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Reasons To Hate... (CC,M/M,TEEN) 1/1

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 8:02 am
by vegas312
Title: Reasons To Hate (Or Love) Michael Guerin

Author: vegas312

Disclaimer: I do not own Roswell, although really I wouldn't mind owning Season One. Okay I can settle for Drunk Kyle. ;)

Rating: TEEN (Because that's the way I roll most days)

Coupling: Mostly Maria Centric, M/M implied.

Summary: Post Heatwave. Just a quick look after everything that went down at the soap factory. Sometimes just hating someone isn't as easy as we think it is.

AN: This is for the very patient RhondaAnn, who happily enough hasn't hurt me for taking so long in writing her Support Stacie auction story. She asked for some fluffy candy, and hopefully this isn't too sucky. Many thanks to my two partners in crime, who spent the whole week laughing as we read out loud and tried to think like Maria. Love you jbangelo and cardinalgirl for putting up with me the whole week while I stared at the computer screen and wailed that I suck at writing M/M. Also all hate mail can be sent their way. LOL Just kidding!

AN2: This fic was very much inspired by the movie 10 Things I Hate About You, and there's a quote from there that's not mine, so yes let's not sue Cam for being completely clueless. Also please don't take this story too seriously as its intended to be just a minor peek at Maria's thoughts after HW. Enjoy and feedback is always appreciated. What? A girl has got to get some love from somewhere. :lol:

Day 1

Dear Journal,

I don't know why I have to write in this stupid journal, but Liz and Alex figured it would be a lot better than spray painting one idiot ex-boyfriend's trailer. Please, like I would actually stoop so low as to spray paint someone's house, especially since it's easier to pay Agnes to do it. What? A girl has to have some kind of hobby, and it's not like I'm actually yearning and longing for him. Yearning and longing? Oh God, I've been hanging around Alex too long. Right. Back to the reason why I'm stuck writing in this pink and green journal. I hate Michael Guerin and his stonewall ways. Him and his "I have to be alone," and blah, blah, blah. Like being with me would affect his finding his way back home. Please. Right now the way I'm feeling, I would flag down E.T. and beg him to take Michael home. Hmm, maybe it's not too bad to pay Agnes in cigarettes to spray paint his trailer. I guess I'll see how far a pack of Marlboros will go.

Day 2

Dear Journal,

I had to call Agnes off at the last minute since Alex and Liz found out about my plan. Can't a girl do a little espionage without everyone trying to butt in? I hate Michael Guerin. I think.

Day 3

Dear Journal,

Another day. Another dollar. Another fry cook that I want to bang upside the head. Can you believe that we spent the whole shift not talking? Do you know how annoying it is to have someone pretend that we weren't sucking face just a few days ago? I hate him and his damn smirk so much that I'm thinking about taking his Metallica shirt and wiping the grill with it. Dear Journal, I really do hate him. Where's Agnes and her matches when I need them?

Day 4

Dear Journal,

Today while cleaning out my locker, I found that old questionnaire that first brought Michael and me together. I should have thrown it away, but somehow it's still in my locker.

Day 5

Dear Journal,

It's a bird. It's a plane. No, it's Michael flying over the hood of my car as I run him over. As I got ready to back up, I woke up only to find that sadly he's still among the living. One point for the world sucks, and zero points for me winning at life. I told Liz and Alex about my dream only for them to tell me that it might be time to talk to the school counselor. Again. Right, like talking to Ms. Vino is going to make everything right. Like I really want to talk about his bad taste in music, and that Metallica shirt that I'm still thinking of hiding away.

Day 6

Dear Journal,

I think I had a nightmare, or maybe a dream. It involved Michael, some steam, and a ripping of a certain t-shirt. That was it. Okay maybe some kissing. Don't judge me.

Day 7

Dear Journal,

Today in science class, Michael couldn't stop touching his hair. I mean, he spends more time on his hair than I do, and he still looks like he rolled out of bed and threw some gel in it. All that gel and hair spray around flames, I'm just sitting back waiting for the fireworks to begin. Hmm, maybe it is time again to go see Ms. Vino like Liz and Alex suggested.

Day 8

Dear Journal,

Ms. Vino was no help because frankly I do not have an obsession with Michael or his hair. Why would I pay any attention to Michael and his crazy hair? Like I would pay any attention to his soft and gorgeous brown hair. Wait, what?

Day 9

Dear Journal,

I decided to hunt down Max Evans, since my plans with Agnes didn't go through. She's been missing in action for the past couple of days. I don't know whether she's hiding from her parole officer again, or she's decided to take off with the pack of Marlboros. Either way I'm out five bucks, and now I've got to bribe, guilt, beg, and maybe plead for some more help. How did my talk with Max go? He spent the whole time staring off and smiling, which in no way helped me at all. Great. Five bucks down the hole and spending fifth period hearing about the greatness that is love. Love? Someone put me out of my misery, or rather hand me a hockey stick so I can put a certain someone out of misery.

Day 10

Dear Journal,

You-know-who wasn't in school today. What's up with that? I'm not worried about him, because I'm not. Well I'm not!

Day 11

Dear Journal,

Have I mentioned how much I hate Michael? No? Are you sure? Well, let me refresh your memory. I hate the way he does his hair, I hate his musical taste, I hate the fact that he's always breaking things off when he claims he needs to be alone, and I really hate that I can't think of anything else to write. Wait. I'm sure by the end of the day I'll have something else I need to hate.

Day 12

Dear Journal,

How come every song on the radio is either a sickly love song or a depressing song? Ugh.

Day 13

Dear Journal,

I'm now thinking of starting an I Hate Michael Guerin fan club. Right now the club consists of me and the school's janitor, who hates Michael too because he once saw him miss the trash can when throwing a banana peel away. See, someone else feels my pain when dealing with the insanity that is my life. Our club motto is now "bring on the cedar oil, and down with the banana waster."

Day 14

Dear Journal,

Michael was not in fourth period today, which made it a pretty good day. Except that Alex spent the whole lunch period wondering whether my lips were stuck in a scary, permanent smile. Can't a girl smile without everyone wanting to move ten feet away?

Day 15

Dear Michael,

Whoops! I mean Dear Journal. Alex and Liz sat me down today,and told me that maybe all my hate is actually something else. Right. I'm so not talking to them right now. What kind of best friends try to make you get over your hate? It's gotten to the point where I spend fifth period sitting with Pauly and his jock friends. Oh, how the mighty have fallen. Somehow this is all Michael's fault, and yes I still do hate him. Mental note, I got to stop by Carla's Out of this World print shop for some buttons. The janitor ran out of "Down with the Banana Waster" buttons. Seriously. I'm starting to think there's more people to join our fan club and he's not telling me.

Day 16

Dear Journal,

I just got all the I Hate Michael club buttons back, and they all say love instead of hate. Alex has been mouthing karma all day. Karma please.

Day 17

Dear Journal,

I had to kick Janitor Frank out of the club as it turns out he had an I hate Michael shrine in the janitor's closet. What kind of vice president tries to one up me when it comes to the hate? You know even though I hate writing in this stupid journal (yes, Liz and Alex I'm talking about the two of you), I can't but help wonder when it all ends. Hold on. There's a knock at my window. I swear if its Janitor Frank coming back to plead his case, we're going to have words.

Day 18

Dear Journal,

Whoever said that love was the most beautiful thing in the world should be slapped silly. Love is way more complicated than the poets and singers seem to make it. It eats at you until you spend more time analyzing what it is instead of just living in it. I've never really bought into the notion of happily ever after, but somehow these last few days it might be something to consider. I'm sure Ms. Vino is somewhere either shaking her head or shouting to the Heavens that just maybe I'm seeing that there's more than simply hating someone. Something about two sides of the same coin.

Two weeks later...

Dear Journal,

It's been a while since my last confession of hate for Michael Guerin. Strangely enough I no longer have hate in my heart, because 1) the school counselor insists that I no longer use the word "hate," and 2) is Michael really as bad as I was saying? Hmm yes or no. I'm still working on the whole hate/love thing, but maybe there's more to him like I've always thought. And yes, I know I didn't answer an outright yes or no, but a girl has got to be a bit mysterious sometimes.