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Home (CC,M/M,Adult) - Part 2 of 2 - 11/10/09

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 7:13 am
by candysteffi


Author: candysteffi

Rating: Adult

Pairing (CC): M&M, with the mention of the others as well.

Summary (Canon): One year after the aliens left to return to Antar, two girls are still suffering from the loss...

Disclaimer: I don´t own the characters or the idea of Roswell, which is used in this fic.

A/N: This takes place one year after “Depature”, just with the difference that Tess didn´t kill Alex (he really died because of a car accident) and the four aliens really left earth.

A/N 2: Yay, I finally managed to get my second Engish fic done. It´s not as long as Streets of New York, actually only two parts, but I hope you like it anyway!

“Let’s go upstairs,” Liz said after a long and busy shift in the Crashdown. Her voice was quiet, sad.

Maria nodded dumbly. She knew that her best friend´s mood had nothing to do with the stressful day that was now behind them. No, it was due solely the date. Exactly one year ago, THEY had left earth to save their own planet, to save the life of an unborn baby, to become the royal four.

A shiver ran down over Maria’s spine. No, she didn´t want to think about it, about HIM. Their last night, the last kiss or the last I love you. It was still too painful to remember, so pushing those thoughts away was the only way she had managed to survive the last 365 days. But now that she had looked into Liz’ eyes, she knew what was coming up. They would talk about old times until one of them would start to cry.

Liz sighed heavily when she entered her room, glancing around as if she had to make sure that everything was still in place. She tried to act normal – even if the reason for their sad mood was way too obvious to ignore. Her eyes focused on a picture of her and Maria, wearing those ridiculous alien antennas. The photo had been taken shortly before she got shot in the Crashdown and their lives had been turned upside down.

Maria laughed ironically, tired of remaining silent about the obvious all day. “How can they still determine our lives after one year?”

Liz looked at her, surprised because Maria was the one who always avoided talking about them.

“I´m so sick of this, girl. I don´t want to think about them anymore. I want to draw a line under that part of my life and start something new. “Maria’s tone was serious. She walked over to the nightstand and took the photo that had been taken on prom night and showed all of them. “You should put this away, sweetie.”

“As long as there’s any hope...” Liz swallowed hard and sat down on her bed.

Maria placed the photo down again and turned to look at her friend. She shook her head. “I don´t have any hope left, Liz! It was his dream to find his home, I know he won´t give that up. He is not coming back. And Max...” Maria shock her head, “I always thought you two had the soulmate thing. But then... this might sound hard, sweetie, but you need to face the truth. He got Tess pregnant and he left to save his child. He´s not coming back either. He chose Tess.”

Liz wiped her hand over her cheek to brush away the tears. “He kissed me before he left.”

Maria stared at her friend with eyes open wide. “What?”

“I never told anyone, but Max came to say goodbye the night before they left and... and...” Liz gasped for air when her throat felt like it was being held in a tight-fisted grip, “... he knew that I never slept with Kyle. And I couldn´t let him still believe it either. He kissed me one last time and told me that he could never love Tess the way he loves me.”

“Oh, my God, I didn´t know...” Maria whispered and rushed to her friend’s side to take her in her arms.

“He just chose Tess because he believed I slept with someone else, M’ria. I could feel it when he kissed me... He had been hurt and he thought that I really didn´t want him anymore.”

“Why have you never told me that?” Maria asked puzzled. She always believed that Max had followed his destiny because of his own will, that something really had changed him when Tess had arrived. And she had always been scared that something like this would happen to Michael – that one day, he would suddenly realize that Isabel was the one for him, not her.

Liz straightened up to look at her friend. “Maybe because it was easier to pretend it never happened,” she shook her head, “it would be so much easier if I could just believe that he went with Tess because he really loved her, you know?”

“I guess I wasn´t so wrong about that soulmate thing then, huh?” Maria chuckled quietly. “I was soooo jealous of what you two had sometimes.”

“Michael loved you too, Maria,” Liz insisted.

“Yeah, I know that. But that´s not important anymore – ‘cause he’s gone. Maybe they don´t even remember us, who knows.” Maria snorted. “That would be so typical of Michael. “Leaving me here with a broken heart while he can´t even say anymore that I had existed in his life.”

“I´m sure they remember us,” Liz stated and nodded wildly. It had to be true! She started to smile. “You and Michael, you never could stand each other. And then suddenly we found you in that cheap motel off the South 285 highway.”

Maria laughed. “God, that was so embarrassing, but hey, it wasn´t what it looked like that night.”

Liz’ head dropped again. “We did so much for them. We broke the law almost every damn day. Why did they just leave us, Maria? Didn´t we mean anything to them? I risked my life several times for him and so did you. We put ourselves in danger countless times and what do we get? A broken heart and loneliness.” Her shaking voice sounded angry.

“But we always knew that the day when they have to leave would come eventually, Liz. Michael always told me that – as if he knew that it would happen. I think he always wanted to prepare us for this.”

She nodded when a sob escaped her lips. “But did you really expect it to happen?” Liz shook her head, “because I didn’t.”

Maria sighed and leaned back to rest her upper body on the headboard of the bed. She didn´t know what to say or what to do. Nothing would make the situation any better.

“If somebody granted you one wish,” Liz spoke up again, “what would you ask for?“

Maria looked at her best friend and wondered where she had come up with that. She thought about it a while. “I think I would ask for Max to come back to you.”

Liz looked at Maria, shocked. “Why?”

“Because you’ve been so sad since he’s been gone. You were always the happier one of us. You had so many dreams in your life.”

“But you´re hurting as well,” she protested.

“I do,” Maria didn’t deny it, “but I knew it was Michael´s dream to go home. I´m sure he´s satisfied...“ she turned her head to look out the window, “wherever he is right now... but Max, pfff, he´s probably staring at the stars right now, wishing that he had already found a way back to you.”

“Don´t you want Michael to come back?“ Liz asked, confused as she brushed her hands over her wet eyes.

Maria continued to stare out of the window. “More than anything,” she whispered, “but I let him go one year ago. I knew it would be forever and I was afraid to let any hope of his return raise inside me. What I didn´t know was that it would still hurt so much after one year.”


It was shortly after midnight when Maria finally began to make her way home. Liz had asked her to stay, but she couldn´t. She needed to be alone right now and she didn´t want her best friend to know that she was more hurt then she always pretended to be. Maria had tried the whole year to be strong for both of them. They had lost so much in the last year. First Alex because of a stupid car accident. And just when they started to heal from that, the four aliens had left them. They only had each other to talk with about it.

Like every other day, she had to walk past his former appartnemt. She remembered how she had stayed there after Michael had left very early in the morning, all alone and crying for hours in the bed they had shared before. It was probably the hardest thing she ever had to do – putting all his clothes, cd´s and photos of them in a few cartons. She had thought she would choke on her sobs when she had done it.

Maria stopped in front of the building, where the mailboxes were and glanced over them. Her fingers brushed over the fading GUERIN that was still written there in large letters. The new renter of the appartment hadn´t removed it totally. She closed her eyes for a moment and she could see him wandering around his apartment, looking at her with his defiant gaze.

“Can I help you Miss?” Someone spoke up from behind.

Maria jumped in surprise and whirled around while she wiped some tears away. “Um, no, I... I just gotta go,” she told the man who was probably one of the residents of the building and then left in a hurry.

The memory of Michael hurt like countless stabs to her heart. She wanted to scream, she wanted to scream very loudly... scream him out of her until nothing was left that could hurt her. There had to be and end of all the hurt she had gone through during the last year.

She reached the park a few minutes later and felt so weak that she decided to sit down on a bench. She rested her upper body against the backrest and put her head back to look up to the stars again. Maria didn´t stop the tears, which were runing down her cheeks as she pulled her legs up to the bench to hug them with her arms when a wave of sobs suddenly shook her body.

“Oh please, let me forget about him. I don´t wanna hurt anymore. I’m sick of not being able to be together with him when I want to be. I want to go on,” she didn’t know why she had said it out loud, there was no one who could help her anyway, but it felt good to actually say what she was feeling.

She sat in the park until she gotten some control over her feeling back. The flood of terrible feelings faded slowly and she felt a little better after a while. The sky had clouded and she couldn´t see the stars anymore. It would probably start to rain soon. Maybe this is a sign that I should finally move on? Maria wondered.

Still lost in her thoughts, Maria started to walk home. Poor Liz, she is probably lying on her bed and crying all night. I don´t know how bad it is for her. What had been between Max and her... it was so much more then what Michael and I had.... Or am I wrong? At least Max had sex with Tess, Michael never followed his destiny with Isabel. Her heartbeat increased when that thought crossed her mind. What if Isabel and Michael finally DID follow their destiny on their home planet? She shook her head. “It doesn´t matter anymore.” She wanted him to be happy, and if Isabel was the one who made him happy now, then that was the way it had to be.

She didn´t make it home until it started to rain. It was pouring it down and she was soaked within seconds. Normaly, she would have been totally pissed about it, but right now she was thankful for the water. It felt like it was washing some of the pain in her heart away and besides that, her mother wouldn´t recognize that she had been crying again.

Amy couldn´t understand why her daughter was still suffering from her break up with Michael. How could she? She thought that Michael had been a normal human, who had moved out of town. She had no clue what Maria had seen in him at all.

She had always wondered why no one had ever been curious about where the four of them had gone. At least Max and Isabel’s disappearance had brought up some question because they had had a real family. But she had never really heared anyone talk about it. Maybe the sheriff had come up with some good reason? She didn´t know. And honestly, she didn´t care as long she was left alone with any questions.


Maria arrived in her room dripping wet and started to get out of her clothes. She grabbed a pair of fresh panties and a tanktop out of her closet and walked down the hallway to the bathroom to get a hot shower. She hoped that this would get her warm and also sleepy. The worst thing was to lay in bed awake all night. When everything was quiet and she had nothing to do.... then the memories came back, which she tried to displace so hard every day. It always felt like a slap across the face.

She was tired after the shower and walked back to her room to crash on her bed and hug the pillow. Tomorrow it will be one year and one day. Will I still be counting in three years?

Maria dreamed a lot about him – almost every night. In the beginning she had thought he tried to contact her in her dreams, but after a few weeks, she hadn´t believed that anymore. True, they had experienced a lot of crazy things the past years, but she knew now that she had just wanted it to be that way. The truth was they were just dreams!

So it was only natural that she also started to dream about him this night. It was the dream she’d had so often that she couldn’t even count it anymore.

He climbs through a window, her window. He stands in the middle of her room, silent, and stares down at her in the bed. Then he starts to move again, he walks over to her bed and lays down next to her.

Then she mostly woke up, just like every other night. She didn’t open her eyes because she wanted for the dream to continue. She could still smell the scent of his skin. Minutes passed and she had to accept that it wasn´t possible to go back to sleep – again. The feeling of Michael´s closeness was still there, fading away slower then usual. She took a deep breath before she opened her eyes to look what time it was.

He was sitting next to her bed. Guess I had managed to go back to sleep unnoticed, she thought. A smile flashed over her lips. Please, don’t let this dream end now.


Re: Home (CC,M/M,Adult) - Part 1 of 2 - 11/04/09

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 6:46 am
by candysteffi
Hey everyone!

Thanks for the lovely feedback!

Are they really gone?...or even worse dead?

Gone: yeah. Dead: noooo, I could never do that to them. :)

mary mary: It wasn´t too long, was it? Here is the second / final part.

nibbles2: Thanks, thanks and yay, he is :)

You portrayed Liz' and Maria's friendship pretty well.
Thanks, I think it´s one of the best things from the show. That´s why you would never read a fic from me, where Liz and Maria can´t stand each other. Well, at least I say that for now, lol.

AWESOME......I felt Maria's emotions as she packed up Michael's belongings...
That has to be a really hard thing to do... I only can imagine.

Alien_Friend: I always wondered what would have happened to Maria and Liz if the aliens would have really left earth.

Gah! Only two parts? I'm selfish ... I want more
Lol, thanks and sorry, this is only a two-parter. But I´m working on a longer fic. Does this help?

I love the friendship between the girls, I think it's very true to how they were on the show.
Thanks, I always loved their friendship in the show.


Part 2 of 2

He looked different than he normally did in her dreams. His hair stuck wetly to his forehead, he didn´t have his typical casual look, as if nothing could affect him in any way.

“Maria,” his lips trembled when he said her name for the first time.

She jumped in her bed, her heart started to race. “Michael?”

He looked at her intensely, his whole body was shaking. Even if he was dripping wet, she could tell he was crying quietly. This couldn´t be a dream, this wasn´t the Michael out of her dreams.

Maria climed out of her bed quickly, even as he was moving to stand up from the floor where he had been sitting. Michael looked down at her with sad and unsure eyes. “No, this isn’t you. It´s just my imagination,” she whispered, afraid that if she reached out to touch him, he would just vanish into thin air.

His hand came up to travel over her naked arm and her skin started to glow where he was touching her. She closed her eyes when dizziness washed over her, the well known warmth flooding through her body. Though she expected an empty room when she opened her eyes again... he was still there, even closer then before.

Maria raised her hand timidly; she had to touch him to convince herself that he was real. Her fingertips brushed against the wet tee shirt, which clung to his strong chest. “Oh god,” she rasped out trembling and bit her bottom lip. Slowly, she lifted her head up to meet his gaze again.

Michael layed his hand over hers and a flood of images suddenly washed over her. She saw Antar, felt what he felt when he saw it for the first time: curiosity, excitement, happiness. Then the mood suddenly changed. She saw an image of herself and she could feel the loneliness and hurt she had felt – Or were these his feelings as well?

Another location again, it looked like a prison they were all in. Scared and alone. Tess wasn’t with them. Then Michael out in the middle of nowhere, wounded, lost, fighting with some others. Again a picture of her, she could feel how the thought of her and seeing her again kept him alive.

Suddenly it was all over and she found herself again surrounded in her own familar house with her own feelings back. He dropped his hand and took a step backwards to steady himself on the desk behind him.

Maria bent down to get the towel she had thrown to the ground after her shower and started to dry his hair with it. It took only a few seconds before it was thrown down again and Maria stepped closer to Michael, gripping a fistful of his tee shirt with both hands and pulling him down to her. His hands moved to her hips, he pressed her against him when the need to feel her close became too much. Maria´s head rested on his shoulder, inhaling deeply the familar smell of his scent. Shivers ran down her spine and she groaned slightly when his hands started to move under her tanktop and over her back. She didn´t care about the fact that she got all wet from his soaked clothes again. All that mattered was that he was there with her in that moment.

Michael brushed a strand of her out of her face and his grip around her tightened as he bent down to hide his face in the space between her shoulder and neck. Maria´s hand trailed to the back of his neck, she let her fingers slide through his damp hair. “I´ve missed you so much,” she mumbled and held onto him desperately, still scared she would lose him again if she stopped touching him.

After some minutes he started to pull away slightly. She wanted to protest, but he layed his hands over hers until she loosened her grip around him. Maria was scared that for some reason he would back off, but he took her fear away when his hands came up to cradle her cheeks in his palms and he gazed down at her sincerely... open like never before.

“I´m sorry, Maria! .... so sorry...” he started huskily.

She pressed her forefinger against his lips. “No, don´t be. You had to leave, I know that.”

They were the first words they had exchanged after a whole year. “No, I had to stay with you. I was just too stupid to realize it in time.”

Maria´s eyes filled with tears. She had to ask him something – a question that she feared the answer to. Her gaze dropped down to the ground when she didn´t felt strong enough to ask while holding eye contact. “Will you stay?” It was just a soft whipser but Michael understood every word and his heart clenched painfully when he realized how scared she was to lose him a second time.

“I don´t know if this is all over now or if new problems will come up someday, but Maria,” he took her chin in his hand and made her look at him again, “I can promise you, that I will never leave you of my own free will again.” He brushed a single tear away from her cheek. “Never,” he repeated in a soft whisper.

“Can you put that down in writing?” She asked with a soft smirk, hoping that she could finally shake off the fear that he would just disappear again.

He laughed slightly, glad that she had finally started to act like the woman he knew. His gaze lowered to her full lips. He couldn´t count the times he had imagined kissing her again. And now that he was finally able to... it almost seemed unreal. “Anything you want, baby,” he breathed before he closed the last distance between them and pressed his lips to hers. He started the kiss slow and gentle even though he was desperate for something more intense. His tongue ran over her lips until she parted them and he could slip inside. Maria groaned into his mouth and her hands wandered down his sides in desperation to feel some skin.

When air became an issue again they broke apart, still holding each other and breathing heavily. Maria took the hem of his tee shirt in her hands and pulled on it. ”Arms up,” she ordered and he obeyed with a smirk until she had managed to get rid of the fabric that covered his upper body.

He was more muscular than the last time they had seen each other, she noticed as her gaze roamed over his bare skin. Maria´s fingertips prickled when they trailed over his chest, down to his belly. He still felt cold and damp but also hot at the same time. Michael took her chin in his hand and lifted her head up. His eyes travelled to her parted lips.

He bent down painfully slowly and sucked on her bottom lip, biting it playfully. She chuckled, that had been his way since the beginning to beg her for more. “I can´t believe this,” Maria rasped and kissed him again. Michael groaned when he felt her lower body pressing against him. He couldn´t hold back any longer and deepened the kiss; her left arm came up and she wrapped it around the back of his neck to hold him in place.

His hands traveled over her shoulders, down to her hips until they reached her thighs. In one quick move he lifted her up and turned to sit her down on the desk. He broke the kiss again, holding her gaze when his hands grabbed her tank top and pulled it over her head. His heated gaze wandered over her almost naked body; just her panties were left.

Michael´s eyes darkened even more when he met hers again – she felt a lump in her throat. “You got even more beautiful, baby,” he said thickly and pulled her closer.

Maria moaned when her skin came into contact with his again after a whole year. His hands rested on her bare thighs while he started to press a trail of kisses over her shoulder to her neck.

At the same time she was busy unfastening his belt and jeans. She let one hand slide between his skin and the fabric of his pants. Michael groaned when her fingertips came into contact with his boxer-covered hard length. She repeated the move, sliding her hand further into his jeans this time. He stilled her hand, his forehead rested against hers. “Hold on, baby,” he rasped, fighting for some control.

She removed her hand and wrapped her arms around his neck instead. Moments passed where they just stared into each others eyes, telling each other without words that there could never be someone else in their lives.

Michael caressed the bare skin of her thigh by moving his right hand – down on the outside and up again on the inside. With each new stroke his fingers moved a little bit higher. Maria shifted around on the desk impatiently, wanting him to touch her where she needed it so badly. She took in a sharp breath when he brushed his knuckles against the fabric of her panties, before sliding down again. “Michael,” she complained about his teasing.

He looked down at her tenderly, taking all her features in and enjoying the moment he had waited so long for as much as possible. “C’mere,” he lifted her up again and walked them slowly to her bed, where he placed her down on the soft blanket.

Michael took off his jeans before he sat down on on his knees at her feet and watched her. He found himself wondering again how he had been able to turn his back on her and leave one year ago. Right now, it didn´t even seem possible to him. His gaze wandered to the window where he had let himself in earlier. “Since when do you sleep with curtains open, baby?“

He found the answer to his question in her eyes and lifted his hand up to draw them from a distance. “I’m here now.” His hands grabbed her calves, spreading her legs slightly until there was enough space for him to kneel between them. He bent down and started to press soft, gentle kisses along her inner thigh. Maria´s hands clawed into the blanket until her knuckles turned white, when his mouth moved further up – just along the edge of her underwear.

“Stop teasing, Michael,” she panted.

He chuckled softly and she could feel his hot breath when he nudged her with his nose through the fabric. As her hips started to rise upwards for more desperately needed friction, his hands came up to press her against the bed again. She whimpered in protest. Did he know how much she had wanted this over the last year?

Michael had to take some deep breaths so he wouldn’t lose control of himself. It was too tempting to just rip her panties away to go all the way. But no, he wanted it to last. His lips brushed against her still covered mound one more time, before they began to move to Maria´s upper body. He rested his arms on either side of her body to slowly crawl up on the bed over her.

She held her breath when he took one of her nipples into his mouth, sucking and biting on it gently. “Don´t stop,” she begged, as her hands came up to grab his still damp hair.

“I won’t,” he whispered against her hot flesh and then shifted to her other breast.

Maria stirred under him, needing more than his teasing kisses. He didn´t hold her back this time when she pressed her lower body against him. A moan escaped his throat and his hands grasped the blanket under them when she continued to move against him.

After a few moments the sensation became too much and he reached between them to hold her still again. When she was about to protest, he silenced her with another hot and deep kiss. He took his hand away from her hip to capture her face in his palm. When she started to move underneath him again he shook his head in amusement and shifted to lie next to her. He ended the kiss gently and smiled against her lips when he felt her disagreement at his new position.

“I just don´t want it to be over to soon.” His fingers drove through her hair and he noticed that she was wearing it different now than a year ago. Still long and blond, but there wasn’t as much volume in it anymore. Michael frowned when he suddenly realized that he hadn´t even asked her about how she had been in the last year. He had shown her flashes about him, but what was with her? What if she had already found someone else and she was just too overwhelmed right now to think straight? He had tried so often to contact her and had asked Isabel for help. He had wanted her to show him how to visit people in their dreams, but the distance between Maria and him had been too great.

“What’s wrong?” Maria asked, confused when she read the discomfort in his face.

“I´m sorry, I didn´t even ask about the last year... what you´ve been doing and,” he swallowed hard, “um... if you, you know, moved on.”

She frowned. “I thought you would get flashes from me, too. I mean, didn’t it always work that way?”

He lifted his upper body and propped himself up on one arm; his head rested in his hand while he studied her intensely. “Yeah,” he answered huskily, “but lately I don´t know what are flashes and what’s just a product of my own mind.”

She nodded slowly and bit her lip when she thought about what to tell him. “My last year was... lonely.” She stared down at the bed and swallowed. “I really wanted to move on, but I didn´t know how.”

Michael´s heard clenched tightly. He knew that he had been responsible for that. He had put her through a horrible year just because he was searching for a home he had already found in her. “I´m so sorry, Maria.” He didn´t know what else to say, nothing felt good enough.

“No,” she said, explaining. “If you had stayed one year ago, then I know that there would have always been something between us. You had to go home! Else you would have regretted it your whole life.”

He studied her, taking in every inch of her body. Right in this moment, he loved her more than anything else in his life. She understood him, always had. “You’re my home, you’re all that’s important now.”

Maria smiled and blinked away some happy tears. “I still can’t believe this,” she admitted and shifted closer to him. She brushed a kiss against his lips. “I can´t believe you´re real.”

Michael rested one hand on her hip and smirked. “Want me to show you how real I am?” He didn´t wait for an answer from her and pressed her back on the bed again. His eyes never left hers when he slid her panties down her slim legs and tossed them to he ground. Maria held her breath when his left hand moved upwards again, leaving gooseflesh all over her skin.

He smiled down at her, when he saw the anticipation written all over her face. “No more teasing now,” he promised and cupped her lower mound with his hand.

She gasped in surprise and her eyes slid shut slowly when he started to move his hand and added more pressure.

“Hey,” he nudged her cheek with his nose and brushed a kiss to ler skin. “Don´t close your eyes, baby, look at me.”

She did what he had asked for and tried to hold his gaze. Her heart pounded wildly in her chest and Maria didn´t know if the reason was more his touch or his heated gaze on her.

Michael slid one finger inside her, moving it slowly in and out while his thumb massaged her clit in a steady rhythm. He added another finger when she started to move on the blanket restlessly, biting her lower lip to keep herself from moaning too loud. He could tell that she wasn´t far away from her orgasm.

Damn, she was so beautiful that it hurt. He wanted to feel her body desperately; it was hard to hold back any longer. The sensation of her being finally there next to him, the ability to touch her – it suddenly overwhelmed him again.

Maria could see all the emotions in his face. His whole body was trembling from it. She reached up to cup his cheek in her palm, trying to take away the pressure in his chest that she felt was there.

Michael closed his eyes for a moment and took a shaky breath. He was about to lose it, he knew it and didn´t know what to do about it.

“C’mere,” she whispered and shifted to her side again to take him in her arms fully.
He buried his head in the space between her neck and shoulder, his arms came around her in a tight grip.

Her hands started to caress his back and it didn´t take long until the tension in his body began to fade again. “I love you,” he whispered against her skin. “You can’t even believe how much I do.”

He sucked on her hot flesh, suddenly well aware of the fact that she was so close and naked. “I want you, baby,” he moaned and pressed his body against hers, his still-covered erection pressed against her hot center.

“Get rid of those boxers,” she told him breathlessly since she wasn’t able to do that for him in her position.

He chuckled softly and did what she had asked him to do. With one quick move the last bit of fabric that had separated them was gone. His hand wandered along her hips to her thigh. He gained his grip there and lifted her leg over his own hip, pulling her as close as possible against his body.

“I´m sorry, I can´t hold back much longer,” he said aroused.

She shook her head and pressed herself against him impatiently. “No need to hold back any longer, baby.”

He bent his head forward and started to kiss her slowly while he shifted around until his throbbing length was directly in front of her entrance. Michael broke the kiss to look at her when he entered her, groaning when he was fully inside. “It has been to long since the last time,” he whispered gently.

They didn’t move for several moments, just enjoying the feeling of being so close after a long time. “I love you, too, Michael. You know that, right?”

“Never hurts to hear it,” he answered with a smirk and rolled them over until he was on top of her.

He leaned down to suck on her neck while he slowly started to move his hips.

“Michael,” she groaned and took his hair in her small hands. She could already feel her orgasm building after such a short time.

“Baby,” Michael panted, trying to keep his movements at a slow pace, but he could feel that he was about to burst.

She nodded, her breaths coming fast and irregular. “Just let it go.”

He made a sound of agreement and sped up the movements of his hips. He brought one of his hands up and covered her smaller one with it, pressing it to the mattress and intertwining their fingers.

Maria raised one leg over him so he could sink in even deeper. That was all both of them needed to finally reach their goal together. Michael squeezed her hand tightly when her inner muscles started to contract around him and brought him over the edge as well. He kissed her passionately between their moans and gentled the kiss when they finally calmed down a little. The muscles in his arm, which he was steadying himself to not crash her, began to tremble and he rolled them both over until he was on his back.

Maria got comfortable against his side. Her fingertips were drawing small patterns on his chest. “Michael?”

“Yeah,” he answered tiredly.

“Don´t sleep yet,” she begged even if she was tired as well. What if this was just a very realistic dream and she woke up all alone again the next morning? She wanted to enjoy his presence as long as possible.

He forced his eyes to stay open. “Okay.”

“Tell me about Antar and what happened there.”

“Tess betrayed us,” he blurted out after a few minutes in silence. “She had an agreement with Kivar. He would let her live if she brought Max, Isabel and me to Antar so he could kill us and take command of our planet.” Michael cleared his throat when the painful memories washed over him.

“What?” Maria asked, shocked as she lifted her head to look at him. “And the baby?”

Michael laughed out sarcastically. “There was no baby, no pregnancy. Tess mind-warped Max all the time without him even realizing.”

“Oh, my god, that’s....” she let her head rest on the pillows again. “I don’t even know what to say.”

“They threw us in a prison where we were expected to wait for someone to come and kill us, but we managed to escape and went into hiding. After several months we found out that there was another granolith, but it was in the hands of Kivar.”

Michael rolled to his side to look at her. He watched her for a while in the dark room, the only light coming from some street lights that were shining through the closed curtains. His hand came up to play with a strand of her hair. “We knew it was our only chance to get back to Earth, so we collected more information about it and about Kivar. A few days ago we found out where he was hiding.” He swallowed hard before he spoke up again. “We managed to kill him and we were able to find the granolith.”

Maria could feel that he wasn´t ready to talk about it in any more detail, not yet. “What about Tess?”

“Max let her go. Alone she’s no threat anymore.”

Maria nodded. “But now that Kivar is dead, didn´t they expect you to ... I don`t know... fulfil your destiny. I mean, didn´t they say you were supposed to come back home someday and be the king and commander?”

Michael shook his head. “We didn´t fit in there, Maria. The moment we got to Antar we knew that we’d made a mistake and all we wanted was to go home again.”

“So Max and Isabel are here as well?” Maria asked. Her thoughts were on Liz and how they had said goodbye a few hours ago.

“They are,” Michael confirmed.

“What about your parents, your family? Did they...?” She became silent when she saw the pained look on his face.

He shook his head slightly and avoided her gaze. “All dead,” he whispered, scarcely audible.

She didn´t know what to say. Her whole body hurt just from looking at him. She knew he had always wanted to find his family there. And it broke her heart that he had found none of them. She blinked a few times when tears welled up in her eyes.

“Why’re you crying, baby?” he asked gently.

Maria noticed then that he was looking at her again. “It’s just... I always wanted you to come back to me. No doubt. But I wish you would’ve found out something good up there.”

He studied her intensely before leaning forward to kiss her forhead. “I did.”

She sniffed. “Yeah? What was that?”

He smiled soflty. “I found out that my home is wherever you are.”

She smiled back weakly and snuggled closer to him again. Sleep was finally pulling her down, she could already feel it. “Michael?”


“Please still be here in the morning. Okay?”

He frowned. “I will. Don´t worry.” He inhaled her scent deeply and felt the calmness settle down in him that he always felt when he was with her.

When he was home.

The End