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Home for Christmas [CC, TEEN] 29/12/10

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 5:43 pm
by KatnotKath
Story Title: Home for Christmas
Author: KatnotKath
Disclaimer: I don't own them, just borrowing the characters.
Couples: CC
Rating: TEEN
Summary: Imagine Kyle's mindwarp didn't break regarding Alex. Max, Isabel and Tess left at the end of series 2 but Michael stayed. The story picks up some years on.
AN: Another fic from me? - I know, I'm terrible, I haven't reposted When Friendship and Love... or put up the update for Family Connections. I've been working on this for the last month though, hoping to finally get to that holiday fic I always wanted to do, and here it is, complete and finished. If I wait it's too out of season I feel and I don't want to keep it to myself until next Christmas. It may not be the best, but I think it's good fun regardless. Hope you enjoy it and love to hear what you think :)

“Hey Fran!”

“Wait up!”

“Excuse me…”

All the voices seemed to merge into one in the immense space of the station. Kids yelled to one another, mothers called to children to stay close, and college students swung their rucksacks up onto their bags. The train station was a busy one at any time, and Christmas only made it more so.

It seemed as though there were people coming from every direction – which very possibly was true – and everyone was in a hurry to get somewhere it seemed…

Well, everyone except one young woman who stood to one side, her bag on the floor, looking quite lost.

But it wasn’t that she didn’t know where she was going, as many might think. Or that she had missed her train – more’s the pity… No, she knew exactly where she was going, and she was actually in plenty of time.

The question was, did she want to go…? A curtain of silky brown locks flew over her shoulder as she turned her head slowly to survey the chaos which surrounded her. She had already seen more than one person she recognised from school she was sure, all eager to get home for the holidays. How lovely for them, to want to go back…

Silently brooding, Liz Parker stood for another few moments, seriously considering whether she should just flee this place before she went any further. Truth be told, she had already been close a few times and it was only through the efforts of Debbie that she was here at all.

It was almost as though she didn’t want to go, her friend had joked playfully on the way to the station. Funny that, actually she didn’t…

Liz hadn’t been home since she headed off to the Winnerman Academy for her final year of schooling. It was as though she turned a page, then and there, and left it all behind. All the pain, all the anguish and uncertainty… Or that was the theory, so she told herself…

The truth was that she could never forget what had happened, any more than she could forget about him… Her parents had believed that going away for her final year would be good for her after the upheaval and upset of the previous year. What first with Alex’s accident (if that was what it truly was), and then, tragically Max, Isabel and Tess…

Of course Liz knew that the last three weren’t dead. The crash had been a cover for them leaving and it had worked... No one had tried to look for them because no one knew that they were missing… There was a funeral and memorial service, people had cried and their parents had wept…

And Liz had spent the day wondering what they were doing right now…? Had Tess had the baby yet? Was Isabel getting used to being treated like the royalty she had always seemed ready to be…? Did Max still have that wonderful brown hair, and did he still have the tendency to blush with his ears?

The thought of them were more than she could bare and she had excused herself as soon as possible, with the excuse that she needed to be alone. She had driven around and around before finally ending up at the Pod Chamber, or what was left of it anyway....

That had been where Michael found her, curled into a ball, leaning against the rock, crying buckets and clutching bloody red hands to her chest, ignoring the damage that she had done by bashing them repeatedly against the rock as she tried to get inside… He had tried to comfort her, to tell her again that Max really did love her, that he’d come back if he ever could. He had even attempted to mend some of the damage she had done to her hands, but she had pushed him away and told him to leave her alone. It was easier, she had insisted, not to believe in something that was never going to happen…

And when her parents had offered the chance to go away a few weeks later, she had jumped at it… Michael and Maria were a little hurt she knew – there were only the three of them left and they made little secret of the fact they felt as though she was abandoning them. However much she didn’t want to hurt them though, Liz knew that she needed to get away.

Everything about Roswell reminded her too much of the things which had happened, the times they had spent together, the words they had spoken and the feelings they had shared… Every time she turned around a corner, she would see something that would make her remember something that Max had said to her, be it a simple ‘hello’ or something more significant, and then a moment later she would feel the pain of his loss all over again. She was falling apart, quite literally, and quite simply, she couldn't continue like that - it was too hard!

So, despite Maria’s pleading not to, she had left… And with that, she effectively attempted, albeit perhaps subconsciously, to close that chapter of her life.

In theory she was supposed to return for weekends and holidays, Maria was supposed to visit and they had promised to ring each other regularly. Distance she had insisted, wouldn’t change the two of them, they had known each other too long, cared too much. It would be different, but it would still be there; they couldn’t be destroyed so easily… The reality however, was quite different…

She had honestly tried, they both had… For the first few weeks, she had phoned Maria practically every day to share a blow-by-blow telling of her new surroundings. She had listened to Maria complaining about Michael or retelling something which had happened at school. She had missed her friend and attempted to make her as much a part of her everyday life as was possible.

But it didn’t take long to realise that they were in two very different places… Roswell’s happenings no longer affected Liz, and Maria’s tales about Michael only served to remind her of one thing – Michael had stayed, Max had not! However much the two girls might try to ignore it, a huge gap was opening between them and whilst they both still cared greatly for the other, it was becoming more pronounced every day.

It didn’t take long for their conversations to become brief, limited sometimes to mere minutes in length. It wasn't that they had nothing to say to one another, they still had plenty of news to share. However every bit of news reminded them of how little they now had in common, and only served to promote long, awkward silences as one would mention something new and the other would have no idea of how to respond. Neither wanted to admit it, but it was too difficult… Next days went by without contact from either end and, soon, whole weeks and months had elapsed with no more word than a brief text exchange between the two of them.

Perhaps the final toll of the bell was the Christmas holiday, as Liz failed to show up as had originally been planned, offering the excuse of being unwell. It had been true in part – she had been sick – but if she was honest she was also relieved as her parents instead travelled to Vermont to see her…

The change in plans showed Liz how much easier it could be. She had been worrying over her original plans for the vacation, wondering how she might fit in and dreading the stares and whispers from her previous school mates. Instead, now she found herself seeing her parents in a surrounding that was both comfortable and free of unpleasant memories. The holiday which had filled her with dread actually went off without a hitch - allowing for her sickness - and despite everything she actually enjoyed herself. It was an eye-opening experience and she never had returned home for the holidays again. Initially she proceeded to find excuses whenever the possibility was raised, stating a heavy workload, prior engagement or mere tiredness. By the end of the year her parents had stopped even suggesting it. Instead, they travelled up on a semi-regular basis to see her and Liz contented herself with regular phone-calls to keep in touch between.

Keeping in touch with her parents was a very different matter to keeping in touch with her friends however. Whilst Liz's parents were oblivious and had no reason to question her motives, Maria and Michael knew exactly what had happened and challenged her excuses on many an occasion, suggesting that if she really wanted to come back she could. Of course the simple answer was that she didn't want to come; they knew it and accused her of not caring.

Nothing was further from the truth, but that didn't prevent the arguments which followed.

After Winnerman, from where she graduated top of her class of course, Liz went straight onto Harvard without even a short visit home. She had been invited to the Graduation in Roswell of course and her friends had attempted to make plans for the holidays but Liz had been granted a place in an early admission course that Harvard was running, and had jumped at the chance it provided.

To study Microbiology at Harvard, just as she had predicted what seemed like all that time ago, after everything that had happened, had seemed like a dream come true. She had told herself that she would gate been crazy to turn it down. After why would you ever turn down the one thing that you had set your heart on since you were tiny; the thing that you had spoken about for years? Simply put you wouldn't! She had worked hard to get there and this was her pay-off... She had made it - now was her chance to live her dream.

And believe it or not, that was all over three years ago now… Liz could hardly believe she was now in her final year, and in all that time, she had never been back to Roswell.

In fact, she hadn’t heard from Maria or Michael directly in over two years either – her parents informed her they were still together, considering getting married next year actually – but she was sad to acknowledge that she hadn’t spoken to the last of the group in an age. The last time she had, it had all ended in a fight as Maria had urged her to come home and visit for the holidays. In turn Liz had claimed she was too busy, and her best friend had responded that would find the time if she cared…

That wasn’t fair – Liz felt – It wasn’t that she didn’t care! Quite the opposite in fact, she couldn’t go back because she cared so much…

The result was simple enough though; Liz had been distanced from her last remaining friendship and link to her past without her friend's encouragement (or even sometimes nagging) any remaining reason she might have to make the trip vanished and Liz had come to believe that she truly would never see Roswell again. She couldn't say she was sorry...

So what had changed one might ask…?

Honestly, nothing… She felt no more ready now to return than she had all those years ago. But, throughout her time at Harvard she had used the excuse of having to work over the holidays and that had been stripped away from her. Debbie had noted that she never went home at the holidays, and, very kindly, had offered to pull extra shifts over Christmas. Liz had offered excuses and reasons, she had pointed out that her parents came to visit on a regular basis; indeed they were very likely to visit over the festive period, and insisted that she really wasn’t that bothered anyway, but her friend had realised there was something ‘unfinished’ as she put it, and had eventually presented her with a ticket to Roswell the week before.

Which left Liz going Roswell... It was as simple, and at the same time as complicated as that! Debbie simply wouldn’t accept no for an answer. Refusal was not an option, and neither was backing out…

Unless… Liz glanced around, wondering once again if she shouldn’t just claim to have missed the train. On such a busy day services were constantly being delayed and updated. Many of the trains would be overcrowded perhaps to the point of turning people away and no doubt a good number simply would not turn up at all. There were many possible explanations and she continued to think of more with every passing moment. It was always possible tha-

A strange sensation which she recognised to originate from a vibration in her back pocket caused her to put that thought on hold. Pulling out her phone, she flipped it open and studied the number before answering. Curious… Pressing to accept the call, she put the phone to her ear. “Hey mom…” She smiled softly as she greeted her parents.

A moment later, the smile had dropped from her face as she realised she had been well and truly trapped. Not only had Debbie provided the ticket, but she had ever so thoughtfully contacted her parents to tell them she was coming… Her mom was calling to tell her how happy they were to have her coming home for Christmas and, as much as she might want to, Liz couldn’t bring herself to burst that bubble…

So, resigning herself to her fate, she bent to retrieve her bag double checked her ticket against the board which hung from the centre of the room and stepped back into the chaos of the holiday rush as she made her way towards the required platform.

“Ticket?” A uniformed young man held out his hand as she passed through the gate. His check took only a few minutes though, and all too soon it seemed she was on her way once more.

Time and time again, she came close to turning back around. It would have been so easy to just walk out of there. To drop the ticket in the rubbish bin on her way out and flee. The brunette didn’t dare stop walking – if she gave herself the chance, she wasn’t at all sure if she could go through with this.

Unfortunately, once on the platform she had to face the waiting game once more. Her train still wasn’t due for another half an hour – Debbie had ensured she arrived in plenty of time – and there was little left to do but wait…

It didn't take long for her doubts to resurface as she stood. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea? Even he her parents were looking forward to seeing her surely they would rather her be happy than on the verge of falling apart? And what about Michael and Maria? The prospect of running into them was in fact quite terrifying; what might they say? Or would they treat her like a stranger and ignore her all together? She couldn't say she would blame them if they did either and didn't really know what she could say if given a chance....

She couldn't run forever though... Swallowing, Liz set her bag down with a sigh and was only just in time to catch herself as her legs buckled beneath her weight, their strength seemingly turning to jelly as she was forced to sag against the wall for support.

“Hey, do you know how much longer it is until the train for Las Cruces is due…?” A young woman, barely out of her teens, asked as she arrived at the station somewhat out of breath. She frowned as she received no answer from the girl she was looking at. “Excuse me…?”

“Wha-- Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you…” Liz apologised as she turned towards her. After having the girl repeat her question, she glanced at her watch, taking a deep breath as she noted the answer before responding. “It’s probably going to be another ten minutes or so…”

The younger girl grinned and nodded. “Thanks, that's great! I was sure I was going to have missed it." She offered a smile in Liz’s direction. “I’m Cara by the way…” She held out a hand in greeting as she continued by asking, “Are you heading home for the holidays…?”

The brunette nodded. “Y-yeah…”

“Been a while…?”

Liz smiled softly. “You could say that…”

“I bet your folks will be pleased to see you though… My mom’s tickled pink that I’m going to be back for the holidays – not that I would ever miss them you know, but she had that irrational fear that I might come up with something better to do.” She snorted. “Like I would do that – Christmas is all about family, right?”

By this point Liz was only half listening to her words as she nodded dumbly. “Yeah…I guess…” Her eyes were fixed on the track as a distant object began to come clear and the sound from the track intensified. This really wasn’t a conversation she was interested in having… All she wanted was to get on that train and be on her way before she completely chickened out.

“About time!” Cara exclaimed with a wide grin as she noted the imminent arrival of their train. She nodded towards the other girl. “Well, I hope you have a nice time back home…nice meeting you…” Waiting only until the train had come to a complete stop and the doors had opened, the chatty teen squeezed past a number of the people waiting on the platform to claim a front spot and clambered aboard leaving Liz still stood on the platform.

As the crowds of people poured on and off the platform, she continued to stare at the train, lost in thought until the sounding of a whistle brought her out of it. “Miss!” The waiting guard tapped her arm. “Miss, if you’re wanting to get on this one I suggest you do so, we’re leaving in a moment…” As she looked around, her eyes slowly focusing back on her surroundings, Liz realised the long queues of waiting passengers were long gone, everyone safely aboard it seemed and she nodded. “Oh, yes, of course, thank you…” Forcing her feet, one in front of the other, she climbed up the steps and even before she was fully inside she felt the train begin to move. They were off…


“Excuse me…”


“Oh my, I do apologise…”

The latest passengers attempted to sneak through the seemingly narrowing gap between the two aisles. Not enough that the luggage racks were completely full, but there were cases and bags stacked up everywhere it seemed and people were stood trying to cram adequate bags into tiny spaces less than half their size. For all that the train companies said that they were listening to their customers, they had yet to gather the fact that many people actually were likely to carry at least one suitcase when travelling any distance – the space they provided generally filled up in a blink of an eye, leaving people to make the best of any and all space that was left.

Fortunately for Liz, she had never really been a heavy packer, and since she was only travelling under sufferance anyway; determined to return to Boston as soon as possible, her luggage was limited to a single small travel case and an even smaller handbag, neither of which required additional space.

Even so, with everyone else vying for the little space there was, she was struggling to get to her seat – One thing to give Debbie, she had booked one which was a major improvement over standing in the already overcrowded aisle for hours on end. It already looked bad, and they were only near the start of the line; it would only get worse as they went on. “Excuse me…” She squeezed past an amply sized lady who was currently trying to fit her even more amply-sized luggage into the overhead rack.

“Oh I’m sorry dear…” The woman turned to find a pretty young brunette behind her. “Are you supposed to be sitting here…?” She gestured towards the adjacent seat which was littered with even more of her belongings including a large handbag, a fur coat and-?! – A small animal carrier out of which peeked the strangest looking cat Liz had ever seen.

Checking her ticket quickly, Liz was more than relieved to answer in the negative as she made her way past as quickly as possible and continued on her way. A little further down the coach she found her actual seat – mercifully still empty, and slipped her bags under the seat in front as she slid into the slightly stiff cushioned chair.

Ohhhh… She let out a sigh, stripping off her coat and resting it on top of her bags as she leant her head against the headrest thankfully and she closed her eyes. She was going to be on here for a couple of hours at least, so she might as well get comfortable. Maybe she’d even be able to catch up on a bit of the sleep she had been missing over the last few nights thinking about her upcoming trip.

“Oh HI!”

Or maybe not… Liz quickly readjusted her hopes and had to stifle a groan as she recognised the voice as being that of the slightly too chatty teen who she had met on the platform. Great – just what she needed. Opening her eyes only confirmed her suspicion and, forcing a weak smile, she returned the greeting. “Hey…Uh…” She strained to remember the name which had been provided only moments before.

“Cara…” The post-teen gave no indication of annoyance or irritation, grinning as she introduced herself again. “I’m so glad that I’m sat next to someone decent – did you see that old woman down there, imagine if you were stuck with her…”

Despite her best efforts, Liz couldn’t help but smile as she heard the girl describe someone who she could only believe was the woman she had narrowly avoided – there couldn’t be two the same on the train could there? “Yeah, well, I guess she has her reasons…” She commented awkwardly before bending to rummage in her bag and pulling out a book. Hopefully the young woman would take it for what it was – a sign that she didn’t want to talk…

Unfortunately though, she did no such thing. In fact, in direct opposition to her seat mate’s wishes, Cara ploughed on with her attempts to strike up conversation as she once more brought up the very subject Liz most hated. “So, who are you going down to see – I’m going to guess at your mom and dad with a dishy boyfriend or fiancé thrown in there too…” She hesitated a moment, as though thinking of something and grinned wickedly, “Unless of course it’s a girlfriend…”

Liz’s eyes widened in surprise. Did this girl have no shame? She shook her head rapidly in denial. “No, no boyfriend and no girlfriend either – well not unless you include the actual best friend type…” She added the last automatically, although truth be told she wasn’t sure if Maria still counted. There had been a time when the two of them had been inseparable, when they had known everything about one another… There had been a time when she had likened her to a sister – but maybe estranged was a better description now…? Her mind wandered a moment, filling with all tell of memories of times and conversations… Including the last they had shared which had been less than delightful. They had both said things that they would have liked to take back she was sure but unfortunately, for all the powers that Michael might have, turning back time was not something which was easily available. With the help of mysterious Serena, Future Max had found that function in the Granolith, but that wasn't something to be used frivolously even if they knew how, and besides - the Granolith as long gone!

They were stuck with what had happened and what had been said, and they had to move on from there!

“Hey, are you okay? I didn’t mean to upset you…” The girl next to her looked genuinely worried. My mom always says that I talk too much, I should keep my mouth shut and my nose out of other people’s business…I—“

All of a sudden, Liz was hit by a wave of nostalgia as she recognised the manner of babbling which her best friend had been so fond of. Not without difficulty, she managed a small smile of reassurance as she waved away the other girl’s questions. “What, oh, no, not at all, I was just thinking was all…” She shook her head softly. “You remind me of a friend I have-I mean I used to have…”

Cara leant her head to one side, her gaze watching the brunette carefully. “Something happen to make the two of you fall out…?”

Liz shook her head again. “No, not exactly, “ She responded, silently wondering why she felt so willing to share her private life with this girl who she barely even knew. In the last few minutes, she had told Cara more about her history and been more open in her answers than go any of the time she had known Debbie. With the latter she had always waved off questions and tried to change the subject, but now she found herself confronting the issues she had tried to avoid for so long. “We just…lost touch…” She gave a wry, if a little sad, smile. “I’m sure you know how it is, you move away from home and it becomes all that much harder to keep in touch, particularly when you don’t have a lot in common anymore…”

Cara’s expression was thoughtful as she appeared to consider her companion's words. “I don’t know, I sometimes think that it just makes it all the more important that you make the effort… I mean, your past is important – maybe not as much so as your present, but it helped you get where you are today…”

“And if it’s too painful…If you don’t want to remember…?” Liz couldn’t help but question.

“My mom says that pain can be good sometimes…if we don’t feel pain then how are we to know we’re happy…?” She shrugged. “It sounds stupid I know, but maybe we have to experience the bad to know just how good the good is…”

Liz thought about that for a moment. Perhaps that was true… Could she say that she would have been happier to never have known Max? Certainly the past would be easier in some ways, and simpler too, but knowing what she did, having experienced what they had - could she truly say that she wished it had never happened?

If she was honest, Liz already knew the answer - No… What they had shared had been special; something she may never have had the pleasure of experiencing again in her life. And some people never experienced it at all…

For it to have never happened? The possibility was sobering – to never have known Max, to never have experienced one of their kisses, to have never seen the ‘stars’…

She smiled at the last, memories of the night they found the orb surfacing from the dim and distant past in techno colour… That night, and so many after, Max had completed her… She couldn’t claim that she wished she had never met him any more than she could chop off her own limb! “You know what; I think maybe she’s right…” Liz murmured softly, not quite sure who she was meaning to address.

Cara grinned again. “See, not so bad after all huh?” She nodded. “You’ve gotta take the good with the bad, and treasure those good memories because they’re what keeps us going…” She paused a moment before addressing the older girl once more. “Maybe you should contact your friend – the one you say I remind you of– I’m sure she’d love to hear from you…”

Liz nodded slowly. “Yeah, maybe I will…” She responded and, for the first time in a long while, she meant it!

The younger girl smiled in delight and nodded. “Glad to hear it… I hope it works out for you…”

“Yeah me too…”

A brief silence fell over the pair until Cara spoke once more. “Hey…” She paused briefly before continuing. “I’ve just realised you didn’t give me your name…? I mean that’s cool, if you don’t want to share, but I figure that if we’re gonna spend the next couple of hours talking it might be nice to know who I’m talking too…”

At any other time, the brunette would have been inclined to just blow the other girl off. It was none of her business who she was after all, and it wasn’t as though she had invited her to talk. For some reason unknown to all however, she found herself smiling and nodding as she extended a hand in greeting. “You’re right, I’m sorry, my name is Liz, Liz Parker…”

Cara took the hand offered eagerly and shook it firmly. “Please to meet you Liz, so where are you heading tonight?” She questioned amicably as she leant back into the seat turning briefly to watch the scenery which was flashing by.

Her response came in a tone so soft it could have been missed. “I’m going home - Roswell, New Mexico…”


In contrast to the slow pace at which she had approached her first train, Liz practically flew down the platform towards her final connection now. Her earlier reluctance was replaced by an eagerness to embrace her parents and, if at all possible, to try and fix her relationship with Maria.

It was funny how it had taken a freshman to make her realise how big a mistake she had made with the last… She had thought of Maria as a reminder of everything that had happened with Max. What she had forgotten though, was that she had known Maria for so long before all that and their friendship had certainly not been based solely on the Czechoslovakians…

Her use of their little code-word made her smile. How confused its use had left Alex and how many awkward conversations had resulted…?

Besides, Cara was right, bad memories would always come with the good, but it was the good that they had to focus on, the good that they had to remember.

Like when Maria had first had her hair cut into that short ‘Pixie’ style… She had refused to even let Liz into her room when she came over later in the day. More than that, her friend hadn’t emerged from her room for almost a week – in the process wasting the better part of their week of holiday from school. Maria had looked fantastic throughout of course – it was just…different… Not bad different, but…different…

Or how she had completely flipped upon hearing that Amy and the Sheriff were going on a date! She hadn’t come down for a whole week from that one! The suggestion that she and Kyle might eventually be step-siblings… Liz couldn’t help but giggle as she also remembered Kyle’s reaction to the very same thing. What a commotion… Although not so much of an overreaction as had first been believed… Jim and Amy had been engaged for a couple of years she was told, and it was only a matter of time before they tied the knot. She wondered what Kyle and Maria’s feels were nowadays; it wasn’t something she’d discussed with either recently.

Or how they had together defended Alex – who of course insisted that he didn’t need it but thanked them anyway…

Her tenth birthday, when Maria had helped her blow out the candles.

The umpteen occasions on which they had together tried to convince her father that his choice of uniforms in the Crashdown was not only dated but tacky – and not in a good way. To this day even the thought of those mint-green minidresses and alien antennae was enough to make her cringe… And to remember that she had once worn them, made her sick!

The memories were flowing freely now, newly released from the tight cage in which she had kept them locked away over the years. Strangely enough however, the pain usually associated with them was gone. Even as she allowed herself to delve into more tenuous ground, she found they felt like bitter-sweet as opposed to sharp. It was…liberating…

That day in the Crashdown when Max had turned up out of the blue, or the multitude of times when Maria had teased her over his staring as he sat in the booth whilst they worked. That day when they had skipped school to go for a ride and they had ended up in an accident, the day they had kissed for the first time and the day they had said goodbye...

“WAIT!” She cried her recollections were interrupted by the sharp burst of the guard’s whistled and she was thrown back into the present with a jolt. Putting on a final spurt, she lengthened her stride, dashed to the door and clamoured inside just as the train began to chug away from the station...

In relation to the earlier leg of her journey, the distance to Roswell was relatively short and the ride wasn’t at all long. However, for someone longing for familiar surroundings with such intensity, it seemed like an age. She glanced down at her watch for what seemed like the umpteenth time. Fifteen minutes… Too long… The brunette pulled out her mobile, pressing to create a message and then stopped after only a few characters. It wasn’t that simple, how could she contact her out of the blue? Did she even still have the same number…? The doubt began flooding into her mind and she sat there like a rock.

She pressed to cancel and then stuck the unused phone back into her pocket, only to withdraw it a moment later as she felt it vibrate repeatedly against her thigh. Her mom?? A frown creased her brow as she noted the number in surprise. Why? – Silently questioning, she pressed to answer. “Hey mom…?”

Contrary to her expectations, it was a male rather than a female voice which returned her greeting. “Hey honey…”

“Dad!” This was getting weirder by the second… it was even rarer that he used someone else’s.

She could hear her dad smile in response. “Did I surprise you, sorry Lizzy; I just grabbed the first phone I could find…”

Liz frowned. “Is everything okay…?” He didn’t usually use her mom’s phone – heck he didn’t usually use any mobile! Her father was what you could call a traditional guy - whilst he did possess a cell phone, it war only under sufferance due to his wife’s insistence and it was a rare occasion on which he used it.

“Yeah, it’s fine…” There was a strange edge to her father’s tone that she couldn’t quite put her finger on. “It’s just something has come up so I won’t be able to pick you up from the station tonight…”

Despite herself, the brunette couldn’t help but pout at the news. She knew of course she was perfectly capable of making her own way – as she assured him a moment later – but she had been looking forward to the familiar face, not to mention the comfort of the car when travelling back to the flat.

“Sorry honey, I know it’s not ideal, but if you go get a taxi I’ll pay for it…” Jeff offered.

Liz was again surprised. “A taxi? No, it’s no trouble; I’ll just get the bus…” She laughed softly. “I’m a big girl you know, I’m sure I can manage…”

“You might find that the timetable has changed, don’t worry about it…” Her father dismissed the alternative quickly.

His daughter couldn’t help but think he was being a little insistent… “I’ll just ask someone in the station, I’m sure they will be able to fill me in…”

“Lizzy, please, just get the taxi…” His tone had become pleading now and it was becoming pretty clear he wasn’t going to take no for an answer. But why? – that she couldn’t work out… Perhaps there had been something happen recently? Or maybe the buses had been unreliable of late – they never were exactly the best… She made a note to check with her mom but decided to accept one of those explanations for the moment since it didn’t seem worthwhile arguing further. “Uh, yeah, sure Dad…” She glanced at her watch to check the time once more. “So I’ll be seeing you around ten…”

“Or after…don’t worry if you’re a little late…”

This was getting weirder and weirder… Liz opened her mouth to query but her father had already gone – offering the excuse of a customer needing attention – and she was left once more alone on the train…

A train which was thankfully coming ever closer to its destination… She smiled at the realisation, noting that she had less than five minutes left before the scheduled arrival, dropped her discarded phone back into her bag and began to gather her things. Oh well, one last leg and she’d soon be home…


Liz seriously debated ignoring her father’s instructions as she came out of the train station exit onto the road where both the bus stop and taxi stand stood. Both looked same as ever, and from the queue of people waiting at the bus stop, she had to imagine there was one due soon.

Nor did it look particularly dangerous with at least four other women waiting on their own…

On the other hand, her dad had been very insistent, and did she really want to upset him…?

Although how would he know…? She dismissed this last thought even as it rose in her mind, knowing from experience that her father had a knack of finding that sot of thing out. Perhaps it would be better just to go with what he said; if only to keep the peace…?

Resolving to do just that, she continued on past the other waiting passengers and towards where a number of yellow taxi cabs were parked up. Usually there were at least three all offering to take you somewhere, arguing over who was next. However, surprisingly, this time only one even had its lights on… The other three cars (a relatively small number considering the date and time) all appeared to be having technical issues or something with their drivers either bent over the bonnet, or alternatively speaking on their radio in an agitated manner. .

Very strange… She frowned and glanced towards the single car with some amount of caution – perhaps she had grown up in Roswell, but that once innocent small-town-girl had long since been toughened up first with personal experiences with the Czechoslovakians and later even further with tales from the city. Really a young woman on her own couldn’t be too careful…

Venturing forward a little more, she checked for the official taxi plate. It was there… Next the number plate – all present and correct… Taken as a whole, everything looked exactly as it should do; there was no practical reason not to go with it…only… Whilst she couldn’t explain it, there was just something about this she didn’t like… Her instincts were shouting at her to run a mile and she may well have continued to procrastinate forever more if a familiar voice had not intruded on her thoughts.

“LIZ!” A curly haired blond yelled as she appeared as though from no-where, emerging quickly from the shadows.

The brunette started, taken by surprise. Turning swiftly, she found herself captured in a tight hug before she could even start to respond.

“It’s so good to see you…” Maria Deluca breathed into Liz’s shoulder as she captured her friend in her arms, pulling her as close as she could given the circumstances.

Could this be happening…? Her first thoughts were that she had to have fallen asleep on the train. However everything was so realistic and Liz found herself hugging back. “It’s good to see you too…” Liz responded genuinely before eyeing her friend’s figure with a mischievous glint and adding. “All of you…”

Maria beamed at the comment and nodded, smoothing her top over her swollen abdomen carefully in a protective manner. It had never been a secret kept from choice, but rather due to circumstance. The truth was that she would have liked nothing more than to tell Liz all about it, to share her hopes and fears. She was after all, one of the only people who she could ever speak to completely freely without any need for secrecy. She could have shared her fears and her hopes, with no need to adjust for realism and it was a chance she would have given much for in recent months…

Shaking her loose curls, she sighed, continuing to rub her stomach as she addressed Liz once more. “Yeah, well you’re the one who was out of touch you know… Maria smiled as she reached for the hand of her friend, “But I’m glad you know now…” She squeezed her hand gently as she spoke.

Liz was pleased to note that her tone was without any sign of resentment, not that she wouldn't have deserved it.. A part of her felt so guilty, for leaving her friend to deal with this like that… Not that she had known of course, but she had another voice in her head which was saying that she should have been there… She should have known! Looking her friend up and down, and squeezing back her hand she finally asked, “When are you due…?”

The fiery blond shrugged slightly, as though to indicate being at a loss. “Not really sure…” She gestured towards her belly and then back towards the taxi which Liz had been eyeing previously. “Spaceboy isn’t as good as Max was at determining what’s going on…he can tell the baby is healthy – which is the most important thing of course - but that’s about it…” She offered a weak smile. “It’s been an interesting time; you should have seen the things I was wearing to try and hide the extra weight and when we eventually did have to admit to it my mom was furious that we kept it secret for as long as we did.”

“I’m so so-“ Liz broke off as everything suddenly fell into place as she followed Maria’s gaze towards the driver of the taxi and recognised a familiar face. Of course, she should have known; her parents said they were getting married didn’t they? She couldn’t help wondering about the fact that they hadn’t mentioned the pregnancy though – was it to save her some guilt, or simply that they didn’t know…? She supposed she would be hearing the full story before long “Michael…”

Opening his door, he swung around to join them and nodded towards the brunette. “Hey Liz, sorry for the ambush, but you have been pretty hard to get a hold of…” He explained before gesturing back towards his car. “Do you ladies want to…?”

Liz looked at him in surprise. “This is real…?” Sense said that it had to be of course – surely he wouldn’t risk using his powers just to surprise her?

Maria giggled and nodded as she moved towards her boyfriend and took his hand in hers. “Yup…he’s pretty good at it too – perhaps it’s all that time spent exploring the area…”

Michael shrugged. “Well gotta bring in some money, especially with MJ on the way…”

“MJ?” Liz looked over towards her friend in question.

Her only response was a shake of the head and a scowl that was directed towards Michael. “I told you Michael, we are not calling him or her Michael Junior…”

“Well if it was a girl it could be Maria Junior…” Michael commented, ignoring his girlfriend’s irritation with an easy manner which showed it wasn’t the first time.

“NO!” Maria’s tone was short and sharp, allowing no further discussion of the subject as she rubbed her tummy, telling the baby that his or her daddy was really silly sometimes… “After all, how are we going to keep track of you if you’re named after one of us…? Not to mention the fact I want you to be able to make a name for yourself, not to be stuck in the shadow of another…”

Liz smiled softly as she listened to the familiar banter from her friends. Despite the amount of time since she was last there, she found the sensation was less than strange. In fact, she did find herself feeling a sense of familiarity and ease which she had almost forgotten existed. It was as though the years had faded away and it was no ore than mere days since she had seen the two of them and been sat here like this before. Strange wasn't it; how things could change so much in some ways and yet in others would remain exactly the same...

"Liz?" Maria looked over at her friend and was most surprised, albeit not unpleasantly so, as she found herself wrapped in the embrace of the brunette. "Are you okay, is something wrong?"

Liz shook her head repeatedly as she looked up. "What, oh no, really, "I'm fine, really, everything's fine..." She smiled. "In fact it’s more than that...” She continued without letting her friend go... "Have I told you how much I've missed you...?"

Maria's response was to laugh and hug back. Perhaps there would be many possible sharp responses she could give but, when it came down to it she really had no desire to. In fact, she would happily forgive and forget if it meant she was able to have her best friend back. Michael was amazing, she loved him more than anything despite their regular spats and nothing would change that. She was delighted about the baby too – even if it had been a bit of a surprise and difficult in more ways than one. They were going to be a family, a true family…
However, the friendship she had shared with Liz was something different yet equally as special and she had missed having that terribly. "I missed you too chica! So much you wouldn't believe it." She responded, her voice dropping in volume just slightly as she continued. "I didn't know how I was going to do this without you around to talk to... what was this little one going to do without his or her Aunty Liz?"

Struggling past the lump which was forming in her throat, Liz shook her head. "Never happen..." She choked out, suddenly ever so aware of everything she had so nearly lost. “It’ll never happen Ria; I’ll always be here for you!”

The girls' moment was interrupted by a loud cough. Both turned to find Michael looking at them. His expression was a mixture of impatience and amusement. "Not wanting to interrupt this lovely scene,” He turned to address Liz more fully as he continued "And don't get me wrong, it's great to have you back not only in body but spirit!" He grinned and proceeded again. "But could we get out of here - people are beginning to stare and we do have other people who I'm sure would like to say hey too..."

There seemed to be a funny look in his eyes as he said this but Liz quickly dismissed it as her making something out of nothing - apparently not all her nervous habit from previous years were gone - of course there were other people; her parents! "I'm surprise that they didn't try to insist on you giving them a lift on down here” She commented with a laugh.

Neither Michael nor Maria spoke to respond to her comment but instead said again that they were so pleased to see her as Michael grabbed Liz's bags and set them in the trunk before urging them to get into the car. Liz smiled and followed suit as she slid in after her friend.

“So how does it feel to be back, after all this time?” Michael asked, glancing over his shoulder to check the girls were both strapped in safely before he set off.

Liz took a moment to consider and silence reined in the car for a moment. Finally, she spoke, “I know it seems strange to be saying this considering how I’ve acted recently, but to be honest it feels…” She shook her head, uncertain how to explain and then decided on the simple form. “It feels like I’m coming home…” She smiled softly.

Maria laughed. “Well that’s because you are silly! And we’re all so pleased to have you back!”

The car paused at a red light and then turned right swiftly. Liz looked out of the window in surprise. “Michael…?”

“It’s a short cut.” He responded swiftly before she had a chance to expand upon her queries.

Liz wasn’t so convinced, having known the area like the back of her hand since she was small. But then again, she thought, she wasn’t the taxi driver so who was she to query him? She had heard in the past that taxi drivers knew all sorts of ways to places that normal drivers wouldn’t even dream of. Having said that of course, she couldn’t say she thought they were even going in the right direction…

“Hey, isn’t that-?” She began to query once more as she spotted the unmistakable silhouette of their old high school. The school which, as it happened, was on the complete other side to the station and, perhaps more importantly, also the Crashdown! Where the heck? “Michael…?” She repeated her query, her tone sharper and more demanding now.

Unsurprisingly, her ‘driver’ seemed quiet deaf as he gave no indication of hearing her. Recognising that she was never going to get an answer from this direction, Liz decided to try another route as she turned to Maria. “Okay, spill!”

Never a good liar, the blond shifted awkwardly in her seat, her hand drawing circles over her large stomach.

“Maria…” Liz was fast loosing her patience and wasn’t about to let this lie…

The blond looked ready to burst but before she could say anything, her boyfriend beat her to the post. “Just trust us Liz; you’ll be pleased you did in the end!” Michael finally deemed to address her once more as he slowed the car briefly.

His words left her completely puzzled. What on earth…? “I know you know I was reluctant to come back, that I have made excuses to prevent doing so in the past perhaps, but I’m here now… What do you think; you have to kidnap me to make me stay?” Her words were in jest of course, but that didn’t mean that she wasn’t asking a serious, if indirect, question.

Neither of her friends said anything more and instead a tense silence reined once more in the cab.

Resigning herself to the fact that they weren’t going to explain, Liz decided not to waste any more of her breath and instead turned her attention to trying to gather a bit of her own information. She turned to gaze out of the window as they continued, picking out a small number of familiar landmarks on the journey through the streets. The school, college, the church and then later one of the UFO trip offices which were dotted around town. She thought she probably had a rough idea of where she was, but it wasn’t anywhere near the café and her questions were multiplying by the second.

Suddenly, they came to a complete stop and she sat back, waiting…


“Okay, now can you please get out of the car…?”

Liz stared hard at Michael at his request. “On my own…?” She questioned slowly. This was sounding less and less like something she should be doing…

“I think you might prefer it if you didn’t have an immediate audience…” Maria responded cryptically, amused twinkle lighting up her eyes.

“What…?” Liz started at her words, mentally trying to fit everything together, something felt as though it was teetering, just out of her reach but she couldn’t quite put it together.

“Liz, we’re going to be right here, I’m not just going to drive off and leave you…” Michael assured the brunette with a smile.

She gave him a look. “What, like I did with you guys you mean…?”

“You didn’t…”

Liz shook her head. “I did…”

Maria shrugged. “Whatever… It doesn’t matter, really – what does matter is the fact that you’re here right now and you really should get out of the car…” Her tone softened as she finished, gesturing once more towards the closed door with an encouraging smile. “Please Liz, trust us…”

She continued to hesitate, a hand resting on the handle.

“Liz…” She felt Maria’s hand on her shoulder and turned to face her friend once more.

“Go on, you’ll be pleased you did, honest…”

Her words were so cryptic and finally Liz could bear it no longer. Releasing the handle on the door, she pushed it open and slid out of the car. She glanced back at her friends once more before pushing it shut behind her.

Once alone, she turned around slowly, taking in her surroundings. If she had calculated correctly, they were only a short distance from the edge of town, an area which was littered with abandoned warehouses and half-finished building projects. This particular plot appeared to be the latter, with a large scaffolding structure to the right and a pile of abandoned building materials visible in the distance. From the overall appearance of the place, it probably hadn’t been touched in years and there was no sign of any other vehicles. So, what was she doing here…?

Was that a movement in the shadows? She stiffened and stared hard, trying to work out whether it was real or simply a figment of her imagination. Nothing more moved and for a moment she decided it was the latter…

Then, the sound of footsteps moving through the gravel…

Liz turned in the direction of the noise, her eyes searching for the source and going wide as she did so. No, it couldn’t be, could it…? It was…

The figure stepped from the shadows, his face lit up only by the moonlight. It was however, unmistakable…


“M-max…I-is it really you…?” More than anything she wanted to throw herself into his arms, but she held herself back, waiting…

For so long, Liz had resigned herself to the fact that she was never going to see him again. Max was gone, he had left the planet and he wasn’t coming back. He simply wasn’t a part of her life anymore – or so she told herself… Yet now…

And yet, she still didn’t move. Not that she didn’t want to, not that she didn’t want to feel his arms around her once more, to feel his lips press against hers. On the contrary in fact, she wanted nothing more…

However, she had no way to know whether he still felt the same way… What if he and Tess had become a happy family after having the baby, what if he had forgotten all about what they had once shared…? What i-?

All thoughts fled her mind as she suddenly found herself wrapped tightly in his arms, her head resting against his chest, breathing in the familiar scent of his body.

“I have missed you so much…” Max murmured as he pressed his lips against the top of her head and ran his hands through the silky brown locks.

“Is it really you…?” Liz whispered back, still hardly daring to speak her words out loud. After so many years of dreaming, of imaging this moment, only knowing that it was never going to happen… Could it really be…? Her hands tightened into fists around his shirt as she clung to him, her grip like iron, as though she would never let him go.

Max was no less emotional as he wrapped his arms around her small frame, taking in the beautiful young woman she had become. “It’s me Liz, I’m here…” He tightened his embrace, pulling her closer. “I’m here…” He was hardly able to get the words past the huge lump in his throat. “I thought I was never going to see you again…” He breathed without pulling back for even a second.

“And whose fault was that…” Her response came with a weak smile, shaking her head as she looked up to take in his features. “You know I can barely believe that you’re here… You’re really here…” One hand reached up, running down the side of his face lovingly. Was she really to believe this?

“Well you’d better believe it…” Max smiled as his hand covered hers and drew it back, bringing it up and pressing it to his lips. “You look as beautiful as ever…”

She laughed; a ragged yet soft sound as she looked at him. “Well I can’t say you look bad yourself…”

“Oh I’m older…and I know I look it…” For the first time she noticed how his eyes had aged, taking on a worn, weary expression which spoke of much pain and hardship. “You’re still perfect though Liz, perfect and beautiful and I’m not going anywhere…” He paused a moment before adding, “Well, nowhere except maybe back to your place, if you’ll allow it…”

The brunette looked up in surprise, her eyes full of questions but she spoke only one. “How…?”

“I couldn’t stay away…” He responded softly, continuing to hold her hand in his. “I know that I left you Liz, but if I had felt I could, I would always have stayed… It was just with everything that was happening, I believe that Tess was pregnant and-“

She pressed a finger to his lips gently. “Shush… It’s okay… I know that you had to go, and I understood… I won’t say that I wasn’t hurting, or that I didn’t miss you terribly, but I understood that you would never leave her, not in that condition…”

“Except she wasn’t…pregnant that is…” Max closed his eyes briefly and shook his head. “I’m so sorry Liz; I should have listened to everything that you said! Tess was evil – she tricked all of us and manipulated us…”

She wasn’t pregnant…? After all those years of believing a lie, Liz felt her legs begin to buckle beneath her and it was only thanks to Max, who immediately moved to support her, that she didn’t end up in a pile on the floor.

“Hey…here, sit down…” Max guided her over to a half built wall, grabbing an old newspaper and setting it down. Shifting her weight so that he was supporting her with a single arm, he placed his second hand on the paper and closed his eyes. The sheets morphed inexplicably, their paper-thin thicknesses merging and swelling, the colour lightening to take on a light grey colour as a soft grey cushion formed in front of their eyes. Once he was done, he pressed her down. “Come on, sit…I’m right here…”

Sinking gratefully onto the soft cushioning, Liz finally allowed herself to let go. “It was all a lie…?” She questioned softly as she looked up at him, one hand never leaving his.

Max nodded sadly. How he hated to admit it… His trust of Tess had meant he had lost so much… He had left Liz, risked his future with her, and all for what? – Nothing… She had been lying through her teeth and his images of the baby had come from her mind apparently. “I’m sorry Liz…she had us all fooled… I truly believed she was pregnant right up until we landed.”

“That was when the truth became clear…” Another voice now joined his tale as his sister walked up behind him. A little way away, Maria and Michael could be seen standing as the group was once more reunited.

“Isabel…” Liz looked up in surprise.

The blond nodded in her direction with a small, if somewhat weary, smile.

“As soon as the hatch on the ship opened, we knew she had been lying… Kivar was stood right outside and there were guards just waiting to take us into custody. Tess walked right out without a word to claim her place with them!” Max spat out his words as though even speaking about the traitorous blond was distasteful.

Liz couldn’t say she blamed him. The more she thought about the consequences of the blond’s actions, the more she hated her!

“We barely escaped with our lives Liz, and the fact that we did was only thanks to a small number of guards who were in fact agents of the Antarian Resistance and remained loyal to the Royal Family.” Isabel explained.

Another set of footsteps approaching caused the tale to be paused for a moment as everyone turned. It was however, Isabel who was the first to react as her lips lifted into first a ghost of a smile and then further, to form a grin. She was across the distance in a second as she dove to drag the latest figure from the darkness. “You made it!”

“Did you ever question that I would…?” The figure, who it could now be seen was a tall, dark-haired young man, stepped into their circle with a smile, his arm slipping automatically around Isabel’s waist in a comfortable manner. It was clear the two of them were close. He nodded towards Max respectfully and brought a hand to his chest.

“Arton, it’s good to see you…” Max nodded back with a smile and returned the gesture. A hand on his arm caused him to look down and he offered a hand towards Liz to help her to her feet. Once he was sure she was steady, he indicated first Isabel’s companion and then Liz once more. “Liz, this is Arton, we would never have returned from Antar without his help. Arton, this is Liz Parker, or I hope that’s still correct…”

The brunette smiled widely and nodded once more. “Well your hope has come true; I’m still a Parker…” She shifted her attention next towards the man who had been introduced. “I’m pleased to meet you Arton…”

“And I you… I’ve heard much tell of you over the years…” Arton turned to include Maria and Michael now too. “About all of you… I’m delighted to have the chance to finally meet you…”

“Arton is one of the leaders of the resistance… He arranged for our extraction from custody – our execution had been scheduled for the morning… He and a number of others raided the prison and risked their own lives to save ours…” Isabel elaborated with a smile, her gaze never leaving Arton’s face.

“But of course, we are loyal to the Royal line; we could not sit around and do nothing whilst that was wiped out for good…” He responded in a matter-of-fact manner. His tone softened as he moved on. “And to leave you there would have been a crime…”

Risking on her tip toes, Isabel brushed her lips against his gently before turning back to the others, her cheeks flushed. “Sorry…”

“Why apologise for kissing your husband…?” Arton grinned as he drew her close once more. “Husband is the right word, no?”

His announcement was apparently as much of a surprise to Max as it was to anyone else as the group was left in a stunned silence.

Isabel drew back swiftly to address her brother. “I’m sorry, we didn’t know whether things would go to plan and if it didn’t, if we didn’t make it, I wanted to know that we had even the briefest moment… I would have told you but you were so busy making the plans and I didn’t want to split your attention, there was too much at risk!”

“Don’t…I’m pleased for you…” Max waved away her excuses with a smile. “I was surprised, but I’m pleased for you, really… The two of you deserve every moment of happiness you can find and I wouldn’t begrudge you any of that,” He paused ever so briefly before continuing, his tone growing stronger and yet softer at the same time as he drew backwards from Liz, his hand lingering in hers. “In fact, I-“

“Max…” Liz interrupted, her eyes questioning him deeply.

“It’s okay…” He whispered and smiled. “I’m not going anywhere… In fact, I was going to say that I was hoping that we’d get a chance at that same happiness…if you’d like it…”

“Are you…?” She shook her head, hardly believing what she was hearing. “You’re not…”

“Not right now…” He shook his head with a small smile. “But I won’t promise to wait long… For now, I do believe you have another two people who are just as eager to see you as I was…”

“My parents…” Liz breathed, turning around slowly to view the whole group as her mine whirled. “So my parents knew you were back too…?”

“They might have featured…” Maria responded with a grin.

“They were surprisingly easy to convince that the crash had been staged – although explaining why was a little bit harder…” Michael supplied with a frown. He clearly still wasn’t too keen on letting others into the secret which they had worked so hard to keep for their whole lives.

“So Debbie’s determination wasn’t quite so sudden…?” Everything began to fall into place.

“You hadn’t come home since I left – for all I knew you hated my guts, but I couldn’t give up without trying…”

“Your parents contacted her after some discussion, she agreed to help to get you home – not that she knew what was going to happen, just that there was something which needed to be said, and needed you to be there…” Isabel provided this time with smile...

“Remind me to thank her…” She chuckled but at his next words a frown took its place on her face. “Don’t you know I could never hate you…?” Liz shook her head, her hand resting on his chest...

“That was what I told him, but he wasn’t convinced you would come if told the truth, and I did wonder if you would even answer your phone if one of us called…” Maria took over the explanation once more as she stepped forward towards her friend.

Liz was close to tears by now. “I’m so sorry…”

“It’s okay, you’re back, you’re home and we’re all here…now how about we get back…?” Michael began to gesture towards the waiting car once more as his impatience began to show.

Max waved him off for another moment “Wait, just one more thing…” He smiled, leaning forward to kiss Liz once more before dropping down on his knee in front of her with a wink. “Told you I wouldn’t’ promise to wait long…” His paused a moment, to allow the joviality to settle and continued in a more serious tone. “Liz Parker, will you marry me?” As though from nowhere, a diamond had materialised in the palm of his hand as he held it out towards her.

She didn’t need any encouragement. “Yes!” Liz threw her arms around him as he rose once more to his feet, his hand closing once more around the diamond before capturing her in his arms and swinging her around and around as though it was never going to stop.

“Merry Christmas Liz Parker, I love you…” Max’s words were almost lost in the wind, almost but not quite as the couple embraced once more under a handy sprig of mistletoe which they found was floating in the air above.

They looked around to find the other two couples had the same situation and, as one, everyone laughed and then turned towards their partners as their lips neared once more. “Merry Christmas Max…” Liz smiled before leaning in to capture a kiss of her own.