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Secret Lovers (M/L, CC Adult) one parter, 11/11/10

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 2:17 am
by dreambeliever
Title: Secret Lovers (If this title belongs to another fic, I apologize, I mean no disregard. I based this on a song. Please let me know and I'll change the name)

By: Dreambeliever

Pairings: Max/Liz with hints of Liz/Sean and Max/Tess

Rating: Adult

Disclaimer: The characters of Roswell belong to Jason Katims, Melinda Metz, WB, and UPN. They are not mine and no infringement is intended.

A/N: While searching the internet for song lyrics for another thread I stumbled upon this song and my mind instantly thought of Max and Liz…*Sigh* do I think of anything else?
I decided to do a one parter based on this song…here it is folks:

Song lyrics in red and memories in italic and some dialogue taken from Roswell: Season 2, starts off in between ITL&ITB and BIY, Liz never realized Tess killed Alex.

Was it just the other day that she was trying to leave Roswell, trying to leave him…again?

Alex never went to Sweden, she had to tell him, she had to tell him everything and then they would decide what to do next, together.

They always did work better together.

Slowly she approached him, his strong back to her.

He turned towards her as she silently made her way down the stairs of the UFO center, she hadn’t made a sound but he had known she was there, he always did.

Meeting his molten honeyed eyes swimming with emotion, she had to take a deep breath. Their eyes locked and instantly she lost all train of thought as she was sucked into the whirlpool of their connection. Forcing herself to stay afloat she opened herself to him.

It was the first time in months she’d let herself be completely honest with him, with herself even.

That was why she had come….to tell him everything.

His eyes were marred with confusion and she met his questioning gaze, he had seen and now he wanted answers.

“In October of last year…the future you came to me from fourteen years in the future and told me that I had to make you fall out of love with me, that I had to push you towards Tess.”

Biting her bottom lip she waited….she had spent these past few months silently watching him from afar and she knew every expression, every emotion, she had after all seen into his soul.

What she saw was disappointment and defeat. His gaze held hers, silently urging her to continue, they needed no words.

Her heart beat wildly in her chest, this was the closest she’d been to him in months without any animosity between them.

It had been months, why must he evoke all these feelings even now, shouldn’t she be over him? No she would never be over him, he was her everything, even if he didn’t even know it.

His eyes glittered softly and she knew he had heard her heart’s cry.

“I never slept with Kyle…I…I just pretended so that you would see and…” silent tears slid down her cheeks, she didn’t bother to brush them away, a reminder of what she had done of how she had hurt him, she bore it all for him to see.

“He said that we had to save the world, that Tess was needed to fight your enemies and without her, you would lose, that we would all die.” Her voice shook with regret but she forged on, swallowing hard and taking another deep breath she continued on.

He would forgive her, he just had to. She saw it all clearly now.

“I was wrong, I should have come to you right away, I realize that now. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry and because of what happened, because of what I did, I changed the timeline and now Alex is dead. I screwed up Max and I need help to fix it, I don’t know if you can find it in your heart to forgive me, I know I’ll have to earn your trust again but I’m willing to do anything to just make this right. We belong together, I’ve always known it and I’ve asked my self over and over again, how can something so wrong feel so right and I finally have my answer.”

Straighten her back she took another hard swallow this time she swallowed her pride too.

“I love you Max Evans, nothing in this world could change that and I will work to prove to you that I deserve your love. I haven’t shown it enough and definitely not lately, but I will. You will never regret loving me. We belong together, we’ve broken laws together, we’ve jumped off bridges together and together we can face the world.”

Her eyes pleaded with his, and as he stood and silently took in all she had to say, she felt the burning in the pit of her something, something was wrong.

He closed his eyes briefly and when he opened them, the sorrow pierced straight through to her heart.

His voice was low and husky and the pain laced in was hard to miss.

“Liz, there's something I need to tell you. It's about Tess and me...”

“You're together now, I know.” She bounced back, they could still work it out, they had to.

His eyes now pleaded with her for understanding for forgiveness, why did he need forgiving?

The blood raged to her head, drowning in pain…something wasn’t right, she felt the depth of his pain and it rocked her down to her bones.

Breathing in deep she waited. His eyes rimmed with moisture and everything slowed down around her, his lips moved up and down and his muted voice was the only thing she could hear, the sensations hounded at her, drowning her…

“Liz... Tess is pregnant.”

Exhaling she let pain engulf her completely.

Twelve years later….

SECRET LOVERS By: Atlantic Starr

Here we are, the two of us together
Takin’ this crazy chance to be all alone

His warm lips grazed up her neck. Moaning she tilted her head to allow him better access. She felt his breath tickle her earlobes as his voice whispered out.

“Need you so bad baby..” Peppering soft kisses down her jaw line, before finally hungrily descending upon her lips completely.

It seemed like years since the last time, but it had been only a couple of weeks since the last time, it was too early but they couldn’t help it, the need was too great.

We both know that we should not be together

It was wrong, they both knew it, but somehow they just could never stay away from each other, they were meant to be together. They were each other’s soul mates.

‘Cause if we’re found out, it could mess up
Both our happy homes

Sean thought she was taking a spa day and he had generously offered to take Faith, their daughter to Albuquerque for a father / daughter day.

Tess thought he was meeting a new client in Honcho.

I hate to think about us all meeting up together
‘Cause as soon as I look at you it will show on my face, yeah

Yesterday they had run into each other at the grocery store, She with Sean and Faith and he with Tess and Zan. Politely exchanging pleasantries they had smiled and listened as their spouses made idle chit chat. Faith and Zan uncomfortably glancing at each other, did they know?

Then they’ll know that we’ve been loving each other
We can’t let ‘em know, no, no, no

Instantly his eyes had held mine and their connection flared to life as their souls reached out and claimed each other, fusing together as one, they both felt the bond ignite and just as they were about to lose themselves in each other, Faith had tugged her arm and dragged her away, glancing nervously back at Max, her biological father. Did she know? Could she tell, Liz wondered. Faith had never asked but Liz had felt her turmoil on occasion.

We can’t leave a trace
Secret lovers, yeah, that’s what we are

While standing in the check out lane she had excused her self to the restroom and met him there, where he was already waiting. He had felt the pull too, the pull for each other that, no matter how hard they tried, could never be ignored. In between heated kisses they agreed to meet today, here

We should not be together
But we can’t let go, no, no

Her breath quickened as she felt the heat of his mouth feverishly make its way down her body towards her dark curls and when she finally felt his tongue, she cried out in pleasure. It was a need of his, to always taste her, to always bring her to the throes of ecstasy before he even entered her, and this time wasn’t different, she came twice before he was satisfied that he had satisfied her and then only then with haste inhalation did he plunge his hard throbbing manhood into her drenched folds.

‘Cause we love each other so

A satisfied groan rumbled from deep within his chest as she screamed his name in pleasure, leaning down he captured her lips in his, her desperate cries now silent, the only sound of their lovemaking was their almost animalistic noises and the slapping of their skin. Wrapping her legs around his waist she urged him deeper and her body writhed under his.

Sittin’ at home, I do nothin’ all day
But I think about you and hope that you’re okay

He tore his mouth away from hers and lifted his head up “Look at me.” He commanded

She opened her eyes and met his expectant ones, now clouded with desire and swirls of love. She knew what he wanted, he needed to see, needed reaffirmation. Opening her connection fully, she let him feel the onslaught of her love that she normally kept hidden so far that you literally had to be part of her to know was there. Feeling his heart swell with love he then projected all he felt for her back, the love burned through her blood, singed her soul and branded her heart.

Hopin’ you’ll call before anyone gets home
I wait anxiously alone by the phone

This is what kept her going through her days, his love for her fills her like no other, and at times she wonders if it’s all worth it, the pain they could cause and at times like these, nothing else matters but them and then she knows, feels it deep within her, that he’s worth it. He'd always been worth it.

How could something so wrong be so right
I wish we didn’t have to keep our love out of sight, yeah

Sweat trickled slid down his chest and she hungrily reached up nibbled his nipples, his taste burning its way down her throat. Sucking his tawny skin as he moaned louder, her fingernails dug deep into his back, the mixed sensations igniting a deeper need within him.

Living two lives just ain’t easy at all
But we gotta hang on in there or fall

Just when she thought the pleasure couldn’t get any better, their souls, once again found each other and bonded, the sheer pleasure of becoming one washed over both their bodies and together they flew higher and higher before their bodies exploded together.

You and me, are we friends
Is this cool or do we care

Collapsing onto her he leaned down and suckled each of her breast, taking each into his mouth gently flicking his tongue over her nipples.

Swiftly he turned and laid down on the bed pulling her onto his chest as his fingers slowly caressed her hair.

“You’re so beautiful Liz.”

She kissed his chest.

Can they tell what’s in our minds
Maybe they’ve had secret loves all of the time

“I love you.” he said this time, his thumb now stroking her cheek.

“I love you too Max.” She whispered, but he heard her and he tightened his arm around her.

“I wish, I wish this all could have been different. I wish that so much.” His voice held so much regret and sorrow. She couldn’t let him do this, he always did this, tried to take all the blame.

In the middle of making love we notice the time
We both get nervous ‘cause it’s way after nine

“I was too stupid to realize a good thing when I had it, it’s my fault.” She told him. They had this conversation many times over the years.

“You’re not stu…”

Glancing out the window, she cut him off. “It’s dark out…we have to go.”

Even though we hate it, we know it’s time that we go
We gotta be careful so that no one will know

They dressed slowly and dejectedly, knowing their time was up. “I’ll go first and drive to the dessert for a bit, I need to check on something at the chamber. That should give us enough time in between the both of us, not to raise suspicion.” They lived nowhere near each other, but you could never be too cautious.

Secret lovers, yeah, that’s what we are
Trying so hard to hide the way we feel

“Faith’s powers are developing more, last week she healed a dog.” She told him.

“She still doesn’t know?” he asks forlornly, he wants to be her father, he wants to be there for his daughter, but the risk is too great and again he thinks about all that he’s lost all these years.

Sensing his depressive state, she reaches out and pulls him to her. “It’s only for a couple more years Max, just until the threat has passed.” She gently reminds him, resting her head on his chest. They had both agreed years earlier they would stay apart, both still wary of Tess leaving.

“Still no powers for Zan.” Max tells her, his subtle way of reminding her that he had never been meant to be with Tess, how could two hybrid aliens have a one hundred percent human child, and his child with Liz, a human have powers.

“We’ve been working together on our powers, she’s really strong already. When the time comes, we’ll be ready.”

‘Cause we both belong to someone else
But we can’t let go

“I love you Liz, only you.”

She knew that, but it didn’t change anything. One day they would be together. Until then this was all they had.

‘Cause what we feel is, oh, so real
So real, so real, so real, so real