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Bad/Annoying Habits

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 10:38 pm
by RosDude
Come on, we all have them.

These are some of mine that drive my wife mad.

I crack my knuckles and my ankles. (Which apparently is bad for your bones.)
I clap really loudly.
I fall asleep with gum in my mouth.
I close the lid on the toilet seat. (But in my defense, I started doing it because I was training the dogs not to drink out of the toilet)
I sing songs that are stuck in my head out loud.
I say "Dude" A LOT!
I call her "Dude"

and I'm generally...a guy.

Those are all I can think of at the moment, but I'm sure there are more.


Re: Bad/Annoying Habits

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 11:01 pm
by Rowedog
I am inherintly lazy and it's hard to motivate myself to do something
I push my toes into the carpet to crack them
I leave my fingernail clippings on the table and forget to put them in the bin (which quite rightly grosses my family out)
I'm really bad at keeping in contact with my friends if they're not easily accessible
I am totally annoying towards my parents, honestly it's pathological
I never return text messages and often go for days without checking my phone
I burst into song frequently near my brother because I know it annoys him
I'm really loud
I nap during the day then can't get to sleep at night
I like to be sexually innapropriate to everyone and everything
I'm quite neurotic
I don't suffer fools gladly
I like to gossip

That's all I can think of right now, but I'm sure there's more :wink:

Re: Bad/Annoying Habits

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 11:18 pm
by Roswellian117
I crack my knuckles
I sing songs that are stuck in my head out loud.
I say "Dude" A LOT!
You know RosDude you're not the only one that does those things! LOL. I happen to say "dude" a lot because I'm from California but it has turned into an international thing and I just love to say it.

Popping my knuckles is fun! I really enjoy doing it b/c I am such a masocist! :lol: :lol:

I like to be sexually innapropriate to everyone and everything
Rowedog!!!!! I love you sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much more now!!!

Some of my own are:

I quote movies all the time!

I recite dialog along with movies I've seen. I love doing it! Especially if it is a musical!!!!

I pop my gum.

I randomly make strange noises just to be different.

I sing "Pants On The Ground" now like all the time!
Pants On The Ground

Re: Bad/Annoying Habits

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 12:39 am
by Earth2Mama
O.k. Here I go again ... :D

I crack my fingers, toes and knees (ankles I haven't achieved ... yet :wink: )

I laugh obnoxiously loud to the point of snorting when I'm watching Tv, either with other people around or myself

I am sarcastic constantly to the point that I can't have a normal conversation with my family anymore, my friends are totally used to it and fine with it - my family, not so much

I have a pervy brain - as pointed out by my brothers recently, which they think is quite abnormal for a girl ... let alone a woman of my "age" to be thinking about sex as much as I do (oh well, God broke the mold when he created me is all I can say!)

I like my books, CDs and DVDs all lined up and flush with one another - oh! they also have to be in alphabetical order

If you move something around in either my workspace or in my house, I expect you to remember where you found it because it better be put back there - yeah, I've got a bit of OCD in me ... blame my mom, I do :lol:

I like to the be the first person on an elevator, bus or train and the first person off when it's my stop

If a song gets stuck in my head, I've got to sing it out ... it's the only way to get rid of it

Hmmm ... I think that's all for now. Now I'm quite sure if you had my family here, they'd have a laundry list of my faults

Re: Bad/Annoying Habits

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 12:48 am
by valentinebaby
I don't have any, I'm perfect...okay yeah I wish so here we go,

I drink out of the corner of my mouth
I crack my nuckles
When I'm bored or concentrating heavily I make weird noises
I toss my keys randomly when I come in

I know there's more but that's all I can think of, I might ask hubby later.

Re: Bad/Annoying Habits

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 3:01 am
by killjoy
I'm overly shy and have a tough time talking to or meeting new people....most importantly going up to women and talking to them.I'm more that guy with the drink in his hand who is more comfortable leaned up against the back wall while everyone else is talking in the center of the room.

I have a very bad habit of putting stuff off to the last second and than having to rush to do it.

Due to a facial injury when I was very that was not corrected right until YEARS later....I can't breath through my nose very well.This made my body have to learn to breath through my mouth to get enough air to live.Thus this makes me very horrible when it comes to snoring.

Re: Bad/Annoying Habits

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 10:14 am
by NotYourChick
I'm too nice for my own good. <--I was told it was a bad thing.

I have OCD really bad! It really bugs me when someone moves something I just put there.

I can't sleep alone. I will not fall asleep unless one of my pets or someone is there.

I have to have a fan on at night. I once stayed up for three days, because there was no sound in the house.

I can't go to the pet store with out taking home a pet. This is why I haven't been in one for years.

Best way to get to me is by facebook or I.M. I never check my phone. In fact I get told by my dad to check it more.

I'm only happy in the morning after I have my coffee. Till then don't try to talk to me. I may come out rude.

Re: Bad/Annoying Habits

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 9:14 pm
by valentinebaby
valentinebaby wrote:I don't have any, I'm perfect...okay yeah I wish so here we go,

I drink out of the corner of my mouth
I crack my nuckles
When I'm bored or concentrating heavily I make weird noises
I toss my keys randomly when I come in

I know there's more but that's all I can think of, I might ask hubby later.
Okay after asking my husband this question and it leading to a fight I have quite a few more and these are only the ones that I actually agree on.

I don't put the cap back on anything unless it's my "precious coke cola"
I have to get the last hit, word, smack, in and I get angry when I don't
I'm like the little girl on signs I refuse to drink water that's more than a day old
I forget to take the coke out of the freezer before it freezes

Re: Bad/Annoying Habits

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 6:20 pm
by Hunter
I used to crack my knuckles but stopped because I was toldit was bad for your bones. :mrgreen:

My bad habits are..

1) I spend a lot of money thanks to my best friend whose a major spendaholic.

2) I am very lazy when it comes to homework and revising for exams.

3) When I get missed calls, texts, emails...I usually don't reply straight away. I feel really bad about it. Like I said, I get really lazy and put things off for later but I forget and get consumed in other stuff. I beleive the word is procrastinator, yep that's me.

4) I am a hoarder. I like to keep old things that I never use. I should have a spring clean every month. :|

5) I get so bored easily and walk back into la la land in the middle of boring conversations/speeches and situations like that. If I'm in a three hour lecture, I zone out and think about other things.

6) Okay, I'll admit this. I would never admit this to myself but I am. I do think about sex. :lol: I'm so embaressed about it because guys think about that. I get all shy when I talk about sex with my friends and they get all shy about it and we all just blush. The bad habit about this is when I really really and I mean when I really really get so friggin bored, I think about sex. Just as much as you do Ellie. I think. :oops:

Re: Bad/Annoying Habits

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 12:49 am
by Jezebel Jinx
Me? Have flaws? What are those? :wink: :roll:

Anyway here are some of mine, I know I have more though.

1. I have little to no control when it comes to buying books. I have at least 400 books in my collection that I haven't read yet but I'm still planning to go out in about two weeks and buy even more books.

2. I crack my ankles, shoulders, and the joints in my middle fingers.

3. I'm really bad about replying back to e-mails, text messages, phone calls, and letters.

4. I have such a dirty mind. (I've been told by some people that it's annoying).

5. I say 'Dude', 'Cool', and 'No way' a lot. I've been trying to break that but it's not working very well.

6. Something that goes hand and hand with my dirty mind, I think about sex/sex subjects probably more than the average woman. For example I see a hot guy and I don't think about falling in love with him or marrying him, I mostly think about throwing him on a bed and having a fun few hours.

7. I don't like being around sick people and have no problem telling the contagious ones to stay away from me because I don't want to get sick. The only sick people I can tolerate being around is my family...and even then only two...and one of them is dead so that leaves one that I don't mind too much being around when they're sick.

8. I tend to make fun of tragedies whether they are my own personal tragedy or a strangers/cities/countries/etc. It's my way of dealing with it but people tell me it's insensitive, which it probably is but if I don't make fun of tragedies mine or otherwise I'd be sad all the time and that's no fun.

Like I said I know there are more bad/annoying habits/quirks I have but those are the ones I can think of now.