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A Part Of You - AU M/L, CC ADULT - [Complete]

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2003 8:39 am
by Itzstacie
AUTHOR: Itzstacie
DISCLAIMER: I don’t own anything. I will be using some quotes from Harvest, (I didn’t write them, if I did things would have happened a lot differently)
RATING: ADULT, Violence, (Not sure to what existent yet. I will let you know.) I am adding angst in here too, because there will be. but i do promise a happy ending

SUMMERY: Alter-Universe. Will have M/L, M/M A/I K/T S/P J/K Okay going to try and put one up the best I can and give a little background info. Liz lived in Florida with her family until they bought the Crash Down and moved to Roswell the summer before her freshman year. Liz and Pacey have been best friends since they were like 2 (No its not Pacey from DC, I just love that name so I took it) that summer Maria, Alex, and Liz became best friends. Everything that happened in Season 1 happened and up to when FM came. Except I’m switching the time frame of Whitaker and the fact that Max and Liz did sleep together right before FM came, Liz doesn’t know about the things Whitaker told Isabel and Isabel killing her. The things that are different are Max didn’t meet Liz in the third grade they didn’t meet until freshman year but everything that happened in Season 1 is still the same.

Which brings us up to the present, Liz runs away thinking it’s the only way to save everyone, but when she finds out the truth will it be enough to make her go back?

and a special thank you to QT4167013 who made my wonderful banner


Seven friends stood there looking at each other. ‘Okay what are you all doing in my dream’ Michael asked. ‘No your in mine’ they all argued. They went back and forth arguing over whose dream it was until they heard ‘You are here because I called all of you here’. They all turned to see the little three-year-old boy that they all knew well. He spent weeks invading all of their dreams one by one.

“Hey there’ Maria said smiling walking up and giving him a hug, she didn’t even know his name, but somehow she found herself drawn to him, they all did but they couldn’t put their finger on it.

The spent time talking and playing with him in their dreams, always trying to find out who he was but he never budged never gave more information they he would.

‘The time has come’ he said. ‘Time for what’ they all asked. ‘’I’m sorry I cant stay to long this time, she needs me I have to go to her.’ Isabel walked up and knelt down beside him ‘who sweetie’ she asked.

‘You will find out soon enough’ was all the little boy said. He walked over to the center where the rest stood he turned and looked at Maria ‘Tomorrow you will get a visitor at work, you may not remember him but you will know him’. Looking at the group ‘Please listen to him and help him, Her life depends on it.’

‘Who’s life, Just tell us’ Michael said getting pissed. The little boy didn’t say answer instead he said ‘It’s time to complete the circle’ he walked to the wall and waved his hand creating an opening turning back to the group ‘I’m sorry she’s calling me I have to go’. ‘Who’ they all asked in one last attempt to get an answer.

He turned and smiled at them saying ‘My Mother’ and then started to close the opening. They all looked up and in the distance they could see a woman standing in a field with her back to them she had a white sundress on, her long brown hair blowing in the wind.

Maria gasped ‘Oh my god’ as the women turned around and knelt down to the little boy opening her arms ‘there you are’ they could hear her saying picking up the little boy and twirling him around in her arms.

They all stood there blinking unsure of what they were seeing was real, taking a step forward Max opened his mouth ‘Liz?’ As the opening closed shut.

Seven friends bolted up in their sleep, seven friends unsure of what they saw was true, seven friends unaware of what was to come.

Chapter 1

Year: 2001

She stood there looking out the employee window at the two friends laughing at the end of the bar. She brought her hands to the stomach she started to feel the tears begin to form in her eyes how can I be so selfish she thought.

Backing away she turned and ran upstairs, grabbing her backpack she took what money she had and what clothes she could. She stopped at her desk and took the pictures that she had hanging on her mirror stuffed them in her backpack and took one last look at her room.

She climbed out her window and down her balcony and ran, she ran with everything she had in her never once looking back.

4 months later

Nancy Parker stood there wiping dry a glass not really paying attention to the crowd around her. Four months earlier her only child ran away from home, leaving no words or reasons why, her daughter was out there somewhere all alone.

She looked up and glanced around the Crash Down taking in the people. She watched the group of friends that sat in their usual booth; they held the same sad expression she did.

Even thou everyone went on with life putting up strong and brave fronts inside she knew they were hurting just as she was.

Hearing the bell above the door she sighed and looked to see who just came in. Seeing her husband come in her eyes held hope, hope of good news, hope that he found her.

She looked into his eyes and saw the disappointment he wore, she knew even before he would speak the words that there was none.

Jeff Parker ran his tired hands thru his hair and started walking to his wife, she walked from behind the counter and stopped a few inches away from the group of friends sitting there.

She knew they would be eager to hear the news also. ‘Any luck?’ she asked her husband. He had thought he had a lead to where his daughter was and took off the minute he heard to follow up on it.

He wrapped his arms around his wife telling her no, pulling his wife closer to him when she began to cry ‘Where could she be?’ she wept. He sighed ‘We will find her’ he assured his wife. ‘Come on lets go upstairs’ he said leading her thru the restaurant doors.

“Four months, Four Months and still no word’ Maria cried out ‘How could she do this to us’ she said looking at everyone. Turning to Isabel ‘please try again Isabel, please’ she pleaded.

Isabel sighed ‘I told you she wont let me in, she obviously does not want to be found’ she said remembering the night she did manage to get in only to have Liz tell her to please leave and not look for her.

‘I can’ t believe she would do this to her parents’ Alex said. ‘Well maybe we don’t know her as well as we thought we did’ Max said bitterly. ‘Or maybe you did something to her’ Kyle shot back.

Max opened his mouth to respond before he could Isabel yelled ‘What the hell is going on between you two, for months now you both sit here and glare at each other’ looking at Max she went on ‘You come in here one day and just punch Kyle in the face and don’t give a reason’.

‘We don’t have time for childish behavior, one of our friends is missing, we have the skins breathing down our necks ready to attack at any time, Cant you two just stop acting like children and put what ever it is aside for one minute.’ She said.

Both mumbled ‘Fine’ but not without glaring at each other. ‘I have to get to work’ Max said standing up. ‘Be careful Max’ Tess said. ‘I will’ he hollered walking out of the door.


Liz wondered the dark streets pulling her jacket around her as much as she could, she was alone and scared she had only a few more dollars to her name. Spending night after night in hotel rooms and taking bus rides in no time the money she had was gone. She rubbed her hand over her stomach ‘I promise we will get thru this’ she said.

Sitting down on a bench next to a pay phone she looked at it, then she turned her head to the dark sky and started remembering the weeks before she left home. She and Max were at a turning point they were starting to work things out when she came back after running away from him that day in the desert.

They even made love one night after he told her he was coming for her. Then everything blew up in her face, his future self had to come back and tell her those things.

Ask her to help him fall out of love with her to save the world, how could she turn him away after all it was Max, even thou he was older she could still see her Max behind those eyes, those eyes that held so much pain behind them.

He told her if she didn’t help, people would die Michael, Isabel and their son. She rubbed her stomach again, after that she did what she had to she couldn’t let them die, especially her son.

She put her head down and started to cry, she left her friends, her home, left without even telling Max that he was going to be a father.

How could she tell him, she had pretended to sleep with Kyle just to get him to turn away from her? She knew the rumors would start soon and then the word about her being pregnant would get out and she knew they would all think it would be Kyle’s, no one knew she and Max had taken that next step in their relationship.

She cried harder she felt a hand come down on her shoulder ‘Are you okay ’ she heard, she looked up to see a woman about her age with curly reddish-brown hair.

‘Not really’ Liz said wiping her face ‘I’ll be okay thou’ she said. “Do you need help’ the girl asked staring at her.

Liz felt her stomach contracting but she ignored it and walked over to the pay phone ‘No thank you’ she said before picking up the receiver.

She dialed a number and waited for the person to pick up. ‘Hello’ she heard ‘It’s me, I need your help’ she said.

Chapter 2

“Liz, Liz is that you?’ the person asked on the other end of the phone. ‘Yes Pacey it’s me’ Liz answered closing her eyes she felt the contractions starting again.

‘Oh my god, where have you been, where are you,’ ‘Pacey’ ‘do you know your parents are going out of their mind looking for you, ‘Pacey’ she tried again ‘Liz four months and no word from you, you didn’t even call me’. ‘PACEY!’ she screamed.

‘What’ he said shutting up. ‘I need your help, can you come please’ she asked him. ‘Just tell me where are you, and I’m on my way’ Pacey answered her. He had always been there for her; they were best friends since they were three years old.

Even after she moved to Roswell they stayed best friends, they would talk once a week on the phone, they would email each other every day.

They were each others rock, they always knew what the other was thinking, but not this time she fooled him he didn’t even see the signs of trouble.

After getting directions to where she was he immediately went and packed his things taking whatever he could, some how he knew he wouldn’t be coming home anytime soon.

Pacey, don’t tell anyone you heard from me please those words struck a nerve in him, she pleaded with him not to say anything. Whatever was going on it must be something big; the Liz he knew would never act like this.

That’s when he decided he was going to be there for her no matter what the cost were, she needed him and he knew without a doubt if the tables were reversed she would do the same for him.

Walking to the door he saw his mother standing there noticing his bags “ where are you going’ she asked. ‘ I have something I need to take care of’ was all he said.

‘Does this have something to do with the phone call you just got’ He walked up to his mother and kissed her on the cheek ‘I’m sorry I have to take care of this, I will call you as soon as I can’. He turned and ran out the door before she could say anything else.

Liz hung up the phone cursing herself for calling him, she didn’t want to involve the one person that kept her sane when she needed him to, he knew about Max and the rest but she never told him of his alien status and the real reason why she loved him.

He only knew Max was a boy that had captured her heart, that he had saved her life, never explaining how he had. That was good enough for Pacey he never questioned her motives or the way she did things, he just simply accepted them.

Now she was going to have to tell him, she was going to have to drag him into this because no matter how hard she tried to fight it she needed help, she couldn’t do this alone anymore.

Calling home was out of the question, her parents would freak and tell her what a disappointment she was for letting herself get pregnant.

She couldn’t call Kyle, because even thou she knew he would go along with pretending to be the father if she told him the truth of why she used him that night she couldn’t do that to his reputation, he was dragged into the whole thing when Max Evans saved his life

She knew Michael would want her to get rid of it telling her that she had no right to bring a child into this world with everything going on, taking the risk of exposing everyone.

She wasn’t really sure what Isabel would do; Isabel was always hard to read. Tess was just unacceptable there was no way in hell of telling her anything.

Telling Max was not even a factor in her mind, he could not know because if he did she knew she would have to tell him the truth about everything about Future Max, about the end of the world.

Then everything she worked so hard on would be gone, he would forget his destiny again and she could not let that happen.

Then there was Maria and Alex, the next two most important people in her life. When she first moved to Roswell she befriended Maria and Alex instantly. They just seemed to click, she knew they would be there if she called them but she couldn’t do that.

Alex and Isabel were just starting out; Maria had Michael she couldn’t ask her friends to give up their lives for her mistakes. She couldn’t divide them just when they found happiness.

So the only one she had left was Pacey, and inside she knew that when he find out the truth he would still be there, not judge her like the others would.

Breaking out of her thoughts and feeling the contractions getting stronger she knew that tonight her son was coming. She had to get somewhere safe, somewhere that she could have this baby.

Suddenly feeling more alone than she ever did she started praying that someone would answer her prayer and send her someone who would help her right now.

The redhead watched Liz, and knew that she was about to give birth. She knew about Antarians, she knew what was to come once this baby was born. This was the moment she had been waiting for; she was bound by a sacred oath to protect that heir.

She was not to going to fail, she would give up her own life to protect him, she would teach him what needed to be done when the time came. Now the only problem was on how to get the mother to believe her.

The redhead unsure of how she should approach the subject, she knew who Liz was and the risk involved, but instead of just blurting it out she decided to take it slow ‘Let me get you a hospital’ she said walking up and putting an arm around Liz. ‘NO’ Liz screamed ‘I can’t go to the hospital, anywhere but there’.

‘Okay we can go where I’m staying,’ she said as she helped Liz into her car. ‘It’s to soon, it’s to soon’ Liz kept repeating to herself holding her stomach. Glancing at the redhead driving she kept thinking how is she going to get thru this, god she was having an alien’s baby what if he wasn’t normal how was she going to explain this.

As the girl helped her into the room the pain just kept getting worse. ‘Something’s wrong, I can feel it’ Liz started screaming. ‘Ok Liz, everything is going to be okay I am going to help you get thru this’. ‘How do you know my name’ Liz asked. The girl ignored her question and went to retrieve some supplies.


The group was standing at the rock quarry, they were talking about the latest events, it seemed the skins were becoming more of a threat and they needed to start taking some action. ‘We can’t just sit here’ Michael protested.

“Michael we don’t even know where to look’ Isabel stated. ‘I say we find that blonde Michael worshipper and force it out of her’ Maria said. She was still pissed at him over the Courtney thing. She went over to her house out of fear of Michael when she found a picture of him in her locker.

When she got there Michael was already there and so was Courtney wearing nothing but a towel she was devastated. Michael explained to her what he was doing and that he found out she was a skin, but that still didn’t get him off for making out with her.

After that they had found a shrine of Michael in her apartment and discovered pictures taken of him at his apartment. They had been staking the place out ever since trying to find her.

‘She’s probably left town already’ Kyle said. ‘Please she’s in love with Michael, she hasn’t gone anywhere’. Maria said. All of a sudden Max grabbed his stomach and doubled over in pain falling to his knees. “What the hell’ Michael said running over to him.

Helping Max up ‘What the hell was that about’ he asked. Max still grabbing his stomach ‘I don’t know I just felt like I got kicked in the gut.’ bent over and sat down on the rocks feeling the pain come again he screamed ‘What is happening’.

‘Max’ Isabel screamed seeing her brother in pain ran over to him ‘what happened, why are you in so much pain’? Max tried to shake it off ‘I don’t know, I just keep getting this sharp pain in my stomach’.

As the pain hit him one more time, the lightening started dancing in the night sky and in the distance you could see a small symbol appear in the sky. Maria gasped when she looked up and saw it ‘Um, Guys; she said pointing to it ‘What is that?’

What they didn’t know that was at the same time, a smaller symbol was glowing brightly somewhere else.


As she walked back into the room she made Liz lay down ‘It looks like this baby is coming tonight, I can help you I am going to look and see how far along you are’. Liz feeling completely helpless just closed her eyes and grinded her teeth as another contraction hit her.

‘OWW’ Liz screamed ‘It hurts to much, I can’t do this’. The girl checked her out and frowned she saw the reason why she was in so much pain. Well no way I can hide it now she thought to herself. Watching as Liz’s eyes got big when her hand went to her stomach ‘Liz the baby is backwards, I have to turn him around before I let you start pushing.’

She placed her hand on Liz’s stomach and closed her eyes she started concentrating, a small glow appearing underneath her hand. Liz started to freak out when she saw the glow ‘you are one of them aren’t you, who are you, get away from me.’ She started screaming as she pushed her hand away.

The girl looked at Liz ‘yes I am, its to long of a story to go into right now, but I am not going to hurt you I am here to help you’. Trying to fight the pain and the now freighting feeling that she was getting’ You came for my baby didn’t you’ she said screaming at her.

‘Liz, Liz please I can explain everything, but we need to get this baby delivered’. Feeling trapped by the fast coming contractions Liz had no choice but to let her help. Liz watched as the girl placed her hand back over her stomach and the glowing start up again.

After a few minutes the girl checked again, ok Liz I want you to wait for the contractions to start then push for two minutes. After several minutes of pushing ‘Ok I can see the head’ the girl said. ‘It will all be over soon Liz’.

‘AGHH’ Liz screamed while she bit her lip pushing. The room filled with light as her shoulder started to glow a bright blue. Liz didn’t really pay attention to as she gave one final push, after a few minutes she could hear the beautiful screams of her son. The girl cut the imbecile cord and wrapped up the little boy, walking over and handing him to his mother ‘Do you have a name for him’? She asked.

Liz sat up and laid the baby down undoing the blanket she took in every feature of him, tracing his little fingers and his little toes, noticing that he had a head full of dark brown hair already. She smiled and said ‘hello Alexander Maxwell Parker’.

‘He’s beautiful isn’t he’ Liz asked the girl. She took her hand out and wrapped her finger around his little ones ‘Yes he is’ leaning in she whispered ‘Hello Alexander, its nice to meet you I am Serena your protector’.

She's going to be a friend of yours one day Those words popped into Liz’s mind immediately when she heard that name. Looking up at redhead she couldn’t help but wonder if those words would hold true.

Chapter 3

‘What are you talking about, Protector?’ Liz questioned her as she pulled the baby closer to her. Serena sighed she knew she had a lot to explain but she knew that Liz needed some rest also.

She met Liz’s eyes ‘There is a lot to tell you, I promise to tell you everything but you need to rest first’.

‘No, I want to know now what does he need protection from’. Liz argued with her. ‘Well he is the heir’ Liz’s eyes got huge ‘How do you know that?’ she asked.

“ I know a lot, and I am here t o make sure the chosen one stays safe until the time is right’ Serena told her.

‘Chosen one? What the hell is he chosen for’ Liz continued to argue. Serina sighed ‘Liz please rest right now you just had a baby, I promise I will explain everything you are safe with me’.

Liz closed her eyes for a brief moment. ‘I cant I have to meet someone’ she said trying to stand up.

Serina pushed her back onto the bed ‘Rest, I will go get whoever it is and bring them back here’. Giving into defeat because her body would just not move.

Liz sighed ‘Okay you have to meet him here’ giving her the directions ‘His name is Pacey, and please he doesn’t know what’s going on don’t say anything to him’.

‘I wont tell him anything’ Serina said picking up her keys she walked out of the door. Liz pulled Alexander closer to her and watched him as he slept, placing him into the crook of her arm she closed her eyes and gave into the sleep.


The seven of them stared up into the sky ‘What is that?’ Maria asked again. ‘Looks like the symbol that was on the orb we found last year’ Max said.

‘What does that mean, is another alien trying to make contact’ Alex asked. ‘I don’t know’ Isabel said starting to get worried ‘did you notice the sky right before the symbol appeared’.

‘No’ Michael said ‘We were kind of occupied’ pointing to Max, he turned and looked at Max ‘How are you feeling now’ he asked. Max shook his head ‘I feel fine now, I don’t know what happened’.

Looking at Isabel ‘The lightening in the sky looked like it was dancing’ she said. ‘Do you think there is a connection between Max getting the pain and the sky?’ Tess asked.

‘I don’t know’ Max answered ‘but whatever just happened we need to keep our eyes and ears open, that means everyone’.

Looking at everyone ‘I think it will be safer if none of us go anywhere alone, always make sure you have someone with you’.

‘We have to be prepared for whatever is about to happen’ Max said. Michael picked up a rock and threw it out over the quarry ‘Great we don’t even know what it is that we have to be prepared for’.


Nicholas held his communicator in his hand walking into the room ‘Change of plans Nicholas’ he heard. ‘Khivar what is your orders’ he answered. ‘A symbol appeared in the sky tonight, it could only mean that a child of that stupid king was born, I want you to go to Roswell and invesgate it’.

“What about the Harvest’ Nicholas asked. ‘Take a few with you; report back to me on anything you find out, I want that child Nicholas’. Nicholas let out a sigh ‘Yes sir’ he said shutting the communicator off.

Walking out to tell the group he screamed ‘I hate this god forsaking planet’. Nicholas walked up to Greer ‘Stay here and keep an eye out on the Harvest, I will be back in a couple of days’ he turned and starting mumbling again about stupid humans.


Serina pulled up into the parking lot of the café that Liz told her to meet Pacey at. Seeing that she still had a while to wait she slid into the booth and ordered a cup of coffee and a bottle of Tabasco sauce. The waitress just looked at her funny then turned to get her order.

Taking out her cell phone she dialed and waited. ‘Hello’ she heard on the other end. ‘It’s me Serina, its done the heir was born tonight do you have any information’. The voice on the other end answered ‘something is going on, Nicholas just ordered a few people to go with him to Roswell’.

Serina placed her forefinger and thumb between her eyes pinching her nose ‘Not good’ she said ‘make sure you are on that team that goes and keep me informed on what is going on, we can’t let Nicholas find the heir’.

“Why is she not with the King’ he asked. ‘I don’t know I’m working on it I don’t think she is going to come right out and tell me, call me as soon as you have something’ she said and hung up.

‘Anything else’ the waitress asked as she put her coffee down. ‘No thank you’ Serina said.

Serina sat there drumming her fingers on the table three cups of coffee and an hour later. She was getting anxious that this person hadn’t shown up yet. She heard the bell go off above the door and she noticed a brown hair gentlemen walk in.

She saw him glance around looking for someone, he met her eyes and she found herself staring back into the clearest blue eyes she had ever seen. She felt her heartbeat pick up some and quickly lowered her eyes.

She watched as he sat down at the counter and starting rotating back and forth in the chair scanning the café. That must be himhe thought and got up to walk towards him. She slid into the chair next to him saying ‘Hi’.

The redhead surprised Pacey; he couldn’t help but stare into her green eyes. Swallowing the lump in his throat he managed to get ‘hi’ out. Serina asked him smiling ‘You wouldn’t happen to be Pacey would you?’

Still starting at her he didn’t her ask ‘Do I have something on my face?’ Snapping back into reality he studderd ‘Yes, no-,’ Serina laughed out loud ‘Well which is it?’ Pacey feeling embarrassed now ‘I’m sorry, No you don’t have anything on your face and yes my name is Pacey’.

Extending her hand she said ‘I’m Serena, I am a friend of Liz’s she asked me to come get you’. Pacey’s smile got bigger ‘Well then by all means, take me away’ he said. Serina looked at him funny at first then just laughed ‘come on, lets go’.

Pacey let out a whistle pulling up to the house “Wow, nice house you live here?’ Serina laughed ‘No it belongs to a friend of mine who’s out of town’. Walking in the door he set his bags down by the door and took in the surroundings around him

Serina smiled “Come on I’ll take you to Liz she may be resting thou’. Serina let Pacey to the back room was Liz was and opened the door. Pacey looked and ran over to Liz ‘Liz oh my god I am so glad to see you’.

Liz held up her finger motioning to Alex sleeping beside her. Pacey looked at the baby then back at Liz ‘Sorry’ he said looking back at the baby again and once more at Liz ‘You have a baby?’ he asked. Liz nodded her head ‘This is Alexander’ she said.

Serina stood in the doorway watching the two friends unite when Liz looked up at her she held her gaze for a minute ‘I am going to just go to the store and get some things’ she said backing away. Pacey watched Serina leave then turned to Liz ‘So is this the reason you ran away?’

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2003 8:41 am
by Itzstacie
Chapter 4

Pacey stared at Liz waiting for an answer, Liz lowered her head ‘part of it’ she said. Liz trying to switch the subject asked ‘So how have you been?’

Pacey knew Liz was trying to avoid the subject ‘been well, so where’s the father’ He asked.

Avoiding him again Liz stood up ‘Can you watch him for a minute please, I really need to take a shower.’ She started walking towards the door and felt kind of dizzy.

Pacey noticed her swaying jumped up ‘Do you need some help’ he asked. ‘I will be okay, I just had a baby takes a lot of you’ she said.

Pacey helped her to sit down while he grabbed some clothes that Serina had left out for her ‘You know I could help you’.

Liz smiled ‘No I don’t think, besides letting you see me naked might scare you for life’. Pacey laughed ‘ Not possible, besides I’ve already seen you naked remember’ Liz laughed out loud ‘Pacey seeing me naked at 4 years old doesn’t count’.

Pacey laughed ‘our mothers what were they thinking, but I wasn’t talking about then remember when I came down for the summer and I walked in on you and Maria’. “Oh god, How could I forget that I thought Maria was going to die right then and there’ Liz laughed.

Pacey handed her the clothes ‘Yea I think that scared me for life walking in on you two dancing around in your bra and panties’ Pacey chuckled ‘How is Deluca by the way?’ he asked.

Liz hugged the clothes to her ‘Oh, um she’s doing fine I guess’ she said getting up.

“She doesn’t know where you are either?’ he asked. Liz stopped and looked at him ‘No, look I’m going to go clean up before he wakes up’ and she walked out the door.

2 weeks later

‘Hi Sheriff what can I get you’ Maria asked Jim as he sat down at the counter ‘Just some coffee this morning thanks’ putting his thermos down. Maria picked up his thermos and started to fill it she heard the bell and moaned when a group of people walked in.

Her feet were killing her; she had been taken on double shifts ever since Liz ran away. She was pissed at Liz for doing what she did, she didn’t even tell her what was going on they were suppose to be best friends.

Handing the thermos to the sheriff she walked over to the group that just walked in. ‘Welcome to the Crash down I’m Maria your waitress what can I get you’. The boy who looked like he was about 14 eyed her up and down ‘A burger and fries’ he answered.

Maria took the rest of the orders and rolled her eyes as she walked away ‘what a creep’ she thought.

She looked up to see Kyle and Alex come in and walk over to their usual booth. She walked over there and plopped her butt down.

‘Man my feet are killing me’ she said. Alex laughed ‘maybe you can get space boy over there to give you a foot massage when your shift is over’ Kyle just laughed.

“Maria, foods not going to wait all day for you’ Michael screamed from behind the grill. Maria sighed and got up to get the orders.

Nancy walked in from the back ‘Maria why don’t you take a break, ill cover for you a minute’ Maria smiled ‘thank you so much Mrs. Parker’.

‘Maria its Nancy please, and I want to thank you for all your help, I know its been hard since since’ Maria could see the tears starting to form in Nancy’s eyes.

Maria put her arms around her and squeezed her ‘I know, she’s going to come home one day we cant give up hope’ Nancy hugged her back ‘you were a great friend Maria, and I want you to know that we are looking to hire someone so she can take the load off of you’.

Maria smiled ‘thank you’ but in the back of her mind she couldn’t help but think must not have been that great of a friend if she ran off without saying anything. Maria let go and walked back over to Alex and Kyle and sat down.

Walking fast Jeff came from the back heading straight for his wife. ‘Nancy I just got a phone call ’ Nancy’s eyes lit up ‘Was it Liz?’ she asked. ‘No’ Jeff said ‘Hold on let me get Jim this might be a lead for us’.

Jeff walked over and caught the sheriff before he left, the walked back over to where Nancy was standing. They looked up to see Isabel walk in and sit down next to Alex. Jeff turned to Nancy ‘Michelle just called me’.

Nancy looked at her husband as he continued on ‘She said Pacey got a phone call two weeks ago, he said he was going to help a friend and she hasn’t heard from him since’. ‘Do you think Liz might have called this Pacey kid’ Jim asked.

‘Oh Jeff do you think its possible’ Nancy asked. Jeff wrapped his arm around his wife ‘I don’t know but if she did at least we know she will be safe, Pacey would never let anything happen to her’.

‘Do you have a picture of him’ Jim asked Jeff. ‘I think I do, hold on ill be right back’ he headed upstairs to retrieve the picture.

Isabel sat down in the booth looking at Maria, Kyle and Alex ‘So who’s Pacey’ she asked. Maria thrown off by her question ‘Pacey’? She asked.

Isabel pointed to where Jeff was walking back to with something in his hand ‘They were talking about someone named Pacey’

‘Pacey, oh my god why didn’t we think of that sooner Alex’ Maria said hitting him on his arm ‘Ow, Maria’ Alex said rubbing his arm ‘Pacey is like Liz’s childhood friend from where they used to live’ he answered Isabel. ‘Oh, well it looks like he is missing to’ Isabel answered.

Max and Tess stood outside of Whitakers office scanning the sidewalks Max used his powers and opened the door ‘We have to be quick’ he said.

They moved about the office looking for anything they could find, Tess eye’s landed on a letter sitting on the late governors desk, ‘Max look at this’ she said. Max walked over to where she was.

‘The postmark says Copper Summit. It's from something called the Universal Friendship League’ she said handing him the envelope ‘marked personal".

Max opened up the letter "Dear member: Your failure to report as scheduled violates protocol. We must receive word by the 25th of this month or terminate your membership, effective that date."

Max looked up at Tess ‘That's when they say she died’ she said, Max rubbed his hand thru his hair ‘looks like we are going to Arizona’ he said.

Chapter 5

Maria and Michael sat at the lookout point, hoping Courtney would make an appearance. Maria was still pissed at him for making out with her.

When are you going to get off this? He asked her. She looked at him ‘Not for a very, very long time, Mikey G.’ she said. He started to get pissed ‘Look nothing happened between the two of us’.

Maria started picking the fingernail polish off her fingers ‘look she’s not going to show up now, we haven’t seen her in a couple of weeks I think she booked’

Michael shook his head ‘No dice. She wouldn't do that. She's obsessed with me.’

Maria just rolled her eyes’ well, I guess that makes 2 of you, then, doesn't it?’ Michael ignoring her went back to looking out his bichonlars ‘ she'll show up sooner or later.’

‘How 'bout sooner?’ they heard, they turned their heads to see Courtney standing behind them. Michael jumped up immediately with his hand stretched out front.

‘ Whoa! Hey, truce.’ Courtney screamed. Michael moved closer to her ‘Don’t Move’ he said.

Courtney put her hands up ‘ don’t worry. I won't. You're watching the building. You figured out where I'd be from the pictures. That's very good, Mikey G. You're everything I thought you'd be and more’ she said.

Maria was starting to get slightly irritated’ Oh, please! Do your lips not get chapped from all the ass-kissing?’ Michael motioned to Courtney ‘Sit down’ Courtney moved over to where the chair was ‘Anything you say’ and sat down.

Michael walked over to Maria standing by her he asked ‘ So you're a skin, like Whitaker’. Courtney amused by his question ‘ How'd you get on to Whitaker?’

Maria started to get tired of the cat and mouse game and moved closer to her’ We're asking the questions here, ok? Now, why are you in Roswell? Where's the rest of your evil army? And most of all, why are you obsessed with my good-looking, if badly groomed boyfriend?’

Courtney ran her fingers thru her hair ‘I'm not obsessed with him, ok? I follow him in the...political sense. "Our leader?’ Maria asked.

Courtney could see that she was getting to Maria ‘ we're not with the other skins. We're renegades who believe that if you were in charge instead of Max in the first place, that none of this would have ever happened.’

‘What are you talking about? In charge of what?’ Michael asked completely baffled. Courtney let out a breath “Our planet, Michael. You don't remember any of this, do you?”

Michael shook his head ‘Suppose you tell me’. Maria put in her two sense as well “Yeah, the short version, please.’

Courtney looked at the both of them “The short that our planet was on the brink of a golden age, and then it all fell apart. You were the one who could have united our planet, pulled together the warring factions, brought peace. But you weren't on the throne.”

“Max’? Michael asked Courtney shook her head yes ‘you wouldn't betray him. That loyalty cost your lives and those of everyone you loved. Please, just don't let history repeat itself. You're the one we need. You're our leader, our salvation’.

Maria rolled her eyes thinking I cant believe this pulling Michael closer to her and screaming in his ear ‘Michael, if you can hear me now over the sound of your rapidly inflating ego, could you please tell me that you do not believe what this...this Michael-worshipper here has to say?’

Michael shook his head ‘No...No...No way. No, this is just part of your plan to divide and conquer.’ Courtney sighed, ” I knew you weren't ready to hear this.”

“What's in Copper Summit, Arizona? ‘ Michael asked getting tired of the whole I should be in charge thing; Courtney shrugged her shoulders “Copper Summit's just some old tourist trap”.

Michael looked at her funny and asked her ‘What's there’? Courtney shook her head “I'd stay away from there’. ‘ Why?’ Maria asked.

‘Let's just say there aren't any Michael-worshippers in Copper Summit’ Courtney said. Michael looked at the both of them pulling Courtney up and leading her to the door ‘Let’s go’ he said.

The three drove down the street in the jetta. Courtney looked out the window’ Oh my god, what is he doing here’. Maria turned and looked to see who Courtney was looking at ‘who that kid? She asked.

‘That kid, is no kid’ Courtney started ‘That is Nicholas, he’s the head of the skins, Khivars second in command’ ‘Who is Khivar?’ Michael asked.

‘The man who presently sits on Max’s throne, he’s the one who killed all of you in your previous life’ Courtney said. Michael looked out the window to see this Nicholas was’.

Michael turned back to the others ‘we will deal with him when we get back, we need to get to Copper Summit to warn Max’.


Max, Isabel, Kyle and Tess drove thru the town ‘Man this place is deader than a doornail’ Kyle said. ‘Its to quiet I don’t like it’ Tess said.

Max pulled up to building where they saw someone standing outside ‘Excuse me’ he said. The Local looked at him ‘Help you?” The local said.

Isabel popped her head up and asked him ‘Yeah, this is Copper Summit?’ The Local wiped his hands on the rag he was holding responding ‘Yee-haw’.

Isabel rose her eyebrow to him ‘Where's the main drag?’ she asked. The local shook his head ‘Lookin at it’.

Max turned his head ‘The tour guide made it sound like..’ The local shook his again ‘that must be an old tour guide. 46 miles from the interstate, 63 from the nearest Ho-Jo's. This town's dead as a doornail.’

Kyle laughed ‘that’s what I said’. Tess hit him in the arm ‘shh’ she said.

Max looked back at them and then back at the local “Actually, we're looking for the Universal Friendship League.’

The Local raised his eyebrow ‘Here for the harvest, then?’ “Harvest’ Isabel asked. The local looked at the four teenagers in the jeep getting suspicious ‘ Uh, Friendship League's a members-only outfit. Very hush-hush. They don't like outsiders.

Isabel held the letter up that Max and Tess took from Whitakers office ‘Actually, we've been invited.’ The local cracked a smile ‘That right?’ he asked. Isabel smiled back ’ Yeah’.

He pointed towards the end of the street ‘It ain't hard to find. Big old building.’ Max pointed in the direction he was looking “ Stay on this street?’ The local looked at him like he was stupid” Well, I did say this was the main drag, didn't I?’

Max just shook his head yes ‘Thank you’ he said and took off. The local took out his cell phone and placed a called ‘ 4 on the way. Non-members’ he said and hung up.

Max pulled up to a building that had the initials UFC on the front of it. Isabel started to get out of the jeep “I’ll go’ she said.

Max grabbed her hand and turned to look at Kyle and Tess “Wait. We all have to watch our step. From this point on, trust only each other. Be aware, be careful, and don't go anywhere alone. All right?’

Serina decided it was time to tell Liz what she knew and agreed to take a walk with her. Leaving Alexander with Pacey the two headed out.

Once they got to the park Serina was surprised when Liz started with the questions ‘Why have you never made yourself known before?’ Serina looked at her ‘Well, there really wasn’t any reason for me to, my job is to protect the heir not the royal four’.’

“Why, why is my son so important’ Liz asked. Serina looked at her ‘It has to do with a prophecy that was set forth a long time ago, he will be the one to bring peace to both worlds’.

Liz looked at her ‘Can you tell me why I have this’ she said pointing to the symbol that was branded on her.

Serina’s eyes got big ‘I didn’t actually think that myth was true’ Liz looked at her ‘What Myth’ Serina smiled ‘well my father used to tell me stories when Antarians mate they mated for life, there is a myth about the royals branding their mates bonding them, I can check more into it if you like’.

Those words started to make Liz’s head spin mate, life, bonding It didn’t make any sense if they mated for life then why did FM tell her they couldn’t be together. Liz looked at Serina ‘If I tell you something, will you help me’.

Serina shook her head ‘I will do whatever I can’. Sitting down Liz tried to figure out how to start this so she just said the first thing she could think of ‘Serina, do you know anything about Time Traveling?’

Serina just looked at her ‘No, should I?’ Liz proceeded to tell Serina everything about Future Max including how she was going to become a friend to Liz.

Afterwards Serina sat there for a few minutes taking it all in.
‘So that’s why you left isn’t it’? Serina asked. Liz shook her head yes; it was Serina’s turn to start pacing ‘Your right it doesn’t make any sense’. Liz stood up ‘we have to go back to Roswell’.

Serina looked at her ‘No its not safe, there are people there looking for your son’ ‘Who’ Liz asked.

Serina shook her head ‘bad people, and if they get their hands on him they will try and turn him to their advantage. ‘’But what about the others’ Liz asked ‘I have someone on the inside, Liz they are better off not knowing about your son for the time being’.

‘I have someone who is watching what is going on in Roswell, someone very powerful is there now looking for Alexander he wont hurt anyone until he has the information he needs and if they don’t know anything they cant tell him anything’ Serina said.

Liz was trying to take all this in it was just too much to accept, ‘ I want you and the baby to come with me to Colorado’ Serina said.
Liz tucked a strand of hair behind her ear ‘Colorado’ she asked.

Serina looked at her ‘yes come with me there is people there, they might know what to do about this future Max that came to you, and can help with the mark you have, besides its where the rest of Xan’s protectors are’ Liz shook her head ‘Rest? How many does he have’ she asked.

Serina smiled ‘well there is 3 more all focusing in different parts of his powers’ stopping Liz and turning to face her ‘Liz you have to understand, his powers are going to be extremely powerful, more powerful than the royal four put together’.

Liz’s eyes got huge ‘that powerful huh’? She asked. Serina looked at her ‘his powers wont start showing until he’s 2 but, put it this way Liz by the time he reaches 16 he could wipe out half of Texas if he wanted to’.

Liz felt like she was going to pass out,Serina could sense Liz getting nervous ‘Look Liz, I know that all of this is overwhelming to you right now, and you are having a hard time believing all of this, I hope in time you can trust l me, but in the meantime I want you to know that I will protect Alexander with my life and so will the others’.

Liz couldn’t help the tears forming in her eyes she crouched down ‘ I just don’t understand why he cant live a normal life away from all of this’. Serina knelt down beside her ‘He’s not normal Liz, he never will be and there are people out there willing to do whatever they have to get him once they find out about him’.

‘He wears the mark, that proves he’s the heir’ referring to the V shape tattoo on his left shoulder. Serina continued ‘you can’t hide who he is, but you can come with me, let me and the others help you prepare him for what’s to come’. ‘Is his mark going to glow to’ Liz asked.

Serina shook her head no ‘it will stay like it is, looking just like freckles the only way it will become active is if something happens to his father, its just there to prove who he is’.

Helping Liz stand up ‘I’m sorry I not really able to answer all of your questions, or know what exactly is going to happen I am still learning myself, but I am sure of knowing that I will protect Alexander with my life’ Serina said.

Liz sighed ‘I guess we can learn as we go, so when do we leave’ Serina looked at her ‘leave’? Liz shook her head ‘for Colorado’ she said. Serina smiled ‘whenever you want to’.

The two started to head back to the house Serina looked at her ‘Can I ask you something’ she said. “Sure’ Liz said ‘What are you going to do about Pacey, I take it he doesn’t know about any of this’.

Liz stopped for a minute ‘ I don’t really know, I mean he’s been my best friend since I was three years old, and he’s been a god sent the last couple of weeks, I would really like him to come with me but I guess its up to him’.

Serina looked at him ‘you do realize that if he comes with us, there is no way we can keep hiding it’. Liz shook her head ‘I know I just don’t know how well he would react to it all. Serina smiled ‘try him out, he seems like he would stick by you no matter what’.

Liz noticed the gleam in Serinas eyes when she talked about Pacey ‘You like him don’t you’ Liz asked her. Serina blushed ‘well I um he’s really sweet’ she managed to get out, Liz just smiled.

They headed back to the house ‘you know there is one thing I know that your future Max told you was true’ Serina said. ‘What is that’ Liz said Serina smiled ‘That I was going to be a friend of yours one day’

‘I think you may be right’ Liz smiled as they walked thru the door the stopped short when they heard Pacey screaming ‘UGHHHH’, they took of running and stopped when they got to the bedroom.

They saw Alexander laying on the changing table naked and Pacey running into the bathroom ‘What happened’ Liz asked walking over to Alexander.

Pacey came back out with a toothbrush in his mouth scrubbing his mouth while his other hand waved about “I was talking to him while I changed his diaper and he, he Peed in my mouth’ Liz and Serina busted out laughing. ‘Its not funny’ Pacey said as he scrubbed his mouth hard with the toothbrush ‘its gross’.

Liz looked down to see Alexander with a smile on his face laughing, putting a clean diaper on him and picking him up ‘that’s my boy’ she said while planting kisses on top of his head.

Chapter 6

Michael pushed the gas pedal down harder speeding down the highway ‘this is a huge mistake, you’re gonna get yourself killed’. Courtney yelled.

Michael shook his head ‘Yeah, well, that's my problem’ he snapped. Courtney threw her hands up ”I didn't spend 50 years finding you so that you could throw your life away out of misplaced loyalty’.

Maria turned to look at her in the back seat ’50 years?’ she asked. Courtney smirked at her ’Yeah, we came here in 1950. Do the math’

Maria turned her nose up at her “So, what? That would make you 65, 70? You're old enough to be Michael's grandmother. I just...I love that. I do’.
Courtney rolled her eyes ‘Hey, husks don’t age.

Maria looked at her questionably ‘Husks?’ she asked. Courtney pointed to herself Yeah, me. My skin...this thing that I'm wearing. It never ages’.

Maria rolled her eyes back at her ‘What is your point’? Courtney leaned in closer to her ‘the point is, I’ve been a babe for 50 years. What are you gonna look like in 50 years from now?’

Michael looked at the two of them bickering shaking his head he yelled ‘would you two let it go? You're giving me a headache. Yeah, what the hell is a husk?’

Courtney turned her attention to him ‘It’s basically a shell, it protects us from the environment’, Michael shook his head unsure of what she was talking about ‘Like a space suit’? He asked.

Courtney shook her head yes ‘Yeah. This planet's atmosphere is hostile to our race. The husks are a life form technology that we can genetically manipulate to resemble human bodies. Our relationship to it is essentially parasitic’.

Maria getting grossed out she asked ‘Your skin is alive?’ Courtney rolled her eyes again ‘Like the trees are alive’. Thinking back to the piece of skin she had found when they were looking thru Courtney’s apartment she asked ‘So, what’s with the peeling?’

Courtney answered ‘They’re good for maybe 50 years, but the husks are dying’. Michael brought a smile to his face thinking that this is going to be easier than he thought ‘Well, if all the skins in Copper Summit are about to die, then all we have to do is wait them out. If the husks die, we're home free, right? He said.

Courtney sat there in silence, when she didn’t answer right away Maria looked back at her ‘ Ok, what are you not telling us? Courtney bit her bottom lip ‘The Harvest’.

Max and Isabel walked up to the building, she raised her hand and rang the bell after a few minutes a man dressed in a suit opened the door. Isabel stared at the man before speaking ‘ I'm sorry; we didn't mean to bother you. We're looking for a Mr. Greer, the senior coordinator?’

He looked at the two teenagers standing before him before nodding his head ‘ Yeah, that's me. T. Greer. Welcome to Copper Summit. "All kidding aside, it's a wild ride."

Isabel started to walk in the door ‘ Could we come in for just a minute and talk to...’ she started to ask but was stopped when a hand went up in her face ‘Uh...we're a private organization. Members only’ He said.

Max looked at him ‘ What exactly is the Universal Friendship League?’ Geer raised his brow to him ‘The friendship league is a private organization, and we ask all our valued visitors to avail themselves of all the tourist opportunities here in Copper Summit and to grant us our privacy’.

Looking back to the street Max asked him ‘ Coming through town, it seemed like all the tourist attractions were closed.’

Greer starting to get slightly irritated ‘Then maybe the best thing to do is just head on down the highway. Try Tombstone. I ought to be going.’

He started to shut the door but Isabel stopped him ‘What’s the Vilandra project?’ she asked. He looked at her ‘I wouldn’t know’

Max and Isabel stared at him for a minute ‘Well thank you for your time’ Max said. ‘No Problem’ Greer said as he slammed the door.

Greer walked into the hallway he pulled out his phone and dialed, when Nicholas answered the phone he started in on him ‘I thought you were suppose to be watching them’ he questioned. Nicholas answered ‘I am watching them’

‘Oh really’ Greer said ‘then why the hell are they here in Copper Summit, they are going to ruin everything’. Nicholas cursed at himself ‘Keep an eye out on them, make sure they leave town’ ‘and if they don’t ‘ Greer asked.

Nicholas smiled on his end ‘then kill them’ he said disconnecting the call.
Max and Isabel walked back to the jeep and got in ‘any luck’ Tess asked.

Shaking his head no Max looked at them ‘something is going on, I say lets do a little site seeing’ Pulling off onto the road they drove down a few blocks and hid the jeep in an alley.

‘Stay together’ Max said looking at the other three. They walked down the streets ducking behind anything they could find. ‘ What are we doing’ Isabel asked.

Max brought up his finger to silence her, he poked his head out and saw Greer leaving the building ‘we are going to follow Greer’ he said.
After a few minutes of following him, they saw Greer go into a building that looked like a barn.

Hearing footsteps coming they quickly ducked into a nearby building. They flew behind some boxes when they heard someone come into the building that they were in.

The footsteps getting closer Max threw his shield up, Tess started to close her eyes preparing to hide them with a mind wrap when she heard Michael ‘Max”?.

Max let his shield down and Isabel screamed ‘Jesus Michael you scared the crap out of us’.

‘Sorry I saw you four sneak in here, what are you doing in here anyways’ Michael asked.

Max stepped out from behind the boxes ‘following someone, what are you doing here’. He asked.

Michael smiled ‘I brought a present’ he said stepping aside so the others could see Courtney ‘What is she doing here’ hissed Tess.

‘She is going to help up get rid of the skins’ Michael said. ‘We can get rid of them by ourselves ‘Kyle spoke up.

“OH Really, and what are you going to do talk their heads off about Buddhism’ Courtney shot out. Kyle glared at her ‘well then miss high and mighty how do you suppose we kill them’.

Courtney turned around and raised her shirt lifting a piece of skin on her back to reveal a silver looking button she said ‘find the hardest thing you can and hit them here, it destroys the husks completely’.

Maria turned up her nose ‘that is just so gross’ she said Isabel couldn’t help but smile.

‘Husks?’ Tess asked. ‘Oh not again’ Maria threw her arms up in the air and screamed everyone looked at her ‘its their disgusting suits that they wear to protect them, only it doesn’t last long and that’s why they peel’.

‘Can we just get this over with ‘Isabel said.

Courtney pointed to the building that Greer had went into ‘we need to get inside that building’.


Liz sat there waiting for Pacey to come out of the bathroom after brushing his teeth for the tenth time. She couldn’t help but smile when he walked out ‘You think that was funny didn’t you’ he asked.

Liz couldn’t help but laugh, ‘you have admit he got you good’. ‘Yea, yea’ Pacey said plopping down next to her ‘so where is the little squirt at’ Liz smiled ‘Serina took him to lay down he fell asleep’.

Liz sat there biting on her bottom lip trying to find a way to bring up the subject of moving. Pacey looked at her ‘what’s up, you got that I need to talk to you but don’t know how to look’. Liz smiled ‘you really do know me don’t you’.

Pacey sat up ‘Liz you know you can tell me anything’. Liz shook her head ‘Um, Serina wants me and Alexander to come live with her in Colorado and im going’.

Pacey looked at her ‘What about home?’

Liz put her head down ‘Pacey I cant go home right now, there is to much that is going on, I want to tell you everything but I don’t want to put your life at risk’.

Pacey raised his eyebrow ‘what is going on Liz, we never used to keep things from each other, and what is it that it is so bad that you cant go home your parents are worried about you’.

Liz got up and started pacing ‘There are bad people after Alexander, people that would hurt him if they found him, I have to protect my son God I want to tell you so much about everything but I cant its not fair’.

Liz slumped down and started crying, she hated the fact that she brought Pacey here. Pacey got up and crouched down to put his arms around her ‘shh, its okay Liz you can tell me when you are ready’ Liz clung to him harder ‘I’m so sorry Pacey, I should have never called you’.

Pacey pulled her chin up to look at her ‘don’t you ever say that, I am glad that you did I was going out of mind when they told me you were missing’.

Liz wiped the tears from her eyes ‘you can go home if you want to, I promise to keep in touch with you this time.’

Pacey looked at her ‘are you kidding, im going with you’. Liz looked up at ‘Pacey you don’t’ he stopped her ‘if you think your son is in danger, then I am going to be there to make sure he’s not’. Liz hugged him tighter ‘god I love you’ she said.

He knew what she meant they always had this love but more of a brother sister type relationship than anything else.’ So when do we leave?’ he asked. Liz stood up ‘I’m not sure I have to talk to Serina, but it will probably be soon’.

Liz noticed the smile come across his face when she mentioned Serina ‘you like her don’t you’ she asked. Pacey smiled ‘I do, I don’t know why but she’s just so different from anyone I have ever met.

Liz couldn’t help but think more than you know. ‘Promise me one thing’ Pacey said Liz looked at him and shook her head yes ‘well actually two things’ he said smiling.

Liz waited for him to finish ‘first you will at least call your parents or someone and let them know your okay’ Liz put her head down ‘I’ll have to think about that one what’s the second thing’ she asked.

‘That you will have enough faith in me to tell me everything when we get to Colorado, I wont pressure or bug you about it till then’ Pacey said. ‘Okay’ Liz said.

Chapter 7

The seven of them watched until a couple of people leave the building, looking at the others Max said ‘Stay here’ pointing to Michael, Courtney, Maria and Isabel. ‘We three will go check it out ‘ pointing to himself, Tess and Kyle.

Michael started to protest but Max put up his hand ‘Michael I need you stay here and protect them incase something happens, I need you as a backup.’ Michael just nodded.

Max, Tess, and Kyle made their way into the building. They noticed a door towards the back, pointing to it the three of them snuck back there.

Once there they noticed rows of class chambers with people in them, recognizing the guy at the station and Greer Tess looked at them ‘I think we better get the others’.

Max and Kyle agreed as they all turned to leave they heard ‘Leaving so soon’? They turned to see Greer standing there. He motioned his hand and the three of them fell to the floor.

“You mustn't be in such a hurry to leave us. It appears our long search for the royal four has finally ended. How convenient of you to deliver yourselves to us”. Greer said as three other skins joined him.

Raising his hand he said, “You won't remember me, but I remember you. This is a moment I've waited for a long time.” He shot out a yellow energy blast towards them and Max threw up his shield before it hit them.

Greer smiled as the other two skins joined him in blasting an energy bolt towards them ‘How long do you think you can hold out against all of us?’

Max trying his hardest to keep his shield up ‘As long as I have to’ he said.
Tess noticed Max weaking and she went by his side ‘I can help, let my strength flow into yours’ she said as she placed her hand over his.

Michael started pacing back and forth ‘they have been gone to long, something’s up’ Maria tried to calm him down ‘Max said to stay here’.

Michael grunted ‘I am not sitting here any longer’ looking at the girls he said ‘lets go’. The four of them worked there way into the building.

The minute they stepped in blasts of energy came flying towards them Michael grabbed Maria and pushed her down out of the way.

He got ready and directed his aim towards the direction that the blast came. Standing up he shot his own energy blast killing the two skins that were there.

Courtney snuck into the back to see Max, and Tess struggling to keep his shield up when he’s shield finally gave way. Greer positioned himself again ‘Well, its time for this little game to come to an end” he said.

Just then Courtney picked up a pipe and flung it into the blue crystal pole that was sitting there, smashing it into pieces. You could see all the containments shatter destroying all the husks.

‘No’ Greer screamed as he watched all their work go down the drain. ‘Kill them’ he screamed. ‘Run’ Courtney screamed.

As they ran outside towards the jeep they encountered six more skins surrounding them. One of them grabbed Maria from behind, Isabel picked up a 2x4 that was lying near them and smashed it into his back making the skin a pile of dust.

Max’s shield was barely holding on with all the energy he had used inside the museum. Tess closed her eyes and proceeded mind warping the remaining skins.

Using this advantage Kyle and Michael picked the remaining skins off one by one.
As soon as the last skin surrounding them was gone they quickly ran to the jeep and jetta and took off speeding. Greer walked to the edge of opening talking on the phone ‘Its gone, all gone were as good as dead’.

After hanging up the phone Nicholas really didn’t care, he was kind of glad that he wouldn’t have to go back there, now he could concentrate on more important things like finding that brat.

Nicholas walked into the Crash Down scanning it, until he saw Alex sitting in a booth. Hearing that the others were all in Copper Summit he could use this time to find out some information. Before he could get to Alex thou he heard a beeping sound.

He blew out a breath and walked back outside around the corner and took out his communicator. ‘Sir’ he answered. ‘Nicholas, I just got word the heir is in Arizona, and it seems Serina is there with him’. Nicholas smirked ‘ah the fair Serina, it’s been a long time since I’ve seen her’.

‘Go there’ Kihvar told him and discounted the communicator.
A week later
Liz checked on Xan to see if he was sleeping, she really hated that nickname Pacey decided to give him, if he only knew she thought.

She finally talked Pacey into taking Serina out, so that’s where they were. They had been on the road for a couple of days now, heading to Colorado.

Liz decided that she would call her parents after she got to Colorado and got settled she would tell them about Xan, but she would swear her parents to screcary not to tell anyone especially Max because she knew her father would try and hunt him down.

She had one more thing to do before they got to Colorado and she would do it first thing in the morning before they hit the road again. Deciding to take a bath before Xan woke up she went into the bathroom and filled the tub up with some bubbles.

Liz laid back in the tub closing her eyes she begun to relax. Her mind started to drift back to the night she gave herself to Max mind, body and soul.

His parents had gone out of town for the weekend and he convinced Isabel to stay away for the night, of course he had to pay her 20 bucks and agree to do her chores for a week she finally agreed.

They were starting to get closer again; he wanted to make this special for her. He had intended only on having dinner but it turned out to be the most amazing night of both of their lives.

He wasn’t really good at cooking, so he had called Michael to get some pointers on what to cook. Dinner was great they talked and joked around like old times.

After dinner they had headed into the living room and somehow the conversation they were having turned into kissing.

It was slow and soft at first but then it deepened wakening something up inside of them both.

Pulling away to catch some air Max rested his head on her forehead, realizing what just happened he backed away saying how sorry he was Liz cut him off by kissing him again. She stopped for a moment and whispered in his ear ‘Make love to me’

He sat straight up and looked at her not saying anything; her eyes said all he needed to know. He stood up and gently picked her up carrying her to his room.

He was having a hard time making it there because she was nibbling on his ear. Once he got to the room the two of them stood there until Liz leaned in and kissed him while unbuttoning his shirt.

Keeping his arms to his side as his shirt fell to the floor, she slowly used her fingertips to glide up his arms touching, feeling his skin as it burned with desire under them.

Moving slowly to his chest, he closed his eyes and moaned when she brushed past his nipple. She was so amazed at how hard it became from one touch. She moved lightly to the other one while his hands found their way to her waist.

As she moved her fingers lower he bent down to kiss her, she traced the edge of his jeans across the top. His eyes popped open and looked into hers when she undid the snap. His eyes asked ‘are you sure’; eyes hold so much expression that sometimes that’s all it takes.

Liz placed her lips on his letting him feel her want, her need slowly her hand reached for his zipper and letting her hand slip underneath the barrier that was her target.

Taking her hand she was amazed at how hard yet so soft he was. Wrapping her fingers around him she stroked him a couple of times before moving her finger over the head feeling the liquid drops that already started to form.

Max’s legs gave out and he stumbled back on the bed. Sitting on the edge he pulled her closer to him, running his fingers up her sides and underneath her shirt. He felt how soft her skin was.

Starting with the bottom button he undid it and leaned in to kiss her stomach, he unbuttoned them one by one letting his lips move higher as each one came undone.

Cupping her breast on top of her bra he let his thumb glide over her hardened nipple. Standing between his legs Liz grabbed onto his shoulder as she felt her own knees weaken. She closed her eyes letting her hands run thru his hair as he started to kiss his way back down; he pulled the zipper down on her skirt and let it slide to the floor.

He pulled back to watch her stand there in her lace bra and panties, his mind took in every inch of her beauty. Max pushed her back and stood up slipping his jeans off, standing there in his boxers he moved closer to her and pulled her to him.

Max looked into her eyes and smiled he snapped his fingers and the lights dimmed, then taking his hand he waved it over his bed making a blanket of white rose petals appear on top of it. ‘Max’ Liz whispered looking at what he just did.

He kissed her on her lips then whispered ‘your to precious for anything less’. Liz smiled ‘all I need is you’ she said as she started to kiss his neck. He picked her up and laid her on the bed he crawled on his bed and laid to her side.

Liz could fell his erection pressing into her thigh as he slowly started to rotate his hips against it. Max leaned in and took her mouth into his their tongues started massaging one another’s.

Max moved from her mouth to her neck, while his hands slowly pulled he closer to him so he could unfasten her bra, laying her back down his hands moved and cupped her breast. Liz let a moan escape as he lightly pinched and teased her hardened nipple.

His mouth moved to replace the fingers that were once there, he could feel it hardened more as he let his tongue caress it, moving to the other one he repeated his actions.

Liz let her hand move beneath his boxers once more and wrapped her fingers around him. He lost all thought for a moment as she gently tightened her grip and started stroking him.

Max whispered to her ‘Liz please I wont make it’ as he snaked his tongue across her lips. She opened up to let their tongues duel once more. He placed her hands above her head and started descending with his kisses again.

When he reached her stomach he took his hands and placed them on the edge of her panties, hooking them with his fingers he started slipping them down.

Once off he stared at her in amazement of beautiful she really was.
Max slide up on the side of her again and started kissing her neck as his fingers ran up the side of her thigh, she moaned and slowly started to open her legs up more. He ran his fingers across her stomach and down thru her soft curly hair.

He felt himself starting to throb more as he traced the outline of her lips feeling how wet she was. Slipping a finger into her hot core she arched her back up as she let her eyes flutter close ‘Oh God Max’ she whispered between pants.

She wrapped her arm around his neck and pulled his lips to hers as he slipped another finger into her. Liz started thrusting her hips to meet the rhythm of his fingers, as his thumb found her nub and started to rub it she felt like she was going to explode and screamed ‘Max Please’.

He pulled away from her to replace his thumb with his tongue, as his fingers picked up pace thrusting inside her his tongue licked and teased her, she felt the first rush of orgasms over come her as she grabbed his head and pushed him further into her.

He took in every ounce of fluid that she came with, after she came he continued to work his tongue on her until he heard “Max I need you’.

He quickly removed his fingers and tongue and discarded his boxers. Max placed himself in between her legs kissing her again, as he positioned himself with his tip at the entrance he slowly pushed in.

He was in heaven at how hot and wet she felt against him. Stopping at her barrier he looked at her, his eyes seeking the approval to push forward. Liz pushed her hips up giving the acceptance he seeked.

Keeping their eyes locked on each other he pushed past the barrier, a new and exciting connection roared to life. They could feel each others excitement, desire.

Stopping to make sure she was okay, even thou thru the connection he could tell she was. ‘Are you okay’ he asked. Liz nodded and he slowly begun a rhythm. Liz had begun thrusting her hips upwards taking him deeper into her.

She felt like she he couldn’t get deep enough, digging her nails into his buttocks she screamed ‘Max, harder’ Obeying her command he hooked his arm under her leg pulling it up and started thrusting harder into her.

As both of their climaxes started climbing they drifted off somewhere, it felt like they were flying thru space, two souls emerging into one. Neither noticed the room start to glow as they both reached the breaking point’.
‘Maxx’ Liz screamed out as her orgasm washed over her again and again. Max screamed out ‘Oh god, Liz’ as his seed shot out in her.

Liz wrapped her arms around him as he collapsed on top of her, his head laid in the crook of her neck while his hand pushed her hair back off her forehead.

Max whispered in between breathes of air ‘I love you Liz, I love you so much’. She kissed the top of his sweaty head and told him ‘I love you to’.
Gathering his strength he rolled onto his back and pulled her to him, she laid her head upon his chest and soon both of them drifted off to a peaceful sleep

That night was amazing
she thought

Yes it was she heard in her mind

Liz’s eyes popped open ‘Max’ she thought

‘Liz’ she heard.

She bolted up and quickly shut off the connection, damn she thought she was doing so well at keeping their connection closed. She sat on the edge of the tub and put her head in her hands.

Max bolted up in bed, he had been lying in bed thinking about that night they made love, and then he heard her inside of his mind, she was thinking about the same thing.

She had the connection open, that had to mean something, why would she even think about their night together. Max slung his legs over the edge of his bed; suddenly he was very much in need of a cold shower.

Chapter 8

Liz met up with Serina and Pacey at the café, after taking care of what she wanted to do. Scooting in next to Pacey she asked ‘How much longer till we get there’. Serina answered ‘We should be there by tomorrow night if we drive all night’.

The waitress came over and took their orders, looking at Alexander sitting next to Serina in a baby seat she couldn’t help but comment on how beautiful he was.

She left and came back with their order, giving Serina a strange look when she asked for Tabasco sauce. The waitress walked away mumbling something about teenagers.

Pacey turned his nose up as Serina drenched her pancakes in the sauce, then turned and put some in her milk. Serina noticed the look on his face; she smiled and said ‘It’s a dietary quirk’. ‘So I’ve noticed’ Pacey said.

Holding out her fork with a piece on it, she shoved it in his face ‘wanna try?’ she asked. Pacey threw up his arms ‘No Way’ he exclaimed. Serina winked at Liz and they both busted out into laughter.

Later that night

Max sat his computer trying to work on his biology homework, the last couple of weeks seemed to be getting easier, they defeated most of the skins, and this Nicholas that Michael had told him about seemed to have disappeared.

The only thing throwing him for a loop right now was what happened with Liz a couple of nights ago, he was sure he heard her in his mind. Something kept telling me to check his mail before, he ignored it while he was trying to get his homework done, but now that he was finished the nagging feeling was still there.

Opening up his mailbox and staring at the email in front of him his hands started shaking he seemed to know who it was from without even looking at the recipient. Closing his eyes for a moment trying to get his barring he moved his shaking hand to open the mail and begun reading.

Dear Max,

I know I am the last person you expected to hear from, but there are some things that I need to tell you. Remember last year when Michael got sick and you told me that you had to take a step back, that you needed to find your balance. That’s what I need to do right now, in the last year since the day you saved my life, my life has been nonstop and I never once questioned it because ‘It was you’.

‘Because I loved you’ but in the process of it all I lost myself and I need to find my balance again away from Roswell and away from you. I know you are probably wondering why I am telling you these things, but we were friends once, and I guess a part of me clings to that.

There’s this song that reminds me so much of you, whenever I feel down I recite the lyrics to myself and it drives me to push forward, even now I recite those words typing this to you, giving me the will to do this, to push forward and discover the truth.

I will tell you the lyrics and hope that maybe it will give you the same strength and determination that it gives me, it goes like this.

Well you showed me how it feels
To feel the sky within my reach
And I always will remember all
The strength you gave to me

In my dreams I’ll always see you soar about the sky
In my heart there’ll always be a place for you
For all my life

I’ll keep a part of you with me
And everywhere I am there you’ll be
Cause I always saw you in my light, my strength
And I wanna thank you now, for all the ways
You were right there for me, you were right there for me

Always, Ill keep a part of you with me and
Everywhere I am there you’ll be.

I know that everyone is looking for me, will I come home? I can’t answer that right now. Something happened before I left, The night you saw Kyle and I in my bed, it was a setup we never slept together, I needed you to turn away from me for reasons I cant not explain right now because I don’t know those answers anymore.

I suppose im telling you this because I don’t want you to hate me; I still love you more than you can possibly know. In closing I know I have no right to ask for your forgiveness, all I can say is how sorry I am that I hurt you, I live with that everyday.


P.S. Please don’t try and respond to this because this address no longer exists.

Max sat there staring at the screen in front of him; he read the email over and over until he remembered every single word of it. So many emotions played across him at first it felt like someone had lifted a ton of bricks off his chest when he read that she didn’t sleep with Kyle, then it turned to anger she said she still loved him, but she pretended to sleep with Kyle.

Why? That question played over and over in his mind, needed me to turn away what could be a good enough reason for him to turn away from her. He thought Kyle would know, slipping on his shoes and grabbing his jacked he climbed out of his window and headed to the one person he hoped could give him some answers

Pulling up to Kyle’s he was thankful to see the lights still on. He parked the jeep and got out; he knocked on the door then shoved his hands into his pockets waiting for someone to answer the door. He started to back way when he heard someone cussing.

Max was surprised when Kyle opened the door with his hair all tossed. Max stood there for a few minutes before Kyle opened his mouth ‘Are you just going to stand there all night, or tell me why I am blessed with your presence’.

Max opened his mouth ‘I need to talk to you please’ he asked. Kyle opened the door to let him in; walking in Max saw Tess sitting on the couch with blushed cheeks. Looking back in forth between the two he smiled ‘am I interrupting?’ he asked.

‘No’ ‘Yes’ Tess and Kyle both said at the same time. ‘I’m really sorry, I just really need to talk to you’ he told Kyle. Tess got up and started to head to the back ‘I’ll just leave you two guys alone to talk’. Max stopped her before she got to the hallway.

‘You and Kyle?’ he whispered, Tess just smiled ‘Are you happy?’ he asked her. Tess let her smile get bigger ‘actually since the first time I have come here, I am truly happy’. Max smiled back ‘I am glad’ and gave her a hug.

Kyle rolled his eyes and plopped down on the couch, as Max walked back to the couch ‘Kyle, I have to know if something is true or not’. Kyle looked up at him and wiped his face with his hands ‘Look if you are coming here about Liz and I forget –‘ Max put up his hand ‘Kyle I know its not true, I know it was a setup’.

Kyle looked at him, and then turned to look at the floor ‘how do you know that’. Max looked down at the floor ‘I heard from Liz’ ‘What’ Kyle said as he stood up ‘where is she’? He asked.

Max looked at him ‘she didn’t say, but she did tell me that you two never slept together’. Kyle sat back down ‘I’m sorry man, when she came to me I figured you did something really bad to piss her off into doing something like that’.

‘She, she didn’t tell you why she was doing it’ Max stuttered asking. Kyle looked at him ‘no she didn’t, somehow she knew you were going to be showing up at her window that night, that’s why it had to be done that night, she didn’t tell my why she was doing it.

Afterwards she just asked me to leave, the look on her face was indescribable’ Kyle scratched his head ‘now that I think about it, I thought she was a little crazy before hand’.

‘What do you mean’ Max asked. “Well it almost sounded like she was talking to someone when she was in the bathroom, I just figured she was going nuts and was talking herself into doing it’.

‘Thanks Kyle’ Max started as he got up to leave ‘and also um, I’m sorry about hitting you back then’. Kyle just patted him in the back ‘don’t worry about, I would have done the same thing if it was me, remember when I found you all in that hotel room I was this close (pinching his thumb and Index finger together) to hitting you’.

Max laughed ‘yea I remember’. Sitting back in his jeep he let his head rest on the steering wheel for a few minutes ‘Damn’ he said picking his head up and slamming his fist into the steering wheel, he was right back at the beginning again. Then it hit him, he had one more option.

Alex bolted up out of bed at the sound of someone knocking on his window; he looked at the clock and groaned as he got up.

Opening the window to see Max standing there ‘Do you have any idea what time it is?’ he asked. Max showed his hands in his pockets ‘Sorry Alex, I really need to ask you for a favor’. ‘And this couldn’t wait until the morning’ Alex replied as he stepped back to let Max in.

Max took his hands out of his pockets and climbed in, shoving a piece of paper in Alex’s face ‘I need to know where this came from’. He watched Alex’s expression, as he looked over the paper ‘Can you do it?’ Max asked him.

Alex shook his head ‘It may take me some time, but I think I can do it’. After the initial shock wore off of reading Liz’s email Alex turned to Max ‘Is that why you and Kyle couldn’t stand to be in the same room together’. Max just shook his head yes.

Max walked over and placed a hand on Alex’s shoulder ‘Alex, please don’t tell the others yet, not until we have something’. Alex nodded ‘I understand, no need to get everyone worked up especially Maria’.

‘Thanks Alex’ Max said as he started to climb back out the window turning back to Alex when he heard ‘I’ll let you know, as soon as I got something’. Max nodded his head ‘I just hope its soon, I don’t know why but I have this nagging feeling that I need to find her’ he turned and left.

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2003 8:43 am
by Itzstacie
Chapter 9

2 months later

Liz sat there looking at the phone on the table, she decided it was time to call her parents, she was settled in, going back to school. Pacey had got a job to help out, even thou they didn’t seem to need any money.

She thought back to the first day they got there, she remembered how beautiful it was driving thru the mountains, pulling off onto some well-hidden land. Serina had told her how her father bought the land and built a bunch of houses on it.

Liz laughed when she remembered how Serina told her father refused to build on big house to live in; he would go nuts if they all lived under one roof, so he built smaller ones.

Serina’s father wasn’t there when they got there; he had gone on some urgent business and wouldn’t be back for another couple of months. Liz was disappointed because she really wanted to get started on finding about her mark.

She did meet Jake and Krista her first day there, Jake was well built with beautiful brown eyes and hair. She chuckled to herself for thinking he could pass for Ricky Martin. He was so sweet and he carried himself with such pride.

Krista she bonded with immediately, she reminded her so much of Maria with her blonde hair and green eyes. She even added her two scents into everything, she and Jake argued so much it reminded her of Michael and Maria.

Coming back to reality she heard the front door open ‘Hey anyone home’ she heard Krista yell. ‘Back here’ Liz answered.

‘Liz, are you okay’ Krista asked as soon as she got in the room and saw Liz sitting there nervously. Liz shook her head ‘I was thinking-. No I want to call my parents’. Krista started to back up ‘okay, Ill give you some privacy, ill be by later’.

‘No’ Liz screamed stopping Krista in her tracks’ Could you please stay, it would be easier if I had someone with me’ she said. Krista came and sat down next to Liz taking her hand in hers. ‘You can do it ‘she whispered giving Liz a boost of confidence.

Liz picked up the phone and dialed her home, hearing the machine pick up she hung up ‘they are not there’ she said.

Krista looked at the phone ‘Didn’t you say they own a restaurant, maybe they are downstairs, and why don’t you try there’. Liz shook her head ‘No I can’t do that, someone else might be working that will answer the phone’. Thinking Maria or Michael might be working.

Krista bent over and picked up the phone ‘What’s the number, I’ll call and get them to go upstairs if they are there’. Liz gave her the number and leaned in to listen as Krista waited for someone to pick up.
Her heart started racing when she heard ‘Crash Down, Maria speaking’.

Maria put the phone down to go look for Nancy or Jeff; she found Nancy and told her about the phone call saying that someone wanted to speak to the owners. Maria walked over and pretended to be working on something while she tried to eavesdrop.

Nancy Parker picked up the phone and her face went pale when she heard ‘Hi, Mrs. Parker, My name is Krista and I am a friend of your daughters, I need you and your husband to go upstairs please Liz is going to call you in ten minutes, and don’t please don’t tell anyone else right now’ and hung up.

Maria walked up to Nancy when she saw her just standing there staring at the receiver ‘Are you okay?’ she asked. Nancy shook her head and hung up the phone ‘I’m fine hunny’ she said and raced off towards her husband.

Maria watched her walk up to her husband, she watched as his laughing face turned serious when she whispered something in his ear. He stared at his wife for a minute then both of them quickly ran thru the back doors.

Maria raised her eyebrows and started to walk to the back, but stopped when she heard the bell go off above the door.


Liz dialed her number again and tried to fight back the tears when she heard her mother’s voice. After a half hour of screaming and crying, both of her parents were flying up there to see her.

Now she had three days to decide how to tell her parents about Alexander, and to talk her father out of wanting to kill Max when he found out he was the father.

Krista looked at Liz after she hung up phone ‘everything went okay?’ she asked. ‘Went better, than what I expected’ Liz answered. ‘So are they coming’ Krista asked her ‘Yes they will be here in three days’.

Liz got up and started pacing ‘Do you think that Mr. Brady will mind, I didn’t even think about that’ she pushed a piece of hair behind her ear ‘great Serina is going to kill me’.

Krista got up and stopped her from pacing ‘Liz, its going to be okay, they won’t mind at all besides he’s not even here’. Liz shook her head ‘you’re right, I am just getting worked up over nothing’.

They heard the front door open and could hear Pacey and Jake coming in from playing basketball. Walking into the front Krista wrinkled her nose ‘whoa you boys smell like you have been playing in the kitty litter’.

Jake walked up smiling and put his arms around Krista wiping his sweat all over her ‘you know you like it when im all glistening’. Krista wiggled out of his arms ‘Ugh! You are so gross’. Pacey laughed and looked at Liz; she threw her hands up ‘don’t even think about it’.

‘Awe, come here’ he said and started to chase her around the living room. Xan started crying from the back ‘god I love my son, has such perfect timing’ she said as she went to go him.

Krista went to the back and grabbed two towels, coming back in she threw them at the boys ‘So what have you girls been up to today’ Pacey asked.

‘Um not much a little of this a little of that Liz called her parents’ Krista said all in one breath. “What’ Pacey said standing up ‘what did they say’?

Just then Liz walked back into the room and put Xan down, he immediately crawled towards Pacey ‘not much, they are flying up here in three days’.

‘Are you serious, did you tell them about Xan’ he asked while he bent down and picked Xan up, looking at him ‘how you doing my little man’ he said Xan just smiled. Liz shook her head ‘No, I figured it might be safer to do when they are here’.


3 days later

Max, Isabel, Tess and Kyle sat at their usual booth, while Michael and Maria were working. Maria was left in charge while the Parkers were gone.

‘Don’t you find it a little odd’? Kyle asked. ‘What’ Tess said looking at him? ‘They way the Parkers just up and left today, as long as I have known them they never did something like this’ he said shaking his head.

Isabel took a sip of her coke ‘They told Maria they just need to get away for a while’. ‘I don’t care what they told Maria, it’s just odd’ Kyle said shrugging his shoulders.

Max sat there tapping his fingers on the table; he was getting frustrated cause it was taking Alex longer than he hoped to get the information he wanted. He hounded him every time he saw him; everyone started wondering what was going on with the two of them always whispering to each other.

He looked up when Isabel slammed her hand down on top of his ‘Will you please stop doing that, you’re diving me crazy’. He was about to open his mouth, but stopped when he saw Alex walk in the door.

Alex moved his neck and motioned Max over to him. Slipping out of the booth he ignored the looks everyone was giving them. Alex whispered ‘I got some good news and bad news'.

Max looked at him as he continued ‘Good news I finally found the origin, it was sent from a place in Window Rock, Arizona.’

Max’s eyes showed a glimmer of hope for the first time in ten months ‘the bad news?’ he asked. Alex looked at him ‘it was sent from the local library, no telling where she’ll be’. Max scratched his chin ‘It’s a start’ he said.

Alex looked at the others who were all staring at the two of them ‘What about them’ he said pointing in their direction. Max sighed ‘Ill tell them after closing, then I am going on a road trip’. Alex patted him on his back as they walked back to the others ‘I’m right there with you’ he said.

Plopping back down into the booth Isabel raised her eyebrow ‘what’s going on with you two?’ she asked. Max looked at her Kyle and Tess while Alex went to tell Michael and Maria ‘Meeting after closing’.

After much debate Max, Isabel and Alex were the ones to be going. Maria threw a fit because she wanted to go, but couldn’t because she was in charge while the Parkers were gone, after much oil sniffing she calmed down and made Alex swear to call her everyday with an update.


Max, Isabel and Alex pulled into a café to get something to eat, and rethink their plans the girl at the library was no help at all saying that she couldn’t remember who came in yesterday how was she suppose to remember who came in two months ago.

The waitress groaned and came over to take their orders; she started to shake her head when they asked for Tabasco sauce ‘Is this like a new teenage craze or something’? She asked. The three teenagers looked at each other ‘why do you ask?’ Isabel answered.

The waitress smiled ‘because your not the first who’s asked for it with pancakes, I was just wondering if I should start bringing some home to my son’ she laughed. Alex perked up ‘If you don’t mind me asking, who was it?’

The waitress shook her head ‘just a couple of teenagers, looked about your age’ she said pointing to them ‘Two girls and a guy, the redhead had a baby’.

Max quickly pulled out his walled and pulled a picture of Liz out ‘Was this the one of the girls’ he asked. The waitress took the picture and studied it ‘She looks familiar, maybe the hair shorter’ giving Max back the picture ‘I just remembered the redhead because I thought it was the oddest thing when she poured Tabasco sauce on everything, I had never seen that done before’.

Max looked at her ‘Do you know where we can find them’. The waitress raised her eyebrow at him ‘Please’ Alex said ‘she’s our friend and has been missing for 10 months now’. The waitress shook her head ‘I’m sorry I can’t help you, haven’t seen them since that day, it looked like they were just passing thru’.

‘Thank you’ Isabel said as the waitress walked away. Max slammed his fist down on the table ‘Max’ Isabel started but stopped as she watched her brother sink back into the depression he went to right after Liz left damm you Liz Parker she thought to herself.

Alex witnessed this and put his hand on Isabel’s shoulder giving it a slight squeeze, looking back at Max he said ‘We will find her, we were so close this time’. Max leaned back against the seat and closed his eyes.

Alex looked at Isabel ‘at least we know she’s alive and out there somewhere’.

Chapter 10

Liz shifted from foot to foot nervously waiting for her parent’s plane to land. She was even tempted to start biting her nails, something she hadn’t done since she was thirteen.

Their plane landed and she let out the breath she was holding. How was she suppose to act, she ran away from home. What would her parents say, what would they think of Xan.

She looked up and saw her mother running down the aisle, and all thoughts flew out of her mind as her mother threw her arms around her ‘oh my baby girl, I was so worried about you, I never thought I would see you again’ she kept repeating.

Liz just stood there breathing in every scent of her mother, she missed her so much ,missed the way her mother could just make all her problems go away with just a hug.

Liz pulled back to see her father standing there with tears in his eyes, she threw her arms around him ‘Oh daddy, I’m so sorry, im so sorry’ she said as she clung to him for life.

Jeff wrapped his arms tighter around her ‘My Lizzie’ was all he could manage to choke out. After a very tearful reunion the three got in Liz’s car to drive to her house.

Pacey couldn’t seem to sit still; he kept sitting down, standing up. Jake, Krista and Serina kept watching him trying to figure out what he was so nervous about, it wasn’t his parents ‘Dude, Heal’ Jake told him ‘Huh’ Pacey said stopping and coming out of his trance.

‘Sit or Stand dude, your making me dizzy’ Jake said as he went back to playing with Xan. Just then they heard the car doors and Pacey stopped frozen in the room.

As they walked in the door, he saw Liz’s parents shoving his hands in his pockets ‘Hi Mrs P., Mr. P.(that is what he had always called them as long as he has know them).

‘Don’t you Mrs. P. me’ Nancy said as she walked up to him, she threw her arms around him then pulled back and looked at him. She raised her hand and smacked him on top of his head then started shaking her finger at him ‘I’m so mad at you’ Nancy said.

Paceys eyes widened as she continued ‘Have you been here the whole time?’ ‘Yes maam’ was all he could get out ‘You young man will go call your worried mother right now’ ‘yes maam’ ‘you will tell her where you have been’ ‘yes maam’ ‘and you will never, ever pull a stunt like this again’ ‘yes maam’. ‘NOW GO~’ she said.’yes maam’ Pace said as he hurried out of the room.

The others bit their lips and put their heads down trying to hold in the laughter and how this tiny woman had just intimated Pacey.

Jeff looked at the other people in the room ‘Hello’ he said. Liz stepped forward moment of truth she thought ‘Daddy, Mom these are my friends Serina, Jake and Krista’. Liz walked over and picked up Xan ‘and this is Alexander, my son’.

Liz stood there biting her lower lip as she waited for the initial shock to wear off her parents ‘Excuse me your what’ her father said. ‘Daddy’ Liz started but her mother cut her off ‘oh my dear lord he looks just like ‘Jeff took a closer look at Xan and he noticed the familiar amber eyes looking back at him.

He started to raise his voice ‘I knew he was no good, that son of a bitch, all this time he been coming in the restraint not saying anything’ ‘Daddy he doesn’t know’ Liz cut him off. Nancy looked at her daughter ‘you didn’t tell him’.

Xan started to whimper from the raised voices and starting to cling to his mother’s neck. Serina got up ‘Ill take him Liz, so you three can talk’ taking Xan she gestured to the others, all three got up and left the room.

After an hour of screaming, crying, blaming and then finally forgiving Nancy got up to go spend time with her grandson, Liz stayed with her father talking.

He filled her in on what was going on in Roswell, telling her how everyone was always in the Crash Down, how he hired two new people Paul a cook and he hired Tess as a waitress, that one totally blew Liz’s mind.

Tess a waitress she would have loved to see that one. Liz finally convinced her parents not to tell Maz or anyone else where she was or about Xan. She promised to keep in touch with them, and they could come for a visit anytime they wanted to.

Liz finally relaxed and was glad to spend the remainder of their time happy and watch her parents bond to their grandson.

Chapter 11

1 ½ year old Xan wobbled over to his mother holding a photo album in one hand and his blue elephant in the other. Serina had bought it for him last Christmas and he dragged it everywhere with him.

He shoved it in his mothers laps ‘book’ he said as he climbed onto the sofa with her. Liz looked down at what he had given her ‘you want to look at pictures?’ she asked, he nodded his head yes.

She opened up the photo album and started turning the pages, she laughed at how he would look at each one with such curiosity. He would point and she would call out the names. Point to one ‘this is you when you were just a little baby’ he would point to himself ‘me’ he repeated.

They would go down the rows of pictures with him repeating what she told him. Towards the end Liz’s eyes started to tear up when they got the last page and inside was a picture tucked there. Pulling it out she looked over the group of teenagers standing in it.

He pointed to the picture and looked up at her. It was one of the eight of them in it. Liz swallowed and went down the line ‘This is your Aunt Maria, Uncle Michael, Uncle Alex’ Xan pointed to himself ‘like me’ he said.

Liz shook her head ‘Yep, just like you’ turning back to the picture ‘this is your Aunt Isabel, Uncle Kyle, Aunt Tess’. He pointed to the picture of her ‘mommy’ he said ‘yes that right’ Liz answered.

Looking at the last person she couldn’t stop a tear from falling down her cheek ‘That’s Ma’ she stopped for a moment and gathered up her remaining strength ‘that’s your daddy’ she said. She didn’t want to lie to him.

Xan looked at her, then looked back at the picture. Liz watched him as he seemed to be studying ever inch of Max Evans, tracing his little fingers over his face. Xan pushed the book away and crawled into his mothers lap.

He sat on his knees and placed both of his tiny hands on each of her cheeks. ‘sh mommy don’t cry’ he said as he bent forward and kissed her cheek. Liz wrapped her arms around her son and just hugged him.


Things at the Crash Down seemed to be dwindling down for the night. Jeff watched the young teenagers come in day in day out everyday. Still after so long it took everything in his power not to walk up and put his hands around a certain brown hair teenager.

Liz told him how she just wanted to make a new start, how her life got so out of control back in Roswell, that being in Colorado is what she needed. After a few visits he believed they were doing the right thing by letting her stay, she seemed so much happier there.

The looks he threw didn’t go unnoticed ‘I swear if looks could kill you would be dead man’ Kyle said to Max. Max looked up at him, Kyle moved his head in the direction of Jeff Parker ‘What did you do them anyways’ he asked.

Max glanced in his direction then quickly turned back to Kyle shrugging his shoulders ‘Don’t know’ he said as took a sip of his Cherry Coke.

As the last of the customers left ‘Not to late Maria’ Jeff said as he headed upstairs. He had let them stay after closing to hang out. ‘Okay and thank you again’ Maria said as she patiently waited for him to leave. Jeff just nodded and left.

Everyone sat around goofing off waiting for Maria to finish up. Paul walked up and sat down ‘What’s everyone so happy for’ he asked. ‘Graduation man’ Alex said ‘Yea baby’ Kyle added.

Maria came running up with something in her hand ‘Look at this’ she said as she threw the picture down on the table. Several eyes widened as the looked at picture of five teenagers one being a very smiling Liz Parker.

Isabel not really getting a good look ‘Its probably old Maria’ she said. Maria took out her cedar oil and started pacing ‘its not old, look at the date, they know where she is, how could they not tell us’. ‘Where did you find this’ Alex asked.

‘Mrs. Parker dropped it this morning and I picked it up’ Maria answered. Paul picked up the picture and looked at it ‘Whoa, who’s the babes?’ he asked. Alex yanked the picture away from him ‘One of those ‘Babes’ is their daughter, a friend of ours’.

“ Wow, all this time I didn’t know the Parkers had a daughter’ Paul said. ‘They do her name is Liz, she left home along time ago’. Tess said.

Max took the picture and looked at it, there she was with the arms around two guys and two girls that were standing on each end. ‘She looks happy’ Alex said leaning and looking at the picture ‘yes she does’ Max said as studied the gleaming smile on her face. Then it hit him a flash

Liz running thru the dark ‘Alex please answer me’, a figure with brown hair holding her back from running into a building

Liz falling to her knees grasping something saying ‘he’s really gone’.

The picture fell from Max’s grasp and he scrambled to get out of the booth, knocking drinks over as he went ‘Max, Max’ Isabel called after him.

‘What’s wrong with him’ Paul asked as they watched Max run out the front doors. Michael put his hands up stopping Isabel from going after him ‘Ill go’ he said.

Michael finally caught up with Max a block and half away ‘Maxwell, what the hell was that about’. Max sat down on the bench ‘I got a flash Michael’. Michael looked at him ‘A flash, are you serious?’ he asked.

Max nodded ‘while I was holding the picture, it didn’t make any sense, it was Liz she was running and screaming, it was like the future or something’. Michael raised his eyebrow ‘come on Maxwell, the future?’

Max looked at the ground then after a few minutes he raised his head ‘Michael, I think something bad is going to happen to Alex’.

Chapter 12

Liz opened the door to find Mr. Brady standing there ‘Hi Mr. Brady’ she said ‘Call me Bill dear, you make me feel old when you say it like that’ ‘Sorry Bill’ she corrected herself ‘Is there something I can help you with’. He shook his head ‘no, no I just wanted to talk to you’ he said.

Liz motioned for him to come inside, as they sat down he started “ I wanted to tell you what I have found out about the mark’.

He had been so eager to help her when he got back from his trip and was pleased to see Serina had talked her into coming.

He was upset at first because he didn’t really know that much about the Royal Antarian ways. ‘What did you find out ‘ Liz asked eager to find out.

‘Well’ he started ‘I found out that back in the ages, the ancestors believed the when the king found his mate it would be forever.

They wanted to world to know who the king chose, not just by a having a ceremony, but that if she ever had to go somewhere that did not require the kings presence she would have proof of who she was’ he continued on ‘the queen would wear the mark of the king, the mark that appears on you’.

‘But I’m not a queen’ Liz protested Bill shook his head ‘by antarian standards you are, even thou you didn’t have the ceremony, the king bonded with you giving you his mark ‘. ‘Well I didn’t ask for his mark’ Liz started to get angry ‘how do I get it off’.

Bill placed his hand on her shoulder ‘The mark is forever binding, the only way that it can be removed is if one or the other dies Liz, I know its cruel but it is the only way that the other could move on’.

Liz got up ‘so what happens if they just split up, they get tired of each other it happens all the time people get divorced’. She stopped pacing and looked at him ‘so what they both just walk around never connecting to anyone else?’

‘I don’t know dear’ Bill said ‘I’m still translating some of the scrolls, they are very old and worn’. Liz ran her hands thru her head ‘thank you, I don’t mean to sound snappy to you its just, its just a lot to take in and so much more to learn’.

‘Its no problem dear’ he said as he got up to leave. As Liz led him to the door ‘How is Serina coming along’ she asked. ‘She is still working on it, poor thing is running herself into the ragged’ he answered.

‘Would you tell her to stop by later’ Liz asked. ‘Will do, and give that boy a hug for me when he gets back’ he said. ‘Yes sir’ Liz answered.


Summer after graduation

Things were picking up and moving on as the graduated class was celebrating their last night together. Tomorrow they would head off into different directions; some would stay behind as others coupled off to head out.

Kyle and Tess were off to Florida to attend college, Alex had been accepted to ITT Technical Institute in Massachusetts with a full scholarship and Isabel was going with him.

Max, and Maria were going to attend the University of Las Cruces. Max and Maria decided they wanted to be closer to home; Maria also wanted to be closer to Michael since he was staying in Roswell.
She would be able to drive home on weekends to see him.

After Max had told everyone about the flash, they all seemed to watch Alex 24/7 waiting to see if something would happen. When he first mentioned he was leaving Roswell they all protested saying it wasn’t safe.

After convincing them that he was no safer in Roswell, then he would be in Massachusetts they backed off, he even joked about having an alien there to protect him. Isabel made sure that they would contact someone at the first sign of trouble or Liz.

Maria crawled thru the window of Liz’s room, she noticed Max sitting on the lounge chair ‘What brings you out here girlfriend’ she asked. Max cracked a smile about her girlfriend comment ‘just thinking’ he answered.

Maria dropped her arm around his shoulder ‘come on tell me all about it ‘she said. Max stood up and walked around ‘I don’t know I come up here sometimes, reminds me of her’ “ I know what you mean, I come up here too a lot kind of makes me feel closer to her, like she’s still here’.

Both stood in silence for a few minutes until Maria asked ‘You still love her, don’t you?’ it was more of a statement than a question. Max looked Maria ‘yes I do, I cant help it’ sitting down he continued ‘I know I should forget about her and move on like she has.

But I feel like a part of me is missing without her’ Max let out a breath ‘No matter how much I try to push past the fact that she moved on, I cant help but feel like there’s something I missing’. Standing up and shoving his hands in his pockets’ I know I sound crazy don’t I’.

Maria stood up and put a hand on his shoulder ‘I understand, you and Liz have always had this amazing connection to each other, so intense that you two would tune out every other person in the room, I believe that we will see her again one day and I hold onto that hope’.

Max shrugged ‘why does everything have to be so complicated Maria laughed ‘well ill give you some advice Liz told me that someone very wise told her that if it isn’t complicated then they are probably not a soul mate’.

Max grabbed Maria and hugged her ‘you know you are a really great friend Maria’ Maria hugged him back ‘sh don’t tell anyone that, it will ruin my Teflon imagine’.

Pulling back and looping her arm around his ‘come on, let’s get back downstairs’.

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2003 8:48 am
by Itzstacie
Chapter 13

1 year later

Jake walked into the room where Serina and Krista were at ‘Serina, any new movement on Nicholas’ he asked. Serina shook her head ‘No, he’s still held up in Arizona, it’s kind of creepy that he’s just staying there’.

Krista spoke up ‘makes me wonder if Khivar has something else up his sleeve’. Jake plopped down ‘I don’t like it, its been to quiet’ ‘What about Roswell, what’s going on down there’ he asked.

‘Not much, the Parkers are keeping quiet looks like everyone is busy with college, the recruits are looking after them’ Krista said. Serina threw the papers she was looking at on the desk and blew out a breath.

‘Not getting anywhere?’ Jake asked. ‘No I’ve uncovered some stuff, its just frustrating that the fate lays in the hands of a child’ Serina said. ‘He’s going to do fine Serina, just look at how smart he is already and he has us to help him’ Krista said ‘and he should be showing signs any day now’ she added.

‘I know that but he shouldn’t have to go thru it all, he should be able to live a normal’ Jake and Krista looked at her ‘ well as much to normal as he can get life, and I know its killing Liz not being able to tell her friends back home or even his own father about him’ she added.

‘Serina we all agreed it was best not to say anything to him, Xan has to be ready when the time comes if too many people know and they find him before its time’ Jake started ‘I know, I know’ Serina said throwing her arms up.

‘Doesn’t mean I have to like it’ she said. ‘I think someone may already know’ Serina said. Both of them looked at her ‘Who could know?’

‘I don’t know Liz told me something when I first met her, and its been driving me crazy ever since trying to come up with answers’ Serina said. “Tell us maybe we can help you’ Krista said.

‘The reason Liz ran away, she told me that a future version of Max came to her telling her to leave him because if she didn’t it would be the end of the world’. Serina started ‘that’s crazy’ Jake said.

‘ I know that was my thoughts too, I mean I know we bond for life, so how could he say those things knowing that they already bonded, they have a son together and the part that freaks me out is she said he told her that I am the one helped him travel thru time’ she said.

‘ I know who he is, but I have never met Max Evans before in my life’ Serina said. ‘Your right that is freaky’ Krista said. ‘What is freaky’ Pacey asked as he walked into the room.

Everyone got quiet Serina walked over and put her arms around him and kissed him on the check ‘oh nothing we were just talking about something Jake saw on TV last night’

‘Oh what was that’ Pacey asked he was getting tired of everyone shutting up when he walked into the room he knew something was going on and he was at then end of his ropes. Jake shrugged his shoulders ‘some show, it was some kind of mystery just thought it was freaky’ he said.

Looking at Krista he said ‘you ready to go, remember we promised Liz we would do something for her?’ Krista caught on to Jakes words getting up ‘yes I am all set, Serina Pacey well see you later’ turning to walk out of room.

Serina pulled back and looked at him ‘everything okay?’ she asked. Pacey looked at her ‘would be if everyone stopped lying to me’ he said in a blunt tone.

Serina stepped back ‘Pacey I am sorry, I know you want to know but it’s not my place to tell’. ‘Not your place, Serina you’re my girlfriend’

Serina sat down she was so frustrated she wanted to tell him but Liz kept talking her out of it saying they still had time. ‘Pacey, I want to tell you but I cant, Liz trusted me and I have to keep that trust it’s important’.

‘Fine, Fine you know what I’ve had it I am going over there right now and if she don’t tell me I’m leaving, im tired of being in the dark about everything’ he said turning around and slamming the door as he walked out.

Serina chased after him ‘Pacey wait, please I want to come with you’ Pacey looked at her ‘fine whatever’ he said and continued to the house.

The two walked into the house Jake and Krista noticed the worried looked in Serina’s face, before they could say anything they heard Liz screaming ‘Alexander No!’ They looked at each other and took off running to the back.

Liz stood frozen in the middle of the room with a pale expression on her face. ‘What the hell’ Pacey said as he watched Xan sitting by the wall with one hand holding his elephant and the other hand on the wall glowing changing the room to match the color of his elephant.

Jake started to bust out laughing ‘Guess his powers are starting’ he said. Serina and Krista both elbowed him in the ribs motioning to very confused Pacey. Jake just shrugged his shoulders and walked over to Xan ‘nice choice of colors there buddy’ he said ruffling up Xans hair. Xan looked up at him smiling ‘I like blue’ he said.

‘Liz what the hell is going on, his hand was glowing and I know for a fact I just saw him change this room to blue’ Pacey said walking over to Liz. Liz looked back and forth between Pacey and the others ‘I, we, he’ closing her eyes trying to get her bearings ‘Pacey we need to talk’.

Serina walked up ‘Liz take Pacey and talk we will deal with this’ she said ‘Thank you’ Liz said nodding her head. Taking Paceys hand she led him out of the house.

Sitting on an old log in the open field only other thing there was an old building Jake used it practice his powers every now and then. Pacey sat there waiting for Liz to start, she would start to say something then stop. “Pacey’ he looked up at her ‘what would you say if I told you I was shot, and brought back from the brink of death from the healing hands of an alien’.

Pacey looked at her then back to the ground after a few minutes he started busting out laughing ‘I’d ask you what kind of drugs you were taking’. Liz smiled ‘you remind me of Alex he said the exact same thing

He didn’t believe me either until he saw it with his own eyes’. “Liz that’s crazy’ Pacey continued to laugh until he saw that she was not laughing but sitting there with a serious look on her face ‘Your serious aren’t you’ he asked.

Liz nodded her head and proceeded to tell Pacey about Max and the others, the times they had to run for their lives from the FBI or whatever chose to come up. Pacey sat there listening trying to absorb everything that she was saying.

After explaining about Xan and how Serina, Jake and Krista played into it she sat there biting on her lower lip waiting for a response. Getting tired of the silence she broke it ‘So what do you think’ Pacey shook his head ‘I don’t know, part of me thinks you have lost your mind, or that I’m having some strange dream I cant wake up from’

‘What about the other half’ Liz asked. ‘After seeing what Xan did I believe you, by the way what the hell was he doing anyways’ Pacey asked.

‘That was my son testing me’ Liz said ‘he asked if I would paint his room the color of his elephant, when I told him no he took it upon himself to do it himself’ Pacey looked up ‘how long has he been able to do that’ he asked. ‘First time he’s done it, I knew his powers were going to start showing just wasn’t prepared for it when they did’ ‘Powers, how many does he have’ Pacey asked.

Liz tucked a strand of hair behind her ear ‘well I’m not sure how strong he will be, pretty powerful from the way Serina explains it, but Isabel can dream walk people, Michael can shot bolts of energy out, Tess can mind warp people and Max heals, he’s going to inherit all of them I think’

‘God Liz, your doing this all by yourself’ “No Serina, Jake and Krista are here to help me’ Pacey got up ‘Liz you need to tell his father’ ‘NO!’ Liz stated ‘Liz its wrong to keep this from him’ ‘Pacey I thought you were on my side’.

“Liz I am, I have always felt that you should have told him from the beginning he needs a father, but I didn’t say anything to you, but now, now he needs to know, what if these people come for him you four are not enough to protect him’.

Liz got up and started pacing ‘Pacey its more complicated than that, right now its safer for him not to know .I know you don’t understand but please trust me’.

‘I guess I don’t have a choice’ he said in anger ‘Pacey please don’t be angry with me, I didn’t want to tell you any of this for fear of you never wanting to talk to me again, I hated lying to you but I was trying to protect you’.

‘Protect me, Liz I am living here with you in the middle of it, what did you think that the big bad was going to come and I wouldn’t notice a war breaking out in front of me’.

‘I’m sorry Pacey, I really am and now that you know I promise I will never lie to you again please just don’t hate me I could never forgive myself if I lost you Pacey you have been such a godsend to me you are my best friend, you know me better than anyone’.

Pacey wrapped his arms around her ‘Liz your not going to lose me’ pulling back ‘its just a lot to adjust to, I mean one minute I think for once my life is going great I have a job, girlfriend, my best friend, a beautiful godchild, and the next I find out that aliens are living among us and my girlfriend is one, not to mention my godchild is one’.

Liz cracked a smile ‘At least you doing better than Maria did when she found out’ Pacey raised an eyebrow ‘what did she do’ ‘she ran’ Liz said breaking into a laugh ‘I had to chase her down the block’.
‘Sounds like something she would do’ Pacey said.

Liz knelt down in front of Pacey ‘Pacey I will understand if you want to leave, but Xan’ stopping for a moment ‘Xan is still the same little boy, just like Serina is still Serina It doesn’t change who they are

They are just special Serina, Jake, Krista, Bill are just trying to make a new life for themselves, just like Max, Michael, Tess and Isabel are, just like I am trying to do for my son’ she said.

Pacey looked at her ‘I just need some time’ he said. Liz stood up and started to back away ‘okay I can respect that’ and turned to walk away.

Pacey caught up to her at the end of the clearing draping his arm around her shoulder ‘Okay I thought about it, if you swear that’s everything, I don’t think I could handle much more’. Liz threw her arms around him ‘Pacey I am so glad’.

‘Yea well I still don’t agree with you not telling Max’ ‘Pacey’ Liz started but he put his hand ‘But I will honor your wishes and not say anything for the time being’ placing his arms on her shoulders ‘and I stress time being, because if I feel your life is in danger or Xans I will personally track him down and tell him do you understand’.

Liz nodded her head and they started walking back to the house, Pacey threw his arm around her shoulders ‘about Xan’s powers’ he started ‘what about them’ Liz asked. ‘Do you think he could change the color of my car, I really hate it’ he said laughing. Liz just punched in him the arm laughing ‘Pacey’ was all she said as the two headed up the walkway.

Chapter 14

It had been about six months, since Xan started showing his powers. Since then Jake, Serina, and Krista worked with him during the day while Liz attended classes at the local university.

It wasn’t what she dreamed of, but it was something. Things had been going good expect for the occasional misuse of Xan’s powers, for some reason he like to scare the hell of out Pacey.

The first time he tired mind warping it left Pacey running out of the shower clenching a towel around him, screaming something about a snake in the tub.

There was also the problem with him wanting to turn everything blue; he liked that damn color for some reason. Liz had to tell him numerous times about using his powers like that.

It was Tuesday and Xan’s birthday was coming up Liz was sitting in the living room when Serina came up ‘Hey how’s it going’ she asked plopping down next to her.

‘Going good just got done ordering his cake’ ‘So is your parents still coming up this weekend’ Serina asked. Liz nodded her head ‘yes their flight gets in Friday’.

‘So, what’s been going on It feels like we haven’t talked in ages’ Serina said. Liz looked at her ‘what are you talking about we talk everyday’. ‘I know it just seems like lately all we talk about is what happened with Xan that day’ Serina said.

“Well what do you want to talk about’ Liz asked. ‘ Liz are you feeling okay, lately it seems like you tired all the time and I hate to break it to you sweetheart but you looking a little pale’ Serina told her.

‘I feel okay, just stressed I guess school is killing me, seems all I do is study lately’ Liz answered. ‘ Liz, you need to get out more and do things, go on a date or something’ Liz raised her eyebrow ‘date, I don’t think so, besides I thought the whole purpose of coming up here was to stay hidden as much as possible’.

‘I’m talking about one date Liz, not going out and marrying the first guy you meet’ ‘Serina I don’t want to, I am fine’ Liz smiled ‘see things couldn’t be better’.

‘Aunt Rina’ they heard as Xan came running in and threw his arms around her ‘Hey there little man’ Serina said hugging him back ‘Hey sweetie how was your day’ Liz asked.

‘Mommy, mommy guess what I did’ “What’ Liz asked ‘ out in the field there was swirrel and he was hurt and I fixed him all by myself’ he said pointing to himself. ‘You did’ Liz said acting surprised ‘yep and uncle Jake said that I did a good job cause I made the swirrel happy’.

‘I’m sure you did’ Liz said ‘now why don’t you go get your pajamas so you can take a bath its getting close to bed time and you still have to eat dinner’ ‘Awee do I have to’ Xan said. ‘Yes you do’ Liz answered ‘Okayyy’ he drug out as he turned and stomped down the hall.

Liz looked up at Jake ‘anything else happen’ she asked. ‘He’s doing okay, managed to blast a couple of small rocks today’. ‘He’s barely three, you make it sound like he should be blasting boulders’ Serina said.

‘That’s not what I meant’ Jake said getting a little irritated. ‘Alright you two’ Liz said standing up and pointing at the door ‘Out its getting late and I have class in the morning’.

Later that night

Xan peeked thru the crack of his mother’s door making sure she was sleeping. When he confirmed that she was he ran back to his room and took out the picture that he hid underneath his bed.

Climbing onto his bed he sat there ‘eeiny meany miny moe’ he whispered as he bounced his finger over each of the faces. Keeping his finger on the one he landed on he closed his eyes, after a few minutes he opened them back up ‘must be wake’ he said.

Xan placed his finger on another one and closed his eyes. He sat on his knees in a booth looking around; he put his hand over his mouth and giggled at all the alien stuff. Xan watched the blonde that was singing and dancing around.

Maria was bouncing around with a broom in her hand; she passed Xan and nodded her head. She stopped and spun around looking at Xan ‘Um hello’ she said. ‘Hi’ Xan answered back.

‘Who are you and how did you get here’ ‘your dweaming’ Xan answered ignoring the who are you question ‘why are you in my dream’ Maria asked him ‘just watching’ he said. ‘Its not nice to spy on people’ she said.

She walked over to the booth and sat down, she stared at him noticing the dark brown hair, and the twinkling specks of gold in his eyes. ‘Do I know you’ she said with a raised eyebrow.

‘Nope, but I know who you are’ he said smiling. Maria propped her elbow on the table and place her chin in her hand ‘oh really, and just who am I’ she said.

‘Your Ria’ he said. Maria sat back ‘Who’s your mother’ she asked ‘it’s a secret’ Xan answered. ‘Well I wont tell if you don’t tell’ Maria said. When he didn’t answer she threw her hands up ‘your one stubborn kid’ she said.

‘Your funny, you act like Aunt Rista’ Xan said ‘Aunt Rista?’ Maria asked ‘yes she lives here with me, mommy, Uncle Jake, Uncle Pace and Aunt Rina’ Xan said.

‘How old are you’ she asked. Xan held up three little fingers ‘I’m gonna be thwee’ he said smiling. ‘Wow I bet your smart’ she said ‘yep, mommy says I am smart just like my daddy’ Xan answered. ‘Who is your daddy she asked. When he didn’t answer ‘let me guess it’s a secret too’ she said.

Xan nodded his head ‘I not suppose to tell, but mommy says I look like him, I have his eyes’ he said pointing to them.

'You can't tell me your name, your mommys name or your daddys name' Maria started 'you know your really annoying'. Xan smiled 'soon you will know' he said.

After a few minutes ‘ I have to go now’ he said ‘Its time for me to go play with mommy in her dweams’.

As he started to fade out ‘She misses you’
she heard and then he was gone. Maria woke up in the darkness of her dorm room. Sitting up in her bed ‘okay that was just to freaky’ she said.

Laying back down she replayed the dream in her head, something about those eyes she knew those eyes. She misses you who was she? She closed her eyes trying to come up with the answers.

Liz left a little over three years ago, he said he was three; It couldn’t be possible she thought or could it be.

Shaking her head ‘No it was just some whacked out dream’ she said to herself and went back to sleep.

Chapter 15

A few weeks later

Michael nudged Maria ‘Hey I thought you came to visit’ a sleeping Maria sat up ‘sorry haven’t been really sleeping well’ ‘What’s the matter’ Michael asked.

‘Its crazy ive been having these really strange dreams’ ‘what about’ he asked ‘this kids keeps popping up in my dreams, and I swear he looks just like Max’. ‘ That’s crazy Maria Max hasn’t been with anyone to produce an offspring’.

‘Hear me out okay’ Maria said turning to him ‘What if he and Liz you know, did the deed before she left and that’s why she ran because she was pregnant’.

‘Maria you talking crazy, besides Liz pretended to sleep with Kyle, if she and Max did anything why did she pretend to sleep with him then’ Michael said.

‘I don’t know, maybe like she freaked or something’ ‘Maria, just because some little brown hair boy pops up in your dreams doesn’t mean anything but a way to show your over active imagination’ Michael said ‘besides he would have told me if anything happened’.

‘Oh yea, im sure Max would run right over and tell you he had some hot alien sex’ Maria stopped ‘wait a minute I didn’t tell you the boy had brown hair ‘ she said glaring at him.

Michael turned and started watching TV ‘you’ve seen him haven’t you’ she asked. He didn’t answer just continued to watch TV ‘MICHAEL’ Maria screamed.

‘What’ he said looking back at her ‘okay so some annoying little kid has been in my dreams, what do you want me to do about it’ he said. “Don’t you think its odd thou’ Maria said. ‘He wont tell me his name, or his parents name’.

‘Well he wont tell me either’ Michael said ‘look just be careful okay it may be some kind of trap’. Maria raised her eyebrow ‘he’s a harmless three year old’ ‘Maria don’t argue with me just do it’ he snapped.

‘Are you going to talk to Max’ she asked. Michael blew out a breath ‘fine ill talk to him’.


Max walked thru the open field, ‘what the’ he thought I wasn’t here a minute ago, in the distance he saw a small boy playing with a ball.

Max walked over looking around confused ‘Hi, there’ he said. Xan looked up ‘hello, wanna pway’ he said rolling the ball to him. Max felt his heartbeat start rapidly beating when he looked and saw his own eyes looking back at him.

‘What’s ‘your name’ Max asked. Xan just said the same thing he told the other 6 people ‘it’s a secret’. Max noticed Xan staring at him like he was trying to remember every detail about him.

‘Where’s your mommy and daddy’ Max asked as he sat down ‘Daddy is far away, he cant come home yet’ ‘Why not?’ Max asked. Xan shrugged his shoulders ‘mommy says it’s not safe’.

‘Is your mommy here’ he asked Xan looked up at him and laughed ‘no swilly she’s in her own dream wand’ ‘that’s right and your in mind, how did you get into mine’ he asked.

‘From a picture mommy has’ Xan said putting his head down ‘she cries a lot at night, I can hear her’ Max ran his finger thru his hair, softly he asked ‘why does she cry’. ‘She’s scared and she misses her friends and my daddy’ he said.

They sat there is silence for a few minutes, thoughts spinning rapidly thru Max’s head. He would look at Xan and then look back at his feet. ‘Where do you live’ he asked hoping to get some small piece of information ‘In a house’ Xan answered.

Max had to laugh ‘I mean like I live in Roswell, New Mexico what about you’ ‘Sermans mountant’ Xan said. ‘You mean mountain”? He asked ‘that’s what I said mountant’ Xan said ‘Okay’ Max laughed.

Finally after a few more minutes Max held out his hand ‘well my name is Max’ he said. Xan giggled and shook his hand. ‘Who taught you how to come into peoples dreams’ he asked. ‘My Aunt Rista’ Xan said.

‘You know I have a sister, her name is Isabel she can go into peoples dreams too’ Max said ‘I know’ Xan said. Max looked at Xan taking in the features from the way the strands of hair would fall in front of his face, to the way it curled just a little in the back, the way his eyes seemed to sparkle when you looked into them ‘You know’?’ he asked.

Xan ignored the question ‘I can do all kinds of things’ ‘really like what’ ‘ ‘I can show you’ Xan said standing up, he held out his hand and blew up a little rock.

‘Wow you are strong’ Max smiled ‘Uncle Jake says im going to be very strong’ ‘I bet’ Max said and leaned over to him ‘you know I can do things too’ Xans eyes got big ‘you can?’ he asked.

“Yep I can make people feel better’’ ‘rweally, I made a swirrel feel better once’ Xan said with such pride. ‘You did, well I made a bird feel better when I was younger’.

‘Who’s this’ Max asked picking up the stuffed elephant that was sitting on the ground ‘that’s Kermit, he goes everywhere with me’ Max smiled as he held the elephant in his hand ‘Isn’t Kermit a green frog’ he asked.

‘But he can be Kermit too’ Xan said ‘yes he can, so is blue your favorite color’ Max asked ‘yep I love blue’ he said smiling. ‘Well its nice to meet you Kermit’ Max said talking to the elephant, Xan just laughed ‘your so swilly’.

Max sat there taking in everything Xan told him about his favorite toys, his favorite food, anything that Xan wanted to share.

Xan stood up ‘I have to go now, mommy is waiting for me to pway with her in her dweams’ he said. Max stared at the little boy ‘well it was really nice to meet you’ he said standing up. ‘Nice to meet you too’ Xan said.

Well goodbye’ Max said. Xan smiled bigger ‘Say goodnight, not goodbye’. Max just smiled ‘ok then goodnight’.

Xan smiled and turned to run off, turning around to face Max again ‘Da- Mr. Max can I pway with you again’. Max swallowed hard taking one last good look shaking his head ‘I would like that’ he said.

Xan started to fade out ‘Wait’ Max hollered Xan stopped and looked at him ‘Tell your mommy, she doesn’t have to scared anymore, tell her ’ he said ‘ In my heart there’ll always be a place for you, For all my life’ just like that okay.

Xan just nodded and faded away

Max bolted out of his sleep ‘Oh my god, I have a son’ he said turning on his desk lamp he reached for the phone calling Isabel.


Next afternoon

Liz came home to find Pacey talking to himself ‘Are you okay ‘she asked with a raised eyebrow. ‘Huh’ bringing Pacey back to reality ‘ your talking to yourself’ she said.

‘Yea im fine’ he said, Liz started to walk to the back ‘Wait’ Pacey said stopping her ‘can I talk to your for a minute’ he asked.

‘Sure what’s up’ she said sitting down. Pacey came and sat down besides her shoving a little black box in her hand. Liz opened it and her mouth dropped looking at the diamond that sitting neatly in the box.

‘Pacey I love you and all but’ she started teasing ‘its not for you doofus, its for Serina’ Pacey said. ‘I know that’ she said handing the box back to him.

‘Pacey are sure about this’ ‘yes I think I am’ he said ‘No thinking Pacey, you need to be one hundred percent sure, if you do this and she says yes its forever they bond for life’

Pacey looked at Liz ‘I am sure Liz, I never felt like this before, she’s everything that I want and need’. Liz threw her arms around him ‘then go get her, I am really happy for you’ she said.

Jake came walking into the house with a box in his hands ‘Where’s Xan’ he asked. ‘In the back playing’ Pacey said ‘what have you got there’.

‘Just a late birthday present for him’ he said as he hollered for Xan to come see. Xan came running in the living room ‘hey Uncle Jake’ he said giving him a high five.

Jake put the box down and pushed it towards Xan ‘For me’ Xans eyes opened wide ‘yep all for you’ he said. Liz looked up at him ‘what did you do’ she said, Jake just smiled ‘you’ll see’.

Xan opened the box and he started jumping up and down clapping his hands together ‘a puppy, mommy look a puppy’ he said as he tried to pick him up out of the box.

Jake picked up the little white Maltese puppy out of the box and set him on the ground. The puppy pounced up and started licking Xan in the face ‘Can I keep him mommy, can I can I’ he said petting him.

‘Yes, why don’t you take him outside so he can use the bathroom’ Liz said. After Xan brought him outside she turned ‘Gee thanks a lot Jake’ Jake smiled ‘what he was free, and besides every boy needs a dog’.

Pacey got up to look out the window so he could check on him he could hear Liz telling Jake ‘well you better hope he don’t' ‘Pacey started laughing ‘to late’ he said.

Liz looked up ‘you got to be kidding me’ ‘No’ Pacey said cracking up laughing, he went to open the door and sure enough here came a little blue puppy running inside.

Liz put her head in her hands ‘oh dear lord help me please’ she said shaking her head. Jake was sitting there laughing he put his hand on her knee and patted it, she just shoved it away.

Chapter 16

It had been a couple of weeks since Xan started to visit their dreams, Max had Alex going crazy trying to find out anything close to what Xan said about the mountains.

Max had even thought about confronting and asking Liz’s parents, but then it probably would cause more problems and the fact that they would probably wouldn’t tell him anyways but run straight to tell Liz.

Max was trying to be patient the best he could, Michael had already managed to chase Xan right out of his dream once by hounding him with questions; he didn’t want that to happen again.

Michael had come strolling into his apartment to see everyone sitting around talking, they had come down for the break ‘Your late’ Maria said Michael just grunted ‘had to work late, Paul quit’ ‘really why’ she asked. ‘I don’t know I don’t keep tabs on everyone’ he said plopping down on his couch.

‘What’s everyone talking about’ he asked. Isabel spoke up ‘we are talking about how that wench’ ‘Isabel’ Max snapped at her ‘Sorry, how Liz is keeping Max’s son away from him’ Isabel said in a much nicer tone.

‘It just doesn’t make any sense’ Maria said ‘I know Liz; she just wouldn’t up and leave with a reason, I just don’t understand something more has to be going on’.

Michael looked over at Max ‘about that, how come you didn’t say anything to us about you and Liz doing the deed’ ‘God Michael, rude much’ Maria said and slapped him on the shoulder.

‘It was none of your business, it was something private between her and I’ Max said. “ Max are you not even the slightest bit pissed off at her, she left and has kept your son away from you’ Isabel said.

‘Of course I am pissed, but what good is it doing me now, I am not any closer to finding them’ Max said.
‘What about your son’ Tess spoke up as they looked at her ‘has he said anything else to any of you’ they all shook their heads no.

‘Got to give it to him, he’s good he won’t say more than he wants to’ Kyle said. “He just keeps telling me he can’t tell’ Max said.

‘Have you tried telling him that you know who he is and who you are’ Michael asked. ‘No, I don’t want to scare him away like some people’ Max said raising an eyebrow towards Michael.

‘I am pretty sure he already knows who I am just by the way he looks at me, but I don’t want to tell him I know he might not come back’ Max said.

‘Maybe Isabel can dream walk him instead’ Kyle said. Alex shook his head ‘She already tried, she couldn’t get in it was like he was blocking her she couldn’t even get a peek’ he said.

‘I even tried to dream walk that boy Pacey that’s with her’ Isabel said ‘all I saw was him and some redhead, I didn’t stay to long’ as her cheeks started blushing.

‘Got a peep show huh’ Kyle said grinning ‘shut up’ Isabel said as she threw a pillow at him.

‘What do we do in the meantime’ Maria asked. Max stood up ‘Keep trying, just take in your surroundings, but don’t let him know that you know who he is. Don’t scare him away

Just keep trying to get him to talk, maybe he will say something to help find him better’.


Pacey walked in to find Serina sitting on the floor crying with papers thrown all about her. He ran over to her ‘Hey what’s wrong’ he asked.

She didn’t answer ‘Serina talk to me’ he said. Serina looked up with tears in her eyes as she shoved a piece of paper in his hand ‘read’ she sniffed.

As pacey read the paper “Oh God’ he said as he sat down next to Serina and put his head in his hands.

‘We have to tell her ‘Serina said in between sniffles. Pacey wrapped his arm around her and pulled her to him placing a kiss on top of her head ‘I’ll do it’ he said.

Later that night

Max waited for Xan to show up, the change came but something was different about this time. He could see an old wooden swing nestled in between two trees. He could see the back of someone’s head taking a closer look he recognized the long dark hair that was swaying in the wind.

He tried to run forward but something was stopping him, it was like he was looking thru a glass window, he tried to scream her name but his voice was never heard. All he could do was watch and listen so he did.

Max looked around and saw a couple of houses, looking up he noticed he was surrounded by mountains but not so much that you could still see the stars shining brightly above him.

He watched as Xan climbed up into his mothers lap and spoke to her ‘Mommy sing to me’ he could hear Xan asking.

‘What do you want to hear sweetheart’ Liz asked wrapping her arms around him ‘The goodnight song’ he said. Liz smiled he always chose that song it was his favorite, she should have known he would pick it. So started to sing it.

‘Say goodnight, not goodbye
You will never leave my heart behind
Like the path of a star
I’ll be anywhere you are’

Max watched as she lightly slid a strand of hair away from his eyes, her voice carry thru every inch of his body.

‘In the spark that lies beneath the coals
In the secret place inside your soul
Keep my light in your eyes
Say goodnight not goodbye’

Xan snuggled closer to Liz holding Kermit in one hand while the other played with the back of her hair.

‘Don’t you fear when you dream
Waking up is never what it seems
Like a jewel buried deep
Like a promise meant to keep’

Max closed his eyes as the tears built up. There they were his son and the mother of his child at his fingertips so close, but yet so far away, he could reach out but never grab hold.

‘You are everything you want to be
So just let your heart reach out to me
I’ll be right by your side
Say goodnight, not goodbye’

Liz placed a kiss on top of his head and closed her eyes as she sung. Xan glanced to the back of her and meet his father’s eyes. Max looked into his son’s eyes and nodded his head showing that he understood. This was Xans doing; he was giving him a chance to see, but nothing more. He would take what he could get right now.

‘You are everything you want to be
So just let your heart reach out to me
Keep my light in your eyes
Say goodnight, not goodbye’

As she finished the song she kept her eyes closed as a single tear fell from it. She wiped it away when Xan asked ‘Mommy, which one is daddy’s’ pointing to the sky.

Liz pointed to the V shaped one ‘You see those five stars right there that come down to a point, the one at the bottom shining brighter than the others that’s his’.

They sat there rocking in silence for a few minutes while Max looked on praying that Liz would turn around and see or feel him, but he guessed his son was blocking his presence.

Glancing once at Max then turning to look up at his mother ‘Mommy’ he started.

Liz looked down at her son, he started to pick at the little fuzz balls on Kermit ‘Do you think my daddy will love me’ he asked.

Liz couldn’t stop the tears from falling then, she turned him in her lap so that he was hugging her ‘he will, just as much as I do’ she whispered.

‘I think its time to go’ Liz told him after a few minutes ‘okay mommy’ he said as he hugged her tight one more time as he looked at Max.

Max knew what was coming and he mouthed the words ‘goodnight’ and managed a smile as he watched his son smile back.


** Song by Beth Nielson Chapman –Say Goodnight, Not Goodbye

Chapter 17

Pacey walked back and forth from the living room to Liz’s bedroom about fifteen times, trying to figure out the words to say to her, how was he suppose to tell his best friend that if she didn’t connect with Max she was going to die.

He couldn’t believe it when he read those words, these people sure were whacked he thought. How could someone even come up with something like this it was just unbelievable?

As he walked to the door for the sixteenth time he stood there staring at the closed door. He jumped when Liz opened it ‘are you going to pace back and forth all day or come in’ she asked.

Pacey looked at her ‘I need to talk to you’ he said as he followed her into the bedroom ‘What’s up you look like someone just ran over your dog’ she said.

‘Something like that’ he mumbled ‘what’ she asked. ‘Nothing, Liz Serina finished translating the scroll about your mark’ he said.

‘What did it say’ she asked. Pacey sat down on her bed pulling her to sit next to him ‘Liz’ he started ‘wow this is harder than I thought’ ‘Pacey’ she said taking his hand ‘just tell me’.

Pacey closed his eyes for a moment trying to gather up the courage, he opened up his eyes and looked into hers ‘Liz if you don’t connect with Max, your going to die’.

‘What’ Liz said he repeated himself going into detail ‘If you don’t physically connect with Max you will die, the mark will start draining energy out of you’?

‘That’s crazy, Pacey’ ‘I know it is, I didn’t believe it either when I first read it but its true Liz’. ‘If it’s true then why does it take so long, why three years’ Liz asked?

‘I don’t know, but these people whoever they are took this serious, it happened only once a long time ago, the king and queen split up. The court was not happy about it, so they gave them a time limit to work things out. When the queen refused they did something to the seal.’

Liz looked at him ‘this is just totally ridiculous’ she said. ‘I know but it’s making sense look at you, your tired all the time, you don’t do anything anymore’ he said.

‘That has nothing to do with it, im just tired from school’ ‘That’s bullshit and you know it’ he said.

‘You closed off the connection with him mentally, that’s how it knows something is wrong’ Pacey said. ‘You need to connect with him mentally and physically’. ‘I can’t do that and you know it’ Liz said.

‘I don’t care what you feel you have to do anymore, your life depends on this and I am not going to stand by and watch you do nothing’ Pacey said raising his voice. ‘Stay out of it ‘Liz said getting angry.

‘He changed you when you slept with him, you need him now more than ever’ ‘Don’t you have a plane to catch, your mother is expecting you’ Liz yelled.

‘She can wait, this is more important’ Pacey said ‘Liz please I can not sit by and watch you throw your life away’

‘What do you want me to do Pacey’ she said. ‘Do what you have to, call him’ ‘No’ she said. ‘Why are you being so damn stubborn’ he asked.

‘What am I suppose to say, Hello Max sorry I ran away three years ago, by the way we have a son which I hid from you, but that’s not what is important, the important thing is I need to come here so I can sleep with you so I wont die’ Liz yelled.

‘If that’s what it takes’ Pacey yelled back folding his arms over his chest. Liz stood there glaring at him, finally she threw her arms up ‘I’m not discussing this with you anymore, stay out of it’ she said and walked out of the room.

Pacey walked and slumped down on the couch after Liz walked out and slammed the front door. He noticed Xan sitting there quietly next to him petting cricket ‘Hey there little man’ he said ‘Hey’ Xan whispered back.

Pacey leaned back and closed his eyes Xan looked over at him ‘Uncle Pace’ ‘yes’ Pacey answered ‘are you going to leave’ he asked.

He looked at Xan ‘No, why do you ask’ ‘you and mommy were screaming’ ‘me and mommy just had a fight, its something grown ups do sometimes’ ‘okay’

After a few minutes ‘Uncle Pace’ Xan said again ‘huh’ Pacey said ‘Is mommy sick’ he asked Pacey wiped his hands over his face ‘yes she is sport’. Xan looked back down at cricket.

A few more minutes passed he looked back up ‘Uncle Pace’ ‘what’ Pacey said. ‘Is she going to die’ Pacey looked down at Xan and pulled him into his lap to hug him ‘no I wont let that happen’ he said.

Xan rested his head in the crook of Pacey’s neck without looking up ‘Uncle Pace’ Pacey hugged him harder and closed his eyes ‘what’ he asked ‘bring my daddy here’ Xan said.

‘Okay’ was all Pacey whispered as the two sat there hugging.


Max woke up to his sister running in his room; they were staying at their parent’s house while they were on break. ‘Max’ she said ‘Izzy you saw her didn’t you, it wasn’t just me’ ‘Yes I saw her, I just hung up with Alex he saw her to’ ‘Call Tess and Kyle, I’ll call Maria and Michael’ Max said.

‘I will, Max is this really happening, you are going to see your son’ she asked ‘I hope so’ he said thinking back to what happened in his dream

Xan pulled all seven of them in at once; telling them it was time to come something was going to happen, what it could be he thought. The last thing he saw was Liz standing there in a field. It didn’t matter he would find out once he got there.

His son, he was going to see his son and Liz, oh god after all these years of searching, it was coming to an end.

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2003 8:51 am
by Itzstacie
Chapter 18

Pacey pulled up to the sheriff’s station and sat in his car for a moment Why am I doing this again he thought. Looking in the rear view mirror at himself ‘because your best friend is dying, and you promised your godchild’ he said to himself.

Glancing around to make sure no one was around he stepped out. He figured the sheriff would be the best bet. He didn’t want to go to the Crash Down in fear of the Parkers seeing him.

Liz thought he was visiting his mother, he didn’t want her to find out where he was really was. He hoped his mother bought his excuse at the last minute and didn’t call to check up on him.

He walked inside and noticed a deputy sitting behind the counter reading a newspaper. Walking up Hansen peeked over the edge of his paper ‘Can I help you’ he asked. ‘I was looking for Sheriff Valenti actually’ Pacey said.

‘He’s busy right now, I can help you’ Hansen said. Pacey sighed ‘Its kind of personal, I’ll wait’ he said as he turned and sat down in one of the chairs. Hansen eyed the kid, then folding his newspaper in half and setting it down, he got up and went to the back.

‘What is it Hansen, I told you not to disturb me’ Jim hollered as Hansen opened the door ‘Sorry Sheriff, there’s a kid out there wanting to see you’. ‘Well what does he want’ Jim asked. ‘Don’t know Sheriff, he only wants to talk to you’.

‘Send him in then’ Jim said. Hansen went and got Pacey as he showed him in ‘Thank you Hansen, close the door on your way out’. Pacey sat down in front of his desk ‘What’s so important that one of my deputies couldn’t help you with Mr. uh’ ‘summers’ Pacey said ‘Mr. Summers’ Jim said.

‘’Well sir, I was wondering if you could help me find Max Evans’ Pacey said. Jim rose his eyebrow ‘Max Evans, huh can I ask what you want with him’. Pacey started to get nervous ‘Um actually sir’ ‘Have I seen you before, you look familiar’ Jim said cutting him off, starting at him trying to place where he had seen his face before.

It dawned on him ‘you that kid that knows the Parker girl Liz’ ‘yes sir’ Pacey said. ‘Excuse me for a minute’ Jim said getting up and walking out of his door. Oh shit Pacey thought, he was going to go call Liz’s parents.

Jim walked out of his office and to a phone sitting on one of the outer desk picking up and dialing ‘Michael , yea its me’ Jim said ‘Listen Michael, there someone here looking for Max’ ‘okay I’ll do that’ Jim hung up the phone and walked back into his office.

Michael hung up and looked at the others ‘that was the sheriff, the guy that was with Liz is at the station looking for Max, he giving him directions he should be here in about ten minutes.

Pacey pulled up to the apartments fifteen minutes later. Walking up and knocking on the door he gulped when he saw a blonde answer the door with kind of a punk attitude. Michael looked at Pacey ‘this way’ he said as he walked back into the front room.

As he followed Michael inside he thought I am a dead man when he saw six other people sitting there glaring at him. ‘Okay spill it Pacey where is she’ Maria yelled once she saw it was him ‘Nice to see you to Deluca’ Pacey said.

‘Cut the crap Pacey, I know you know where she is’ Maria snapped. ‘She’s not here, if that’s what your thinking’ he snapped back. ‘Where is she” Alex asked. Michael pulled up a chair and motioned for Pacey to sit down.

‘She’s back in Colorado, Sherman Mountains’ he said. Max smiled a little at the thought of his sons misprounation of words. ‘So she sent you to do her dirty work’ Kyle asked. Pacey shook his head ‘no in fact she doesn’t know im here, if she did I would be dead’.

‘I came because of him ‘he said as he pulled out some pictures and dropped them down on the table. Pacey watched as they picked up the different pictures of Xan ‘her son’ he said then looked at Max ‘your son’.

Max closed his eyes a feeling took over that he couldn’t describe, it was one thing to have the feeling of knowing, but to actually hear someone confirm it. He felt a rush of excitement and anger come over him.

“Whether she wants to admit it or not she needs your help, they all do’ Pacey said.’What makes you think that after all these years we would drop everything and help her and who is they’ Isabel said. ‘Isabel stop it’ Max said.

‘Look I don’t give a rat’s ass about the rest of you, the only one I came for and has anything to do with this is Max’ Pacey said.

Pacey looked around and thought for a moment looking at everyone ‘were you like expecting me or something, Kind of funny you all are here just at the right time, and you don’t really seem to surprised to see me’.

‘Yes and no, we know that Liz has a son he’s been visiting our dreams, we came to our own conclusion that Max is the father, he wouldn’t really tell us anything about who he was or where he was’ Maria said ‘That little sneak’ Pacey said smiling.

Max opened his mouth to say something but was cut off by Paceys cell phone ringing. ‘Excuse me’ Pacey said as he answered it to find a frustrated Serina on the other end.

‘Serina what happened’ he asked ‘Serina calm down, its not like the first time he’s done something like this’ ‘I’m kind of in the middle of something right now’ Pacey looked around to see everyone staring at him turning some in the seat ‘Where is his mother; he asked.

Max got up and pretended to get something trying to listen better ‘put him on the phone’ Pacey said ‘no just put him on the phone ill talk to him’ ‘Hey little man, why are you giving your Aunt Serina a hard time.

You know your mother doesn’t like it when you do that’ ‘I understand you like it buddy, but the puppy does not like to be blue’ Pacey smiled when he saw Kyle spit out his drink laughing and the others sat there wide eyed.

‘Ill make a deal with you, you turn the puppy back white and I wont tell your mother, it will be our secret’ ‘Ill tell aunt Serina not to tell’ ‘ok I love you too’ ‘did he do it’ ‘okay I got to go ill be home tomorrow’ ‘love you to’ as he hung up the phone.

‘He turned the puppy blue’ Max asked raising his eyebrow and smiling. Pacey scratched his head ‘yea, Xan has this fanastation about that color, its how I found out everything actually’. “She named him Xan’ Tess asked.

‘No his name is Alexander’ ignoring the huge grin that spread across Alex’s face at that instant ‘we just call him Xan for short’. Standing up Pacey threw a piece of paper on the table ‘Look I cant tell you why she did what she did, I don’t know myself and even if I did it would be her place to tell you not mine’.

‘That’ pointing to the paper ‘is the hotel im staying at, my plane leaves at 10 am if you want answers, them meet me there, if not then don’t this is your only chance’ he said as he turned to leave.

Pacey started to get into his car but stopped when he saw Max running up ‘Pacey wait can I, can we go somewhere and talk’ ‘sure man just as long as its not close to the Crash Down, I don’t want the Parkers to know im here’ “ I know a place’ Max said as he got in the passenger side.

Twenty minutes later they were sitting out at the rock quarry ‘Tell me about him please’ Max asked ‘Who Xan’ Max nodded his head ‘he’s incredible what can I say, he’s so lovable, always giving hugs, and he adores his mother’.

Max sat there and listened as Pacey told stories about Xan ‘how did you find out, you know about him being different’ Max asked. ‘Kind of funny actually, I didn’t find out till he was about 2 and a half, I came home one day to find Liz screaming, when I got in the room he was changing the room to blue, the look on Liz’s face was priceless’ Pacey laughed ‘after that she had no choice to tell me’.

‘How is she’ Max asked Pacey looked at him ‘Liz, well she’s Liz stubborn as usual’ ‘can I ask you something’ he said Max looked at him ‘sure’ ‘do you still love her’.

Max closed his eyes he wasn’t really expecting that question, deep down inside he did but how do you get past the lies and betrayal. When he didn’t answer Pacey looked at him ‘look, I know your angry and hurt about what she did, but when you see her don’t be to hard on her she hasn’t had it easy’ Pacey said.

‘I have a right to be angry’ Max said ‘I know you do, and if I was in your shoes I would be too’ he said. ‘Then don’t expect me to be all smiles’ Max said. ‘Look there is things going on that I can’t tell you, I would but it is really Liz’s place to tell you.

‘I will tell you this its serious and you are the only one that can do something about it, but its something you have to do on your own free will, I wont tell you so you can do it out of pity or feel its something you have to do’ Pacey said.

‘What is it’ Max asked “talk to Liz, that’s all I can tell you’ Pacey said. ‘So why does he like blue so much’ Max asked ‘I don’t know’ Pacey laughed ‘just a wild imagination I guess’. The two continued to talk in the wee hours about Xan growing up.

Chapter 19

Two cars drove along the mountainside pulling off the main road onto a dirt one. They watched how they disappeared behind some trees. Pulling up they noticed several small houses sitting in the middle of nowhere. ‘Home sweet home’ Pacey said as he parked the car.

As the walked in Pacey noticed Krista sitting there putting a lamp back together, noticing a hole in the wall ‘what the hell happened’ he asked causing Krista to jump.

Krista looked up and noticed the seven people standing behind him ‘Pacey’ she said gesturing her head towards them ‘I brought them, they know’ he said ‘Liz is going to be pissed’ she said ‘I don’t care what Liz is going to be right now, by the way where is she’ ‘she hasn’t got home from class yet’.

‘What the hell happened’ he asked again pointing to the hole in the wall. ‘Xan’ she said ‘Xan did that ‘Michael asked surprised. Krista looked at Michael then turned to Pacey ‘He threw a temper tantrum, about not getting something he wanted’.

‘Where is he now’ he asked ‘Serina and Jake took him to the peak to let him finish before he destroyed anything else in the house’ ‘Wow’ Alex said ‘got quite a hole there’ he said. ‘Maybe you should fix it before Liz gets home’ Pacey said Krista rolled her eyes ‘I was working on that when you came in’.

Twenty minutes later the front door opened and Liz came in ‘hey anybody’ she saw her past standing before her ‘home’ she finished off. They stood there staring at each other. Liz bit her lower lip as she thought oh god, she saw Pacey standing in the corner then it hit her. Storming past everyone ‘you in the back now’ she yelled as she grabbed his arm to follow her.

Once in the back she screamed ‘How could you do this to me, I told you to stay out of it’ Pacey snapped he hated to fight with her, but he needed to make her understand ‘I did what you couldn’t do’ he said.

Liz looked at him ‘What do you want from me Pacey’. Pacey walked over and grabbed her by the arm pulling her to the closet he opened the door and turned her to face herself in the mirror ‘Look at what your doing to yourself, take a good look because you know what I see nothing, Liz Parker is not in there.

This person is selfish and killing herself, I want my best friend back, the one that was full of life, the one who had hopes and dreams. This person I see before me is nothing, an empty hollow shell’ he yelled at the top of his lungs not caring that tears were falling down his face.

Liz stared at herself in the mirror, She turned to face Pacey ‘What do you want from me, you want me to tell you that it hurts, it hurts so much that I can’t bare it okay. IT hurts so much I cry myself to sleep every night.

Your right I am not the same anymore, the person I was died the night that I had my ex boyfriend pretend to sleep with me to make the only man I will ever love fall out of love with me.

You call me selfish for keeping my son a secret. Well let me tell you something okay, you want to know the real reason I ran, it wasn’t because I was some scared sixteen year old.

It was to protect the people that meant the most to me’ she yelled ‘what are you talking about’ he said. ‘Max asked me to’ Liz said as the tears fell down her face. Pacey just looked at her confused ‘Yea that’s right you heard me, a future version of Max came to me.

Told me the world was going to end because he wasn’t with Tess his destined queen, told me we had to change the future because if I didn’t then our family would die Michael, Isabel, our son. I did everything I could think of to get Max to turn away from me. Nothing worked so I went to Kyle’.

Liz walked over and stood by her bed ‘the look on his face when he saw us, I live with that everyday Pacey the look of utter betrayal. It hurt so much that after his future self disappeared I sat there crying the entire night and when the morning came I couldn’t take it anymore’ she closed her eyes and continued

‘I didn’t want to hurt anymore I was going to tell him the truth, to hell with what his future self said. If fourteen years was all I had, then I was going to take them. I was going to be selfish I wanted Max and nothing else. But you know what stopped me’ she cried’.

Pacey shook his head no as he continued to listen to her ‘I went downstairs and before I walked thru the door I noticed Isabel and Michael sitting there at the counter, and Michael was laughing. It was the first time I have ever seen him really laughing.

As I stood there watching I felt Xan for the first time, and it was then I knew I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t let them die because it would destroy everyone especially Max, so I ran I ran as fast as I could’. Liz slid to the floor by her bed ‘I’m so tired Pacey I cant do this anymore’.

Pacey ran and fell down besides her pulling her into his arms ‘im so sorry Liz, I never knew’ he said. ‘By the time we got here and I found out about the seal and bonding it was too late, I couldn’t face them. Everything I have been told has left me with so much confusion I don’t know what’s real and what’s not anymore’ she cried. ‘We will figure it out’ he said as he held her.

After a few minutes they both composed their selves and walked back out front. Liz saw the expression on her friend’s faces; tears fell down Maria’s, Isabel and Tess’s faces. Silence filled the room ‘How, How much did you hear’ Liz asked. ‘Everything’ Isabel whispered.

Looking around she didn’t see Max ‘where is he’ she asked Krista pointed to the back yard.

Liz walked outside to the back, Max was standing there with his arms down to his sides, and she could tell he had his eyes closed. As she got closer ‘Why’ she heard him ask. Before she could answer ‘why couldn’t you trust me enough to tell me the truth’ he asked.

She didn’t know what to say, the words just wouldn’t come. He turned around and faced her ‘did I mean that little to you, did what we had mean anything to you’ he asked. ‘It meant everything to me’ she said.

‘You had no right to keep my son from me’ he yelled. ‘I did what I thought was right, you heard everything I told Pacey’ she yelled. ‘‘So you took it upon yourself to run, do you honestly believe I would tell you to take my son away from me’ he asked.

‘I don’t know what to believe anymore’ she said. ‘ I can’t believe you would do something like this, what about my son, did it occur to you that he might want his father there’ he yelled at the top of his lungs.

‘I thought I was doing what YOU asked me to do; you act like I wanted this happen’. Max stared at her he couldn’t do this he thought he was ready to face her, but it just hurt too much he turned and walked away from her.

Walking back inside she stormed in after him not caring that everyone was staring at them, turning him around to face her ‘don’t you walk away from me’ she hollered ‘I didn’t ask for any of this, I didn’t ask for you to come back from the future to screw up my life

I didn’t ask to be branded like a cow with your seal, I didn’t ask for my life to be lived hidden away from my family and friends, just like I didn’t ask for you to save my life that day in the Crash Down’ she screamed the words out not really thinking about what she was saying.

‘Maybe I shouldn’t have’ he screamed, the words just flew out of his mouth before he realized what he said. Hearing everyone gasp at his remark he watched as Liz’s eyes darted back and forth with rage ‘well then maybe’ she said as she took his hand and shoved it on her throat ‘you should correct it now’ she said.

Kyle, Alex, Michael and Pacey stood up ready to jump into action at the two people who had just lost their minds, not believing what they just heard. Max couldn’t even register what she just said he pulled his shaking hand away from her throat and stood there staring at her.

Before anyone could say another word Jake came stumbling in the door, his shirt was ripped, his arms burned and his head bleeding. The look on his face caused Liz to fall to her knees.

Chapter 20

Krista ran to Jake “oh my god, what happened’ she yelled. Krista helped him stagger over to Liz ‘I’m so sorry, it was too late I tried to get to them’ he cried out. Pacey screamed out ‘what happened’.

Jake kept his eyes on Liz ‘at the peak, there was a van, I sent Serina and Xan into the building and I went to check the van out , that’s the last thing I remember, I woke up and there was a fire’ he panted.

The pain he felt in his head, and arms were nothing compared to Liz beating on his chest ‘you were suppose to protect him’ she screamed as she continued to pound on his chest.

Pacey fell to his knees and put his hands over his eyes, Jake grabbed Liz hugging her ‘I’m sorry, I tried to get to them, the fire was to hot, after I put it out there was nothing there’ Jake cried. ‘Oh my god’ Krista started to cry as the realization sunk in.

Maria stood up and went to Liz “Liz’ she started, Liz slid to the floor laying her head on floor with her arms outstretched before her, she closed her eyes, then opened them ‘NO” she screamed as she sat back up on her knees.

‘Liz I was there’ Jake tried to reason with her. ‘No’ she shouted again, she wouldn’t hear it, standing up ‘He’s not dead, he’s not I would have felt it if something happened to him’ she screamed.

“He would have felt it’ she screamed pointing to Max ‘He’s not dead’ she said again as she ran out the door ignoring the calls for her to come back.

As everyone caught up with her at the peak the rain begun to fall, they could see her running around ‘Alex please answer me’ “Alex please its mommy’. She tried to run into the smoldering building but Pacey held her back “Liz please he’s not in there, she’s not in there’ he pleaded.

Max stood there frozen looking at the building as the rain poured down on him unable to move, it hit him the flash he had, it was his son not Alex, he was in that building, his son that he just found, No he wouldn’t accept that, he was missing, that’s all, he was probably hiding in the woods somewhere.

He jumped into his leadership role barking out orders ‘search the woods, I want ever inch searched’. Michael and Maria headed towards the back of the building spotting the set of tire tracks leading down the mountain he called ‘Max, Liz back here’.

As they ran to the back of the building Michael pointed to the set of tracks. Max wasn’t paying attention to what Michael was saying; instead he watched as Liz walked over and fell to her knees in the mud grasping something she whispered ‘he’s really gone’ then nothing no sound, no tears.

It was like she was in a trance, everything caught up to her at that one moment, running away, Pacey defying her, Max and the rest being here, and now Serina and her son missing. She couldn’t speak, she couldn’t move.

Max watched her slip away, both he and Pacey reaching her at the same time; Pacey waved his hand in front of her face, no movement. ‘Liz’ he said, she didn’t answer. Pacey looked at Max ‘after all that she’s been through - I think it's pushed her too far, into some kind of catatonia ‘he said. They both looked down to see what she was holding it was Xan’s elephant.

Pulling her to him ‘Liz we will find him’ Max said, she didn’t answer just stared off into space ‘Is she going to be okay’ Maria asked. “ I’m taking her home’ ‘Max said picking her up.

Max carried Liz into the bathroom in her bedroom sitting her on the sink she still continued to stare off into space not saying anything. He reached over and grabbed a washcloth and wet it, as he started to wipe the dirt away from her face, she shivered.

He stopped and looked at her, not knowing if it was from his touch, or the fact she was cold. Going with his second guess “I am going to draw you a hot bath, you need to get warm so you don’t catch a cold’ he
Said as he walked over and begun to fill the tub with water.

Walking back he stood in front of her and started unbuttoning her blouse, as he undid the buttons Liz slowly let her eyes gaze up to his. He looked into her eyes, he stopped unbuttoning and cupped her face with his hands; using the pads of his thumb he wiped away a tear that fell from it.

He smoothed the wet hair back from her forehead and leaned down placing soft kiss on her forehead, letting his lips linger there for a minute, he closed his eyes and breathed in deep trying to hold his emotions back. He pulled back and finished undressing her, picking her up and gently placing her in the tub.

Liz pulled her knees up towards her chest and wrapped her arms around her legs and started to gently rock back and forth. Max knelt down beside her and grabbed a cup and tilted her head back some ‘let me wash your hair’ he said.

Liz closed her eyes and let him take the cup and pour water onto her head. Picking up the shampoo Max undid the top and breathed in the strawberry scent, god how he missed that smell. Putting some in his hand he worked into her hair.

After he finished washing her hair, he noticed the seal on her shoulder; looking at it curiously he ran his fingers over it, it started to lightly glow, he watched as it came to life by his touch, he pulled back when he seen her flinch.

‘Sorry’ he told her ‘later when you’re ready’. He finished cleaning her up, picking her up and drying her off the best he could he slipped on her pajama bottoms and a tank top. He waved his hand and dried her hair for her.

Carrying her back into her room he gently laid her on the bed, pushing a strand of hair back behind her hair he bent down and kissed the top of her head. He got up to leave, stopping by the door when he heard his name whispered.

He turned to look at her his eyes met hers, her eyes asking the question that never needed to be said.

He let go of the handle and walked back to the bed, pulling off his shoes he climbed into the bed with her and pulled her to him.

He lay there holding her, listening to the sound of her breathing as she drifted off to sleep.


Serina slowly opened her eyes, her head hurt like hell and the light was blinding, and trying to come into focus she noticed she was sitting in a room with nothing but four walls. Sitting up she positioned herself onto her knees and crawled to the wall.

Using the wall for support she managed to stand up, taking a second to collect her bearings she started to feel around the walls, looking for a way out ‘Let me out of here’ she managed to scream. No one answered she could feel the drugs flowing thru her veins as she fell back to her knees.

The door slid open and a blonde hair man entered ‘finally decided to wake up’ he said. Serina tried to focus on him ‘who are you, where am I’ she demanded. The man smiled ‘you don’t know me, but you know an acquaintance of mine’ just then the door slid open and he walked in.

‘Nicholas you bastard, I should have known’ Serina said. ‘Now is that any way to treat an old friend Serina’ he said ‘we were never friends you prick, where is Xan’. He smiled ‘he’s fine, sedated and sleeping’.

‘Leave him alone, he’s just a baby’ she hollered as she tried to lunge at him. Nicholas put his hand and knocked her back against the wall ‘he may be a baby now, but you and I both know the power he will hold’.

‘I want to see him’ she yelled ‘maybe if you’re a good girl’ Nicholas smirked as he walked up to her put a hand on her knee, she shoved it away ‘keep your hands off me’. Nicholas laughed it off ‘prepare her for transport, I want her knocked out when we leave’ as he left the room.

The door slid back open and three men entered, one of them holding a syringe. The other two men walked over and grabbed her by the arms, she tired fighting them as the one with the syringe stuck it her arm.

The venom poised thru her veins instantly, she tried to fight it, tried to stay awake, it wasn’t working she kept slipping in and out of conscientious. They let her slump back to the floor and left.

A few minutes later the door slid open again, a boy with reddish-hair and similar green eyes ran in ‘Serina, Serina get up I have to get you out of here’ ‘Christopher’ she asked sluggishly ‘I’m so sorry, it all happened to fast I didn’t have time to warn you, come on you have to get up’.

She pushed him back ‘No, cant leave Xan’ she said as she felt her eyelids getting heavy. ‘Where are they taking us’ she tried to ask. ‘They are taking you two back to Roswell, to some abandoned Military Base, I heard Nicholas saying he was going to use you two as a barging chip’.

‘You have to get out of here before your cover is blown’ Serina said using the last of her strength to push him towards the door ‘find a way to contact the others, tell them what you know’.

‘I love you’ he said as he hurried out the door ‘I love you too’ she said as her eyes closed and she fell asleep.

Chapter 21

Max stirred several hours later; he felt something heavy lying on his chest. Opening his eyes he looked down to see Liz lying with her head on his chest. Her arm was draped over his stomach, leg thrown over his.

Remembering the events that led up to this he wrapped his arm around her tighter, he missed this. He looked down and saw how her small petite body fit into his like two pieces of a puzzle coming together.

It hit him, she ran because of him, he managed to do it again hurt her, she was right she didn’t ask for anything of this. Granted he saved her life, but he pulled her into all of this without thinking, a lapse in judgment on his part, all he could do was see her lying on the ground shot.

He threw all logic and reason out the window, and saved her because he was the one being selfish, he didn’t want to see his life without her. Maria, Alex, and Kyle even the Sheriff all pulled into this world of living in constant fear, having to watch your every move.

Even when she tried to walk away, he would act selfishly, he couldn’t let her go. He pushed, begged, pleaded with her to come back to him. When she did the cycle started all over again he hurt her again, and this time she was forced to run, to run with his son.

His son an innocent pawn in all this, his son who was now missing because of who he is, because no matter how hard he tried to deny who he was, someone was always there to remind him

He watched her sleeping form, she had more strength, and courage then he could ever dream of having. She was knocked down, but she got up and moved forward. She didn’t need him to live, he needed her
(I know what your thinking, he doesn’t know about the bonding yet) she completed him, not the other way around.

Hearing her whimper in her sleep ‘Xan’ he placed a kiss on her forehead and worked his way out of their entanglement trying not to wake her up.

Walking into the front he glanced around Jake and Kyle were looking at maps spread out. Alex was working on his laptop. Maria was quietly whispering to Pacey, Isabel and Tess was sitting there watching Krista and Michael who seemed to be a standoff.

‘You’re not in charge here mullet head’ Krista screamed at Michael who was standing there with his arms folded. He unfolded his arms and raised his finger ‘did you just call me a mullet head’ ‘Yea I think I did’ she said glaring at him.

Maria got up and walked over to Max ‘how is she’ she asked. ‘She’s still sleeping, I’ll wake her up when we find something out’ pointing to Krista and Michael ‘what’s up with those two’. ‘Their fighting Michael thinks Isabel should dream walk Xan and Serina, Krista wants to do it’. ‘Got to give it to her, she’s brave taking on Michael’ Maria smiled ‘I know, I like her already’.

Pacey couldn’t take it anymore, the bickering ‘That’s enough’ he yelled. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at him. Standing up ‘their both capable of doing it, why don’t both of you do it, is it that hard to figure out’.

Walking over and yanking the pictures out of Michael’s hand, turning and handing one to Krista ‘you take one’ handing the other picture to Isabel ‘you take the other’. Walking to the front door ‘I need some air’ he said walking out and slamming the door.

Max walked over to Jake ‘feeling better’ he asked looking at the bandage on his head. ‘I’ll live’ Jake answered. ‘I can uh fix that for you if you want ‘Max said pointing to his arms. ‘Thanks, Serina is the one with the advanced healing powers’.

‘No, problem’ Max said as he placed his hand over his arms removing the burn marks, once he did his arms he reached up and healed the cut above his eyes. ‘I’m really sorry about you know’ Jake said as he looked back down at the map. He felt terrible for Serina’s and Xans kidnapping.

‘It’s not your fault, you didn’t know what was going to happen’ Max said. Looking down at the Map Jake was looking at ‘any news’ he said. Jake shook his head ‘we followed the tire marks till the end of the mountains; they disappeared once they hit the main road’.

Cricket walked over and dropped something at Max’s feet and barked at him. Max looked down to see Xans elephant lying at his feet. Picking them both up ‘you miss him too’ cricket barked again. “I will bring him home soon’ he said as he petted him.

Krista was the first to come out of the dream walk, bringing her hand to head ‘nothing ‘ she said looking up ‘she’s drugged, and to out of it, I couldn’t get anything out of her’ she said looking at them.

Isabel came out next looking at Max ‘he’s so scared, they are drugging him they have him a room with only a bed I told him to be brave and that we were coming for him’.


Xan woke up to look around the room ‘don’t cry’ he told himself. He got wide eyed when the door opened and a man walked in. He hurried and got off the bed and slid underneath it ‘you are not my daddy’ he yelled.

The man walked over and pulled the bed away from the wall ‘you’re a smart little boy, smarter than your mother’ he said smiling. Putting his hand up he changed back into him self. ‘I want my mommy’ Xan said trying to press further into the wall.

‘You will see her soon, first we are going to take a little trip’ he said as he descending on him putting him back to asleep.


Liz woke up to find Pacey sitting in a chair, looking at him she managed a weak smile to form. “How long have I been out’ she asked ‘about two hours’.

Sitting up in bed realization hit her ‘it wasn’t a dream was it’ getting up and moving to the bed ‘no, im afraid it wasn’t’ he said. She started to cry and Pacey put his arms around her.

Pulling back she looked up at him ‘Pacey, I’m so sorry, I know this is hard on you too’. Pulling her back and kissing the top of her head ‘we will get them both back’ he said.

Max opened the door and couldn’t help but feel a pang of jealously at the site of Pacey sitting there comforting Liz. Clearing his throat to make his presence known they both looked up at him. He met Liz’s eyes ‘Jakes on the phone, I think we have a lead’.

They both sprang from the bed following Max back to the front. Jake was just finishing up ‘Okay thanks man, be careful’ he said. Hanging up and looking at Liz ‘we got something, Nicholas has them’.

‘Oh god’ Isabel said bring her hand to her mouth. Pacey looked at everyone’s expressions ‘who’s Nicholas’ he asked. ‘One of my enemies’ was all Max said.

‘Where are they’ Tess asked. ‘They are taking them back to Roswell, some abandoned military base’. Max, Michael, Tess, Isabel, Liz, Alex and Maria looked at each other. ‘Eagle Rock’ they whispered at the same time.

‘You know it’ Jake asked. They shook their heads yes. Max swallowed trying to hold back the bile he felt raising in this throat. He closed his eyes trying to fight back the images that rushed forward of that night he was tortured.

He opened his eyes and let them gaze over to Liz; she was looking back at him. He didn’t see the rage that they once held earlier that day, instead he saw sadness, behind the sadness he could she knew what he was thinking.

He held her gaze until Tess’s voice snapped them back ‘we rescued Max from there once before’. Max closed his eyes again remembering the torture he went thru in that place and now his son was in there being held by someone much worse than Pierce.

Michael was not being easily convinced ‘How do we know this isn’t some trap, how good is your informant’. ‘He’s reliable, I trust him’ Jake said. ‘Well I don’t like it’ Michael snapped.

‘He can be trusted’ Krista said ‘how do you know’ Kyle asked he had to agree with Michael on this one it seemed too easy. ‘Because he’s Serina’s brother’ Jake said.

Liz and Pacey looked at each other then over at Jake and Krista ‘I didn’t know she had a brother’ they said. ‘We didn’t say, the less who knew the better’ Jake said ‘he’s been working undercover as one of Nicholas’s groupies’

‘One more question’ Jake said they looked at him ‘what the hell is a granolith?’

Chapter 22

‘What does the granolith have to do with this’ Michael asked. ‘Nicholas plans on using Xan and Serina as a bargaining chip for it’ Jake said.

‘Give it to him’ Max said ‘Max’ Isabel, Tess and Michael yelled. ‘You can’t make that decision alone’ Michael yelled. ‘Like hell I can, if that’s what it’s going to take to get my son back then the decision is already made’

‘That’s final’ he yelled when he saw Michael opening his mouth to protest. ‘Looks like we are going back home’ Alex said. Max looked at everyone ‘get some rest, we leave first thing in the morning’.

Liz sat outside gently rocking on the swing it would be morning soon. She knew she should be trying to sleep, but she couldn’t she just had so much running thru her head. Her blowout with Pacey, she knew she shouldn’t have snapped at him.

The words he said were so true; she wasn’t the same anymore, she shutdown, burying all the hurt all the anger. He did what she knew she would never be able to do; he made her face her past.

Max – the look on his face when she lost control today, it was like a replay of the night he saw her in bed with Kyle. She didn’t mean to lose control, it all came rushing out the years of hurting, and the years of being angry just came out.

They were in this never ending cycle it seemed, she was sure that today was the final straw, but the look he gave her in the bathroom. Anger was no longer there, instead it was uncertainty.

Her friends- Maria, Alex, Kyle, Michael, Isabel, even Tess. Their faces no longer held hatred, but understanding and determination. It was funny how each held their own different personalities each one brought something different to the group.

But when it came down to the wire they were all the same, like one person melding together to overcome the battle they were faced with.

Liz heard the snapping of twigs looking up she saw Maria walking towards her ‘couldn’t sleep’ she asked. Maria nodded her head as she sat down next to her. “Maria’ she started, she knew she would have to talk to all of them eventually.

Maria cut her off ‘Liz, you don’t have to apologize, I should be the one to apologize to you’. Liz looked at her ‘for what’. Maria turned to face her ‘After you left and a couple of months went by, I was so angry at you I wanted to hate you for hurting us, your family even on the way up here I wanted to hate you.

Hearing what you said to Pacey, made something clear to me you are a remarkable woman Liz Parker, I don’t think there is another person out there that can do what you did’. ‘That’s not true’ Liz said putting her head down ‘you would have done the same thing’.

‘No, no I wouldn’t have and that’s the honest truth, you listened to your heart, sacrificed so much and every single person in that house knows it’ Maria said. “I said some awful things to Pacey and Max’ Liz said.

‘No, you spoke what you felt and you had every right to, it doesn’t make them love you any less. Pacey loves you and so does Max, he never stopped’ she said. ‘I know he does, and I still love him but how do we go back we both have hurt each other’.

Maria smiled ‘you don’t’ Liz looked up at her ‘you move forward, let me ask you something, you said you still loved him’ ‘yes’ she answered ‘do you want him in your life, in Xans’ Maria asked.

‘Yes, I never meant to keep him from his son’ ‘I know that, and I know deep down Max knows that, if – when we find Xan and we will, go from there move forward and don’t dwell on the past Life’s to short Liz hold on to what you have and don’t let go’.

Both girls couldn’t help the tears falling down their cheeks Liz let a laugh ‘since when did you become the smart one’ ‘well you know me babe, I tell it like it is’.

Liz grabbed Maria and hugged her ‘I missed you so much Maria’ ‘Right back at ya’ Maria said returning the hug.

Later the next day

Driving down the highway Liz watched the desert stretching for miles, God she missed this place, her home. “ Are you going to tell your parents’ Krista asked breaking her out of her thoughts, she glanced at Max who was driving and then turned to the back ‘I don’t know, probably not a good idea at the moment’ she said.

She looked at Kyle ‘Kyle did you talk to your dad’ Kyle looked up ‘yes, he’s waiting for us at the mine, I didn’t really give him any details, so he’s pretty upset right now’. ‘What’s the plan’ Jake asked.

Max looked in the rear view mirror ‘we break them out, and then I am going to finish this once and for all with Nicholas’. ‘Max you can’t face him alone’ Liz stated, he looked at her she could see the hatred in his eyes ‘he crossed the line when he took my son, it ends tonight’.

He turned his head back forward; Liz stared at him for a moment she could see his jaw clenching, and knuckles turning white from gripping the steering wheel. She turned back towards the window knowing that look he was wearing, he was determined and nothing was going to change his mind.

In the other car

‘So explain something to me, if you been here all this time where were you, why did you stay hidden’ Tess asked looking at Jake. ‘Because we had no reason to show ourselves until the heir was produced’ he said.

‘I still can’t believe you didn’t know what the granolith was’ she said ‘I heard about it, I knew it was something powerful, just didn’t know what it was called, didn’t really pay attention in class you know’ he replied laughing.

‘Still don’t explain why you stayed hidden’ Tess said. ‘It’s pretty much like this, me, Krista, and Serina our job was to wait in the shadows until the king produced an heir, when it happened we were to come forth and teach and protect him/her.’

‘I can’t believe that no one knew about you guys’ Michael said ‘There was one’ Jake said. They turned to look at him ‘I believe you called him Nasedo’.

‘What, I was raised by him he never mentioned anything about you’ Tess said. ‘Bill, Serina’s father kept in contact with him, you weren’t to be told’ Jake said.

‘We knew that he only found you at first, the rest were still missing. Bill told us that when Nasedo found the rest of you there were complications’.

‘What complications’ Alex asked ‘Boy you guys ask a lot of questions’ Jake said scratching his head. ‘Yeah, well I’m not getting any younger, so answer them’ Maria snapped.

‘He told us that the king was in love with a human, he said that he was going to Washington to take care of some business, but when he got back he would push the king towards the queen.

We thought the queen would be the one to produce the heir’ Jake said. ‘We were surprised when he called and said it was too late the king bonded with the human and to send Serina immediately, it was the last we heard from him’

‘He was killed’ Tess said. ‘Sorry’ Jake said ‘Serina came down and lurked in the shadows watching Liz, when she ran Serina followed. The night Liz went into labor Serina made herself known and has been with Liz ever since’.

‘So do you know why she ran’ Alex asked. Jake looked out the window ‘you have to ask her, it’s not my place to tell’.


Pulling up to the mine all occupants left both cars and headed down. Jim was already there waiting ‘okay somebody want to tell me what is going on’ he said. Liz stepped out from behind the group.

‘Liz, is that you’ he said as he walked up, he grabbed her and hug her ‘where have you been’. He pulled back and looked at Jake and Krista ‘somebody please fill me in here’.

As Max sat there filling Jim in, Liz walked over to Michael ‘Can I talk to you in private for a moment please’. He stared at her for a moment, thinking what she could possibly have to say to him. He motioned for her to follow him outside.

Once outside she filled him in on what Max was going to do. ‘Don’t worry, ill take care of it’ was all he said, she didn’t question it she knew Michael would back Max up. Turning to go back in she heard him ‘Liz’.

She kept her back to him ‘yea’ she said ‘Thank you, for you know’ She smiled ‘your welcome’ and walked back inside.

They walked back inside to see a heated argument going on ‘What’s going on’ Liz asked. “King Max over here thinks that we humans are going to sit back and do nothing why they go in and get Serina and Xan’ Kyle said.

‘Excuse me’ Liz said not believing her ears, Max walked over to her ‘you heard him, you’re not going’.

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2003 8:54 am
by Itzstacie
Chapter 23

‘Don’t even attempt to pull that shit on me, I’m going’ Liz yelled. Max placed his hands on her shoulders only to have her jerk away. ‘Listen, I don’t want to argue with you, I know you want to come, I just don’t want to see you get hurt’ looking at the others ‘any of you’ he said.

‘They are strong; we barely made it out of Copper Summit when we faced them before’ he said.’ What are you talking about’ Liz asked.

‘The skins, we fought them before, it’s not that I think you will get in the way, and I know you can handle yourselves, we can do this easier if it’s just us. Plus we have Jake, Krista and Christopher. Too many more people and we wont stand a chance of sneaking in’ Max said.

‘Fine, I’ll stay’ she said she wasn’t really feeling to good as it was, and taking the chance that something might happen while she was there, didn’t sit to well she didn’t want to put her son and Serina in anymore danger.

Placing his hands on Liz’s shoulder again he looked at her, this time she didn’t move she just stared back into his eyes. He leaned in ‘I just found you, I don’t want to lose you again, I love you’ he said.

Liz stood there frozen unable to speak; it had been so long since she heard those words from him. He pulled back and motioned for the others to follow. Watching him turn to leave, she hesitated for a minute.

Gathering her courage ‘Max’ she called out. He turned to look at her, she walked up and cupped his cheeks in her hand, and she leaned in and kissed him softly on the lips. Max closed his eyes as she brushed her lips across his.

His heartbeat shot up racing, he slowly opened his eyes to meet her dark brown gaze staring back into his ‘bring him back to me’ she whispered.

‘I promise’ he said as he took her hand in his pulling it away from his face and gently squeezing it as he turned to leave.

Alex walked up and stood there with his arms wrapped around Maria and Liz after they left ‘Boy if this isn’t deja VA vous’ he teased ‘Alex’ Maria yelled slapping him.

‘I cant believe I let him talk me into staying’ Liz said walking away ‘ you did the right thing Liz’ Pacey said walking up to her ‘they will bring them back, we would only slow them down’.

‘I should have went, he’s my son’ she said ‘we don’t have any powers, what could we do besides your looking a little pale’ Pacey told her.

‘I’m okay, and I know your right but still’ she said tucking a strand of hair behind her ear ‘I just hate waiting’.

Standing outside the gate ‘Everyone know what to do’ Max asked everyone shook their heads yes. ‘Tess, Krista you’re the two main people, if you don’t think your up to this let me know now’, Max said looking at them. ‘We can do this’ they both said.

‘Once inside we break up’ Max said. Quietly they crept up the building; they noticed two skins talking outside. Jake and Michael quickly picked them off turning them into a pile of dust.

Once they split up Max and Michael proceeded down one of the corridors, Max shook his head trying to fight the flashes that were racing forward.

I know what you are, and now you’re going to tell me everything. I’m Max Evans I live at sixty-twenty-four Murray lane. We can do this the easy way or the hard way.

They heard someone approaching and slipped into a near by door. Max closed his eyes and tried to slow his breathing down, the flashes were coming to fast, and the torture he tried so hard to forget resurfacing.

You know there’s something very strange about your x-rays something that doesn’t make sense. They’re completely human, your bone structure, your organs, circulatory and pulmonary systems. Everything human, but here’s where things get really strange. These are your blood cells, completely not human. I told you Max, I know what you are.

‘Maxwell you okay’ Michael asked shaking him. ‘I’m fine’ Max said turning to peak thru the door ‘let’s go’.

Jake and Isabel hid behind the door, they heard someone coming. Grabbing Isabel Jake quickly shoved her behind a desk and ducked down.

Extending his hand forward preparing to blast, as the door opened and someone quickly ducked in. Jake peeked over the edge and let out his breath when he saw it was Christopher.

‘Thank God, I didn’t think you guys would ever get here’ he said. ‘Where are they being held’ Jake asked.

‘Down the hall, two separate rooms each in a different corridor’ Chris answered. Peeking out the door ‘let’s go we have to hurry’.

Jim, Tess and Krista sat waiting below ‘so you’ve done this before’ Krista asked looking at Tess. Tess shook her head ‘yes we rescued Max from here before, so they know the way around’,

‘Shh, someone’s coming’ Jim whispered. Quickly they ducked behind some boxes. As the skin walked by Jim jumped out from behind and hit him in the back turning him into a pile of dust.

‘They better hurry’ he said looking at the girls.

Max and Michael proceeded to walk down the corridor. As they reached the familiar room, he could see the hole still there in the wall, the table that held him captive. The flashes hit harder

Being shoved in Ice Baths, being strapped down while they did electro-shock, men in suits sticking him needles full of drugs.

Max grabbed hold of the wall bracing himself.

I can take you apart piece by piece, and make sure you stay conscious enough to feel every second of it.

‘Max, Max come on man snap out of it’ Michael said while checking to see if anyone was coming. Max closed his eyes trying to fight them.

This man will hurt you, this man will help you tell me what I need to know, and he will take the pain away.

‘Maxwell I’m taking you out of here’ Michael said picking him up ‘No, I’m not leaving here without my son’ Max argued.

‘Then get a hold of yourself, your going to get us killed’ Michael yelled.


Jake, Christopher, and Isabel ran down the corridor, jumping back when they saw four skins standing in the hallway blocking the entrance to Serina’s room. ‘I’ll get rid of them, just be ready’ Chris said.

Walking up to the skins standing there ‘what are you doing’ Chris demanded ‘stop loafing around, you got a job to do’ he barked out. ‘Nicholas told us to guard the prisoner’ one of them answered.

‘Go, I got it’ he told them ‘But sir’ one of them started ‘are you questioning me’ ‘no sir’ they said as they left.

Once they were gone he motioned for Jake and Isabel. Sliding the door back they saw Serina slumped against the wall.

Jake and Chris ran up toe her ‘Serina, wake up’ picking her up ‘Chris’ she slurred out. “yes come on Jakes here so is Isabel’ Chris told her ‘Who’ She asked disoriented.

‘Come on we don’t have any time to waist’ Chris said ‘Send the signal to Krista to start’ Jake said looking at Isabel.


Krista looked down at the communicator blinking ‘they got Serina, here I go’ she said. Tess and Jim watched as she closed her eyes concentrating on the room


Isabel looked down to see a fake Serina slumped against the wall. Focusing back to the task she quickly looked outside the room. She motioned for the guys to follow.

Each placing one of Serina’s arms around them they supported her carrying her out. ‘Xan’ she slurred out ‘Max and Michael are getting him’ Jake answered her ‘we have to get out of here’ he said.

Quickly making their way to the entrance Jake motioned to Isabel “Isabel take over’ he said slipping his arm away from Serina.

‘Where are you going, Max said to stay together’ she said stepping up and taking Jakes place. ‘I’m going back to help the others’ he said.

‘But’ she started ‘don’t argue, go- get Serina out of here’ he said turning and heading back into the building.

‘That’s the room, he’s being held in’ Michael said peeking around the corner ‘Do you see anyone’ Max asked.

‘No, it all seems too easy’ Michael said getting an uneasy feeling in the pit of his stomach. ‘Come on lets hurry’ Max said.

Slipping around the corner and into the door they found someone else other than Xan sitting there.

‘You’ Michael stated ‘What the hell’ Max said ‘So nice of you to join me’ Paul said sitting there smiling.

Chapter 24

‘Where is my son’ Max demanded ‘oh he’s busy at the moment’ Paul said smirking ‘What the hell are you’ Michael yelled.

‘I don’t understand, all this time’ Max started ‘why’. 'Same reason as the rest to get off this god forsaken planet’ Paul answered.

‘If the granolith is all you wanted why not just come after me’ Max asked.’ We were at first, then we learned about your little bonding ritual and a new plan formed’ Paul said. ‘What are you talking about’ Max asked.

‘Poor Nasedo let it slip you were going to be a daddy, when we were torturing him, after that the plans changed Khivar wanted your brat.’ ‘You killed Nasedo’ Michael asked. ‘Well not me in general, but I was there.

We thought about just kidnapping your little vixen. But that would have been to easy, you would have just came after her so I made up this perfect little plan to break you first, then go after her by then you wouldn’t have cared, your girlfriend fell for hook, line and sinker’.

‘What did you say to her’ Max demanded ‘nothing really, made up some sad story about the end of the world coming, and of course a new look’ Paul said shifting to look like an older Max. ‘She would have never fell for that’ Max said.

‘She had a little trouble at the beginning, but I knew you were going to show up at her apartment that night, I followed you I knew what you were going to. I got to her first and told her, it was all the proof she needed’ Paul said.

‘A little mind warp to make her think I disappeared and it worked, she broke you into two. She pulled a fast one on me, when she ran I didn’t see that one coming, after that I figured only way to find her was to get close and wait.

The Parkers found where she was, I got to admit they covered their tracks good but eventually they got sloppy and I found out what I needed’ Paul said.

‘I’m tired of talking, lets get this show on the road’ Paul said as he raised his hand and shot a bolt of energy towards them Max raised his hand and deflected the shot with his shield.

‘Oh come on now, your not going to get out of here alive so just get it over with already’ Paul said.

Jake snuck up to the room to hear them arguing quietly he snuck into the adjacent room. Pulling out his communicator ‘Tess, I need to get in that room, without him seeing me can you do it’.

Walking back to the room, he quietly snuck in slipping past Max and Michael he made his way towards Paul going behind him.

Screaming now into the communicator Tess dropped the mind warp. Michael caught Jake standing behind Paul ‘what the’ he started. As Paul turned to look behind him Jake raised his hand and sent him flying into the wall.

He hit it with a lout thump and slid to the floor. Max dropped his shield and Michael hit him again ‘Michael I think he’s dead’ Max said ‘Just making sure’ Michael grunted. Looking at Jake ‘Thanks’ Max said. “No problem lets go get your son’ Jake said.

‘They’re taking to long’ Liz said as she paced floor ‘They’ve only been gone three hours Liz’ Maria said.

‘Remember how long it took to get Max out of there’ Alex started ‘they have to get two people out now, and they are going against someone stronger’. ‘Thanks for that reminder Alex’ Maria said’ they will be okay’ Alex told them.

Pacey walked over to Liz ‘Are you sure your feeling okay, you look at paler than you did earlier’ he asked ‘I feel a little dizzy, but ill be okay’ she said.

Max, Michael and Jake continued down the corridor picking off skins one by one until they reached the end of the hallway.

Sliding the door open Max went to jump forward stopping when Nicholas put up his hand. “Don’t do anything stupid, I’ll snap his neck’ he said. Nicholas was holding a squirming Xan in his arms.

‘Let him go’ Max ordered ‘Where’s the granolith’ Nicholas demanded back ‘Ill give it to you, just let him go first’ Max said.

‘Daddy’ Xan called out looking at Max. Max looked at his son, the emotions overwhelmed him hearing his son call out to him.

He took another step forward only to be thrown back by Nicholas’s raised hand. Out of the corner of his eye saw Jake and Michael creeping forward ‘Don’t move’ he yelled.

They stopped where they were with their hands extended forward looking for a way to get him without hurting Xan ‘What a bunch of pathetic idiots’ Nicholas said. ‘Give it up Nicholas’ Michael said.

‘Stop squirming you little brat’ Nicholas yelled at Xan ‘I gotta potty’ Xan said wiggling around. Jake and Michael tried to suppress the smile that wanted to creep out. Only Maxwell’s kid Michael thought.

‘Clear a path and move ‘Nicholas ordered trying to control Xans movements to get out of there ‘over my dead body’ Max growled standing up.

‘As you wish’ Nicholas said extending his arm ‘Noo’ Xan screamed, before Max could get his shield up he was flown back crashing into a desk hitting his head knocking him out.

Nicholas smirked and turned his attention to Jake and Michael, feeling a warm wet sensation flowing down his side he turned in disquist and dropped Xan ‘ugh you little shit’ he yelled.

Michael screamed ‘Now’ seeing their oppurinuity. Nicholas’s eyes widened as he saw Jake and Michael raise their hands. It was the last thing he saw before turning into a pile of dust.

Jake ran towards Xan as he waved his hands over the front of his pants. Sliding down to his knees Jake grabbed Xan and hugged him ‘Uncle Jake’ Xan screamed hugging him back.

Pulling back and looking over ‘Daddy’ Xan said running over to where he was just waking up.

Grabbing his head Max sat up to see Xan kneeling in front of him. He grabbed him and hugged him ‘I knew you would come’ Xan whispered hugging him back.

He looked up to see Michael and Jake staring at them, not caring about the tears coming out of his eyes ‘what happened’ he asked them.

‘Only your son’ Michael laughed Max pulled Xan back to look at him Xan smiled ‘I told him I had to potty’ he said sarcastically rolling his eyes. All three grown men broke out into laughter.

“Daddy your hurt’ Xan said raising his hand to the gash on Max’s forehead. ‘It will be okay’ he said hugging him again. He didn’t want to let him go, having his son finally in his arms, he didn’t want that feeling to go away.

Xan pulled back and placed his hand on Max’s head “Daddy look at me’ he said. Max looked into his son’s eyes as Xan started to heal his gash, Max watched the flashes appear before him of his son’s life.

Liz lying next to him in the bed.

Liz taking to him while bathing him.

Liz getting excited about his first steps.

Pacey and Serina feeding him.

Pacey taking him to the park.

Liz sitting there looking at pictures with him.

Jake playing ball with him

Him turning the room blue, the couch blue, the table blue, the puppy blue.

Serina and Krista working with him on his powers.

Liz sitting there singing to him while rocking him.

Xan finished and pulled back, Max looked at his son ‘thank you’ he said Xan just hugged him again.

After telling Krista and Tess to go Jake turned ‘I know this is a happy renioun, but we have to get out of here’.

Max stood up and picked Xan up, holding him close he looked back to where Nicholas once was. It was finally over he thought.


‘You’re going to give me a complex if you don’t stop pacing Liz’ Kyle said. Alex hung up his cell phone and walked over ‘that was Isabel they got them, they are heading back’ he said grinning.

‘Thank god’ Maria said letting out the breath she was holding. Liz stopped pacing and looked at Alex ‘Did you hear me’ he asked she shook her head yes.

Turning to look beside her ‘Pacey’ she said. Pacey looked at her ‘huh’ ‘Catch me’ she said falling limp into his arms.

Chapter 25

‘Liz’ Pacey said shaking her, she didn’t move ‘oh god, no nooooo not now’ he screamed. Maria stood there frozen watching her best friend lay there motionless.

Alex ran over to them ‘what the hell is going on, and what is that’ he yelled pointing to her shoulder which seemed to pulsating.

Pacey ignored them, lost in his own world started rocking Liz ‘No, its not time you hear me’ he cried at her ‘open your eyes dammit, you can’t do this’

Kyle walked over and put his arms around a shaking Maria and they watched a broken down Pacey continue to rock Liz and talk to her.

‘You have to open your eyes, Xan is coming home you can’t do this to him, he needs you, I need you, we all need you, please open your eyes, open your eyes Liz’ he continued to cry.

Alex grabbed Pacey by the shoulder ‘Pacey what the hell is going on dammit’ he yelled. Pacey looked up at him with tears in eyes

Jake was driving down the highway making his way back to the mine. He, Isabel, Max, Xan and Serina were in one car, the others following.

Max couldn’t keep his eyes of his son; Xan would look at him and smile then turn back talking to Serina. Max reached under the seat and pulled out a paper bag ‘Xan I think this belongs to you’ he told his son.

‘Kermit’ Xan squealed with excitement grabbing his elephant ‘thank you daddy’ he said. Max grinned from ear to ear, that was one word he would never get tired of hearing.

Isabel turned to the back to watch her brother and nephew, she felt like her heart was going to bust, he was so much like Max and the way his eyes flickered with specks of gold he was going to be a heartbreaker when he got older, now all she had to do was get Liz to stay in Roswell she thought.

Max watched Xan go from babbling to a distraught look ‘mommy’ he whispered. Serina noticed the look too ‘Xan, what is it sweetie’ she asked.

‘Mommy, faster Uncle Jake’ he yelled Serina turned to face him ‘Xan what is it’ the expression on his face when he looked at her ‘oh god’ Serina said.

‘What is it, what’s going on with Liz’ he asked panicking. Serina looked at him ‘She’s dying’.

‘What do you mean she’s dying’ Alex said ‘When Max and Liz slept together he created a life bond with her’ Pacey said.

‘It produced a seal on her shoulder, to show that you choose her as your life mate, you’ Serina said.

‘Have to connect mentally and physically to keep that bond alive’ Pacey told them as he wiped his face.

‘If the connection is cut off, eventually it starts to drain energy from her’ Serina said.

‘Killing her’ Pacey finished as he continued to hold her ‘Oh God’ Maria said crying. “How do we get the connection open when she’s like this’ Kyle asked. “I don’t know we have to think of something fast, her pulse is getting weaker’ Pacey said looking back down at Liz.

Max sat there feeling like a ton of bricks just landed on him, he couldn’t breathe. He grabbed on the headrest grasping for a sense of reality, this isn’t happening his brain kept telling him over and over, but the look on his son and Serina’s face told him it was.

‘What do I need to do’ he asked ‘We have to find a way for you to connect with her’ Serina said looking at him then turning to the front ‘Jake, use that damn lead foot of yours and step on it’ she yelled.

In the other car they watched as Jake started driving like a bat out of hell. ‘Is he trying to get us all killed’ Michael yelled as he pushed the accelerator down to catch up.

Alex bent down and tried to pick Liz up to move her, he put his hands up when Pacey growled at him to back off. ‘She’s our friend too Pacey, I just want to move her to the cot over there’ he said. Pacey stood his protective guard as he lifted her close to him.

Carrying her over to the cot, he laid her down and brushed her hair back. Sitting down next to her he took her hand holding it ‘remember when we were six, and I fell of the tree branch cutting my arm.

I started to cry because Tommy Matthews said I was going to die and I believed him. You got up and punched him in the nose, and came back taking Sam Morgan’s pocket knife and cutting your hand; you placed it on my arm’.

He sniffled and wiped his face on his arm like a little boy as he continued talking to her ‘you said our blood was the same now and if I died you were going to do the same, well that still holds true and you know what, I’m not ready to die yet, so neither are you. I wont let you, your not getting the easy way out this time, so you need to open those big brown eyes and look at me’.

‘This is not happening, its just not happening’ Maria started crying ‘this is just some crazy alien dream that I cant wake up from, yeah that’s it, someone just needs to pinch me and wake me up’.

‘Ouch, damn Kyle that hurt’ she said rubbing her arm ‘you said to pinch you, besides your babbling where’s your cedar oil’ he said.

They pulled up to the mine and Max was out of the car before it came to a completed stop. HE ran inside quickly scanning the room, he spotted her lying on the cot.

Before he could get to her he felt a fist coming in contact with his mouth. Pacey knew he was wrong, he wasn’t thinking clearly the only thing he could see was red when Max came in.

Michael leaped forward in an attempt to pull Pacey back; grabbing him in a bear hug he tackled him to the floor.

‘Michael let him go’ Max said wiping his lip that was now bleeding. ‘Are you crazy, he just attacked you’ Michael yelled ‘let him go’ Max ordered.

‘Uncle Pace’ Xan said as Jake put him down watching the two grown men wrestle on the ground. Pacey quickly broke Michaels hold and scampered to the little boy ‘OH, my god Xan’ he said pulling his godchild into a hug.

Pulling back and looking him over ‘Are you okay, are you hurt’ he asked “I’m okay Uncle Pace, I’m okay’ Xan answered.

Pacey’s eyes quickly scanned the crowd looking for those familiar green eyes, seeing her he jumped up an ran over grabbing her he kissed her ‘I thought I would never see you again’ he cried.

‘What did they do to you’ he asked ‘It’s over now’ she whispered clinging to him ‘ I love you, I love you so much’ he cried against her, she held his head against her as he wept into her shoulder ‘I’m here now, it’s okay’ she cried with him.

‘Guys what are we going to do’ Maria asked ‘someone what to tell me what the hell is going on’ Michael said. After filling the rest in ‘We need to find a way to wake her up’ Krista said.

‘What about dream walking her’ Tess asked ‘we can try, but I don’t think it will work’ Isabel said. ‘Well whatever it is, we need to do it fast so Max here can play hide the monkey with her’ ‘Kyle’ Tess screamed hitting him in the arm.

‘Hello, little people in the room’ Maria yelled ‘sorry’ Kyle said rubbing his now bruised arm.

‘He does have a point’ Michael said ‘I don’t believe you’ Maria started ‘what it’s already been said he has to connect mentally and physically to her, he’s only stating what we all know is true’ Michael said folding his arms.

‘Even if it is, we all know Liz is not going to jump right in it when she does wake up’ Alex said.

Serina, Jake, Krista and Chris just looked at each other all thinking the same thing, these people were nuts.

Deciding to break up this little topic ‘Maybe we can get her to open the connection mentally for now, it may slow down the process’ Serina said ‘if she’ll agree to it’ Jake said.

Everyone turned to look at him ‘we all know how stubborn she is’ he said shrugging his shoulders. ‘She doesn’t have a choice, she has to do it’ Pacey said.

“Okay question now is how do we get her to wake up, the seal has already starting draining energy from her’ Maria said. Everyone stood there in silence trying to think of something.

‘Oh, Oh I got it’ Alex said as he started dancing around, everyone turned to look at him ‘will you stop dancing and tell us’ Isabel said.

‘What if we the use the healing stones’ he said ‘the what, Huh?’ Pacey asked confused. Alex ignored him and looked at Max ‘the healing stones, remember when Michael was sick and we needed to restore his balance’ he said.

‘He’s right, if the seal is draining energy from her, maybe we can use them to restore it’ Isabel said. ‘Well where are they, and who will use them’ Kyle asked.

‘They are back at my apartment’ Michael said ‘I’ll take you, we can get there faster in the cruiser’ Jim said.

After Michael and Jim left to go get the stones, Max watched as his son walked over to his mother and stood staring at her.

After a few minutes he climbed on to the cot with her, after leaning down and giving her a kiss on the forehead he laid down next to her, as he played with her hair Max could hear him lightly singing to her.

Max tried to hold his emotions in tack as he walked over and sat down next to her, he took her hand in his as Xan looked up and smiled at him.

Max sat there staring at Liz she looked like an angel, his angel laying there peacefully. His heart broke thinking he may never get the chance to hold her again, to kiss her. He wanted so badly to look into her big brown eyes and get lost in them like many times before.

As Xan crawled over Liz and sat in his lap, he couldn’t help the tear that cascaded down his face. He looked into his son’s eyes as if he was a little boy also, feeling lost and confused.

Xan raised his hands and begun tracing Max’s face like he had done so many times with the picture. Max closed his eyes letting his son memorize every inch of his face.

Slowly opening them back up he saw Xan staring at him. Xan leaned in and hugged him whispering ‘I love you daddy’ that was all it took. Max wrapped his arms around him and lost it, letting the tears flow from his eyes like a river.

Michael and Jim made it back with the stones, Max stood up as Michael threw the bag to him. He glanced down and seen Xan go back to lying next to Liz. Taking the stones out of the bag he looked at the twelve people standing there.

‘Only five of us can do this, I being one of those five that leaves four people’ he said ‘I’m doing it’ Maria and Pacey both said at the same time running towards Max like two kids heading into a toy store.

‘Ugh you big ox’ Maria yelped as Pacey ran into the back of her. The others looked at each other waiting to see who would be next ‘I’ll do it’ Serina said stepping forward. Chris grabbed her arm ‘are you sure, you been through a lot, maybe you should be resting’ he said.

‘No I am fine, I want to do this’ she said walking up to Max and taking one of the stones ‘There’s one more’ Max said looking back at the group.

‘I’ll do it’ Michael said walking up and taking it from him ‘I don’t think so’ Alex said “I should be the one who does it’ taking the stone from Michael.

‘No, I will do it its alien related, your not one’ Michael said taking it back ‘I don’t care what it is, she’s my best friend’ Alex yelled yanking it from him.

‘She’s mine too’ Michael yelled yanking it back from him ‘I’ve known her longer than you’ Alex said ‘I owe her, she saved my life’ Michael said. ‘You can’t even control your own powers’ Alex argued.

‘I’m better equipped’ Michael said taking it back from him ‘and that’s suppose to mean what’ Alex said yanking it back.

They went back and forth until finally Max screamed ‘Enough’ making everyone jump ‘It doesn’t matter who’s been friends with her longer, this is about saving her life and nothing else’.

Alex and Michael looked at him both with guilty looks Alex gave the stone to Michael ‘he’s right, you can do it’ Michael gave it back to him ‘you do it, you’ve known her longer’ ‘You have more juice’ Alex said giving it back to Michael.

‘you know her inside better’ Michael said giving it back to him ‘yea, but you have done this before’ Alex said passing it back ‘so have you’ Michael said.

‘Oh Jesus Christ’ Isabel yelled stalking up to the two men ‘will you two stop acting like children, I’ll do it’ she said yanking the stone from Michael and walking over to the empty spot in the circle leaving Alex and Michael standing there speechless.

‘What exactly do I have to do’ Pacey said holding the stone. ‘I’ll explain as we go’ Max said. He walked over to the cot and giving a reassuring look to his son, he bent down and picked Liz up

He gently carried her over to the middle of the room and laid her down on the ground. Looking at the others ‘everyone ready’ he asked.

Chapter 26

Max stepped back to complete the circle ‘these stones were given to us a long time ago, they carry an energy inside of them’ Looking at Pacey and Serina ‘they can be activated by our energy, clear your minds and concrete on Liz’.

As they closed their eyes ‘focus on her, focus on healing her’ he said. The five of them concentrated on Liz letting their minds think of nothing else but her. The others watched on as the five stones started glowing.

The room developed in a bright glowing yellow light, and in the middle they could see a faint blue glow getting stronger. The seal was pulsating almost like it was eating the yellow light.

The room went back to normal, and they all watched as a brown eyed girl slowly opened her eyes. Liz opened her eyes trying to come into focus, on one hand she felt like she was run over by a Mac truck; on the other hand she had this feeling like she just drank 6 cups of coffee.

Pacey ran and dropped to his knees “Liz, Liz are you okay’ he asked. She brought her hand up to her head as he helped her stand up ‘I- I think so, I don’t know what happened’ ‘You fainted, the seal activated’ he said.

‘It was like I was trapped somewhere, I could hear everything that was going on but I couldn’t open my eyes , it was like I had this overwhelming feeling to sleep’ she said.

Max watched as she wrapped her arms around Pacey hugging him, he knew it didn’t mean anything but it didn’t stop his heart from breaking anymore than it already was; he wanted to be the one in her arms. He looked over and saw Maria giving him a sympathy look.

He quickly walked out the mine; he just needed to be alone for a few minutes to pull himself back together.

Liz pulled back when she heard ‘mommy’ looking down she dropped to her knees pulling Xan into her arms ‘my baby boy, what did they do to you, are you okay’ she cried.

‘Mommy I’m okay, I swear daddy came for me just like I knew he would’ he said looking in her eyes. Liz quickly kissed him on his forehead and scanned the room for Max, when she didn’t see him she looked over to Maria and she shook her head in the direction he took off in.

‘Can you stay here a min with Uncle Pace, I need to go talk to daddy for a minute’ she asked looking at Xan he shook his head yes and walked over to Pacey

Liz tired to make her way out of the mine but kept getting stopped by everyone hugging her, when Serina grabbed her,Liz squeezed her tight ‘I am so glad to see you alright’ she said. Serina pushed her back ‘go talk to him’ she said giving her the notion they could talk about this later.

Liz made her way out of the mine looking for Max, she saw him standing off in the distance looking up at the night sky.

Nervously tucking a strand of hair behind her ear she gathered her courage and walked over to him ‘Max’ she whispered

He turned and faced her, he watched her for a few minutes biting nervously on her bottom lip waiting for her to say something else ‘I just’ she started ‘I just want to thank you for everything you have done’.

‘Just answer me one thing please’ he pleaded she nervously shook her head yes. ‘Why didn’t you just trust me enough to tell me what happened’ he asked.

She watched the way he looked at her, he wasn’t looking at her like a man seeking the truth instead he was looking at her like a lost, scared little boy looking for a way home.

She took a deep breath ‘That summer when I ran away to Florida, it took me all summer to come to grasps with what I heard in that cave. I would spend endless nights locked in my room just crying; by the time I came home I finally found enough courage to at least face you.

I convinced myself it was my turn to be the watcher from afar, so you could move on with your destiny. When I came back and you kept chasing after me, you slowly broke my defenses down and I gave in’.

Walking to stand beside him ‘The night you came to me, well your Future self came to me and told me about the world ending and you needing to be Tess, it shattered me, it reminded me of that day I heard it in the cave. It was like fate just slapped me in the face,giving me a chance to peek at what my life would have been like being with you.

Then it decided on second thought no that would make your life to perfect. So were doing this to make sure that didn’t happen. After you left my window that night I fought so hard with my head and my heart, and when I saw Michael and Isabel sitting there my heart won. I knew I couldn’t stay because if I saw you, I knew I wouldn’t be able to keep lying to you or to myself.

‘It was all a lie Liz’ he said ‘Wh- what’ she said looking at him ‘It was a way to get to me, to get to the granolith it wasn’t really me’ ‘How do you know’ she asked not believing what she was hearing.

‘When I rescuing Xan, someone who was sicker than Nicholas told me, he wanted to break me to get to the Xan’ he said ‘I don’t understand, no he was real I saw him , I saw him disappear before my eyes’ she said shaking her head ‘mind warp Liz, It was a mind warp’.

‘I don’t understand, the things he said, the things he knew he knew about Serina’ she started crying. ‘I don’t know how he knew about Serina, I don’t know if we ever will find out, he’s dead now, Jake killed him’ Max said.

Liz squatted down she felt like she was about to pass out, she lived her life for the last three years believing she was doing it to save the world, to save the people she cared about. “I think im going to be sick’ she said bending over.

Trying to distract her onto something else he asked ‘when did you find out you had the seal’. She closed her eyes for a moment then opened them ‘I noticed it the night Xan was born, it started glowing when I was giving birth to him’.

‘When was he born’ he asked ‘February 15th’ she said. Liz noticed Max getting a far away look in his eyes ‘what are you thinking about’ she asked. He let out a small laugh and smiled ‘I think I felt him’.

Looking at him confused ‘what do you mean’ ‘that night we were sitting out at the rock quarry discussing something when I felt this sharp pain in my stomach take over me, the sky started dancing with lights, and a symbol like the one on your shoulder shined in the sky’ he said smiling.

‘Oh sorry” was all she said ‘don’t be’ he said smiling ‘at least now I know I wasn’t going crazy thinking something was wrong with me’. ‘So, when did you find about what the seal meant’ he asked.

‘The same day Pacey went to you, he wanted me to call you right then and there and tell you, but it was to late, I had been gone to long for me just to walk back into your life and expect you to forgive and forget everything’ she said.

He looked at her ‘so you were just going to give up your life, rather than just face me and tell me the truth’ he said. She nodded her head ‘what about Xan, did you even think about him’ he said.

‘I didn’t have time to think, Pacey came and dropped this huge bomb on me and we winded up having the biggest blow out over it. Before it could even really sink in, there you were standing in front of me, then Xan went missing. Everything just happened so fast’ she said.

‘And what about now, are you still willing to give up your life’ he asked. She wiped the tears from her cheek ‘I can’t expect you to just waltz back into my life Max, you have a responsibility to your people, and they are depending on you’.

He stepped up and took her hand placing it over his heart ‘do you feel that’ she slowly nodded her head yes ‘it doesn’t beat because I am suppose to be some king of another planet, not for some non-existent life I am suppose to lead here, it beats only for you Liz’ he said.

Something in your eyes makes me want to lose myself
Makes me want to lose myself in your arms
There's something in your voice
Makes my heart beat fast
Hope this feeling lasts the rest of my life

She pulled her hand away and turned away from him ‘don’t you see Max, there is always going to be someone or something telling us we aren’t meant to be together’ she said. Max turned her back around to face him.

If you knew how lonely my life has been
And how long I've been so alone
If you knew how I wanted someone to come along
And change my life the way you've done

‘That’s were I see different, if we were not meant to be together, then we would not have the most precious, the most amazing gift in the world’. Liz looked up into his eyes as he continued ‘that little boy in there was created for us, we made him out of a love that is more pure, more true than anything else on this earth’.

It feels like home to me
It feels like home to me
It Feels like I'm all the way back where I come from

‘This isn’t a fairy tale Max, we can’t just ride off into the sunset and live happily ever after’ she said. ‘Who says we cant, we can do anything we want to do’ he said. ‘Max, real life is just not like that, it’s hard and it’s cruel, what about school and your duty to Michael, Isabel and Tess’.

It feels like home to me
It feels like home to me
It Feels like I'm all the way back where I belong

‘They are grown adults living their lives the way they want to, just like we can, as far as school I can go anywhere, If Colorado is where you want to live then I will move there, I will get a job an apartment anything I have to do to be close to you and Xan’ he ran his fingers thru his hair ‘Liz I want to be a father to him, I missed out on so much of his life I don’t want to miss anymore’.

‘I never meant to keep him from you, I just didn’t know how to tell you’ she started crying ‘ I know, I know you didn’t but now I have that chance, I want to know him, I want to know you’ he said.

A window breaks down a long dark street
And a siren wails in the night
But I'm alright cause I have you here with me
And I can almost see through the dark there is light

‘Max, we can’t just pretend that nothing happened, we cant just jump right in where we left off ‘ He walked forward bringing his hands to cup her cheek ‘then we go forward and don’t look back’ as he leaned in and kissed her.

He moved his hands and ran them thru her hair when she didn’t fight; he ran his tongue over her bottom lip seeking permission for more.

If you knew how much this moment means to me
And how long I've waited for your touch
If you knew how happy you are making me
I never thought I'd love anyone so much

She left her defense drop when she felt the softness of his lips on hers; wrapping her arms around his neck she opened her mouth giving the access he wanted. As he massaged her tongue with his he started sending her reassurance of his love and devotion flash after flash flew into her mind.

Their first date
The way he would sit there and just watch her working
Their first kiss on her balcony
The first time he told her he loved her
The way his heart broke when she ran down the mountain side
The night he told her he was coming for her
The overwhelming feeling he felt making love to her
His heart shattering seeing her in bed with Kyle
The relief he felt finding out it was a lie
Him sitting at the same café looking for her
The joyment of finding out about Xan

As the flashes flew her mind, there was one that stuck out most in her mind, the one where she ran down the mountain side after finding about his destiny.

She had never truly seen the hurt and fear she caused within him. She made him feel the one thing he always feared the most if someone found out about him. She made him feel like a monster, a freak that truly didn’t belong in this world.

Pulling back from her he broke the kiss, and stared into her eyes. ‘Max’ she whispered watching the tear run from his eye. ‘I’m sor-‘ he started, but she cut him off pressing her lips to his, his hand snaked up to her shoulder and covered her seal.

It feels like home to me
It feels like home to me
It Feels like I'm all the way back where I come from

In an instant it came to a glowing life and he felt a surge run thru him from his fingers to his toes. He was seeing things from within her in that instant.

The way her stomach did flip-flops every time he looked at her
The way her heart would race when he would touch his forehead to hers.
The way her heart would skip a beat whenever he kissed her.
The way she saw him as the most beautiful thing in the world, not a monster or a freak.
The way she thought of him as her angel sent to watch over her.
The love she felt for him even more when she found out she was pregnant.
How much her heart broke looking up at him thru her window the night he found her bed
The way she cried her heart out after FM disappeared
How much she hated herself after their fight in her house.

For the first time in three years Liz felt alive again with their connection re-opened. She knew what else had to happen, but she prayed that this was enough for the time being, jumping right into bed was something neither of them wanted right now.

It feels like home to me
It feels like home to me
It Feels like I'm all the way back where I belong
It Feels like I'm all the way back where I belong

Feeling her uncertaining he pulled her close to him whispering ‘we’ll take it slow, one day at a time’ she nodded and laid her head on his chest breathing in his scent and feeling the warmth he was giving to her.

‘We should head back in’ he said after a few minutes. She pulled back and dropped her arms, taking his hand when he held it out to her; they proceeded back into the mine.


Song by Chantal Kreviazuk -Feels like home

Chapter 27

It had been a couple of weeks since everything that happened, and things seemed to be finally slowing down. Jake, Krista and Chris decided to head back to Colorado while Liz, Xan, Serina and Pacey decided to stay in Roswell for a while. Liz wasn’t sure if she wanted to stay in Roswell for good or head back to Colorado.

Her Parent seemed to be more relieved than anything when she came walking in one day with Max and Xan. Her father didn’t attack Max, instead held out his hand to shake it.

He told Liz later that he somehow knew Max would be back in their lives and wasn’t surprised to see him. Liz is still trying to figure that one out.

The only people left to tell were the Evans, Max and Liz agreed to tell them together, something they were going to be doing later on today. They even decided to tell them about the alien origin, Isabel was thrilled to death by it and agreed to be there when they did it.

Max walked into the Crash Down as he did everyday for the last two weeks; He and Liz seemed to be moving forward in a great way. They had gone on a couple of dates, getting to know each other again, and they also did things with Xan, Liz was making every effort to include him in Xan’s life.

He spotted Pacey and Xan sitting in a booth, something that seemed to be happening a lot, Xan seemed to be always going to Pacey for everything.

Xan spotted him and got up to run to him, bending down Max picked him up ‘Hey daddy’ Xan said giving him a hug. “Hey there, Whatcha up to’ Max asked. ‘I’m building a toy plane, Uncle Pace is going to take me to the park to play with it’ he said.

‘That’s great, if you want I can help’ Max said putting him back down and bending down to his level ‘that’s okay, Uncle Pace can do it’ Xan said and ran back to the booth.

‘Right, Uncle Pace’ Max whispered to himself, Max got up and walked over to the booth. ‘Hey pacey’ he said sitting down across from him. Pacey looked up ‘Hey Max, what’s up’ he said ‘Nothing much, is Liz around’ he said looking around.

‘Yea I think she is in the back with Maria and Serina’ turning to look at Xan ‘why don’t you go tell your mother Max is here’ Pacey told him.

After Xan ran to the back, Max scratched his head ‘so, when are you heading back to Colorado’ he asked. Pacey continued to work on the model ‘I don’t know, haven’t really thought about it, why?’

‘No, no reason’ Max said grabbing a menu and pretending to read it ‘I mean, I just thought you might have to get back to work or something’ Max said.

Pacey raised his eyebrow and looked at him ‘is there something wrong with me being here’ he questioned. Before Max could answer Liz, Maria, Serina and Xan came thru the back.

‘Good morning’ Liz said cheerfully bending down to give him a kiss ‘good morning to you too’ he said. The bell over the door chimed and Michael, Alex and Kyle walked in.

Plopping down in the booth next to them ‘morning’ they grumbled. ‘Where’s Is and Tess’ Liz asked. ‘They were still getting dressed’ Kyle said ‘and you left them’ Liz asked.

‘Hey we were hungry’ Alex said “Boys, boys when are you going to learn’ Maria said sitting down next to Michael ‘morning space boy’ she said leaning in and giving him a kiss.

‘What’s everyone up to today’ Alex asked, Xan was the first one to speak up ‘Uncle Pace is taking me to the park, to fly my plane’ he said holding up what looked like the beginnings of a plane. ‘Why not just you know zap it together’ Michael said.

“Because Michael, we are trying to teach him he can do things without using his powers’ Liz said. ‘Its not that hard to put together anyways’ Pacey said. Max rolled his eyes and put on a fake smile, which didn’t go unnoticed by Kyle.
Poking Alex in the ribs and whispering ‘I think someone is jealous’.

Alex looked at him then turned to look at Pacey and Max, the looks they seemed to be giving each other. Alex just nodded his head. Isabel and Tess came storming in the door ‘Thanks a lot, guys’ the both said glaring at Alex and Kyle.

‘It was his fault’ Alex quickly blurted out, trying to stay clear of the warpath. ‘Hey’ Kyle said as Tess and Isabel both whacked him upside his head. “Sheesh women’ Kyle muttered.

Tess went to hit him again ‘kidding, kidding’ Kyle said putting up his hands, Tess just rolled her eyes. Kyle stuck out his tongue at her ‘you know you want me’ he said joking.

Xan was busy giving Isabel a hug, when he pulled back and looked at Tess ‘Oh, do you want Uncle Kyle the same way daddy wants mommy’. ‘What are you talking about sweetie’ Liz said picking up her drink and taking a sip.

‘Last night in daddy’s dream, he was kissing you and said he wanted you’. Everyone started busting out laughing, as Liz started to choke on her drink and Max’s ears turned three shades of red.

‘Nice one, Evans’ Kyle said laughing. Serina reached over and patted Liz on her back ‘are you okay’ she asked. Max cleared his throat ‘Um, Xan I think its time for a little talk about your dream walking ability’ he said getting up and picking Xan up to walk to the back.

‘My poor nephew, is going to be scared for life’ Isabel laughed ‘SOO, how the weather’ Liz said blushing, desperately trying to change the subject.

‘Well we need to be going’ Maria said as she pushed Michael out of the booth. Isabel and Tess followed suit and pushed Alex and Kyle towards the door ‘but Im hungry’ Kyle groaned ‘You can eat later, we have things to do’ Tess said.

Isabel looked at Liz ‘7:00 right’ Liz nodded her head ‘okay I will see you then’ Isabel said walking out of the door.

Max and Xan came back to sit down ‘everything okay’ Liz asked. Max shook his head ‘yes just told him it wasn’t nice to visit without letting people know he was there, and its something he should do a lot’.

Xan went back and sat by Pacey watching him finish up the plane, after a few minutes ‘I’m hungry now mommy’ he said looking at her ‘Okay sweetie’ Liz said motioning for Max to move so she could get up. ‘I’ll do it’ Max offered.

Xan looked at him then put up his hands ‘that’s okay, Uncle Pace can do it for me’ he said pushing Pacey out of the booth ‘as usual’ Max whispered underneath his breath.

Serina and Liz both heard and looked at each other, Liz turned to Max feeling guilty ‘don’t worry, hell come around’ she said taking his hand.

She could feel the jealousy vibes coming off him in full force , he looked at her then at Serina ‘I know, its just hard I want to be the one he comes too’ he said.

‘No offense’ he said looking at Serina ‘none, taken’ she smiled ‘I can talk to him if you like’ she said. ‘No’ putting up his hands ‘I just have to give it some time’ he said.

Xan and Pacey came back to the table ‘look Uncle Pace made me some pancakes’ he said smiling. Max couldn’t help it ‘Good ole Uncle Pace, what would you do without him’ he said sarcastically.

Serina and Liz watched as the two men seemed to eye one another up and down ‘I think it’s time we have a man to man talk don’t you think’ Pacey said pointing to the door.

‘I think your right’ Max said getting up to follow him.

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2003 8:56 am
by Itzstacie
Chapter 28

‘Ok just say it’ Pacey said before Max fully got out the door. ‘Why don’t you tell me, you obviously know what is going on inside my head’ Max spat out.

‘You’re jealous of the relationship between me and Xan aren’t you’ Pacey said. ‘All week, you have been dropping hints about when I am leaving, I was actually surprised to see you had the balls to come right out and ask me this time’ he said.

‘It’s more complicated than that’ Max groaned, he really didn’t want it to come to this. ‘By all means explain then’ Pacey said. Max ran his head thru his hair and sat down on the curb ‘It’s just I have missed out on three years of his life, you have been there since the beginning’.

‘I want to be the one he comes to, I want to make up for that lost time, and I feel like as long as your around, he’s never going to come to me’ Max said.

‘So, what you want me to just walk out of his life, now that you are here. I am the one who brought you to him don’t forget that’ Pacey said.

‘I know that, and I am forever grateful that you did and that Liz had you when she couldn’t turn to anyone else, I’m just asking you to back off of some, give me a chance to get to know my son’ Max said.

Pacey sat down beside him ‘look, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to step on anyone’s toes, I guess im just used to doing things for him and I have a confession to make too’.

Max looked at him ‘I have to admit as much as I am happy about you and Liz, I guess the thing im scared of is, once he starts bonding with you, kind of leaves me out in the cold’ Pacey said.

‘But im his father’ Max started ‘I know , I know that its just like you said since the beginning, I changed his diapers, I fed him kind of hard to let all that go’ Pacey said.

‘That’s what I am trying to say Pacey you were there for his first steps, his first words, when his powers first came, I missed out on all that and I don’t want to miss anymore’ Max said.

‘I can understand that, and I would be the same way if the shoes were reversed, I just want to continue being a part of his life also’ Pacey said.

“And you will be, you don’t have to be there every single second of the day to do that, and I would never deny Xan spending time with you, you have been a huge impact in his life, I’m just asking that you back off a little, give me a chance to be a father to him’ Max said.

‘This is all still new to me, Liz, Xan, taking the steps to be a family, we need time to get to know each other all of us, and I want this more than anything else in the world, Liz and Xan they are my world now’ Max said.

Inside Liz glanced out the window at the two men ‘well at least their not killing each other out there’ she said turning back around. Serina noticed them sitting down on the curb ‘maybe you should, you know’ motioning to Xan.

Liz looked over at Xan who was finishing up his pancakes ‘sweetheart, do you like your daddy being here’ she asked.

Xan looked up at her with his little milk mustache ‘uhhuh’ he said shoving a fork full in his mouth. Liz smiled and grabbed a napkin to wipe his mouth.

‘I was just wondering how come, why you don’t ask your daddy to do things for you’ she asked. Xan swallowed the remains of pancakes and shrugged his shoulders ‘I don’t know’ he said under one breath ‘he is always na- ner’ getting frustrated cause he couldn’t say the word ‘his hands are always shaking’ he said.

Serina and Liz both looked at each other smiling ‘you mean he’s always nervous’ she said. ‘Yeah that, he might I don’t know break or drop something if I ask him’ he said.

‘Is that all it is’ Liz asked Xan shook his head yes ‘oh honey, I promise you he wont do any of those things, do you remember when grandpa first came around and he seemed a little shaky too’ Liz asked. ‘Uh huh’ Xan said shoving another bite in his mouth.

‘And how is grandpa now’ she asked ‘Okay’ he mumbled with his mouth full. Liz pushed his bangs back ‘it’s just like that baby, you daddy just wants to get to know you, he’s not sure what you like and what you don’t like’ she said.

‘You know what else’ Serina said deciding to help out a little ‘huh’ Xan asked. ‘Your daddy can do thins that Uncle Pacey can’t she said ‘nu-huh’ Xan said. ‘Uh-huh’ Serina said teasing ‘he has powers to remember, Uncle Pacey doesn’t have them’ she said.

‘Oh yea I remember’ he said ‘so do you think you could give your daddy a chance to show you he can do those things too’ Liz asked. ‘Okay’ Xan said finishing up his milk. ‘Can I go play now’ he said getting up. ‘

Yes but be ready for when Uncle Pacey comes back in so you can go to the park’ Liz said wiping his mouth.

‘As far as this goes’ Serina said picking up the plane, glancing around to make sure no one came in she waved her hand over it completing it.

‘Serina’ Liz said laughing ‘what, no one is around what they don’t know wont hurt them’ Serina said smiling and putting it down.

“Pretty nice work there, if I must say so’ Liz said. ‘Why thank you, just proves women are better than men’ she said laughing.

Pacey and Max walked back in both seeming to be in better spirits. Max sat down in a chair while Pacey plopped down in the booth ‘Hey who finished the plane’ he said picking it up.

‘I did it you were taking to long, besides I did a better job’ Serina said smiling ‘yea, you probably zapped it with your powers’ Pacey said eyeing her and Liz. ‘Did not ‘Serina said winking at Liz ‘she did it all by herself’ Liz said smiling.

‘Uh, you women are such poor liars; you know that ‘he said smiling. ‘Where’s Xan’ he asked ‘He’s upstairs ill go get him’ Liz said getting up.

Coming back down Xan ran to the table ‘Cool’ he yelled picking up the plane ‘you like’ Pacey said. ‘Yep just one thing’ Xan said looking around, he brought his hand over the plane.

‘I told you should have bought the blue one ‘Serina said laughing as she got up ‘yea yea’ Pacey said picking Xan up and swinging him over his shoulder ‘Well be back around 4’ he said as they walked out of the door.

After they left Liz looked over at Max ‘everything okay’ she asked. “Everything is fine, we talked it out’ he said.

‘Good’ she said getting up and walking over to him ‘Now Mr. Evans’ she said while she sat down straddling him ‘about this dream you had last night’ she said smiling.

Max started blushing putting up his hands ‘Why Miss. Parker I have no idea what you are talking about ‘he said teasing. ‘Uh huh’ she said leaning in and kissing him.


Pacey and Serina came walking back into the restaurant swinging Xan in between their arms around 3 ‘your back early’ Liz said coming in from the back her and Max just got back from spending the day with Michael and Maria.

‘He got cranky’ Pacey said ‘I figured you might want him to take a nap and a bath before tonight anyways’. ‘You know me so well, it scares me sometimes’ Liz laughed.

Xan was busy running around the Crash Down with his plane in his hand, he had it collide with the counter and the wing broke off.

He brought Pacey the plane ‘Uncle Pace can you fix this please’ he asked. Pacey looked at him then looked at Max sitting at the booth.

Bending down ‘you know sport, I bet your daddy can do a better job than I can, and if you ask him you might just find out he can do a lot of things for you’.

Xan looked a little hesitant at first, looking back and forth between the two. Pacey watched as he walked over to Max and whispered in his ear. Max’s head shot up and looked at Pacey; Pacey just nodded his head and walked to the back as Xan crawled up into Max’s lap.

Liz got up and followed Pacey to the back; catching him as he was going up the stairs ‘Pacey’ she said stopping him. Pacey turned to look at her ‘Thank you’ she whispered giving him a hug.

“Have to let them go sometimes’ he joked ‘No, I mean thank you for everything you have done, I don’t think I would have survived the last three years without you’ she said. ‘As long as your happy Liz that is all that matters to me, Max loves you I know that much I can see it with my eyes’.

‘He does, and I love him’ she said ‘Then the only thing left is to tell me goodbye, me and Serina are heading back to Colorado tomorrow’ “Pacey’ Liz started to say.

‘It’s time Liz, this is for Xan he needs to know his father’ Pacey said ‘Besides its not like I wont see you again, you still have to make up your mind where you are going to live, and plus there is going to be a wedding soon’ he smiled.

‘You asked her’ Liz said getting excited ‘yes today at the park and she said yes’ he said. Liz threw her arms around him hugging him tighter ‘I am so happy for you’ she said ‘and please don’t think that you wont be a part of Xan’s life anymore, you are his godfather after all’ she said.

‘I know’ he said hugging her back.

Liz walked back into the front and watched Max and Xan for a few minutes, Xan seemed much more relaxed with him. Hating to break this up she walked over there ‘sweetie, its time for you to take a nap before we go meet your other grandma and grandpa tonight’ she said.

‘ Do I have to’ Xan said in a whiny voice ‘yes you have to, come on ill read you a story’ Liz said. ‘Your so mean’ Xan said Max tried to hide the smile that was creeping up on his face.

‘I’ll see you later okay’ he told Xan. Liz and Xan walked to the door when Xan turned back around “daddy would you like to read me a story’ he asked.

Max didn’t hide the smile this time ‘I would like that very much’ he said getting up and walking over to them.

Chapter 29

Isabel glanced nervously from the door to the clock sitting in her parent’s living room. Alex grabbed her hands ‘its going to be okay’ he said trying to calm her down ‘they are going to love you regardless’ he said. Isabel just shook her head and squeezed his hand.

‘Isabel honey is everything okay’ Diane asked walking in from the kitchen ‘yes mom’ she said nervously. The door bell rang and she jumped clear off the sofa “I’ll get it’ she said running to the door.

Fifteen minutes later Max, Liz and Xan pulled up to the house. Max cut off the engine and st arting taking deep breaths. Liz reached over and grabbed his hand ‘hey’ she said. Max turned to look at her ‘everything is going to be fine’ she said.

Max glanced in the rear view mirror and saw Xan smiling ‘your right’ he said kissing her hand. ‘let’s go’ he said getting out and walking to unhook Xan’s carseat.

Walking to the door he looked at Liz ‘not to late to run’ he said teasing, ‘no more running’ she said smiling. He leaned in and gave her a quick kiss and proceeded to open the door.

“Mom, Dad’ he called out as they walked in, Diane meet them in the hallway ‘Liz Liz is that you’ she said not really surprised ‘my its been a long time’ she said.

‘Hi, Mrs. Evans’ Liz said ‘Please call me Diane’ she said. Diane noticed the little dark hair boy peeking out from behind his fathers legs, bending down she said ‘Hello you must be Alexander, its really nice to finally meet you’.

Max and Liz looked at each other ‘Mom’ Max questioned, how the hell did she know he thought. ‘Come on in kids’ she said walking back to the others. Walking into the living room ‘Mom, Dad’ Liz said in surprise ‘what are you doing here’ she asked.

‘All in due time, sweetheart sit’ her father said ‘You—you told them’ Liz questioned. ‘Well yes, your father and I decided a couple of weeks ago to tell them, we figured you kids have been thru enough’ Nancy said.

‘What are you talking about” Liz said. ‘How- how long have you known’ Max asked looking at his parents ‘ just a couple of weeks like she said’ Diane started ‘I am a little disappointed in you, thought you were more responsible but its to late to get mad about it now’ Phillip said.

‘Your okay with this’ Max asked questionly ‘Well I am wondering what you are going to do about school, and how you plan to support your son’ Phillip said. ‘I I have a plan’ Max said rubbing his hands over his face.

‘He looks just like you Max “Diane said hugging Xan, jumping into grandma mode ‘would you like some cookies, I think I have some in the kitchen’ she said. Isabel looked at Max ‘Wait, Mom’ he said ‘there is something else we need to talk about’.

‘IF you’re going to tell me you’re an alien, we already know that too’ Diane said smiling. The last thing he heard was Isabel screaming ‘what’ and Liz screaming his name as he passed out on the floor.

After a few minutes Max came around waking up to see everyone looking at him ‘Max, honey are you okay’ his mother asked concerned as Phillip and Alex helped him sit up.

Realization came back to him and he looked at his parents ‘I’, I’m fine, you said you know, how, when, he keep asking. How did they know after all these years of hiding it from them?

‘Well about that’ “MOM’ Liz yelled ‘you know too’ she asked. ‘Yes we know too’ Liz got up and started pacing ‘I don’t understand’she said‘How you know’ her eyes getting big ‘how long have you known’ she asked.

‘If you stop pacing we will tell you’ Jeff said Liz stopped pacing and looked at her parents turning she ran over and sat down. Max took her hand then looked over at Isabel, she looked a little green herself he took her free hand since Alex had the other and gave it a gentle squeeze.

Closing his eyes for a minute he opened them back up ‘okay we are ready’ Max said. Nancy got up and grabbed the bag that she brought with her, reaching in a grabbing the black vinyl book she laid it on the table.

‘My, my journal’ Liz said ‘How did you find that’ looking at Max then back to the them “And you read it’ she stated more than asked.

‘Well a couple of weeks ago before you came I was out on your balcony, I had been doing the a lot lately’ Nancy started ‘It was kind of funny, I never saw it before but the last time I was out there I noticed one of the bricks loose on the wall

When I went to look at it, I pulled it out and found your journal behind it’ she said. ‘As first I wasn’t sure what to do with it so I showed it to your father, and we didn’t open it for couple of days’

‘Then one day I just picked it up and read it’ Jeff said ‘we got the shock of our lives to say the least’.

‘Your mother was so scared, she wanted to confront Max and the others right then and there, but I managed to calm her down and I came up with something else’ he said.

‘So they came to us asking us all these questions about Max, at first we couldn’t believe the things they were saying we thought they went crazy, then they showed us the journal’ Diane said.

‘After we read it, we all sat down and talked about it, the things you kids went thru back then, and you all were so young’ Phillip said ‘that’s when we decided that you kids have been thru to much, we didn’t want to be another one of your problems’ Jeff said.

‘Why, why did you say anything to us’ Isabel asked ‘Honey, we didn’t know how to bring it up, and we didn’t want to take that chance of pushing you away’ Diane said. Isabel got up and ran to her mother ‘mommy we wanted to tell you, we were just scared you wouldn’t love us anymore’ she cried.

‘Oh honey, whatever you are we will still love you the same’ she said hugging her daughter. Liz sat there opening and closing her mouth not sure what to say, she glanced at Alex and Max both seeming to be wearing the same expression of utter shock.

‘That’s, that’s why you didn’t seem surprised when I came in with Max, wasn’t it that’s why you were so nice’ she asked looking at her father.

‘Yes, if it wasn’t for Max you wouldn’t be here right now, and we wouldn’t have to most precious grandson’ Jeff said. He got up and walked over to Max and held out his hand ‘I want to thank you for saving my little girls life’ he said.

Max looked at Liz then looked up at Jeff taking his hand ‘you’re welcome’ he said ‘there is no doubt that I know you love my little girl, and would do anything to keep her safe, I would be proud to have you as part of my family he said shaking his hand.

‘Oh daddy’ Liz said jumping up and hugging him. Max got up and walked over to his father ‘dad’ he started. Phillip just embraced him ‘its okay son, I wish we would have know sooner, we could of helped’ he said.

‘I just didn’t want to put you guys in danger’ Max said ‘I know son, but now that we know we can help you’ he said. Phillip pulled back and was nearly knocked over by an excited Isabel ‘Daddy’ she said hugging him.

After a few more minutes of hugging and tears the four adults took Xan into the kitchen, so Diane and Phillip could spend some time with him.

The four stunned teenagers sat down on the sofa feeling speechless, Alex looked over ‘Well I say they took it very well’ he said laughing.

The other three just smiled and shook their heads.

Chapter 30

The next morning Liz met Max downstairs with Xan to get some breakfast, Pacey and Serina were already downstairs eating.

Plopping down in the booth and telling everyone morning she looked at Pacey ‘what time does your plane leave’ she asked. Xan’s eyes got big and looked over at Pacey and Serina ‘your leaving’ he said.

‘I’m afraid so sweetie, its time for us to go home’ Serina said. ‘NO” Xan screamed and took off to the back. Max got up and followed him.

Entering his room he had to throw up his shield to avoid being hit in the head by a flying book ‘Xan’ he said. Xan didn’t answer he just stood in the middle of the room with his fist tighten and down by his sides with his eyes closed.

“ALEXANDER MAXWELL’ Max screamed and watched as Xan opened his eyes and the toys and books fell to the floor with a thump. Before he could say anything else he felt a hand come on his shoulder.

Turning to see Pacey standing there ‘would it be okay if I talked to him’ he asked Max shook his head and left the two of them alone.

‘Hey sport, why are you making a big old mess in here’ Pacey said walking over and sitting on the bed. Xan didn’t answer just stood staring straight ahead ‘come on buddy, come talk to me’ Pacey said.

‘I don’t want you to go’ Xan whispered ‘I know you don’t but its time for me and Aunt Serina to head home’ Pacey said. ‘I want to go with you, I hate it here’ Xan said.

‘Come here’ Pacey said holding out his arms, Xan sniffled and wiped his nose on his shirt and crept over to Pacey. Pacey picked him and put him in his lap ‘I know you don’t mean that’ he said ‘yes I do’ Xan whispered.

‘Why do you hate it here, tell me why’ Pacey asked Xan just shrugged his shoulders and started playing with Paceys hands. ‘You know what I think’ Pacey started.

‘I think you really do like it here, I think you like having your daddy around am I right’ Xan just shook his head slowly yes ‘and now you have both of your grandma’s, grandpa’s and a lot of aunts and uncles here and you like that too’ Pacey said Xan shook his head yes.

‘But, I want you too’ Xan said ‘and you have me’ Pacey said taking Xan’s hand and putting it over his heart ‘right here, I will always be with you right there’ then he moved Xan’s hand over to his ‘and you will always be right here in mine’ Pacey said trying not to cry.

‘No one can ever change that, and we can still talk on the phone and have visits’ Pacey said. ‘It’s not the same’ Xan said ‘I know buddy, but you will be so busy you wont even know I’m gone with all your new family here to keep you busy’ Pacey said.

‘I guess so’ Xan sniffed and hugged Pacey ‘Hug me tighter’ Pacey said playfully squeezing Xan making him laugh ‘now that’s what I like to hear ‘ he said ‘Now give me a kiss right here’ he said pointing to his cheek.

‘No way’ Xan said ‘kissing is yucky’ he said teasing ‘oh yeah’ Pacey said grabbing him and laying him on the bed he started ticking his sides ‘Uncle Pace stop’ Xan said laughing. ‘Nope not until you kiss my cheek’ he said laughing ‘okay, okay you win’ Xan laughed.

Pacey let him up and Xan crawled over to his lap and kissed him on the cheek and hugged him ‘ I love you Uncle Pace’ Xan said. “I love you too’ Pacey said

Later on at the airport it was very emotional goodbye for all of them. Xan cried trying to hold on Serina and Pacey, Max had to finally pick him up and hold his hands together in fear he might try and do something in the middle of the airport.

His crying resulted in everyone else shedding tears, as Pacey and Serina walked to board the plane, Xan lifted his head from his fathers shoulders and screamed “Goodbye Uncle Pace and Aunt Rina’.

Pacey turned back and looked at him ‘Hey we don’t say goodbye remember’ he hollered. Xan nodded and whispered ‘goodnight’.

A couple of months later

Maria just finished bathing Xan after dinner, she agreed to watch him while Max and Liz went out for the evening, Michael liked to blow a gasket when she told him she volunteered them to watch Xan. Michael and kids just did not go together he kept telling her, but deep down inside she knew better.

After dressing him in a t-shirt one of Michael’s of course, she decide to pretend to be busy in the back while she sent Xan upfront to “entertain” Michael. She couldn’t help but laugh knowing what was going to happen.

Xan wobbled up the front, he was having a hard time walking since the t-shirt hung to his ankles, Maria had to roll the sleeves up to stop the shirt from rolling off his shoulders, his hair was all nice and neat combed back.

Michael was so engrossed into the hockey game on TV that he didn’t even see Xan walk up and sit next to him. Xan smiled and picked up the remote control.

Michael was getting all excited his team was getting ready to score a goal ‘GO, GO ‘ he yelled then all of a sudden ‘What the-‘ he yelled with his arms still in mid air when his hockey game changed to cartoons.

Turning he saw Xan sitting there ‘Hey I was watching that’ he said “Why’ Xan said. ‘It was the playoffs’ Michael said ‘why’ Xan said; ‘Because Hockey is the greatest sport around’ he said. Michael put up his hands and turned it back to the hockey game. Xan just smiled and changed it back to cartoons.

‘Is that my Metallica shirt’ Michael asked looking at him ‘who said you can wear that’ ‘Aunt Ria’ Xan said. Michael blew out his breath and waved his hand ‘well just don’t pee in it’ he said ‘I know how to use the potty’ Xan said changing the changing back to cartoons.

Michael just mumbled under his breath and changed it back to the hockey game Xan just smiled and changed it back. Maria stood hidden the hallway covering her mouth trying not to laugh out loud.

‘Hey cut it out’ Michael said ‘why’ Xan said ‘because I said so’ Michael said ‘I wanna watch cartoons’ ‘no’ ‘yes’ ‘no’ as the TV went back and forth between the hockey game and cartoons.

‘Look there are rules, rule number one I’m king of this ‘ he said taking the remote ‘nun-huh my daddy is king’ Xan said.’He may be king, but I am king of this house’ Michael said.

‘Why’ Xan started again smiling ‘because I live here’ ‘ why’ ‘I pay the bills’ ‘why’ ‘do you always have to ask why’ Michael said ‘I’m a kid its what I do’ Xan said laughing.

‘Well just quit it before I zap you’ Michael said ‘I’ll just zap you back’ Xan said. ‘Well mine will hurt more’ Michael said ‘wanna bet’ Xan smirked. Michael just opened and closed his mouth “MARIAAAAA’ he yelled.

Max and Liz drove down the streets. Max had blindfolded Liz telling her it was a secret where they were going. ‘Max come on, just tell me please’ Liz pleaded.

‘Nope, we are almost there, just keep that blindfold on’ he said laughing. Max brought the jeep to a stop and jumped out to help Liz out. Making sure the blindfold was still on he took her hand and guided her.

Taking the keys out he opened the door quietly and led Liz inside. ‘Are you ready’ he asked nodding her head he slipped off the blindfold.

Liz’s eyes got big she was standing in a fully furnished living room ‘Max where are we’ she asked looking around. ‘Our home’ he simply said.

‘I don’t understand, ours?’ she asked surprised ‘Our parents chipped in and bought this for us to live in, that is if you want to’ he said.

“Max’ was all her brain could manage to get out, taking her hand ‘come on I will show you the rest’ he said. He guided her around the house, watching her check out the kitchen, master bedroom, and Xan’s room.

When they got to an empty room she turned and looked at him ‘what is this room for’ she asked. Max just smiled ‘hopefully we can fill it one day’ he said. “Oh really, Mr. Evans you are so sure of yourself’ she said teasing.

“I know’ he simply said and took her hand ‘come on there is one more room I want to show you’ she simply nodded and followed him into the den.

“Oh Max’ she said as she noticed the room was lit with candles and on a table next to a couch was a single white rose sitting there un-bloomed

Taking her hand he led her over to the couch and picked up the flower handing it to her. “Thank you’ she said not quite understanding the meaning behind it.

‘I know what your thinking’ he smiled ‘ wondering why I am giving you an un-bloomed flower’ she smiled and nodded her head.

‘Well’ he started ‘this flower represents my life, when you are not here I feel closed up, alone hiding from the world, not being able to reach my full potential’.

‘When you are here with me’ he waved his hand over the rose and opened it up. Liz’s eyes filled with tears as she saw the flower bloom in her hand opening up to reveal a diamond ring sitting in the middle of it.

Max had to use his powers to get the ring to sit in there, but seeing her expression on her face made up for it. Taking the ring out and getting down on one knee he brought the ring to the edge of her ring finger ‘you make me come alive, you make me want to shine and be the best I can be’

“I cant imagine my life without you or Xan in it, and I want the world to know how much I love the both of you, so will you Elizabeth Claudia Parker do me the greatest honor and become my wife’ he asked.

Chapter 31

“Oh Max’ was all Liz managed to get out between the tears streaming down her face as he slid the ring onto her finger. This was the biggest dream coming true, her Liz Parker a small town girl from Roswell having it all, a man that loved her more than life itself, a son whom she created with this man, a loving family who opened their arms to this man.

She could never imagine her life changing so much all because this boy, who was no longer a boy but a man kneeling before her confessing his love for her, wanting to share his life with her and it all started in one moment of weakness that he didn’t care about the conquenses of his actions.

Liz threw her arms around his neck and pulled him to her kissing him over and over. He pulled her back to look at her ‘I take that as a yes’ he said grinning from ear to ear. She was so caught up in the moment she forgot to answer him ‘Oh Max, yes, yes I will marry you’ she yelled as she leaped forward to kiss him again.

They both fell back on the floor with her landing on top of him, he wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her closer to him ‘I love you, I love you so much’ he whispered. ‘I love you too’ she whispered back as she started placing kisses down his jaw line to his neck.

He let out a moan as he felt the wetness of her lips on his neck, she quickly thought she was crushing him and jumped up. Pulling him up to the sofa ‘I’m sorry, I didn’t meant to crush you’ she said embarrassed. He reached over and pulled her onto his lap ‘I really didn’t mind’ he said.

Her eyes locked with his as his fingers ran thru her soft silky hair, placing his hand on the back of her neck he pulled her to him. Their kisses started out slow, passionate, at first then leading to a hunger, a desire or wanting needing more.

She could feel his arousal underneath her quickly hardening more ‘Max’ she whispered in between breaths as he kissed her neck, moving to suck on her ear lobe ‘I want you’ he whispered in her ear.

She moved to straddle him moaning when she felt his desire between her legs; she lightly moved her hips back and forth trying to ease the ache she was starting to feel. Max’s hands ran up and down her sides, letting his hands slip underneath her shirt feeling the heat coming off her back.

He moaned into her mouth as he felt the heat pooling out from between her legs causing him to hardened more. As their tongues dueled back and forth his hand swept around to the front, his fingers inching up more and more till he reached the outline of her bra.

Liz threw her head back as his thumb rubbed over her hard nipple sticking out and his mouth clamped down on her throat sucking on it. Liz let her fingers run down his chest, wanting to feel more she tore open the buttons to expose his well-tanned chest.

As she raked her fingernails over his nipples she felt them hardened underneath her touch, it wasn’t enough she wanted more. She lowered her fingers to his belt loop and watched as he sucked in his breath as she started undoing his pants.

‘Liz’ he moaned against her as she lowered his zipper giving his erection more room, she bent forward and starting sucking on his ear lobe as she let her hands slide beneath his boxers.

Max felt like he died right then and there when he felt her tiny hands wrap around his throbbing erection, she ran her finger over the tip feeling the wetness as his hips jerked upwards. She slowly started moving her hand up and down.

“Liz’ he begged against her ear as she continued to stroke him, picking up to a faster rhythm ‘Oh..God..Liz ..I’m’ was all he could get out as he felt the tightening in his balls. His eyes rolled back as he felt his hot seed shoot out onto his chest. She continued to pump him making sure every last drop was out.

After his breathing came back down he opened his eyes to see her smiling ‘Oh God, I’m so sorry’ he said ‘that is so embarrassing’ “Don’t be’ she told him ‘I love that I am able to please you with just my hands’.

He smiled ‘Just looking at you does that to me’ he said ‘it’s just been to long since you know’. Liz tried to move up off of him, he grabbed her wrist ‘where are you going’ he asked pulling her to him ‘I was going to get something to just uh-‘ she said looking down at his chest and her hand.

He smiled and waved his hand over her hand, then his chest cleaning his remains ‘easier this way’ he said ‘nice to have an alien around ‘she teased ‘oh yeah’ he said raising his eyebrow reaching up to kiss her again.

He pulled back and stood up reaching for her hand, taking it she looked up at him ‘where are we going’ picking her up in his arms he whispered ‘I think well have more fun in the bedroom’ ‘I think your right’ she smiled.

Once they got o the bedroom he set her down ‘stay there’ he told her as he stripped off the rest of his clothes leaving only his boxers.

Walking to her he turned her so her back was to him, brushing her hair away from her shoulder he started to kiss the back of her neck. As his hands slid her bra straps off ‘your glowing’ he whispered as her seal started to glow a faint blue ‘mmh’ was all she could get out as he started to run his lips over her seal.

Her knees buckled as she felt an instant rush of heat run thru her body ‘Max’ she moaned as he unclasped her bra and let it fall to the floor. He continued to kiss her shoulder as he snaked his hands to the front.

She could feel his erection poking her in the back as he let his hands wonder up to cup her breast. ‘Mine, only mine’ he whispered as he begun to massage her breast. “Max please’ she begged as he started to roll her nipples in between his thumb and forefingers.

“One more Minute’ he whispered into her ears as he left her breast and moved his hands down to her jeans. Liz whimpered at the loss of his hands on her breast, she leaned her head back against his shoulder as he undid the buttons and zipper.

He gently nudged her head forward as he began placing kisses down her back as he pulled her jeans down, once she stepped out of them leaving only her panties, the turned her around picking her up he carried her to the bed. He crawled up besides her, looking down into her eyes he cupped her face with his hand and leaned down to kiss her.

His hand slowly moved down her throat, feeling her collarbone, moving down the exposed skin of her shoulder, over her seal feeling the heat it seemed to be giving out. He let his hand rub down her arm and back up her ribcage.

She could feel his hand right below her breast as she ran her hand thru the back of his hair she slightly arched her back silently begging him to touch her again.

Max removed his lips from hers and moved down her throat kissing her, tasting her, moving down her collarbone to the swell of her breast “Max’ she moaned out as his mouth clamped down on her hard nipple. He licked, sucked, nibbled till he thought it couldn’t get any harder.

He moved to the other one repeating his actions as his hand slowly trailed down her stomach down her thigh and back up the back of her leg over to her bottom.

He moved down the rounding curves and brought his hand backup the inside of her thigh. Liz gasped as she felt his finger brush over her hot core. He could feel how wet she was right through her panties. His hips started to move forward against her thigh as he felt his own erection throbbing for attention.

Moving his hands up, he waved them over removing the final piece of her clothing she had on. Bringing his hand back down he ran a finger thru her slick folds. Liz immediately thrust her hips upward calling out his name ‘Max’ needing more. Max carefully slipped a finger into her wet passage.

‘Oh god’ Liz called out as he slipped another finger into her, Liz started moving her hips in a steady rhythm meeting his fingers that were thrusting in and out of her. As he took his thumb and started rubbing her clitoris, she felt herself climbing, trying to reach that point.

Max brought his mouth crashing back onto her as his fingers started to pump her faster, in and out until she stiffened and cried out ‘oh god, Maxxxx’. He could feel her hot juices run down the sides of his fingers, removing them he brought them up and sucked them into his mouth licking and cleaning her essence off his fingers.

Before he could do anything else she pushed him onto his back and growled ‘my turn’ as she begun kissing his chest. She let her tongue flicker over his nipple, taking it she started to nibble and suck on it as it hardened in her mouth. ‘Lizz’ Max moaned out as he let his hands run thru her hair.

Moving over she replayed her actions giving the same attention to the other one. When she was satisfied she moved to the center and started placing open mouth kisses down the middle of his chest, lowering his boxers as she moved lower down him.

Liz leaned back and pulled his boxers completely off, she ran her hands back up the insides of his thighs as she leaned back forward taking his hard erection she pumped him a few times before lowering her head.

‘OH god’ he moaned out as his hips jerked upwards when he felt his manhood slip inside her mouth. Liz pulled back and started lightly sucking and licking on the tip like it was a lollipop. She let her tongue run over licking the precum that already started to form.

Hearing Max moan with pleasure she began to move her mouth up and down forming a tight suction on his hard cock. Max couldn’t take it anymore, taking her head and removing it from his throbbing erection he pulled her up and flipped her over.

‘I cant wait anymore, I need you know’ he growled out as he brought his lips down on hers. Moving he opened her legs up and positioned him in between her legs as he brought the tip to her core.

‘Look at me’ he instructed her as he thrust forward burying himself deep into her. Both moaned out in pleasure as he pulled back to just his tip was in her and he thrust back into her. She was so tight around his rock hard member, it felt so good wrapped around him.

Liz desperately needed more ‘faster’ she called out, Max begun to pick up speed thrusting faster into her. As her shoulder started to glow brighter both felt something almost primal come over them, both of their eyes turned to pure lust.

She let her fingers go behind him as she let her fingernails dig into him ‘Harder, Deeper’ she screamed out, as they seemed to be engulfed in a blue light.

Something animalistic took over Max as he hooked her legs on his arms and raised himself to his knees he begun pumping his cock into her deep and hard.

Both of them threw their heads back as their climaxes took over, both screaming out each other’s names as her hot juices coaxed his cock and his hot seed shot out into her.

Liz could still feel his cock twitching as he collapsed down on top of her. ‘’ he panted out trying to catch his breath, Liz could only nod her head.

When they both managed to finally breath normal again he slipped out and rolled over pulling her to closer to him. She rested her head on his chest ‘ that, that was incredible’ she said.

He kissed the top of her head ‘yes it was’ as he laid his head back closing his eyes. He moved his hand over her seal as the glow faded out and both fell into a peaceful slumber.

Chapter 32

Liz hung up the phone and lazily rolled back over, propping herself up on her elbow she stared at the man lying next to, she watched as his well-tanned chest moved up and down.

‘Everything okay’ he mumbled startling her ‘I thought you were still sleeping’ she said blushing at being caught.

‘Mm, just resting my eyes’ he said ‘so is Michael pulling his hair out yet’ he smiled saying. Liz inched up and rested her chin on his chest ‘no, surprising isn’t it’ ‘uh-huh’ Max said.

‘In fact, Maria said he and Xan fell asleep on the sofa last night with Xan crashed out on his chest’ she laughed ‘who would have thought’ he replied.

‘I was thinking maybe of taking him to the park today, things have been so crazy lately I feel like I haven’t spent enough time with him’ she said ‘sounds good, I think I might join you for a little while before going to talk to my father’

He opened his eyes and looked down at her ‘do you think he will like it here’ he asked.

‘I’m sure he will love it, you pulled out all the stops’ she said smiling ‘I think he will be happy with just his room being blue’ ‘Well I heard some stories’ he said laughing.

‘What is it with that color anyways’ he asked, Liz laughed ‘I think that’s one thing I will never know as long as I live. ‘What time do we have to pick him up’ ‘in a couple of hours’ she said.

‘Hmm, in that case’ he said rolling her over and leaning down to kiss her. After another heated session of love making they both finally crawled out the bed to take a shower before heading to pick Xan up.

They walked in and saw Xan sitting in Michaels lap watching cartoons. Liz looked at Maria ‘is Michael feeling okay’ she asked pointing to them.

Maria just laughed ‘yes he and Xan came to an understanding last night, he wont admit it but Xan came out on top’ ‘I don’t even want to know’ Liz said throwing her hands up.

Max sat down and Xan immediately crawled to his lap ‘Hey you’ Max said looking down at him ‘Hey daddy, Hey mommy’ he said looking over at her.

‘Hey sweetheart were you good for Uncle Michael and Aunt Ria last night’ she asked. ‘Uh-huh I got to watch cartoons last night’ he said smiling. Max looked over at Michael ‘wasn’t the playoffs on last night’ he asked raising his eyebrow.

‘What can I say, your son convinced me cartoons were better’ Michael said winking at Xan.

‘Ohm god’ Maria squealed grabbing Liz’s hand ‘is that what I think it is’ she asked. Liz smiled and looked at Max ‘yes he asked me last night’ Max, Michael and Xan all covered their ears as Maria squealed again and grabbed Liz hugging her ‘I’m so happy for you’.

Maria ran over and hugged Max ‘this is so great’ she yelled. Xan looked up at Max while he still had his ears covered ‘does she always sound like a mouse’ he asked.

Michael and Max just busted out laughing ‘Not always, but most of the time’ Michael told him earning him a glare from Maria.

After a few minutes they headed to the park Michael and Maria winded up going with them, as the guys played with Xan on the playground Maria and Liz just relaxed on a blanket talking like they used to.

Later on that night Max picked up Liz and Xan from the Crash Down, and pulled up to the new house. Liz looked back at Xan ‘this is our new house sweety’ Xan wasn’t quit sure what to think at first.

Max helped him out and brought him inside, they both watched as Xan explored the house. His eyes lit up when he got to his room and saw the walls were painted blue with white clouds, and his bed matched the walls.

Liz let Max bath Xan and busted out laughing when came out looking like he had gotten the bath instead; he was soaked from head to toe.

Tucking Xan into bed she kissed him ‘do you like your new room’ she asked. Max started to walk in but heard them talking so he stood outside the door listening.

‘Uh-huh’ Xan started ‘but’ ‘what sweetie’ Liz asked him ‘are we going to stay here for good’ he asked. Liz lay down beside him and propped herself up on her elbow ‘things have been kind of crazy lately huh’ Xan yawned and shook his head yes.

‘I know sweetie, and I’m sorry but I promise you things will get better, and yes we will stay here for good’ she said
‘And daddy is going to live here too, would you like that’ she asked.

‘Will he let me bring my puppy here’ Xan asked looking up at her ‘of course, sweetheart I know you miss cricket, and I bet he misses you too. Uncle Jake says he’s doing really well’ Liz told him.

“We will bring him home next month when we go visit everyone’ she told him as she pushed his bangs back on his head. Xan nodded his head yes. Liz watched as his eyes lids started getting heavy, leaning down she kissed him goodnight and stood up.

She noticed Max standing in the door, he walked in and looked at Xan still unsure ‘do you think it would be okay’ he asked motioning to Xan ‘yes’ she whispered.

Liz watched as he walked over and kneeled down to give Xan a goodnight kiss, she smiled as he took Kermit and made sure it was covered up next to Xan.

The next morning Max felt something heavy on his chest, opening one eye he saw Xan sitting on top of him giggling. Reaching up and scratching his head he looked at Xan ‘hm, what’s so funny’ he asked.

‘Your nose makes a funny sound when your sleeping’ Xan said laughing ‘it does, does it?’ Max asked getting slightly embarrassed. ‘Uh-huh’ Xan giggled ‘where’s your mother’ Max asked ‘she’s cooking, she told me to come wake you up’ Xan told him.

‘Can you make that noise again’ Xan asked smiling ‘no, but I can do this’ Max said as he took Xan and plopped him down on the bed and started tickling him ‘stopp’ Xan called out laughing. Max keep tickling him ‘daddyyyyyyyyyy’ he said in a fit of laughter.

Max grinned now this was definitely how he wanted to wake up every morning he thought. Max stopped tickling him and tousled Xan’s hair ‘you know I love you’ he told him’.

‘I love you too daddy’ Xan told him back.’ Come on’ Max said as he stood up and threw Xan over his shoulder ‘lets go get your mother’ he said as they walked out of the room. Yes this was definitely the life he wanted and in a few months it would even better he thought.

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2003 8:30 am
by Itzstacie
Chapter 33

‘Alexander Maxwell, if your not upfront in five minutes we are leaving without you’ Liz screamed from the front as she set the suitcases by the door. ‘Hey relax, we have plenty of time before the plane leaves’ Max told her moving to pick up the suitcases to bring out.

Liz stood there tapping her foot ‘I know, I just want to hurry up and get there’ she said blowing out some air. ‘Alexander’ she called again. ‘I can’t find my shoes’ she heard him screaming from the back.

Liz threw her hands up and mumbled ‘it never fails’, Max tried to hide the smile as she stomped off to the back

After twenty minutes of searching she found one shoe under the bed, and the other hidden underneath a pile of clean clothes ‘if you would clean your room, you wouldn’t lose them’ she said helping him put them on. ‘I don’t like cleaning my room’ he said.

‘Well, to bad’ Liz told him ‘why did you take all your clean clothes out of the drawer, grr we don’t have time for this’ she said getting up and picking them up ‘I wanted my spider man shirt’ Xan told her picking up the clothes and handing them to her, of course they all came unfolded.

Liz sighed ‘forget this’ as she threw them on his bed ‘I’ll take care of when we get back lets go’ she said walking out of his room. ‘All set’ Max asked as they came in the front ‘yes let’s go’ Liz told him walking out of the door ‘WAIT’ Xan yelled, they turned to look at him ‘Kermit’ he said running back to his room.

‘Ill be in the car’ Liz said walking out the front door, Max covered his mouth so she wouldn’t see him laughing. Another ten minutes and they were finally in the car heading out.

‘Everyone is suppose to meet us at the airport, my parents are going to fly in later on and rent a car’ Liz told them ‘Is Serina or Pacey meeting us’ he asked as he continued to drive.

‘No they said they had some things to take care before we all got there, and something about a surprise but they wouldn’t say what it was’ she asked as leaned back against the headrest.

Later on that afternoon

After renting two cars, they headed out to the mountains Max, Liz, Xan, Isabel and Alex in one car Michael, Maria, Tess and Kyle in the other.

‘It was nice of them to invite all of us to their wedding’ Isabel said from the back seat. Liz turned to look at her ‘why wouldn’t he, you are friends too besides Mr. Brady has been wanting to meet all of you’ ‘why’ she asked. Liz raised her eyebrow and smiled ‘do I really have to tell you’.

‘Well I don’t consider myself a princess anymore, and I know the rest feel the same we are not the royal four any longer’ she said turning to play with Xan.

‘We all know that Iz, its just like a kid wanting to meet a rock star doesn’t care if they are still hip or not’ Alex said as Isabel just rolled her eyes.

They pulled up to the houses and Xan was already trying to get out of the car, Alex hurried up and undid his car seat and let him out he took off running to the house. ‘Uncle Jake’ Xan screamed as he ran up to him hugging him. ‘Hey little man’ he said and put him back down.

Cricket came running up and practically knocked him down licking him in the face, as Xan laughed trying to hug him. Jake nodded to everyone and gave Liz a hug and motioned him or her inside.

Krista, Pacey and Christopher were sitting in the living room, immediately standing up to give hugs. Xan leaped at Pacey ‘Uncle Pace I missed you’ he said as he squeezed him tight.

‘Missed you too sport’ he said as he just hugged him ‘Where’s Serina’ Liz asked walking up and giving him a hug ‘She’s in the kitchen’ he said.

Just then she came walking into the living room ‘Aunt RINA’ Xan said as he started to run, but stopped in mid run ‘you got fat’ he said ‘ALEXANDER’ Liz screamed.

Serina laughed ‘I’m not fat, I am going to have a baby’ she said bending down ‘Serina!’ Liz said running up to her and hugging her ‘ why didn’t you tell me’ she said looking between her and Pacey ‘ we wanted it to be a surprise’ she said.

‘How far along are you’ she asked ‘a couple of months’ Serina answered, Liz turned to look at Pacey ‘geez you couldn’t wait for the honeymoon’ she teased ‘you got room to talk’ he said teasing which resulted in Max and Liz both turning red.

Xan just tilted his head sideways and looked at her stomach ‘how did you get a baby in there’ he asked curiously. Everyone busted out in laughter as Michael walked up and slapped Max on the back ‘go ahead daddy explain that one’ he said.

Max just coughed ‘well talk about that later’ he told Xan. Pacey caught sight of Liz’s hand ‘ I see someone else has been keeping secrets too’ he said taking her hand Liz just smiled.

As the afternoon wore off they all sat around joking and catching up on how things were. Xan had already drifted off to sleep on the floor with cricket laying right there next to him.

‘So, when’s the bachelor party start’ Kyle asked slapping his hands together. Pacey looked up ‘oh I wasn’t planning on having one’ ‘What’ Alex said ‘every man needs to have a party before he takes the plunge’ ‘Owe’ he said after Isabel punched him in the arm glaring at him.

‘Well there is a local bar in town’ Jake said then looked at the women ‘that is if its okay with the ladies’ he said trying to play it off ‘man you are whipped’ Michael said which in return earned him a slap upside the head.

The women agreed and decided to sit around and do the same for Serina, since she was pregnant they would just stay there and make it a girls night.

Before they could get out the door ‘KYLE’ Liz yelled, slowly he turned back around to face her ‘if you give ONE DROP of alcohol to Max I will kick your ass up and down this mountain, do I make myself clear’ ‘geez I make one little mistake and they never let you live it down’ he said.

‘What happened’ Pacey asked looking confused, Alex walked up ‘lets just say aliens cant handle alcohol to well’ slapping an embarrassed Max on the back remembering that night Kyle got Max drunk.

‘Come on, well tell you about it at the bar’ Alex said walking up and guiding Pacey out the door. ‘ I mean it Kyle’ they heard as they closed the door.

A few hours later

‘So there we were, standing outside this restaurant looking like two lost puppy’s with this Shallow’ Kyle said about six beers later ‘Shellow’ Max corrected starting already to turn red Kyle smiled ‘anyways there we were standing out side while Shallow was making goo-goo eyes at Liz inside.

As they finished and were about to leave the cafe, the radio announcer talked them into a kiss, which they did and then made their escape. They ran out the back way. Evans here looked like he just got run over by a car so, being the nice guy that I am I offered him a bit something to ease the pain’ Kyle said grinning.

The guys started grinning as Max looked down and took a sip of his coke ‘One sip and he was drunk off his ass’ Kyle laughed. Pacey was rolling ‘what happened then’ he asked.

‘Well deciding on a competition to prove he wasn’t a wussy like I told him he was, we had a race but he cheated’ Kyle said, "I did not cheat. I won," Max, corrected. "He cheated," Kyle replied ‘He was sitting on top of some roof when I finally found him, I didn’t know how the hell he got up there, but then I didn’t know about his origins’ he said smiling.

“I can’t believe Liz never told me about this’ Pacey said laughing, ‘I think she was to busy dieing of embarrassment’ Alex said laughing ‘wait it gets better, from what I heard’.

‘So I made him get down’ Kyle said and started laughing harder ‘and that’s when he came up with this brilliant plan that the both of would win Liz back’. Jake looked at them ‘what did you do’ he asked in amusement.

‘Evans here being the big romantic he is painted a big heart on her balcony wall with M.E + L.P. inside of it, I was so out if I didn’t think to ask how he did it, but afterwards he wanted to leave, but I wouldn’t let him I mean come on here we are two teenage guys standing on the outside of their ex-girlfriends window when she wasn’t home, it was Mecca’ Kyle said

‘And I think that the words you used too’ Max laughed ‘Anyways’ Kyle said waving his hand ‘so we broke into Liz’s room we were checking things out when Liz and college dude came running in to hide from the radio crew, who had caught up with them.

Liz was surprised to say the least, especially to find not one but two of her ex-boyfriends standing in her room going thru her underwear drawer totally wasted’ ‘Hey I was not looking in her drawer, that was all you’ Max cut in.

‘I could just imagine her face’ Pacey said laughing ‘She of course blamed me right off the bat for getting him drunk and was trying to make all these excuses about Max having a drinking problem and not to believe anything that he said. Of course, he was a big help by informing everyone that this was the first time that he'd ever drunk any alcohol. About that time Liz decided that she needed to get Max out of there before he did anything to expose himself’.

‘I decided to tackle Shellow so Liz could escape with Evans to the balcony, they left down the balcony leaving me and Shellow in the room wrestling and the radio crew who finally caught up with them, I still don’t know what he did after that, we didn’t find them until later on’ Kyle laughed.

Everyone looked at Max ‘come on its just getting good, what did you do’ Pacey asked. Max turned red and put his head down ‘I tried to convince her to run away with me, I remember turning a streetlight into a mirror ball and making parking meters into sparklers after that Liz went to call for a taxi to take us somewhere safe until the alcohol wore off when I saw the van and we needed a ride, so I flagged them down’

Alex picked up ‘I remember when they got there, Maria and I got a gig to play that night we were suppose to be the opening band, since the radio show was the sponsor Liz was suppose to go on stage and tell them how the date went, we were shocked when she walked in with all three guys and Max and Kyle looking drunk as skunks

She begged us to help her, saying she couldn’t control any of them’ he laughed. ‘Your messing with my moment’ Kyle said laughing ‘Since Liz had three dates now, we all go to on stage so she could pick which one she wanted as her blind date.

“We had one chance to convince her to pick us’ Max cut in ‘Kyle did a real good job, telling everyone he was going to puke’ Kyle just smiled ‘well who could compete with the kiss you laid on Liz right in front of everyone’.

‘So is that when she picked you’ he said looking at Max ‘No, I uh when we kissed the alcohol wore off and I was so embarrassed that I pretended not to remember anything and I left’ he said.

‘You left ‘ Pacey asked choking on his beer, Max ran a hand thru his head ‘I was so scared and confused I didn’t know what to do so I just left’ he said. Pacey just shook his head ‘I would have loved to see all that’ he said laughing.

About four hours later Michael stood up ‘well guys, it’s been fun but I really don’t want to face the wrath of Hurricane Deluca, I’m out of here’ Jake just smiled ‘and you called me whipped’ the rest just busted out laughing.

The next morning came to soon and everyone was running around getting things ready for that afternoon, the men were dragging feet from staying out to the wee hours, of course they also had to get an earful from their other halves. By the time it was ready the ceremony came out great, Serina and Pacey looked truly happy standing up there repeating their vows.

Max just watched Liz standing next to Serina imagining what it was going to be like when they were up there, Liz turned and smiled at him he could tell she was thinking the same thing.

Xan fidgeted the whole time standing up there as ring bearer, he kept tugging at his tie earning stern looks from his mother to stand still.

Serina’s dad was all to thrilled to meet Max, Isabel, Tess and Michael. Max had to keep telling him to call him Max and not his highness, Mr. Brady had to keep saying he was sorry.

By the evening everyone was too tired to stand, Max had to carry a sleeping Xan back to the house because he managed to fall asleep sitting on the swing outside. Liz smiled when she walked in and saw Max passed out on the couch with Xan sleeping on top of him.

She stood there watching both of them, noticing how much they really did look alike the hair, the ears, she quietly walked over and bent down kissing both her men and covered them with the quilt that was sitting there before heading to bed.

Chapter 34

4 months later

Michael opened the door surprised to see Max and Xan there ‘hey man come on in’ he said walking back to sit down. ‘Hey Michael how’s it going’ Max asked putting Xan down.

‘Going good, what brings you by’ Michael asked ‘Liz has classes, and we were bored at home so decided to head out’ Max said leaning back against the couch.

Michael smirked ‘Isabel driving you nuts’, Max looked over at him ‘Is she ever, how can one person drive you crazy half way across the world’.

Michael laughed ‘That’s Isabel for you, can you just imagine when its her turn to get married’ ‘God help us all, she must have a homing beacon on me, the minute I walk in the door the phone rings and she’s telling me about fifty million things to do’ Max said.

‘I think she will deal with Liz from here on out thou’ Max said smiling ‘what did you do’ ‘I told her I didn’t care about the details, just let me know what time I have to show up and I will be there and hung up on her’.

‘You are so lucky your sister is halfway across the world’ Michael laughed and then patted him on the back ‘its so good to see you happy’.

‘I am Michael, I really am I have everything I ever wanted’ Max said as he watched Xan playing on the floor. He zoned out for a few minutes just watching him, snapping back he asked ‘so when are you going to get off your butt and ask Maria’ he said.

Michael just looked at him ‘I’m working on it’ was all he said Max dropped it he knew Michael had every intention on asking Maria he was just taking to long to do it.

Changing the subject ‘Me and Xan are heading out to the rock quarry, do want to come with us’ Michael raised his eyebrow ‘what are you going out there for’.

‘I want to see just what Xan can do’ Michael just looked at him ‘I know he can dream walk I’ve seen that, I’ve only heard about the other stuff and talking to Jake a couple of months ago just has me curious to see what exactly Xan can do’ Max said.

‘What exactly did Jake tell you’ Michael asked ‘apparently Xan is going to be very powerful, and if that’s the case then I need to teach him to start getting his powers under control now, Jake, Serina and Krista worked with him but since they are not here anymore someone has to do it’ Max told him.

‘Yea about that, I thought they were suppose to be his protectors, not doing a very good job of it living in Colorado’ Michael said. ‘I talked to them all and told them that If anything happened I would contact them, I also told them that I planned on having Xan live a much to possible normal life and he didn’t need to be constantly watched’

‘Nothing is ever normal with us Max’ Michael said ‘Xan will have normal, If I have to kill every last alien to make it happen I will’ Max said in a firm voice.

‘So does Liz know your doing this’ Michael asked ‘I am his father, I don’t need her permission’ Max said ‘Are you coming or not’ Michael stood up ‘give me a minute to put some shoes on’ he said walking to the back.

‘What exactly do you want to work on out there’ Michael asked ‘as much as we can, I want to see just how strong his power is with blowing things up’ Max said ‘and who better to teach him then you’ looking at Michael.

As they were walking out of the door Michael smiled and asked again ‘does Liz know your doing this’ Max just shook his head ‘yes she said it was fine’ ‘that’s what I thought’ laughed Michael.

Liz sat there looking at the latest pictures that Pacey sent her of Jace Matthew Summers while she waited on Maria, they decided to have lunch together since they both had a break in-between classes.

‘Hey girlfriend, what are you looking at ‘Maria asked as she plopped down in the seat across from her. Liz handed the pictures to Maria ‘Pacey sent some more pictures’. Maria took the pictures and looked thru him ‘ he is going to give the child a complex the way he keeps taking pictures’ she said handing them back.

‘Leave him alone, he is just a proud father that’s all’ Liz laughed ‘he looks like the both of them Pacey’s eyes and Serina’s hair, they are lucky Xan is all Max’ she said.

‘Can’t argue with you there’ Maria said smiling ‘You think the gods would have been nice and at least given him my ears’ Liz said smiling. ‘Hey come on now, Max’s ears are cute and I bet they make great handles’ Maria said raising her eyebrows up and down.

‘Mariaaa, I am so not going there with you’ Liz said getting embarrassed ‘Oh come on’ Maria said placing her hands together teasing her. ‘On to other things’ Liz said changing the subject ‘what are you doing after classes’.

‘We have a fitting remember, I still don’t know how Isabel is managing to organize everything from Massachusetts’ Maria said. ‘I don’t know either, but I am grateful the less I have to do the better I’m nervous as it is’ Liz said.

‘Liz what is there to be nervous about , this is Max your marrying you know your soul mate’ Maria said ‘I know, I just cant believe it is actually happening with everything that has happened’ Liz said.

‘Well believe it, you two deserve to be finally happy’ Maria said ‘Have I told you how happy I am to have you in my life again’ Liz said ‘Awe, I love you too Lizzie’ Maria said teasing.

‘Don’t forget Alex and I are singing at the wedding too’ she said “I haven’t, I still don’t know why you wont tell me what you are planning on singing’ Liz said. ‘I told you it’s a surprise’ Maria smiled.


Max, Michael and Xan stood at the rock quarry making sure that there wasn’t anyone around so they could start working with Xan.

Max bent down and motioned for Xan to come to him ‘Xan, Uncle Michael and I want to work on your powers, like how Uncle Jake and them did is that okay with you’ ‘yes daddy’ Xan answered him.

‘Okay can you tell me what Uncle Jake had you doing when you would go out to practice’ Max asked ‘mostly making things different, and blowing up small things’ Xan said.

‘Have you ever tried to do a shield’ Max asked ‘a what’ Xan asked confused, Max stepped back and extended his hand producing a green barrier in front of him, closing his fist the shield disappeared ‘like that’ he said. ‘I don’t know, I never tried that’ Xan said.

‘Okay how about we try it now, I want you to close your eyes and concentrate on protecting yourself’ Max said and stood back with Michael. Xan put his hand up and closed his eyes imagining that someone was trying to hurt him Max and Michael smiled when they saw a red shield come up.

‘That was great son’ Max said walking back over to him ‘that was so cool’ Xan said getting excited, Michael just shook his head. ‘What else can we do’ Xan asked, he was so hyped up being able to do the shield.

‘I want you to work on blasting things, but I don’t want to overwork you’ Max said ‘it takes a lot of you’ he said. ‘I want you to watch Uncle Michael’ and he nodded for Michael to blow something up.

‘I know how to do that’ Xan said rolling his eyes ‘I know you do, but we don’t know how big you can go’ his father said.
Xan and Max watched as Michael looked around and then raised his hand to a boulder that was about medium size focusing he sent a bolt of energy and split the boulder in two.

Max’s cell phone started ringing seeing it was Liz, he told Michael to keep an eye out on Xan and he walked down the quarry some so he could talk to her.

After a few minutes Liz asked ‘what the hell was that’ after hearing a loud bang in the background, Max ran back up the quarry to see dust flying everywhere and pieces of what once was a large boulder falling back down to earth. ‘Michael’ he screamed.

Michael stood there with his mouth hanging open ‘that wasn’t me’ he said Max turned to look at Xan who was just standing there smiling bringing the phone up to his ear ‘I uh, I have to call you back’ he said stunned and hung up.

Max walked over and bent down to Xan’s level ‘how, how did you do that’ he asked Xan shrugged his shoulders ‘I did what Uncle Jake showed me to’ looking at the expressions on his father’s and Michaels face he got scared ‘did I do something wrong’ he asked.

Max noticed his face changed to a worry looking one grabbed him and hugged him ‘no, no you didn’t’ he said while he just looked at Michael who was mouthing the words ‘Holy Shit’ Max just nodded his head.

Later on that evening Max and Michael sat in the living room waiting for Liz and Maria to get back from being fitted “Liz is going to freak ‘ Michael said.

Max looked over at Xan sleeping ‘I know, she said he was going to be powerful but damn he’s barely five how can he be that strong already’ he said running his hands over his face.

‘Can you imagine what he is going to be like when he gets older’ Michael said ‘I mean he can probably wipe out’ ‘Michael I know, you don’t have to remind me’ Max said.

“I think you better talk to Serina and the others, Xan needs to learn to control his powers-‘ ‘ I think he is doing a pretty good job of it’ Max cut him off.

‘Will you let me finish’ Michael said looking at Max, Max nodded his head ‘all I am saying it that he needs to learn how to use them right, what if he gets mad and blows something up or worse hurts someone, you told me what happened when Pacey left for Colorado’

‘I know that Michael’ Max said ‘I’ll talk to Liz tonight, she is probably already pissed at me because I didn’t call her back after I hung up on her’.

Michael didn’t have time to answer as Maria and Liz strolled in the door with Liz not looking too happy. Before she could say anything Max jumped up and put his hands up ‘Now I know your mad, but please listen before you bring world war 3 on me’.

Liz folder her arms and raised her eyebrow, while she started to tap her foot ‘I’m listening’ she said. Maria moved and sat down next to Michael ‘what the hell happened I had to hear Liz bitch the entire time we were at the dress shop’ ‘that’s a change’ Michael said.

Maria went to open her mouth and Michael threw up his hands ‘I’m kidding, just listen to Max’ he said before she could hit on the head.

Max blew out his breath ‘I think Xan is getting stronger’ he said ‘yea, so we knew he would’ Liz said not budging ‘Liz, he blew up a rock’ he said ‘Max, he’s blown up rocks before’ she said ‘No Liz I guess rock isn’t the right word, he blew up a boulder a huge one’ Max said looking at her.

‘And he didn’t even blink an eye’ Michael added , Liz looked over to where Xan was sleeping then looked back at Max ‘why didn’t you call and tell me’ she yelled ‘at the time it just really freaked me out, and I couldn’t believe it after that I have been racking my brain trying to figure out how to tell you’ he said in defense.

‘I’m sorry I didn’t call you back, I didn’t mean to make you worry It just shocked the hell out of me’ he said as he slowly walked closer to her. Liz watched him walk towards with those eyes, those damn eyes she thought and that look he gave her when he was trying to make her feel guilty for yelling at him ‘can you forgive me’ he asked getting closer.

Liz blew out her breath, he got her she couldn’t stay mad at him ‘your forgiven’ she said as she unfolded her arms and watched his face lit up like a child and wrapped his arms around her kissing her.

‘I hate you, you know that ‘ she teased ‘I know you do’ he teased back and leaned in for another kiss.

Chapter 35

6 months later

Max stood at the window watching Kyle and Alex seat people as they arrived, his stomach was doing flip-flops, and Liz wasn’t any better he could feel her nervousness radiating all around him. He tried to send her reassurance of love, but it wasn’t doing any good with him being equally nervous.

It amazed him on how wonderful Isabel did arranging everything from the flowers, the hall, and the reception. He laughed when he remembered how Isabel blew a gasket about him hanging up on her, but his planned work she went thru Liz for everything else.

The knock on the door brought him out of his daydream and saw Isabel walk in ‘Max what are you doing, get your jacket on everyone is arriving’ she said as she walked over to him ‘here let me help you’.

‘I just want to say thanks Iz, for everything you have done’ he said as she tied his tie ‘Your welcome, even thou you were a pain in my butt it was worth it’ she smiled.

‘Michael stop fidgeting with your tie’ she said glancing over to him ‘How did I let you talk me into wearing a tux’ he moaned ‘because you wouldn’t have been let in the front gate if you didn’t’ she teased ‘now behave you look great, both of you do’ she said pulling back to admire the two men standing in front of her.

‘Have, have you seen Liz yet’ he asked tongue tied he couldn’t stop feeling so nervous. ‘Yes I did, and she is beautiful wait to you see her’ Isabel said ‘I just want you to know how happy I am for the both of you, deep down I always knew she would be the one that you would be spending the rest of your life with, she is really lucky to have someone love her like you do’

‘I am the lucky one’ he said as he hugged Isabel ‘Max your going to ruin my dress’ she said pushing him back ‘and she’s back’ he said grinning.


Liz stood in front of the mirror studying her self as she nervously bit on her bottom lip, her stomach felt like a million butterflies were flying around inside of it.

She heard someone knock on the door and watched Maria jump into a supieor mood, she laughed thinking how Maria chased Michael off earlier when he wanted to come in and say congrulations, and Maria wouldn’t let him telling him he couldn’t see her or Liz before the ceremony.

He told her that was just for the bride and groom, and she just told him to get out of there she didn’t want him to see what a knock out she was herself in her maid of honor dress.

‘Who is it’ she could hear Maria command from behind the door ‘Its Nancy and Jeff’ she heard her parents say. Maria cracked open the door only wide enough so that they could squeeze in and hurried up and slammed the door shut and locked it.

Nancy and Jeff jumped when they heard the door shut, and just looked at Maria like she was nuts. They turned to see Liz standing there and both of them were stunned ‘Lizzie you look so beautiful’ Jeff told her as he walked up and gave her a kiss.

‘Oh honey, I can’t believe how beautiful you look my baby girl has really grown up’ Nancy said hugging her and starting to tear up.

‘Mom, Dad I just want you to know how much I love you and to thank you for raising me to be the best that I can’ she said trying not to let the tears fall that were starting to form on her eyes.

‘Now if your gonna make her cry, I am going to kick you out’ Maria said looking at them ‘Maria’ Liz said. Her parents just laughed and pulled Maria to them hugging her ‘you know we love you too Maria, you are like a second daughter to us’ Jeff told her.

‘Out, Out now’ Maria said ‘I don’t want to cry right now, I will do it enough up there in the front ‘ she said teasing. ‘Okay okay we are going; I will see you in a few minutes’ Jeff said as he pushed Nancy out of the door.

After about ten minutes the sound of someone knocking again made Maria throw her hands up ‘I swear can’t two girls do some bonding’ she started mumbling as she cracked open the door to see who it was.

She squealed when she saw Pacey standing there holding the baby ‘hurry up come in, come in’ she said rushing him inside.

‘Let me see, let me see’ she said trying to take Jace from him ‘Woah slow down woman’ he joked. He handed Jace over to Maria and let his mouth drop open when he saw Liz standing there in her wedding dress ‘Liz you look positively amazing, I might have to kidnap you and marry you myself’ he said hugging her.

‘Thank you Pacey, don’t let Serina hear you say that’ she joked as she walked over to Maria ‘don’t be greedy, let me see him’ she said taking him from Maria’s arms.

‘He is so beautiful Pacey, this is so much better than pictures’ Liz said as she watched Jace sleeping in her arms. ‘Thank you’ Pacey said smiling. “I am so glad you all could come’ “I wouldn’t have missed this for the world Liz’ he leaned over and kissed her cheek.

‘I think I better get this little one back to his mother’ he said taking Jace out of Liz’s arms ‘I will see you later’ he said as he snuck out of the door. Maria snuck out to go use the restroom real fast, leaving Liz there alone in the room as she stood in the mirror adjusting her veil she heard a knock on the door.

She quickly ran over and asked who it was she held her breath when she heard ‘It’s me’ leaning against the door she let her breath out ‘Max what are you doing you know your not suppose to see me yet’ Max leaned his head against the door ‘I know, I just wanted to uh make sure this is what you really want’.

‘Max of course this is what I want’ she whispered Max started drawing invisible circles on the door ‘its not to late to back out you know’ he said. ‘Max just go back to the front, in fifteen minutes I will be walking down that aisle to become your wife forever more’ she said.

Max grinned from ear to ear ‘I love you’ he told her ‘I love you too, now go before Isabel or Maria finds you here and leaves me with nothing to walk down the aisle too’ she said smiling.

She shook her head and smiled when she heard him walking away. Maria opened the door ‘lets go girl, its time to make all your dreams come true’ she said. Liz took one final look in the mirror and let a deep breath out ‘I’m ready’ she said and walked out the door.

Max and Michael stood up front of everyone, Michael laughed when he saw Max standing there sweating he leaned over and whispered ‘you know I could bring a pool over here and you could fill it, so we can go swimming later’ Max elbowed Michael ‘just wait until it’s your turn’ he laughed. Both of them shut up when they saw Isabel glaring at them.

The music started slow and Max smiled as Xan came out frowning at first, he knew his son was not happy having to wear another tux, but his frown changed as he begun to walk down the aisle like an old pro.

Max heard Michael gasp when Maria stepped out; she was beginning to walk down the aisle in a long emerald green dress. It was sleeveless and she had gloves to match that went up to arms.

Her hair was down and curly, the dress matched perfectly against her eyes, she was simply beautiful. He was about to make fun of him, until he heard the music change and then his own heart stopped beating when he saw the angel standing there at the other end.

Liz stood there next to her father in a long white wedding dress that fit her perfectly, hugging her every curve as it flared out some towards the bottom. Her hair was done up in a French twist leaving a few strands curled down around her face, with baby breath weaved through out the twist. He couldn’t take his eyes off of her as she begun to walk to the front, he could see her nervously biting on her bottom lip.

As she got closer, she chuckled to herself as she felt Max send her a rush of love and lust through her. Once she got to the front she kissed her father and took Max’s hand to face the front.

Max was so busy staring at her and lost in his own world that he missed every word of ceremony, until Michael elbowed him and told him to snap out of Liz land, which resulted in everyone laughing. He ears turned red and blushed as he took the ring from Michael and turned to face Liz.

“I Maxwell James Evans take you Elizabeth Claudia Parker to be my lawfully wedded wife, knowing in my heart that you will be my constant friend, my faithful partner in life, and my one true love. On this special day, I give to you in the presences of God and all those in attendance my sacred promise to stay by your side as your faithful husband in sickness and health, in joy and in sorrow, as well as though the good times and the bad. I promise to love you without reservation, honor and respect you, provide for your needs as best I can, protect you from harm, comfort you in times of distress, grow with you in mind and spirit, always be open and honest with you, and cherish you for as long as we both shall live’ he repeated as his voice and his hands shaked sliding the ring onto her finger.

Getting anxious he leaned in and tried to kiss her ‘Hold on there hot lips, it’s not time’ Maria yelled smiling. Xan busted out giggling causing everyone else to laugh. Liz turned and rolled her eyes at her as she took the ring from her. Turning back to face Max she took his hand and placed the ring on the end of it.

‘I Elizabeth Claudia Parker take you Maxwell James Evans to be my lawfully wedded husband, secure in the knowledge that you will be my constant friend, my faithful partner in life, and my one true love. On this special day, I give to you in the presences of God and all those in attendance my sacred promise to stay by your side as your faithful wife in sickness and health, in joy and in sorrow, as well as though the good times and the bad. I promise to love you without reservation, comfort you in times of distress, encourage you to achieve all of your goals, laugh with you and cry with you, grow with you in mind and spirit, always be open and honest with you, and cherish you for as long as we both shall live’ she repeated after the preacher and pushed the ring onto his finger.

The preacher finished “As you have consented together to be bound to one another in lawful marriage. You have made special promises to each other which have been symbolized by the joining of hands, taking of vows and by the giving and receiving of rings. By the authority vested in me, according to the laws of New Mexico I now pronounce you to be husband and wife’ everyone started clapping and he leaned in ‘Now you can kiss her’ he said smiling.

Max smiled ‘I know ‘and leaned in to kiss Liz, she kissed him back softly letting the tears flow from her eyes. As they pulled back “May I introduce Mr. and Mrs. Max Evans’ the preacher said. Everyone stood up and started clapping.

After pictures were taking they walked into the reception hall immediately being greeted and hugged by everyone. Xan immediately took off towards Pacey and Serina loosing his tie and his jacket on the way over there.

Max stood talking to the guys as Liz was being led around by Maria. He glanced up and stood there watching her laugh, she glanced over in his direction and smiled.

After cake and the other formalities they finally found time to sit down and relax for a minute, Max leaned over and stole a kiss from her.

Michael stood up and cleared his throat to get everyone’s attention, as everyone stopped talking and looked at him ‘Since I am the best man, I guess its my job to make some sort of toast’ Max and Liz looked at each other then turned to look at Michael.

‘Now I have known Max all my life, he is like a brother to me and we could always tell what each other were thinking. The day Liz Parker showed up in Roswell and Max caught one look at her I knew he was lost. I remember how he used to drag me to the Crash Down just so he could stare at her while she worked’ he said. Liz smiled at looked at Max as he blushed.

‘Now I have to admit I wasn’t a big fan of his attraction to her and told him that she would be trouble, and tried to steer him away, but he was a lost cause.’ Maria raised her eyebrow at him and he smiled ‘But she proved me wrong and showed me that I what I thought was furthest from the truth, we are all lucky to have a person such as Liz in our lives, she is a strong, smart and amazing woman.

She is the best thing that could of happened to Max Evans, there is no one else out there that deserve to be happy and to be together than these two people right here, and when everyone thought they wouldn’t last, they proved them wrong time and time again.

So I hope you all raise your glasses with me to toast two people who were truly meant to be with each other and wish them all the happiness in the world. To Max and Liz’ Michael said raising his glass. Max leaned over and kissed Liz as everyone raised their glasses to them. Liz stood up and kissed Michael’s check and thanked him.

‘Now I believe the maid of honor would like to say something’ Michael said sitting back down. Maria stood up and walked over to the microphone as Alex joined her. ‘I just wanted to say that since the first day Liz came to Roswell, I knew there was something special about her, she would bend over backwards for you and I for one am glad to have her in my life.

‘Instead of giving a long boring speech, Alex and I decided to sing this song and dedicate it to Max and Liz, there is no other song out there that is perfect for the two of them, so if Mr. And Mrs. Evans would do us the honor and step out on the dance floor for the first dance of the night’ she said smiling.

Max stood up and held out his hand to Liz she placed her hand in his as he bent down and kissed it, then led her out to the dance floor. He leaned in and kissed the top of her forehead as Maria and Alex started to sing.

(Alex) Well, here we are again
I guess it must be fate
We've tried it on our own
But deep inside we've known
We'd be back to set things straight

(Maria) I still remember when
Your kiss was so brand new
Every memory repeats
Every step I take retreats
(both) Every journey always brings me back to you

As they swayed to the music Liz closed her eyes and let her head rest on Max’s chest as she played with his hair in the back, Max leaned his head to rest on top of hers wrapping his arms tighter around her waist and just breathing in her scent.

(both) After all the stops and starts
We keep coming back to these two hearts
Two angels who've been rescued from the fall
And after all that we've been through
(Maria) It all comes down to me and you
(Alex) I guess it's meant to be
Forever you and me
After all

(Maria) When love is truly right
(Alex) This time it's truly right
(Maria) It lives from year to year
(both) It changes as it grows
(Maria) And oh the way it grows
(both) But it never disappears

They both looked at each other, everyone else seeming to fade away and it was just the two of them standing there, holding each other close. Both of them feeling every ounce of love that the other felt for them.

(both) After all the stops and starts
We keep coming back to these two hearts
Two angels who've been rescued from the fall
And after all that we've been through
(Maria) It all comes down to me and you
(Alex) I guess it's meant to be
Forever you and me
After all

(Alex) Always just beyond my touch
Though I needed you so much
(Maria) After all what else is living for
(both) Whoa

Liz leaned in and whispered ‘when you hold me like this, so many memories fill my eyes. The first time we kissed, the times we said good-bye’ Max cut her off ‘still here we are, tested and tried and still true, stronger than we ever knew’.

(both) After all the stops and starts
We keep coming back to these two hearts
Two angels who've been rescued from the fall
And after all that we've been through
(Maria) It all comes down to me and you
(Alex) I guess it's meant to be
Forever you and me

Liz leaned in and kissed him softly on the lips ‘I love you Mr. Evans’, Max smiled and brought his lips to closer to hers once more ‘I love you Mrs. Evans’ he said before sinking his lips on hers again.

Chapter 36

As the evening went on, Liz tried to suppress her laughter; Max was constantly sending her mental pictures all night long. She stood talking to Isabel and Alex, when they left she felt two arms wrap around her waist.

She leaned her head back against Max’s shoulder ‘can we leave now’ he begged in her ear. Liz smiled ‘now why do we want to do that’ she teased him. He leaned into her harder letting his erection press into her back ‘do I really have to say it’ he whispered.

Liz smiled ‘a little while longer, then we can leave I promise’ Max let out a frustrated moan ‘one more hour, or I will pull you underneath one of the tables’ he said. Liz let out a laugh ‘okay, okay, I owe Pacey a dance, so I am going to go collect on my debt’ she said.

He stopped her movements’ uh just give me a minute to uh get myself under control’ he said shielding himself with her body, she let a wicked grin rise ‘just picture Isabel naked’ she teased. ‘Oh that’s just low’ he said laughing, she turned and faced him ‘I see it worked’ she laughed.

‘You are just evil’ he teased ‘you love me anyways’ she told him ‘yes I do’ he said kissing her ‘go have your dance before I drag you out of here now’.

Liz spotted Pacey sitting there with Xan, Serina and Jace walking up she held her hand out ‘I believe I owe you a dance sir’ she said. He got up and handed Jace to Serina than led Liz out to the dance floor. As they danced he let out a small laugh.

‘What’s so funny’ Liz asked ‘I was just thinking’ ‘about’ he smiled ‘remember when we were eight and we camped out in my back yard’ Liz laughed ‘how could I forget you wouldn’t go to sleep until I made sure nothing could crawl into your sleeping bag’.

‘Besides that’ he teased ‘remember when we laid there talking about what we wanted to be when we grew up’ ‘yes I wanted to be a doctor’ she said smiling ‘and you wanted to be an astronaut so you could fly into outer space, and meet aliens’ she laughed ‘looks like that dream came true expect for the astronaut part’.

‘Looks like dreams really do come true after all ‘he said glancing over to Serina ‘who would have thought it not only did I meet them but fell in love, got married and had a child with one, if they could only see me now’ he teased.

‘Pacey I am so glad to see you happy, I just want you to know how much you really mean to me, I will never forget what you did for me or for Xan’ ‘Liz we have been over this already’ he said. ‘I know, I just feel like I owe you so much more’ Liz told him ‘you don’t owe me anything, now be quiet and lets enjoy the rest of this dance’ he said smiling ‘Okay’ she said.

‘Okay Ladies’ Amy said standing up ‘lets throw the bouquet so they can get out of here’. Amy motioned her hand ‘Maria, Tess, Krista, Isabel come on, come on’ she said.

“It’s mine’ Maria said walking up ‘want to be’ Tess said teasing. ‘I don’t make bets, its mine ‘Maria teased back; both started to playfully push each other.

‘Isabel come on honey’ Amy said, Isabel looked at Alex, then at the group, then back to Alex he just smiled and nodded his head. ‘I uh cant’ she said.

Everyone stopped and looked at her ‘yes you can honey, you’re a single woman’ Amy said ‘Well about that’ Isabel said getting nervous “Iz’ Max said looking at her. ‘Oh well, uh you see Alex and I eloped’ she said really fast.

‘You what’ Max, Diane and Phillip all said at the same time ‘you sneaky dog’ Kyle said slapping Alex on the back. ‘When’ Maria squealed as she pulled Liz over to Alex. ‘Last month’ he said quickly glancing to make sure Max wasn’t coming to knock him out.

‘Oh Alex’ Liz and Maria screamed throwing their arms around him ‘Honey why didn’t you tell us’ Diane said hugging her ‘It sort of was a spur on the moment thing when he asked me, and with everything going on with Max and Liz getting married we wanted to wait to tell everyone’ she said.

Max walked over and pulled her up hugging her, ‘as long as you’re happy’ he said, she smiled ‘I am, I really am Max’ she said glancing over at Alex. Alex tensed up closing his eyes waiting for it he opened one eye and let out a sigh of relief when he saw Max’s hand extended.

‘Treat her right’ Max told him, Alex smiled and shook his hand ‘I will, I will’ he said ‘I can say the same thing to you’ he said looking at Liz. Max smiled ‘guess we both agree, congratulations’.

‘Now that’s over with’ Amy said looking around ‘Unless there is any more surprises’ she said looking straight at Michael. Michael threw up his hands; no, no there’s not’ he said. ‘Mom’ Maria screamed rolling her eyes.

As they gathered back out on the floor Liz got ready ‘okay on the count of three’ she yelled ‘one, two, three’ she yelled and tossed the bouquet.

Everyone laughed at Maria and Tess who fought over the bouquet which resulted in both of them landing on their butts, in the end Maria came out the winner.

As they pulled a chair out onto the floor for Liz to sit, Max let an evil grin spread across his face, letting all kinds of nasty thoughts enter his head.

Michael shook his head seeing the look on Max’s face and hollered ‘now Maxwell, remember there are children present’ Liz blushed as he slid his hands up her leg removing the garter, he leaned in ‘we are out of here right after this’ she just smiled and shook her head.

Max threw the garter and watched everyone laugh as Michael bolted out of the way so he wouldn’t catch it, it winded up smacking Kyle in the head.

Thirty minutes later, they changed kissed Xan goodbye and headed out of the door to the hotel. They didn’t make any big plans to go anywhere with both of them still in classes, a few more months and both would graduate.

As Liz tipped the bellhop and closed the door, she was immediately met with warm lips on hers. As Max pushed her against the door and started sliding his hands up her skirt ‘I didn’t think we would ever get out of there’ he said.

Liz smiled and tried to push him back ‘patience young man’ she teased. Max stepped back and took his shirt off and moved back against her ‘my patience was left at the reception’ he teased back as he picked her up and swung her on the bed.

As Max begun to unbutton her blouse he became frustrated when one of them wouldn’t go the way he wanted it to ‘this is taking to long’ he mumbled as he waved his hand over both of them removing the clothes.

‘Max’ Liz called out surprised ‘what has come over you’ she said smiling ‘you, in a minute’ he said as he started running his hands over her body.

He rolled her over and lifted her up and buried his throbbing erection into her wet core ‘I need you now’ he panted out as his hands went to her hips and started guiding her up and down.

Liz cried out in pleasure as she felt him lifting her up to thrust in and out, placing her hands on his chest she started riding him harder as both felt the climax rising’ Her shoulder started glowing as she called out ‘Maxxx’ as she felt her orgasm wash over her.

Max pick up his pace and started slamming her down on his cock building up his release ‘oh God Liz’ he called out as the thrust up into her one more time spilling his hot seed into her. Liz collapsed on top of him both trying to get their breathing under control.

“Now that was amazing’ he said as he slid her hair off her shoulder and wrapped his arm around her ‘uh-huh’ was all she managed to get out.

As they laid there wrapped into each other arms, Max looked down at her ‘what are you thinking about’ he asked ‘Xan’ she whispered. Max pulled back ‘why are you thinking about him’ he asked ‘I don’t know, I was thinking maybe I should call and check on him’.

‘Liz Pacey is the last person we have to worry about Xan being with’ he said she smiled ‘I know, I don’t know what I was thinking’ she said. She raised her head up ‘I am surprised you were okay with him going with them’ he looked at her ‘I know in the beginning I was difficult, but I have more respect for Pacey than anyone, if it wasn’t for him then I wouldn’t be here right now’ he said.

‘Now no more worrying and no more talking ‘ he said rolling her over and capturing her mouth with his.

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2003 11:31 pm
by kagome
this is :D great

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2003 9:08 pm
by Itzstacie
Chapter 37

5 months later

Liz stretched to find herself alone in the bed groaning she slipped out and pulled her robe on, walking into the kitchen she spotted Max and Xan sitting at the table. Max was reading a newspaper drinking a cup of coffee, and Xan was sitting there eating a bowl of cereal.

She bent down and kissed Xan’s cheek ‘good morning sweetie’ she said ‘morning’ he mumbled back. Liz walked over and kissed the top of Max’s head ‘morning to you too’ she said. Max pushed the paper away and pulled her into his lap kissing her lips ‘morning’ he said.

‘Do you guys have to do that’ Xan whined rolling his eyes ‘I am trying to eat’ he said. Max winked at Liz ‘what’s wrong with kissing your mother’ he teased. ‘Its gross’ Xan said stuffing a spoonful of cereal in his mouth.

Liz and Max just laughed ‘Just wait about twelve more years, you wont think its gross’ Liz teased him. Xan put his hands up and pointed to his lips ‘no way, no girl is touching these lips’ he said shaking his head.

‘Hey’ Liz said standing up ‘what do you think I am’ she said ‘you’re my mother’ he said. Both Max and Liz busted out laughing, picking up his bowl ‘go brush your teeth’ she told him. Liz glanced at the clock ‘Max you’re going to be late, if you don’t leave’ she said.

He grabbed the newspaper ‘I am going in late, I already have someone to cover my first period, I want to go with you to drop Xan off’ he said ‘Great’ she said smiling.

She walked over and wrapped her arms around his neck from behind ‘you know if you don’t stop dressy so sexy I might have to start getting jealous’ Max looked down at his black slacks and blue shirt button down shirt.

‘Hardly’ he smiled’ ‘please you know all those high school girls swoon over their chemistry teacher’ she said nibbling on his ear. Max closed his eyes and lightly moaned ‘they can swoon all they want, I only swoon for one’ he said rubbing her arms up and down.

‘You still at it get a room’ Xan said walking back into the kitchen ‘who taught you that’ Liz said standing straight up ‘Uncle Mike’ he said shrugging his shoulders. ‘Remind me to have a talk with Uncle Mike’ she said turning ‘I am going to take a shower and get dressed’.

Max pulled up on side of Liz both took separate cars, so they could split up once they dropped Xan off. As they walked up the sidewalk to Roswell elementary Liz stopped and stooped down to Xan’s level with Max doing the same. ‘Now sweetie remember what we talked about ‘she started ‘I know mom’ Xan said.

‘Remember no turning’ ‘things blue’ he finished ‘right and no making people’ ‘see things’ he finished again. ‘And positively no’ “zapping people’ he said putting up his hands ‘I got it under control’ he said shaking his head. Max and Liz smiled ‘okay sweetie’ she said standing up and taking his hand.

They walked into the classroom and saw several other students playing, a women with curly red bouncy hair walk over ‘HI I am Mrs. Striker welcome’ she said extending her hand ‘HI I am Max and this is my wife Liz’ he said shaking her hand ‘And this is Alexander’.

She bent down to his level ‘hello there Alexander’ He smiled and shyed behind his fathers leg ‘Do you like to be called Alex’ she asked he shook his head no ‘Xan’ he whispered. ‘Well Xan, how about I show you where you desk is and then you can play with the other children until class starts’ she said extending her hand.

Xan looked up at his father and mother and they both nodded their heads, he stepped out and took her hand. Liz and Max watched as she led Xan to a small desk. Liz sniffed and Max wrapped his arm around her ‘He will do fine’ he said ‘I know’ she said sighing.

Mrs. Striker walked back over to them smiling ‘I’m sorry’ Liz said ‘You must think im a blubbering idiot’. ‘Don’t be honey all parents cry when their babies start kindergarten’ she said laughing. Liz smiled and just nodded her head ‘he will be fine, look he already made a friend’ she said pointing to him.

Liz and Max looked to see Xan playing with a little brown hair girl; she had a butterfly dress on with her hair in pigtails that curled down. Max smiled and took Liz’s hand ‘come on’ he said pulling her hand. He took one more glance at his son and shook his head leading Liz out of the room

A couple of weeks later

Xan was outside at recess playing ball with Scott, a blonde hair little boy that he befriended. When he heard a bunch of other boys calling someone names. He stopped playing and looked to see Cassie standing there crying with a couple of boys circling her.

He threw the ball down and walked over to them, pushing his way he stood in front of Cassie protecting her ‘leave her alone’ he shouted. ‘Look its little Xanny’ one of the boys teased. ‘Coming to save your girlfriend’ another one teased Xan folded his arms ‘she is not my girlfriend’ he said.

Xan took Cassie’s hand ‘come on’ he said pulling her away, the boys started teasing him more ‘Xan and Cassie sitting in a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g’ Xan stopped and walked back over ‘take it back’ he said ‘no’ one of the little boys said shoving him. ‘Yes’ Xan shouted shoving him back. ‘You loveeeee her’ he teased pushing him again.

‘I do not’ Xan said pushing him back, they went back and forth with the do to’s and do not’s shoving each other, until Xan squinted his eyes and raised his hand shoving the little boy one more time. The boy grabbed his arm and ran yelping.

Liz was in the middle of seeing a patient she had a small practice inside Roswell and talked Maria into coming to be her nurse. Everyone was surprised when Maria graduated becoming a registered nurse.

Maria teased her at first saying she went through enough torture working under her at the Crash Down when her parents went out of town leaving her in charge.

She finally caved and went to work for Liz, Maria stuck her hair in ‘Dr. Evans sorry to bother you, you have an important phone call’ she said. Liz stood up ‘I’m sorry I will be right back’ excusing herself from her patient. She walked out into the hallway and picked up the receiver.

‘This is Dr. Evans’ she said ‘I am sorry to bother you Dr. Evans, this is Mrs. Bailey from Roswell Elementary’ Liz started to get worried ‘is everything okay’ she asked ‘Oh yes, well there was an incident at recess today with Xan and a couple of other boys they were fighting, he is in the office right now we need someone to come down and get him’.

Liz groaned ‘Is there anyway you can call my husband, I have a ton of patients I can not get away right now’ she sighed. ‘Yes maam we will call him’ ‘thank you’ Liz said and hung up the phone. Maria came up and plopped down in the chair watching Liz put her head in her hands and shake her head.

‘What’s wrong’ Maria asked Liz sighed ‘Xan’ ‘what happened’ ‘he got into a fight’ Liz said. Maria laughed ‘It’s not funny Maria he’s in the principals office’ Maria laughed harder ‘Liz, he’s a boy’ ‘Maria it’s only the second week’ Maria grabbed her stomach laughing harder ‘OF KINDERGARTEN’ she shouted.

Maria got up and wrapped her arm around her shoulder ‘I’m sure it won’t be the last time’ she laughed. Liz playfully elbowed her ‘you’re not helping’ she said.

Max sat there at his desk in front of the classroom smiling and shaking his head, teenage girls never change he thought as he sat there hearing the girls in his class sighing. ‘Yo Mr. E.’ Robbie one of his students called out. Max raised his head ‘Yes Robbie’ he said as he clasped his hands in front of him on the desk leaning in.

‘I just wanted to say I saw you this weekend with your boy and wife’ ‘oh really’ Max said surprised ‘yea at the Ice Cream shop’ ‘oh sorry I missed you’ Max said wondering where this was going to lead. ‘Yea I just wanted to say that yo your wife is fine looking, she’s hot does she have like a younger sister’ Robbie asked as a couple of boys slapped him a high five.

Max chuckled and smiled ‘thank you Robbie, I think so too and no she is an only child’ ‘Damn well if you get tired of her send her my way okay’ Robbie said smiling. Max shook his head ‘I don’t think that will happen, but I will let her know she has an admirer out there’ ‘that’s cool’ Robbie said.

‘She’s so lucky’ he heard one of the girls sigh out Max smiled ‘I am the lucky one’ he said. Before anyone could say anything else ‘Mr. Evans you have a phone call in the office’ he heard over his intercom ‘I’m in the middle of class, can you take a message’ he said ‘im’ sorry sir, its your son’s school they say its important’.

Max stood up ‘okay im coming’ looking at the class ‘okay guys finish your assignment I will be back in a minute’ he said walking out.

Twenty minutes later Max pulled up at the school and walked into the office, he saw Xan sitting in a chair; he looked up and saw him. Xan quickly sunk further into the seat and started staring at his feet.

Max walked up to the desk ‘May I help you’ an older woman asked peeking over her glasses. ‘Yes I am Mr. Evans someone called me’ “ah yes please have a seat Mrs. Bailey will be with you in a minute’.

Max turned and sat down bringing one of his legs up and resting his ankle on his knee and crossed his arms. Max glanced at Xan out the corner of his eye, Xan still refused to look up at him. Max looked around and noticed another little boy sitting on the other side looking like he stuck his finger in a light socket.

Max’s eyes widened as he realized what might have happened, he cleared his throat and Xan looked at him then quickly looked back at his feet. After about five minutes he was called into the office ‘I’m sorry that you had to come down here Mr. Evans’ Mrs. Bailey started ‘that’s alright, can you tell me what happened’ Max asked.

‘Well there was an incident at recess today Xan tried to break up some boys that were teasing one of the little girls, things got out of hand and they started shoving each other. Now the other little boy clams Xan shocked him with something, but we didn’t find anything and Xan denies shocking him’ she said.

‘I understand’ Max said “now since its only the second week of school we will only give the boys a warning and let them go home for the rest of the day, we hope that you will talk to Xan about fighting, we understand he was trying to help the girl, but we frown upon any type of fighting’ Mrs. Bailey said.

‘Yes maam I understand completely and I agree, my wife and I will talk to him and I am sorry this wont happen again’ Max said. After another ten minutes Xan looked up to see his not so happy father come out. Max walked over ‘let’s go’ he said in a stern voice.

Xan frowned and got up sulking out the door following him. Once they got in the car and started driving ‘when we get home you will go straight to your room until your mother gets home’ Max said ‘Dad’ Xan whined ‘I don’t want to hear it, I heard it all from your principal’ ‘but dad’ I said not now’ Max said angrily.

‘Hmpf Ihateyou’ Xan whispered and flopped back on his seat crossing his arms pouting. Max sighed and looked back at him ‘Xan’ “ALEX’ he said sharply ‘huh’ Max said caught off guard ‘Alex, only people I like can call me Xan’ he said still pouting.

Max shook his head ‘Fine, Alex I understand why you did it, and I am glad that you tried to defend the little girl, but son we talked about this with you time and time again’ ‘I’m sorry I didn’t mean to zap him’ Xan pleaded ‘but you did and you could have really hurt that little boy’ Max said hoping his son realized what could of happened.

‘I know’ Xan said looking down as his hands ‘It wont happened again’ he sniffed, they drove the rest of the way home in silence. Liz came home later that night to find Max sitting on the sofa with his head resting on the back and his eyes closed.

She smiled thinking he looked very sexy right now with his shirt unbuttoned exposing his tan chest and stomach. He sensed her standing there opening one eye ‘see something you like ‘he asked smiling. ‘Uh-huh’ she said as she walked over to him running her fingers down his chest ‘I see something I like a lot’ ‘mmm’ he moaned.

She pulled back and sat down next to him ‘so where is he’ she asked. Max called her the minute they got home and told her what happened that day ‘In his room’ Max said “Alex your mother is here’ he yelled. Liz raised her eyebrow ‘Alex’ she questioned he smiled ‘he’s mad at me right now, I am not allowed to call him Xan right now’ Liz smiled ‘Ohh’ she said.

As the weekend approached things settled down after a couple of days Max could call him Xan again, after endless talks about using his powers they finally backed off. Saturday came and Max decided to take Xan to the park, Michael joined them since he was off for the day.

They pulled up and Max helped Xan out of the jeep, Xan whipped his head around instantly at hearing his name being called. Max looked to see a little brown hair girl running towards them with a man chasing after her. ‘Hi Cassie’ Xan said as she got closer. The man who looked like her father caught up and rested his hands on his knees “Cassie what have I told you about running off’.

“Daddy this is Xan’ she said smiling ‘Oh, so this is your little hero’ he teased ‘dadddyyyy’ she said blushing. Max stuck out his hand ‘Hi, I’m Max Xan’s father, this is Michael his uncle’ ‘I’m Charles’ he said shaking their heads.

‘Daddy cam we go play on the swings’ Xan asked looking up ‘If its okay with Cassie’s dad I don’t mind’ he said ‘No, no go ahead’ he said waving his hand. The three men walked over towards some tables and the two kids held hands running towards the swings.

‘I have to say, I have never seen Cassie talk about someone as much as she talks about Xan, he has made quite an impression on her’ Charles said smiling. Max smiled ‘I am surprised, to be honest he is usually very shy, but he seems to be fond of Cassie, he talks a lot about her’ he said.

Charles excused himself as his cell phone started to ring, Michael looked at Xan pushing Cassie on the swing ‘Ah Love is in the air’ he teased patting Max on the back. ‘Michael please he’s only five’ Max said Michael just laughed.

Charles came back over saying he was sorry that they had to leave. As they were saying goodbye Cassie leaned over and kissed Xan on the cheek and turned running off pulling her father.

Max watched as he stunned son let a smile creep on his face and touched his cheek, Michael laughed and slapped Max on the back ‘Oh yea I say he is smitten’ “Michael’ Max said shaking his head and started walking to the jeep. Michael walked up ‘come on beefcakes’ he teased as he threw Xan over his shoulder.

Chapter 38

7 Months later

Liz sat there wrapping presents, Xan’s birthday was coming up this weekend and they decided that they would throw a small party for him; she prayed that nothing out of the ordinary happened. Xan insisted on inviting Cassie to the party after promising several times that no funny business would happen.

She smiled when she thought back to when she first learned of her sons crush, Max was in denial saying he was just too young, while Liz just laughed she thought it was the cutest thing and knew that this little girl was going to be around for a while.

She made it a point to meet and get to know her parents, and they became quite good friends, her parents even switched doctors making Liz Cassie’s doctor from now on. Things as school went smoothly after the incident on the playground.

The only concern the teacher had was that Xan drew everything in blue, he wouldn’t touch another color for the first couple of months, Cassie finally managed to get him to use something else after that he seemed to blend in and excel past the other students.

Pacey and Serina were coming down for the weekend for the party; it was a surprise for Xan. Liz felt her stomach flutter and she smiled placing her hand on her abdomen she had a surprise to too.

She was brought of out her thoughts by the phone ringing, picking it up she heard a frantic Maria on the other end ‘Liz, oh god you have to come over right now’ “Maria’ what is it, what’s wrong’ “Oh god just come please I need you’ and she hung up.

Liz panicked and dashed out of the door speeding down the streets she threw the car in park and raced up the stairs to their apartment. She banged on the door and Maria swung it open ‘I thought you would never get here’ she said pulling Liz into the room.

‘Maria what is it, is Michael okay’ Liz asked “just come here’ she said pulling her towards the bathroom and pointing ‘please look, I cant do it’ Maria said ‘Maria what are you talking about’ “just look okay, I cant do it’ she said pushing her into the bathroom.

Liz sighed and walked in ‘what exactly am I looking-‘ she started but stopped when she saw the little stick sitting on the edge of the sink. She walked over and picked it up looking at it ‘what does it show’ Maria asked covering her eyes. ‘Depends on how you are going to act when I tell you’ Liz said.

“Just tell me’ Maria screamed ‘does it have one line or two’ ‘It definitely has two little pink lines’ Liz said ‘Oh god, oh god I knew it, Michael is going to freak’ Maria started babbling walking back into the living room. Liz followed her out ‘Maria, Michael is not to going freak, I think he’s going to be very happy’.

“Are you kidding me Liz, we are talking about Mr. Stone wall me and kids don’t get along’ she said imitating him ‘Maria your crazy, he’s not like that anymore and besides you see how he is with Xan’ Liz tried pleading with her ‘yes but he can give Xan back’ she said.

‘Maria everything is going to be fine’ Liz said hugging her ‘pushing Michael aside, are you happy about it’ she asked. Maria shook her head ‘actually I am, I watch you and Max with Xan all the time and wish that was me and Michael’ she said honestly.

“Maria he is going to happy’ Liz said trying to reassure her ‘I hope so, god my mother is going to freak out more’ she said shaking her head. Liz smiled ‘well I cant argue with you on that one’ ‘gee thanks’ Maria said. ‘If I tell you something promise, you wont say anything’.

‘What’ ‘Promise’ ‘Liz this is me your talking to’ “Promise’ Liz said again ‘okay okay yes I promise’ Maria said ‘you are such a pain in the ass’ Maria told her ‘well in that case I wont tell you’ Liz said teasing her ‘Oh come on please’ Maria said batting her eyes ‘no’ ‘oh I’m sorry okay you are not a pain in the ass’.

‘Okay then’ Liz said sitting up ‘how do you feel about your little one having someone to play with that will be the same age’ Maria’s eyes got bit ‘oh my god, are you serious’ she said looking at her stomach ‘yes, Max doesn’t know yet so don’t open your big mouth’ Liz told her.

‘Omg’ Maria squealed ‘this is so great, we are going to be pregnant together’ and grabbed to hug Liz.


Michael came home later that afternoon; throwing his keys on the counter he grabbed a bag of chips and bottle of Tabasco sauce before plopping down on the couch to watch TV.

Maria came in from the back ‘don’t get to comfortable’ Michael looked at her ‘why’ stuffing some chips into his mouth. “We are having dinner with my mother’. Michael coughed clearing the chip that lodged in his throat ‘again I ask why’ ‘I want to tell her tonight about you know’.

‘What No, We both know we haven’t told her is because she is going to freak out Maria’ “Michael I hate her not knowing, she needs to know’ Maria yelled ‘Why now, what makes this so different than any other time, Maria we both know she is not going to accept it, she will flip out’ he yelled then stuffed a handful of chips in his mouth.

‘Because Michael she has a right to know that her grandchild it going to be half alien’ she yelled. Michael’s eyes got big and started choking on his chips ‘help’ he squeaked pointing to his back. “Oh god’ Maria said as she ran over and started hitting his back. Once he recovered ‘that wasn’t funny Maria’ he said getting mad ‘don’t joke like that’.

‘I wasn’t being funny, I’m serious’ she said Michael dropped the bag of chips and looked at her ‘how’ he said ‘oh come on do I really have to spell it out for you’ she said getting feisty. Michael ran his hand thru his hair ‘Oh boy’ was all he said ‘No oh girl’ she said.

Michael sat there in silence; his mind was wheeling with happiness, confusion. When he didn’t say anything Maria got up and started pacing ‘I knew you would freak, I knew it’ she started rambling ‘Maria’ he called but she kept going ‘why cant things ever be normal for us, no I have to get the scrooge out of the group’.

Michael stood up and walked over to her stopping her dead in her tracks ‘Marry Me’ he said. Maria looked at him and shook her head making sure she heard him right ‘what did you say’. Michael pulled back and reached into his jeans to pull out a little box ‘I have been carrying this around for a while now, trying to find the right time to ask you’ he said as he got down on one knee ‘Marry me Maria, I love you and I’m not freaked, there is no other woman I would rather have a child with’ he said.

Maria swayed feeling like she was going to pass out she just kept staring at him ‘Maria I think your suppose to answer me now’ he said. Maria smiled really big ‘yes’ she said throwing her arms around him.


Liz came home to find the house dark except for a light glow coming from the living room. She walked in to see candles lit and soft music playing in the background ‘Max’ she called out searching around the room. He came up behind her ‘dance with me’ he said twirling her around to face him.

He slid his arms around her waist and started to sway to the music ‘what’s all this’ she asked. He leaned down and kissed her ‘just wanted some alone time with my beautiful wife’ he said before she could ask ‘Xan is sleeping over at your parent’s’.

Liz wrapped her arms around his neck ‘so we are alone’ she said smiling ‘uh-huh’ he mumbled as he started nibbling on her neck. ‘I missed you’ he whispered. ‘I missed you too’ she said as she closed her eyes as his lips worked their way to her ear.

‘My oh my’ she said ‘what shall we do, now that we are all alone’ she teased Max sent her a mental picture in her mind and she blushed ‘you are so bad’ she said. He pulled back and grinned, picking her up he ran straight to the bedroom without saying a word.

After an amazing lovemaking they laid there, Liz rested her head on his chest with her arm draped across his stomach, he softly ran his fingers up and down her arm. ‘What are you thinking about’ he asked as he kissed the top of her head and ran his other hand thru her hair.

‘I was just thinking, what do you think about the color pink’ she asked ‘Uh I guess it’s okay, why do you want to know’ he asked ‘Well I was thinking its time to paint that spare room’ she said smiling. Max looked down at her and rolled her over, as his face lit up ‘Are you serious’ he asked.

Liz shook her head yes ‘Are you happy’ she asked, Max moved down and started placing little kisses on her stomach ‘more than you know, I don’t think I could be any happier’ he said as he rested his hand on her stomach and scooted back up to kiss her ‘How do you think Xan will react’ she asked. Max smiled ‘I think we will be just fine’ he said rolling on his back and pulling her on top of him as he cupped her face kissing her.


Maria called Jim and asked him to come with them, thinking he could provide some support and since he and her mother were dating it might make it easier. Amy answered the door and was surprised to see Jim with Michael and Maria.

‘Jim, well this is a surprise what are you doing here’ she said ‘I called him mom’ Maria said ‘Is everything okay’ Amy asked looking at Michael who seemed to be looking at everything but her.

‘Hi Amy, everything is fine’ he said ‘Come in, come in’ Amy said moving out of the way. Once they were seated in the living room Maria looked at her mom as Jim sat beside her “mom we need to talk to you’ Maria started ‘What is it honey’ Amy said, she glanced over to Michael was sweating up a storm.

‘Oh god your pregnant aren’t you’ Amy yelled out standing up ‘Mom’ Maria screamed ‘please sit down, I know this is going to be hard for you to hear but, I’mpregant, gettingmarried, andMichaelisanalien ‘she whooshed out in one swift breathe.

Jim tried to hold the smile that appeared, Maria amazed him with way she talked some times. Amy was silent and starred at Michael and Maria. She started cracking up laughing ‘Very funny Maria, you almost had me nice joke’ Michael sighed and moved his hand to the figurine sitting on the coffee table running his hand over it he changed it into a glass rose.

Amy stopped laughing and her eyes got big ‘oh my god, you are serious’ ‘mom’ Maria stated, Amy shook her finger at her ‘oh no, don’t you mom me, oh my god, oh my god’ was all she kept saying. She noticed Jim sitting there patting her on the back she looked over at him ‘you knew’ she yelled Jim just shook his head yes.

‘Oh my god, don’t touch me’ she said pushing his hand away, got up and walked into the kitchen. They sat there waiting, Amy came back out looking like she was going to say something instead ‘oh my god’ she looked at them ‘oh my god’ she said and walked back into the kitchen.

Michael leaned over ‘told you’ he said Maria elbowed him and saw her mother come back out. She looked at Michael ‘are you sure you’re an alien, have you tried not to be one’ she said. Michael raised his eyebrow at her and looked at her like she was crazy ‘yes Mrs. Deluca I am sure’ ‘oh my god’ said walking back into the kitchen.

After a few more trips in and out of the kitchen, Amy came back out rambling ‘oh my god, my baby girl is pregnant, she is going to have a three feet green baby’ ‘Mom’ Maria stood up stopping her ‘My baby is not going to green, she is going to be normal looking Xan is proof of that’.

‘Oh My God, they are aliens too’ Amy said and then pointed her finger at Michael ‘I Knew it; I knew you would be trouble, what did you to my baby girl. Michael stood up and wrapped his arm around Maria ‘Mrs. Deluca I love Maria I would never hurt her.

We are going to get married and have a beautiful child and would like it very much if you just accept this, It’s a long story why we never said anything, but know this I would die before I let anything happen to Maria or our child’ he said.

Maria started crying and Michael tightened his grip on her, pulling her close he kissed the top of his head. Amy stared at them for a few minutes and just plopped down on the couch stunned.


The weekend came Liz’s and Max’s house was a full house with everyone there for Xan’s party, even thou it was all adults with the exception of Xan, Cassie and Jace. The adults sat around outside talking as Xan, Cassie and Jace sat on a blanket playing.

Xan was so excited to see Pacey and Serina when they came, he kept going on and on about them meeting Cassie when her parents dropped her off later on. Pacey thought it was the funniest thing in the world that his godchild had a crush, he keep teasing Xan making him blush.

As they sat around outside talking Liz looked over at Maria ‘How did your mom take it’ she asked, she had been curious to know since Maria told her, Jim took Amy out of the town for the weekend trying to make up to her and give her some time to deal with what they told her.

“She freaked’ Michael said ‘that doesn’t surprise me’ Alex laughed ‘Freaked is an understatement’ Maria sighed. ‘”Freaked about what’ Serina asked looking around “About me being pregnant, and belonging to the I know an alien club’ she whispered so Cassie couldn’t hear.

‘Oh’ Serina eyes got big ‘well I for are happy for you’ Liz said ‘that goes for us too, its about time Michael got off his butt and did something right’ Isabel said ‘Hey I’m offended’ Michael said ‘don’t worry I still love you space boy’ Maria said patting his arm.

Maria turned back to the group ‘I’m just glad that me and Liz are going to be having a baby at the same time’ she blurted out ‘What’ Everyone said ‘big mouth’ Liz said smiling, she hadn’t told anyone except Maria, Max and Xan, he was excited to find out about being a big brother.

“What’ Maria said looking at her ‘I didn’t tell anyone else yet’ Liz said ‘Ooops’ Maria said ‘sorry’. “Oh honey’ Nancy and Diane said at the same time jumping up to hug them. As they sat back down Pacey leaned back ‘Well if it’s a boy, I am telling you now I am not getting within ten feet of a diaper change’ he said.

Liz and Serina looked at each other and started busting out laughing, everyone looked at them like they were crazy ‘someone want to fill us in here’ Maria said. After telling everyone about Pacey changing Xan’s diaper once, they all busted out laughing Pacey looked at them ‘I’m serious;

Liz got up and patted his head ‘Don’t worry it’s a girl this time; she said.

2 months later

Max came home and saw Liz laying on the sofa talking to Xan; he crept up and watched as Liz called Xan over to her. She placed his hand on her stomach and saw his face light up. Max Quickly moved to get the camcorder wanting to catch this on tape.

Liz felt the baby moving and called Xan to come see. She took his hand and placed it on her stomach. His face lit up when he felt a little thump underneath his palm ‘do you feel that’ Liz asked.’ Uh-huh’ he said, he moved his hand to another spot and felt the thump again.

‘I think she knows her big brother’ Liz said smiling Xan laid his head down on her stomach and tried to listen. He laughed when he felt a thump against his check. He ran off to the back ‘be right back’ he hollered. A few minutes later he came back in.

Carrying his carousel that Liz bought him a year ago, Max used his powers on it to change to the song that Liz sung to him all the time. Max’s smile grew larger from behind the camcorder as he watched his son wind up the carousel and place it on top of Liz’s stomach.

Xan laid his head down next to it and started to sing Liz’s eyes filled up with tears as her heart felt it was going to burst with happiness.

2 months after that

Maria, Liz, Michael, Max, Tess and Kyle sat around the living room talking. Tess and Kyle had come down for a visit, since they couldn’t make it for the party. They decided to stay living in Florida after they graduated from college, they were the only ones left in the group that hadn’t made any move on getting married.

Even thou they were very much in love, neither wanted to be married at this stage. Xan came in and started pulling at his dad’s arm ‘come on dad, you promised. ‘Okay okay’ he said getting up, he promised to take him to the fair that had come to town. Michael stood up and bent down to kiss Maria ‘you sure you don’t want to come’ he asked.

Maria rolled her eyes ‘sure me and Liz can go, then they can put us up as a side show, and they have everyone come look at the two beached whales pregnant by aliens’ she said. Kyle busted out laughing ‘your not fat’ Michael said ‘shoo go away’ Maria said pushing him away.

“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of them’ Kyle said, he wasn’t feeling to good so he decided to stay and catch up with Maria and Liz. ‘You sure you don’t mine me going, I can stay here’ Tess said getting up ‘No, go have fun’ he said giving her a kiss ‘okay’ she said as they headed out of the door.

Later that night as Kyle, Maria and Liz sat around talking, Liz got up and excused herself to the bathroom. Maria sat there eating ice cream when she dropped the spoon in the container ‘ut-oh’ she said. Kyle looked at her ‘what’ Maria felt something wet ‘I think my water bag is leaking’ she said. Kyle jumped up ‘no, no’ he said getting anxious.

Maria felt it again ‘yes, yes its definitely doing that’ “PLUG IT UP’ Kyle yelled. Just then Liz came out of the bathroom with this expression on her face ‘uh guys, my water just broke’ she said holding her stomach ‘she’s coming’ Liz yelled trying to make her way to the couch ‘no, come on guys don’t do this to me’ Kyle screamed.

‘She’s coming fast’ Liz said ‘well put her back, PUT HER BACK’ Kyle yelled. “It doesn’t work that way’ she said ‘Oh no’ Maria said as she felt her water break, Kyle looked down and saw the puddle, suddenly he felt like fainting. Liz looked up ‘Kyle we need you, your going to have to help us deliver, call Max and Michael they wont back in time’ she said.

‘Liz this is me your talking to, I cant do this’ he started ‘you’re the queen order them to wait’ he shouted. Maria tried to laugh but the contractions started coming faster. Liz closed he eyes and rode out a contraction ‘Kyle I am a doctor, remember your going to do fine, we trust you’ she said trying to calm him down.

‘Kyle in my bedroom in the closet, there is a black bag go grab it and then grab some towels on your way back’ she said. “Oh god help me’ Kyle said walking to the back ‘Your son is going to become a king tonight’ he shouted from the other room.

Chapter 39

Kyle ran around trying to get everything in order, and not lose his mind at the same time. Grabbing his cell phone he hurried and dialed the number ‘Kyle’ he heard Tess saying when she answered ‘we are almost there, tell them we are coming’ she said.

‘How did you know’ Kyle asked ‘When Max tried to jump off the top of the Ferris wheel and Michael threatened to blast everyone if they didn’t get them off, we knew something was up’ she said smiling and glanced in the rear view mirror and the two guys slumped over in the back seat.

‘Just hurry, please’ he pleaded ‘KYLE!!’ ‘I got to go they are screaming’ he said hanging up. Walking back to the girls ‘Kyle come on help Maria first please’ Liz screamed.

Kyle made an invisible cross over his head and chest and put his hands together looking up ‘I swear if you get me thru this I will never ask you for another thing’.

“Kyle’ Maria screamed as a contraction hit her ‘okay okay’ he said coming over. Kyle sat down in front of Maria then jumped back up ‘I cant do this, you are going to be married’ he said looking at Maria then turned and pointed at Liz ‘and you are married, I cant look down there, that is the no touch zone’ he yelled.

‘Kyle I am going to yank your no touch zone off, if you don’t get over here and help me’ Maria screamed. ‘But but they are coming, they will be here soon just close your legs and wait’ he yelled. ‘Kyle my patience is wearing thin with you’ Liz screamed ‘look at me’.

Kyle looked at her ‘you will shut up and help us deliver these babies do you understand me’ she said in a stern voice ‘yes your majesty’ he said ‘KYLE” Liz screamed. Max please hurry she called out in her mind.

‘TESS’ Max and Michael screamed out from the back of the jeep ‘step on it’ Max screamed holding his stomach. ‘I’m going as fast as this piece of junk will let me’ she screamed looking in the rear view mirror ‘just hold on’ then an idea formed ‘just breathe’ she yelled.

‘What’ Michael screamed ‘just breathe, you know he he ho’ she said making breathing sounds with her mouth. “Just do it’ she said when she noticed they looked at her like she was nuts.

Max and Michael looked at each other and both shook their heads ‘oh hell no, just get us there’ Michael screamed. I’m coming baby Max called out in his mind.

Tess looked over to see Xan laughing up a storm next to her ‘it’s pretty funny huh’ she said smiling ‘uh-huh’ Xan said glancing at the back ‘TESS..ROAD..DRIVE’ Max screamed as he felt a jolt in his stomach.

Tess pulled over and slammed on the brakes turning to the back she yelled ‘Now listen up if I here one more Tess hurry up I will put both of your asses out on the road and you can walk back’.

Max and Michael just looked at her ‘but’ ‘do you understand’ she yelled. Both shook their heads yes ‘now that is settled lets go’ she said as she started the jeep back up.

Taking deep breathes Kyle sat down in front of Maria ‘okay let’s do this’ he said closing his eyes and holding out his hands ‘Kyle this isn’t a football your catching’ Maria yelled ‘Open your damn eyes’. Kyle opened his eyes ‘okay dammit, what do I do Liz’ he said then mumbled ‘ I am never forgiving Evans and Guerin for this’.

Tess stopped the jeep as Max and Michael were climbing over each other trying to get out. Michael lost his balance and fell face first into the ground. Xan busted out laughing harder as Max called out Sorry racing inside.

“Max’ Liz screamed as he came running in and sliding to his knees in front of her ‘I’m here, I’m here’ he said trying to catch his breath.

Michael came in to see Kyle sitting there ‘I see the head’ Kyle yelled getting excited. Michael ran over “I’m here Maria’. Kyle grabbed Michaels hand and shoved him to take over. As Michael took position Kyle got up and walked over to Tess “Oh thank god’ he said (thump) ‘KYLE’ Tess screamed.

Tess knelt down and started slapping him in the face ‘Kyle come on wake up’ she stopped when she saw Xan standing there wide eyed looking at this parents ‘Xan sweetie’ she said taking his hand.

‘Come on lets go in the back and call everyone to tell them the news’ she looked back a them one last time and Kyle who was still passed out on the floor. I’ll deal with him later she thought.

‘Max, she’s coming’ Liz cried out ‘tell me what to do baby’ he said kneeling down in front of her.

‘Push baby’ Michael said as he held the beginnings of his daughter in his hands, his eyes filled with tears ‘that’s it baby just push your doing good’ he said. “Michael if you tell me to push one more time, ill kick you across this room’ Maria screamed.

‘Please baby just once more’ he said ignoring her, Maria held her breath and gave one final push. Michael and Maria started crying tears of joy when they heard their daughter screaming her first scream. ‘She’s perfect’ Michael said as he wrapped her up and cradled her.

He brought her up to Maria and laid her in her arms, sitting down he kissed the top of her head ‘I love you’ he said. “I love you too’ she said as she rested her head on his chest.

Max sat in front of Liz as she pushed, he wanted to try and take the pain away by using his powers, but she wouldn’t let him saying she already did this, and it wasn’t fair to Maria.

‘I see her, I see her’ he screamed out as his heart started racing. Max placed his hands and supported the head as Liz pushed again ‘almost there baby’ he called out ‘your doing great’ “Max’ Liz screamed ‘shush, ive done this before remember ‘she called out ‘I’m sorry’ he started ‘no sorries’ she yelled as she pushed.

Max watched in amazement as he helped his daughter into the world. His heart soared and didn’t hold the tears back when Liz begun glowing his eyes lit up thinking it was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. Max wrapped up the little bundle and just stared at her ‘she’s so beautiful’ he cried.

Max kissed the top of her little head as he handed her to Liz ‘I love you so much’ he said as he ran his hand under her cheek. “I love you too’ she breathed out. She looked down at her daughter letting the tears fall.

Liz glanced at Maria and Michael smiling as they held their daughter, Michael glanced around ‘someone might want to help him’ he said pointing to a passed out Kyle. Maria and Liz both laughed ‘I don’t think he will forget this visit’ Maria said.

Max noticed Xan peeking around the corner ‘Xan’ he called out to him. Xan tip-toed over to his parents as Tess went to help Kyle.

‘Hey sweetie’ Liz said as she motioned for him to sit ‘meet your baby sister Amelia’ Xan studied his little sister in his mothers arms. He leaned down and kissed the top of her head ‘hello Mia’ he said and he smiled.

Kyle moaned as he woke up finding himself sprawled on his back on the floor ‘what happened’ he said grabbing his head. “You fainted’ Tess smiled helping him up, looking around ‘ugh I remember now’ standing up he looked at the others ‘well let’s meet the little vixens that made my night hell’ he laughed.

He walked over to Michael and Maria ‘This is Maliey Marie Guerin’ Maria said ‘she’s beautiful’ Kyle said, then slapped Michael on the shoulder ‘did well there daddy’ then bent down and kissed Maria on her cheek.

He walked over to Max and Liz ‘and who is this princess’ he teased ‘Meet Amelia Nicole Evans’ Liz said holding her out so Kyle could get a better look.

‘Two beautiful girls’ he said kissing Liz on the cheek, then turning he looked at everyone ‘now if you excuse me I need a drink’ he said walking towards the kitchen. As everyone busted out laughing they Kyle scream from the kitchen ‘God help the boys of Roswell when they grow up’ he laughed.