks again for the feedback...glad that you are enjoying my story so much.

Carolyn-Yes it is nice to see Tess and Liz getting along. I have always liked a nice Tess so yes she was serious about helping LIz with Max. What helped this go round was the fact that she wasn't with Nasedo and wasn't made to believe in "Destiny" so no reason to fear there. Hope you like this part.

Eve- So true..the girls are ready but I'm pretty sure we may be seeing some nervousness if you will on the boys parts...Now as yall can tell Liz and Maria definitely know about Tess, Michael and Isabel so it would go to follow that they know about Max too but that doesn't mean that the aliens aren't still nervous after all they don't know everything yet so it may be slow going with some of the couples.

This chapter was inspired by a question for RH book club which my story is being followed for the that is nice. Anyways on to the story hope yall enjoy.

Chapter 9

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Saturday Morning at the Crashdown~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The parents of both the podsters and the humans decided to meet earlier than the designated time

so they could collaborate with one another on what all they remembered from not only the past

timeline but from this one as well.

“So where exactly should we start?” Amy asked glancing around at the other occupants

of the table.

“I think we should talk about what all we remember from before not only from before

the kids were born but earlier than that. I know that there have been some memories and issues

we have shied away from over the years, but I think it’s time to acknowledge all of them. For

instance, the real instance being Kyle’s and Maria’s other parent leaving them. I know that it has

made a big impact regardless of how things are different this time.” Jim said holding eye contact

with Amy and seeing them widen in surprise.

“Do you really think it’s necessary?” Amy asked with pain in her eyes.

“Yes, I’m positive. The kids were so insecure Amy and to some extent still are. I know

that after Michael first came to me he told me that he visited Maria to help her with her

nightmares. Those nightmares were from why Brian left you two. I know that Michael and Maria

fight now but I think they can grow into a relationship. I don’t want to see either one of them hurt

from the insecurities that Maria is likely to have. I know before that she was always scared of him

leaving her. In order for their relationship to flourish they have to be secure in the knowledge that

each will always be there. I’ve seen what these kids have gone through and it’s amazing the

resilience they have but I want to make it just a little bit easier for them,” Jim explained.

“Ok, but you know that there is going to be a backlash from this, Jim. I don’t know

about Kyle but Maria has asked for years what happened but I just couldn’t bring myself to tell her.

Perhaps you are right though, the kids need to know all the information including the ones about

their parents and Nasedo,” Amy replied with finality.

“Ok, who wants to begin with their memories?”Nance asked looking around the group.

“I will,” Diane Evans said quietly.

“It really all started in our High School years when we met Elaina; it’s amazing the

resemblances between Max and Isabel. She was so outgoing just like our Izzie and I remember

when she first told me about herself and how nervous she was,” Diane said smiling getting lost in

her memories.

“Di, hey Di, wait up!” A young smiling Elaina exclaimed racing up to her best friend in

the world.

“What is it Lana?”Diana said watching as a young football star named Phillip Evans

sauntered across the cafeteria.

“What do you want to do this weekend? You wanna go hang out at the quarry? You know

they are having a big party up there. Your boyfriend will be there. Come on, this is your chance to

make your move!”Lana said trying to convince Di even though she could see the indecision in her


“I don’t know Lana he doesn’t even see me half the time unless I am tutoring him. I promised

myself that I would never go for a jock and just look at me, I can’t stop drooling,” Di said shaking

her head sardonically.

“Hey I know what you mean, I think that Kaleb is pretty hot but you know how it is,”

Lana said sighing wistfully. Diane just turns and watches her…lately she has been noticing things

about Lana, like for instance how she never dates even when the guys ask her out. She seems to be

reluctant to even approach Kaleb which isn’t like her at all. ‘Oh well, I guess I’m just seeing things

that aren’t there.’ Diane said shaking herself out of her thoughts.

“So, what do you think? Come on, Di we’re seniors in high school. This is going to be one

of our last good memories of high school. This is something we will never do again. For once, why

can’t you just live?”Lana said bouncing excitedly.

“Ok, ok we’ll go but you know I have to be back by midnight. My parents will absolutely

kill me otherwise,” Diane said finally giving in to her best friends demands. And later on that night,

Lana’s predictions came true..There were some things they’d never get to do again and some

things she would lose forever. One of those things was her fertility and the knowledge that there

were others in her world with her. That night she not only lost her only chance at having children

but lost one of her best friends.

All the parents around the table sat in contemplative silence after hearing some of

Diane’s story. They had not known exactly why she was not able to have children; it was something

that she had always kept close to her heart. She felt however that it was time for the others to

know because it was what made it possible for them to adopt Lana’s children and it gave her great

satisfaction that she could help her friend who had been so far away.

“As you all know, that wreck destroyed a part of me but in the same instance set up a

situation where I could help my best friend when she needed me most. She saved my life that night

so in turn I saved her children’s. There are some things I can never regret and that happens to be

one of them. There is another thing I’ve never let you all know and that’s that I knew that Max and

Isabel were Lana’s children. Lana and I grew up together and until that night she never told me her

secret. After revealing herself to me, she told me of some of her powers and one of them was

prophetic. She told me that one day she would need my help in taking care of her babies because

she would not be able to do so,” Diane said quietly to the shocked group around her.

They were astonished at some of the information that they were learning. I guess they

had to learn to not take for granted that they didn’t have all the answers. There were some things

that happened to affect the pod squad’s life long before they were ever even cloned.

“Is there anything else? Anything that you may believe is relevant to our situation now

Di?”Nance asked gently so not to upset her.

She took a deep breath and whispered, “Yes, and it’s probably one of the most shocking and this is

something that not even you know Phillip because I was originally asked not to speak of it but

under the circumstances I think it is necessary,” she finished shooting a quick nervous glance at her

husband of 20 years.

“What is it honey? It doesn’t matter what it is it will not change us. There are too many

uncertainties in our life to worry about the little things even if it seems larger than it actually is,”

Phillip told her gently letting her sink into his embrace and showing his devotion to his wife.

“Ok, well even though Lana told me about her powers and background and about her

being prophetic I didn’t quite believe that the things she said would come true. I knew for sure

when she contacted me the first time,” she said as the others in the group started in surprise at

this revelation and caused a bunch of question as to how and when.

“Hang on; I’m getting to that part. As you all know when Max healed Liz he connected

to her. Well, Lana’s healing powers weren’t as strong at the point because she was not yet the

Queen but she could do some healing hence the reason I’m alive but was unable to conceive. Lana

first contacted me about six months before we found Max and Isabel out in the desert. When she

healed me we made a complete bond. Bonds are not only between mates but are also between

close friends and family. I can almost guarantee you that some of the children have developed a

bond and speak freely to each other in their minds. I know this is coming as a shock to all of you

but that’s how we connected. The first time she ever connected to me, I thought I was going crazy

or something. Well, that night she came to me in my dreams and told me a little of what was going

on. She couldn’t reveal a lot because she wasn’t sure if anyone would jump her dream walk, if that

makes any sense. So she gave me the basics mostly about Max and Isabel and of course about our

connection. I knew about the children but she wasn’t sure since they were to be hybrids what their

powers were or how they would develop. So I kept this secret to not only keep my kids’ safe but to

keep Lana safe because I owed her at least that much. And even if I wouldn’t have owed her

anything for saving my life, she was my best friend and was there for me through that trying time,”

Diana said revealing the facts surrounding Max and Isabel’s discovery and adoption.

“What happened to her Di?” Amy asked which the others seconded.

“Well at first I was still reeling from all her revelations especially about her having

powers and being able to heal me but she explained a lot of that to me in her dream walk. Before

becoming Queen, Lana was just a commoner, she didn’t have any major powers. She was able to

heal me because of the bond we shared which began when we first met. I was the person she was

closest and most open to which is the only reason she could heal me. Her parents wanted her to

have all the benefits of a child growing up on Antar, so when she showed interest in Earth they

decided to come here. However, when she was eighteen an order came down from the royalty of

Antar calling all citizens back especially females between the ages of 18 to 22 because the

coronation of the prince was coming up. So she had to go and represent her family and ironically

enough she was chosen by the prince to become his bride,” Diane said pausing to gather her

thoughts and wet her throat.

“She originally told me about the children before she ever left and after she told me

that she was Queen I realized how confused she was when she healed me. She could see things but

not others and was only ever able to give me a few facts instead of seeing the whole story. I have

not heard from her since the children were about 9 and that worries me because I am afraid she

has not survived the war that is waging on her planet. I’m hoping that she is just unable to contact

me because she is in hiding and as Queen when she uses her powers it is detectable by others that

have great powers such as Kivar and Nasedo. I know that we all have secrets that will hurt our

children but I think it will prepare them for the upcoming battles I am sure they are going to face.

As we all know from the previous timeline, Nasedo will be almost unrecognizable so we have to be

prepared and protect are children as much as possible this time around,” Diane said fiercely as she

finished her story.

“You know before we found out about Diane’s story we were planning to hear both of

yours about Maria’s dad and Kyle’s Mom. I think it’s important that we know all the secrets so we

can present a united front because now our children are going to feel confused, anxious and angry

with what we are all about to pile on them. I know they have all had memories but these they

were never privy too so I think they may do the most damage to them. Do you understand what I’m

saying?” Charles Whitman asked of both Amy and Jim. Both of them nodded in the affirmative and

then launched into their version of the events that made them single parents.