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Delirious (CC M/L, Mature) CHP.18, 11/9/11 [WIP]

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 7:30 am
by dreambeliever
Thank you to Ginger for the banner below... :D

Title: Delirious

Disclaimer- Okay everyone, I really hate research so release dates and such may not be accurate however I do try. I do not own Roswell, and mean no infringement. It is owned by Jason Katims, Melinda Metz, UPN, WB, etc.

Category- CC, M/L ...Starts out UC but is CC some M/T (Dreamers I will try to warn you)..L/K moments and other couples.

Rating- Mature.

Summary- Hmm..what can I say without giving it away. During 4AAAB Liz and Maria leave Roswell and begin a new life. Liz tries to escape the Alien Abyss, meets up with Kivar. Zan is kidnapped and Liz and Max reunite and well that's enough...sorry I really suck at summaries.

A/N- I've finally gotten the bug to start posting fics. :D Sooo this is my first fanfic. For this fic I really wanted a stronger sexier Liz, somewhat of what she was in the beginning of Season 3. So this fic Liz is a little different, I hope everyone likes her. I will post as often as I can. :lol:

***A special thanks to my Betas...Vanessa and Sara. and to mary mary and dreamer 19 for the beautiful banners. Thank You.


Playground,’ the sign says. The neon lights illuminate the sidewalk, bustling with passersby, even this late at night. Looking to the left, I see that most people are entering the familiar club next door. I look back to the building I’m headed into, and think back to the last meeting years ago, held in an abandoned warehouse in New York, and I wonder if the council has moved up in the world. I feel a hand grab mine. It is Tess, my Bride and Queen from my past life and the mother of my child in this life. Sighing, I allow her to lead me to the entrance.

We enter the brightly lit lobby area where there is a perky teenager smiling from a counter area in front of us. Definitely different from the last time. Is she the emissary? The council chose a teenager as a host?

“Good Evening,” I hear, as she approaches us. I don’t care; I haven’t really cared much about anything lately. The only thing that has mattered to me is Zan, my 7 year old son. I hear the girl ask Tess a question, “Mature…..or PG…?” What the hell? Catching pieces of what she’s asking, I peer into a large room behind her and see a large restaurant of sorts, pool tables sporadically centered throughout the room. Dinner tables and booths fill the other areas. The place is packed. I see different groups, some playing pool, others hanging around laughing, drinking, still others just enjoying their dinner. I spot groups of friends, couples, different clusters of people. The place must be nice. It looks like a good way for people to unwind on a Friday night. Normal people. I wasn’t normal. I would never be normal. Nope, I wasn’t here to meet friends, I was here for an alien summit meeting. Nope, I will never be normal. Sighing, I focus back to Tess and the girl.

“…invitation only..” the perky girl is still talking to Tess.

Tess elbows me, “Max. Max!” Her voice is louder now.

“What?” Pulling my gaze away from the happy-go-luckies I look down at Tess.

“The invitation- she wants to see the invitation, Max.” I look over to the perky girl. She’s still smiling and nodding her head slowly. I reach into my pocket and pull out the large platinum ring; it’s the size of a ladies bracelet. The girl takes the ring from my hands and walks over to a wall next to a stairway, where she places the ring in a small indenture and turns. Click. The wall slides open to reveal an elevator. She pulls out the ring, hands it back and motions for Tess and I to get in, which we do.

Just before the doors close, she straightens up and ever so lightly bows and meeting my eyes she whispers out respectfully, “Your Majesty…” the wall slides shut and we begin to gravitate up.

What the… does she know me… is she a host…who is she?

“Well, that’s more like it. This is so much better than that time in New York. Did you see the way she bowed to us, Max?”

I don’t have time to answer her before the elevator stops and the doors swish open again. We step out onto plush tan carpeting. Looking around, there are olive green walls and matching striped chairs lined up against a wall off to one side. Directly in front of us stands a rather stocky looking man, early thirties, slightly shorter than myself, maybe 5’8” or 5’9” with short black hair and grey eyes. He’s wearing a navy blue business suit and looks to be guarding the wooden double doors behind him. Tess and I stop a few feet in front of him. Nothing is said as he reaches behind me, and with a wave of his hand, the V shaped constellation of my seal is projected in front of us. He’s the emissary. He proceeds to repeat the process on Tess and nothing happens. He waves his hand again. No Seal.

“I’m sorry, but she must wait out here.” The emissary looks to me directly.

“What?!” Tess cries incredulously, “I am the Queen…in fact who do you think y…”

I interrupt knowing Tess will only screw this up. “She is the Queen of Antar. She has the same right as I do to attend this meeting.”

“I apologize, your Highness, however she does not carry the seal. I am unable to allow her entrance.”

“Well, she is the Queen, and my guest. I will not attend without her.” Please let her in. If you don’t, I will never hear the end of it.

“No, she is the former Queen. Antar has a new Queen.”

So the rumors were true. Antar had a new Queen, which could only mean that Kivar had chosen a Queen.

The man begins again apologetically, “I’m sorry to hear you will not be attending. Please allow me.” The Emissary proceeds to escort us back to the elevator.

What? Are they seriously not going to allow me entrance simply because Tess does not carry the seal? I need to attend this meeting. My life, my son’s life, my future depends on the outcome of this meeting.

“Sir, she attended the last summit with me in New York, what is the difference now? She is my guest. Will they not allow it again this time? She is with me and I am the rightful King.” I try again. I need to be in this meeting. I will do it with or without her.

“No, you listen to me. I am the Queen of Antar. Whoever is on the throne right now is an imposter. Let me in and we’ll prove it.” Tess states, trying to speak with authority, but only sounding whiny.

“The Queen is already inside and she has passed the test. SHE carries the seal that you do not.” The emissary replies rather curtly, seemingly annoyed with Tess’s behavior.

I turn to Tess, “Tess, maybe you should wait out here I’ll go in and see wha…”

“Like Hell,” Tess screeches. “It is my right to attend this meeting. I am the Queen, for Christ’s sake, they should be listening to me. I could have them all punished for this.” Tess cries, raising her voice rather loudly now.

Just then, the double doors open and out steps another man, mid twenties sandy blond hair, cold blue eyes. I study the man, narrowing my eyes on the man. Judging from the smirk and the aura that I’m feeling, I know this man. Kivar.

“Arthur,” Kivar says with authority, “what is the commotion; we are ready to begin and we are already late.”

The emissary turns to Kivar and bows slightly, “Your Highness, I apologize, however Tess would like to be in attendance.” The emissary says, rather apologetically to Kivar.

“You were not invited, why are you here?” Kivar directs his questions rather rudely to Tess. I watch as Tess’s eyes flicker with something, betrayal, anger?

“I’m the Queen of Antar, I don’t just want to be in attendance, it is my duty to be here for the people of Antar. I demand entrance!”

“Hmmm…Tess, it would seem that you are unaware that Antar currently has a reigning Queen. You are the former. You are no longer. Let me discuss this with the Queen, it will be up to her to allow you entrance.” Kivar turns and disappears behind the doors he entered from moments before.

I turn to Tess. “Tess, you could have just waited.”

“Max, it seemed to have worked. I’m going in aren’t I?”

“We don’t know that..”

Tess starts again, effectively cutting me off midsentence“…and besides I am the Queen. What right does this other woman have to call herself the Queen? Just because she is Kivar’s whore, doesn’t mean she’s the Queen. I have a right, a duty to attend this meeting!” Tess exclaims.

Kivar comes out of the room once again and addresses Tess.

“Well, it seems it is your lucky day, the Queen has allowed you entrance. However, please remember, you are a guest, a spectator. Respect that, or you will be asked to leave.” This time turning to me, he states, “Max, she is your guest and you will be held responsible for her actions. Now follow me, you’ve already caused us a delay.”

We obligingly follow Kivar into the room.

Tess and I enter the large room. Centered in the room sits a large conference table and chairs. A couple of people are already seated. Upon our entrance I watch as Larek in Brody’s body, makes his way over towards us. Extending his hand, he reaches out to shake mine. “Max, glad you could make it. Tess, hello.”

No one else seems to want to share in exchanging pleasantries. I look around and see Hanar. Wasn’t that her name? She was at the meeting in NY. I also see another lady sitting across from her. Standing off to one side deep in a conversation stands another lady and a man. Jaq? He’s the one that lost against Liz last night. Making eye contact with him he raises one eyebrow at me in a silent acknowledgement. My eyes continue their assessing of the room. Towards the back of the room at what looks to be the head of the table, stands another man along side Serena and Kivar. Hmmm, Serena and Kivar… She’s standing with Kivar, is she the new Queen? I wonder if Liz and crew know about this. The three of them stand side by side, their stances rigid. Moving along, I see another man and two ladies standing near the refreshment table.

“Please everyone, let’s begin. Most of us have limited time in our hosts.” Larek speaks as he makes his way to the table. “Max, please have a seat.” Larek motions to a seat at the other end of the table. The seating arrangement mirrors the meeting in NY.

Larek waves his arm motioning to a small loveseat off to the side, “Tess, please have a seat.”

“I’ll sit next to Max.” Tess firmly replies beginning to make her way towards me.

“No.” Larek answers in an equally firm tone. “I know that Kivar has already told you, you are a guest and guests do NOT sit at the table. Now, if you’d like, you may stand behind Max.”

Realizing that there is no room for negotiation Tess gives in. “Fine. I’ll stand.” Larek merely nods, and acknowledges the group that had been at the refreshment table, now making their way to the table.

“Sero, you remember Max. Max, Sero, and this is Roz and Fes.” Pointing out the two ladies that were with Sero. Introducing the couple that had already made their way to the table, Larek begins again “Jaquard and Beqa, this is Max.”

“Hello again Max.” Jaq offers a friendly smirk. Beqa nods her acknowledgement as she pulls out her seat.

“Oh you already know each other.”

“We met last night.” Jaq states, offering no explanations to Larek.

Larek not waiting for one, moves on. “Okay then…Over here we have Draicon, Serena and, well, you already know Kivar.” The man known as Draicon glares at me. I wonder what his problem is? Serena meets my eyes, but does nothing to otherwise acknowledge me. Kivar merely nods and grins.

Everyone including myself, except Kivar, Serena and Draicon are now seated at the table. I hear Kivar clear his throat, “Max, Tess..” Kivar’s voice booms out within the room. I watch as Kivar, Draicon and Serena all step aside and make way for someone who had silently been standing behind them. I start to feel the blood rush to my head, shivers run down my neck and body. “…..I don’t believe you’ve met the Queen of Antar, Elizabeth.” I watch as Liz Parker, the love of my life, steps up and takes her place next to Kivar, as he intertwines his arm with hers. Everyone bows their head as a sign of respect to the Royal Couple, everyone except a very surprised Tess and me.

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

6 years ago…….

Tess goes flying into the wall. “Get up, bitch!” God, what is she doing here…oh Alex…

I step forward again…“I'll kill you!!”…I think of Alex…I can’t believe she’s here and with Max again.

“Liz…No.” Max rushes over to me.

“You're a murderer! I'll kill you!” I vehemently yell at her, as Max grabs me by my arms and rushes me out to the patio.

“Liz!” He cries almost pleadingly. I look up into his eyes.

“What?? What?? So you trust her now?” What the hell is wrong with him?

“No, Liz, far from it. But Tess and my son are linked. Killing her would kill him.”

“Yeah, it's convenient.” Did he really believe that? Just like the baby couldn’t survive here on earth.

“Liz, I have no other choice. I have to believe her.” That answers my question. No he does have a choice he could let me beat her ass to near death. I mean if her and the kid are linked he can always heal them. Does he even remember what she did to Alex?

“This is insane. She betrayed all of us! She killed Alex!”

“...I know.” No, No you don’t know, apparently.

“No, she has to pay for it! Max, promise me... when this is all over, Tess will pay for what she did.” Hopefully burnt to ashes.

“......I promise...” Hmmm, why do I not believe him? My heart doesn’t believe him. My brain wants to, but my heart, my heart just can’t believe him.

“Let me know when it's over.” I walk away and leave him standing there; I need to think.


Sitting here with Maria in the Crashdown, I wonder about my life. I’ve just realized that I actually want to physically cause Tess bodily harm.

“I blasted Tess and she went flying.” I state still in awe of my own powers.

“Wait a minute. Back up a second. You 'blasted her'? I thought your little power flare-ups were over with,” she asks.

“Yeah, me, too. But, I saw her and all of this energy just came out of me -I mean, all of this - like - anger and hatred. Oh...I-I just thought that part of my life was dead and buried.” Kinda like how I wished Tess was right now.

“Wait a minute. No. That part of your life was never dead and buried. I mean, you've never truly gotten over that...”

Maria, my best friend, she’s right, she knows me so well. I’ve never really gotten over that. “Okay, but... I just want Tess out of my life.”

“Well, it's easy enough. Just walk over to one of those men over there and tell'm where she's hiding.” That would be easy…hmmm too easy. I look out the window to the soldiers standing outside, questioning people. Could I?

“No, I - I can't do that.” Then they would find all the aliens and Zan.

“Fine. I'll do it.” Maria starts to get up and I reach out to her.

“No! Sit down!” Thankfully Maria sits back down, but shakes her head.

“What?” I ask her.

“I am - I am so sick of seeing my best friend like this.”

“Like what?”

“Like, a victim! I mean, you don't have to be a victim... Forgive Max, or get him out of your life. It's one or the other. ...You have to make a decision. It's your decision. It's your life.”

Maria is right again and I tell her so. “You’re right. I can’t forgive him, especially after tonight. I mean, she killed Alex and he wants to protect her.” I realize that I have a lot of pent up anger and frustration. I think back to everything that’s happened. I love Max, I probably always will, but right now I can’t forgive him. Loving him all this time is a part of me. I don’t think I know how to not have him as a part of me. God, I realize I’m truly pathetic. I don’t have a life of my own anymore, my whole life lately revolves around Max or the pod squad, keeping them all safe, hiding, running, searching, sneaking off to see him. Everything was about him now. How come I don’t have a life of my own? This has to end now.

“I slept with Kyle, granted it wasn’t real but he didn’t know that, he thought it was, and he practically shuts me out of his life, and then he goes to god to Tess and he gets her pregnant.The lying, traitorous murdering bitch and then he wants to protect her!”

I’m yelling now, it just feels good to get this all out. I’m tired of being walked on. I’m tired of being nice, understanding. I look at Maria, who’s sitting there with a shocked grin on her face.

“I mean she killed Alex, she is a MURDERER, and all they can think about is their own asses. I don’t wish anything ill towards baby Zan, but fuck this. All they care about is themselves. WE lost a best friend! They haven’t lost anything. I never did tell you what he said about sleeping with her did I?” I look to Maria.

“Nope, you never told me, tell me now, chica.” Maria leans closer, egging me on.

“It was something along the lines of, well I can’t leave this planet anymore, so I guess we can try to work it out.”

“He said that?”

“Well, not exactly, it was more like.. I was attracted to someone like me, but it’s over now.” I say mockingly, “You know what? I’m not over it! Fuck this!” I let out a long frustrating sigh. I’m also wondering where the hell my spunk came from. Maria. Damn her and her influential ways. I make up my mind. I feel a whole lot better. I feel like a whole weight has been lifted off my chest. I’m breathing easier, I feel lighter, determined. My mind is working, furiously forming a plan. Got it! I have a plan.

“Maria, I’m leaving. Tonight.” I don’t bother to wait to hear what she says before I continue, “I received a letter from Boston University the other day; it’s close to Harvard and maybe after some hard work I can reapply to Harvard. But for now, I can graduate early, like Isabel.”

“Um, okay. I’m going with,” I hear her say, not missing a beat.

“What? No, no you have school…Michael…. your mom.”

“I can’t stay either Liz. You make the whole alien abyss bearable, and if you’re not here, I can’t deal. How can I honestly stay and look at Tess, everyday, knowing she killed my best friend. I mean, I’d end up killing her, and babe, I sooo do not look good in stripes. I couldn’t live everyday around that bitch who murdered my best friend and broke the heart of my other best friend.” Maria was babbling now, as she jumped up and started pacing the floor and continued her rant. “Michael and I aren’t together and well, with Tess back, who knows, he may be on the whole alien quest thing again. I mean, I know he stayed on this planet for me, for us, but we’re just not clicking right now. I don’t know if I can do this anymore. I feel the same as you… I mean, who the hell are we anymore? Our whole lives just revolve around this abyss, and I don’t know who I am anymore either. I mean am I coming? Am I going? And Michael, are we together, or not? Well, I’m not waiting around anymore. And you’re leaving, and you’re my best friend, we’re in this together. You’re right. We’re worth more. Fuck them, those selfish ungrateful pod hatching aliens. Fuck’em!”

Well I guess that’s it. We’re going to Boston. Maria stays a little longer, and we come up with a story to tell our parents.

We decide to tell them that Harvard had a last minute spot that opened up and they want to interview me again, but the interview has to be right away, or they’ll move on to the next person. We’re planning on taking the next bus out of town. Maria is going with me for moral support and so I won’t have to go to the big city all by myself. It’s for my education and my parents were a little hesitant at first, but after some persuasion they’re all for it. Dad made us snacks for the road. Maria’s mom was okay with it as long as we carried mace on both of us, and promised to check in, like, twice a day.

Right now, I’m driving with Maria in the passenger seat of the Jetta. We plan to leave the Jetta at the bus station and the Sheriff will be by later to pick it up. I listen to Maria on the phone. There’s one more thing I want to do for the pod squad, and I wonder if they’ll even appreciate it.

“Isabel, just tell them that we’ll draw them away from you guys, and as soon as it’s clear, move to a different location. You should all be safe. It’s Liz’s plan, so I’m sure it’s fine. Just let your parents know we’re on our way. Isabel, I gotta go.” And like that, Maria snaps the phone closed as we pull up to the Evans.’

A few minutes later, Maria hops back into the Jetta, with Zan’s baby blanket in hand. We drive around Roswell a little more, rubbing the blanket on different cars and homes. We’re going to send the Air Force on a wild goose chase, hopefully.

Later, we find ourselves at the bus station, and luckily, there’s a bus headed to California. Maria and I get on that bus and then pretend like we just realized we’re on the wrong bus and try to rush off. Before we get off, we leave the offending blanket hidden under a chair. Together, we sit at the bus stop, watching the dogs and the soldiers run all over Roswell their flashlights, beaming through the darkness in the distance. Thirty minutes later, we’re on a different bus, a bus to our new lives.



I’m at Isabel’s apartment and I’m wondering where the hell Liz is? Her and Maria were supposed to meet us back here awhile ago.

What the hell am I gonna do with Tess? I’m back with Liz, if we can make it through this mess. I need to be a part of Zan’s life, but how? Liz has been through so much. Let’s not forget Alex. How do you assign a punishment to someone who accidentally mindwarps one of your good friends to death? And not just any someone, but the mother of your child?

I run my hands through my hair tiredly. Where’s Liz? I need her. I see Isabel hang up the phone, I have no idea who she was talking to, but she looks frustrated and scared.

“That was Maria earlier,” she starts,“She asked me to call mom and have her give her something personal of Zan’s.”

“What the hell for?” Michael questions from the couch.

“I don’t know.”

“What do you mean you don’t know?” Michael turns this time, away from the TV.

“Well if you’d shut up, maybe we’ll know,” Kyle jumps in.

“She said her and Liz had a plan, and to sit tight for awhile and when it was clear, to switch locations, just to be safe,” Isabel mechanically says.

“Did she say what the plan was?” I ask wondering, what Liz is doing. For some reason there’s a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach now.

“No.” Isabel looks down at her feet. “Max, I don’t have a good feeling about this.” She looks up and locks eyes with me.

1 month later….

A month ago, when Maria and I arrived to Boston, the first thing we did was hit the mall. We went out shopping for my new wardrobe. New Liz needed a new wardrobe.

“Liz, you wanted a new life and new look. Well here it is.” Maria stated firmly pointing to my refection in the mirror.

“I don’t know Maria…this is just so drastic.” I tried to reason with her.

“No, it’s not. Look around you. There are others with even less on.”

I looked around the crowded store in the mall. She was right, she was always right. There were girls wearing less than this. I looked back at myself in the mirror and give my outfit another inspection. Tight pink baby tee, which stopped just below my navel, showing off the barest of skin and faded blue hip hugger jeans. It didn’t look too bad, it was modest enough, sexy, but not overtly slutty. I sighed in defeat, and gave Maria the verdict.

“Okay, Ria, you’re right. I need a new look for my new life, so for today…I’m yours.”

Maria squeeled. I’d never ever given her carte blanche with me, but hell, I was no longer that Liz Parker.

Several hundred dollars and lots and lots of shopping bags later, we entered the hotel room we were staying in. It had been a great day. We’d had so much fun shopping.

Once, while we ate at the food court I just happened to look around and notice that we weren’t the only teenagers there. Tables and tables of teenagers doing exactly what we were, having a good time, hanging out. For the first time in over two years we were like normal teenagers.

I knew we would never be normal, I mean, I did still have powers, but we were doing normal things. I thought about how Max had fought to stay hidden for so long, to try and be normal. Hadn’t he realized how very abnormal that was? Normal teenagers hung around at the malls, normal teenagers had friends, normal teenagers participated. Just because I wasn’t exactly normal didn’t mean I couldn’t try to do normal things, to have a somewhat normal life. This was my normal, I was a normal girl with special abilities.

I decided that I didn’t want that life anymore, I wanted to live life. Losing Alex had taught me life was short. I’m gonna do the things I’ve always thought about but was too worried about what other might say. Who cares, I led a very structured life and people still talked…staying out all night….lying to my parents….crazy….running away….getting arrested. While trying to stay in the background and not bring attention to myself I sure was the talk of the town…a lot.

I changed my outlook on life. Life’s too short and we had already missed so much. That night, Maria and I went out and visited a few clubs and bars, trying to get a feel for the city. We found ourselves in a club called Rusty’s. It was really nothing special, just a little corner club. We had been walking by and someone had opened the doors, we heard the music coming from inside, it was actually one of our favorite songs. Laughing and shrieking, we ran in, straight to the dance floor, and began dancing. It was pretty late or rather very early and the place seemed to be just about closing up. After the song ended Maria went to the girls’ room and I made my way to the bar to get some cokes. The bartender was an older man, mid-fifties, he was drying glasses. Hearing my approach he looked up and gave me a genuine smile. I had been instantly comforted.

“Two cokes, please.” I told him, and gazed back into the bar. There were a few people here and there, finishing off drinks for the night. Looking up, I noticed a young guy up on the second floor cleaning up, putting chairs on tables.

“You two seemed to be enjoying yourselves out there,” Bartender said, while grabbing two glasses off a shelf.

“Yeah, it was one of our favorite songs growing up,” I said to him, with a hint of a smile.

“Haven’t seen you two in here before, first time in here?” He asked, smiling and pouring our drinks.

“Yup, first time to Boston. Just moved here yesterday. I’ll be attending Boston U in the fall.” He set the drinks on the bar.

“Either of you wouldn’t happen to be looking for a job, would you?”

“Umm, yeah...we might. Doing what?” I was almost afraid to ask.

“Well, my bartender ran off with one of my waitresses to get married, besides the fact we were already short a waitress…I need a couple of waitresses and a bartender. You got any experience?”

“Bartending, no. But we both have experience waitressing. My family owns a diner back home and we both kinda started working pretty young.”

Maria finally joined us, snorting at my last comment.

“Young, we were like ten when we first started delivering drinks.” We chuckled together, remembering the time we both carried one glass to a customer. That had been our very first customer.

Flipping his towel over his shoulder, the old man looked over to us.

“My name’s Rusty.”

“I’m Maria, and this is Liz.”

“Okay Maria and Liz. Come back tomorrow around four and I’ll start training you.”

“Just like that?” I asked questioningly.

“You don’t even know us, what about references?” Maria jumped in.

“Look I’ve been tending bar for years in this job you get a read on people. I think I’m a pretty good judge of character. You two seem like good kids. As for the rest, we’ll just have to see. You can’t fake waitressing.” He smiled and then turned back to stocking.


Re: Delirious (CC M/L, Mature Ch.2 3/10)

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 3:34 am
by dreambeliever
Thank you to everyone who left feedback....keep'em coming good or bad I crave it...LOL

dreamerfiend: Khivar makes an appearance in Liz's life soon.
mary mary : Don't worry Max will get his due.
Natalie36: Blush, shucks.
begonia9508: True, and If that were me, I probably would have left along time ago..and not come back. But then again this is Max Evans! So maybe not. LOL :lol:
L-J-L 76: All in due time.....
keepsmiling7: Don't worry, strong sexy Liz coming soon.
begonia9508: She did have a right to leave, but this is Max Evans we're talking about. Maybe she stayed for the eye candy. :D

A/N: Here's Chapter 2 it's a little short.....please excuse any grammatical errors. I technically haven't gotten Chapter 2 back from my beta's :oops: I just really wanted to post Chapter 2 and move the story line along.

Chapter Two

I look at the time, aack it’s 3 a.m. and I’m wiped out. I’m closing the bar with Maria, Serena, and Jaq. Matt and Rusty left not too long ago. For some reason my thoughts linger to the night of my date with Max, Senor Chow’s. I mentally give my mind a shake. Stop. No more thinking about Roswell. It’s been two months and never once have Maria or I regretted it. Yeah we both miss our family even Kyle sometimes but not enough to go back, not right now. Our parents were none too thrilled when we told them we weren’t coming back, but hey we’re eighteen what can they do?

“Tell me again why I had to wear these horrible painful boots to work?” That’s Maria skillfully forgetting her own words from earlier. Biting back a chuckle I begin.

“You said the boots were kick ass and totally matched your new skirt and there was no way you weren’t wearing them. No pain no gain.” I repeat to her, her words almost verbatim…I knew she was gonna gripe later.

“Oh, yeah..remember that didja? How is it you can’t remember that hot guy’s name that was flirting with you all night, but you can remember something I said like ten hours ago?” She good naturedly grunts.

Maria is always claiming that there’s some hot guy staring at me, or flirting or something. Personally I think it’s wishful thinking on her part. As much as Maria gripes or hallucinates or whatever I am totally grateful for her. I couldn’t do this without her. She’s my best friend.

Maria and I both finished up our High School Diplomas through weekly correspondence courses offered at the local High School. Our diplomas came through the mail; we didn’t get to go up on stage in front of our family and friends like we had dreamed most of our lives. We both talked about it and we were okay with it.

Serena, Jaq, and Rusty took us out to a nice restaurant to celebrate our 'Graduation'. Rusty has become like a surrogate father to us. Turns out, that his wife died three years ago. He has only one child, a daughter who’s married to a man in the military they live overseas with their two young sons. Rusty also owns the restaurant next door. He keeps pretty busy. Maria and I have been helping him out more with the bar. I help him as much as I can with the books and Maria does the inventory and ordering.

“That’s cause Liz doesn’t want to see the guys flirting with her. Cause they’re not me. Right Liz?” Jaq says from behind the bar where he’s washing glasses. He looks up at me catches my eye and winks before looking back down at his task. Jaq is always like that, playful, flirty but never pushy.

He and Serena were hired not too long after us. He’s good looking. I know he likes me, sometimes he flirts sometimes I flirt back. It’s nice to feel appreciated again. He makes me feel…well girly. Female. Liked. He’s about 5’8” and light brown hair that’s parted in the middle, it falls around his ears in layers and dusts his shoulders slightly. His eyes are brown and aren’t as intense as Max’s but when he looks at me, it’s always warm and friendly.

Max. I find myself comparing a lot of guys to Max, but I suppose it’s expected. The guy literally brought me back from the dead and touched my soul. Who wouldn’t be compared to that at first? It’s easier now, to think of him without hurting as much. I’ve learned tricks to keep myself sane and not breakdown every time I think of him. Which is quite a bit.

When it gets bad, I find something to do, something to remind myself I’m no longer that person, something new and exciting, something I’ve never done before, something old Liz would never have thought about doing before. New Liz doesn’t pass up life, new Liz doesn’t wallow in self pity. New Liz embraces life and all it has to offer. I’m beginning to like new Liz. She’s still me, just different, happy.

From this way of thinking I’ve experienced new things. Went to a Major league baseball game with the gang. Motorcycle ride with Jaq. I’ve tended bar, supervised by Serena and Jaq of course. Rode a rollercoaster with Maria. See… nothing too drastic, just different. Serena says it’s my inner rebel.

Serena, she’s Jaq’s roommate and cousin. They both moved here to attend the Boston Institute for Arts. She’s pretty, She’s tall like an Amazonian. She’s about as tall as Jaq and when she wears her heels, she’s pretty intimidating. She has wavy blond hair and almond shaped brown eyes. She reminds me a little of Michael. At first she was standoffish but now she’s friendly, she’s not quite Maria, but who is?

Serena works as a bartender also and she gets protective of Maria and I with some of the ornery customers. She says it’s because she thinks of us as her little sisters. She is the same age as us so mainly it's cause Maria and I are so short.

That’s my new family, Maria, Serena, Jaq, Rusty and Matt. Oh yeah, forgot about Matt. Matt is our weekend DJ. He is a total sweetheart. He has a regular job during the weekday working as a marketing assistant and DJ’s here weekends. He has a one year old daughter, Mia, at home. Mia’s mom walked out on them about two months after Mia was born. Matt lives with his mom who helps him out with Mia. He’s tall and lanky and reminds me a little of Alex, but Matt has blond hair, blue eyes. At twenty three years old he’s the oldest out of all of us.

“Well look at you’s all sexed up.” I hear from the door.

For just an instant I freak, but my eyes focus a little more and I see the familiar warmth in her eyes.

“Ava” I squeal and begin to run over and grab her in a hug.

“Who else cornball?”

“Oh my god, how have you been? What are you doing here?”

“I’s in da area an jus wanted ta check on ya. See whatcha up to.” Her eyes darting to the rest of the gang fearfully.

I step back and look at her. I see something in her eyes. She’s scared, cautious. I offer her a big smile.

“Ava, come meet everyone. You remember Maria.” I point to Maria, who is sizing Ava up.

Pointing to the bar “and that’s Jaq and Serena. This is Ava.”

Somewhere on Antar



“Do you take me for a fool? Did you honestly think you could get away with this?” Tess was propped up on the bed cradling her newborn son.

“You lie! He is King Zan’s child, he is the heir.”

“Forty years, forty years I wait for the deal to be completed and you can’t even bring me their heir. Nothing Tess, no Royals, no heir. Tell me, what should I do with you? You’re useless.”

“This is Max’s child, I told you I could not get the Royal three but this is his child.”

Khivar approaches the bed, swiftly raising his arm to the child’s head. Tess flinches, assuming that Khivar would strike her or her child. Khivar waves his hand over the child’s head.

“No seal Tess. Every heir in the Kingdom is borne with the seal, and this child does not carry the seal. I know Max has the seal, the emissary vouched for that in New York. You’ve betrayed me, I should have known considering you betrayed your own husband, your King” He spat out.

“Khivar, I am telling you that this is Max’s child. Maybe the seal comes later…or maybe he has to grow into it or..” Tess cries desperately trying to figure this out.

“ENOUGH! The heir is always borne with the seal. It is how the council knows that that is the rightful heir….wait…”

Rushing back to Tess, he reaches out again and waves his hand behind Tess’s head.

“Oh my. No seal Tess, you don’t possess the Royal Seal.”

Khivar now laughing, “You are not the rightful Queen. Why? Why did I not think to check before? Time wasted.”

“Lies, more lies. I am the Queen. This is still Max’s child.”

“Tess you are not the Queen.” Khivar taunts her.

“I am….I am the Queen. I am Ava of Antar. I am the rightful Queen of Antar.”

“You may have been Ava of Antar, but now you are not the Queen.”

“How is this possible?” Tess questions

“Don’t know and I don’t really care.”

“It doesn’t matter anyway. I am here now Khivar, make me your Queen and you, baby Zan and I will rule Antar together.”

Khivar laughing again. “You don’t get it do you? You’re worthless to me now. You don’t have the seal and neither does the child. My intention was never to MAKE you my Queen, you were supposed to already have the seal. If I had to choose a Queen Tess, it wouldn’t be you. You’ve already betrayed your family, your King, why would I want you?”

Turning to leave the room. “You’re no longer my concern, you have twenty four hours to leave the palace or I will have you and your son apprehended and thrown in the dungeons below.”

“Wait, where am I supposed to go? I know no one here?

“I told you Tess, not my concern.”

Shaking off his thoughts he hears someone approach. He already knows what they are going to say.

“Your Majesty we located the stolen ship. Your assumptions were correct. Tess went to Earth, to Roswell.” The guard reported.

Khivar sat back in his chair. This was not surprising news. When Tess had left here, she had been royally pissed off. Her child would never be able to claim the Throne. Wonder if any can tell me something I don’t know.

“Did you find the seal?” I ask.

“We have picked up a signal. It’s faint, but it’s there.”

“Where?” A signal is good, haven’t picked up on it before.

“Earth” Of course. “Boston to be exact.” Boston, who’s in Boston and why do they have the seal?

“Tell Nicholas to find and apprehend the one with the seal. I said apprehend, not eliminate, got that?”

“Yes sir.”


Re: Delirious (CC M/L, Adult Chp.2 3/10)

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 8:05 am
by dreambeliever
begonia9508: It does seem to be that they are following her. Liz and almost goes hand in hand huh? And thanks for the heads up about the update. I couldn't figure it out before.
dreamerfiend:Yeah Liz and the seal..answers soon, not this chapter but soon.
mary mary: LOL I really do need my betas or there would be all sorts of grammatical errors (see, don't even know If I got that right?) ....and I too wonder why Ava is scared?
keepsmiling7:Thanks, I had alway wanted to know more about Tess on Antar during the show, but true to Roswell form....unanswered questions. Which is why I love Fanfic, we can use our imaginations.

Here you go......hope you all enjoy!

Chapter 3


I’m trying to focus on the papers lying on the table in front of me. Another one of my additional duties here at the bar was to handle the schedule, which is exactly what I was trying to do before Matt came over and began talking to me.

I look up into Matt’s warm blue eyes. He looks totally helpless. My heart tightens just a bit as I think back to similar conversations I used to have with Alex.

I giggle “Matt, Serena is just a girl, just like all the other girls. What’s the problem?”

“The problem is that she’s Serena. Serena. You know tall, beautiful Serena. What would she see in me?” Matt asks, while rubbing his hands over his face.

I think back to Alex and Isabel. Isabel’s way of trying to be normal was to close off her emotions to anyone who wasn’t Max or Michael, hence earning her the nickname “Ice Princess” through high school. But Serena wasn’t Isabel. Yeah, Serena was closed off sometimes, but she was friendly.

I had never seen her be rude to Matt before, had I? I quickly think back….no, Serena was always friendly to him. Sometimes too friendly.

I wonder at Serena’s attitude towards Matt over these past few weeks. She had always been friendlier, maybe even flirtatious….oh my god! Serena was flirting with Matt. She liked him. I’m grinning now at my revelations. How did I miss this? Serena was actually pretty shy. Yeah, she was friendly with the customers at the bar, always responding to their questions, however she never really started up conversations with anyone of them. Now that I think about it she had initiated quite a few conversations with Matt. I look back at Matt.

“Has she given you any reason to believe that she didn’t like you?” I ask, just in case I missed something somewhere.

“Oh… um… no. She’s great. She’s always asking about Mia, and she’s a great listener and so nice.”

“Okay so what’s the problem?” So far so good.

“The problem is… she’s Serena. She’s just…well… perfect.” Aahh I see now. What we have here is fear of rejection. I’m gonna go out on a limb here and guess Matt’s like this because of Mia’s mom. I reach over and place my hand over his and meet his unsure eyes.

“Matt, you’re a great guy. You have two incredible jobs and an extremely wonderful daughter. You’re honest, sweet, responsible, caring and hot, and if I didn’t love you like a brother I would totally be into you. Please believe in yourself and all you have to offer. Ask her out already! I’m pretty sure she’s waiting for you to make the first move,” I assure him.

He’s smiling now. “Thanks, Liz. Did I mention how much I appreciate having you as a friend? All of you.”

“No, I don’t believe you’ve mentioned it, but hey…ditto for us too.” I give his hand one small squeeze before removing my hand from his. I look back down at the papers in front of me.

“Now go away and let me get this schedule done so that we can go home already. I’m tired and I have a class in the morning.” I shoo him away with my hands.

Looking down to the names in front of me I can’t help but smile. We now have two main bartenders, Jaq and Serena. They alternate days off and Ava fills in on those days, and whenever extra help is needed during the night, I usually pitch in. Me, a bartender? I grin again. I really enjoy it. I love being behind the bar. I’ve learned a few tricks, like how to throw bottles up in the air and catch them while making it entertaining for the customers. Of course it helps to add a little alien energy here and there, and, thanks to Ava, I’m pretty good at controlling my powers.

Chatting it up with the customers is another aspect I enjoy. They laugh, I laugh. They Flirt, I flirt. They talk, I listen. I have a system. There are a few class A jerks, but it’s rare. We have quite a few regulars who just come and hang out. All in all, the bar has a pretty good crowd.

Making out the schedule for the DJ’s is easy. We have two, Matt and Ava. Matt does Friday through Sunday nights and Ava works Monday through Thursday. I smile again and think back to the night we found out Ava knew how to DJ. Ava had turned in a few applications at nearby establishments, but having so many colleges nearby, jobs so close to summer were hard to come by. Most jobs are filled weeks before summer lets out.

A few days after Ava arrived we were about ready to open the bar and still had no DJ.

“Okay, so Matt can’t cause he’s got no sitter for Mia and Tommy is still AWOL.” I let out a frustrated sigh after hanging up the phone.

“What’s so hard? I mean it’s like a big radio, right? We just go up there put in a few CD’s and hit on. Can’t be that hard.” Maria just shrugged her shoulder

“Maria, I’ve been up there a couple time when Matt’s there, you don’t just push a few buttons, there’s like all these knobs and buttons and sliding thingamajiggies.” I told her.

“I could do it.” Ava spoke up from her stool at the bar.

We all turned to look at her.

“You can DJ?” Serena asked.

“Umm, yeah, I mean I wuz neva really a DJ, but I did have a boyfriend in NY who DJ’d and I used t’ hang wit him in the booth all the time and wheneva he, like, took breaks and stuff I took ova.” She said softly. Realizing that we were all staring at her she quickly averted her eyes to the floor.

“So it’s settled then, you’re it. Now hop to it, we open in like five minutes.” I gently pushed her to the stairs leading up to the DJ booth. At least she knew what she was doing.

From there, Ava had filled in when needed, and soon after, Tommy found a better paying job in his chosen career field, working nights and quit. And then DJ Ava was born.

Rusty’s now had five waitresses. Me, Maria and three others. The other three were pretty nice. One girl attended Harvard, one was at Boston U and the last one was twenty five married with two kids. Her and her husband worked conflicting schedules to save on childcare.

Yaah. I’m finally done. I gather up my papers.

“Matt, I’m done. Do you need help?” I yell out to the bar.

I don’t see Matt around. In fact, I haven’t heard anything from him for the past few minutes. I stuff my papers in my backpack.

Thud. I hear the back door slam shut behind me. I get goosebumps. I turn.

Nicholas. I laugh at the absurdity of me being scared of the twelve year old looking kid in front of me, but yet I am. I am very scared. I instinctively raise my hand up and send him an energy blast. It hits him in the leg. He barely twitches.

“Nice try….” He’s commenting on my stellar firing technique and smirking.

Somehow I know he knows that I was actually aiming for his chest. Now I know I need to work with Ava on my aim and fire power.

“What do you want Nicholas? Next time, I won’t be so nice.”

He raises an eyebrow at me questioningly. Shiiitt. Maria and Ava are both always telling me it’s about confidence. Don’t let the enemy know that you know they have the upper hand. Always act like you have options. Be intimidating. I can do this…

“Did your mommy finally let you come out and play? Must be kinda hard to get your mack on, you know being twelve and all.”

I can see I hit a nerve with him ‘cause this time I see him twitch, not by much, but I see it. A few weeks ago we discovered that along with my new alien powers I had over heightened senses. I can see farther, hear more, faster reflexes. I’m the freakin’ wonder woman of aliens or something, but without the cool costume.

Maria and Ava were right. Intimidation. That’s what I need to keep doing until I figure out how exactly to get out of here alive. And where the hell is Matt?

“Where’s Matt? You better not have hurt him.” Oh yeah Liz, that was scary. Right.

“Or what? You gonna scratch my other leg for me?” He laughs at his own joke.

“Oohh a body and a sense of humor. I’m sure the ladies are just dying to go out with you. You’re in luck, the Chuck E Cheese here has a coin operated spaceship. A date and a ride home, you’ll have her begging for more.” Okay, that was good. Gotta remember that so I can replay to Maria and Ava.

Just then I realize I might have really made him mad. He’s standing there, fists clenched, eyes black, and the fiercest ugliest scowl. Again I wonder just why the hell I’m scared of him, he’s, like, twelve….I look at him again and start laughing. I don’t mean it, but I can’t help it. He looks really mean, and I am scared for my life, but he’s so short. But I know not to let it fool me, this is Nicholas. He’s capable of, well, anything. My laughter has pissed him off.

“I don’t have time to play with you.” And just for dramatic effects he throws me an energy blast and unlike me, his aim is great and it hits me square in the chest. I fall to my knees.

Shit. That hurts. It gets harder to breathe. I see Nicholas snap his fingers and like thirty people emerge from different shadows around the bar. Shit, shit, shit. I’m surrounded. I slowly try to crawl towards my bag. Call Ava, that’s all I can think. I look up, my bag seems really far.

“What the..” I hear from the door. Matt! Have to save Matt. I gather what energy I have left… focus. I raise my hand to Nicholas who is already advancing to Matt in the doorway. A flash of yellow whooshes towards Nicholas and hits him square in the head. I was aiming for his back, but heck, I’ll take whatever. It’s enough of a blast to propel him forward and he stumbles to the ground.

“Matt! No time to explain. Go! Run! Tell Ava. Now! Run Matt!”

Each intake of my breath feels like my chest is on fire. I feel my chest heat up and quickly make its way up my neck, over my face and in my head. I feel the blood pounding in my head and then blackness.

Well hope you liked it, as always let me know..................TBC

Re: Delirious (CC M/L, Adult) CHP.4 3/19

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 2:53 am
by dreambeliever
Thanks to all that read and uber thanks to those that left me FB;

keepsmiling7: Strong sexy Liz slowly emerging. :lol:
begonia9508: Is he????? :twisted: :twisted:
Natalie36:I'm glad you are enjoying it. :D
AlysLuv: I hope Matt makes it in time too. Liz married to Kivar? I wonder.....
dreamerfiend: I thought it was funny too, so glad I'm not alone. :D
Janetfl: I'm so glad you're feeling better, Liz and Max will meet, not yet but later. Liz and Kivar.....that too will be revealed soon. :twisted:

Hope you all enjoy. Sorry It's a little short, but it doesn't really go with the next chapter.

Chapter 4

Ooohhh, my head hurts. Why am I laying on the floor?

Nicholas! I remember Nicholas being at the bar and Matt. Hopefully, Matt was able to get away and go to Ava. I hear noise around me and I slowly try to peek through my eyelids trying not to let whoever’s here know that I’m awake. Okay….let’s see. Large room, no windows, one door, two chairs, feet…hmmm whose feet? Men’s feet, a pair of sneakers and a pair of work boots. Okay Liz, we need more…you can do this. I slowly try to peek through my other eye. That’s better…okay two men, one sitting on each side of the door. Hmm... these two look familiar. They were at the bar with Nicholas last night, last night! Was it last night? What’s today? No windows. Oh, they’re talking, okay Liz focus.

“Why the hell does Nicholas want us to babysit her. She’s passed out.” That was guy #1

“Did you see the way she tried to blast Nicholas? She barely tickled him. She’s not dangerous, hell she’s so small.” That was guy #2.

“Didn’t you know? It’s not Nicholas that wants her watched. It’s the big boss.” Guy #1 speaks again.

“Kivar! What would Kivar want with her? A human.” Guy 2 seems almost as surprised as I am.

Kivar. Okay so Kivar sent his little sidekick Nicholas to kidnap me. What the hell for? Freakin’ aliens. When the hell will all this crap be over?

I hear the door opening. I try to peek again. Okay small sneakers. Nicholas. Okay don’t really need to see him. Maybe I’ll just lie here and he’ll go away.

Go away. Go away. Go away. Go away. Maybe if I say it enough in my head he’ll hear me and do as I say.

I need time to think. I need to come up with a plan. Yup, a plan, that’s what I need.

“Aaahhhh!!” I’m suddenly pulled up by my hair. I struggle to stand up. My legs feel like Jello. I open my eyes and look down. Freakin’ Nicholas.

“Liz…so nice of you to join us.” Nicholas sneers at me.

“What the hell do you want Nicholas? I don’t have anything you want, besides maybe a step stool.” I spat out, my voice coming out raspy.

“Want. Who says I want anything? Actually I would like a little entertainment. Maybe a dance. Watcha’ think guys, do you wanna see her dance?” The other two guys by the door eagerly agree.

I shove Nicholas as hard as I can, owww. Crap. I forgot he was still holding me by my hair.

“Fuck off Nicholas. You’re a sick bastard.”

“Liz. Liz. Liz. Tsk tsk tsk. What a dirty mind you have. Not that kind of dance, although I’m sure that would be enjoyable also. Nooo, I wanna see another dance.”

He lets go of my hair and I roughly push him off. I gather what energy I have and try to make a run for the door. Ouch. Someone blasted me.

Oww oh my god, another blast. I begin to back away towards the back of the room. The blasts are painful enough to really hurt but not enough to kill me. Oh, guy #1 is shooting at me again. I jump to the left to avoid the blast. Shit, guy #2 is shooting at my head, I duck. Another blast, I dive to the right. I try to shoot out a blast of my own. A small bolt shoots out and hits one of the chairs.

Oof, quick nosedive to avoid another shot.

I look at Nicholas. He’s laughing. He’s fucking laughing at me. This is the dance he was talking about?

Aack. Shit. That one hit my shoulder. I shoot out another blast. Ooohhh I hit one of them. Yes!

Shit. I narrowly avoided that last one.

Fuckin’ Nicholas. He thinks this is funny, he thinks me, fighting for my life is entertainment. I can feel the energy building up. I need to let it out. Another blast, I jump to the left and roll on the ground. Okay, focus Liz, remember what Ava said. Let the energy build, control the energy. Aim, and let it go…..Wham! Ooh a direct hit to Nicholas, right in the chest. Woo hoo..YES.

Oh hell…incoming, incoming. I jump up to the right to avoid that last blast.

Nicholas is struggling to get back up from my hit. Yeah… take that asshole. Oohh, yeah. That sounds good.

“Take that asshole. Is that all you've got Nikki boy? That was chilld's play....oops my bad I forgot who I was dealing with.” I say it out loud this time and with confidence that I'm seriously faking here.

“That’s it. I’m done playing games. Hold her.” Nicholas commands the other two.

I snicker.."Games, whoo Nikki and you're not even tryinng." I laugh at him.

The two guys make their way over to me. I begin to blast them with whatever energy I have left. They’re firing at my blasts and counteracting my shots. I struggle with all my might. It’s futile. With one on each arm they shove me to the ground on my knees.

“My, my, Liz, you are a strong one….and so feisty. Must be why Max favored you so much. It’s pointless to fight. Save your energy.” He reaches over places his hand on my head. I struggle at first, then I feel a pain so excruciating. My head feels like someone is picking at my brains with an ice pick. Poke, poke here…nudge here. Tiny slivers of pain form around my brain, pounding, fog….and then flashes of my life. It’s like a movie in super fast forward.

“Boring, boring, boring.” I vaguely hear Nicholas’s voice somehow through the haze. I hear screaming in the distance. Blood curdling screams, it takes me a minute to realize it’s me. Those are my screams. Pain slicing its way through my brain tissues. I’m trying to fight it. I try to block his nudges on certain parts of my brain. I feel him squeeze my head tighter and certain flashes slow down. Of course he’s interested in the part of my life where Max is. I watch a flash of Max leaning over me healing my body. I feel his panic and I know that Nicholas feels it too. Suddenly another flash of Max and me, we’re on my balcony kissing for the first time. I feel awed by our first kiss, and I can also feel Max’s contentment and happy bliss.

“Hmmm…nice.” I hear Nicholas again.

The flashes pick up again. More flashes, Maria, my parents…Max being taken by the FBI, Nasedo, skins, Copper Summit, the gandarium...Alex…Tess… Nicholas slows down again. I feel my disbelief that Alex is dead, the hurt and utter disbelief I feel that Max doesn’t believe me. Tess is pregnant. The hatred I feel at finding out she killed Alex.

Reliving these moments brings on a new feeling…sheer fury is raging through my blood and veins. The pain and the betrayal I feel at the reappearance of Tess. The energy flows through my body like liquid fire raging through my senses. I can’t take it.

“Noooooo!!” I hear myself scream. I reach up pushing Nicholas’ hands off my head.

“Aaaaahhhhhhhh!” I thrust the energy to my fingertips, spreading my hands out, and force the fire out. I feel a powerful jolt, and then I see a blinding bright yellow light, right before I pass out.


Re: Delirious (CC M/L, Adult) CHP. 5 3/26

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 3:53 am
by dreambeliever
Thank You to all the feedbackers:
:D :D :D

keepsmiling7: The flashes did bring up alot of her anger. Liz is a fighter.
begonia9508: You may have to wait just a little longer.
L-J-L 76: Unfortunately more questions then answers with this chapter...but answers to be revealed soon.
Natalie36: Maybe..... or maybe not. :twisted:
dreamerfiend: Thank you for reading and for the FB.
mary mary: Glad that you're all caught up...thanks for coming back.
AlysLuv: Sorry, no answers to those questions yet.
cjsl8ne: Thanks for reading and for leaving me FB 8)

A big thank you to Ginger aka mary mary for the great banner :D

Hope everyone enjoys this next part.

Chapter 5

I open my eyes…where am I? Last I remember was my face off with Nicholas. I should hurt, but I don’t. I don’t feel any pain. Looking around I see I’m standing near a waterfall. In the distance, there’s a deer running through the woods. Green, everything is green. Green grass, green trees, green moss. I can feel the sun’s rays beating down on me, warming up my cold skin. I’m so tired. Lowering myself in a clearing I lay and look to my left, then to my right, nothing but rolling green grass and patches of wildflowers here and there. I relax and close my eyes. I focus. I hear the sounds of the waterfall, soothing my nerves. Taking a deep breath, I realize it no longer hurts to breathe. I smell the air, clean, crisp, fresh, sweet, that’s what I smell. Does it always smell like this? Once again I wonder where I am. Am I dead? Am I in an alternate universe? I lay like this for awhile.

Contentment. That’s one word to describe how I feel right now. I haven’t felt like this in years. The feeling you get when all is right in your life. I rest here like this for a bit.

Splash, splash, giggling. Hearing noises I lift my head and look to the waterfall. There I am swimming with two…. what the hell am I doing here with two kids? The younger dark haired boy, who looks like he’s about ten years old, is splashing a dark haired fifteen year old looking girl. I hear the boy speak

“Mom, when’s dad gonna get here?”

“Oh yeah, cause god forbid we do anything without him. I just don’t see why we bother.” The girl spoke up this time.

“Maxine Evans. Is that any way to talk about your older brother?” I see my self scold the teenager. Weird.

“Fine mom, all I’m saying is Zan never even wants to be around us. God mom, he hates us and he’s always rude and always mean and playing tricks on Junior and I. And everytime we tell dad all we hear is how Zan’s mom was raised by a psychotic alien… yada yada yada…you know, dad is dad, and well, we love you mom, but Junior and I, we don’t really like dad, I mean he doesn’t even believe us when we tell him what Zan does to us.”

Just then I hear rustling from a tree. Everyone turns their head just as the visitors arrive.

Max, Tess and I’m assuming Zan, emerge from the wooded area.

“Umm, okay, here we are. Hi, honey.”

“Hey Max, hi Zan. Hello Tess.”

“Hey Liz, I hope you don’t mind that I tagged along, it’s just that, well, Zan could have sworn there was a skin following him today. And, well, since Zan and I are linked, I didn’t want to be left at home with no back up, you know. ‘Cause we all know what could happen if I die, and, well, we can’t let anything happen to Zan.”

“Oh no, Tess of course not, but wouldn’t you have preferred spending the day with Isabel?”

“Oh no, I’m fine. I told Max you guys just go ahead and ignore me. Act like I’m not here.”

Maxine spoke up this time “That’s a great idea. Come on, Junior, we’re done.” Junior started to follow Maxine out of the water.

“Maxine, there’s no reason to be rude. Now apologize to Tess.” Max said sternly to Maxine.

“No, I will not. She said to just ignore her and that’s what I’m gonna do. How is that rude?”

“Maxine….” The other Liz starts, but is cut off by Maxine.

“No, Mom, this was supposed to be my day. It’s my birthday and all I wanted to do was go swimming with my family. I didn’t invite Tess here. I don’t want her here and I think that since it is my birthday I am entitled to that right. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ll be in the car waiting.” And like that, the girl grabbed a towel and stomped off.

Junior looked at his dad and then his mom. “Sorry, Mom. She’s right.” Looking to his dad he spoke again, “You were wrong, Dad, and you need to wake up before one day, you wake up and maybe this was all just a dream.” Junior turned and followed his sister.

The other me slowly got out of the water and made her way over to Max.

“Max, they’re right. You can’t keep doing this. You can’t keep forcing Zan on them.”

“What do you want me to do Liz, he’s my son. I can’t just turn my back on him.”

“I know, Max, and no one’s asking you to, but let me ask you this. Before now, when did you see Zan last?”

“Last night, after we played basketball at the park. I stayed at their house and had dinner. Tess was worried about the skins…what does this have to do with anything? Liz, I called you last night and spoke to you about this.”

“I know Max, just please wait and answer a few more questions. So when did you last see Maxine and Junior?”

“Okay, umm besides this morning, well, yesterday morning at breakfast. But I couldn’t stay ‘cause Zan’s car is down and I needed to pick him up and give him a ride to school.”

“Okay Max, my point is you spend too much time with Zan and Tess.”

“Liz, he is my son!”

“You know what Max, that’s fine, and I am your wife and Maxine and Junior are your kids also. But you’re too busy to even be a father. A couple of weeks ago you went on the father/child camping trip with Zan. He didn’t even want to go. Did you even realize that Maxine goes to the same school? And she wanted to go, but did you ask her? Nooo, ‘cause you were going with Zan. Maxine wanted to go. Maxine wanted to spend time with her dad. Look Max, all I’m saying is, I’m glad you’re there for Zan and protecting him and Tess, but in the process you’ve lost us.”

The other me walked away leaving a very bewildered Max standing there.

The bodies begin to fade out. That was weird; I start to wonder if that is how my life would have been if I had stayed in Roswell. I guess I would never know.

The area I’m in is changing; the sky is becoming black fast. It’s pitch black. It’s like being locked in a huge closet. I begin to feel around, just then I hear a scream pierce the air.

Re: Delirious (CC M/L, Adult) CHP.6 Pg.4 3/27

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 11:44 am
by dreambeliever
Thank you for the feedback everyone.
And thank you to Sara for her beta help.

begonia9508: Reality? no not really, and i'm afraid for the same reason.
keepsmiling7:unfortunately not all questions will get answered in the next part, the last chapter and the next couple of chapters are just issues Liz has to get through right now.
mary mary: Good question... Max or Kivar?
cjsl8ne:Question of the day? don't want to give away to much. :twisted:
dreamerfiend: Makes a whole lot sense.... :D

The last two chapters were a little short, so I'm posting the next a little early.
Text in Red is song lyrics and italics are memories.
Song is….I will always love you….Whitney Houston
Dialogue taken from Season 1-3 Roswell


Chapter 6

The darkness consumes me. All around me, black. Where am I now?


“The way I'm drawn to her, it's not just attraction. It's something else. Please, Liz, you have to have faith in me. In us”

“Oh. What was it, you know, kissing her?”

“It was upsetting. It made me feel things about myself I didn’t like. Like there was this whole side of me I never even knew about.”

“The alien side.”

“It’s true, Tess and Max were made to be together.”

I can’t see anything. I get up and begin to run. I stumble along in the darkness. Every so often I trip on something, or maybe it’s my own feet. I don’t know. I can’t see anything. Nothing, but the images. They’re everywhere.

“My son, you were the beloved leader of our people. I have sent with you your young bride.”

“It’s true, Tess and Max were made to be together.”

“Hey. Kinda weird about that star, huh? Kinda sad. It just doesn't seem that something burning so bright could just...burn out.”

“But it did.”

“You wanted to be friends...and I thought about it. And...I realized that...that I can't be friends with you because...I'm still hanging you. To what we had. So...I decided to make a clean break.”

“Please, Max. You have to trust me.”

“I guess that's the problem, Liz”

“Ooof,” I mumble as I fall on my face. Get up Liz, get up! Need to get away!

“There's been an accident. Alex is dead.”

“Just always be my friend. Will you do that, Max?”

“You know I will”

“You don't know what the hell you're talking about! You don't know anything about Kivar or our world.”

“What I'm doing may save their lives.”

“You have a responsibility to Michael, Isabel, and Tess not to get in that cab.”

“Uh-huh, and I have a responsibility to Alex to find out what really happened.”

“Liz, if you go, our friendship is over.”

“I guess that's the price I have to pay. Somebody killed Alex and covered up his death. Why don't you see that, Max? Wake up.”

I run and run…am I going in circles? I don’t know. I don’t know anything except I’m running for my life. I whimper and look over my shoulders. Oh god, they’re right on my heels lusting after me like bloodhounds. I can’t see.

“An alibi. From one of your own.”

“Liz, there's something I need to tell you. It's about Tess and me...”

“You're together now, I know.”

“It's more than that. Our relationship is... uh, we spent the night together.”

“Liz... Tess is pregnant.”

Oh god, the images they’re swirling together forming a sphere, a wind tunnel. Run Liz. Feet..move!...Run. I feel air under the soles of my feet…..can’t breathe…

“It’s true, Tess and Max were made to be together.”

“You can't leave before this is resolved.”

“You can't just leave us with a killer out there.”

“I don't have a choice!”

“Not anymore, but you did and then you got Tess pregnant!”

The images are still coming at me. Faster and faster. I can’t process what’s happening. I’m being spun around in a tornado. A tornado of images. Images of my life are suffocating me. I’m losing oxygen to the brain.

“Just tell me one thing. Do you love her?”

“Not like I love you.”

“It’s true, Tess and Max were made to be together.”

I feel myself being lifted higher, swooped up in the whirlwind of images. This must be what it’s like to get caught in a tornado…can’t breathe…I feel a tightness clamp around my throat..constricting my air passage….nooo!

“I carried his body. She made me think it was luggage. She killed him. Tess killed Alex!”

“Liz, I just want to put everything that happened behind us.”

“Yeah, you know that I would, too, if I had impregnated an alien killer who murdered one of our best friends and then left the planet with my unborn child.”

“Liz, meeting someone, someone like me, it attracted me. I admit that. It was something I had to find out about, and now I'm over it”

Spinning, I’m spinning around and around and around in circles. It’s like being on the merry go round. Images float all around me.

“It's not that simple. Liz, I'm here. I'm not going anywhere. Isabel, Michael, and I, we've lost our only way home. There's no way back. You're the only or me to-- you're my only reason. I want to be with you.”

“It’s true, Tess and Max were made to be together.”

“You can't do this, Max. I love you, but... You know, lately, I just haven't been feeling it back.”

“I didn't mean to...”

“But you did.”

Just as I feel like breathing doesn’t matter, the images slow down, my body slows down.

“Liz, you have to trust me.”

“I can't!”

“Just stop hurting me.”

“I wasn't trying to.”

“No, but Max, you do. You always do. Why did you sleep with her? Why?!?”

“Every single time you mention your son, I am reminded of what you did to me. How you were unfaithful. How could you not know that?”

I see the image of myself in the desert. The night Max tried to heal me. I expect to feel pain in my heart….but I don’t. Watching the images float eerily calm around me, I realize I don’t feel anything. I’m slowly descending back to the ground.

“What?? What?? So you trust her now?”

“No, Liz, far from it. But Tess and my son are linked. Killing her would kill him”

“Yeah, it's convenient.”

“Liz, I have no other choice. I have to believe her.”

“This is insane. She betrayed all of us! She killed Alex!”

“It’s true, Tess and Max were made to be together.”

“Just stop hurting me.”

And then it hits me…I’m crazy! I’m a freakin’ crazy lunatic. Reliving the worst moments of my life make me feel nothing! I can’t help myself, I bust out laughing, not just a giggle or a chuckle….I am cracking up! Tears are rolling down my face. I snort and then, for some reason, I find that funnier and laugh harder.

I remember this word from my SAT studies…Delirious; 1. suffering from delirium. 2. Mental state characterized by confusion and agitation. Delusions and hallucinations may also be present. 3. Marked by uncontrolled excitement or emotion; ecstatic.

Yup…Delirious. That was definitely me. I mean, I have all the classic signs; confusion…Delirium….hallucinations….. and hold up, wait a minute, uncontrollable excitement or emotion. Yup…Delirious.

I look up and see the images float towards me again. I stop laughing and peer at the memories in front of me. This time, I’m not scared. The images hop about in front of me. Teasing, Dancing. Something clicks in my brain. Somehow I know, someone or something is telling me that I can’t run away from my past. Nope. The past will always catch up to me. My past is a part of me. The good and the bad have brought me here, to this moment in my life.

And then I breathe. I didn’t even realize that I had stopped. I lie on my back on the ground and spread my arms and legs out and I watch. I watch mesmerized as all my memories present themselves to me. I’ve accepted this. They’re a part of me now and they will be a part of me in future.

It’s true, Tess and Max were made to be together.”

Nothing, I feel nothing from that painful memory.

If I should stay,
I would only be in your way.
So I'll go, but I know
I'll think of you ev'ry step of the way.

I hear music in the background.

And I will always love you.
I will always love you.
You, my darling you. Hmm.

I relax. My breathing slows, my eyelids feel heavy.

I let the music and words comfort me. I close my eyes and drift…..

Bittersweet memories
that is all I'm taking with me.
So, goodbye. Please, don't cry.
We both know I'm not what you, you need.

And I will always love you.
I will always love you.

I hope life treats you kind
And I hope you have all you've dreamed of.
And I wish to you, joy and happiness.
But above all this, I wish you love.

And I will always love you.
I will always love you.
I will always love you.
I will always love you.
I will always love you.
I, I will always love you.

You, darling, I love you.
Ooh, I'll always, I'll always love you

I'm floating.......


Re: Delirious (CC M/L, Adult) CHP.6, Pg.4 3/27

Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2010 7:54 pm
by dreambeliever


Finally...I'm so sorry for not updating sooner, chapters 7 and 8 were a little hard for me to put into words and in the end I shuffled some things around a bit, but I'm satisfied with the end result. :D

Firstly thank you to Sara for all her help and a thanks to Kristin and Ginger for the great banners above....arn't they awesome? :lol:

Thank you to everyone who left feedback. This is my first fic and I'm glad that others are enjoying it and it's not just sitting in the creative corners of my brain with the cobwebs. :lol:

These images of Liz's worst moments are just down right disturbing.......especially.......Max and Tess were made to be together.....
True and that's the part that seems to haunt Liz the most......

holy cow all caught up and damn that was dark
Yeah, Liz wasn't in a very good place there and needed to face alot of her own skeletons.

mary mary
Well, okay!!! You need to hurry back and fill us in on what the H@!! is going on here...seriously, delirium I understand but what's put her in this state? Hurry,hurry,hurry!
I'm here..and well Liz's own subconciuos is working overtime...or is it? :twisted:

Poor Liz having to relive those memories. thats so heartbreaking. i'm still trying to figure out where exactly she is!
Her mind right now is all over the place....that's all I can say without giving away to much. :wink:

Great update! It really seems like Liz is being conditioned to reject their relationship and to just accept whatever Khivar offers to her.

I have a feeling Khivar is showing Liz just how badly Max has treated her ... although I'm always in that (but she lied to him first stage!). I hated Liz being a doormat but I also hated the way she hurt Max on the show.
Liz is starting to come to terms with her own actions. I hope you enjoy this next chapter.
I don't even have the meds to blame this time!
:wink: :mrgreen:

wow that was intense. I cant wait to find out whats really going on
At this stage...who knows :?: .... :wink:

On with the show.......

Chapter 7

Bang bang bang


Bang bang

Bang “AVA!”

Bang bang

Suddenly the door to his right swings open.

“Hey buddy, ya wanna cut it out afore I call the cops on ya.”

Bang bang “Ava!”

“Yo, buddy!”

“Man, look, I’m sorry, this is life or death!” Matt yells to the guy.


Bang “Matt, oh my god! Are you seriously banging on our door at four in the morning?!” Maria yells up at him, with one hand perched on her hip.

“Matt, we here are women, and women need their beauty sleep. Well, except me. But I do need my sleep. Now what could be so important that you had to come over here at this ungodly hour? And it be…..”

“Maria, where’s Ava…..Ava. AVA!”

I run into the apartment yelling for Ava. I love Maria but I am not in the mood to put up with her right now.

Craaapp, Liz wanted me to get Ava.

“Geez already, hold ya horses, I’ma comin.’ ”

I hear Ava’s voice from the hallway.

“Ava, please…help….Liz….bar….freaks…please. We have to go now.”

I can barely utter these words out. I grab her hand and start to pull her out of the apartment.

“What, What ‘bout Liz? And where da hell do ya think yo’r takin’ me?”

“No time we have to go back to the bar now.”


I hear Ava call for Maria.

As soon as Maria heard Liz’s name she was already pulling out their shoes.

“Right behind you girl, I already have your shoes.” I hear Maria say, as she throws Ava her shoes.

“We have to go, now.” Matt sternly warns.

We all run out the apartment and keep running the three blocks to the bar. When we arrive at the bar the place is in total disarray. Tables and chairs were knocked over. There were a few scorch marks by the back door.

“Liz! Liz!” Ava starts calling out.

“Matt I’m going to give you to the count of three to tell me what happened or, so help me god, I’m gonna chew off a piece of your ass.”

“Okay, tonight Liz and I were closing up. I went out back to throw the trash where I was like stunned to paralyzation. I didn’t even see anyone around. I think it was a few minutes later I woke up and ran back inside to check on her. And well this is where it gets a little weird, cause I could have sworn that little boy, and believe me he was a little boy, I could have sworn he like threw out energy hands…umm from his hands. And then…well then this is where it gets even freakier cause I could have sworn Liz, like, threw her arms up and attacked the guy. I mean from twenty feet away, she threw this like lighted gunshot, only silent, from her hands. HER HANDS! This is freaky…I mean like X-Files freaky. Somebody call Mulder and Scully, cause this is definitely X-Files shit.”

“Matt…ya hafta calm down and tell us what happened. Where’s Liz?” Ava tries to reason with him.

“I don’t know. She was here, when I left, umm…being attacked, by that…..that boy thing.”

“Boy?....Nicholas?” Maria says loud and looks at Ava who merely nods.


There’s something wrong. I know it. I can feel it.

Can I really? Or is it just my own self guilt, my own fears about tomorrow, about my life?
There was a time in my life when I would have been happy to just sit and watch Liz Parker. To quietly observe her from afar. Then she was shot and there was hope in my life. Hope that one day she could be mine. That she may be interested in me, that she loved me. All I wanted then was the house with the white picket fence, the normal job, the 2.5 kids and Liz as my wife. I dreamed and wished for my wedding day. Well tomorrow is my wedding day, and in none of my dreams did I envision Tess as my bride. There it is again, Tess, my bride. Who knew destiny had a sense of humor? I spent a lot of time running away from my preordained destiny, only to have it come crashing back into my life…literally. Is it destiny for me to be with Tess? Is it destiny for me to never truly be happy? Am I destined to always want what I can never have?

“Max.” Isabel’s voice shook me out of my thoughts.

“Hmm…. Yeah?” I mumble out, not bothering to open my eyes.

“Are you sure you want to do this? I mean….don’t you think we should just leave her alone?” I hear her ask me.

“Yeah I do, but Iz, I just have this feeling. And besides, she deserves to hear the other news from me, not Kyle, or Ms. Deluca, or her parents, or anyone else.”

I sigh and open my eyes. Tonight Isabel is going to help me dreamwalk Liz. All day I’ve had this bad feeling, and I need to check up on her. Just because she left Roswell…left me, doesn’t mean I don’t want her to be safe. I also need to tell her I’m marrying Tess tomorrow.

“I just don’t think you need to be putting yourself through this right now Max. You’re marrying Tess tomorrow and Liz….”

“Exactly. I’m marrying Tess tomorrow. I have a son now Isabel. I need to be here for him. I’m marrying Tess, there’s no doubt about it. But Liz….Liz deserves to hear this from me.”

I don’t want to tell Liz I’m marrying Tess but what I said was true Liz deserves to hear this from me and no one else.


“Liz…Liz is that you?”

I’ve found her in the dream world. My heart skips a beat, I feel the rumble in my stomach. Will she always provoke these feelings from me, I wonder?

“What are you doing here, Max?” Her voice demands harshly.

“Liz, are you okay? You feel different.” She turns to look at me and I see pain and confusion in her eyes… her eyes…so beautiful.

“You’re not even touching me, how do you know how I feel?”

There it is again, the harshness in her voice. I try to study her a little more. She’s still so beautiful, but she seems different. I can’t quite tell how, but I know there’s something different.

“No, I mean the feeling I get inside when you’re near, it feels different,” I try to explain to her.

“Maybe I’m different.” Maybe she’s right. It has been a couple of months.

“Yeah, maybe.”

“What are you doing here, Max?” she asks me again “Why are you dreamwalking me?”

I flinch…her tone really is stern. Does she hate me that much, is she really not as happy as I am to see her?

“Umm, well I just wanted to see if you’re okay. I aahh ...I’ve had a bad feeling all day and I was worried…about you,” I fumble out.

Laughing, Liz shakes her head. Is it so wrong for me to love to hear her laugh? I hadn’t really heard her laugh in a long time….

“Well I’m fine now, Max.”

“What do you mean you’re fine now, what happened? Are you ok? Where are you?”

“No need to worry about me, Max, everything’s fine,” she answers in a tone a mother uses to soothe a child.
“How’s Zan?”

“Oh he’s fine, he’s growing so big and, well, last week, he started to stand on his own.” My voice starts to get excited and I look to Liz. I see her smiling but it’s not real. And then her words from before come rushing back to me.

“Every single time you mention your son, I am reminded of what you did to me. How you were unfaithful. How could you not know that?”

Way to go Max…remind her again how you hurt her.

“Umm, Liz…” Might as well tell her now.


“That’s the other thing I wanted to come and tell you. You see, umm, well, Zan is my son and, umm, well, Tess…Tess is his mom and I need to be able to take care of him…and, well, umm, Tess and I are getting married tomorrow.”

I finally let it out…I wait and look at Liz, something flickers in her eyes. Grief, hurt? I have to tell her, I have to let her know how much she means to me.

“Liz, I’m so sorry.”

I reach out and embrace her, she fits perfectly under my chin. She had always fit me perfectly. Everything with Liz had seemed so right. Perfect. Sighing, I kiss the top of her head and inhale the smell of strawberries, her smell, ever since I gave her the strawberry bubblebath. She looks up into my eyes and I lean down and kiss her forehead.

“Liz, I wish things could be different, I wish that you were Zan’s mom I wish it was you I was marrying tomorrow. It’s always been you, Liz.”

My voice cracks with pain. Holding her in my arms right’s the most complete I’ve felt in months. As Jerry Maguire and corny as it sounds….she completes me.

She pulls away from me and looks at me is she angry?

“You wish it was me! It’s always been me! If it’s always been me Max, why’d you sleep with her? Why?” Her voice is stronger now, demanding.

“Liz, it doesn’t matter now. It never mattered. She never mattered. I love you Liz. I always will.”

Doesn’t she understand how much I love her?

“That’s just fucken’ great, Max. You love me, but you’re marrying her tomorrow. What, am I just supposed to live my life knowing that you love me, you love me enough to fuck, impregnate and marry a murdering traitor?!”

I watch Liz’s face. She is so beautiful right now. Her cheeks are flushed pink with anger. Her hair loose and cascading over her shoulders, down her back...I try to explain myself to her.

“Liz, I made a mistake. We’ve been through this. I thought we moved past this. I made some mistakes, you made some mistakes.”

My eyes study her body. Her clothes are different, they’re new. I’ve never seen those jeans before. My eyes travel up her legs where the jeans snugly conform to her thighs, higher up to her hips where they rest low. I see her flesh, a lot of it. Her royal blue halter top stops a little below her breast. My heart rate accelerates. My eyes travel back to her face and she’s talking to me….shit, I zoned out there for a bit. I try to focus on what she’s saying.

“You see, Max, there’s the problem. Do you feel betrayed that I slept with Kyle?”

What is she talking about? Betrayed? Why?

“No. Wait a minute, I thought you said you didn’t sleep with him?”

“That’s not what I asked you? Do you feel betrayed?”

She’s looking at me with questions in her eyes, I can tell my answer is important to her and I try to explain.

“Well no….. not anymore. I did when I….I thought you had but now I know you didn’t and the reason why you did what you did, so, no, I guess I don’t feel that way…anymore.”

There, she should know that I no longer feel that way. That I don’t blame her.

“That’s it Max, you get to walk around knowing that I never slept with Kyle, knowing that I could never do that to you…could never really hurt you in that way. But I don’t Max. I don’t get to know that Max, the truth is I know you slept with Tess. I know you created a child with her. I know that you did betray me, I know that you could and you did hurt me in that way. What I don’t know is how you could have and still tell me you love me, that it’s always been me.”

I watch as she practically yells at me and I see the tears in her eyes, begging to be released. But I also see her, fighting for control. Fighting to keep them from falling. That's my Liz, fighting to stay in control. How can I explain to her how I felt? How can I make her see that I didn’t think what I did was wrong.

“Liz….I’m sorry, I’ve said it before I’m so sorry. I thought you had slept with Kyle. Nothing was going right in my life, Alex died and you were acting… angry and we weren’t even together Liz.”

I try to make her understand where I was at that time in my life.

“I know I shouldn’t feel betrayed, but I do. And you’re right….we weren’t together but we weren’t together when I supposedly slept with Kyle and that didn’t stop you from treating me like shit for weeks. After Tess, you just expected me to get over it, when you had acted so much worse. Well I can’t get over it Max. I may never get over it.”

That’s true. Technically we weren’t together and I was so hurt and I don’t even know what I was thinking when I was acting that way. What does she mean she may never get over it?

“That’s what bothers me the most. The fact that you could so easily throw our relationship away, you could so easily treat me like that and then you expected me to be the all forgiving one.”

Oh my god. She’s right. I did expect her to take me back, to forgive me. I knew at the time I would have to make it up to her but I knew she would forgive me, ‘cause that’s the type of person she was. That’s one of the reasons why I had loved her, because she was so forgiving, so understanding.

“That’s a bit hypocritical, don’t you think, Max? God, I even tried to be friends….I tried to be friends with you. First, you threw it back at me and ran off with Tess to New York and the second time, after you promised to always be my friend…the second time you practically shoved my friendship down my throat with an ultimatum and then you, once again, go running to Tess.”

Hypocrite. That’s what I am. I still can’t believe I threatened our friendship, what was I thinking at the time?

“There’s a pattern there, Max. You always go running to Tess. And that’s why I kept pushing you away. Because I wasn’t sure if you truly loved me, if you truly belonged with me.” She points her finger to her chest.

What is she talking about, she’s always leaving me? Talk about patterns.

“You left first Liz. That day at the pod chamber you left me.”

I tell her, dammnit she started it.

“That’s right, Max, I did and I am very sorry I left you when you needed me. I will always regret that. But don’t you see, Max, you let me. You let me go. I wanted you to run after me, to tell me that I was your destiny, but you didn’t. You watched me leave. Because deep down, Max, I know you were wondering the same thing, was I really your destiny? We both wanted me to be. But deep down you wondered. But you were too scared to say it. So I left, I left so that you could decide.”

I watch as Liz’s hands clench and unclench. I could tell this was hard for her.

“I tried to give you a choice that day at the pod chamber. I was scared, Max. I mean everyone including your mother was saying that you belonged with Tess. I know you loved me, I could feel it then. I never doubted that. What scared me, was knowing that you could so easily kiss her, that she could so easily make you.”

I never really thought about that at the time. With the White room and everything I had forgotten about that. Tess did mindwarp me to kiss her.

“So then I started thinking, what if it doesn’t stop there? What if eventually you fall in love with her?”

Didn’t she understand that I had only wanted her? I would never have knowingly hurt her. I could never fall in love with Tess.

“What if she made you have sex with her? I mean she was still new to us and we had just found out about her powers…and I couldn’t set myself up for that heartache Max. I just couldn’t. And in the end, I was right. You did fall for her, you did sleep with her and she didn’t even have to use her powers, you even have a child with her and tomorrow…tomorrow she will be your wife. Just as she was destined…”

“Liz…I…don’t know what to say.”

I don’t know where to begin. I have screwed up Liz’s life so much. She was right. In the end I did sleep with Tess and I had hurt Liz. I began to realize why Liz had left me that day. I never really understood, but I never had really thought about it.


“Why, what?” I ask, confused.

“Why did you sleep with her, when you told me over and over again that you didn’t love her?”

How do I explain this? I take a minute to try to grasp what I need to say.

“Liz, we weren’t together and she was there, she….”

I’m almost afraid to tell Liz the truth, but looking at her I can sense that she wants, that she needs to know the truth.

“She was always there, and she was understanding and patient and alien, like me and she wanted me. And at the time I needed that. I needed to feel wanted.”

At the time I had lost everyone, Liz, Isabel, even Michael and I weren’t doing to good.

Liz looks up at me and laughs. What the hell is so funny?

“That’s why I can’t stand to be around you anymore, because you are so stupid. You can’t even realize that you hadn’t really lost anyone. You were just being an ass to everyone, well everyone except Tess, and we were mad at you. Just because we were mad, really mad doesn’t mean that we loved you less. You were a selfish condescending jerk and Tess was so manipulative. Of course she’ll always be there for you, that’s what she wanted you to think. She pretends to want to always be there. But she wasn’t there when she was pregnant with Zan, noooo she was on Antar with Kivar.”

I’m hurt and a bit miffed at her words. Did she just call me stupid? Tess had been there for me when no one else had, I feel the need to defend Tess. To defend my own actions at the time.

“Liz, we didn’t know at the time that she killed Alex, that she was a traitor. I had gotten to know her, to know the real Tess.”

Nobody else had tried to get close to her. Tess hadn’t been all that bad. She had proven to be a loyal friend.

Liz laughs again. Seriously, what the fuck is up with her laughing at my expense?

“Did you really know her? Right from the get go, she wronged us, she never once apologized for doing what she did. Did you get to know the lying manipulative side? Or was it the traitorous murdering side that attracted you? You were attracted to her. She lied. She manipulated, she was untrustworthy she never showed remorse for her actions, and at the time you knew that. You knew that she had set out to intentionally hurt us and yet you chose her. You chose to be with her. And then Alex and the deal with Kivar. …..what have you done, Max, to punish her for killing Alex?”

“Liz, you know that I can’t hurt her, she’s linked to Zan. I can’t take the chance.”

“That’s great, Max, I’ll be sure to let Alex know that you’ve done nothing. Why is she even back, Max?”

“You know why, Liz, Kivar was going to kill Zan because he’s human, he betrayed her.”

“Hmmm, did he now?”

“What do you mean?” There’s something in her voice, she’s not telling me something.

“Nothing, Max, the only thing I know is that Tess lied to us, she manipulated us, she killed Alex and then she tricked you about Zan being sick and yet, you protect her…you’re right, Max, before when you told me when Alex died that I knew nothing about Kivar or about your world. You’re so right, you know everything and I…..and I know absofuckinglutely nothing.”

“Liz, I can’t let Kivar kill Zan, he’s my son. And Tess, well I’ve gotten to know her a little more and I…”

“Shut up, Max. I don’t even want to hear about how you’re getting to know the fucking lying bitch. Just shut up.” Liz is yelling, hell she’s screaming at me now.

“And you’re right, Max, you can’t let Kivar kill Zan. You also need to find out more. More about yourselves. I will say it again Max, you need to wake the fuck up…and not like last time.”

I look back at her surprised.

“Oh yeah, didn’t think I knew about that, huh? I saw it, in flashes. I never told you.”

Last time she told me I needed to wake up, I ended up sleeping with Tess. I never knew she saw that in a flash.

“I know you need to be there to protect your son, you need to be a part of his life, and somehow I knew that and I couldn’t stay in Roswell and see you with Zan, a child you created with Tess, and that’s one reason why I left.”

“Liz..I didn’t mean for any of this to happen. I didn’t mean to hurt you.” I tell her, my eyes pleading for her to understand.

“Funny thing, Max, you never mean it and you always do hurt me. You were right, Max, we make our own destinies. And you made yours with her. No one told you to have sex with her. No one told you to conveniently forget the protection that was in your back pocket. Hell, no one is telling you to marry her. Those are your choices. That is the destiny you chose.”

She looks up at me and I see the tears in her eyes again. She smiles at me sadly and then blows me a kiss right before she throws me quickly out of her dream.

I shoot up straight in bed. My heart beating rapidly. I think about the small gesture she had done, the small kiss. I can’t help the smile that appears on my face. I could actually feel the kiss on my lips. I lift my fingers to my mouth, where her kiss landed and is still tingling through my whole body. Liz Parker has the power to touch my soul without actually touching me. And I had foolishly thrown her and her love away.

Isabel comes crashing in my bedroom. Her eyes red rimmed with tears.

“Oh, Max, I’m so sorry.”

She leans down and gives me a hug.

“Max, you’re my brother and I love you, but she was right about a lot, I…I never realized the extent of what was going on with the both of you…..and Tess and Alex…well you know what Alex meant to me…and…something does need to be done…we nee…”

I cut her off. I’m in no mood for this.

“Isabel, that’s enough. Tomorrow I marry Tess and she’ll be your sister in law, deal with it.”

I lie back on my bed so that I can play over in my head how wonderful it was to be near Liz again. To analyze what we talked about.

“I will, Max, but just for the record, I don’t think it’s right. In fact, I wish with every fiber of my body that Tess didn’t exist and you were marrying Liz.”

I laugh at this…didn’t she know…. so I tell her, “Me to Iz…me too.”



“We hafta call Max.”

“No. No, uuh-uh. There is no way in hell we’re calling Max,” Maria tells her.

“Maria, we don’t got anotha’ choice.”

“Yes, we do. You’re, you know, Czech, and you have… well, you know ways. Just do the Czech voo doo crap. There is no way we are calling Max. Liz would kill me. I mean as her official longest best friend, I’m pulling rank. We are not calling Max. Liz wants nothing to do with them, and she definitely wouldn’t want me calling and asking for their help. I mean, god, can you imagine? Uuh-uh. Nope. Not gonna happen.”

“Okay, so what then? Official longest best friend of the missing? We need help. Look, I know I look stupid, but I’m not and I know we need help Maria.”

“Fine, fine…you’re right. We do need help, and you don’t look stupid.” exasperated, Maria picks up her cell.

“Hi, it’s me Maria. We… umm… need your help. Liz was kidnapped by Nicholas. Just get here, bring help and get here fast. Get a pen and write down my information.”

A few minutes later she snaps the phone shut.

“Let’s hope he gets here in time.”

“In da meantime let’s try t’ figure out where she is.”

“I know where she’s at.”

We all turn toward the voice at the door.




Groaning, I roll over in my bed. That was some dream…dreams….nightmare? Hey, wait a minute. Bed. When did I get to a bed? Wasn’t I with Nicholas being mindraped in some room? Am I dead? Did I die? I don’t feel dead. I crack my eyes open. Sunlight pours in through the massive window. I look around at the lavishly decorated room. I’m in a hotel room. A very nice hotel room. What the..? Jumping up off the bed, I attempt to stand. Not a smart move. I feel myself waiver on my feet. Blood goes rushing to my head. I reach for the bed to steady myself.


Large arms reach around me to help.

“Hey there little one, be careful.” I look up into the deepest blue eyes.

“Where am I and who are you?” I should probably feel threatened, but I don’t. for some reason I feel safe with this man.

I attempt to speak again but it’s hard, my throat is dry….I need a drink.

“Well right now we’re at the Four Seasons and ….I’m Kivar.”

“Kivar?” Kivar. As in evil throne-stealing, former-life-killing Kivar? What does he want with me?

“Get away from me. Just get a..away!” I yell.

I raise my arm in an attempt to blast him, but my powers are weak. Well, they were weak to begin with, but now they’re weaker.

“Hey, hey now. Easy there. You went through hell. Whatever powers you do have are going to be weak for awhile.”

Kivar is here on Earth again and he has me locked in a room. Shit. How the hell do I get myself in these situations? Okay Liz, calm down, don’t freak out. Remember, play it cool. Try to be intimidating….yeah, like that worked so well the last time.

“What do you want Kivar?” I ask, as I attempt to make my way over to the refrigerator for a drink of water.
Play it cool Liz, play it cool. The refrigerator is near the door, maybe I can make a run for it.

“The Queen.” He states.

That’s easy enough. I can definitely help him with this. “Okay, well, Tess is in Roswell, so thanks for stopping by.” I sigh in relief, all he wants is Tess. I can live with that. I can call Max and warn him.

“No, you don’t…as they say… ‘get it.’ I’m not looking for Tess, I am looking for the Queen, not Tess or Ava,” he tells me firmly.

“What do you mean? And Tess and Ava are the Queen. Maybe you hit your head in your spaceship or maybe you’re still in shock from entering Earth’s atmosphere….”

“No. I’m very much lucid, which is more than I can say for you right now.” He chuckles.

I should try to make a run for it but I’m really weak and still tired. Looking at him again, he really doesn’t look too evil. I sense something from him, nothing negative and yet again I wonder why I feel safe. I lock eyes with him. Deep brown meeting his icy blue. They say that eyes are windows into the soul. Well, I think his window needs cleaning ‘cause I don’t see shit.

He’s smiling at me again. It’s a warm smile, it doesn’t make me uncomfortable and right now, that’s good.

I take a gulp out of the bottled water I found in the mini fridge.

“Aaahhh…” The cool liquid floating down my parched throat feels good.

Chuckling, Kivar pulls out a chair from the corner desk. Turning it to face the bed, he takes a seat and motions towards the bed.

“Relax. I’m not here to hurt you. I need you,” he tells me.

“What exactly do you mean by ‘you need me’?” I ask him.

“Well just what I said….I need you. I’m more than willing to give you an explanation. It’s going to take a while, so why don’t you get comfortable there on the bed, plop a few pillows, sit back and relax.”

“Sit back and relax! You’re like an evil alien or something. How can I trust you? Where’s Nicholas? I heard those men talking, you’re the one that had me kidnapped, you did this to me.”

“Liz, calm down.”

“Calm down! How can I calm down? You had me kidnapped. Nicholas mind raped me because of you.”

“Okay, first off, if I wanted to hurt you I would have. Believe me, I could have killed you by now.”

“Gee, that makes me feel so much better,” I tell him dryly.

“Yes, I had you kidnapped, but I didn’t tell Nicholas to mindrape you. He did that all on his own. I don’t have an excuse for that. I ordered him to apprehend you. Nothing else.”

“Apparently he doesn’t take too kindly to your orders, ‘cause the bastard danced in my freaking brain.”
I raise my voice to get my point across.

“Nicholas ran my brain over hot fucken’ coals. And you didn’t know about it?!” Why is that hard for me to believe?

“You won’t have any more problems with him.” Kivar tells me flatly.

“How can you say that? How do you know? How can I believe you, how can I trust you?”

“Firstly, Nicholas won’t be a problem anymore because I killed him. Secondly, I had you kidnapped because I have a proposition for you, and you are the Queen.”

Now he has me intrigued. He thinks I’m the Queen? I think I’m gonna’ need to sit down for this.

“Tell me what you mean. Tell me what you want,” I demand of him.

I do indeed prop pillows against the headboard and make myself comfortable. Two years ago, I would have been scared to death of this man, but I’m no longer that scared girl and common sense has made me realize that what he said is true. If he wanted to hurt me, he could have, and my curiosity has gotten the better of me, so I wait for him to start.

“Where do you want me to begin? How much do you know?”

Why do people always ask that question? There’s only one answer.

“I know nothing, so start from the beginning.”


Two hours later my mind is whirling with all this new information. Boy did the pod squad have everything all wrong.

“So you’re telling me that you never betrayed Tess on Antar. You just told her to leave?”

“Yes, well not exactly I gave her an ultimatum, leave or become my prisoner. I couldn’t really have her running around the castle, she is a traitor.” He looks at me like I should have known this.

“And baby Zan didn’t have the seal because only a child borne to the rightful King and Queen can carry the seal, and therefore become the heir to the throne.”

“Yes, well we can’t have all these little bastard children claiming to be the heir, can we? It’s a protection plan, like insurance.”

“Okay, okay, and I have the seal because Max and I spiritually connected?”

“Yes, from what I gather, probably when he healed you, although I’m guessing he didn’t know it at the time. You see, a spiritual connection requires for the King to give a piece of himself to you, to open himself completely, to allow you to see into his soul. To join his soul with yours. To become one. I believe you really are soul mates. Your soul instantly recognized his and therefore allowed the joining to happen in order to be reunited as one. It’s in the prophecy.”

Aahh yes, that stupid prophecy that he is basing all this on. We’ve been over this a few times already, ever since he explained this to me, but it’s not quite sinking in, so I ask the same questions over and over again.

“So why didn’t Tess get the seal when Max had sex with her? Isn’t that a connection?”

“Yes, that’s normally how the seal is given, but the giving of the seal requires more than that, it requires trust and love, and an actual spiritual connection, the joining of two souls. Just because he had sex with her doesn’t mean he truly trusted or loved her.”

“Now you sound like Max.”

How many people are going to tell me that Max may have had sex with Tess, but he didn’t really love her? I’m sick of hearing that shit.

Don’t they know that to have sex requires a certain amount of love? Yeah, Max gave me the seal but he gave Tess his virginity, which is something I wanted more than the seal.

I wanted to know that for Max there could have been no one other than me. I guess I was wrong.

“Okay, so I have the seal. And I am now recognized as the Queen. Why now? Max healed me over two years ago.”

“I think that is because of your power usage. The seal is activated when one has truly embraced themselves. For you, it would have been the power usage. You could have used it infrequently and it would have gone unnoticed.”

I thought that having Ava train me on my powers would be helpful, in case of an emergency or an alien take over, or something like that.

“But when you started using more of your powers, that’s accepting who you are completely and allowing yourself to change, to accept the alien side, thereby activating the seal.”

Change….. there’s that word again. Future Max had told me I wasn’t allowing myself to change. Did he know something then? Ava had told me before that I was changed. What else does she know?

“And now you need me to be Queen to help Antar from being revolted against?”

“Not to be Queen, you are the Queen. You saw it, the seal.”

Yeah I did, earlier he proved that I had the seal by waving his hand behind my head and out popped a holographic V shaped constellation seal thingy.

“We are running out of time. Soon the Alliance will vote to recapture Antar. Without the heir or the rightful King or Queen, Antar will be at its mercy. It’s the whole reason why the Royal Four were killed and reborn to begin with. To free the planet.”

“Why does the Alliance want to recapture Antar?”

“Since, technically, I’m not the rightful King, I stand to lose the throne if I don’t align and swear alliance to the rightful Queen.”

“So you did kill them, the Royals, before, on Antar?”

“No. Yes. How can I explain this……King Zan was young and very enthusiastic and modern. He never believed in some of the old ways, certain customs, and certain traditions. It started with marriage. Zan wanted to marry for love, he wanted his soul mate. But Antar law states that the rightful King must have a Queen. You see, on Antar, the Queen is very important, more important than the King.”

That would explain why Tess wanted to be Queen so bad.

“Why is the Queen so important?” I wonder out loud.

“Every Queen in Antar history has been blessed with the gift of foresight. She will see what is to happen and will be able to lead a planet with her knowledge. She is also the carrier of the heir, the vessel of the Royal lineage. And finally, a true Queen will be the other half to the King. Two halves of a whole. The King is there for his Queen, to give her a bond. A bond of sincerity, honor and courage. He is to be unyielding for her, to cherish her, to love her. The Queen is to be there for her King, she gives her allegiance, honesty, security and devotion. She gives her loyalty, duty and dedicated love.”

“The Queen’s important, got it. What else?”

“So back on Antar, Zan wanted change. He was more into new age technology and would work for days with technicians inventing new and improved weapons. When he died it is said that he was working on a time machine.”

I don’t bother to tell him that Zan had succeeded and the time machine was the granilith. I think I’ll keep that little tidbit to myself.

“Zan was hoping to use the time machine as a crystal ball. He would hop in, check out the future, figure out what went right or wrong, come back and then fix whatever needed to be fixed.”

Zan sounded like a doofus.

“He believed in this so strongly that he even broke the engagement with his betrothed, who was in fact to be gifted with premonitions, and he chose to marry Ava.”

Zan was betrothed to someone else? Please don’t let there be an evil alien ex-fiancée out there too.

“Who was his betrothed?”

“Oh…umm, a young woman named Shaki. She is unimportant. She was chosen as his betrothed simply because she had been identified as a strong enough individual to be gifted with premonitions. Zan didn’t love her, he hadn’t even met her. In the beginning, he had refused to marry her, claiming he wanted only his soul mate. However when he was forced to take a wife, he chose Ava. Ava was an ambitious girl and desperately wanted to be Queen. She was blindsided to everything else.”

Sounds like Tess alright.

“The point is he chose Ava simply because he did not want to be married to one that had been chosen for him. The granilith had tested Ava, and she was found incompatible for the gift of sight, and to him it seemed like a good idea since Ava had a desire to be Queen.”

Incompatible, huh? If she was anything like Tess, she had more than a desire. I almost snort, but catch myself in time. I look back over to Kivar and wait for him to continue.

“The weeks leading up to the wedding, there were several major attacks to Antar. All of which resulted in loss of lives and destruction. I pleaded with Zan to reconsider his marriage. Had he continued with his original betrothed, the attacks would have or should have been foreseen. Soon there were rumors that the Alliance was planning an attack, a full scale war. They wanted to govern Antar, to dominate our Galaxy,” he explained.

“And what exactly is the Alliance?” I ask for, like, the third time.

“There are many galaxies in the universe. Antar’s own, the Whirlwind Galaxy, is just one of many. As you know, Earth is in the Milky Way Galaxy. There are few planets out there that have no life form at all. There are many that have other life forms, other aliens.”

More planets? More lifeforms?

“The Alliance is almost like a Board of Directors for the universe. Any planet is allowed to join this board, however, they must adhere to several laws. The first of the two major laws is that we are all at peace with one another. Planets belonging to the board sign what we call a ‘Doffe’, a peace treaty, within each other. However, one representative can overthrow another in order to gain controlling access to his or her planet. And that leads up to the other major law. Each representative can choose to ‘chaperon’ a few people. Chaperon means to offer them protection from harm from the other planets in the Alliance. Most representatives choose to chaperon people like their family. For example, you could choose to chaperon yourself, Maria and Ava, your parents, or whomever you choose.”

“Why would I need to chaperon anyone?” I ask.

“Well, the universe is quite large, and those of an unscrupulous nature may choose to try and dominate. They can decide to ‘take out’ certain representatives in order to gain control of that planet.”

“If this is allowed, what is the purpose of this Doffe?”

“The Doffe states only that planets cannot fight with each other. And the Doffe regulates intergalactic trading lines and customs. What one planet lacks in, they trade other planets for. Planets within the Doffe cannot withhold or block any trading lines. No war can be declared to the planets within the Alliance. And if one planet within the Alliance is put under attack by another planet, not in the Alliance, then the planets within the Alliance will rally together and present a united front to the enemy planet. The Alliance is there to offer some security and morale strength. Safety in numbers, right?”

I am so lost, they never taught intergalactic politics in high school.

“You still haven’t told me why you killed them back on Antar,” I point out.

“Okay layman terms…I was a part of the Alliance, the group that wanted to rule Antar. Zan was foolish. Eight attacks in three weeks, that was ridiculous.”

I watch as a vein pulses on Kivar’s forehead.

“We lost so many lives and he did nothing. NOTHING! He didn’t even know who was behind the attacks. Who do we retaliate against? All he could do was offer condolences and promise a better future with technology.”

He stands up, and begins to pace the room.

“Yes I understand the need for change, but we still needed the old ways. He could have done both, but he refused. Zan was selfish and rash. At the time The Alliance decided that Antar needed a new ruler. Antar is important to the Alliance. It is the Executive planet within the Alliance, like the leading planet. With Antar under attack, the Alliance itself loses political footing. The Alliance voted and I was chosen to be the new ruler of Antar. We couldn’t just kill the Royals. They are the ruling family to our planet.”

Kivar stopped pacing and he was now looking directly at me.

“I knew of the cloning process and that’s when we decided to clone the Royals, mix them with human DNA, and give them the opportunity to relive their lives. It was meant as a gift. To be given a second chance, a new life. We hoped that in time they would return.”

“And how does all this relate to me? Why do you need me, Liz Parker?”

“Because you, little one, are the Queen. And now that the seal has been activated and the Queen has been identified, I need to align myself with you in order to still be recognized as Antar’s ruler.”


“Because with the seal, you are, by all rights, legally Antar’s Queen and ruler. Well, you and Max, but he wants nothing to do with the planet, so that just leaves you.” He points at me.

“I don’t want anything to do with you, Max or the planet. So why am I here again?”

I mean, if Max is given a get out of jail free card, shouldn’t I get one? We haven’t gotten to this part before, so I’m really interested in his response.

“Well, several reasons. First of all, remember, the Queen is more important than the King and myself. So right now, you’re the head honcho. And secondly, with you being the rightful Queen, you are like a walking target, not to mention you are sending off some serious Queen signals.”

“What do you mean by Queen signals?”

“Well once you activated the seal, you umm… well, activated the signals. It’s like vibes the Queen sends out alerting others that she is a Queen.”

“Uumm, okay, what about the walking target part? I mean, if I don’t want anything to do with the planet and I don’t plan on taking over, why would people want to kill me?”

I’m getting just a tad stressed out now. Targets, signals, seals… it’s all a little too much right now.

“It doesn’t matter if you don’t want anything to do with Antar, you are the Queen. All someone has to do is kill you and take control of the planet.”

Throw me a bone here, people.….

“What if I abdicate the throne?” I’m desperate here.

Kivar looks at me with pity. “The Queen cannot abdicate. The only way to remove her from the throne is death or an heir.”

“Uuggghhhh…” I can’t freakin’ win.

“So why don’t you just kill me? Why do you need me?” Why does he need me?

“Simple, the prophecy. You are the one we’ve been waiting for. You’re an asset to me, to Antar. I need you alive and, well, if you want to stay alive, you need me. Otherwise, someone could come along and kill you. Also, all one has to do is be forced to align with you and then they become the ruler by your side. I’m just beating them to the punch.”

“How do I know I can trust you?” This is Kivar we’re talking about.

“You don’t, but I could kill you or I could force an alignment between us. I chose neither; I choose to present this to you in a non aggressive way.”

He looks me in the eye again.

“You see, once we align we become….partners. I need to be able to trust my Queen, and I need her to trust me. That’s the only way we will be able to rule, united.”

Must be why he kicked Tess to the curb, she was definitely not trustworthy. I look deep into his eyes, searching for a sign, this time I see something, strength. That’s when I realized there is so much more to the Royals than any of us knew- then even they knew.

I need to think…again. I make my way over to the window and watch the people below my mind drifts back to the dream I had of me older and married to Max with our family. Was that just a dream? Was it a warning? Lately, before I had been kidnapped I had been wondering If Maria and I should go back to Roswell, if I could ever live in the same town with Tess, Max and Zan? After that dream, I could never be with Max like that. I start to think about the dreamwalk with Max and everything we had talked about. I had known that when Tess had come back with Zan that Max would have wanted to be with Zan. I didn’t lie to Max, I hadn’t wanted to see all of them together and so that had just added fuel to the already burning fire. I had been so mad that he wanted to protect Tess. I’d known that if I were gone Max would go to Tess, that he would try to be a family at least for his son. So I made the choice to leave and once again Max hadn’t followed her. A part of her had hoped and wished he would have. Maybe he would kill Tess and then he and Zan would come and search for her and they would live happily ever after. But he hadn’t. That had just been a stupid dream.

Max had wanted a quasi normal life, and he saw a chance of that with Tess. Not Liz.

The wife, the kid, the American dream. A normal life. Max had always wanted that. Liz was going to help him, he didn’t belong to her anymore. She could do this for him. They didn’t belong together. Right now her future seemed clear, she had a new purpose. Was this what she was meant to do? Is this her destiny?

Seeking out Kivar in the room, she found him, leaning against the wall looking at her with guarded piercing blue eyes.

“I’m in. I’ll align with you. I’ll be the Queen.”


Re: Delirious (CC M/L, Mature) CHP.8, Pg.6 4/27

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 5:42 am
by dreambeliever
Hi everyone......sorry for the delay.

..After the talk she had with Max the puppet, I can only agree with her idea to be queen of Antar!
Max the puppet... :lol: funny....thanks for reading and the feedback.

I have enjoyed the background you have presented regarding Antar......
Thank you! There are always both sides to a story. :mrgreen:
Right now I just wish the whole Tess situation was a hallucination and we all go back to being nice.
But then I wouldn't have a story to write.... :wink:

Max noticed Liz was different when he dreamwalked her.
Max didn't realize it at the time but he was picking up her 'Queen signals'
The rest? ... who knows!
Definitely not story seems to have taken on a life of it's own. :lol:

:wink: Me too.....thanks for reading.

mary mary
It seems he wants both of them or ... he wants Liz to put her life on hold for him.
Max wants to be with Liz, but he feels he can't his obligation is to Zan and through Zan to Tess...he still believes that they are linked.
this is the 21st century and it seems those kinds of morals are passe' to say the least..... they don't want marriage to get in their way of living
Max definitely has old fashioned values about this.
You know what else has me puzzled...what ever happened to the house and all of the expensive antiques that Nasedo had?
Good question....maybe that gets addressed later in the fic :?: :lol:
Thanks for reading and for the feedback......did I mention how much I love the banner....Thanks so much for that. :D

I am a dreamer but Max is killing me right now.
Me too!!! :twisted:
Is this dreamer insured?
It was but you know Max is pissing me off too. :x But just so you know I am a dreamer too..... I think? :wink:

Thank You to all the feedbackers and to the lurkers for stopping by....drop a note once in awhile. :D
Some lines taken from the show. None of it belongs to me.

Without further ado....



Chapter 8


“I’m in. I’ll align with you. I’ll be the Queen.”

I silently breathe a sigh of relief. If she hadn’t agreed he didn’t know what he would do. He couldn’t seem to hurt her, something about her made him want to protect her. To keep her safe. He didn’t yet understand these feelings.

“If we’re going to do this, I …. I have to know everything. I need to be able to trust you. And…. I just need to know everything.”

Aaahhh…… what a sharp mind.

“Fine, that’s reasonable. I wouldn’t expect anything less of the Queen. In order for one to rule fairly and justly one must consider and know all options. What do you want to know?”

“I want to know everything….about Antar and about ….you.”

“Me? Well what is there to say? I …..”

What is there about me that hasn’t already been said?

“No offense or anything but up until a few hours ago you were the big-bad-evil-royal-killing alien. I don’t know if I can believe what you tell me. I’m going to need for you to connect with me, to show me.”

I think to myself, I can’t connect with her, she’ll see me like no one else has.

“I’ve never connected with anyone in that way, Liz.”

“It’s the only way for me, Kivar, it’s the deal breaker. You want me to be Queen then I have to know who I’m dealing with here. I have to know who you are. Just like you have to be able to trust me, I have to be able to trust you.”

She emphasizes and she does have a point. I need to be able to trust her and she needs to trust me. I would never hurt her. I couldn’t. Trust. She wants to trust….. why did I do this? i sigh and tell her the inevitable.

“Well then I guess we connect.”

I kneel on the floor in front of her, taking both her hands in mine and look into her eyes.

“Okay little one, relax, clear your mind. Try to think of nothing and focus on me.”


I do that and suddenly I’m hurdling through space, my body is floating above a room there are people in this room, but I don’t see bodies, just forms, auroras glowing. I’m suddenly propelled inside one of the auroras.

‘I don’t care what people are saying. I will not yield. A King does not yield, no matter the circumstance.”

King Zan is talking to me, and then I realize, I am Kivar. I’m in his body, seeing and feeling everything through him.

“Zan, please. This is the fifth attack in two weeks. We lost hundreds this time. We cannot keep this up. Someone is trying to overthrow Antar. The Alliance is worried.”

I hear this body speak, but it’s not me talking.

“Worried? They have nothing to be worried about. Antar has been the Executive planet since the beginning; my family has always been in control. We will not fail.”

Zan, I beg of you, please marry Shaki, have the granilith gift her with sight. Before, before it’s too la…”

“Quiet! I told you I will not follow silly old superstitions. I am close Kivar, very close. The time machine will show us the way. It will be the wave of the future. Imagine all that we could do if we knew the future.”

“But Zan, that is why we need Shaki. The granilith will give her the gift of sight and we will know then too. Perhaps you could work on this time machine and still marry Shaki? That way we will have the advantage, two ways to see the future.”

“No! That is enough, I will continue to build the time machine and marry Ava.”

I feel my body drift to another scene.

“Just let us in tonight, we’ll take care of the rest. We’ll capture Zan, Rath and Ava and we’ll set them up in a nice place on one of the outer lying planets. Vilandra, once this is over, we can be together. You and I, we’ll run away together. Zan won’t find us there.”

He loved Vilandra; I can feel it in him.

“I don’t know, what if he finds out that I helped to overthrow him? I can’t do this Kivar, he’s my brother.”

“A brother forcing you into a marriage you don’t want. I know you don’t want this, but think of everyone, the planet, the Alliance. Vilandra, over two thousand of us were killed in less than three weeks. We can’t keep this up.”

Just as quickly, the scene changes and it feels like Ava talking to me. I can’t tell visually, but for some reason this body knows it’s her aurora.

“Kivar, I know the Alliance is planning something. Tell me. Tell me what it is.”

Sighing I tell her, she knows already...she just wants confirmation from me. I wonder who told her?

“They’re planning on overthrowing Zan and banishing the three of you to Pantox, where there is a small estate there that was purchased.”

“Three? Three of whom?”

“You, Zan and Rath.”

“And what of Vilandra?”

“She’ll stay with me.”

“And you, you’re to be the new ruler of Antar?”

“I don’t know yet. The Alliance has suggested it, but nothing has been formally announced.”

“You will never be King.”

Don’t really want to be....I felt that

“I know that.”

I just want to help my people.

“You will never be able to fully rule without the granilith, and then what of this poor planet, never living up to its full potential.”

“We have other ways.”

“I want in.”

“What? What do you mean?”

In on what, I wonder?

“I mean, I want in on the overthrow of the throne. You help me, I’ll help you. I will soon be Zan’s wife. I also want to be Queen.”

Does she want an alignment? Will she want to rule?

“I won’t align myself with you.”

“You don’t have to. I will be Zan’s wife. I’ll deliver to you the heir, with the seal and full access to the granilith, and you make me Queen.”

Ha, like I’d let her run the planet.

“It will be in name only. I would never allow you to govern Antar.”

It is a good plan. I will have everything I need. The granilith the heir, and the Royals out of the way.

“I don’t want to. I want all the perks of being Queen. I just don’t want the responsibilities.”

I should have known….Ava would never want to be responsible for anything.

“Zan would never allow you to return with his son.”

Did she really think Zan would allow his son to come here alone?

“I will bring you Rath and Zan also and Vilandra if she’s with us. You can do whatever you want with them. I just want my place.”

“Fine.” Anything….we can’t keep losing lives.

“We have a deal then?”

I feel like I've made a deal with the devil.

“Yes….bring me the rightful heir and the granilith and you will be Queen.”

I wonder why?

“Why, why would you betray your king, I know it isn’t for our planet?”

Would she betray me too?

“I don’t want to marry Zan. I want to marry the King. I want to be Queen.”

I’m quickly jerked to the next scene.

“Vilandra, we’re too late. There are others surrounding the palace grounds. It’s Huran, Webol and Kruush, planets from the Sunflower galaxy. They’re the ones that have been behind the attacks. They’re trying to take over our galaxy.”

“What? We have to tell Zan and the others.”

“There’s no time they’re storming the palace now. I came to get you.”

I can’t lose you.

“No, no I have to warn the others.”

Always thinking of others…one of the many reasons I had fallen in love with her. This time though, I wish she was different. To be selfish.

“Vilandra, no. Vilandra…”

The lights flicker and now I’m standing in a field with hundreds of bodies lying around me…motionless.

I watch as the Alliance declares war against the Sunflower galaxy, fighting with the planets and winning after having lost so much.

I’m now standing in the throne room. Hundreds of people are looking at me as I am knighted the official leader of Antar.

An image of Tess appears in front of me.

“I’m pregnant with the heir.”

“And what of the others?”

“I brought the granilith, they have no way of coming back. Besides, they now all have human lives, human mates. None of them will want to come back. Especially Max.”

“And they just let you go, freely…with the heir…with his son?”

I can’t trust her. She betrayed her King.

“I killed one of their own, a human, and a friend. Max sent me here alone.”


“With the heir?”


“How do I know he won’t come back to claim the throne? Ava…Tess, the deal was the heir, the granilith and the others.”

“You have two out of three Kivar. I know that Max wants nothing to do with the throne, he won’t reclaim.”

“What about his son, does he not want to claim him?”

“Yes but he has no way here.”

“Fine, but you are Queen in name only Tess. That was the deal.”

“I know. That’s what I want.”

“I’ll have someone ready your quarters, we will align after the heir is born.”

Even though I know it’s not true, I feel like I've betrayed Vilandra.

Now I’m tossing and turning in bed, I feel my body drifting away from me physically.

Do you approve?” Vilandra stands before me.

“Do you need my approval?” I lost her so long ago, what does it matter?

“No.” Why am I even here? It hurts knowing she will soon be someone else’s.

“Does your husband like this face?” It is very beautiful. Would she change it for him? I had picked Vilandra’s donor.

“He's not my husband,” She replied, a little too harshly there. Maybe she’s not so in love.

“You won't marry him.” Just say you won’t.

“You can't stop me.” It’s not me she needs to be worried about.

“You'll stop yourself. You will always be mine.” How could she love another in the way she said was only reserved for me?

“I've come for you.” Come home with me.

“No. I'm dreaming or sleeping or something.”

“To your happy day. And, uh... Many more happy days still to come. I'll see you soon.”

“From that point on, we were together. We would have done anything for each other, and we did. Till one bad night. One... One night I lost her.”

“I've done nothing. You're here because it's where Vilandra wants to be.” With me… always with me.

“Vilandra is dead. She doesn't exist.”

Vilandra will always exist to me.

“She does. Within you”

“Return with me, Vilandra.”

“I'm not Vilandra.”

“You can be. We can leave all this behind.”

Images floating around, beckoning for me to follow them.

No seal Tess. Every heir in the Kingdom is born with the seal, and this child does not carry the seal.”

“It doesn’t matter anyway. I am here now, Kivar. Make me your Queen and you, baby Zan and I will rule Antar together.”

Kivar laughs again. “You don’t get it, do you? You’re worthless to me now. You don’t have the seal and neither does the child. My intention was never to MAKE you my Queen, you were supposed to already have the seal. If I had to choose a Queen Tess, it wouldn’t be you. You’ve already betrayed your family, your King, why would I want you?”

Turning to leave the room. “You’re no longer my concern, you have twenty four hours to leave the palace or I will have you and your son apprehended and thrown in the dungeons below.”

The images suddenly shut off… Like turning off a television. In a matter of seconds, I’m suddenly standing before a large cone shaped machine. The granilith. The lights blink and pulse…like a heartbeat.

“In a way it is.” A mechanical voice speaks to me.

“Excuse me?”

“What you just thought about the heartbeat. In a way it is like my heartbeat. What you see is the energy materials flowing through my wires. The pulsing is the result of that power.”

“Ok…you can read minds?”

“Not all minds, just yours.”

“Mine? Why mine?”

“You are her…the one…the bride.”

“Bride…right. I think you mean Tess…Ava. She’s the bride.”

“No!” It continues.

“Not just any bride…you are the bride. The bride from the prophecy.”

“What exactly is this prophecy?”

“You don’t know the prophecy? Then why are you here?”

“I don’t know…I was connected with Kivar and well, here I am.”

“You are the one!”

“Okay seriously now, will you just please tell me what’s going on?”

"The prophecy….Antar has many prophecies that were foretold thousands of years ago. One prophecy told of a fallen King and the planet doomed to the shadows. That prophecy came true when the Royals were killed. After that, without the granilith the planet could not sustain. Without access to the granilith the planet cannot operate completely, the granilith provides much needed energy to the planet. Antar has only been operating partially.”

“I don’t understand.”

“It’s like humans…humans can survive off of water only, but it needs food for substance, nutrients. Antar can survive on it’s own but it needs the granilith to thrive.”

“But you are the granilith.”

“Yes and no. I am but one part of the granilith. The granilith however will not work without a King or Queen.”

“What exactly is the granilith and why is it so important?”

“The granilith is the past, the present and the future. It is life, it is death.”

“Yeah, that helps.”

“The granilith is anything it wants to be. It isn’t one thing, it’s everything. Once you become the Queen it will pass the knowledge of Antar and your powers. It will be your strength. I can tell that the the process has already started.”


“Have you not gotten the dreams?”

“What dreams?”

“All the dreams….the granilith shows you what you need to see to become stronger. It shows you your weaknesses, your wrongs, your past, your future..alternate timelines. Anything you need to see to change. There are things that cannot be undone and there are things that can be. You need to learn to accept what you cannot change and to change what you can. The granilith tries to show you the way. The prophecy says that you have the gift of sight? Is this true?”

“I don’t think so.”

“In any of your dreams did you see the future?”

I think back to my family in the woods and nod.

“Yeah, I think so.”

“And in these dreams, were you that person, inside their body. Or were you outside looking on?”
“On the outside.”

“Then it’s true. You already possess the gift of sight. Premonitions, what you will get, are different from a future the granilith shows you. In all my years I have never met anyone who possessed the gift of sight. Every Queen has been gifted it by me. You are the one from the prophecy.”

The lights dim and glow softly and somehow I can feel this is a sign of respect to me.

“Uumm, granilith can you please tell me about this prophecy?”

“Of course. ”

“A fallen King shall rise and bring his bride back to life,
A light in the shadow that looms above us.
A bride to lead the joining of all worlds
A changed mix of not one but two.
The soul of two is one. One half a whole
One with nine but three, two with the name of three
The eye of tomorrow from within.
To lead us all to peace.”

“Nowhere there does it say that I am the one and that I have premonitions.”

“Didn’t the King bring you back to life?”

“Well, yes.”

“Isn’t your name Elizabeth, but are called Liz?”

What in the heck does my name have to do with anything?


“Then you are the one.”

Shit shit shit…why won’t it let me speak.

“Okay granil…you know what, granilith is just to long a word to keep saying…how about I call you granni?”

“Whatever you wish.” Granni says with what I detect is a smile in its voice.

“Okay, granni….explain the prophecy to me. Dumb it down for me.” I really need to figure just what in the heck is going on.

“Dumb it down?”

Yes, heellooo

“Yes…break it down in plain old English so that I can understand.” It’s been a long night and I’m tired.

“Ok, dumb it down..right” Searching it's databases for the definition of the slang.

Granni speaks again and then starts to repeat the prophecy.

A fallen King shall rise and bring his bride back to life,

“Well the fallen king will once again reclaim the throne and bring his bride a bride whom he brought back from the dead.”

A light in the shadow that looms above us.

“She will be the one to bring about the light over our shadowed times, which is now.”

A bride to lead the joining of all worlds

“A Queen to lead the Alliance, the joining of worlds.”

A changed mix of not one but two.

“Not of one species but two. Earth and Antar. Because of the healing, you are no longer fully human, you are changed, and you are made of two worlds.”

The soul of two is one. One half a whole

“From the healing, your soul is one half of one. You and the King…Max share one soul you two are connected in a way no one else is.”

One with nine but three, two with the name of three

“Your full name is Elizabeth. That is nine letters, but you go by Liz, that is three letters. Both you and Max have three letters in your name…two with the name of three.”

The eye of tomorrow from within.

“You already possess the gift to see the future. It is within you.”

To lead us all to peace.

“That’s self explanatory.”

I must say when presented with these theories, this did sound an awful lot like me. But how many others could there be?

“How can I be the one when I am not even with the King, with Max?”

“The prophecy is about the bride, not the King…all we need is you.”

“I really think you have the wrong girl here…I can’t possib..”

“It’s almost time. You must go. We will be in contact you again. Now go.”

And then I’m snapped up from in front of the granilith and thrown back into Kivar’s body.

I find myself in Kivar’s body arriving on Earth in a portal of some kind. I enter a warehouse and make my way to find Nicholas, bitterly bruised and lying on the ground with two other men and laying in a dirty heap next to the men I see myself crumpled up in an awkward position. My arm haphazardly twisted over my face. Feelings of pain and guilt flow through Kivar’s body, seeing me badly hurt. Kivar quickly looks to Nicholas. Nicholas is struggling to get up. He’s barely breathing.

Kivar leans down to check if I’m still alive, when he’s suddenly bombarded with flashes of my time with Nicholas and the two guys.

In Kivar’s body I feel the flashes assail me. He wants to seek revenge on Nicholas, how dare he hurt me. The Queen.

“I told you, no harm to her. How could you? She is the Queen, your Queen. How could you? You disobeyed a direct order, you’ve harmed the Queen. My Queen.”

I hear Kivar speak.

“She is human….” Nicholas mumbles out as he tries to stand.

“She is still our Queen, My Queen.” My Queen. This is my Queen.

Without so much as blinking, Kivar aims at Nicholas and sends a powerful blast to him. Ashes billow out around us. He turns to the others that followed him.

“Let this be a lesson. Nicholas was my second for years. But he disobeyed me and he dared to harm the Queen. She may be human, but she is still our Queen. From this day forward let it be known anyone who harms the Queen will deal with me. Understood?”

The small group of guards nod their heads.

“Good, make sure to pass the word to the others.”

I will not allow any harm to my Queen, he thinks to himself. There are feelings of possessiveness; he feels as if he needs to protect me, it confuses him. I confuse him.

He gently lifts me up in his arms and carries me out of the door and into the waiting car outside. I’m so little, he thinks to himself. It’s hard to believe that this little girl had withstood Nicholas.

I feel what Kivar feels and he feels so much respect for me, knowing what Nicholas had done to me, knowing that I survived when others hadn’t. He’s awed by my innocent beauty. He’s inspired by the love that Max and I had shared. He’s hopeful that I will align with him, knowing that his planet rested in the hands of this young innocent little human girl. The fate of his planet, his galaxy, and quite possibly, the universe rested in her hands.

Breaking out of the connection, I sit and stare at Kivar. This man, the man that Max, Isabel and Michael hated and feared so much, he was just a man. A man who so desperately wanted to right the wrongs of the past. A man who cared for his planet, his people. A man who would quite literally kill to protect me, to avenge my pain. A man who wanted to align with me and wanted me to be his Queen.

I stare into his blue eyes.

“How do we do this?”


Re: Delirious (CC M/L, Mature) CHP.8, Pg.6 4/27

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 4:07 am
by dreambeliever
begonia9508 wrote: Your way of describing Khivar, the granilith, as well as how Zan was an ass and his wife a bitch is really a great turn and version....
They were a great match then...weren't they?

keepsmiling7 wrote:This is getting very complicated........and intresting!
I really tried to NOT make it complicated :oops: glad you think it's interesting though. :D
mary mary wrote:I just love "Granni", great name for the granolith, which is a mouthful by the way.
Thank you! :mrgreen:

AlysLuv: Thank You 8)

cjsl8ne wrote:Looks like Max has put himself out of the picture at least in the short run. I loved the 'How to be Queen and Understand Prophsies for Dummies' part. Long live Queen Elizabeth!
Yeah, he'll be out for awhile.....Long Live the Queen :!:

dreamerfiend wrote:....but Kivar seems like he would treat Liz well so I guess i'm rooting for him. I'm still holding some hope for Max though. Love the banners!!! :D
Me too! Me too! Me too!

Thank you to everyone who left feedback. It is really appreciated. And another thank you to mary mary and dreamer19, both very talented ladies who made the banners for me. :D

So sorry for not posting sooner...well, I don't have an excuse...but just so you know the next two chapters are already at the beta.

Hope you enjoy.......



Chapter 9

“The alignment must take place in front of a high priest. Larek, he will align us. We need to call him.”


“Larek, as in Brody from Roswell?”

“Yes, I called him earlier and he’s already here.”

“A bit premature of you, isn’t it?”

“I was hoping. I just wanted to be prepared.”

“Okay so what happens during the alignment ceremony?”

“Well it’s similar to Earth’s marriage ceremony.”

He wants me to marry him?

“Marriage. I didn’t agree to marriage. I….I can’t marry you.”

“Maybe marriage was an incorrect word. It is a formal ceremony where the high priest will recite vows.”

“Will we be considered married according to Antar?”

“No. That is the binding ceremony. Would you like to be binded…to me?”

I shake my head. Being Queen of a planet is one thing marrying or binding to him…definitely not part of the plan.

“But Liz, you have to know that as the Queen you can’t be binded or married to anyone else but, your King or your aligned. I mean you could date, here on Earth, just you can’t marry anyone. It wouldn’t bother me if you wanted to date. But if possible just no one Antarian, that would be humiliating for me. And also as my Queen, I will be unable to marry or binded to anyone else. If I should …..uummm feel the need for uummm …..female companionship I will not seek that from someone from Antar. I will never show you disrespect in any way. I will seek uumm… companionship with someone from here on Earth. Someone who won’t know of our alignment. I could never and would never disrespect you in that way. My loyalty will lie with you.”

After we connected I can feel things from Kivar. I know that he holds back on our connection. He doesn’t want me to feel all of what he feels, but he allows me to feel the rest of him. Right now he’s feeling unsure and honest.

“The actual alignment takes place when we kiss.”

“Kiss. Can we uuhh… go around that?”

Kiss? I have to kiss him?

“I don’t think so. You see the alignment takes place when there is physical intimate contact between the Queen and her aligned. The alignment rituals were meant for Kings and Queens, husbands and wives, at the very least lovers. The least we would have to do is kiss. And for that reason we need the high priest. Normally they just have sex and then the alignment could be verified by the seal.”

I guess kissing is better than having sex.


“Once the alignment happens the seal is then shared with the other and changes color. It changes to yellow. The Queen’s color.”

Seals changing color….well things just keep on getting weirder. I look at Kivar as he continues nervously.

“We also need witnesses. One Antarian and one Delegate of the Alliance.”

“Where would we find these people, the witnesses?”

“They too are here also. They’ve been here for awhile. You actually know both of them.”

Kivar looks at me sheepishly. I wonder what now?


“Jaquard and Serena.”

“Jaq and Serena?”

Of course. I knew when I had met Serena that she was the one that FMax had talked about. When I first heard her name my thoughts had instantly gone to the whole FMax fiasco and I remembered that FMax had said she would be a good friend some day. When we had met, I figured she was the one.

“Who are they really?” Obviously they weren’t who I thought they were.

“Jaquard is the King of Pantox, he is also the Delegate for the Alliance. He will be witnessing for the Alliance. And Serena, she is trained to be the Queen’s second.”

“In command? Like Michael to Max?”

“Yes. She will witness for Antar.”

Jaq and Serena both aliens. Wow, what a freaking surprise there. And Jaq, a King… Alien Kings and rulers everywhere. I will never be able to get away from this. In running away from the pod squad I literally ran right into alien central…Nicholas, Kivar, Jaq and Serena. They’re everywhere.

“Okay so when are we going to do this?”

“Well the sooner the better. How about now?”


“Yes. Now.”

“Okay. But I need to call Maria and Ava. They’re probably worried about me.”

“That is taken care of. Jaquard and Serena have met up with them and have assured them that you are ok.”

“Okay so are they on the way over?”

“No, I’ll call them now.”

He pulls out a large silver bullet looking thing. Pressing a button, A red light shoots out and begins to scan him.

Kivar begins to speak. It’s like a recorder and a scanner.

“It’s time. Four Season, Room 906. Bring Maria and Ava.”



Everyone turned and stared at the pair standing at the door.

“Jaq, Serena? What do you mean you know where Liz is?”

Ava narrowed her eyes

‘You’re one of us.” It wasn’t a question, she had already known. She felt it the first day. She wondered who they were and had been silently observing them trying to figure them out.

“Yes and no. Serena is, and I’m alien yes, but I’m not Antarian. I’m from Pantox.”

“Your aliens!” Maria exclaimed and then remembered Matt was there. “I mean Czechoslovakian.”

“You guys are Czechoslovakian? You don’t have a green card or something and what does this have to do with Liz?” Matt looked on at everyone, clearly confused.

“Liz! Where the hell is she? She better not be hurt or I don’t care what planet anyone is from I will kick your intergalactic asses back into orbit.” Maria started toward Jaq, her arms waving frantically at him.

“Maria, she’s fine. She’s with Kivar.” Serena calmly stated.

“Kivar!” Ava and Maria both yelled at once.

“Oh my god, oh my god……. why the hell didn’t I bring my cedar oil? Why is she with Kivar? We need to get her back.”

“He needs her; he has a proposition for her.” Jaq said as he took a seat near Ava.

“And you think he won’t harm her?” Maria asked incredulously.




“Why the hell not. I mean he’s like the Darth Vadaar in all of this. You were right Ava, we need Max. This is …this is..well I don’t even know what this is.”

“I told you, he needs her. He won’t allow harm to come to her.”

“And who da hell are you two?”

Ava was tired, Liz was missing, with Nicholas and now Kivar. Maria was freaking out, Matt was close to finding out the truth and Jaq and Serena were supposedly alien also. Things were spiraling out of control…fast.

“Well I’m Serena, I’m Antarian and I’m the Queen’s second.”

“I’m King Jacquard of Pantox.”

“You’re a King? Of your planet?”

Maria had whipped her head towards him when she heard this.


“That’s just great, how many of there are you?”

“Planets or Kings?”

Maria held her hand up and stopped him

“That was a rhetorical question. Don’t answer it.”

More Kings, more planets….just great. She thought. She needed Liz. Liz coped so much better with this crap than she did.

“So why does Kivar have Liz and why does he want her?”

“We told you..”

“Yeah yeah he needs her, but why?”

“We can’t say. But we can take you to her. As soon as we get word from Kivar. When it’s time.”

“Time for what?”

“We can’t tell you.” Serena replied to Maria trying to convey the whole …trust me look.

Matt had silently listened from the side of the bar, he could no longer passively stand by…things were starting to set in his brain and to tell the truth he was starting to get freaked.

“Okay….okay all of you just stop cause I’m sorta freaking out here and I’m gonna need for someone to explain just WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE!” He yelled to no one in particular.

“Sheesh quit yelling. We’ll tell you” Ava was the first to answer him.

“Yeah Matt..relax. Go make yourself a drink cause you’re gonna need it and then Auntie Maria here will tell you a story.” Maria motioned to the bar.

After having seen and heard what he had in the past hour, Matt didn’t bother to question Maria. He knew something was going on, he just needed to find out what. He mixed himself a tall glass of rum and Coke and then sat in the chair opposite Maria and waited for her to begin.

Maria looked around at everyone, who had made themselves comfortable while waiting for Matt. She sat in one the tables, Matt opposite her. Ava was sitting at the bar a few feet away, Jaq seated next to her. Serena stood on the other end of the bar, leaning onto the bar top. Maria took a deep breath and began.

“First off let me begin by saying… questions till the end. It will make it go much faster. Everybody got that?”

She looked around to everyone for affirmation before beginning.

“The story starts years ago…once upon a time in a far away……..”


Serena interrupted; she wanted to know how her Queen came about. It was unheard of to have a human for a Queen.

“Okay okay…it was cute though, okay picture it Roswell 1999.”

“Maria. Please.”

“Sheesh I just always liked the way that Sophia from the Golden Girls started her stories and I always told my self that if I ever got to tell a story then I would start it like that.”

“Maria!” Ava hollered from where she sat perched on her stool.

“Okay. I’m going to give everyone the cliff notes version here. Years ago Liz and I are 16 and working in her family’s diner. A couple of customers get into an argument. One of them pulls out a gun and shoots. Most of us normal folk duck, but not Liz, nooo she stands there frozen. Anyway she gets shot and she’s lying on the floor dying. Literally. Max Evans and Michael Guerin were in the Crashdown, that’s the name of the diner, that day and let me tell you Michael Guerin is one asshole of an alien. I mean he is so infuriating.” Maria huffed out, while rolling her eyes.

“Maria, the story…” Jaq tried to get Maria to move on.

“Oh yeah, ok so where was I?”

“Max and Michael in the restaurant, gun goes off…”

Ava reminded her, Liz had told her that part before.

“Yeah, so Liz gets shot. Max who apparently had a secret crush on her for like years, rushed over and well healed her. He placed his hand on her stomach and dissolved the bullet into nothingness. He begs her not to say anything and then he and spaceboy take off.”

“Spaceboy?” Matt looks at Maria questioningly.

“That’s what I call Michael. Liz being all little miss scientist and everything confronts Max the next day and also shows him the alien calling card on her stomach.”

“Alien calling card?” This time Ava asked, she hadn’t heard about a calling card.

“Yup. Silver handprint that Max left when he healed her. He admits to not being completely human. He Isabel and Michael were aliens, as in from outer space…another planet. Liz finally tells me the secret.”

Matt looks to Ava for confirmation and sees Ava nod, he looks next to Jaq who is looking at Maria and also nodding, finally he turns to Serena whom is nervously looking back at him.

“So now we all know. Michael, Max and Isabel, all aliens. Me and Liz, humans. Eventually we tell our other best friend Alex, but he died. Killed by that evil alien bitch Tess.”

She takes a deep breath and continues “Tess she’s a whole nother story. Everything is all good in Roswell. Tess and Nasedo, the alien protector. Come to town. Turns out that Tess is an alien also. They find out that Max, Michael Isabel and Tess are reincarnated alien royalty from a previous life. Max is King Zan, his bride Tess, Queen Ava, His sister Isabel, Princess Vilandra and his second in command and Vilandra’s betrothed Michael who is Rath.”

Matt looks disbelieving at Maria, but waits for her to continue.

Maria holds up her hand stopping him before he even opens his mouth.

“Okay so Tess comes in and breaks up Liz and Max talking about destiny and shit and planting all sorts of images into everyone’s heads. And then well Max gets captured by the FBI we rescue him. We find out they were Royalty, they died they were cloned and now Kivar has control of the throne on their planet. They supposedly have this whole destiny to go back and help their planet. Liz leaves town. Liz comes back. Max wants to be with her. She’s scared. Future Max appears, tells Liz that her and Max being together causes the end of the world. And that he needs to be with Tess. Liz pretends to sleep with Kyle. Which I knew was bogus, I mean Kyle, Liz would never…..anyways so Max and Tess get closer together, um.. evil aliens come to town kill Nasedo the protector, we go to Copper Summit to kill the skins, the evil aliens, where we meet, one of the evilest, Nicholas, Kivar’s like second in command. We destroy the husks, that’s their like…..Earth skin…or bodies or whatever. We leave, go back home. Later the skins retaliate, come to Roswell and get rid of all the humans, eventually the pod squad kill them and uummm okay so Liz and Max are still not talking. The dupes come to town.”

“Dupes would be us. They made two sets of us. We’re da backup set.” Ava jumps in.

“So there’s two sets of alien royalty running around?” Matt asks.

“Well not really. Ava is here and Zan was killed and the other two, well they’re just evil and yeah I guess they’re running around. Okay so dupes come to town, Max and Tess go with them to New York to the summit meeting. We found out at this time Liz was changing, she like projected herself to Max to warn him, saved his life.”

“She astral projected?” Serena asked awed.

“I guess.” Maria shrugged and replied.

“Yea she did.” Ava confidently answered. A look passed between Serena and her. They both knew that Astral Projection happens when there is a strong connection. Very few Antarians could Astral Project. Astral hadn’t even been done by anyone in hundreds of years.

“So Max and Tess come back. We all try to lead normal lives. Prom happens then Alex dies. And see everyone says it was suicide. Except Liz. She goes on this huge quest to find out happened. No one is there for her, including myself. Max was the worst he like even cut off their friendship. So uumm I come back to my senses. Help Liz. We figured out that Alex was decoding the destiny book. Then we find out Max and Tess apparently had sex, Tess is pregnant, baby can’t survive here on earth so the pod squad plan to leave, using the decoded destiny book. Liz figured out that it was Tess who killed Alex. She was mindwarping him to decode the book. The freakin’ bitch even mindwarped our other friend Kyle, to help her carry Alex’s body.”

Maria’s voice wavers slightly at this last part and Ava gets up and makes her way next to Maria, wrapping her arm around Maria, silently offering her support. Maria leans onto Ava for support and continues.

“Apparently Tess and Nasedo made a deal like 40 years ago to bring back the heir and the others. Okay so Liz, Kyle and I make it to the cave in time to tell them about Tess. Tess leaves by herself with the granilith. Max and Liz get back together. Max needs to find his son. So he and Liz, they go crazy and well look for spaceships, hold up convenience stores….Liz gets arrested. Liz is prohibited from seeing Max. Max goes around by himself looking for ways to go look for his son. Isabel marries a human and at the wedding Kivar shows up. Then during the honeymoon Kivar follows. Michael and Max confront Kivar, Kivar leaves. Now, Liz gets sick. She’s starting to change, uumm develop powers. She freaks and goes to Vermont to a boarding school to get away from Max cause being near him heightens her pain while she changes.”

“She started developing her powers? It was painful?” Serena asks needing to know as much as possible about her Queen.

“Yea and like every time Max came near it was worse. And well I go to New York to sign a record deal and then realize it wasn’t for me. I visit Liz in Vermont. Back in Roswell apparently some old billionaire finds out about Max’s healing talent and forces Max to heal her old dying husband. Max ends up dying and taking over the old guy’s body. Liz in Vermont feels Max die.”

“She felt it?” Jaq asks shocked.

“Yeah, so of course I call Michael to find out what’s going on. It’s confirmed and then evil old guy in Max’s body comes to Vermont looking for Liz. He wants to kill her to get rid of Max or something. Okay so then they end up falling out a window, Max saves Liz again. Max dies again. Liz somehow saves Max. We all go back to Roswell. So then all is good for awhile. Then Tess comes back to Earth with the baby. Turns out she lied about him being able to survive in earth. Liz gets pissed that we can’t hurt her for killing Alex. Max stops her cause the kid and Tess are linked somehow. Killing her would kill the kid. So the Air force is looking for Tess and the baby, cause she killed people on the base trying to escape. Liz gets fed up, wants to leave. I come with her and well here we are.”

Finished, Maria looks around, trying judge everyone’s reaction.

“So you’re saying that these skins are the one that kidnapped Liz and that little boy, he’s the second in command for this Kevarro guy. Kivar, being the one in control of the alien planet throne and the one who currently has Liz.” A bewildered looking Matt asks.


“Okaaaay….and now Jaq you Ava and Serena are also uumm aliens.”


Matt looks at Serena, confusion and disbelief apparent in his eyes. Serena holds his gaze.

“I wanted to tell you but I couldn’t.” She tells him softly.

“No, it’s okay.” He replies to her. Getting up out of his seat he looks around, not meeting anyone’s eyes.

“Well guys I…umm….I’m glad Liz is gonna be okay and well I’m just gonna h..head home now. I need to get home….to Mia.”

He makes his way to the back door.

“Matt. You…you can’t say anything to anyone, if you did..the..”

Maria tries to plead with him.

He cuts her off.

“Don’t worry. I won’t say anything to anyone. I don’t think anyone would believe me and I just really really need to go home and… well uumm freak out alone, you know. Just give me time to come to terms with this.”

He turns and looks directly at Serena. His eyes apologizing, saying what he could not.

“Matt it’s perfectly all right if you’re scared and freaked, but they won’t hurt you. I was a lot freaked at first. They come in peace and all that jazz. Well except for the evil ones that attacked you earlier I suppose and Tess, yeah definitely Tess and umm….Nasedo, ooh and well all the skins. And for awhile we thought Kivar couldn’t be trusted but the jury is still out on that. So yeah you see, they’re harmless. Completely harmless.” Maria calmly sputtered out.

“Ok so I’m just gonna go.”

Matt tripped over his feet and ran out the door.

“Well. I think that went quite well. Wouldn’t everyone agree?”

Maria plastered a smile on her face and turned to Jaq.

“Jaq, getting back to the whole King thing. You’re like the King of your planet?”

“Pantox….. yes.”

“What exactly are you doing here on Earth as a bartender? Being a King and all.”

“I’m here as a delegate for the Alliance.”

“The Alliance is….?”

“I can’t tell you that yet.”

“Okaaayy so uummm you’re a King. And from what I’ve been observing, you like Liz. You have feelings for her?”

Just great did Liz have like Alien King Radar or something?

“Yeah. I like Liz. But it’ll never happen.” Jaq smiled wistfully

“Because you have a destiny with some evil alien bride?”

“No because it’s not meant to be. Because she’s not already the Queen of my planet. But oh it would be great, if it was.” Jaq smiled wistfully.

Just then a hologram of a man appeared in the middle of the room….

“It’s time. Four Seasons, Room 906. Bring Maria and Ava.”

“Who and what the hell was that?” Maria spouted out.



Today’s the day. Looking in the mirror I adjust my suit. Sighing I stare at the man looking back at me….the man I’ve become. I sigh again and head out the door.

Friends, we have come together today to witness the marriage of Max and Tess.

I never thought I would actually hear those words and yet here I am standing before the Judge. I repeat what I’m supposed to….

“I, Max, do take you, Tess, to be my lawfully wedded wife. I promise from this day forward to be your faithful husband, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, as long as I shall live.”

I choke out the words, they burn like acid in my mouth, it wasn’t supposed to be this way. I can’t believe I’m marrying Tess. All I ever wanted was to be married and have a family, except when I pictured it in my dreams Liz had always been by my side, my wife. But Liz doesn’t want me. She left me again. I’ve hurt her, how? I’ll never understand. I know I have to do this, I’m a father now. I have a son and now a family. They deserve this. Zan and Tess are linked. I can’t let him down again, I won’t. I have to protect them both. I failed once and they barely escaped. Tess has always been a good friend. I know she cares for me. I owe her this. It’s not her fault she’s not Liz. I look at her in her pale blue dress and attempt a smile, she is the mother of my child. This is my life now.

"I, Tess, do take you, Max, to be my lawfully wedded husband. I promise from this day forward to be your faithful wife, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, as long as I shall live.."

I have to fight to stay strong. I want to cry out for Liz but I know I can’t. I look to my son who’s silently sitting in Isabel’s arms. I have to be strong for him. I look to Tess and I silently promise to her to always keep her and Zan safe and to be faithful physically. That’s all I can give her, for my heart already belongs to another.

Therefore, by the power vested in me by the state of New Mexico I now pronounce that they are husband and wife.



“By this act we align Elizabeth Anne Parker of Earth and Kivar of Antar as the Royal Unity. What we do today is done in conformity to the rituals of our ancestors before us and in the tradition of all places and times.”

So here I am about to align myself with Kivar to become Queen of a planet I have never been to, Max’s planet. Damn him. Damn. Damn. Damn. I’m doing this for him. I will never be rid of this, of the alien abyss. I’ve accepted that. By aligning myself I can protect him and Zan. He deserves this. I owe it to him. I turn my eyes back to Larek.

“Elizabeth and Kivar, you stand before me having requested that we grant this alignment. Do you both do this of your own free will, with no pressure upon you from others?”

“We do.”

Kivar and I both answer.

“Repeat after me, ‘We promise to give our unyielding loyalty,’

‘We promise to give our unyielding loyalty,’

‘obedience honesty allegiance, faith and duty’

‘obedience honesty allegiance, faith and duty’

‘to each other and above all to our planet, Antar.’

‘to each other and above all to our planet, Antar.’

Now let the joining of the seal begin.

Do any of the witnesses know of any reason why this alignment should not take place?

Serena and Jaq both reply

"We do not."

“Who will witness the joining of the seals?”

“I Jaquard, King of Pantox, Delegate for the Alliance, shall bear witness.”

“I, Serena of Antar Second in command only to the Queen shall witness for Antar.”


“Liz, I still can’t believe you aligned with him. I mean you, the Queen of an Alien planet.”

“I know Maria, but I told you. This way I can chaperone Max, Zan, Michael and Isabel. They can continue to live their lives.”

“Liz, what about our lives, what about your life? You gave up protection of us for them. They don’t deserve it.”

“Maria, we have Ava, Serena, Jaq and Kivar not to mention myself. All of us have powers. We’ll be fine. They don’t have anyone. They don’t even know half of what we know. Hell, right about now we know more about themselves than they do.”

“I know Liz, I know. It’s just that well he married her Liz. What a fucking ass hole. He doesn’t deserve your protection.”

Ava who had silently been sitting on the couch, joined in.

“I’ma hafta agree wit her on dat one Liz, he doesn’t deserve it.”

“I owe it to them you guys. I mean they were exposed because Max healed me.”

“Soo not your fault Liz, you didn’t ask him to.”

“True, but he still did it, which only proves my point further; I wouldn’t even be standing here if it wasn’t for him. I owe him my life.”

“Yeah but you saved his too.”

“I know Maria but there isn’t a score sheet, we’re not keeping track. I owe this to him. He wouldn’t even be with Tess, if I hadn’t pushed him. I pretended to sleep with Kyle and then I pushed him away for months. I can’t blame him Maria.”

“It’s his fault! If he hadn’t come back from the future you two would have been happily married by now.”

I wince at her words, knowing she’s right.

“But still Maria, I made my own decisions at the time. I’ve realized my mistakes, realized my part with the whole situation. I’m learning to deal wit it. Maria please just trust me. This is what I want to do I owe it to him.”

“No you don’t and nothing will change my mind, but you are my girl so I’m behind you all the way.”

Maria stood up and gave Liz a hug.

Hearing a knock at the door Liz pulls away and makes her way to it.

“It’s probably the guys back with the food.”

She opens the door and stares surprised at the guy standing there.

Her eyes lock with his.

“What are you doing here? How did you find us?”

“Maria called, said you had been kidnapped by Nicholas. Uumm said you needed help.”

He shifted nervously on his feet.

“So here we are.” He says motioning to his right.

Maria comes running up from behind.

“Oh shit, I totally forgot I called you and aww shit.”

Liz quickly recovers from her surprise.

“It’s okay. I mean you did come to help. Come inside. Come and meet everyone.”

Liz steps aside and allows them entrance into the apartment.


Re: Delirious (CC M/L, Mature) CHP.9, Pg.7 5/11 A/N

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 6:01 pm
by dreambeliever
Hello everyone...first of all I want to say Thank You to all who left feedback. I promise to respond properly in a few days, I really just wanted to get this Chapter posted. I am actually going to super busy over the next few days and I won't be able to update. Enjoy

Chapter 10

“So here we are,” he says, motioning to his right.

Maria comes running up from behind.

“Oh shit, I totally forgot I called you, and… aww, shit.” Maria exclaims.

Liz quickly recovers from her surprise.

“It’s okay. I mean, you did come to help. Come inside. Come and meet everyone.”

Liz steps aside and allows them entrance into the apartment.

“Kyle, I’m sorry if I seemed rude, you just caught me off guard. I wasn’t expecting you….. come here and give me a hug.”

Reaching out, Kyle embraces her.

“Aaaww Liz, it’s really good to see you and I’m very happy we don’t have to go and, you know, rescue you anymore.”

Slapping him on the arm, she laughs, “Kyle”

Letting Kyle go, she turns to Kyle’s left.

“Sheriff, it’s good to see you.”

“Liz. It’s good to see you, as well and like Kyle said, it’s a damn good thing we don’t have to go and rescue you.”

“Speaking of rescuing…..does somebody want to tell me what the hell happened? Maria calls me in the middle of the night and commands our presence and we move hell and high water and when we get here the kidnappee herself answers the door.”

“Kyle it’s a long story, come in, sit down and I’ll introduce you to everyone. Sheriff, please come in…you guys make yourself comfortable. Did you two need the restrooms? To freshen up?”

“Actually Liz, I’m hungrier than anything, you got anything to eat?”

“No, not at the moment, but the guys went out to get Chinese and they should be back right about….now.”

Liz looks up to the front door. She doesn’t know how to explain it, but she can feel Kivar and Jaq, and she’s briefly aware that she can now sense their approach.

The door opens and in they step. Kivar tenses a little, but seeing no danger he immediately relaxes. They set the bags of food on the dining room table.

“You two have perfect timing. Let me introduce everyone.”

“Everyone this is the Sheriff, or Jim Valenti and this is…..”

“The ex-boyfriend.” Kyle briskly reaches his hand out and extends it, grabbing Jaq’s hand in a firm handshake, applying more pressure than usual.

“You’re Max?” Jaq asks.

“No….Kyle, Kyle Valenti..and you are..?”

“Kyle! I was getting to that. Kyle this is Jaquard, or Jaq. Jaq this is Kyle Valenti, a good friend from back home.”

Jaq raises an eyebrow.

“A good friend and an ex-boyfriend?” He questions with a smirk.

“Sheriff, Kyle, this is Ava, Serena, Jaq and over by the table is Kivar.”


“Holy Buddah!”

“Before you get too excited, Kyle, please know that we’re in no danger. Nobody here is in danger. We have a long story sooo…”

“Liz if you’re saying that you’re safe, then we’ll accept that and wait for your explanations.” Sheriff tells her, looking meaningfully at Kyle.

“Okay, so everyone, let’s eat and we’ll begin. We have a lot of catching up to do.”


An hour and a half later, they all sat around the living room, stomachs full and in deep conversation.

“Wow, Liz, I still can’t believe you’re like Queen of a planet… an alien planet.”

“I know, it’s a bit overwhelming. I’m sorry you guys came all the way here for nothing.”

“It wasn’t for nothing, Liz. Maria didn’t know at the time that Kivar wasn’t a danger.”

“Yeah, I didn’t know, everything we were told said Kivar was the bad guy. Besides we’re glad you guys came out, it’s great to see you again, both of you.”

“So, you and Liz dated, huh?” Kivar looked to Kyle, wondering how serious his relationship had been with his Queen.

“Yeah, for a few months, but now she’s a really good friend. Yup she was mine before El presidente was even in the picture.”

“El presidente?”

“Max.” Maria translated for him.


“There is one more thing that I have not yet mentioned.”

“Okay, well speak up…you’re amongst friends.”

“We still have to go to Antar. To be officially crowned, for your coronation and for the blessing of the granilith.”



But Kivar wasn’t looking at the others, he was looking at Liz.

“When?” she asked.

“Tomorrow, preferably.”


“There is a worm hole, the one I used to arrive.”

“How long will we have to be on Antar and how difficult will it be travelling back and forth?”

“If we could stay for a few days, that should be sufficient. It won’t be a problem traveling once you are blessed by the granilith. At the moment it is very difficult. Antar barely has enough energy to maintain the worm hole. However, once we have access to the granilith, it won’t be a problem at all. The granilith is very powerful and you will have full access to it.”


With everyone asleep, Liz sat alone contemplating the hand that fate had dealt her. She hated the nights. She usually tried to work as many as possible just to avoid this. The quiet, the stillness. Usually when it was like this her mind drifted to a certain amber eyed alien.

A man who was now married to his destiny. She chuckled at the irony. She had always wondered how Tess could claim to be in love with Max even though he was in another relationship. In the end she was the one in love with a married man who had a family.

That won’t do Liz….she silently scolded herself

He was mine before he was hers…..she thought again.

Technically he had been Ava’s… another lifetime.

Max… her soul mate, the love of her life… someone else’s lover… husband.

“Liz?” She was pulled out of her thoughts.

“Yeah, Kyle?”

“Are you sure about him, Kivar? I mean he is the bad guy and I know you said you trust him, but you’ve made yourself his Queen, and well leaving the planet Liz….that’s…that’s big.”

“I know Kyle. I trust him, I can’t explain it. When I connected with him, it was like I could feel him and for a brief time I was him. I was like in his body and I knew it wasn’t me, yet I felt what he felt. The connection, it was a lot like when I connected with Max, after he healed me. I was able to briefly connect with Nasedo, when he kidnapped me, that time and I could see and feel his evil, the negativity was rolling off of him, but with Kivar I sense other things.”

“Like what, I just need to know Liz, to make sure it’s not a mindwarp.”

She smiled reassuringly at Kyle, she knew that the thought of mindwarps still caused him to be uncomfortable; she tried to ease his apprehension a little.

“I understand, Kyle. Remember when we were in the bathroom that time the skins came to Roswell?”

Kyle nodded.

“Well, when Tess mindwarped Nicholas and Grier, I could feel the power, and this is different. Tess and Nasedo both felt somewhat similar, but Kivar, he sends out different vibes. He’s done bad things, he’s not proud of it either, but he does these things for his planet; it’s war for him, he does it to survive.”

“If I feel anything like a mindwarp or any hocus pocus in my head, we’re outta there…no arguments,” Kyle adamantly told her.

“Okay Kyle….and Kyle?”


“Thanks for being here, for me.”

“Don’t sweat it, Liz. You’re family.” He leaned over gave her a quick peck on her cheek.

“Now get some sleep, can’t have the Queen of Antar showing up for her crowning with bags under her eyes.”

Laughing, Liz swatted his arm.



I watch as Elizabeth Parker, human, is crowned the new Queen of Antar.

I wonder just why the fates brought her into Max’s life only to rip her out just as quickly.

I know a lot of her, I’ve studied her for months. I heard of her originally when Nicholas told me about Copper Summit. From what Nicholas had told me of Max’s protective nature I figured she must be of some significance to him. I hadn’t known then how important she really was. Max gave her the seal.

And now I understand why.

She is everything a Queen should be.

I turn my attention back to the traditional ceremony that is taking place.

I watch the oracle handing her the five symbols of Antar.

“Elizabeth Parker, are you willing to accept the five symbols of Antar?”

“I am.”

Handing her a small object, he speaks loudly and clearly for all to hear.

“The Royal Orb, a symbol of communication, may you always hear what your Kingdom is saying. The Scepter, the symbol of everlasting knowledge and truth.”

I watch as the Oracle hands Liz the staff, adorned atop with a large circular eye shaped symbol and lighted rings swirling about it.

“The Mercy Rod, may you rule with compassion and strength.”

I think to myself that the Kingdom doesn’t have to worry about that. Liz has shown me that she is very compassionate. Hadn’t she stepped up to be Queen of a planet she had never even been to, simply because I asked?

“The Whirlwind Pendant, to install the virtue of humility and inspiration.”

I watch as the Gold, Diamond and Kahana encrusted necklace wielding a large pendant of the Whirlwind Galaxy, floats and locks itself around Liz’s neck.

“The Royal Ring, encrusted with the Royal Jewel, the Kahana signifying the natural beauty of the Queen.”

I, myself had chosen the Kahana for her ring. Every Queen who has ruled wears the Royal ring, however the main stone is different with each Queen, chosen by the King. I had chosen a Kahana. The Kahana is a rare gem found and produced only on Antar. It’s warm dark velvety brown color reminds me of her eyes and when I had lifted the jewel, I watched as the light danced off the stone and prismed around it.

It reminded me of Liz, and so I had chosen it.

For my Queen…..

As I watch the ceremony my heart swells with pride. I know she is nervous and scared but there she stands, head held high, literally in front of millions of an entirely different species from herself and accepting this destiny.

“Is her Majesty willing to now take the Oath?”

“Yes, I am willing.”

“Will you solemnly promise and swear to govern Antar, the Whirlwind Galaxy and the Alliance according to the laws and customs of each?”

“I promise so to do.”

“Will you allow the five symbols of Antar to help and guide you as you rule for Law and Justice to be executed in mercy in all of your judgments?”

“I will.”

“Will you, to the utmost of your power, maintain the laws of the granilith to maintain the Kingdom and preserve inviolably the settlement and doctrine and government thereof, as by law established by rulers before you?”

“All this, I promise to do.”

“We now call upon the granilith to bless and gift the Queen.”

I watch as the ten or so people who had been on the platform all retreat, myself included. I look on as Liz, alone in the center of the platform, stands and turns to the glowing granilith behind her.

Antar had set up cameras everywhere, the ceremony taking place before me is being televised on hundreds of screens throughout Antar as well as telecommunicated to every planet in the Whirlwind Galaxy, as well as other outer lying planets near Antar.

I, along with millions of others, watch as the granilith shoots out beams of light and encompasses her small frame. The lights seemingly lift her off the ground and float her about ten feet off the ground, and the beams of lights wrap around her, as her body spins in small slow circles.



“Elizabeth of Earth and Antar, you are being crowned the Queen of Antar. Do you promise to put Antar above all?”

“I promise to put Antar’s safety and the safety and well being of all first and foremost.”

“You, Elizabeth, are a very special Queen. The gift of sight is usually given to a Queen strong enough to wield and control its powers; however, Elizabeth of Antar, we sense this power within you already.”

I instinctively know my body is floating, but I feel differently. I had felt my soul leave my body and it is now hovering inches off the ground in front of the granilith. I turn and notice my physical body is still encompassed in the light tunnel.

“You have the gift of sight, please use it wisely. You are blessed as an empath. We see that you have astral
projected, a very strong connection to have with your King.”
Yeah, well a lot of good that had done me. That was then, this is now.

“We now gift you with the natural abilities of Antarians. You now have full access to all your powers.”

“Elizabeth of Antar, take these gifts and use them wisely for the safety and aide of yourself and your planet.”

“You should have received the dreams to see the way. Have you seen the dreams?”


“Good, remember them, for they are your past and your future. They make you who you are today. Take what you know and apply it when needed, learn from your mistakes. Do not repeat them. There is a lot to be said of the person we used to be, but what matters is the person we become.”

“Do you understand this, Elizabeth of Antar?”

The granilith speaks to me telepathically. I respond in the same way.

How did I know how to do that?

“Yes, I think so.”

“You cannot think, you must know. Millions of lives are now in your hands. There is no room for error. You must learn to trust yourself to believe in your own abilities, to believe in what you feel. You are the one. I did not gift you with your own personal gifts. They come from you. Use your senses, your gifts, to sense the evil within others. Use the gift of sight wisely, too much can never be altered, you will tip the balance.”

I had tried to change the future once and Alex had died because of me.

“I understand.”

“Your Majesty, permission to speak freely?”

Smiling I say, “By all means Granni.”

“Do not doubt yourself; I have seen YOU and you will make an excellent Queen, Max chose well. We have known of you as the Queen for awhile now, we have tested you and you have proven your worth, your benevolence. I speak for all when I say that Antar is honored and fortunate to have you as their Queen. The King has indeed chosen well.”

“You said I was tested…how?”

Granni projected out images….scenes from future Max’s appearance.

What the hell? Future Max wasn’t real?

“He was real Liz, we only manipulated the situation. The future. In that timeline, the attack on Earth needed to happen. You had not come into your powers, we knew it was you that was needed. You needed to change and that hadn’t happened. We could have told Max it wasn’t Tess that was needed but we needed to see what would happen.”

How could they?

“Don’t you understand what that did to me? How could you place that onto me. I hurt Max, I caused him so
much pain. And Tess….she….Alex…..”

“We needed that to happen. You passed. Max failed.”

Passed? Failed?

“I…I …don’t understand.”

“We need a united King and Queen. Antar is the Executive planet in the Alliance, we are too important. The King and Queen are the foundations of our planet. If there are cracks in the foundation the Kingdom will
collapse. Max was a crack.”

Seeing the confusion that must be on my face Granni continues.

“A situation was brought to you, your happiness or the fate of the world….two worlds. You chose and the worlds will continue to exist, not knowing what you have given up. That is the way it is sometimes. No one truly ever knows exactly how much a leader will do, yet you have to. It is this selflessness that makes you a remarkable Queen. The right Queen.”

“And Max?”

“The King should have had more faith in you. What if the enemies were forcibly imposing this unto you? Were making you say and do those things? Max was connected with you in a way no one else was. It was up to him to believe in his Queen, to have the same faith you had in him, regardless of what you say. All he needed to do was connect with you. He believed in only what he saw and not what he knew. He cannot lead a planet like that. He failed.”

Hmmm….failed huh? Can you believe I passed an alien moral test of a planet I had never even been to and Max, the previous King of said planet failed? The cosmic gods seriously have it in for me.

“Do not worry Liz, all is as it should be. Kivar will make an excellent ruler by your side.”

“If you are ready Liz, I would like to pass Antar’s history onto you.”

“I’m ready.”

Suddenly a holographic scroll hovers in front of me. My eyes quickly scan the scroll, reading and absorbing all of Antar’s past. A few items stand out specifically to me:

I watch the night of ‘The Fall,’ the Royals were cloned…..Kivar iniated the cloning…..Zan and Ava never married…… Earth was chosen for Zan specifically because it was not as technically advanced as other planets.

I then feel the granilith programming my mind with the abilities to harness my powers. When finished, my soul merges back into my physical body, and I am slowly being released out of the light tunnel and back onto the platform.

I slowly turn and face the crowd, a now glowing crown atop my head and the Royal Seal pulsing proudly behind me.

I am met with…..silence.

I could swear I actually hear someone breath.

And then……a cheer explodes and ripples throughout the confines.


Standing before me, high up on the platform stands my Queen. Standing tall and proud in the traditional Antarian formal gown. Her gold ankle length sheer dress billowing in the wind. Her breasts outlined with silver braided trim and wrapping around her waist before hanging low on her hips.

My chest tightens. What are these feelings? I don’t understand them. Is it attraction? Is it only the Queen’s signals? Lust? I don’t understand. I shake off the odd feeling and turn back to Liz, smiling and waving from the platform. Maria, Ava and Serena had now joined her.
