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A Perfect Verse (A/I, TEEN) 1/1

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 8:26 pm
by vegas312
Title: A Perfect Verse
Author: vegas312 (aka that girl who writes sometimes)
Disclaimer: I do not own Roswell, so please don't sue me.
Rating: TEEN
Coupling: A/I
Summary: Takes place mid season 2...just a missing scene with two of my favorite characters.
AN: This started off as a drabble for truelovepooh, which somehow ended up being longer than 100 words. :lol: I still got like four more drabbles to go, so here's hoping they're not this long. Yeah, I'll believe when I see it. Enjoy!

Taking in the night sky that was rapidly disappearing under the arms of the sun, he sighed before looking down at his watch for what had to be the millionth time. Only a minute had gone by, and he knew that soon he would have to leave the terminal and board the plane that would take him away from everything he knew.

He wasn't sure why he the idea of going to Sweden appeal to him, but when his social studies teacher had approached him with the idea of doing the student exchange program he had leaped for it with both hands. Sure it had been a last minute decision, but up until then the semester had been filled with boring school work, fighting off a mini alien invasion, band practice, boyfriend/girlfriend drama in the group, and trying to not think about her.

Her. Her being one Isabel Evans, who no matter what he was doing, he always found his thoughts turning back to her. They had gone from her to being barely aware of him, to a couple, to friends, to people who just hung out with the same people. He wasn't quite sure what he had done or said to push her further away, although he had a strong suspicion that she was running scared from something. From what he wasn't exactly sure, but again she wasn't exactly talking to him much lately.

Whatever it was, he was hoping that she would at least talked to Max or Liz about it. As for himself, he was hoping to find some kind of clarity in Sweden. Something to give him some direction as to what exactly he wanted in life.

"Attention. All passengers for Flight 304 please head to Gate 3 for boarding."

Alex glanced back down at his watch with a sigh before leaning down to grab his laptop and the white giftbag that were by his feet. He had already said goodbye to Liz and Maria last night when they had come over for dinner at his house. They had helped him pack and gave him farewell presents or as Maria had jokingly called it the Deluca/Parker survival kit. Before leaving, they had urged him to call Isabel and say goodbye. What was he supposed to say to her?

'Hey Isabel. I'm heading out of town for the rest of the semester, so you no longer have to worry about me and my unrequisted love and stalkery ways.'

Uh huh. Yeah, right. That was so not going to happen. Not that he was stalking her or all unrequisted love and whatnot. Instead he had got his dad to stop by the Evans house on the way to the airport and left her a note in the mailbox.

Maybe it was the coward way to do things, but sometimes a guy had to protect himself. Love as they say is grand and all, but no one told him that it would be so painful and consuming. Shaking his head in resignation, he glanced once more at the New Mexico morning sky and whispered a silent goodbye before turning away to head to the entrance containing his gate.

Alex hadn't taken more than a couple of steps when he thought he heard someone yelling his name. Frowning he turned around and didn't see anyone, and with a shrug headed back towards the entrance.

"Alex! Wait!" A familiar voice yelled across the terminal.

Turning around he wasn't prepared for the figure that threw herself at him. He dropped his stuff while praying that he hadn't broken his laptop, and steadied the person before him. Moving the blonde hair that was wrapped around him, he stepped back and found one Isabel Evans staring at him. Or maybe glaring was the correct term, he thought as she waved a familiar piece of paper at him.

"Uh oh." He gave her a weak grin as she shoved the paper at him.

"Yeah, uh oh is right. You were going to leave without saying goodbye?" Hurt colored her voice as she fiddled with the buttons on her jacket before reaching over and straightening his hat that had started falling off when they had collided. "And what about this last line? If I want to see you that you're leaving at 6:30am. What do you mean if?"

"I just thought it would be easier this way," he said quietly.

"Easier for who? You're one of my best friends and you don't even tell me that you're leaving. How is that easy?"

"Best friends?" His eyes darkened. "I didn't know that best friends avoided each other, or treated the other person like they're not there."

"I..I...I didn't," She stopped and dropped her eyes. "I didn't mean to do that. Its just that I didn't know what to say to you, and whenever I worked up the nerve to say anything something always came up."

"That's the alien abyss. Never a quite moment." He joked hoping to break the tension that was building up. As she let out a small laugh and met his eyes, he turned serious and asked, "So what's going on. You haven't been the same since your birthday."

"I..I..," She started but was interrupted by another announcement.

"Attention all passengers for Flight 304 this is last call for loading up."

"I guess you better start heading to the gate if you don't want to miss your flight. Besides you'll miss out on the good blankets if you don't get there." Her lips quirked before settling into a small smile.

"True. You only get those best blankets in the first five minutes. Still I think the blankets will be okay without me there right now." Searching her eyes, he reached over and clasped her hand and motioned to a bench beside them.

"Alex, what about your flight? You're going to miss it. We can talk later," she stepped back letting go of his hand.

"Later will be in three months. I won't be back before then." He leaned down and grabbed his nearly forgotten bags before sitting down on the bench.

"Three months? That long?" She sat down on the bench and looked everywhere but at him. "That is a long time."

"I know. Three months without an Alien Smoothie and a Galaxy sub. I'm probably going to starve to death." He sighed dramatically and winked at her.

"Somehow I doubt that." She leaned over and squeezed his arm muscle. "Then again, maybe you should worry." Isabel smiled at his sound of protest before leaning into his shoulder and resting her head. They sat in silence before she spoke up, "I don't know where to begin."

"Try the beginning. Or just blurt out whatever comes to mind. We have all the time in the world to discuss it. I'm not going anywhere right now."

Isabel looked up and wondered what she had done in the previous life that had been good enough for her to have met the young man before her in this life. She had been pushing him away in hopes that she could forget everything that made him so special, but when she had found the letter in the mailbox she had to put it bluntly freaked out a bit. She didn't know how to tell him that in her past life that she had betrayed everyone she loved for the villian who had killed them all. She didn't know how to tell him that the person she had been was a monster, because she didn't know how she would react if he treated her any different. With him she could be herself, and that she valued more than anything else.

Casting her eyes on the white bag on the floor, she asked in hopes to put off their conversation, "What's in the gift bag?"

Alex knew what she was doing, but decided to go with the flow knowing that in her own time she would tell him. He reached down and picked up the gift bag and handed it to her. "Well Maria and Liz dragged me off to the mall last night, and we stumbled across one of those build a bear stores. I maintain that I was dragged inside under duress and a lot of best friend guilt."

"Duress huh?" Isabel grinned before digging through the white tissue paper. She pulled out a bear holding a guitar in one paw, wearing baggy pants with a keychain hooked to its little wallet, and a chain around its neck that proclaimed its name to be The Whit. She laughed in delight as she cuddled it in her arms before glancing up at Alex. "Should I worry that you made a teddy bear in your likeness?"

"What? No. I was under peer pressure to make it, and besides the girls said I should make it and send it to you." He blushed. "Not that you have to keep it if you don't want to because I know its a bit cheesy."

"No, no. It's not cheesy." Seeing the look he was giving her, she shrugged. "Okay maybe a tiny bit cheesy, but I like it. I'll keep Alex Junior safe until you get back."

"Alex Junior huh? It's a good name." He grinned at her before turning serious. "Whenever you want to talk, I'll be ready to listen."

"Thanks." She said softly and leaned back into him. She didn't know how long they had been sitting there staring out at the sky before she begin speaking.

"Once upon a time ago, there lived a princess..."

The End