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Resurface (AU,M/L,ADULT) Pt 13 - AN 03/12/04 [WIP]

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2003 9:49 pm
by xsuper_novax


Author: xsuper_novax aka karen

Rating: ADULT

Category: AU M/L

Disclaimer: i honestly don't own anything to do with roswell, except for a collection of taped episodes and the soundtrack, plus, i'm still young and please don't sue, i couldn't afford it. :wink:

Summary:well, i'll give this a try-for the moment, there is no roswell set, only the 'dupes'. Also, they're not as hardcore as the dupes from the show, they're a bit like our lovable roswell podpeople. In this story, there is no royal four, it is the royal 6 instead, with some other people thrown in the mix for good fun. Liz is one of they royal six, but she came out early and was seperated from everyone else, then moved around the country from foster home to foster home, until she got old enough to run away. Well, I guess that's good enough for's the fic!


Part 1

The flickering t.v cast the only light in the small motel room. From one side of the room came the buzzing of the old air conditioner. Outside she could hear the cars driving over the rain-slicked road.

She stripped down to her tank top and underwear, and slipped into bed, turning the t.v. off, then rolled over to face the window. She had learned long ago not to keep herself vulnerable.

She had been on the road for two weeks now, longer than usual, and wasn't sure exactly what had driven her to come here. True, New York was an easy place to lose yourself if it was necessary, but she'd sworn she would try to keep herself away until her 18th birthday. This was where they had found her and now, after she'd run away again, they'd no doubt think she had tried to find her parents once more.

She sighed and closed her eyes, letting the sound of the rain lull her to sleep.


She came out of her sleep slowly, to the feel of him behind her. His shoulder was pressed to hers, and one hand rested lightly, yet possesively, on her hip. She smiled drowsily as she felt him nuzzle the hair at the back of her head, and plant a soft kiss on the nape of her neck.

Turning over, she went to wrap her arms around him, only to find the bed space empty. She opened her eyes wider, then closed them in realization.

It was that same damn dream again! She punched the pillow and turned back towards the window with a huff. She'd dreamt of him since she was young. Of a time before now, but she was never sure if it was just her imagination, or if, because she was 'different', she should take it more seriouly.

As the sun slowly peaked through the curtains of the window, she realized how much time she had let slip by, trying to decide if she should investigate it further. 'who cares?' she thought. She was too tired right now. What she needed was some sleep.


OK~now, this part has been bothering me for quite some time now. It just kept running through my brain and wouldn't leave me alone, so i'm going to post it and see how you all like it. I have some idea where I want to go with it, but I'll definitely need some help, if you guys don't mind. Hope you liked the part!

p.s.~also, i'm not really liking the title, so any ideas you have would be appreciated. Thanks![/b]

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2003 2:52 pm
by xsuper_novax
Author's Note: In their previous lives, Liz was two years younger than everyone else, so, while everyone came out of their pods as six year olds, Liz came out as a four year old.

And, as I said before, this is going to be a story with the Royal Six, instead of the Royal Four. The person who pops up in this part, Tristan, is like a Kyle dupe..K? OK. Now, Onward with the story!

Part 2

"Zan, you know we cannot even sit here and discuss peace with you, or your homecoming, unless we are sure Queen Nerissa has made it to this planet alive. Your protector sent no word, so we assume he did not survive long enough to contact us."

Zan clenched his jaw and stared Sero down until he shifted slightly in his chair. He should've known this topic would come up. The missing Queen.

How could he even begin to explain what had happened? The pilots of the ship had died during the crash. Their protector, who was injured, had managed to acquire a mode of transportation, to get them as far away from the crashsite as possible. He had driven across country from Roswell, New Mexico, to New York City. Then he had left them in an abandoned subway tunnel. A subway tunnel infested with rats. Dank and dark, and cutoff from the outside world. This is where two Kings, a Princess, a Prince, and two Queens had been left. And then the fool had gotten himself killed before they had come out.

Zan snorted inwardly. And that was probably the best part. He had been the first one out of the pods. The King of Antar, High King of the Five Planets of the Luna System. The first thing he had done was wait for her, but, as soon as he saw her pod, he knew things wouldn't ever be the same for them. She was gone.

He had reasoned with himself over the years. Surely she couldn't be dead. He would know if she had died. She was his soulmate, his other half. There was a reason why she wasn't there that day. Ava was convinced she had betrayed them. Now, he knew Ava wasn't smart, but he had at least hoped she would be smart enough to realize that a 4 year old would not even be able to comprehend betrayal.

She was taken, she had to have been. There was no way she would just up and leave him, never to return. The word love couldn't even describe what they'd had before. No matter what they'd gone through, she had always been there to help him, and he had done the same for her. And then there were the memories. Somethings he had forgotten, or they had become fuzzy, but never her. She was the sharpest image in his mind. It was like that for all of them, they all remembered that life. Why would she be any different?

But then there was a part of him that blamed her. How could she have not put up a fight?! Didn't she remember him, or her brother, or her best friend even? Didn't she think they would die inside when they realized they would have to try to live life without her, again? When she had died in their past life, he had gone mad. Rath, her brother, had been almost more unreachable after her death than he was. And Lonnie...poor Lonnie had closed herself off from everything.

He took a deep breath and focused on Sero once again.

"No, he wouldn't have been able to contact you. Fool up and got himself killed right after he hid our pods. And as for discussions, Sero, don't think I am going to sit here and discuss anything with you until I know exactly what Kivar is up to."

Everyone looked away from him, somewhat guiltily. None of them, except Larek, had come to the aid of his and Nerissa's planets when Kivar and his army of rebels had struck. They had been blindsided and left virtually helpless.

Just then, a door on the side of the warehouse room opened, and a, a boy...walked in, dressed in a black suit with his hair slicked back. He smiled smugly at the assembled group, then his eyes landed on Zan and he scowled.

"Well, if it isn't Kivar's lap dog. Tell me, where is your mighty leader? Or is he too busy raping and murdering innocent women and children?" Zan questioned lazily, anger in his eyes.

The smile the boy gave did not reach his eyes. "Zan, you know me. I'm surprised."

"Don't be." He he said evenly, "I can smell the stink of you, no matter what form you take Nikolas."

The boy frowned again. "Honestly Zan, I would think you would be more respectful. After all, I am here to offer you a safe trip back home. You and your little entourage."

"And how long after we arrive will we be publicly executed?" Zan snarled.

"I see you are still as trustworthy as ever. But honestly, Kivar has put an offer on the table. You and the rest of the Royal Six return, to appease the people. You will assure the people you are home to bring peace, and Kivar will rule in your name. In return, you will bring us the Granolith."

All parties at the table let out a collective gasp.

"He has the Granolith?! They actually sent it Earth?!

Larek looked to Zan and tried to convey something with his eyes, that Zan couldn't read.

Standing up, Zan smirked at Nikolas, "Well then, I guess this summit has come to a close for the night, because there is no way I will trust my family or the Granolith to Kivar. And before any of you think to go against me on this, ask yourself this: Would You trust Kivar with your family, your planet, or the Granolith, nevermind all three?"

Hanar sighed, "We will get nowhere tonight. One week from now, we expect you to show up with Queen Nerissa. It is at that time that we will make arrangements for you to come home." He gave a sideways glance to Nikolas, then looked back to Zan, "If your rule is the only one that can bring peace, then the fight will need to be a fair one and one away from this planet."

Zan nodded his thanks and understanding, then turned to leave. Just as he reached the door, he felt a hand on his shoulder, and turned to find Larek standing there.

"I would not ask this if I was not concerned, because I do trust you, and we were once good friends, something I hope to gain again...but..where is my cousin Zan?" Zan sighed and shook his head.

"I don't know." And with that, he pushed the door open and walked out into the cool night air of New York.


"Yo, what'd they say?"

Rath had been waiting outside the building for the two hours that the summit had taken place.

"They won't talk to us about going home until we bring Nerissa. I offered to bring you, but they want the monarch, not my second." Zan growled.

"Dammit! How the hell we supposed to get home now?!" Rath cursed under his breath again as they came up to the place where they were supposed to meet Lonnie, Ava, and Tristan.

Zan looked at Ava and Tristan, who were currently making out against the wall of the next building, and let out a snort of disgust. "She continuously tries to convince me that we once loved each other and that we would be 'good together', yet here she is, my faithful 'wife', making out with another king."

Rath laughed, "Jealous."

"Grateful." Zan smirked, "At least now I won't have to put up with her."

"Yeah, well, everyone always suspected they had a thing for each other, even back home. Plus, it's Antarian mating season. Knowing her, she'll jump the next thing that walks by."

"Why don't you walk ahead of me then." Zan smiled, clapping his friend on the back.

"I may be your second, but there is no way I'm putting myself between you and that, sorry man."

"Hey, what'd they say?" Lonnie asked, stepping out of the dark and studying her brother's face.

He relayed to her what happened during the convention and she stepped closer, dropping her voice low so Ava and Tristan couldn't hear.

"So did you feel her again?" she asked carefully.

Zan nodded. "She's getting closer."

With that, they all walked off, heading towards the closest pizza joint.


Hope you liked it...fb is greatly appreciated! thanks!

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2003 6:16 pm
by xsuper_novax
I just wanna say thanks to all of you who have read my story so far. It's definitely fun writing these kinds of stories, but it's not really worth it unless you have someone to enjoy them with. So thanks again!

Part 3

After packing what little clothes she had into her small duffle bag, Liz decided it was time to take off and see the sites. If she was gonna be in New York, she wasn’t going to shut herself into some dingy motel room. Besides, today was her 18th birthday. She grinned. No one would be looking for her now.

When she finally got into the city, it was about midnight. Now, usually a young woman walking through the streets of New York, alone, at midnight with out at least a handgun, doesn’t seem like a very bright idea. But, she decided, with her powers, the only person anyone should feel bad for, was the person who tried to do her harm.

Just as she turned another corner, her stomach growled, and she realized she hadn’t eaten since yesterday morning. She had kept herself in the motel room and the vending machine didn’t exactly provide a ‘balanced diet’. Digging into the pocket of her black, baggy cargo pants, she pulled out the wad of money she had managed to save while she was busy being bounced from house to house. She couldn’t even call them homes. The last family she had stayed with was the Guerin’s. Trudy, the wife was an aptly overweight woman who, honestly, did nothing but sit in front of their 13 inch black and white t.v., and eat bon-bons. The husband, Hank, was a beer guzzling drug addict. How the two of them had persuaded her social worker to let her live with them in their humble abode...a.k.a., tin box trailer, she would never know. Although, she had always suspected Marcy, her social worker did crack.

With a shake of her head, she counted out what she had left. Two hundred dollars. That definitely wouldn’t last long. She might have to ‘conjure’ up some more money, even though she’d rather make it honestly.

Liz lifted her head and looked around. Now she just had to find a place to eat. There was a pizza place across the street, and a hot dog vendor on the corner. She looked closer at the hot dog vendor. He looked a little off, and, as she got closer, his hot dogs looked like they’d been there a couple of days.

She never really liked hot dogs anyway.

As she pushed through the door of the little pizza place, she closed her eyes and let the smell and the warmth rush over her. Then her stomach protested loudly once more. She found a seat and when the waitress came over she ordered a few slices and asked for some hot sauce and a coke. As soon as her food came, she doused it in hot sauce, and poured a generous amount into her glass.

“ this is what I call living.” She mumbled, taking a bite.


Zan turned the corner and it hit him like a ton of bricks. “She’s here.” He breathed.

Everyone stopped, knowing instantly who he meant. “Where?” Rath asked, coming up beside him.

“Not sure. Spread out and see if any of you can find her, she’s close.”

They all took a different side street and began to look for her.


After she had finished eating, she left money for the food, drink, and a tip, on the table, grabbed her bag and walked back outside, hugging her jacket tighter around her. Before she started off, she took her headphones and a hat out of her duffel, and cranked Linkin Park while she put on her black beanie.

Now all she had to do was find a place to stay. She looked around, trying to decide which direction to take, and down one street, she saw a sign for Central Park.

“On second thought...”

She made her way down the street, listening to her headphones. As she looked up from adjusting the volume just a bit, she saw a cop walking down the street. Not wanting to take any chances that someone was still looking for her, she ducked down a side alley, intending on going around the block. When she was about halfway down the alley, she felt energy crackle in the air, then someone grabbed her from behind and then everything was dark.


“What the fuck is your problem!? Zan is gonna fuck you up good this time. Do you realize what you’ve done? Do you know who this is?!” Ava screeched.

“Yo, will you shut your mouth? Christ, don’t you think I know how he’s gonna react?! Anyway, I didn’t know it was her at first, all I could feel was her energy and I thought she was just gonna go by the alley, then she came strollin’ right towards me! I didn’t know who it was til I saw her face.” Tristan exclaimed, running nervous fingers through his hair.

“What the hell are you two arguin’ about now?” Rath questioned. Then he felt her. He looked at Tristan and Ava, then pushed them out of the way, kneeling down next to the crumpled form on the ground. “What the fuck did you do to her?” He growled.

Tristan backed up, holding up his hands in surrender. “Yo man, I didn’t know it was her til I saw her face, I thought she was a skin, so I gave a little push of energy to her back. She’ll be alright man, don’t flip.”

Rath turned a murderous gaze on him and gathered her up in his arms. “If Zan don’t kill your ass you can bet I will.”

“Rath, calm down, Trist didn’t mean it man. The important thing now is to meet Zan back at the crib...k?” Ava questioned meekly.

“Whatever.” Rath mumbled, brushing by the two of them and starting off for home. He looked down into the face of the girl he held in his arms and questions bombarded him. Where had she been and why was she suddenly here.

She moved her head slightly and a pained moan escaped her lips. He had to get her to Zan quickly. Who knew what kind of damage Tristan had done to her.


sorry the part is kinda short, but i wanted to get something else out for you guys. I'm gonna have a busy day tomorrow, but i'll try to either update tomorrow night or after school on wednesday. love ya!

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2003 5:48 pm
by xsuper_novax
*whew*, started typing and didn't want to stop, then got restless and made a new avatar...roswell-restless tonight i guess.. :D

Part 4

Rath laid her down gently on the ratty couch they’d stolen from an alley, and carefully pulled an old quilt over her. Ava came up beside him and set down the bag the girl had dropped, next to the couch.

“She gonna be alright Rath?” She questioned quietly.

“We gonna have to wait til Zan gets back. I think that ass did something to screw her back up. She should be fine once he takes care of her.” Rath sighed and ran fingers through his unruly hair. “Lonnie with Zan?” Ava nodded. “Yeah,” suddenly they both looked toward the subway tunnel. They could feel Zan’s energy barreling down the tunnel, flowing over them in a tidal wave. “Shit’s about to hit the fan.” Ava mumbled.


So far he hadn’t had any luck. He thought he’d been getting closer, then, all of a sudden, she was moving away at a fast pace. Too fast for him to keep up. He turned and retraced his steps, wanting to catch up with Lonnie and see if she could sense anything, when he felt her again. She was headed for the subways. He started out at a run to the nearest station, and he saw Lonnie running down the steps ahead of him. He caught up to her and they leapt off the platform, heading for the crib.

“It’s her.” Lonnie breathed.

“I know.” Zan answered.

He was nervous. So nervous.


As Zan rounded the corner, followed by Lonnie, and entered their living space, he saw Ava and Rath standing over the couch and Tristan hanging back in the shadows. What the hell was going on? He moved closer to the couch and at the first sight of her, his breath stopped and he couldn’t move. It was really her. It didn’t matter how she looked, she felt right. Somewhere deep inside, a part of him let out a relieved sigh that he’d been holding in since the day he’d come out to find her gone.

Then he looked at her, really looked at her, for the first time, and his rage came boiling to the surface. “What’s wrong with her?”

His voice was deathly soft when he asked the question and Ava instinctively backed up a few steps. Rath just continued to watch as Zan moved to the side of the couch and knelt down beside her, not touching her. He was afraid that if he touched her, it would all be over. This moment that he had been waiting for since he had lost her, wouldn’t be real, but a dream. Then he would wake up to a cold and lonely world without her. Lost in a brutal darkness with no light and no warmth to sustain him.

“Tristan thought she was an enemy, a skin, and gave her a shock of energy to her back. Think he might’ve done some damage but I don’t know. You got the healin’ hands man.” Rath mumbled.

Zan’s eyes shifted to Tristan, who backed further into the dark. “I’ll talk to you later.” He growled. Then he shifted his gaze back to her and tentatively slid a hand under her neck, supporting her as he brought her to a sitting position and sat behind her. He resisted the urge to close his eyes and savor the moment. She was so soft and right and everything he had imagined she would be.

“Rath, help me get her coat off.”

Rath nodded and stepped forward. Once they had gotten her coat off, he gently pulled her hat off and set them both on a chair nearby. Zan shifted so he was sitting more comfortably behind her, while she was cradled between his legs, her head resting on his shoulder and her soft inky hair teasing his arm. He slipped one hand behind her and, slowly, slid it beneath her black shirt. The warmth of her soft skin made his heart rate pick up just a little and he took a deep breath, closing his eyes as he placed his hand over the spot where Tristan had blasted her.

He gently pushed some of his energy into her, trying to find out what had happened. As his energy wove it’s way through her spine, he found what had happened. She’d been unable to take all that energy in such a big rush, and, he noted with rage, it had been a pretty big surge. All the energy had wound around her spine and fractured it in some spots, but, it was mostly her nerves that were damaged. Nothing he couldn’t fix. He pushed more and more of his healing warmth into her body and he started to see faint images in his mind. At first they came and went so quickly, he wasn’t sure they were there at all. Then, they started to slow down and he realized he was seeing pieces of her life.

He saw her in an orphanage when she was about 5 years old, in some foreign part of the country. Outside the windows were mountains and trees and things you just didn’t find in New York City. In the next flash, he saw her at about 13 years old, playing with some friends she had just made outside her newest house, when she saw a slightly frazzled woman with a cigarette in her mouth, walking up to her. Marcy, her mind whispered. The last image he received was of her in her last home. It was a more recent one. She was fighting with some older guy. He raised his hand to hit her and she shoved him back into a wall, grabbed her bags, and ran, never looking back.

The healing was done and he gasped, coming out of his trance and back to his own body, then he felt her back arch as she took in air and gripped his thighs with her hands.


She was dreaming again. Always it was a dream with him. Why couldn’t it ever be real?

But wait...he was here now...helping her, healing her. Every memory that had ever whispered at the back of her mind, was rushing forward, brought on by his touch and his energy. An image flashed in her mind. It was of a time so long ago. What was happening? Were these her memories? She tried to sift through them again and she saw an image of them when they were young, dancing in an ornate hall. Gentlemen, Ladies, and political figures dancing all around them. 'Adorable' they all whispered, watching the children. Bright skirts brushed against each other in eagerness on the dance floor. The scene sped up and rushed on to others. More and more at a rate so quick, she could hardly keep up.

But she knew now. She knew who she was and why she was here. She knew these weren’t just imaginings or dreams brought on by her ‘differences.’ These were her memories. Hers. And the one thing that bound them all together, that was laced into each image and every thought, was her love for him. Her unwavering love for him, and the realization that she had lost him to another long ago.


She watched as he took her in his arms, cradling her gently. She was almost disgusted at the wonder and love he was barely hiding. That should be her he was holding, not that sorry excuse for a queen! She looked up to gauge Tristan’s reaction to them and she could see his utter despair. He had loved her once, too. Just as she herself had loved Zan. Still did love Zan. She looked closer and watched as jealousy skittered across his features, quickly to be concealed. This could definitely hold some possibilities.


She gasped for breath and arched her back. It felt like she had been out for a lifetime, with all the information she had absorbed. She fell back against the solid warmth beneath her and sighed his name.


He tensed and looked up into Rath’s face. He looked worried and extremely uncomfortable with the emotion. That made Zan’s mouth twitch at the corner as he tried to hold back a smile.

“She’ll be alright. She just needs to rest is all. We’ll have to wait until she wakes up before we can ask her any questions.”

Rath nodded and Lonnie stepped forward, speaking for the first time. Her face was guarded, but behind that, Zan could see just how relieved she was, and the emotion that she was trying to hide from the rest of them.

“She can take my bed. I’ll sleep on the floor.”

Zan cast a look to Ava. For some reason he just didn’t trust her alone with that chick. The only alternatives were letting her bunk with Tristan, who only had one bed in his makeshift room, or, leaving her on the couch while Rath took the floor.

“She can have my bed.” The words came out evenly, but it was evident there was to be no more discussion on the topic. Rath hovered over him as he carried her from the couch to his bed, and slipped the covers over her. When he turned around, he noticed everyone had followed him into the room, and sighed inwardly.

“Alright, everyone out. Rath, stay here with her, I got some unfinished business to take care of.” With that, his gaze landed squarely on Tristan.


“Look, Zan, I’m real sorry man. Honestly, I didn’t realize it was her. You know I ain’t as developed as you and Lonnie when it comes to sensin’ another royal. I just thought she was a skin. I didn’t mean to hurt her. Honestly, duke.”

Zan sized him up. His words made him sick. He could have seriously hurt her. What would they have done, if she had been killed tonight all over something so stupid. What would he have done tonight if he couldn’t save her? His anger took over again and he raised his hand with a shout, using his powers to throw Tristan up against the nearest wall, holding him eye level with Zan.

He walked up to him and stared him in the eyes. “I know you loved her once,” he said, his voice low and harsh, but holding a threat of menace, “So I know you couldn’t possibly be stupid enough to harm her, in any way, on purpose, but I’m telling you now, if I ever see or even hear that you have harmed her in the smallest way, I won’t even give you the mercy death would bring.” He looked into Tristan’s eyes for another hard moment, before turning sharply and walking away, intent on taking over for Rath.

Tristan fell to the ground immediately and stood up, dusting off his clothes with an aggravated growl.

“You know he let you get off easy. You don’t play by the rules and either him or Rath will come after you. Better think quick next time.”

He looked up as Lonnie passed him and walked into the room she shared with Ava.

“Whatever. I’m goin’ out!” He hollered to anyone who was listening.


Ok-so i'm hopin' this part will make up for yesterday, even though i'm not too sure how i feel about it. I know you're all just dying for Zan and Liz to get talkin' (at the least) :twisted: , but don't you worry :wink: , that's not gonna be a long wait.

Anyway, hoped you like it, and, as usual, thanks a bunch for the feedback, it's greatly appreciated. You guys rock!

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2003 9:11 pm
by xsuper_novax
**I don't wanna leave you guys confused about ages, so I'm gonna clear it up a bit: When Liz came out she was four and when the others came out, they were six, even though they all came out just a few days apart. In the present, Liz has just turned 18, while Ava, Tristan, Rath, Lonnie and Zan have all just turned 20. OK, hope you're not even more confused!

I also wanted to answer some of your questions about Ava and Tristan. I'm not really sure what how I want Tristan's character to develop. I have these two different people in mind, that he could be, and they're both radical opposites. With Ava, I always like her since I saw MTD and MITC, but I thought it would just be cool to see her in a different way, because we never really saw her just be her in NY. So many of you will probably end up being right in your assumptions about her.

Well..enought ya go...

Part 5

She increased her pace as she stepped from the transport vehicle and made her way towards the castle. She was finally home. After four months away, she was finally going to see him again. Rath had begged her not to go with him this time, and Zan had been reluctant to let her go, but he was going to be away from Antar, dealing with foreign policies, so it wasn’t like they would be able to enjoy any time together anyway, she had reasoned. The only reason he had agreed to let her go this time, was because she had promised this would be the last time. After this last battle was over, she would return to Antar, shortly before him, and they would be married and begin their new life together. A blush colored her cheeks quickly when she thought about how, this time tomorrow, she would be a woman in every since of the word.

Rath watched his sister hurry towards the castle and he tried to keep up with her. He had heard rumors among his men about what had happened while they were away, fighting a battle on their planet. When he first stepped off the transport vehicle, he had fetched someone to find if it was true or not. Indeed it had been. Crowned Prince Zan of Antar, High King of the Luna System, had been wed to their second cousin, Princess Ava of Nereb.

She rushed through the halls, her skirts sweeping the black marble floors in her haste to find him. She had received a message while enroute to Antar that he had arrived some two days before her. He would most likely be in the Grand Hall, awaiting her arrival while he dealt with stately affairs. Oh how she couldn’t wait to see him!

Rath caught up with her just outside the doorway to the Grand Hall. He knew what awaited her on the other side of that door. If she was going to be hurt in this way, he at least wanted to be able to soften the blow for her.

“‘Rissa, stop, there’s something I must tell you. Please, before you go in there I must-”

“Oh Rath, will you hush? I’m sure it can wait a moment! I must see Zan! I have missed him so much these last four months!” With that she threw one of the doors open, and, confusedly, stepped right into a room full of people who were laughing and celebrating.

“Rath? What’s going on?” She asked, while, eyes shining, she searched the room for her love. Rath watched her sparkling eyes and a lump formed in his throat. He knew he should just get it over with and tell her, but he couldn’t seem to move his mouth. This was his baby sister! He had taken care of her from the day she was born. He had held her hand when they were both introduced to the High King and his wife, the Queen, he’d defended her against bullies and gossip mongers, such as Ava, he’d hugged her close and whispered words of faith and encouragement on the day he had stepped down as heir, forcing her to step up, he’d even tried to keep all the boys who had fallen for her, including his best friend, from hurting her. But this, he sighed inwardly, he didn’t know if there would ever be enough hugs or tears or soothing words for something this heart wrenching. He would give his own life to spare her a pain so great as this.

She searched the room frantically. Where could he be? Suddenly the music changed and everyone who had been mingling on the dance floor, stepped back, forming a circle around the center. She tilted her head slightly and listened closer to the music. It was the song a newly married couple first danced to together. What was going on? Who had been married? She stepped closer to the circle, but her height made it impossible to see over all the people. Giving up on being polite, she began to elbow her way through, making apologies as she stepped on a few dresses and well-polished shoes. When she was close enough, she finally spotted the dancing couple. Her mind went blank and all she could do was stare. Her cousin was dancing with a wedding dance. She looked around behind her in a panic, searching out the comfort of her brother. What had happened while they had been away? He came to her side immediately and took hold of her hand.

“I’m so sorry Nerissa,” he whispered as a lonely tear slipped down her cheek, “I wanted to spare you this. I tried to tell you, but I just couldn’t. I don’t know....I’m sorry.” He whispered again. She looked out onto the dance floor, and when she did, he lifted his head and their eyes met.

His widened in shock and he stopped right in the middle of the dance. He hadn’t thought she would be here. His father had informed him she would be going directly back home, not coming to Antar. At that moment, everything faded from existence except for him and her and that look in her eyes. Betrayal. He began to move toward her, and she turned quickly and ran from the room. He barely registered Ava’s hand as he brushed it off, he hardly noticed that every person in that room had stopped to watch, holding their collective breath as they waited to see what the young Prince would do.

He didn’t disappoint them. He took off after her, racing past Rath, and out the large wooden doors, hearing another set ahead of him slam shut. She was in the library. He strode to the doors and paused outside of them, taking a deep breath, before he pushed the doors open. He walked inside and saw her sitting on her knees before the fire that crackled and hissed crazily, a reflection of her mood and his.

She was the most beautiful, most precious creature he had ever seen. Her silky black hair reached to the middle of her back, and the soft silver dress she wore made it stand out even more. He wanted to run to her, take her in his arms, and kiss her breath away, whispering promises and apologies. He wanted to tell her this was all just a mistake, that what she had seen hadn’t been the truth. He took another step toward her and saw her sit back, curling her arms around her knees and burying her face in them as she began to sob. His heart broke for a second time that night, and he could feel the tears start to fall down his face.

She looked up when she felt him kneel in front of her. A new wave of tears came when she saw his, saw the confirmation that what she had witnessed in the other room just moments ago, was real, and not some nightmare that she would wake from. He reached forward and cradled her face, crushing his lips to hers in a desperate kiss. He took her mouth fiercely, begging for her to open to him, and she did. He plunged into her mouth, his tongue caressing her velvety one, making him groan. She sat up on her knees, wrapping her arms around him tightly, wanting this one moment to last. This was it for them, she realized. With an agonized cry, she wrenched her lips from his, and tried to stand up.

“No.” He whispered brokenly, “Please, just let me tell you-”


“Please Nerissa, just listen. Just listen this once and I swear to you, if you never want anything to do with me again, if you never want to speak to me,” his voice broke with emotion at the thought, “I will stay away from you forever.”

Her heart squeezed painfully at the thought. She looked into the amber eyes she loved so much. He was probably the most beautiful man she had ever known, and she had never thought to use the term ‘beautiful’ for a man before, but he was. His hair was the same raven black as hers, and he was the most loving being she knew. His presence was commanding and people gave him respect merely because of the gentle way he treated all of his people, and not just other nobles. She looked into those eyes she had lost herself in so many years ago. She had always been able to see his soul through those eyes, and now, she could see he was broken. The desperation she saw in him made her pause. This was something she needed to hear. If she didn’t hear it from him, she would hear it from all the older noble woman, and they would twist the story sickly to hurt her.

She nodded and he relaxed slightly, and began to tell her the story.


She shifted in her sleep and Zan kept his eyes trained carefully on her, checking for signs of pain. Satisfied that she was ok, he relaxed and sat back in his chair. His mind was racing with thoughts of what would happen once she woke up. What would she think of him and what had happened? He wanted more than anything to crawl into that bed next to her, take her in his arms and hold her tightly until she woke up.

She felt herself coming out of the dream that was really more of a memory and she opened her eyes, staring up at the concrete ceiling. A tear slid from her eye and she wiped it away angrily. What did she have to cry over? That was a lifetime ago, literally. Who was to say he felt the same way about her now? Just because she continued to love him, didn’t mean he still loved her. He had grown up with Ava, his former wife, for the past 14 years. Surely they had grown to love each other in that time. She sighed and reached her hands above her head, stretching languidly, then sat up and let her feet hang off the side of the bed. She turned to look at the door, and that was when she got her first look at him. Something inside of her clicked and it felt right. She let the corner of her mouth lift in a small smile at seeing him. He still looked like Zan.

He watched her in his bed, her body stretching like a sleepy cat’s, and his mouth went dry. He sat up a little straighter, but stayed silent as she sat up and turned to look at him. Whatever he was going to say to her died in his throat as he saw her small smile and looked into her eyes. Her eyes, that he had always been able to lose himself in easily, were the same.

“Morning.” He said quietly, his voice deep and raspy from his lack of sleep. She let the sound of it wash over her and it caused a small indiscernible shiver to run up her spine. “Have I been out long?” She asked.

He smiled and stood up, letting his large, lean frame unfold, until he was towering over her. She looked so small sitting on the edge of his bed, her feet hanging off the edge, staring at him. “Few hours. Figured I’d let you sleep. Looks like you needed it.”

She smiled and stood up. There was about two feet of air between their bodies, and it was charged with energy, but neither one of them gave any acknowledgment to it. “Yeah. I’ve been running around a lot lately. Plus, it helped with some of the memories.” She said softly, recalling the one she’d just experienced.

He watched her eyes flash with something, then become normal again. Why were they talking like this? They should be holding each other, kissing, something other than these idle words.

She looked up at him again. “Zan, I think maybe I should tell you what happened. Why I wasn’t here when you guys came out. I don’t want you to think I just ditched you.” He watched her for a moment. It was as if she had read his mind. “I never thought you just left us on purpose. I didn’t think you’d do that to us. To me.” He said the last part, almost in a whisper. She swallowed thickly. “I didn’t.” She sat back down on the bed and he pulled the chair in front of her, so that when he sat down, their knees brushed just slightly. They both reveled in the small contact.

“When I came out, I wasn’t developed all the way. I came out as a four year old, but I was supposed to come out as a six year old, two years after you guys. That extra time was supposed to help my memories develop and become more clear than the fuzzy ones I had. It has something to do with the maturation of the human brain and it’s ability to handle the development of our memories and powers” His eyebrows came together, “I know this. What I don’t understand is, why you came out so early. You only came out a few days before us, least, that’s what I’m guessin’. What happened?” He asked, staring into her eyes intently.

She sighed and ran a hand through her hair. “I don’t know. All I can think of is that my pod must have been damaged in some way, or maybe, for whatever reason, it began to leak. After I came out of my pod, I was disoriented and wandered off I guess. My social worker said I was found wandering around on the side of the street next to the entrance of a subway tunnel. Ever since then, I’ve moved all around the country. I just came here a few days ago. Up until you healed me, I thought all those fuzzy memories I had where just a figment of my imagination. I was never sure if they were real. The definitely felt real though.” She said, looking up into his eyes.

He thought about what she had just said, and almost panicked. He could have lost her before she’d even gotten the chance to come out of her pod. And who knows what kind of person could have attacked her in the subway. They had been lucky. He looked at her now and couldn’t imagine not being able to look on her everyday. He was already starting to forget everything that had happened before this morning. It was like his life hadn’t started until he met her.

He reached one hand out and cupped her jaw, letting his thumb caress her cheek softly. “I’m never gonna let you go again.” He mumbled, as he leaned in toward her. “I love you Nerissa. I never stopped.” He whispered. “Oh Zan.” She sighed, as she leaned forward, anticipating the kiss she had been waiting for, for the longest time.

“Well, I see some things ain’t never gonna change.” Rath said from the door, quirking an eyebrow.


I know..that was evil of me. All of you wonderful readers have been waiting to have some Z/L interaction and I just cut it short. But, I couldn't very well just have them jump on each other the moment the met again. Well...I definitely could and while it wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing :wink: , i gotta get this story movin' a little more before we approach that topic :D

I must say, I am quite proud of this part though and I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it. FB is greatly appreciated..Thanks!

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2003 7:04 pm
by xsuper_novax
*walks up to the computer, grumbling about stupid finals and the conspiracy against High School Students*

I swear, if they understood how important these fanfics are to our lives, they wouldn't make ANYONE study so much *sighs* at least i was able to get your parts done though! :D

Part 6

Nerissa pulled back, startled, and looked to the man standing in the doorway. Her eyes narrowed slightly. “Rath?” She asked cautiously.

He nodded, swallowing the lump that had formed in his throat. Ever since they had first emerged from their pods, he had been the one to express his emotions the least. He had always kept them bottled up inside, more so than Zan, which was quite a feat to accomplish. Now, staring at her, his baby sister, he didn’t know what to do. A part of him wanted to run to her and hug her and never let her out of his sight again, while another apart of him held back, uncertain. He didn’t want to risk her pulling away from him.

While Rath decided exactly how to greet the sister he hadn’t seen in many years, Nerissa had gotten up from her spot on Zan’s bed, and walked toward him. “It is you.” She mumbled, before folding her arms around him in a tight hug. Rath, surprised, could only stand there with his arms at his sides, before slowly bringing them up around her to hug her back.

She could feel the tears choking her throat and making their way down her face to dampen his shirt. It had been too long since she had seen him last. On Antar, they had always been close. She had gone to him for just about anything she needed advice on, and the same for him. He had always been just a step ahead of her, guiding her, and making sure there was nothing there to hurt her. However annoying it may have seemed when they were younger, she would always be grateful for his care and attention because he was the most loving brother anyone could want. She turned her head and gave him a kiss on the cheek, before pulling away and wiping the tears off of her face.

“I’ve really missed you ‘Rissa.” He said quietly.

She looked up at him and smiled. Everything that he would never be able to express, was right there in his eyes. He was looking at her in earnest, wanting her to know that he would still be there for her and still take care of her. That he still loved her and was still her big brother. She took his hand in hers and squeezed it lightly, then nodded. “I’ve missed you too Rath.” She replied. She felt rather than heard his sigh of relief and she released his hand with another smile.

“You haven’t been getting into too much trouble while I’ve been gone have you?” She smirked. He just laughed and ruffled her hair, before leaving the room to let the others know that she was awake and doing fine.

She turned back to Zan, to see that he had stood up from the chair he was sitting in, but had made no move to approach her and Rath. “So you’re really here’re not gonna be leavin’ anytime soon?” He asked, masking his face so she wouldn’t be able to see the hope he harbored. She let a small smile grace her lips before nodding. “I have nowhere else to go,” she said, spreading her arms slightly for emphasis, “and that doesn’t even matter, because even if I did have somewhere else to go, I’ve found my family. My true family. I don’t plan on leaving you guys for a second time.” She said quietly, and he could see the truth of what she was saying in her eyes, and nodded. “Good.” Was all he said.


Rath walked into the girls’ bedroom to find Lonnie asleep and Ava flipping through a magazine. “Hey, Pinkie, ‘Rissa’s up. Wake up Lonnie and let her know.” Ava just looked up at him, mildly annoyed by the nickname he’d give her. “Whateva.” She mumbled, and got up off her bed to rouse Lonnie. “Hey yo, the Queen’s awake.” Then she dropped the magazine casually on her bed, and continued to walk out the door, towards Zan’s room.

Lonnie got up and ran a hand through her short hair. She wasn’t exactly sure how this ‘reunion’ with her long-ago friend would go. They had been as close as sisters when they were just children, back on Antar, and were still close right up to the end. Until that day when she had betrayed them all. The look on Nerissa’s face when she had found out how Kivar had managed to get in, was enough to make her never want to show her face again. The last time they had talked, before Nerissa had been killed, she had promised Lonnie that she didn’t blame her. That she understood what had happened, and, if she had been in the same situation, things probably would have ended up the same way. That still didn’t make her feel any better.

With a sigh, she pushed herself up off the bed and followed Ava into Zan’s room.


Ava sauntered into the room and smiled when she saw Liz, then walked over and gave her a sisterly hug. “We were really worried about you.” She smiled, and Liz could see that it looked a bit forced. Whatever. Her and Ava hadn’t exactly been the best of friends back on Antar. No matter how hard she had tried to become friends with her, it just seemed as if they were both too different. Add in the fact that one had married the other’s soulmate, and it’s just not a good mix. “It’s good to see you again Ava.” Ava nodded and smiled, then walked to stand a little closer to Zan. Taking a deep breath, Liz’s eyes swept over Zan’s for the briefest of seconds, before she noticed the other form in the doorway.

“Lonnie?” She smiled, more tears in her eyes. She rushed to the girl and they both embraced and laughed. “God, do you know what it’s like to be stuck with three guys and Ava for fourteen years?” She whispered into her friend’s ear. Liz laughed and pulled back, wiping tears from her face once more.

“God, I can’t tell you how good it is to see you again.” Lonnie smiled back tentatively. “Really?” She asked, softly. Liz looked up into her eyes, understanding what she meant. “I wouldn’t lie.” Lonnie smiled once again, and the two girls shared another quick hug.

Ava cleared her throat slightly and Liz turned to look at her questioningly. “So...what do we call you? You still go by Nerissa, or do you have an Earth name now?” Her tone of voice bordered on condescending and if no one else had been around, Lonnie would have slapped her. Rath just stared her down, making her severely uncomfortable, and Zan shifted his weight, so he wasn’t standing as close anymore.

“After I was thrown in the system, they named me Elizabeth, Liz for short.” She looked around at her family and couldn’t help feeling like she belonged, couldn’t help feeling like this definitely fit. “But now that I’m back, and the memories are more clear, I’d rather you guys call me by my real name.” She said, looking at all of them.

“Nerissa it is.” Rath beamed, proud to have his little sister back with them. Thrilled that she was staying.

Zan just continued to watch her. Where exactly would things go from here? He looked around the room at their family and, he too, finally felt like it was complete to have her back. Then he noticed something a little off. “Wait a minute, yo, where’s Tristan?”


Nerissa sighed and pulled Zan’s comforter up over her body, then snuggled down into the pillow and took another deep breath, inhaling the scent. His scent. She let a small smile grace her face. Lonnie had just left, after they’d had a lengthy conversation. They had both tried to stay off topics that involved their past on Antar, and talked about what their lives had been like here on Earth. She had found out that as soon as they were old enough, they had started searching for her. And when they discovered that she had just vanished, they had always, at least, kept an eye out for her. Hoping that maybe one day she’d be back.

After Ava had told Zan about Tristan taking off to go into the city, he had decided that he’d go look for him, and grab some food while he was at it. Not wanting to leave the three girls alone by themselves, he had ordered Rath to stay behind and watch them. Lonnie was definitely not having that. She had given her brother, and Rath, an earful about how they would be able to protect themselves. They were aliens after all, and anyone coming down here, would be coming on their turf. Zan and Rath had reluctantly agreed and said that after they’d found Tristan, they would grab food and come right back. They’d been gone for about two hours now, something Lonnie said they didn’t need to worry about, New York was a big city, and there were a lot of places Tristan could be. So she’d decided to just lay down for a little bit, and take nap while she waited for the guys to return.

She slowly came out of the dream world, to the feel of someone kneading the flesh of her hip, and placing soft kisses on her shoulder. She smiled dreamily, before she realized that this shouldn’t be happening. Zan was married. She was married. Not to each other. They both had a planet that they had to rule and watch over. “Zan, we can’t do this. Please don’t-” she started to turn over as she was speaking, and stopped mid-sentence when she realized it wasn’t Zan she was speaking to.

She opened her mouth to scream, but he clamped his hand over it, and rolled over so that he was pinning her to the bed. He looked down at her with his eyes wide and earnest. “Please don’t scream. Just hear me out. Let me talk to you and then you can say what you need to say.” He took his hand off her mouth slowly, as if he was afraid she’d let out a scream. When she didn’t, he sagged slightly, and smiled. “That’s better.” He sighed.

“Tristan, what the HELL do you think you’re doing!? Get OFF of me now!” She whispered fervently, while trying to wriggle from under him. He stilled above her and just stared down into her eyes. She shifted beneath him, and could feel his arousal against her hip. Her eyes widened and she pushed against his chest. “Tristan, we may have been married in another life, but I clearly remember that our relationship never transcended to the physical.” She pushed against him once more in vain and let out a panicked cry. He took both of her wrists in one palm and held them above her head. “Tristan, let me go!” She cried. “I love you Nerissa! Why can’t you see that?! What, do you think I’m not good enough for you, is that it?” He spat, looking down into her eyes with contempt as he spoke his next words, “Who would you have over me? Your lover, Zan? Am I no better than he?” She lowered her lids and stopped moving, “Zan and I can never be.” She whispered sadly. Tristan smiled down at her and bent to kiss her again. Just before his lips touched hers, she twisted one hand around and wrapped her fingers around his wrist, letting energy pour into him. With a scream, he collapsed on top of her and she put both of her hands on his shoulders, sending him flying into the wall across the room.

She got up from the bed and walked toward him. “If you ever touch me again, I swear to god I will kill you. You may have been my husband in the past, but you and I both know it was not a marriage of love, but of necessity. Our marriage is not something I wish to repeat in this lifetime.” She added, all of her old memories of him resurfacing in one rush. Tristan just smirked, knowing that he had gotten a rise out of her at least. “So what will you do now? Run to your lover? He can never be your King, not when he and Ava are together.” He added suggestively. ‘Let her make her own assumptions.’ He decided.

Nerissa just sighed and stepped back, letting Tristan fall to the floor. “No, I will not tell Zan, because I know him well and I know that for this, he would kill you. Especially after what you did to me in the alley.” She said, arching a brow. Tristan’s eyes widened slightly. “Besides, I’m guessing that if we go back home, we’re going to need you for something.” She let her eyes rove him with an annoyed look on her face. Tristan smirked and began to walk out of the room. “Whatever babe. Sooner or later, you’ll come around.”

When he turned to walk out of the room, he blanched at seeing Zan standing in the doorway.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing in my room, alone, with Nerissa?” He asked quietly, arms crossed over his chest.

Before Tristan could answer, Nerissa spoke up. “We were just setting some rules, drawing a few lines. Isn’t that right ‘Trist’?” Tristan swallowed, never taking his eyes off of Zan, and nodded. “She’s right. That’s exactly what we were doing.” Zan nodded, obviously not believing him, but moved aside to let him leave. When he was gone Zan looked back to Nerissa and watched her intently for a moment. “Setting some rules?” He asked softly, quirking one brow. Nerissa shrugged. “He stays away from me, I don’t kill him.” She said airily, walking by him. “Did you guys get food?” She asked, stopping in front of him. Zan just nodded, her proximity leaving him unable to speak. She just grinned as if she had no idea what effect she had on him. “Good, I’m starving.” And with that, she walked out to join the others in the sitting room, followed by Zan.


Next part will be up in a bit!

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2003 9:03 pm
by xsuper_novax
Part 7

“So you guys already went to this summit thing right?” Nerissa asked, making sure she was getting the facts straight.

Lonnie nodded. “Right, but they won’t talk to your brother, they want the monarch from Aquin. The Queen. They need you and Zan.” Nerissa nodded and looked to Zan.

“So when do we go back?”

“Five Days. Larek says that once we get off this planet, we’ll be going straight to his palace on Katana. We will be staying with him until we are able to take either Antar or Aquin back, and once we get one of them, we will move there once security is established, and try to reclaim the last planet from Kivar. It could take years, or it could take weeks, depending on the state of his army and the organization of ours.”

Nerissa nodded. She knew that something like this could be tricky. In their past lives, she had gone into battle with her brother many times before he had become General on Antar. It was one of the reasons Zan’s parents had began to doubt their betrothal. She let her eyes stray to him as he talked to Ava, seemingly oblivious to her glances. She sighed inwardly and thought of all the things that would never be. He seemed to be comfortable with whatever situation he had found himself in with Ava. ‘But he kissed you...well, almost kissed you..’ she told herself. ‘Who cares?!’ another part of her argued, ‘an almost-kiss doesn’t mean anything! Not when you have a wife.’ ‘But you had a husband.’ That other part of her whispered. She was getting fed up with the arguments in her mind and mentally shook herself. When she focused her eyes again, Zan was watching her. She quickly averted her gaze from his and watched him smirk out of the corner of her eye, and began to feel heat creep up her neck into her cheeks. Oh god! She had led armies into war in her past life, and here she was, blushing over a guy. ‘Oh but what a guy’ she thought.


Zan had been watching her watch him all night long, and wasn’t sure how much more he could take without crushing her to him and kissing her senseless. He wanted to be with her, he knew that much. And, this time around, it didn’t matter if he went back to Antar with Ava as his bride or not, as long as they all went back together. The influence his parent’s had held over him had died long ago when they were killed on Antar. And he didn’t see how Tristan would be a problem. It seemed as though Nerissa wanted nothing to do with him at all. He felt a smile begin to tug at his lips. He would have her. Sooner or later, they would be together again.

“So, where exactly am I gonna sleep tonight? I don’t want to kick you out of your bed again Zan.” Nerissa smiled.

“S’Alright. You take my bed from now on. Doesn’t seem like we’re gonna be here long. I’ll find something to hold me over until we leave, but,” He added, his voice more serious as he stared into her eyes, “I don’t want you sleeping in that room alone. Either Rath or I will take the floor until I can get another bed put in there.”

“Zan, that really isn’t necessary. I can handle myself. When we were back on Aquin and Antar, I was going into war and fighting beside my own men. I’m pretty sure I’ll make it through the night, sleeping by myself.” She tried to reason.

“No. I won’t take the chance that something will happen to you. You’ve just returned and who knows what kind of nuts will start coming out of the wood-work, looking to take one of us out. That means this doesn’t just go for Nerissa. Tristan, I want you bunking up with Lonnie and Ava, or at least sleeping outside the door.” Tristan smirked and nodded.

“Don’t even think about it buddy. You’ll be sleeping on a mattress outside the door.” Lonnie scoffed. Tristan just rolled his eyes.

Nerissa sighed and moved to stand up. “Well, I’m still pretty beat from all the running around I did the past few weeks. I’m gonna go in and get some sleep.” She stifled a yawn and walked into Zan’s room, grabbing her bag along the way. She dropped her bag on the bed, and pulled the sweatshirt she had been wearing over her head. The only thing she had in her bag for sleep wear, was a tanktop. Zan walked into the room behind her, and she turned to face him.

“Do you have any boxers I could borrow? All I have is a tanktop.” She said, with a slight frown on her face. Zan swallowed hard. Oh god, she was going to kill him. She was standing in front of him, wearing a pair of black baggy cargo pants and a tanktop that was solid black over her breasts and on the straps, but lace from beneath her breasts, down to just below her belly button. And she was asking him for a pair of his boxers. A pair of his boxers for her to wear. Oh god.

“Umm, yeah, sure.” He walked over to a crate he had filled with clothes he’d managed to steal, and offered her a pair of black boxers and a black t-shirt. She smiled slightly. “Sometimes it gets a little cold in here.” He added. She just nodded and he turned to leave so that she could have some privacy to change. When he was outside of the room, he breathed a sigh of relief. He opened his eyes to see that Ava and Lonnie had retreated to their room, while Tristan was currently dragging his mattress out in front of their door. Rath was standing by the couch, arms crossed, staring him down. Uh-oh. He started walking towards Zan and stopped close enough so that when he spoke, Zan was the only one who’d be able to hear. “I know how you to felt about each other, and it’s plan to anyone who has two eyes and a brain in their head that you two are still in love. But I swear, if you hurt her again like you did before, I will not hesitate to commit a treasonous act.” Then he clapped Zan on the shoulder and smiled. “Good night.” After that, he turned and walked toward the couch, plopping down and throwing an arm over his shoulder.

When Zan walked into the room, Nerissa was already curled up on the side of the bed closest to the chair he had been sitting in when she’d first woken up. Her bag was sitting on the floor by the foot of the bed, with her clothes folded neatly on top of it. Her eyes were closed when he first walked in, but, as if she could feel his presence, her eyes snapped open and she offered him a soft, sleepy smile. He smiled back, and began taking off his boots, then his socks, followed by his shirt. He smirked when he noticed her eyes widen and heard her slight gasp. Just as he was about to sit down in the chair and prepare himself for a night of uncomfortable sleep, he heard her speak.

“Zan, you don’t have to sleep in that chair all night. I’m sure we could both fit in this bed.” She said, softly. He wasn’t exactly sure how to respond. She continued to look up at him, then moved back toward the center of the bed, pulling the covers down, and making room for him to slide in next to her. He could only stare down at her, dumbly. Where the blanket was drawn back from the bed, he could see a part of her softly tanned leg. His gaze wandered over her body slowly, appreciating the gentle curve of her hip, her slender shoulders, her graceful neck, and her beautiful, glowing face, framed by a mass of dark, silky hair. He still couldn’t move. Becoming impatient with him, she patted the spot. “I can only offer you this spot for so long Zan, it’s really quite cold with no covers on. Hurry up!” She smiled. Zan put his body in motion, and climbed under the covers, pulling them back over him. Almost immediately, Nerissa scooted toward him, laying on her side, her hands tucked under the pillow. Zan shifted so he was a little closer to her, and sighed at the feel of her warmth. He threw one hand over his head, and let the other rest on this stomach, then turned his head to look at her, smiling. Her breathing was deep and she’d already drifted off.


I know this part is kind of short, but what i have planned next i didn't really want to throw in with this. This was really more of a transition part. Well-see you guys later-don't forget the feedback! Thanks!

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2003 1:51 pm
by xsuper_novax
the section of this part that's in italics is to hopefully clear up some of that confusion about Zan/Ava Nerissa/Tristan-I also wanna let you know that the person mentioned in this part, Lady Lavaria, is Ava, it's just her whole name-k? on with the show!

Part 8

Nerissa threw the heavy blanket off of her head and immediately pulled it back over her eyes. Way too bright for this early in the morning. Yawning, she pushed the blanket down just a little bit past her eyes, and noticed Lonnie standing by the floor to ceiling windows, throwing all of the curtains wide open. “Lonnie? What are you doing here?” She asked, pushing her hair out of her eyes as she sat up in bed.

Lonnie turned around quickly and took in her friend’s appearance. Her eyes were puffy and bloodshot from crying and she had dark circles under them. A sure sign that she hadn’t been sleeping well. Pulling the last set of curtains open, she turned and walked to her friend’s dresser, taking out the clothes she would wear for today. “I had your maidservant run to the kitchen to bring your breakfast up, and a tub and hot water are on the way as well. After you are dressed, we can go for a walk in the garden.” She said, barely glancing at her friend.

“Lonnie, you’re a princess. Why are you taking care of me? And what are you doing here in the first place. Your father just passed away two weeks ago. Shouldn’t you be with your mother...and...Zan?” She said, swallowing back tears at the mention of his name. Lonnie whirled around and came to sit next to Nerissa, taking the smaller girl’s slender hands in hers. “Nerissa, you are my most beloved friend. We grew up spending time at each others’ homes and became closer than sisters. Look at you,” she said, brushing a stray lock of hair from Nerissa’s eyes, “You can’t do this to yourself. I know what happened isn’t fair, but you can’t keep doing this to yourself. It’s been two months since their wedding. Please, come outside with me. Everyone’s worried about you. I’m worried about you.” Nerissa looked into her friend’s worried brown eyes and sighed. “I received a letter yesterday. It came to me from Lord Kivar. He wrote that he received news about what transpired between your family and mine. He offers his nephew, Tristan Vilmon, as my betrothed.” Nerissa looked to her friend, her once bright eyes, now dull. “I have no choice but to accept. My father is not well. The physicians will not tell me what is wrong, though I do not think he will live to see the next month. Aquin must have a new King and Queen should my father die. I do not wish to make any hasty decisions, but my parents both pressure me to make this match. They say to make an Antarian noble a King of Aquin, would surely strengthen the alliance that seems so shaky now.” Lonnie did not move her eyes from her friends’ face, and Nerissa could read the turmoil in them. Kivar was a well known and very rich Lord on Antar. He had gained custody of his nephew Tristan when he was only a baby, and since he had been old enough to walk, had sent him off to live on a military base, with the hopes of training him to become General of the King’s army, the job that had become her brothers’.

Lonnie thought carefully before she spoke. “Nerissa, I know how important it is that you make this decision soon, and I am sure that this Tristan you speak of cannot be all that bad, for I have heard his name on many of the Antarian nobles’ tongues. They say he is kind and funny and strong. But you must remember who his uncle is. Kivar may be rich and may seem generous, but he is known to be extremely manipulative. Just be careful ok? For me?” She implored. Nerissa hugged her close and thanked her, then got up from her bed to eat the meal her maidservant was bringing in. After she had finished her meal, bathed, and then dressed, she met Lonnie out in one of the private gardens.


“So, you will accept his offer then? You will marry Tristan?” Lonnie asked, linking arms with Nerissa.

Sighing, Nerissa nodded. “I will do what I must for my planet and my people, though my heart will always belong to another.” Lonnie turned and hugged her friend.

“He misses you so much Nerissa. Believe me, you are not alone in your despair. He told me he sends you letters and you do not respond. He becomes frantic. He thinks you blame him for this.” Nerissa shook her head. “I do not reply to his letters because we must both stop this. He is married to another. If we were to continue on, professing our love for one another, it would bring us nothing but heartache. As for me blaming him, I do not. I understand that it was not his intention to marry the Lady Lavaria, but that your parent’s surprised him with it and reminded him of his duty to find a ‘Queen who would not get herself killed before she could bring forth an heir’.” Lonnie gasped. “They said that to him? How could he have been such!! I’m going to kill my brother!” She stormed. “Lonnie, you know Zan better than that, it was not why he accepted the marriage. The only reason why he accepted it was because they had already publicly announced that our betrothal was broken, while he was away. They told him that doing so would bring a war between Aquin and Antar. If the two planets went to war, we would surely have been crushed by your military forces, and if we did go to war, Rath would be heading the army that was going to slaughter the people of his native planet. If he declined to fight, he would have been tried and executed for treason.” Nerissa looked up to her friend. “Oh Rissa, I’m sorry.” She hugged her friend again. “I’ve never been close to my parents, they’ve always been so cold and strict, but I would never suspect them to do anything like this. They had hoped you and Zan would marry since you were children.” Nerissa pulled away. “They had hopes that we would marry up until the time I began leading my people into wars and fighting battles with them. Even my parent’s do not like it, but, there is nothing they can say to stop me, not with Rath there to step up if our planet really needed him to. Your parents fear not having an heir, I suppose it is understandable.” “That may be, but still, I do not see how marrying Ava will solve anything, they could have chosen any noble from Aquin, instead they chose your cousin Larek’s ward.” “She is not only his ward, but his second cousin, which makes her mine and Rath’s cousin, thus insuring peace between Antar, Aquin, and Katana.” Nerissa said mockingly. “Well, they had it all figured out, didn’t they?” Lonnie mumbled. “Apparently.” Nerissa sighed.


Why Zan had been determined to show her the finer side of New York City, she would never know. After all, they were supposed to be leaving in about four days. She really shouldn’t be complaining though, she thought with a smile, because she had been having a great time with him.

“You hungry?” He asked, snapping her out of her thoughts. She gave him a bright smile. “Starved.” He nodded, “Good, I know just the place.”

They made their way out of Central Park, and found a small restaurant called The Crash. (lol-sorry, had to fit it in there somewhere!) As soon as she stepped in and smelled the greasy burgers and fries cooking in the back, her stomach started to grumble. Zan looked at her, eyebrows raised, and gave her his trademark smirk. She could feel her cheeks flush, and followed him to a booth. After ordering, she poured a large amount of tabasco in her coke and took a long sip.

“This place has the best food around.” Zan said with a smile. Nerissa just smiled back and felt an awkward silence fall between them.

Zan noticed the way she bit her lower lip and nervously tucked a dark strand of hair behind her ear, and couldn’t help smiling. He had wanted to get her alone for a while, hoping that maybe they’d get the chance to talk without anyone around, and the whole tourist thing had been the perfect idea.

“So, I’ve been tellin’ ya about myself all day long. What about you?” She looked up and gave him one of those smiles that took his breath away. “What about me?” She teased. “ said you moved all over the country. What kind of places did you go to? Where did you live?” She tucked one leg up underneath her, placed her elbow on the table, resting her chin in her hand. “Well, when I was first found, they put me in a children’s home to teach me how to talk and read and all that stuff. When I was about five I moved in with these people upstate. I lived with them for a year before we moved out to North Dakota. Cindy, that was the wife’s name, ended up getting pregnant, and they decided they didn’t really need an orphan hanging around the house, so I was thrown back into the system in North Dakota when I was about six. After that, I bounced in and out of homes out there, before I was moved to New Jersey to live with the Guerin’s; Trudy and Hank. What’a pair those two were.” She said, rolling her eyes. “What do you mean?” He asked. He couldn’t believe that other family had just dumped her off like she was nothing, like she didn’t have feelings. “Well, my wonderful foster-mother, Trudy, was about two hundred pounds overweight, and did nothing but watch Jerry Springer, eat, and scream out orders from the couch. Hank, the foster-father, was an alcoholic and druggie. He also had no qualms about showing me and Trudy exactly what our place was.” She said, an angry fire in her eyes. “He hit you?” Zan growled. “Once. After that, I took off. I ran outta there with a busted lip and a black eye and when they brought me back, he tried to hit me again, so I ran.” She looked up and saw the expression of rage on Zan’s face. “Zan, it’s ok, really. It’s not like I’m going back there, and plus, I can take care of myself.” She said, teasing him with a smile. “I know you can.” He replied, remembering how she had fearlessly gone to battle for her people on Aquin. Nerissa’s thoughts followed his and she looked away from his eyes. “I’m sorry Zan. Maybe if I hadn’t..I don’t know, maybe if I hadn’t put myself in that position...maybe things would have happened differently. Maybe then we...” She trailed off and swallowed the tears that threatened her. Zan took her hand and slid into the booth right beside her, then slid his other arm around her shoulders to pull her close. “Don’t ever think that. You fought for your people and fought beside them because that’s just who you were and that was what you believed in, and” he said, lifting her chin so she was looking in his eyes, “I wouldn’t have had you any other way.” She smiled shyly and leaned in place a kiss on his lips, when the waitress came by, placing their food on the table. She heard Zan let out a frustrated sigh and held back a giggle as he slid into his seat again, and gave her a lop-sided grin while they began to eat.


I wanna say sorry for not updating sooner, I wasn't sure how i wanted this part to go, plus, my younger sister has either been online with her friends or on the phone with her friends for the past three days-she just turned 10-she's driving me crazy-I think i just may have to steal the computer and stow it away in my room!

PART 9!!

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2003 11:00 am
by xsuper_novax
HEY GUYS!! yes, she's back!

My birthday's on thursday-the big one seven!-so here's a birthday gift from me to you!

Here's part nine. about darned time too, huh? ok, i hope you like it!

Part 9

Zan woke up slowly to the feel of Nerissa cuddled up next to him. He smiled. Every morning after that first night he had spent with her, he’d wake up to find that in sleep, their bodies would gravitate toward each other. At the moment her head was resting on his shoulder, her warm breath puffing against his neck.

Bringing a hand up to her head, he began toying with a silken strand as his mind wandered to the upcoming summit. Now that they had Nerissa, there would be no reason for them to stay on Earth. He cringed to think about what they would be facing once they returned home. War had been raging between all the planets for over fifty years. He couldn’t imagine what it would be like for the children who had been born into this war, never knowing the kind of peace that had reigned so many years ago. He let out a sigh. He still longed for the times where their biggest worry had been a trade ship coming in late, and days and nights full of grand balls. It hadn’t exactly been the best time for him, however, because he hadn’t been able to share it with Nerissa, his only love, but it had been a good time for the people.


Zan ran a hand through his hair, sighing as he shuffled papers around on his desk. There was no way he could keep focused. Nerissa had gone off with Rath to battle a group of rebels that had been causing trouble for quite some time. He’d only heard from her two times since she’d left. He knew there was really no cause for worry. It wasn’t like she hadn’t fought beside her brother before. It was just that he knew what the fighting was like. So many people could be killed in an instant if the wrong decision were made. He trusted her to make the right decisions, because, of the two of them, she probably handled pressure and stress the best. But still, as her betrothed, he had every right to worry over his beloved.

Sighing again, and realizing he wouldn’t get much work done until he was finally able to hold her in his arms, Zan got up from his chair and strolled out onto the balcony of his suite. He had been holed up in meetings all day long and, in just two days, he would be returning home. To Antar. To Nerissa.

A loud knock shook him from his thoughts and he turned toward the heavy wooden doors. “Enter.”

One of the guards that had accompanied him on this trip, entered the room and cleared his throat. “Your Highness, I apologize for the interruption.” Zan waved his hand in a dismissive gesture and motioned for the man to come all the way into the sitting room. “What can I do for you?” “Your Highness, we received a message from your father. He urges you to come home. He says there are urgent matters to discuss between Katana, Aquin and Antar.” Zan’s brow creased in a frown. He dismissed the soldier and walked to his desk, beginning to pack things away.

After everything was packed, he said his goodbyes to Sero, and boarded his transfer vehicle. What could his father possibly wish to discuss with him? The last time they had talked, things had been going well back home. Everyone was anticipating his and Nerissa’s return and their impending wedding. As soon as he was seated and the transfer was en route to Antar, he went to the com station in an attempt to get details from his father.

“Your Highness, due to an electrical storm, most of our communications contain mostly static. It would be a miracle to keep an uplink for more than two or three minutes.” Zan silently cursed and made his way back to his seat. He was deep in thought until he felt the familiar bump of the landing gear hitting the ground.


Zan seethed. “You did this on purpose! How could you do this to me? Your own son!! You knew how much I love her. How much we both love each other. I thought this was what you wanted. You two have been throwing us together since we were children, hoping an attraction would blossom. Did you not expect your plan to do so well?” He asked, snidely.

The king’s mouth was set in an angry white line and the queen’s eyes were gigantic circles of shock. “This is all for the best.” She said, setting her hands on her hips.

“For the best?! We will both be miserable! I don’t care what you say-disown me if you wish, take away my crown-but I love Nerissa! I’ll not cast her aside to take some other bride. Beside, what’s the point?!” He asked, throwing his arms wide in question. His gaze was sharp on both of his parents. There was something they weren’t telling him. There was definitely more to this.

“Zan, sit down before you say something you’ll regret later on.” His father said sternly. Zan stared at his father defiantly and crossed his arms over his chest. He pulled his regality around him like a cloak and a mask of arrogant indifference slipped over his face. The King sighed wearily. “Zan, really, there is no need to get so upset. Your Father and I have already dissolved and denounced your betrothal to Princess Nerissa. Aquin will no doubt take it personally and there is really no need for a battle so-”

“You what?” he asked, deadly calm, “what reason did you have to do such a thing. You knew of our feelings for each other. Not only that, but it would have benefitted you as well. You would have had a three-way alliance with Katana and Aquin.” He said, mockingly.

The Queen sighed, put a hand to her forehead, as if it was all just a waste of time to explain, and sat in a velvet upholstered seat. “There are more important things than a ‘love match’ Zan.” she said impatiently, “When you have the responsibility of the throne and the future of not only your planet, but four others, resting on your shoulders, you must think in terms of the future. Princess Nerissa is who we had hoped for you to marry, yes. She still would be, if she were not flitting about the galaxy, getting herself shot at and almost killed each time. How is she supposed to deal with state affairs, foreign policies and the duties of a queen.” She said, distressed. Zan rolled his eyes. “Your mother is right. She is not fit to be a queen. We overlooked this at first, because we had hoped you or General Terrath would have talked her out of it, or that she would have grown out of it. However, that is not the case. We cannot take the chance of you being life-bonded to somebody who could very well get themself killed before they even produce an heir.” His father finished, apparently feeling justified in his decision.

Zan could only stare. In all his life, he had never been particularly close to his parents. He had been raised mostly by his and Vilandra’s nanny, Dasha, but he had never thought they could be this cold and calculating. “That is ridiculous!! Anyone else I marry has a chance of dying before an ‘heir can be produced’,” he mocked, “there’s even a chance that I could die! We’re mortal, father, things like that happen.”

“Yes, I understand. But she takes a larger risk by putting herself in that kind of danger. It would be different if she was not expected to bear the heir, but she is. That is the end of it Zan, you will marry who we have chosen, or you will not like the consequences.” His father said sternly.

Zan frowned. Now they were resorting to threats? They were his parents!! “Are you threatening me now?” His mother rolled her eyes and fluttered her handkerchief, placing her hand over her heart. “Good gracious, no, Zan. Just listen to your father before you jump to conclusions. Honestly.” Zan rolled his eyes and looked to his father. “You will marry the Lady Lavaria of Nereb. She comes from a good family on Katana. Her father has a high position here at court.”

Zan frowned. “How exactly will this secure things with Aquin and Katana? Just because she is from there, doesn’t mean anything. You just insulted Aquin and King Larek of Katana is Nerissa’s first cousin. Marrying me off to some noble from his planet will not be enough to mend that riff.” He said, triumphantly, thinking he had found the flaw in their idea.

“Lady Lavaria is Larek’s second cousin, therefore, he is also the cousin of Princess Nerissa and Prince Terrath. We have already taken the necessary steps. Katana and Aquin are ready to sign a treaty as soon as you and Lady Lavaria are bonded and married. If you choose not to marry her, well, then we will be forced into war with both Katana and Aquin. Katana may prove to be a hard battle, but you and I both know that Aquin is not a fighting country. They will put up a good fight, but, in the end, they will lose. And if this war should happen, Prince Terrath will be forced to lead us into war. He will be fighting against his sister and his cousin. He will be destroying his own home.” His father finished, solemnly.

Zan’s heart raced. He couldn’t do this to them. If they went to war...that meant that he would be fighting against Nerissa. He would be the one responsible for the death of all her people.

Rath would hate him. Nerissa would hate him. There was an even greater chance she would die. She always believed in fighting on the front lines, with her people. She would be there beside her general, when Rath came to destroy them. He couldn’t do that to them. And his father was right. Aquin had no chance whatsoever, of winning a war like that. He closed his eyes in agony. All of this because they thought she would get herself killed before she could become pregnant. “She promised me she wouldn’t go into battle anymore after this.” He said softly. “Zan, son, we cannot take that chance. And anyway, Lady Lavaria is good match. She has been here to court a few times, I have even met her. She will make a good queen.” His mother assured him. Zan snorted and looked up at his parents. “How long have you been planning this exactly? It must have been quite a while, and yet you never mentioned it to myself or Nerissa.” “Exactly. We never gave you the chance to run off and do something against our wishes. I will admit, yes, we have been planning this for some times. Ever since she took off for battle four months ago. Maybe we should have started to discourage your suit of her, but we knew that wouldn’t make a difference. There was no other way. This is best for our planet, Zan. For all of our planets.”

Zan looked back at his two parents, disgusted, and walked away.


Zan watched as Lavaria, or Ava, as she liked to be called, stepped next to him. He didn’t feel anything. His eyes were dull and lifeless. He had just been life-bonded to somebody he didn’t love. He supposed it didn't exactly make a big difference, people throughout history married for political reasons, but he had known love. Still did. And it wasn’t with this woman. His only relief came in knowing that Nerissa wouldn’t be coming to the palace like she had scheduled today. His father had sent a message to her transport vehicle. If he was lucky, he could get to her before anyone else and explain what had happened. He knew it was unlikely, but still, he held onto that hope. Ava smiled up at him and he forced what he hoped was a smile, but felt more like a grimace. She wasn’t exactly ugly or stupid or anything. She just wasn’t what he wanted. He sighed inwardly. It wasn’t her fault his parents were so callous and cold. They had been that way all his and Vilandra’s life, probably longer.


“Princess, we have received a message. The King wishes us to continue on to Aquin, and wait there for Zan to fetch us. He says Zan is scheduled to be in meetings here at the palace for a few days.”

Nerissa smiled excitedly. He had come home early! “We will land on Antar just as we planned. If Zan is to busy at the moment, I will spend my time with Princess Vilandra. I have not seen her in some time.” The pilot nodded and turned back to the console.

Rath grimaced. He wished they would just continue on to Aquin. The night before they had boarded their transport, he had overheard some soldiers from Katana talking about how Prince Zan was to marry his overlord’s daughter, Lady Lavaria. He’d wanted to find out for himself whether the rumor was true or not. At first he’d thought it was nothing, but then, he’d heard two other soldiers from Katana talking about it as well. There was a sick feeling in the pit of his stomach that did not bode well for Nerissa.


Zan was snapped out of his remembrances, when he felt her hand begin to massage his chest, then slide down to rub his stomach lazily. His breath caught in his throat, and he turned to look at Nerissa. She moaned in her sleep and moved her head forward to nuzzle his neck.

‘Oh god.’ He thought. He moved his hand down, to move hers higher. As soon as he came in contact with her skin, he grimaced. She was burning up. He sat up on one elbow and looked down at her. Her whole body was flushed and she started to become restless.

He reached down and cupped her face with one hand. “Nerissa, can you hear me? Nerissa! Come on baby, wake up.” She slowly opened her eyes and looked up at him, smiling coyly. “Nerissa?” “Mmmm.” She mumbled and stretched against him. He groaned inwardly and sat up. What was going on? “Nerissa, you feel ok? You’re burning up.” She smiled again. “I feel great Zan.”she purred. He looked at her quizzically. Was she coming on to him?

Nerissa smiled and reached up, threading one hand through his hair, then pulled him down to her, placing her lips on his softly. She kept her eyes open, watching him, as he looked at her in shock. She pulled away and smiled shyly, but Zan only stared at her. Then he bent down and, threading his hand through her hair, claimed her mouth hungrily. She let out a small moan, and he traced her lips with his tongue. She opened to him and heard him growl low in his throat in return.

Zan’s mind was racing. It had been so long since he'd felt her like this. So long since he’d tasted her. God he had missed this.

Nerissa brought one hand up to his face, stroking his cheek. She was so confused. What was she doing?! She loved Zan, yes, and she had dreamed of kissing him since she’d first seen him, but something at the back of her mind kept warning her to stop. But she didn’t want to stop. She wanted him, all of him, right now. She moaned and pushed his shoulder until he was lying on his back and she was straddling his waist. She broke the kiss and took a deep breath, looking down at him. He looked just about as shocked as she was. Had she just done that? ‘Who cares? You want him.’ a part of her thought. She began planting small kisses all over his face, then down his neck.

Zan groaned. ‘Oh god.’ He thought, for the thousandth time. What was happening? If this was going where he thought it was, he had to stop her. He wanted nothing more than to make love to her, but not like this, and not here. He wanted to wait until they were both back home, and he had married her. Because he would. He would talk some sense into her, and they would get married. All their marriages from their past lives had been dissolved with their death. Ava and Tristan regained their titles merely because people were used to calling them ‘King’ and ‘Queen’.

He was snapped back from his thoughts when he felt her mouth on his stomach. Whoa. He reached down and brought her mouth back up to his, claiming it once again. They shared a long, passionate kiss, before he finally let her go. “We can’t do this Nerissa. Not now.” She frowned. “I thought you loved me Zan. Don’t you want me?” She asked, cocking her head slightly. “You don’t know how much I love you and want you, but not now. Not here.”

“Yo, you two up yet?” Lonnie asked, walking in. As soon as she entered, she was greeted by her bestfriend straddling her brother. “Whoa!” she yelled, covering her eyes, then she removed her hand and looked at Nerissa closer, as the other girl turned to look at her. “Hey Lonnie.” She said. She got up off the bed and began going through her clothes. Lonnie looked back at her brother, laying on the bed, with a look of shock still on his face. “Nerissa, are you ok? You look a little feverish.” She said, walking toward the other girl.

Zan got up off the bed and walked toward them. “She’s burning up.” He said, crossing his arms over his chest, concern in his words. Lonnie looked back at Nerissa who just rolled her eyes, and mimicked Zan’s stance. “I’m fine. I already told you. A little frustrated, but fine.” She said, throwing a teasing glance at Zan.

Lonnie looked at Nerissa again and burst into laughter. “Oh boy bro, you gonna have your hands full til we leave.” She said, between giggles. Zan raised and eyebrow, Lonnie never giggled. “What do ya mean?” Lonnie calmed down a little and looked from Zan to Nerissa.

“Antarian mating season.” She said, walking out, laughing even harder.


Zan’s eyes widened. He’d forgotten. He looked back at Nerissa, who looked confused.

“What is she talking about? I”m not even Antarian. I’m Aquinian.” She said. Zan cleared his throat. “It’s only called Antarian mating season, no one knows why, it’s just been called that ever since anyone can remember.” “What is it?” She asked, her nose scrunching up in confusion. “Well, back home, about twice a year, if a woman hasn’t become pregnant, or has made love to her life-bonded mate, she...sorta..I don’t know..goes into heat I guess you could say. I’m guessing this is the first time it’s happened to you right?” She nodded, nervously. “It's kind of like human puberty, but it starts around the time the women back home are all supposed to be married. It’s basically a way of ensuring the continuation of our race. Pretty fucked up if you ask me, but that’s the way it is.” “So I’m basically going to be a horny teenager until we leave?” She asked. Zan actually blushed a little. “Uh..yeah. Something like that.” “Great.” She muttered.

“Wait a second. Why aren’t Lonnie and Ava going through it too? They’re both aliens.” Zan sighed, and ran a hand through his hair. “Ava just went through it before we found you. And Lonnie...” He sighed again and sat on the bed, “Lonnie was raped a few years ago. She ended up getting pregnant. She wanted to keep the baby, even after the way it all happened, but she lost it. The alien energy inside her was too much for the baby I guess. We’re not really sure.” “Oh god.” She said, softly, placing a hand over her heart, tears gathering in her eyes. Zan pulled her down onto his lap. “It’s ok. She doesn’t like to talk about it cuz she feels guilty, I guess, but she’s starting to move past it. I think she’s starting to understand she couldn’t have done anything different.” Nerissa nodded and sighed.

She hugged him to her quickly, then gave him a slow, tender kiss, before standing up. “Don’t worry,” she grinned, “I wasn’t thinking about sleeping with you that time. That was a real kiss.” Zan smiled and pulled her back to him. “Well then, I’d like another.” He said, kissing her again before she got up to change.

He walked out of the room, giving her privacy, with a large grin plastered on his face.

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2003 3:39 pm
by xsuper_novax
ok - here is the much awaited update. i hope you guys like it cuz i kind of don't like it. oh well. and, as always, fb is loved and cherished! :D

here we go...

Part 10


Day of the Summit


Tristan was leaning up against the side of a deli, arms crossed, as he watched Zan and Nerissa walk inside hand in hand. She blushed and playfully swatted his arm as he leaned down, his mouth close to her ear, to whisper to her. Then he pulled back with a smirk on his face. They had gone inside to get food for everyone else. All six of them had decided that they would spend the day in the city to kill time before the summit that evening.

Things had definitely changed since Nerissa had shown up. He’d never seen Zan Granted, they had never been that close in either life, but they did have one thing in common. They both loved Nerissa. No matter what had been on Ava’s mind the night they found her, he really hadn’t meant to harm her. Ava. He had been paying close attention to her lately because every time she was in the same room with Nerissa, she looked like a predator searching out a weakness in her prey.

It hurt more than he’d like to admit that Nerissa and Zan had basically picked up where they’d left off before his marriage to Ava on Antar. In their previous life, they’d really been strangers when they’d gotten married, and even though friendship blossomed, he had come to care for her as something more than a friend. He knew she’d never felt that way about him, and he was grateful that she could at least be honest and hadn’t tried to lead him on. He’d also known that her and Zan’s love had been strong and, it seemed, it still was. He let out a weary sigh as they came back out of the deli. She was happy and she was loved. That was enough for him, even if he wasn’t the one to make her feel that way.

“I guess we’ve just become castoffs now.” Ava mumbled as she came up next to him. He didn’t even turn to look at her.

“She was always honest with me. I kind of expected this to happen, even if I had hoped it wouldn’t.” He finally turned to look at her. “Don’t tell me you honestly believed that if she ever came back, you’d have even the slightest chance with him. I mean, it’s not like you guys even had anything going before Nerissa came back anyway.” He said, an amused look on his face.

She placed on hand on her hip, haughtily and pointed her chin in their direction. She looked extremely annoyed. “You mean to tell me you don’t have a problem with all of this? If they keep going like this, by the time we get back home, they’ll be announcing their engagement and you and I will be stripped of our titles. That means you are no longer Tristan, King of Aquin.” She finished mockingly.

He knew what she was trying to do. She was just looking for someone to conspire with. It definitely wasn’t going to be him. He cocked an eyebrow. “And you’ll lose the title of Queen of Antar and High Queen of the five planets of the Luna System.” He saw some of the smugness deflate as she pulled a cloak of arrogance around her. His eyes turned hard. “Whatever it is you think you’re going to get out of me, think again. I’m not gonna be your play thing, Lavaria. Don’t underestimate me or I swear to god it’ll be the last thing you do.” And with that, he walked off toward where the other four were sitting and eating lunch.


“So, why exactly wouldn’t you be able to go home without me? Why wouldn’t they let you guys leave?” Nerissa asked, thoughtfully. They were all sitting in a loose cluster on the green grass in Central Park, waiting for the sun to set, and night to fall. Lonnie snapped her gum and Ava rolled her eyes, obviously annoyed.

“It’s not like they woulda died without havin ya there. They just-”

“Look Ava, I know you don’t like me much, and I’m not ignorant enough to not know why, but do you think you could just not be a bitch to me for like, five minutes. I want to know the reasoning behind possibly letting a war rage on at home when they could just take you guys back. One of those ‘next best thing’ deals. Don’t be so goddamn petty.” She bit out.

Zan smirked. If there was one thing he remembered about Nerissa, it was that she always gave as good as she got. He turned to Ava, about to say something about her little remark, when Tristan spoke up. “Shut up Ava. You’re just jealous cuz things ain’t goin the way you want them to. Zan ain’t yours, he never was, so just let it go.” Everyone was quiet for a moment, somewhat surprised by Tristan.

“Right,” Lonnie drawled, “Anyway, Rissa, the reason we can’t go home without you is cause they want the leader from Aquin and Antar. If one of those leaders doesn’t return home to help liberate it’s planet, then they’re afraid it will start another civil war all over again. Then everything would have been for nothing. The people back home have been waiting for us all to return home, but mainly, they’ve been waiting for you and Zan to return to your respective thrones. There was peace when you ruled, and they want that again. Anything less would be ‘unsatisfying’.”

“But, if they wanted someone that badly, they could have just had Rath take my place.” Nerissa pointed out, confused. “And if things back to how they were, won’t they want us all back, married, to our former spouses?” This intergalactic stuff was really starting to make her head spin.

“Well, yeah, it would’ve been easier to just have Rath come along, instead of taking the chance that you wouldn’t return, but that’s not what they wanted. For the past fifty-plus years, they’ve been laying all their hopes on you, not Rath. And the whole thing about returning with the one you were married to in your past life, well, that’s really not important to them. In all honesty, the people of Aquin, Antar, and probably the other three planets, loved the idea of the fairytale love you and Zan had. I wouldn’t be surprised if they were still hoping you two would go home married or be married soon after we got there. It was the fact that you both cared so much for your people and your planet and each other. You presented a united front on everything. You were the representation of everything pure and strong. They wanted that for the ruler of their planets.”

Zan smiled at his sister. Nerissa still had her doubts about whether or not they could be together, but after Lonnie’s little speech, she wouldn’t have many more reasons to try to push him away. He glanced at her just as she looked over at him and their eyes met and held. He noticed a slight blush color her cheeks and he raised a brow. She just smiled and turned back to Lonnie, tucking some hair behind her ear.

Oh God. She was going to kill him. He couldn’t wait until they were back home and he was finally married to her.


Night of the Summit


It was around 10 p.m. when they made the last turn onto the dimly lit street that was lined with abandoned warehouses and office buildings. The one they were going to was at the very end of the road on the right. Nerissa’s eyes wandered from one side of the damp street to the other, taking everything in, making mental notes of possible hiding place should anything happen while they were in the summit and had to make a quick escape. She looked over at her brother and Zan and noticed them doing the same thing.

“So, what time is the Summit?” “It’s at eleven, but I want us to be early so we can check things out. You and I will be the only ones actually attending the summit. Everyone else is going to be stationed somewhere inside or outside the building as lookouts and cover in case we all need to leave quickly.” Nerissa nodded and they all came to a stop outside the last building on the street.

Most of the windows had been busted and glass shards gleamed in the dim light of street lamps. The plastic that had been taped to some of the broken window, long ago, floated in the breeze and cast eery shadows that actually made her nervous.

“Alright. Ava, I want you up in the third floor of that building over there,” Zan said, turning to face the building on the opposite side of the street. The row of windows he pointed to on the third floor resembled a row of mirrors, making it easy for Ava to spot anyone coming down the street, without anyone seeing her. “Lonnie, I want you on the roof of the warehouse where the summit will be held. Rath and Tristan, you guys are gonna be inside, but well out of sight. I want you all to try and hide as much of yourself and your energy as possible. The less they know about our whereabouts, the better.

Now that all of us are here,” he glanced quickly at Nerissa, “it’ll be even more convenient for Kivar, Nicholas or anyone else, to try and take us out.” Everyone nodded and Ava took off for the building across the street, while Lonnie walked to the side of the warehouse, and began climbing up the fire escape.

“Shall we?” Tristan said, turning to the entrance of the building. “Let’s go.” Rath said, as they all entered the old warehouse.


After using most of their hour to check out each floor of the warehouse, they had decided that Tristan would hide himself away in the room that had the only door that opened to the back alley. He would keep himself tucked away in the shadows and make sure no one tried to sneak in the back unnoticed. After leaving him there, Zan, Rath and Nerissa, all walked into the room where the summit would actually be held. It was a large room with a table and black leather chairs in the middle. The ceiling was open, leaving the second floor visible. Rath would hide in one of the doorways up there and keep an eye on everyone in the room.

With just ten minutes left, Rath took off for his position, and Nerissa and Zan sat together at the head of the table, facing the entrance, and waited for everyone to begin showing up.

“Nervous?” Zan asked softly, glancing sideways at Nerissa, as she sat stiff as a board, her hands fidgeting in her lap. The expression on her face was stoic and concentrating until he spoke. She blew out a small puff of air and turned her head slightly to look at him. “Am I that obvious?” She mumbled, somewhat amusedly. Zan just smirked and took one of her smaller hands in his. His thumb caressed her knuckles comfortingly and she turned to him with a grateful smile. He leaned forward and placed a small kiss on her forehead, quickly, and when he pulled away, he heard Lonnie’s voice in his head.

“Zan, they’re all here.” He nodded, even though he knew she couldn’t see him, and stood up.

“Zan?” Nerissa questioned. “It’s time. Everyone’s arrived.” She stood up, folding her hands neatly in front of her, and raised her chin slightly, waiting.

The first person to walk through the door and into the large room, was Larek. He searched her out with his eyes and as soon as he assured himself that she was really standing there, he walked to her side.

“It is so good to see you again, cousin.” He said, smiling warmly. Nerissa smiled back and gave him a quick hug. “It’s good to see you too Larek.” “I knew that if anyone could find you, it would be him.” He said, with a knowing look at Zan. Nerissa smiled. “Actually, I kind of found all of them, but I’ll tell you that story when we’re finally back home.” Larek smiled and shook hands with Zan. “Good to see you again Zan.” Zan nodded, “Larek.”

As soon as Hanar and Sero walked in, their eyes became wide and the walked slowly to their seats. “Nerissa, this is a surprise.” Hanar said, cautiously.

Nerissa raised one brow and observed him coolly. “You doubted my family’s ability to locate me?” Sero smiled and Hanar searched for words. “It is not that, Nerissa, it is only that we had feared something terrible had happened to you. We had heard nothing of you, Zan himself did not even know where you were.” “Well, that’s all in the past and does not matter now.” She said, in a dismissive tone, as they all took their seats.

Zan glanced around the room. “Where is Nicholas?” Everyone’s gazed moved toward the door as he came strolling in, adjusting the tie around his neck. “Always were one for an entrance.” Nerissa mumbled, fisting her hands in her lap. They itched with the temptation of strangling him with that tie, and wiping that damned smirk right off his face.

He paused as he noticed her presence for the first time. His eyes widened slightly, but that was the only sign of surprise he gave, before he sat down. “Nerissa, lovely to see you as well.”

Five minutes into the meeting and they had hit a stand still. Kivar would not allow the Royal Six safe passage home, unless they became ‘guests’ in his palace. Zan had shared a look with Nerissa at that word, who had just rolled her eyes.

“Guests, Nicholas? Do you really consider us that idiotic? We’d just be prisoners in our own homes. Why don’t you tell us what it is Kivar really wants.”

“You get to go home, while he rules both planets in your name. As soon as you arrive, you, Vilondra and Lavaria will be escorted to the royal palace on Antar, and Nerissa, Terrath and Tristan, will be brought to their palace on Aquin. You will make all the public appearances and make the people believe you are in control, while Kivar has all the power behind the decisions. Not too bad a deal considering he could just order you back and make a nice public execution of it.” Again with that smirk.

“There’s no way he would survive that, and we all know it. The people would become more unruly than they are now and it would be chaos. The deal you offer is the only one he is capable of making.” Sero bit out. Hanar sighed, and looked to Larek, who was glaring at Nicholas. “And who exactly do you and Kivar think you are? If we decide to bring them home to help fight off the war and death you have brought down on our homes, then you can be assured we will not be asking for your permission.”

Nicholas leveled him with an icy look before turning to Zan and Nerissa. “Be that as it may, I am warning you right now. If even think about returning home, under any circumstances, without accepting Kivar’s offer, then you should know it will not be a safe trip. You will not survive.” Having said that, he pushed away from the table and turned, leaving the building.

Sero let out an exhausted sigh. “I knew this wasn’t going to be easy, but I didn’t think it would be this hard. Kivar has small clusters of troops posted randomly along the outer edge of the galaxy. If even ship encounters them, that he does not approve of, he will have it destroyed.”

“What about the granolith?” Hanar whispered.

Everyone whipped around to stare at Nerissa and Zan. Nerissa had no idea what they were waiting for. She vaguely remembered the granolith as a powerful device that could be used for almost anything. Why did they think either Zan or her would know where it was? It should be back on Antar.

“I know where it is.” Zan said, softly. He watched the expressions of the other three carefully, but he only saw relief rush through them. “You can use that to bring yourself home without Kivar even catching a glimpse of you. If you use it right, it will restore all of your memories, down to the smallest detail, and it will be able to transport you to Katana in, what you perceive as, the blink of an eye. If we used a transport to bring you from Earth, back to the Luna Galaxy, it would take approximately 2 years, but because the granolith can bend time and space to an even greater degree, it will reduce the time of travel to a mere 2 seconds.”

“How will we know what to do, how to use it?” Zan asked. “It is engineered so that when you activate it here on Earth, it will automatically begin a countdown to departure. You must each place your hand on it, and let your energy flow into it and merge together. It should then, help you regain your memories, and then transport you home. When you arrive, you will be bringing the granolith with you.” Zan nodded his thanks to Larek.

Sero stood from his chair. “We must be going now. These human bodies will not last much longer. God Luck Zan, Nerissa. I hope we will be seeing you soon.” All three bowed to Zan, then turned and left.

“How did you know about the granolith?” Nerissa asked. Zan took her hand and began leading her to the front of the building. They could hear Rath going to retrieve Tristan, before following them. “Vilondra found it once when we were young, but I told her to not even tell me where it was, to not tell anyone. That way, in case someone tried to find out by going into our minds, only one of us would know, giving her the chance to at least try and get away.” He looked down at her as they finally reached the front door and stepped outside into the cool night air. Lonnie and Ava were already waiting for them.

“So, what’s the deal?” Ava asked. Lonnie crossed her arms patiently and snapped her gum. Rath and Tristan emerged from the building, behind them, and they all stood in a circle, illuminated by the garish yellow glow of a street lamp.

“We’re going home.” Nerissa said.

“When do we leave.” Tristan asked, excitedly. Zan looked at everyone and could see the same mixture of excitement, nervousness and trepidation that he felt.

“Tomorrow night.” He said.