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Ghost Of You (M/L,CC,Adult) [WIP]

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 6:01 am
by dreambeliever

Title: Ghost Of You

Rating: Adult

Summary: Set during Departure, Max goes back to Liz after she leaves him in the Jeep and Liz's life is changed forever. Max leaves with Tess to Antar. Isabel and Michael stay back here on Earth. Years Later Max comes back.......Liz is different and has new priorities now.......can Max and Liz work it out....

Disclaimer: I own nothing but the story line and a few new'll know which ones. The rest belongs to CW, UPN, Fox, Jason Katims, Melinda Metz and whoever else.

A/N - Okay folks...this is my second story ever. I started this one while writing Delirious. There were things I wanted to see happen and they just didn't quite make it in that story and so this story was born. I owe Vanessa AKA Roswellian117 a big shout out for renaming this fic. I believe it stems from the song 'Ghost Of You' by My Chemical Romance.I may not be able to update as I'd like but Delirious is my priority at the moment. I'm having a very blah day and thought I'd post this fic in hopes the feedback will make me feel better. **Smiles**

If anyone would like to make a banner for this fic, I would greatly appreciate it. PM me for details.
As always enjoy and feedback is not only helpful, and appreciated It is needed.. :D

Chapter 1

Liz threw herself on her bed, sobbing.

It can't survive here, he's dying... We're leaving….

Tears were pouring uncontrollably she couldn’t make them stop,

We're leaving..

This was the way it was supposed to be. This is what she had set out to do, why did it hurt so much? She felt his strong arms embrace her.

“Shh…it’s okay Liz…I’m so sorry baby…so sorry..I wish…I wish I could change it all.”
Liz turned to him and buried her face in his chest.

“Max..I’m the one that’s sorry….I mean Tess is your destiny, this is supposed to happen….so why does it hurt so much for me?” She cried out again.

Holding her tightly, he thought about what was happening in just a few short hours, he was leaving the planet, leaving Liz. Leaving his soul mate, for his destiny. If this was the way it was supposed to be then why did it hurt so much? He wanted to cry with her, but he knew he had to be strong…for her. He raised his hands towards each of her four walls and concentrated on thickening the molecules in the walls, essentially soundproofing her room. They didn’t need her parents walking in on them.

“Liz…I’m sorry, I love you, I’m so sorry…. I never meant for any of this to happen…I’m sorry baby, I’m so sorry.” He didn’t know where the endearment came from; he just said what he was feeling in his heart. He looked down at her as he tried to soothe her.

Max’s heart hurt just looking down at her. The only thing he could do was show her how much he loved her. He cupped her face in his hands tilted her head up to him and leaned down and kissed her. His lips gently and slowly caressed hers. He tried to pour all his love for her into her. As she started to react to his kiss his need for her deepened. He felt her love for him swarming his senses. His insides were on fire. She moaned and he couldn’t hold back any more, he lifted her shirt over her head, his mouth searing her skin, leaving a trail of light streaks over her body. He heard her moan his name and he nibbled harder on her soft flesh. He would give her this night. His pleasure would be found tonight in pleasing her. His hand reached out and tenderly caressed her small perfect breast. He held back a groan as he marveled at how perfect they fit in his hands. Basking in the way he heard her breathing his name over and over again. He captured her nipple in his mouth and suckled and flicked. He brought his hands down her body and slowly worked to undo her buttons of her pants. He slid her pants down her legs. He leaned down and gently kissed the area above her panty line. He very gently caressed her skin and tugged her panties down her long slender legs, while gently peppering her legs with kisses along the way. He ran his tongue up her body. He could smell her desire and she smelled so sweet to him, she smelled uniquely Liz, her essence mixed with strawberries. Something primal took over his body and he needed to taste her, he reached out with his tongue and licked and swirled. He paid attention to her moans and body movements; he made sure he paid more attention to the areas that seemed to make her moan more or louder. He found her clit and his tongue sucked and twirled her special spot. He reached up with his hand and ever so gently he sent a small burst of energy through her. This seemed to bring her over the edge, he felt her body tense up and then he felt her orgasm wash over, he looked up and watched her as she came, and she was so beautiful. He studied her and tried to burn this moment into his memory and then her juices spilled out. He lapped it up fast, not wanting to let a single drop get away from his tongue. This would be the only time he would taste her and he wanted all of her.
When he was sure he had sucked up all of her. He slowly made his way back up her body, feathering light kisses along her body. He trailed kissed up her neck and leaned in to take her mouth again. She reached down and pulled his shirt above his head and gazed at his golden chest shining in the moonlight filtering in. She closed her eyes and memorizing this moment. He watched as her eyes slowly opened and looked into his. He fell deeper into her eyes.

He knew what she wanted but he wanted to hear her.

“Make love to me Max.” She answered his silent question.

“Are you sure? I can only give you this Liz. Right now.” His Amber eyes gazed into her soft brown eyes, silently asking for reassurance that this was what she really wanted.

“Yes, please I want to for just this once to feel what it would have been like for us to be together.”

Max only nodded, he knew it was selfish, but he wanted Liz too. He wanted, no he needed to be her first. He knew it was selfish and even being hypocritical but now that he knew that she hadn’t slept with Kyle, he wanted to be her first. He felt a moment of guilt and sorrow at not being able to give her back the same, but he shook it off. Now was not the time to be thinking about that. She was ready for him, he could feel her slick with moisture for him. The feelings she brought upon him made him groan, his cock throbbing for entrance into her. He positioned himself right over and readied himself. Giving one last questioningly glance to Liz, seeing her approval he leaned down and captured her mouth slowly at first, gentle and then his tongue darted out and demanded entrance just as he thrust in her with one swift push. He claimed her gasps of pain in his mouth, hoping to try and ease the pain a little. He guided one hand down to her area and softly laid it upon her.

She felt the warm sensation in her immediately, and knew Max was healing her; he was taking away her pain. Max lifted his mouth away from hers, a soft growl leaving his lips just before he leaned down and caressed her neck. He was thrusting in her slowly but fiercely. Pleasure ripped through their bodies. Their connection was wide open to both of them. He could feel what pleasured her more and when he felt that she liked something he did, he did it again. He heard her whimper and knew that she needed more, he needed more. He thrust into her and with every thrust their bodies cried out for more, for completion. Max could feel her orgasm coming, he was close too. He pushed into her, harder, faster. His moans of pleasure escaping his lips before he could even realize it. He lifted his head and looked directly at Liz, sensing his eyes on her, Liz opened her eyes. Love brightly shining in her glassy orbs and at that moment he fully grasped the enormity of the situation. He loved her, she was his other half, the passion he had for her could never be tainted, could never die. She loved him, not as the one who healed her, not just as Max, but as a man. And she’s mine. Unfamiliar words whispered through their souls. Her hips arched up as he pounded into her, her legs wrapped around his waist, her nails digging into his back, but he felt none of that, all he could feel was Liz, claiming his soul. He felt all her love and he tried to send his back to her. And with a few more thrusts they were floating, floating through time and space.

“Max…oh yes, yes oh Max.”

He thrust one last time into her before he went over the edge.

“Liiiiiizzzz, I love you Liz, god, I love you so much.” He nuzzled her neck.

And then his seed spilled into her, her tight folds clenching his pulsing cock.

He leaned up and took her mouth in his, tenderly taking her lips, moving his mouth along her jaw line he softly but possessively whispered in her ear.

“You are mine.”

Already dozing off, she barely whispered out… “yesss” and then sleep claimed her.

He laid there braced on his elbows and watched her sleep. He kissed her eyelids, her mouth, her neck, her shoulder blades. He watched her chest fall and rise as she breathed peacefully. He brushed a few strands out of her face and caressed them through his fingers. He would miss her so much. For as long as he could remember she had been a part of his life, even when she hadn’t even known, and now he was leaving. Leaving her…his other half, his light, his heart, his everything.


Can’t sleep….can’t breathe…no..he’s gone…all alone… empty.

It can't survive here, he's dying... We're leaving….

She made her way through the streets of Roswell with only her pajamas on. She turned onto Murray Lane, only one place in mind.

Need to be close…..closer….so empty…..hurts…… everything hurts….. She quietly pushed the window open, she knew it would be unlocked, she had left it that way this morning. She landed on the carpet with a soft thud and slowly made her way to the bed. She crawled tiredly in between the sheets and snuggled herself in.

Now she could sleep…better….safe….warmth….still hurt but not as much. She thought to herself as she drifted to her dreams, dreams where he would be waiting, dreams where he had chosen her.

Where he loved her enough to stay.

Diane Evans opened the door to Max’s room slightly. She had been lying in her bed and had heard a noise coming from the room. She was pretty sure she knew what the noise was but wanted to double check any ways. She peeked in and observed a sleeping Liz, wrapped up under Max’s blankets. Just like every other night this week. The night that her and Phillip had found out that Max had ran away, she had wandered into Max’s room, just to remember, where she had found Liz crying on the bed. She had sat on the bed next to Liz and had wrapped the girl up in her arms where they had cried together.

She closed the door softly comforted with the thought that at least someone else in this world was missing Max as much as she was. Sighing she went back to bed.

Sooo.....what does everyone think? 8)

Re: Ghost Of You (M/L,CC,Adult) Ch 1, 4/29/10

Posted: Mon May 03, 2010 7:35 pm
by dreambeliever
begonia9508-True....her love for him, besides all else has always been strong.

keepsmiling7- Max has always had some selfish ways when it comes to Liz, he did know it was wrong..but wanted it as much as she did.

mary mary-"You don't just screw someone because you're leaving the planet and probably will never be back" But that's exactly why he did it... :) She wanted it just as much, they both went in eyes wide open..sorta :wink: PS....I will post the banner after this post...didn't want to give away too much. :mrgreen:

dreamerfiend- Thank You.... :D

kissme4ever123- you go. :mrgreen:

Roswellian117- :mrgreen: :wink:

zaneri1- 8) Thanks for the feedback

LoveIsForever - "In this story though he shouldn't have slept with Liz that wasn't the right thing to do when you're living the planet with you're pregnant girlfriend."
True.....but they both really wanted just one night. It wasn't about either of them just hopping into bed together (That's what he did with Tess :wink: ) Max and Liz have history together, deep feelings for each other......they both just wanted to share just one final night together.

jake17 - "HAPPY DANCE.....HAPPY DANCE.....I made Carrie "swoon" I'm blushing Aw shucks...Thank You. :mrgreen:

Thanks to all that left feedback and to those who lurk....hopefully you'll enjoy. I'm not very good with angst...I tried.

I posted two chapters becuase I felt they needed to go together.


Chapter 2

She jumped out of bed, barely making it to the bathroom in time before she emptied the contents of her stomach. She sat on the bathroom floor next to her closest friend for the past few months, The Porcelain King, she called him.

She stood up and made her way to the sink, The Porcelain Queen, where she washed her face and rinsed out her mouth.

“At least you’re almost past your first trimester and then these early morning rituals will become a thing of the past.”

She looked up to see Isabel behind her in the bathroom mirror. She felt Isabel soothingly rub her back trying to comfort her.

“Yeah, Yeah.” She grumbled. She turned and made her way back to the bed, knowing that Isabel would turn off the light and follow her into her room. Isabel helped her back into the bed and under the covers. In her condition it was already becoming uncomfortable.

She rubbed her tummy and as she settled back in for the next few hours her mind flashed backed to the day she had confirmed she was pregnant.

“Liz, the test results came back positive. By the size of the fetuses you are approximately four and a half weeks along.”

Fetuses?? As in more than one? Did the doctor just say fetuses?

“Ahem Doctor?” I heard Mrs. Evans ask as she cleared her throat, “Did you say fetuses?”

“Yes, she’s carrying twins.” The doctor said.

Twins. Not only was I a pregnant single teen, but I was now carrying twins and the father wasn’t even around, hell he wasn’t even on the planet.

When had her life gotten so complicated?

Was I disappointed? No. I actually felt happier, calmer than I had in months. I had a part, well technically two parts of Max and I growing inside of me.

She shook herself out of her thoughts.

Don’t dwell on the past Liz. She reminded herself.

Sighing she made her way back to her bed. Well technically it was Max’s bed. She laid down and closed her eyes and thought about her parents finding out about the pregnancy.

“We’re disappointed Liz, but this….situation can be fixed.”


“You’ll have an abortion.” Her father had flatly told her.

“I will not abort my baby.” She hadn’t even even been able to tell them that she was carrying twins.

“Be reasonable Liz, you’re seventeen; this is your last year of high school. The father, according to you, left town with his current girlfriend. You have your whole life ahead of you. You’ll go to Harvard, graduate and someday meet a nice man, marry and then decide to start a family.”

“No. I want this baby dad. I can make it work. I know I can.”

“No. You will have an abortion. One day you’ll thank me.”

“Thank you. Thank you. There is no way I would ever thank you for making me kill my baby. I may not have planned this pregnancy, but this baby is very much wanted. I’m keeping it.”

Her dad then snapped “Not as long as you are under this roof young lady. You will have an abortion.”

“Fine” Liz replied curtly, she turned on her heals and ran to her bedroom.

A few hours later, there was a knock on her door. She zipped up the last of her things in her suitcase.

“Come in”

“Honey I know you th….” Her mom stopped short, just entering her bedroom.

“What are you doing Liz? What’s all this?”

“My things….I’m moving out.”

“Moving out? Moving where?”

“I don’t know yet.”

“You don’t know? Your dad isn’t kicking you out Liz, he was just upset. He..he means well. He only wants what’s good for you.”

“Forcing me to have an abortion is NOT good for me.”

“Liz he’s not kicking you out.”

“Mom he said that as long as I was under his roof I wasn’t allowed to keep the baby. Well this way I will keep the baby and I won’t be under his roof.”
“Jeeefff. Jeeefff.”
Footsteps pounded in the hall.

“What? What’s going on in here?”

“Liz is moving out. She wants to keep the baby Jeff. Tell her she can’t move out. Tell her.”

“Do you still plan on not aborting the pregnancy?” He asked his jaw tight, his eyes hard.


“Fine. Take care Liz” And he turned and walked out

Nancy stood atop the stairs and watched her daughter and Isabel carry the bags into the waiting Jeep. She heard Jeff come up behind her.

“She’ll be back Nancy. Just give her a few days to see reason. She’ll come to her senses. Don’t worry.” He turned and left.

Remembering Liz’s determined face, Nancy hadn't been quite as sure.



“That’s it Liz. Hold my hand. Breathe….woo hoo hoo.”

“Michael I am breathing…you try squeezing two alien babies the size of watermelons out of your private parts, the size of a lemon…… and then we’ll see who wants to woo hoo hoo.”

“Nice and easy Liz...nice and easy….don’t want to upset the babies too much.” Diane spoke softly to Liz as she patted a cool washcloth on Liz’s forehead.

The contraction passed and Liz looked up gratefully at Diane. She counted her blessings for having so many people in her life. She didn’t know how she could’ve done this without them. She looked around the room at those closest to her. Isabel and Maria were standing at the foot of the bed, prepping for the next contraction.

After she had found out she was pregnant they knew a hospital birth would be out of the question, Isabel and Maria had both taken classes to become midwives. She turned her head to Kyle and Phillip both standing nervously in the far corner.

Phillip and Diane had joined the ‘I know an alien club’ a couple of months ago when they had walked in on a pregnant sleeping Liz, completely encased in a silver shield.

There had been no way to explain that. They had both been a little surprised and skeptic at first, but now they were full fledged members.

Liz turned back to the man holding her hand, the man who hadn’t left her side since she had gone into labor. Michael.

She felt Diane pat her head again with the cool damp washcloth. She looked back to Michael. He had surprisingly turned out to be a very close friend. When he found out about the pregnancy he had watched over Liz like a hawk. She never would have guessed the gruff aloof guy she thought him to be turned out to be a thoughtful and loyal friend.

She tried to block out the pain and tried to focus on him. Noticing her attention he spoke up.

“Sorry I can’t help out more with the pain.”

“It’s okay Michael; you’ve done more than enough.” And he had, he had used some alien magic on her and was able to lessen the pain some.

He nodded briefly. He knew she needed to focus on something, anything except the pain that was increasingly making itself known between her legs. Feeling another contraction, she squeezed his hand harder.


Breathe Liz…..woo hoo hooo”

“Woo hoo hooo….oooooo…..shhiiiittt…that hurts, something’s happening….I feel something different.” Liz cried out

Isabel and Maria ran down to the foot of the bed.

“Oh my god!”

Liz tried to lift her head but was too tired. Her head rolled back as the pain ripped through her body.

“The baby’s coming…I can see the head. Come on Liz, push.”

“What the hell is that glowing stuff?”


Maria and Isabel shouted to him

“What? I can see it from across the room. Is it supposed to be doing that?”

“Shut up Kyle!”

Liz heard none of this, she closed her eyes and and pushed.”

“That’s it Liz” she heard Michael’s gentle voice in her ear “ don’t worry about them….just push…think about you and the babies…your babies. That’s all that matters. You and the babies Liz. You can do it. Push.”
He’s right, I can do this….my babies they need me. She breathed in deeply and gave a strenuous but strong push. She felt the baby sliding out and then there was warmness and the pain went away. She felt the baby leave her body, she wanted to look at her, to check her over, but she could feel the second baby already making her way out, another final push, a bright blinding light glimmered and hovered over her and then with one final push the second one was out too.

Inside waves of love rippled through her body. A warm sensation traveled through her, she knew then what was happening.

They had healed her on their way out. She could feel both of them. They weren’t scared, they were both very excited to finally be with their mommy.

Liz collapsed back onto the pillows. Fighting to keep her eyes open. She had been going at this for the past twenty two hours. But that didn’t matter, they mattered she needed to see them.

“Where are they? Are they okay?” she asked right before two loud screams pierced the air.

Isabel who had one baby swaddled in a pink blanket cooed and rocked the baby.

“Shhh…all is good. Nooo more baby. You are just a precious little thing aren’t you?”

Maria was softly rocking and soothing the baby in a swaddled purple blanket.

“Aww just so little…let’s go see your mommy”

She walked tenderly to Liz and set the baby in Liz’s waiting arms.

“All ten fingers and ten toes….I checked. She’s perfect Liz.”

Liz looked down at her daughter’s sleeping face.

“That makes two. This one here is just as perfect. I gave her a complete scan. She’s beautiful.” Isabel softly set pink blanket baby in Liz’s other arms and stepped away from the bed to observe the sight in front of her.

“They’re both beautiful and perfect Liz.”

Liz softly smiled down at her bundles. Yes they were.

“Look up Liz and say cheese”

Liz looked up to Phillip, who was standing at the foot of the bed camera in hand


“Got it, the first picture of mommy and daughters”

“Phillip, set it to timer and we’ll get one with everyone in it, please.” Liz told him. She wanted to capture this day with everyone.

Phillip did as instructed and joined the group around the bed.

“Okay, now say little green men”

“KYLE!” They shouted laughing.



Liz was walking along the beach. It was a perfect day, she could hear the waves crashing, soothing her. She lifted her head up to the blue sky and soaked up the warm sun.

Something tugged inside of her. She lowered her head and looked around, spotting a basket In the distance.

Something or someone called to her to go closer. She made her way over. Getting closer she noticed it wasn’t just a basket it was a bassinet.

She kneeled down next to the basinet and peeked inside.

Sparkling blue eyes stared back at her.

I was waiting for you…

The words spoke in her head

Opening her mouth she looked disbelieving to the baby.

“Was that you…in my head..just now?”


“How are you doing that?”

I don’t know, I just can

“You said you were waiting for me..why?”

You’re her, the one I see in my dreams.

“You’re a dream?”

I don’t know

"What’s your name?"

Whatever you want it to be.

The name Zan flashed through her mind.



“Where’s your mom Zan?”

I don’t know…I’ve been looking for her, I think I found her but I don’t know where she’s at.

“Where are you?”

I don’t know.

“Well that just won’t do. We’ll just sit and wait and see if she comes around.”

Lifting Zan out of the bassinet, she held him close. Zan snuggled up in the crook of her arm. Closed his eyes and nodded off to sleep.

Liz stared down at the sleeping baby in her arms.

Whose baby was this?

Good question Liz…it’s your dream….right…dream…why did I name him Zan?

Cause you were thinking of Max, that’s why.

Sighing she tenderly stroked Zan’s small hands. He reached out and grasped her finger and held on tight.

Liz’s heart melted.

Looking down at him, she realized he wasn’t much older than her girls.

Where was his mom?

It’s just a dream Liz.

She couldn’t deny holding him tugged at her. Her motherly instincts kicking in.

She wanted to keep him safe.

She sat back with Zan in her arms and drifted to sleep with him.


Waking up from her nap, Liz thought about her dream. She felt as if something was missing inside of her.

She turned and watched as Phillip and Diane leaned over the cribs playing with the babies.

“…and we promise to spoil you rotten…at least as much as your mommy let’s us.” She heard Phillip whispering to the pink blanket baby.

Pink blanket baby?

Oh, she forgot she hadn’t named them. She had just been so tired. After the pictures she had dozed off to sleep.

Sitting up she spoke aloud

“I guess we need to name them, we can’t keep calling them pink blanket baby and purple blanket baby.”

“Well…that’s not what we’ve been calling them, we call them the babies or precious or beautiful .”

Diane stated as she walked over to the bed. Sitting down on the edge she turned to Liz.

“Liz, Phillip and I would like to ask something of you.”

Phillip walked over and stood next to Diane reaching for her hand. He smiled comfortingly down at Diane and then to Liz.

Uh oh…this is serious. Phillip had that face on.

“Okay what’s up?” She hesitantly asked looking at both Diane and Phillip.

“Well…you’ve been living with us for months now and with the birth of the girls”

Oh no, they’re kicking me out..or..or..

“Well we’ve become family and the girls are our granddaughters and you’re like our daughter and we were wondering if..well if you would be comfortable with calling us mom and dad.”


She hadn’t expected this.

“We know you have parents and we’re not trying to replace them and we know you’re not with Max, but you’re a daughter to us and because you’re family now, you have been for awhile and we would be honored to be called mom and dad.”

They looked hopefully to her.

Liz looked back at them, they had been there for her when her parents hadn’t, had comforted her at night, soothed her morning sickness.

They were family to her too.

“I would be honored to call you mom and dad.” Tears shining in her eyes, her and Diane reached out at the same time and held each other in a tight hug.

“Thank You Liz” Diane whispered in her ear.

Liz pulled away and looked into Diane’s eyes

“No, thank you.”

“Why don’t I get everyone and let them know you’re ready to name the girls”

“That would be great Phillip..umm Dad…thanks.”

“Sure thing Liz.”

Everyone assembled around the room.

Excitement and anticipation crackled in the air.

Liz looked down at her daughters in her arms.

Slightly lifting pink blanket baby...

“Everyone…meet Zariah Michelle Evans.”

She looked purposely at Michael, letting him know the Michelle was for him. He nodded his understanding before breaking out into a grin.

“And…” Slightly lifting purple blanket baby

“This is Zierra Marabel Evans.”

Looking at Maria and Isabel. They knew already. Both were stupidly grinning from ear to ear.

“Beautiful Liz…just like them.” Diane spoke up

“They are aren’t they?”

“Hey…am I the only one that didn’t get a baby named after me.” Kyle spoke up just then

“Kyle she only has two….” Maria spoke up

“Well I’m just saying…I should get a baby named after me.”

Dejectedly Kyle shrugged and continued “Next one is gonna be named after me, or else I’m not naming any of my kids after any of you.” He chuckled leaning down to pick up Zariah.

“You would have made a beautiful Kyla.” He playfully told her.

“Kyle she makes a beautiful Zariah.”

“I’m just sayin…that’s all.”



Dialogue taken from Season 1 and 2 of Roswell

Song is ‘Ghost Of You’ by My chemical romance

Song Lyrics in Red

Flashbacks in Italic

Chapter 3

Liz sat on the kitchen nook table and arranged photos of the twins. They were six months old now and she had decided to put together a baby book for each of them.

She picked up a picture of Max. It looked to be a couple of years old, taken at school. She didn’t know who took the picture, probably Isabel she thought. She studied the photograph closer.

It was a picture of Max sitting in the quad at lunchtime looking at something off camera, his gaze intent.

Liz looked down at the picture and subconsciously her thoughts floated to him……

“I took that picture on the first day of school freshman year.”

Isabel’s voice broke through Liz’s memories, peering over her shoulder.

“It’s a nice picture of him.” I answer her.

“Yes it is, he was looking at you. ……even then he watched you.” She said somberly.

Without warning the memories flashed through Liz’s mind

Liz, LIZ! You have to look at me. You have to look at me.

You're all right now. You're all right.

I can't imagine how you must feel right now, I mean, I've thought about telling you a thousand times

I've never tried this before, but maybe I can make the connection go the other way. So you can see, you know that, that I'm still me.

It was you.

Why? Because if I read what you wrote in your journal, I realize how you really see me.

It feels life didn't even start until I told you the truth that day.

The memories flooded her head.

Hey. First moment anything weird happens, anything at all, you come back.

Cuz if I don't go right now, things are gonna change.

I’m gonna have to touch your hair...cuz it's so soft...and I'd have to tell you matter what we go through, it's all worthwhile for me because we're together.

Ask a girl to dance with you.

No…don’t think about him….don’t think about him. She grabbed her head in her hands as the pain creeped into her heart, and tried to shake away the memories.

I can understand if you have doubts...about us...I mean, second thoughts. Because committing to someone is hard enough without having to wonder...if they're even gonna be here tomorrow.

…….ever since we kissed...I've been off balance. You made me forget that anything else existed, but that's not real.

The pain in her heart pounded. She put her fist in her mouth to try to hold back the cry forcing itself up to be released. She squeezed her eyes shut tight to fight off the tears building up.

I think that's what being in love is.

The main thing is...I didn't just see what you saw. I felt...what you felt...when you saw me. And I never thought anyone could really...ever feel that way about me.

I'm glowing toes, my heart. You can't see it. It's on the inside.

Angrily she shoved the pictures away out of her sight and they billowed onto the floor.

I only know the part I'm hoping for.

Sounds around her muted and the only thing she could hear was Max’s voice, his words haunting her, even now.

Liz Parker...I don't think that was ever gonna be your destiny

Cries…crying…she could hear the twins crying in the distance…..something was wrong with her babies. She tried to focus.

“LIZ! LIZ! You need to calm down, you’re scaring the girls. LIZ!”

Hearing Isabel’s words made her panic even more…..oh god!...she was doing this to her babies….no…she had to get away…..

Forcing her feet to move she stumbled up and away from the table, grabbing the keys to the jeep she ran out the back door.

She hopped in the jeep and frantically drove off.

Tears flowed down her cheeks.

“MAX… “ she cried out with a new explosion of tears.

Liz, ……, I just...I want you to know that I don't feel anything for her. I look at you, and I know you're the person I'm supposed to be with. I've always known it. What happened here that day, when you got shot, and how that brought us's fate. Look at me. You're the one, Liz...the only one. I could never be with anyone else.

She hadn’t been the only one; he had been with someone else, before her.

You're what kept me alive. The thought of you, tThe way your eyes look into mine. Your smile. The touch of your skin. Your lips. Knowing you has made me human. Whether I die tomorrow or fifty years from now, my destiny is the same: it's you. I want to be with you, Liz. I love you.

Alive but not on Earth…she wasn’t enough to keep him here.

It's the four of us now.

Even then he hadn’t included her.

I felt that...and I know you did, too, and I know you think that...that I need to let you go...for the sake of Michael, and Isabel, and my you went to Tess. But she can't be you. Tess can never be you.

Yeah because she wasn’t what he had really wanted, what he needed. Tess was.

She pressed her foot against the gas pedal forcing the jeep to get there faster. She had to get away.

Hyperventilating she careened onto the dusty road and came to a screeching halt, sending clouds of dirt all around the jeep.

It was you.

Stopping, she fell out of the driver’s side and ran up the rocky mountain.

It can't survive here, he's dying... We're leaving

I wish, I wish this all could have been different. I wish that so much.

Not like I love you.

Stumbling she reached the entrance of the pod chamber. Tears and sweat blurred her vision.

I’m coming for you Liz…

Except he wasn’t he’d left……….with her.

She was hurt…angry. She pounded on the rocky wall.

I never said I'd lie and and wait forever
If I died we'd be together
I can't always just forget her
But she could try

Heaving she felt the burning in her throat with every breath she took…

He’s gone….Max is gone.

At the end of the world or the last thing I see
You are never coming home
Never coming home
Could I?
Should I?
And all the things that you never ever told me
And all the smiles that are ever ever ever

Her heart drummed against her chest, blood rushing to her head.

Panic rose up inside her.

Get the feeling that you're never
All alone and I remember now
At the top of my lungs in my arms she dies
She dies

The pain in her heart ripped through her body demanding attention.

How could he leave her. They had loved each other dammnit. He couldn’t just leave them.

She felt strong arms reach behind her forcing her to turn around. She was met by a solid wall. Hands ran through her hair.

“It’s okay Liz…it’ll be ok.” Michael soothingly ran his hands down her back.

Max left her. Her and his daughters…..oh god….he didn’t even know they had daughters..

Get the feeling that you're never
All alone and I remember now
At the top of my lungs in my arms she dies
She dies

She tried to push away from Michael.

A scream broke from her throat and wouldn’t stop. Cries of pain echoed through the quiet desert, echoing throughout. Her own grief, taunting her.

She pounded her fists on his chest.

“How could he leave me Michael? How…. How….co… leave us?”

“Why ….di…dn’t he love me…….. enough? You stayed…for Maria….why didn’t he?”

At the end of the world
Or the last thing I see
You are never coming home
Never coming home
Could I?
Should I?

She felt the sun hot against the back of her neck, fueling her fury even more. She beat on Michael’s chest like a war drum, pounding out her pain.

“He loved you Liz. He loved you so much.”

“Not en…enough…nev..never enough” She screamed out.

Her heartbeat quickened. She thought of a life without Max. The thought of her beautiful daughters never knowing their dad made her stomach hurt and she cried out louder.

And all the things that you never ever told me
And all the smiles that are ever gonna haunt me

“They’ll… ne…ver… know him. ….. deserve to….. know …… dad. What….. ha…. done? It wasn… be….way.”

Her words mixing in with her sobs and hiccups.

Her breathing slowed to shallow quick gasps. She knew Michael was talking to her…soothing her, but she heard none of it. She was forced to see the truth, to face reality.

Never coming home
Never coming home
Could I?
Should I?
And all the wounds that are ever gonna scar me
For all the ghosts that are never gonna catch me

If I fall
If I fall


Max was gone. Crying she fell to her knees. The pain in her chest burning through her. Her blood on fire and raging inside her..

At the end of the world
Or the last thing I see
You are never coming home

She felt hopeless, the tears spilling down her cheeks. The silence eerily encompassing her.

Never coming home
never coming home
Never coming home
And all the things that you never ever told me
And all the smiles that are ever gonna haunt me
Never coming home
Never coming home
Could I?
Should I?

Through her pain and her grief she could feel glimmers of love flowing through her, identical feelings, she reached out and recognized her daughters.

Love and hope surfaced she latched out on to her daughters.

Her breathing slowed, the tears ceased. Sniffling she began to plan out her future with her daughters. Since their birth she had been too busy to think about where she was headed but today she knew her future was determined by them.

And all the wounds that are ever gonna scar me
For all the ghosts that are never gonna

They were the most important people in her life.

They were also all that she had left of Max. They were a part of her and Max. Max wasn’t here but everyone else was and they all loved Zariah and Zierra.

They would be loved.

Liz turned her red rimmed eyes, now filled with determination up and looked into Michael’s eyes and knew everything would be alright.

“Let’s go home.”


Re: Ghost Of You (M/L,CC,Adult) Ch 2 & 3, 5/4/10

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 2:07 pm
by dreambeliever
zaneri1 wrote: Is it that Max and Zan are on earth or just Zan reaching out to Liz?
.....answers soon :twisted:
zaneri1 wrote:He had a responsability to for the well being of said child. No matter how much he wanted to stay with Liz.Hopefully at some point Liz will get that
She does....she did...she was just going through the many phases of grief. At this time she felt like she had really lost Max, like death....she didn't think he was ever coming back and it finally hit her.

dreamerfiend wrote:I love their names its so cute.......
Thank took me a little bit to try and figure out nice girl names that began with Z. I was happy with the results...glad you like them. :D
dreamerfiend wrote:Is Max gonna make an appearance soon?
Coming right up
mary mary wrote:Great update and like everyone else I'm wondering about the connection between Zan and Liz...why is the little guy looking for her? Has the love Max has for her passed on to his son? This part is confusing as all get out...shouldn't he have this connection with his mother or was Tess just the incubator so to speak and incapable of love of any kind? This is really confusing.
LOL...Sorry...I really try to not make things complicated but you know whenever Max is involved... :lol: Answers soon....not this chapter but the next......don't worry. :mrgreen:
begonia9508 wrote:If my daughter was pregnant, I would never force her to abortion... and I can't believe that Jeff turned her out into the street.... Nancy had really little to say in this marriage anyway...!
True....I always wondered about her on the show...
begonia9508 wrote:Loved how Michael was supportive of Liz!... He is going to be a great support for her and her girls!
He will be a big part of thier family....I always felt that Michael could be so much more on the show. We got to see tidbits but never enough.

keepsmiling7 wrote:Loved Kyle's statement when they were taking pictures....."little green men"........I love Kyle's humor, much needed in certain situations.
jake17 wrote:........maybe i wasn't supposed to get it right away... yeah that sounds good :wink: I just wasn't supposed to understand, its part of the story ..right?
Exactly...see you understood the part that was clearly un understandable?!? :lol: Don't worry more info on the dream soon...not this chapter, but the next. And thank you for the feedback.... :oops: :lol:

Natalie36: :mrgreen: Thank You.
Roswellian117 wrote:Wow what great use of the song. I really enjoyed both parts and have the honor to help in anyway I can!!
Thanks to you for suggesting the song...thanks for the FB..... :)

L-J-L 76: :lol: Answers soon.... :lol: thanks for reading.

Hi everyone.....I technically have not gotten this chapter back from thr you are reading the unedited version. Please excuse...well anything. I may change some things depends on what my beta says :D I will be a little busy over the next few days so I wanted to post what I had.


Chapter 4

Nine ½ years later……on Antar

“Just hold on a little longer buddy. We’re almost there.”

Max said over his shoulder to his ten year old son Zan, who was riding on his back and hanging on for dear life with every last breath.

Max steadied his footing with every step. Glancing down he stabled his feet before taking the next step. His eyes sweeping the blue rocky terrain for anything that would cause him to lose his footing. Seeing nothing he moved forward one step at a time. Not an easy feat but he had been doing it for the past six hours.

Zan was on his back, piggy back style and he carried Tess in his arms. He was tired but he couldn’t show it. He was the strongest out of the three.

Just a little bit farther. He would make it to the sarahanu within the hour, he hoped.

Sarahanu meant witch doctor in Antarian. Two days ago he had heard about her, that she had been willing to see him. He had made the preparations right away. They all needed to see her. All three of them were ill. Had been since practically the very beginning.

His thoughts drifted as he pushed himself forward.

“Max. She’s fine, no sign of a baby.”
“Are you sure?”
“I followed her for days. She…she’s fine. Perfectly healthy.”
Thank You Larek….I appreciate what you have done for me. I know it was hard for you, for Brody…I just needed to know…to be sure.”
“Say no more Max” Larek had replied before leaving Max alone in the cave.
He had sat there alone and had silently wept for a life he would never have. A girl he could never be with, but would always love. Two months ago he’d had the best night of his life. The memory of that night had gotten him through many lonely nights here on Antar. While he and Liz were making Love he had briefly remembered, that he wasn’t using protection. But he had selfishly ignored the warning bells ringing in his head. Knowing that he was leaving her, deep down he knew that he had maybe hoped to leave a part of him with her always. Selfish he knew….but when it came to Liz he always seemed to be a bit selfish.

He had waited a full two months to contact Larek and ask him to take over Brody’s body to find out if Liz had gotten pregnant and had a baby. Alien pregnancies lasted about a month so if Liz had gotten pregnant she surely would have given birth by then. But Larek had come back with the good news…good news…bad news…he didn’t know. On one hand he had been relieved to know that he hadn’t gotten her pregnant, hadn’t ruined her life on the other hand he had also been disappointed.

What would he have done if Liz had been pregnant, would he have tried to find a way back…he didn’t know. Probably not. At that time Zan had been healthy and in great physical condition. He would never have risked it.

About five months after Zan was born his health had deteriorated, and with every day he was getting worse. The only time he seemed to look fine was while he was sleeping. But when he awoke he went back to being ill.

Tess had also begun to show signs of sickness. Her illness had never seemed to go away. It had started on earth with her pregnancy and after Zan was born, Max had thought that she just needed to recuperate. After Zan started to get sick, Tess had also gotten sick. Tess and Zan were linked. If Zan was hurt so was Tess. That explained Tess’s illness. He hadn’t figured out yet what was causing Zan to be so sick. They were no longer in Earth’s atmosphere, on Antar he should have been fine, however he had slowly started dying and Max didn’t know why.

And he couldn’t explain why he himself was getting ill. He didn’t have the same symptoms as Tess or Zan, so he figured he had caught something altogether different. His symptoms were primarily in his head, serious migraines, fatigue and memory loss.

Seeing the village just up ahead Max forged on.

“ You will all need to drink this.” The sarahanu handed them each a cup of a thick liquid.

“What is it” Max asked out of habit. He didn’t really care, she was his last hope, he would do practically anything she asked.

“It’s a potion. It allows me to see inside of you. You want to know what’s wrong right?”
Max nodded.

“Then drink.”

“Will it harm him?” Max asked again worried about Zan

“No. it’s just like drinking anything else…’ll be fine.”

“What …..exactly does…….it…. it do?” Tess hissed out roughly. She was barely able to get the words out.

“I told you, it will allow me to see inside you. Now drink.”

Max drank first. The liquid was warm and chocolatey with a trace citrus.

He then brought the cup up to Zan’s lips. Zan was even too weak to hold the cup himself.

Not wanting to let Zan go, he handed Tess the cup.

“Tess can you manage?”

“Yeah Max, I’m okay” She replied touched by his concern.

Tepidly she took a drink of the warm liquid.

Max reached out and took the glass from her hands and gave it back to the sarahanu. She took it in her hands and peered inside the glass, swirling the liquid around.


Setting the cup down on the floor next to her, she held out both her hands.

“Everyone join hands.”

Reaching out with one hand to her, Max put his other hand in Zan’s.

Zan reached out and held Tess’s. Tess then latched on to the sarahanu’s other hand.

The sarahanu closed her eyes. After a few moments she spoke up, her tone mesmerizing.

“Tess, there is nothing wrong with you, that you yourself can’t fix. Zan needs the connection with his mother. He is missing apart of himself and therefore cannot live. Max your illness is more complicated I detect something foreign an unknown and an unwanted presence within you. It’s not good. You must build up immunity towards it.”

Releasing and dropping their hands she spoke again.

“Earth…the remedy you seek is on Earth.”

Later that evening Max sat with Tess together discussing the options.

“Tess it’s our only option. That’s the only answer she gave us. We have to go back.”

“But Max what about the atmosphere for Zan. It could kill him.” Tess spoke up dismayed.

Gazing back at his son, who was now sleeping with a smile on his very animated face.

Zan always seemed to look healthier in his sleep. He wondered what he dreamt of.

He looked to Tess.

“He’s dying now Tess. We’d be killing him faster if we don’t even try. It’s been nine years Tess. He hasn’t gotten better, he’s gotten worse.” Max cried out with panic tracing his words.

“ I’ve scanned and scanned him and I can’t tell what the problem is. It’s not like when you were pregnant. I connected with him instantly and was able to tell what the problem was. But now I can barely get in and when I do I can’t tell what the problem is.” Terrified Max held Tess’s eyes, pleading with her to forgive him for not being able to heal their son.

“I can’t lose him Tess. I won’t and I won’t take the chance that I could lose you too. We’re a family now and I will do anything I can within my power to see to it that you both get better and if it means going back to Earth, well I’m willing to take that chance.”

Max meant what he said. He, Tess and Zan were a family. They had survived on Antar alone together.
Thinking about all they had been through, upon their arrival, the rebels had greeted them when they landed. Due to the illnesses of each of them they had been unable to lead the rebels to revolt against Kivar. Max had promised the rebels that when they were healthier he would help them fight. The followers had accepted this and had helped to hide them from Kivar and had helped to nurse all three of them. One day they hoped their once King would lead them to freedom. That day never came.

Six years ago chaos erupted throughout Antar. News of Kivars’ death spread and the conqueror had set up a democracy for all of Antar. Now Antar was seemingly run by the people, they had no need for a King and Queen.

Max had never known who had slain Kivar, but he was thankful the individual had taken away an unbearable task for himself. He had never wanted to fight….. to go to war. He didn’t even know if given the chance, if could have killed Kivar. Now he would never know.

With the democracy all situated Antar thrived, however a dislike for Max and Tess seemed to grow with each passing day.

A guard had explained it to Max and Tess one time, years ago.

“They don’t like you because they feel you have done nothing for them. You stay away for years, only to come back broken and useless. Their loyalties lie with the outsider who has freed them.” Serena had told them right before she too had left them. She was leaving; she was going to declare her allegiance with the outsider also.

And so Max, Tess and Zan had kept to themselves for years. Those were the loneliest years of his life.
He had thought that on Earth. He was outsider, but no it was here on Antar, where he had felt the most empty. His people had easily forgotten them. Never to think twice of the broken reincarnated alien King and Queen.

Sometimes they thought maybe they should leave, but Max had never wanted to risk it with Zan. He wouldn’t be able to survive on Earth and so they stayed.

Close confines and many days had brought him and Tess closer. He had found her to be good company. They shared a lot of the same dreams for a future. She had become his best friend.

He spent his days taking care of Tess and Zan, but his nights were spent dreaming of Liz. Of a life he had left, a life he would never have.



Touched by his earlier admission Tess admitted defeat

“Okay Max, I guess we go to Earth.”

Tess was worried. Oh, how she wished she had enough energy to mindwarp him. She would make him think the sarahanu had told him to stay on Antar or something.

But it was pointless she could no longer mindwarp him to a heavy extent. Little things here and there were ok but nothing heavy or long term.

In reality she was elated to be going back to Earth. Antar had turned out to be nothing of what she expected.

She had started the long mindwarping of Max on Earth as soon as she heard him talking about apartments and staying on Earth.

That just hadn’t sat well with her. She would not live on earth in a dingy apartment, when she could be Queen of an entire planet.

And she had a job to do, she was still expected to bring back the royals and the heir and so when she had left Max in the living room that day and went into the kitchen, her mindwarps and her plan had been put into motion. Max had come running to her rescue and had supposedly connected with the baby.

Tess needed to get him off the planet and fast. Luckily Alex had already decoded the book and that stupid bitch had found it. Tess sighed in relief at not having been caught with accidentally killing Alex. She had known the mindwarp was killing him, but he was so close and she needed that book.

Once they arrived on Antar the mindwarps hadn’t stopped, they only multiplied daily. In the beginning she had to mindwarp Max every time she left him in search of Kivar. While still trying to mindwarp him into thinking she was growing bigger and bigger pregnancy wise. On a whim she had told Max that alien pregnancies only lasted a month, another attempt to get him away from Earth fast.

Only she hadn’t thought at the time what she would do in a month if she wasn’t showing and wasn’t ready to give birth. And so she mindwarped again. Max thought he had been present for the birth of his son, well…….. mindwarp. And five months later when she was really in labor she had to mindwarp him again.

A year after they arrived on Antar she still had no contact with Kivar. It was said that he was planning an attack o Earth. Tess didn’t care. Maybe she didn’t have to turn Max over after all. Maybe Max could still be King and she his Queen. Only all the mindwarping was taking up a lot of her energy and with everyday and every mindwarp that she held, she was getting weaker.

She didn’t even know what was wrong with Zan. He wasn’t really linked to her. It had been just a another mindwarp to try and explain her supposed illness. She knew that the atmosphere on Earth wasn’t killing Zan, but on Antar, she didn’t know what the problem was, maybe it was Antar’s atmosphere that was killing him. She had no clue. She wasn’t connected with him. She never was. She had tried several times but Zan was somehow able to block her out. She never knew how. She was never able to mindwarp him either. They barely talked to each other. Their only common ground was their love for Max. Zan loved Max. She saw it in his eyes, in their actions. Those two were every bit father and son. At times Tess felt lonely at never having connected with her son but the feeling never lasted, she had Max, Max cared for her now. He was all she needed. And so she pretended to like what he liked, she agreed with him on everything. She was there for him. That’s what he liked and that’s what Tess gave him.

She knew what was hurting Max, she was…or rather her mindwarps were. The warps and memory removal were slowly deteroating his brain. The deterioration had been fast with Alex, but because of Max’s Antarian DNA it was a slower process with him. She needed to stop mindwarping him soon or else the more pressing symptoms would appear and she may kill him.

Going to Earth would change things. She would have to share Max, with Isabel, Michael…..Liz, god she hoped the bitch was married with her own kids or better yet, living far away or dead. Any of the options would be good. She hated Liz Parker with a fiery passion. The bane of her existence. Maybe Liz won’t be a problem any more, after all she and Max had ten years together ten years and Zan. They had a child together. Nothing could beat that kind of bond. What did Liz have a few months in high school? That was nothing to the days Max and her had spent talking, laughing, getting to know each other, becoming closer sharing pain and fear and bonding over Zan. Granted she wasn’t close to Zan, but she didn’t need to be.
No, Liz Parker wouldn’t be a problem any more. Max didn’t trust her any more she had slept with Kyle. Tess knew Max, Max was honorable and loyal he wouldn’t leave her or Zan, he wouldn’t break up their family. And Tess knew how much Max wanted to be a normal family.

Coming out of her thoughts and wanting to appeal to Max’s vulnerable side she spoke hopefully to Max

“When we get to Earth, we can be a real family. You, me and Zan. We’ll get a small house, a minivan and have more kids.” Max hadn’t touched her again since the night in the observatory. Oh he kissed her, they held hands but they hadn’t had sex again. A few times she had asked about that and he had said he didn’t want to hurt her or tire her out. She had accepted his explanation then. Once they get to Earth and she could drop some of the mindwarps she would gain her energy back and then they would have sex again and oh how she wanted it.

Max smiled wistfully at Tess.

“That would be nice. We could have Bar B Q’s. Michael and Isabel could come by, Zan could play in the backyard with his little cousins or friends…..his voiced drifted off before he spoke again, this time with conviction.

“Tess, I don’t want any more kids. We have Zan. That’s enough for me. Being back on Earth, I wouldn’t want them to be in any kind of danger. I don’t know if I could keep them safe.”

Oh she was fine with that, she didn’t want to go through another pregnancy. The first one had been hell and her body had never quite gone back to the way it was.

Tess listened to his voice and knew his mind was dreaming up a normal life without the FBI or any other Government agencies. She knew just what to say to get to him. She smiled inwardly. Oh yeah going back to Earth would be great. Liz Parker be dammned.


Re: Ghost Of You (M/L,CC,Adult) Ch 4, Pg. 3 5/11/10

Posted: Sun May 16, 2010 6:56 pm
by dreambeliever
Thank you again for those who left feedback and a hello to the lurkers.

mary mary
begonia9508 x4 - This chapter should help some.
zaneri1-LOL...I did want Max to suffer some on Antar. I sort of glossed over it for now....but there's a reason for that and it comes out later. As for who freed Antar? It is of some inportance.... :wink: Thanks for the feedback.

Thank you to Vanessa for all her help....and thank you to Ginger for the great banner.

Chapter 5

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Zan


“Zan…over here.”

“No throw it to me Zan!”

Identical girls yelled to Zan from opposite ends of the field. Laughing he tucked the football in the crook of his arm and ran.

Laughter sounded around him. The sun warmed his face as a gentle breeze caressed his hair. Seeing the goal quickly approaching he grinned. He was gonna make it.

Small arms reached out and grabbed him. His feet lifted slightly off the ground right before both bodies went tumbling down. Laughing he looked at his attacker.


Laughing Liz Parker tumbled with Zan in the grass before she helped him up.

“Zaaannn.” She mocked her son’s tone.

“I was almost there.”

“Well almost doesn’t get you a goal and we don’t want to clean up today. The guys are making a really big mess.”

She said chuckling and pointing to the five men standing around the BBQ pit.

The teams were Isabel, Liz and Ava on one and Zan, Zariah, Zierra, Maria and Serena on another. The odds seemed to be in the kids team but Isabel and Liz were both very competitive and neither one of them felt like cleaning today. This was what the loser had to do, clean.

“Yah! All right Liz!” Isabel screamed her and Ava trotting their way over to them hi fiving Liz.

Ava playfully yelled “We’re gonna win this one!”

Zariah and Zierra made their way over, “Don’t sweat it Zan. Mom’s just trying to get us back for beating her at last week’s soccer game.”

Zariah told him supportively patting him on the shoulder.

Zierra spoke up next, while patting his back.

“Yeah and for the football game the week before that”

Maria joined in on the ribbing

“Don’t forget the baseball game a couple of weeks back.”

“Okay okay…you guys are right. Forgive me for wanting to win one game every few weeks.” Liz held up her arms in surrender.

Her kids all seem to have their own communication because as soon as her arms went up all three attacked her. Three pairs of small fingers tickled at her sides, she was powerless against them, she fell to the ground laughing hysterically.

“Stop. Stop. I’m sorry stop please…woohooo” but mercy was yet in their vocabularies.

They continued their tickle attack and Liz was laughing so bad tears were starting to form in her eyes.
“o..kay…I’m sorrrrr…help…pl..eea..sse”

Isabel, Maria, Ava and Serena jumped in to help Liz. Maria reached around and with one hand began tickling Zierra and used the other to tickle Zan. Isabel was already tickling Zariah and Zan also. With Ava and Serena holding down all three kids to allow the attack.

Seeing her chance at freedom Liz rolled out from under the tickle war now in play. She stood up and brushed the grass off of her clothes and then watched her family. She noticed Zan seemed to be getting more translucent. A sign that he was leaving.

Running over to him, as he looked into his mom’s warm brown eyes and smiled sadly.
“Bye mom…love you.”

Grabbing him in a hug, she held on and laid her cheek on his head.

“Love you too Zan. I’ll see you tomorrow okay?” she could feel him nod and then he was gone.

{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{ }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

Zan awoke from his dreams. Blinking a few times and let his eyes adjust. He hated here. Here he was weak and tired all the time. He searched the room and watched Tess.

She was asleep.

For the millionith time he wondered about her in his life, she had given birth to him, technically she was supposed to be his mother and yet he felt nothing for her. He didn’t even know her. He never bothered to get to know her and she never cared either. They were fine with it. He had always felt detached from her.

When he was still in her stomach he had tried to form a connection, he had reached out and was met with nothing. He tried a few more times and had finally somewhat connected with his dad. And through his dad he had felt safety. But it wasn’t complete he could feel it partially, but he wanted to feel completely safe, he had needed to feel that, it was like a blanket, he was only partially covered, the coldness still there and so he had connected deeper with his dad, while he slept and through him he had found Liz. As soon as she held him and looked into his eyes, he had opened himself to her and let her warmth surround him and with her he felt safe, secure. The blanket now covered him, smothered him. She had become his mom. He had felt safe.The bond was formed.

He began to come to her almost every night. Eventually Zariah and Zierra would enter the dreams and like tonight his mom would allow Aunt Isabel to bring everyone else in and then they were a complete family. They were whole. One day he would be with his mom, his family,he knew it. He just needed to get better.

The sarahanu had told his dad that Earth would make him better. Sensing she was right, he wanted to go to Earth. He was pretty sure his mom and sisters were there.

In a few hours they were leaving, going to Earth. They were going on a trip, like the times his mom took them on trips to the Grand Canyon and Disney Land. Soon his mom had told him they were going to Six Flags. He didn’t know what exactly Six Flags was but she had said there were a lot of rides. He liked rides. But he had to wait first he had to get better and to do that he had to go to Earth.

His dad turned over in his sleep. Zan turned his eyes to his dad. He liked to watch his dad sleep. Facial expressions he had never seen on his dad when he was awake seemed to appear while he was asleep. Zan knew he dreamt of his mom.
He would enter his dad’s dreams sometimes and she was usually there. She looked a little different from Zan’s dreams but it was still her. He liked the way she looked now. She looked like his mom. His dad’s version of her reminded him too much of his sisters. And she was skinnier, not much to hold onto when he hugged her. Nope he didn’t too much care for his dad’s version of his mom, he liked his mom, she was rounder, softer, prettier. Her eyes were the same though. Like chocolate swirls. He liked chocolate. His mom had given him some before. It had melted in his mouth.

Yup he liked his mom best.

Smiling he turned and waited for his dad to wake up, so they could go to Earth.

The next morning Liz sat on her back patio and looked out over the pool, thinking it was time to give it a good cleaning. Spring was approaching and the pool would get more use now. Her eyes swept over the rest of her house with an assessing eye. Her eyes glanced over to the yard next door, there were no fences, their yards merged together and so now they had one big huge yard. Her eyes lingered a little on the house. It was a home that she had lived in for years. It was the Phillip and Diane’s house. Her home away from home. She couldn’t believe her luck when years ago, while she was still living with them, the house next door had gone up for sale. It was a mess. The place was a major fixer upper. She had been so excited. Because of the work that was needed the house had just made it in a price range she could afford. After buying the house and months of manual labor, from everyone, the house was complete. She had even let Michael use a little alien magic on some things. The girls had even painted their rooms, with their powers of course. When it was complete she had walked through her home with pride and hope. This was her first home a home that she had bought for her and her family.

The house was perfect. It was right next door to Phillip and Diane. It was in a great neighborhood.
It was three stories. The third floor was the smallest of all and housed only three rooms, two large bedrooms with a bathroom in between, it was called a Jack and Jill bath.

The second floor had a large master bedroom with bath and two other rooms also with the Jack and Jill bath. There was also a loft area where Liz had set up the computer and study area. The first floor had the garage, a sunken living room the dining area the kitchen and breakfast nook. And a ½ bath. Off to the side there was another master bedroom with bath. The house also included a pool and hot tub. The house was just perfect. Maybe a little big at the moment, but that didn’t bother her, she liked having space.

When the house had first been completed, Maria and Michael had moved in and taken the bottom master bedroom. Liz had taken one of the rooms on the second floor, the one that had a Jack and Jill bath. The other half was the girls’ room. At the time they were still sharing. The Master bedroom on the second floor was Zan’s.

Everyone thought she was a little crazy for letting Zan have a room. After all he was only her dream son. But yet it had felt right to Liz and after discussing it with the girls they had also agreed, Zan would get a room. He was their brother he was family. When Zan had visited next they had made plans for his room. And in a few weeks they were complete. After every dream with Zan, Liz would go in and do his room, just as they had in the dreams. Finished product was a jungle safari theme….Zan loved animals.

Liz smiled at the thought of her son. She had found him on the day the girls were born and she had never let go. She didn’t know what it was about him , but she needed him in her life and she knew he felt the same. It didn’t matter that he was her ‘dream son’ he was still her son. Everyone else thought she was crazy, well Zariah, Zierra and Isabel excluded. The girls felt a bond with him also and Isabel, well Isabel had told her about her dream Alex’s appearance after he had died, so Isabel never teased or mocked her. Instead she had offered to meet him in her dreams…it was her nephew after all. And so that began their dream family days.

She didn’t even know if Zan was real or not, but he was real in her heart and that is what mattered.

“Morning Liz” Diane’s voice carried over from her patio.

Liz smiled and grabbed the other coffee mug that had been on her table and she made her way across the yard.

She handed Diane the other mug and sat down next to her.

“Morning mom, did you sleep well?” Liz asked

“Oh yes. Like a baby, how about you? Did you get time in with Zan?”

“Yeah it was great. He’s growing so fast. You know you could see for yourself if you’d let Isabel bring you in.”

“They all do Liz and thanks but no thanks. I don’t think Dad and I are ready for that. Is everyone packed and ready to go?”

“Yeah, the girls’ bags will be in the back of the Jeep. Once they get home all they have to do is change, which their clothes will be out already, and go as soon as Isabel comes by. They should have about an hour and a half. I made some mini pizzas for them, all they have to do is zap them in the microwave and voila meal on a plate. That should hold them through the plane ride and until they can get dinner tonight in San Antonio.”

Diane nodded and smiled, she knew everything would be fine, Liz was a great mom and usually planned ahead and thought of everything. Like the fact that the pizza’s that Liz talked about were homemade by her. The Pizzas were usually made on whole wheat pita bread. There were always healthy meat and vegetables and, Diane smiled, there would also be something spicy. The girls had the taste buds of their dad, well of all the aliens. Liz usually threw in something spicy, jalapenos, cayenne pepper…something. When Max and Isabel were growing up she had wondered about their taste buds. Now she knew. When everyone got together you had to make sure to have lots of Tabasco and pepper.

“I’ll leave an hour after they head out to school. My route today is Dallas – St Paul. I’ll meet up with them in San Antonio tonight right around bedtime.”

Sipping her coffee, Diane spoke up again

“They are so excited; they have been talking about this trip for weeks.”

“I know they are driving me crazy, asking me every little question about Six Flags, they think I’m a walking Six Flags information booth.”

“Do you answer the question?”

Sheepishly Liz replied “Yes.”

“So there you go, they know you’ve done your research and know everything there is to know about Six Flags”

“Uugghhh…..I’m such a dork.”

Diane laughed “Maybe not a dork, just prepared.”

TBC.......Next up Max,Tess and Zan's arrival on Earth.

Re: Ghost Of You (M/L,CC,Adult) Ch.5, Pg.4 5/17/10

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 3:31 am
by dreambeliever
keepsmiling7 wrote:.....even though he was so stupid to let Tess mind warp him all of these years.
He was...but in his defense he didn't even know it was happening.
zaneri1 wrote:....Yea I just see Max is going to pay! :twisted:
You're about as evil as I am....I have this need to make Max pay. :twisted:
begonia9508 wrote:Problems are going to get on bc Tess may not love him but she won't accept that he get involved with Liz and her girls.....
Hmmm... :wink:
Natalie36 wrote:....does it make me a bad person that i so looovvveee zan and liz's relationship
Nope...that's exactly the way I feel. :D

mary mary: Thank you! :mrgreen:

AlysLuv: Yes Max is...he won't know what hit him.

Drogyn: Thanks for reading.
dreamerfiend wrote:I believe the reason Max doesnt want to have anymore kids is because he doesnt want to have them with Tess. i have a feeling he's going to be overjoyed when he finds out that Liz had his kids.
I wonder :?: We'll see....

Timelord31: Thanks... 8)

Thank you to all who left feedback and a big howdy doo to the lurkers....

I'm not quite sure about the reunion, but it's as good as it's gonna get. So everyone let me know what you think....

Happy Reading!

Chapter 6

Some dialogue from Season 2, Departure and Season 3, 4 AAAB

Sitting in their kitchen Phillip and Diane sat quietly enjoying the quiet peace that was so rare these days. Everyone had left on the trip to Six Flags a few days ago and was expected back tomorrow morning.

Normally their house was a hub of activity. And they liked it that way. Since Liz had moved in ten years ago their lives had changed drastically and they wouldn’t have it any other way. Not only had Phillip and Diane’s relationship with Isabel improved, they had also gained Liz as a daughter. Along with Liz they had also gained Michael, Maria, Kyle, Ava, Serena and of course Zariah and Zierra. They were truly an extraordinary family.

They had lost so much but had gained so much also.

Just as they were getting ready to turn in for the evening, they heard a small knock on their back door.

“Phillip it’s almost one in the morning, who do you think that could be?”

Opening up the back door Phillip’s mouth fell open in shock.

“Phillip who’s there?”

Diane came up behind him and her eyes widened. Standing on her back porch was a very haggard looking Max with Tess in his arms and a young blond boy of about ten years old.

“Oh my god Max…um Tess…come in, come in.” Diane opened the door wider to allow them entrance.

Reaching out Diane helped Max with Tess and the little boy.

Max followed his mom to the den and laid Tess out on the couch. Diane studied the girl….there were beads of perspiration aligning her face. Her blond hair stuck matted to her forehead. Her once bright blue eyes were blurred with emptiness. She watched Max help settle Tess in and she took this moment to study her son. Max’s hair, longer now, swooped to the side and partially covered his face. His face showed a few more wrinkles around his lips and eyes. He was wearing some sort of shiny leather vest and pants.

Diane turned her gaze to the boy that was with them. He looked about ten years old around the same age as Zariah and Zierra. Studying the boy more Diane noticed he closely resembled a younger version of Max, except the blond hair and blue eyes. His thick blond hair mirrored his dad’s.

Noticing the boy’s labored breathing Diane motioned for Phillip.

“Phil take the boy into…the gi..Isabel’s old room so he can rest.”

Phillip and Diane’s eyes met, silently communicating as only couples could.

With Phillip and the boy gone Diane turned to Max and grabbed him in a tight hug.

“Max my god, we missed you, we didn’t think we’d ever see you again. Are you hurt? Are you ok?”

Max stood and smiled shyly to the woman who had raised him,

“We’re fine mom, it was kind of a long trip and well we’re….um… all just really…hu.. hungry and tired. Would you mind if we stayed here tonight? I mean if it’s not too much trouble..”

Max looked uncertainly to his mom, the only mom he had known. He had felt ashamed at just popping up on her doorstep after all these years. He had wanted to go straight to Michael’s old apartment to see, maybe get a flash, but something had drawn him here. So he figured he didn’t know where Michael and Isabel were and he thought here would be as good as any to start. After a good meal and some rest he would look into finding Isabel and Michael.

Diane shook her head, “No no it’s not too much trouble of course you can stay here, all of you. Let me go and make you something to eat real quick. Once you’ve gotten something in your stomach’s you should be able to sleep a lot better.” Diane rushed off to the kitchen, meeting up with Phillip and the boy.

“I showed him where he could sleep tonight, he wasn’t ready for bed yet, so here we are.” Phillip spoke to Max, their eyes meeting before he spoke again.

“If you’d like, well you know where the bathroom is, you could freshen up before you eat.” Phillip motioned and waved his hands towards the hallway. He had tons of questions, but figured he would have to wait for the answers, at least until they ate and rested.

“Thanks Dad.” Max made his way over to the boy.

“Come with me and I’ll show you where the bathroom is.” Zan saying nothing followed Max down the hallway.

Phillip snuck a glance over to where Tess was laid on the couch, head thrown back and her eyes closed. She was obviously in pain.

Good thing. Phillip didn’t feel like making small talk with this girl.

A few minutes later a refreshed Max and Zan came back into the room.

“Tess, come on and I’ll help you.” Max reached out and began to help Tess up. Tess opened her eyes and reached out for Max’s arm, smiling up at Max.

“Thanks Max.”

Together they walked down the hallway. Phillip watched them leave. He brought his eyes back to the boy. Who had also been watching Max and Tess.

“So, what’s your name?” Phillip asked the boy. No answer, the boy just continued to look at Phillip.

After a few minutes Phillip tried again. “So how old are you?”

“He’s ten years old. He’s very shy and never really talks.” Max answered from the doorframe.

“Ten huh?” Phillip answered

Just then Diane appeared from the kitchen. “Okay kids, food’s waiting.”

Max, made his way away over to the little boy. He put his hands on the boy’s shoulders.

“Mom, wait. Umm Dad, mom…this is Zan. My son. Mine and Tess’s son.” Max said nervously.

Diane looked at Max and Zan trying desperately to mask her surprise. She looked down at her grandson. She had a grandson, Zan. Could this be Liz’s Zan? Zan was not a common name….making her way over to Max and Zan.

“Zan. What a handsome boy, the spittin’ image of his dad. Aah… give your old grandmother a hug.” Max intercepted her.

“No mom. He’s skittish and very shy. Please, no hugs right now. Just give him time to get to know you a little better.” Max told her.

Diane stopped mid stride “Oh, okay then.”

Stopping right in front of Zan and kneeling so that she could be eye level with him.

“Hi Zan, well it’s very nice to meet you. I’m your grandma Diane and that guy over there, well he’s your grandpa Phillip. And I look forward to getting to know you a lot better.”

“Okay so enough with the formalities, you kids come in here and eat so that you can get to bed.”

For the past few minutes Max had silently been listening to his mom talk about, well nothing much. Her and his dad were seated across from Max, Tess and Zan, neither one of them were eating.

“Mrs. Evans, this is the best Chili I’ve tasted.” Tess spoke up smiling at Diane.

Max had to agree. His mom had never really been very good at cooking, but the Chili he was eating right now was really good. He hadn’t even had the desire to add Tabasco.

“Yeah mom Tess is right, the Chili is great. The best I’ve ever had.” Max told her honestly.

“It’s very good, sweet and spicy.” Zan softly spoke up from his corner of the table where he had been eating his chili.

Max and Tess turned to him surprised a small smile gracing Max’s face. Zan rarely spoke without prompting from him, realizing that things were already looking hopeful Max beamed at his son before turning back to his mom.

“Well, thank you for all the praise, I hate to admit, but it’s not my Chili.” Diane said chuckling.

“It’s actually Li…err umm the neighbor’s recipe. I babysit her kids for her throughout the week and she sometimes makes snacks and things that they like. This Chili is one of her dishes, her own recipe.”

Max noticed that when his mom spoke of the neighbor, her eyes sparkled.

“I don’t have much food around the house right now, I was actually planning on going grocery shopping tomorrow and this was pretty much the easiest and fastest I could whip up.”

“Mom, it’s fine. Really. Thank You and the Chili is great. You have to let the neighbor know we said so.”

“Yes, and maybe she’ll give me her recipe since Zan and Max seem to both like it so well.” Tess spoke up again.

“Well, I’ll let her know, but I wouldn’t expect her to give you the recipe. She says it’s her own creation.”

“Yes well it doesn’t hurt to ask, right?”

Diane cringed inwardly and thought about the shock everyone was in for tomorrow.


Max was standing in the kitchen waiting for the coffee to finish brewing. He had barely slept, for being so excited. It was the happiest, most complete he’d felt in a long time. Today he was going to try to find Isabel, Michael and…...

He shivered, goose bumps trickled over his arms and down the back of his neck.

“Mmm coffee, must have coffee.”

Max looked up to the familiar voice. A gentle humming skimmed his body and senses. Warmth enveloped him….


He barely managed to whisper out. Standing in front of him was a very bed rumpled looking Liz Parker.

Liz Parker was standing in his kitchen! Barefoot and wearing only one of his old high school gym shirts, it fell mid- thigh and for some reason it looked right. It was a fantasy come true. Something tightened in his stomach and he felt possessive, seeing the woman he had loved for most of his life wearing one of his shirts and only that.

His breath caught in his throat as he gazes at her. The rest of the world seems to fade away. He locks eyes with her. Watching as her eyes open briefly and emotions flicker within. She reaches out to him and opens her mouth. He holds his breath…

“Get the hell out of my house before I kill you and you go back and tell whoever that this is unacceptable.....Oh My god…. What the hell? Oh My god..are you a shape shifter? Who the hell are you.? What the hell do you want? Listen idiot, you go back to whomever and tell them that that is not going to work. I am not falling for this shit.”

Extending her hand out Max goes flying against the fridge.

“Max?!” Tess comes stumbling tiredly into the kitchen. Seeing Max on the floor she makes her way over to him.

“Max, are you okay?” Looking up and around Tess’s eyes landed on none other than Liz fucking Parker.

What the hell had she done in her previous life to deserve this? Not even twenty four hours on Earth and Liz was already in the picture.

“Liz” Tess hissed out.

“Tess…..” Liz threw another blast. Tess stumbled back against the wall. Liz used her powers to immobilize her there.

“Liz, Liz it’s us it’s really us, we’re not shape shifters, it’s really me, Max.”

Liz shot another hand out and Max and Tess watched as Liz produced a protective shield.

Concentrate Liz…Is this really Max?

With her shield up she was able to let her body relax and concentrate. Closing her eyes, she breathed deeply in, she reached down within herself and let the energy soothe her. Opening her eyes she focused on Max.

She watched as a green glow surrounded him, hovering around him, steady…calm..Max.

“MAX!” she cried, snapping out of her concentration she ran and threw her arms around him. He embraced her tightly.

“Oh Max…oh my god, I can’t believe you’re here….”

Burying her head on his chest, Liz let his arms hold her.

“Hello Liz…” Tess’s voice sounded from behind Max.

Liz pulled away from Max and looked behind him.

There stood Tess, with a crackling black aura surrounding her.

Tess….black….Tess….Tess killed Alex…..Tess killed Alex.

Suddenly Tess goes flying back against the wall. Max looks from Tess to Liz, who has her arm extended.

“I'll kill you!!” Liz shouts out

Liz sends her another blast and Tess is thrown up the wall.


“You're a murderer! I'll kill you!” Liz advances towards Tess.

“ Liz..!”

Max rushes towards her, grabbing her around the waist he attempts to hold her back.

The back door flies open and Michael, Kyle, Serena and Isabel come running in.

Liz shoves Max off. Throwing her hands up again towards Tess. Max jumps in front of Tess.

Serena and Michael studying the scene in the kitchen, making their way next to Liz, flanking her on both sides.

Extending his arm Michael tells Max forcefully

"Max?" He looks to Liz...Liz nods.

“Maxwell, get out of the way.” Michael demands.

“Not until you calm down.”

“Whatever she told you, she's lying.” Michael curtly responds.

“Max, get out of the way. I don’t want to have to hurt you, but I will.” Liz harshly tells Max.

Max looks to Liz again, surprised by her words and the tone of her voice. He tries to explain.

“Tess and my son are linked. Killing her would kill him.”

“This is insane. She betrayed all of us! She killed Alex!”

Tess’s eyes swept the room, her eyes landing on Kyle.

“Kyle! Thank God you're here!”

Kyle who had been studying Tess since he arrived at the kitchen began to pace back and forth

“Don't come near me” His voice coming out stern and strained.

“Kyle, at least give me a chance to explain!”

Kyle glances to Liz and Michael

“Why haven't you killed her yet?”

“Max wouldn't let me.” Michael shrugs and looks back to Liz .

“Will somebody please tell me what the hell is going on here and why everyone wants to kill Tess?”

Max turns his eyes to Kyle, Kyle turns away and looks at Isabel, Isabel looks to Michael and Michael turns to Liz. Serena looks at everyone.

“Tess killed Alex.”

“What? What are you saying Liz?” confused Max looks to Tess and back at Liz.

“It was Tess. Tess killed Alex. She mindwarped Alex and sent him to Las Cruces to decode the book, but he broke out of the mindwarp and she killed him.”

“It's true, I was there, I witnessed it.” Kyle jumped in.

“Why didn't you ever say anything?” Unbelieving Max looks to Kyle.

“Because she mindwarped me!” Kyle shouts at Max.

Kyle looks Tess directly in the eyes, his warm blue eyes piercing her.

“You lived in my home, you were like my sister!”

“We took you into our home, Tess. We protected you. And how did you repay us? You brainwashed me into carrying Alex's dead body!!”

Max watches as Kyle speaks again.

Why are they saying Tess killed Alex. That can’t be. But that’s what Liz said….Tess killed Alex. No…not Tess….she wouldn’t do that.

“I never meant to hurt..” Tess cries out from where she stands on one side of the kitchen.

“Well, too late!!!” Kyle yells at her.

“You've never even heard my side of the story.”

“You have a side? The murderer has a side!”’s not possible. Alex died ten years ago. I would have known…wouldn’t I? Max looks to his right. His friends, family, Liz. They all stand joined, united on this. Looking back to Tess, he watches as she pleads with Kyle, her eyes emotionless and cold.

“Did you kill Alex?” He has to know. He believes one thing, could he be wrong? He knows Tess…doesn’t he?

“I didn't want to. I wish I hadn't, but I did.”

Tess looks around aloofly. So they figured it out. I wonder how? Doesn’t matter. He’s dead. She can’t change that fact now. How would she be able to fix this now? She needed to think, she needed a new plan. She hadn’t anticipated that they would have figured it out. She tried to mindwarp Max but couldn’t seem to get in. She needed time, she had to stall. She felt Max’s eyes on her, looking up to him she saw them full of questions, pain. For a brief second she almost felt bad….almost.

“Why?” One word….Max just needed to know. How could she?

She shrugged….why not? She thought.

“TELL ME WHY!” Max bellows out.

“ He would have told you what I did and I couldn't let that happen.”

“So you just, you just killed him?”

“I didn't mean to. His brain was just so weakened by the mindwarp, and... look, none of this matters now.”

“Life matters Tess. My life, your life, his...”

Liz stood and watched the scene unfold in front of her. Unnoticed she studied Max. He seemed a little taller. His hair long and brushing his shoulder. She watched as his bicep tighten against the t-shirt he’s wearing. She swallows. A warm sensation heating between her legs. Letting her eyes travel down his body, she notices the similarities as well as the differences. Lingering a little on the area between his thighs her thoughts drift back to the night he left. The way he held her, the way he kissed her…..there. Fire swims through her veins.

Max, feeling an unusual surge of heat shoot through his body, is instantly compelled to see Liz. He turns looking t her, drawn by an unknown force.

Their eyes lock. He falls into her eyes. They can’t seem to look away, both mesmerized drawn to each other. He’s soaring through time and space. Dark air spheres all around him, all he can see is Liz. His Liz, at the end of the dark hole, surrounded by light. He feels it, the warm sensation he gets when Liz is near… a gentle flutter against his soul.


And he’s in…….his soul reaches out to hers, they dance and whirl around each other, embracing. The feeling of Liz floats throughout his body, consuming him. Every space within him is filled …with her. He’s complete.

They stay like this, for a few minutes. The world fading around them.

Tess looks back and forth between Max and Liz. What the hell? Did they already start the whole look into my eyes crap? She needed to figure out what the hell is going on here, Liz had powers..….she needed to go to….Nasedo, he would know what to do. She hadn’t seen or heard from him, but she knew that he would know she was here. She needed to sway Max onto her side about the Alex situation. She needed to talk to Max…..alone.

Liz Parker was definitely a complication, not a big one but still a complication that needed to be dealt with once and for all. Since being back on Earth Tess had been able to drop her mindwarps and she could already feel her body healing, reenergizing. Yes, she needed to stay on Earth….stay with Max. They were a family and it was about time they started acting like one. Needing to break up the staring match between Max and Liz, she reached out and tenderly touched his arm.

“Max” she softly called to him.

Unfazed Max continued to look at Liz.

“Max” Tess raised her voice a little higher.


“MAX!” Tess pulled on his arm.

“What?” Max tore his eyes away from Liz.

“We need to talk…..alone.”

“Uumm yeah, yeah..okay.” Turning Max attempts to lead Tess out of the kitchen.

“No.” Liz ground out from where she had been standing.

Six pairs of eyes turn to Liz. Two pairs registering shock, the other four patiently wait.

Isabel watched as Liz stood her ground. She had no qualms that Liz wouldn’t take care of the situation. She would. Liz would make sure Tess got whatever she gets and Isabel knew Tess deserved anything she did get. Isabel had never voiced it outright but she did feel partially to blame for Alex dying. If she hadn’t been so quick to bring Tess into their little group. If only she’d listened to Michael more in the beginning, did a little more digging into Tess and Nasedo. Paid a little more attention to Alex and then maybe, just maybe he wouldn’t be dead. Shaking her thoughts off, she watched her brother. Ten years…..she hadn’t seen or heard from him in ten years….

She had briefly wondered if it was really him and not Nasedo again. But she trusted in Liz’s abilities. They had discovered that Liz had powers and one of those powers were to distinguish aura’s

“Our enemies have come to the Earth. You will know them only by the evil within”

That’s what their real mother had said. …… ‘Know them from the evil within.’ And how ironic that Liz would be the one to get those powers......a human. But Isabel never regretted it. Whatever powers that be that had decided Liz should get powers, well Isabel was eternally grateful. Liz’s powers….all of them had come in handy over the past years. When Nasedo had shifted into Max the second time, Isabel had went willingly. Unsuspecting that it was Nasedo, thinking that her brother had come home. Only in the end she had been kidnapped and nearly tortured. Until Michael and Liz had come to her rescue. It was Liz who had figured out it wasn’t Max….his auroa…..that had begun the discovery of that power for Liz.

Isabel studied Liz, she had to hand it to her, Liz looked calm, undetached and in control….well at least as much as she could considering it looked like she has just rolled out of bed and was barely dressed. Yup Liz was the epitome of grace at the moment. It just wasn’t everyday your soul mate ex-boyfriend came crashing back to Earth with his evil murdering wife, literally after ten years.

Isabel could see the tiniest flicker of pain in Liz’s eyes. She acted cool, but Isabel knew, this was tearing her up inside. Max was back and with Tess in tow. Isabel silently made her way over to stand behind Liz.

Max watched as his sister stood behind Liz, Isabel’s meaning clear.

Max cleared his throat and turned his attention back to Liz.

“Liz. Tess and I need a few moments…just to ….”

“I don’t care what you need to do Max. BUT, I am not letting her out of my sight. We all know that she has the ability to mess with our minds. I don’t trust her. As of right now, she killed Alex and until we get to discuss this then she goes nowhere without one of us.”

“Liz, you can’t be serious.”

“I am very, very serious Max.” Liz matter of factly replied.

“But Liz, we don’t even know what…”

“Like I said, I know she killed Alex. Now, again I don’t trust her. There are a lot of things that need to be discussed, we all need to sit and go over everything. A lot…a lot has happened while you were gone and a lot needs to be discussed. Tess being one of the topics. However she isn’t the most important at the moment. I suggest we break for a little while and meet back here in ½ hour.”

Liz’s eyes never left his as she very firmly spoke. Her eyes never leaving Max’s, she spoke up again.

“Michael…..check on things next door. You can bring them up to speed on the situation. Isabel…. find mom and dad, I haven’t seen them yet this morning. Kyle….contact your dad, he needs to be brought in on this. Serena….stay with Tess, watch her like a hawk, one false move…blast her.” Liz commanded.

Tess gasped. Blast me! Who was this Serena….Serena… sounded familiar…

Max was shocked, did Liz just issue orders to have Tess blasted? Who was this Liz. And Serena….why did Serena sound familiar? Dismissing the recognition he ran over what Liz had just said. She had just given orders to every single one of them and not one questioned her.

Why was Liz issuing orders? Why were Michael and Isabel following those orders? Liz was right, there was a lot that needed to be discussed. Sighing he realized he wasn’t going to be getting those answers right now. He would just have to wait.

He watched as everyone slowly went about to begin their duties. His eyes returning to Liz, who had yet to move. Sadness and regret now shadowing her eyes.

“Liz” he called softly

Liz blinked quickly, her eyes focusing again on Max.

“We need to talk Max. Alone. I’ll meet you on the back patio in ten minutes.” Liz spoke to him her emotions now clearly masked. Michael stopped and looked at Liz before glancing around. Serena and Isabel followed suit. Knowing glances darted around.

“Hey, if I can’t speak to Max alone, then you’re sure as hell no….” Tess was quickly silenced by an energy blast from Serena.

“SHUT UP TESS.” Serena hissed out.

Liz sent Max a quick glance and a small nod, before turning and making her way down the hall.

Max stood back and observed everyone leave. The group before him was not the same group he had left behind ten years before. Michael stood self assured and accepted Liz’s orders with no questioning her decisions. Isabel…her standing behind Liz had not gone unnoticed by Max. Max knew she was showing her loyalty. She too had stood back and allowed Liz to take control of the situation. Kyle was also a clear integral part of this group. Not even Michael had begrudged him. Serena…just who exactly was Serena? She had powers, Max watched her use them. Alien, hybrid..? he just didn’t know. and where was Maria? Liz..Liz had been the biggest shock. First of all what was she doing in his parents’ house. She was apparently living here. And she had powers…when had that happened?

While Liz confronted them and issued the orders, it was no longer the Liz Parker he had known. This Liz was confident. Respected. In control……. and still as beautiful as ever.

What the hell was going on here? This group had stood confident, united, unwavering..... thinking about Liz’s blast….strong. They intrigued him.

TBC......all right now...hit me with you best shot......

Re: Ghost Of You (M/L,CC,Adult) Ch.6, Pg.5 5/27/10 - A/N

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 4:43 am
by dreambeliever
LilLoucfer: Thanks
keepsmiling7(x2): they'll figure this out soon. Not this chapter but soon.
Timelord31:She was briefly mentioned but her story hasn't quite come out yet. it will soon.
begonia9508: Some of your answers here....
mary mary: Sorry it was confusing. Unfortunately not all your questions will be answered. Yeah Tess will be thrown quite a curveball.
AlysLuv: Bitter? Noooo... mainstream yes....I really wanted Liz to blast her farther too but can't win 'em all. LOL
Natalie36: :lol:
zaneri1: Yeah Max will be in for a big surprise and he is starting to think clearer now. he doesn't quite realize it yet....
BritttheDreamer: Oh Yeah this chapter made me so happy too!
spacecowboy: WOW. no easy ones with you...Lol Okay firstly thanks for reading, I too always wondered about the whole evil within statement, I mean it seemed important and yet it necer resurfaced. So in my world....Liz is it.. :lol: About the pregnancy I believe that subconsiously Max wanted Liz to get pregnant. That's the best I can do for you on that...As for Tess (ugghhh barf) I don't know what he was thinking.
jojotheorange: Ask and you shall receive :lol:
dreamerfiend: Thank You. :oops:
RoswellianDreamer: :mrgreen:
Ti88: Max is in for a wake up!
Janetfl: Thank You and yeah Max will have to learn he is dealing with a completely different group now.
RoswellianDreamer: She got some....she deserves more...but that will come later. Thanks for reading.
kissme4ever123: We're glad you found us again too. Thanks for reading.
Michelle17: 8)

A big thank you to everyone reading and to those who left feedback. I really do appreciate the feedback, it helps me to gage whether or not my story makes sense or if the feelings are coming across correctly, so thank you again for reading and leaving feedback. This has been a hard chapter to write.
Okay so I know everyone expected a big Max and daughters moment, but I really wanted everyone to have their own special moments, too many reunions going on at the same time, I felt that each relationship deserved their own moment, last chapter was Max and Liz, this chapter Zan and Liz and Max and girls will get theirs soon. Hope this helps. Don't shoot me yet. :( Let me know what you all think.

Thanks again to Ginger for the banner... :lol:

Chapter 7

“You wanted to talk.” Max spoke up from behind her.

She had been patiently sitting on the patio waiting for Max. She knew this wasprobably not the best time to discuss this, however Max needed to know about the girls.

“Umm yeah, sit down.” Liz motioned for the chair opposite her.

Max found it weird that she was offering him a seat in his house, well his parents’ house anyways.

They sat quiet for a few moments. He wanted to ask her a million questions but he could see Liz was struggling to find the next words.

“Max…there probably isn’t a good way to say it so, well here goes.”

Taking a deep breath Liz began

“The night you left we umm..well…”

“We made love Liz.”

“Yes. Okay so that night we made more than just love…….we made babies.”

“I got pregnant with twins…girls. They’re almost ten. Zariah Michelle and Zierra Marabel.

“Are you sure Liz?”

“Since I gave birth to them…yeah….. I’m pretty sure.”

“No, I mean…well not to be crass or anything but are you sure they’re mine?” Max tried to put it as delicately as possible, he felt like an ass for even asking, but he had sent Larek to check on Liz.

“What Max? I cannot believe you just asked me that? You know what? Forget I said anything. You don’t deserve to know.”

Angrily jumping out of her seat Liz stormed into the house.

Max watched after her. He didn’t think she was lying…really, but he didn’t understand what happened. Larek had told him Liz wasn’t pregnant. Had Larek lied to him? He knew he needed to speak with Liz and apologize but, he didn’t think now was a good time. He had clearly pissed her off and he was hoping that if he gave her some space she would cool off.

Sighing, he stood and made his way into the house to check on Tess. Her and Zan had started to show immediate signs of recuperation since their arrival last night. Now that he thought about it, his usual headache pain was dimming. He made his way to the kitchen; he could hear Liz speaking to someone on the phone. Her back was facing him. She must have heard his approach because she suddenly turned around, her eyes blazing.

“I gotta go. Come on over in about fifteen minutes. Bye”

Hanging up, she stared at him.

“Did you need something Max?”

“ Look Liz I didn’t mean what I said, I mean I didn’t mean to insinuate that it couldn’t be mi..”

Cutting him off, she spoke tersely, while she busied herself around the kitchen.

“Look Max, I tried to tell you. To give you a heads up. But seriously I don’t want to talk about this anymore. Everyone will be here soon and then we can talk about everything.”

Liz sent him a pointed look over her shoulder as she cooked bacon.

Max watched her and even knowing that she was pissed as hell at him, he couldn’t help but feel a small tug on his heart, watching Liz cook breakfast…in his kitchen. Turning he left the kitchen needing to go lay down and think about things momentarily forgetting about going to check on Tess.

Why was Liz here in his parents’ home? She seemed comfortable. His parents must be comfortable with her here; they left this morning to buy groceries with Zan. Not once did they mention Liz in the house.

Liz…he and Liz had children…..twins….girls. A smile appeared on his face. He had children with Liz. He and Liz had kids…together. He was the father of Liz Parkers kids! Girls. He smiled wondering who they looked liked. He hoped they had her hair, her eyes., her smile. Liz had been a very pretty little girl, their daughters would be just as pretty. He had kids..with Liz! His smile grew wider.

He didn’t doubt her, he was just caught off guard. Where was Larek? Again he wondered if Larek lied to him? If he had known would he have come back….. Zan had seemed to be doing so well after his birth.

That was another thing. How would Zan react, knowing he had sisters? And from someone other than Tess. It had just been he, Tess and Zan for so long, would Zan welcome the thought of having sisters? Or would he hate them, having now to share Max with them. Max knew he wanted to be a part of their lives now. He has missed so much. He wanted to get to know them. To be a part of their lives, would Liz allow him time with them? He was going to have to break it to Tess. He had never told her about what had happened between he and Liz that night. It wasn’t any of her business. How upset would she be?

He heard the front door open and voices call out. His parents were back with Zan. This morning his parents had asked if it would be all right to take Zan to the grocery store with them. They just wanted to spend a little time with him. Zan hadn’t said no so Max had let him go.

Heading to find his parents he left the den, where he had been lying down.

He was not prepared for what he saw in the kitchen.

Liz was kneeling in front of Zan her hands gliding over him protectively.

“Zan…oh my god Zan, it’s you…it’s really you.” Her voice choked with emotion, tears silently sliding down her cheeks as she grabbed him in a tight hug.

“Zan, I can’t believe you’re here….that you’re ….you’re real and here with me.”

She pulled back and looked at him. Using her fingers she gently brushed the hair out of his eyes.

“My Zan….you’re here.”

Zan looked into Liz’s warm eyes. He had dreamed of this moment. The moment where he would be with his mom….. for real.

Looking into each other’s eyes. Liz reached out for him.

Zan felt it, it was strong, the soft gentle caress of his soul. His body recognized Liz immediately, her soul, it enveloped him, warmed him, completed him. He was safe….. he was home.

“Mom” Wrapping his arms around Liz’s neck he laid his head on her shoulder. Someone behind them gasped.

Liz wrapped her arms around Zan and secured them. Standing up, while holding Zan, she turned to Phillip and Diane.

“Mom…… Zan.”


She heard Max and Tess’s voice behind her, but they didn’t matter. All that mattered was that Zan was here, with them. Her family was complete.

Zan grinned and picked his head up. He looked directly at Phillip and Diane.

“Nice ta meet ya.” He then held out his hand, the way his mom had taught him.

“Oh Zan..” Diane rushed over to them and embraced them both, Phillip followed.

Max stood there staring at the sight in front of him. This was a dream. A freakin’ dream. There was no way this could be real. First Liz was in his parent’s kitchen, with barely anything at all…..Liz had powers.... Tess killed Alex………he and Liz had kids……his very reserved and sick son, willingly went into Liz’s arms and had called her mom?....How did Liz and Zan even know each other? Just what the hell…….

“What the hell is going on here? Liz, put down my son.” Tess’s voice shrilled out beside him.

“Your son? Your son? Zan is my son.” Liz whirled around still holding Zan tightly against her chest.

“He isn’t your son Liz, I gave birth to him. I should know.”

Max could feel the tension rise. Wanting to diffuse the possible explosion that was about to happen, he stepped in.

“I think it would be best if we all calmed down and we tried to figure out what is going on.”

Looking to Liz, he couldn’t help but smile, Liz stood, still holding Zan tightly in her arms, Zan was not a small boy, in fact he was just the right size for his age, but what a picture he and Liz made. It didn’t look like the weight bothered Liz at all. Zan had his legs wrapped around Liz’s waist and his arms around her neck. His head rested on her chest, a grin plastered on his face, his eyes twinkling, looking directly at Max. Max looked at him in wonder, he had never seen his son look so content, so peaceful… happy.

“Okay…umm well breakfast is ready, so as soon as the others get here we can eat.” Liz nodded her head towards the table which was now loaded with food. Max looked at all the food on the table.

“Who is all that food for?” he wondered out loud.

“Liz we went grocery shopping, where did you get the food? I know we didn’t have anything in the fridge.” Diane asked

“Oh, umm well I just brought it from the house.”

“Oh okay..I didn’t think about that. Well Umm Max why don’t you help your dad with the rest of the groceries.”

Max nodded and headed for the garage.

Liz was now making several cups of coffee. She had Zan expertly perched on her hip.

“Liz, put my son down.” Tess confidently spoke up.

Knowing this was not the time to start this argument again, Liz attempted to set Zan down.

Zan clutched his arms and legs around Liz tighter.

“No.” Zan looked up into Liz’s eyes. Their eyes met. Communicating.

I’m not getting down mom.

Liz nodded. She met Tess’s eyes with a cool strength glaring out.

“Right now, Zan chooses to stay with me and until he asks me to set him down, then he stays here with me. Deal with it.”

Liz turned and continued to ready the mugs of coffee. Max, now setting the bags on the counter, watched dumbstruck as Liz made one…two..three…eight…eleven mugs of coffee. When finished she simply went about setting out plates on the counter along with lots of silverware, juice, milk…everything went on the counter.

Grabbing a mug she made her way to the dining table, setting Zan down in a chair and then took the seat next to him. She took a sip of her coffee and closed her eyes.

“Liz….” I began

Opening her eyes she held up her hand and then Max watched as her finger counted down.

Five…..four….three….two…one. He looked at her expectantly. She pointed to the door just as it burst open and a herd of cattle came stomping in.

Not really a herd of cattle but it sounded like it.

Max watched as Kyle, who was the first to enter came in grabbed a blue mug of coffee, a plate, silverware and then began to fill his plate. Two identical twin girls followed, only instead of coffee, they grabbed glasses, they spared him a curious glance, one of the girls gave him a shy smile. Realization set in. They were them…his kids with Liz.

He didn’t have time to ponder about them because he was suddenly assailed with a slap, right across his cheek. He looked down into the bright eyes of Maria Deluca. Stabbing him in the chest she hissed out.

“You deserve more than that for this morning’s comment. How dare you?”

Stepping back she plastered on a smile.

“Good to have you back Max. Glad you’re okay.” Maria spun around and grabbed her respective bright orange coffee mug and breakfast plate before making her way to the table and piling up her plate.

Michael filed in behind her throwing Max a look and shrugging his shoulders. He grabbed his coffee mug and plate and made his way to the table.

Ava and Serena followed neither one sparing Max a glance.

“Zaannn” Someone shrieked just as Isabel and Jessie entered.

“Zan?” Isabel asked. “Liz’s Zan?” looking around before her eyes settled on the twins who had Zan sandwich between them.

“Oh my gosh…we can’t believe you’re here…like finally….”

“Finally….we’re a family…..for real.”

Isabel looked back to Max.

“Did you bring Zan with you from Antar?”

“Umm…Yeah…see Zan is ….well Zan is my son…with Tess.” He stuttered out. Wow. Why was he so nervous about telling people that Zan was his son? Why did everyone think that Zan was Liz’s son?

“You’re son…with Tess……” Isabel repeated while nodding her head slowly processing his words “well….that’s just…..ummm…that’s fantastic!” she finally exclaimed with mock excitement.

Turning she grabbed a mug off the counter and made her way to the table where everyone else seemed to be crying over Zan.

Jessie grabbed Max’s hand.

“Great to meet you Max. I’m Jessie. Isabel’s husband.”

“Isabel’s husband…oh okay….well nice to meet you Jessie.” Surprised Max shook his hand back.

Jessie left him standing there baffled at the sight before him and trying to understand everything going on.

“Max grab the mug there on the counter…that’s your coffee.” Liz playfully yelled to him from her spot at the table.

Max picked up the mug …. ‘I come in peace.’ It read on the side of the mug, along with the classic green alien holding up two fingers..the universal peace sign. Max looked back at Liz, who was now grinning.

Surprised Max grinned back…..seeing a lighter side to Liz. He sipped the coffee. It was perfect. Black, two sugars and a couple of dashes of Tabasco. She remembered……

Tess looked around the table. This was supposed to be their homecoming. Her, Max and Zan. Where had it gone wrong? The Evans’s didn’t seem to like her. Isabel snubbed her. Jessie was totally indifferent but he wasn’t making an effort to talk to her either. Michael….she had thought that he at least would welcome her back….hell he tried to kill her already. Maria….well Maria was the same, an obnoxious bitch. Kyle couldn’t stand her, Max had practically ignored her since this morning. Zan…well her and Zan had never really connected, she had always thought something was wrong with him, maybe she had damaged him when she was pregnant due to the mindwarps. But now he seemed like a normal boy. Animated, energetic, lively and open. Well at least with those girls.

Just who were those twins that had captured Zan and Max’s attention. Max’s side glances to the twins had not gone unnoticed by her. And when did Ava get here, who the hell was Serena? Tess had so many questions and she was tired of the useless incessant chatter going on around her. This was her chance at happiness. Antar had not been what she had expected and she would be dammed if she lost her chance here on Earth. She wasn’t standing for it. It stopped now. She was tired of being ignored. She was going to get some answers….now.

“So Serena, who are you and what are you doing here?” Tess spoke up, in between the pause in conversation. She looked around the table at no one in particular. All eyes turned to her and then over to Liz.

Interesting…. Tess watched as Liz met her eyes.

“That’s a bit complicated. We’ll get to that in a little while. After breakfast.” Liz curtly responded before turning back to Diane Evans.

Tess would not be deterred.

“Okay so how about you tell me why you think Zan is your son?”

Max watched as Liz’s eyes flickered cold.

“He is my son Tess and that is a story to also be told later.” She calmly but firmly told Tess, her eyes never wavering.

But Tess wanted answers so she forged on…

“Do you live here Liz?”


At least she had gotten something. It was a start.

“Why were you here this morning and in your pajamas?”

“Tess I don’t think that’s any of yo..” Diane had begun to speak but Liz gently cut her off.

“It’s okay mom. Well we just came back from a trip to Six Flags and I worked the red eye last night. When I got to Roswell I figured I would save some trouble and I came straight here to sleep. I do that sometimes. I knew that everyone else was catching an early flight and would be in early. Usually after a trip like this we head straight here so the girls can tell mom and dad all about the trip.”

“You have a key?” Tess asked


“Where do you sleep? I didn’t see you when we arrived.”

Liz knew Tess didn’t deserve to ask the questions, but they were valid questions that she was pretty sure Max himself wanted to ask so it didn’t hurt in answering them now. The answers weren’t as complicated as the rest, so she continued to entertain Tess’s questions and hopefully get her to shut up. Liz nerves were razzled enough. She didn’t really want to keep answering her questions when all she really wanted to do was blast Tess’s ass back into outer space.

“I arrived very early this morning and I slept in…my old room.” Liz tried not to look into Max’s eyes but dammit she couldn’t help it. Meeting his questioning gaze she knew the exact moment he figured it out. His face registered the surprise she knew was now forming in his mind.

Liz sleeps in my old room….she sleeps in my old room. My room… my T shirts. Something squeezed in his heart as he thought about this. She was right next door… my room….in my T shirt. That’s why his mom had put him in the spare room next to his old room. He had just figured maybe they had turned his room into an office or storage or something, but it had been better. It was Liz’s old room….his room was Liz’s room…excitement fluttered in his stomach. God he was pathetic. So she had shared his room? No big deal right? The thought of Liz in his room, on his bed, between his sheets. Another feeling assailed him. Uugghh this was not happening! Shifting slightly in his seat to adjust his pants he groaned inwardly and took a large swig of his hot coffee. The heat scorched his tongue. He welcomed it, he needed a distraction. Sputtering he then questioned why Liz even had a room in his parent’s house.

Apparently Tess hadn’t quite caught on to this line of thinking.

“So you don’t live here now?” she asked clarifying Liz’s statement.

“No…no I don’t”

Yes! Tess thought….at least she didn’t have to deal with the bitch every day. She admitted having Liz live here would have put a serious damper on her plans. But now…now she could work with this. All she had to do was have a little conversation with Max later….she’ll simply let him know that she was uncomfortable with Liz being here and it wasn’t good for Zan to be attached. Max would see reasoning in this. Things were good….she could work with this.

Smiling she turned to Max.

“Ooh Max are you okay? You’re cringing? Is it your headaches again?” Tess leaned in close to Max.

Trying hard not to flinch Max gave her a small smile.

“Tess I’m fine.”

“You get headaches?” Serena asked him “Still?”

Max looked back at the brunette who had seemed familiar to him. He really wanted to know who she was but knew better to ask again.

“Yes…yes I do. They’re not as bad as they were on Antar but it’s still there right now simmering on the sidelines.” He answered her truthfully, noticing the glances between Liz, Serena and Isabel. What was that about?

“Speaking of Antar. Why don’t you tell us a little about it Maxwell.” Michael met his eyes. Leave it to Michael to want to know about Antar.

Clearing his throat Max asked him.

“What do you want to know?”

“For starters why don’t you tell us what the hell you’re doing here? Last we knew the kid couldn’t survive here on Earth. So what’s changed?”

No beating around the bush with Michael.

“I’m not exactly sure. Zan was fine after birth. He was healthy and perfect and then after a few months his health started to deteriorate and up until a few days ago we didn’t know what do.”

Max’s voice began to crack and Liz watched as his eyes rimmed with moisture. Subconsciously she reached out to him.

Max felt it….the tiny whisper in his head, his heart filled. Liz. He turned his gaze to her. Locking eyes with her he began to speak again

“I tried to heal him…I tried so many times. I scanned and scanned and I healed. I healed everything….”

He was speaking to everyone but his eyes never left Liz. He needed to see her he needed her strength.

“…… and yet he wouldn’t get better…he just kept getting sicker …and sicker..and I couldn’t do anything…I couldn’t do anything oh god…I couldn’t figure it out…I …” Max broke down as Tess wrapped her arms around him.

Liz wanted to go to him to comfort him, but she couldn’t he was with Tess. Let her comfort him.

And as Tess hugged him, Max continued to look at Liz over Tess’s shoulders. His eyes locked with Liz. He needed her. He was being held by Tess but he reveled in the presence of Liz. To feel her in his heart, his soul.

“That’s not true.” A tiny voice spoke up next to her. Liz looked down at Zan by her side

“What did you say Zan?”

“I said that’s not true. I was never healthy. I came out of the womb sick. I could tell and you never scanned me. You never tried to heal me.” Zan sat up looking at Max as Tess pulled away from him.

“Zan..that’s not true. I tried every day. Everday for months.” Max told him frantically

“No you didn’t. You never tried. I would know.” Zan said sitting straighter in his chair.

Heads at the table ping ponged back and forth between the two.

“How can you say that Zan. I tried. I tried so hard.”

Liz could sense Zan’s confusion and anger building.

“Listen, we’re all obviously done. I think now is a good time to move to the Den and get down to business.” Standing she waited as the others followed.

“Yes that’s an excellent idea Liz. We’ll continue this in the Den.” Diane agreed as she made her way down the hall, Phillip right behind her.

“Girls you’re on KP” Diane hollered over her shoulder.

Zariah and Zierra we’re just about to groan, but a quick look from Liz squelched that.

Plastering smiles they asked.

“Can Zan help?”

“Not this time girls. He has a story to continue.” Isabel patted each one on the shoulder before following her mother down the hall.

Phillip and Diane were sitting on the loveseat at the far end of the living room, Isabel was seated in one recliner and Jesse next to her in another one. Tess sat on one side of the big couch Max next to her. She was leaning on Max their hands clasped together. Liz noticed and tried not to. It wasn’t as if Max seemed to mind.

Michael was on the other side of Max with Maria perched on the armrest by his side. Kyle, Serena and Ava sat on the floor in front of the fireplace. Liz was sitting on the floor with her back braced against the loveseat and Zan sat between her legs his back resting against her chest.

Phillip cleared his throat… “Okay so I’m sure we all have questions, so umm who wants to go first?” He looked around the room.

Everyone seemed to be looking at each other. Seconds ticked by and no one seemed to want to start.

“We have a question.” We all turn to the door where two brown haired girls stood.

Liz raised an eyebrow at their unexpected entrance. Communicating in the way only mothers could with one look.

“We’re done mom.” Waving their fingers and giggling.

“Mom? Those are your daughters Liz?” Tess asked obviously confused. “I thought they were Isabel’s.”

“Nope they’re mine.”

“Yes we are and we would like to know the answer to our question. How is it possible that Zan connected with mom, If he was on Antar?” Zariah asked. Her eyes challenging someone…anyone for an answer.

“Yeah and how come not her?” Zierra motioned towards Tess.

Max sat back amused. His daughters….he had daughters with Liz. And it would seem that they got their mother’s brains.

How had he not known that he and Liz had kids? He had made sure Liz wasn’t pregnant hadn’t he checked? He didn’t doubt they were his. Wow he had daughters. Max studied them. The one on the right stood, her hands on her hips…looking around waiting for someone to answer her. Expecting an answer. Commanding the room in a way. Her sister stood braced against the door jamb, her hands in her pocket. Her eyes darting around patiently waiting for an answer her gaze intense…almost willing an answer.

Both had long shiny straight hair. Liz’s hair. He remembered Liz at that age. They were just like her. Her smile. A smile to light up a room. Her nose. Narrowing his eyes he noticed their eyes were amber like his just slightly darker. He watched as the one on the left waited for a reply and nibbled on her bottom lip just as the one on the right tucked her hair behind her ears…..and what cute ears…they were his ears.

Oh yeah these were definitely Liz’s and his girls. His girls. He had daughters…..with Liz. He would never tire of thinking that.

“I can answer.” Zan spoke up.

Max turned his attention back to Zan comfortably perched between Liz’s legs.

Liz looked down surprised at Zan.

“You know?” she asked him

Nodding he began

“When I was still in Tess’s womb I felt…alone…umm empty. And then dad connected with me and there was something I felt from him. Like a spark a blanket…... yeah like a blanket. Only the blanket kinda only covered some of me. But I was still cold, you know. So whenever dad connected with me I tried to grab more of the blanket. But I couldn’t. When I was born I was still sorta cold you know. Dad was still connecting with me so one day when dad connected….I felt like the blanket was there…like nearby and all I had to do was grab and hold tight? Okay so when he connected the blanket was there…stronger so I looked for it. I reached out and grabbed it. And then I met my mom…well umm Liz. I formed the connection with her and then there it was the blanket. It was there and it covered me all up. I was safe. So I kept the blanket…my connection. At night mom and I would meet on the dream plane. Sometimes just us and sometimes…the others.”

When Zan finished he turned and looked at Liz. Sensing her apprehension he opened up to her.

I Love you….. You’re my mom.

He watched and waited for Liz

I know Zan…I’m sorry. I was just feeling…doesn’t matter…I’m your mom. I know.

Her eyes misted and she gently brushed away the hair from his eyes.

Max watched from the couch. He could not believe his son. His son had a connection with Liz all this time.

A connection that transcended from Antar.

“You’re telling me Zan that you found a connection with Liz? Why didn’t you just form the connection with me, is it because you’re 100% human? Were you looking for a human connection?” Flustered Tess asked.

“I tried to. You didn’t open up.” Zan responded

“That can’t be right, maybe you did it wrong….maybe..”

“STOP. Just stop Tess. Zan already said he couldn’t form the connection. He did not do it wrong. He had no problem forming the connection with me.” Liz tersely said.

“Fine. When was this connection formed?” Clearly disturbed Tess moved on.

Liz answered her “ Well the day I gave birth to the girls…so it would be about ten years now.”

“Ten years huh Liz? You didn’t seem to wait long after we left.” Tess stressed the, we, but looked pointedly to Max.

Liz looked between Max and Tess. Then she realized that he hadn’t told her. Hadn’t told her of their night, hadn’t told her about the girls. She knew what Tess was hinting at, she wasn’t stupid Tess thought she had slept with someone right after Max left and she was trying to hint this to Max. This bothered her. Angrily she spoke up again.

“You have no idea what you’re talking about Tess.” Liz rearranged herself and pulled her and Zan up off the floor and setting him down, "I need some air.” Briskly walking away. She needed to get away before she exploded or killed Tess either way she needed to get away. A few seconds later the front door slammed shut.

Diane Jumped up "I'll go.." Following Liz they heard the door open and close again.

“Way to go Tess.” Kyle said sarcastically.

“What? Hey it’s not my fault. All I said was that she didn’t wait lo….”

“Tess I think you need to shut up now.” Isabel cut her off.

“No I won’t he’s your brother Isabel. Max was supposed to be her great love or something. How do you think he feels? Knowing that as soon as she left….”

“You know NOTHING you bitch. Max, get your girlfriend and get her to shut up or so help me god I will. How dare she…how dare you…how dare the both of you?!” Maria hissed out.

Max intervened “They’re right Tess. There’s obviously some confusion. Thank you for being concerned with my feelings..”

Maria snorted as Max continued

“But there’s no need. There's something you need to know, you see Liz’s girls well they’re my girls also.”

“I don’t understand. What do you mean?”

“Well I mean…I am their father and Liz is their mother.”

Tess looked over to Zariah and Zierra. She could see the resemblance between Liz and Max. They had the shape of Liz’s eyes but the color was Max’s. And now that she knew what to look for she could definitely see the ear resemblance. Max had kids with Liz? And not just one but two…twins. How could this have happened?

“How?...I mean…when we left you weren’t even talking to her. How is it possible that she got pregnant? Maybe..Maybe it’s Kyle’s…wasn’t she sleeping with Kyle? They could be..”

It was hard to tell exactly what happened next or who moved first..the flurry of movements and shouts were all too fast. All of a sudden Tess, along with Max, Michael Maria and the couch were thrown back against the wall.

Shouts were heard

“You bitch.”

“……insinuating that Liz lied….”


At the movement of the couch, all eyes looked around.

Zariah, Zan and Zierra stood from the corner of the room, arms outstretched.

“Don’t you ever talk about our mom like that.” Zariah yelled out, eyes dark.

“You need to get her away from here and now or we…we won’t be able to stop ourselves from hurting her.”

“Take her…get her” Zierra screamed out.

Serena jumped into action, grabbing Tess and pushing her out the room as Ava ran to the kids.

“Hey guys, calm down. Close your eyes and focus on something good. Slow your breathing.” Ava wrapped her arms around the three as best as she could.

“Reach out to your mom….”

Max watched as Ava helped the kids calm down. Maybe they weren’t in control of their powers. That at least was something he could help with.

“Maybe I could help them….to gain better control of their powers. We could practice together. I use to help Michael all….”

Ava whirled around as Michael laughed out with laughter.

“You think, they don’t have control of their powers?” Michael asked still chuckling.

“They have complete control of their powers, they were born using them…literally.” Kyle piped in defending the girls.

Maria noticing Max’s confused look stepped in.

“What they are trying to say is that the twins are in complete control of their powers. The only reason why Tess had to be rushed out is because we were actually protecting her, a few more seconds and she would have been dust.” Maria explained making her way to Zan and the girls wrapping one arm around Zierra and pulling her close.
“They tend to be very protective of Liz and hearing Tess degrade Liz sent them into a bit of a….power tizzy. They are extremely powerful and probably would have blasted her to kingdom come. Separated they are powerful but together, together…they are practically unstoppable.” Maria finished looking down at her nieces with obvious love.

“ Maria’s not exaggerating, and with us helping them from an early age…they have better control of their powers then we did at their age. I don’t know how…or why but they are very, very powerful.”

Max’s surprised eyes met Isabel’s.

“How is that possible? I mean Liz is human and…even Zan doesn’t have powers. How can they have powers?” Max wondered.

“Yeah well about that we kinda have a theory but you’re gonna have to wait for Serena.” Michael told him.

“Why don’t we clean up here? Liz will be back soon and then we can continue.” Ava voiced out.

Everyone agreed and began putting the room back together, each silent with their own thoughts.


Re: Ghost Of You (M/L,CC,Adult) Ch.8, Pg.9 6/11/10

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 4:39 am
by dreambeliever
smilinghoney: Thank you for reading. I’m glad that you like the the family dynamics of Liz and company.

jojotheorange: Thank you for reading.

keepsmiling7: Yes Max should have checked his other sources. Yeah I love Maria too for giving Max what he deserved. Thanks again for reading, I appreciate the feedback.

LilLoucfer: Sorry no Tess whooping yet. Soon though…Thanks for reading.

RoswellianDreamer : Thanks…I appreciate the feedback.

Michelle17: Tess will get what’s coming to her, not yet but soon. I can tell you that Liz won’t be the one to heal Max.

Natalie36: Thanks for reading and leaving feedback.

mary mary (x2): Yeah too bad they don’t blast her. Thanks for reading again.

AlwaysRoswell: Thanks for reading.

dreamerfiend: Zan feels nothing for Tess. I’ve always wondered on the show how it was that Max had to be the one to connect with Tess. I mean the baby is inside of her….couldn’t she have felt something? I’m glad you’re enjoying the story. Thanks for reading and leaving feedback.

Janetfl: Max is confused. He will get just a little bit more confused before the ‘fog starts to lift’ Max feels a little obligation towards Tess, they have been together for ten years. He hasn’t yet had time to fully think about all that Tess has done. Don’t worry the girls have figured out what’s going on Max.

BritttheDreamer: Max will soon learn that nothing is as he thought it was.

begonia9508: Max hasn’t realized yet the headaches are from the mindwarps. He will soon. Antar was disappointed about him…more about that soon.

Ti88: » LOL…your feedback made me smile. You’re right Max definitely should have said those things, but again you’re right this is Max we’re talking about. Hopefully he’ll smarten up soon. Thanks for reading.

zaneri1: Yeah Max not touching Tess again was probably the best thing he did. Hopefully I can redeem Max in your eyes. Not soon but hopefully.

Timelord31: Thanks for reading.

Drogyn » Thank you for leaving feedback, hope you enjoy this next chapter.

7KA!(:  Let’s go…..

Thanks to all who left feedback. I hope you all enjoy this chapter.

Chapter 8

A few minutes later Max went into the kitchen to refill his coffee. Looking out the window he noticed the twins sitting on the back patio.

No time like the present he thought and headed towards them.

Both girls turned their heads towards the door sight before he opened it. Max opened the door to two small brunettes gazing at him expectantly.

“Wow, so umm you two knew I was coming out?”

“Yeah we can kinda sense you.” Zariah answered, swinging her head back to the backyard.

“Is it an alien thing or like thing.” Max fumbled out. He desperately wanted to try to talk to them without sounding like an idiot, but there was so much he didn’t know.

“Actually both, we can sense you cause you are alien but the feelings different cause you’re our father.”
Zierra answered him this time, her eyes meeting his.

Father…she had said father…not dad but father. This hurt.

“Okay wow. I’m sorry, I really want to get to know you, I know that your named Zariah and Zierra, so which one are you?” Max attempted to make light conversation. The girl on the right…the ‘Father’ girl spoke up again.

“I’m Zierra Marabel.” Zierra’s eyes softened some before glancing to Zariah. Both girls’ eyes met, silently communicating. The one on the left finally sighed and turned towards him.

“I’m Zariah Michelle” Her eyes flickered coolly over Max.

She was going to be a tough one, Max thought

“Beautiful. Beautiful names for two very beautiful girls. Zariah Michelle and Zierra Marabel Parker…that’s just great..”

“Evans” Zariah piped up flatly “our last name is Evans…not Parker.” Her eyes never turning to look at Max.

“Yeah we don’t talk to grandpa and grandma Parker.” Zierra answered his questioning gaze.

“It’s not our story to tell, if you wanna know more ask a grown up.” Zariah spoke up again. Finally turning to to Max, she met his gaze. Her eyes unreadable.

“So you’re our father huh?”

There’s that word again…father. He didn’t want to just be their father he wanted to be their dad.

“Yeah, I guess so. Is it… it weird for you?”

“That you’re our father, no. That you’re an alien, no.” Zierra chattered out

“That you left our mom, left us, left our planet with someone else..yes. That now you’re back with this lady, a lady who has made our mom’s life terrible. Yes. Yes it’s weird and yes it’s messed up…”

“Riah…..please” Zierra pleaded to her older sister.

“No Ria he needs to know exactly how we feel.” Zariah softly but firmly told her sister. Looking back to Max, Max could see her eyes change from love for her sister for disdain for him. He waited, she had something to say and he wanted to hear it.

“You weren’t ever supposed to come back. You were supposed to stay on your planet and be King. You weren’t supposed to come back and definitely not with her. You just don’t understand what you’re being here is doing to mom. She can’t..she can’t..uuughh this hurts her too much. She learned to live with knowing that you weren’t coming back and now you’re here, it’s not the way it’s supposed to be. We were
doing just fine without you.”

Zariah’s eyes blazed with anger and pain and confusion. Max’s heart went out to her, she was thinking of Liz’s feelings, thinking of her mom. She was being protective.

Sighing Max began “Zariah I didn’t come back to start trouble. I came back because I thought I was doing the best for Zan. Tess is my friend and she was sick also, we all needed to come back to Earth. I didn’t mean to upset any of you, most especially not your mom. You may not know this but you’re mom is very special to me. And even if you were doing fine without me, I wasn’t doing fine without you.”

“She killed Alex, mom’s best friend and you didn’t even know about us.” Zariah accusingly told him

“Well I just found out about the Alex thing and to be honest I really don’t know much about that, but we will get to that. So much is happening so fast, I don’t even know where to start.” Sighing again Max gazed out to nothing in particular and then back to the girls his eyes darting between them both.

“I may not have known about you, but I know about you now and I promise I’m not going anywhere again. I do need you, I didn’t know it but I can sense something inside me” Max held up a hand over his heart and continued…. “inside my heart, it’s complete now that I’m here.” He held their eyes firmly. He was serious they were his daughters, his family. He needed them in his life, he wanted to be in their life.

A small smiled appeared on Zierra’s face. Max began to have hope, maybe just maybe things were going to work out.

“Yeah well, what if Tess or Zan get sick here and have to leave the planet, you gonna leave us again?” Zariah asked harshly.

She was tough Max thought but she posed a very relevant question. Was she worried that he would leave?

“I don’t think that’s going to happen. They both seem to be doing a lot better.”

“That didn’t answer the question. If they got sick again, would you leave?” Zariah pressed him for another answer.

An answer he wasn’t sure he could give. Would he leave again if Zan couldn’t survive here? He didn’t know..he wanted to stay, he wanted to say he would stay but he couldn’t…he just didn’t know.

“I guess we’ll worry about that if the time comes.” It sounded lame to him even but what could he say really.

“So you really can’t promise that you’re not leaving again?” she asked again

Max wanted to give her another vague answer but he needed to be honest now. They deserved to know the truth. Dejectedly and feeling like scum he answered her truthfully.

“No I can’t promise that.” His voice hoarse with pain.

Triumphantly Zariah eyes flashed before the anger settled in again.

“Then stay away from my mom.” Their eyes met, father and daughter. Max wanted to reach out, to hug her, but he couldn’t, something told him it wouldn’t be welcomed. It was obvious they were very close to Liz.

“Umm okay so we’re in the fifth grade, getting ready to be sixth.” Zierra jumped in, sensing things were getting too serious.

Turning to Zierra Max smiled “Fifth grade. That’s great. So which one of you is older?”

“Zariah’s older, but only by like sixty seconds.”

So Zariah was older..Max could see that, already she seemed to be carrying on more responsibility that she should.

“Well you’re Aunt Isabel and I are twins also. Although I’m not sure who exactly is older.”

“Aunt Isabel is, she told us already.”

“She did huh? So your childhood…your life…’s good. I mean you get along with other kids and stuff.”

The past few minutes he had been talking with Zierra, so when Zariah answered he turned surprised.

“Yeah, yeah we do get along with other kids.” She replied softly

Max didn’t want to push it too much for their first conversation. He wanted more time with them, he wanted to learn so much more about them, but he didn’t want to push too hard to fast.

“Your mom is probably back, why don’t we go inside?” Max stood up, noting that the girls followed.

The trio arrived in the den the same time Diane and Liz did. A few minutes later Serena and Tess returned.

Everyone settled back into their places

“Now that everyon’e here, there is a lot to be said and it really needs to get out. So we’ll continue.” Liz resumed her spot back on the floor.

Zan crawled back in her lap as Zariah and Zierra took up positions on either side of her.

“So who wants to go first?” Phillip began, looking around expectantly.

“I have some questions.” Tess turned to Serena “Are you Antarian? A hybrid? And what are you doing on Earth with them?”

Serena held Tess’s eyes “I’m a hybrid human Antarian, just like yourself. The cloning process has been used for years to merge Antarians with other species, I chose Earth, humans. On Antar I am a Royal Guard. For years the Antarian people fought against Kivar, hoping……believing that one day our King would return, after all it’s in the prophecy.”

“What prophecy?” Max questioned

“In Antarian there are ‘the kluterkesy’… English ‘the knowing’. A group of elders that prophesize Antar’s future. Over sixty years ago they told of the fall of Antar and its savior….” Serena was no longer looking at Tess. Her eyes had taken on a faraway look and her voice dropped softly.

‘A fallen King shall rise and bring his bride back to life. Their souls shall meet over time and space, one half of us and one changed. Together the two will bring two of the same. These two will have the power of all within them. They hold the gifts within them to defeat the evil one, who has brought the fall, and they alone will bring back peace to our planet.’

“So what exactly does that mean?” Max again questioned. “You said that the people wanted the King to return to defeat Kivar, yet it was done here on Earth and not by us.”

Serena turned to Max “That is not true. The prophecy was full-filled. Kivar may not have been defeated by you, but he was defeated.”

“By who? Who defeated Kivar?” Tess asked

Serena turned away from Tess.

Tess turned to Michael “You. Did you kill him?”

Michael looked back at Tess’s questioning gaze “No”

“Is he even dead? How could you guys have had enough power to kill him if Max and I weren’t here? The four square wasn’t complete.”

“Is this true? Do you need the four square to defeat Kivar?” Max asked Michael

Michael shrugged “Probably, he was powerful, but I can guarantee you he is dead. Poof turned to dust right in front of me.”

“Then how could you have killed him, without the four square. The four square is essential.” Tess exclaimed

“Maybe so, but he’s dead.” Michael replied

“How?” Max was intrigued now, what were they hiding. Their subtle glances hadn’t gone unnoticed.

“We did it. We killed him.” Zariah spoke up as she laid her head on her mom’s shoulder. Zierra mimicked her as Liz’s arms went around both girls.

“You….both of you?” Tess asked

“Yes. And we’d do it again if we had to. He was hurting mom.” Zierra answered her.

“Wh..what?” Max whispered out. His daughters had killed Kivar? Kivar had Liz. Guilt slowly built up inside of him.

“I think I’ll fill in the blanks here, it started with me.” Isabel said “Six years ago I was kidnapped. I was tricked. I thought it was you, Max.” Isabel held up her hand just as Max opened his mouth.

“No..don’t ask any questions, don’t interrupt…it will make more sense and go a lot faster if you don’t. I
promise I’ll answer any questions you have when I’m done.” Breathing in deeply she started again.

“Six years ago I came home to find you Max, here at the house. I was so happy so excited and didn’t pay close enough attention. You told me that Tess and your child were at the pod chamber and were hurt. That we needed to get their quickly…… to use the healing stones on them. Of course I followed, I wanted to call the others but you said you had already and they were going to meet us.” Jessie reached out for Isabel’s hand a silent show of comfort and support.

“When we got there, no one was there. I still didn’t understand until finally I watched as you turned into Nasedo.” Pausing she shook her head and held up her hand again stopping Max before he opened his mouth and she continued on. “He was working with Kivar. They made a deal years ago to bring the heir and the Royal Four, us, back to Antar. In Return Nasedo would become like an Ambassador of some sorts. He would even be given his own small Kingdom to rule. Anyways he was cocky he would tell me these things while…while….he…” pausing for a minute to recompose herself. “He tortured me…” Isabel started again. “No Max, please don’t start. What’s done is done. I’m fine now, so please don’t start.” She had seen the look in Max’s eyes and she had needed to reassure him. She was fine…now.

“Kivar arrived, he was lax in his plans, too arrogant. He thought he was going to win, that he would be able to kill us all and continue to rule. The prophecy wasn’t being full-filled and that meant his rule would continue all he had to do was Kill Michael and I. What I didn’t know, was that back home Liz had somehow received a flash of my encounter with Max at the house, she knew it wasn’t Max and that I was in danger. She was able to get the others and they formed a rescue mission.” Isabel turned to smile at Liz. The two meeting and holding each other’s eyes a look of understanding and compassion passing between them.

“Knowing that time was short, Liz was able to Astral project to the chamber. By then I was unconscious. Liz found me and well since I was unconscious I don’t know a lot here except that she fought Kivar and Nasedo by herself for awhile. Michael, Kyle, Jessie and the Sheriff arrived to the chamber and a battle took place.” Isabel turned to Michael. “Michael, I think you’d be better at the rest.”

“Yeah ok, so I’ll spare you all the details but after Liz called and we got to the chamber we did pretty much battle it out, until well until two little four year old girls just shimmered in right in the middle of the freakin’ battle. Those two..” Waving to the twins… “Astral projected in and then all hell broke loose. It was chaos, somehow Kivar figured out that the girls were Liz and Max’s and Kivar killed Nasedo for us, apparently Nasedo knew about the girls and never told Kivar and Kivar found out that Nasedo was trying to betray him and well he turned him to toast. Liz was able to get the girls to project back to the house. Where Maria and Ava were supposed to be keeping an eye on them.”

“Hey..hey. They were SLEEPING. Or at least looked like it. How was I supposed to know they could astral project and would follow Liz? Oh My God. Am I never gonna live that down. Their bodies were still there. Laying. In. Front. of. Me. It looked like they were sleeping. You try watching twins that could magically….”

The kids began to giggle, very much use to the rants of their Aunt Maria.

“Maria…focus.” Ava muttered loudly “Let him continue or we’ll be here all night.”

“Oh…right.” Maria waved her arms up to Michael to continue.

Clearing his throat Michael continued “Okay yeah, so the girls went back home and Kivar got a hold of Liz somehow and he began to..umm….mindrape her. He had a shield around them and we were unable to get through. All we could was watch as he…um….okay so magically the girls reappear again this time they landed or whatever within the shield with Liz and Kivar. They immediately linked physically with Liz and were able to produce their own shield around her. And then well the two joined hands and then they began to glow. A bright green light surrounded them. We were on the outside of Kivar’s shield but I could feel the energy build up around me in the air.”

Kyle nodded remembering that day “The ground began to tremble. It was like when you walk on carpet and then touch a doorknob, the energy current you feel. It was crackling, zinging under our feet, traveling towards them.”

“We watched them raise their arms and blast Kivar. A large bolt of light headed for him and well he blew up.” Michael turned to Liz. “Kivar’s shield dropped and we were able to get to them finally.”

Max looked around at the now somber group.

“I don’t know what to say. I’m sorry guys, I’m so sorry I wasn’t here to help..” turning to Liz and the kids “to protect you. I’m sorry I couldn’t keep you all safe.”

“Max it’s okay. There’s nothing you could do. Don’t apologize. We dealt with it and now we’re fine.” Isabel leaned over reached for her brother’s hand. “Really we’re fine.”

But Max knew they weren’t there was more to the story…they just weren’t telling him. He wouldn’t push for now.

“I don’t even know where to start. Um okay…well you said Nasedo shapeshifted into me. But Nasedo was dead, was it another shapeshifter?”

“No. It was Nasedo. His first death was a mindwarp. Something he needed you to believe.” Kyle spit out. He hated mindwarps. Everytime he thought of what he had done to Alex his stomach turned.

“A mindwarp but who would have done that?” Max confused looked between Kyle who had answered him and Michael his best friend.

Michael looked him right in the eyes “Tess. Tess mindwarped us into thinking he died. It was all a plan to get you to turn to her more. They had hoped that with him gone you would turn to her more, since she knew
more than any of us about our Planet.”

Shocked Max whirled his head to Tess. “Did you?” he whispered out.

Tess nodded. “I mindwarped all of you into thinking he died. We needed to be brought closer as a group. We
figured this would. So we decided that Nasedo would die.”

“Why?” Max asked.

The group looked on as Max’s realization of the extent of Tess’s deception. They had had years to ponder, to theorize and to come to terms with Tess’s antics. This was not at all new to them. But seeing Max confronted with it…they all sympathized with him a little. He had spent the past ten years with her. It had to hurt.

“Doesn’t matter now. Nothing matters. We were supposed to go back to Antar, to our planet. It’s what needed to be done.”

Again something clicked in Max’s mind. “You were in on it. The deal. You knew they were planning to kill us.” It wasn’t a question and Tess didn’t answer. Max’s voice grew louder

“It was all a plan. To get pregnant and bring us all to Antar.” He sat there for a few minutes studying her.

Her cold eyes hard and unreadable.

He couldn’t believe he had spent the past ten years with this woman. Supposedly, his wife. She had killed Alex, mindwarped him, mindwarped his family, his friends. Did he even know her at all? Was it all a lie? She had been working against him with Nasedo and Kivar. Remembering something he turned back to the group.

“You said Kivar killed Nasedo, why?”

Serena had watched quietly the whole time. She had known that something was amiss on Antar and she suspected that Tess had been mindwarping him quite frequently there also. She sympathized for him. Softly she spoke up.

“The Prophecy. The Prophecy was coming true and Nasedo tried to hide it from Kivar.”

“I don’t understand that. Can you explain the Prophecy to me again.” Max asked her, his voice laced with defeat and confusion.

“Yeah, well we’re not a hundred percent, but from what we gather the Prophecy is about you. You and your destiny.”

“But I didn’t defeat Kivar so how could this Prophecy come true?”

“Okay the Prophecy says: ‘A fallen King shall rise and bring his bride back to life. ‘ We figure you’re the fallen King and your bride is supposed to be Liz, whom you brought back to life when you healed her.”
Serena nodded towards Liz and turned back to Max “ ‘Their souls shall meet over time and space, one half of us and one changed.’ So this part is the joining of two souls. Normally for Antarians, there is a ceremony or ritual of sorts where two people join their souls, the male…essentially claims the females’ soul and the female must accept the claim. Liz has said that she remembers this happening.” Serena glanced back to Liz who nodded her confirmation.

Max turned to Liz questioningly. Their eyes meet. Liz swallowed. There was nothing she could say. She couldn’t say it out loud. Catching her breath she waited. Her eyes locked with his. She felt like she was falling. She forced him to see… remember.

Images of his one night with her flashed through his mind. The awareness building between them, the heat flamed him when a final image stood out;

He leaned up and took her mouth in his, tenderly taking her lips, moving his mouth along her jaw line he softly but possessively whispered in her ear.

“You are mine.”


Max felt an empty rush sweep through him, like a vacuum sucking out pieces of him. He snapped his eyes up to hers again. She had initiated the connection, had projected their night to him and then just as quickly she had left him, closed herself up.

Sensing what had transpired Serena cleared her throat and waiting for a nod of confirmation from Max she started again, “ ‘Together the two will bring two of the same.’ This part refers to Zariah and Zierra . Twins. ‘These two will have the power of all within them. They hold the gifts within them to defeat the evil one, who has brought the fall, and they alone will bring back peace to our planet.’ We know they are powerful and were able to bring down Kivar, which then in turned allowed us to free Antar and set up the Democracy.”

“So you guys were the ones who set up the Democratic Antar?” He asked Serena

“Well not me. It was already done when I arrived here. “

“Yes, it was us. Mainly Liz and Larek but yes, it was us.” Isabel answered him this time.

“Larek? Where is Larek? He has some serious explaining to do.” Max asked turning to Michael again.

“Larek was killed years ago. Right after Kivar’s death, during an attack. What explaining does he have to do?”

“He died? I’m sorry to hear that, was Brody’s body? Did Brody die?”

Needing no words Michael just nodded.

“I..umm I sent him here about two months after I left, to check on Liz. I worried because we hadn’t used protection when we…umm when we……the night I left.”

Max stuttered out. It was a little awkward trying to say this not only in front of his friends, but his children and his parents and his past life wife. How much more awkward could it get?

“Dude no need to be embarrassed, we all know what happened and believe me, after the birth of those girls,
Liz can’t hide much more.” Kyle sang out. The kids broke out into giggles.

A lot more awkward I guess. He thought. He looked sheepishly around, his friends were smiling teasingly, his parents looked on bemused and Liz, he couldn’t see Liz’s face, her head was bent low into the crook of Zan’s neck her hair hiding her face.

Max forged on “I asked him to check on Liz and well he came back and said she was fine. No pregnancy, no babies.”

“How long after you left again Max?” Diane asked her son.

Max turned to his mom “About two months.”

“Well I can answer that one. Liz didn’t start really showing until around the fourth month.” Diane explained

“Fouth month? How long did the pregnancy last?”

“About six and a half months. Early labor is common for multiple births.” Liz replied, wondering about his confused look again. Boy was he dealing with a lot.

“But alien pregnancies last about a month.” He turned to Tess again. “isn’t that about how long your pregnancy was?”

Looking into Max’s eyes marred with so much confusion, Tess almost felt bad. Little by little, his life as he knew it was crumbling around him. Soon he would know everything. She met him eye for eye.

“A mindwarp, I needed a way to get you off the planet fast.” Her eyes just as cold as her voice.

Everything. Was everything he knew a lie? A mindwarp? He had trusted her. He had lived with her stood by her for years.

Anger built up in him, he had trusted her. Ice ran through his veins. An unexpected wave of dizziness hit him. he lowered his head into his hands. He shivered, he could feel the sweat collecting on his forehead.
Looking up he realized everyone was watching him. there were too many people, to many eyes. He needed to get away, he needed space.

Pushing himself off the couch he stumbled up. Hands reached out to help him. Too many hands. Seemingly the fingers clawed at his skin.

“I need..time…just need some space.” He ran out of the den and out the door.

The group looked around at each other. Everyone was at a loss for words.

“Michael go after him, if he doesn’t want your company just tail him from afar.” Liz clipped out as Michael nodded and headed out after Max.

“It’s been a long day, why don’t we all go home and we can pick this up in the morning. I have work tonight. But I should be able to make it back before noon tomorrow.” Liz stood and stretched “Ava, Serena could one of you stay with Tess tonight?”

“I got it Liz, no worries.” Ava answered her. Liz nodded her thanks and helped the kids.

“What’s everyone’s schedule like tomorrow?” Liz glanced around.

Isabel was the first to reply as she and Jessie gathered their belongings. “Jessie has work. Maria and I have appointments all morning, our afternoon is light though.” As she flipped through her Blackberry.

“My schedules flexible all day tomorrow.” Kyle answered

“Yeah mine too.” Serena piped in.

“I’m with Iz tomorrow and Michael’s pretty flexible too, right Kyle?” Kyle nodded his confirmation to Maria.

“And we’re free too.” Phillip voiced out, motioning to he and Diane.

“Okay great, so let’s plan to meet here tomorrow around say one?” said Liz

“I’m a little busy. I don’t think I’m going to be able to make it.” Tess answered her.

“Shut up Tess.” Maria snapped at her.

“Okay one o’clock it is.”

As everyone spread out, Liz made her way over to Phillip and Diane.

“I’m gonna go, could you let Max know I have Zan?” Liz asked.

Diane put her arms around her as Liz leaned into the hug.

“We will honey. Go home and get some rest. It’s been a long day.”

Pulling herself out of Diane’s embrace she looked up, grateful that she had been blessed to have Diane and Phillip in her life.

“I will thanks…..come on kids, let’s go home.” Liz reached out as the three latched onto her and they made their way home.


Re: Ghost Of You (M/L,CC,Adult) Ch.9, Pg.10 7/4/10

Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 4:43 am
by dreambeliever
Janfl: You’re right about those girls…

jojotheorange: True..he hadn’t known the extent os Tess’s mindwarps

begonia9508: Max will have a hard time winning Liz back…..and Zan is Max’s son, Tess was just being possessive to Liz

Michelle17: Liz has an awesome connection with all three kids

mary mary: Thanks…and yeah Max has an awful lot of catching up to do, hopefully the girls won’t make him suffer too much.

zaneri1: Max is learning that honesty is the best policy with the girls.

Natalie36: At least there was a small feeling …it’s something

dreamerfiend: LOL..your twin is older…even if it only 60 seconds……and don’t worry about Tess, she’ll get what’s coming to her.

LilLoucfer: Tess now has to learn to make decisions without Nasedo…wonder how she’ll react to this?

BritttheDreamer: Max has learned a lot and he’ll soon learn how to deal with it

keepsmiling7: Max is slowly trying to find his way through the fog

Thank you to everyone who left feedback and for those who read.
Sorry for taking so long in posting...RL just caught up with me.

Happy 4th of July!

Chapter 9

As the small group of four made their way through the backyard and into the house next door, Zariah spoke up.

“Mom I don’t have to like, call him dad or anything do I?”

Liz looked down to her eldest daughter and her heart went out to them. Liz had never lied to her girls, they had grown up knowing their father was on another planet and because of his child’s illness, probably would never return to Earth. At least that’s what Liz had always told them, now she wasn’t so sure that had been a good idea.

“No Zariah, you don’t have to call him dad right away, I’m sure you can call him whatever you feel comfortable with.”

As they let themselves into the house Zan spoke up.

“He’s not bad.” Zan turned to look at the twins. “Dad. He’s not a bad person. I love him…I mean when we were on Antar he was always there for me. I never knew he could heal. I don’t think he knew that he could heal…or I don’t know.” Zan looked around at his mom and sisters apprehension all over his face.

Liz reached out to him “Zan it’s ok. It’s all very confusing right now and it will take all of us a little time to learn everything and it would seem that things are not what they seemed to any of us,” Turning to look at the girls too, Liz met all three in the eyes “Don’t any of you be worried. We’ll figure this out.” Sighing Liz grabbed them all in a hug and opened up her connection to them, making sure to push her love for her children right out so it was the first emotion they got.

Feeling her love for them, they grabbed on tighter.

“I love you mom.” “Me too mom” “Yeah I love you three..”

Liz giggled and answered “And I love all of you.”

“Now come on. We have to show Zan his room.” Liz jumped back a little waiting for the excited movements that she knew were coming, sure enough her kids did not disappoint.

Zierra clapped and jumped up and down, “Oh yeah Zan you’re gonna love it. We did it exactly the way we did it in the dreams.”

Zariah wrapped an arm around Zan “Yeah big brother, you’re gonna love it. Come on..” she guided him up the stairs after Zierra.

Liz watched her kids as she followed. Zan was Max and Tess’s son. That had been a surprise. How could someone so wonderful, so loving, so sweet come from Tess? Obviously Zan had gotten all his qualities from Max. Besides the eyes and the hair he was very much Max’s son. His blond hair fell the way Max’s did at that age, luckily hiding the dominant trademark Max Evans ears.

It didn’t matter to her that Zan was born through Tess. Zan was as much her son as the girls were her daughters.

When you thought about it now, she had three kids with Max Evans. She didn’t know how to feel about this.
She would of course be seeing a lot of him. He did live right next door with his parents and he was the kids’ father.

Loud giggles broke her out of her thoughts. “Wow. It’s just like in the dreams.” Zan stood in the middle of his room and looked around. The walls were painted with jungle themed pictures, there was a large wooden five foot high, loft style bed that looked like it was in a tree house, under the bed was a built in desk and dresser. It was perfect.

“Remember Zan, you picked the bed cause you said you felt like you were sleeping in the trees” Zariah asked, her arms energetically waving to the bed.

“Yeah I remember.” Zan said smiling. It was a dream come true for him…literally.

“I’m home. This is real. I’m home.” Zan whispered out a small smile forming on his lips.

“Yes you’re home.” Liz met his eyes and smiled.

Zan’s smile grew bigger and then he jumped up and down and reached for his sister’s. “I. Am. Home. Woohooo.” All three jumped around in their little hug.

“All right you three, settle down. Rest up some, while I go make us some lunch. Anything special any of you feel like having?” she asked before she headed out the door.

Three shining eyes all looked at each other and then back to her.

“Galaxy subs” They all cried out.

Laughing Liz turned “Galaxy subs it is”

Making her way down stairs her thoughts flicked briefly to her parents. She hadn’t really talked to them since she had left home. She had tried once, after the twins were born.

“Why are you here?” her father asked her

“I thought you might like to meet your granddaughters. They’re a little over six months now.” Liz motioned to the two girls sitting up in the double stroller. She watched as something flickered in her dad’s eyes.

“They’re beautiful” her mother said wistfully from the stairs.

Liz glanced at her mom and smiled. “Thank You”

“I’m graduating….next week. I’m graduating.” She said meekly turning back to her dad.

“Oh. Are you Valedictorian?” her father asked.

Looking down she shook her head “No but I’m…..”

“Are you going to Harvard?” he asked again, his eyes hard. His voice controlled

She shook her head again.

“That’s why you should have listened to me. What are you planning on doing? Deliver papers the rest of your life? Such a waste. You were going places Liz and now, now you’re not. I know that you think I was hard but I was only looking out for what was best for you.” Jeff Parker looked at his daughter with pity in his eyes.

Liz couldn’t take it anymore. She would not stand here and allow her father to belittle her, her life down to nothing.

“You know what dad? Fine. You were right. I am stupid; it was stupid of me to come here, to honestly believe that you might care. But you don’t. You don’t care. I’m graduating and I’m not valedictorian, so what? And so what if I’m not going to Harvard, but you can’t see that can you. You can’t see that you have two wonderful granddaughters right in front of you.”

She looked apologetically at her mom and turned. Maneuvering the stroller around, she headed out the backdoor of the Crashdown.

“I’m done.”

Liz continued to prepare the sandwiches. She had never got to tell her dad that although she hadn’t been Valedictorian, she had been Salutarian. Which she had been extremely proud of. She had never told her dad that she had gotten an acceptance from Harvard but had decided to no go. Instead she had chosen to go to UNM… stay in Roswell. At first she had been bent on going to Boston. Maria, Isabel, Michael and twins in tow. But later she had realized that Roswell was her home and she couldn’t think of any other place where she wanted the girls to be raised. She had never once regretted it.

Placing half a pickle on each plate she called out to the kids.

As they entered they each grabbed a plate and a glass of tabasco laced chocolate milk off the counter.

Liz readied another large platter.

“You three stay put. I’m just going to run this over to grams okay?”

Their mouths already full, three heads nodded.

Liz smiled and made her way back next door platter in hand. When living with the Evan’s she had taken over the role of cook. Since moving out, her routine was usually to prepare extra and bring it over to Phillip and Diane. It wasn’t an inconvenience and she knew that Diane enjoyed not having to cook and Phillip enjoyed the meals.

After she had moved out, Diane had attempted to cook on several occasions, which had led to having Phillip sneak next door to Liz’s looking for food. Now whenever she cooked, she just made extra.

Michael followed Max for a few blocks. Man he didn’t know what he would do if he found out that almost everything he thought he knew was a lie. Tess’s deceit had run deeper than anyone would have thought.
Suddenly Max stopped and turned around and faced him, he waited as Michael slowly approached him.

“Michael I’m fine. You can tell Tess I’ll talk to her when I get back. I just need to think.”

“Why would I want to talk to Tess? I don’t give a rat’s ass if you talk to her or not.”

“Didn’t she send you…”

“No. And if she did I probably wouldn’t do anything she asks me to.”

“Then why are you here…following me?”

“Liz asked me to.”

Realization dawned on Max.



“Do you usually just do whatever Liz asks you to?”

“Pretty much yeah.” Michael answered.

Max began his walk again and Michael fell in step next to him.


“Cause its Liz.”

Familiarization washed over Max. There was a time when he could have said those words. He needed to know what Michael meant.

“What does that mean?”

Michael turned and looked at his best friend.

“It means its Liz. In case you haven’t noticed, she’s in charge. She runs the show, she’s the big kahuna, call it whatever you want, but when she tells me to do something I do it.”


Shrugging his shoulders Michael just replied

“Cause its Liz. Max ya gotta understand, you left and she was….she was bad. I mean at school she sorta held it together ya know, but Maria told me that she couldn’t sleep through the nights. I decided to follow her. A lot of times she would go to your house, in through your window. Sometimes she went out to the pod chamber. This went on for weeks. Later when we found out that she was pregnant well, I became more active in looking out for her.” Shifting to meet Max’s eyes.

“I did it for you. I figured you weren’t here but well she was pregnant with your kids and I knew how much she meant to you, so I decided to watch out for her.”

Michael turned his eyes back in front of him

“I walked her to her classes. I would help her with her books, you know I helped.”

“Michael I don’t know what to say..Thank you. I don’t think I can ever express how much I appreciate what you did.”

“Don’t sweat it Maxwell. Look, in the beginning I may have did it for you, but now I do it for her, for me. Liz is… Liz is a part of my family now. As much as I am happy you’re back. Happy to have you home.”

Michael stopped walking and met Max’s eyes. “I want you to know that if you hurt her, if you break her again I won’t be held accountable for my actions.”

Max listened at his friends’ thinly veiled threats. He was protective of Liz. Michael had never been close to
Liz, even while dating Maria. What had happened to them?

“Michael what happened, while I was gone.”

“A lot Maxwell…a lot.”

“Come on Michael, we gotta get out of here.” Running on pure adrenaline, Liz hoisted Michael up and they trudged their way through Fraiser Woods.

“Leave me Liz. I’ll be fine. I just need to rest, I’ll be fine.” Michael mumbled out, his arm draped over Liz’s small shoulder. He knew she was carrying all his weight, but he was so tired, he was so weak and the battle with Nicholas and the other skins had left him battered and bruised.

“No Michael. No one gets left behind. Now we are going to do this. We are going to keep going and we’re going to go back and meet up with everyone and we’re going to go home and the girls will heal you. You’re going to be fine.”

Liz said it with so much strength and conviction that Michael actually believed her. With Liz’s help he began to slowly make his way through the woods with her.

“One foot in front of the other” Liz huffed out and it seemed Liz could sense when Michael was about to give up and every time Liz would bring up something to motivate Michael. She would bring up Maria and the way her hair moved, the sound of her voice…..and so, Michael trudged on one foot in front of the other.

That had become their mantra. And what seemed like days later, but had only actually been hours they had finally made it to the main road and then to safety..

“This was before Kivar was killed?” Max asked, pulling Michael out of his memories.

“Actually no, this was after. Even after Kivar was killed, we were subjected to attacks, Nicholas and the skins. They were trying to claim the throne before the democracy could be established.”

“So where was Isabel? Why was Liz the only one helping you?”

“We had a plan. After our surprise counter attack, we were supposed to split up and meet back at the safe point. Something happened. Everyone got out except me. I was cornered by a few straggling skins. I probably wouldn’t have made it, but Liz came back. Killed off the skins and practically carried me out. We later learned that she could sense me, she figured out I wasn’t out and she came back looking for me.”

“I’m sorry that I wasn’t here. You, Isabel, Liz you all have been through so much. To think that I was on Antar and all of you were here fighting our War and I wasn’t here to help.” Max’s eyes, filled with sorrow and regret gazed out back at his parent’s house.

They had walked several blocks and were now back home.

“Hey it’s no problem. We got through it. In fact we’re stronger because of it.”

Michael stopped in front of the Evans’s house and turned and held Max back for a moment. “That day my respect for Liz went up a notch, if that’s even possible. You see Maxwell, I’ve always kinda envied you and I could finally understand just what it was about Liz that you saw. She’s understanding, loyal, compassionate, giving, smart, funny, strong, a great mom…I could go on and on but it all dwindles down to she’s part of my family and I protect my family, so I’ll say this once and once only…do not hurt her or I will hurt you.”

Max looked to Michael, disbelieving, Michael was protecting Liz. He was threatening him about Liz. He cared for Liz.

“Michael I would never willingly hurt Liz. You know that.”

“That’s the thing Maxwell. You never mean it and yet you do.” Michael’s words came out short and clipped.


“Maxwell don’t. I just wanted you know what the score was with Liz. And um…really I’m glad you’re back.”

Michael patted him on the shoulder and turned.

“Gotta go. I’ll see you later man.”

Max stood on the sidewalk and watched Michael hop into a pickup parked not to far up. He stood and watched the truck pull out and drive away. He continued to watch as other cars drove by. He wasn’t sure exactly how long he had stood there but he was deep in thought.

Where had Michael gone? This Michael was different. He followed orders without questions or sarcastic remarks. He was outspoken about his admiration of others.

This Michael had stayed…ten years ago Michael had stayed on Earth for the girl he loved and Max couldn’t help but realize that this time on Earth had changed Michael, had helped him to become a better person.

Maria had brought out all of Michael’s good qualities. Qualities that previously only Max and Isabel had been privy to but now they all were. Yes, Michael had stayed on Earth for the one he loved and Max felt slightly jealous of him for this.

He shouldn’t, he knew this. But the feeling was there all the same.

Slowly he made his way back into the house.


Re: Ghost Of You (M/L,CC,Adult) Ch.10, Pg.11 7/13/10

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 8:37 am
by dreambeliever
begonia9508 wrote:What's a pity with the Parkers: I guess Harvard was more Jeff's dreams that the one from Liz.... Anyway, I don't really understand his reaction and even more the one from Nancy!
Yeah the Parker's are a total let down. I always though that on the show Jeff was a litte too strict and Nancy was just along for the ride.

Michelle17: Thank You
mary mary wrote:It's really too bad that Max brought her back with him. He should have just left her where she was...she could have warped herself to death like she did Alex.
LOL...yes she should have done that, that would have been great.

Natalie36: :oops: Thanks for reading
zaneri1 wrote:It is sad that neither of Liz's parents tried to reach out to her. Thank God the Evans were there for her.
Yes...the Evans's were exactly what she needed.
keepsmiling7 wrote:I'm waiting for Tess to get what is due........please don't make us wait too long!
Sorry to're going to have to wait a little longer.....sorry.

Timelord31: Thanks for reading and leaving FB.
dreamerfiend wrote: I wonder whats going on with the healing thing with Max because I remember Max said he tried to heal Zan and Zan said he didn't try to heal him and now Zan is saying he doesn't think Max can heal so I think Tess might've mindwarped Zan or Max into thinking that. I don't know why she would do that so I'm not sure if thats what happened but it seems like the only thing that could've happened.
The truth will come out soon.

AlysLuv wrote:i missed acouple parts, darn.
Better late than never....thanks for checking in :D

jojotheorange wrote:Honestly I am waiting for Tess to get what's coming to her. So please don't keep me waiting too long
Tess will get it, not this chapter, just a few more...I promise. Thanks for reading.

Chapter 10

“Liz, thanks for lunch today. You didn’t have to.”

Diane reached out for the platters Liz brought over and walked over to the kitchen table to set them down.

Taking a seat she motioned for Liz to sit across the table.

“Sorry mom I can’t, I still need to get in a few hours of sleep. I just wanted to see if you can keep an eye on the kids tonight. Isabel was supposed to but with everything going on ….”

“Say no more…you know you never have to ask.”

“Thanks. I better get back, the kids were still eating.”

“Okay dear, what time shall I come over?”

“Eight o’clock’s good and I should be home about eleven or so tomorrow morning.”

The sound of the front door opening and closing could be heard in the kitchen.

“Mom? Dad?” Max’s voice rang through the house

“I’m in here Max” Diane yelled out towards him.

Liz braced herself for his arrival.

“Mom?” Max entered the kitchen, stopping in his tracks as soon as his eyes landed on Liz.

“Umm hey Liz.” Max looked down at the ground and shuffled his feet.

“Hi….well okay see you later Max.” turning back to Diane

“Thanks again mom, see you at eight.”

Liz turned and headed out the kitchen

“What’s going on at eight?....If you don’t mind me asking?” Max asked hesitantly

“Oh well Liz has to work tonight so I’m watching the kids overnight.” Diane told him.

Liz reached for the doorknob just as he asked

“Can I come…to watch the kids tonight….with mom?”

Stopping mid stride I paused momentarily, I knew he was asking me for permission and without turning I replied

“Sure” and then headed back through the yard to my house.

The same house that Max will see in a few hours.

What will he see? Will he think it’s boring? Messy? Will he see the hours that went into hanging the crown molding?

Do I really care what he thinks? Yes. No.


“Max sit down and have something to eat. You and I can talk.” Diane waved her hand towards the two platters on the table.

“Yeah ok.” Max pulled out one ot the chairs and took a seat.

He reached for one of the platters.

“Oh not that one.” Diane reached out for the platter and pushed the other one towards him.

“What’s the difference? What’s this?” he motioned towards the plate in front of him.

“Looks like they’re both Galaxy subs.” Diane answered him, while peeking at the sandwiches on the platters.

“Okay so what’s the difference?” Max asked again confused.

“Oh, nothing…except for the one on the red platter is for the aliens…you know red for spicy.”


“Because we have a mix of humans and aliens, Liz always puts the umm alien food in red containers.”

“Really? Why?”

“Well there are five humans and seven aliens, there was a time when we were buying Tabasco by the case and then sometimes the food would get mixed up, eventually Liz developed a system that anything made for aliens goes in a red container. With two kids being aliens she had to learn to prepare her meals alien flavored so to speak.” Diane told him with obvious pride in her voice.

“Okay so the sandwiches on the red plate are for us aliens?”

Diane nodded.

“What makes them different?” Max wondered. Liz made alien food? How does someone prepare food for aliens? He had pretty much just out Tabasco on everything.

“I don’t know. I’ve never tasted the alien food. Just seeing you guys add Tabasco on everything gives me an ulcer.”

Max bit into one of the sandwiches on the plate.

“This is really good. I mean I don’t have to add anything. It’s really good, just the right amount of spicy with a hint of sweetness.”

Diane smiled and nodded knowingly, pushing the other plate towards him

“Now try these.”

Max took one of the sandwiches off of the blue plate and bit into it.

Forcing himself to chew and swallow he looked over to his mom

“The alien food is much better. I never even realized how bland this stuff was to us, but after tasting the first sandwich….”

Diane laughed and took the normal sandwich out of his hand before taking a bite herself.

“Told you. Liz has pretty much perfected the alien taste buds.”

Max looked thoughtfully at his mom.

“Tell me…..tell me about her, about them.”

“Oh that reminds me, Zan is at Liz’s” Diane got up and went to the cabinet and pulled out two glasses and then opened the refrigerator.

“Do you want some chocolate milk Max?”

Max watched his mom as she pulled out a red pitcher. Red again..he wondered if the Chocolate Milk was spiked for aliens too. He noticed that she seemed to be clearly choosing her answers.

Setting a glass in front of him, she sat back down and looked him straight in the eye.

“She’s wonderful Max. She’s everything we would have wanted for a daughter, for the mother of our grandchildren, for our family.”

She took a breath and continued.

“When you left she was…..broken, that’s the only word I can use to describe her then. I had seen her before you know around town, at the hospital that day you guys got into the accident..and aftet you…she was different, she lost some weight, her skin was pale, her eyes hollow. I’m not even sure she would have lasted much longer.”

Diane’s voice began to tremble and moisture formed around her eyes.

“I did what I could for her, at night we would hold each other and lay in your room and talk…about you. I told her all the embarrassing childhood stories about you and Isabel and she told me about when you two dated and how you guys met, of course at that time she lied a little but …” Diane giggled a little and continued “I heard from Isabel that the kids at school were saying things, about you and Tess leaving together in the middle of the night and stuff about Liz, but Liz never told me about any of that, she kept that to herself.”
“Finding out about the pregnancy couldn’t have come at a better time for her. I know she was only seventeen, still in high school and everything, but Liz needed them, needed something of you for her. I believe those girls helped to keep her going then.”

“Why did she come to live here?” Max asked quietly.

“I don’t think I can tell you that, that’s something for Liz to tell you, Max.”

Max nodded and asked something else. He wanted to know everything, anything.

“She’s working tonight, where does she work?” While growing up Liz had goals set for herself, to be a molecular biologist, he wondered if she had succeeded.

“She works for Americana Airlines as a Flight Attendant.” Diane told him smiling

“Flight Attendant?”


“But I thought…..she was always so good in science and wanted to go to Harvard.”

“Oh she got accepted into Harvard, she just didn’t go. She chose to go instead to UNM. After graduation she found a job locally with a research company…in the end she chose Flight Attendant.”


“That’s another question for Liz, I know why, but it’s her story to tell.”

They had finished eating and Diane had begun to clear the dishes.

“I better go and umm talk to Tess.” Max stood and headed towards the hallway.

“Max” his mom called out and looked up from the sink

“Liz is family and we don’t hurt family, remember that Max.”

Diane told him firmly before turning back to the dishes.


Re: Ghost Of You (M/L,CC,Adult) Ch.11, Pg.12 7/22/10

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 5:08 am
by dreambeliever
begonia9508 wrote:Yeah Max! Don't hurt Liz but start to be a little bit harder with Tess!
Max is starting to do what needs to be done, everything just hit him like flying fright train. He'll soon remember what's important.

Michelle17 wrote: Why is Max is going to see Tess anyway?
Their talk is long overdue
mary mary wrote:God, I was so engrossed in the chapter that I was shocked when I discovered there wasn't any more...
Thank You :lol:
keepsmiling7 wrote:Red plates for alien food....great idea.
I was actually pretty happy when I came up with this.... :mrgreen: thought it would just fit right in with the human / alien family.

Timelord31: Thanks for reading

Natalie36: Diane has grown quite fond of Liz :D
LilLoucfer wrote:Can't wait to see all the history of all the people dear to Max while he was away. Flight Attendant? - that'll be interesting.
There's alot Max will learn of the others, it will all come out soon. Thanks for reading. :D
Janetfl wrote: I can't wait to find out what Max's reaction is going to be when he realises just how bad Tess has been.
Coming right up....
dreamerfiend wrote:I am glad that he wants to spend time with his daughters. At least he's making an effort with them.
Max really is trying...he just doesn't quite know where to begin. He'll learn soon.

AlysLuv: :lol: LOL team Diane? Thanks for reading.
zaneri1 wrote:Let see if Max can redeem himself (doubtful).
Max has a lot of work to do in redeeming himself, especially with the girls, more partculary Zariah, she's a tough one.

Thank you to everyone who left feedback and reading. I'm hoping that you all are enjoying the story. Here you...Max and Tess;

I own nothing a few of these lines were borrowed from season 2, departure episode.

Chapter 11

Max paused before entering the guest bedroom, breathing in deep he mentally prepared himself.

Exhaling he turned the knob and opened the door. Stopping short he had to refrain from dropping his jaw to the floor, he opened and closed his mouth, like a fish out of water.

In the middle of the bedroom, where the bed use to be, stood a supersized bird cage, but instead of iron bars there was glowing, pulsing, rods and instead of a bird there stood Tess, smack in the middle of the cage.

Judging from the look of unmasked fury on Tess’s face, she was not thrilled.

Seeing his entrance Tess shrieked out.

“MAX. MAX, Thank God. Get me out of here….now.” She ran towards him but was jolted back, just as she touched the cage bars, a loud whirring sound escaped and the bars light grew slightly brighter before zapping Tess and then dimming down once again.

“Aaahh…see, see? Get me outta here Max, get me outta here. I am not an animal, they can’t do this to me. They can’t!”

Max finally focused on what she was saying and looked around the room, sitting on the floor, back up against the wall was Ava, one knee slightly bent up, her arm resting on it and she was filing her nails, completely indifferent to Tess ranting around in the cage right in front of her.

“Ava…umm do you think you could release Tess from this..” waving his arm towards the cage “..this…cage?” Max glanced again at Tess, who now stood arms folded glaring at Ava. He turned back to Ava who hadn’t yet looked up from her nails.

Extending her arms out and displaying her hands Ava studied her nails. “No”

“You bitch.” Tess cried from the cage.

“Ava.” Max called to her and when she didn’t respond or look up, he tried again. “Ava.” He said louder.

Ava waved her hands over her nails changing the color from Red to a bright Pink. Seemingly satisfied, she finally looked up at Max.

“Look Max, she killed Alex and who knows what else. Liz said she can’t be trusted, so she stays in the cage until I’m told otherwise, so don’t even try ta’ get her out, its alien rigged.” Traces of Ava’s New York accent still lingering.

“Ava, I just need to talk to her.” Max tried to reason “I won’t let her try anything”

“No offense Max, but she’s been mindwarping you all this time and ya’ didn’t even know it, sorry buddy. You can talk to her through the cage. It’s not like she can’t hear ya’.” Ava shrugged.

Max looked at Ava and then at Tess and back to Ava sighing. “It’s not hurting her is it?” he asked

“I could care less if it was” Ava flatly told him “but no, well as long as she doesn’t touch the bars and as long as she doesn’t try to use her powers. It’s a power blocker cell, it causes physical harm to anyone on the inside who tries to use their powers. So she’s safe as long as she’s good.” Ava smirked at him.

“A power blocker cell? Fine. Can you give us a few minutes, Tess and I need to talk.” Max looked around the room for a chair.

“Oopps… that’s gonna be another big fat… no.” Smiling Ava waved her hands at one of the corner night stands and changed it into a chair for him.

“What? What do you mean?” Max asked smiling slightly at Ava, silently thanking her for the chair.

“I mean I can’t leave the room, but don’t worry, I won’t interrupt or anything.”

“Ava, she’s locked up in the power blocker cell.” Max waved his arms at the cage again. “What the hell do you think can happen?”

Ava smiled somewhat apologetically and shrugged again. “No can do. Until I’m told she can be left unattended I stay.”

Tess rolled her eyes “You see…you see Max, you’re her King and she doesn’t eve listen to you. Get me out of here.”

Max gave up. Ava wasn’t budging and it’s not like he couldn’t talk to Tess with Ava there. Everything that they needed to talk about Ava pretty much knew about.

“Tess, let’s just talk.” Max turned around to face Tess.

Tess looked at Max through the glowing bars. What was going to happen? All was not as she thought down here. Nasedo was dead, for real this time, killed by Kivar. Everyone knew she had killed Alex. Her mindwarps didn’t seem to be working with Max to well this morning, somehow his mind was blocking her attempts, she had never had this problem before and didn’t know what to do.

“Tess…I don’t understand what’s going on.” Max’s voice pulled her out of her thoughts “I thought…I thought we were friends, really good friends. How could you..” Max trailed off

Tess peered into the eyes of the only man she had ever really loved. It hadn’t started out that way, but over the years she had gotten to know Max Evans and she liked what she knew. He was smart, compassionate, reliable, honest and he was supposed to be a King.

“Max, you were a are a King and I wanted that I wanted to be your Queen.” Tess tried to explain to him. Might as well be honest, she would figure out something.

Max looked at Tess baffled, trying to understand her. He needed to understand because at the moment, he just didn't get it. They had spent the past ten years together and he never would have thought she would have done all the things he’d found out she did. Did he even know her at all?

“Why did you kill Alex?”

“I really didn’t mean to, I needed him to translate the destiny book and his brain couldn’t survive all the warps, he broke out of the mindwarp and confronted me. I panicked and tried to mindwarp him again, that’s when he died.”

With not a single bit of remorse Tess explained to Max what had happened all those years ago to Alex.

“And Kyle…what happened with him?”

“I mindwarped Kyle into thinking he was helping me carry luggage, when in reality he was carrying Alex’s body.”

“You mindwarped Kyle into helping you carry Alex’s dead body?” Max repeated incredulously

“That’s what I said.” Tess told him.

“Why Tess, they were your friends how could you do that to them?” Max really couldn’t comprehend how the Tess he’d known all these years could be the same one that could just kill a friend, use people.

“Friends. They weren’t my friends Max. That’s what you would call friends? I never fit into your little group, they tolerated me, because I was one of you guys, but none of them were my friends.” Tess told him disdainly. Why the hell would she even want humans as friends? They were use less, dead weight…Nasedo had always called them.

Tess killed Alex. Tess killed Alex. How could he not have known? Not have seen? His stomach lurched at the thought of Tess’s tears at the funeral. It was an act, it was all an act. Remembering the earlier conversation he began to question her again.

“You mindwarped us into thinking Nasedo died?” he asked flatly.

Tess looked at Max, where had her best friend for the past ten years gone? She laughed at him her eyes dull, her mouth twisted.

“Did you really think aliens looked like that Max, that animated alien I changed him into at the end? God, I can’t believe you actually fell for that, all of you.”

How did I even care for her, it was clear that he hadn’t ever really known Tess at all.

“Was it ever really you Tess?” Max asked his voice low.

As soft as Max’s voice was Tess still heard him. Briefly she thought about everything she had done and everything she would do and made a decision. She would tell him everything, not that he deserved to know, but Tess wanted him to know just how much she had done just how much he had screwed up her plans.

Raising her head as well as her voice she spoke up again, her voice hard, clear and cold.

“Look Max let me just get everything out there for you. I mindwarped you….alot. if you weren’t alien you’d probably would have died……five or six times by now.”

Anger flashed in Max’s eyes, his jaw hardened.

“What did you do Tess?” his voice low but firm

“You were a King Max, all that mattered was getting back to Antar, to help our people. I tried to show you, to teach you…but that stupid bitch had you wrapped around her finger….” She was cur short, by Max’s hand, which had snaked through the bars and was holding Tess by her throat, her feet barely on her toes.

“Don’t you ever call her that!” His voice boomed out in hard tones.

They stood like this for twenty seconds or so and finally when Tess began to gasp and turn a slightly darker shade Max released her.

“See…why couldn’t you ever feel that way about me? …..I’m you’re wife Max.” Tess panted out, still breathing hard and gasping for air.

“No, Ava was Zan’s wife, in another life. We’re not those people. Now we’re just Max and Tess.” Max told her firmly.

“I carried your child, I gave birth to him.” Tess cried out.

“That’s true, you were the one that carried him and gave birth to him, however it would seem that someone had already claimed his heart.” Max threw out. Full blown anger finally setting in.

In the corner, Ava snorted. Max was finally understanding she thought.

Tess, who had been taken back by Max’s response fired back.

“Like I really care, Kivar rejected him for not having powers, he’s as useless as the humans now.”

Max clenched his fists at his side, resisting the urge to snap Tess like a twig. If it wasn’t for the dammn connection….

Seemingly reading his mind Tess taunted him

“Ooohh does boy King want to hurt me? Please. Let me at least see how my other revelations will affect you.”

“What are you talking about Tess?” Max snapped impatiently

Tess tapped her finger on her lips and playfully looked up

“Let’s see…what to reveal now? I know, how about…Zan was never sick here on Earth, the atmosphere wasn’t killing him. I just needed a fast way off the planet.” Tess dropped her news and stood back and waited and waited. After a few seconds Max’s face raged….now he got it, she thought.

“We never had to leave the planet did we?” he screamed out at her.

Bingo. Tess thought a small smile lurking on her face.

“Nope” she shrugged

What have I done? What have I done? He had wasted ten years, ten years. He could have been here on Earth with all of his children. He could have been there for their birth, to rock them to sleep, to see their first...... everything. He could have been here to help them with Kivar and the other skins, he could have been here for Liz…..

Whipping his head back to Tess

“You bitch.” He sneered “Why would you do this?”

“Still don’t get it Max? I wanted to be Queen. Nasedo made a deal with Kivar. Bring him the heir and I could be Queen. I wanted to be Queen.”

“So it was a set up?” This sounded vaguely familiar, hadn’t he learned of this earlier?

Nodding Tess told him more “ Oh and I never really killed Nicholas that day at the school, I just mindwarped you into thinking I did. Good thing when we went to New York you never figured it out. You are really quite dense Max.” Tess taunted him some more. “And the memory retrieval… a big sham. Didn’t you ever wonder why Antar didn’t look like the memories you were suddenly remembering?”

Max was ready to crush her. Forcing himself to cool down he stormed out of the bedroom and as far from Tess as possible. Making his way down stairs and out to the back patio he was soon pulled out of his heated faze by the sound of children’s laughter.

Sitting down in one of the chairs he turned and watched as Zan, Zariah and Zierra splashed each other and Serena in the pool that was in the middle of the yard next door. From the way Serena was running around after each one Max could only surmise they were playing water tag.

He watched on as one of the girls splashed water at her brother and threw her head back and laughed. Max smiled at this gesture, it reminded him of Liz. he continued to watch as his other daughter smiled and tried to shield Zan away from the splashes. That must be Zariah, always watching out for others, being responsible. His eyes darted next to his son and Max watched as he reached over and began to tickle Zariah. His son looked so happy. Barely a trace of the once practically bedridden boy, coming back to Earth had definitely been the right choice.

Sadly Max studied his daughters more. He felt like scum, a failure, he couldn’t yet tell the physical differences between his daughters. What kind of father couldn’t tell his own kids? Him, The Antarian ex-king sorry excuse for a dad. He should have been on Earth all this time, he had never wanted to go to Antar, but because of Tess he thought he had to. How did he not know how much Tess was clearly capable of?

Zierra caught sight of Max and waved before turning back to the others. Max waved back and made himself comfortable, perfectly content to just sit and watch his three children.

Forgetting about Tess Max thought again of his kids, he would make it up to them, all of them. He had a lot of years to catch up with.
