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Living In Our World (ML,CC/AU Adult) AN 4/19/10

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 2:28 pm
by Itzstacie
TITLE: 'Living in Our World"
AUTHOR: Itzstacie
DISCLAIMER: I don't own anything.
COUPLES: ALL but Told from Liz and Max's POV
SUMMERY: This is the long awaited sequel to "Welcome To My World' just a lot of Fun and Fluff
AN: Okay so I know it's been forever since I've wrote the first one, but I had the first two chapters done so I thought I would start posting to get myself motivated again, I know I need to update Unbreakable too and hopefully that will be done soon. I'm not promising the updates for this one will be fast, well because I don't trust myself too much when I'm trying to do funny (I'm better with the angst stuff) but I promise to try and not disappoint with this one

Banner By: Behrsgirl77

Chapter 1


'Remember me, I hope I made an everlasting impression on you last time that you do.'

"Good now that we don't need introductions...wait what do you mean you don't remember. Well it's not my fault if you didn't pay attention last time'.

'All right already stop your whining, I'll go over it again with you.'

(Sigh) "Okay my name is Liz Parker; I'm from the small town Roswell, New Mexico. Blah, Blah, Blah."

'I have six friends; make sure you pay attention this time.'

'First is my loving boyfriend Max, he's an alien....yes you heard me, yes they are among us and no he's not three feet tall and green. He's from Roswell too. We've known each other for a long time is that good enough for you? Okay moving on."

'Next is Maria, say it with me so you don't forget M.A.R.I.A. She's from Roswell too along with her boyfriend Michael.

'There's Alex and Isabel, she is Max's sister....what do you mean where are they from? Hello! Max's sister that doesn't tell you?"

'Yes they are from Roswell too, can I carry on then?'

"Next are Tess and Kyle, and hey guess what? They are from Roswell too...what a coincidence'.

'Okay now that I got that out of the way, let me get back to what I was saying.'

'See I told you I would be back, bet you didn't believe me, go ahead you can say it'.

'Some people just have no faith. Anyways I know its been a long time but well I had to experience life first before I could come back and tell you about it'.

'Watching me day in and day out would get kind of boring. My boyfriend is sitting right here disagreeing with me but I know you'll take my side".

'Wait your taking his?? Why...never mind you're just scared that he would use his alien powers on you aren't you. That's the only reason your taking his side'.

'Well so what I'm not scared, anyways we've been at college now for two years and let me tell you. It's a blast if you don't count going to classes and taking exams'.

'Okay you caught me, I love going to class. Well one in particular because my professor is hot... oops didn't meant to say that out loud. Excuse me for a minute I have to stroke an alien's ego'.










"I'm back, didn't take too long. All I had to do was kiss him and give him the eyes, works every time."

'Back to what I was saying, college life is great and you want to know what else...huh....huh'

"Michael and Maria are getting married, can you believe it? I know I had a hard time believing it too, I even made Michael propose to her again in front of me so I knew it was true'.

'Its going to happen in six months, so we have plenty of time to get things ready and of course I am the maid of honor. What else would I be'.

'I'm the best man'

'Hey wait your turn, this is my opening not yours'.

'You're going to slow, move over and let me finish this'

'Well there's a lot to tell them okay, you can't just rush things like this'.

'But you're taking too long and the gang is waiting for us'.

'They can just wait, it's not like we are going to do anything important, you can go ahead if you like I'll just meet you there when I'm finished'.

'You know we could always skip out and spend the night here'

'The typical male my friends. Just because he's half alien doesn't make him any different. Well there is the glowing thing, but that's my little secret'.

'Liz stop talking about our sex life to these people'

'You're the one who started it'.

'Didn't we get enough of this in highschool'

'Well then keep your mouth shut and nobody will know'.

'Okay this is taking long enough.... Hi I'm Max, this is Liz and welcome to my world'

'It's living in our world baby'

'Yeah....whatever it's the same thing'

'No it's not because before it was about my world, but now that we have been together its about our world.'

'Liz they don't care.'

'They care...don't you? See I told you so. You have to excuse him he gets like this when he's in a hurry.'



'Just say let's get this show on the road'.

'Let's get this show on the road'.

'About time, see you guys later'.

Re: Living In Our World (ML,CC/AU Adult) Chapter 1 11/2/09

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 2:39 pm
by garcia88
Loved the starting!!

Max and Liz are just way to funny :lol: and oh so cute together!!

So looking forward to reading more of this..

Kris :D

Re: Living In Our World (ML,CC/AU Adult) Chapter 1 11/2/09

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 3:36 am
by begonia9508
Great start! :wink: Was it Liz who babbled? bc normally it's Maria who talks too much... :lol:

EVE :roll: :mrgreen:

Re: Living In Our World (ML,CC/AU Adult) Chapter 1 11/2/09

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 5:14 am
by keepsmiling7
Very, very clever......I love it!

Re: Living In Our World (ML,CC/AU Adult) Chapter 1 11/2/09

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 9:58 am
by Allie Xie
Six friends?

1. Max
2. Maria
3. Michael
4. Alex
5. Isabel
6. Kyle
7. Tess

Who isn't her friend?

Re: Living In Our World (ML,CC/AU Adult) Chapter 1 11/2/09

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 10:27 am
by Itzstacie
Allie Xie wrote:Six friends?

1. Max
2. Maria
3. Michael
4. Alex
5. Isabel
6. Kyle
7. Tess

Who isn't her friend?
They all are, when I was thinking six didn't include Max since he is the boyfriend.

Re: Living In Our World (ML,CC/AU Adult) Chapter 1 11/2/09

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 7:11 pm
by NotYourChick
I love the first one. Thanks for posting this one.

You're a fellow Louisiana person.

Re: Living In Our World (ML,CC/AU Adult) Chapter 1 11/2/09

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 8:37 pm
by Itzstacie
Thank you for the feedback, I just hope I can keep this one as great as the first one was.

Chapter 2

Max's POV


All-right men let me give you a little advise here, when you make plans with a woman tell them a time that is two hours before you actually have to be there. That way you always show up on time to things.

I can already hear Maria whining about us being late, and I blame it all on Liz. She just had to take her sweet little time going on and on about things. It's not like you guys really care what...okay I'm getting the tapping foot from my woman who is standing outside the car. I'll get back you later.

I don't even get my fist up to knock when the door flies open 'It's about time you got your assess here, I told you before when it's gang night you don't fornicate and be late. You show up on time.' Maria glares her eyes and looks directly at me like I'm the guilty culprit.

"Hey we were not having sex!'

She folds her arms over her chest 'then why are you so late?'

'Liz was busy running her mouth to those people, she just had to let them back in.'

"Liz, your worse than the paparazzi' Michael appears by Maria side and drags her away so we can come in.

Liz smacks my arm as we walk in and close the door 'what I'd do?'

"Al-right let's get this party started' Kyle says flopping down on the sofa and slinging an arm around Tess's shoulders.

Liz walks towards the coffee table and squeals when she sees all the movies laid out, walking closer I roll my eyes 'didn't we just do 80's movies a couple of weeks ago, whose turn was it to pick this time?'

"It was mine, do you have a problem with that dear brother?' Isabel states walking in from the kitchen with a couple of bowls.

I shake my head furiously 'nope, no problem at all'.

"Wuss' I hear whispered and I glare my eyes at Kyle.

"Let's watch this one first' Liz picks up The Breakfast Club and everyone groans.

"Why do we need to watch that one, we have our own Breakfast Club right here, Alex is the geek, Isabel is the prom queen, Kyle is the jock and you're the weird chic' Michael argues.

Liz's eyes narrow and I slowly back away I know better than to piss her off. "Let me guess you're the wanna be loser' she states.

"Actually I'm the nosey teacher that likes to know everyone's business' he gives her this big shit eating grin and I can't help but laugh.

"I think that's Maria' Kyle whispers to Tess. Tess grabs a pillow and smacks him with it.

Liz looks at me with those same narrowed eyes 'sorry baby that smile is creepy funny.'

She huffs and flops down on the chair 'fine watch what you want.'

I walk over and pull her up only to sit down and pull her back down on my lap 'it's okay baby, I'll buy you the movie and you can watch it all you want'.

I lose the air in my lungs as she elbows me in the gut, even when I try to be nice I get beat up. Not even attempting to make a comeback I reach over and flip the pizza box open 'Hey you could have at least saved me a slice' I whine closing the cover.

Maria stands up and marches over to the box 'what do you mean save you a slice, there should be a whole pizza in there.'

I flip the cover back open showing her an empty box and raise my eyebrow at her.

Her mouth flies open 'who ate that pizza?'

I hear a bunch of not me's from everyone expect one, we all turn our heads at the guilty person who is already trying to climb over the back of the sofa 'I was hungry and you guys were taking to long'.

'You ate the whole pizza Kyle' Tess states standing up.

He points to the kitchen 'there's more in there, I'll go get it right now' he screams and runs towards the kitchen.

"What about this one' Alex picks up Weird Science and shows it to us.

'No way' we all say at once.

'Why not, it's a great movie. You know I actually tried to do that' he says admiring the cover of the movie.

'You tried to make a woman?' Isabel leans forward yanking the DVD from him.

He throws his hands up 'it was before you knew I existed and I was desperate. Don't worry honey it didn't work and if it makes you feel better I was using a picture of you'.

'That is just gross Alex.'

Tess leans forward and picks up a movie how about this one she asks.

Kyle walks back in with the pizza 'Awesome....Heyyyy you guyyysssss!' he mimics Sloth from The Goonies.

Everyone groans.

Are you really ready for all of this?

Re: Living In Our World (ML,CC/AU Adult) Chapter 2 11/8/09

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 3:41 am
by begonia9508
Funny part!.. like their insanity!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

EVE :wink: :mrgreen:

Re: Living In Our World (ML,CC/AU Adult) Chapter 2 11/8/09

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 12:19 pm
by keepsmiling7
They are having too much fun.......