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The Frightful Truth (CC/AI , Adult) 1/1 - 04/25/10

Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 6:59 am
by PML
Title- Frightful Truth

Author- PML, with a beta and assist by Mt. Gazer

Disclaimer- Roswell is not mine and no infringement is intended.

Category- CC-M/L

Rating- Adult

Summary- This is the twelfth companion piece to A Kiss to Build a Dream On. As the others have detailed, this night has been a mix of glorious highs and horrific lows. This Companion occurs right after Isabel has woken up after a pleasant nights sleep.

So why is she so edgy?


Isabel woke with a start. The dream she had just awakened from had been pleasant. She could remember that. But for the first time that she realized, she could recall none of it.

Not a thing.

She knew instantly that things were out of place.

Someone had been in her room.

Instantly she was on guard, her powers rushing into her. Her senses switching instantly into overdrive.

There was someone in her room RIGHT NOW!

She reached out tendrils to grab the offender and TEACH THEM A LESSON! Isabel sat up and looked at the person who had invaded her territory. Hand glowing with power as it held whomever it was in place.

Liz sat calmly in a chair that was now pressed hard against the wall. “Good morning Isabel. I don’t suppose you would let me go?”

Isabel used one hand to raise the blanket up to cover her chest. She didn’t usually sleep in the nude. It always added a step if she had to do something outside of her room.

“What are you doing here, Liz?” Something kept the force up. Was she even sure it was Liz? Tess had mentioned that her alien shape shifting ‘father’ was back in town. And he was not happy with their relationships with the humans.

Isabel kicked herself for falling asleep last night. She had planned on letting Alex down softly. If she had to drop on him like a hammer in a public place…..

He might never forgive her.

For some reason even thinking of Alex gave her the strangest sensations. Her heartbeat began to race. There didn’t seem to be enough air.

How could she be sure this was actually Liz? Would the real Liz actually sneak into her room like this?

No. It must be Aric. Come to torture her in some way.

She pressed the fake-Liz harder against the wall.

Liz groaned. “Isabel? Please!”

“What is it you want!? Isabel almost swung her legs over the side of the bed. But that would leave her naked. And she felt acute shame.

Something she had never felt before. But she was too keyed up to do more than note it.

In fact her whole body felt like it was buzzing, tiny pinpricks of lightning coursing up and down her body.

He was wasting time! Precious time!

She took the spare moment, kicked her legs up and removed her panties. There. Now he could just stop staring and get to business! She could feel through the bond that his body was roaring at him to make his move.

But he took his own sweet time removing his own underwear. He walked over and rummaged through his pockets.

A condom. Alex Whitman had a condom in his wallet.

End Flash-

Isabel looked wildly around the room. Her eyes focusing again on fake Liz. “What are you doing to me? What are you making me feel? I already know you will hurt Alex if I let him... if I let him in. I promise I will let him go. Just don’t hurt him!”

“Isabel? Please, just let me down so we can talk.”

Isabel shifted on the bed, wrapping her bedding firmly around her. Like it was some sort of armor. Something that could hide her.

Something that could hide her shame.

A condom. Alex Whitman had a condom in his wallet.

He looked at her surprise. “I’ll tell you later. And no I did not expect…. This.” He fumbled for a few moments, and task complete he slid on top of her.

But not into her, to her frustration. He continued to caress her body. If he was waiting for her to be ready he was wasting time. She reached down to guide him.

“You know, Isabel. You and I are meant to be. We are. And your enemies will see it. And if you want to keep me safe.”

“Alex will you just shut up and….. Ahhhh.”

He slid into her. There was a moment of pain, which was shared through the bond. As was the pleasure that followed. They started slow, both of them staring at each other in the sheer sensation of it.

End Flash-

Isabel moaned as if in memory. As if her body could feel him penetrate and move inside her. Already she could feel her body react to the sensation. Warm fluid slipping from her naked body into her bedding.

Flashes often added more than just visual cues.

But these were impossible! It was simply impossible for any of this to be happening!


Tess was screwing with her head. Helping her crazy father.

“STOP IT! Stop it or I will KILL you!” Already things were slightly drifting off her shelves. Just sort of floating here and there.

She could never remember being this much out of control. Never. Even Michael had better control than this.

“Isabel, I am not Aric. I am your sometime friend - sometime rival for your brother’s affection. Look, I can see this is affecting you stronger than we thought it would.”

“Please have her stop taunting me. Please.”

“Taunting you?” Liz’s eyes crinkled in thought.

“Making me see, making me feel…. Please….”

He slid into her. There was a moment of pain, which was shared through the bond. As was the pleasure that followed. They started slow, both of them staring at each other in the sheer sensation of it.

As they slowly found the rhythm that worked best for them, Alex finished his thought. “So, Miss Evans, if you want to keep me safe.” He pushed a little harder, pushing himself just that bit deeper in her. He moaned a tiny bit of pleasure before continuing, “You will have to keep me close.”

She looked up at him, and in between a series of moans, she replied, breathlessly, “Oh, I doubt that will be a problem Mr. Whitman. Because from now on I want you very close indeed..” And she moved to kiss him, one hand forcing his mouth to hers.

Isabel cried out in the imagined pleasure, in the impossibility that it represented. Something she would never have. Never have the opportunity to have, not with Alex. Not with her Destiny.

Her body was now covered in a heavy sweat as she moved into overdrive. And tiny moans and squeaks were coming out of her mouth as her mind kept getting the flashes, the memories of her first time.

But behind it was a huge load of fear. Something bad was coming. Something horrific

She was having trouble focusing. The glow of her hand began to frazzle, being more a series of golden sparks than a solid gold.

Liz’s stood up and began to walk towards her. “Isabel, please. You have to calm down. Please.”

“G-get b-b-back. Or, or I will b-blast you.”

This had to stop! It had to!

She walked back into the room. Alex was sleeping. She took off the robe and slipped into bed with him.

So warm. So very warm.

Sleep often was hard for her to enter. She only needed a few hours to function, although she found a long night’s sleep as pleasurable as anyone else. Sometimes it just wouldn’t come. Not a problem tonight. Not now.

She was half asleep as she felt his arms surround her. One of them cupped a breast and massaged it gently.

She fell asleep with a smile.

Isabel felt as her heart began to constrict. As the air became so hard to breathe. She stared up at the fake Liz. “Help me! Please! Get,” swallow, “get Max!”

Liz was crying and touching her forehead. “Oh, Isabel! You are burning up! I will get him, just hold on!”

Isabel felt as the thing left the room. But now she was alone, alone with the pounding flashes.

Isabel stared at Alex. Those dreams, they had seemed so real. So very real.

And so very terrifying. Again she pictured herself, her veins destroyed by heroin use. Prostituting herself to get the money for just one more hit, hoping that it would be her last….

Isabel shuddered.

Just a dream.

One this very real Alex had nothing to do about. This sexy Alex. She quietly apologized for hitting him and kissed him.

The room began to spin making her dizzy. She felt a bit of spittle drip from her mouth.

What was wrong with her? What was happening?

And why wouldn’t it stop?!

Isabel bit her lip as she watched Alex slowly make love to her with his mouth and fingers. Her girlfriends had talked about this. About how good it would feel.

And that it was safe. Something that she didn’t have to fear. They even teased her a little that she hadn’t at least done this.

But she had always needed to keep her distance. Afraid of what even the most casual dalliance might bring. She had let herself a little more leeway with Grant.

But still, they had never quite gone this far. Close, working their way to it. But still….

Where had Alex learned this?

And she stopped caring as she tilted her head back with a moan.”

Where were they? Where was everyone? Why didn’t they love her?

Why didn’t they save her?

She couldn’t breathe!

She was DYING!

Didn’t they love her?

She was close now. So very close. Every movement he made inside of her brought increasing pleasure.

NO. Please. NO. I don’t want to see that. I don’t want to know!

It crashed upon her, the waves of ecstasy rolled through her body. And there on the floor was.

Was Alex. The real Alex.

Isabel’s heart seized. She began gasping for breath that would not come. And slowly darkness took her.

They weren’t coming. Just like last time. Just like with Khivar.

The world went black.


She was standing in the shower. She couldn’t quite focus. But she heard two worried voices.

Tess and Liz.

‘What are they doing here?’ Something was on the edges of her mind. And if she could just access it...

But it was too tough to talk. Just took too much.

She was so dirty. And needed to be clean.

But it just wouldn’t clean off of her. She couldn’t see anything. But it was there.

She looked over and saw them watching her. In the shower.

Something simply wasn’t right. She scrubbed her belly for the millionth time. Something didn’t make any sense.

She felt as the water began to cool. She reached over to the wall and set a pulse to warm it as the water flowed through it.

For some reason it was harder than it should be.

She just stood there slightly rocking and trying to remember why they would be watching her like that. Worried. Such worried eyes. She bit the tip of her fingernail nervously.

Had she done something? Had she done something foolish again? Like that last time?

She couldn’t really remember it. But she remembered it had gotten all of them killed.

Alex. Where was Alex?

She needed him here. Needed to protect him. She couldn’t say why, but she knew that she had to. That she had to keep him safe.

Why couldn’t she remember? Why couldn’t she remember anything?

She shook her head, ignoring the tears that slid down them in time with the pounding shower. She needed to stop this. Needed to finish here and find Alex.

But it was so warm. So very warm.

And she felt so cold. So cold without Alex. She shivered amidst the scalding water.

She bit her lip and winced. She put her head out of the shower, saw herself in the mirror and watched as a tiny bit of blood made its way down her chin.

Liz walked over and said softly, “It’s been over an hour. Don’t you think you are done?”

Isabel wiped her lip and shook her head. “Where is Alex?”

Tess just stood there watching her, blue eyes so very sad. She didn’t know that Tess could be sad. That she did the whole compassion thing. It was a nice look on her.

Liz sighed, “He went home. He will be back for lunch. The sooner you are done, the sooner we can get you dressed and ready.”

“Its not all gone. I can’t see it. But its there. Can’t you see it? All the blood?”

Liz raised her hand to Isabel’s lips. Her hand glowed a gentle blue and she touched her. The pain vanished. “It is all gone, Isabel. You have washed it away.”

Isabel looked at Liz and blinked owlishly, “You have changed.”

Tess’s soft voice filled the room, “She is the Queen. We think that may be why she can, why she has.” She vaguely waved her hands. “You know, powers?

Isabel nodded. “Ava was right. I didn’t believe her when she told me.” She shook her head slightly, a little of the fog on her brain dissipating. She looked at Tess, “Where does that put you?”

“I am with you. I will serve however I can.”

Liz turned to face Tess, “Tess….”

Tess shook her head, “If you accept it in part, you accept it in whole. Here on Earth sure. But you will be Queen. And I,” A slight puckish smile flickered on her face, “I can teach you.”

Liz turned to face Isabel, “See what I have to put up with now?”

Isabel raised an arched eyebrow, “So you and Max?”

Liz nodded her cheeks pinking slightly.

Isabel nodded. ‘Wonder what this does to Destiny.’ “Good. Maybe he’ll be bearable again, not have such a stick up his ass.” She turned off the water. She reached for a towel and began drying herself vigorously. ‘Who gives a damn, I don’t.’

But inside of her she could feel a knot forming. She was nervous? When did she ever have time for nerves?

She didn’t get nervous, she existed to make others nervous. Not to mention jealous.

Isabel preened in front of the mirror. “How long before Alex gets here?” ‘Let’s see what should I wear?’

Mentally she walked through her wardrobe, picturing Alex’s face to various outfits.

The other two girls shared amused glances.

‘Wait, I’m supposed to break up with him.’ She felt a dash of sorrow followed by a rush of panic.

No. No she could not do that. If she let him go, how could she protect him?

Isabel chose among the various colors of lipstick she had, “I hope your shape shifting bastard of a father realizes that I am not going to give Alex up. I’d rather die than live as a slave to some damn Destiny!”

Tess and Liz shared glances. Glances that conveyed a lot of information they were NOT sharing.

That worried her.

But all in good time. If there was one thing Isabel was an expert at, it was ferreting out secrets.

“So, Liz, you’ve been Alex’s friend for a long time. What kind of thing would a girl have to wear to seduce the poor boy?”

Liz just opened and closed her mouth wordlessly.

Tess said slyly, “Well I think the current outfit would work, but your mom might object.”

Isabel made poses in the mirror. “You know, I think this works for me. Don’t you Liz?”

Liz was blushing, “Somehow I think you might find that outfit a little cold for December.”

Tess put her arm around Liz, “But that is what Alex is for.”

Liz shook her head, “Christmas, Isabel. Your brother told me about your love of Christmas. You could just wrap yourself in some paper for him. That’d work,” She added dryly.

Isabel looked at the other two girls. They didn’t seem to be fighting. Or even uncomfortable with the other.

Wow. Major changes in the air.


Such a wonderful time.

Ok. Lets see. Leather. A must.

She put on her robe and walked with the other two girls to her room. She stood there a moment before entering. It almost seemed haunted.

She didn’t notice that her eyes never touched on the bed. Isabel never went near it, never draped anything across it.

And if something happened to be on it, she had Liz or Tess fetch it.

After a few moments of laughter and happiness. Really giving the wardrobe a workout, one it hadn’t had in a while.

And teaching poor Liz how to alter colors in a fabric. How the different materials required a slightly different touch…..

She stood there in front of her mirror. She admired the view. A tight red sweater, with her black leather skirt and jacket. The boots completed it.

She’d even got to show off some of her never really used lingerie. But tonight. She was determined that tonight it wouldn’t just be the girls who got the full impact.

Tonight Alex was going to be hers. Tonight she would claim him.

And to hell with Destiny. To hell with Aric.

She turned to her two admiring friends, “Okay. I’m finished. Now I get to dress you.”