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Already Gone (CC,M/L,TEEN) 1/1 Complete

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 6:50 pm
by chunkmonster2
Title: Already Gone
Author: Chunkmonster.
Disclaimer:The characters of "Roswell" belong to Jason Katims, Melinda Metz, WB, and UPN. They are not mine and no infringement is intended."
Pairings/Couples/Category: (CC) - M/L
Rating: (Teen)
Summary: When is it really time to let go?

Author's Note: I wanted to take a break from my main story right now and write a really quick short! I wanna know your feedback on it so definitely make sure to stop by my author section and lemme know what you think. I value all feedback since I am still very new to writing. Thanks everyone, hope your enjoy

Already Gone. - Part 1/1

Max Evans had made a vow many, many years ago.

To never let her go.

She was his wife, it was only natural he do everything he could in his power to keep her safe for as long as they both shall live.

But was it ever time for him to give up?

Of course not.

A 68 year old Max set next to the hospital bed of his wife, who he adored as much as the first time he laid eyes on her as a boy, and who he still believed to this day was the prettiest woman in the world.

She had aged so gracefully, just four years ago people were always shocked when hearing her true age. Of course she had aged but truly like a fine wine. Her hair hadn't entirely lost it's color, like most women her age it was salt and pepper. Liz had never wanted to conform to old age standard so she had always refused to cut her hair short and get the "old lady perm" as she always jokingly referred to it.

Max run his right hand through her hair pushing it back from her face. To say 50 years ago she was the love of his life was ignorant, he couldn't have known entirely what that meant back then. But now, in this very moment, sitting next to her bed after all these years and everything they had been through.... he could say it, he could say it confidently, he could say it with certainty.

It had been years since they sorted out the mess of their youth caused by his gifts. They had long since been passed the hardships of their youth. As they grew older together they realized there was more important things in life. After all the couple had made some astounding achievements in their lives; although they would simply be considered simple milestones to most others.

One of them being of course that they had married shortly after running away from graduation. They had lived on the road with their closest friends until the time they could prove their innocence, but after they had, the world was opened up for them. They no longer had obstacles holding them back from the very things they wanted the most, but surprisingly when the world is at your feet -- sometimes you realize what really matters.


Liz herself had dreamed of attending university and escaping the small town life. She wanted to write books and be noted for her findings, her hard work and her achievements. When the opportunity arose it just simply didn't seem important to her anymore. For so long she had cared about being adored by others for her hard work, but now she simply wanted to be adored by those closest to her -- her friends, her family. This is why it was a shock to everyone when she decided to turn down her opportunity of an education and settle back into the small city of Roswell with her young husband.

Max could remember those days.

As he held his wife's hand he allowed his memory to wander to when their love was still considered young and adventurous. Their first house, with all their "hand-me-down" furniture from their parents. Back then they dreamed of one day they would have things to fill their small home, to make it not so simple.

Now Max longed for the simple things.

They were young, they were in love - it comes as no surprise the majority of his memories of them from that time was of their love making. It was fun, spontaneous, sexy; just all around great sex. In every inch of their home for that matter. At that age you never burnt out... ever.

Max flashed a couple years forward.

He smiled as he picture his wife standing in the kitchen complaining about how wide she was. A life growing inside her. He always told her but she simply never believed him, but to him she was more beautiful to him than ever. Something about her carrying their child was an amazing sight to the young man. She was still attractive.

To him it had never been about her body.

It was her smile.

Her eyes.

Her soul.

It was simply her, and everything that made her who she was.

If it included swollen ankles and sometimes difficult attitude then so be it.

She was the one he loved.

Life certainly wasn't without it's difficulties, without its hardships. Raising children was not they easiest task -- sometimes he wondered if it would actually be easier to be back on the road only caring for yourself and running from the FBI. Raising children was a lot, more than you could ever expect.

They were blessed with three.

The couple had decided on two children. Two daughters came nearly back to back, only two years apart.

Life decided otherwise.

Nearly five years later, a loving night alone led to their third.

A son.

Liz had given him everything he had ever wanted.

She had given him love, understanding, compassion.

She had blessed him with a family, a life and normalcy. Things he always believed would never be attainable for him.

Max's concentration on his memories was broken by the nurse doing her regular check-up on Liz. Max attempted to smile in the woman's direction, a forced smile. These nurses and doctors were here to care for his wife but he always felt like she was just another patient to them. They possibly couldn't care for her the way he did. She finished her rounds in the room and exited again. The room was silent again, it was Max and his wife, all alone.

Max gripped her hand tighter and leaned in closer to his wife. Closing his eyes again he remembered her.

He remembered their arguments.

Petty fights.

And the ones that felt like they would take his marriage.

They happened, even for this couple who were so in love.

When life gets difficult they are bound to happen. When you have children, jobs and all these other things in life that take your attention away from the ones you care about sometimes you forget to smile at the one you love, or simply tell them you love them.

It had happened.

It couldn’t be denied.

There were times when he wasn't sure why they were holding on anymore.

And then...

Then he would find that moment that would remind him.

Then he would come home and find his wife teaching his son the ABC's on the living room floor. The small letters strewn around the pair of them while he watched the little boy struggle to place these simple letters in order. Without disturbing them he watched as Liz, caring as always, took her time with the boy. Showing him the same love and understanding she had showed Max, as she helped her son with the simplest things in life.

It was in these moments he remembered who she was, who he was and why they were still holding on.

Sometimes it was as simple as her arm around his waste as he watched his eldest daughter leave for her prom.

Or he hand pat on his knee as he held back tears as his middle daughter was married to her very own high school sweetheart.

Or when they watched their final child graduate high school, knowing that it was going to be them again, all alone.

Alone, like they are in right at this very moment in this hospital room. For so long now it had just been the two of them.

How would he live without her?

There were moments riddled throughout his life which reminded him why he fell in love with her in the first place.

At times they were small, maybe even sometimes insignificant. But they were always there.

Max opened his eyes a moment to glance down at his wife. She lay so helpless on the hospital bed, life seemed so unfair right now. Max wasn't giving up yet. He would never give up. Not once they made it to this point. With the gifts he had been given it was going to be simple to achieve his motive tonight -- to do what any husband would do if they could.

Save his wife.

Before Max followed through with his plan he allowed himself a moment to process the final chapter of their life. The chapter that had brought them here.

It was filled with so many happy moments.

Once you get to a certain point in life you realize nothing else matters.

It was bliss.

Even after so many years of having children to care for, when it was just the two of them again there was always something to live for.




Max remembered it all. Their first grey hairs. Their crows feet setting in deeper and deeper by the year. The loss of staying connected with the technology ever growing around them. It was all perfect, it was all as it should be.

And their love?

Stronger than ever.

Life was just as it should be, that is until they received the news.

Just four short years ago, Liz feelings of nausea had turned to more of a concern when she collapsed grocery shopping.

A trip to the doctor revealed the source.

It was now he was reminded his wife was mortal.


After all these years and all the things they had fought it just didn't seem possible that something like cancer would take his wife away.

It wouldn't.

At first she had been as adamant as he was. He healed her, as he had done for those children so many years ago.

Months went by of unrelinquished happiness.

Then it popped up again.


This time Liz decided that maybe she should go through with the treatments, deal with this situation as any other woman would.

She joined groups.

Did walks of hope.

Lost her hair.

And eventually got better.

Once again they had more months of unrelinquished bliss. This time feeling as though they had beat this disease the natural way. Unfortunately it was only temporary.

This time the cancer had spread to her brain.

Liz fell into a coma.

Max brought her out of it. He wouldn't let her go.

Being as old as he was the healing took a lot out of him, it actually felt as it knocked years off of his own life.

Max went back to believing his wife would be safe and happy and live an eternity.

Liz didn't. She knew.

Max opened his eyes again allowing his memories to fade. He squeezed his wife's hand again as he scanned her face. The last four years of her life had been so hard on her. The woman who had aged so gracefully was beginning to age rapidly. Her hair seemed to be getting whiter by the day. Her body was more frail than ever. This disease was killing her and in a roundabout fashion it was killing Max as well.

It was time. Time to make this situation right.

Max lifted her hand to his lips and kissed it gently as tears streamed down his cheeks.

"I love you." he uttered softly.

"I love you too."

Confused Max opened his eyes. He looked at his wife who was still unconscious on the bed. Quickly glancing around the room his eyes met with an image of his wife, surrounded in white, standing across the room from him.

"Liz?" Max questioned wiping his eyes of tears.

She smiled like the first time she laid eyes on him.

Max smiled in return.

"I am just about to make this better Liz" Max replied.

Liz smile remained soft, "I know Max. I know"

"Things will be good again, right?" He questioned his wife

Liz shook her head.

"But... I can fix this." Max said concentrating on the body of his wife laying on the bed next to him.

"You can't Max."

"I can."

"I'm so sorry." she continually spoke softly, completely without fear.

Max looked up to the image of his wife.

"I'm already gone." she said shaking her head.

Max refused to believe this, "No. Then why are you hear. Why are you laying right next to me. Still breathing, your heart still beating. Still living.

"I'm not living Max. I'm being kept alive." she said as she moved closer to him, "Modern medicine is keeping me trapped in my body, in limbo. I know it will be hard but it's time. You need to let go."

Max shook his head again, "I refuse. You can't leave me, not after everything.... everything we've been through. I need you. And I can make this right. And I will."

"It's killing you. Every time you heal me, it's killing you."

"I don't care." he snapped back. His wife's life was way more precious to him than his own.

"I do. And it's not the natural order. It's time to let me go. I am already gone Max."

Max looked up at the image of her emotion running wild throughout his body, "You're not. Then why would you be here."

"I'm here to help you say goodbye."

Max began sobbing almost uncontrollably.

"A long time ago you helped me say goodbye to a woman I adored. That night I asked you to help her, to save her. Do you remember what you told me?"

Max remembered, but he wasn't going to answer the question.

"You are not god. It's my time Max. You know that. We have done everything so now it is time. It is time to say goodbye."

Max squeezed her hand tightly in his as he took a deep breath trying to catch his composure.

Standing from his seat he leaned over his wife's body.

As he kissed her forehead his tears fell on her skin below him.

Leaning in close to her ear he whispered his last few words to her.

"I will always love you. Goodbye"

Max sat back down in his chair, next to her side. He listened as the machines in the room indicated she was leaving -- leaving this world for good.

But he already knew, he could feel it.... she had already gone.